BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUplifit jetty to version 12.x.yadheli.tavares8 days
osloUpdate gitreview for oslo in commonrameshiyer273 months
newdelhiupdate references for newdelhi branchadheli.tavares10 months
montrealSet Montreal default branchliamfallon16 months
java-17Bump snapshoths for Java 17liamfallon18 months
londonSet references for london releaseliamfallon21 months
kohnUpdate default branch to Kohnliamfallon2 years
jakartaUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/common to latest snapshotsliamfallon3 years
honoluluBump common to 1.8.4-SNAPSHOTRam Krishna Verma3 years
istanbulUpdate snapshot and/or references of policy/common to latest snapshotsliamfallon3 years
guilinPoint common to guilin branchJim Hahn4 years
frankfurtcommon frankfurt defaultPamela Dragosh5 years
elaltoUpdate default branch in common for elaltoJim Hahn5 years
dublinUpdate dublin .gitreviewPamela Dragosh6 years
casablancaMove to 1.3.4-SNAPSHOT versionJorge Hernandez6 years
2.0.0-ONAPUse ${POLICY_LOGS} for log directoryJim Hahn7 years
beijingUse ${POLICY_LOGS} for log directoryJim Hahn7 years
amsterdamBump up artifacts version to 1.1.3-SNAPSHOTMarco Platania7 years
release-1.0.0javadoc detailsPamela Dragosh8 years