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+++ b/.gitignore
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diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
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index 0000000..4b755d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+FROM python:alpine
+# Alpine has some decent python2 packages that would let us avoid some of the
+# compilation that pip will do to install its packages. But, once this Django
+# container is python3 compatible, we can switch to python:alpine (which
+# includes python3) with no changes to the rest of the dockerfile.
+RUN apk add --no-cache \
+ autoconf \
+ gcc \
+ jpeg-dev \
+ libpq \
+ linux-headers \
+ musl-dev \
+ postgresql-dev \
+ && :
+COPY django /srv/
+RUN ln -s -f /opt/configmaps/settings/ /srv/vvp/settings/; \
+ ln -s -f /opt/configmaps/settings/ /srv/vvp/settings/; \
+ ln -s -f /opt/configmaps/settings/ /srv/vvp/settings/;
+RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools && \
+ pip install uwsgi && \
+ pip install -r /srv/requirements.txt
+RUN apk del \
+ autoconf \
+ gcc \
+ linux-headers \
+ musl-dev \
+ postgresql-dev \
+ && :
+CMD ["/usr/local/bin/uwsgi", "--ini", "/srv/vvp/settings/uwsgi.ini", "--static-map", "/static=/app/htdocs"]
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+When installed using the included Dockerfile,
+this project installs and uses the uWSGI application server container,
+available at
+uWSGI is provided under the GNU General Public License version 2
+with a linking exception, as listed below.
+uWSGI code is not included in or distributed as a part of this repository.
+You can find a copy of this license at:
+ In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License,
+ the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled
+ version of this library into combinations with other programs,
+ and to distribute those combinations without any restriction
+ coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License
+ restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover
+ modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into
+ a combined executable.)
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/django/ b/django/
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+++ b/django/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# VVP Engagement Manager
+VVP EM is a system for reporting and tracking all aspects around engagements.
+It provides details on validations of individual VFs and the relationship to a specific engagement.
+It also managing the references to external systems including details on approved exceptions.
+##Run devkit environment with kubernetes to setup this pod(rkt).
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/ b/django/engagementmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/ b/django/engagementmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..38a63f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.contrib import admin
+from engagementmanager import models
+class ActivityModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["engagement_manual_id", "vf_name", "description",
+ "activity_type", "activity_owner", "create_time", "is_notification"]
+ list_filter = ["activity_type", "is_notification"]
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ if obj.engagement:
+ return obj.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ if obj.engagement:
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj.engagement).name
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
+ if obj: # editing an existing object
+ return self.readonly_fields + ('create_time',)
+ return self.readonly_fields
+class ChecklistModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "state", "engagement_manual_id", "vf_name", "validation_cycle",
+ "weight", "template", "owner", "creator", "associated_files", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["template", "state"]
+ search_fields = ["name", "associated_files"]
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ return obj.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj.engagement).name
+class ChecklistAuditLogModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["description", "creator", "checklist", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["category"]
+ search_fields = ["description"]
+class ChecklistDecisionModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["checklist", "lineitem", "review_value", "peer_review_value", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["template"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
+class ChecklistLineItemModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "weight", "template", "section", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["template", "section"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
+class ChecklistSectionModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "weight", "template", "parent_section", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["template"]
+class ChecklistTemplateModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "category", "version", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["category", "version"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
+class DeploymentTargetModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "version"]
+ list_filter = ["version"]
+class DeploymentTargetSiteModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name"]
+class EngagementModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["engagement_manual_id", "vf_name", "deployment_target_name", "ecomp_release", "progress", "target_completion_date",
+ "target_lab_entry_date", "engagement_stage", "create_time"]
+ list_editable = ["progress", "target_completion_date", "engagement_stage"]
+ list_filter = ["engagement_stage"]
+ search_fields = ["engagement_stage", "engagement_manual_id"]
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj).name
+ def target_lab_entry_date(self, obj):
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj).target_lab_entry_date
+ def ecomp_release(self, obj):
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj).ecomp_release
+ def deployment_target_name(self, obj):
+ e = models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj)
+ return + " " + e.deployment_target.version
+ def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
+ if obj: # editing an existing object
+ return self.readonly_fields + ('create_time',)
+ return self.readonly_fields
+class EngagementStatusModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["engagement_manual_id", "vf_name", "description", "creator_full_name", "create_time", "update_time"]
+ list_filter = ["creator"]
+ search_fields = ["description"]
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ return obj.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj.engagement).name
+ def creator_full_name(self, obj):
+ return obj.creator.full_name
+class ECOMPReleaseModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
+class IceUserProfileModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["full_name", "email", "phone_number", "company_name", "role_name", "is_service_provider_contact", "has_ssh_key",
+ "create_time", "role"]
+ list_editable = ["phone_number", "is_service_provider_contact", "role"]
+ list_filter = ["is_service_provider_contact", "role", "company"]
+ search_fields = ["full_name", "email", "phone_number"]
+ def company_name(self, obj):
+ return
+ def role_name(self, obj):
+ return
+ def has_ssh_key(self, obj):
+ if obj.ssh_public_key:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
+ if obj: # editing an existing object
+ return self.readonly_fields + ('create_time',)
+ return self.readonly_fields
+class InvitationModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["email", "engagement_manual_id", "vf_name",
+ "invited_by_user", "accepted", "create_time", "invitation_token"]
+ list_filter = ["accepted"]
+ search_fields = ["email", "invitation_token"]
+ def invited_by_user(self, obj):
+ return models.IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=obj.invited_by_user_uuid).full_name
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ return models.Engagement.objects.get(uuid=obj.engagement_uuid).engagement_manual_id
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ e = models.Engagement.objects.get(uuid=obj.engagement_uuid)
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=e).name
+class NextStepModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["engagement_manual_id", "vf_name", "description", "files", "due_date", "last_updater_full_name", "last_update_time",
+ "last_update_type", "creator_full_name", "create_time", "state", "next_step_type", "owner_full_name"]
+ list_filter = ["next_step_type", "state"]
+ search_fields = ["description", "files"]
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ e = obj.engagement
+ if e:
+ return e.engagement_manual_id
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ e = obj.engagement
+ if e:
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=e).name
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def creator_full_name(self, obj):
+ c = obj.creator
+ if c:
+ return c.full_name
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def last_updater_full_name(self, obj):
+ lu = obj.last_updater
+ if lu:
+ return lu.full_name
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def owner_full_name(self, obj):
+ o = obj.owner
+ if o:
+ return o.full_name
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
+ if obj: # editing an existing object
+ return self.readonly_fields + ('state',)
+ return self.readonly_fields
+class NotificationModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["activity_description", "activity_type", "engagement_manual_id",
+ "vf_name", "is_sent", "is_read", "activity_create_time"]
+ list_filter = ["is_sent", "is_read"]
+ def activity_description(self, obj):
+ return obj.activity.description
+ def activity_type(self, obj):
+ return obj.activity.activity_type
+ def activity_create_time(self, obj):
+ return obj.activity.create_time
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ if obj.activity.engagement:
+ return obj.activity.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ if obj.activity.engagement:
+ return models.VF.objects.get(engagement=obj.activity.engagement).name
+ else:
+ return ""
+class RecentEngagementModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["engagement_manual_id", "vf_name", "ice_user", "action_type", "last_update"]
+ list_filter = ["action_type"]
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ return
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ return obj.vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ def ice_user(self, obj):
+ return models.IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=obj.user_uuid).full_name
+class RoleModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name"]
+class VendorModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "public"]
+ list_editable = ["public"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
+class VFModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "deployment_target", "ecomp_release", "progress", "target_completion_date",
+ "target_lab_entry_date", "is_service_provider_internal", "git_repo_url", "engagement_stage", "engagement_manual_id"]
+ list_filter = ["deployment_target", "ecomp_release", "is_service_provider_internal", "vendor"]
+ list_editable = ["is_service_provider_internal"]
+ search_fields = ["name", "git_repo_url"]
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ return obj.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ def progress(self, obj):
+ return obj.engagement.progress
+ def target_completion_date(self, obj):
+ return obj.engagement.target_completion_date
+ def engagement_stage(self, obj):
+ return obj.engagement.engagement_stage
+class VFCModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ list_display = ["name", "external_ref_id", "ice_mandated", "vf_name", "company_name", "engagement_manual_id"]
+ list_filter = ["ice_mandated", "company"]
+ list_editable = ["external_ref_id", "ice_mandated"]
+ search_fields = ["name", "external_ref_id"]
+ def vf_name(self, obj):
+ return
+ def engagement_manual_id(self, obj):
+ return obj.vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ def company_name(self, obj):
+ return
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/ b/django/engagementmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4a967d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.apps import AppConfig
+from django.conf import settings
+from engagementmanager.scheduled_jobs import ScheduledJobs
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+cms_client = None
+bus_service = None
+class EngagementmanagerConfig(AppConfig):
+ name = 'engagementmanager'
+ verbose_name = "engagementmanager"
+ def ready(self):
+ # This otherwise unused import causes the signal receivers
+ # to register themselves at the appropriate time. Do not remove.
+ import engagementmanager.vm_integration.em_api
+ ###############################
+ # Bootstrap Actions #
+ ###############################
+ from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+ logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+ if (settings.DOMAIN == Constants.prodDomain):
+"--Production Mode--")
+ else:
+"--Development Mode--")
+ from engagementmanager.cms_client.api import CMSClient
+ global cms_client
+ cms_client = CMSClient()
+ global bus_service
+ from engagementmanager.service.bus_service import BusService
+ bus_service = BusService()
+ self.__register_bus_service_handlers()
+ ice_scheduler = ScheduledJobs(bus_service)
+ ice_scheduler.setup_daily_job()
+ ice_scheduler.setup_hourly_job()
+ def __register_bus_service_handlers(self):
+ from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+ from engagementmanager.bus.messages.daily_scheduled_message import DailyScheduledMessage
+ from engagementmanager.bus.messages.new_notification_message import NewNotificationMessage
+ from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.activity_event_handler import ActivityEventHandler
+ from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_resend_notifications_handler import DailyResendNotificationsHandler
+ from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.digest_email_notification_handler import DigestEmailNotificationHandler
+ from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.new_notification_handler import NewNotificationHandler
+ from engagementmanager.bus.messages.hourly_scheduled_message import HourlyScheduledMessage
+ from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.check_news_and_announcements_handler import CheckNewsAndAnnouncementsHandler
+ from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_notify_inactive_engagements_handler import DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler
+ bus_service.register(ActivityEventHandler(), ActivityEventMessage)
+ bus_service.register(NewNotificationHandler(), NewNotificationMessage)
+ bus_service.register(DigestEmailNotificationHandler(), DailyScheduledMessage)
+ bus_service.register(DailyResendNotificationsHandler(), DailyScheduledMessage)
+ bus_service.register(DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler(), DailyScheduledMessage)
+ bus_service.register(CheckNewsAndAnnouncementsHandler(), HourlyScheduledMessage)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5ef819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.service.activities_service import ActivitiesSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class ActivityEventHandler(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ activities_service = ActivitiesSvc()
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+"New ICE event from type '%s' arrived, activity will be generated." %
+ self.activities_service.generate_activity(bus_message.activity_data)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6ef4fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class CheckNewsAndAnnouncementsHandler(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+ logger.debug("New hourly scheduled message arrived, will check for news and announcements and send notification"
+ " if needed.")
+ pass
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..598b977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.timezone import timedelta
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement, VF
+from engagementmanager.service.activities_service import ActivitiesSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_service import CheckListSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.engagement_service import archive_engagement
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import NoticeEmptyEngagementData
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class DailyNotifyInactiveEngagements(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+ logger.debug("New digest bus message arrived - email is about to sent")
+ checklist_service = CheckListSvc()
+ engagements_list = Engagement.objects.filter(is_with_files=False, Q( | Q(
+ for engagement in engagements_list:
+ files_found = checklist_service.getEngagementFiles(engagement.uuid)
+ if files_found:
+ engagement.is_with_files = True
+ continue
+ max_empty_time = self.get_max_empty_date(engagement.create_time)
+ if max_empty_time <
+ archive_engagement(engagement.uuid, "More than 30 days passed and no files added to gitlab yet")
+ else:
+ self.send_emails_logic(engagement)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_max_empty_date(creation_time):
+ return creation_time + timedelta(days=30)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_days_delta(start_time, end_time):
+ return (end_time - start_time).days
+ def send_emails_logic(self, engagement):
+ delta_days_from_creation = self.get_days_delta(engagement.create_time,
+ alert_days = [7, 14, 21]
+ if (delta_days_from_creation in alert_days) or (delta_days_from_creation >= 23 and delta_days_from_creation < 30):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement=engagement)
+ vf_name =
+ max_empty_time = self.get_max_empty_date(engagement.create_time).strftime('%b %d, %Y')
+ git_repo_url = vf.git_repo_url
+ activity_data = NoticeEmptyEngagementData(
+ vf_name, max_empty_time, git_repo_url, str(delta_days_from_creation), engagement)
+ ActivitiesSvc().generate_activity(activity_data)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..12acea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.timezone import timedelta
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement, VF
+from engagementmanager.service.activities_service import ActivitiesSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_service import CheckListSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.engagement_service import archive_engagement
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import NoticeEmptyEngagementData
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+ logger.debug("New digest bus message arrived - email is about to sent")
+ checklist_service = CheckListSvc()
+ engagements_list = Engagement.objects.filter(is_with_files=False,
+ for engagement in engagements_list:
+ files_found = checklist_service.getEngagementFiles(engagement.uuid)
+ if files_found:
+ engagement.is_with_files = True
+ continue
+ max_empty_time = self.get_max_empty_date(engagement.create_time)
+ if max_empty_time <
+ archive_engagement(engagement.uuid, "More than 30 days passed and no files added to gitlab yet")
+ else:
+ self.send_emails_logic(engagement)
+ def get_max_empty_date(self, creation_time):
+ return creation_time + timedelta(days=30)
+ def get_days_delta(self, start_time, end_time):
+ return (end_time - start_time).days
+ def send_emails_logic(self, engagement):
+ delta_days_from_creation = self.get_days_delta(engagement.create_time,
+ alert_days = [7, 14, 21]
+ if (delta_days_from_creation in alert_days) or (delta_days_from_creation >= 23 and delta_days_from_creation < 30):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement=engagement)
+ vf_name =
+ max_empty_time = self.get_max_empty_date(engagement.create_time).strftime('%b %d, %Y')
+ git_repo_url = vf.git_repo_url
+ activity_data = NoticeEmptyEngagementData(
+ vf_name, max_empty_time, git_repo_url, str(delta_days_from_creation), engagement)
+ ActivitiesSvc().generate_activity(activity_data)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9919cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.mail import sendMail
+from engagementmanager.models import Notification
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class DailyResendNotificationsHandler(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+ logger.debug("New resend notifications message arrived - emails is about to sent to the "
+ "all unsent notifications")
+ unsent_notifications = Notification.objects.filter(is_sent=False)
+ for notification in unsent_notifications:
+ if notification.user.email_updates_on_every_notification:
+ try:
+ subject_template = get_template("{notification_template_dir}notification_mail_subject.html".format(
+ notification_template_dir=Constants.notification_template_dir))
+ msg_template = get_template("{notification_template_dir}notification_mail_body.html".format(
+ notification_template_dir=Constants.notification_template_dir))
+ sendMail(, json.loads(notification.activity.metadata),
+ msg_template, subject_template, mail_from=mail.ice_admin_mail_from)
+ notification.is_sent = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = "Something went wrong while trying to resend bulk mail " \
+ "as part of the notifications daily resend"
+ logger.error(msg + " " + e)
+ else:
+ notification.is_sent = True
+"User choose not to get email on every notification, set it as sent.")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f5cb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from datetime import datetime
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.mail import sendMail
+from engagementmanager.models import Notification, IceUserProfile
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class DigestEmailNotificationHandler(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+ logger.debug("New digest bus message arrived - email is about to sent")
+ today =
+ users = Notification.objects.filter(activity__create_time__gte=today).values("user").distinct()
+ for user in users:
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(id=user['user'])
+ if user.email_updates_daily_digest:
+ notifications = Notification.objects.filter(activity__create_time__gte=today, user=user)
+ try:
+ subject_template = get_template("{notification_template_dir}"
+ "notification_digest_mail_subject.html".format(
+ notification_template_dir=Constants.notification_template_dir))
+ msg_template = get_template("{notification_template_dir}"
+ "notification_digest_mail_body.html".format(
+ notification_template_dir=Constants.notification_template_dir))
+ sendMail(, notifications.values(),
+ msg_template, subject_template, mail_from=mail.ice_admin_mail_from)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = "Something went wrong while trying to send bulk mail as part of the digest notifications"
+ logger.error(msg)
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from engagementmanager.mail import sendMail
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class NewNotificationHandler(ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+"New notification (%s) arrived - email will sent" %
+ bus_message.notification.uuid)
+ user = bus_message.notification.user
+ if user.email_updates_on_every_notification:
+ try:
+ subject_template = get_template("{notification_template_dir}notification_mail_subject.html".format(
+ notification_template_dir=Constants.notification_template_dir))
+ msg_template = get_template("{notification_template_dir}notification_mail_body.html".format(
+ notification_template_dir=Constants.notification_template_dir))
+ sendMail(, json.loads(bus_message.notification.activity.metadata),
+ msg_template, subject_template, mail_from=mail.ice_admin_mail_from)
+ bus_message.notification.is_sent = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = "Something went wrong while trying to send bulk mail as part of the notification"
+ logger.error(msg + " " + str(e))
+ else:
+ bus_message.notification.is_sent = True
+"User choose not to get email on every notification, set it as sent.")
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.service_bus_base_message import ServiceBusBaseMessage
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpGeneralException
+class ServiceBusBaseHandler:
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def validate_message(self, bus_message):
+ if not issubclass(type(bus_message), ServiceBusBaseMessage):
+ raise VvpGeneralException("You can't handle message which is not from type of ServiceBusBaseMessage")
+ @abstractmethod
+ def handle_message(self, bus_message):
+ pass
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.service_bus_base_message import ServiceBusBaseMessage
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import ActivityData
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpGeneralException
+class ActivityEventMessage(ServiceBusBaseMessage):
+ def __init__(self, activity_data):
+ if not issubclass(type(activity_data), ActivityData):
+ raise VvpGeneralException("Activity data can be from type ActivityData only.")
+ self.activity_data = activity_data
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.service_bus_base_message import ServiceBusBaseMessage
+class DailyScheduledMessage(ServiceBusBaseMessage):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.service_bus_base_message import ServiceBusBaseMessage
+class HourlyScheduledMessage(ServiceBusBaseMessage):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.service_bus_base_message import ServiceBusBaseMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import Notification
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpGeneralException
+class NewNotificationMessage(ServiceBusBaseMessage):
+ def __init__(self, notification):
+ if type(notification) is not Notification:
+ raise VvpGeneralException("New notification event can be from type Notification only.")
+ self.notification = notification
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta
+class ServiceBusBaseMessage:
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/cms_client/ b/django/engagementmanager/cms_client/
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/cms_client/ b/django/engagementmanager/cms_client/
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@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from django.conf import settings
+from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient, TokenExpiredError
+from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class CMSClient(object):
+ """
+ ICE CMS (Mezzanine) API Client SDK
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Ice CMS client constructor ->
+ :param MZN_ID: from env vars.
+ :param MZN_Secret: from env vars.
+ """
+ super(CMSClient, self).__init__()
+ self.client_id = settings.CMS_APP_CLIENT_ID
+ self.client_secret = settings.CMS_APP_CLIENT_SECRET
+ self.api_url = settings.CMS_URL
+ self.token = self.generateToken(self.client_id, self.client_secret)
+ self.session = OAuth2Session(self.client_id, token=self.token)
+ def generateToken(self, client_id, client_secret):
+ """
+ Create oauth2 token by id and secret (via cms server)
+ :param client_id: client id (from env vars)
+ :param client_secret: client secret (from env vars)
+ :return: return the result token.
+ """
+ token = None
+ try:
+ client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id)
+ oatuh = OAuth2Session(client=client)
+ token = oatuh.fetch_token(token_url=self.api_url + 'oauth2/token/', client_id=client_id,
+ client_secret=client_secret)
+ except Exception as exception:
+ logger.error(
+ 'Could not create CMS token, error message: ' + str(exception))
+ return token
+ @staticmethod
+ def json_serialize(obj):
+ """
+ Returns JSON serialization of object
+ """
+ return json.dumps(obj)
+ @staticmethod
+ def json_deserialize(string):
+ """
+ Returns deserialization of JSON
+ """
+ return json.loads(string)
+ def get(self, resource, params=None):
+ """
+ Make a GET HTTP request
+ """
+ response = None
+ try:
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ if response.status_code == HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED:
+ logger.error('Token expired (401 status excepted), will renew cms token now')
+ self.__init__()
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ except TokenExpiredError as exception:
+ logger.error('Token expired (TokenExpiredError exception excepted),'
+ ' will renew cms token now: ' + str(exception))
+ self.__init__()
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ item = self.json_deserialize(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
+ return item
+ def get_posts(self, offset=0, limit=10, category="", date_min=""):
+ """
+ Get published blog posts
+ :param date_min: all the posts returned will be after this date
+ :param offset: pagination offset
+ :param limit: pagination limit
+ :param category: the category which the post related to
+ :param limit: date_min of posts to return
+ :return: list of dicts for most recently published blog posts
+ """
+ return self.get('posts?offset={}&limit={}&category_name={}&date_min={}'.format(int(offset), int(limit),
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ def get_pages(self, title=""):
+ """
+ Get all pages and it's children.
+ :param title: The title of the page we want
+ :return: list of pages by out filters declaration
+ """
+ return self.get('pages?title={}'.format(title))['results']
+ def get_page(self, id):
+ """
+ Return specific page by id
+ :param id: The id of the page we want to require
+ :return: the page result
+ """
+ return self.get('pages/{}'.format(int(id)))
+ def search_pages(self, keyword):
+ """
+ Return pages by keyword contained in title or content
+ :param keyword: The keyword which will be searched in title and content
+ :return: the pages as result
+ """
+ return self.get('pages/search/?keyword={}'.format(keyword))
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/decorator/ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/decorator/ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import traceback
+import bleach
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, \
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import AuthorizationService
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def auth(action, is_internal=False):
+ """
+ Check that given action is permitted by the user
+ """
+ def _dec(func):
+ def _new_func(*args, **kwargs):
+ auth_service = AuthorizationService()
+ # Extract USER - A MUST Have in KWARGS #
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ if user == None:
+ msg = "user couldn't be identified in the request"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ if (is_internal == True):
+ return msg, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ checklist_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ try:
+ result = None
+ message = None
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ logger.debug('Authorization Service : ' + +
+ '. Result=' + str(result) + '. message=' + str(message))
+ if result == False:
+ msg = "User not authorized: " + \
+ str(user.uuid) + ". eng_uuid=" + str(eng_uuid) + ". checklist_uuid=" + str(checklist_uuid)
+ if (is_internal == True):
+ return msg, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+ msg = bleach.clean(msg, tags=['a', 'b'])
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("=====================Exception=====================")
+ msg = "A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= " + \
+ str(user.uuid) + ". eng_uuid=" + str(eng_uuid) + \
+ ". checklist_uuid=" + str(checklist_uuid) + "action=" + str(action)
+ logger.error(str(e) + " Message: " + msg)
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ logger.error("===================================================")
+ if (is_internal == True):
+ msg = "Action was failed to be performed"
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _new_func
+ return _dec
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/decorator/ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..362e473
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+def classDecorator(decorators):
+ def decorate(cls):
+ for attr in cls.__dict__:
+ if callable(getattr(cls, attr)):
+ for ice_decorator in decorators:
+ if (attr in ["get", "put", "post", "delete", "entity_list", "entity_detail", "set_attr"]):
+ setattr(cls, attr, ice_decorator(getattr(cls, attr)))
+ return cls
+ return decorate
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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from functools import wraps
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def logFuncEntry(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def log(*args, **kwargs):
+ logger.debug('calling {}'.format(func.__name__) + " | " + str(args) + " | " + str(kwargs))
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return log
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/decorator/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""This module provides retry_connection, a simple wrapper around retrying.retry, for our most
+common use case.
+from requests.exceptions import Timeout, ConnectionError
+from retrying import retry
+def is_connection_exception(exception):
+ return isinstance(exception, (ConnectionError, Timeout))
+retry_connection = retry(stop_max_attempt_number=2, retry_on_exception=is_connection_exception)
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/git/ b/django/engagementmanager/git/
new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import VF
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration.vm_client import \
+ send_get_list_of_repo_files_event
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class GitManager(object):
+ def getRepoAssociatedFilesForUser(self, eng_uuid):
+ logger.debug("Fetching the repo associated files for engagement " +
+ eng_uuid)
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid)
+ fileList = send_get_list_of_repo_files_event(vf)
+ return fileList
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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from http.client import HTTPSConnection
+class HttpClient(HTTPSConnection):
+ '''
+ classdocs
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, protocol, host, port, params=None):
+ if (protocol == 'HTTP'):
+ self.conn = self.HTTPConnection(host, port)
+ else: # SSL
+ self.conn = HTTPSConnection(host, port)
+ def getConn(self):
+ return self.conn
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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.mail import send_mail, send_mass_mail
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import TemplatesConstants
+ice_admin_mail_from = settings.CONTACT_FROM_ADDRESS
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def sendMail(email, data, mail_body_template, mail_subject_template, mail_from=ice_admin_mail_from):
+ logger.debug("about to send mail to " + email)
+ if data is None:
+ data = {}
+ data.update(TemplatesConstants.context)
+ html_msg = mail_body_template.render(context=data)
+ mail_subject = mail_subject_template.render(context=data)
+ # send mail with template
+ send_mail(mail_subject, '', "D2 ICE Team <" + mail_from + ">", [email], fail_silently=False, html_message=html_msg)
+ logger.debug("Looks like email delivery to " + email + " has succeeded")
+def sendBulkMail(datatuple):
+ logger.debug("about to send mail")
+ try:
+ num_sent = send_mass_mail(datatuple)
+ logger.debug("Looks like email delivery has succeeded. Number of sent mails is " + str(num_sent))
+ return num_sent
+ except Exception as e: # Dont remove try-except since it is invoked from Notification Bot
+ logger.error("Email delivery has failed. Error is: " + str(e))
+ raise e
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..36beacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5299367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" clean_gitlab_content
+Will delete content from gitlab to create initial environment:
+This command uses gitlab client rest api to remove data.
+This command is part of clean_vvp_system command but can be used separately as well.
+WARNING: It will delete almost everything, if you have necessary data DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND!
+from django.conf import settings
+from import BaseCommand
+import requests
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+">>git-lab is about to be cleaned up!")
+ entities = ['projects', 'groups', 'users', ]
+ headers = dict()
+ headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
+ headers['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] = settings.GITLAB_TOKEN
+ for entity in entities:
+ entities_deleted = []
+ gitlab_entity_url = settings.GITLAB_URL + "api/v3/%s/" % entity
+ r1 = requests.get(gitlab_entity_url, headers=headers, verify=False)
+ data = r1.json()
+ while len(data) > 1:
+ for record in data:
+ try:
+ if record['id'] not in entities_deleted \
+ and record['name'] != 'Administrator':
+ r2 = requests.delete(gitlab_entity_url +
+ str(record['id']),
+ headers=headers, verify=False)
+"Entity '%s' with id %s Will be deleted"
+ " in a bit (type: %s)" % (
+ record['name'],
+ record['id'], entity,))
+ entities_deleted.append(record['id'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Some problem occurred... We give it "
+ "another shot...", e)
+ r1 = requests.get(gitlab_entity_url, headers=headers,
+ verify=False)
+ data = r1.json()
+">>>>All %s deleted from git-lab" % entity)
+">>git-lab is now clean!")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c19f28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" clean_jenkins_jobs
+Will delete content(jobs) from jenkins to create initial environment.
+This command uses jenkins_client api to remove data.
+This command is part of clean_vvp_system command but can be used separately as well.
+WARNING: It will delete almost everything, if you have necessary data DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND!
+from validationmanager.utils.clients import get_jenkins_client
+from import BaseCommand
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+">>Jenkins is about to be cleaned up!")
+ try:
+ jenkins_client = get_jenkins_client()
+ job_names = jenkins_client.get_jobs_names()
+ for job_name in job_names:
+ jenkins_client.delete_job(job_name)
+"Jenkins job '%s' deleted successfully." % job_name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Some problem occurred while trying "
+ "cleaning Jenkins...", e)
+">>Jenkins is now clean!")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..931f684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" clean_vvp_db
+Will delete content from database (almost all entities) to create initial environment.
+This command uses django orm to remove data.
+This command is part of clean_vvp_system command but can be used separately as well.
+WARNING: It will delete almost everything, if you have necessary data DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND!
+from import BaseCommand
+from engagementmanager import models
+from import admin_dummy_users, admin_ro_dummy_users, \
+ dummy_users, el_dummy_users
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+">>%s db is about to be cleaned up!" % Constants.program_name)
+ excluded_emails = [dummy_users[0][1], dummy_users[1][1],
+ el_dummy_users[0][1], el_dummy_users[1][1],
+ admin_dummy_users[0][1], admin_ro_dummy_users[0][1], ]
+ try:
+ models.EngagementStatus.objects.all().delete()
+ models.Invitation.objects.all().delete()
+ models.Notification.objects.all().delete()
+ models.Activity.objects.all().delete()
+ models.NextStep.objects.all().delete()
+ models.ChecklistAuditLog.objects.all().delete()
+ models.ChecklistDecision.objects.all().delete()
+ models.Checklist.objects.all().delete()
+ models.ChecklistLineItem.objects.all().delete()
+ models.ChecklistSection.objects.all().delete()
+ models.ChecklistTemplate.objects.all().delete()
+ models.RecentEngagement.objects.all().delete()
+ models.VFC.objects.all().delete()
+ models.VF.objects.all().delete()
+ models.EngagementStatus.objects.all().delete()
+ models.Engagement.objects.all().delete()
+ models.IceUserProfile.objects.exclude(email__in=excluded_emails)\
+ .delete()
+ models.CustomUser.objects.exclude(user_ptr_id__in=models.IceUserProfile.objects.all().values('id')).delete()
+ models.DeploymentTarget.objects.all().delete()
+ models.DeploymentTargetSite.objects.all().delete()
+ models.ECOMPRelease.objects.all().delete()
+">>%s db is now clean!" % Constants.program_name)
+ except Exception as exception:
+ logger.error("Something went wrong while trying"
+ " to clean %s db" % Constants.program_name, exception)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a86f770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" clean_vvp_system
+Will clean all program data:
+1. Deletes all gitlab projects/users/groups.
+2. Deletes all data stored in database.
+3. Deletes all jobs stored in jenkins.
+It's recommended to clean the vvp system if you desire in a fresh copy of the vvp program
+without installing it all over again.
+WARNING: It will delete almost everything, if you have necessary data DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND!
+from import BaseCommand
+from import clean_gitlab_content
+from import clean_jenkins_jobs
+from import clean_vvp_db
+from import initial_populate_db
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+"%s system is about to be cleaned up!" % Constants.program_name)
+ try:
+ clean_gitlab_content_command = clean_gitlab_content.Command()
+ clean_gitlab_content_command.handle(args, options)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("There was a problem cleaning git-lab", e)
+ try:
+ clean_jenkins_jobs_command = clean_jenkins_jobs.Command()
+ clean_jenkins_jobs_command.handle(args, options)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("There was a problem cleaning Jenkins", e)
+ try:
+ clean_vvp_db_command = clean_vvp_db.Command()
+ clean_vvp_db_command.handle(args, options)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("There was a problem cleaning %s db" % Constants.program_name, e)
+ try:
+ initial_populate_db_command = initial_populate_db.Command()
+ initial_populate_db_command.handle(args, options)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("There was a problem populate %s db after cleaning" % Constants.program_name, e)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0ca177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" intial_populate_db
+Will create initial content to use this system.
+This command is creating users, templates, companies, deployment targets, sites and much more.
+Will run at the state of a clean system so it won't cause data collisions.
+WARNING: Do not run while there is data at the system.
+import inspect
+import random
+from django.conf import settings
+from import BaseCommand
+from django.utils import timezone
+from engagementmanager.models import Role, Vendor, IceUserProfile, DeploymentTarget, \
+ DeploymentTargetSite, Checklist, ChecklistDecision, ChecklistLineItem, \
+ ChecklistTemplate, ChecklistSection, ECOMPRelease, Engagement, \
+ CustomUser
+from engagementmanager.models import VF
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinVFModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import createUserTemplate
+from validationmanager.models import ValidationTest
+from uuid import uuid4
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ if (settings.ENVIRONMENT == "local" or settings.ENVIRONMENT == "development"):
+ execute_bootstrap_actions()
+companies = [
+ 'Affirmed Networks',
+ 'Amdocs',
+ 'Brocade',
+ 'Ciena',
+ 'Cisco',
+ 'Ericsson',
+ 'Fujitsu',
+ 'Juniper',
+ 'Metaswitch',
+ 'Nokia'
+companies_not_public = [
+ 'Adtran',
+ 'Velocloud',
+ 'Spirent',
+ 'Mitel',
+admin_dummy_users = [['admin bogus user', Constants.service_provider_admin_mail, '+1-23-456-78901']]
+admin_ro_dummy_users = [
+ ['ro admin bogus user', Constants.service_provider_admin_ro_mail, '+1-23-456-78901']]
+dummy_users = [
+ ['Bugs Bunny', 'bb@' + Constants.service_provider_mail_domain[0], '+1-404-986-9624'],
+ ['CI Standard 1', 'ci_standard_1@' + Constants.service_provider_mail_domain[0], '+1-404-986-9624'],
+el_dummy_users = [
+ ['Donald Duck', 'dd1122@' + Constants.service_provider_mail_domain[0], '+1-404-986-9624'],
+ ['Homer Simpson', 'hs0007@' + Constants.service_provider_mail_domain[0], '+1-425-281-3547']
+checklist_templates = [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Heat Templates',
+ 'category': 'heat',
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'sections': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Basic Heat Format and Syntax',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Filenames',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Valid YAML and HEAT',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Parameter And Resource Specification',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Parameters',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Resources',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Unique Names for Resources',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Outputs',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Naming Conventions',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Name, Flavor, and Image Assignments',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Availability Zones',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Required Metadata',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Optional Metadata',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Volumes',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Keys and Keypairs',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Networks',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Subnet',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Fixed IPs',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Allowed Address Pairs',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Ports',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'General Guidelines',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'HEAT Files Support (get_file)',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'HTTP-based references',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Anti-Affinity and Affinity Rules',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Resource Data Synchronization',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Image Validation',
+ 'category': 'glance',
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'sections': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Prerequisites',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Image Source',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Vendor Provided Image',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Image Scan',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Clam AV Scan',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'AIC Instantiation',
+ 'category': 'instantiation',
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'sections': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Prerequisites',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Validated Heat Template(s)',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Validated Glance Image(s)',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Manual Instantiation in AIC',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Create the HEAT Stack',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Delete the HEAT Stack',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'ASDC Onboarding',
+ 'category': 'asdc',
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'sections': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Prerequisites',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Validated Heat Template(s)',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Validated Glance Image(s)',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Successful Manual Instantiation',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Onboard The VNF To The Target ASDC Environment',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'validation instructions',
+ 'line_items': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Create the VNF',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+# Map all the validation tests to the right line items
+# Get the validation test mappings like this from a reference deployment:
+# from validationmanager.models import ValidationTest
+# vts = sorted(ValidationTest.objects.all(), key=lambda vt:
+# for vt in vts:
+# for li in vt.line_items.all():
+# print("['" + + "', '" + + "'],")
+validation_tests = [
+ ['test_all_nested_templates_provided', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_all_referenced_resources_exists', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_allowed_address_pairs_format', 'Allowed Address Pairs'],
+ ['test_allowed_address_pairs_format', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_allowed_address_pairs_include_vm_type_network_role', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_allowed_address_pairs_include_vm_type_network_role', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_alphanumeric_resource_ids_only', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_availability_zone_naming', 'Availability Zones'],
+ ['test_availability_zone_naming_use_get_param', 'Availability Zones'],
+ ['test_base_template_names', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_base_template_outputs_consumed', 'Outputs'],
+ ['test_default_values', 'Parameters'],
+ ['test_env_and_yaml_same_name', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_env_files_provided', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_environment_file_contains_required_sections', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_environment_file_extension', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_environment_file_sections_have_the_right_format', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_environment_structure', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_fixed_ips_format', 'Fixed IPs'],
+ ['test_fixed_ips_format', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_fixed_ips_format_use_get_parm', 'Fixed IPs'],
+ ['test_fixed_ips_format_use_get_parm', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_fixed_ips_include_vm_type_network_role', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_fixed_ips_include_vm_type_network_role', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_get_file_only_reference_local_files', 'HEAT Files Support (get_file)'],
+ ['test_heat_pairs_provided', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_heat_template_file_extension', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_heat_template_parameters_contain_required_fields', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_heat_template_structure', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_heat_template_structure_contains_required_sections', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_heat_template_structure_sections_have_the_right_format', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_heat_templates_provided', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_network_format', 'Networks'],
+ ['test_network_format', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_network_format_use_get_param_or_get_resource', 'Networks'],
+ ['test_network_format_use_get_param_or_get_resource', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_no_unused_parameters_between_env_and_templates', 'Parameters'],
+ ['test_nova_servers_correct_parameter_types', 'Name, Flavor, and Image Assignments'],
+ ['test_nova_servers_valid_resource_ids', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_numeric_parameter', 'Parameters'],
+ ['test_parameter_valid_keys', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_parameter_valid_keys', 'Parameters'],
+ ['test_parse_yaml', 'Valid YAML and HEAT'],
+ ['test_port_resource_ids', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_port_resource_ids', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_referenced_and_defined_parameters_match', 'Parameters'],
+ ['test_required_parameters_no_constraints', 'Required Metadata'],
+ ['test_required_parameters_provided_in_env_file', 'Required Metadata'],
+ ['test_required_parameters_provided_in_heat_template', 'Required Metadata'],
+ ['test_required_parameters_provided_in_heat_template', 'Required Metadata'],
+ ['test_servers_have_optional_metadata', 'Optional Metadata'],
+ ['test_servers_have_required_metadata', 'Required Metadata'],
+ ['test_servers_metadata_use_get_param', 'Required Metadata'],
+ ['test_subnet_format', 'Subnet'],
+ ['test_subnet_format', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_subnet_format_use_get_param_or_get_resource', 'Subnet'],
+ ['test_subnet_format_use_get_param_or_get_resource', 'Ports'],
+ ['test_unique_name_resources', 'Unique Names for Resources'],
+ ['test_unique_name_str_replace_use_req_params', 'Unique Names for Resources'],
+ ['test_unique_name_str_replace_use_req_params_in_tmpl', 'Unique Names for Resources'],
+ ['test_unique_resources_across_all_yaml_files', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_unique_resources_across_yaml_file', 'Unique Names for Resources'],
+ ['test_unique_resources_across_yaml_file', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_valid_nesting', 'Filenames'],
+ ['test_vm_type_assignments_on_nova_servers_only_use_get_param', 'Name, Flavor, and Image Assignments'],
+ ['test_vm_type_consistent_on_nova_servers', 'Name, Flavor, and Image Assignments'],
+ ['test_volume_format_outputs', 'Volumes'],
+ ['test_volume_outputs_consumed', 'Volumes'],
+ ['test_volume_resource_ids', 'Resources'],
+ ['test_volume_resource_ids', 'Volumes'],
+ ['test_volume_templates_contains_outputs', 'Volumes'],
+ ['test_volume_templates_only_contains_cinder', 'Volumes'],
+ ['test_volume_templates_outputs_match_resources', 'Volumes'],
+deployment_targets = [
+ ['AIC', '2.5'],
+ ['AIC', '3.0'],
+ ['AIC', '3.5'],
+ ['AIC', '4.0'],
+ ['Other', 'No version number available']
+ecomps = [
+ ['Unknown']
+deployment_targets_sites = [
+ "Alpharetta (PDK2)",
+ "Willows (RDM2)",
+ "Willows (RDM3)",
+ "Middletown (ICENJ)",
+ "Lisle (DPA2)",
+ "Lisle (DPA3)",
+ "Palo Alto (PAO21)"
+def execute_bootstrap_actions():
+ create_roles()
+ create_companies()
+ create_deployment_targets()
+ create_ecomp()
+ create_deployment_targets_sites()
+ # Non-default data:
+ create_standard_users()
+ create_el_users()
+ create_admin_users()
+ create_admin_ro_users()
+ create_templates()
+ create_validation_tests()
+# TODO maybe enter this into migration scripts
+def patch_migration_missing_fields():
+'Patching migration default fields')
+ vf_ids = VF.objects.filter()
+ if (vf_ids):
+ vf_list = ThinVFModelSerializer(vf_ids, many=True).data
+ for vf_data in vf_list:
+ # TODO remove into migration script
+ if vf_data['ecomp_release'] is None:
+ default_ecomp = ECOMPRelease.objects.get(name="Unknown")
+ vfObj = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf_data['uuid'])
+ vfObj.ecomp_release = default_ecomp
+ if vf_data['engagement']['reviewer'] is None:
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ elRole = Role.objects.get(
+ ids_list = []
+ for user in vf_data['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ ids_list.append(user['uuid'])
+ # Fetch another random el Reviewer
+ qs = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(role=elRole).filter(
+ uuid__in=ids_list) # @UndefinedVariable
+ if qs.count() > 0:
+ elUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=qs[0].uuid)
+ engagementObj = Engagement.objects.get(
+ uuid=vf_data['engagement']['uuid'])
+ engagementObj.reviewer = elUser
+ # TODO remove into migration script
+ if vf_data['engagement']['peer_reviewer'] is None:
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ elRole = Role.objects.get(
+ ids_list = []
+ for user in vf_data['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ ids_list.append(user['uuid'])
+ # Fetch another random el to be a Peer Reviewer
+ qs = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(role=elRole).exclude(
+ uuid__in=ids_list) # @UndefinedVariable
+ if qs.count() > 0:
+ randUser = qs[random.randint(0, qs.count() - 1)]
+ prUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=randUser.uuid)
+ engagementObj = Engagement.objects.get(
+ uuid=vf_data['engagement']['uuid'])
+ engagementObj.peer_reviewer = prUser
+# TODO remove after check engine is connected
+def populate_checklist_automation_value():
+'Populating existing checklist with decisions value')
+ outerframes = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
+ for outerframe in outerframes:
+ if ('unittest' in str(outerframe)):
+ logger.error(
+ "Avoiding setting checklists in automation to be review since this is a test run: " + logEncoding(outerframe))
+ return
+ checklists = Checklist.objects.filter(state='automation')
+ first = True
+ for checklist in checklists:
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist.uuid)
+ if (first):
+ checklist.state = 'review'
+ else:
+ checklist.state = 'peer_review'
+ # first = False
+ decisions = ChecklistDecision.objects.filter(checklist=checklist)
+ first_decision = True
+ for decision in decisions:
+ decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(uuid=decision.uuid)
+ line_item = ChecklistLineItem.objects.get(uuid=decision.line_item_id)
+ if line_item.line_type == 'auto':
+ rand_decision_value = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
+ if rand_decision_value:
+ decision.review_value = 'approved'
+ else:
+ decision.review_value = 'denied'
+def create_templates():
+'Creating Checklist templates')
+ for template in checklist_templates:
+ created_template, created = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get_or_create(name=template['name'],
+ defaults={
+ 'category': template['category'],
+ 'version': template['version'],
+ 'create_time':
+ })
+ for section in template['sections']:
+ created_section = ChecklistSection.objects.get_or_create(name=section['name'],
+ template_id=created_template.uuid,
+ defaults={
+ 'weight': section['weight'],
+ 'description': section['description'],
+ 'validation_instructions': section['validation_instructions']
+ })
+ created_section = ChecklistSection.objects.get(
+ name=section['name'], template_id=created_template.uuid)
+ for line_item in section['line_items']:
+ created_line_item = ChecklistLineItem.objects.get_or_create(name=line_item['name'],
+ section_id=created_section.uuid,
+ template_id=created_template.uuid,
+ defaults={
+ 'weight': line_item['weight'],
+ 'description': line_item['description'],
+ 'validation_instructions': line_item['validation_instructions'],
+ 'line_type': line_item['line_type'],
+ 'section_id': created_section.uuid,
+ })
+def create_validation_tests():
+'Creating Validation Tests')
+ template = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(category='heat')
+ for test_name, line_item_name in validation_tests:
+ line_item = ChecklistLineItem.objects.get(name=line_item_name, template=template)
+ if line_item:
+ validation_test, status = ValidationTest.objects.get_or_create(name=test_name)
+ validation_test.line_items.add(line_item)
+def create_roles():
+ role_standard_user, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ Constants.role_standard_user = role_standard_user
+ 'user role found or created : ' + logEncoding(role_standard_user))
+ role_el, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ Constants.role_el = role_el
+'user role found or created : ' + logEncoding(role_el))
+ role_admin, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ Constants.role_admin = role_admin
+'user role found or created : ' + logEncoding(role_admin))
+ role_admin_ro, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ Constants.role_admin_ro = role_admin_ro
+'user role found or created : ' + logEncoding(role_admin_ro))
+def create_companies():
+ service_provider_company = None
+ created = None
+ try:
+ service_provider_company, created = Vendor.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name, public=True)
+ Constants.service_provider_company = service_provider_company
+'The company was found or created : ' + str(service_provider_company))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_companies error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error('The company could not be found or created : ' + Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ for company in companies_not_public:
+ try:
+ company, created = Vendor.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=company, public=False) # @UndefinedVariable
+'The company was found or created : ' + str(company))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_companies error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error(
+ 'The company could not be found or created.' + str(company))
+ for company in companies:
+ try:
+ company, created = Vendor.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=company, public=True) # @UndefinedVariable
+'The company was found or created : ' + str(company))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_companies error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error(
+ 'The company could not be found or created.' + str(company))
+ try:
+ company_other, created = Vendor.objects.get_or_create(
+ name='Other', public=True, defaults={'public': True})
+'The company was found or created : ' + str(company_other))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_deployment_targets error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error('The company could not be found or created : Other')
+"""expected: nothing , result: IceUserProfiles with el role creation"""
+def create_standard_users():
+ service_provider_company = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ user_role = Role.objects.get(name="standard_user")
+ user_list = dummy_users
+ for user in user_list:
+ try:
+ user_object, created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(username=user[1], defaults={
+ 'is_active': True, 'email': user[1], 'activation_token': uuid4(), 'activation_token_create_time':})
+ user_object.set_password('iceusers')
+ data = createUserTemplate(
+ service_provider_company, user[0], user_role, user[2], True, None, True, user_object)
+ standard_user, profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+, defaults=data)
+ 'The Standard user was found or created: ' + str(standard_user.full_name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_el_users error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error('The EL User could not be found or created.')
+def create_el_users():
+ service_provider_company = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ el_role = Role.objects.get(name="el")
+ el_list = el_dummy_users
+ for user in el_list:
+ try:
+ user_object, created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(username=user[1], defaults={
+ 'is_active': True, 'email': user[1], 'activation_token': uuid4(), 'activation_token_create_time':})
+ user_object.set_password('iceusers')
+ data = createUserTemplate(
+ service_provider_company, user[0], el_role, user[2], True, None, True, user_object)
+ el_user, profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+, defaults=data)
+ 'The EL user was found or created: ' + str(el_user.full_name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_el_users error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error('The EL User could not be found or created.')
+def create_admin_users():
+ service_provider_company = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_list = admin_dummy_users
+ for user in admin_list:
+ try:
+ user_object, created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(username=user[1], defaults={'is_active': True, 'email': user[
+ 1], 'password': "iceusers", 'activation_token': uuid4(), 'activation_token_create_time':})
+ user_object.set_password('iceusers')
+ data = createUserTemplate(
+ service_provider_company, user[0], admin_role, user[2], True, None, True, user_object)
+ admin_user, profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+, defaults=data)
+ 'The admin user was found or created: ' + str(admin_user.full_name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_admin_users error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error('The admin user could not be found or created.')
+def create_admin_ro_users():
+ service_provider_company = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ admin_ro_role = Role.objects.get(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_ro_list = admin_ro_dummy_users
+ for user in admin_ro_list:
+ try:
+ user_object, created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(username=user[1], defaults={'is_active': True, 'email': user[
+ 1], 'password': "iceusers", 'activation_token': uuid4(), 'activation_token_create_time':})
+ user_object.set_password('iceusers')
+ data = createUserTemplate(
+ service_provider_company, user[0], admin_ro_role, user[2], True, None, True, user_object)
+ admin_ro_user, profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+, defaults=data)
+ 'The admin_ro user was found or created: ' + str(admin_ro_user.full_name))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_admin_ro_users error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error('The admin_ro user could not be found or created.')
+"""expected: nothing , result: Deployment Target objects creation"""
+def create_deployment_targets():
+ for dt in deployment_targets:
+ try:
+ deployment_target, created = DeploymentTarget.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=dt[0], version=dt[1], defaults={'version': dt[1]})
+ 'Deployment Target found or created: ' + str(deployment_target))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ "bootstrap_actions - create_deployment_targets error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error(
+ 'Deployment Target could not be found or created : ' + str(dt))
+"""expected: nothing , result: ECOMP objects creation"""
+def create_ecomp():
+ for dt in ecomps:
+ try:
+ ecomp, created = ECOMPRelease.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=dt[0])
+'ECOMP Release found or created: ' + str(ecomp))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("bootstrap_actions - create_ecomp error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error(
+ 'ECOMP Release could not be found or created : ' + str(dt))
+"""expected: nothing , result: creation of Deployment Target Sites objects"""
+def create_deployment_targets_sites():
+ for dt in deployment_targets_sites:
+ try:
+ deployment_target_site, created = DeploymentTargetSite.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=dt)
+ 'Deployment Target found or created: ' + str(
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(
+ "bootstrap_actions - create_deployment_targets_sites error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error(
+ 'Deployment Target could not be found or created : ' + str(dt))
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2d6c5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" populate_all_gitlab_repo_and_user_and_jenkins
+Will populate gitlab and jenkins with vf data (where it's not exists).
+This command will be used for systems with missing gitlab/jenkins data for some vfs.
+from import BaseCommand
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import VF
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ engStageList = [,,
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)
+ log_array = []
+ error_array = []
+ for vf_found in vf_list:
+ logger.debug(vf_found.uuid)
+ msg, http_status, values = vm_client.send_provision_new_vf_event(vf_found)
+ vf_dict = {
+ 'vf_uuid': vf_found.uuid,
+ 'msg': msg,
+ 'http_status': http_status,
+ 'values': values
+ }
+ log_array.append(vf_dict)
+ if (http_status != HTTP_200_OK):
+ error_array.append(vf_dict)
+ logger.error("==== populate jenkins _ gitlab error log ======")
+ logger.error(logEncoding(error_array))
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..52a1373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+""" render_rgwa_credentials
+Will create rados gateway user (S3 API) for each django user.
+This command will create the user if it's not exists so it safe to run it even the user are exists.
+This command is part of bucket usage (images) efforts.
