path: root/utils-test/src/test/java/org/onap/policy/common/utils/test/log/logback/ExtractAppenderTest.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-06-17Cleanup various sonar issues in policy-commonJim Hahn1-2/+0
Addressed the following issues: - unused imports - unused method parameters - use assertEquals, assertSame instead of assertTrue - provide the parametrized type for this generic Also fixed some checkstyle issues: - removed blank lines between "import" groups Issue-ID: POLICY-2650 Change-Id: I004bb650ac10c49ccd0fc405f6959896fec39f9b Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2020-04-06Address sonar issues in commonJim Hahn1-16/+1
Addressed the following sonar issues: - missing assertion in junit test case - disable sonars about setAccessible() as it's required for jackson emulation - sleep in junit - don't use wild-cards (e.g., "*") with java.util Pattern - use re2j instead of java.util Pattern - use String methods (e.g., startsWith()) - duplicate method bodies - duplicate code in Coder classes - string concatenation in logger calls - UTF-8 encoding - return primitive instead of boxed primitive - add assertion to tests - renamed support methods from doTestXxx to verifyXxx - cognitive complexity - use AtomicRef instead of volatile - use specific Functionals (e.g., IntConsumer) - function always returns the same value - serializable vs transient Issue-ID: POLICY-2305 Change-Id: I08eb7aa495a80bdc1d26827ba17a7946c83b9828 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2019-06-12Apply simple sonar fixesJim Hahn1-50/+52
Note: A number of these were identified, by SonarLint, in the Test classes, which are not typically scanned by Sonar. Removed unnecessary imports. Removed unneeded "throws Xxx". Replaced lambda with method references. Replaced duplicate strings with constants. Replaced try-fail-catch with assert-j methods to eliminate sonar complaints about duplicate failure messages. Added missing @Override annotations. Use map.computeIfAbsent() where appropriate. Also fixed some minor checkstyle issues. Removed unneeded "volatile" declarations. Replaced some if-else constructs with "?:" construct, per sonar. Replaced Object.wait() with CountDownLatch.await(); according to sonar (and javadocs), Object.wait() can return due to "spurious wakeups". Fixed issue whereby CryptoUtilsTest wouldn't run in my Eclipse. Change-Id: Ib6b71ed65662cfd6209400dac57ed69279bf29ec Issue-ID: POLICY-1791 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2019-02-28Get proper message in test logger appenderJim Hahn1-7/+16
The logger appender that's used in junit tests was getting the raw message, which still had "{}" place-holders in it. Fixed that. Split a test method to avoid checkstyle error. Change-Id: I57571d8717aaee4adb7df186fe156501e9cc669e Issue-ID: POLICY-1444 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2018-03-15Removed checkstyle warningsmmis1-443/+437
Removed checkstyle warnings in policy/common/utils-test Issue-ID: POLICY-695 Change-Id: I9962b2f815d2c116f77475944bc17ea1cb0af539 Signed-off-by: mmis <michael.morris@ericsson.com>
2018-02-10Add AutoClose wrappers for JPA classesJim Hahn1-1/+1
Added EntityMgrCloser and EntityMgrTrans classes that will automatically close/rollback the wrapped JPA classes. As a result, these classes can be used in try-with-resource statements to ensure that the JPA EntityTransaction is rolled back and the EntityManager is closed. Add "build" section into pom to make it consistent with other poms in common. Changed scope to "provided" in utils pom for javax.persistence to prevent clashes with other projects that depend on the utils project. Changed scope to "test" in utils pom and to "provided" in utils-test pom for junit. Fixed license date in EntityTransCloser. Fixed license titles in utils & utils-test source files. Moved files from package xxx.test.jpa to package xxx.jpa, because they are not test-specific classes. Include exception when logging message in ThrowablesTester, hopefully eliminating sonar complaint. Change-Id: I531f20d93a679d4bb432c1d75c1feac0e334bc44 Issue-ID: POLICY-582 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>
2018-02-08Add ExtractAppender to facilite junit testsJim Hahn1-0/+484
Added ExtractAppender to provide a way for junit tests to capture data sent to a logger. Changed logback.version to 1.2.3 and moved the property to the top-level pom. Updated license date in top-level pom. Refactored ExceptionsText, adding ErrorsTester and ThrowablesTester classes to reduce sonar issues. Change-Id: Ief7d08972bf4e7037b59c2afe4b77b252f2ad60a Issue-ID: POLICY-582 Signed-off-by: Jim Hahn <jrh3@att.com>