path: root/services/frontend/fe_user.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'services/frontend/fe_user.py')
1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/services/frontend/fe_user.py b/services/frontend/fe_user.py
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/test-engine
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+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select
+from services.api.api_user import APIUser
+from services.api.api_virtual_function import APIVirtualFunction
+from services.constants import Constants
+from services.database.db_general import DBGeneral
+from services.database.db_user import DBUser
+from services.frontend.base_actions.click import Click
+from services.frontend.base_actions.enter import Enter
+from services.frontend.base_actions.get import Get
+from services.frontend.base_actions.wait import Wait
+from services.frontend.fe_general import FEGeneral
+from services.helper import Helper
+from services.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from services.session import session
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class FEUser:
+ @staticmethod
+ def login(email, password, expected_element=Constants.Dashboard.Statuses.Title.ID, element_type="id"):
+ try:
+ logger.debug("Verifying and Insert Login page elements:")
+ logger.debug("Insert Email " + email)
+ Wait.name(Constants.Login.Email.NAME, wait_for_page=True)
+ Enter.text_by_name(Constants.Login.Email.NAME, email)
+ logger.debug("Insert Password")
+ Enter.text_by_name(Constants.Login.Password.NAME, password)
+ logger.debug("Click Login Button")
+ Click.css(Constants.SubmitButton.CSS)
+ logger.debug("Login Button clicked")
+ if element_type == 'id':
+ Wait.id(expected_element, True)
+ elif element_type == 'css':
+ Wait.css(expected_element, True)
+ # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors.
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Login FAILED: email=%s password=%s" % (email, password)
+ logger.error(errorMsg)
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def relogin(email, password, expected_element=Constants.Dashboard.Statuses.Title.ID, element_type="id"):
+ FEGeneral.re_open(Constants.Default.LoginURL.TEXT)
+ FEUser.login(email, password, expected_element, element_type)
+ @staticmethod
+ def logout():
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.ID)
+ Click.link_text(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Logout.LINK_TEXT)
+ @staticmethod
+ def activate_and_login(email, password, expected_element=Constants.Dashboard.Statuses.Title.ID, element_type="id"):
+ activationUrl = DBUser.get_activation_url(email)
+ FEGeneral.re_open(activationUrl)
+ FEUser.login(email, password, expected_element, element_type)
+ @staticmethod
+ def open_account_form():
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Click.link_text(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.LINK_TEXT, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ # Update account API - only adds new SSH key!
+ def update_account_and_return_changes():
+ try:
+ Select(session.ice_driver.find_element_by_name(
+ "company")).select_by_visible_text("Nokia")
+ randomName = Helper.rand_string("randomString")
+ Enter.text_by_name("fullname", randomName)
+ phone = "97258" + Helper.rand_string("randomNumber", 6)
+ Enter.text_by_name("phone", phone)
+ password = Constants.Default.Password.NewPass.TEXT
+ Enter.text_by_name("password", password)
+ Enter.text_by_name("confirm_password", password)
+ Wait.text_by_css("button.btn.btn-primary", "Update")
+ Click.css("button.btn.btn-primary")
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Toast.ID, "Account was updated successfully!")
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Statuses.ID)
+ accountObj = [randomName, phone, password]
+ return accountObj
+ # If failed - count the failure and add the error to list of errors.