+from django.db.models import Q
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile
+from validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api import create_user_rgwa
+from import BaseCommand
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ logger.debug("About to generate RGWA credentials for existing users")
+ users = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(
+ Q(rgwa_secret_key=None) | Q(rgwa_access_key=None))
+ for user in users:
+ create_user_rgwa(user)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ffbb95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-06-13 14:07
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import datetime
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+from django.utils.timezone import utc
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ initial = True
+ dependencies = [
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Activity',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('description', models.CharField(max_length=512)),
+ ('is_notification', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('activity_type', models.CharField(choices=[
+ (b'3', b'eng_validation_request'), (b'4', b'next_steps'), (b'2', b'ssh_key_added'), (b'1', b'user_joined_eng')], max_length=36)),
+ ('metadata', models.CharField(max_length=1024)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'ordering': ['-create_time'],
+ 'db_table': 'ice_activity',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ApplicationServiceInfrastructure',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_application_service_infrastructure',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ContactRequest',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('fname', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('lname', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=254, verbose_name='email')),
+ ('company', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('phone_number', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('message', models.TextField()),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_contact_request',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='DeploymentTarget',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('version', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_deployment_target',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Engagement',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('engagement_manual_id', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=36, null=True)),
+ ('progress', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+ ('target_completion_date', models.DateField(blank=True, default=datetime.datetime(
+ 2016, 6, 29, 14, 7, 41, 103000, tzinfo=utc), null=True)),
+ ('engagement_stage', models.CharField(default=b'Intake', max_length=15)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_engagement',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='EngagementRequest',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('fname', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('lname', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=254, verbose_name='email')),
+ ('company', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('country_code', models.CharField(max_length=5)),
+ ('phone_number', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('vf_csv', models.CharField(max_length=80)),
+ ('att_contact_fname', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('att_contact_lname', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ('att_contact_email', models.EmailField(max_length=254, verbose_name='email')),
+ ('att_contact_phone', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('request_type', models.CharField(max_length=20)),
+ ('description', models.TextField()),
+ ('mail_subscription', models.BooleanField()),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_engagement_request',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='IceUser',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('phone_number', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('full_name', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=254, unique=True, verbose_name='email')),
+ ('password', models.CharField(max_length=256)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('last_login', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last_login')),
+ ('ssh_public_key', models.CharField(
+ blank=True, max_length=1024, null=True, verbose_name='ssh_public_key')),
+ ('regular_email_updates', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('email_updates_on_every_notification', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+ ('email_updates_daily_digest', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('is_active', models.BooleanField()),
+ ('is_att_contact', models.BooleanField()),
+ ('activation_token', models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)),
+ ('activation_token_create_time', models.DateTimeField(
+, verbose_name='activation_token_create_time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_user',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='NextStep',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('last_update_time', models.DateTimeField(
+, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('last_update_type', models.CharField(default='Added', max_length=15)),
+ ('position', models.IntegerField()),
+ ('description', models.TextField()),
+ ('state', models.CharField(max_length=15)),
+ ('engagement_stage', models.CharField(max_length=15)),
+ ('creator', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='NextStep_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUser')),
+ ('engagement', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement')),
+ ('last_updater', models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='NextStep_last_updater', to='engagementmanager.IceUser')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_next_step',
+ 'verbose_name_plural': 'Next steps',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Notification',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('is_sent', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('is_read', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('activity', models.ForeignKey(
+ null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Activity')),
+ ('user', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUser')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_notification',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Role',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_role',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Test',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_test',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ValidationCycle',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('start_date', models.DateTimeField()),
+ ('end_date', models.DateTimeField()),
+ ('validated_by', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('validated_at', models.DateTimeField()),
+ ('peer_reviewer', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('peer_reviewed_at', models.DateTimeField()),
+ ('package_uuid', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('package_cksum', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('package_approval_date', models.DateTimeField()),
+ ('package_approver', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('image_uuid', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('image_name', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
+ ('image_cksum', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
+ ('passed', models.BooleanField()),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_validation_cycle',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ValidationException',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('type', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('external_ref_id', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_validation_exception',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ValidationSteps',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36)),
+ ('requirment_id', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=36, null=True)),
+ ('passed', models.BooleanField()),
+ ('log', models.BinaryField()),
+ ('validation_notes', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200, null=True)),
+ ('test', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Test')),
+ ('validation_cycle', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.ValidationCycle')),
+ ('validation_exceptions', models.ManyToManyField(to='engagementmanager.ValidationException')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_validation_step',
+ 'verbose_name_plural': 'Validation steps',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Vendor',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vendor',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='VF',
+ fields=[
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('is_att_internal', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('git_repo_url', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=512, null=True)),
+ ('target_lab_entry_date', models.DateField(verbose_name='target_lab_entry_date')),
+ ('deployment_target', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='engagementmanager.DeploymentTarget')),
+ ('engagement', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='engagementmanager.Engagement')),
+ ('vendor', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Vendor')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vf',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='VFC',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('version', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('vf_acronym', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, null=True)),
+ ('vf', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.VF')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vfc',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='validationexception',
+ unique_together=set([('uuid', 'type')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='validationcycle',
+ name='vfc',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.VFC'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuser',
+ name='company',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Vendor'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuser',
+ name='role',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Role'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='contact_user',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_team',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(related_name='members', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='deploymenttarget',
+ unique_together=set([('name', 'version')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='applicationserviceinfrastructure',
+ unique_together=set([('name', 'uuid')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='vfc',
+ unique_together=set([('name', 'version')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='validationsteps',
+ unique_together=set([('uuid', 'requirment_id')]),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1be6a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.conf import settings
+import django.contrib.auth.models
+from django.db import models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+from django.utils.timezone import utc
+import django.utils.timezone
+import engagementmanager.models
+import uuid
+import os
+from django.db import migrations, connection
+import engagementmanager
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
+ if not schema_editor.connection.alias == 'default':
+ return
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(engagementmanager.__file__),
+ 'sql-scripts/generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure.sql'), "r").read())
+def create_user_for_pre_user_profiles(apps, schema_editor):
+ CustomUser = apps.get_model("engagementmanager", "CustomUser")
+ IceUserProfile = apps.get_model("engagementmanager", "IceUserProfile")
+ users_list = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(user=None)
+ count = 0
+ for profile in users_list:
+ try:
+ custom_user, created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(
+ custom_user.is_active = profile.is_active
+ =
+ custom_user.activation_token = profile.activation_token
+ custom_user.password = profile.password
+ custom_user.activation_token_create_time = profile.activation_token_create_time
+ profile.user = custom_user
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("migrations fail, error:")
+ logger.error(e.message)
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ replaces = [('engagementmanager', '0001_initial'), ('engagementmanager', '0002_auto_20160704_1028'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0003_auto_20160713_0929'), ('engagementmanager', '0004_auto_20160720_2143'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0005_auto_20160815_1248'), ('engagementmanager', '0006_auto_20160825_0644'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0007_auto_20160922_0421'), ('engagementmanager', '0008_auto_20161009_1210'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0009_auto_20161018_0740'), ('engagementmanager', '0010_auto_20161025_0838'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0011_auto_20161109_0811'), ('engagementmanager', '0012_auto_20161109_0822'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0013_auto_20161128_1159'), ('engagementmanager', '0014_auto_20161129_1145'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0015_engagementstatus'), ('engagementmanager', '0016_auto_20161208_0842'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0017_auto_20161215_1535'), ('engagementmanager', '0018_set_old_notif_true'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0019_auto_20170104_1715'), ('engagementmanager', '0020_add_indexes_20170108'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0021_generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure_20170110'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0022_auto_20170118_1520'), ('engagementmanager', '0023_auto_20170123_1445'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0024_auto_20170227_1224'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0025_change_nextsteps_to_new_state'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0026_add_slack_handle_to_ice_user_profile'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0027_add_version_to_vf'), ('engagementmanager', '0028_auto_20170425_1310'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0029_auto_20170504_0749'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0030_engagement_archived_time'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0031_auto_20170620_1312'), ('engagementmanager', '0032_auto_20170702_1435'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0033_auto_20170704_0635'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0034_engagement_is_with_files'), ('engagementmanager', '0035_rgwa_fields'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0036_auto_20170906_0935')]
+ initial = True
+ dependencies = [
+ ('auth', '0008_alter_user_username_max_length'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Activity',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('description', models.CharField(max_length=512)),
+ ('is_notification', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('activity_type', models.CharField(choices=[('user_joined_eng', 'user_joined_eng'), ('ssh_key_added', 'ssh_key_added'), ('eng_validation_request', 'eng_validation_request'), ('update_next_steps', 'update_next_steps'), ('vfc', 'vfc'), ('change_checklist_state', 'change_checklist_state'), ('vf_provisioning_event', 'vf_provisioning_event'), ('test_finished_event', 'test_finished_event'), ('change_engagement_stage', 'change_engagement_stage'), ('add_next_steps', 'add_next_steps'), ('delete_next_steps', 'delete_next_steps'), ('notice_empty_engagement', 'notice_empty_engagement')], max_length=36)),
+ ('metadata', models.CharField(max_length=1024)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_activity',
+ 'ordering': ['-create_time'],
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ApplicationServiceInfrastructure',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_application_service_infrastructure',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Checklist',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='checklist name')),
+ ('state', models.CharField(choices=[('automation', 'automation'), ('review', 'review'), ('peer_review', 'peer_review'), ('approval', 'approval'), ('handoff', 'handoff'), ('closed', 'closed'), ('archive', 'archive'), ('pending', 'pending')], default='pending', max_length=36)),
+ ('validation_cycle', models.IntegerField(verbose_name='validation cycle')),
+ ('weight', models.FloatField(default=0, verbose_name='checklist weight')),
+ ('associated_files', models.TextField(verbose_name='list of files from gitlab')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistAuditLog',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('category', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+ ('description', models.TextField()),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('checklist', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Checklist')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_audit_log',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistDecision',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('review_value', models.CharField(choices=[('approved', 'approved'), ('denied', 'denied'), ('not_relevant', 'not_relevant'), ('na', 'na')], max_length=36)),
+ ('peer_review_value', models.CharField(choices=[('approved', 'approved'), ('denied', 'denied'), ('not_relevant', 'not_relevant'), ('na', 'na')], max_length=36)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('checklist', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Checklist')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_decision',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistLineItem',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='line name')),
+ ('weight', models.FloatField(verbose_name='line weight')),
+ ('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='line description')),
+ ('line_type', models.CharField(choices=[('auto', 'auto'), ('manual', 'manual')], default='auto', max_length=36)),
+ ('validation_instructions', models.TextField(verbose_name='line validation instructions')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_line_item',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistSection',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='section name')),
+ ('weight', models.FloatField(verbose_name='checklist weight')),
+ ('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='section description')),
+ ('validation_instructions', models.TextField(verbose_name='section validation instructions')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('parent_section', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistSection')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_section',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistTemplate',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='template name')),
+ ('category', models.CharField(choices=[('overall', 'overall'), ('heat', 'heat'), ('glance', 'glance'), ('instantiation', 'instantiation'), ('asdc', 'asdc')], default='overall', max_length=36)),
+ ('version', models.IntegerField(verbose_name='template version')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_template',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='CustomUser',
+ fields=[
+ ('user_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)),
+ ('activation_token', models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, unique=True)),
+ ('activation_token_create_time', models.DateTimeField(, null=True, verbose_name='activation_token_create_time')),
+ ('temp_password', models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=256, null=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_custom_user',
+ },
+ bases=('auth.user',),
+ managers=[
+ ('objects', django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='DeploymentTarget',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('version', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
+ ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=1)),
+ ('ui_visibility', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_deployment_target',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='DeploymentTargetSite',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_deployment_target_site',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ECOMPRelease',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=1)),
+ ('ui_visibility', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_ecomp_release',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Engagement',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('engagement_manual_id', models.CharField(db_index=True, default=-1, max_length=36)),
+ ('progress', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+ ('target_completion_date', models.DateField(blank=True, default=engagementmanager.models.get_default_target_completion_date, null=True)),
+ ('engagement_stage', models.CharField(choices=[('Intake', 'Intake'), ('Active', 'Active'), ('Validated', 'Validated'), ('Completed', 'Completed'), ('Archived', 'Archived')], db_index=True, default='Intake', max_length=15)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('heat_validated_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='heat validated time')),
+ ('image_scan_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='image scan time')),
+ ('aic_instantiation_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='aic instantiation time')),
+ ('asdc_onboarding_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='asdc onboarding time')),
+ ('started_state_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='started state time')),
+ ('intake_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='intake time')),
+ ('active_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='active time')),
+ ('validated_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='validated time')),
+ ('completed_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='completed time')),
+ ('archive_reason', models.TextField(default=None, null=True)),
+ ('archived_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='archived time')),
+ ('is_with_files', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_engagement',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='EngagementStatus',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('description', models.CharField(max_length=256)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_engagement_status',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Feedback',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='feedback_description')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_feedback',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='IceUserProfile',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('phone_number', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('full_name', models.CharField(max_length=30)),
+ ('email', models.EmailField(db_index=True, max_length=254, unique=True, verbose_name='email')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('ssh_public_key', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=1024, null=True, verbose_name='ssh_public_key')),
+ ('regular_email_updates', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('email_updates_on_every_notification', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+ ('email_updates_daily_digest', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('is_service_provider_contact', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('rgwa_access_key', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=1024, null=True, unique=True)),
+ ('rgwa_secret_key', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=1024, null=True, unique=True)),
+ ('slack_handle', models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=64, null=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_user_profile',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Invitation',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('engagement_uuid', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=64)),
+ ('invited_by_user_uuid', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=64)),
+ ('email', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+ ('invitation_token', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=1024)),
+ ('accepted', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='invitation creation time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_invitation',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='NextStep',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('last_update_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('last_update_type', models.CharField(default='Added', max_length=15)),
+ ('position', models.IntegerField()),
+ ('description', models.TextField()),
+ ('state', models.CharField(choices=[('Incomplete', 'Incomplete'), ('Completed', 'Completed')], max_length=15)),
+ ('engagement_stage', models.CharField(max_length=15)),
+ ('next_step_type', models.CharField(choices=[('set_ssh', 'set_ssh'), ('trial_agreements', 'trial_agreements'), ('add_contact_person', 'add_contact_person'), ('submit_vf_package', 'submit_vf_package'), ('el_handoff', 'el_handoff'), ('user_defined', 'user_defined')], default='user_defined', max_length=36)),
+ ('files', models.TextField(null=True, verbose_name='list of files')),
+ ('due_date', models.DateField(null=True, verbose_name='due_date')),
+ ('assignees', models.ManyToManyField(related_name='assignees', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ('creator', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='NextStep_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ('engagement', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement')),
+ ('last_updater', models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='NextStep_last_updater', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ('owner', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'verbose_name_plural': 'Next steps',
+ 'db_table': 'ice_next_step',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Notification',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('is_sent', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('is_read', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('activity', models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Activity')),
+ ('user', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_notification',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='RecentEngagement',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('user_uuid', models.CharField(max_length=64)),
+ ('last_update', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='update time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_recent_engagement',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Role',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_role',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Vendor',
+ fields=[
+ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)),
+ ('public', models.BooleanField()),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vendor',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='VF',
+ fields=[
+ ('name', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=100)),
+ ('version', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=100, null=True)),
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('is_service_provider_internal', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('git_repo_url', models.CharField(default=-1, max_length=512)),
+ ('target_lab_entry_date', models.DateField(verbose_name='target_lab_entry_date')),
+ ('deployment_target', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='engagementmanager.DeploymentTarget')),
+ ('deployment_target_sites', models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, default=None, related_name='DeployTarget_sites', to='engagementmanager.DeploymentTargetSite')),
+ ('ecomp_release', models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ECOMPRelease')),
+ ('engagement', models.OneToOneField(default=-1, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Engagement')),
+ ('vendor', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Vendor')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vf',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='VFC',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=100)),
+ ('external_ref_id', models.CharField(default='', max_length=20)),
+ ('ice_mandated', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('company', models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='engagementmanager.Vendor')),
+ ('creator', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='Vfc_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ('vf', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.VF')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vfc',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='recentengagement',
+ name='vf',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.VF'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='invitation',
+ unique_together=set([('engagement_uuid', 'email')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='company',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Vendor'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='role',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Role'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='user',
+ field=models.OneToOneField(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.CustomUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='feedback',
+ name='user',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagementstatus',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='status_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagementstatus',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='contact_user',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='Engagement_contact_user', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='Engagement_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_team',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(related_name='members', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='peer_reviewer',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='Engagement_peer_reviewer', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='reviewer',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='Engagement_el_reviewer', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='starred_engagement',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, default=None, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='deploymenttarget',
+ unique_together=set([('name', 'version')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistsection',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='section',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistSection'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='lineitem',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistLineItem'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistauditlog',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistauditlog',
+ name='decision',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistDecision'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='checklist_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='checklist_owner', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='applicationserviceinfrastructure',
+ unique_together=set([('name', 'uuid')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='notification',
+ index_together=set([('user', 'is_read')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='nextstep',
+ index_together=set([('engagement_stage', 'owner')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='feedback',
+ index_together=set([('user',)]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='activity',
+ index_together=set([('engagement', 'activity_owner')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.RunPython(forwards),
+ migrations.RunPython(create_user_for_pre_user_profiles),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..682394a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-07-04 07:28
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import datetime
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+from django.utils.timezone import utc
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0001_initial'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='validationcycle',
+ name='vfc',
+ ),
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='ValidationException',
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='validationsteps',
+ unique_together=set([]),
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='validationsteps',
+ name='test',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='validationsteps',
+ name='validation_cycle',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='validationsteps',
+ name='validation_exceptions',
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='nextstep',
+ options={},
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='create_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='create_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Vfc_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='external_ref_id',
+ field=models.CharField(default='', max_length=20),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='ice_mandated',
+ field=models.BooleanField(default=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'3', b'eng_validation_request'), (b'4', b'next_steps'),
+ (b'2', b'ssh_key_added'), (b'1', b'user_joined_eng'), (b'5', b'vfc')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='contact_user',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_contact_user', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='target_completion_date',
+ field=models.DateField(blank=True, default=datetime.datetime(
+ 2016, 7, 20, 7, 28, 25, 168000, tzinfo=utc), null=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='name',
+ field=models.CharField(max_length=100),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='vfc',
+ unique_together=set([]),
+ ),
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='Test',
+ ),
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='ValidationCycle',
+ ),
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='ValidationSteps',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='id',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='version',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='vf_acronym',
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3bc94a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-07-13 09:29
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import datetime
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+from django.utils.timezone import utc
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0002_auto_20160704_1028'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='nextstep',
+ options={'verbose_name_plural': 'Next steps'},
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='next_step_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'(3,)', b'add_contact_person'), (b'(5,)', b'el_handoff'), (b'(1,)', b'set_ssh'), (
+ b'(4,)', b'submit_vf_package'), (b'(2,)', b'trial_agreements'), (b'6', b'user_defined')], default=b'user_defined', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='target_completion_date',
+ field=models.DateField(blank=True, default=datetime.datetime(
+ 2016, 7, 29, 9, 29, 32, 642800, tzinfo=utc), null=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cfc04d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-07-20 18:43
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import datetime
+from django.db import migrations, models
+from django.utils.timezone import utc
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0003_auto_20160713_0929'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuser',
+ name='temp_password',
+ field=models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=256, null=True, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='target_completion_date',
+ field=models.DateField(blank=True, default=datetime.datetime(
+ 2016, 8, 5, 18, 43, 43, 473000, tzinfo=utc), null=True),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..decbe51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-08-15 09:48
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import engagementmanager.models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0004_auto_20160720_2143'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='DeploymentTargetSite',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_deployment_target_site',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vendor',
+ name='public',
+ field=models.BooleanField(default=True),
+ preserve_default=False,
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='company',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL,
+ to='engagementmanager.Vendor'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='target_completion_date',
+ field=models.DateField(
+ blank=True, default=engagementmanager.models.get_default_target_completion_date, null=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuser',
+ name='temp_password',
+ field=models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=256, null=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='deployment_target_sites',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, default=None, related_name='DeployTarget_sites',
+ to='engagementmanager.DeploymentTargetSite'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..285631d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-08-25 06:44
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0005_auto_20160815_1248'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Checklist',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='checklist name')),
+ ('state', models.CharField(choices=[(b'(4,)', b'approval'), (b'(7,)', b'archive'), (b'(1,)', b'automation'), (b'(6,)', b'closed'), (
+ b'(5,)', b'handoff'), (b'(3,)', b'peer_review'), (b'8', b'pending'), (b'(2,)', b'review')], default=b'automation', max_length=36)),
+ ('validation_cycle', models.IntegerField(verbose_name='validation cycle')),
+ ('weight', models.FloatField(default=0, verbose_name='checklist weight')),
+ ('associated_files', models.TextField(verbose_name='list of files from gitlab')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('creator', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ related_name='checklist_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUser')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistAuditLog',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('category', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+ ('description', models.TextField()),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('checklist', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Checklist')),
+ ('creator', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUser')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_audit_log',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistDecision',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('review_value', models.CharField(choices=[
+ (b'(1,)', b'approved'), (b'(2,)', b'denied'), (b'4', b'na'), (b'(3,)', b'not_relevant')], max_length=36)),
+ ('peer_review_value', models.CharField(choices=[
+ (b'(1,)', b'approved'), (b'(2,)', b'denied'), (b'4', b'na'), (b'(3,)', b'not_relevant')], max_length=36)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('checklist', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Checklist')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_decision',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistLineItem',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='line name')),
+ ('weight', models.FloatField(verbose_name='line weight')),
+ ('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='line description')),
+ ('line_type', models.CharField(choices=[(b'(1,)', b'auto'),
+ (b'2', b'manual')], default=b'auto', max_length=36)),
+ ('validation_instructions', models.TextField(verbose_name='line validation instructions')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_line_item',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistSection',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='section name')),
+ ('weight', models.FloatField(verbose_name='checklist weight')),
+ ('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='section description')),
+ ('validation_instructions', models.TextField(verbose_name='section validation instructions')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ('parent_section', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.ChecklistSection')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_section',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ChecklistTemplate',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='template name')),
+ ('category', models.CharField(choices=[
+ (b'3', b'glance'), (b'(2,)', b'heat'), (b'(1,)', b'overall')], default=b'overall', max_length=36)),
+ ('version', models.IntegerField(verbose_name='template version')),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='creation time')),
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='last update time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_checklist_template',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='peer_reviewer',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_peer_reviewer', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='assignees',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(related_name='assignees', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='due_date',
+ field=models.DateField(null=True, verbose_name='due_date'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='files',
+ field=models.TextField(null=True, verbose_name='list of files'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'6', b'change_checklist_state'), (b'3', b'eng_validation_request'), (
+ b'4', b'next_steps'), (b'2', b'ssh_key_added'), (b'1', b'user_joined_eng'), (b'5', b'vfc')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistsection',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='section',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistSection'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='lineitem',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistLineItem'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklistauditlog',
+ name='decision',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistDecision'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ related_name='checklist_owner', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='template',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistTemplate'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..655f30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-09-22 04:21
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0006_auto_20160825_0644'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ECOMPRelease',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=45)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_ecomp_release',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='ecomp_release',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='engagementmanager.ECOMPRelease'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ce6ddcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-10-09 12:10
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0007_auto_20160922_0421'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='RecentEngagement',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('user_uuid', models.CharField(max_length=64)),
+ ('action_type', models.CharField(choices=[(b'(3,)', b'GOT_OWNERSHIP_OVER_ENGAGEMENT'), (b'(1,)', b'JOINED_TO_ENGAGEMENT'), (
+ b'(4,)', b'NAVIGATED_INTO_ENGAGEMENT'), (b'(2,)', b'NEXT_STEP_ASSIGNED')], max_length=36)),
+ ('last_update', models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='update time')),
+ ('vf', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.VF')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_recent_engagement',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='starred_engagement',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5536536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-10-18 07:40
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0008_auto_20161009_1210'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'(4,)', b'approval'), (b'(7,)', b'archive'), (b'(1,)', b'automation'), (b'(6,)', b'closed'), (
+ b'(5,)', b'handoff'), (b'(3,)', b'peer_review'), (b'8', b'pending'), (b'(2,)', b'review')], default=b'pending', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='recentengagement',
+ name='action_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'(3,)', b'GOT_OWNERSHIP_OVER_ENGAGEMENT'), (b'(1,)', b'JOINED_TO_ENGAGEMENT'), (
+ b'(4,)', b'NAVIGATED_INTO_ENGAGEMENT'), (b'(5,)', b'NEW_VF_CREATED'), (b'(2,)', b'NEXT_STEP_ASSIGNED')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..19f8db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-10-25 08:38
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0009_auto_20161018_0740'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'change_checklist_state', b'change_checklist_state'), (b'eng_validation_request', b'eng_validation_request'), (
+ b'next_steps', b'next_steps'), (b'ssh_key_added', b'ssh_key_added'), (b'user_joined_eng', b'user_joined_eng'), (b'vfc', b'vfc')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'approval', b'approval'), (b'archive', b'archive'), (b'automation', b'automation'), (b'closed', b'closed'), (
+ b'handoff', b'handoff'), (b'peer_review', b'peer_review'), (b'pending', b'pending'), (b'review', b'review')], default=b'pending', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='peer_review_value',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'approved', b'approved'), (b'denied', b'denied'),
+ (b'na', b'na'), (b'not_relevant', b'not_relevant')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='review_value',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'approved', b'approved'), (b'denied', b'denied'),
+ (b'na', b'na'), (b'not_relevant', b'not_relevant')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='line_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'auto', b'auto'), (b'manual', b'manual')],
+ default=b'auto', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklisttemplate',
+ name='category',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'glance', b'glance'), (b'heat', b'heat'),
+ (b'overall', b'overall')], default=b'overall', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='starred_engagement',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='next_step_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'add_contact_person', b'add_contact_person'), (b'el_handoff', b'el_handoff'), (b'set_ssh', b'set_ssh'), (
+ b'submit_vf_package', b'submit_vf_package'), (b'trial_agreements', b'trial_agreements'), (b'user_defined', b'user_defined')], default=b'user_defined', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='recentengagement',
+ name='action_type',
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9bcf50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-11-09 08:11
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0010_auto_20161025_0838'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_manual_id',
+ field=models.CharField(max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='starred_engagement',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, default=None, to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='ecomp_release',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.ECOMPRelease'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='git_repo_url',
+ field=models.CharField(default='', max_length=512),
+ preserve_default=False,
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79214dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-11-09 08:22
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0011_auto_20161109_0811'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='reviewer',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_el_reviewer', to='engagementmanager.IceUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_manual_id',
+ field=models.CharField(default=-1, max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'Completed', b'Completed'), (b'Confirmed',
+ b'Confirmed'), (b'TODO', b'TODO')], max_length=15),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(default=-1, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='git_repo_url',
+ field=models.CharField(default=-1, max_length=512),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06a55c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-11-28 09:59
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0012_auto_20161109_0822'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='active_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='active time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='aic_instantiation_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='aic instantiation time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='asdc_onboarding_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='asdc onboarding time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='completed_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='completed time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='heat_validated_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='heat validated time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='image_scan_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='image scan time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='intake_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='intake time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='started_state_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='started state time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='validated_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name='validated time'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ee4efd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-11-29 09:45
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0013_auto_20161128_1159'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'change_checklist_state', b'change_checklist_state'), (b'eng_validation_request', b'eng_validation_request'), (b'next_steps', b'next_steps'), (b'ssh_key_added', b'ssh_key_added'), (
+ b'test_finished_event', b'test_finished_event'), (b'user_joined_eng', b'user_joined_eng'), (b'vf_provisioing_event', b'vf_provisioing_event'), (b'vfc', b'vfc')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='active_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='active time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='aic_instantiation_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='aic instantiation time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='asdc_onboarding_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='asdc onboarding time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='completed_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='completed time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='heat_validated_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='heat validated time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='image_scan_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='image scan time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='intake_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='intake time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='started_state_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='started state time'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='validated_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='validated time'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84eee4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-12-07 09:15
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0014_auto_20161129_1145'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='EngagementStatus',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('description', models.CharField(max_length=256)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('update_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('creator', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='status_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUser')),
+ ('engagement', models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_engagement_status',
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92d1518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-12-08 08:42
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0015_engagementstatus'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_stage',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'Active', b'Active'), (b'Completed', b'Completed'),
+ (b'Intake', b'Intake'), (b'Validated', b'Validated')], default=b'Intake', max_length=15),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c0adc38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-12-15 13:35
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0016_auto_20161208_0842'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Invitation',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('engagement_uuid', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=64)),
+ ('invited_by_user_uuid', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=64)),
+ ('email', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+ ('invitation_token', models.CharField(max_length=1024)),
+ ('accepted', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(
+, verbose_name='invitation creation time')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_invitation',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether(
+ name='invitation',
+ unique_together=set([('engagement_uuid', 'email')]),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76e8265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-12-29 13:49
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0017_auto_20161215_1535'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunSQL("update ice_notification SET is_sent = 't' where is_sent = 'f';"),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..329ffa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2017-01-04 17:15
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0018_set_old_notif_true'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_stage',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'Active', b'Active'), (b'Archived', b'Archived'), (b'Completed', b'Completed'), (
+ b'Intake', b'Intake'), (b'Validated', b'Validated')], default=b'Intake', max_length=15),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b71e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2017-01-12 08:39
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0019_auto_20170104_1715'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='ContactRequest',
+ ),
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='EngagementRequest',
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_manual_id',
+ field=models.CharField(db_index=True, default=-1, max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_stage',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'Active', b'Active'), (b'Archived', b'Archived'), (b'Completed', b'Completed'), (
+ b'Intake', b'Intake'), (b'Validated', b'Validated')], db_index=True, default=b'Intake', max_length=15),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuser',
+ name='email',
+ field=models.EmailField(db_index=True, max_length=254, unique=True, verbose_name='email'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='invitation',
+ name='invitation_token',
+ field=models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=1024),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.OneToOneField(default=-1, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='name',
+ field=models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=100),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='name',
+ field=models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=100),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='activity',
+ index_together=set([('engagement', 'activity_owner')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='nextstep',
+ index_together=set([('engagement_stage', 'owner')]),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='notification',
+ index_together=set([('user', 'is_read')]),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b902df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+from django.db import migrations, connection
+import engagementmanager
+def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
+ if not schema_editor.connection.alias == 'default':
+ return
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(engagementmanager.__file__),
+ 'sql-scripts/generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure.sql'), "r").read())
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0020_add_indexes_20170108'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunPython(forwards),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b90451b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.5 on 2017-01-18 15:20
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from django.conf import settings
+import django.contrib.auth.models
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.utils.timezone
+logger = logging.getLogger('ice.logger')
+def create_user_for_pre_user_profiles(apps, schema_editor):
+ CustomUser = apps.get_model("engagementmanager", "CustomUser")
+ IceUserProfile = apps.get_model("engagementmanager", "IceUserProfile")
+ users_list = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(user=None)
+ count = 0
+ for profile in users_list:
+ try:
+ custom_user, created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(
+ custom_user.is_active = profile.is_active
+ =
+ custom_user.activation_token = profile.activation_token
+ custom_user.password = profile.password
+ custom_user.activation_token_create_time = profile.activation_token_create_time
+ profile.user = custom_user
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("migrations fail, error:")
+ logger.error(e.message)
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ # ('auth', '0009_auto_20170118_0740'),
+ ('engagementmanager', '0021_generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure_20170110'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='CustomUser',
+ fields=[
+ ('user_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)),
+ ('activation_token', models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, unique=True)),
+ ('activation_token_create_time', models.DateTimeField(
+, null=True, verbose_name='activation_token_create_time')),
+ ('temp_password', models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=256, null=True)),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'abstract': False,
+ 'verbose_name': 'user',
+ 'verbose_name_plural': 'users',
+ },
+ bases=('auth.user',),
+ managers=[
+ ('objects', django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelTable('IceUser', 'ice_user_profile'),
+ migrations.RenameModel('IceUser', 'IceUserProfile'),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='IceUserProfile',
+ name='user',
+ field=models.OneToOneField(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.CustomUser')
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'user_joined_eng', b'user_joined_eng'), (b'ssh_key_added', b'ssh_key_added'), (b'eng_validation_request', b'eng_validation_request'), (b'next_steps', b'next_steps'), (
+ b'vfc', b'vfc'), (b'change_checklist_state', b'change_checklist_state'), (b'vf_provisioing_event', b'vf_provisioing_event'), (b'test_finished_event', b'test_finished_event')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'pending', b'pending'), (b'automation', b'automation'), (b'review', b'review'), (b'peer_review', b'peer_review'), (
+ b'approval', b'approval'), (b'handoff', b'handoff'), (b'closed', b'closed'), (b'archive', b'archive')], default=b'pending', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='peer_review_value',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'na', b'na'), (b'approved', b'approved'),
+ (b'denied', b'denied'), (b'not_relevant', b'not_relevant')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='review_value',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'na', b'na'), (b'approved', b'approved'),
+ (b'denied', b'denied'), (b'not_relevant', b'not_relevant')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='line_type',
+ field=models.CharField(
+ choices=[(b'manual', b'manual'), (b'auto', b'auto')], default=b'auto', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklisttemplate',
+ name='category',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'glance', b'glance'), (b'instantiation', b'instantiation'), (
+ b'asdc', b'asdc'), (b'overall', b'overall'), (b'heat', b'heat')], default=b'overall', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_stage',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'Archived', b'Archived'), (b'Intake', b'Intake'), (b'Active', b'Active'), (
+ b'Validated', b'Validated'), (b'Completed', b'Completed')], db_index=True, default=b'Intake', max_length=15),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='next_step_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'user_defined', b'user_defined'), (b'set_ssh', b'set_ssh'), (b'trial_agreements', b'trial_agreements'), (
+ b'add_contact_person', b'add_contact_person'), (b'submit_vf_package', b'submit_vf_package'), (b'el_handoff', b'el_handoff')], default=b'user_defined', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(
+ choices=[(b'Confirmed', b'Confirmed'), (b'TODO', b'TODO'), (b'Completed', b'Completed')], max_length=15),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='recentengagement',
+ name='action_type',
+ ),
+ # migrations.DeleteModel(
+ # name='IceUser',
+ # ),
+ migrations.RunPython(create_user_for_pre_user_profiles),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='notification',
+ name='user',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Vfc_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(
+ blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_team',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(related_name='members', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='contact_user',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_contact_user', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistauditlog',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='peer_reviewer',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_peer_reviewer', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='reviewer',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='Engagement_el_reviewer', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='starred_engagement',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, default=None, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagementstatus',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='status_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='assignees',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(related_name='assignees', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='NextStep_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='last_updater',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name='NextStep_last_updater', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(
+ blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='creator',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ related_name='checklist_creator', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='owner',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE,
+ related_name='checklist_owner', to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd01832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.5 on 2017-01-23 14:45
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0022_auto_20170118_1520'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name='customuser',
+ options={},
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='activation_token',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='activation_token_create_time',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='is_active',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='last_login',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='password',
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='temp_password',
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='company',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ to='engagementmanager.Vendor'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='is_att_contact',
+ field=models.BooleanField(default=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='role',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ to='engagementmanager.Role'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='user',
+ field=models.OneToOneField(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.CustomUser'),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterModelTable(
+ name='customuser',
+ table='ice_custom_user',
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3481eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2017-02-27 12:24
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0023_auto_20170123_1445'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='archive_reason',
+ field=models.TextField(default=None, null=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[(b'user_joined_eng', b'user_joined_eng'), (b'ssh_key_added', b'ssh_key_added'), (b'eng_validation_request', b'eng_validation_request'), (b'next_steps', b'next_steps'), (b'vfc', b'vfc'), (
+ b'change_checklist_state', b'change_checklist_state'), (b'vf_provisioing_event', b'vf_provisioing_event'), (b'test_finished_event', b'test_finished_event'), (b'change_engagement_stage', b'change_engagement_stage')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfec64d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0024_auto_20170227_1224'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunSQL("update ice_next_step set state = 'Incomplete' where state = 'TODO';"),
+ migrations.RunSQL("update ice_next_step set state = 'Completed' where state = 'Confirmed';"),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..489b6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0025_change_nextsteps_to_new_state'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='slack_handle',
+ field=models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=64, null=True),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3bd618e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-04-06 08:05
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0026_add_slack_handle_to_ice_user_profile'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='version',
+ field=models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=100, null=True),
+ )
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68e15f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-04-25 13:10
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0027_add_version_to_vf'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('user_joined_eng', 'user_joined_eng'), ('ssh_key_added', 'ssh_key_added'), ('eng_validation_request', 'eng_validation_request'), ('next_steps', 'next_steps'), ('vfc', 'vfc'), (
+ 'change_checklist_state', 'change_checklist_state'), ('vf_provisioing_event', 'vf_provisioing_event'), ('test_finished_event', 'test_finished_event'), ('change_engagement_stage', 'change_engagement_stage')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('automation', 'automation'), ('review', 'review'), ('peer_review', 'peer_review'), ('approval', 'approval'), (
+ 'handoff', 'handoff'), ('closed', 'closed'), ('archive', 'archive'), ('pending', 'pending')], default='pending', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='peer_review_value',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('approved', 'approved'), ('denied', 'denied'),
+ ('not_relevant', 'not_relevant'), ('na', 'na')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='review_value',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('approved', 'approved'), ('denied', 'denied'),
+ ('not_relevant', 'not_relevant'), ('na', 'na')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='line_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('auto', 'auto'), ('manual', 'manual')], default='auto', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklisttemplate',
+ name='category',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('overall', 'overall'), ('heat', 'heat'), ('glance', 'glance'),
+ ('instantiation', 'instantiation'), ('asdc', 'asdc')], default='overall', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='engagement_stage',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('Intake', 'Intake'), ('Active', 'Active'), ('Validated', 'Validated'), (
+ 'Completed', 'Completed'), ('Archived', 'Archived')], db_index=True, default='Intake', max_length=15),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='next_step_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('set_ssh', 'set_ssh'), ('trial_agreements', 'trial_agreements'), ('add_contact_person', 'add_contact_person'), (
+ 'submit_vf_package', 'submit_vf_package'), ('el_handoff', 'el_handoff'), ('user_defined', 'user_defined')], default='user_defined', max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='state',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('Incomplete', 'Incomplete'), ('Completed', 'Completed')], max_length=15),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='recentengagement',
+ name='action_type',
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f1a4f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-05-04 07:49
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0028_auto_20170425_1310'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='deploymenttarget',
+ name='ui_visibility',
+ field=models.BooleanField(default=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='deploymenttarget',
+ name='weight',
+ field=models.IntegerField(default=1),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='ecomprelease',
+ name='ui_visibility',
+ field=models.BooleanField(default=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='ecomprelease',
+ name='weight',
+ field=models.IntegerField(default=1),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b24f67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-06-07 08:13
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0029_auto_20170504_0749'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='archived_time',
+ field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='archived time'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f1956c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-06-20 13:12
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0030_engagement_archived_time'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('user_joined_eng', 'user_joined_eng'), ('ssh_key_added', 'ssh_key_added'), ('eng_validation_request', 'eng_validation_request'), ('update_next_steps', 'update_next_steps'), ('vfc', 'vfc'), ('change_checklist_state', 'change_checklist_state'), ('vf_provisioning_event', 'vf_provisioning_event'), ('test_finished_event', 'test_finished_event'), ('change_engagement_stage', 'change_engagement_stage'), ('add_next_steps', 'add_next_steps'), ('delete_next_steps', 'delete_next_steps')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='engagement',
+ field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='engagementmanager.Engagement'),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53e5a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-07-02 14:35
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.utils.timezone
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0031_auto_20170620_1312'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='Feedback',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.CharField(max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)),
+ ('create_time', models.DateTimeField(,
+ ('description', models.TextField(verbose_name='feedback_description')),
+ ('user', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.IceUserProfile')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_feedback',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterIndexTogether(
+ name='feedback',
+ index_together=set([('user',)]),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6d1bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-07-04 06:35
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import uuid
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0032_auto_20170702_1435'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='applicationserviceinfrastructure',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklist',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistauditlog',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistdecision',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistlineitem',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklistsection',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='checklisttemplate',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='deploymenttarget',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='deploymenttargetsite',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='ecomprelease',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='engagementstatus',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='feedback',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='invitation',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='nextstep',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='notification',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='recentengagement',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True, serialize=False),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='role',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vendor',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='vfc',
+ name='uuid',
+ field=models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..01d15f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-07-13 04:48
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0033_auto_20170704_0635'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='engagement',
+ name='is_with_files',
+ field=models.BooleanField(default=False),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cce62bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-07-25 07:43
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0034_engagement_is_with_files'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='rgwa_access_key',
+ field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=1024, null=True, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ name='rgwa_secret_key',
+ field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=1024, null=True, unique=True),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='activity',
+ name='activity_type',
+ field=models.CharField(choices=[('user_joined_eng', 'user_joined_eng'), ('ssh_key_added', 'ssh_key_added'), ('eng_validation_request', 'eng_validation_request'), ('update_next_steps', 'update_next_steps'), ('vfc', 'vfc'), ('change_checklist_state', 'change_checklist_state'), ('vf_provisioning_event', 'vf_provisioning_event'), ('test_finished_event', 'test_finished_event'), ('change_engagement_stage', 'change_engagement_stage'), ('add_next_steps', 'add_next_steps'), ('delete_next_steps', 'delete_next_steps'), ('notice_empty_engagement', 'notice_empty_engagement')], max_length=36),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c85b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-09-06 09:35
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0035_rgwa_fields'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RenameField(
+ model_name='iceuserprofile',
+ old_name='is_att_contact',
+ new_name='is_service_provider_contact',
+ ),
+ migrations.RenameField(
+ model_name='vf',
+ old_name='is_att_internal',
+ new_name='is_service_provider_internal',
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/migrations/ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/ b/django/engagementmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71deb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import uuid
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.db import models
+from django.db.models.deletion import SET_NULL
+from django.db.models.signals import post_save
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.timezone import timedelta
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage, ActivityType, NextStepType, CheckListState, CheckListCategory, CheckListDecisionValue, CheckListLineType, \
+ RecentEngagementActionType, NextStepState
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Role(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=36, unique=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_role"
+class Vendor(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
+ public = models.BooleanField()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_vendor"
+class CustomUser(User):
+ activation_token = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True, null=True)
+ activation_token_create_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'activation_token_create_time',, null=True)
+ temp_password = models.CharField(
+ max_length=256, null=True, blank=True, default=None)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_custom_user"
+class IceUserProfile(models.Model):
+ user = models.OneToOneField(
+ CustomUser, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ uuid = models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)
+ company = models.ForeignKey(Vendor, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True)
+ phone_number = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+ full_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+ role = models.ForeignKey(Role, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True)
+ # although number of expected users<10^5 we prefer to index it
+ email = models.EmailField('email', unique=True, db_index=True)
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ ssh_public_key = models.CharField(
+ 'ssh_public_key', max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True)
+ regular_email_updates = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ email_updates_on_every_notification = models.BooleanField(default=True)
+ email_updates_daily_digest = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ is_service_provider_contact = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ rgwa_access_key = models.CharField(
+ max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True, unique=True)
+ rgwa_secret_key = models.CharField(
+ max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True, unique=True)
+ slack_handle = models.CharField(
+ max_length=64, null=True, blank=True, default=None)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.full_name + " - " +
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_user_profile"
+def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
+ if created:
+ user = CustomUser.objects.get(username=instance)
+ profile, created = IceUserProfile.objects.get_or_create(
+ user=user, email=instance)
+post_save.connect(create_user_profile, sender=CustomUser)
+# Represents Deployment Target Cloud Version. For example name=AIC version=2.0
+class DeploymentTarget(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=45)
+ version = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+ weight = models.IntegerField(default=1)
+ ui_visibility = models.BooleanField(default=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return + ", Version: " + self.version
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_deployment_target"
+ unique_together = (("name", "version"),)
+# Represents ECOMPRelease
+class ECOMPRelease(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=45)
+ weight = models.IntegerField(default=1)
+ ui_visibility = models.BooleanField(default=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_ecomp_release"
+# Represents Deployment Target site, for example: Willows. It is connected
+# to deployment target version
+class DeploymentTargetSite(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=45)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_deployment_target_site"
+def get_default_target_completion_date():
+ return + timedelta(days=16)
+class Engagement(models.Model):
+ # no need to index this since index already exists thanks to it PK
+ # characteristics
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True)
+ engagement_team = models.ManyToManyField(
+ IceUserProfile, related_name='members')
+ creator = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, related_name='Engagement_creator')
+ contact_user = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, related_name='Engagement_contact_user')
+ engagement_manual_id = models.CharField(
+ max_length=36, null=False, blank=False, default=-1, db_index=True) # index in favor of dashboard search
+ progress = models.IntegerField(default=0)
+ target_completion_date = models.DateField(
+ null=True, blank=True, default=get_default_target_completion_date)
+ engagement_stage = models.CharField(max_length=15,, choices=EngagementStage.choices(
+ ), db_index=True) # Can be: Intake, Active, Validated, Completed @UndefinedVariable
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ peer_reviewer = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, related_name='Engagement_peer_reviewer')
+ reviewer = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, related_name='Engagement_el_reviewer')
+ starred_engagement = models.ManyToManyField(
+ IceUserProfile, default=None, blank=True)
+ heat_validated_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'heat validated time', null=True, blank=True)
+ image_scan_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'image scan time', null=True, blank=True)
+ aic_instantiation_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'aic instantiation time', null=True, blank=True)
+ asdc_onboarding_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'asdc onboarding time', null=True, blank=True)
+ started_state_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'started state time', null=True, blank=True)
+ intake_time = models.DateTimeField('intake time', null=True, blank=True)
+ active_time = models.DateTimeField('active time', null=True, blank=True)
+ validated_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'validated time', null=True, blank=True)
+ completed_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'completed time', null=True, blank=True)
+ archive_reason = models.TextField(default=None, null=True)
+ archived_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'archived time', null=True, blank=True)
+ is_with_files = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return " uuid: " + str(self.uuid)
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_engagement"
+class EngagementStatus(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True)
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(Engagement, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
+ description = models.CharField(max_length=256)
+ creator = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, related_name='status_creator')
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_engagement_status"
+class Activity(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True, primary_key=True)
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ description = models.CharField(max_length=512)
+ is_notification = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(
+ Engagement, on_delete=models.PROTECT, db_index=True, null=True)
+ activity_type = models.CharField(
+ max_length=36, choices=ActivityType.choices())
+ activity_owner = models.ForeignKey(IceUserProfile, null=True, blank=True)
+ metadata = models.CharField(max_length=1024)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Activity created at ' + str(self.create_time) + ', Description: ' + self.description + ', Notification:' + str(self.is_notification) + ', ActivityType=' + str(self.activity_type)
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ['-create_time']
+ db_table = "ice_activity"
+ # index in favor of pullRecentActivities
+ index_together = ["engagement", "activity_owner"]
+class Notification(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True, primary_key=True)
+ user = models.ForeignKey(IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ is_sent = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ is_read = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ activity = models.ForeignKey(Activity, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.user) + ' ' + str(self.is_sent) + ' ' + str(self.is_read)
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_notification"
+ # index in favor of Notification screen (pull_recent_notifications,
+ # num_of_notifications_for_user)
+ index_together = ["user", "is_read"]
+class Feedback(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True, primary_key=True)
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ user = models.ForeignKey(IceUserProfile, null=False)
+ description = models.TextField('feedback_description')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Feedback created at ' + str(self.create_time) + ' ' + str(self.user) + ', Description: ' + self.description
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_feedback"
+ # index in favor of Notification screen (pull_recent_notifications,
+ # num_of_notifications_for_user)
+ index_together = ["user"]
+class ApplicationServiceInfrastructure(models.Model):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
+ uuid = models.CharField(default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_application_service_infrastructure"
+ unique_together = (('name', 'uuid'),)
+class VF(models.Model):
+ # in favor of dashboard search by keyword
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
+ # in favor of dashboard search by keyword
+ version = models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True, null=True)
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True, primary_key=True)
+ # index in favor of getRecentEng, getStarredEng
+ engagement = models.OneToOneField(
+ Engagement, null=False, blank=False, default=-1, db_index=True)
+ deployment_target = models.ForeignKey(
+ DeploymentTarget, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True)
+ ecomp_release = models.ForeignKey(ECOMPRelease, null=True, blank=False)
+ deployment_target_sites = models.ManyToManyField(
+ DeploymentTargetSite, default=None, blank=True, related_name='DeployTarget_sites')
+ is_service_provider_internal = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ vendor = models.ForeignKey(Vendor, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
+ git_repo_url = models.CharField(max_length=512, blank=False, default=-1)
+ target_lab_entry_date = models.DateField(
+ 'target_lab_entry_date', null=False)
+ def jenkins_job_name(self):
+ if not self.engagement.engagement_manual_id:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "engagement_manual_id (%s) is not valid for jenkins job name" % self.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ return "{}_{self.engagement.engagement_manual_id}".format(self=self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_vf"
+class VFC(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, unique=True, primary_key=True)
+ vf = models.ForeignKey(VF, on_delete=models.PROTECT, db_index=True)
+ # in favor of dashboard search by keyword
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
+ external_ref_id = models.CharField(max_length=20, default='')
+ ice_mandated = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ company = models.ForeignKey(Vendor, on_delete=SET_NULL, null=True)
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ creator = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, related_name='Vfc_creator')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_vfc"
+class RecentEngagement(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=64, primary_key=True)
+ vf = models.ForeignKey(VF, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ user_uuid = models.CharField(max_length=64)
+ action_type = models.CharField(
+ max_length=36, choices=RecentEngagementActionType.choices())
+ last_update = models.DateTimeField('update time',
+ def __str__(self):
+ return " uuid: " + str(self.uuid)
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_recent_engagement"
+# _________________________ C H E C K - L I S T __________________________
+class ChecklistTemplate(models.Model): # Reference Table
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField('template name', max_length=255)
+ category = models.CharField(max_length=36, choices=CheckListCategory.choices(
+ ), # @UndefinedVariable
+ version = models.IntegerField('template version')
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time', null=True, blank=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return + ' ' + self.category
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_checklist_template"
+class ChecklistSection(models.Model): # Reference Table
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField('section name', max_length=255)
+ weight = models.FloatField('checklist weight')
+ description = models.TextField('section description')
+ validation_instructions = models.TextField(
+ 'section validation instructions')
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time', null=True, blank=True)
+ parent_section = models.ForeignKey("self", null=True, blank=True)
+ template = models.ForeignKey(
+ ChecklistTemplate, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=False, blank=False)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return + ' ' + self.description
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_checklist_section"
+class ChecklistLineItem(models.Model): # Reference Table
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField('line name', max_length=255)
+ weight = models.FloatField('line weight')
+ description = models.TextField('line description')
+ line_type = models.CharField(max_length=36, choices=CheckListLineType.choices(
+ ), # @UndefinedVariable
+ validation_instructions = models.TextField('line validation instructions')
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time', null=True, blank=True)
+ template = models.ForeignKey(
+ ChecklistTemplate, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, blank=False)
+ section = models.ForeignKey(
+ ChecklistSection, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, blank=False)
+ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if (self.template != self.section.template != None):
+ raise ValueError("ChecklistLineItem can't be saved/updated since the template " +
+ + " is not equal to its section's template " +
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return + ' ' + self.description
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_checklist_line_item"
+class Checklist(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ name = models.CharField('checklist name', max_length=255)
+ state = models.CharField(max_length=36, choices=CheckListState.choices(
+ ), # @UndefinedVariable
+ # On each validation cycle this counter is increased
+ validation_cycle = models.IntegerField('validation cycle')
+ weight = models.FloatField('checklist weight', default=0)
+ associated_files = models.TextField('list of files from gitlab')
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time', null=True, blank=True)
+ # index in favor of get StarredEngagements (especially for admin and EL)
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(
+ Engagement, on_delete=models.CASCADE, db_index=True)
+ template = models.ForeignKey(ChecklistTemplate, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
+ # The EL that opened the modal.
+ creator = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='checklist_creator')
+ # The user who currently validates the checklist
+ owner = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='checklist_owner')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return + ' ' + self.state
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_checklist"
+class NextStep(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ creator = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="NextStep_creator")
+ last_update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time',
+ last_updater = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, related_name="NextStep_last_updater")
+ # Can be: Modified, Added, Completed, Denied
+ last_update_type = models.CharField(max_length=15, default='Added')
+ position = models.IntegerField()
+ description = models.TextField()
+ # Can be: Incomplete, Completed
+ state = models.CharField(max_length=15, choices=NextStepState.choices())
+ # Can be: Intake, Active, Validated, Completed. This field is used to
+ # correlate between the engagement stage to the next step stage in favor
+ # of UI.
+ engagement_stage = models.CharField(max_length=15)
+ engagement = models.ForeignKey(
+ Engagement, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True)
+ owner = models.ForeignKey(
+ IceUserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True)
+ next_step_type = models.CharField(max_length=36, choices=NextStepType.choices(
+ ), # @UndefinedVariable
+ files = models.TextField('list of files', null=True)
+ assignees = models.ManyToManyField(
+ IceUserProfile, related_name='assignees')
+ due_date = models.DateField('due_date', null=True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.engagement_stage + ' ' + self.state + ' ' + self.description
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_next_step"
+ verbose_name_plural = 'Next steps'
+ # index in favor of nextstep_service.get_next_steps
+ index_together = ["engagement_stage", "owner"]
+class ChecklistDecision(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ review_value = models.CharField(
+ max_length=36, choices=CheckListDecisionValue.choices()) # @UndefinedVariable
+ peer_review_value = models.CharField(
+ max_length=36, choices=CheckListDecisionValue.choices()) # @UndefinedVariable
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time', null=True, blank=True)
+ checklist = models.ForeignKey(Checklist, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ template = models.ForeignKey(ChecklistTemplate, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ lineitem = models.ForeignKey(ChecklistLineItem, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if (self.template != self.checklist.template != None):
+ raise ValueError("ChecklistDecision can't be saved/updated since the template " +
+ + " is not equal to its checklist's template " +
+ if (self.template != self.lineitem.section.template != None):
+ raise ValueError("ChecklistDecision can't be saved/updated since the template " + +
+ " is not equal to its lineitem/section's template " + self.lineitem.section.template)
+ if (self.checklist.template != self.lineitem.section.template != None):
+ raise ValueError("ChecklistDecision can't be saved/updated since its checklist's template " +
+ self.checklist.template + " is not equal to its lineitem/section's template " + self.lineitem.section.template)
+ super(ChecklistDecision, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'decision:' + self.uuid + ' ' + + ' ' + self.review_value + ' ' + self.peer_review_value
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_checklist_decision"
+class ChecklistAuditLog(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ category = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+ description = models.TextField()
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField('creation time',
+ update_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'last update time', null=True, blank=True)
+ creator = models.ForeignKey(IceUserProfile)
+ # should be None if decisions is populated
+ checklist = models.ForeignKey(
+ Checklist, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True)
+ # should be None if checklist is populated
+ decision = models.ForeignKey(
+ ChecklistDecision, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True)
+ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if (self.checklist != None and self.decision != None):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "ChecklistAuditLog can't be attached to both checklist and decision. Please remove one of them and retry the operation")
+ super(ChecklistAuditLog, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.category + ' ' + self.description
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_checklist_audit_log"
+class Invitation(models.Model):
+ uuid = models.CharField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, max_length=36, primary_key=True)
+ engagement_uuid = models.CharField(
+ max_length=64, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True)
+ invited_by_user_uuid = models.CharField(
+ max_length=64, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True)
+ email = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=False, blank=False)
+ invitation_token = models.CharField(
+ max_length=1024, null=False, blank=False, db_index=True) # index in favor of signup
+ accepted = models.BooleanField(default=False)
+ create_time = models.DateTimeField(
+ 'invitation creation time',
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Invite from " + self.invited_by_user_uuid + " to " + + " for joining engagement " + self.engagement_uuid
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_invitation"
+ unique_together = (("engagement_uuid", "email"),)
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.timezone import timedelta
+from engagementmanager.models import NextStep
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, NextStepType
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+default_next_steps = [
+ {
+ 'position': 2,
+ 'stage': 'Intake',
+ 'text': 'Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.',
+ 'condition': lambda x, y: True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ },
+ {
+ 'position': 3,
+ 'stage': 'Intake',
+ 'text': 'Please add your ' + Constants.service_provider_company_name + ' sponsor or vendor contact information.',
+ 'condition': lambda user, eng: False if (eng.contact_user) else True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ },
+ {
+ 'position': 1,
+ 'stage': 'Active',
+ 'text': 'Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)',
+ 'condition': lambda x, y: True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ },
+ {
+ 'position': 1,
+ 'stage': 'Validated',
+ 'text': 'Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.',
+ 'condition': lambda x, y: True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ }
+def create_default_next_steps_for_user(user, el_user):
+ """
+ This method is for personal default next step only since it has an owner
+ """
+ def cond(user): return False if (user.ssh_public_key and user.ssh_public_key != '') else True
+ if cond(user):
+ desc = "Please add your SSH key to be able to contribute."
+ nextstep = NextStep.objects.create(creator=el_user, last_updater=el_user, position=1, description=desc, last_update_type='Added', state='Incomplete',
+ engagement_stage='Intake', engagement=None, owner=user,, + timedelta(days=1)) # @UndefinedVariable
+ nextstep.assignees.add(user)
+def create_default_next_steps(user, engagement, el_user):
+ """
+ This method is for non-personal default next step only since it doesn't have an owner
+ """
+ for step in default_next_steps:
+ cond = step['condition']
+ desc = step['text']
+ ns_type = step['type']
+ if cond(user, engagement):
+ if ( == Constants.service_provider_company):
+ desc = desc.replace('$Contact', 'Vendor Contact')
+ else:
+ desc = desc.replace('$Contact', Constants.service_provider_company_name + ' Sponsor Contact')
+ logger.debug('Creating default next step : ' + desc)
+ nextstep = NextStep.objects.create(creator=el_user, last_updater=el_user, position=step['position'], description=desc, state='Incomplete', engagement_stage=step[
+ 'stage'], engagement=engagement, next_step_type=ns_type, + timedelta(days=1))
+ nextstep.assignees.add(el_user)
+ else:
+ logger.debug('Skipping creation of default next step : ' + desc)
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import Notification, IceUserProfile
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinNotificationModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def num_of_notifications_for_user(user_uuid):
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user_uuid)
+ amountOfnotificationForUser = Notification.objects.filter(user=user, is_read=False).filter().count()
+ return amountOfnotificationForUser
+def pull_recent_notifications(user_uuid, offset, limit):
+ ModifiedNotificationsSet = []
+ logger.debug("Pulling unread notifications from DB")
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user_uuid)
+ notificationsList = Notification.objects.filter(user=user).order_by('is_read', '-activity__create_time')[int(offset):int(offset) + int(limit)]
+ num_of_objects = Notification.objects.filter(user=user).count()
+ for notif in notificationsList:
+ serializedNotification = ThinNotificationModelSerializer(notif).data
+ ModifiedNotificationsSet.append(serializedNotification)
+ notif.is_read = True
+ return ModifiedNotificationsSet, num_of_objects
+def reset_num_of_notifications_for_user(user_uuid):
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user_uuid)
+ notificationForUser = Notification.objects.filter(user=user, is_read=False)
+ for notif in notificationForUser:
+ notif.is_read = True
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from django.utils import timezone
+from itsdangerous import SignatureExpired
+from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpObjectNotAvailable, VvpGeneralException, VvpBadRequest
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import generateActivationLink, getFirstEngByUser
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class ResendActivationMail(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly,)
+ def get(self, request, user_uuid, format=None):
+ ice_user_obj = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user_uuid)
+ data = {'activation_link': generateActivationLink(ice_user_obj.user.activation_token, ice_user_obj),
+ 'full_name': ice_user_obj.full_name}
+ # updating the activation time
+ ice_user_obj.user.activation_token_create_time =
+ self.logger.debug("Activation Link: " + data['activation_link'])
+ body = get_template("{activate_template_dir}activate_mail_body.html".format(
+ activate_template_dir=Constants.activate_template_dir))
+ subject = get_template("{activate_template_dir}activate_mail_subject.html".format(
+ activate_template_dir=Constants.activate_template_dir))
+ mail.sendMail(, data, body, subject)
+ return Response()
+class ActivateUser(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly,)
+ def get(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ user_profile = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=kwargs['uu_id'])
+ user = user_profile.user
+ if user is None:
+ raise VvpObjectNotAvailable(
+ "User's retrieved in the activation API doesn't exist.")
+ if user.is_active:
+ raise VvpGeneralException(
+ "User's retrieved in the activation API is active.")
+ if user.activation_token != kwargs['token']:
+ raise VvpBadRequest(
+ "User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param.")
+ created = user.activation_token_create_time
+ current =
+ if created.year == current.year and created.month == current.month and ( == or
+ == - 1):
+ delta = current - created
+ if abs(delta).total_seconds() / 3600.0 <= settings.TOKEN_EXPIRATION_IN_HOURS:
+ user.is_active = True
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "User " + user_profile.full_name + " is activated successfully, redirecting to Login")
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(
+ eng = getFirstEngByUser(user)
+ result = {'activation_success': True, }
+ if eng is not None:
+ result['engagement_uuid'] = str(eng.uuid)
+ vm_client.send_create_user_in_rgwa_event(user)
+ return Response(result)
+ else:
+ raise SignatureExpired("User's activation token expired.")
+ return Response({'activation_success': False, })
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf import settings
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ActivityModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.activities_service import ActivitiesSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class PullActivities(VvpApiView):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.activities_service = ActivitiesSvc()
+ @auth(Permissions.pull_activities)
+ def get(self, request, eng_uuid, num=None):
+ if not num:
+ eng = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid())
+ activities = self.activities_service.pull_recent_activities(eng, recent_activities_limit=num)
+ serializer = ActivityModelSerializer(activities, many=True)
+ return Response(
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@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,\
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_service import CheckListSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import Validator
+class NewCheckList(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.view_checklist)
+ def get(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ data = CheckListSvc().getDataForCreateNewChecklist(user, eng_uuid)
+ if not data:
+ msg = "Create New checklist is not ready yet"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.is_el_of_eng)
+ def post(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ if ('checkListName' not in data or not data['checkListName'] or
+ 'checkListTemplateUuid' not in data or not data['checkListTemplateUuid'] or
+ 'checkListAssociatedFiles' not in data):
+ msg = "One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ if not Validator.validateCheckListName(data['checkListName']):
+ msg = "Invalid characters in check list name."
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ data = CheckListSvc().createOrUpdateChecklist(
+ data['checkListName'], data['checkListTemplateUuid'], data['checkListAssociatedFiles'], None)
+ return Response(data)
+class ExistingCheckList(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.view_checklist)
+ def get(self, request, checklistUuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ checklist_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()
+ data = CheckListSvc().getChecklist(user, checklist_uuid)
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.is_el_of_eng)
+ def delete(self, request):
+ CheckListSvc().deleteChecklist(request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+ return Response()
+ @auth(Permissions.is_el_of_eng)
+ def put(self, request, checklistUuid):
+ data =
+ if ('checklistUuid' not in data or not data['checklistUuid'] or
+ 'checkListName' not in data or not data['checkListName'] or
+ 'checkListTemplateUuid' not in data or not data['checkListTemplateUuid'] or
+ 'checkListAssociatedFiles' not in data):
+ msg = "One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ if not Validator.validateCheckListName(data['checkListName']):
+ msg = "Invalid characters in check list name."
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ data = CheckListSvc().createOrUpdateChecklist(
+ data['checkListName'], data['checkListTemplateUuid'], data['checkListAssociatedFiles'], data['checklistUuid'])
+ return Response(data)
+class CheckListTemplates(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.view_checklist_template)
+ def get(self, request, templateUuid=None):
+ data = CheckListSvc().getChecklistTemplates(templateUuid)
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.edit_checklist_template)
+ def put(self, request):
+ data =
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ return Response()
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b86a33
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistDecision, Checklist
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_audit_log_service import getAuditLogsWithChecklist, \
+ addAuditLogToChecklist, getAuditLogsWithDecision, addAuditLogToDecision
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class ChecklistAuditLog(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.view_checklist)
+ def get(self, request, checklistUuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ checklistUuid = request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()()
+ data = getAuditLogsWithChecklist(checklistUuid, user)
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.create_checklist_audit_log)
+ def post(self, request, checklistUuid):
+ data =
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ checklistUuid = request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()
+ if ('description' not in data or not data['description']):
+ msg = "description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ description = data['description']
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklistUuid)
+ data = addAuditLogToChecklist(checklist, description, user)
+ return Response(data)
+class DecisionAuditLog(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.view_checklist)
+ def get(self, request, decision_uuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ decisionUuid = decision_uuid
+ data = getAuditLogsWithDecision(decisionUuid, user)
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.create_checklist_decision)
+ def post(self, request, decision_uuid):
+ data =
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ decisionUuid = decision_uuid
+ if ('description' not in data or not data['description']):
+ msg = "value for decision is not provided in the request's body"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ description = data['description']
+ decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(uuid=decisionUuid)
+ auditData = addAuditLogToDecision(decision, description, user)
+ return Response(auditData)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0cfe01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_decision_service import setDecision, getDecision
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class ClDecision(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.view_checklist)
+ def get(self, request, decision_uuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ decisionUuid = decision_uuid
+ data = getDecision(decisionUuid, user)
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.update_checklist_decision)
+ def put(self, request, decision_uuid):
+ data =
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ decisionUuid = decision_uuid
+ if 'value' not in data or not data['value']:
+ msg = "value for decision is not provided in the request's body"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ value = data['value']
+ msg = setDecision(decisionUuid, user, value)
+ msg = json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False)
+ return Response(msg)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9c6eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import SuperThinChecklistModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_state_service import set_state
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class ChecklistState(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.update_checklist_state)
+ def put(self, request, checklistUuid):
+ data =
+ decline = data['decline']
+ if decline == "True":
+ checklist = set_state(True, request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(),
+ isMoveToAutomation=False, description=data['description'])
+ else:
+ checklist = set_state(False, request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(), description=data['description'])
+ cldata = json.dumps(SuperThinChecklistModelSerializer(checklist).data, ensure_ascii=False)
+ return Response(cldata)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..efe0b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.cms.pages_service import CMSPagesService
+class Pages(VvpApiView):
+ cms_service = CMSPagesService()
+ def get(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ titleParam = request.GET.get('title', "")
+ pages = self.cms_service.getPages(titleParam)
+ return Response(pages)
+class PageById(VvpApiView):
+ cms_service = CMSPagesService()
+ def get(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ idParam = kwargs['id']
+ pages = self.cms_service.getPage(idParam)
+ return Response(pages)
+class PageSearch(VvpApiView):
+ cms_service = CMSPagesService()
+ def get(self, request):
+ keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', "")
+ result = []
+ if keyword is not None and keyword != "":
+ result = self.cms_service.searchPages(keyword)
+ return Response(result)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..17e33fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.cms.posts_service import CMSPostsService
+class Posts(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ categoryParam = request.GET.get('category', "")
+ limitParam = request.GET.get('limit', 5)
+ offsetParam = request.GET.get('offset', 0)
+ fromLastDaysParam = request.GET.get('fromLastDays', None)
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ return Response(posts)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..89a6243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication
+class CsrfExemptSessionAuthentication(SessionAuthentication):
+ def enforce_csrf(self, request):
+ # To not perform the csrf check previously happening
+ # (
+ return
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.utils import timezone
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile, Vendor, Role, CustomUser
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import createUserTemplate
+class EngLeadsDataLoader(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request):
+ data =
+ service_provider_company = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ el_role = Role.objects.get(name="el")
+ for el in data:
+ user_object = CustomUser.objects.create_user(
+ username=el['full_name'], email=el['full_name'], password=el['password'], is_active=False, activation_token=uuid4(),
+ data = createUserTemplate(service_provider_company, el['full_name'], el_role, '', True, None, True, user_object)
+ el_user, is_profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+, defaults=data)
+"User: " + el_user.full_name +
+ " was created successfully during bulk_load_engagement_leads function")
+"All users were created successfully during bulk_load_engagement_leads function")
+ return Response()
+class CompaniesDataLoader(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request):
+ data =
+ for vendor in data:
+ Vendor.objects.get_or_create(name=vendor['name'], defaults={'public': True})
+'Company found or created during bulk load vendors: ' + logEncoding(vendor))
+"All companies were created successfully during bulk_load_companies function")
+ return Response()
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c52d9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import DeploymentTarget
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import DeploymentTargetModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.deploment_target_service import update_deployment_target
+class DeploymentTargetRESTMethods(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
+ def put(self, request, engagement_uuid, dt_uuid):
+ msg = "OK"
+ if engagement_uuid and dt_uuid:
+ update_deployment_target(engagement_uuid, dt_uuid)
+ return Response(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "DTarget PUT Request failed, engagement_uuid wasn't found in kwargs or its content is empty, therefore cannot filter by it to find the required VF"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action failed."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def get(self, request):
+ deployment_targets = DeploymentTarget.objects.filter(ui_visibility=True).order_by('weight')
+ serializer = DeploymentTargetModelSerializer(deployment_targets, many=True)
+ return Response(
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..32ff5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import VF, DeploymentTargetSite
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinDeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+class DTSites(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.get_deployment_target_site)
+ def get(self, request, vf_uuid=None):
+ if vf_uuid:
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf_uuid)
+ dtsites = vf.deployment_target_sites
+ serializer = ThinDeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer(dtsites, many=True)
+ return Response(
+ else:
+ dtsites = DeploymentTargetSite.objects.all()
+ serializer = ThinDeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer(dtsites, many=True)
+ return Response(
+ """
+ expecting: VF object uuid, DeploymentTargetSite uuid
+ result: addition of the DeploymentTargetSite object with dtsite_uuid to the VF's deployment_target_sites
+ """
+ @auth(Permissions.add_deployment_target_site)
+ def post(self, request):
+ msg = ""
+ data =
+ name = data['name']
+ dtsite = None
+ try:
+ dtsite = DeploymentTargetSite.objects.get(name=name)
+ msg = "DTSite was already existed, hence would next be added to the VF's sites list"
+ except DeploymentTargetSite.DoesNotExist:
+ dtsite = DeploymentTargetSite.objects.create(name=name)
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=data['vf_uuid'])
+ vf.deployment_target_sites.add(dtsite)
+ return Response(msg)
+ @auth(Permissions.delete_deployment_target_site)
+ def delete(self, request, vf_uuid, dts_uuid):
+ msg = "OK"
+ dtsite = None
+ vf = None
+ if vf_uuid and dts_uuid:
+ dtsite = DeploymentTargetSite.objects.get(uuid=dts_uuid)
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf_uuid)
+ vf.deployment_target_sites.remove(dtsite)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+ else:
+ msg = "dtsite uuid or vf uuid, wasn't provided"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a2585ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import ECOMPRelease
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ECOMPReleaseModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.ecomp_service import update_ECOMP
+class ECOMPReleaseRESTMethods(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
+ def put(self, request, engagement_uuid, ecomp_uuid):
+ msg = "OK"
+ if engagement_uuid and ecomp_uuid:
+ update_ECOMP(engagement_uuid, ecomp_uuid)
+ return Response(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "ECOMPRelease PUT Request failed, engagement_uuid wasn't found in kwargs or its content is empty, therefore cannot filter by it to find the required VF"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action failed."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def get(self, request):
+ ecomp_releases = ECOMPRelease.objects.filter(ui_visibility=True).order_by('weight')
+ serializer = ECOMPReleaseModelSerializer(ecomp_releases, many=True)
+ return Response(
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index 0000000..89e74fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.db.models.expressions import F
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.http.response import HttpResponse
+from django.utils.dateparse import parse_date
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.git.git_manager import GitManager
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement, VF, VFC, Checklist, \
+ EngagementStatus
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import VFModelSerializer, \
+ EngagementStatusModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service import engagement_service as eng_svc
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, RecentEngagementActionType, \
+ CheckListState, EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, \
+class ExpandedEngByUser(VvpApiView):
+ def post(self, request):
+ data =
+ if ('stage' not in data or not data['stage']
+ or 'keyword' not in data
+ or 'offset' not in data or int(data['offset']) < 0
+ or 'limit' not in data or not data['limit'] or (data['limit'] < 1)):
+ msg = "GetExpandedEngByUser - get request: one of the parameters is missing or invalid."
