.githubThis repo contains required GitHub actions workflows6 months
aafARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
aaf/authzARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
aaf/cadiARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
aaf/certserviceARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
aaf/inno4 years
aaf/luapluginA lua plugin to integrate AAF with MSB, which provides centralized auth features...3 years
aaf/oomARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
aaf/smsSecret Management Service that will contain the webservice as well as client cod...3 years
aaf/sshsmA repository for softhsm modifications and hardware security plugin.3 years
aaiAAI Parent Project (ACLs only)2 years
aai/aai-commonThis holds the model, annotations and common modules used across the Resources a...4 days
aai/aai-config4 years
aai/aai-data4 years
aai/aai-service4 years
aai/babelAAI Microservice to generate AAI model XML from SDC TOSCA CSAR artifacts4 days
aai/cacherThe Response Caching Microservice (Cacher) is built to deliver multiple mechanis...3 years
aai/chameleon4 years
aai/champ4 years
aai/data-routerAAI Micro Service used to route/persist AAI event data for consumption by the UI4 years
aai/eis4 years
aai/enricher4 years
aai/esr-guiExternal system management ui4 years
aai/esr-serverESR backend, mainly include the function of external system reachable check and ...4 years
aai/event-clientLibrary to manage interactions with an event bus.3 years
aai/gallifrey4 years
aai/gap4 years
aai/gizmo4 years
aai/graphadminMicroservice with various functions for graph management.4 weeks
aai/graphgraphMicroservice used to provide view of AAI model, schema and edge rules.3 weeks
aai/logging-serviceAAI common logging library5 months
aai/model-loaderLoads SDC Models into A&AI5 days
aai/oom2 years
aai/resourcesAAI Resources Micro Service providing CRUD REST APIs for inventory resources9 days
aai/rest-clientLibrary for making REST calls5 months
aai/router-coreLibrary containing the core camel components for the data router4 years
aai/schema-service6 weeks
aai/search-data-serviceService for persisting data to a search database4 years
aai/sparky-beAAI user interface back end4 weeks
aai/sparky-feAAI user interface front end8 months
aai/spike4 years
aai/tabular-data-service4 years
aai/test-configRepository containing test configuration for use in continuous integration2 years
aai/traversalAAI Traversal Micro Service providing REST APIs for traversal/search of inventor...4 weeks
aai/validationMicroservice used to invoke validation mechanism4 years
appcARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
appc/cdtAPPC Configuration Design Tool.3 years
appc/deploymentAPPC docker deployment3 years
appc/parentAPPC parent artifacts3 years
ccsdkccsdk Parent Project (ACLs only)4 years
ccsdk/appsApplications intended to run as their own dockers (e.g micro services)6 days
ccsdk/cdsController Design Studio (design-time tool : evolution of appc/cdt)4 weeks
ccsdk/dashboardDashboard3 years
ccsdk/distributionCCSDK distribution packaging (e.g. docker containers)6 days
ccsdk/featuresCCSDK Karaf features13 days
ccsdk/odl-legacyUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.8 weeks
ccsdk/oranccsdk-oran4 days
ccsdk/parentParent POMs to be used by CCSDK clients6 days
ccsdk/platform/blueprintsBlueprints15 months
ccsdk/platform/nbapi4 years
ccsdk/platform/plugins4 years
ccsdk/sliContains code for Service Logic Interpreter (SLI)6 days
ccsdk/sli/adaptorsCommon adaptors for use by directed graphs4 years
ccsdk/sli/coreCore Service Logic Interpreter classes4 years
ccsdk/sli/northboundCommon northbound APIs related to service logic interpreter4 years
ccsdk/sli/pluginsCommon plugins used by directed graphs4 years
ccsdk/storage/esaasElastic Storage as a Service15 months
ccsdk/storage/pgaas4 years
ccsdk/utilsUtilities3 years
ci-managementManagement repo for Jenkins Job Builder, builder scripts and management related ...2 hours
clampCLAMP is a platform for designing and managing control loops. Archived.3 years
clamp/dashboardARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
clamp/oomARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
clamp/uiARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
cliProvides required Command Line Interface for ONAP3 months
cps"cps"66 min.
