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-# Netconf Simulator
-A simulator that is able to receive and print history of CM configurations.
-## Required software
-To run the simulator, the following software should be installed:
-- JDK 1.8
-- Maven
-- docker
-- docker-compose
-### API
-Simulator exposes both HTTP and native netconf interface.
-### Running simulator
-In order to run simulator, invoke *mvn clean install docker:build* to build required images.
-Add executable permission to initialize_netopeer.sh (by executing `sudo chmod +x netconf/initialize_netopeer.sh`)
-and then invoke *docker-compose up* command.
-In case of copying simulator files to another location, keep in mind to copy also *docker-compose.yml* and directories: *config, templates, netopeer-change-saver-native and netconf*.
-#### Restarting
-Restarting simulator can be done by first typing *docker-compose restart* in terminal.
-#### Shutting down
-The command *docker-compose down* can be used to shut the simulator down.
-## Usage of simulator
-### Netconf TLS support
-Embedded netconf server supports connections over TLS on port 6513. Default server and CA certificate have been taken from Netopeer2 repository: https://github.com/CESNET/Netopeer2/tree/master/server/configuration/tls
-Mentioned Github repository contains sample client certificate, which works out of the box.
-#### Replacing server certificates
-In order to replace TLS certificates with third-party ones, the following naming schema must be followed:
-* CA certificate file should be named 'ca.crt'
-* Netconf server certificate file should be named 'server_cert.crt'
-* Netconf server keyfile file should be named 'server_key.pem'
-Certificates and keys should follow PEM formatting guidelines.
-Prepared files should be placed under _tls/_ directory (existing files must be overwritten).
-After copying, it is necessary to restart the Netconf Simulator (please refer to [restarting simulator](restarting) guide).
-This is a sample curl command to test client connection (the example assumes that Netconf Simulator runs on
-curl -k -v --cacert ca.crt --key client.key --cert client.crt
-### Capturing netconf configuration changes
-The netconfsimulator tool will intercept changes in netconf configuration, done by edit-config command (invoked through simulator's edit-configuration endpoint or directly through exposed netconf-compliant interface). The following changes are intercepted:
-- creating new item
-- moving an item
-- modifying an item
-- deleting an item
-Each captured change contains fully qualified parameter name (including xpath - namespace and container name)
-#### REST API usage with examples
-Application of native netconf operations on YANG model is covered by REST API layer.
-Example invocation of operations with its requests and results are presented below.
-For basic edit-config and get config actions, response is in plain XML format, whereas stored data that can be accessed via API is returned in JSON format.
-**Load new YANG model**
-http method: POST
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/model/<moduleName>
-request: file content to be sent as multipart (form data)
-module pnf-simulator {
- namespace "http://onap.org/pnf-simulator";
- prefix config;
- container config {
- config true;
- leaf itemValue1 {type uint32;}
- leaf itemValue2 {type uint32;}
- leaf itemValue3 {type uint32;}
- leaf-list allow-user {
- type string;
- ordered-by user;
- description "A sample list of user names.";
- }
- }
-**Delete existing YANG model**
-http method: DELETE
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/model/<moduleName>
-request body should be empty.
-response: a HTTP 200 code indicating successful operation or 400/500 in case of errors.
-**Get all running configurations**
-http method: GET
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/get
-response: plain XML
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
- <itemValue1>2781</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>3782</itemValue2>
- <itemValue3>3333</itemValue3>
-<config2 xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator2" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
- <itemValue1>2781</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>3782</itemValue2>
- <itemValue3>3333</itemValue3>
-**Get running configuration**
-http method: GET
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/get/'moduleName'/'container'
-response: plain XML
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
- <itemValue1>2781</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>3782</itemValue2>
- <itemValue3>3333</itemValue3>
-**Edit configuration**
-To edit configuration XML file must be prepared. No plain request body is used here,
-request content must be passed as multipart file (form data) with file name/key='editConfigXml' and file content in XML format
-http method: POST
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/edit-config
-request: file content to be sent as multipart (form data)
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator">
- <itemValue1>2781</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>3782</itemValue2>
- <itemValue3>3333</itemValue3>
-response: actual, running configuration after editing config:
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
- <itemValue1>2781</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>3782</itemValue2>
- <itemValue3>3333</itemValue3>
-Captured change, that can be obtained from db also via REST API:
-http method: GET
-URL: http://<simulator_ip>:9000/store/less?offset=1
-[{"timestamp": 1542877413979, "configuration": "CREATED: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue3 = 3333"}]
-Notice: if new value is the same as the old one, the change won’t be intercepted (because there is no state change). This is a limitation of used netconf implementation (Netopeer2).