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action was failed due to bad request."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ data = eng_svc.get_dashboard_expanded_engs(
+ data['stage'], data['keyword'], data['offset'], data['limit'], user)
+ return Response(data)
+class ExportEngagements(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.export_engagments)
+ def get(self, request):
+ from openpyxl import Workbook
+ from openpyxl.writer.write_only import WriteOnlyCell
+ from openpyxl.styles import Font
+ # import csv
+ from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ stageParam = request.GET['stage']
+ keywordParam = request.GET['keyword']
+ # data, status = eng_svc.get_dashboard_expanded_engs(stageParam, keywordParam, 0, sys.maxint, user)
+ vfs, deployment_targets = eng_svc.get_expanded_engs_for_export(
+ stageParam, keywordParam, user)
+ workbook = Workbook(write_only=True)
+ # Create 'Validation Details' sheet and fill it up with required data:
+ validationWorkSheet = workbook.create_sheet()
+ validationWorkSheet.title = 'Validation Details'
+ headlines = [WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"EId"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Engagement"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Reviewer"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Peer reviewer"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"VFC"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"VFC #"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Started"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Vendor"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"AIC Version"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"ECOMP Release"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Validate"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Completed"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Stage"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Heat Pre-validated"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Image Scan"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"AIC Instantiated"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"ASDC Onboarded"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Overall Progress in %"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Target Completion Date"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Status")]
+ for headline in headlines:
+ headline.font = Font(name='Courier', size=16, bold=True)
+ validationWorkSheet.append(headlines)
+ for vf in vfs:
+ validationWorkSheet.append([smart_str(vf["engagement__engagement_manual_id"]),
+ smart_str(vf["vf__name"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["vf_engagement__reviewer"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["vf_engagement__peer_reviewer"]),
+ smart_str(vf["vfcs"]),
+ smart_str(vf["vfcs__number"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__started_state_time"]),
+ smart_str(vf["vendor__name"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["deployment_target__version"]),
+ smart_str(vf["ecomp_release__name"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__validated_time"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__completed_time"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__engagement_stage"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__heat_validated_time"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__image_scan_time"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__aic_instantiation_time"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__asdc_onboarding_time"]),
+ smart_str(vf["engagement__progress"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__target_completion_date"]),
+ smart_str(
+ vf["engagement__latest_status"])
+ ])
+ # Create 'Overview' sheet and fill it up with required data:
+ overviewWorkSheet = workbook.create_sheet()
+ overviewWorkSheet.title = 'Overview'
+ headlines = [WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"AIC/ECOMP"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Active Count of Engagement"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Sum of Nr of VFs"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Intake Count of Engagement"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Sum of Nr of VFs"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Completed Count of Engagement"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Sum of Nr of VFs"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(
+ validationWorkSheet, value=u"Total Count of Engagement"),
+ WriteOnlyCell(validationWorkSheet, value=u"Total Sum of Nr of VFs")]
+ for headline in headlines:
+ headline.font = Font(name='Courier', size=16, bold=True)
+ overviewWorkSheet.append(headlines)
+ for deployment_target in deployment_targets:
+ overviewWorkSheet.append(deployment_target)
+ # We are using HttpResponse and not Rest Response since we couldnt find
+ # support for content diposition
+ response = HttpResponse(
+ content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet')
+ response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=D2ICE.xlsx'
+ return response
+class GetEngByUser(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.eng_membership)
+ def get(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ vf_list = []
+ engStageList = [,,
+,] # @UndefinedVariable
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == or ==
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .annotate(
+ engagement_manual_id=F('engagement__engagement_manual_id'),
+ engagement_uuid=F('engagement__uuid'),
+ vf_name=F('name'),
+ peer_reviewer__uuid=F('engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid'),
+ engagement_stage=F('engagement__engagement_stage'),
+ )\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'vf_name',
+ 'engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement_uuid',
+ 'peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement_stage',
+ )
+ else:
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList).\
+ filter(Q(engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid)).distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .annotate(
+ engagement_manual_id=F('engagement__engagement_manual_id'),
+ engagement_uuid=F('engagement__uuid'),
+ vf_name=F('name'),
+ peer_reviewer__uuid=F('engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid'),
+ reviewer__uuid=F('engagement__reviewer__uuid'),
+ engagement_stage=F('engagement__engagement_stage'),
+ )\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'vf_name',
+ 'engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement_uuid',
+ 'peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement_stage',
+ )
+ vf_final_array = []
+ for vf in vf_list:
+ vfc_list = VFC.objects.filter(Q(vf=vf['uuid'])).values('name')
+ vf['vfc'] = []
+ for vfc in vfc_list:
+ vf['vfc'].append(vfc['name'])
+ vf['vfc'] = ', '.join(vf['vfc'])
+ vf_final_array.append(vf)
+ return Response(vf_final_array)
+class SingleEngByUser(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.eng_membership)
+ def get(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ engagement = None
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == or ==
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ else:
+ try:
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(
+ peer_reviewer=user, uuid=eng_uuid)
+ except Engagement.DoesNotExist:
+ try:
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(
+ engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid, uuid=eng_uuid)
+ except:
+ msg = "Eng for the User with uuid " + \
+ user.uuid + " doesn't exist."
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Couldn't provide VF, internal server error"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ vfObj = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ eng_svc.update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ user.uuid, vfObj, # @UndefinedVariable
+ vfList = VF.objects.filter(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ formated_vf_list = VFModelSerializer(vfList, many=True).data
+ formated_vf = formated_vf_list[0]
+ if vfObj.git_repo_url != str(-1):
+ formated_vf['files'] = GitManager().getRepoAssociatedFilesForUser(
+ eng_uuid)
+ else:
+ formated_vf['files'] = []
+ return Response(formated_vf)
+ @auth(Permissions.edit_stage)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid, stage):
+ sts = HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
+ if not eng_uuid or not stage:
+ msg = "One of the Engagement's input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ msg = eng_svc.set_engagement_stage(eng_uuid, stage)
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
+class ArchiveEngagement(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.archive_engagement)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ msg = eng_svc.archive_engagement(eng_uuid, data['reason'])
+ return Response(msg)
+class StarredEngagements(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.star_an_engagement)
+ def get(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ if (user == None):
+ msg = "User with uuid " + user.uuid + \
+ " doesn't exist. Can't fetch their engagements"
+ self.logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ msg = "You are not registered as a user, please sign up in order to perform this action"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ vf_list = eng_svc.vf_retreiver(user, True)
+ if not vf_list:
+ msg = "Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found."
+ self.logger.debug(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+ vfListData = []
+ for vf_data in vf_list:
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == or == or ==
+ if (vf_data['engagement__reviewer__uuid'] == user.uuid):
+ checklist_lists = Checklist.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=vf_data['engagement__uuid']), Q(engagement__reviewer=user), ~Q(
+'uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner__uuid') # @UndefinedVariable
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ elif ( == or ==
+ checklist_lists = Checklist.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=vf_data['engagement__uuid']), ~Q(
+'uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner__uuid') # @UndefinedVariable
+ else:
+ checklist_lists = Checklist.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=vf_data['engagement__uuid']), Q(owner=user), ~Q(
+'uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner__uuid') # @UndefinedVariable
+ vf_data['checklists'] = checklist_lists
+ else:
+ vf_data['checklists'] = None
+ vfListData.append(vf_data)
+ return Response(vfListData)
+ @auth(Permissions.star_an_engagement)
+ def put(self, request, **kwargs):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ data =
+ sts = HTTP_200_OK
+ if ('engagement_uuid' not in data or not data['engagement_uuid']):
+ msg = "starred engagement uuid parameter is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action was failed due to bad request."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ eng_uuid = data['engagement_uuid']
+ if (user == None):
+ msg = "User with uuid " + user.uuid + \
+ " doesn't exist. Can't fetch their engagements"
+ self.logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ msg = "You are not registered as a user, please sign up in order to perform this action"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ msg = eng_svc.star_an_engagement(user, eng_uuid)
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
+class GetRecentEngagements(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.eng_membership)
+ def get(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ if (user == None):
+ msg = "User with uuid " + user.uuid + \
+ " doesn't exist. Can't fetch their engagements"
+ self.logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ msg = "You are not registered as a user, please sign up in order to perform this action"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ stared_list = eng_svc.vf_retreiver(user, True)
+ vf_list = eng_svc.vf_retreiver(user, False, True)
+ if not vf_list:
+ msg = "Action succeeded, no recent VFs were found."
+ self.logger.debug(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+ vfListData = []
+ recentList = 20 + stared_list.count()
+ for idx, vf_data in enumerate(vf_list):
+ if (idx == recentList):
+ break
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == or == or ==
+ if (vf_data['vf__engagement__reviewer__uuid'] == user.uuid):
+ checklist_lists = Checklist.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=vf_data['vf__engagement__uuid']), Q(engagement__reviewer=user), ~Q(
+'uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner__uuid') # @UndefinedVariable
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ elif ( == or ==
+ checklist_lists = Checklist.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=vf_data['vf__engagement__uuid']), ~Q(
+'uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner__uuid') # @UndefinedVariable
+ else:
+ checklist_lists = Checklist.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=vf_data['vf__engagement__uuid']), Q(owner=user), ~Q(
+'uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner__uuid') # @UndefinedVariable
+ vf_data['checklists'] = checklist_lists
+ else:
+ vf_data['checklists'] = None
+ vfListData.append(vf_data)
+ return Response(vfListData)
+class EngagementProgressBar(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.edit_progress_bar)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ msg = "OK"
+ if ('progress' not in data or not data['progress'] or data['progress'] == ''):
+ msg = "progress parameter is missing or empty"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action has failed due to bad request."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ eng_svc.set_progress_for_engagement(progress=data['progress'])
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ @auth(Permissions.get_progress_bar)
+ def post(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ eng = self.get_entity(Engagement, request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid())
+ msg = "OK"
+ if ('target_date' not in data or not data['target_date'] or data['target_date'] == ''):
+ msg = "target_date parameter is missing or empty"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action has failed due to bad request."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ target_date = data['target_date']
+ date = parse_date(target_date)
+ eng.target_completion_date = date
+ return Response(msg)
+class ChangeTargetLabEntryDate(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.change_lab_entry)
+ def post(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ eng = self.get_entity(Engagement, request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid())
+ msg = "OK"
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=eng.uuid)
+ if ('target_date' not in data or not data['target_date'] or data['target_date'] == ''):
+ msg = "target_date parameter is missing or empty"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Action has failed due to bad request."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ target_date = data['target_date']
+ date = parse_date(target_date)
+ vf.target_lab_entry_date = date
+ return Response(msg)
+@classDecorator([logFuncEntry, ])
+class Status(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.get_engagement_status)
+ def get(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ latest_status = EngagementStatus.objects.filter(
+ engagement=engagement).distinct().order_by('-update_time')[:1]
+ if (latest_status.count() > 0):
+ latest_status = latest_status[0]
+ latest_status = EngagementStatusModelSerializer(latest_status).data
+ else:
+ latest_status = False
+ return Response(latest_status)
+ @auth(Permissions.put_engagement_status)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ data =
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ eng_status_uuid = data['eng_status_uuid']
+ description = data['description']
+ if not description:
+ msg = "Not description sent"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "You are not registered as a user, please sign up in order to perform this action"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( != and !=
+ msg = "User not authorized"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Internal error."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ status = EngagementStatus.objects.get(uuid=eng_status_uuid)
+ eng_svc.update_engagement_status(
+ user, description, eng_status_uuid, engagement)
+ status = EngagementStatus.objects.get(uuid=eng_status_uuid)
+ status = EngagementStatusModelSerializer(status).data
+ return Response(status)
+ @auth(Permissions.put_engagement_status)
+ def post(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ data =
+ description = data['description']
+ if not description:
+ msg = "No description sent"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "No description sent"
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( != and !=
+ msg = "User not authorized"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Internal error."
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ created_eng_staus = eng_svc.insert_engagement_status(
+ user, description, engagement)
+ created_eng_staus = EngagementStatusModelSerializer(
+ created_eng_staus).data
+ return Response(created_eng_staus)
+class EngagementOps(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.update_engagement)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ engagement_dict = data['engagement']
+ engagement = eng_svc.update_engagement(engagement_dict)
+ if engagement is None:
+ return Response(status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ else:
+ if 'status' in data and data['status']:
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ created_eng_status = eng_svc.insert_engagement_status(
+ user, data['status'], engagement)
+ return Response(EngagementStatusModelSerializer(created_eng_status).data)
+ else:
+ return Response()
+class EngagementTeamUsers(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.remove_from_engagement_team)
+ def put(self, request):
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ data =
+ if (data['user_uuid']):
+ requested_user_uuid = data['user_uuid']
+ if (eng_uuid is not None and user is not None and data['user_uuid'] is not None):
+ eng_svc.remove_user_from_engagement_team(
+ eng_uuid, user, requested_user_uuid)
+ return Response(status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+class EngagementReviewer(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.update_engagement_reviewers)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ reviewer = eng_svc.set_engagement_reviewer(eng_uuid, data['reviewer'])
+ if reviewer is None:
+ return Response(status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ else:
+ return Response(reviewer)
+class EngagementPeerReviewer(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.update_engagement_reviewers)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ peer_reviewer = eng_svc.set_engagement_peer_reviewer(
+ eng_uuid, data['peerreviewer'])
+ if peer_reviewer is None:
+ return Response(status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ else:
+ return Response(peer_reviewer)
+class SwitchEngagementReviewers(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.update_engagement_reviewers)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ resp = eng_svc.switch_engagement_reviewers(
+ eng_uuid, data['reviewer'], data['peerreviewer'])
+ if resp is None:
+ return Response(status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ else:
+ return Response(resp)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8075b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.slack_client.api import SlackClient
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.models import Feedback as FeedbackModal
+class Feedback(VvpApiView):
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ @auth(Permissions.add_feedback)
+ def post(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ if ('description' not in or not['description']):
+ raise KeyError("One of the input parameters are missing")
+ new_description =['description']
+ new_feedback = FeedbackModal(
+ user=user,
+ description=new_description
+ )
+ self.slack_client.send_slack_notifications_for_new_feedback(new_feedback, user)
+ return Response(status.HTTP_200_OK)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8060a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.invite_service import inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+class InviteTeamMember(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.invite)
+ def post(self, request):
+ inviterUser = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ msg = "OK"
+ sts = status.HTTP_200_OK
+ if (inviterUser != None):
+ dataList = []
+ dataList =
+ for data in dataList:
+ if 'eng_uuid' in data and data['eng_uuid'] and 'email' in data and data['email']:
+ inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ else:
+ msg = "No eng_uuid or no email found on the request body to invite-team-members. data=" + str(data)
+ self.logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
+class InviteContact(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.invite)
+ def post(self, request):
+ msg = "OK"
+ sts = status.HTTP_200_OK
+ data =
+ if ('full_name' not in data or not data['full_name'] or
+ 'email' not in data or not data['email'] or
+ 'phone_number' not in data or not data['phone_number'] or
+ 'eng_uuid' not in data or not data['eng_uuid']):
+ msg = "One of the input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ inviterUser = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
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new file mode 100755
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.login_service import LoginSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.authentication import JWTAuthentication
+class Login(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
+ def post(self, request, param):
+ data =
+ jwt_obj = JWTAuthentication()
+ msg = ""
+ user_profile = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=data['email'])
+ login_svc = LoginSvc()
+ reset_password_param = None
+ if param:
+ reset_password_param = param
+ reset_password_email, is_reset_pwd_flow = login_svc.identify_reset_password(jwt_obj, reset_password_param)
+ if not user_profile.user.is_active:
+ msg = login_svc.render_user_not_active_message(data['email'])
+ else:
+ if is_reset_pwd_flow:
+ msg = login_svc.reset_password(
+ reset_password_email, data['password'], msg, user_profile)
+ else:
+ user_profile.user.User = login_svc.authenticate_user(
+ data['email'], data['password'], msg)
+ msg = login_svc.get_serialized_user_data(
+ is_reset_pwd_flow, user_profile, jwt_obj, user_profile.user)
+ if 'invitation' in data:
+ login_svc.handle_invite_token(data, msg, user_profile)
+ self.logger.debug("login has passed successfully for [email=" + data['email'] + "]")
+ login_svc.update_last_login(user_profile)
+ return Response(msg)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d4f850
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@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import NextStep
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import DeleteNextStepsActivityData
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.nextstep_service import NextStepSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import NextStepState
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+class UserNextSteps(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request):
+ data_or_msg, count = NextStepSvc().get_user_next_steps(
+ 5, # @UndefinedVariable
+ return Response({'data':, 'count': count})
+class NextSteps(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.set_nextstep)
+ def post(self, request, **kwargs):
+ dataList =
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ for data in dataList:
+ if ('description' not in data or not data['description']):
+ msg = "One of the input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ data = NextStepSvc().addNextStep(dataList)
+ for next_step in data:
+ if (next_step['files'] != None):
+ next_step['files'] = json.loads(next_step['files'])
+ self.logger.debug("Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=" +
+ eng_uuid + " for creator with uuid=" + str(user))
+ return Response(data)
+ @auth(Permissions.eng_membership)
+ def get(self, request, **kwargs):
+ next_steps_data = NextStepSvc().get_next_steps(eng_stage=kwargs['eng_stage'])
+ return Response(
+ @auth(Permissions.update_personal_next_step)
+ def put(self, request, **kwargs):
+ data =
+ ns_state = attribute = None
+ if ('attr' in kwargs):
+ attribute = kwargs['attr']
+ if ('state' in data):
+ ns_state = data['state']
+ NextStepSvc().set_next_step_status(attr=attribute, state=ns_state)
+ return Response()
+class OrderNextSteps(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.order_nextstep)
+ def put(self, request, eng_uuid):
+ data =
+ NextStepSvc().update_next_steps_order(nextsteps=data)
+ return Response()
+class EditNextSteps(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.edit_nextstep)
+ def put(self, request, ns_uuid):
+ data =
+ NextStepSvc().update_next_step(data)
+ return Response()
+ @auth(Permissions.delete_nextstep)
+ def delete(self, request, ns_uuid):
+ ns = self.get_entity(NextStep, request_data_mgr.get_ns_uuid())
+ ns.delete()
+ activity_data = DeleteNextStepsActivityData(request_data_mgr.get_user(), ns.engagement)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ return Response(status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+class ChecklistNextStep(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.add_checklist_nextstep)
+ def post(self, request, eng_uuid, checklistUuid):
+ body_unicode = request.body
+ dataList = json.loads(body_unicode)
+ msg = "OK"
+ if (request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid() == None or request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid() == None):
+ msg = "check list uuid or engagement uuid is missing from the url path parameters"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ for data in dataList:
+ if ('assigneesUuids' not in data or not data['assigneesUuids'] or
+ 'description' not in data or not data['description'] or
+ 'duedate' not in data or not data['duedate']):
+ msg = "One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ data = NextStepSvc().addNextStep(
+ dataList, desc="Checklist is denied due to a creation of a new NextStep")
+ return Response(data)
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT,\
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+import engagementmanager.models
+from engagementmanager.notifications import num_of_notifications_for_user, reset_num_of_notifications_for_user,\
+ pull_recent_notifications
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class PullNotifCount4User(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ dataToJson = {}
+ notificationCtr = num_of_notifications_for_user(user.uuid)
+ dataToJson['notifications_number'] = str(notificationCtr)
+ return Response(dataToJson)
+class NotificationOps(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.delete_notification)
+ def delete(self, request, notif_uuid):
+ notif = self.get_entity(
+ engagementmanager.models.Notification, notif_uuid)
+ notif.delete()
+ return Response(status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+ # PullRecentNotif4User
+ def get(self, request, user_uuid, offset, limit):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ serilizedActivitySet, num_of_objects = pull_recent_notifications(user.uuid, offset, limit)
+ if serilizedActivitySet is not None:
+ data = {'serilizedActivitySet': serilizedActivitySet, 'num_of_objects': num_of_objects}
+ return Response(data)
+ else:
+ return Response("Activity set wasn't found", status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ # Reset the number of an unread notifications
+ def put(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ reset_num_of_notifications_for_user(user.uuid)
+ return Response()
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/rest/ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fce516a
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework import parsers
+from bleach.sanitizer import Cleaner
+from django.http.request import QueryDict
+sanitizer = Cleaner(
+ tags=['a', 'b', 'i', 'p', 'span', 'div'],
+ attributes=['font-weight', 'href', 'style', 'bold'],
+ styles=[
+ 'color', 'font-family', 'font-style', 'font-weight',
+ 'text-decoration-line',
+ ],
+ protocols=['http'],
+ strip=True,
+ )
+def clean_r(obj):
+ """Apply bleach.clean() to strings in the given object, recursively.
+ Note that this applies clean() to keys as well as values.
+ """
+ # DataAndFiles objects: recurse on .data, passthrough .files
+ if isinstance(obj, parsers.DataAndFiles):
+ return parsers.DataAndFiles(clean_r(, obj.files)
+ # QueryDict: make new empty mutable object. Update, make immutable, return.
+ if isinstance(obj, QueryDict):
+ new_obj = QueryDict(mutable=True, encoding=obj.encoding)
+ for k, v in obj.lists():
+ new_obj.setlistdefault(sanitizer.clean(k)).extend(clean_r(v))
+ new_obj._mutable = False
+ return new_obj
+ # dict-like objects: clean keys, recursive-clean values
+ if callable(getattr(obj, "items", None)):
+ return obj.__class__(
+ (sanitizer.clean(k), clean_r(v))
+ for k, v in obj.items())
+ # string-like objects: clean
+ if isinstance(obj, str):
+ return sanitizer.clean(obj)
+ # list-like objects / iterables: recurse on all items
+ if callable(getattr(obj, "__iter__", None)):
+ return obj.__class__(clean_r(x) for x in obj)
+ # anything else: pass through
+ return obj
+class XSSParserMixin(parsers.BaseParser):
+ """Apply this mixin to rest_framework.parsers.BaseParser subclasses to
+ cause clean_r() to be run against the parsed data.
+ """
+ def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None):
+ return clean_r(
+ super().parse(
+ stream,
+ media_type=media_type,
+ parser_context=parser_context))
+class XSSJSONParser(XSSParserMixin, parsers.JSONParser):
+ pass
+class XSSFormParser(XSSParserMixin, parsers.FormParser):
+ pass
+class XSSMultiPartParser(XSSParserMixin, parsers.MultiPartParser):
+ pass
+# There's no need to XSS-scrub FileUploadParser since its is
+# always empty.
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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import uuid
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from django.utils import timezone
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, Engagement, Role, Invitation, \
+ IceUserProfile, CustomUser
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.invite_service import markInvitationAsAccepted
+from engagementmanager.service.user_service import UserService
+from engagementmanager.utils.authentication import JWTAuthentication
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, Roles
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import Validator, logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import generateActivationLink, \
+ createUserTemplate
+class SignUp(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
+ def post(self, request):
+ data =
+ data_dont_save = JSONParser().parse(request)
+ if ('company' not in data or not data['company'] or
+ 'full_name' not in data or not data['full_name'] or
+ 'email' not in data or not data['email'] or
+ 'password' not in data or not data['password'] or
+ 'phone_number' not in data or not data['phone_number'] or
+ 'regular_email_updates' not in data):
+ msg = "One of the input parameters is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ Validator.validatePassword(data['password'])
+ i_full_name = data['full_name']
+ i_email = data['email']
+ i_phone_number = data['phone_number']
+ i_password = data['password']
+ i_regular_email_updates = data['regular_email_updates']
+ i_is_service_provider_contact = False
+ add_without_confirm = False
+ user_svc = UserService()
+ if 'add_from_import_excel' in data:
+ add_without_confirm = True
+ Validator.validateEmail(i_email)
+ if data_dont_save['company'] == Constants.service_provider_company_name:
+ i_is_service_provider_contact = True
+ mailTokens = i_email.split("@")
+ if mailTokens[1] not in Constants.service_provider_mail_domain and i_is_service_provider_contact:
+ msg = "Email address should be with service provider domain for signees that their company =" + \
+ Constants.service_provider_company_name
+ self.logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ iceuser = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(email=i_email)
+ if (not iceuser.exists()):
+ roleObj = Role.objects.get(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ activationToken = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
+ i_company = Vendor.objects.get(name=data_dont_save['company'])
+ user_object = CustomUser.objects.create_user(username=i_email, email=i_email, password=i_password,
+ activation_token=activationToken,, is_active=False)
+ info = createUserTemplate(i_company, i_full_name, roleObj, i_phone_number,
+ i_is_service_provider_contact, None, i_regular_email_updates, user_object)
+ newUserObj, is_profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+, defaults=info)
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Creating Non activated User: " + str(newUserObj))
+ userData = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(newUserObj).data
+ # If we eng_uuid and inviter_uuid is supplied it means that this user was
+ # invited. We want to add them to the engagement team of the inviter
+ if 'invitation' in data:
+ invitation = Invitation.objects.get(
+ invitation_token=data['invitation'])
+ self.logger.debug("Looks like user " + i_full_name + " has arrived to the sign-up page from an invite email initiated by user with uuid=" +
+ invitation.invited_by_user_uuid + ". Adding them to the inviter's engagement_team...")
+ userData['eng_uuid'] = invitation.engagement_uuid
+ if data["is_contact_user"] == "true":
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(
+ uuid=invitation.engagement_uuid)
+ engObj.contact_user = newUserObj
+ self.logger.debug("Attaching the user (" + newUserObj.full_name +
+ ") to the engagement's (" + engObj.uuid + ") contact_user")
+ user_svc.addUserToEngAndFireProvisionVfSig(
+ newUserObj, invitation)
+ otherInviteObj = Invitation.objects.filter(
+ accepted=False, email=i_email).exclude(uuid=invitation.uuid)
+ if data['is_contact_user'] == "true" or data['is_contact_user'] == "True":
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(
+ uuid=invitation.engagement_uuid)
+ engObj.contact_user = newUserObj
+ self.logger.debug("Attaching the user (" + newUserObj.full_name +
+ ") to the engagement's (" + engObj.uuid + ") contact_user")
+ markInvitationAsAccepted(data['invitation'])
+ for inviteObj in otherInviteObj:
+ user_svc.addUserToEngAndFireProvisionVfSig(
+ newUserObj, inviteObj)
+ markInvitationAsAccepted(inviteObj.invitation_token)
+ if (add_without_confirm):
+ newUserObj.is_active = True
+ else:
+ data['activation_link'] = generateActivationLink(
+ activationToken, newUserObj)
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Activation Link: " + data['activation_link'])
+ body = get_template("{activate_template_dir}activate_mail_body.html".format(
+ activate_template_dir=Constants.activate_template_dir))
+ subject = get_template("{activate_template_dir}activate_mail_subject.html".format(
+ activate_template_dir=Constants.activate_template_dir))
+ mail.sendMail(i_email, data, body, subject)
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "sign-up has passed successfully for [email=" + i_email + "]")
+ return Response(userData)
+ else:
+ msg = "email " + i_email + \
+ " already exists, no need to perform signup, try to login"
+ return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT)
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import uuid
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile, Vendor
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.user_service import UserService
+from engagementmanager.utils.authentication import JWTAuthentication
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import Validator
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+class SetSsh(VvpApiView):
+ def post(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ data =
+ if 'ssh_key' in data and data['ssh_key'] != user.ssh_public_key:
+ user_service = UserService()
+ user_service.validate_ssh_key(data['ssh_key'])
+ user_service.setSSH(user, data['ssh_key'], 'set')
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg(
+ 'send_ssh_key_created_or_updated_event', user)
+ return Response()
+class UpdatePassword(VvpApiView):
+ def put(self, request):
+ data =
+ msg = "OK"
+ Validator.validatePassword(data['password'], data['confirm_password'])
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ user.user.set_password(data['password'])
+ user.user.temp_password = None
+"Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=" +
+ user.uuid + " Redirecting to Login")
+ return Response(msg)
+class SendResetPasswordInstructionMail(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
+ def post(self, request):
+ msg = "OK"
+ user = None
+ data =
+ if ('email' not in data or not data['email']):
+ msg = "Email address is missing"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ Validator.validateEmail(data['email'])
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=data['email'])
+ jwt_obj = JWTAuthentication()
+ token = jwt_obj.create_reset_password_token(user.user)
+ data['tempPassword'] = str(uuid.uuid1()).split("-")[0]
+ data['login_link'] = str(
+ settings.DOMAIN) + "/#/login?t=" + str(token)
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "The login link to reset Password: " + str(data['login_link']))
+ if (user != None):
+ body = get_template("{reset_pwd_template_dir}reset_pwd_instructions_mail_body.html" .format(
+ reset_pwd_template_dir=Constants.reset_pwd_template_dir))
+ subject = get_template("{reset_pwd_template_dir}reset_pwd_instructions_mail_subject.html".format(
+ reset_pwd_template_dir=Constants.reset_pwd_template_dir))
+ user.user.temp_password = make_password(data['tempPassword'])
+ try:
+ mail.sendMail(data['email'], data, body, subject)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = "Something went wrong while trying to send reset-password mail to " + \
+ data['email'] + "\n error: " + e.message
+ self.logger.error(
+ msg + " rolling back the temporary password from the DB")
+ user.user.temp_password = None
+ return Response(msg, status=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ return Response(msg)
+class User(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ return Response(ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(user).data)
+ def put(self, request):
+ data_dont_save = JSONParser().parse(request)
+ data =
+ errors_list = []
+ self.validate_mandatory_fields(data, errors_list)
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ = Vendor.objects.get(name=data_dont_save['company'])
+ user.phone_number = data['phone_number']
+ user.full_name = data['full_name']
+ if len(user.full_name) > 30:
+ return Response("first name should be up to 30 characters", status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ self.handle_password_change(data, user)
+ ssh_changed = self.handle_ssh_change(data, user)
+ self.handle_notifications_settings_change(data, user)
+ if len(errors_list) != 0:
+ return Response(errors_list, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ if ssh_changed:
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg(
+ 'send_ssh_key_created_or_updated_event', user)
+ userData = ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(user).data
+ "Account updated successfully for user with uuid=" + user.uuid)
+ userData['password'] = ""
+ return Response(userData)
+ def handle_notifications_settings_change(self, data, user):
+ if 'regular_email_updates' in data:
+ user.regular_email_updates = data['regular_email_updates']
+ if 'email_updates_daily_digest' in data:
+ user.email_updates_daily_digest = data[
+ 'email_updates_daily_digest']
+ if 'email_updates_on_every_notification' in data:
+ user.email_updates_on_every_notification = data[
+ 'email_updates_on_every_notification']
+ def handle_ssh_change(self, data, user):
+ ssh_changed = False
+ if 'ssh_key' in data and data['ssh_key'] != user.ssh_public_key:
+ user_service = UserService()
+ user_service.validate_ssh_key(data['ssh_key'])
+ if not user.ssh_public_key:
+ user_service.setSSH(user, data['ssh_key'], 'add')
+ else:
+ user_service.setSSH(user, data['ssh_key'], 'set')
+ if data['ssh_key']:
+ ssh_changed = True
+ return ssh_changed
+ def handle_password_change(self, data, user):
+ if 'password' in data and data['password']:
+ Validator.validatePassword(
+ data['password'], data['confirm_password'])
+ user.user.set_password(data['password'])
+ def validate_mandatory_fields(self, data, errors_list):
+ if ('company' not in data or not data['company'] or
+ 'full_name' not in data or not data['full_name'] or
+ 'email' not in data or not data['email'] or
+ 'phone_number' not in data or not data['phone_number']):
+ msg = "One of the input parameters is missing. #"
+ errors_list.append(msg)
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+class EngagementLeads(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.archive_engagement)
+ def get(self, request):
+ el_list = UserService().get_el_list()
+ return Response(el_list)
+class RGWAAccessKey(VvpApiView):
+ def get(self, request):
+ return Response({"rgwa_secret_key": UserService().get_user_rgwa_secret()})
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import updateValidationDetails
+class UpdateValidationDetails(VvpApiView):
+ @auth(Permissions.update_vf)
+ def put(self, request, vf_uuid):
+ updateValidationDetails(request)
+ return Response()
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny, IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_409_CONFLICT, HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinVendorModelSerializer
+class VendorREST(VvpApiView):
+ permission_classes = (IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly,)
+ def get(self, request):
+ self.permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
+ vendors = Vendor.objects.filter(public=True)
+ serializer = ThinVendorModelSerializer(vendors, many=True)
+ return Response(
+ """
+ expecting: Vendor object fields
+ result: addition of a Vendor object to the DB
+ """
+ def post(self, request):
+ msg = ""
+ sts = None
+ data =
+ vendor = None
+ public = False
+ if 'public' in data:
+ public = data['public']
+ try:
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=data['name'])
+ msg = "Company: " + + " already exist"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ sts = HTTP_409_CONFLICT
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
+ # If the VFC Does not exist, then continue as usual and create it.
+ except Vendor.DoesNotExist:
+ company = Vendor.objects.create(name=data['name'], public=False)
+ return Response(msg)
+ """
+ expecting: Vendor object uuid
+ result: Deletion of the Vendor object from the DB
+ """
+ def delete(self, request, uuid):
+ msg = ""
+ sts = HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(uuid=uuid).delete()
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.vf_service import VFSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import createVF
+class VF(VvpApiView):
+ vf_svc = VFSvc()
+ @auth(Permissions.add_vf)
+ def post(self, request):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ vfList = []
+ if user is not None:
+ vfList = createVF(user, request)
+ return Response(vfList)
+ else:
+ msg = "User wasn't found on top of the kwargs"
+ sts = HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+ self.logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ msg = "Action Failed"
+ return Response(msg, status=sts)
+ def get(self, request, vf_uuid):
+ vf_version = self.vf_svc.get_vf_version(vf_uuid)
+ return Response(vf_version)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ebf3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.models import VF, VFC
+from import VvpApiView
+from engagementmanager.serializers import VFCModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.vfc_service import VFCSvc
+class VFCRest(VvpApiView):
+ vfc_service = VFCSvc()
+ @auth(Permissions.get_vfc)
+ def get(self, request, vf_uuid):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf_uuid)
+ vfcs = VFC.objects.filter(vf=vf)
+ serializer = VFCModelSerializer(vfcs, many=True)
+ return Response(
+ """
+ expecting: VF object uuid, VFC relevant fields(excluding the ones with default field)
+ result: addition of a VFC to the DB and concatenating them with the VF object
+ """
+ # This method doesn't need to be decorated with auth since it doesn't pass any engagement data from the front-end
+ @auth(Permissions.add_vfc)
+ def post(self, request):
+ data =
+ msg = self.vfc_service.create_vfc(data)
+ return Response(msg)
+ """
+ expecting: VFC object uuid
+ result: Deletion of the VFC object with vfc_uuid
+ """
+ @auth(Permissions.delete_vfc)
+ def delete(self, request, vf_uuid, vfc_uuid):
+ self.vfc_service.delete_vfc(vfc_uuid)
+ return Response(status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta
+from rest_framework.views import APIView
+from engagementmanager.decorator.class_decorator import classDecorator
+from engagementmanager.decorator.log_func_entry import logFuncEntry
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import AuthorizationService
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+class VvpApiView(APIView):
+ '''
+ classdocs This is the base abstract class of all ice REST views
+ '''
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+ def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ auth_service = AuthorizationService()
+ args += request,
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ def get_entity(self, entity_name, uuid):
+ entity = entity_name.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
+ return entity
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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
+from django.conf import settings
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.daily_scheduled_message import DailyScheduledMessage
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.hourly_scheduled_message import HourlyScheduledMessage
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class ScheduledJobs:
+ def __init__(self, bus_service):
+ self.bus_service = bus_service
+ self.background_scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
+ self.background_scheduler.start()
+ def __daily_scheduled_job(self):
+ logger.debug("Daily scheduled job is about to start.")
+ self.bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ def setup_daily_job(self):
+ self.background_scheduler.add_job(self.__daily_scheduled_job, 'cron',
+ hour=settings.DAILY_SCHEDULED_JOB_HOUR, day='*')
+ def __hourly_scheduled_job(self):
+ logger.debug("Hourly scheduled job is about to start.")
+ self.bus_service.send_message(HourlyScheduledMessage())
+ def setup_hourly_job(self):
+ self.background_scheduler.add_job(self.__hourly_scheduled_job, 'cron', minute=0, hour='*', day='*')
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@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+Each entity has a model serializer that save/update the object in its create()/update() methods and a regular dictionary (map) serializer that return a new/updated instance of the object
+from rest_framework import serializers
+from engagementmanager.models import NextStep, Notification, Activity, \
+ ChecklistTemplate, Checklist, ChecklistAuditLog, ChecklistDecision, \
+ ChecklistLineItem, ECOMPRelease, EngagementStatus, CustomUser, \
+ ChecklistSection
+from .models import IceUserProfile, VFC, Engagement, VF, DeploymentTarget, Role, Vendor, DeploymentTargetSite
+class RoleModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Role
+ fields = '__all__'
+class VendorModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Vendor
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ThinVendorModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Vendor
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name')
+class SuperThinCustomUserModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = CustomUser
+ fields = ('is_active', 'email', 'activation_token')
+class ThinCustomUserModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = CustomUser
+ fields = ('email', 'activation_token', 'is_active',
+ 'activation_token_create_time')
+class IceUserProfileModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ role = RoleModelSerializer(many=False)
+ company = VendorModelSerializer(many=False)
+ user = ThinCustomUserModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = IceUserProfile
+class SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ role = RoleModelSerializer(many=False)
+ company = VendorModelSerializer(many=False)
+ user = SuperThinCustomUserModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = IceUserProfile
+ fields = ('full_name', 'email', 'uuid', 'role',
+ 'user', 'company', 'phone_number')
+class SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ role = RoleModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = IceUserProfile
+ fields = ('full_name', 'email', 'role', 'uuid', 'ssh_public_key')
+class ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ role = RoleModelSerializer(many=False)
+ company = VendorModelSerializer(many=False)
+ user = SuperThinCustomUserModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = IceUserProfile
+ fields = ('email', 'full_name', 'user', 'is_service_provider_contact', 'phone_number', 'role', 'uuid', 'company',
+ 'ssh_public_key', 'regular_email_updates', 'email_updates_on_every_notification',
+ 'email_updates_daily_digest', 'rgwa_access_key')
+class EngagementStatusModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ creator = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = EngagementStatus
+ fields = '__all__'
+class EngagementModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement_team = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=True)
+ contact_user = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ creator = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ peer_reviewer = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ reviewer = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ starred_engagement = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=True)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Engagement
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ThinEngagementModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ creator = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ engagement_team = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=True)
+ peer_reviewer = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ reviewer = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Engagement
+ fields = ('uuid', 'engagement_manual_id', 'creator',
+ 'engagement_team', 'peer_reviewer', 'reviewer')
+class DeploymentTargetModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = DeploymentTarget
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'version', 'weight', 'ui_visibility')
+class ECOMPReleaseModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ECOMPRelease
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'weight', 'ui_visibility')
+class ThinVFModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement = ThinEngagementModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = VF
+ fields = (
+ 'uuid', 'name', 'engagement', 'is_service_provider_internal', 'ecomp_release')
+class ThinDeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = DeploymentTargetSite
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name')
+class DeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = DeploymentTargetSite
+ fields = '__all__'
+class VFModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement = EngagementModelSerializer(many=False)
+ deployment_target = DeploymentTargetModelSerializer(many=False)
+ ecomp_release = ECOMPReleaseModelSerializer(many=False)
+ deployment_target_sites = ThinDeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer(
+ many=True)
+ vendor = VendorModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = VF
+ fields = '__all__'
+class VFCModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = VFC
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ActivityModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Activity
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ThinActivityModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Activity
+ fields = ('uuid', 'description', 'create_time', 'metadata')
+class NotificationModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ activity = ActivityModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Notification
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ThinNotificationModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ activity = ThinActivityModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Notification
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ChecklistTemplateModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistTemplate
+ exclude = ('create_time', 'update_time', 'category', 'version')
+class ThinChecklistTemplateModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistTemplate
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name')
+class ChecklistModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Checklist
+ fields = '__all__'
+class SuperThinChecklistModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ owner = ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Checklist
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner')
+class ThinChecklistModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement = ThinEngagementModelSerializer(many=False)
+ template = ThinChecklistTemplateModelSerializer(many=False)
+ owner = ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Checklist
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'state', 'owner', 'weight',
+ 'associated_files', 'engagement', 'template')
+class ThinPostChecklistResponseModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ template = ThinChecklistTemplateModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Checklist
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'state', 'associated_files', 'template')
+class UserNextStepModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement_manual_id = serializers.CharField(
+ source='engagement.engagement_manual_id')
+ engagement_uuid = serializers.CharField(source='engagement.uuid')
+ creator_full_name = serializers.CharField(source='creator.full_name')
+ vf_name = serializers.CharField(source='')
+ class Meta:
+ model = NextStep
+ fields = ('due_date', 'engagement_manual_id', 'description',
+ 'create_time', 'creator_full_name', 'vf_name', 'engagement_uuid')
+class NextStepModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement = EngagementModelSerializer(many=False)
+ creator = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ last_updater = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ assignees = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=True)
+ class Meta:
+ model = NextStep
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ThinNextStepModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ assignees = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=True)
+ last_updater = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ ordering = ('position')
+ model = NextStep
+ fields = '__all__'
+class TestEngineChecklistModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ template_id = serializers.CharField(source='template.uuid')
+ engagement_manual_id = serializers.CharField(
+ source='engagement.engagement_manual_id')
+ engagement_id = serializers.CharField(source='engagement.uuid')
+ creator_id = serializers.CharField(source='engagement.creator.uuid')
+ class Meta:
+ model = Checklist
+ fields = ('uuid', 'state', 'associated_files', 'template_id',
+ 'engagement_manual_id', 'engagement_id', 'creator_id')
+class ChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistAuditLog
+ fields = '__all__'
+class ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ creator = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistAuditLog
+ fields = ('uuid', 'category', 'description', 'create_time', 'creator')
+class ChecklistSectionModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistSection
+ exclude = ('template', 'parent_section', 'create_time', 'update_time')
+class ChecklistLineItemModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistLineItem
+ exclude = ('section', 'template', 'create_time', 'update_time')
+class ThinChecklistSectionModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistLineItem
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'weight', 'description')
+class ThinChecklistLineItemModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ section = ThinChecklistSectionModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistLineItem
+ fields = ('uuid', 'name', 'line_type', 'weight',
+ 'description', 'validation_instructions', 'section')
+class ThinChecklistDecisionModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ lineitem = ThinChecklistLineItemModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = ChecklistDecision
+ fields = ('uuid', 'review_value', 'peer_review_value', 'lineitem')
+class EngagementModelSerializerForSignal(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement_team = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(
+ many=True)
+ contact_user = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(many=False)
+ creator = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(many=False)
+ peer_reviewer = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(
+ many=False)
+ reviewer = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(many=False)
+ starred_engagement = SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(
+ many=True)
+ class Meta:
+ model = Engagement
+ fields = '__all__'
+class VFModelSerializerForSignal(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+ engagement = EngagementModelSerializerForSignal(many=False)
+ deployment_target = DeploymentTargetModelSerializer(many=False)
+ ecomp_release = ECOMPReleaseModelSerializer(many=False)
+ deployment_target_sites = ThinDeploymentTargetSiteModelSerializer(
+ many=True)
+ vendor = VendorModelSerializer(many=False)
+ class Meta:
+ model = VF
+ fields = '__all__'
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b7edca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from django.utils import timezone
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.new_notification_message import NewNotificationMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile, Activity, Notification
+from engagementmanager.utils import activities_data
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class ActivitiesSvc:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def generate_activity(self, activity_data):
+ if hasattr(activity_data, "users_list") and activity_data.users_list:
+ for user in activity_data.users_list:
+ activity_data.user = user
+ if hasattr(activity_data, "multiple_users_as_owners") and activity_data.multiple_users_as_owners:
+ activity_data.owner = activity_data.user
+ self.set_description(activity_data)
+ self.set_metadata(activity_data)
+ self.__create_activity(activity_data)
+ else:
+ self.set_description(activity_data)
+ self.set_metadata(activity_data)
+ self.__create_activity(activity_data)
+ def __create_activity(self, activity_data):
+ if activity_data.engagement is None:
+ msg = "Engagement provided is a None object, be careful not to generate " \
+ "description and metadata with engagement properties."
+ logger.warn(msg)
+ if activity_data.owner and not isinstance(activity_data.owner, IceUserProfile):
+ raise ValueError("owner should be IceUserProfile, was %r", activity_data.owner)
+ if activity_data.description is None:
+ logger.warn('createActivity called with description=None; setting to ""')
+ activity_data.description = ''
+ new_activity = Activity.objects.create(
+ activity_owner=activity_data.owner,
+ description=activity_data.description,
+ is_notification=activity_data.is_notification,
+ engagement=activity_data.engagement,
+ metadata=json.dumps(activity_data.metadata, ensure_ascii=False),)
+ if activity_data.engagement:
+ activity_data.engagement.activity_set.add(new_activity)
+ if activity_data.is_notification:
+ users_to_notify = []
+ if activity_data.owner is None:
+ if activity_data.engagement:
+ users_to_notify = activity_data.engagement.engagement_team.all()
+ else:
+ users_to_notify.append(activity_data.owner)
+ for user_to_notify in users_to_notify:
+ new_notification = Notification.objects.create(user=user_to_notify, activity=new_activity)
+ new_activity.notification_set.add(new_notification)
+ user_to_notify.notification_set.add(new_notification)
+ from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+ bus_service.send_message(NewNotificationMessage(new_notification))
+ def pull_recent_activities(self, engagement, recent_activities_limit):
+ """ expected: engagement object (Activity), recent_activities_limit (integer) - number of recent activities
+ result: Top-X Dict Activity objects (sort by create_time) """
+ logger.debug("Pulling top X activities from DB")
+ activities = Activity.objects.filter(
+ engagement=engagement, activity_owner=None).order_by('-create_time')[:recent_activities_limit]
+ return activities
+ def set_description(self, activity_data):
+ dt =
+ description = ''
+ if isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.UserJoinedEngagementActivityData):
+ description = "##user_name## joined ##vf_name## "
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.UpdateNextStepsActivityData):
+ description = "##user_name## " + activity_data.update_type.lower() + " a next step"
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.VFProvisioningActivityData):
+ description = "Failed Gitlab and/or Jenkins Provision ##vf_name##: " + activity_data.description
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.TestFinishedActivityData):
+ description = "Failure in Jenkins Job: " + activity_data.description
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.ChangeEngagementStageActivityData):
+ description = "Engagement stage is now " + activity_data.stage + " for the following VF: ##vf_name##"
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.DeleteNextStepsActivityData):
+ description = activity_data.user.full_name + \
+ " has deleted a next step at " + dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.NoticeEmptyEngagementData):
+ description = "You have not added any parts of the VNF package to your engagement ##vf_name## since it was created " + activity_data.delta_days_from_creation +\
+ " days ago. Do note that if you have not added any parts of the VNF package by " + \
+ activity_data.max_empty_time + ", we will be automatically archive it."
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.AddNextStepsActivityData):
+ description = activity_data.user.full_name + " has added a next step at " + dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.SSHKeyAddedActivityData):
+ if activity_data.action == 'add':
+ description = "You have added an SSH key to your profile"
+ elif activity_data.action == 'set':
+ description = "You have set a new SSH key in your profile"
+ else:
+ description = "SSH key activity"
+ activity_data.description = description
+ def set_metadata(self, activity_data):
+ dt =
+ metadata = {}
+ if isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.UserJoinedEngagementActivityData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "Someone has joined the " + + " team"
+ metadata['notification_message'] = activity_data.user.full_name + " joined the " + + \
+ " team. You can reach the dashboard by going to this link: " + \
+ Constants.dashboard_href
+ metadata['macros'] = {
+ '##vf_name##': {
+ 'type': 'select_engagement',
+ 'short':,
+ 'eng_uuid': str(activity_data.engagement.uuid),
+ },
+ '##user_name##': {
+ 'type': 'popover',
+ 'short': activity_data.user.full_name,
+ 'long':,
+ }
+ }
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.UpdateNextStepsActivityData):
+ metadata['macros'] = {
+ '##user_name##': {
+ 'type': 'popover',
+ 'short': activity_data.user.full_name,
+ 'long':,
+ }
+ }
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.NoticeEmptyEngagementData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "Inactive Engagement Alert - " + activity_data.vf_name
+ metadata['notification_message'] = "We have noticed that you have not added any parts of the VNF package to your engagement <em>" +\
+ activity_data.engagement.engagement_manual_id + ": " + activity_data.vf_name + "</em> since it was created " + activity_data.delta_days_from_creation +\
+ " days ago. If you have any questions around how you add your VNF package please check the relevant parts of the online documentation.<br/><br/>" +\
+ "Do note that if you have not added any parts of the VNF package by " + \
+ activity_data.max_empty_time + ", we will be automatically archive it."
+ metadata['macros'] = {
+ '##vf_name##': {
+ 'type': 'select_engagement',
+ 'short': activity_data.vf_name,
+ 'eng_uuid': activity_data.engagement.uuid,
+ },
+ }
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.VFProvisioningActivityData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "Failed Gitlab and/or Jenkins Provision: " +
+ metadata['notification_message'] = activity_data.description
+ metadata['macros'] = {
+ '##vf_name##': {
+ 'type': 'select_engagement',
+ 'short':,
+ 'eng_uuid': activity_data.vf.engagement.uuid,
+ },
+ }
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.TestFinishedActivityData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "Failed test_finished signal "
+ metadata['notification_message'] = activity_data.description
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.ChangeEngagementStageActivityData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "Engagement stage was changed for the following VF: " + \
+ metadata['notification_message'] = "Engagement stage is now " + activity_data.stage +\
+ " for the following VF: " +
+ metadata['macros'] = {
+ '##vf_name##': {
+ 'type': 'select_engagement',
+ 'short':,
+ 'eng_uuid': activity_data.engagement.uuid,
+ }
+ }
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.AddNextStepsActivityData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "New next-step was added to the following VF: " +
+ metadata['notification_message'] = activity_data.user.full_name + " has added a next step at " +\
+ dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + \
+ ", You can reach the dashboard by going to this link: " \
+ + Constants.dashboard_href
+ elif isinstance(activity_data, activities_data.SSHKeyAddedActivityData):
+ activity_data.is_notification = True
+ metadata['notification_subject'] = "You have set an SSH key"
+ metadata['notification_message'] = "You have set an SSH key to your profile. Please allow some time for" \
+ " it to propagate across the system."
+ activity_data.metadata = metadata
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c850b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+import rest_framework
+from engagementmanager.models import Role, Engagement, Checklist, NextStep, VFC, \
+ VF, ChecklistDecision, Notification
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Permissions(Enum):
+ """
+ This ENUM holds all the actions that require permissions on the ICE portal
+ """
+ update_user = 1, # TODO Any user can update their own account
+ add_vendor = 2, # only el or admin
+ add_nextstep = 3, # only el or admin
+ complete_nextstep = 4, # any eng member
+ delete_nextstep = 5, # only el or admin
+ approve_nextstep = 6, # only el or admin
+ deny_nextstep = 7, # only el or admin
+ reset_nextstep = 8 # any eng member
+ add_checklist = 9, # only el of a given engagement
+ set_checklist_decision = 10, # TODO only el defined as owner of cl
+ add_checklist_audit_log = 11, # TODO only el defined as owner of cl
+ delete_checklist_audit_log = 12, # Do we have this capability ??
+ el_review_checklist = 13, # only checklist owner can set state.
+ # only el defined as peer_viewer of given engagement and is cl owner
+ peer_review_checklist = 14,
+ # TODO only admin which is defined as cl owner
+ admin_approve_checklist = 15,
+ # TODO only el of a given engagement and is the cl owner
+ handoff_checklist = 16,
+ add_vf = 17, # only standard_user
+ add_vfc = 18, # only standard_user ??
+ delete_vfc = 19, # only standard_user
+ add_checklist_nextstep = 20, # only el
+ is_el_of_eng = 21, # only el of engagement
+ update_personal_next_step = 22,
+ create_checklist_audit_log = 23,
+ create_checklist_decision = 24,
+ update_checklist_decision = 25,
+ update_checklist_state = 26,
+ create_deployment_target_site = 27,
+ star_an_engagement = 28,
+ invite = 29,
+ update_account = 30,
+ set_ssh = 31,
+ update_password = 32,
+ get_engagement_status = 34,
+ put_engagement_status = 35,
+ eng_membership = 36,
+ delete_engagement = 37,
+ view_checklist = 38, # only non-standard-user
+ get_vfc = 39,
+ pull_activities = 40,
+ get_deployment_target_site = 41,
+ add_deployment_target_site = 42,
+ delete_deployment_target_site = 43,
+ export_engagments = 44,
+ archive_engagement = 45,
+ get_el_list = 46,
+ update_engagement = 47,
+ view_checklist_template = 48,
+ edit_checklist_template = 49,
+ delete_notification = 50,
+ remove_from_engagement_team = 51,
+ update_engagement_reviewers = 52,
+ edit_nextstep = 54,
+ order_nextstep = 60,
+ set_nextstep = 56,
+ edit_stage = 57,
+ edit_progress_bar = 58,
+ get_progress_bar = 59,
+ change_lab_entry = 62,
+ update_vf = 61, # only non-standard-user
+ add_feedback = 63,
+class AuthorizationService:
+ """
+ The Authorization Service detemines whether a given action is authorized for a specific user.
+ The method: is_user_able_to performs the authorization check given a user and an action (from Permissions ENUM)
+ """
+ role_standard_user = None
+ role_el = None
+ role_admin = None
+ role_admin_ro = None
+ def __get_role_checks(self, user, action):
+ """
+ Returns the list of auth checks that should be performed per user action.
+ Returns None if the action is not listed in the authorized actions of the given user.
+ """
+ result = None
+ # EL #
+ if (user.role == self.role_el) and (action in self.el_permissions):
+ result = self.el_permissions[action]
+ # ADMIN #
+ elif user.role == self.role_admin and action in self.admin_permissions:
+ result = self.admin_permissions[action]
+ # ADMIN Read only #
+ elif user.role == self.role_admin_ro and action in self.admin_ro_permissions:
+ result = self.admin_ro_permissions[action]
+ if user.role == self.role_standard_user and action in self.standard_user_permissions:
+ result = self.standard_user_permissions[action]
+ return result
+ def __require_eng_membership(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Determines whether a given user is part of engagement team by the eng uuid
+ user = IceUser
+ eng = UUID as a string
+ :param user: user for auth check
+ :param action: action for auth check
+ :param kwargs: eng_uuid, checklist_uuid, ...
+ :return: Boolean, Message -> True/False if auth check succeeds/fails and a message describing auth failure
+ """
+ eng = kwargs['eng']
+ try:
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == or == or ==
+ return True, 'OK'
+ else:
+ # validate if user in Team
+ if user in eng.engagement_team.all():
+ return True, 'OK'
+ else:
+ return False, ""
+ except Engagement.DoesNotExist:
+ msg = 'User ' + + ' is not a member of engagement: ' + eng.uuid + \
+ ' / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB'
+ return False, msg
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ msg = 'A general error occurred while trying to validate that User ' + \
+ + ' is a member of engagement '
+ + " Error: " + str(e))
+ return False, msg
+ def __require_peer_review_ownership(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Determines whether the given user is the peer reviewer of the checklist
+ """
+ cl = kwargs['cl']
+ eng = kwargs['eng']
+ if cl and eng:
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if (eng.peer_reviewer == user and cl.owner == user) or ( ==
+ return True, 'OK'
+ else:
+ return False, 'User is either not the owner of the checklist or not a peer reviewer of the checklist'
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ 'Internal Error - Checklist/Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user ' +
+ return False, 'Internal Error - Checklist not found'
+ def __require_cl_ownership(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Determines whether the given user is the owner of the checklist
+ """
+ cl = kwargs['cl']
+ if cl:
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if cl.owner == user or ==
+ return True, 'OK'
+ else:
+ return False, 'User is not the owner of the checklist'
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ 'Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user ' +
+ return False, 'Internal Error - Checklist not found'
+ def __require_el_of_engagement(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Determines whether the given user is the el of the engagement
+ """
+ eng = kwargs['eng']
+ if eng:
+ if ( == # @UndefinedVariable
+ return True, 'OK'
+ if (user.uuid == eng.reviewer.uuid): # @UndefinedVariable
+ return True, 'OK'
+ return False, 'Role Not authorized'
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ 'Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user ' +
+ return False, 'Internal Error - Checklist not found'
+ def __noop(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Do nothing, just authorize the action for the given user
+ """
+ return True, 'OK'
+ def __prevent(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Do nothing, just prevent the action for the given user
+ """
+ return False, 'Role Not authorized'
+ def __is_notification_owner(self, user, action, **kwargs):
+ msg = 'Role Not authorized'
+ authorized = False
+ notification_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_notification_uuid()
+ if notification_uuid:
+ if Notification.objects.get(uuid=notification_uuid).user == user:
+ authorized = True
+ msg = 'OK'
+ return authorized, msg
+ ######################
+ # EL Permissions #
+ ######################
+ """
+ Each Permission Map is composed of the following key-val pairs:
+ Key='Action (Permission ENUM)' --> Value='Set of Checks to perform on this action.'