cps/cps-tbdmt"cps-tbdmt"30 hours
cps/cps-temporal"cps-temporal"9 months
cps/ncmp-dmi-plugin"ncmp-dmi-plugin"4 hours
dcae4 years
dcae/apod4 years
dcae/apod/analytics4 years
dcae/apod/buildtools4 years
dcae/apod/cdap4 years
dcae/collectors4 years
dcae/collectors/ves4 years
dcae/controller4 years
dcae/controller/analytics4 years
dcae/dcae-inventory4 years
dcae/demo4 years
dcae/demo/startup4 years
dcae/demo/startup/aaf4 years
dcae/demo/startup/controller4 years
dcae/demo/startup/message-router4 years
dcae/dmaapbc4 years
dcae/operation4 years
dcae/operation/utils4 years
dcae/orch-dispatcher4 years
dcae/pgaas4 years
dcae/utils4 years
dcae/utils/buildtools4 years
dcaegen2dcaegen2 Parent Project (ACLs only)3 weeks
dcaegen2/analyticsTop level repo for dcaegen2/analytics4 years
dcaegen2/analytics/flinkFlink analytics4 years
dcaegen2/analytics/pndaPNDA analytics4 years
dcaegen2/analytics/tca4 years
dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2Standalone (SA) TCA16 months
dcaegen2/collectorsTop level repo for dcaegen2/collectors4 years
dcaegen2/collectors/datafileData File collector16 months
dcaegen2/collectors/hv-vesHigh Volume VES Collector16 months
dcaegen2/collectors/restconfRESTConf Collector16 months
dcaegen2/collectors/snmptrapSNMP Trap collector (TBD)8 months
dcaegen2/collectors/vesVNF Event Streaming collector2 weeks
dcaegen2/deploymentsFor hosting configurations and blueprints for different deployments11 months
dcaegen2/platformTop level repo for dcaegen2/platform18 months
dcaegen2/platform/blueprintsBlueprint for DCAE controller2 years
dcaegen2/platform/cdapbroker4 years
dcaegen2/platform/cli4 years
dcaegen2/platform/configbindingConfigbinding api service3 years
dcaegen2/platform/deployment-handlerDeployment handler3 years
dcaegen2/platform/inventory-apiDCAE inventory API service3 years
dcaegen2/platform/pluginsPlugin for DCAE controller3 years
dcaegen2/platform/policy-handlerPolicy handler3 years
dcaegen2/platform/registrator4 years
dcaegen2/platform/servicechange-handlerService Change handler3 years
dcaegen2/platform/ves-openapi-manager"dcaegen2-platform-ves-openapi-manager"16 months
dcaegen2/services15 months
dcaegen2/services/heartbeatMissing Heartbeat Micro Services16 months
dcaegen2/services/mapperMapper Micro Services16 months
dcaegen2/services/pm-mapperMapper to process files from DR and transform to VES16 months
dcaegen2/services/prhPNF Registration Handler8 months
dcaegen2/services/sdkCommon SDK repo for all DCAE Services (R4)4 months
dcaegen2/services/son-handler16 months
dcaegen2/utilsFor hosting utility/tools code used cross components16 months
demoDemo applications and templates for ONAP platform instantiation.15 months
dmaapdmaap Parent Project (ACLs only)4 years
dmaap/buscontrollerProvides a northbound REST API to ONAP clients to manage DMaaP resources. This i...6 months
dmaap/datarouterThe Data Routing System project is intended to provide a common framework by whi...6 months
dmaap/dbcapiProvides a northbound REST API to ONAP clients to manage DMaaP resources. This i...3 years
dmaap/kafka11aafCreates a generic light weight kafka client library3 months
dmaap/messagerouter/dmaapclientIt's a message router client. uses DME2 ( Direct Messaging Engine ) library to l...3 months
dmaap/messagerouter/messageserviceCreates a service for Message Router in a container.3 months
dmaap/messagerouter/mirroragentReplicates Message Router clusters (copies data from one cluster to another) - ...3 years
dmaap/messagerouter/msgrtrProvides REST API for messaging. It is built on top of Apache Kafka. ( READ ONLY...3 years
dmaap/zookeeperCreates the Zookeeper image for the DMaaP Message Router - ARCHIVED2 years