+ except:
+ errorMsg = "Failed in update accaunt ."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg)
+ raise
+ @staticmethod
+ def go_to_account():
+ try:
+ FEUser.click_on_avatar()
+ FEUser.click_on_account()
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to go to Account page."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def go_to_notifications():
+ try:
+ FEUser.click_on_avatar()
+ FEUser.click_on_notifications()
+ Wait.page_has_loaded()
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to go to Notifications page."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def click_on_avatar():
+ try:
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to click_on on Avatar."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def click_on_admin():
+ try:
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Admin.Title.ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to click_on on Admin."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def click_on_feedback():
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Feedback.ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Wait.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Feedback.FeedbackModal.SAVE_BTN_ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_feedback(description, user_email):
+ query = "SELECT user_id FROM ice_feedback where description = '{desc}'".format(
+ desc=description)
+ feedback_user_uuid = DBGeneral.select_query(query)
+ query = "SELECT id FROM ice_user_profile where email = '{email}'".format(
+ email=user_email)
+ user_uuid = DBGeneral.select_query(query)
+ Helper.internal_assert(user_uuid, feedback_user_uuid)
+ @staticmethod
+ def add_feedback():
+ Wait.css("textarea[name=\"description\"]", wait_for_page=True)
+ description = Helper.rand_string("randomString")
+ Enter.text_by_css("textarea[name=\"description\"]", description)
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Feedback.FeedbackModal.SAVE_BTN_ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Wait.text_by_id(Constants.Toast.ID,
+ "Feedback was sent successfully.", wait_for_page=True)
+ return description
+ @staticmethod
+ def click_on_account():
+ try:
+ Click.link_text(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.LINK_TEXT)
+ Wait.text_by_css(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.Title.CSS,
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.Title.TEXT)
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to click_on on Admin."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def click_on_notifications():
+ try:
+ Click.link_text(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.LINK_TEXT, wait_for_page=True)
+ Wait.text_by_id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.Title.ID,
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.Title.TEXT, wait_for_page=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to click_on on Admin."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def go_to_admin():
+ try:
+ FEUser.click_on_avatar()
+ FEUser.click_on_admin()
+ except Exception as e:
+ errorMsg = "Failed to go to Admin page."
+ raise Exception(errorMsg, e)
+ @staticmethod
+ def assigned_one_NS_to_user(user_content):
+ nextStepsNumber = int(
+ Get.by_id("next-steps-header").split('(')[1][:-1])
+ if (nextStepsNumber != 0):
+ logger.error("assigned ns: " + str(nextStepsNumber))
+ logger.error(
+ "APIUser should not have assigned next steps at first login.")
+ raise
+ if (Get.by_id("next-steps-list") != "No next steps are assigned to you."):
+ logger.error(
+ "No assigned next steps and text 'No next steps are assigned to you.' was not found.")
+ raise
+ token = "token " + APIUser.login_user(user_content['el_email'])
+ user_content['session_token'] = token
+ logger.debug(
+ "Adding new next step (via api) and assigning it to user " + user_content['full_name'])
+ APIVirtualFunction.add_next_step(user_content)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Refresh page and look for changes in assigned next steps section:")
+ FEGeneral.refresh()
+ logger.debug(" > Check if number has changed in 'Assigned To You'")
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ "next-steps-header", "Assigned To You (1)", wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_ssh_key_from_account(key, is_negative=False):
+ FEUser.go_to_account()
+ Enter.text_by_name(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.SSHKey.NAME, key)
+ Click.css(Constants.SubmitButton.CSS)
+ if is_negative:
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Toast.ID, Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.SSHKey.UpdateFailed.TEXT)
+ else:
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Toast.ID, Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.Update.Success.TEXT)
+ @staticmethod
+ def reset_password():
+ Wait.text_by_css(
+ Constants.UpdatePassword.Title.CSS, Constants.UpdatePassword.Title.TEXT)
+ Wait.text_by_css(
+ Constants.UpdatePassword.SubTitle.CSS, Constants.UpdatePassword.SubTitle.TEXT)
+ Wait.text_by_css(
+ Constants.SubmitButton.CSS, Constants.UpdatePassword.Button.TEXT)
+ Enter.text_by_name(
+ Constants.UpdatePassword.Password.NAME, Constants.Default.Password.NewPass.TEXT)
+ Enter.text_by_name(
+ Constants.UpdatePassword.ConfirmPassword.NAME, Constants.Default.Password.NewPass.TEXT)
+ Click.css(Constants.SubmitButton.CSS)
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Toast.ID, Constants.UpdatePassword.Toast.TEXT)
+ @staticmethod
+ def delete_notification(notificationID):
+ if isinstance(notificationID, tuple):
+ notificationID = notificationID[0]
+ delete_button = Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.DeleteNotification.ID + \
+ notificationID
+ # Click on delete button.