+ """
+ el_permissions = {
+ Permissions.add_vf: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_feedback: {__noop},
+ Permissions.update_user: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_vendor: {__noop},
+ Permissions.update_vf: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.add_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.complete_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.delete_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.order_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.set_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.edit_stage: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.edit_progress_bar: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.get_progress_bar: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.change_lab_entry: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.approve_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.deny_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.add_checklist: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.set_checklist_decision: {__require_cl_ownership},
+ Permissions.add_checklist_audit_log: {__require_cl_ownership},
+ Permissions.delete_checklist_audit_log: {__require_cl_ownership},
+ Permissions.el_review_checklist: {__require_cl_ownership, __require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.peer_review_checklist: {__require_peer_review_ownership},
+ Permissions.handoff_checklist: {__require_cl_ownership, __require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.add_checklist_nextstep: {__require_cl_ownership, __require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.edit_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.is_el_of_eng: {__require_el_of_engagement},
+ Permissions.update_personal_next_step: {__noop},
+ Permissions.create_checklist_audit_log: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.create_checklist_decision: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_checklist_state: {__require_cl_ownership, __require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.create_deployment_target_site: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.star_an_engagement: {__noop},
+ Permissions.invite: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_account: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.set_ssh: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_password: {},
+ Permissions.delete_vfc: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.get_engagement_status: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.put_engagement_status: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.eng_membership: {__noop},
+ Permissions.delete_engagement: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.view_checklist: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.pull_activities: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.get_deployment_target_site: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_deployment_target_site: {__noop},
+ Permissions.delete_deployment_target_site: {__noop},
+ Permissions.export_engagments: {__noop},
+ Permissions.update_checklist_decision: {__noop},
+ Permissions.get_vfc: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_vfc: {__noop},
+ Permissions.delete_notification: {__is_notification_owner},
+ Permissions.update_engagement: {__noop},
+ Permissions.remove_from_engagement_team: {__require_eng_membership},
+ }
+ #################################
+ # STANDARD_USER Permissions #
+ #################################
+ standard_user_permissions = {
+ Permissions.update_user: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_vf: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_feedback: {__noop},
+ Permissions.add_vfc: {__noop},
+ Permissions.get_vfc: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.delete_vfc: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.complete_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_vf: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.reset_nextstep: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_personal_next_step: {__noop},
+ Permissions.update_checklist_state: {__require_cl_ownership, __require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.create_deployment_target_site: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.star_an_engagement: {__noop},
+ Permissions.invite: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_account: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.set_ssh: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.update_password: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.delete_vfc: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.get_engagement_status: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.eng_membership: {__noop},
+ Permissions.pull_activities: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.export_engagments: {__noop},
+ Permissions.update_checklist_decision: {__noop},
+ Permissions.remove_from_engagement_team: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.delete_notification: {__is_notification_owner},
+ Permissions.change_lab_entry: {__require_eng_membership},
+ }
+ ######################
+ # ADMIN Permissions #
+ ######################
+ ######################################################
+ # TODO: We need to decide exactly what are the ADMIN
+ # TODO: permissions. Currently it matches EL +
+ # TODO: admin_approve_checklist
+ ######################################################
+ admin_permissions = dict(el_permissions) # Duplicate permissions of EL
+ admin_permissions.update( # Add Extra permissions to admin
+ {
+ Permissions.admin_approve_checklist: {__require_cl_ownership},
+ Permissions.remove_from_engagement_team: {__require_eng_membership},
+ Permissions.view_checklist_template: {__noop},
+ Permissions.edit_checklist_template: {__noop},
+ Permissions.archive_engagement: {__noop},
+ Permissions.get_el_list: {__noop},
+ Permissions.update_engagement_reviewers: {__noop},
+ Permissions.edit_nextstep: {__noop},
+ Permissions.delete_nextstep: {__noop},
+ Permissions.order_nextstep: {__noop},
+ Permissions.set_nextstep: {__noop},
+ Permissions.edit_stage: {__noop},
+ Permissions.edit_progress_bar: {__noop},
+ Permissions.get_progress_bar: {__noop},
+ Permissions.change_lab_entry: {__noop},
+ }
+ )
+ ######################
+ # ADMIN Read only Permissions #
+ ######################
+ admin_ro_permissions = dict()
+ admin_ro_permissions.update( # Add Extra permissions to admin_ro
+ {
+ Permissions.add_vf: {__prevent},
+ Permissions.add_feedback: {__noop},
+ Permissions.get_vfc: {__noop},
+ Permissions.get_engagement_status: {__noop},
+ Permissions.eng_membership: {__noop},
+ Permissions.pull_activities: {__noop},
+ Permissions.star_an_engagement: {__noop},
+ Permissions.export_engagments: {__noop},
+ }
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.role_standard_user = self.role_el = self.role_admin = self.role_admin_ro = None
+ self.__load_roles_from_db()
+ def check_permissions(self, user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl):
+ # Retrieve the permission checks that should be performed on this user
+ # role and action
+ perm_checks = self.__get_role_checks(user, action)
+ if not perm_checks:
+ # Permission Checks were not found, it means that the action is not listed in the permitted
+ # actions for the role of the user
+ ret = False, 'Role ' + str( + ' is not permitted to ' + \
+ str( + '/ Engagement: ' + \
+ str(eng_uuid) + " isn't valid"
+ else:
+ # Start invoking permissions checks one by one.
+ for check in perm_checks:
+ ret = result, message = check(
+ self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ if result:
+ # Permission check succeeded
+ continue
+ else:
+ break # Permission check failed
+ return ret
+ """
+ Determines whether a user is able to perform some action.
+ """
+ def is_user_able_to(self, user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid):
+ role = user.role
+ ret = True, 'OK'
+ checklist_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()
+ # Retrieve Engagement and Checklist if their UUIDs were supplied
+ eng, cl = self.__get_objects_from_db(eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ if eng and not eng_uuid:
+ eng_uuid = eng.uuid
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ return ret
+ def __get_objects_from_db(self, eng_uuid, cl_uuid):
+ eng = cl = None
+ try:
+ if eng_uuid:
+ eng = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ except Engagement.DoesNotExist:
+ logger.error(
+ 'ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500')
+ return None, None
+ try:
+ if cl_uuid:
+ cl = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=cl_uuid)
+ if not eng:
+ eng = cl.engagement
+ except Checklist.DoesNotExist:
+ logger.error('CL was not found while checking permissions')
+ cl = None
+ return eng, cl
+ def __load_roles_from_db(self):
+ self.role_standard_user, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.role_el, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.role_admin, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.role_admin_ro, created = Role.objects.get_or_create(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ def prepare_data_for_auth(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ eng_uuid = None
+ # Extract ENG_UUID #
+ if 'eng_uuid' in kwargs:
+ eng_uuid = kwargs['eng_uuid']
+ elif 'engagement_uuid' in kwargs:
+ eng_uuid = kwargs['engagement_uuid']
+ else:
+ # Extract eng_uuid from request body
+ for arg in args:
+ if eng_uuid != None:
+ break
+ if isinstance(arg, rest_framework.request.Request):
+ try:
+ if arg.body:
+ data = json.loads(arg.body)
+ try:
+ iter(data)
+ for item in data:
+ if 'eng_uuid' in item and item['eng_uuid']:
+ eng_uuid = item['eng_uuid']
+ break
+ elif 'eng_uuid' in item and item.eng_uuid:
+ eng_uuid = item.eng_uuid
+ break
+ elif item == 'eng_uuid':
+ eng_uuid = item
+ break
+ except TypeError:
+ if 'eng_uuid' in data and data['eng_uuid']:
+ eng_uuid = data['eng_uuid']
+ elif 'engagement_uuid' in data and data['engagement_uuid']:
+ eng_uuid = data['engagement_uuid']
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ pass
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ # Extract CHECKLIST_UUID #
+ if 'checklistUuid' in kwargs:
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(kwargs['checklistUuid'])
+ if (eng_uuid == None):
+ try:
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(
+ uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ except Checklist.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" +
+ request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Failed fetching engagement uuid from checklist " + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+ # Extract engagement by NEXTSTEP_UUID #
+ if 'ns_uuid' in kwargs:
+ request_data_mgr.set_ns_uuid(kwargs['ns_uuid'])
+ if (eng_uuid == None):
+ next_step = None
+ try:
+ next_step = NextStep.objects.get(
+ uuid=request_data_mgr.get_ns_uuid())
+ except NextStep.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch NextStep by nextstep uuid=" +
+ request_data_mgr.get_ns_uuid())
+ try:
+ eng_uuid = next_step.engagement.uuid
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ except:
+ # If we've gotten here it means that the next_step doesn't have attached
+ # engagement (e.g personal next_step)
+ pass
+ # Extract engagement by VFC
+ if ('uuid' in kwargs):
+ from import VFCRest
+ if (isinstance(args[0], VFCRest) == True):
+ try:
+ vfc = VFC.objects.get(uuid=kwargs['uuid'])
+ if (eng_uuid == None):
+ eng_uuid = vfc.vf.engagement.uuid
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ except VFC.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Exception(
+ "auth service couldn't fetch vfc by vfc uuid=" + kwargs['uuid'])
+ # Extract engagement by VF (unfortunately the url exposed by the server
+ # get uuid as a parameter and serve both vf and vfc APIs) #
+ if 'vf_uuid' in kwargs and eng_uuid == None:
+ try:
+ eng_uuid = VF.objects.get(
+ uuid=kwargs['vf_uuid']).engagement.uuid
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ except VF.DoesNotExist:
+ logger.error(
+ "Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...")
+ vfc = None
+ try:
+ vfc = VFC.objects.get(uuid=kwargs['vf_uuid'])
+ if (vfc != None):
+ eng_uuid = vfc.vf.engagement.uuid
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ except VFC.DoesNotExist:
+ logger.error(
+ "Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VFC")
+ # Extract engagement by ChecklistDecision
+ if 'decision_uuid' in kwargs and eng_uuid == None:
+ try:
+ eng_uuid = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(
+ uuid=kwargs['decision_uuid']).checklist.engagement.uuid
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_uuid)
+ except ChecklistDecision.DoesNotExist:
+ logger.error(
+ "Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision")
+ # Extract notification uuid for permission check
+ if 'notif_uuid' in kwargs:
+ request_data_mgr.set_notification_uuid(kwargs['notif_uuid'])
+ return eng_uuid
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93e48f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta
+from engagementmanager.git.git_manager import GitManager
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+class BaseSvc():
+ '''
+ classdocs This is the base abstract class of all ice Services delegated from the Rest layer
+ '''
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+ gitManager = GitManager()
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5096fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.handlers.service_bus_base_handler import ServiceBusBaseHandler
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpGeneralException
+class BusService:
+ handlers_pairs = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def register(self, handler, message_type):
+ if not isinstance(handler, ServiceBusBaseHandler):
+ raise VvpGeneralException("You can't register handler which is not from type of ServiceBusBaseHandler")
+ handler_pair = self.__get_or_create_handler_pair(message_type)
+ handler_pair["handlers"].append(handler)
+ def send_message(self, message):
+ handler_pair = self.__get_or_create_handler_pair(type(message))
+ for handler in handler_pair["handlers"]:
+ handler.validate_message(message)
+ handler.handle_message(message)
+ def __get_or_create_handler_pair(self, message_type):
+ result = None
+ for handler_pair in self.handlers_pairs:
+ if handler_pair["type"] == message_type:
+ result = handler_pair
+ break
+ if result is None:
+ result = {"type": message_type, "handlers": []}
+ self.handlers_pairs.append(result)
+ return result
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f726950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistDecision, ChecklistAuditLog, Checklist
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def addAuditLogToDecision(decision, description, user, category=''):
+ """
+ expected: decisionUuid(string), description(string), user(object), category is optional(string)
+ result: new auditlog object would be create and attached to a decision object.
+ """
+ audit = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.create(decision=decision,
+ description=description, category=category, creator=user)
+ auditData = ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(audit).data
+ return auditData
+def getAuditLogsWithDecision(decisionUuid, user):
+ """
+ expected: decisionUuid(string), user(object)
+ result: all audit logs objects that attached to a decision would be returned in a json.
+ """
+ data = dict()
+ if checklistUuid == '' or not user: # @UndefinedVariable
+ msg = "checklistUuid or user == None"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "AuditLogs were not retrieved due to bad parameters"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(uuid=decisionUuid)
+ audits = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.filter(decision=decision)
+ data['audits'] = ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(audits, many=True).data
+ auditsData = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
+ return auditsData
+def addAuditLogToChecklist(checklist, description, user, category=''):
+ """
+ expected: checklistUuid(string), description(string), user(object), category is optional(string)
+ result: new auditlog object would be create and attached to a checklist object.
+ """
+ audit = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.create(checklist=checklist,
+ description=description, category=category, creator=user)
+ auditData = ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(audit).data
+ logger.debug("audit log was successfully updated")
+ return auditData
+def getAuditLogsWithChecklist(checklistUuid, user):
+ """
+ expected: checklistUuid(string), user(object)
+ result: all audit logs objects that attached to a checklist would be returned in a json.
+ """
+ data = dict()
+ if checklistUuid == '' or not user: # @UndefinedVariable
+ msg = "checklistUuid or user == None"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "AuditLogs were not retrieved due to bad parameters"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklistUuid)
+ audits = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.filter(checklist=checklist)
+ data['audits'] = ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(audits, many=True).data
+ auditsData = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
+ return auditsData
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e94c059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
+from rest_framework.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistDecision
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinChecklistDecisionModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListState, \
+ CheckListDecisionValue, Roles
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def setDecision(decisionUuid, user, value):
+ logger.debug("attempting setDecision(user=%r, value=%r)...", user, value)
+ if not decisionUuid or not user or value not in CheckListDecisionValue.__members__:
+ msg = "decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "decision wasn't change due to bad parameters"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(uuid=decisionUuid)
+ checklist = decision.checklist
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == and == or ( ==
+ if checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ if decision.review_value != value:
+ decision.review_value = value
+ msg = "review_value was successfully changed for decision: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ else:
+ msg = "review_value was already the same: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ if decision.peer_review_value != value:
+ decision.peer_review_value = value
+ msg = "peer_review_value was successfully changed for decision: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ else:
+ msg = "review_value was already the same: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ if decision.review_value != value:
+ decision.peer_review_value = value
+ msg = "peer_review_value was successfully changed for decision: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ else:
+ msg = "review_value was already the same: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ if decision.review_value != value:
+ decision.review_value = value
+ msg = "review_value was successfully changed for decision: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ else:
+ msg = "review_value was already the same: " + decision.uuid + " , value: " + value
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "decision wasn't change, Checklist's state is not allowed to change the decision"
+ raise MethodNotAllowed(msg)
+ return msg
+ else:
+ msg = "user isn't an EL / The User (" + user.full_name + \
+ ") tried to change the decision while the current owner is " + checklist.owner.full_name
+ logger.error(logEncoding(msg))
+ msg = "Action is forbidden"
+ raise PermissionDenied(msg)
+def getDecision(decisionUuid, user):
+ data = dict()
+ if decisionUuid == '' or (not user and == # @UndefinedVariable
+ msg = "decisionUuid or (user == None / user.role != EL)"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "decision wasn't retrieved due to bad parameters / you are not authorized"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(uuid=decisionUuid)
+ data['decision'] = ThinChecklistDecisionModelSerializer(decision, many=False).data
+ decisionData = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
+ return decisionData
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0df7edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from django.db.models import Q
+from django.db.models.aggregates import Max
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import \
+ ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.git.git_manager import GitManager
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistTemplate, Checklist, Engagement, \
+ ChecklistAuditLog, ChecklistDecision, ChecklistLineItem, IceUserProfile, VF, \
+ ChecklistSection, Role
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinChecklistModelSerializer, \
+ ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer, ThinChecklistDecisionModelSerializer, \
+ ThinPostChecklistResponseModelSerializer, ChecklistTemplateModelSerializer, \
+ ChecklistSectionModelSerializer, ChecklistLineItemModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_audit_log_service import \
+ addAuditLogToDecision, addAuditLogToChecklist
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_decision_service import setDecision
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_state_service import set_state
+from engagementmanager.service.base_service import BaseSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, CheckListState, \
+ CheckListLineType
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import TestFinishedActivityData
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpObjectNotAvailable
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration.vm_client import \
+ send_jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists, executor
+from validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api import get_jenkins_build_log
+import json
+import time
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class CheckListSvc(BaseSvc):
+ def retreive_cl_files_for_engagment(self, eng_uuid):
+ vf_associated_files_list = []
+ checklists_of_eng = Checklist.objects.filter(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid).exclude(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ for checklistObj in checklists_of_eng:
+ associated_files = json.loads(checklistObj.associated_files)
+ vf_associated_files_list = vf_associated_files_list + associated_files
+ return vf_associated_files_list
+ def getDataForCreateNewChecklist(self, user, eng_uuid):
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ vf = engagement.vf
+ if not send_jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists(vf):
+ msg = "Jenkins job or gitlab repo is still missing"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ return False
+ # Get all templates
+ data = self.getChecklistTemplates()
+ data['checkListAssociatedFiles'] = self.gitManager.getRepoAssociatedFilesForUser(
+ eng_uuid)
+ return data
+ def getChecklistTemplates(self, templateUuid=None):
+ """Return checklist template with nested sections and their nested line items"""
+ data = dict()
+ if not templateUuid:
+ checkListTemplates = ChecklistTemplate.objects.all()
+ if (checkListTemplates):
+ data['checkListTemplates'] = ChecklistTemplateModelSerializer(
+ checkListTemplates, many=True).data
+ return data
+ cl_template = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ if (cl_template != None):
+ data = ChecklistTemplateModelSerializer(
+ cl_template, many=False).data
+ sections = ChecklistSection.objects.filter(template=cl_template)
+ if (sections != None):
+ section_list = []
+ for sec in sections:
+ section_data = dict()
+ section_data = ChecklistSectionModelSerializer(
+ sec, many=False).data
+ lineItems = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(section=sec)
+ section_data['lineItems'] = ChecklistLineItemModelSerializer(
+ lineItems, many=True).data
+ section_list.append(section_data)
+ data['sections'] = section_list
+ return data
+ def createNewSection(self, section, templateObj):
+ """Create new section for a given template """
+ logger.debug(
+ "Creating a new section. Section name = " + section['name'])
+ weight = int(ChecklistSection.objects.filter(template=templateObj).aggregate(
+ max_weight=Max('weight'))['max_weight'] or 0) + 1
+ newSection = ChecklistSection.objects.create(
+ name=section.get('name', None),
+ description=section.get('description', None),
+ validation_instructions=section.get(
+ 'validation_instructions', None),
+ template=templateObj,
+ weight=weight)
+ return newSection
+ def createNewLineItemForSection(self, newSectionObj, listItem, templateObj):
+ """Create new line item for a given section and template """
+ weight = int(ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(section=newSectionObj).aggregate(
+ max_weight=Max('weight'))['max_weight'] or 0) + 1
+ ChecklistLineItem.objects.create(
+ name=listItem['name'],
+ description=listItem.get('description', None),
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ line_type=listItem.get('line_type',,
+ validation_instructions=listItem.get(
+ 'validation_instructions', None),
+ section=newSectionObj,
+ template=templateObj,
+ weight=weight)
+ def delete(self, dict_structure, query_set, entity, isDirty):
+ """Generically find the xor result of the user input and the db data. Assumption: If entities exits in DB but not in user input they'll be deleted"""
+ uuid_client = [dict['uuid'] for dict in dict_structure]
+ uuid_db = [record.uuid for record in query_set]
+ uuids_to_delete = set(uuid_db) - set(uuid_client)
+ for u_uid in uuids_to_delete:
+ entity.objects.filter(uuid=u_uid).delete()
+ # Note: No need to delete ChecklistLineItem corresponding to this section
+ # since there is a CASCADE operation on delete section
+ isDirty[0] = True
+ def editIfChanged(self, entity, uidict, fieldList):
+ """Generic function to check that set of fields are modified on a certain entity"""
+ isChanged = False
+ for field in fieldList:
+ if (field in uidict):
+ if (isChanged != True and entity.__dict__[field] == uidict[field]):
+ isChanged = False
+ else:
+ entity.__dict__[field] = uidict[field]
+ isChanged = True
+ return isChanged
+ def updateTemplateFields(self, clTemplate, checklistTemplate, isDirty):
+ if (self.editIfChanged(clTemplate, checklistTemplate, ['name'])):
+ isDirty[0] = True
+ def updateSectionFields(self, section, sec, isDirty):
+ if (self.editIfChanged(section, sec, ['name'])):
+ isDirty[0] = True
+ def updateLineItemFields(self, lineitem, li, isDirty):
+ if (self.editIfChanged(lineitem, li, ['name', 'description', 'validation_instructions', 'line_type'])):
+ isDirty[0] = True
+ def editChecklistTemplate(self, checklistTemplate):
+ """edit the template+section+line-item of user input"""
+ NEW_ENTITY = "newEntity" # this is an indication on top of the provided json to create the entity
+ templateObj = None
+ isDirty = [False]
+ if ('uuid' in checklistTemplate):
+ templateUuid = checklistTemplate['uuid']
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ self.updateTemplateFields(templateObj, checklistTemplate, isDirty)
+ if ('sections' in checklistTemplate):
+ sections = checklistTemplate['sections']
+ query_set = templateObj.checklistsection_set.all()
+ self.delete(sections, query_set, ChecklistSection, isDirty)
+ sectionObj = None
+ for sec in sections:
+ if (sec['uuid'] == NEW_ENTITY):
+ sectionObj = self.createNewSection(sec, templateObj)
+ isDirty[0] = True
+ else: # section was only updated
+ sectionObj = ChecklistSection.objects.get(
+ uuid=sec['uuid'])
+ self.updateSectionFields(sectionObj, sec, isDirty)
+ if ('lineItems' in sec):
+ lineItems = sec['lineItems']
+ query_set = sectionObj.checklistlineitem_set.all()
+ self.delete(lineItems, query_set,
+ ChecklistLineItem, isDirty)
+ for li in lineItems:
+ if (li['uuid'] == NEW_ENTITY):
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(
+ sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ isDirty[0] = True
+ else: # line-item was only updated
+ lineitem = ChecklistLineItem.objects.get(
+ uuid=li['uuid'])
+ self.updateLineItemFields(lineitem, li, isDirty)
+ executor.submit(self.decline_all_template_checklists,
+ isDirty[0], templateObj, request_data_mgr.get_user())
+ def decline_all_template_checklists(self, isDirty, templateObj, user):
+ request_data_mgr.set_user(user)
+ checklists = None
+ start = time.clock()
+ try:
+ if (isDirty == True):
+ states_to_exclude = [,,
+] # @UndefinedVariable
+ checklists = Checklist.objects.filter(
+ template=templateObj).exclude(state__in=states_to_exclude)
+ logger.debug("Number of checklists=" +
+ str(len(checklists)))
+ for checklist in checklists:
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(checklist.uuid)
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(checklist.engagement.uuid)
+ set_state(
+ True, # means that the checklist will be declined and a cloned one is created in PENDING status
+ checklist.uuid,
+ isMoveToAutomation=True,
+ description="""Checklist {name} was rejected since its template ({template}) was edited/deleted""".format(
+,, # means the checklist will be triggered into automation cycle
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = """Something went wrong while trying to reject check-lists which its template was changed. template={template}. Error:""".format(
+ logger.error(msg + " " + str(e))
+ raise e # Don't remove try-except, it supports async invocation
+ end = time.clock()
+ logger.debug("TIME:" + str(end - start))
+ def getChecklist(self, user, checklistUuid):
+ data = dict()
+ checklist = None
+ if == or == # @UndefinedVariable
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklistUuid)
+ else:
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(
+ Q(uuid=checklistUuid), Q(creator=user) | Q(owner=user))
+ # CheckList
+ if checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ msg = "got a request for a checklist which is an archived one, might have been due to an admin edit of a checklist template."
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Requested checklist is archived, reloading checklists list"
+ raise VvpObjectNotAvailable(msg)
+ data['checklist'] = ThinChecklistModelSerializer(
+ checklist, many=False).data
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement=checklist.engagement)
+ data['checklist']['associated_files'] = json.loads(
+ data['checklist']['associated_files'])
+ data['checklist']['jenkins_log'] = get_jenkins_build_log(
+ vf, checklistUuid)
+ data['checklist']['repo_associated_files'] = GitManager(
+ ).getRepoAssociatedFilesForUser(checklist.engagement.uuid)
+ # CheckList Audit Logs
+ # here all fetched records should have decision==null
+ checklistAuditLogs = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.filter(
+ checklist__uuid=checklistUuid)
+ serializedAuditLogsData = ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(
+ checklistAuditLogs, many=True).data
+ data['checklistAuditLogs'] = serializedAuditLogsData
+ # CheckList Decisions + LineItems + Sections (The data is nested thanks
+ # to the serializer)
+ checklistDecisions = ChecklistDecision.objects.filter(
+ checklist__uuid=checklistUuid)
+ serializedDecisionsData = ThinChecklistDecisionModelSerializer(
+ checklistDecisions, many=True).data
+ checklistLineItems = {}
+ for checklistDecision in serializedDecisionsData:
+ section_uuid = checklistDecision['lineitem']['section']['uuid']
+ section_weight = checklistDecision['lineitem']['section']['weight']
+ section_key = str(section_weight) + "_" + section_uuid
+ if section_key not in checklistLineItems:
+ checklistLineItems[section_key] = {}
+ checklistLineItems[section_key]['section'] = checklistDecision['lineitem']['section']
+ checklistLineItems[section_key]['decisions'] = {}
+ checklistLineItems[section_key]['weight'] = section_weight
+ decision_uuid = checklistDecision['uuid']
+ line_item_weight = checklistDecision['lineitem']['weight']
+ decision_key = str(line_item_weight) + "_" + decision_uuid
+ checklistLineItems[section_key]['decisions'][decision_key] = checklistDecision
+ checklistLineItems[section_key]['decisions'][decision_key]['weight'] = line_item_weight
+ data['checklistDecisions'] = checklistLineItems
+ # Decision Audit Logs
+ data['decisionAuditLogs'] = {}
+ for checklistDecision in checklistDecisions:
+ # here all fetched records should have checklist==null
+ decisionAuditLogs = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.filter(
+ decision=checklistDecision)
+ if decisionAuditLogs.count() > 0:
+ serializedAuditLogsData = ThinChecklistAuditLogModelSerializer(
+ decisionAuditLogs, many=True).data
+ data['decisionAuditLogs'][checklistDecision.uuid] = serializedAuditLogsData
+ logger.debug("get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=" + str(checklist.uuid) +
+ ", user.uuid=" + str(user.uuid) + ", checklist.uuid=" + str(checklistUuid))
+ return data
+ def getEngagementFiles(self, eng_uuid):
+ repo_files = self.gitManager.getRepoAssociatedFilesForUser(eng_uuid)
+ return repo_files
+ def createOrUpdateChecklist(self, checkListName, checkListTemplateUuid, checkListAssociatedFiles, checklistUuid=None):
+ template = None
+ checklist = None
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid)
+ if not send_jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists(vf):
+ msg = "Jenkins job or gitlab repo is still missing"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Create or update checklist is not ready yet"
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ # associated_files may be delivered in this format
+ # [{"File": "bar"}, {"File": "baz"}, {"File": "foo"}, {"File": "quux"}]
+ # but we want to store it in this format
+ # ["bar", "baz", "foo", "quux"]
+ repo_files = self.gitManager.getRepoAssociatedFilesForUser(eng_uuid)
+# checklist_files_list = [f['File'] if isinstance(f, dict) else f for f in checkListAssociatedFiles]
+ checklist_files_list = []
+ for file in checkListAssociatedFiles:
+ if isinstance(file, dict):
+ checklist_files_list.append(file['File'])
+ else:
+ checklist_files_list.append(file)
+ for added_name in checklist_files_list:
+ if added_name not in repo_files:
+ logger.error("Update checklist has failed. " +
+ added_name + " doesnt exist in repo")
+ msg = "Failed to create checklist, please select valid file"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ associated_files = json.dumps(checklist_files_list, ensure_ascii=False)
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ template = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=checkListTemplateUuid)
+ if (checklistUuid != None): # Update Checklist
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklistUuid)
+ = checkListName
+ checklist.associated_files = associated_files
+ checklist.template = template
+ if (associated_files != None and len(checklist_files_list) > 0):
+ set_state(
+ decline=True,
+ description="Checklist: " + +
+ "in Pending state will transition to Automation because it has associated files",
+ isMoveToAutomation=True, # means the checklist will be triggered into automation cycle
+ checklist_uuid=checklist.uuid
+ )
+ else: # create ChcekList
+ if ( == # @UndefinedVariable
+ incharge_personal = engagement.reviewer
+ else:
+ incharge_personal = user
+ vf = None
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement=engagement)
+ if (vf.git_repo_url == None):
+ msg = "Can't create checklist since the attached VF (" + \
+ + ") doesn't contain git_repo_url"
+ logger.error(
+ "Update checklist has failed. " + logEncoding(msg))
+ raise ObjectDoesNotExist(msg)
+ checklist = Checklist(name=checkListName, validation_cycle=1, associated_files=associated_files,
+, engagement=engagement, template=template, creator=user, owner=incharge_personal) # @UndefinedVariable
+ line_items_list = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(
+ template=template)
+ for lineitem in line_items_list:
+ new_decision = ChecklistDecision(checklist=checklist,
+ template=template, lineitem=lineitem)
+ # When Checklist is created with files move it it automation
+ if (associated_files != None and len(checklist_files_list) > 0):
+ set_state(
+ decline=False,
+ checklist_uuid=checklist.uuid,
+ description="Checklist: " + +
+ "in Pending state will transition to Automation because it has associated files",
+ isMoveToAutomation=True # means the checklist will be triggered into automation cycle
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ "Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=" + str(checklist.uuid))
+ return ThinPostChecklistResponseModelSerializer(checklist).data
+ def deleteChecklist(self, checklist_uuid):
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist_uuid)
+ checklist.delete()
+ logger.debug(
+ "Delete checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=" + str(checklist_uuid))
+ def setChecklistDecisionsFromValMgr(self, user, checklist_uuid, decisions, checklist_results_from_jenkins):
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist_uuid, owner=user,
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug("setChecklistDecisionsFromValMgr() checklist_uuid=%r, len(decisions)=%d",
+ checklist_uuid, len(decisions),)
+ if ('error' in checklist_results_from_jenkins):
+ el_role = Role.objects.get(
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get(
+ el_admin_list = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(
+ Q(role=el_role) | Q(role=admin_role))
+ activity_data = TestFinishedActivityData(
+ el_admin_list, checklist.engagement, checklist_results_from_jenkins['error'])
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ msg = "test_finished signal from Jenkins has arrived with error: {}".format(
+ checklist_results_from_jenkins['error'])
+ logger.error(msg)
+ set_state(True, checklist_uuid, isMoveToAutomation=False,
+ description=checklist_results_from_jenkins['error'])
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(template=checklist.template).update(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ for decision in decisions:
+ lineitem_obj = ChecklistLineItem.objects.get(
+ uuid=decision['line_item_id'])
+ lineitem_obj.line_type = # @UndefinedVariable
+ decision_obj = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(
+ checklist=checklist, lineitem=lineitem_obj)
+ setDecision(decisionUuid=decision_obj.uuid,
+ user=user, value=decision['value'])
+ if (decision['audit_log_text'] != '' and decision['audit_log_text'] != None):
+ addAuditLogToDecision(decision=decision_obj,
+ description=decision['audit_log_text'], user=user, category='')
+ desc = "The {} validation test suite has completed. The decisions " +\
+ "based on the test results have successfully been set in the " +\
+ "checklist.".format(checklist.template.category)
+ addAuditLogToChecklist(checklist=checklist, description=desc,
+ user=user, category='')
+ checklistData = ThinChecklistModelSerializer(checklist, many=False).data
+ set_state(False, checklist.uuid,
+ isMoveToAutomation=True, description="")
+ return checklistData
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1903c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.db.models import Q
+from django.utils import timezone
+from engagementmanager.decorator.auth import auth
+from engagementmanager.slack_client.api import SlackClient
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistDecision, Checklist, \
+ IceUserProfile, VF, ChecklistLineItem, ChecklistAuditLog, Role
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import Permissions
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_audit_log_service import \
+ addAuditLogToChecklist
+from engagementmanager.service.engagement_service import \
+ update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements, update_eng_validation_details
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListState, \
+ CheckListDecisionValue, Roles, RecentEngagementActionType
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration.vm_client import \
+ send_cl_from_pending_to_automation_event
+from rest_framework.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed
+import random
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def insert_to_recent_engagements(owner=None, action=None, vf=None):
+ if vf == None:
+ # If VF wasn't supplied let's fetch it using checklist and
+ # checklist.engagement
+ checkListObj = Checklist.objects.get(
+ uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement=checkListObj.engagement)
+ logger.debug("Adding vf " + str(vf.uuid) +
+ " to recent engagements table for user " + owner.full_name)
+ update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ owner.uuid, vf, action) # @UndefinedVariable
+def description_creator(checklist, next_state, additional_comment=""):
+ if additional_comment:
+ description = "The " + + " checklist was changed to the " +\
+ next_state.lower() + " state. " + "\n" +\
+ additional_comment
+ else:
+ description = "The " + + " checklist was changed to the " +\
+ next_state.lower() + " state."
+ return description
+ If kwargs['isMoveToAutomation']==True than the CL will not be cloned but reverted to automation, else (False) will be cloned and returned in pending
+def set_state(decline, checklist_uuid, isMoveToAutomation=True, description=None):
+ logger.debug('set_state(decline=%r,checklist_uuid=%r,get_request_data_vars= %r)',
+ decline, checklist_uuid, request_data_mgr.get_request_data_vars())
+ if checklist_uuid != None: # was sent explicitly
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(checklist_uuid)
+ if any(x is None for x in [checklist_uuid, request_data_mgr.get_user(), description]):
+ msg = "checklist uuid or user or description is None"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change due to bad parameters"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ additional_comment = description
+ checklist = retrieve_checklist_object(checklist_uuid)
+ # get metadata for slack notifications
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ checklist_name =
+ engagement = checklist.engagement
+ reviewer = engagement.reviewer
+ peer_reviewer = engagement.peer_reviewer
+ engagement_manual_id = ''
+ if engagement is not None:
+ engagement_manual_id = engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ vf_name = ""
+ if vf is not None:
+ vf_name =
+ if not checklist:
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change due to bad parameters"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if checklist.state == or checklist.state ==
+ msg = "attempt to change state to the next one from 'closed'/'archive', no actions were made."
+ logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "checklist's state is already closed/archive, can not move forward in states."
+ raise FileExistsError(msg)
+ elif decline and checklist.state != # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug(
+ 'set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist')
+ set_state_to_archive(isMoveToAutomation, description)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug('set_state: pending to automation')
+ set_state_to_automation()
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+ # this case is when getting a signal from VM that jenkins has finished all
+ # tests
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug('set_state: automation to review')
+ set_state_to_review(checklist)
+ slack_client.send_notification_to_reviewer_when_automation_completes(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, checklist_name)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug('set_state: review to peer review')
+ set_state_to_peer_review()
+ slack_client.send_notification_to_peer_reviewer_when_the_review_completes(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, checklist_name)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug('set_state: peer review to approval')
+ set_state_to_approval()
+ admins = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(
+ slack_client.send_notification_to_admins_when_the_peer_review_completes(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, admins, checklist_name)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug('set_state: approval to handoff')
+ set_state_to_handoff()
+ slack_client.send_notification_to_reviewer_when_approved(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, checklist_name)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+ elif checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug('set_state: handoff to closed')
+ set_state_to_closed()
+ admins = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(
+ slack_client.send_notifications_when_closed(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, admins, checklist_name)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ return check_sts(checklist, request_data_mgr.get_user(),, additional_comment)
+def duplicate_checklist_and_its_auditlogs(checklist, isMoveToAutomation):
+ ''' Create the basic duplicated checklist object based on the original one '''
+ newState = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checklistDupObject = Checklist.objects.create(
+ validation_cycle=checklist.validation_cycle + 1,
+ associated_files=checklist.associated_files,
+ engagement=checklist.engagement,
+ template=checklist.template,
+ creator=checklist.creator,
+ owner=checklist.creator,
+ state=newState)
+ ''' Fetch all original cl audit logs and attach it to the duplicated one '''
+ audits = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.filter(checklist=checklist)
+ for item in audits:
+ audit = addAuditLogToChecklist(
+ checklistDupObject, item.description, item.creator)
+ if not audit:
+ logger.error(
+ "duplicate_checklist_and_its_auditlogs: Failed to create a duplicated audit log in the DB")
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change"
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ ''' Fetch all original line items and attach it to the duplicated one '''
+ line_items_list = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(
+ template=checklist.template)
+ # Implementation is based on space and performance aspect and not particularly one of them
+ #(could have just change the internal object's cl field to the new object and reset their values)
+ for lineitem in line_items_list:
+ old_decisions = ChecklistDecision.objects.filter(
+ lineitem=lineitem, checklist=checklist, template=checklist.template)
+ if len(old_decisions) == 0:
+ new_decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ checklist=checklistDupObject, template=checklistDupObject.template, lineitem=lineitem)
+ else:
+ for decision in old_decisions:
+ new_decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ checklist=checklistDupObject, template=checklist.template, lineitem=lineitem)
+ old_decision_auditlogs = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.filter(
+ decision=decision)
+ for audit in old_decision_auditlogs:
+ audit = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.create(
+ decision=new_decision, description=audit.description, category='', creator=audit.creator)
+ if isMoveToAutomation == True: # This is a scenario in which we send to VM cl_from_pending_to_automation_event
+ logger.debug("Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation")
+ try:
+ set_state_to_automation(checklistDupObject)
+ except KeyError:
+ # delete new checklist since we don't want duplicate checklist while
+ # the other one is still not archived
+ checklistDupObject.delete()
+ return checklistDupObject
+def check_sts(checklist, user, next_state, additional_comment):
+ description = description_creator(
+ checklist, next_state, additional_comment=additional_comment) # @UndefinedVariable
+ if not description:
+ msg = "failed to set the state to the next one due to invalid parameters."
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ addAuditLogToChecklist(checklist, description, user)
+ return checklist
+def check_decision_meet_criterias(checkListObj, review_type):
+ if not type:
+ return True
+ if review_type == 'review_value':
+ invalid_decisions = ChecklistDecision.objects.filter(Q(checklist=checkListObj) &
+ (
+ Q(
+ | Q(
+ )).count() # @UndefinedVariable
+ elif review_type == 'peer_review_value':
+ invalid_decisions = ChecklistDecision.objects.filter(Q(checklist=checkListObj) &
+ (
+ Q( |
+ Q(
+ )).count() # @UndefinedVariable
+ else:
+ return True
+ if invalid_decisions:
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change, not all decisions are approved / na"
+ raise MethodNotAllowed(msg)
+def retrieve_checklist_and_its_decisions(cluuid, review_type):
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_object(cluuid)
+ if not checkListObj:
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ check_decision_meet_criterias(checkListObj, review_type)
+ return checkListObj
+def retrieve_checklist_object(cluuid):
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=cluuid)
+ return checklist
+This method is called when an EL / Peer Reviewer declines a CL or creates a Next step for them after declining a specific line item in the CL.
+@auth(Permissions.set_checklist_decision, is_internal=True)
+def set_state_to_archive(isMoveToAutomation=True, description=None):
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_and_its_decisions(
+ request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(), '') # @UndefinedVariable
+ rejection_description = description_creator(
+ checkListObj,, description) # @UndefinedVariable
+ addAuditLogToChecklist(
+ checkListObj, rejection_description, request_data_mgr.get_user())
+ checklistDupObject = duplicate_checklist_and_its_auditlogs(
+ checkListObj, isMoveToAutomation)
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.owner = checkListObj.creator
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+ return checklistDupObject
+def set_state_to_automation(checkListObj=None):
+ if checkListObj is None:
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_object(request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+ if checkListObj.associated_files == [] or not checkListObj.associated_files:
+ logger.error(
+ "set_state_to_automation failed: no files were found in the checkListObj.associated_file")
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change, please add files to the checklist in order to start Automation state"
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ originalState = checkListObj.state
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+ if originalState == # @UndefinedVariable
+ send_cl_from_pending_to_automation_event(checkListObj)
+def set_state_to_review(checkListObj):
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+ # set the owner to reviewer and update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements(...)
+@auth(Permissions.el_review_checklist, is_internal=True)
+def set_state_to_peer_review():
+ """
+ This method is called when EL approves a review and moves a CL to peer_review
+ """
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_and_its_decisions(
+ request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(), 'review_value') # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.owner = checkListObj.engagement.peer_reviewer
+ insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ owner=checkListObj.owner, # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+@auth(Permissions.peer_review_checklist, is_internal=True)
+def set_state_to_approval():
+ """
+ This method is called when Peer Reviewer approves a review and moves a CL to approval state
+ """
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_and_its_decisions(
+ request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(), 'peer_review_value') # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_list = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(
+ role=admin_role) # @UndefinedVariable
+ if admin_list.count() < 1:
+ logger.error("Failed to save the new state of the Checklist to the DB")
+ msg = "checklist state wasn't change due to server error"
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ rand_admin = admin_list[random.randint(0, admin_list.count() - 1)]
+ admin = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=rand_admin.uuid)
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+ checkListObj.owner = admin
+ insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ owner=checkListObj.owner, # @UndefinedVariable
+def set_state_to_handoff():
+ """
+ This method is called when an admin approves a CL and moves it to a handoff state
+ """
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_and_its_decisions(
+ request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(), '')
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.owner = checkListObj.creator
+ insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ owner=checkListObj.owner, # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+def set_state_to_closed():
+ """
+ This method is called when an EL approves the handoff and moves the CL to closed state
+ """
+ checkListObj = retrieve_checklist_and_its_decisions(
+ request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid(), '')
+ checkListObj.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ checkListObj.owner = checkListObj.creator
+ checkListObj.update_time =
+ update_eng_validation_details(checkListObj)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8625d88
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class BaseCms():
+ '''
+ classdocs This is the base abstract class of all ice cms operations
+ '''
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ab6fc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import re
+from engagementmanager.apps import cms_client
+from engagementmanager.service.cms.base_cms import BaseCms
+class CMSPagesService(BaseCms):
+ def __init__(self, params=None):
+ pass
+ def getPages(self, title=""):
+ pages = cms_client.get_pages(title)
+ return pages
+ def getPage(self, id):
+ page = cms_client.get_page(id)
+ # Handling static files address (like images) to get the full address of the CMS static file:
+ if 'content' in page and page['content']:
+ cmsAddress = re.sub('\/api/$', '', cms_client.api_url)
+ page['content'] = page['content'].replace('src="/static/media/', 'src="%s/static/media/' % cmsAddress)
+ return page
+ def searchPages(self, keyword):
+ pages = cms_client.search_pages(keyword)[:100]
+ return pages
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..720f766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from engagementmanager.apps import cms_client
+from engagementmanager.service.cms.base_cms import BaseCms
+class CMSPostsService(BaseCms):
+ def __init__(self, params=None):
+ pass
+ def getPosts(self, offset, limit, fromLastDays=None, category=""):
+ from_last_days_param = ""
+ if (fromLastDays is not None and fromLastDays != ""):
+ from_last_days_param = ( - timedelta(days=int(fromLastDays))).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ return posts
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..69c5e6f
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import VF, DeploymentTarget
+def update_deployment_target(engagement_uuid, dt_uuid):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement_uuid)
+ dpltarget = DeploymentTarget.objects.get(uuid=dt_uuid)
+ vf.deployment_target = dpltarget
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d151ac0
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import VF, ECOMPRelease
+def update_ECOMP(engagement_uuid, ecomp_uuid):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement_uuid)
+ ecomp = ECOMPRelease.objects.get(uuid=ecomp_uuid)
+ vf.ecomp_release = ecomp
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..628bc57
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@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
+from django.db import connection
+from django.db.models.aggregates import Count
+from django.db.models.expressions import F
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import \
+ ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.slack_client.api import SlackClient
+from engagementmanager.models import VF, Engagement, RecentEngagement, \
+ EngagementStatus, VFC, IceUserProfile, Checklist
+from engagementmanager.serializers import SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer, \
+ VFModelSerializerForSignal
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, EngagementStage, \
+ ChecklistDefaultNames
+from engagementmanager.utils.dates import parse_date
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import \
+ ChangeEngagementStageActivityData
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+from validationmanager.utils.clients import get_gitlab_client
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def update_engagement_status(user, description, eng_status_uuid, engagement):
+ try:
+ status = EngagementStatus.objects.get(uuid=eng_status_uuid)
+ status.description = description
+ status.update_time =
+ msg = "Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: " + \
+ engagement.uuid
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ except RecentEngagement.DoesNotExist:
+ EngagementStatus.objects.create(
+ creator=user, description=description)
+ msg = "Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: " + \
+ engagement.uuid
+ logger.debug(msg)
+def insert_engagement_status(user, description, engagement):
+ created_eng = EngagementStatus.objects.create(
+ creator=user, description=description, engagement=engagement)
+ msg = "Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: " + \
+ engagement.uuid
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ return created_eng
+def update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements(original_user_uuid, vf, action_type):
+ try:
+ user_uuid = ''
+ try:
+ user_uuid = original_user_uuid.urn[9:]
+ except:
+ user_uuid = original_user_uuid
+ recent_engs = RecentEngagement.objects.filter(
+ user_uuid=user_uuid, vf=vf.uuid).order_by('-last_update')
+ if len(recent_engs) == 0:
+ raise RecentEngagement.DoesNotExist()
+ else:
+ recent_eng = recent_engs[0]
+ if (recent_eng.action_type != action_type):
+ recent_eng.action_type = action_type
+ recent_eng.last_update =
+ msg = "Recent engagement table was successfully updated the row for a user with uuid: " + \
+ user_uuid + " and vf uuid: " + vf.uuid + \
+ "with a new action type: " + action_type
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ else:
+ recent_eng.last_update =
+ msg = "Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: " + \
+ user_uuid + " and vf uuid: " + vf.uuid
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ RecentEngagement.objects.filter(
+ - timedelta(days=settings.RECENT_ENG_TTL)).delete()
+ except RecentEngagement.DoesNotExist:
+ RecentEngagement.objects.create(
+ user_uuid=user_uuid, vf=vf, action_type=action_type)
+ msg = "Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: " + \
+ str(user_uuid) + " and vf uuid: " + str(vf.uuid)
+ logger.debug(msg)
+def get_dashboard_expanded_engs(stage, keyword, offset, limit, user):
+ """
+ Expecting:
+ stage: one of the choices in the defined constants.
+ keyword: string
+ offset: non-negative number to start the pull from them + 9 (Negative indexing (i.e. Entry.objects.all()[-1]) is not supported - according to Django 21.12.16).
+ user: user object of the requesting client.
+ Result:
+ Query-set of engs that match the parameters provided (10 objects).
+ """
+ engStageList = [,,
+,] # @UndefinedVariable
+ q_object = Q()
+ q_vfc_object = Q()
+ if len(keyword) >= 1:
+ q_object &= Q(name__icontains=keyword) | Q(
+ engagement__engagement_manual_id__icontains=keyword) | Q(
+ engagement__engagement_team__email__icontains=keyword) | Q(
+ engagement__engagement_team__full_name__icontains=keyword)
+ q_vfc_object &= Q(name__icontains=keyword)
+ if stage == "All":
+ q_object &= Q(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)
+ q_vfc_object &= Q(vf__engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)
+ else:
+ q_object &= Q(engagement__engagement_stage=stage)
+ q_vfc_object &= Q(vf__engagement__engagement_stage=stage)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( != and !=
+ q_object &= Q(engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid)
+ q_vfc_object &= Q(vf__engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid)
+ vf_list_uuids = VF.objects.filter(q_object).values_list(
+ 'uuid', flat=True).order_by('engagement__target_completion_date')
+ vfc_vflist_uuids = VFC.objects.filter(q_vfc_object).values_list(
+ 'vf__uuid', flat=True).order_by('vf__engagement__target_completion_date')
+ vf_list_uuids = OrderedSet(vf_list_uuids)
+ for current_vf in OrderedSet(vfc_vflist_uuids):
+ vf_list_uuids.add(current_vf)
+ num_of_objects = len(vf_list_uuids)
+ vf_final_array = []
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(uuid__in=vf_list_uuids)\
+ .annotate(vf__name=F('name'), vendor__name=F('vendor__name'),
+ )\
+ .values(
+ 'vf__name',
+ 'version',
+ 'deployment_target__version',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'ecomp_release__name',
+ 'engagement__engagement_stage',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__uuid',
+ 'engagement__heat_validated_time',
+ 'engagement__image_scan_time',
+ 'engagement__aic_instantiation_time',
+ 'engagement__asdc_onboarding_time',
+ 'engagement__target_completion_date',
+ 'engagement__progress',
+ 'target_lab_entry_date',
+ 'engagement__started_state_time',
+ 'vendor__name',
+ 'engagement__validated_time',
+ 'engagement__completed_time',
+ 'uuid'
+ )\
+ .annotate(vf_uuid_count=Count('uuid', distinct=True))\
+ .order_by('engagement__target_completion_date')[int(offset):int(offset) + limit]
+ for current_vf in vf_list:
+ eng = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=current_vf['engagement__uuid'])
+ starred_users = eng.starred_engagement.all()
+ current_vf['starred_users'] = list()
+ if starred_users:
+ for current_starred in starred_users:
+ current_vf['starred_users'].append(current_starred.uuid)
+ vf_final_array.append(current_vf)
+ data = {'array': vf_final_array, 'num_of_objects': num_of_objects}
+ return data
+# Extension method for get_dashboard_expanded_engs which adds additional
+# data required by export process.
+def get_expanded_engs_for_export(stage, keyword, user):
+ # TODO replace this 1000000 with No limit value
+ data = get_dashboard_expanded_engs(
+ stage, keyword, 0, 10000000, user)
+ vf_list = data["array"]
+ for vf in vf_list:
+ eng = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=vf['engagement__uuid'])
+ latest_status = EngagementStatus.objects.filter(
+ engagement=eng).distinct().order_by('-update_time')[:1]
+ peer_reviewer = eng.peer_reviewer
+ reviewer = eng.reviewer
+ vf['vf_engagement__peer_reviewer'] = peer_reviewer
+ vf['vf_engagement__reviewer'] = reviewer
+ if latest_status.count() > 0:
+ vf['engagement__latest_status'] = latest_status[0].description
+ else:
+ vf['engagement__latest_status'] = "--"
+ vf['vfcs'] = "--"
+ vf['vfcs__number'] = "0"
+ vfObject = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf['uuid'])
+ if vfObject is not None:
+ vfcs = vfObject.vfc_set.values_list('name', flat=True)
+ if vfcs.count() > 0:
+ vf['vfcs'] = ', '.join(vfcs)
+ vf['vfcs__number'] = vfcs.count()
+ # Overview statistics:
+ cursor = connection.cursor()
+ cursor.callproc("generate_excel_overview_sheet", (stage, keyword,))
+ deployment_targets = cursor.fetchall()
+ cursor.execute("COMMIT")
+ return vf_list, deployment_targets
+def is_eng_stage_eql_to_requested_one(engagement, requested_stage):
+ if engagement.engagement_stage == requested_stage:
+ msg = "An attempt to change the Engagement's stage (uuid: " + engagement.uuid + \
+ ") to the same stage it is current in(" + \
+ engagement.engagement_stage + ") was made."
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ return True
+ return False
+def set_engagement_stage(eng_uuid, stage):
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ vfObj = engagement.vf
+ if is_eng_stage_eql_to_requested_one(engagement, stage):
+ msg = "Action denied."
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ else:
+ engagement.engagement_stage = stage
+ engagement.intake_time =
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg('send_provision_new_vf_event', vfObj)
+ msg = send_notifications_and_create_activity_after_eng_stage_update(
+ engagement)
+ return msg
+def send_notifications_and_create_activity_after_eng_stage_update(engagement):
+ # send notifications
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.update_for_change_of_the_engagement_stage(
+ res['engagement_manual_id'], res['vf_name'], engagement.engagement_stage)
+ activity_data = ChangeEngagementStageActivityData(VF.objects.get(engagement=engagement), engagement.engagement_stage,
+ engagement)
+ from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ logger.debug("Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: " + engagement.uuid + ") was successfully changed to: "
+ + engagement.engagement_stage)
+ return "OK"
+def set_progress_for_engagement(progress=None):
+ prog = int(progress)
+ if prog < 0 or prog > 100:
+ msg = 'set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100'
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ else:
+ eng = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid())
+ eng.progress = progress
+def vf_retreiver(user, star=False, recent=False, eng_uuid=""):
+ engStageList = [,,
+,] # @UndefinedVariable
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ( == or ==
+ if star:
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(engagement__starred_engagement__uuid=user.uuid).distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ for vf in vf_list:
+ red_dot_activity = RecentEngagement.objects.filter(
+ vf=vf['uuid']).values('action_type').order_by('-last_update')[:1]
+ if (red_dot_activity.count() > 0):
+ vf['action_type'] = red_dot_activity[0]['action_type']
+ else:
+ vf['action_type'] = ''
+ return vf_list
+ elif recent:
+ recent = RecentEngagement.objects.filter(vf__engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(user_uuid=user.uuid).distinct().order_by('-last_update')\
+ .values(
+ 'vf__uuid',
+ 'vf__name',
+ 'vf__is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'vf__engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'vf__engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'vf__engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'vf__engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'vf__engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'vf__engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'vf__engagement__uuid',
+ 'action_type',
+ 'last_update'
+ )[:20]
+ return recent
+ else:
+ if eng_uuid != "":
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid).distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ else:
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter().distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ return vf_list
+ else:
+ if star:
+ if eng_uuid != "":
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(Q(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid, engagement__starred_engagement__uuid=user.uuid) | Q(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, engagement__peer_reviewer=user, engagement__starred_engagement__uuid=user.uuid))\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ else:
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(Q(engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid, engagement__starred_engagement__uuid=user.uuid) | Q(engagement__peer_reviewer=user, engagement__starred_engagement__uuid=user.uuid)).distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ for vf in vf_list:
+ red_dot_activity = RecentEngagement.objects.filter(
+ vf=vf['uuid']).values('action_type').order_by('-last_update')[:1]
+ if (red_dot_activity.count() > 0):
+ vf['action_type'] = red_dot_activity[0]['action_type']
+ else:
+ vf['action_type'] = ''
+ return vf_list
+ elif recent:
+ recent = RecentEngagement.objects.filter(vf__engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(Q(user_uuid=user.uuid, vf__engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid) | Q(user_uuid=user.uuid, vf__engagement__peer_reviewer=user)).distinct().order_by('-last_update')\
+ .values(
+ 'vf__uuid',
+ 'vf__name',
+ 'vf__is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'vf__engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'vf__engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'vf__engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'vf__engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'vf__engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'vf__engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'vf__engagement__uuid',
+ 'action_type',
+ 'last_update'
+ )[:20]
+ return recent
+ else:
+ if eng_uuid != "":
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(Q(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid) | Q(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, engagement__peer_reviewer=user)).distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ else:
+ vf_list = VF.objects.filter(engagement__engagement_stage__in=engStageList)\
+ .filter(Q(engagement__engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid) | Q(engagement__peer_reviewer=user)).distinct().order_by('engagement__engagement_manual_id')\
+ .values(
+ 'uuid',
+ 'name',
+ 'is_service_provider_internal',
+ 'engagement__creator__uuid',
+ 'engagement__engagement_manual_id',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__peer_reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__uuid',
+ 'engagement__reviewer__email',
+ 'engagement__uuid'
+ )
+ return vf_list
+def star_an_engagement(user, eng_uuid):
+ msg = "Engagement was successfully starred."
+ engObj = None
+ try:
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(
+ uuid=eng_uuid, starred_engagement__uuid=user.uuid)
+ engObj.starred_engagement.remove(user)
+ msg = "Engagement was successfully un-starred."
+ except Engagement.DoesNotExist:
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ engObj.starred_engagement.add(user)
+ return msg
+def archive_engagement(eng_uuid, reason):
+ msg = "Engagement was successfully archived."
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ # get the vf
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ project_id = "%s/%s" % (vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id,
+' ', '_'))
+ formated_vf = VFModelSerializerForSignal(vf).data
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ engagement.engagement_stage =
+ engagement.archive_reason = reason
+ engagement.archived_time =
+ vm_client.send_remove_all_standard_users_from_project_event(
+ gitlab, project_id, formated_vf)
+ # send notifications
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.update_for_archived_engagement(
+ res['engagement_manual_id'], res['vf_name'], reason)
+ return msg
+def set_engagement_reviewer(eng_uuid, reviewer_uuid):
+ result = None
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ reviewer = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=reviewer_uuid)
+ if engagement.peer_reviewer != reviewer:
+ old_reviewer = engagement.reviewer
+ engagement.engagement_team.remove(old_reviewer)
+ engagement.engagement_team.add(reviewer)
+ checklist_lists_creator = Checklist.objects.filter(
+ engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, creator=old_reviewer)
+ for checklist in checklist_lists_creator:
+ checklist.creator = reviewer
+ checklist_lists_owner = Checklist.objects.filter(
+ engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, owner=old_reviewer)
+ for checklist in checklist_lists_owner:
+ checklist.owner = reviewer
+ engagement.reviewer = reviewer
+ # send notifications
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(
+ res['engagement_manual_id'], res['vf_name'], reviewer, old_reviewer, 'reviewer')
+ result = reviewer
+ else:
+ return result
+ return SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(result).data
+def set_engagement_peer_reviewer(eng_uuid, peer_reviewer_uuid):
+ result = None
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ peer_reviewer = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=peer_reviewer_uuid)
+ if engagement.reviewer != peer_reviewer:
+ old_peer_reviewer = engagement.peer_reviewer
+ engagement.engagement_team.remove(old_peer_reviewer)
+ engagement.engagement_team.add(peer_reviewer)
+ checklist_lists_owner = Checklist.objects.filter(
+ engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, owner=old_peer_reviewer)
+ for checklist in checklist_lists_owner:
+ checklist.owner = peer_reviewer
+ engagement.peer_reviewer = peer_reviewer
+ # send notifications
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(
+ res['engagement_manual_id'], res['vf_name'], peer_reviewer, old_peer_reviewer, 'peer reviewer')
+ result = peer_reviewer
+ else:
+ return result
+ return SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(result).data
+def switch_engagement_reviewers(eng_uuid, reviewer_uuid, peer_reviewer_uuid):
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ peer_reviewer = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=peer_reviewer_uuid)
+ old_peer_reviewer = engagement.peer_reviewer
+ reviewer = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=reviewer_uuid)
+ old_reviewer = engagement.reviewer
+ checklist_owners = Checklist.objects.filter(
+ Q(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid) & (Q(owner=old_reviewer) | Q(owner=old_peer_reviewer)))
+ for checklist in checklist_owners:
+ if checklist.owner == reviewer:
+ checklist.owner = peer_reviewer
+ if checklist.owner == peer_reviewer:
+ checklist.owner = reviewer
+ engagement.peer_reviewer = peer_reviewer
+ engagement.reviewer = reviewer
+ # send notifications
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(
+ res['engagement_manual_id'], res['vf_name'], reviewer, old_reviewer, 'reviewer')
+ slack_client.update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(
+ res['engagement_manual_id'], res['vf_name'], peer_reviewer, old_peer_reviewer, 'peer reviewer')
+ return {"reviewer": reviewer_uuid, "peerreviewer": peer_reviewer_uuid}
+def get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement):
+ # get the engagement
+ engagement_manual_id = engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ # get the vf
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ vf_name = ""
+ if vf is not None:
+ vf_name =
+ return {'engagement_manual_id': engagement_manual_id, 'vf_name': vf_name}
+def update_engagement(engagement_dict):
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=engagement_dict['uuid'])
+ engagement.target_completion_date = parse_date(
+ engagement_dict['target_completion_date'])
+ engagement.heat_validated_time = parse_date(
+ engagement_dict['heat_validated_time'])
+ engagement.image_scan_time = parse_date(engagement_dict['image_scan_time'])
+ engagement.aic_instantiation_time = parse_date(
+ engagement_dict['aic_instantiation_time'])
+ engagement.asdc_onboarding_time = parse_date(
+ engagement_dict['asdc_onboarding_time'])
+ if 0 <= engagement_dict['progress'] <= 100:
+ engagement.progress = engagement_dict['progress']
+ else:
+ return None
+ return engagement
+def remove_user_from_engagement_team(eng_uuid, user, removed_user_uuid):
+ msg = "User was successfully removed from the engagement team"
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if ((removed_user_uuid == user.uuid) or (removed_user_uuid != user.uuid and ( == or ==
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ requested_user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=removed_user_uuid)
+ if (engagement.peer_reviewer == requested_user or engagement.reviewer == requested_user
+ or engagement.creator == requested_user or engagement.contact_user == requested_user):
+ msg = "Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team."
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise PermissionDenied
+ engagement.engagement_team.remove(requested_user)
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin."