docCreate and maintain documentation targeted to ONAP user audiences4 weeks
doc/doc-best-practiceUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.4 weeks
ecompsdkos4 years
externalapiARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
externalapi/nbiARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 months
holmesholmes Parent Project (ACLs only)4 years
holmes/commonIt provides some common tools in support of other modules of Holmes.3 months
holmes/dsa4 years
holmes/engine-managementThis component is designed for the engine management in Holmes. It's mainly resp...3 months
holmes/rule-managementThis component is designed for the rule management in Holmes. It implements the ...3 months
integrationIntegration framework, automated tools, code and scripts, best practice guidance...2 weeks
integration/benchmark4 years
integration/csitThis repo holds all the Continuous System Integration Testing (CSIT) configurati...16 months
integration/data-provider"integration/data-provider"10 months
integration/devtool4 years
integration/docker/onap-java1117 months
integration/docker/onap-python17 months
integration/ietf-actn-tools"integration_ietf_actn_tools"15 months
integration/onap-component-simulators"integration/onap-component-simulators"15 months
integration/pipelines/build-integration"integration/pipelines/build-integration"16 months
integration/pipelines/chained-ci"integration/pipelines/chained-ci"17 months
integration/pipelines/oom-automatic-installation"integration/pipelines/oom-automatic-installation"16 months
integration/pipelines/xtesting-onap"integration/pipelines/xtesting-onap"17 months
integration/python-onapsdk"integration/python-onapsdk"3 weeks
integration/seccomThis repo holds web pages and scripts useful to the ONAP Security Sub Committee ...4 months
integration/simulatorsParent for all integration/simulators repos24 months
integration/simulators/5G-core-nf-simulator"integration_simulators_5G_core_nf_simulator"17 months
integration/simulators/A1-policy-enforcement-simulator"integration_simulators_A1_policy_enforcement"17 months
integration/simulators/core-nssmf-simulator"integration_simulators_core_nssmf_simulator"17 months
integration/simulators/dc-simulator"integration_simulators_dc_simulator"3 years
integration/simulators/masspnf-simulator"integration_simulators_masspnf_simulator" - READ ONLY. Repo Archived.3 years
integration/simulators/nf-simulator"integration_simulators_nf_simulator"17 months
integration/simulators/nf-simulator/avcn-manager"integration_simulators_avcn_manager"23 months
integration/simulators/nf-simulator/netconf-server"integration_simulators_netconf_server"23 months
integration/simulators/nf-simulator/pm-https-server"integration_simulators_pm_https_server"23 months
integration/simulators/nf-simulator/ves-client"integration_simulators_ves_client"16 months
integration/simulators/pnf-simulator"integration_simulators_pnf_simulator"15 months
integration/simulators/ran-appUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.17 months
integration/simulators/ran-nssmf-simulator"integration_simulators_ran_nssmf_simulator"17 months
integration/simulators/ran-simulator17 months
integration/terraform"integration/terraform" - READ ONLY. Repo Archived.2 years
integration/terragrunt"integration/terragrunt" - READ ONLY. Repo Archived.3 years
integration/usecases/A1-policy-enforcement"integration_usecases_A1_policy_enforcement"17 months
integration/usecases/A1-policy-enforcement-r-apps"integration_usecases_A1_policy_enforcement_r_apps"17 months
integration/usecases/bbsRepository to host BBS use case code. This code is currently under demo with all...3 years