-**Modify request**
-http method: POST
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/edit-config
-file content to be sent as multipart (form data):
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator" >
- <itemValue1>111</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>222</itemValue2>
-response: actual, running configuration after editing config:
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
- <itemValue1>111</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2>222</itemValue2>
-Captured change:
-http method: GET
-URL: http://<simulator_ip>:9000/store/less?offset=2
-[{"timestamp": 1542877413979, "configuration": "MODIFIED: : old value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue1 = 2781, new value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue1 = 111",
- {"timestamp": 1542877413979, "configuration": "MODIFIED: : old value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2 = 3782, new value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2 = 222"}]
-**Move request** (inserting a value into leaf-list which in turn rearranges remaining elements)
-http method: POST
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/edit-config
-file content to be sent as multipart (form data):
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator" xmlns:yang="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1" xmlns:xc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
- <allow-user xc:operation="create" yang:insert="before" yang:value="bob">mike</allow-user>
-Captured change:
-http method: GET
-URL: http://<simulator_ip>:9000/store/less?offset=2
-[{"timestamp": 1542877413979, "configuration": "CREATED: /pnf-simulator:config/allow-user = mike"},
- {"timestamp": 1542877413979, "configuration": "MOVED: /pnf-simulator:config/allow-user = mike after /pnf-simulator:config/allow-user = alice"}]
-**Delete request**
-http method: POST
-URL: http:<simulator_ip>:9000/netconf/edit-config
-file content to be sent as multipart (form data):
-<config xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-simulator">
- <itemValue1>1111</itemValue1>
- <itemValue2 xmlns:xc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xc:operation="delete"/>
-Captured change:
-http method: GET
-URL: http://<simulator_ip>:9000/store/less?offset=1
-[{"timestamp": 1542877413979, "configuration": "DELETED: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2 = 222"}]
-Getting all configuration changes:
-http method: GET
-URL: http://<simulator_ip>:9000/store/cm-history
-[{"timestamp":1542877413979,"configuration":"MODIFIED: : old value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue1 = 2781, new value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue1 = 111"},
- {"timestamp":1542877413979,"configuration":"MODIFIED: : old value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2 = 3782, new value: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2 = 222"},
- {"timestamp":1542877414000,"configuration":"CREATED: : /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue3 = 3333"},
- {"timestamp":1542877414104,"configuration":"CREATED: : CREATED: /pnf-simulator:config/allow-user = mike"}
- {"timestamp":1542877414107,"configuration":"MOVED: /pnf-simulator:config/allow-user = mike after /pnf-simulator:config/allow-user = alice"},
- {"timestamp":1542877414275,"configuration":"DELETED: /pnf-simulator:config/itemValue2 = 222"}]
-### Logging
-### Swagger
-## Developers Guide
-### Integration tests
-Integration tests use docker-compose for setting up cluster with all services.
-Those tests are not part of build pipeline, but can be run manually by invoking *mvn verify -DskipITs=false* from project command line.
-Tests can be found in netconfsimulator project in src/integration directory.
-## Troubleshooting
-Q: Simulator throws errors after shutting down with *docker-compose down* or *docker-compose restart*
-A: Remove docker containers that were left after stopping the simulator with the following commands:
-docker stop $(docker ps | grep netconfsimulator | awk '{print $1;}')
-docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep netconfsimulator | awk '{print $1;}')