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise PermissionDenied
+def update_eng_validation_details(cl):
+ setattr(cl.engagement,
+ ChecklistDefaultNames.VALIDATION_DATE_ARRAY[],
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4780fd
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from uuid import uuid4
+import bleach
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from engagementmanager import mail
+from engagementmanager.models import Invitation, IceUserProfile, Engagement
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpBadRequest
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import Validator, logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import getVfByEngUuid
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def enforce_invitation_throttling(eng_uuid, invited_email, inviterUser, invitedUser):
+ assert eng_uuid is not None
+ assert invited_email is not None
+ invitation = Invitation.objects.filter(engagement_uuid=eng_uuid, email=invited_email)
+ if len(invitation) > 0:
+ logger.warn("Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: " + str(invitation))
+ return False
+ if ((invitedUser != None and != and
+ != or invitedUser == None):
+ numOfInvitationinLast24H = Invitation.objects.filter(email=invited_email,
+ - timedelta(
+ hours=24)).count()
+ if numOfInvitationinLast24H >= 5:
+ logger.warn(
+ "Oops, looks like invited email (" + invited_email + ") which isn't EL nor admin has reached its "
+ "max invitations (5) in the last 24 hours")
+ return False
+ if ((invitedUser != None and == or
+ (invitedUser != None and == or
+ invitedUser == None):
+ numOfInvitationinLast24H = Invitation.objects.filter(invited_by_user_uuid=inviterUser.uuid,
+ - timedelta(
+ hours=24)).count()
+ if numOfInvitationinLast24H >= 25:
+ logger.warn(
+ "Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter "
+ "(" + + ") has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours")
+ return False
+ return True
+def generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user):
+ vf = getVfByEngUuid(data['eng_uuid'])
+ if vf is not None:
+ data['vf_name'] =
+ else:
+ data['vf_name'] = "-"
+ logger.error("Couldn't fetch VF by engagement uuid=" + logEncoding(data['eng_uuid']))
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(
+ invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ subject = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_subject.html".format(
+ invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ data['dashboard_link'] = str(settings.DOMAIN) + "/#/dashboard/"
+ invitation = Invitation.objects.create(engagement_uuid=data['eng_uuid'],
+ invited_by_user_uuid=inviterUser.uuid, email=data['email'],
+ invitation_token=uuid4())
+ if invitedUser is not None:
+ data['invite_link'] = str(settings.DOMAIN) + "/#/login?invitation=" + str(invitation.invitation_token)
+ data['instruction'] = "To accept this invitation, please click this link:"
+ logger.debug("Invited Contact with email " + data['email'] + "already exist in the DB. Sending them an email "
+ "with link to login page. link=" + data[
+ 'invite_link'])
+ if is_contact_user:
+ logger.debug("Updating the Engagement with uuid=" + data[
+ 'eng_uuid'] + " to have this contact user: " + invitedUser.full_name)
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=data['eng_uuid'])
+ engObj.contact_user = invitedUser
+ else:
+ prefix = str(settings.DOMAIN) + "/#/signUp?invitation=" + \
+ str(invitation.invitation_token) + "&email=" + data['email']
+ suffix = ""
+ if 'full_name' in data and data['full_name'] and 'phone_number' in data and data['phone_number']:
+ suffix += "&full_name=" + data['full_name'] + "&phone_number=" + data['phone_number']
+ if data.get('company'):
+ suffix += "&company=" + data['company']
+ data['invite_link'] = prefix + suffix
+ data['instruction'] = "To create an account and accept this invitation, please click this link:"
+ if is_contact_user:
+ data['invite_link'] += "&is_contact_user=true"
+ logger.debug("The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or "
+ + Constants.service_provider_company_name + " Sponsor)")
+ logger.debug(
+ "Invited Person doesn't exists, sending them an email with link to signup. link=" + data['invite_link'])
+ return body, subject, invitation
+def inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user):
+ invitedUser = None
+ Validator.validateEmail(data['email'])
+ data['email'] = bleach.clean(data['email'], tags=['a', 'b'])
+ rs = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(email=data['email'])
+ if len(rs) > 0:
+ invitedUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=data['email'])
+ is_invite_ok = enforce_invitation_throttling(data['eng_uuid'], data['email'], inviterUser, invitedUser)
+ if is_invite_ok == False:
+ msg = "Invite couldn't be created"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise VvpBadRequest(msg)
+ body, subject, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ try:
+ mail.sendMail(data['email'], data, body, subject)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(e)
+ msg = "Something went wrong while trying to send mail to " + data['email'] + " from " +
+ logger.error(msg)
+ if invitation:
+ logger.error("Rolling back the invitation (" + invitation + ") due to problems in sending its mail")
+ invitation.delete()
+ raise Exception(msg)
+def markInvitationAsAccepted(invitation_token):
+ invitation = Invitation.objects.get(invitation_token=invitation_token)
+ invitation.accepted = True
+ logger.debug("Marking Invitation [" + str(invitation) + "] as accepted")
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import logging
+class LoggingServiceFactory(object):
+ __logger = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ if self.__logger is None:
+ self.__set_logger()
+ @classmethod
+ def __set_logger(cls):
+ if cls.__logger is None:
+ cls.__logger = logging.getLogger('vvp.logger')
+ @classmethod
+ def get_logger(cls):
+ if cls.__logger is None:
+ cls.__set_logger()
+ return cls.__logger
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import bleach
+from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+from django.contrib.auth.hashers import check_password
+from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
+from django.utils import timezone
+from rest_framework.exceptions import NotAcceptable
+from engagementmanager.models import Invitation, VF
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.base_service import BaseSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.invite_service import markInvitationAsAccepted
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpConflict
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import addUsersToEngTeam
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+class LoginSvc(BaseSvc):
+ def get_user_by_email(self, email):
+ user_model = get_user_model()
+ user = user_model._default_manager.get(email=email)
+ return user
+ def update_last_login(self, user_profile):
+ user_profile.user.last_login =
+ def authenticate_user(self, i_email, i_password, msg):
+ user = authenticate(username=i_email, password=i_password)
+ if not user:
+ msg = "User or Password does not match"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ raise PermissionDenied(msg)
+ return user
+ def reset_password(self, reset_password_email, i_password, msg, user_profile):
+ token_user = self.get_user_by_email(reset_password_email)
+ if !=
+ msg = self.render_user_conflict_message(user_profile.user, token_user)
+ temp_encrypted_password = user_profile.user.temp_password
+ is_temp_password_ok = check_password(i_password, temp_encrypted_password)
+ if is_temp_password_ok:
+ self.logger.debug("Temporary Passwords match... Checking temporary password expiration")
+ else:
+ msg = "User or Password does not match"
+ self.logger.error(msg + " in Reset Password flow")
+ raise PermissionDenied(msg)
+ return msg
+ def render_user_conflict_message(self, user, user_from_token):
+ msg = "User Conflict"
+ self.logger.error(msg + ". user uuid =" + + ", user from token uuid=" +
+ raise VvpConflict
+ def render_user_not_active_message(self, i_email):
+ msg = "User " + i_email + " is not active hence cannot perform login"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = bleach.clean(msg, tags=['a', 'b'])
+ raise NotAcceptable(msg)
+ def identify_reset_password(self, jwt_obj, reset_password_param):
+ email = None
+ is_reset_pwd_flow = False
+ if reset_password_param is not None:
+ is_reset_pwd_flow = True
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Reset Password flow is identified. Checking temporary password expiration. t=" + reset_password_param)
+ token_arr = reset_password_param.split("token")
+ if len(token_arr) > 0:
+ email = jwt_obj.decode_reset_password_token(str(token_arr[1]))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("token doesn't include token prefix: " + logEncoding(reset_password_param))
+ is_reset_pwd_flow = False
+ return email, is_reset_pwd_flow
+ def handle_invite_token(self, data, user_data, user_profile):
+ data['invitation'] = data['invitation'].strip()
+ invitation = Invitation.objects.get(invitation_token=data['invitation'])
+ addUsersToEngTeam(invitation.engagement_uuid, [user_profile])
+ vf_obj = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=invitation.engagement_uuid)
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg('send_provision_new_vf_event', vf_obj)
+ user_data['eng_uuid'] = invitation.engagement_uuid
+ markInvitationAsAccepted(data['invitation'])
+ def get_serialized_user_data(self, is_reset_pwd_flow, user_profile, jwt_obj, user):
+ user_data = ThinIceUserProfileModelSerializer(user_profile).data
+ user_data['isResetPwdFlow'] = is_reset_pwd_flow
+ user_data['token'] = jwt_obj.create_token(user)
+ if user_profile.ssh_public_key:
+ user_data['ssh_public_key'] = "exists"
+ else:
+ user_data['ssh_public_key'] = ""
+ return user_data
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index 0000000..9fa8672
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.timezone import timedelta
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement, IceUserProfile, NextStep, VF
+from engagementmanager.serializers import ThinNextStepModelSerializer, UserNextStepModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import UpdateNextStepsActivityData, AddNextStepsActivityData
+from engagementmanager.service.engagement_service import update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements
+from engagementmanager.service.base_service import BaseSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, NextStepType, NextStepState, RecentEngagementActionType
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class NextStepSvc(BaseSvc):
+ default_next_steps = [
+ {
+ 'position': 2,
+ 'stage': 'Intake',
+ 'text': 'Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.',
+ 'condition': lambda x, y: True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ },
+ {
+ 'position': 3,
+ 'stage': 'Intake',
+ 'text': 'Please add your ' + Constants.service_provider_company_name + ' sponsor or vendor contact information.',
+ 'condition': lambda user, eng: False if (eng.contact_user) else True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ },
+ {
+ 'position': 1,
+ 'stage': 'Active',
+ 'text': 'Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)',
+ 'condition': lambda x, y: True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ },
+ {
+ 'position': 1,
+ 'stage': 'Validated',
+ 'text': 'Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.',
+ 'condition': lambda x, y: True,
+ 'type': # @UndefinedVariable
+ }
+ ]
+ def get_user_next_steps(self, limit, state):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ nextSteps = NextStep.objects.filter(Q(assignees=user) & Q(state=state)).order_by('due_date').distinct()
+ count = nextSteps.count()
+ serializer = UserNextStepModelSerializer(nextSteps[:limit], many=True)
+ return serializer, count
+ def get_next_steps(self, eng_stage=None):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ ers = NextStep.objects.filter(Q(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid, owner=None, engagement_stage=eng_stage) | Q(
+ owner=user, engagement_stage=eng_stage)).order_by('position')
+ serializer = ThinNextStepModelSerializer(ers, many=True)
+ for next_step in
+ if next_step['files'] is not None:
+ next_step['files'] = json.loads(next_step['files'])
+ if 'engagement' in next_step and next_step['engagement'] is not None and 'engagement_team' in next_step['engagement'] and next_step['engagement']['engagement_team'] is not None:
+ for user in next_step['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ if (user['ssh_public_key'] != None):
+ del user['ssh_public_key']
+ return serializer
+ def addNextStep(self, dataList, desc=""):
+ user = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ checklist_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()
+ eng_uuid = request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()
+ nextStepObj = None
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ vfObj = VF.objects.get(engagement=engObj)
+ nextStepData = []
+ due_date = None
+ for data in dataList:
+ try:
+ associated_files = json.dumps(data['files'], ensure_ascii=False)
+ except:
+ associated_files = "[]"
+ try:
+ due_date = data['duedate']
+ except:
+ due_date = None
+ nextStepObj = NextStep.objects.create(creator=user, last_updater=user, engagement=engObj, position=NextStep.objects.count() + 1,
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ description=data[
+ 'description'],, engagement_stage=engObj.engagement_stage,
+ files=associated_files, due_date=due_date) # @UndefinedVariable
+ try:
+ data['assigneesUuids']
+ except:
+ data['assigneesUuids'] = []
+ for assigneesUuid in data['assigneesUuids']:
+ assignee_user = None
+ assignee_user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=assigneesUuid)
+ nextStepObj.assignees.add(assignee_user)
+ update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ assignee_user.uuid, vfObj, # @UndefinedVariable
+ nextStepData.append(ThinNextStepModelSerializer(nextStepObj).data)
+ activity_data = AddNextStepsActivityData(VF.objects.get(engagement=engObj), user, engObj)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ if checklist_uuid != None:
+ from engagementmanager.service.checklist_state_service import set_state
+ set_state(True, checklist_uuid, isMoveToAutomation=True, description=desc)
+ logger.debug("Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=" +
+ eng_uuid + " for checklist=" + checklist_uuid)
+ return nextStepData
+ '''
+ This function shall return the update type in the next step (can be Completed or Denied)
+ '''
+ def validate_state_transition(self, user, current_state, next_state):
+ update_type =
+ logger.debug('validating step transition by %s from %s to %s',, current_state, next_state)
+ if (current_state == NextStepState.Completed and next_state == NextStepState.Incomplete):
+ if ( == 'el'):
+ update_type = 'Denied'
+ else:
+ update_type = 'Reset'
+ return update_type
+ def create_default_next_steps_for_user(self, user, el_user):
+ def cond(user): return False if (user.ssh_public_key and user.ssh_public_key != '') else True
+ if cond(user):
+ desc = "Please add your SSH key to be able to contribute."
+ nextstep = NextStep.objects.create(
+ creator=el_user,
+ last_updater=el_user,
+ position=1,
+ description=desc,
+ last_update_type='Added',
+ state='Incomplete',
+ engagement_stage='Intake',
+ engagement=None,
+ owner=user,
+, # @UndefinedVariable
+ + timedelta(days=1))
+ '''
+ This method is for non-personal default next step only since it doesn't have an owner
+ '''
+ def create_default_next_steps(self, user, engagement, el_user):
+ for step in self.default_next_steps:
+ cond = step['condition']
+ desc = step['text']
+ ns_type = step['type']
+ if cond(user, engagement):
+ if ( == Constants.service_provider_company):
+ desc = desc.replace('$Contact', 'Vendor Contact')
+ else:
+ desc = desc.replace('$Contact', Constants.service_provider_company_name + ' Sponsor Contact')
+ logger.debug('Creating default next step : ' + desc)
+ nextstep = NextStep.objects.create(creator=el_user, last_updater=el_user, position=step['position'], description=desc, state='Incomplete', engagement_stage=step[
+ 'stage'], engagement=engagement, next_step_type=ns_type, + timedelta(days=1))
+ nextstep.assignees.add(el_user)
+ else:
+ logger.debug('Skipping creation of default next step : ' + desc)
+ def update_next_steps_order(self, nextsteps):
+ counter = 0
+ for nextstep in nextsteps:
+ step = NextStep.objects.get(uuid=nextstep['uuid'])
+ step.position = counter
+ counter += 1
+ def update_next_step(self, data):
+ step = NextStep.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_ns_uuid())
+ if step.files != data['files']:
+ step.files = json.dumps(data['files'], ensure_ascii=False)
+ if data['duedate'] and data['duedate'] != step.due_date:
+ step.due_date = data['duedate']
+ if data['description'] and step.description != data['description']:
+ step.description = data['description']
+ if data['assigneesUuids'] != '':
+ for user in step.assignees.all():
+ step.assignees.remove(user)
+ for assigneesUuid in data['assigneesUuids']:
+ assigned_user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=assigneesUuid)
+ eng_team = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid()).engagement_team.all()
+ if (assigned_user in eng_team):
+ step.assignees.add(assigned_user)
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ "An attempt to edit a NS and assign a user who is not in the engagement team was conducted, user wasn't assigned!")
+ continue
+ step.last_updater = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ step.last_update_time =
+ step.last_update_type = 'Edited'
+ def set_next_step_status(self, attr=None, state=None):
+ step = NextStep.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_ns_uuid())
+ if attr == 'state':
+ update_type = self.validate_state_transition(
+ request_data_mgr.get_user(), NextStepState[step.state], NextStepState[state])
+ step.state = state
+ step.last_updater = request_data_mgr.get_user()
+ step.last_update_time =
+ step.last_update_type = update_type
+ if step.engagement:
+ activity_data = UpdateNextStepsActivityData(
+ step.last_update_type, request_data_mgr.get_user(), step.engagement)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+from sshpubkeys import SSHKey
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile, Role, VF
+from engagementmanager.serializers import SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals
+from engagementmanager.service.base_service import BaseSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.cryptography import CryptographyText
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import SSHKeyAddedActivityData
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpBadRequest
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.views_helper import checkAndModifyIfSSHNextStepExist, \
+ getFirstEngByUser, addUsersToEngTeam
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+class UserService(BaseSvc):
+ def validate_ssh_key(self, sshkey):
+ ssh = SSHKey(sshkey)
+ try:
+ ssh.parse()
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = """ssh provided by the user is invalid, type of exception: """ + \
+ str(e)
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = "Updating SSH Key failed due to invalid key."
+ raise VvpBadRequest(msg)
+ # remove comment from ssh key
+ # ssh.comment returns comment attached to key
+ if ssh.comment != None:
+ striped_key = sshkey.replace(ssh.comment, '').strip()
+ else:
+ striped_key = sshkey.strip()
+ try:
+ user_with_ssh = IceUserProfile.objects.get(
+ ssh_public_key__startswith=striped_key)
+ except IceUserProfile.DoesNotExist:
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Exception thrown while looking for ssh - %s.", e)
+ msg = "Updating SSH Key failed."
+ raise Exception(msg)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "SSH key already taken by another user - uuid: %s", user_with_ssh.uuid)
+ msg = "Updating SSH Key failed due to invalid key."
+ raise VvpBadRequest(msg)
+ def setSSH(self, user, ssh, action):
+ user.ssh_public_key = ssh
+ checkAndModifyIfSSHNextStepExist(user)
+ eng = getFirstEngByUser(user)
+ activity_data = SSHKeyAddedActivityData(action, eng, user)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ def get_el_list(self):
+ el_role = Role.objects.get(name='el')
+ engagement_leads_users = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(role=el_role)
+ return SuperThinIceUserProfileModelSerializerForSignals(engagement_leads_users, many=True).data
+ def get_user_by_email(self, email):
+ UserModel = get_user_model()
+ try:
+ user = UserModel._default_manager.get(email=email)
+ except UserModel.DoesNotExist:
+ return None
+ return user
+ def addUserToEngAndFireProvisionVfSig(self, user_profile, inviteObj):
+ addUsersToEngTeam(inviteObj.engagement_uuid, [user_profile])
+ vfObj = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=inviteObj.engagement_uuid)
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg('send_provision_new_vf_event', vfObj)
+ def get_user_rgwa_secret(self):
+ secret = request_data_mgr.get_user().rgwa_secret_key
+ decoded_key = CryptographyText.decrypt(secret)
+ return decoded_key
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa3a9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import VF
+from engagementmanager.service.base_service import BaseSvc
+class VFSvc(BaseSvc):
+ def get_vf_version(self, vf_uuid):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf_uuid)
+ return vf.version
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/service/ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..341cfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import bleach
+from engagementmanager.models import VFC, IceUserProfile, VF, Vendor
+from engagementmanager.service.base_service import BaseSvc
+class VFCSvc(BaseSvc):
+ def create_vfc(self, data):
+ msg = "OK"
+ vf = None
+ vfc = None
+ user = None
+ company = None
+ duplicateNames = []
+ duplicate = False
+ many = True
+ dict = {}
+ # Iterate through all the VFCs that are received from the user, if there's duplication -> check the VF, if it is the same ->duplicate = True
+ # If there's a duplication and the other VFCs trying to be created are not
+ # duplicated -> Many = True -> they would be successfully created any way
+ for i in range(len(data['vfcs'])):
+ dict.update(data['vfcs'][i])
+ # check if the VFC already exist (filter by name)
+ try:
+ vfc = VFC.objects.filter(name=dict['name'], external_ref_id=dict['external_ref_id'])
+ # if found VFC with same name and ref id
+ if (vfc.count() > 0):
+ for item in vfc:
+ if (item.vf.uuid == data['vf_uuid']):
+ if (not duplicate):
+ duplicate = True
+ duplicateNames.append(dict['name'])
+ # if found a similar VFC with name and ref_id, but VF is different (
+ # cannot use else, and raise, since the for has to check all vfcs that
+ # match - for example, 2 VFs with same vfc)
+ if not duplicate:
+ raise VFC.DoesNotExist
+ # didn't find any vfc with same name and ref_id
+ else:
+ raise VFC.DoesNotExist
+ # If the VFC Does not exist, then continue as usual and create it.
+ except VFC.DoesNotExist:
+ many = True # not used, unless there's a duplicate as well, just a helper
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=data['creator']['email'])
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=data['vf_uuid'])
+ # Check if the company that the user entered already exist.
+ try:
+ company = Vendor.objects.get(name=dict['company'])
+ except Vendor.DoesNotExist:
+ company = Vendor.objects.create(name=dict['company'], public=False)
+ # create the VFC
+ vfc = VFC.objects.create(name=dict['name'], company=company, vf=vf,
+ creator=user, external_ref_id=dict['external_ref_id'])
+ if 'ice_mandated' in dict:
+ vfc.ice_mandated = dict['ice_mandated']
+ dict = {}
+ if duplicate and many:
+ num = 1
+ for vfc_name in duplicateNames:
+ msg = msg + str(num) + ". The VFC " + vfc_name + \
+ " already exist, the VF that it is related to is: " + + "\n"
+ num += 1
+ msg = msg + "\nThe other VFCs were created succesfully\n"
+ self.logger.error(msg)
+ msg = bleach.clean(msg, tags=['a', 'b'])
+ return msg
+ def delete_vfc(self, vfc_uuid):
+ VFC.objects.get(uuid=vfc_uuid).delete()
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/slack_client/ b/django/engagementmanager/slack_client/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/slack_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/slack_client/ b/django/engagementmanager/slack_client/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f006322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/slack_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import concurrent.futures
+from django.conf import settings
+from slacker import Slacker, Error
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
+class SlackClient(object):
+ """
+ ICE Slack API Client
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Ice Slack client constructor ->
+ """
+ super(SlackClient, self).__init__()
+ # create the slack client
+ self.client = None
+ if settings.SLACK_API_TOKEN is not None and settings.SLACK_API_TOKEN != "":
+ try:
+ self.client = Slacker(settings.SLACK_API_TOKEN)
+ except Exception as exception:
+ logger.error('Unknown error while creating the a slack client: ' + str(exception))
+ # post a message via the Slack API
+ def trigger_slack_chat_post_message(self, to, message):
+ """
+ # Syntax for chat.post_message
+ def post_message(self, channel, text=None, username=None, as_user=None,
+ parse=None, link_names=None, attachments=None,
+ unfurl_links=None, unfurl_media=None, icon_url=None,
+ icon_emoji=None):
+ """
+ try:
+ # Send a message to a channel or a user
+ response =, message)
+ except Error as e:
+ logger.error('Invalid Slack API token was provided: ' + str(e))
+ except Exception as exception:
+ logger.error('Unknown error while posting a message to Slack: ' + str(exception))
+ # asynchronously post a message
+ def post_message(self, to, message):
+ """
+ Post a message to a channel or user
+ """
+ if self.client is None:
+ return None
+ if to and message:
+ logger.debug('Trigger Slack API - chat.post_message')
+ future = executor.submit(self.trigger_slack_chat_post_message, to, message)
+ logger.debug('Continuing after triggering the Slack API - chat.post_message')
+ # send slack message to the engagement channel
+ def update_engagement_channel(self, message, notify_channel=False):
+ prefix = ''
+ if notify_channel:
+ prefix = '<!channel> '
+ # post to the engagement channel
+ self.post_message(settings.ENGAGEMENTS_CHANNEL, prefix + message)
+ # send slack message to the devops channel
+ def update_devops_channel(self, message, notify_channel=False):
+ prefix = ''
+ if notify_channel:
+ prefix = '<!channel> '
+ if settings.DEVOPS_CHANNEL:
+ # post to the engagement channel
+ self.post_message(settings.DEVOPS_CHANNEL, prefix + message)
+ # send slack message to a user
+ def send_message_to_user(self, user, message):
+ # send Slack message to the newly assigned user
+ if user and user.slack_handle:
+ self.post_message('@' + user.slack_handle, message)
+ # update reviewer or peer reviewer when a new engagement is created
+ def update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, user, old_user, notification_type='reviewer'):
+ # construct the Slack messages
+ user_message = 'You have been assigned as the _{}_ for the engagement _{}: {}_. '.format(
+ notification_type, engagement_manual_id, vf_name)
+ old_user_message_postfix = 'The assigned _{}_ is now _{}_.'.format(notification_type, user.full_name)
+ user_message_postfix = ""
+ old_user_message = ""
+ if old_user is not None:
+ user_message_postfix = 'The previously assigned _{}_ was _{}_ in case you need to reach out for questions.'.format(
+ notification_type, old_user.full_name)
+ old_user_message = 'You are no longer the assigned _{}_ for the engagement _{}: {}_. '.format(
+ notification_type, engagement_manual_id, vf_name)
+ # send Slack messages
+ self.send_message_to_user(user, user_message + user_message_postfix)
+ self.send_message_to_user(old_user, old_user_message + old_user_message_postfix)
+ # update the engagement channel when a new engagement is created
+ def update_engagement_channel_for_new_engagement(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, creator):
+ new_engagement_message = '_{}_ created a new engagement _{}: {}_. _{}_ was assigned as the reviewer and _{}_ as the peer reviewer'.format(
+ creator.full_name, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer.full_name, peer_reviewer.full_name)
+ self.update_engagement_channel(new_engagement_message, True)
+ # update reviewer, peer reviewer and the engagement channel when a new engagement is created
+ def send_slack_notifications_for_new_engagement(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, creator):
+ self.update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, None, 'reviewer')
+ self.update_reviewer_or_peer_reviewer(engagement_manual_id, vf_name, peer_reviewer, None, 'peer reviewer')
+ self.update_engagement_channel_for_new_engagement(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, creator)
+ def send_slack_notifications_for_new_feedback(self, feedback, user):
+ new_feedback_message = 'Created a new Feedback by {} Description : {}.'.format(
+ user.full_name, feedback.description)
+ self.update_engagement_channel(new_feedback_message, True)
+ self.update_devops_channel(new_feedback_message, True)
+ # update the engagement channel when the stage is changed for an engagement
+ def update_for_change_of_the_engagement_stage(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, stage):
+ change_engagement_stage_message = 'The engagement _{}: {}_ was moved to the _{}_ stage.'.format(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, stage)
+ self.update_engagement_channel(change_engagement_stage_message)
+ # update the engagement channel when an engagement is archived
+ def update_for_archived_engagement(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reason):
+ archived_engagement_message = 'The engagement _{}: {}_ was archived because of this reason: _{}_.'.format(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reason)
+ self.update_engagement_channel(archived_engagement_message)
+ # update the reviewer and peer reviewer when the git repository is updated
+ def send_notifications_on_git_push(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, committed_files):
+ str_committed_files = "The following files was added or changed as part of the commit:\n\n- %s" % '\n- '.join(
+ committed_files)
+ message = 'The Git repository for the engagement _{}: {}_ in which you are assigned as a _{}_ was updated. ' + \
+ str_committed_files
+ self.send_message_to_user(reviewer, message.format(engagement_manual_id, vf_name, 'reviewer'))
+ self.send_message_to_user(peer_reviewer, message.format(engagement_manual_id, vf_name, 'peer_reviewer'))
+ # update the reviewer when the automation phase is completed for a checklist
+ def send_notification_to_reviewer_when_automation_completes(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, checklist_name):
+ message = 'The automation phase completed for the checklist _{}_ under the engagement _{}: {}_. You can now start your review of it.'
+ self.send_message_to_user(reviewer, message.format(checklist_name, engagement_manual_id, vf_name))
+ # update the peer reviewer when the review phase is completed for a checklist
+ def send_notification_to_peer_reviewer_when_the_review_completes(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, checklist_name):
+ message = 'The review phase was completed by _{}_ for the checklist _{}_ under the engagement _{}: {}_. You can now start your peer review of it.'
+ self.send_message_to_user(peer_reviewer, message.format(
+ reviewer.full_name, checklist_name, engagement_manual_id, vf_name))
+ # update the admins when the review and peer reviews have been completed for a checklist
+ def send_notification_to_admins_when_the_peer_review_completes(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, admins, checklist_name):
+ message = 'The manual reviews have been completed by the reviewer _{}_ and peer reviewer _{}_ for the checklist _{}_ under the engagement _{}: {}_. It is now waiting for an approval by you or any other admin.'
+ for admin in admins:
+ self.send_message_to_user(admin, message.format(
+ reviewer.full_name, peer_reviewer.full_name, checklist_name, engagement_manual_id, vf_name))
+ # update reviewer when a checklist is approved
+ def send_notification_to_reviewer_when_approved(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, checklist_name):
+ message = 'The checklist _{}_ under the engagement _{}: {}_ is now approved. You can now hand off the artifacts and close out the checklist.'
+ self.send_message_to_user(reviewer, message.format(checklist_name, engagement_manual_id, vf_name))
+ # update reviewer, peer reviewer and admins when a checklist is closed
+ def send_notifications_when_closed(self, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, admins, checklist_name):
+ message = 'The checklist _{}_ under the engagement _{}: {}_ has now been closed and all the asssociated artifacts are validated. The reviewer was _{}_ and the peer reviewer was _{}_.'
+ self.send_message_to_user(reviewer, message.format(checklist_name, engagement_manual_id,
+ vf_name, reviewer.full_name, peer_reviewer.full_name))
+ self.send_message_to_user(peer_reviewer, message.format(
+ checklist_name, engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer.full_name, peer_reviewer.full_name))
+ for admin in admins:
+ self.send_message_to_user(admin, message.format(checklist_name, engagement_manual_id,
+ vf_name, reviewer.full_name, peer_reviewer.full_name))
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/sql-scripts/generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure.sql b/django/engagementmanager/sql-scripts/generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure.sql
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79925be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/sql-scripts/generate_excel_overview_sheet_procedure.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+-- ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+-- org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Copyright C 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+-- under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+-- under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License");
+-- you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- ============LICENSE_END============================================
+-- ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_excel_overview_sheet(stage TEXT, keyword TEXT)
+ active_engagements INTEGER,
+ active_vfc_sum INTEGER,
+ intake_engagements INTEGER,
+ intake_vfc_sum INTEGER,
+ completed_engagements INTEGER,
+ completed_vfc_sum INTEGER,
+ total_engagements INTEGER,
+ total_vfc_sum INTEGER) AS $res$
+ -- temp tables declarations:
+ (
+ name VARCHAR(200),
+ active_engagements INTEGER,
+ active_vfc_sum INTEGER,
+ intake_engagements INTEGER,
+ intake_vfc_sum INTEGER,
+ completed_engagements INTEGER,
+ completed_vfc_sum INTEGER,
+ total_engagements INTEGER,
+ total_vfc_sum INTEGER
+ (
+ name VARCHAR(200),
+ value VARCHAR(200)
+ CREATE TEMP TABLE deployment_targets
+ (
+ deployment_target_uuid VARCHAR(200),
+ deployment_targets INTEGER
+ CREATE TEMP TABLE engagement_stages
+ (
+ engagement_stage VARCHAR(200),
+ total INTEGER
+ CREATE TEMP TABLE virtual_functions_componenets
+ (
+ name VARCHAR(200),
+ engagement_stage VARCHAR(200)
+ CREATE TEMP TABLE ecomp_releases
+ (
+ ecomp_release_uuid VARCHAR(200),
+ ecomp_release_name VARCHAR(200)
+ -- Handling filters
+ IF $1 = 'All' OR $1 = 'all' OR $1 IS NULL THEN stage := ''; ELSE stage := $1; END IF;
+ INSERT INTO filters VALUES('stage', stage);
+ IF $2 IS NULL THEN keyword := ''; ELSE keyword := $2; END IF;
+ INSERT INTO filters VALUES('keyword', keyword);
+ -- handling AIC (deployment targets) rows:
+ INSERT INTO deployment_targets
+ SELECT deployment_target_id, COUNT(deployment_target_id) AS total FROM ice_vf GROUP BY deployment_target_id;
+ -- Itearting throght each deployment:
+ DO $$
+ deployment record;
+ vf record;
+ ecomp record;
+ stage TEXT;
+ keyword TEXT;
+ -- Get the filters from outside:
+ SELECT value FROM filters WHERE name = 'stage' LIMIT 1 INTO stage;
+ SELECT value FROM filters WHERE name = 'keyword' LIMIT 1 INTO keyword;
+ FOR deployment IN SELECT * FROM deployment_targets LOOP
+ INSERT INTO engagement_stages
+ SELECT ice_engagement.engagement_stage, COUNT(ice_engagement.engagement_stage)
+ FROM ice_vf LEFT JOIN ice_engagement ON engagement_id = ice_engagement.uuid
+ WHERE ice_vf.deployment_target_id = deployment.deployment_target_uuid
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage LIKE '%' || stage || '%' -- stage param filtering
+ AND (ice_engagement.engagement_manual_id LIKE '%' || keyword || '%' OR LIKE '%' || keyword || '%') -- keyword param filtering
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage IN ('Active', 'Intake', 'Completed')
+ GROUP BY ice_engagement.engagement_stage;
+ INSERT INTO virtual_functions_componenets
+ SELECT, ice_engagement.engagement_stage
+ FROM ice_vfc LEFT JOIN ice_vf ON ice_vfc.vf_id = ice_vf.uuid
+ LEFT JOIN ice_engagement ON ice_vf.engagement_id = ice_engagement.uuid
+ WHERE ice_vf.deployment_target_id = deployment.deployment_target_uuid
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage LIKE '%' || stage || '%' -- stage param filtering
+ AND (ice_engagement.engagement_manual_id LIKE '%' || keyword || '%' OR LIKE '%' || keyword || '%' OR LIKE '%' || keyword || '%') -- keyword param filtering
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage IN ('Active', 'Intake', 'Completed');
+ --Insert the AIC row with its statistics:
+ ((SELECT version FROM ice_deployment_target WHERE uuid = deployment.deployment_target_uuid LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT total FROM engagement_stages where engagement_stage = 'Active' LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets WHERE engagement_stage = 'Active'),
+ (SELECT total FROM engagement_stages where engagement_stage = 'Intake' LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets WHERE engagement_stage = 'Intake'),
+ (SELECT total FROM engagement_stages where engagement_stage = 'Completed' LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets WHERE engagement_stage = 'Completed'),
+ (SELECT SUM(total) FROM engagement_stages),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets)
+ );
+ --******************************************************************************************************
+ --Handling the ecomp release rows:
+ INSERT INTO ecomp_releases
+ SELECT DISTINCT ice_ecomp_release.uuid,
+ FROM ice_vf LEFT JOIN ice_ecomp_release ON ice_ecomp_release.uuid = ice_vf.ecomp_release_id
+ WHERE ice_vf.deployment_target_id = deployment.deployment_target_uuid;
+ FOR ecomp IN SELECT * FROM ecomp_releases LOOP
+ --empty the temp tables:
+ DELETE FROM virtual_functions_componenets;
+ DELETE FROM engagement_stages;
+ INSERT INTO engagement_stages
+ SELECT ice_engagement.engagement_stage, COUNT(ice_engagement.engagement_stage)
+ FROM ice_vf LEFT JOIN ice_engagement ON engagement_id = ice_engagement.uuid
+ WHERE ice_vf.deployment_target_id = deployment.deployment_target_uuid AND ice_vf.ecomp_release_id = ecomp.ecomp_release_uuid
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage LIKE '%' || stage || '%'--stage param filtering
+ AND (ice_engagement.engagement_manual_id LIKE '%' || keyword || '%' OR LIKE '%' || keyword || '%') --keyword param filtering
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage IN ('Active', 'Intake', 'Completed')
+ GROUP BY ice_engagement.engagement_stage;
+ INSERT INTO virtual_functions_componenets
+ SELECT, ice_engagement.engagement_stage
+ FROM ice_vfc LEFT JOIN ice_vf ON ice_vfc.vf_id = ice_vf.uuid
+ LEFT JOIN ice_engagement ON ice_vf.engagement_id = ice_engagement.uuid
+ WHERE ice_vf.deployment_target_id = deployment.deployment_target_uuid AND ice_vf.ecomp_release_id = ecomp.ecomp_release_uuid
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage LIKE '%' || stage || '%'--stage param filtering
+ AND (ice_engagement.engagement_manual_id LIKE '%' || keyword || '%' OR LIKE '%' || keyword || '%' OR LIKE '%' || keyword || '%') -- keyword param filtering
+ AND ice_engagement.engagement_stage IN ('Active', 'Intake', 'Completed');
+ --Insert the ecomp release row with its statistics:
+ (' >>' || ecomp.ecomp_release_name,
+ (SELECT total FROM engagement_stages where engagement_stage = 'Active' LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets WHERE engagement_stage = 'Active'),
+ (SELECT total FROM engagement_stages where engagement_stage = 'Intake' LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets WHERE engagement_stage = 'Intake'),
+ (SELECT total FROM engagement_stages where engagement_stage = 'Completed' LIMIT 1),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets WHERE engagement_stage = 'Completed'),
+ (SELECT SUM(total) FROM engagement_stages),
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual_functions_componenets)
+ );
+ --******************************************************************************************************
+ --empty the temp tables:
+ DELETE FROM virtual_functions_componenets;
+ DELETE FROM engagement_stages;
+ DELETE FROM ecomp_releases;
+ END $$;
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/templatetags/ b/django/engagementmanager/templatetags/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/templatetags/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/templatetags/ b/django/engagementmanager/templatetags/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a6a0ee
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/templatetags/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.template import Library
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import TemplatesConstants
+register = Library()
+def get_templates_constants(name):
+ return TemplatesConstants.context[name]
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..73d427c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+import json
+from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, OrdinaryCallingFormat
+from django.conf import settings
+from wheel.signatures import assertTrue
+from django.utils import timezone
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client import RGWAClient
+from validationmanager.tests.test_rgwa_client_factory import TestRGWAClientFactory
+class ActivateTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self): # Variables to use in this class.
+ self.s3_host = '' # settings.AWS_S3_HOST
+ self.s3_port = 8080 # settings.AWS_S3_PORT
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "signup/"
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ uuid, vendor = self.creator.createVendor(Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.activation_token_time =
+ self.activation_token_time = self.activation_token_time.replace(
+ 2012, 1, 2, 13, 48, 25)
+ print("This is the time that is going to be added to expiredTokenUser: " +
+ str(self.activation_token_time))
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.new_user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.params = '{"company":"' + str( + '","full_name":"' + self.user.full_name + '","email":"' + + '","phone_number":"' + self.user.phone_number + \
+ '","password":"' + self.user.user.password + '","regular_email_updates":"' + \
+ str(self.user.regular_email_updates) + \
+ '","is_service_provider_contact":"' + str(self.user.is_service_provider_contact) + '"}'
+ self.userToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.new_user_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.new_user)
+ def test_validate_rgwauser_created_after_Activation(self):
+ if settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg(
+ 'send_create_user_in_rgwa_event', self.user)
+ rgwa = TestRGWAClientFactory.admin()
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.get_user(self.user.full_name)
+ if rgwa_user is None:
+ print("Test Failed!")
+ else:
+ access_key = rgwa_user['access_key']
+ print("######access_key#################= ", access_key)
+ secret_key = rgwa_user['secret_key']
+ print("######secret_key#################= ", secret_key)
+ self.assertTrue(access_key and secret_key != None)
+ print("#################################")
+ print("Test PASS!")
+ self.printTestName("Test ended")
+# Whenever a new user is configured, we should create a RadosGW user for them.
+# If unspecified, the access keys are generated on the server and returned here
+# in the response.
+ def testCreateAndGetRgwaUser(self):
+ if settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ base_url = 'http://{S3_HOST}:{S3_PORT}/admin'.format(
+ S3_HOST=self.s3_host, # settings.AWS_S3_HOST,
+ S3_PORT=self.s3_port, # settings.AWS_S3_PORT,
+ )
+ admin_conn = RGWAClient(base_url)
+ print("base_url=" + base_url)
+ print("S3_HOST = " + self.s3_host)
+ print("s3_port =" + str(self.s3_port))
+ print("admin_conn= ", admin_conn)
+ username = self.randomGenerator("randomString")
+ print("username", username)
+ new_user = admin_conn.create_user(
+ uid=username, display_name='User "%s"' % username)
+ print("new_user = " + str(new_user))
+ self.assertTrue(new_user['user_id'] != None)
+ get_user = admin_conn.get_user(new_user['user_id'])
+ self.assertTrue(new_user['user_id'] == get_user['user_id'])
+ def testCreateAndGetRgwaBucket(self):
+ if settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ s3aws_access_key_id = settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
+ s3aws_secret_access_key = settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
+ print("s3aws_access_key_id=" + s3aws_access_key_id)
+ print("s3aws_secret_access_key=" + s3aws_secret_access_key)
+ print("S3_HOST = " + self.s3_host)
+ print("s3_port =" + str(self.s3_port))
+ boto_conn = S3Connection(host=self.s3_host,
+ port=self.s3_port,
+ aws_access_key_id=s3aws_access_key_id,
+ aws_secret_access_key=s3aws_secret_access_key,
+ calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
+ is_secure=False,
+ )
+ boto_conn.num_retries = 0
+ bucketname = self.randomGenerator("randomString").lower()
+ new_bucket = boto_conn.create_bucket(bucketname)
+ assertTrue(new_bucket != None)
+ print("new_bucket = " + str(new_bucket))
+ bucket = boto_conn.get_bucket(bucketname)
+ print("bucket = " + str(bucket))
+ bucket_acl = bucket.get_acl()
+ print("bucket_acl = " + str(bucket_acl))
+ def testGetSecretKey(self):
+ vm_client.send_create_user_in_rgwa_event(self.user)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'users/account/rgwa/'
+ print("urlStr of get secret key",urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetSecretKey [Start]")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, data={}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.userToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ dict_response = json.loads(response.content)
+ print("api response",dict_response)
+ self.assertTrue(dict_response["rgwa_secret_key"] is not None)
+ self.printTestName("testGetSecretKey [End]")
+ def testNegativeGetSecretKeyInvalidToken(self):
+ vm_client.send_create_user_in_rgwa_event(self.user)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'users/account/rgwa/'
+ print("urlStr of get secret key",urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetSecretKey [Start]")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, data={}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'token' + self.new_user_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ dict_response = json.loads(response.content)
+ print("api response",dict_response)
+ self.assertTrue(dict_response[
+ "detail"] == 'You must authenticate in order to ' +
+ 'perform this action: Authentication credentials were not provided.')
+ self.printTestName("testGetSecretKey [End]")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a845373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.utils import timezone
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class ActivateTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self): # Variables to use in this class.
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "signup/"
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ uuid, vendor = self.creator.createVendor(Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.activation_token_time =
+ self.activation_token_time = self.activation_token_time.replace(2012, 1, 2, 13, 48, 25)
+ print("This is the time that is going to be added to expiredTokenUser: " + str(self.activation_token_time))
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, False)
+ self.expiredTokenUser = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, False, activation_token_create_time=self.activation_token_time)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.params = '{"company":"' + str( + '","full_name":"' + self.user.full_name + '","email":"' + + '","phone_number":"' + self.user.phone_number + \
+ '","password":"' + self.user.user.password + '","regular_email_updates":"' + \
+ str(self.user.regular_email_updates) + '","is_service_provider_contact":"' + str(self.user.is_service_provider_contact) + '"}'
+ def testActivation(self):
+ print("\n\n$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ print(" Test started: user activation")
+ print("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print(" Before activation, Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.user.user.is_active))
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ user_uuid = self.user.uuid
+ print(self.urlPrefix + 'activate/' + str(user_uuid) + '/' + str(self.user.user.activation_token))
+ print("Activating through the activate_user function: (simulating a GET request)")
+ response = self.c.get(self.urlPrefix + 'activate/' + str(user_uuid) +
+ '/' + str(self.user.user.activation_token))
+ print("Response: " + str(response.status_code))
+ self.user.refresh_from_db()
+ for a in range(5):
+ print("******")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print(" Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.user.user.is_active))
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.user.user.is_active))
+ if (self.user.user.is_active != True):
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print(" User's activation failed: is_active != True..")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ else:
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("#################################")
+ print(" User's is activated ")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("#################################")
+ self.printTestName("Test ended")
+ def testExpiredTokenActivation(self):
+ print("\n\n$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ print("Negative test started: Expired token activation")
+ print("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.user.user.is_active))
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ urlStrToGET = self.urlPrefix + "users/"
+ user_uuid = self.expiredTokenUser.uuid
+ print("\n\nA user with was pre-initiated with old token creation time : 2012-01-02 13:48:25.299000+00:00\n\n")
+ response = self.c.get(self.urlPrefix + 'activate/' + str(user_uuid) + '/' +
+ str(self.expiredTokenUser.user.activation_token))
+ self.user.refresh_from_db()
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print(" Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.expiredTokenUser.user.is_active))
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("\n\n")
+ if (self.expiredTokenUser.user.activation_token != True):
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Test Success!")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ else:
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Test Failed!")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ def testUnMatchingTokenActivation(self):
+ print("\n\n$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ print("Negative test started: Un-matching token activation test")
+ print("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.user.user.is_active))
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ urlStrToGET = self.urlPrefix + "users/"
+ user_uuid = self.expiredTokenUser.uuid
+ print("\n\n Trying to activate a user with an unmatching token")
+ response = self.c.get(self.urlPrefix + 'activate/' + str(self.user.uuid) +
+ '/' + str(self.expiredTokenUser.user.activation_token))
+ self.user.refresh_from_db()
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print(" Current User's activation mode: " + str(self.expiredTokenUser.user.is_active))
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("\n\n")
+ if (self.expiredTokenUser.user.activation_token != True):
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Test Success!")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ else:
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
+ print("Test Failed!")
+ for a in range(2):
+ print("###############################################")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e83e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import UserJoinedEngagementActivityData
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class ActivityTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.pruser = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.pruser
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, vendor)
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def testCreateActivity(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/${uuid}/activities/'
+ logger.debug("Starting Activity & notification creation test")
+ logger.debug("Starting activity test: User joined")
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ randomUser = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(randomUser)
+ logger.debug(
+ "created a new user & added them to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification")
+ usersList = []
+ usersList.append(randomUser)
+ activity_data = UserJoinedEngagementActivityData(self.vf, usersList, self.engagement)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ logger.debug(
+ "activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send")
+ logger.debug("Ended activity test: User joined ")
+ logger.debug("Starting pullActivities test")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ content = response.content
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(content))
+ if (status != 200):
+ logger.error("Got response : " + str(status) + " , wrong http response returned ")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Ended pullActivities test ")
+ logger.debug("Starting activity test: delete user")
+ logger.debug("Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ content = response.content
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(content))
+ if (status != 200):
+ logger.error("Got response : " + str(status) + " , wrong http response returned ")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Ended activity test: delete user ")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1af553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import random
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestAddContactTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.inviter = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'inviter user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ '123456789', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.reviewer
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.inviter, self.el_user)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'))
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "add-contact/"
+ = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ def initBody(self):
+['company'] = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name).name
+['full_name'] = "full name"
+['email'] = self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email")
+['phone_number'] = "12345"
+ def addContact(self, expectedStatus=200):
+ self.contactData = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =, self.contactData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ def createContactUser(self):
+ = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),['email'],
+['phone_number'],['full_name'], self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(
+ print('Full Name: ' +
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testAddContactForNonExistingContact(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+['email'] = self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email")
+ self.addContact()
+ def testAddContactForExistingContactAndEngUuid(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.createContactUser()
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.addContact(200)
+ def testNegativeAddContactForNonExistingContact(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+['email'] = None
+ print("Negative test: removing mandatory field email --> Should fail on 400")
+ self.addContact(400)
+ def testNegativeAddContactForExistingContactAndFakeEngUUID(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.createContactUser()
+['eng_uuid'] = "FakeUuid"
+ print("Negative test: Non existing engagement UUID --> Should fail on 500")
+ self.addContact(401)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..33382aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import random
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class TestAddContactTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ '123456789', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.reviewer
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'))
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "add-feedback/"
+ = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.reviewer)
+ def initBody(self):
+['description'] = Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name).name + "ruslan gafiulin"
+ def addFeedback(self, expectedStatus=HTTP_200_OK):
+ self.feedbackData = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =, self.feedbackData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testAddFeedbackForNonExistingContact(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['description'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.addFeedback()
+ def testNegativeAddFeedbackWithoutDescription(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['description'] = ""
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.addFeedback(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e88cddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.peer_reviewer_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.user2 = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user2.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user2.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('123456789', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer_user
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created VF:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.vf.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ = dict()
+['checkListName'] = "ice checklist for test"
+['checkListTemplateUuid'] = str(self.template.uuid)
+['checkListAssociatedFiles'] = []
+ for i in range(0, 2):
+['checkListAssociatedFiles'].append("file" + str(i))
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ self.clUrlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagement/@eng_uuid/checklist/new/"
+ self.checklist ="@eng_uuid", str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagement/@eng_uuid/checklist/@checklist_uuid/nextstep/"
+ self.nextStepList = []
+ def initBody(self):
+ assigneesData = [str(self.el_user.uuid), str(self.user2.uuid)]
+ files = ["f1", "f2"]
+['assigneesUuids'] = assigneesData
+['description'] = "Good Bye Norma Jin"
+['files'] = files
+['duedate'] = "2016-12-01"
+ self.nextStepList.append(
+ assigneesData = [str(self.el_user.uuid)]
+ files = ["f5"]
+['assigneesUuids'] = assigneesData
+['description'] = "Don't cry for me Argentina"
+['files'] = files
+['duedate'] = "2017-06-28"
+ self.nextStepList.append(
+ def testAddNextStepForCheckListPositive(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.nextStepList = json.dumps(self.nextStepList, ensure_ascii=False)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlStr.replace("@checklist_uuid", json.loads(self.checklist.content)[
+ 'uuid']).replace("@eng_uuid", str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ response =, self.nextStepList, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ return response
+ def testAddNextStepForCheckListNegative(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.nextStepList = json.dumps(self.nextStepList, ensure_ascii=False)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlStr.replace("@checklist_uuid", json.loads(
+ self.checklist.content)['uuid']).replace("@eng_uuid", str(uuid4()))
+ response =, self.nextStepList, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('------------------------------> Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ return response
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42395ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,\
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, Checklist, ChecklistAuditLog, ChecklistDecision, ChecklistLineItem, ChecklistSection
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListLineType, CheckListDecisionValue, CheckListState, Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs', 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '12323245435', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '12323245435', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ uuid4(), 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user)
+ self.clbodydata = dict()
+ self.initCLBody()
+ self.auditdata = dict()
+ self.checklist = Checklist.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.clbodydata['checkListName'], validation_cycle=1, associated_files=self.clbodydata[
+ 'checkListAssociatedFiles'], engagement=self.engagement, template=self.template, creator=self.el_user, owner=self.el_user)
+ self.section = ChecklistSection.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template)
+ self.line_item = ChecklistLineItem.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"),, validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template, section=self.section) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ uuid=uuid4(), checklist=self.checklist, template=self.template, lineitem=self.line_item)
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ def initCLBody(self):
+ self.clbodydata['checkListName'] = "ice-checklist-for-test"
+ self.clbodydata['checkListTemplateUuid'] = str(self.template.uuid)
+ self.clbodydata[
+ 'checkListAssociatedFiles'] = "[\"file0/f69f4ce7-51d5-409c-9d0e-ec6b1e79df28\", \"file1/f69f4ce7-51d5-409c-9d0e-ec6b1e79df28\", \"file2/f69f4ce7-51d5-409c-9d0e-ec6b1e79df28\"]"
+ def loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(self, bool):
+ if bool:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test Succeeded")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Test failed")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ def testCreateAuditLogViaChecklistPositive(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid/auditlog/"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.auditdata['description'] = "description text"
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_200_OK))
+ check = True
+ try:
+ ChecklistAuditLog.objects.get(checklist=self.checklist)
+ except ChecklistAuditLog.DoesNotExist:
+ check = False
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_200_OK and check):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testCreateAuditLogViaChecklistNegativeEmptyDescription(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid/auditlog/"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.auditdata['description'] = ""
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def testCreateAuditLogViaChecklistNegativeBadCLUuid(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid/auditlog/"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.auditdata['description'] = "description text"
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@cl_uuid", str(uuid4())),
+ datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ def testCreateAuditLogViaDecisionPositive(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid/auditlog/"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.auditdata['description'] = "description text"
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@decision_uuid", str(self.decision.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_200_OK))
+ check = ChecklistAuditLog.objects.get(decision=self.decision)
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_200_OK and check):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testCreateAuditLogViaDecisionNegativeEmptyDescription(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid/auditlog/"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.auditdata['description'] = ""
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@decision_uuid", str(self.decision.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def testCreateAuditLogViaDecisionNegativeBadCLUuid(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid/auditlog/"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.auditdata['description'] = "description text"
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@decision_uuid", str(uuid4())), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ def testSetDecisionPositive(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Set decision's value to approved")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.checklist.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.checklist.owner = self.el_user
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.auditdata['value'] =
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@decision_uuid", str(self.decision.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_200_OK))
+ check = ChecklistDecision.objects.get(checklist=self.checklist)
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_200_OK and check.review_value == 'approved'):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testSetDecisionNegativeOwnerDifferentThanUser(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.checklist.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.checklist.owner = self.user
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.auditdata['value'] =
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@decision_uuid", str(self.decision.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ def testSetDecisionNegativeInvalidDecisionValue(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.checklist.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.checklist.owner = self.el_user
+ self.auditdata['value'] = self.randomGenerator("randomString")
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@decision_uuid", str(self.decision.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def testSetDecisionNegativeInvalidChecklistState(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid"
+ logger.debug("Creating a checklist")
+ self.checklist.state = self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString") # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.checklist.owner = self.el_user
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.auditdata['value'] =
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.auditdata, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@decision_uuid", str(self.decision.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b61de8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.service.authorization_service import AuthorizationService, Permissions
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+class TestAuthService(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), Constants.service_provider_admin_mail,
+ '55501000199', 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.admin_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.admin_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.peer_reviewer.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.peer_reviewer.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another EL
+ self.another_el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user2', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.another_el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.another_el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user with SSH key
+ self.user_with_ssh = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'ssh user', self.standard_user, True, 'just-a-fake-ssh-key')
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user_with_ssh.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user_with_ssh.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another Engagement with team with SSH Key
+ self.engagement_ssh = self.creator.createEngagement('just-another-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_ssh.engagement_team.add(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement_ssh.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another Engagement with Main Contact
+ self.engagement_with_contact = self.creator.createEngagement('yet-just-another-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_with_contact.engagement_team.add(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement_with_contact.contact_user = self.user_with_ssh
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement_with_contact.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another Engagement with Main Contact
+ self.engagement_4_createNS = self.creator.createEngagement('yet-just-another-fake-uuid2', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_4_createNS.engagement_team.add(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement_4_createNS.contact_user = self.user_with_ssh
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement_4_createNS.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.sshtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user_with_ssh)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.checklist_template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Check List Template')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.checklist_template.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.checklist = self.creator.createCheckList('some-checklist', 'Automation', 1, '{}', self.engagement,
+ self.checklist_template, self.el_user, self.peer_reviewer)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Check List')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ def testAuthorization(self):
+ auth = AuthorizationService()
+ ######################
+ ######################
+ # Test Add VF for EL
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(self.el_user, Permissions.add_vf, str(self.engagement.uuid), '')
+ print('ADD_VF Got Result : ' + str(auth_result) + ' ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, True)
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(self.el_user, Permissions.add_vendor, '', '')
+ print('ADD_VENDOR Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, True)
+ # Check that EL that belong to ENG can create next step
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.el_user, Permissions.add_nextstep, str(self.engagement.uuid), '')
+ print('ADD_NEXTSTEP Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, True)
+ # Check that EL that does not belong to ENG cannot create next step
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.another_el_user, Permissions.add_nextstep, str(self.engagement.uuid), '')
+ print('ADD_NEXTSTEP Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
+ # Check that CL can be created only by EL that belongs to ENG
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.el_user, Permissions.add_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), '')
+ print('ADD_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, True)
+ # Check that CL can be created only by EL that belongs to ENG (use another el)
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.another_el_user, Permissions.add_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), '')
+ print('ADD_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(self.user, Permissions.add_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), '')
+ print('ADD_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
+ # Check that only peer reviewer can do peer review
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.peer_reviewer, Permissions.peer_review_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ print('PEER_REVIEW_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, True)
+ # Check that a user that is not defined as peer review cannot review
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.el_user, Permissions.peer_review_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ print('PEER_REVIEW_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
+ # Check that admin which is not owner cannot approve CL
+ # Test is greyed out due to the fact that admin can approve any CL
+# auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(self.admin_user, Permissions.admin_approve_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), str(self.checklist.uuid))
+# print('ADMIN_APPROVE_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+# self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
+ # Check that only admin which is the cl owner can approve CL
+ self.checklist.owner = self.admin_user # Make admin the owner
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.admin_user, Permissions.admin_approve_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ print('ADMIN_APPROVE_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, True)
+ # Check that only admin can approve CL (attempt with regular EL)
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.el_user, Permissions.admin_approve_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ print('ADMIN_APPROVE_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
+ # Check that only admin can approve CL (attempt with regular user)
+ auth_result, message = auth.is_user_able_to(
+ self.user, Permissions.admin_approve_checklist, str(self.engagement.uuid), str(self.checklist.uuid))
+ print('ADMIN_APPROVE_CHECKLIST Got Result : ' + message)
+ self.assertEquals(auth_result, False)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a90be1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+import http.client
+import inspect
+import re
+import django
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.test.client import Client
+import psycopg2
+from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
+from wheel.signatures import assertTrue
+from engagementmanager.tests.vvpEntitiesCreator import VvpEntitiesCreator
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class TestBaseEntity(TestCase):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def setUp(self):
+ logger.debug("---------------------- TestCase " + self.__class__.__name__ + " ----------------------")
+ self.urlPrefix = "/ice/v1/engmgr/"
+ self.conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("", 8000) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.c = Client()
+ self.creator = VvpEntitiesCreator()
+ settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED = False
+ self.childSetup()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED = True
+ self.conn.close()
+ logger.debug("---------------------- TestCase " + self.__class__.__name__ + " ---------------------- ")
+ logger.debug("")
+ logger.debug("")
+ def createVendors(self, vendorList):
+ for vendor in vendorList:
+ vendorUuid, vendor = self.creator.createVendor(vendor)
+ logger.debug(vendorUuid)
+ def createDefaultRoles(self):
+ # Create Default Roles if does not exist
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ def printTestName(self, testNameTrigger):
+ if testNameTrigger == "START":
+ logger.debug("[TestName: " + inspect.stack()[1][3] + " - START]")
+ elif testNameTrigger == "END":
+ logger.debug("[TestName: " + inspect.stack()[1][3] + " - END]")
+ @abstractmethod
+ def childSetup(self):
+ pass
+ def nativeConnect2Db(self):
+ return psycopg2.connect("dbname='icedb' user='iceuser' host='localhost' password='Aa123456' port='5433'")
+ def deleteRecord(self, urlStr, getRecord, isNegativeTest):
+ logger.debug("DELETE: " + urlStr + "/" + getRecord)
+ self.conn.request("DELETE", urlStr + "/" + getRecord)
+ r1 = self.conn.getresponse()
+ logger.debug("DELETE response status code: " + str(r1.status))
+# logger.debug("Number of records in the table: " + self.getNumOfRecordViaRest(urlStr))
+ if (isNegativeTest == False):
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 204)
+ return r1
+ elif (isNegativeTest == True):
+ return r1
+ def createEntityViaPost(self, urlStr, params, headers=None):
+ logger.debug("POST: " + urlStr + " Body: " + params + " Headers: " + str(headers))
+ self.conn.request("POST", urlStr, params, headers)
+ r1 = self.conn.getresponse()
+ return r1
+ def editEntityViaPut(self, urlStr, getRecord, params, isNegativeTest):
+ logger.debug("PUT: " + urlStr + "/" + getRecord + " " + params)
+ self.conn.request("PUT", urlStr + "/" + getRecord, params)
+ r1 = self.conn.getresponse()
+ logger.debug("PUT response status code: " + str(r1.status))
+ if (isNegativeTest == False):
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 200)
+ return r1
+ elif (isNegativeTest == True):
+ return r1
+ '''
+ If you wish to "SELECT *" and get the first record then send queryFilterName=1 and queryFilterValue=1 to the method
+ '''
+ def filterTableByColAndVal(self, queryColumnName, queryTableName, queryFilterName, queryFilterValue):
+ dbConn = self.nativeConnect2Db()
+ cur = dbConn.cursor()
+ queryStr = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s ='%s'" % (
+ queryColumnName, queryTableName, queryFilterName, queryFilterValue)
+ logger.debug(queryStr)
+ cur.execute(queryStr)
+ result = str(cur.fetchone())
+ if (bool('[^0-9]', result)) == True):
+ logger.debug("Looks like result (" + result +
+ ") from DB is in a multi column pattern: [col1, col2,...,coln], omitting it all colm beside " + queryColumnName)
+ if (result.find("',)") != -1): # formatting strings e.g uuid
+ result = result.partition('\'')[-1].rpartition('\'')[0]
+ elif (result.find(",)") != -1): # formatting ints e.g id
+ result = result.partition('(')[-1].rpartition(',')[0]
+ logger.debug("Filter result: " + result)
+ return result
+ def selectLastValue(self, queryColumnName, queryTableName, orderBy="id"):
+ dbConn = self.nativeConnect2Db()
+ cur = dbConn.cursor()
+ queryStr = "select %s from %s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT 1;" % (queryColumnName, queryTableName, orderBy)
+ logger.debug(queryStr)
+ cur.execute(queryStr)
+ result = str(cur.fetchone())
+ if (bool('[^0-9]', result)) == True):
+ logger.debug("Looks like result (" + result +
+ ") from DB is in a multi column pattern: [col1, col2,...,coln], omitting it all colm beside " + queryColumnName)
+ if (result.find("',)") != -1): # formatting strings e.g uuid
+ result = result.partition('\'')[-1].rpartition('\'')[0]
+ elif (result.find(",)") != -1): # formatting ints e.g id
+ result = result.partition('(')[-1].rpartition(',')[0]
+ logger.debug("Filter result: " + result)
+ return result
+ def columnMaxLength(self, tableName, columnName):
+ dbConn = self.nativeConnect2Db()
+ cur = dbConn.cursor()
+ queryStr = "SELECT character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns WHERE table_name ='%s' and column_name = '%s'" % (
+ tableName, columnName)
+ cur.execute(queryStr)
+ result = str(cur.fetchone())
+ if (bool('[^0-9]', result)) == True):
+ if (result.find("',)") != -1): # formatting strings e.g uuid
+ result = result.partition('\'')[-1].rpartition('\'')[0]
+ elif (result.find(",)") != -1): # formatting ints e.g id
+ result = result.partition('(')[-1].rpartition(',')[0]
+ return int(result)
+ def getNumOfRecordViaRest(self, urlStr):
+ logger.debug("GET: " + urlStr)
+ self.conn.request("GET", urlStr)
+ data_list = JSONParser().parse(self.conn.getresponse())
+ cnt = str(len(data_list))
+ return cnt
+ def getMaximalNameValue(self, urlStr):
+ logger.debug("GET: " + urlStr)
+ self.conn.request("GET", urlStr)
+ data_list = JSONParser().parse(self.conn.getresponse())
+ maxName = 0
+ for asi in data_list:
+ logger.debug(asi)
+ for key, value in asi.items():
+ if (key == "name"):
+ if (maxName < int(value)):
+ maxName = int(value)
+ logger.debug("MaximalNameValue=" + str(maxName))
+ return maxName
+ def getRecordAndDeserilizeIt(self, urlStr, getFilter, serializer, isCreateObj):
+ logger.debug("GET: " + urlStr + "/" + getFilter)
+ try:
+ self.conn.request("GET", urlStr + "/" + getFilter)
+ data = JSONParser().parse(self.conn.getresponse())
+ logger.debug("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(data))
+ ser = serializer(data=data)
+# logger.debug(" --> Serializer data: "+repr(ser))
+ if (isCreateObj == True):
+ logger.debug("Creating ...")