+ Click.id(delete_button, wait_for_page=True)
+ Wait.id_to_dissappear(delete_button)
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_notifications(notificationIDs, notification_list):
+ ui_list = []
+ for notifID in notificationIDs:
+ if isinstance(notifID, tuple):
+ notifID = notifID[0]
+ ui_list.append(str(Get.by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.NotificationColumn.ID + notifID)))
+ for activity in notification_list:
+ if not any(activity in s for s in ui_list):
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "Activity: \"" + activity + "\" not appears in UI")
+ @staticmethod
+ def click_on_export_excel(user_content):
+ Enter.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Statuses.SearchBox.ID, user_content['vfName'])
+ engName = user_content[
+ 'engagement_manual_id'] + ": " + user_content['vfName']
+ engSearchID = "eng-" + engName
+ Wait.id(engSearchID)
+ # Find the download link and click it
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Statuses.ExportExcel.ID)
+ @staticmethod
+ def open_invite_team_member_form(vf_left_nav_id):
+ Click.id(vf_left_nav_id)
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Overview.TeamMember.ID)
+ Wait.text_by_name(Constants.Dashboard.Wizard.InviteTeamMembers.Title.NAME,
+ Constants.Dashboard.Wizard.InviteTeamMembers.Title.TEXT)
+ @staticmethod
+ def invite_single_user_to_team(email):
+ Enter.text_by_name("email", email, wait_for_page=True)
+ Click.css(Constants.SubmitButton.CSS, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def go_to_user_profile_settings():
+ FEUser.go_to_account()
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Wait.text_by_id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.TitleID,
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.TitleText, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_user_profile_settings_checkboxes():
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveEmailsID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveEmailEveryTimeID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveDigestEmailID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Click.id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.UpdateButtonID, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_user_profile_settings_checkboxes(checked):
+ Wait.page_has_loaded()
+ receive_emails = Get.is_selected_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveEmailsID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Helper.internal_assert(receive_emails, checked)
+ receive_notifications = \
+ Get.is_selected_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveNotificationsID)
+ receive_email_every_time = \
+ Get.is_selected_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveEmailEveryTimeID)
+ Helper.internal_assert(receive_email_every_time, checked)
+ receive_digest_email = \
+ Get.is_selected_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.UserProfileSettings.ReceiveDigestEmailID, wait_for_page=True)
+ Helper.internal_assert(receive_digest_email, not checked)
+ @staticmethod
+ def compare_notifications_count_for_user(expected_count):
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.Count.ID, expected_count, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_notification_number_is_not_presented():
+ FEGeneral.refresh()
+ Wait.id_to_dissappear(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Notifications.Count.ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def validate_account_details(full_name, phone_number, ssh_key):
+ Helper.internal_assert(full_name, Get.value_by_name(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.FullName.NAME))
+ Helper.internal_assert(phone_number, Get.value_by_name(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.Phone.NAME))
+ Helper.internal_assert(
+ ssh_key, Get.value_by_name(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.SSHKey.NAME))
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_rgwa_access_key(my_key):
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Key.KEY_ID, my_key)
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_rgwa_access_secret(my_secret):
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Secret.BUTTON_ID)
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Secret.SECRET_ID, my_secret)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_rgwa_access_secret():
+ Click.id(Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Secret.BUTTON_ID,
+ wait_for_page=True)
+ secret = Get.by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Secret.SECRET_ID, wait_for_page=True)
+ return secret
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_rgwa_access_secret_not_presented():
+ Wait.text_by_id(
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Secret.SECRET_ID,
+ Constants.Dashboard.Avatar.Account.RGWA.Secret.SECRET_TEXT)