integration/usecases/mdons"integration_usecases_mdons"3 years
integration/xtestingThis is a demo project.3 weeks
logging-analyticsARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project23 months
logging-analytics/pomba4 years
logging-analytics/pomba/pomba-aai-context-builder4 years
logging-analytics/pomba/pomba-audit-common4 years
logging-analytics/pomba/pomba-context-aggregator4 years
logging-analytics/pomba/pomba-network-discovery-context-builder4 years
logging-analytics/pomba/pomba-sdc-context-builder4 years
logging-analytics/pomba/pomba-sdnc-context-builder4 years
modeling/etsicatalogRead-only as per IT-260973 months
modeling/javatoscachecker4 years
modeling/modelspecThe repository for modeling specification published by modeling subcommittee6 months
modeling/toscaparsersARCHIVED- 2022-03-23 at the request of the project Issue ID: IT-237452 years
modeling/yang-kit"modeling-yang-kit"3 months
msbmsb Parent Project (ACLs only)4 years
msb/apigatewayService API gateway which provides client request routing, client request load b...3 months
msb/discoveryProvides service registration and discovery for ONAP microservices, which levera...3 months
msb/java-sdkProvides a JAVA SDK for rapid microservices development, including service regis...3 months
msb/service-meshService mesh (Istio) related source codes, which includes the following:3 years
msb/swagger-sdkSwagger sdk helps to generate swagger.json and java client sdk during the build ...3 months
mso4 years
mso/chef-repo4 years
mso/docker-config4 years
mso/libs4 years
mso/mso-config4 years
multicloudmulticloud Parent Project (ACLs only)2 years
multicloud/azureMicrosoft Azure4 years
multicloud/frameworkCommon components for multicloud framework4 weeks
multicloud/k8sTo contain a POC for Kubernetes plugin2 weeks
multicloud/openstackOpenStack VIM2 years
multicloud/openstack/vmwareVMware Integrated OpenStack3 years
multicloud/openstack/windriverWindRiver Titanium Cloud3 years
musicThis repo contains the code for a multi-site coordination service (MUSIC) and as...3 years
music/distributed-kv-storeARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project17 months
music/mdbcThe most crucial recipe is a multi-site database cache (mdbc) that enable ONAP c...3 years
music/promMUSIC provides a recipe for policy-driven ownership management (prom) of state f...3 years
ncomp4 years
ncomp/cdap4 years
ncomp/core4 years
ncomp/docker4 years
ncomp/maven4 years
ncomp/openstack4 years
ncomp/sirius4 years
ncomp/sirius/manager4 years
ncomp/utils4 years
oomIntroduces the ONAP Platform OOM (ONAP Operations Manager) to efficiently Deploy...67 min.
oom/consul"oom/consul"23 months
oom/offline-installerThis repo contains SRC code for offline installer solution. It can be primarily ...14 months
oom/platform/cert-manager"oom/platform/cert-manager"3 years
oom/platform/cert-service"oom/platform/cert-service"14 months
oom/platform/keycloak"oom/platform/keycloak"23 months
oom/readiness"oom_readiness"4 weeks
oom/registratorRegister the service endpoints to MSB so it can be used for service request rout...23 months
oom/utils"oom/utils"23 months
oparentOParent provides common default settings for all the projects participating in s...11 months
oparent/ciaDockerfile optimization and best practices4 years
optfoptf Parent Project (ACLs only)3 months
optf/cmsoChange management scheduling service3 years
optf/fgps4 years
optf/hasHoming and allocation service3 months
optf/osdfOptimization service design framework3 months
osa3 weeks
policy/apex-pdpThis repo will hold the next generation Apex PDP engine (Casablanca)4 weeks