+ obj = ser.create(data)
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Updating ...")
+ obj = ser.create(data)
+ ser.update(obj, data)
+ except Exception:
+ logger.debug(Exception)
+ raise Exception
+ return obj
+ def newParameters(self, oldValue, newValue, uuidValue):
+ newParams = re.sub(oldValue, newValue, self.params) # Find and replace in string.
+ newParams = re.sub("}", ', "uuid":"' + uuidValue + '"}', newParams) # Add UUID to params
+ return newParams
+ def negativeTestPost(self, getFilter, allowTwice=False):
+ logger.debug("POST negative tests are starting now!")
+ if (allowTwice == False):
+ logger.debug("Negative 01: Insert the same record twice via REST")
+ r1 = self.createEntityViaPost(self.urlStr, self.params)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ self.deleteRecord(self.urlStr, getFilter, False)
+ logger.debug("Negative 02: Insert record with empty value via REST")
+ paramsEmptyValue = re.sub(r':\".*?\"', ':\"\"', self.params) # Create params with empty values.
+ r1 = self.createEntityViaPost(self.urlStr, paramsEmptyValue)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ logger.debug("Negative 03: Insert record with missing value via REST")
+ paramsMissingValue = re.sub(r'{\".*?\":', '{\"\":', self.params) # Create params without records part 1.
+ # Create params without records part 2.
+ paramsMissingValue = re.sub(r', \".*?\":', ', \"\":', paramsMissingValue)
+ r1 = self.createEntityViaPost(self.urlStr, paramsMissingValue)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ logger.debug("Negative 04: Insert record with more than " + str(self.longValueLength) + " chars via REST")
+ paramsLongValue = re.sub(
+ r':\".*?\"', ':\"' + str(self.randomGenerator("randomNumber", self.longValueLength)) + '\"', self.params)
+ r1 = self.createEntityViaPost(self.urlStr, paramsLongValue)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ if (allowTwice == True):
+ logger.debug("Deleting record from database...")
+ self.deleteRecord(self.urlStr, getFilter, False)
+ def negativeTestPut(self, getFilter, params):
+ logger.debug("PUT negative tests are starting now!")
+ match ="\D", getFilter) # Check if getFilter contains non-digit characters.
+ if not match:
+ logger.debug("Negative 01: Edit non existing record via REST")
+ nonExistingValue = self.randomGenerator("randomNumber", 5)
+ r1 = self.editEntityViaPut(self.urlStr, nonExistingValue, params, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 404)
+ logger.debug("Negative 02: Edit record with string in URL instead of integer via REST")
+ randStr = self.randomGenerator("randomString")
+ r1 = self.editEntityViaPut(self.urlStr, randStr, params, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Negative 01: Edit non existing record via REST")
+ nonExistingValue = self.randomGenerator("randomString")
+ r1 = self.editEntityViaPut(self.urlStr, nonExistingValue, params, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 404)
+ logger.debug("Negative 02: Edit record without URL pointer via REST")
+ r1 = self.editEntityViaPut(self.urlStr, "", params, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 405)
+ logger.debug("Negative 03: Edit record with empty value via REST")
+ paramsEmptyValue = re.sub(r':\".*?\"', ':\"\"', params) # Create params with empty values.
+ r1 = self.editEntityViaPut(self.urlStr, getFilter, paramsEmptyValue, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ logger.debug("Negative 04: Edit record with missing value via REST")
+ paramsMissingValue = re.sub(r'{\".*?\":', '{\"\":', params) # Create params without records part 1.
+ # Create params without records part 2.
+ paramsMissingValue = re.sub(r', \".*?\":', ', \"\":', paramsMissingValue)
+ r1 = self.editEntityViaPut(self.urlStr, getFilter, paramsMissingValue, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 400)
+ logger.debug("Deleting record from database...")
+ self.deleteRecord(self.urlStr, getFilter, False)
+ def negativeTestDelete(self):
+ logger.debug("DELETE negative tests are starting now!")
+ logger.debug("Negative 01: Delete non existing record via REST or wrong URL pointer")
+ nonExistingValue = self.randomGenerator("randomString")
+ r1 = self.deleteRecord(self.urlStr, nonExistingValue, True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 404 or r1.status == 500 or r1.status == 400)
+ logger.debug("Negative 02: Delete record without URL pointer via REST")
+ r1 = self.deleteRecord(self.urlStr, "", True)
+ logger.debug(r1.status, r1.reason)
+ assertTrue(r1.status == 405)
+ def failTest(self, failureReason):
+ logger.debug(">>> Test failed!\n", failureReason)
+ self.assertTrue(False)
+ def failRestTest(self, r1):
+ logger.debug("Previous HTTP POST request has failed with " + str(r1.status))
+ self.assertTrue(False)
+ def randomGenerator(self, typeOfValue, numberOfDigits=0):
+ return self.creator.randomGenerator(typeOfValue, numberOfDigits)
+ def loginAndCreateSessionToken(self, user):
+ return self.creator.loginAndCreateSessionToken(user)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4a5159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+import http.client
+import django
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.test.client import Client
+from django.test.testcases import TransactionTestCase
+from engagementmanager.tests.vvpEntitiesCreator import VvpEntitiesCreator
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class TestBaseTransactionEntity(TransactionTestCase):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def setUp(self):
+ logger.debug("---------------------- TransactionTestCase " + self.__class__.__name__ + " ----------------------")
+ self.urlPrefix = "/ice/v1/engmgr/"
+ self.conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("", 8000) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.c = Client()
+ self.creator = VvpEntitiesCreator()
+ settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED = False
+ self.childSetup()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED = True
+ self.conn.close()
+ logger.debug("---------------------- TransactionTestCase " + self.__class__.__name__ + " ---------------------- ")
+ @abstractmethod
+ def childSetup(self):
+ pass
+ def randomGenerator(self, typeOfValue, numberOfDigits=0):
+ return self.creator.randomGenerator(typeOfValue, numberOfDigits)
+ def loginAndCreateSessionToken(self, user):
+ return self.creator.loginAndCreateSessionToken(user)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7fa800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistTemplate, ChecklistLineItem
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestChecklistTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs', 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagement/@eng_uuid/checklist/new/"
+ = dict()
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+# self.engagement = Engagement.objects.create(uuid='just-a-fake-uuid',engagement_stage='Validation')
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ uuid4(), 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user)
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ def initBody(self):
+['checkListName'] = "ice checklist for test"
+['checkListTemplateUuid'] = str(self.template.uuid)
+['checkListAssociatedFiles'] = list()
+ def getOrCreateChecklist(self, expectedStatus=HTTP_200_OK, httpMethod="GET"):
+ if (httpMethod == "GET"):
+ response = self.c.get(self.urlStr.replace("@eng_uuid", str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ elif (httpMethod == "POST"):
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@eng_uuid", str(self.engagement.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting " + str(expectedStatus))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ def testGetChecklistPositive(self):
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ print("testGetChecklistPositive")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testGetChecklistNegativeNoEng(self):
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.uuid = uuid4()
+ print("testGetChecklistPositive")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ def testPostChecklistPositive(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ print("testPostChecklistPositive")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_200_OK, "POST")
+ def testPostChecklistNegativeNotElUser(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ print("testPostChecklistNegativeNotElUser")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "POST")
+ def testPostChecklistNegativeNoEng(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.uuid = uuid4()
+ print("testPostChecklistNegativeNoEng")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "POST")
+ def testPostChecklistNegativeMissingParam(self):
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ print("testPostChecklistNegativeMissingParam")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "POST")
+ def testPostTestEngineDecisions(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ print("testGetChecklistPositive")
+ response = self.getOrCreateChecklist(HTTP_200_OK, "POST")
+ checklist = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@checklist_uuid/testengine/"
+ # ChecklistLineItem.objects.get(uuid=decision['line_item_id']);
+ print(checklist['template']['uuid'])
+ template = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(
+ uuid=checklist['template']['uuid'])
+ print(template)
+ line_items = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(template=template)
+ for line_item in line_items:
+ print(line_item)
+ return
+ = dict()
+['decisions'] = "{123}"
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.get(self.urlStr.replace("@checklist_uuid", str(checklist['uuid'])),
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print(json.loads(response.content))
+ return
+ = dict()
+['decisions'] = "{123}"
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ="@checklist_uuid", str(checklist['uuid'])), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3c63e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import mock
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,\
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+def dummy_true():
+ return True
+@mock.patch('engagementmanager.service.checklist_service.CheckListSvc.decline_all_template_checklists', dummy_true)
+class TestChecklistTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs', 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ Constants.service_provider_admin_mail, '55501000199',
+ 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.urlStrForSave = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/template/"
+ self.urlStrForGetTmpl = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/template/@template_uuid"
+ self.urlStrForGetTmpls = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/templates/"
+ = dict()
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user)
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ def initBody(self):
+['uuid'] = str(self.template.uuid)
+['name'] =
+['sections'] = list()
+ li1 = dict()
+ li1["uuid"] = "newEntity"
+ li1["name"] = "li1_name"
+ li1["description"] = "li1_description"
+ li1["validation_instructions"] = "li1_validation_instructions"
+ sec1 = dict()
+ sec1["uuid"] = "newEntity"
+ sec1["name"] = "sec1_name"
+ sec1["description"] = "sec1_description"
+ sec1["validation_instructions"] = "sec1_validation_instructions"
+ sec1["lineItems"] = list()
+ sec1["lineItems"].append(li1)
+ print(
+ def getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(self, urlStr, expectedStatus=HTTP_200_OK, httpMethod="GET"):
+ if (httpMethod == "GET"):
+ if (urlStr == self.urlStrForGetTmpls):
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr,
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ else:
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace("@template_uuid", str(self.template.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ elif (httpMethod == "PUT"):
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(
+ urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) + " Expecting " + str(expectedStatus))
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) + " Expecting " + str(expectedStatus))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testSaveChecklistTemplate(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ print("testSaveChecklistTemplate")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(self.urlStrForSave, httpMethod="PUT")
+ def testSaveChecklistTemplateMissingTemplateUuid(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+['uuid'] = ""
+ print("testSaveChecklistTemplateMissingTemplateUuid")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(self.urlStrForSave, expectedStatus=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, httpMethod="PUT")
+ def testSaveChecklistTemplateNotExistingTemplate(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ print("testSaveChecklistTemplateNoExistanceTemplate")
+['uuid'] = 'fake_uuid'
+ self.getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(self.urlStrForSave, expectedStatus=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, httpMethod="PUT")
+ def testSaveChecklistTemplateMissingKey(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ print("testSaveChecklistTemplateNoExistanceTemplate")
+ # take the first line item (li1_name) which is newEntity and remove its name, expect 500
+['sections'][0]["lineItems"][0]["name"] = None
+ self.getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(
+ self.urlStrForSave, expectedStatus=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, httpMethod="PUT")
+ def testGetChecklistTemplates(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ print("testSaveChecklistTemplate")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(self.urlStrForGetTmpls, httpMethod="GET")
+ def testGetChecklistTemplate(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ print("testSaveChecklistTemplate")
+ self.getOrCreateChecklistTemplate(self.urlStrForGetTmpl, httpMethod="GET")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2d13f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import mock
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def search_page_mock(keyword):
+ result = [{u'id': 1, u'title': 'exists_title', u'children': [], u'status': '', u'_order': 1}, ]
+ return result
+def search_empty_page_mock(keyword):
+ return []
+class TestCMSDocumentationSearch(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), 'Aa123456',
+ 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def testSearchEmptyString(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/pages/search/?keyword='
+ self.printTestName("testSearchEmptyString [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return empty array")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ content = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(content, [])
+ self.printTestName("testSearchEmptyString [End]")
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.apps.cms_client.search_pages', search_empty_page_mock)
+ def testSearchNotExistsKeyword(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/pages/search/?keyword=somewordnotexists'
+ self.printTestName("testSearchNotExistsKeyword [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return empty array")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ content = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(content, [])
+ self.printTestName("testSearchNotExistsKeyword [End]")
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.apps.cms_client.search_pages', search_page_mock)
+ def testSearchExistsKeyword(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/pages/search/?keyword=exists_title'
+ self.printTestName("testSearchExistsKeyword [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return array with one page (by mock)")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ content = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(content[0]['title'], 'exists_title')
+ self.printTestName("testSearchExistsKeyword [End]")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4fd9473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import mock
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def get_pages_mock(title=""):
+ result = [{u'meta_description': u'Content of page #1', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #1',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 1,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #1</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#1', u'tags': u''},
+ {u'meta_description': u'Content of page #2', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #2',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 2,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #2</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#2', u'tags': u''},
+ {u'meta_description': u'Content of page #3', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #3',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 3,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #3</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#3', u'tags': u''},
+ {u'meta_description': u'Content of page #4', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #4',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 4,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #4</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#4', u'tags': u''},
+ {u'meta_description': u'Content of page #5', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #5',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 5,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #5</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#5', u'tags': u''},
+ {u'meta_description': u'Content of page #6', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #6',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 6,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #6</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#6', u'tags': u''}]
+ if title != "":
+ return [result[0]]
+ else:
+ return result
+def get_page_mock(id):
+ result = {u'meta_description': u'Content of page #1', u'parent': None, u'title': u'Page #1',
+ u'login_required': True, u'children': [], u'id': 1,
+ u'content': u'<p>Content of page #1</p>', u'content_model': u'richtextpage',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-01T13:47:15Z', u'slug': u'documentation/page#1', u'tags': u''}
+ return result
+@mock.patch('engagementmanager.apps.cms_client.get_pages', get_pages_mock)
+@mock.patch('engagementmanager.apps.cms_client.get_page', get_page_mock)
+class CMSGetPagesTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), 'Aa123456',
+ 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def testGetPageById(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/pages/1/'
+ self.printTestName("testGetPageById [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return page by id")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ content = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(content["title"], 'Page #1')
+ self.printTestName("testGetPageById [End]")
+ def testGetPages(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/pages/'
+ self.printTestName("testGetPages [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return all pages")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(response.content)), 6) # Suppose to be 6 The amount of Pages in the mock.
+ self.printTestName("testGetPages [End]")
+ def testGetPagesByTitle(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/pages/?title=Documentation'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetPagesByTitle [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return filtered pages")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ content = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(len(content), 1) # Suppose to be 1 The amount of Documentation titled pages in the mock.
+ self.assertEqual(content[0]["title"], 'Page #1')
+ self.printTestName("testGetPagesByTitle [End]")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7132c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import mock
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def get_posts_mock(offset=0, limit=10, category="", date_min=""):
+ result = [{u'updated': u'2017-01-17T15:57:19.567778Z', u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'/blog/announcementnew1/', u'tags': u'', u'excerpt': u'', u'allow_comments': True, u'comments': [], u'slug': u'announcementnew1', u'content': u'<p></p>', u'publish_date': u'2017-01-14T19:53:52Z', u'user': {u'username': u'al942u', u'first_name': u'', u'last_name': u'', u'email': u'', u'is_staff': True, u'id': 1}, u'featured_image': u'', u'comments_count': 0, u'id': 1, u'categories': [{u'slug': u'announcement', u'id': 1, u'title': u'Announcement'}]},
+ {u'updated': u'2017-01-16T15:57:19.567778Z', u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'/blog/announcementnew2/', u'tags': u'', u'excerpt': u'', u'allow_comments': True, u'comments': [], u'slug': u'announcementnew2',
+ u'content': u'<p></p>', u'publish_date': u'2017-01-15T19:53:52Z', u'user': {u'username': u'al942u', u'first_name': u'', u'last_name': u'', u'email': u'', u'is_staff': True, u'id': 1}, u'featured_image': u'', u'comments_count': 0, u'id': 2, u'categories': [{u'slug': u'announcement', u'id': 1, u'title': u'Announcement'}]},
+ {u'updated': u'2017-01-15T15:57:19.567778Z', u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'/blog/announcementnew3/', u'tags': u'', u'excerpt': u'', u'allow_comments': True, u'comments': [], u'slug': u'announcementnew3',
+ u'content': u'<p></p>', u'publish_date': u'2017-01-16T19:53:52Z', u'user': {u'username': u'al942u', u'first_name': u'', u'last_name': u'', u'email': u'', u'is_staff': True, u'id': 1}, u'featured_image': u'', u'comments_count': 0, u'id': 3, u'categories': [{u'slug': u'announcement', u'id': 1, u'title': u'Announcement'}]},
+ {u'updated': u'2017-01-14T15:57:19.567778Z', u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'/blog/news1/', u'tags': u'', u'excerpt': u'', u'allow_comments': True, u'comments': [], u'slug': u'news1', u'content': u'<p></p>',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-14T19:53:52Z', u'user': {u'username': u'al942u', u'first_name': u'', u'last_name': u'', u'email': u'', u'is_staff': True, u'id': 1}, u'featured_image': u'', u'comments_count': 0, u'id': 4, u'categories': [{u'slug': u'news', u'id': 1, u'title': u'News'}]},
+ {u'updated': u'2017-01-13T15:57:19.567778Z', u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'/blog/news2/', u'tags': u'', u'excerpt': u'', u'allow_comments': True, u'comments': [], u'slug': u'news2', u'content': u'<p></p>',
+ u'publish_date': u'2017-01-15T19:53:52Z', u'user': {u'username': u'al942u', u'first_name': u'', u'last_name': u'', u'email': u'', u'is_staff': True, u'id': 1}, u'featured_image': u'', u'comments_count': 0, u'id': 5, u'categories': [{u'slug': u'news', u'id': 1, u'title': u'News'}]},
+ {u'updated': u'2017-01-12T15:57:19.567778Z', u'title': u'', u'url': u'', u'short_url': u'/blog/news3/', u'tags': u'', u'excerpt': u'', u'allow_comments': True, u'comments': [], u'slug': u'news3', u'content': u'<p></p>', u'publish_date': u'2017-01-16T19:53:52Z', u'user': {u'username': u'al942u', u'first_name': u'', u'last_name': u'', u'email': u'', u'is_staff': True, u'id': 1}, u'featured_image': u'', u'comments_count': 0, u'id': 6, u'categories': [{u'slug': u'news', u'id': 1, u'title': u'News'}]}]
+ if category == "News":
+ return [result[3], result[4], result[5]]
+ elif date_min != "":
+ return [result[0], result[1]]
+ elif category == "Announcement" and limit == 1:
+ return [result[0]]
+ elif limit != 10:
+ return result[:int(limit)]
+ else:
+ return result
+@mock.patch('engagementmanager.apps.cms_client.get_posts', get_posts_mock)
+class CMSGetPostsTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), 'Aa123456',
+ 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def testGetPostsByCategory(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/posts/?category=News'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("GetPostsByCategoryTest [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return filtered posts")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(response.content)), 3) # Suppose to be 3 The amount of News in the mock.
+ self.printTestName("GetPostsByCategoryTest [End]")
+ def testGetAllPosts(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/posts/?limit=10'
+ self.printTestName("GetAllPostsTest [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return all posts")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ # Suppose to be 6 items like the amount of items of the mock.
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(response.content)), 6)
+ self.printTestName("GetAllPostsTest [End]")
+ def testGetLimitedPosts(self):
+ limit = 2
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/posts/?limit=' + str(limit)
+ self.printTestName("GetLimitedPostsTest [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(response.content)), limit) # Suppose to be {{limit}} amount of items
+ self.printTestName("GetLimitedPostsTest [End]")
+ def testGetPostsByDateMin(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/posts/?fromLastDays=2&limit=10'
+ self.printTestName("GetPostsByDateMinTest [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return filtered posts")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(response.content)), 2) # Suppose to be 2 items that are after this date
+ self.printTestName("GetPostsByDateMinTest [End]")
+ def testGetOneAnnouncementPost(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'cms/posts/?limit=1&category=Announcement'
+ self.printTestName("GetOneAnnouncementPostTest [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (200), and return one announcement post")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(response.content)), 1) # Suppose to be just 1 item like that.
+ self.printTestName("GetOneAnnouncementPostTest [End]")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ddfb448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create users:
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), 'Aa123456',
+ 'el user1', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), 'Aa123456',
+ 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ Constants.service_provider_admin_mail, 'Aa123456',
+ 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ # Login with users:
+ self.user_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.el_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.admin_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ def testPostDeploymentTargetSitesForStandardUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'dtsites/'
+ myjson = '{"name": "Middletown (ICENJ)", "vf_uuid": "' + \
+ str(self.vf.uuid) + '"}'
+ print(myjson)
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.user_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ def testPostDeploymentTargetSitesForELUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'dtsites/'
+ myjson = '{"name": "Middletown (ICENJ)", "vf_uuid": "' + \
+ str(self.vf.uuid) + '"}'
+ print(myjson)
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.el_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testPostDeploymentTargetSitesForAdminUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'dtsites/'
+ myjson = '{"name": "Middletown (ICENJ)", "vf_uuid": "' + \
+ str(self.vf.uuid) + '"}'
+ print(myjson)
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForStandardUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(self.vf.uuid) + '/dtsites/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetDeploymentTargetSites [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should unauthorized (401)")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.user_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.printTestName("testGetDeploymentTargetSites [End]")
+ def testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForELUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(self.vf.uuid) + '/dtsites/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForELUser [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should authorized (200)")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.el_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.printTestName("testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForELUser [End]")
+ def testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForAdminUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(self.vf.uuid) + '/dtsites/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForAdminUser [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should authorized (200)")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.printTestName("testGetDeploymentTargetSitesForAdminUser [End]")
+ def testDelDeploymentTargetSitesForStandardUser(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(self.vf.uuid) + '/dtsites/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ logger.debug("action should unauthorized (401)")
+ response = self.c.delete(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.user_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3e75df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import mock
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.daily_scheduled_message import DailyScheduledMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import UserJoinedEngagementActivityData
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def digest_mock(self, bus_message):
+ DigestEmailNotificationsTestCase.is_digested_mock_sent = True
+ DigestEmailNotificationsTestCase.message = bus_message
+# engagementmanager/bus/handlers/
+ 'DigestEmailNotificationHandler.handle_message', digest_mock)
+class DigestEmailNotificationsTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ is_digested_mock_sent = False
+ message = None
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.pruser = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.pruser
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, vendor)
+ def testDigestEmailForActivities(self):
+ """
+ Will check if the service bus deliver the message of sending digested mails
+ No need to check if the mail is sent or if the python scheduling is working
+ """
+ # Create the activities:
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid) + "/stage/@stage"
+ random_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'),
+ self.randomGenerator("email"),
+ self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"),
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.el, True)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(random_user)
+ users_list = []
+ users_list.append(random_user)
+ activity_data = UserJoinedEngagementActivityData(self.vf, users_list, self.engagement)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(random_user)
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",,
+ json.dumps(dict(), ensure_ascii=False), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + token})
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/${uuid}/activities/'
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + token})
+ content = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(len(content), 2)
+ message = DailyScheduledMessage()
+ bus_service.send_message(message)
+ self.assertTrue(self.is_digested_mock_sent)
+ self.assertEqual(self.message, message)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..563c3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class EngProgressTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self): # Variables to use in this class.
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ def testSetProgress(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/progress'
+ self.printTestName("START")
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, '{ "progress" : 50 }', content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, '{ "progress" : 50 }', content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, '{ "progress" : 101 }', content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ self.printTestName("END")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62f787d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class EngagementStatusTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self): # Variables to use in this class.
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_review_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.user_not_team = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user not team', self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(uuid4(), 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_review_user
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.user_not_team_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user_not_team)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/status'
+ myjson = json.dumps({"description": "blah blah"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ='${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)), myjson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ self.created_status = json.loads(response.content)
+ def testPutStatus(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/status'
+ self.printTestName("START - testPutStatus")
+ logger.debug("action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress")
+ myjson = json.dumps(
+ {"eng_status_uuid": self.created_status['uuid'], "description": "blah2 blah2"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)), myjson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ myjson = json.dumps(
+ {"eng_status_uuid": self.created_status['uuid'], "description": "blah2 blah2"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)), myjson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.printTestName("END - testPutStatus")
+ def testPostStatus(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/status'
+ self.printTestName("START - testPostStatus")
+ logger.debug("action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress")
+ myjson = json.dumps({"description": "blah blah"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ='${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)), myjson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ logger.debug("action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid")
+ myjson = json.dumps({"description": "blah blah"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =
+ '${uuid}', str(uuid4())), myjson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ myjson = json.dumps({"description": "blah blah"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ='${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)), myjson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.printTestName("END - testPostStatus")
+ def testGetStatus(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/status'
+ self.printTestName("START - testGetStatus")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ logger.debug("action should fail (401), Only team members can get status")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement.uuid)), content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.user_not_team_token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ logger.debug("action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched")
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ uuid4())), content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.printTestName("END - testGetStatus")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a50e49f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, Engagement, IceUserProfile, \
+ Checklist
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage, Constants
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+import json
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199',
+ 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.second_el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199',
+ 'el user2', self.el, True)
+ self.el_user_to_update = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199',
+ 'el user 3', self.el, True)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199',
+ 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), Constants.service_provider_admin_mail, '55501000199',
+ 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(
+ self.user, self.el_user, self.second_el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.second_el_user
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget,
+ False, Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'))
+ self.userToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.elToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.elUserToUpdateToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(
+ self.el_user_to_update)
+ self.adminToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ def testGetAllEls(self):
+ num_of_els = IceUserProfile.objects.filter(role=self.el).count()
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'users/engagementleads/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testGetAllEls [Start]")
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(len(data), num_of_els)
+ self.assertEqual(data[0]['full_name'] == 'el user 3' or data[
+ 0]['full_name'] == 'el user', True)
+ self.assertEqual(data[1]['full_name'] == 'el user 3' or data[
+ 1]['full_name'] == 'el user2', True)
+ self.printTestName("testGetAllEls [End]")
+ def testArchiveEngagement(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/archive'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testArchiveEngagement [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (202), and archive the engagement")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reason': 'test_reason'}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ eng_object = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.assertEqual(
+ eng_object.engagement_stage,
+ self.assertEqual(eng_object.archive_reason, 'test_reason')
+ self.printTestName("testArchiveEngagement [End]")
+ def testArchiveEngagementValidateDate(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/archive'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testArchiveEngagement [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should success (202), and archive the engagement")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reason': 'test_reason'}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ eng_object = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(eng_object.engagement_stage,
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.assertTrue(eng_object.archived_time)
+ print(eng_object.archived_time)
+ self.printTestName("testArchiveEngagement [End]")
+ def testSetEngagementReviewer(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/reviewer/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testSetEngagementReviewer [Start]")
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reviewer': str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid)}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ eng_object = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ eng_object.reviewer.uuid, str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid))
+ self.printTestName("testSetEngagementReviewer [End]")
+ def testSetEngagementPeerReviewer(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/peerreviewer/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testSetEngagementPeerReviewer [Start]")
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'peerreviewer': str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid)}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ eng_object = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(eng_object.peer_reviewer.uuid,
+ str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid))
+ self.printTestName("testSetEngagementPeerReviewer [End]")
+ def testNegativeGetAllEls(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'users/engagementleads/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeGetAllEls [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should failed due to missing permissions (401)")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.elToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeGetAllEls [End]")
+ def testNegativeArchiveEngagement(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/archive'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeArchiveEngagement [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should failed due to missing permissions (401)")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reason': 'test_reason'}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.elToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeArchiveEngagement [End]")
+ def testNegativeSetEngagementReviewer(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/reviewer/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeSetEngagementReviewer [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should failed due to missing permissions (401)")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reviewer': str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid)}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.elToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeSetEngagementReviewer [End]")
+ def testNegativeSetEngagementPeerReviewer(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/peerreviewer/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeSetEngagementPeerReviewer [Start]")
+ logger.debug("action should failed due to missing permissions (401)")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'peerreviewer': str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid)}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.elToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.printTestName("testNegativeSetEngagementPeerReviewer [End]")
+ def testSwitchEngagementReviewers(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/switch-reviewers/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testSetEngagementReviewer [Start]")
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and switch between the engagement reviewer and peer reviewer")
+ logger.debug("Reviewer: %s, PeerReviewer: %s" %
+ (self.engagement.reviewer, self.engagement.peer_reviewer))
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reviewer': str(self.second_el_user.uuid), 'peerreviewer': str(
+ self.el_user.uuid)}), content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ eng_object = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ eng_object.reviewer.uuid, str(self.second_el_user.uuid))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ eng_object.peer_reviewer.uuid, str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ logger.debug("Reviewer: %s, PeerReviewer: %s" %
+ (eng_object.reviewer, eng_object.peer_reviewer))
+ self.printTestName("testSetEngagementReviewer [End]")
+ def testChecklistOwnerAfterChangeReviewer(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/reviewer/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testChecklistOwnerAfterChangeReviewer [Start]")
+ cl_template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ checklist = self.creator.createCheckList(
+ "cl-name", "review", 1, None, self.engagement, cl_template,
+ self.admin_user, self.el_user)
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), set the engagement reviewer and change checklist owner")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reviewer': str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid)}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(checklist.owner, self.el_user_to_update)
+ self.printTestName("testChecklistOwnerAfterChangeReviewer [End]")
+ def testChecklistOwnerAfterChangePeerReviewer(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/peerreviewer/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testChecklistOwnerAfterChangePeerReviewer [Start]")
+ cl_template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ checklist = self.creator.createCheckList(
+ "cl-name", "peer_review", 1, None, self.engagement, cl_template,
+ self.admin_user, self.second_el_user)
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), set the engagement peer reviewer and change checklist owner")
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'peerreviewer': str(self.el_user_to_update.uuid)}), content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(checklist.owner, self.el_user_to_update)
+ self.printTestName("testChecklistOwnerAfterChangePeerReviewer [End]")
+ def testChecklistOwnerAfterSwitchReviewers(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement.uuid) + '/switch-reviewers/'
+ print(urlStr)
+ self.printTestName("testChecklistOwnerAfterSwitchReviewers [Start]")
+ cl_template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ checklist = self.creator.createCheckList(
+ "cl-name", "review", 1, None, self.engagement, cl_template,
+ self.admin_user, self.el_user)
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), switch between the engagement reviewer and peer reviewer and change checklist owner")
+ logger.debug("Reviewer: %s, PeerReviewer: %s" %
+ (self.engagement.reviewer, self.engagement.peer_reviewer))
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, json.dumps({'reviewer': str(self.second_el_user.uuid), 'peerreviewer': str(
+ self.el_user.uuid)}), content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.adminToken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(checklist.owner, self.second_el_user)
+ self.printTestName("testChecklistOwnerAfterSwitchReviewers [End]")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9cbceb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK,\
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, ECOMPRelease
+from engagementmanager.service.engagement_service import get_expanded_engs_for_export
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage, Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class EngagementExportTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ self.admin = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), Constants.service_provider_admin_mail,
+ 'Aa123456', 'admin user', self.el, True)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ 'Aa123456', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create an VF with Engagement (Active) - #1
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.admin)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.admin
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_stage =
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name))
+ self.vf.ecomp_release = ECOMPRelease.objects.create(
+ uuid='uuid1', name='ActiveECOMPRelease')
+ # Create an VF with Engagement (Intake) - #2
+ self.engagement2 = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid2', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement2.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.admin)
+ self.engagement2.reviewer = self.admin
+ self.engagement2.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement2.engagement_stage =
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf2 = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.engagement2,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'))
+ self.vf2.ecomp_release = ECOMPRelease.objects.create(
+ uuid='uuid2', name='IntakeECOMPRelease')
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.adminToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin)
+ def testFailExport(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/export/'
+ self.printTestName("Failed export [start]")
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+ self.printTestName("Failed export [end]")
+ def testSuccessExport(self):
+ self.printTestName("Success export [start]")
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/export/?stage=Active&keyword'
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and return one active engagement")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.content) > 0, True)
+ vfs, deployment_targets = get_expanded_engs_for_export(
+ "Active", "", self.user)
+ self.assertEqual(len(vfs) == 1, True)
+ self.assertEqual('ecomp_release__name' in vfs[0] and vfs[0]
+ ['ecomp_release__name'] == "ActiveECOMPRelease", True)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/export/?stage=Intake&keyword'
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and return one intake engagement")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.content) > 0, True)
+ vfs, deployment_targets = get_expanded_engs_for_export(
+ "Intake", "", self.user)
+ self.assertEqual(len(vfs) == 1, True)
+ self.assertEqual('ecomp_release__name' in vfs[0] and vfs[0]
+ ['ecomp_release__name'] == "IntakeECOMPRelease", True)
+ # Check keyword filtering:
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/export/?stage=All&keyword=Active'
+ logger.debug(
+ "action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement")
+ response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.content) > 0, True)
+ vfs, deployment_targets = get_expanded_engs_for_export(
+ "All", "Active", self.user)
+ self.assertEqual(len(vfs) == 0, True)
+ # Check overview sheet data procedure:
+ logger.debug("Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview "
+ "sheet) and by that assume that it exists")
+ self.assertEqual(len(deployment_targets), 4)
+ self.printTestName("Success export [end]")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec89d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import random
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, VF
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(self.vendor, "", self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.service_provider = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(self.service_provider, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ logger.debug('Created Peer Reviewer:')
+ logger.debug('UUID: ' + str(self.peer_reviewer.uuid))
+ logger.debug('Full Name: ' + self.peer_reviewer.full_name)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ engStageList = [,,
+,] # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.random_stage = engStageList[(random.randint(0, 3) * 2 + 1) % 4]
+ self.names_array = list()
+ for i in range(0, 14):
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_manual_id = self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString")
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(
+ self.el_user, self.peer_reviewer)
+ self.engagement.engagement_stage = engStageList[(
+ random.randint(0, 3) * 2 + 1) % 4]
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.names_array.append(self.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ # self.asInfrastructure = self.creator.createApplicationServiceInfrastructure(self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(
+ "vf_" + str(i), self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, vendor)
+ self.names_array.append(
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created VF:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.vf.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ if (i % 2 == 0):
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user)
+ vfc = self.creator.createVFC(
+ "vfc_" + str(i), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.vendor, self.vf, self.el_user)
+ self.names_array.append(
+ self.random_keyword = self.names_array[(
+ random.randint(0, len(self.names_array) - 1))]
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(self, bool):
+ if bool:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test Succeeded")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Test failed")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ def test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/expanded/'
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ postData = {'stage': 'All', 'keyword': '', 'offset': 0, 'limit': 15}
+ datajson = json.dumps(postData, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =
+ urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ if (status != 200):
+ logger.error("Got response : " + str(status) +
+ " , wrong http response returned ")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(response.content))
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ if (data['num_of_objects'] != 7):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error(
+ "num of objects returned from server != 7 (all even numbers)")
+ self.assertEqual(data['num_of_objects'], 7)
+ for x in data['array']:
+ shortened_name = x['vf__name'].split('_')
+ if (int(shortened_name[1]) % 2 != 0):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error("Odd VF name returned")
+ self.assertEqual(int(shortened_name[1]) % 2, 0)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/expanded/'
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ postData = {'stage': self.random_stage,
+ 'keyword': '', 'offset': 0, 'limit': 15}
+ datajson = json.dumps(postData, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =
+ urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ if (status != 200):
+ logger.error("Got response : " + str(status) +
+ " , wrong http response returned ")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(response.content))
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ print("random stage chosen: " + self.random_stage)
+ for x in data['array']:
+ print("engagement's stage: " + x['engagement__engagement_stage'])
+ if (x['engagement__engagement_stage'] != self.random_stage):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error(
+ "VF With different stage than defined filter was retrieved")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ x['engagement__engagement_stage'], self.random_stage)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_get_expanded_engs_with_keyword_nofilter(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/expanded/'
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ postData = {'stage': 'All', 'keyword': self.random_keyword,
+ 'offset': 0, 'limit': 15}
+ datajson = json.dumps(postData, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =
+ urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(response.content))
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ print("random keyword chosen: " + self.random_keyword)
+ for x in data['array']:
+ bool = False
+ if (x['engagement__engagement_manual_id'] != self.random_keyword and x['vf__name'] != self.random_keyword):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=x['engagement__uuid'])
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(vf.uuid) + '/vfcs/'
+ vfc_of_x_response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ vfc_list = json.loads(vfc_of_x_response.content)
+ for vfc in vfc_list:
+ if vfc['name'] == self.random_keyword:
+ bool = True
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ bool = True
+ if (not bool):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error(
+ "VF With different stage than filter was retrieved")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ x['engagement__engagement_stage'], self.random_stage)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_get_expanded_engs_with_keyword_and_filter(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/expanded/'
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ postData = {'stage': self.random_stage,
+ 'keyword': self.random_keyword, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 15}
+ datajson = json.dumps(postData, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =
+ urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ if (status != 200):
+ logger.error("Got response : " + str(status) +
+ " , wrong http response returned ")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(response.content))
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ print("random keyword chosen: " + self.random_keyword)
+ for x in data['array']:
+ bool = False
+ if (x['engagement__engagement_stage'] != self.random_stage):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error(
+ "VF With different stage than defined filter was retrieved")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ x['engagement__engagement_stage'], self.random_stage)
+ if (x['engagement__engagement_manual_id'] != self.random_keyword and x['vf__name'] != self.random_keyword):
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=x['engagement__uuid'])
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf' + str(vf.uuid) + '/vfcs/'
+ vfc_of_x_response = self.c.get(
+ urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ vfc_list = json.loads(vfc_of_x_response.content)
+ for vfc in vfc_list:
+ if (vfc['name'] == self.random_keyword):
+ bool = True
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ bool = True
+ if (not bool):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error(
+ "VF With different stage than filter was retrieved")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ x['engagement__engagement_stage'], self.random_stage)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_get_expanded_engs_with_keyword_email(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagement/expanded/'
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(
+ " Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ email_test = ""
+ postData = {'stage': 'All', 'keyword': email_test,
+ 'offset': 0, 'limit': 15}
+ datajson = json.dumps(postData, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =
+ urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Got content : " + str(response.content))
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ print("random keyword chosen: " + email_test)
+ if data['num_of_objects'] >= 1:
+ for vf_record in data['array']:
+ vf = VF.objects.get(
+ engagement__uuid=vf_record['engagement__uuid'])
+ if (not vf.engagement.engagement_team.filter(uuid=self.user.uuid).exists()):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.error(
+ "VF With different stage than filter was retrieved")
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8513998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from io import StringIO
+import os
+from django.core import management
+from import execute_bootstrap_actions
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+class TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ execute_bootstrap_actions()
+ pass
+ def initBody(self):
+ pass
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testImportEngagementXLSTestCase(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ xls_path = 'engagementmanager/tests/D2_ICE_Engagements_Import_Example.xlsx'
+ if not os.path.exists(xls_path):
+ print("File doesnt exists")
+ return True
+ response = StringIO()
+ management.call_command('import_xls', xls_path, '2', stdout=response)
+ response = response.getvalue()
+ if response.find('True') != -1:
+ response = True
+ self.assertEqual(response, True)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..460eded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+import json
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, IceUserProfile
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestInviteMembersTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def createEng(self, name):
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(name, 'Validation', None)
+ engagement.reviewer = self.reviewer
+ engagement.peer_reviewer = self.reviewer
+ engagement.engagement_team.add(self.inviter, self.el_user)
+ self.engList.append(engagement)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.engList = []
+ self.vfList = []
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user_email = self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email")
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.el_user_email, '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.inviter = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'inviter user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'reviewer user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.createEng('123456789')
+ self.createEng('abcdefghi')
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ for eng in self.engList:
+ vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), eng,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'))
+ self.vfList.append(vf)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "invite-team-members/"
+ = dict()
+ self.data2 = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.inviter)
+ def initBody(self):
+ self.invitedData = []
+['email'] = self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email")
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engList[0].uuid)
+ self.invitedData.append(
+ self.data2['email'] = self.el_user_email
+ self.data2['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engList[0].uuid)
+ self.invitedData.append(self.data2)
+ def inviteContact(self, expectedStatus=HTTP_200_OK):
+ self.invitedDataStr = json.dumps(self.invitedData, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =, self.invitedDataStr, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code), str(response.content))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ def createContactUser(self):
+ = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),['email'],['phone_number'],['full_name'], self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(
+ print('Full Name: ' +
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testAddContactForNonExistingContact(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ self.inviteContact()
+ def testThrotellingInviteSameEmailSameEng(self):
+ self.invitedData = []
+['email'] = self.el_user_email
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engList[0].uuid)
+ self.invitedData.append(
+ self.data2['email'] = self.el_user_email
+ self.data2['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engList[0].uuid)
+ self.invitedData.append(self.data2)
+ self.inviteContact(expectedStatus=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def testThrotellingInviteMoreThan5EmailsToSameEng(self):
+ self.invitedData = []
+ for i in range(0, 30):
+ data = dict()
+ data['email'] = self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email")
+ data['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engList[0].uuid)
+ self.invitedData.append(data)
+ self.inviteContact(expectedStatus=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+ def testMultipleInvitationsForSameUserDiffEng(self):
+ for i in range(0, 2):
+ data = dict()
+ data['email'] = self.el_user_email
+ data['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engList[i].uuid)
+ self.invitedData = []
+ self.invitedData.append(data)
+ self.inviteContact(expectedStatus=HTTP_200_OK)
+ invitedUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=data['email'])
+ self.assertTrue(invitedUser in self.engList[i].engagement_team.all())
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..95a8227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import unittest
+from mock import MagicMock
+from engagementmanager.service.nextstep_service import NextStepSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import NextStepState
+class NextStepTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testStandardUserActions(self):
+ print('---------------------------------- Testing standard_user Actions ------------------------------------')
+ user = MagicMock()
+ = 'standard_user'
+ NextStepSvc().validate_state_transition(
+ user, NextStepState.Incomplete, NextStepState.Completed)
+ NextStepSvc().validate_state_transition(
+ user, NextStepState.Completed, NextStepState.Incomplete)
+ def testELUserActions(self):
+ print('---------------------------------- Testing EL Actions ------------------------------------')
+ user = MagicMock()
+ = 'el'
+ print(user.role)
+ update_type = NextStepSvc().validate_state_transition(
+ user, NextStepState.Completed, NextStepState.Incomplete)
+ assert update_type == 'Denied'
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testSetState']
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0be468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_200_OK, \
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, NextStep
+from engagementmanager.service.nextstep_service import NextStepSvc
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestNextStepsAPI(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.pruser = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.pruser.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.pruser.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user with SSH key
+ self.user_with_ssh = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name='Other'), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'ssh user', self.standard_user, True, 'just-a-fake-ssh-key')
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user_with_ssh.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user_with_ssh.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another Engagement with team with SSH Key
+ self.engagement_ssh = self.creator.createEngagement('just-another-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_ssh.engagement_team.add(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement_ssh.peer_reviewer = self.pruser
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement_ssh.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another Engagement with Main Contact
+ self.engagement_with_contact = self.creator.createEngagement('yet-just-another-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_with_contact.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement_with_contact.contact_user = self.user
+ self.engagement_with_contact.peer_reviewer = self.pruser
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement_with_contact.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create another Engagement with Main Contact
+ self.engagement_4_createNS = self.creator.createEngagement('yet-just-another-fake-uuid2', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_4_createNS.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement_4_createNS.peer_reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement_4_createNS.engagement_team.add(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement_4_createNS.contact_user = self.user_with_ssh
+ # Create engagement for order
+ self.engagement_4_order = self.creator.createEngagement('yet-just-another-fake-uuid3', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement_4_order.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement_4_order.peer_reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement_4_order.engagement_team.add(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement_4_order.contact_user = self.user_with_ssh
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement_4_createNS, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement_4_createNS.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.sshtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user_with_ssh)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ def testCreateDefaultNextStepsAndSetNextStepsState(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/nextsteps/Intake'
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps(self.user, self.engagement, self.el_user)
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps_for_user(self.user, self.el_user)
+ num_of_steps = 3
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ print("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(response.content))
+# content = response.content
+ print('Test that GET nextsteps was successful')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ print('Test that GET nextsteps in Intake state returns 3 items ')
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.json()), num_of_steps)
+ print('Test First item state is Incomplete: ' + response.json()[0]['state'])
+ self.assertEqual(response.json()[0]['state'], 'Incomplete')
+ step_uuid = response.json()[0]['uuid']
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'nextsteps/' + step_uuid + '/state'
+ print('attempt change state of next step Incomplete->COMPLETED by standard_user. This should succeed...')
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, '{ "state" : "Completed" }',
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ print('Negative: attempt change state of next step COMPLETED->Incomplete by EL. This should success')
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, '{ "state" : "Incomplete" }',
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testCreateDefaultNextStepsForUserWithSSHKey(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/nextsteps/Intake'
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps(self.user_with_ssh, self.engagement_ssh, self.el_user)
+ # Would not create any next step, due to the reason that the user already has an SSH
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps_for_user(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ num_of_steps = 2
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(self.engagement_ssh.uuid)),
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ print("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(response.content))
+ print('Test that GET nextsteps was successful')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ print('Test that GET nextsteps in Intake state returns 3 items ')
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.json()), num_of_steps)
+ def testOrderNextSteps(self):
+ nsDict = {}
+ nsDict["position"] = 4
+ nsDict["creator_uuid"] = str(self.el_user.uuid)
+ nsDict[
+ "description"] = "Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)"
+ nsDict["state"] = "Incomplete"
+ nsDict["engagement_stage"] = "Active"
+ myjson = json.dumps([nsDict], ensure_ascii=False)
+ create_nextsteps_url = self.urlPrefix + "engagements/" + str(self.engagement_4_order.uuid) + "/nextsteps/"
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ get_nextsteps_url = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/nextsteps/Intake'
+ response = self.c.get(get_nextsteps_url.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement_4_order.uuid)), **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.sshtoken})
+ decoded_ns = json.loads(response.content)
+ myjson = json.dumps(decoded_ns, ensure_ascii=False)
+ order_nextsteps_url = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/' + \
+ str(self.engagement_4_order.uuid) + '/nextsteps/order_next_steps/'
+ response = self.c.put(order_nextsteps_url, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ response = self.c.get(get_nextsteps_url.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement_4_order.uuid)), **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.sshtoken})
+ decoded_ns = json.loads(response.content)
+ counter = 0
+ for next_step in decoded_ns:
+ self.assertEqual(next_step['position'], counter)
+ counter += 1
+ def testCreateDefaultNextStepsWhenENGContactExist(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/nextsteps/Intake'
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps(self.user, self.engagement_with_contact, self.el_user)
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps_for_user(self.user, self.el_user)
+ num_of_steps = 2
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement_with_contact.uuid)), **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ print("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(response.content))
+ print('Test that GET nextsteps was successful')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ print('Test that GET nextsteps in Intake state returns 3 items ')
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.json()), num_of_steps)
+ def testAddNextStepToEng(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagements/" + str(self.engagement_4_createNS.uuid) + "/nextsteps/"
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps(self.user_with_ssh, self.engagement_4_createNS, self.el_user)
+ # Would not create any next step, due to the reason that the user already has an SSH
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps_for_user(self.user_with_ssh, self.el_user)
+ nsDict = {}
+ nsDict["position"] = "4"
+ nsDict["creator_uuid"] = str(self.el_user.uuid)
+ nsDict[
+ "description"] = "Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)"
+ nsDict["state"] = "Incomplete"
+ nsDict["engagement_stage"] = "Active"
+ myjson = json.dumps([nsDict], ensure_ascii=False)
+ print(myjson)
+ response =, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ print("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(response.content))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testDelNextStepToEng(self):
+ nsObj = NextStep.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), creator=self.el_user, position=2, description="testDelNextStepToEng",
+ state='Incomplete', engagement_stage="Intake", engagement=self.engagement)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "nextsteps/" + str(nsObj.uuid)
+ response = self.c.delete(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ print("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(response.content))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+ def testNegativeDelNextStepToEngNoHeader(self):
+ nsObj = NextStep.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), creator=self.el_user, position=2, description="testDelNextStepToEng",
+ state='Incomplete', engagement_stage="Intake", engagement=self.engagement)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "nextsteps/" + str(nsObj.uuid)
+ response = self.c.delete(urlStr)
+ print('Negative: Expecting response 403, got: ' + str(response.status_code))
+ print("DATA After JSON Parse:" + str(response.content))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+ def testEditNextSteps(self):
+ print(
+ '---------------------------------- testEditNextSteps, Expecting 200 ------------------------------------')
+ print('---------------------------------- Creating a next step ------------------------------------')
+ step = NextStep.objects.create(position="4", creator=self.el_user, engagement=self.engagement,
+ description="Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)",
+ state="TODO", engagement_stage="Active",
+ uuid=uuid4())
+ print('---------------------------------- Editing the next step ------------------------------------')
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "nextsteps/" + str(step.uuid)
+ body = {}
+ files = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ files.append(self.randomGenerator('randomString'))
+ body['files'] = files
+ body['duedate'] = "2012-01-03"
+ body['description'] = self.randomGenerator('randomString')
+ body['assigneesUuids'] = [str(self.user.uuid), str(self.el_user.uuid)]
+ myjson = json.dumps(body, ensure_ascii=False)
+ print(myjson)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr, myjson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print(urlStr)
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ def testUserNextSteps(self):
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps(self.user_with_ssh, self.engagement_4_createNS, self.el_user)
+ # Needs to return 0 elements for regular user which is not the assignee:
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/user/nextsteps/'
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.sshtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(data["data"], [])
+ self.assertEqual(data["count"], 0)
+ # Needs to return 3 elements to el user which is the assignee:
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ data = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertEqual(data["count"], 3)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..afeb835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import random
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.utils.timezone import timedelta
+import mock
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.daily_scheduled_message import DailyScheduledMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, Engagement, Activity, Notification
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage, ActivityType, Constants
+from django.utils import timezone
+def mocked_max_empty_date_negative(self, creation_time):
+ max_empty_time = creation_time + timedelta(days=-1)
+ return max_empty_time
+def with_files(vf):
+ list_of_files = list()
+ for index in range(3):
+ current_file_dict = dict()
+ current_file_dict['id'] = ''.join(random.choice(
+ '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') for i in range(16))
+ current_file_dict['name'] = 'file%d' % index
+ current_file_dict['type'] = 'blob'
+ current_file_dict['mode'] = '100644'
+ list_of_files.append(current_file_dict)
+ return list_of_files
+def get_days_delta_plus_1(self, start_time, end_time):
+ end_time = end_time + timedelta(days=1)
+ return (end_time - start_time).days
+def get_days_delta_plus_7(self, start_time, end_time):
+ end_time = end_time + timedelta(days=7)
+ return (end_time - start_time).days
+def get_days_delta_plus_23(self, start_time, end_time):
+ end_time = end_time + timedelta(days=23)
+ return (end_time - start_time).days
+def get_days_delta_plus_29(self, start_time, end_time):
+ end_time = end_time + timedelta(days=29)
+ return (end_time - start_time).days
+def no_files(vf):
+ return []
+class TestNotifyInactiveEngagements(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs', 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagement/@eng_uuid/checklist/new/"
+ = dict()
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+# self.engagement = Engagement.objects.create(uuid='just-a-fake-uuid',engagement_stage='Validation')
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(uuid4(), 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user)
+ self.engagement.engagement_manual_id = str( + "-1"
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.engagement_stage =
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', with_files)
+ def testOnlyNotActiveEngagementsAreNotEffected(self):
+ self.engagement.engagement_stage =
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ updated_engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.is_with_files, False)
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_notify_inactive_engagements_handler.DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler.get_max_empty_date', mocked_max_empty_date_negative)
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ def testEngagementsWithouthFilesOlderThan30DaysAreArchive(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ updated_engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.is_with_files, False)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.engagement_stage,
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ def testEngagementsWithouthFilesYoungerThan30DaysNotArchive(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ updated_engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.is_with_files, False)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.engagement_stage,
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ def testEngagementsWithouthFilesIsNotMarked(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ updated_engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.is_with_files, False)
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', with_files)
+ def testEngagementsWithoFilesNotSentEmail(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ new_activity = Activity.objects.filter(
+ engagement=self.engagement,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(new_activity))
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_notify_inactive_engagements_handler.DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler.get_days_delta', get_days_delta_plus_1)
+ def testEngagementsWithoutFilesOneDayEmailNotSent(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ new_activity = Activity.objects.filter(
+ engagement=self.engagement,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(new_activity))
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_notify_inactive_engagements_handler.DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler.get_days_delta', get_days_delta_plus_7)
+ def testEngagementsWithoutFiles7DayEmailSent(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ new_activity = Activity.objects.get(
+ engagement=self.engagement,
+ )
+ new_notifications = Notification.objects.filter(activity=new_activity)
+ self.assertNotEqual(0, len(new_notifications))
+ for notifcation in new_notifications:
+ self.assertEqual(notifcation.is_sent, True)
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_notify_inactive_engagements_handler.DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler.get_days_delta', get_days_delta_plus_23)
+ def testEngagementsWithoutFiles23DayEmailSent(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ new_activity = Activity.objects.get(
+ engagement=self.engagement,
+ )
+ new_notifications = Notification.objects.filter(activity=new_activity)
+ self.assertNotEqual(0, len(new_notifications))
+ for notifcation in new_notifications:
+ self.assertEqual(notifcation.is_sent, True)
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', no_files)
+ @mock.patch('engagementmanager.bus.handlers.daily_notify_inactive_engagements_handler.DailyNotifyInactiveEngagementsHandler.get_days_delta', get_days_delta_plus_29)
+ def testEngagementsWithoutFiles29DayEmailSent(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ new_activity = Activity.objects.get(
+ engagement=self.engagement,
+ )
+ new_notifications = Notification.objects.filter(activity=new_activity)
+ self.assertNotEqual(0, len(new_notifications))
+ for notifcation in new_notifications:
+ self.assertEqual(notifcation.is_sent, True)
+ @mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback', with_files)
+ def testEngagementsWithFilesIsMarked(self):
+ bus_service.send_message(DailyScheduledMessage())
+ updated_engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(updated_engagement.is_with_files, True)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c22437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, ActivityType
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import ActivityData, UserJoinedEngagementActivityData
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class NotificationsTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(vendor,
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"),
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created Engagement:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ # Create a VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, vendor)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created VF:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(vendor.uuid))
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def testPullNotifications(self):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'notifications/'
+ logger.debug("Starting pull notification test")
+ logger.debug("Creating a random new user")
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ randomUser = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(randomUser)
+ logger.debug(
+ "created a new user & added them to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification")
+ usersList = []
+ usersList.append(randomUser)
+ activity_data = UserJoinedEngagementActivityData(
+ self.vf, usersList, self.engagement)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr + str(randomUser.uuid) +
+ "/0/1", **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ content = response.content
+ status = response.status_code
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(status))
+ logger.debug("Got response : " + str(content))
+ if (status != 200):
+ logger.error("Got response : " + str(status) +
+ " , wrong http response returned ")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ logger.debug("Ended pullNotifications test ")
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d81ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+import time
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_transaction_entity import TestBaseTransactionEntity
+from django.test.testcases import TransactionTestCase
+from django.conf import settings
+import mock
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_202_ACCEPTED
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, Engagement, VF
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, EngagementStage
+from wheel.signatures import assertTrue
+def get_or_create_bucket_mock(name):
+ bucket = {'bucket': name,
+ 'categories': [
+ {'bytes_received': 0,
+ 'bytes_sent': 1388,
+ 'category': 'list_buckets',
+ 'ops': 4,
+ 'successful_ops': 4}],
+ 'epoch': 1499821200,
+ 'owner': 'staticfiles',
+ 'time': '2017-07-12 01:00:00.000000Z'}
+ return bucket
+def add_bucket_user_mock(user, bucket):
+ RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock.append(user)
+ RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket = bucket
+ print("*****RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket*****",RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket)
+def remove_bucket_user_grants_mock(bucket, user):
+ RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket = bucket
+ RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock.remove(user)
+def blank_mock(vf):
+ print("===--blank mock was activated--===")
+ pass
+@mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.get_or_create_bucket', get_or_create_bucket_mock)
+@mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.add_bucket_user', add_bucket_user_mock)
+@mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.remove_bucket_user_grants', remove_bucket_user_grants_mock)
+@mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.ensure_git_entities', blank_mock)
+@mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.ensure_jenkins_job', blank_mock)
+@mock.patch('validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api.ensure_checklists', blank_mock)
+class RadosGatewayTestCase(TestBaseTransactionEntity):
+ users_added_to_mock = []
+ added_bucket = None
+ def changeEngagementStage(self, stage):
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid) + "/stage/@stage"
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage", stage), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ def waitForBucket(self):
+ counter = 1
+ while (RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket == None and counter <=20):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket == None :
+ raise Exception("Max retries exceeded, failing test...")