policy/apiPolicy CRUD and PEP enforcement client code7 days
policy/clamp"policy-clamp"27 hours
policy/commonPolicy common shared modules5 days
policy/core4 years
policy/distributionThis repo will hold the SDC Service Distriution code (Casablanca)9 weeks
policy/dockerPolicy docker image35 hours
policy/drools-applicationsCode for building policies/rules for the Drools PDP engine.8 days
policy/drools-pdpThe Drools PDP engine.3 hours
policy/engine-- Archived 06/09/2021 3 years
policy/guiARCHIVED- 2024-07-26 at the request of the project7 weeks
policy/modelsThis repo will hold model code agnostic to PDP engines (Casablanca)4 weeks
policy/papPolicy Administration (Backend)7 days
policy/parentParent code that holds the pom.xml to build all the repos (Casablanca)8 days
policy/pdp4 years
policy/xacml-pdpThis repo will hold the next generation XACML PDP engine (Casablanca)3 weeks
portalARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
portal-ngportal-ng will develop a web based user interface that serves as the first disco...18 months
portal-ng/bff"portal_ng_bff"6 days
portal-ng/e2e"portal_ng_e2e"10 months
portal-ng/history"portal_ng_history"3 months
portal-ng/preferences"portal_ng_preferences"3 months
portal-ng/ui"portal_ng_ui"3 weeks
portal/sdkARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
relman"relman"2 years
sandbox-2Sandbox-2, just for various testing purposes. Mainly prolog rules together with ...3 years
sandbox-3Inherits from sandbox-2, to test prolog rules.3 years
sandbox-vid4 years
sdcSDC Parent Project Catalog FE and BE2 weeks
sdc/dcae-d/ci4 years
sdc/dcae-d/dt4 years
sdc/dcae-d/dt-be-main4 years
sdc/dcae-d/dt-be-property4 years
sdc/dcae-d/fe4 years
sdc/dcae-d/rule-engine4 years
sdc/dcae-d/tosca-lab4 years
sdc/jtosca4 years
sdc/microservices4 years
sdc/onap-ui4 years
sdc/onap-ui-angularAn Angular UI library containing different components, fonts and styles used by ...19 months
sdc/onap-ui-commonA common UI library containing different components, fonts and styles used by SD...19 months
sdc/onap-ui-react4 years
sdc/sdc-be-common11 months
sdc/sdc-distribution-clientSDC Distribution Client10 months
sdc/sdc-docker-baseSDC base docker creation project18 months
sdc/sdc-helm-validator"sdc-helm-validator"3 months
sdc/sdc-pubsubPublish Subscribe library using post message for sdc plugins.19 months
sdc/sdc-titan-cassandra4 years
sdc/sdc-toscaA TOSCA parser , based on JTOSCA generic parser and complying with the ONAP SDC ...11 months
sdc/sdc-workflow-designerA graphic design tool for service life cycle management workflow design.10 months
sdncSDNC Parent Project (ACLs only)11 months
sdnc/adaptors4 years
sdnc/appsSDNC applications (e.g. SDN-R)4 weeks
sdnc/architecture4 years
sdnc/core4 years
sdnc/features4 years
sdnc/northboundSDNC northbound adaptors4 weeks
sdnc/oamSDNC OA&M tools3 weeks
sdnc/parent4 years
sdnc/plugins4 years
soService Orchestrator36 hours
so/adapters/so-cnf-adapter"so-adapters-so-cnf-adapter"16 months
so/adapters/so-etsi-sol003-adapter"so-adapters-so-etsi-sol003-adapter"22 months
so/adapters/so-etsi-sol005-adapter"so-adapters-so-etsi-sol005-adapter"3 years
so/adapters/so-nssmf-adapter"so-adapters-so-nssmf-adapter"23 months
so/adapters/so-oof-adapter"so-adapters-so-oof-adapter"3 years
so/chef-repoBerkshelf environment repo4 years
so/docker-configSO Docker composition and lab config template18 months
so/libsSO OpenStack Java SDK17 months
so/so-admin-cockpit"so-so-admin-cockpit"3 years
so/so-configSO config Chef cookbook4 years
so/so-etsi-nfvo"so-so-etsi-nfvo"15 months
testsuiteTest Suite Parent Project. Contains and holds all the robot tests.2 months
testsuite/cds"testsuite-cds"16 months
testsuite/cds-mock-odl"testsuite-cds-mock-odl"16 months
testsuite/cds-mock-server"testsuite-cds-mock-server"17 months
testsuite/cds-mock-ssh"testsuite-cds-mock-ssh"2 years
testsuite/heatbridgeTemporary heatbridge used to stitch together some holes in the ecomp tests for r...3 years
testsuite/oom17 months
testsuite/python-testing-utilsPython testing utils used by the robot framework. Installable as a pip package b...17 months
testsuite/pythonsdk-tests"testsuite-pythonsdk-tests"4 months
testsuite/robot-utils"testsuite-robot-utils"17 months
ui4 years
ui/dmaapbc4 years
universityUniversity training courses for users, developers and any other interested parti...4 years
usecase-uiGraphical User Interface wifor operators and end-users from the point of view of...3 weeks
usecase-ui/intent-analysis"usecase_ui_intent_analysis"5 weeks
usecase-ui/llm-adaptation"usecase_ui_llm_adaptation"5 weeks
usecase-ui/nlp"usecase_ui_nlp"3 months
usecase-ui/serverData management for Usecase UI5 weeks
vfcVFC Parent Project (ACLs only)4 years
vfc/gvnfm/vnflcmGeneric VNFM VNF LCM3 months
vfc/gvnfm/vnfmgrGeneric VNFM VNF Mgr3 months
vfc/gvnfm/vnfresGeneric VNFM VNF Resource Management3 months
vfc/nfvo/catalog4 years
vfc/nfvo/dbStand-alone database microservice, provides the database services for each VF-C ...3 years
vfc/nfvo/driver/ems4 years
vfc/nfvo/driver/sfc4 years
vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/gvnfmGeneric VNFM driver3 months
vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfmSpecific VNFM drivers23 months
vfc/nfvo/lcmNS lifecycle management3 months
vfc/nfvo/multivimproxy4 years
vfc/nfvo/resmanagement4 years
vfc/nfvo/wfengine4 years
vidARCHIVED- 2022-02-15 at the request of the project3 years
vid/asdcclient4 years
vnfrqtsvnfrqts Top level commit4 years
vnfrqts/epicsThis repository contains Epic Statements for VNFs for use with the ONAP platfor...3 years
vnfrqts/guidelinesThis repository contains Guidelines for VNFs for use with the ONAP platform22 months
vnfrqts/requirementsThis repository contains Requirements for VNFs for use with the ONAP platform23 months
vnfrqts/testcasesThis repository contains test case descriptions for VNFs for use with the ONAP ...22 months
vnfrqts/usecasesThis repository contains Use cases for VNFs for use with the ONAP platform.22 months
vnfsdkVNF SDK & tooling Parent repo (ACLs only)4 years
vnfsdk/compliance4 years
vnfsdk/dovetail-integrationFor artifacts related to the integration with the OPNFV Dovetail tool3 months
vnfsdk/functestThis repository is for the functional test framework3 months
vnfsdk/ice4 years
vnfsdk/lctestThis repository is for VNF lifecycle tests23 months
vnfsdk/modelThis repository stores VNF data models6 months
vnfsdk/pkgtoolsThis repository contains vendor CI/CD vnf packaging tools.23 months
vnfsdk/refrepoThis repository is for a reference vnf repository3 months
vnfsdk/validationThis repository is used for vnf validation tools3 months
vnfsdk/ves-agentARCHIVED- 2022-02-14 at the request of the project3 years
vvpvvp Parent repo (ACLs only)3 months
vvp/ansible-ice-bootstrap4 years
vvp/cms4 years
vvp/devkit4 years
vvp/documentationA full set of documentation of how to run the validation, the technology stack a...3 months
vvp/engagementmgr**ARCHIVE** engagementmgr3 months
vvp/gitlab4 years
vvp/image-scanner4 years
vvp/jenkins4 years
vvp/portal4 years
vvp/postgresql4 years
vvp/regression-testsRead-only as per IT-269073 months
vvp/test-engineRead-only as per IT-269073 months
vvp/validation-scriptsValidation scripts to validate VNF heat templates adhere to the heat template re...3 months