+ return False
+ elif RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket != None:
+ return True
+ def childSetup(self):
+ RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock = []
+ RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket = None
+ settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED = True
+ self.s3_host = settings.AWS_S3_HOST
+ self.s3_port = settings.AWS_S3_PORT
+ vendor_uuid, self.service_provider = self.creator.createVendor(Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "signup/"
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ = dict()
+ uuid, vendor = self.creator.createVendor(Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ self.params = '{"company":"' + str( + '","full_name":"' + self.user.full_name + '","email":"' \
+ + + '","phone_number":"' + self.user.phone_number + \
+ '","password":"' + self.user.user.password + '","regular_email_updates":"' + \
+ str(self.user.regular_email_updates) + \
+ '","is_service_provider_contact":"' + str(self.user.is_service_provider_contact) + '"}'
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(self.service_provider, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user)
+ self.engagement.engagement_manual_id = self.randomGenerator("randomString")
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.service_provider)
+ self.userToken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ def testCreateBucketWithUser(self):
+ self.assertTrue(self.added_bucket is None)
+ self.changeEngagementStage(
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket is not None)
+ team_members_list = [entry for entry in self.engagement.engagement_team.all()]
+ for team_member in team_members_list:
+ assertTrue(any(team_member.full_name == entity.full_name for entity in RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock))
+ def testDeleteUsersFromBucket(self):
+ self.changeEngagementStage(
+ self.changeEngagementStage(
+ self.waitForBucket()
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket is not None)
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock == [])
+ def testDeleteUsersFromBucketWhichNotCreated(self):
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket is None)
+ self.changeEngagementStage(
+ self.waitForBucket()
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket is not None)
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock == [])
+ def testDeleteUsersFromBucketWhwenStageArchive(self):
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket is None)
+ self.changeEngagementStage(
+ self.waitForBucket()
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.added_bucket is not None)
+ self.assertTrue(RadosGatewayTestCase.users_added_to_mock == [])
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15bcf2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class TestEngagementSetStage(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Amdocs')
+ self.service_provider = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.user2 = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user2', self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create users with role el (el+peer reviwer)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(self.service_provider, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ # Create a user with admin role
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), Constants.service_provider_admin_mail,
+ '55501000199', 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user, self.user2)
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+# self.asInfrastructure = self.creator.createApplicationServiceInfrastructure(self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+# self.vf.service_infrastructures.add(self.asInfrastructure)
+ = dict()
+ self.user_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.user2_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user2)
+ self.admin_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ def loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(self, bool):
+ if bool:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test Succeeded")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Test failed")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ def test_remove_user_from_eng_team_by_admin(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test 2 started: Admin removes user from the eng team!")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.get_engagement_url = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagements/engagement-team/"
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+['user_uuid'] = str(self.user.uuid)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- sending put request with body -----")
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ if (response.status_code != HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT):
+ print(response.status_code)
+ response2 = self.c.get(self.get_engagement_url, {}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ # Check if the user it still in the engagement team
+ received_eng = json.loads(response2.content)
+ found = False
+ for item in received_eng["engagement"]["engagement_team"]:
+ if ( == item["email"]):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assert_(False, "user is still in the eng_team")
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_negative_remove_user_from_eng_team_by_another_user(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test 3 (Negative) started: User2 removes user1 from the eng team!")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.get_engagement_url = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagements/engagement-team/"
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+['user_uuid'] = str(self.user.uuid)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- sending put request with body -----")
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.user2_token})
+ if (response.status_code != HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT):
+ print(response.status_code)
+ response2 = self.c.get(self.get_engagement_url, {}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ # Check if the user it still in the engagement team(it is supposed to remain there)
+ received_eng = json.loads(response2.content)
+ found = False
+ for item in received_eng["engagement"]["engagement_team"]:
+ if ( == item["email"]):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assert_(False, "user is NOT in the eng_team")
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_negative_remove_el_user_from_eng_team_by_admin(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test 4 (Negative) started: admin removes el_user from the eng team!")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.get_engagement_url = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "engagements/engagement-team/"
+['eng_uuid'] = str(self.engagement.uuid)
+['user_uuid'] = str(self.el_user.uuid)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- sending put request with body -----")
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr, datajson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ if (response.status_code != HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT):
+ print(response.status_code)
+ response2 = self.c.get(self.get_engagement_url, {}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ # Check if the user it still in the engagement team(it is supposed to remain there)
+ received_eng = json.loads(response2.content)
+ found = False
+ for item in received_eng["engagement"]["engagement_team"]:
+ if ( == item["email"]):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assert_(False, "el user was NOT found in the eng_team")
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..580301e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+import json
+from random import randint
+import threading
+import time
+from django.db import connections
+from django.test.client import Client
+from django.test.testcases import TransactionTestCase
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.vvpEntitiesCreator import VvpEntitiesCreator
+from engagementmanager.utils.authentication import JWTAuthentication
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class TestRequestDataManager(TransactionTestCase):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ logger.debug("---------------------- TestCase " + self.__class__.__name__ + " ----------------------")
+ self.urlPrefix = "/ice/v1/engmgr/"
+ self.c = Client()
+ self.creator = VvpEntitiesCreator()
+ for vendor in [Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other']:
+ vendorUuid, vendor = self.creator.createVendor(vendor)
+ logger.debug(vendorUuid)
+ self.admin, self.el, self.standard_user = self.creator.createAndGetDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.creator.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_review_user = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.creator.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'), self.creator.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.user_not_team = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'), self.creator.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user2', self.standard_user, True)
+# # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_review_user
+ self.jwt_service = JWTAuthentication()
+ self.token = self.jwt_service.create_token(self.user.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.jwt_service.create_token(self.el_user.user)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/status'
+ myjson = json.dumps({"description": "blah blah"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response ='${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement.uuid)), myjson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ self.created_status = json.loads(response.content)
+ def my_task(self, eng_id):
+ thread_local_id = threading.currentThread().ident
+ # Inject an attribute into request data
+ request_data_mgr.set_eng_uuid(eng_id)
+ # Inject thread id into requeat data
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(thread_local_id)
+ return self.my_inner_funcion(eng_id)
+ def my_inner_funcion(self, eng_id):
+ thread_local_id = threading.currentThread().ident
+ assert request_data_mgr.get_request_data()
+ assert request_data_mgr.get_request_data()._eng_uuid == eng_id
+ assert request_data_mgr.get_eng_uuid() == eng_id
+ # Checks that the allocated thread from testRequestDataManager is the same thread running in inner function
+ assert request_data_mgr.get_request_data()._cl_uuid == thread_local_id
+ assert request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid() == thread_local_id
+ print('thread: ' + str(thread_local_id) + '. request data : ' + str(request_data_mgr.get_request_data_vars()))
+ return "OK"
+ def lauchTests(self):
+ executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)
+ for i in range(0, 100):
+ future1 = executor.submit(self.my_task, "eng#" + str(i))
+ assert future1.result() == "OK"
+ ########### TESTS ###########
+ def testRequestDataManager(self):
+ executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
+ executor.submit(self.lauchTests)
+ executor.submit(self.lauchTests)
+ def testMultipleRequestsInParallel(self):
+ self.childSetup()
+ number_of_concurrent_requests = 10
+ executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=number_of_concurrent_requests)
+ def close_db_connections(func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Decorator to explicitly close db connections during threaded execution
+ Note this is necessary to work around:
+ """
+ def _close_db_connections(*args, **kwargs):
+ ret = None
+ try:
+ ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ for conn in connections.all():
+ logger.debug("Closing DB connection. connection=" + str(conn))
+ conn.close()
+ return ret
+ return _close_db_connections
+ @close_db_connections
+ def invokeRequest(metadata, token):
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'engagements/${uuid}/status'
+ logger.debug("START - " + metadata)
+ myjson = json.dumps(
+ {"eng_status_uuid": self.created_status['uuid'], "description": "blah2 blah2"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement.uuid)), myjson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ time.sleep(randint(0, 1))
+ myjson = json.dumps(
+ {"eng_status_uuid": self.created_status['uuid'], "description": "blah2 blah2"}, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(urlStr.replace('${uuid}', str(
+ self.engagement.uuid)), myjson, content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ logger.debug("END - " + metadata)
+ return metadata
+ for i in range(0, number_of_concurrent_requests):
+ eluser = self.creator.createUser(
+ Vendor.objects.get(name='Other'), self.creator.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user' + str(i), self.el, True)
+ token = self.jwt_service.create_token(eluser.user)
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(eluser)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = eluser
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_review_user
+ metadata = "test " + str(i)
+ future = executor.submit(invokeRequest, metadata, token)
+ assert future.result() == metadata
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b544001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestResendActivationEmail(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ uuid, vendor = self.creator.createVendor(Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, False)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + \
+ "users/activation-mail/" + self.user.uuid
+ self.params = {"email":}
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ def test_resend_activation_email(self):
+ response = self.c.get(
+ self.urlStr, self.params, content_type='application/json')
+ self.assertTrue(response.status_code, "200")
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7cfdd54
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestResetPasswordTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "users/pwd/sendresetinstr/"
+ = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def initBody(self):
+['email'] =
+ def resetPwd(self, expectedStatus=200, httpMethod="PUT"):
+ self.accountData = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ if (httpMethod == "PUT"):
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr, self.accountData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ elif (httpMethod == "POST"):
+ response =, self.accountData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) + " Expecting " + str(expectedStatus))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client import _validate_args, RGWAClient
+ from unittest.mock import patch, ANY
+except ImportError:
+ from mock import patch, ANY
+ from unittest import assertRaises, expectedFailure
+except ImportError:
+ from pytest import raises as assertRaises
+ from pytest import mark
+ expectedFailure = mark.xfail
+class Test_ValidateArgs(object):
+ def setup(self):
+ self.valid_args = {
+ 'foo': ['foo1', 'foo2'],
+ 'bar': [1, 2, 3],
+ }
+ def test_unconstrained(self):
+ _validate_args(self.valid_args, baz="quux")
+ def test_none_value(self):
+ _validate_args(self.valid_args, foo=None)
+ def test_good_value(self):
+ _validate_args(self.valid_args, foo="foo1")
+ def test_bad_value_raises(self):
+ with assertRaises(ValueError):
+ _validate_args(self.valid_args, foo="foo3")
+class TestRGWAClientMethods(object):
+ """Tests that all the methods invoke requests.request() with the
+ appropriate arguments.
+ """
+ def setup(self):
+ self.access_key = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST'
+ self.secret_key = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmn'
+ self.conn = RGWAClient(
+ access_key=self.access_key,
+ secret_key=self.secret_key,
+ base_url=Constants.rgwa_base_url
+ )
+ def test_get_usage(self, r):
+ self.conn.get_usage(uid='foo', show_entries=True)
+ r.assert_called_once_with(
+ auth=ANY,
+ method='get',
+ json={},
+ params={'show-entries': True, 'show-summary': False, 'uid': 'foo'},
+ url=Constants.rgwa_base_url+'/usage',
+ verify=True,
+ )
+ def test_trim_usage(self, r):
+ self.conn.trim_usage(uid='foo', remove_all=True)
+ r.assert_called_once_with(
+ auth=ANY,
+ method='delete',
+ json={},
+ params={'remove-all': True, 'uid': 'foo'},
+ url='http://localhost:8123/admin/usage',
+ verify=True,
+ )
+ def test_get_user(self, r):
+ self.conn.get_user(uid='foo')
+ r.assert_called_once_with(
+ auth=ANY,
+ method='get',
+ json={},
+ params={'uid': 'foo'},
+ url=Constants.rgwa_base_url+'/user',
+ verify=True,
+ )
+ # Marked FIXME because we experience diminishing returns here. All the
+ # methods in the library are basically one-liner calls to the common
+ # _request method, which has been sufficiently covered. There's no
+ # additional business logic that would be tested, only ensuring beyond api
+ # stability. Time would be better spent figuring out how to get tox to
+ # stand up testing instances of various versions of an actual radosgw
+ # server for integration testing.
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_create_user(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_modify_user(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_remove_user(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_create_subuser(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_modify_subuser(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_remove_subuser(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_create_key(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_remove_key(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_bucket(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_check_bucket_index(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_remove_bucket(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_unlink_bucket(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_link_bucket(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_remove_object(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_policy(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_add_capability(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_remove_capability(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_quota(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_set_quota(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_user_quota(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_set_user_quota(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_user_bucket_quota(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_set_user_bucket_quota(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_users(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+ @expectedFailure
+ def test_get_buckets(self, r):
+ raise NotImplementedError # FIXME
+# FIXME TODO Add integration tests against a local ceph radosgw instance,
+# (disabled by default). Record result of test suite in repository.
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54d3c8e
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@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, Checklist, ChecklistDecision, \
+ ChecklistLineItem, ChecklistSection
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListLineType, \
+ CheckListDecisionValue, CheckListState, ChecklistDefaultNames, Constants
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from uuid import uuid4
+import json
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class TestChecklistSetState(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Amdocs')
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create users with role el (el+peer reviwer)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_review_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ # Create a user with admin role
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), Constants.service_provider_admin_mail,
+ '55501000199', 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_review_user
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user)
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+# self.asInfrastructure = self.creator.createApplicationServiceInfrastructure(self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+# self.vf.service_infrastructures.add(self.asInfrastructure)
+ self.clbodydata = dict()
+ self.initCLBody()
+ self.checklist = Checklist.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.clbodydata['checkListName'], validation_cycle=1, associated_files=self.clbodydata[
+ 'checkListAssociatedFiles'], engagement=self.engagement, template=self.template, creator=self.el_user, owner=self.el_user)
+ self.section = ChecklistSection.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template)
+ self.line_item = ChecklistLineItem.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"),, validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template, section=self.section) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.line_item2 = ChecklistLineItem.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"),, validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template, section=self.section) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ uuid=uuid4(), checklist=self.checklist, template=self.template, lineitem=self.line_item)
+ self.decision2 = ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ uuid=uuid4(), checklist=self.checklist, template=self.template, lineitem=self.line_item2)
+ = dict()
+ self.peer_review_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(
+ self.peer_review_user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.admin_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ def initCLBody(self):
+ self.clbodydata['checkListName'] = ChecklistDefaultNames.HEAT_TEMPLATES
+ self.clbodydata['checkListTemplateUuid'] = str(self.template.uuid)
+ self.clbodydata[
+ 'checkListAssociatedFiles'] = "[\"file0/f69f4ce7-51d5-409c-9d0e-ec6b1e79df28\", \"file1/f69f4ce7-51d5-409c-9d0e-ec6b1e79df28\", \"file2/f69f4ce7-51d5-409c-9d0e-ec6b1e79df28\"]"
+ def loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(self, bool):
+ if bool:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test Succeeded")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Test failed")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ def testSetStateFullWorkFlow(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Full positive work flow")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid/state/"
+ self.get_checklist_url = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid"
+ self.url_for_decision = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid"
+['decline'] = "False"
+['description'] = "BLA BLA BLA"
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug(
+ "**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1. Current state is " +
+ self.checklist.state + " -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('1.3 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_200_OK) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 2 Test engine Mock retrieved tests results, hence checklist state moved to review state. -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 3.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----")
+ decisions = ChecklistDecision.objects.filter(checklist=self.checklist)
+ for dec in decisions:
+['value'] = "approved"
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response = self.c.put(self.url_for_decision.replace("@decision_uuid", str(dec.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 3.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 3.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('3.4 you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_200_OK) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 4.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----")
+ for dec in decisions:
+ dec.peer_review_value = # @UndefinedVariable
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 4.2 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 4.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.peer_review_token})
+ logger.debug('4.4 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_200_OK) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 5.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ logger.debug('Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_200_OK) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 6.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----")
+ logger.debug(
+ "----- 6.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_200_OK) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ '''
+ This test checks that the signal is sent and responds with 200OK. Also that the signal logic change the checklist state to automation
+ '''
+ def testClFromPendingToAutomationSignal(self):
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid/state/"
+ self.get_checklist_url = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/@cl_uuid"
+ self.url_for_decision = self.urlPrefix + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid"
+['decline'] = "False"
+['description'] = "BLA BLA BLA"
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ cl = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=self.checklist.uuid)
+ cl.state = # @UndefinedVariable
+ res1 = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@cl_uuid", str(self.checklist.uuid)), datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ self.assertEqual(res1.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/tests/ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f26b70b
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_202_ACCEPTED,\
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import EngagementStage, Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class TestEngagementSetStage(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Amdocs')
+ self.service_provider = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # For negative tests
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ # Create users with role el (el+peer reviwer)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(self.service_provider, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ # Create a user with admin role
+ self.admin_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), Constants.service_provider_admin_mail,
+ '55501000199', 'admin user', self.admin, True)
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user)
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+# self.asInfrastructure = self.creator.createApplicationServiceInfrastructure(self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+# self.vf.service_infrastructures.add(self.asInfrastructure)
+ = dict()
+ self.user_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.admin_token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.admin_user)
+ def loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(self, bool):
+ if bool:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test Succeeded")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Test failed")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ def testSetEngagementStageFullWorkFlowELUser(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid) + "/stage/@stage"
+ self.get_engagement_url = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1. Current stage is " + self.engagement.engagement_stage + " -----")
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ response2 = self.c.get(self.get_engagement_url, {}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ # Check if the correct activity was created for stage change to Active
+ self.notifcation_url = self.urlPrefix + "engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid) + "/activities/"
+ response3 = self.c.get(self.notifcation_url, {}, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ received_notification = json.loads(response3.content)[0]['description']
+ should_be = "Engagement stage is now Active for the following VF: ##vf_name##"
+ self.assertEqual(should_be, received_notification)
+ self.assertEqual( in json.loads(response3.content)[0]['metadata'], True)
+ logger.debug('1.3 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ logger.debug("----- 2 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 2.1 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('2.3 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ logger.debug("----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.ELtoken})
+ logger.debug('2.4 you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def testSetEngagementStageFullWorkFlowAdminUser(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid) + "/stage/@stage"
+ self.get_engagement_url = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1. Current stage is " + self.engagement.engagement_stage + " -----")
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ logger.debug('1.3 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ logger.debug("----- 2 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 2.1 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ logger.debug('2.3 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ logger.debug("----- 3 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 3.1 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.admin_token})
+ logger.debug('2.4 you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ def test_negative_set_eng_Stage(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid) + "/stage/@stage"
+ self.get_engagement_url = self.urlPrefix + "single-engagement/" + str(self.engagement.uuid)
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1. Current stage is " + self.engagement.engagement_stage + " -----")
+ logger.debug("**********************************************************************")
+ logger.debug("----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----")
+ logger.debug("----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----")
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr.replace("@stage",, datajson,
+ content_type='application/json', **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.user_token})
+ logger.debug('1.3 Please Notice, you got a ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ ' response, and was expecting a ' + str(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) + ' response')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..08b25b2
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestUpdatePasswordTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "users/pwd/"
+ = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def initBody(self):
+['password'] = "Aa12345"
+['confirm_password'] = "Aa12345"
+ def updatePwd(self, expectedStatus=200, httpMethod="PUT"):
+ self.accountData = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ if (httpMethod == "PUT"):
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr, self.accountData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ elif (httpMethod == "POST"):
+ response =, self.accountData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) + " Expecting " + str(expectedStatus))
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testUpdatePasswordPositive(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ print("testUpdatePasswordPositive")
+ self.updatePwd(200, "PUT")
+ def testUpdatePasswordNegative(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ print("testUpdatePasswordNegative")
+ self.updatePwd(405, "POST")
+ def testUpdatePasswordNegativePwdNotMatch(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['confirm_password'] =['password'] + "extraletters"
+ print("testUpdatePasswordNegativePwdNotMatch")
+ self.updatePwd(400, "PUT")
+ def testUpdatePasswordNegativeMissingPassword(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['confirm_password'] = None
+ print("testUpdatePasswordNegativePwdNotMatch")
+ self.updatePwd(400, "PUT")
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new file mode 100755
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, IceUserProfile
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+class TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name), self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"),
+ '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ print('Created User:')
+ print('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ print('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ print('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.urlStr = self.urlPrefix + "users/account/"
+ = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ def initBody(self):
+['company'] = Vendor.objects.get(name='Amdocs').name
+['full_name'] = "user"
+['email'] = self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email")
+['phone_number'] = "12345"
+['password'] = "Aa12345"
+['confirm_password'] = "Aa12345"
+ def updateAccount(self, expectedStatus=200, httpMethod="PUT"):
+ self.accountData = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ if (httpMethod == "PUT"):
+ response = self.c.put(self.urlStr, self.accountData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ elif (httpMethod == "POST"):
+ response =, self.accountData, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) + " Expecting 200")
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ return response
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testUpdateNegativeWrongHttpMethodAccount(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ print("Negative Test: Wrong HTTP Method --> Expecting status code 405")
+ self.updateAccount(405, "POST")
+ def testUpdateNegativeDiffPasswords(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ print("Negative Test: password!=confirm_password --> Expecting status code 400")
+['confirm_password'] = "fakePassword"
+ self.updateAccount(400, "PUT")
+ def testUpdatePositive(self):
+ self.initBody()
+ print("Positive Test: --> Expecting status code 200")
+ self.updateAccount(200, "PUT")
+ def testUpdateUserProfileNotificationsSettings(self):
+ self.initBody()
+['regular_email_updates'] = False
+['email_updates_daily_digest'] = True
+['email_updates_on_every_notification'] = False
+ print("Positive Test: --> Expecting status code 200")
+ self.updateAccount(200, "PUT")
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=self.user.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(user.regular_email_updates, False)
+ self.assertEqual(user.email_updates_daily_digest, True)
+ self.assertEqual(user.email_updates_on_every_notification, False)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7f374a
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@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class VFCAPITestCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Other'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ # Create a user with role el
+ self.service_provider = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(self.service_provider, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ logger.debug('Created User:')
+ logger.debug('UUID: ' + str(self.el_user.uuid))
+ logger.debug('Full Name: ' + self.el_user.full_name)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(self.service_provider, self.randomGenerator(
+ "main-vendor-email"), self.randomGenerator("randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.el, True)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ logger.debug('Created Peer Reviewer:')
+ logger.debug('UUID: ' + str(self.peer_reviewer.uuid))
+ logger.debug('Full Name: ' + self.peer_reviewer.full_name)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a user with role standard_user
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name='Other')
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(self.vendor, self.randomGenerator("email"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.standard_user, True)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ logger.debug('Created User:')
+ logger.debug('UUID: ' + str(self.user.uuid))
+ logger.debug('Full Name: ' + self.user.full_name)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create an Engagement with team
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"), None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.user, self.el_user, self.peer_reviewer)
+ self.engagement.peer_reviewer = self.peer_reviewer
+ self.engagement.reviewer = self.el_user
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ logger.debug('Created Engagement:')
+ logger.debug('UUID: ' + str(self.engagement.uuid))
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ # Create a DT, DTSite, VF
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ logger.debug('Created VF:')
+ logger.debug('UUID: ' + str(self.vendor.uuid))
+ logger.debug('-----------------------------------------------------')
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.user)
+ self.ELtoken = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ def retrieveCurrentObjectsOfEngagementByFilter(self, method, detailOrObject, entity):
+ if method == 'filter':
+ list = entity.objects.filter(engagement=detailOrObject)
+ return list
+ elif method == 'get':
+ list = entity.objects.get(uuid=detailOrObject)
+ return list
+ def loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(self, bool):
+ if bool:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test Succeeded")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug("Test failed")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ def testCreateDTSiteAddToVF(self):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ self.deploymentTargetSite = self.creator.createDeploymentTargetSite(self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf.deployment_target_sites.add(self.deploymentTargetSite)
+ sites = self.vf.deployment_target_sites.all()
+ num = 1
+ for item in sites:
+ logger.debug(str(num) + ". " +
+ print("\n")
+ if (self.vf.deployment_target_sites.all().count() > 0):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ def testDeleteVFC(self, expectedStatus=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Delete VFC")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ vfc = self.creator.createVFC(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.vendor, self.vf, self.el_user)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(vfc.uuid) + '/vfcs/' + str(vfc.uuid)
+ if (vfc == None):
+ logger.error("vfc wasn't created successfully before the deletion attempt")
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(500, expectedStatus)
+ response = self.c.delete(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
+ def testGetVFC(self, expectedStatus=HTTP_200_OK):
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$")
+ logger.debug(" Test started: Get VFCs")
+ logger.debug("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n")
+ vfc = self.creator.createVFC(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.vendor, self.vf, self.el_user)
+ vfc2 = self.creator.createVFC(self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomNumber"), self.service_provider, self.vf, self.el_user)
+ urlStr = self.urlPrefix + 'vf/' + str(self.vf.uuid) + '/vfcs/'
+ if (vfc == None or vfc2 == None):
+ logger.error("The VFCs were not created successfully before the deletion attempt")
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(500, expectedStatus)
+ response = self.c.get(urlStr, **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ logger.debug('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code))
+ logger.debug("VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):")
+ logger.debug(str(response.content))
+ if (response.status_code == HTTP_200_OK):
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(True)
+ else:
+ self.loggerTestFailedOrSucceded(False)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expectedStatus)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0ba619e
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.utils import timezone
+import string
+import random
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.utils.authentication import JWTAuthentication
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, IceUserProfile, Role, Engagement, DeploymentTarget, ApplicationServiceInfrastructure, VF,\
+ NextStep, ChecklistTemplate, DeploymentTargetSite, VFC, Checklist, ChecklistSection, ChecklistLineItem,\
+ CustomUser
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class VvpEntitiesCreator:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def createUserTemplate(self, company, email, full_name, role, is_service_provider_contact, ssh_key=None, ):
+ return {
+ 'company': company,
+ 'email': email,
+ 'phone_number': '555019900',
+ 'full_name': full_name,
+ 'role': role,
+ 'create_time':,
+ 'is_service_provider_contact': is_service_provider_contact,
+ 'ssh_public_key': ssh_key,
+ }
+ def createEngagementTemplate(self, engagement_type, engagement_team):
+ return {
+ # 'engagement_type' : engagement_type,
+ # 'members' : engagement_team,
+ # 'start_date' :,
+ 'progress': 0
+ }
+ def createVendor(self, vendorName):
+ ven = Vendor.objects.filter(name=vendorName)
+ if (not ven.exists()):
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.create(name=vendorName, public=True)
+ else:
+ vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=vendorName)
+ return vendor.uuid, vendor
+ def createDeploymentTarget(self, name, version):
+ deployment = DeploymentTarget.objects.create(
+ name=name, version=version)
+ return deployment
+ def createDeploymentTargetSite(self, name):
+ dtsite = DeploymentTargetSite.objects.create(name=name)
+ return dtsite
+ def createApplicationServiceInfrastructure(self, name):
+ asinfrastructure = ApplicationServiceInfrastructure.objects.create(
+ name=name)
+ return asinfrastructure
+ def getOrCreateIfNotExist(self, entity, getCriteria, creationFields):
+ obj = None
+ try:
+ logger.debug("about to look for object: " + str(getCriteria))
+ obj = entity.objects.get(**getCriteria)
+ logger.debug('found object')
+ except entity.DoesNotExist:
+ logger.error('not found. Trying to create...')
+ obj = entity.objects.create(**creationFields)
+ return obj
+ def createAndGetDefaultRoles(self):
+ admin = self.getOrCreateIfNotExist(
+ Role, {'name': 'admin'}, {'name': 'admin'})
+ el = self.getOrCreateIfNotExist(Role, {'name': 'el'}, {'name': 'el'})
+ standard_user = self.getOrCreateIfNotExist(Role, {'name': 'standard_user'}, {
+ 'name': 'standard_user'})
+ return admin, el, standard_user
+ def createUser(self, company, email, phone, fullName, role, is_active=False, ssh_key=None,
+ try:
+ user, is_user_created = CustomUser.objects.get_or_create(username=email, defaults={'email': email, 'password': '12345678', 'activation_token': uuid4(
+ ), 'activation_token_create_time':, 'last_login':, 'is_active': is_active})
+ user_profile, is_profile_created = IceUserProfile.objects.update_or_create(
+ email=email, defaults=self.createUserTemplate(company, email, fullName, role, False, ssh_key))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("VvpEntitiesCreator - createUser - error:")
+ logger.error(e)
+ return None
+ return user_profile
+ def createEngagement(self, uuid, engagement_type, engagement_team):
+ return self.getOrCreateIfNotExist(Engagement, {'uuid': uuid}, self.createEngagementTemplate(engagement_type, engagement_team))
+ def createVF(self, name, engagement, deployment, is_service_provider_internal, vendor, **kwargs):
+ vf = VF.objects.create(name=name, engagement=engagement,
+ deployment_target=deployment,
+ is_service_provider_internal=is_service_provider_internal,
+ vendor=vendor,
+, **kwargs)
+ return vf
+ def createNextStep(self, uuid, createFields):
+ return self.getOrCreateIfNotExist(NextStep, {'uuid': uuid}, createFields)
+ def createDefaultCheckListTemplate(self):
+ checklist_templates = [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Heat',
+ 'category': 'first category',
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'sections': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Parameter Specification',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section description',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'valid instructions',
+ 'lineitems': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Parameters',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Numeric parameters should include range and/or allowed values.',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'auto',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'String parameters',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Numeric parameters should include range and/or allowed values.',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'auto',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'Numeric parameters',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Numeric parameters should include range and/or allowed values.',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'auto',
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'External References',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'section descripyion',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'valid instructions',
+ 'lineitems': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'Normal references',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Numeric parameters should include range and/or allowed values.',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'manual',
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'VF image',
+ 'weight': 1,
+ 'description': 'Numeric parameters should include range and/or allowed values.',
+ 'validation_instructions': 'Here are some useful tips for how to validate this item in the most awesome way:<br><br><ul><li>Here is my awesome tip 1</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 2</li><li>Here is my awesome tip 3</li></ul>',
+ 'line_type': 'auto',
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ for template in checklist_templates:
+ created_template = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get_or_create(name=template['name'], defaults={
+ 'category': template['category'],
+ 'version': template['version'],
+ 'create_time':
+ })
+ created_template = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(
+ name=template['name'])
+ for section in template['sections']:
+ created_section = ChecklistSection.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=section['name'],
+ template_id=created_template.uuid, defaults={
+ 'weight': section['weight'],
+ 'description': section['description'],
+ 'validation_instructions': section['validation_instructions']
+ })
+ created_section = ChecklistSection.objects.get(
+ name=section['name'], template_id=created_template.uuid)
+ for lineitem in section['lineitems']:
+ created_lineitem = ChecklistLineItem.objects.get_or_create(
+ name=lineitem['name'],
+ template_id=created_template.uuid,
+ defaults={
+ 'weight': lineitem['weight'],
+ 'description': lineitem['description'],
+ 'validation_instructions': lineitem['validation_instructions'],
+ 'line_type': lineitem['line_type'],
+ 'section_id': created_section.uuid,
+ })
+ self.defaultCheklistTemplate = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(
+ name="Heat")
+ return self.defaultCheklistTemplate
+ def createCheckList(self, name, state, validation_cycle, associated_files, engagement, template, creator, owner):
+ if (associated_files == None):
+ associated_files = '{}'
+ return self.getOrCreateIfNotExist(Checklist, {'name': name}, {
+ 'state': state,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'validation_cycle': 1,
+ 'associated_files': associated_files,
+ 'engagement': engagement,
+ 'template': template,
+ 'creator': creator,
+ 'owner': owner
+ })
+ def createVFC(self, name, ext_ref, company, vf, creator):
+ obj = None
+ try:
+ obj = VFC.objects.get(name=name)
+ except VFC.DoesNotExist:
+ return VFC.objects.create(name=name, external_ref_id=ext_ref, company=company, creator=creator, vf=vf)
+ return obj
+ def randomGenerator(self, typeOfValue, numberOfDigits=0):
+ lettersAndNumbers = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ if typeOfValue == 'email':
+ myEmail = ''.join(random.choice(lettersAndNumbers) for _ in range(4)) + "@" + \
+ ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(4)) + ".com"
+ return myEmail
+ elif typeOfValue == 'main-vendor-email':
+ myEmail = ''.join(random.choice(lettersAndNumbers) for _ in range(4)) + "@" + \
+ Constants.service_provider_mail_domain[0]
+ return myEmail
+ elif typeOfValue == 'randomNumber':
+ randomNumber = ''.join("%s" % random.randint(0, 9) for _ in range(0, (numberOfDigits + 1)))
+ return randomNumber
+ elif typeOfValue == 'randomString':
+ randomString = "".join(random.sample(lettersAndNumbers, 5))
+ return randomString
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Error on randonGenerator - given bad value.")
+ exit
+ def loginAndCreateSessionToken(self, user):
+ jwt_service = JWTAuthentication()
+ token = jwt_service.create_token(user.user)
+ logger.debug("token " + token)
+ return token
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9cc5be3
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf.urls import url
+from import checklist_audit_log
+from import user, activation, activity, vf, invite, feedback, nextsteps, engagement, \
+ login, signup, notification, checklist, deployment_target_site, vendor, data_loader, checklist_decision, \
+ vfc, checklist_set_state, deployment_target, ecomp, validation_details
+from import Pages, PageById, PageSearch
+from import Posts
+from import EngagementProgressBar, ChangeTargetLabEntryDate, EngagementOps, \
+ EngagementReviewer, EngagementPeerReviewer, ArchiveEngagement, SwitchEngagementReviewers
+from import User
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+# Our UUIDs are always uuid4; a 36-character string of lowercase hexadecimal
+# and '-' characters.
+re_uuid = r'[a-f0-9-]{36}'
+# UUIDs in tokens are the same as above without '-', so 32 lowercase
+# hexadecimal characters.
+re_token = r'[a-f0-9]{32}'
+# Parameters like 'stage' correspond to Enums, so have the same rules as Python
+# identifiers: upper and lower case, numbers, and underscore.
+re_enum = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+'
+re_token_reset_password = r'[a-zA-Z0-9-\._]+'
+urlpatterns = [
+ url(r'^users/engagementleads/?$', user.EngagementLeads.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/ssh/?$', user.SetSsh.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/account/?$', user.User.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/account/rgwa/?$', user.RGWAAccessKey.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/pwd/reset-instructions/?$',
+ user.SendResetPasswordInstructionMail.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/pwd/?$', user.UpdatePassword.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/?$', User.as_view()),
+ # User Activation
+ url(r'^users/activation-mail/(?P<user_uuid>%s)$' % re_uuid,
+ activation.ResendActivationMail.as_view()),
+ url(r'^users/activate/(?P<uu_id>%s)/(?P<token>%s)$' %
+ (re_uuid, re_token), activation.ActivateUser.as_view()),
+ # Engagements API
+ url(r'^single-engagement/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/stage/(?P<stage>%s)$' %
+ (re_uuid, re_enum), engagement.SingleEngByUser.as_view()),
+ url(r'^single-engagement/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)$' %
+ re_uuid, engagement.SingleEngByUser.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/user/nextsteps/?$', nextsteps.UserNextSteps.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/starred_eng/?$',
+ engagement.StarredEngagements.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/recent_eng/?$',
+ engagement.GetRecentEngagements.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/engagement-team/?$',
+ engagement.EngagementTeamUsers.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/status/?$' %
+ re_uuid, engagement.Status.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/nextsteps/?$' %
+ re_uuid, nextsteps.NextSteps.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/nextsteps/order_next_steps$' %
+ re_uuid, nextsteps.OrderNextSteps.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/nextsteps/(?P<eng_stage>%s)/?$' % (re_uuid, re_enum),
+ nextsteps.NextSteps.as_view()), # Set Next Step State
+ # Set Progress bar for Engagement
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/progress/?$' %
+ re_uuid, EngagementProgressBar.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/target_date/?$' %
+ re_uuid, EngagementProgressBar.as_view()), # Set Target Date
+ # Set Target Lab Entry Date
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/target_lab_date/?$' %
+ re_uuid, ChangeTargetLabEntryDate.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/archive/?$' %
+ re_uuid, ArchiveEngagement.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/reviewer/?$' %
+ re_uuid, EngagementReviewer.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/peerreviewer/?$' %
+ re_uuid, EngagementPeerReviewer.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/switch-reviewers/?$' %
+ re_uuid, SwitchEngagementReviewers.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagements/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/$' %
+ re_uuid, EngagementOps.as_view()), # Used by delete engagement
+ url(r'^engagement/expanded/?$', engagement.ExpandedEngByUser.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagement/export/', engagement.ExportEngagements.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagement/?$', engagement.GetEngByUser.as_view()),
+ # Activities - pull top X objects
+ url(r'^engagement/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/activities/?$' %
+ re_uuid, activity.PullActivities.as_view()),
+ # DeploymentTarget(version)
+ url(r'^engagement/(?P<engagement_uuid>%s)/deployment-targets/(?P<dt_uuid>%s)$'
+ % (re_uuid, re_uuid),
+ deployment_target.DeploymentTargetRESTMethods.as_view()),
+ url(r'^deployment-targets/?$',
+ deployment_target.DeploymentTargetRESTMethods.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagement/(?P<engagement_uuid>%s)/ecomp-releases/(?P<ecomp_uuid>%s)$' % (re_uuid, re_uuid),
+ ecomp.ECOMPReleaseRESTMethods.as_view()),
+ url(r'^ecomp-releases/?$', ecomp.ECOMPReleaseRESTMethods.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vf/(?P<vf_uuid>%s)/vf-version/$' % re_uuid, vf.VF.as_view()),
+ # DeploymentTargetSite%s
+ url(r'^vf/(?P<vf_uuid>%s)/validation-details/$' %
+ re_uuid, validation_details.UpdateValidationDetails.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vf/(?P<vf_uuid>%s)/dtsites/$' %
+ re_uuid, deployment_target_site.DTSites.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vf/(?P<vf_uuid>%s)/dtsites/(?P<dts_uuid>%s)$' %
+ (re_uuid, re_uuid), deployment_target_site.DTSites.as_view()),
+ url(r'^dtsites/?$', deployment_target_site.DTSites.as_view()),
+ # Vendor
+ url(r'^vendors/?$', vendor.VendorREST.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vendors/(?P<uuid>%s)$' % re_uuid, vendor.VendorREST.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vfcs/?$', vfc.VFCRest.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vf/(?P<vf_uuid>%s)/vfcs/$' % re_uuid, vfc.VFCRest.as_view()),
+ url(r'^vf/(?P<vf_uuid>%s)/vfcs/(?P<vfc_uuid>%s)?$' %
+ (re_uuid, re_uuid), vfc.VFCRest.as_view()),
+ # Next Steps
+ url(r'^nextsteps/(?P<ns_uuid>%s)/engagement/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)?$' % (re_uuid, re_uuid),
+ nextsteps.EditNextSteps.as_view()), # Set State for a next step
+ url(r'^nextsteps/(?P<ns_uuid>%s)/(?P<attr>state)/?$' %
+ re_uuid, nextsteps.NextSteps.as_view()), # Set State for a next step
+ url(r'^nextsteps/(?P<ns_uuid>%s)$' %
+ re_uuid, nextsteps.EditNextSteps.as_view()),
+ # Login + Signup:
+ url(r'^login(?P<param>%s)?$' %
+ re_token_reset_password, login.Login.as_view()),
+ url(r'^signup/?$', signup.SignUp.as_view()),
+ # User Actions
+ url(r'^vf/?$', vf.VF.as_view()),
+ url(r'^add-contact/?$', invite.InviteContact.as_view()),
+ url(r'^invite-team-members/?$', invite.InviteTeamMember.as_view()),
+ url(r'^add-feedback/?$', feedback.Feedback.as_view()),
+ # Notifications - set notifications for specific user to is_read = True
+ url(r'^notifications/reset/?$', notification.NotificationOps.as_view()),
+ url(r'^notifications/num/?$', notification.PullNotifCount4User.as_view()),
+ # Notifications - pull unread objects
+ url(r'^notifications/(?P<user_uuid>%s)/(?P<offset>\d+)/(?P<limit>\d+)$' %
+ re_uuid, notification.NotificationOps.as_view()),
+ # Notifications - delete specific notification for a user
+ url(r'^notifications/(?P<notif_uuid>%s)$' %
+ re_uuid, notification.NotificationOps.as_view()),
+ # Initialize the engagement leads
+ url(r'^load-engagement-leads/?$',
+ data_loader.EngLeadsDataLoader.as_view()),
+ # Initialize companies
+ url(r'^load-companies/?$', data_loader.CompaniesDataLoader.as_view()),
+ # get/add CLAuditLogs
+ url(r'^checklist/decision/(?P<decision_uuid>%s)/auditlog/$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist_audit_log.DecisionAuditLog.as_view()),
+ url(r'^checklist/(?P<checklistUuid>%s)/auditlog/$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist_audit_log.ChecklistAuditLog.as_view()),
+ # get/set CLDecision
+ url(r'^checklist/decision/(?P<decision_uuid>%s)$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist_decision.ClDecision.as_view()),
+ # get/set CLDecision
+ url(r'^checklist/(?P<checklistUuid>%s)/state/$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist_set_state.ChecklistState.as_view()),
+ url(r'^checklist/template/$', checklist.CheckListTemplates.as_view()),
+ url(r'^checklist/templates/$', checklist.CheckListTemplates.as_view()),
+ url(r'^checklist/template/(?P<templateUuid>%s)$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist.CheckListTemplates.as_view()),
+ # get Checklist (returns files and all templates)
+ url(r'^engagement/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/checklist/(?P<checklistUuid>%s)/nextstep/$' % (re_uuid, re_uuid),
+ nextsteps.ChecklistNextStep.as_view()),
+ url(r'^engagement/(?P<eng_uuid>%s)/checklist/new/$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist.NewCheckList.as_view()),
+ url(r'^checklist/(?P<checklistUuid>%s)$' %
+ re_uuid, checklist.ExistingCheckList.as_view()),
+ url(r'^checklist/$', checklist.ExistingCheckList.as_view()),
+ url(r'^cms/posts/$', Posts.as_view()),
+ url(r'^cms/pages/$', Pages.as_view()),
+ url(r'^cms/pages/search/?$', PageSearch.as_view()),
+ url(r'^cms/pages/(?P<id>\d+)/$', PageById.as_view()),
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..371b694
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+def dict_path_get(dicttree, path, default=None):
+ """Use a /-separated path to query a structure of nested dicts.
+ Note: If the path does not exist, this will return None instead of
+ raising an exception.
+ >>> nested = {
+ ... 'a': {
+ ... 'b': {
+ ... 'c': 'foo'
+ ... }
+ ... }
+ ... }
+ ...
+ >>> dict_path_get(nested, 'a/b/c')
+ 'foo'
+ """
+ d = dicttree
+ try:
+ for k in path.split('/'):
+ d = d[k]
+ except KeyError:
+ d = default
+ return d
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index 0000000..24275d6
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import ActivityType
+class ActivityData:
+ def __init__(self, engagement, activity_type, owner=None):
+ self.engagement = engagement
+ self.description = ''
+ self.metadata = {}
+ self.activity_type = activity_type
+ self.is_notification = False
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.multiple_users_as_owners = False
+ self.user = None
+class UserJoinedEngagementActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, vf, users_list, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(UserJoinedEngagementActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.user_joined_eng, owner)
+ self.vf = vf
+ self.users_list = users_list
+class VFProvisioningActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, vf, users_list, engagement, description="There was an error provisioning the VF", owner=None):
+ super(VFProvisioningActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.vf_provisioning_event, owner)
+ self.vf = vf
+ self.description = description
+ self.users_list = users_list
+class TestFinishedActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, users_list, engagement, description="There was an error in Test"
+ " Finished signal from Jenkins", owner=None):
+ super(TestFinishedActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.test_finished_event, owner)
+ self.description = description
+ self.users_list = users_list
+class ChangeEngagementStageActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, vf, stage, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(ChangeEngagementStageActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.change_engagement_stage, owner)
+ self.vf = vf
+ self.stage = stage
+class AddNextStepsActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, vf, user, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(AddNextStepsActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.add_next_steps, owner)
+ self.vf = vf
+ self.user = user
+class NoticeEmptyEngagementData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, vf_name, max_empty_time, git_repo_url, delta_days_from_creation, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(NoticeEmptyEngagementData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.notice_empty_engagement, owner)
+ self.max_empty_time = max_empty_time
+ self.vf_name = vf_name
+ self.git_repo_url = git_repo_url
+ self.delta_days_from_creation = delta_days_from_creation
+class UpdateNextStepsActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, update_type, user, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(UpdateNextStepsActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.update_next_steps, owner)
+ self.update_type = update_type
+ self.user = user
+class DeleteNextStepsActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, user, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(DeleteNextStepsActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.delete_next_steps, owner)
+ self.user = user
+class SSHKeyAddedActivityData(ActivityData):
+ def __init__(self, action, engagement, owner=None):
+ super(SSHKeyAddedActivityData, self).__init__(engagement, ActivityType.ssh_key_added, owner)
+ self.action = action
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
+from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings
+from rest_framework_jwt.utils import jwt_decode_handler
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def ice_jwt_decode_handler(token):
+ decoded_dict = jwt_decode_handler(token)
+ email = decoded_dict.get('email', None)
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=email)
+ request_data_mgr.clear_old_request_data()
+ request_data_mgr.set_user(user)
+ return decoded_dict
+class JWTAuthentication(object):
+ """
+ Simple token based authentication.
+ Clients should authenticate by passing the token key in the "Authorization" HTTP header, prepended with the string "Token ".
+ For example: Authorization: Token 401f7ac837da42b97f613d789819ff93537bee6a
+ """
+ def create_token(self, user_data):
+ jwt_payload_handler = api_settings.JWT_PAYLOAD_HANDLER
+ jwt_encode_handler = api_settings.JWT_ENCODE_HANDLER
+ payload = jwt_payload_handler(user_data)
+ token = jwt_encode_handler(payload)
+ return token
+ def create_reset_password_token(self, user_data):
+ """
+ Create token for reset password flow.
+ """
+ encryptor = URLSafeTimedSerializer(api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
+ return encryptor.dumps(, salt=api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
+ def decode_reset_password_token(self, token):
+ """
+ Decoded the token created at reset password flow and return what was encrypted.
+ """
+ decryptor = URLSafeTimedSerializer(api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
+ email = decryptor.loads(
+ token,
+ salt=api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY,
+ max_age=3600
+ )
+ return email
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from enum import Enum
+class ChoiceEnum(Enum):
+ """An Enumeration with an added choices() method useful in Django"""
+ @classmethod
+ def choices(cls):
+ """Return this Enum's values in a format suitable for use as Django Field.choices param.
+ """
+ # FIXME it might be more useful in some situations to return (x.value,, but we do
+ # this way is for compatibility with older versions of this code. Changing would require a
+ # data migration.`
+ return [(, for x in cls]
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf import settings
+from enum import Enum
+from engagementmanager.utils.choice_enum import ChoiceEnum
+class Roles(Enum):
+ standard_user = 1
+ el = 2
+ admin = 3
+ admin_ro = 4
+class Constants(object):
+ service_provider_company = None
+ role_el = None
+ role_standard_user = None
+ role_admin = None
+ role_admin_ro = None
+ service_provider_company_name = "ExampleServiceProvider"
+ service_provider_mail_domain = [""]
+ service_provider_admin_mail = ""
+ service_provider_admin_ro_mail = ""
+ ice_base_ctx = "/vvp/v1/engmgr/"
+ rgwa_base_url ='http://localhost:8123/admin'
+ default_vfc_version = "1.0.0"
+ dbConnectionStr = "dbname='icedb' user='iceuser' host='localhost' password='Aa123456' port='5433'"
+ dashboard_href = "<A href=" + \
+ str(settings.DOMAIN) + "/#/dashboard/" + ">Dashboard</A>"
+ prodDomain = ''
+ invite_template_dir = "emails/invite/"
+ activate_template_dir = "emails/activate/"
+ notification_template_dir = "emails/notification/"
+ reset_pwd_template_dir = "emails/reset_pwd/"
+ activation_prefix = "/#/activate/"
+ program_name = "VVP"
+class TemplatesConstants(object):
+ logo_url = ""
+ contact_mail = ""
+ context = {"service_provider": Constants.service_provider_company_name,
+ "program_name": Constants.program_name,
+ "logo_url": logo_url,
+ "contact_mail": contact_mail,
+ }
+In order to get Enum Value as String use:
+class EngagementModelValidationDate:
+ HEAT_VALIDATED = "heat_validated_time"
+ IMAGE_SCAN = "image_scan_time"
+ AIC_INSTANTIATION = "aic_instantiation_time"
+ ASDC_ONBOARDING = "asdc_onboarding_time"
+class JenkinsBuildParametersNames:
+ CHECKLIST_UUID = "checklist_uuid"
+ GIT_REPO_URL = "git_repo_url"
+class MockJenkinsBuildLog:
+ TEXT = "from server: Started by user admin \n \
+ Building in workspace /var/jenkins_home/workspace/{vf_name}_{eng_man_id} \n \
+ [{vf_name}_{eng_man_id}] $ /bin/sh /tmp/jenkins{random_id}.sh \n \
+ Cloning into '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/{vf_name}_{eng_man_id}/VF'"
+class ChecklistDefaultNames:
+ HEAT_TEMPLATES = "Heat Templates"
+ IMAGE_VALIDATION = "Image Validation"
+ AIC_INSTANTIATION = "AIC Instantiation"
+ HEAT_TEMPLATES: EngagementModelValidationDate.HEAT_VALIDATED,
+ IMAGE_VALIDATION: EngagementModelValidationDate.IMAGE_SCAN,
+ ASDC_ONBOARDING: EngagementModelValidationDate.ASDC_ONBOARDING
+ }
+class EngagementType(Enum):
+ Validation = 1
+ Other = 2
+class EngagementStage(ChoiceEnum):
+ Intake = 1,
+ Active = 2,
+ Validated = 3,
+ Completed = 4,
+ Archived = 5
+class NextStepState(ChoiceEnum):
+ Incomplete = 1,
+ Completed = 2
+class RGWApermission:
+ READ = 'READ',
+class NextStepType(ChoiceEnum):
+ set_ssh = 1,
+ trial_agreements = 2,
+ add_contact_person = 3,
+ submit_vf_package = 4,
+ el_handoff = 5,
+ user_defined = 6
+class ExceptionType(Enum):
+ TSS = 1
+ STAT = 2
+# NOTE: For each added activity that you wish to send notification mail,
+# add an "if" in activity_log::getSubjectAndDescByActivityType
+class ActivityType(ChoiceEnum):
+ user_joined_eng = 1
+ ssh_key_added = 2
+ eng_validation_request = 3
+ update_next_steps = 4
+ vfc = 5
+ change_checklist_state = 6
+ vf_provisioning_event = 7
+ test_finished_event = 8
+ change_engagement_stage = 9
+ add_next_steps = 10
+ delete_next_steps = 11
+ notice_empty_engagement = 12
+class CheckListLineType(ChoiceEnum):
+ auto = 1,
+ manual = 2
+class CheckListState(ChoiceEnum):
+ automation = 1,
+ review = 2,
+ peer_review = 3,
+ approval = 4,
+ handoff = 5,
+ closed = 6,
+ archive = 7,
+ pending = 8
+class CheckListCategory(ChoiceEnum):
+ overall = 1,
+ heat = 2,
+ glance = 3
+ instantiation = 4
+ asdc = 5
+class CheckListDecisionValue(ChoiceEnum):
+ approved = 1,
+ denied = 2,
+ not_relevant = 3,
+ na = 4
+class RecentEngagementActionType(ChoiceEnum):
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
+from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class CryptographyText(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def encrypt(text):
+ encryptor = URLSafeTimedSerializer(api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
+ return encryptor.dumps(text, salt=api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
+ @staticmethod
+ def decrypt(encoded_text):
+ decryptor = URLSafeTimedSerializer(api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY)
+ text = decryptor.loads(
+ encoded_text,
+ salt=api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY,
+ )
+ return text
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from datetime import datetime
+def parse_date(date_string, convention=None):
+ result = None
+ if convention is None:
+ convention = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
+ if date_string is not None:
+ result = datetime.strptime(str(date_string), convention)
+ return result
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import traceback
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.views import exception_handler
+from engagementmanager.utils.exception_message_factory import ExceptionMessageFactory
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def ice_exception_handler(exc, context):
+ """
+ our own exception handler so we will catch every exception occurred in rest and print it's stack into log
+ :param exc: The exception
+ :param context: The context which the exception occurred in.
+ """
+ response = exception_handler(exc, context)
+ if exc is not None:
+ message_factory = ExceptionMessageFactory()
+ exception_msg_obj = message_factory.get_exception_message(exc)
+ data = {'detail': exception_msg_obj['msg']}
+ if exception_msg_obj['include_exception']:
+ data['detail'] += str(exc)
+ if 'include_additional_exc_str' in exception_msg_obj and exception_msg_obj['include_additional_exc_str']:
+ data['exception_message'] = str(exc)
+ response = Response(data, status=exception_msg_obj['status'])
+ logger.error("General exception occurred in rest framework: %s", exc)
+ logger.debug("*******************************************************************************************")
+ logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ logger.debug("*******************************************************************************************")
+ return response
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from import CommandError
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpObjectNotAvailable, \
+ VvpGeneralException, VvpBadRequest, VvpConflict
+from itsdangerous import SignatureExpired
+from requests import ConnectionError
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed, NotAuthenticated, \
+ PermissionDenied, NotAcceptable
+class ExceptionMessageFactory:
+ messages_dictionary = {
+ ObjectDoesNotExist.__name__: {'msg': 'User or Password does not match', 'include_exception': False,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND},
+ MethodNotAllowed.__name__: {'msg': 'Method not allowed: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED},
+ NotAuthenticated.__name__: {'msg': 'You must authenticate in order to perform this action: ',
+ 'include_exception': True, 'status': status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN},
+ SignatureExpired.__name__: {'msg': 'Signature expired for this token: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED},
+ KeyError.__name__: {'msg': 'KeyError occurred over the backend.', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'include_additional_exc_str': True, 'status': status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST},
+ ValueError.__name__: {'msg': 'ValueError occurred over the backend: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR},
+ ConnectionError.__name__: {'msg': 'ConnectionError occurred over the backend: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR},
+ ImportError.__name__: {'msg': 'ImportError occurred over the backend: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR},
+ CommandError.__name__: {'msg': 'CommandError occurred over the backend: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR},
+ PermissionDenied.__name__: {'msg': 'PermissionDenied occurred over the backend: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED},
+ VvpObjectNotAvailable.__name__: {'msg': '', 'include_exception': True, 'status': status.HTTP_410_GONE},
+ NotAcceptable.__name__: {'msg': '', 'include_exception': True, 'status': status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN},
+ VvpGeneralException.__name__: {'msg': '', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR},
+ FileExistsError.__name__: {'msg': 'Not modified due to: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_304_NOT_MODIFIED},
+ VvpBadRequest.__name__: {'msg': '', 'include_exception': True, 'status': status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST},
+ VvpConflict.__name__: {'msg': '', 'include_exception': True, 'status': status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT},
+ Exception.__name__: {'msg': 'General error on backend: ', 'include_exception': True,
+ 'status': status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR},
+ }
+ def get_exception_message(self, exception):
+ if isinstance(exception, ObjectDoesNotExist):
+ result = self.messages_dictionary[ObjectDoesNotExist.__name__]
+ elif exception.__class__.__name__ in self.messages_dictionary:
+ result = self.messages_dictionary[exception.__class__.__name__]
+ else:
+ result = self.messages_dictionary[Exception.__name__]
+ return result
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import threading
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class RequsetData():
+ _thread_id = None
+ _cl_uuid = None
+ _eng_uuid = None
+ _user = None
+ _ns_uuid = None
+ _notification_uuid = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+class RequsetDataMgr:
+ threadLocal = threading.local()
+ '''
+ Managing the request data per each request
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ '''
+ Private method
+ '''
+ def get_request_data(self):
+ request_data = getattr(self.threadLocal, 'request_data', None)
+ if request_data is None:
+ request_data = RequsetData()
+ self.threadLocal.request_data = request_data
+ return request_data
+ def get_user(self):
+ return self.get_request_data()._user
+ def get_eng_uuid(self):
+ return self.get_request_data()._eng_uuid
+ def get_cl_uuid(self):
+ return self.get_request_data()._cl_uuid
+ def get_ns_uuid(self):
+ return self.get_request_data()._ns_uuid
+ def get_notification_uuid(self):
+ return self.get_request_data()._notification_uuid
+ def set_user(self, user):
+ self.get_request_data()._user = user
+ def set_eng_uuid(self, eng_uuid):
+ self.get_request_data()._eng_uuid = eng_uuid
+ def set_cl_uuid(self, cl_uuid):
+ self.get_request_data()._cl_uuid = cl_uuid
+ def set_ns_uuid(self, ns_uuid):
+ self.get_request_data()._ns_uuid = ns_uuid
+ def set_notification_uuid(self, notification_uuid):
+ self.get_request_data()._notification_uuid = notification_uuid
+ def get_request_data_vars(self):
+ return {
+ 'cl_uuid': self.get_request_data()._cl_uuid,
+ 'eng_uuid': self.get_request_data()._eng_uuid,
+ 'user': self.get_request_data()._user,
+ 'ns_uuid': self.get_request_data()._ns_uuid,
+ 'notification_uuid': self.get_request_data()._notification_uuid,
+ }
+ '''
+ Called from the verify_token decorator which is a central place that populates the user and all other attributes in RequestData object
+ '''
+ def clear_old_request_data(self):
+ self.threadLocal.request_data = RequsetData()
+# singleton pattern, allocated on server startup
+request_data_mgr = RequsetDataMgr()
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cef67f6
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@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+Taken from
+import re
+import bleach
+from validate_email import validate_email
+from engagementmanager.utils.vvp_exceptions import VvpBadRequest
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class Validator(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def validateEmail(email):
+ if not validate_email(email):
+ msg = "email address validation error"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ @staticmethod
+ def validatePassword(password, confirm_password=False):
+ if confirm_password is not False and password != confirm_password:
+ msg = "'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match."
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise VvpBadRequest(msg)
+ if len(password) < 4:
+ msg = "'Password' must be more than 4 letters."
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise VvpBadRequest(msg)
+ if len(password) > 32:
+ msg = "'Password' must be less than 32 letters"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise VvpBadRequest(msg)
+ @staticmethod
+ def validateCheckListName(name):
+ regex_pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9\&\ ]*$"
+ pattern = re.compile(regex_pattern)
+ return pattern.match(name)
+def logEncoding(data):
+ try:
+ clean_data = bleach.clean(str(data))
+ clean_data += " (User Input)"
+ except Exception as e:
+ clean_data = "couldnt bleach data"
+ pass
+ return clean_data
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2cc9cee
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+++ b/django/engagementmanager/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
+"""Custom exceptions for VVP project"""
+class VvpBadRequest(APIException):
+ status_code = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+ default_detail = 'Bad request.'
+ default_code = 'bad_request'
+class VvpObjectNotAvailable(APIException):
+ status_code = status.HTTP_410_GONE
+ default_detail = 'Bad request.'
+ default_code = 'bad_request'
+class VvpGeneralException(APIException):
+ status_code = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+ default_detail = 'Bad request.'
+ default_code = 'bad_request'
+class VvpConflict(APIException):
+ status_code = status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT
+ default_detail = 'Conflic.'
+ default_code = 'conflict'
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..418290b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils import timezone
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import \
+ ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.slack_client.api import SlackClient
+from engagementmanager.models import IceUserProfile, Engagement, \
+ DeploymentTarget, VF, Role, NextStep, ECOMPRelease
+from engagementmanager.serializers import VFModelSerializer
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_state_service import \
+ insert_to_recent_engagements
+from engagementmanager.service.engagement_service import \
+ update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+from engagementmanager.service.nextstep_service import NextStepSvc
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Constants, NextStepType, \
+ NextStepState, RecentEngagementActionType, Roles
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import \
+ UserJoinedEngagementActivityData
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import vm_client
+import random
+import re
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def addEntityIfNotExist(entity, entityObj):
+ entResultSet = entity.objects.filter(uuid=entityObj.uuid)
+ if entResultSet.exists():
+ logger.debug(str(entityObj) + " Exists with UUID |" + entityObj.uuid)
+ was_created = False
+ else:
+ was_created = True
+ return entity.objects.get(uuid=entityObj.uuid), was_created
+def createEngagement(user, manual_el_id=False):
+ eng_manual_id = str( + "-" + \
+ str(Engagement.objects.count() + 31)
+ eng = Engagement(
+ engagement_manual_id=eng_manual_id, creator=user)
+ elUser = None
+ randUser = None
+ elRole = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ if user.role == elRole:
+ manual_el_id =
+ # Attaching EL and Peer Reviewer to the Engagment
+ if user.role != elRole:
+ if not manual_el_id:
+ # Fetch a random EL
+ qs = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(role=elRole) # @UndefinedVariable
+ if qs.count() > 0:
+ randUser = qs[random.randint(0, qs.count() - 1)]
+ elUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=randUser.uuid)
+ else:
+ # Set el manually, for example when using import from xls el is
+ # already assigned
+ elUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=manual_el_id)
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Since the user " + user.full_name +
+ " is an EL, no need to find another one")
+ elUser = user
+ logger.debug("Selected engagement lead=" + elUser.full_name)
+ eng.reviewer = elUser
+ # Fetch another random el to be a Peer Reviewer
+ qs = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(
+ role=elRole, user__is_active=True).exclude(uuid=elUser.uuid) # @UndefinedVariable
+ prUser = None
+ if qs.count() > 0:
+ randUser = qs[random.randint(0, qs.count() - 1)]
+ prUser = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=randUser.uuid)
+ eng.peer_reviewer = prUser
+ logger.debug("Selected peer reviewer=" + prUser.full_name)
+ engObj, was_created = addEntityIfNotExist(Engagement, eng)
+ return engObj, elUser, prUser
+def is_str_supports_git_naming_convention(item):
+ """
+ validates that string can contain only letters, digits hyphen and dot. Also, String cannot end with dot
+ """
+ return bool(re.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$").match(item))
+def createVF(user, request):
+ """
+ Create DeploymentTarget
+ Create Engagement
+ Create Application_Service_Infrastructure
+ Create VF
+ """
+ dataList =
+ vfList = []
+ for data in dataList:
+ logger.debug("Processing VF - " + str(data))
+ if ('virtual_function' not in data or not data['virtual_function'] or
+ 'version' not in data or not data['version'] or
+ 'target_lab_entry_date' not in data or not data['target_lab_entry_date'] or
+ 'target_aic_uuid' not in data or not data['target_aic_uuid'] or
+ 'ecomp_release' not in data or not data['ecomp_release'] or
+ 'is_service_provider_internal' not in data):
+ raise KeyError("One of the input parameters are missing")
+ # Set el manually, for example when using import from xls el is
+ # already assigned
+ if 'manual_el_id' in data:
+ manual_el_id = data['manual_el_id']
+ else:
+ manual_el_id = False
+ engObj, elUser, prUser = createEngagement(user, manual_el_id)
+ if engObj is None or elUser is None:
+ raise ValueError("Couldn't fetch engagement or engagement lead")
+ if user is not None and engObj is not None:
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps(user, engObj, elUser)
+ i_target_aic_uuid = data['target_aic_uuid']
+ dtObj = DeploymentTarget.objects.get(uuid=i_target_aic_uuid)
+ i_ecomp_release = data['ecomp_release']
+ ecompObj = ECOMPRelease.objects.get(uuid=i_ecomp_release)
+ i_vfName = data['virtual_function']
+ if not is_str_supports_git_naming_convention(i_vfName):
+ msg = "VF Name can contain only letters, digits hyphen and dot. VF Name cannot end with dot"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ i_vfVersion = data['version']
+ i_is_service_provider_internal = data['is_service_provider_internal']
+ i_target_lab_entry_date = data['target_lab_entry_date']
+ vf = VF(name=i_vfName,
+ version=i_vfVersion,
+ engagement=engObj,
+ deployment_target=dtObj,
+ ecomp_release=ecompObj,
+ is_service_provider_internal=i_is_service_provider_internal,
+ target_lab_entry_date=i_target_lab_entry_date
+ )
+ vfObj, was_created = addEntityIfNotExist(VF, vf)
+ insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ user,, vfObj) # @UndefinedVariable
+ addUsersToEngTeam(engObj.uuid, [user, elUser, prUser])
+ sendSlackNotifications(engObj.uuid, [user, elUser, prUser])
+ # trigger repo creation as soon as vf is created and users are added to
+ # team
+ if was_created:
+ vm_client.fire_event_in_bg('send_provision_new_vf_event', vfObj)
+ vfData = VFModelSerializer(vfObj).data
+ vfList.append(vfData)
+ return vfList
+def updateValidationDetails(request):
+ # if data['target_aic_uuid'] is not None and data['target_aic_uuid'] != "":
+ data =
+ logger.debug("Processing VF_Details - " + str(data))
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=data['vf_uuid'])
+ if 'target_aic_uuid' in data:
+ dt_obj = DeploymentTarget.objects.get(uuid=data['target_aic_uuid'])
+ vf.deployment_target = dt_obj
+ if 'ecomp_release' in data: # is not None and data['ecomp_release'] != "":
+ ecomp_obj = ECOMPRelease.objects.get(uuid=data['ecomp_release'])
+ vf.ecomp_release = ecomp_obj
+ if 'version' in data:
+ vf.version = data['version']
+def checkAndModifyIfSSHNextStepExist(user):
+ SSHStep = None
+ qs = NextStep.objects.filter(
+ owner=user, # @UndefinedVariable
+ if qs is None or qs.count() == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ SSHStep = NextStep.objects.get(
+ owner=user, # @UndefinedVariable
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ if SSHStep.state in ( and user.ssh_public_key:
+ SSHStep.state = 'Completed'
+ SSHStep.last_update_time =
+ SSHStep.last_update_type = 'Completed'
+ return SSHStep
+def addUsersToEngTeam(eng_uuid, newUserList):
+ """
+ If the user isn't an EL and their doesn't have an SSH step then create personal SSH next step for him.
+ """
+ engObj = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ vfObj = engObj.vf
+ el_user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=engObj.reviewer.uuid)
+ if not el_user:
+ el_user = newUserList[1]
+ for newUser in newUserList:
+ engObj.engagement_team.add(newUser)
+ update_or_insert_to_recent_engagements(
+ newUser.uuid, vfObj, # @UndefinedVariable
+ SSHStep = checkAndModifyIfSSHNextStepExist(newUser)
+ if not SSHStep and newUser != el_user:
+ NextStepSvc().create_default_next_steps_for_user(newUser, el_user)
+ if vfObj is not None:
+ activity_data = UserJoinedEngagementActivityData(
+ vfObj, newUserList, engObj)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+def sendSlackNotifications(eng_uuid, newUserList):
+ """
+ Send Slack notifications to the reviewer, peer reviewer and also the engagements channel
+ """
+ # get the engagement
+ engagement = Engagement.objects.get(uuid=eng_uuid)
+ engagement_manual_id = ""
+ if engagement is not None:
+ engagement_manual_id = engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ # get the vf
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=eng_uuid)
+ vf_name = ""
+ if vf is not None:
+ vf_name =
+ # get the creator
+ creator = engagement.creator
+ # get the reviewer
+ reviewer = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=engagement.reviewer.uuid)
+ if not reviewer:
+ reviewer = newUserList[1]
+ # get the peer reviewer
+ peer_reviewer = IceUserProfile.objects.get(
+ uuid=engagement.peer_reviewer.uuid)
+ if not peer_reviewer:
+ peer_reviewer = newUserList[2]
+ # send Slack messages when a new engagement is created
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.send_slack_notifications_for_new_engagement(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, creator)
+def getVfByEngUuid(engUuid):
+ vfList = VF.objects.filter(engagement__uuid=engUuid)
+ if vfList:
+ logger.debug("Found VF name=" + vfList[0].name)
+ if len(vfList) > 1:
+ logger.warning(
+ "!! There seems to be more than one VF attached to the engagement with uuid=" + logEncoding(engUuid))
+ # Assumption: the list only has one item because the relation
+ # Engagement-VF is 1:1 business wise
+ return vfList[0]
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ "There are no VFs in the engagement identified by eng_uuid=" + logEncoding(engUuid))
+ return None
+def generateActivationLink(activationToken, user):
+ return str(settings.DOMAIN) + Constants.activation_prefix + str(user.uuid) + "/" + activationToken
+def getFirstEngByUser(user):
+ engList = Engagement.objects.filter(engagement_team__uuid=user.uuid)
+ if engList.exists():
+ logger.debug("user was found in a an ENG:" + str(engList[0]))
+ return engList[0]
+ else:
+ logger.debug("user wasn't found in an ENG")
+ return None
+def createUserTemplate(company, full_name, role, phone, is_service_provider_contact, ssh_key=None, regular_email_updates=False, user=None):
+ data = {
+ 'company': company,
+ 'phone_number': phone,
+ 'full_name': full_name,
+ 'role': role,
+ 'create_time':,
+ 'is_service_provider_contact': is_service_provider_contact,
+ 'regular_email_updates': regular_email_updates,
+ 'ssh_public_key': ssh_key,
+ }
+ if user:
+ data['user'] = user
+ return data
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/ b/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/ b/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b41a3ff
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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from engagementmanager.slack_client.api import SlackClient
+from engagementmanager.models import Checklist, VF
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_service import CheckListSvc
+from engagementmanager.service.checklist_state_service import set_state
+from engagementmanager.utils import dict_path_get
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListCategory, CheckListState, EngagementStage
+from engagementmanager.utils.request_data_mgr import request_data_mgr
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+def test_finished_callback(checklist_test_results):
+ logger.debug(
+ "test_finished_callback has signaled that a test has finished with test results %r", checklist_test_results)
+ if not checklist_test_results:
+ msg = "Couldn't find payload argument inside kwargs array, aborting signal"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ checklist_test_results['description'] = "Validation manager has indicated that checklist {} tests has been completed with results".format(
+ checklist_test_results['checklist_uuid'])
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(
+ uuid=checklist_test_results['checklist_uuid'])
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(checklist.uuid)
+ data = CheckListSvc().setChecklistDecisionsFromValMgr(
+ user=checklist.owner,
+ checklist_uuid=checklist_test_results['checklist_uuid'],
+ decisions=checklist_test_results['decisions'],
+ checklist_results_from_jenkins=checklist_test_results
+ )
+ return data
+def git_push_callback(gitlab_data):
+ """
+ When we are notified that a repo has received a push, we must reject any checklists not in the
+ closed or archived state whose associated files have been modified.
+ """
+ logger.debug("Validation manager has signaled that a git push has occurred")
+ msg = "OK"
+ data = None
+ # sanity check provided arguments
+ for key in ['project', 'project/git_ssh_url', 'commits']:
+ if not dict_path_get(gitlab_data, key):
+ msg = "{!r} in the git_push signal gitlab_data is missing or empty.".format(
+ key)
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise KeyError(msg)
+ # For now, ignore pushes made to any branch other than 'master'.
+ if gitlab_data['ref'] != u'refs/heads/master':
+ logger.warn("A non-master ref %r was updated. Ignoring.",
+ gitlab_data['ref'])
+ return None
+ # sanity check payload data
+ if int(gitlab_data['total_commits_count']) == 0:
+ logger.debug("total_commits_count = %s",
+ gitlab_data['total_commits_count'])
+ msg = "Something is wrong: Number of commits is 0 even after a push event has been invoked from validation manager to engagement manager"
+ logger.warn(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if gitlab_data['before'] == '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000':
+ logger.debug('This is the first commit pushed to master.')
+ git_ssh_url = gitlab_data['project']['git_ssh_url']
+ vf = VF.objects.filter(git_repo_url=git_ssh_url)
+ if len(vf) == 0:
+ msg = "Couldn't fetch any VF"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise ObjectDoesNotExist(msg)
+ else:
+ vf = VF.objects.get(git_repo_url=git_ssh_url)
+ checklists = (Checklist.objects
+ .filter(engagement=vf.engagement)
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ .exclude(
+ .exclude( # @UndefinedVariable
+ committed_files = set(file
+ for commit in gitlab_data['commits']
+ for status in ['added', 'modified', 'removed']
+ for file in commit[status])
+ logger.debug("Committed files list: [%s]" % ', '.join(committed_files))
+ # send notifications to reviewers and peer reviewers when the git repo is
+ # updated
+ vf_name =
+ engagement_manual_id = vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id
+ reviewer = vf.engagement.reviewer
+ peer_reviewer = vf.engagement.peer_reviewer
+ slack_client = SlackClient()
+ slack_client.send_notifications_on_git_push(
+ engagement_manual_id, vf_name, reviewer, peer_reviewer, committed_files)
+ # loop through the checklists and start automation if necessary
+ for checklist in checklists:
+ user = checklist.owner
+ template_category = checklist.template.category
+ mutual_files = committed_files.intersection(
+ json.loads(checklist.associated_files))
+ logger.debug("Mutual files list for checklist %s: [%s]" % (
+ checklist.uuid, ', '.join(committed_files)))
+ if not mutual_files and\
+ template_category == and\
+ not any(file
+ for file in committed_files
+ for extension in ['.yaml', '.yml', '.env']
+ if file.lower().endswith(extension)):
+ continue
+ if checklist.state == # @UndefinedVariable
+ description = "Checklist {} (part of VF {}/{vf.uuid}) in Pending state will transition to Automation due to a push action on files [{mutual_files}]. chosen EL: {user.full_name}".format(
+ checklist=checklist,
+ vf=vf,
+ mutual_files=", ".join(mutual_files),
+ user=user,
+ )
+ else:
+ description = "Checklist {checklist.uuid} (part of VF {}/{vf.uuid}) has been rejected due to a push action made on files [{mutual_files}]. chosen EL is: {user.full_name}".format(
+ checklist=checklist,
+ vf=vf,
+ mutual_files=", ".join(mutual_files),
+ user=user,
+ )
+ logger.debug(description)
+ # FIXME Setting parameters into a global before calling a function that will break without
+ # them is TERRIBLE. We must fix this before we open-source this code.
+ request_data_mgr.set_cl_uuid(checklist.uuid)
+ request_data_mgr.set_user(user)
+ data = set_state( # means that the checklist will be declined and a cloned one is
+ # created in PENDING status
+ decline=True,
+ checklist_uuid=checklist.uuid,
+ # means the checklist will be triggered into automation cycle
+ isMoveToAutomation=True,
+ description="This change was triggered by an update to the engagement git repository.")
+ logger.debug("set_state returned (%r)" % data)
+ return data
diff --git a/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/ b/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04d77c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/engagementmanager/vm_integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db.models import Q
+from engagementmanager.apps import bus_service
+from engagementmanager.bus.messages.activity_event_message import \
+ ActivityEventMessage
+from engagementmanager.models import VF, Role, IceUserProfile
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles
+from engagementmanager.utils.activities_data import \
+ VFProvisioningActivityData
+import concurrent.futures
+import validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api as vm_api
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
+def send_jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists(vf):
+ # A signal which check if jenkins job was created and also if gitlab repo
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists_callback. vf=%s", vf.uuid)
+ is_ready = vm_api.jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists_callback(vf=vf)
+ return is_ready
+def send_cl_from_pending_to_automation_event(checkListObj):
+ # A signal that is sent when Engagement MAnager moves CL from Pending to
+ # Automation (for example when a CL is rejected by other signal from
+ # validation manager)
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement=checkListObj.engagement)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_cl_from_pending_to_automation_event. checklistUuid=%s", checkListObj.uuid)
+ vm_api.cl_from_pending_to_automation_callback(vf=vf, checklist=checkListObj)
+def send_ssh_key_created_or_updated_event(user):
+ # A signal which is sent from the EM to the VM when a user is adding or
+ # updating their ssh key
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_ssh_key_created_or_updated_event. user=%s", user.uuid)
+ vm_api.ssh_key_created_or_updated_callback(user=user)
+def send_create_user_in_rgwa_event(user):
+ # A signal which is sent from the EM to the VM when a user is adding or
+ # updating their ssh key
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_create_user_in_rgwa_event. user=%s", user.full_name)
+ vm_api.create_user_rgwa(user=user)
+def send_remove_all_standard_users_from_project_event(gitlab, project_id, formatted_vf):
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_remove_all_standard_users_from_project_event.")
+ vm_api.remove_all_standard_users_from_project(
+ gitlab, project_id, formatted_vf)
+def send_get_project_by_vf_event(vf, gitlab):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return None
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_get_project_by_vf_event.")
+ vm_api.get_project_by_vf(vf, gitlab)
+def send_provision_new_vf_event(vf):
+ # A signal which is sent from the EM to the VM when a new VF is created. VM will than create a
+ # gitlab repo for that new VF.
+ #
+ # Note: despite its name, this signal is not used only for new vfs, but to update existing gitlab
+ # and jenkins provisioning when a vf changes e.g. when team members are
+ # added or removed.
+ try:
+ vm_api.provision_new_vf_callback(vf=vf)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_provision_new_vf_event. vf=%s", vf.uuid)
+ except Exception as e:
+ el_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get(
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ el_admin_list = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(
+ Q(role=el_role) | Q(role=admin_role))
+ activity_data = VFProvisioningActivityData(
+ vf, el_admin_list, vf.engagement, e)
+ bus_service.send_message(ActivityEventMessage(activity_data))
+def send_get_list_of_repo_files_event(vf):
+ # A signal which is sent from the EM to the VM when a NextStep is created
+ # and we need the VF associated files in the git repository
+ files = vm_api.get_list_of_repo_files_callback(vf=vf)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Sending a call to validation manager. Call=send_get_list_of_repo_files_event. vf=%s", vf.uuid)
+ formatted_repo_files = []
+ for file in files:
+ formatted_repo_files.append(file['name'])
+ logger.debug(file['name'])
+ return formatted_repo_files
+def fire_event_in_bg(function_name, obj):
+ event_function = globals()[function_name]
+ logger.debug(
+ " . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire event in background started: %s . . . . . . . . . . . . ", function_name)
+ future = executor.submit(event_function, obj)
+ logger.debug("Main thread continue without blocking...")
diff --git a/django/ b/django/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43646a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import os
+import sys
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "vvp.settings")
+ from import execute_from_command_line
+ execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
diff --git a/django/mocks/ b/django/mocks/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/rest/ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/rest/ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7456f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from import GitlabFilesResultsSvc
+class GitlabFilesResultsREST():
+ def get(self, vf):
+ mock_gitlab_files_results_svc_obj = GitlabFilesResultsSvc()
+ response = mock_gitlab_files_results_svc_obj.retrieve_files_for_vf_repo()
+ return response
diff --git a/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/services/ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/services/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/services/ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/services/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3224f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/gitlab_mock/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import random
+class GitlabFilesResultsSvc(object):
+ num_of_required_files = 3
+ def retrieve_files_for_vf_repo(self):
+ list_of_files = list()
+ for index in range(GitlabFilesResultsSvc.num_of_required_files):
+ current_file_dict = dict()
+ current_file_dict['id'] = ''.join(random.choice(
+ '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') for i in range(16))
+ current_file_dict['name'] = 'file%d' % index
+ current_file_dict['type'] = 'blob'
+ current_file_dict['mode'] = '100644'
+ list_of_files.append(current_file_dict)
+ return list_of_files
diff --git a/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/rest/ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
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+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/rest/ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df9d0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from import JenkinsTestsResultsSvc
+from validationmanager.em_integration import em_client
+class JenkinsTestsResultsREST():
+ mock_tests_results_svc_obj = JenkinsTestsResultsSvc()
+ def post(self, git_repo_url, checklist_uuid):
+ response = self.mock_tests_results_svc_obj.retrieve_tests_results_for_cl(
+ checklist_uuid)
+ em_client.test_finished(response)
+ def get(self, eng_manual_id, vf_name):
+ log = self.mock_tests_results_svc_obj.retrieve_jenkins_build_log(
+ eng_manual_id, vf_name)
+ return log
diff --git a/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/services/ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/services/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
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+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/services/ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/services/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..beccb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/mocks/jenkins_mock/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from random import randint
+from engagementmanager.models import Checklist, ChecklistLineItem
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import MockJenkinsBuildLog
+class JenkinsTestsResultsSvc():
+ num_of_auto_tests = 2
+ def retrieve_tests_results_for_cl(self, checklist_uuid):
+ response = dict()
+ response['checklist_uuid'] = checklist_uuid
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist_uuid)
+ line_items = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(
+ template=checklist.template)[:JenkinsTestsResultsSvc().num_of_auto_tests]
+ optional_results = ['approved', 'denied']
+ optional_text = ['Mock: All required tests passed',
+ 'Mock: At least one of the required tests failed']
+ response['decisions'] = list()
+ for lineitem in line_items:
+ #random_result = random.choice(optional_results)
+ random_result = optional_results[0]
+ #audit_log_text = optional_text[0] if random_result == optional_results[0] else optional_text[1]
+ audit_log_text = optional_text[0]
+ response['decisions'].append(
+ {
+ 'line_item_id': lineitem.uuid,
+ 'value': random_result,
+ 'audit_log_text': audit_log_text
+ }
+ )
+ return response
+ def prepare_log_with_paramaters(self, raw_text, eng_manual_id, vf_name):
+ raw_text = raw_text.replace('{vf_name}', vf_name)
+ raw_text = raw_text.replace('{eng_man_id}', eng_manual_id)
+ return raw_text.replace('{random_id}', str(randint(1, 10**10)))
+ def retrieve_jenkins_build_log(self, eng_manual_id, vf_name):
+ log = self.prepare_log_with_paramaters(
+ MockJenkinsBuildLog.TEXT, eng_manual_id, vf_name)
+ return log
diff --git a/django/requirements.txt b/django/requirements.txt
new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/requirements.txt
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/rgwa_mock/ b/django/rgwa_mock/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
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+++ b/django/rgwa_mock/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/rgwa_mock/services/ b/django/rgwa_mock/services/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/rgwa_mock/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/rgwa_mock/services/ b/django/rgwa_mock/services/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71b08be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/rgwa_mock/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from uuid import uuid4
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class RGWAKeysService(object):
+ def mock_create_user(self, uid, display_name, email=None, key_type='s3',
+ access_key=None, secret_key=None, user_caps=None,
+ generate_key=True, max_buckets=None, suspended=False):
+ logger.debug("Mocking RGWA user")
+ return ({
+ "uid": uid,
+ "display_name": display_name,
+ "email": email,
+ "key_type": key_type,
+ "access_key": str(uuid4()),
+ "secret_key": str(uuid4()),
+ "user_caps": user_caps,
+ "generate_key": generate_key,
+ "max_buckets": max_buckets,
+ "suspended": suspended
+ })
diff --git a/django/tools/ b/django/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/tox.ini b/django/tox.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4cf7aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+envlist = django1-10-6
+skipsdist = True
+commands = test
+setenv =
+ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=vvp.settings.tox_settings
+ PYTHONPATH={toxinidir}
+ SECRET_KEY=6mo22&_gtjf#wktqf1#ve^7=w6kx)uq0u*4ksk^aq8lte&)yul
+ ENVIRONMENT=development
+ EMAIL_HOST=localhost
+ PGUSER=iceuser
+ PGHOST=localhost
+ PGPORT=5433
+ SECRET_WEBHOOK_TOKEN=Aiwi8se4ien0foW6eimahch2zahshaGi
+ SECRET_GITLAB_AUTH_TOKEN=ieNgathapoo4zohvee9a
+ S3_PORT=443
+ STATIC_ROOT=/app/htdocs
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+deps =
+ {[base]deps}
+;commands =
+; coverage run --branch --omit={envdir}/*,vvp/*.py,*/migrations/*.py {envbindir}/ test
+; coveralls
+;deps =
+; coverage
+; coveralls
+; {[testenv:django1-10-6]deps}
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/ b/django/validationmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/ b/django/validationmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa2eeab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.contrib import admin
+from . import models
+class ValidationTestModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ """Administrative users must define test names that, when detected
+ and passing, contribute toward satisfying some ChecklistLineItem. We
+ will likely need a more automated way to update the Validation
+ Manager with the complete list of available tests, but for now a
+ simple admin model will suffice.
+ """
+ list_display = ["name"]
+ list_filter = ["line_items"]
+ search_fields = ["name"]
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/ b/django/validationmanager/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8576af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# To avoid the server reloading this class twice, run it with --noreload flag
+from django.apps import AppConfig
+class ValidationmanagerConfig(AppConfig):
+ name = 'validationmanager'
+ verbose_name = 'Validation Manager'
+ def ready(self):
+ # This otherwise unused import causes the signal receivers
+ # to register themselves at the appropriate time. Do not remove.
+ import validationmanager.em_integration.vm_api
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/em_integration/ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
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+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/em_integration/ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5620c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+Signals sent by ValidationManager
+To perform some action when a TestEngine/Jenkins job completes:
+ from validationmanager.sig import test_finished
+ test_finished.connect(my_test_handler)
+To perform some action when new commits are pushed to Gitlab:
+ from validationmanager.sig import git_push
+ git_push.connect(my_git_push_handler)
+Remember that signals are not magically asynchronous or anything. The
+webhook call that triggers the signal will not return a response until
+all functions listening to these signals return, and they are processed
+in sequence. If we end up doing a lot of time-consuming work in response
+to webhook notification, we should explore using Celery or some other
+background/async task runner instead.
+from engagementmanager.vm_integration import em_api
+def test_finished(checklist_test_results):
+ # A signal that is sent when Jenkins completes running a test job, and
+ # notifies us by way of a notification webhook.
+ return em_api.test_finished_callback(checklist_test_results)
+def git_push(gitlab_data):
+ # A signal that is sent when new commits are pushed to Gitlab, which
+ # notifies us by way of a notification webhook.
+ return em_api.git_push_callback(gitlab_data)
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/em_integration/ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1650fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+import requests
+from engagementmanager.decorator.retry import retry_connection
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement, IceUserProfile, Role, Checklist, \
+ ChecklistDecision, ChecklistLineItem, CheckListState, ChecklistTemplate, VF
+from engagementmanager.serializers import VFModelSerializerForSignal
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, EngagementStage, \
+ CheckListLineType, JenkinsBuildParametersNames, RGWApermission
+from engagementmanager.utils.cryptography import CryptographyText
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from import GitlabFilesResultsREST
+from import \
+ JenkinsTestsResultsREST
+from import RGWAKeysService
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client_factory import RGWAClientFactory
+from validationmanager.utils.clients import get_jenkins_client, \
+ get_gitlab_client
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+config_xml_content = None
+jenkins_mock_object = JenkinsTestsResultsREST()
+def jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists_callback(vf):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return True
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled to check if repo exists")
+ if not get_jenkins_client().job_exists(vf.jenkins_job_name()):
+ logger.debug("Jenkins job %s doesnt exists...", vf.jenkins_job_name())
+ return False
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ # ensure group git gitlab was created
+ existing_group = gitlab.search_group_by_name(
+ vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ if not existing_group:
+ logger.debug(
+ "Group %s doesnt exists in gitlab...",
+ vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ return False
+ """Return the id for Gitlab project, creating it if it does not exist."""
+ project = gitlab.search_project_in_group(, existing_group['id'])
+ if not project:
+ logger.debug("Project %s doesnt exists...",
+ return False
+ return True
+def cl_from_pending_to_automation_callback(vf, checklist):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+, checklist.uuid)
+ else:
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled that a checklist state was " +
+ "changed from pending to automation")
+ get_jenkins_client().build_job(
+ vf.jenkins_job_name(), {
+ 'checklist_uuid': checklist.uuid,
+ 'git_repo_url': vf.git_repo_url,
+ })
+def provision_new_vf_callback(vf):
+ """Given a new vf, provision Gitlab and Jenkins for it.
+ Note: despite its name, this signal is not used only for new vfs,
+ but to update existing gitlab and jenkins provisioning when a vf
+ changes e.g. when team members are added or removed.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None), or throw
+ an exception.
+ """
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled that a new VF has been created")
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ ensure_checklists(vf)
+ else:
+ if not vf:
+ raise ValueError("vf %r not found" % vf)
+ ensure_git_entities(vf)
+ ensure_jenkins_job(vf)
+ ensure_checklists(vf)
+ ensure_rgwa_entities(vf)
+def get_list_of_repo_files_callback(vf):
+ """Given a vf, return its file list.
+ This function will either succeed (and return a list),
+ or throw an exception.
+ """
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled that there is a need " +
+ "to fetch the VF associated files")
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ files = GitlabFilesResultsREST().get(vf)
+ return files
+ else:
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ project = get_project_by_vf(vf, gitlab)
+ project_id = project['id']
+ logger.debug(
+ "Project_id for fetched associated files is %s", project_id)
+ files = gitlab.get_repository_files(project_id)
+ logger.debug("gitlab.get_repository_files returned %r", files)
+ return files
+def ssh_key_created_or_updated_callback(user):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return None
+ logger.debug("Engagement Manager has signaled that a user has " +
+ "created or updated an ssh key")
+ user_dict = model_to_dict(user)
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(
+ if not gitlab_user:
+ gitlab_user = create_user_in_gitlab(user_dict, gitlab)
+ logger.debug("created user in gitlab=%s",
+ if 'id' not in gitlab_user:
+ err_msg = "coudln't get gitlab user %s " % user.uuid
+ raise ValueError(err_msg)
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user_dict, gitlab, gitlab_user)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Successfuly created/updated user in the git in " +
+ "key_created_or_updated signal")
+def ensure_checklists(vf):
+ '''
+ Ensure there is at least one entry of all checklists template for a
+ given vf
+ '''
+ engagement = vf.engagement
+ reviewer = engagement.reviewer
+ existing_checklists = Checklist.objects.filter(engagement=engagement)
+ existing_checklists_templates = set([c.template.category
+ for c in existing_checklists])
+ cts = ChecklistTemplate.objects.all()
+ for ct in cts:
+ if ct.category in existing_checklists_templates:
+ continue
+ # grab all the line items to determine the state to create the line
+ line_items_list = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(template=ct)
+ line_items_manual = [li.line_type ==
+ for li in line_items_list]
+ # set the checklist state
+ checklist_state =
+ if all(line_items_manual):
+ checklist_state =
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.create(
+ validation_cycle=1,
+ associated_files=[],
+ state=checklist_state,
+ engagement=engagement,
+ template=ct,
+ creator=reviewer,
+ owner=reviewer)
+ for line_item in line_items_list:
+ ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ checklist=checklist,
+ template=ct,
+ lineitem=line_item)
+def ensure_jenkins_job(vf):
+ """Given a vf, ensure that its jenkins/TestEngine job exists.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None), or throw an exception.
+ """
+ # we cache the configuration in a module-level variable.
+ global config_xml_content
+ if config_xml_content is None:
+ config_xml_content = get_jenkins_job_config()
+ jenkins = get_jenkins_client()
+ job_name = vf.jenkins_job_name()
+ # FIXME test-then-set can cause a race condition, so maybe better
+ # to attempt to create and ignore "already exists" error.
+ if jenkins.job_exists(job_name):
+ logger.debug(
+ "TestEngine job %s for VF %s already provisioned, skipping.",
+ job_name,
+ return None
+ logger.debug("creating TestEngine job %s for VF %s", job_name,
+ jenkins.create_job(job_name, config_xml_content)
+def get_jenkins_build_log(vf, checklistUuid):
+ """Given a vf, retrieve its jenkins build log.
+ This function will either succeed (and return the build log).
+ """
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return jenkins_mock_object.get(vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id,
+ logger.debug("Retrieving VF's(%s) last Jenkins build log " % (
+ jenkins = get_jenkins_client()
+ job_name = vf.jenkins_job_name()
+ vf_builds = jenkins.server.get_job_info(
+ job_name, depth=1, fetch_all_builds=True)
+ build_num = -1
+ logs = ''
+ for build in vf_builds['builds']:
+ for parameter in build['actions'][0]['parameters']:
+ if parameter['name'] == JenkinsBuildParametersNames.CHECKLIST_UUID:
+ if parameter['value'] == checklistUuid:
+ logger.debug(
+ "I have succeeded to match the given checklist uuid to one of the VF's builds' checklist_uuid")
+ build_num = build['number']
+ if build_num < 0:
+ logger.error(
+ "Failed to match the given checklist uuid to one of the VF's builds' checklist_uuid")
+ else:
+ logs = jenkins.server.get_build_console_output(job_name, build_num)
+ return logs
+def get_jenkins_job_config():
+ """Return the XML configuration for a Jenkins/TestEngine build job.
+ The configuration is templated, and the context provided will
+ include the appropriate webhook endpoint for its notification
+ callbacks. It is not cached; do that from a higher level caller.
+ """
+ # replacing auth in the view name 'jenkins-notification-endpoint'
+ # ( and appending it to the url from settings
+ webhook_endpoint = "http://%s%s" % (
+ settings.API_DOMAIN,
+ reverse('jenkins-notification-endpoint',
+ kwargs={'auth_token': settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN}))
+ return render_to_string('jenkins_job_config.xml',
+ {'notification_endpoint': webhook_endpoint})
+def ensure_git_webhook(gitlab, project_id):
+ """Given a gitlab client and project id, set its webhook
+ notification endpoint appropriately and exclusively.
+ Any other existing webhooks will be removed.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None),
+ or throw an exception.
+ """
+ webhook_endpoint = "http://%s%s" % (settings.API_DOMAIN, reverse(
+ 'git-push-endpoint', kwargs={'auth_token': settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN}))
+ logger.debug("setting gitlab project %r webhook_endpoint to %s",
+ project_id, webhook_endpoint)
+ exists = False
+ for hook in gitlab.list_project_hooks(project_id):
+ if (hook['url'] == webhook_endpoint and
+ hook['push_events'] and
+ hook['enable_ssl_verification']):
+ logger.debug(
+ "webhook to %r already set correctly in project %r",
+ hook['url'], project_id)
+ exists = True
+ continue
+ logger.debug(
+ "deleting old webhook to %r in project %r",
+ hook['url'], project_id)
+ gitlab.delete_project_hook(project_id, hook['id'])
+ if not exists:
+ logger.debug(
+ "installing new webhook to %r in project %r",
+ webhook_endpoint, project_id)
+ gitlab.edit_project_hook(
+ project_id, webhook_endpoint, push_events=True,
+ enable_ssl_verification=True)
+def add_users_to_git_project(gitlab, formated_vf, project_id):
+ # add users to project
+ # hold array of all members added to project in order to exclude them in
+ # further queries.
+ el_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ user_added = None
+ engagement_team_list = []
+ for user in formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ engagement_team_list.append(user['uuid'])
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ engagement_stage = formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_stage']
+ if (engagement_stage == or
+ user['role']['name'] in (,
+ user_added = send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project(
+ user, project_id, gitlab)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "Failed: Engagement team user with uuid " + \
+ user['uuid'] + " was not added to project"
+ logger.error(err_msg)
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+ # In case a project has been created add all EL & Admins that not already
+ # part of the git project
+ el_admin_list = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(Q(role=el_role) | Q(
+ role=admin_role)).exclude(uuid__in=engagement_team_list).values()
+ for user in el_admin_list:
+ user_added = send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project(
+ user, project_id, gitlab)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "el/admin user with uuid " + \
+ user['uuid'] + " was not added to project " + project_id
+ logger.error(logEncoding(err_msg))
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+def ensure_git_entities(vf):
+ """Given a vf, ensure that its Gitlab group/project are
+ created, with webhook and users.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None),
+ or throw an exception.
+ """
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ # Target project name is of the form {ENG_MANUAL_ID}/{VF_NAME}
+ # Populate data to be entered/compared in gitlab
+ formated_vf = VFModelSerializerForSignal(vf).data
+ group_id = get_or_create_git_group(
+ vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id, gitlab)
+ project_id = get_or_create_git_project(vf, gitlab, group_id)
+ ensure_git_webhook(gitlab, project_id)
+ engagement_stage = formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_stage']
+ if (engagement_stage == or
+ engagement_stage ==
+ or engagement_stage ==
+ remove_all_standard_users_from_project(gitlab, project_id, formated_vf)
+ else:
+ add_users_to_git_project(gitlab, formated_vf, project_id)
+ logger.debug(
+ "ensure_git_entities: Successfully added all " +
+ "VF engagement team to project %s", project_id)
+def get_or_create_git_group(name, client):
+ """Return the id for Gitlab group 'name', creating it if
+ it does not exist."""
+ existing_group = client.search_group_by_name(name)
+ if existing_group:
+ logger.debug("Group %s exists...", name)
+ return existing_group['id']
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Group %s doesn't exists, creating it...", name)
+ result = client.create_group({'name': name, 'path': name})
+ logger.debug("create_group response: %r", result)
+ return result['id']
+def get_or_create_git_project(vf, gitlab, group_id):
+ """Return the id for Gitlab project, creating it if it does not exist."""
+ project = gitlab.search_project_in_group(, group_id)
+ if project:
+ logger.debug("Project %s exists...",
+ elif not vf.git_repo_url or vf.git_repo_url == '-1':
+ logger.debug("Project %s doesn't exists, creating it...",
+ """Given a vf object, create a git project for it and return its gitlab id.
+ A pre-existing project of the same group and name is an error.
+ """
+ project = gitlab.create_project(
+,' ', '_'),
+ namespace_id=group_id)
+ logger.debug(
+ "get_or_create_git_project: project created " +
+ "with id=%s", project['id'])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Couldn't find GitLab project " +
+ "but gitlab url exists. %s: %s" % (
+, vf.git_repo_url))
+ if vf.git_repo_url != project['ssh_url_to_repo']:
+ # Make sure repo url in DB is updated"
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf.uuid)
+ vf.git_repo_url = project['ssh_url_to_repo']
+ logger.debug(
+ "get_or_create_git_project: git_repo_url=%s, " +
+ "was updated", vf.git_repo_url)
+ return project['id']
+def get_project_by_vf(vf, gitlab):
+ project_id = "%s/%s" % (vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id,
+' ', '_'))
+ try:
+ return gitlab.get_project(project_id)
+ except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:
+ msg = "Couldn't find GitLab project %s: %s" % (
+ project_id, exc.response.content)
+ if exc.response.status_code == 404:
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project(user, project_id, gitlab):
+ logger.debug(
+ "send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project %r %r",
+ user['email'], project_id)
+ gitlab_user_id = None
+ existing_gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(user['email'])
+ if not existing_gitlab_user or 'id' not in existing_gitlab_user:
+ logger.debug(
+ "User with email %s doesn't exists in gitlab, " +
+ "trying to add him", user['email'])
+ created_gitlab_user = create_user_in_gitlab(user, gitlab)
+ logger.debug("Created user %s in gitlab", user['email'])
+ gitlab_user_id = created_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, created_gitlab_user)
+ logger.debug("Updated user %s ssh keys in gitlab", user['email'])
+ else:
+ gitlab_user_id = existing_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, existing_gitlab_user)
+ user_added = gitlab.add_user_to_project(gitlab_user_id, project_id)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "GitLab User with gitlab user uuid " + \
+ gitlab_user_id + " not added to git project " + project_id
+ logger.error(logEncoding(err_msg))
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+ return user_added
+def add_user_to_gitlab_and_to_project(user, project_id, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("add_user_to_gitlab_and_to_project %r %r",
+ user['email'], project_id)
+ gitlab_user_id = None
+ existing_gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(user['email'])
+ if not existing_gitlab_user or 'id' not in existing_gitlab_user:
+ logger.debug(
+ "User with email %s doesn't exists in gitlab, " +
+ "trying to add him", user['email'])
+ created_gitlab_user = create_user_in_gitlab(user, gitlab)
+ logger.debug("Created user %s in gitlab", user['email'])
+ gitlab_user_id = created_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, created_gitlab_user)
+ logger.debug("Updated user %s ssh keys in gitlab", user['email'])
+ else:
+ gitlab_user_id = existing_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, existing_gitlab_user)
+ user_added = gitlab.add_user_to_project(gitlab_user_id, project_id)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "GitLab User with gitlab user uuid " + \
+ gitlab_user_id + " not added to git project " + project_id
+ logger.error(logEncoding(err_msg))
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+ return user_added
+# Remove user from project, if their is not related to any project - delete
+# user from gitlab.
+def remove_all_standard_users_from_project(gitlab, project_id, formatted_vf):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return None
+ el_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ for user in formatted_vf['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ if user['role']['name'] in (,
+ continue
+ # call signal that checks how many eng teams is the user involved in
+ else:
+ existing_gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(user['email'])
+ remove_user_from_project(existing_gitlab_user, project_id, gitlab)
+ payload = {"email": user['email']}
+ logger.debug('sending test_finished with payload %s', payload)
+ num_of_eng_teams = Engagement.objects.filter(
+ engagement_team__email=user['email'],
+ if num_of_eng_teams == 0:
+ remove_user_from_gitlab(existing_gitlab_user, gitlab)
+ return None
+def create_user_in_gitlab(user, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("create_user_in_gitlab %s", user['email'])
+ user_dict = {
+ 'name': user['full_name'],
+ 'username': user['email'].replace('@', "_at_"),
+ 'password': str(uuid4()),
+ 'email': user['email'].lower(),
+ }
+ gitlab_user = gitlab.create_user(user_dict)
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, gitlab_user)
+ return gitlab_user
+def remove_user_from_gitlab(user, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("remove_user_from_gitlab %s", user['email'])
+ return gitlab.delete_user(user['id'])
+def remove_user_from_project(user, project_id, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("remove_user_from_project %s", user['email'])
+ return gitlab.remove_user_from_gitlab_project(project_id, user['id'])
+def update_user_ssh_keys(user_dict, gitlab, gitlab_user):
+ """Update Gitlab with the user's ssh key, and delete all others.
+ If the user has no ssh key, this will be reflected in Gitlab:
+ any ssh keys there will be deleted.
+ user_dict: dictionary of IceUserProfile model data, e.g.
+ from django.forms.models.model_to_dict()
+ gitlab: gitlab client object
+ gitlab_user: dictionary of gitlab user data
+ This function will either succeed (and return None), or throw an exception.
+ """
+ ssh_key = user_dict['ssh_public_key']
+ gitlab_user_id = gitlab_user['id']
+ logger.debug("update_user_ssh_keys for %s", user_dict['email'])
+ # remove all old ssh keys
+ for old_ssh_key in gitlab.list_ssh_keys_for_user(gitlab_user_id):
+ gitlab.remove_ssh_key_for_user(gitlab_user_id, old_ssh_key['id'])
+ if not ssh_key:
+ return None
+ try:
+ gitlab.add_ssh_key_for_user(
+ gitlab_user_id, 'ssh key added by system', ssh_key)
+ except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:
+ if exc.response.status_code == 400:
+ # This typically occurs when a user uploads a key in use
+ # by a different user. It is accepted by engagementmanager
+ # but rejected by Gitlab.
+ # FIXME: how do we, when running in a background thread,
+ # communicate this failure to the user?
+ logger.error(exc.response.content)
+ raise
+def ensure_rgwa_entities(vf):
+ """Given a vf, ensure that its RGWA BUCKET are
+ created.
+ """
+ formated_vf = VFModelSerializerForSignal(vf).data
+ engagement_stage = formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_stage']
+ if engagement_stage ==
+ bucket_name = vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id+"_"
+ bucket = get_or_create_bucket(bucket_name)
+ add_bucket_users(bucket, vf)
+ elif engagement_stage == or\
+ engagement_stage == or\
+ engagement_stage ==
+ bucket = get_or_create_bucket(vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ remove_bucket_users_grants(bucket, vf)
+def create_user_rgwa(user):
+ if settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ logger.debug("Engagement Manager has signaled that a user has " +
+ "created an rgwa")
+ rgwa = RGWAClientFactory.admin()
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.get_user(user.full_name)
+ if rgwa_user is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ user.full_name + "User does not exist, a new one is created!")
+ try:
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.create_user(
+ uid=user.full_name, display_name='User "%s"' % user.full_name)
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user.uuid)
+ access_key = rgwa_user['keys'][0]['access_key']
+ secret_key = CryptographyText.encrypt(
+ rgwa_user['keys'][0]['secret_key'])
+ user.rgwa_access_key = access_key
+ user.rgwa_secret_key = secret_key
+ logger.debug(
+ "Successfuly created user in the rgwa in " +
+ "create_user_rgwa signal" +
+ str(rgwa_user))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ err_msg = "coudln't get rgwa user %s " % user.full_name
+ raise ValueError(err_msg)
+ else:
+ rgwa_user = RGWAKeysService().mock_create_user(
+ uid=user.full_name, display_name='User "%s"' % user.full_name)
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user.uuid)
+ user.rgwa_access_key = rgwa_user['access_key']
+ user.rgwa_secret_key = CryptographyText.encrypt(rgwa_user['secret_key'])
+def validate_rgwa_user(full_name, uuid):
+ rgwa = RGWAClientFactory.admin()
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.get_user(full_name)
+ if rgwa_user is None:
+ create_user_rgwa(IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=uuid))
+def add_bucket_users(bucket, vf):
+ for user in vf.engagement.engagement_team.all():
+ add_bucket_user(user, bucket)
+def add_bucket_user(user, bucket):
+ try:
+ validate_rgwa_user(user.full_name, user.uuid)
+ bucket_acl = bucket.get_acl()
+ grants = set((, grant.permission)
+ for grant in bucket_acl.acl.grants)
+ for permission in [RGWApermission.READ, RGWApermission.WRITE]:
+ if (user.full_name, permission) in grants:
+ continue
+ bucket_acl.acl.add_user_grant(permission, user.full_name)
+ bucket.set_acl(bucket_acl)
+ except Exception as e:
+ err_msg = "Failed: Engagement team user with uuid " + \
+ user.uuid + " was not added to bucket"
+ logger.error(err_msg)
+ raise e
+def get_or_create_bucket(name):
+ """Return the Bucket, creating it if
+ it does not exist."""
+ boto_conn = RGWAClientFactory.standard()
+ try:
+ bucket = boto_conn.lookup(name)
+ if bucket is None:
+ bucket = boto_conn.create_bucket(name)
+ return bucket
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Problem get or create Rados GW bucket", e)
+ raise e
+def remove_bucket_users_grants(bucket, vf):
+ for user in vf.engagement.engagement_team.all():
+ remove_bucket_user_grants(bucket, user)
+def remove_bucket_user_grants(bucket, user):
+ bucket_acl = bucket.get_acl()
+ bucket_acl.acl.grants = [
+ grant for grant in bucket_acl.acl.grants if not == user.full_name]
+ bucket.set_acl(bucket_acl)
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/git/ b/django/validationmanager/git/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/git/ b/django/validationmanager/git/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..66d4177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import requests
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class GitlabClient(object):
+ """
+ Class for performing various operations with gitlab
+ like create project using Gitlab API.
+ Gitlab API docs can be referred at:-
+ """
+ BASE_CTX = "/api/v3/"
+ PROJECT_TO_GROUP_SUFFIX = BASE_CTX + "groups/:id/projects/:project_id"
+ KEYS_SUFFIX = BASE_CTX + "user/keys"
+ EMAILS_SUFFIX = BASE_CTX + "user/emails"
+ # TODO
+# url should be in wsetting.xml as gitlab_url
+ def __init__(self, url, private_token):
+ self.url = url
+ self.groups_url = "%s%s" % (url, self.GROUPS_SUFFIX)
+ self.projects_url = "%s%s" % (url, self.PROJECTS_SUFFIX)
+ self.projects_to_group_url = "%s%s" % (
+ self.users_url = "%s%s" % (url, self.USERS_SUFFIX)
+ self.keys_url = "%s%s" % (url, self.KEYS_SUFFIX)
+ self.emails_url = "%s%s" % (url, self.EMAILS_SUFFIX)
+ self.headers = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN': private_token}
+ def create_group(self, params_dict):
+ """
+ Function creates a new group with specified parameters
+ params_dict is a dict containing properties of group,
+ """
+ # assert that params_dict is a dict
+ assert(isinstance(params_dict, dict))
+ # assert that params_dict contains the value for cumpulsory field name
+ # name field is used for assigning name to the project to be created
+ assert('name' in params_dict)
+ assert('path' in params_dict)
+ created_group = False
+ resp =
+ self.groups_url, data=params_dict, headers=self.headers)
+ if not resp.json():
+ logger.debug("couldnt create_group. response : %s", resp.content)
+ else:
+ created_group = resp.json()
+# logger.debug("create_group response : %s", resp.content)
+ return created_group
+ def create_project(self, name, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Function creates a new project with specified parameters. The following parameters are
+ understood:
+ name: The name of the new project
+ path: Custom repository name for new project. default: based on name
+ namespace_id: Namespace for the new project. default: current user's namespace
+ description
+ issues_enabled
+ merge_requests_enabled
+ builds_enabled
+ wiki_enabled
+ snippets_enabled
+ container_registry_enabled
+ shared_runners_enabled
+ public
+ visibility_level
+ import_url
+ public_builds
+ only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds
+ only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved
+ lfs_enabled
+ request_access_enabled
+ """
+ # filter kwargs to known parameters and non-optional args
+ parameters = dict({k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k in [
+ 'path', 'namespace_id', 'description', 'issues_enabled', 'merge_requests_enabled',
+ 'builds_enabled', 'wiki_enabled', 'snippets_enabled', 'container_registry_enabled',
+ 'shared_runners_enabled', 'public', 'visibility_level', 'import_url',
+ 'public_builds', 'only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds',
+ 'only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved', 'lfs_enabled',
+ 'request_access_enabled',
+ ]},
+ name=name,
+ )
+ r =
+ self.projects_url, json=parameters, headers=self.headers)
+ logger.debug("create_project. response : %s", r.json())
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ return r.json()
+ def transfer_project_to_group(self, params_dict):
+ """
+ Function creates a new project with specified parameters
+ params_dict is a dict containing properties of project like name,
+ description, issues_enabled, public, wiki_enabled etc
+ """
+ # assert that params_dict is a dict
+ assert(isinstance(params_dict, dict))
+ # assert that params_dict contains the value for cumpulsory field name
+ # name field is used for assigning name to the project to be created
+ assert('name' in params_dict)
+ resp =
+ self.projects_to_group_url, json=params_dict, headers=self.headers)
+ logger.debug("transfer_project_to_group. response : %s", resp.content)
+ return resp
+ def remove_project(self, proj_id):
+ """
+ Function removes a project from gitlab server with given project id
+ """
+ url = "%s/%d" % (self.projects_url, int(proj_id))
+ return requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def search_group_by_name(self, group_name):
+ assert(group_name)
+ group_found = None
+ url = "%s/%s" % (self.groups_url, group_name)
+ resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ logger.debug("search_group response : %s", resp.content)
+ if resp.status_code == 404 or not resp.json():
+"didnt find gitlab group : %s", resp.content)
+ else:
+ decoded_response = resp.json()
+ if group_name == decoded_response['name']:
+ group_found = decoded_response
+ return group_found
+ def search_project_in_group(self, project_name, group_id):
+ assert(project_name)
+ assert(group_id)
+ url = "%s/search/%s" % (self.projects_url, project_name)
+ resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ project_found = False
+ if not resp.json():
+"didnt find project: %s", logEncoding(resp.content))
+ else:
+ for project in resp.json():
+ if (project_name == project['name'] and group_id == project['namespace']['id']):
+ project_found = project
+ break
+ return project_found
+ def get_user_by_email(self, email):
+ assert(email)
+ user_found = False
+ username = email.replace('@', "_at_")
+ email = email.lower()
+ url = "%s?username=%s" % (self.users_url, str(username))
+ resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ # logger.debug("get_user_by_email response: %s" % resp.content+". Response code: %s" % resp.status_code)
+ if not resp.json():
+"didnt find user: %s", logEncoding(resp.content))
+ else:
+ for user in resp.json():
+ if email == user['email']:
+ user_found = user
+ break
+ return user_found
+ def add_user_to_project(self, gitlab_user_id, project_id):
+ assert(gitlab_user_id)
+ assert(project_id)
+ params_dict = dict()
+ params_dict['id'] = project_id
+ params_dict['user_id'] = gitlab_user_id
+ params_dict['access_level'] = self.USER_PROJECT_PERMISSION_LEVEL
+ url = "%s/%s/members" % (self.projects_url, int(project_id))
+ resp =, json=params_dict, headers=self.headers)
+ user_added = False
+ if not resp.json():
+ logger.error(
+ "couldn't add user to project: %s", logEncoding(resp.content))
+ else:
+ user_added = resp.json()
+ return user_added
+ def add_user_to_group(self, gitlab_user_id, group_id):
+ assert(gitlab_user_id)
+ assert(group_id)
+ params_dict = dict()
+ params_dict['id'] = group_id
+ params_dict['user_id'] = gitlab_user_id
+ params_dict['access_level'] = 50
+ url = "%s/%s/members" % (self.groups_url, int(group_id))
+ resp =, json=params_dict, headers=self.headers)
+ user_added = False
+ if not resp.json():
+ logger.error(
+ "couldnt add user to group: %s", logEncoding(resp.content))
+ else:
+ user_added = resp.json()
+ return user_added
+ def create_user(self, params_dict):
+ """
+ Function creates a new user on gitlab server,
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ username, password and email must be specicifed in params_dict
+ """
+ # assert that params_dict is a dict
+ assert(isinstance(params_dict, dict))
+ # assert that params_dict contains the value for cumpulsory fields:-
+ # name, password and email.
+ assert('name' in params_dict)
+ assert('username' in params_dict)
+ assert('password' in params_dict)
+ assert('email' in params_dict)
+ user_created = False
+ resp =
+ self.users_url, json=params_dict, headers=self.headers)
+ if not resp.json():
+ logger.error("couldnt create_user : %s", logEncoding(resp.content))
+ else:
+ user_created = resp.json()
+# logger.debug("create_user response: %s" % resp.content + ", Response code: %s" % resp.status_code)
+ return user_created
+ def current_user(self):
+ """
+ Function gets information for currently authenticated user
+ """
+ url = "%s/api/v3/user" % self.url
+ return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def delete_user(self, uid):
+ """
+ Function deletes a user from gitlab server with a given user id
+ """
+ url = "%s/%d" % (self.users_url, int(uid))
+ return requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def remove_user_from_gitlab_project(self, project_id, uid):
+ """
+ Function removes a user from a gitlab project, using a given user id
+ """
+ url = self.projects_url + '/' + str(project_id) + '/members/' + str(int(uid))
+ return requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def list_users(self):
+ """
+ Function get list of all the gitlab user.
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ return requests.get(self.users_url, headers=self.headers)
+ def list_usernames(self):
+ """
+ Function get list of all the gitlab usernames.
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ resp = requests.get(self.users_url, headers=self.headers)
+# logger.debug("list_usernames Response: "+resp.content)
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ return [u["username"] for u in resp.json()]
+ return []
+ def list_projects(self):
+ """
+ Function get list of all the projects
+ """
+ resp = requests.get(self.projects_url, headers=self.headers)
+# logger.debug("list_projects response: "+resp.content)
+ return resp
+ def list_ssh_keys_for_user(self, gitlab_user_id):
+ """
+ Function lists ssh keys for given user id
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ url = "%s/%s/keys" % (self.users_url, int(gitlab_user_id))
+ r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ return r.json()
+ def add_ssh_key(self, title, key):
+ """
+ Function adds SSH key to gitlab user account
+ Needs a title for the SSH key and the SSH key
+ """
+ # composing params dict for POST
+ data = {"title": title, "key": key}
+ r =, json=data, headers=self.headers)
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ return r.json()
+ def add_ssh_key_for_user(self, id, title, key):
+ """
+ Function adds SSH key to gitlab user account
+ Needs a user id, title for the SSH key and the SSH key
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ # composing params dict for POST
+ data = {"id": id, "title": title, "key": key}
+ # composing url for adding key for given user id
+ url = "%s/api/v3/users/%d/keys" % (self.url, int(id))
+ r =, json=data, headers=self.headers)
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ return r.json()
+ def remove_ssh_key(self, id):
+ """
+ Function remove a SSH key for an authenticated user with given id
+ """
+ url = "%s/%d" % (self.keys_url, int(id))
+ return requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def remove_ssh_key_for_user(self, uid, kid):
+ """
+ Function remove a SSH key for an given user id and with given key id
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ url = "%s/%d/keys/%d" % (self.users_url, int(uid), int(kid))
+ return requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def list_ssh_keys(self):
+ """
+ Function list SSH keys of an authenticated user on gitlab server
+ """
+ return requests.get(self.keys_url, headers=self.headers)
+ def create_project_for_user(self, id, proj_name):
+ """
+ Function creates a new project owned by the specified user.
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ url = "%s/user/%d" % (self.projects_url, int(id))
+ # composing params dict for POST
+ data = {"user_id": id, "name": proj_name}
+ return, json=data, headers=self.headers)
+ def add_email(self, email):
+ """
+ Function adds given email to given user id
+ """
+ url = "%s/api/v3/user/emails" % self.url
+ # composing params dict for POST
+ data = {"email": email}
+ return, json=data, headers=self.headers)
+ def add_email_for_user(self, id, email):
+ """
+ Function adds given email to given user id
+ ** This operation needs admin rights for this **
+ """
+ url = "%s/api/v3/users/%d/emails" % (self.url, int(id))
+ # composing params dict for POST
+ data = {"id": id, "email": email}
+ return, json=data, headers=self.headers)
+ def list_emails(self):
+ """
+ Function lists emails for current authenticated user
+ """
+ return requests.get(self.emails_url, headers=self.headers)
+ def list_emails_for_user(self, id):
+ """
+ Function lists emails for current authenticated user
+ """
+ url = "%s/api/v3/users/%d/emails" % (self.url, int(id))
+ return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+ def get_repository_files(self, project_id):
+ """
+ Function retrieves all files for a given repository by project id (In ICE projectId is 1:1 with repo_id)
+ GET /projects/:id/repository/tree
+ Doc:
+ """
+# endpoint = self.url+self.BASE_CTX+"projects/"+str(project_id)+"/repository/tree"
+ endpoint = "%s%sprojects/%s/repository/tree" % (
+ self.url, self.BASE_CTX, str(project_id))
+ logger.debug("get_repository_files endpoint=" + endpoint)
+ resp = requests.get(endpoint, headers=self.headers)
+ if resp.status_code == 404 and resp.json()['message'] == '404 Tree Not Found':
+ # When no initial commit has been created and there are no files in the repo, the
+ # response is not an empty list but "404 Tree Not Found." Intercept this and return
+ # empty list instead.
+"get_repository_files: Looks like there are no associated file to project %s. Response : %s, status = %s", logEncoding(
+ project_id), logEncoding(resp.content), 404)
+ return []
+ return resp.json()
+ def get_project(self, project_id):
+ """
+ project_id: The ID of the project or NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME
+ """
+ project_id = requests.utils.quote(str(project_id), safe='')
+ endpoint = "%s/api/v3/projects/%s" % (self.url, project_id)
+ r = requests.get(endpoint, headers=self.headers)
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ return r.json()
+ def list_project_hooks(self, project_id):
+ """
+ project_id: The ID of the project or NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME
+ """
+ project_id = requests.utils.quote(str(project_id), safe='')
+ endpoint = "%s/api/v3/projects/%s/hooks" % (self.url, project_id)
+ return requests.get(endpoint, headers=self.headers).json()
+ def edit_project_hook(self, project_id, url, hook_id=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ project_id: The ID of the project or NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME
+ url: the hook URL
+ hook_id: the ID of the project hook, or None to create new
+ The following boolean kwargs describe when to trigger the hook:
+ push_events
+ issues_events
+ merge_requests_events
+ tag_push_events
+ note_events
+ build_events
+ pipeline_events
+ wiki_events
+ To do SSL verification when triggering the hook:
+ enable_ssl_verification
+ Secret token:
+ token
+ """
+ parameters = dict({k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k in [
+ 'push_events', 'issues_events', 'merge_requests_events', 'tag_push_events',
+ 'note_events', 'build_events', 'pipeline_events', 'wiki_events',
+ 'enable_ssl_verification', 'token']},
+ id=project_id,
+ url=url,
+ )
+ if hook_id is None:
+ # New hook
+ endpoint = "%s/api/v3/projects/%s/hooks" % (self.url, project_id)
+ return, json=parameters, headers=self.headers)
+ else:
+ # Update existing hook
+ parameters['hook_id'] = hook_id
+ endpoint = "%s/api/v3/projects/%s/hooks/%s" % (
+ self.url, project_id, hook_id)
+ return requests.put(endpoint, json=parameters, headers=self.headers)
+ def delete_project_hook(self, project_id, hook_id):
+ endpoint = "%s/api/v3/projects/%s/hooks/%s" % (
+ self.url, project_id, hook_id)
+ return requests.delete(endpoint, headers=self.headers)
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/jenkins/ b/django/validationmanager/jenkins/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1726c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/jenkins/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/jenkins/ b/django/validationmanager/jenkins/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8d383e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/jenkins/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import jenkins
+class JenkinsClient(object):
+ """
+ Class for performing various operations with jenkins
+ like create jobs, web hooks, builds schedules etc.
+ References:-
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ """
+ def __init__(self, url, username, password):
+ # TODO: use Jenkins API Token instead of password
+ #
+ self.url = url
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.server = jenkins.Jenkins(
+ self.url, username=self.username, password=self.password)
+ def get_version(self):
+ """
+ Function returns the Jenkins server version.
+ """
+ return self.server.get_version()
+ def get_jobs(self):
+ """
+ Function returns all the jobs of Jenkins server.
+ """
+ return self.server.get_jobs()
+ def get_jobs_names(self):
+ """
+ Function returns names of all the jobs on jenkins server
+ """
+ return [job["name"] for job in self.server.get_jobs()]
+ def get_job_info(self, name, depth=0):
+ """
+ Function returns a python dictionary containing job info
+ depth params is used for getting more details for information
+ """
+ return self.server.get_job_info(name, depth)
+ def debug_job_info(self, job_name):
+ """
+ Function prints job info for give njob name
+ """
+ return self.server.debug_job_info(job_name)
+ def get_queue_info(self):
+ """
+ Function returns a python list of job dictionaries
+ """
+ return self.server.get_queue_info()
+ def get_all_jobs(self, folder_depth=None):
+ """
+ Function gets a list of all jobs recursively to the given folder depth.
+ Each job is a dictionary with name, url, color and fullname keys.
+ Parameter folder_depth is the number of levels to search, int.
+ By default None, which will search all levels. 0 limits to toplevel.
+ """
+ return self.server.get_all_jobs(folder_depth)
+ def is_job_disabled(self, name):
+ """
+ Function returns True if a job is disabled,
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ # FIXME dont check job color field !!!
+ return self.get_job_info(name)["color"] == "disabled"
+ def jobs_count(self):
+ """
+ Function returns the count of jobs on jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.jobs_count()
+ def job_exists(self, name):
+ """
+ Function returns:
+ True if a job exists on jenkins server,
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ return self.server.job_exists(name)
+ def create_empty_job(self, name):
+ """
+ Function creates a job on jenkins server with empty config
+ """
+ return self.server.create_job(name, jenkins.EMPTY_CONFIG_XML)
+ def create_job(self, name, config_xml):
+ """
+ Function creates a job on jenkins server with given config xml
+ config_xml is the python string containing config's xml
+ Always returns None.
+ """
+ return self.server.create_job(name, config_xml)
+ def create_empty_view(self, name):
+ """
+ Function creates a view on jenkins server with empty config
+ """
+ return self.server.create_view(name, jenkins.EMPTY_VIEW_CONFIG_XML)
+ def delete_view(self, name):
+ """
+ Function deletes a view from jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.delete_view(name)
+ def enable_job(self, name):
+ """
+ Function enables a job of given name on jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.enable_job(name)
+ def disable_job(self, name):
+ """
+ function disables a job of given name on jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.disable_job(name)
+ def build_job(self, name, parameters=None):
+ """
+ function builds a job of given name on jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.build_job(name, parameters)
+ def get_running_builds(self):
+ """
+ function get list of all running builds on jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.get_running_builds()
+ def rename_job(self, from_name, to_name):
+ """
+ Function renames an existing Jenkins job
+ """
+ if from_name == to_name:
+ raise Exception("to name cant be same as from")
+ return self.server.rename_job(from_name, to_name)
+ def get_last_build_info(self, name):
+ """
+ Function gets last build info of a job for given name
+ """
+ last = self.server.get_job_info(name)['lastCompletedBuild']['number']
+ return self.server.get_job_info(name, last)
+ def delete_job(self, name):
+ """
+ Function delete a job of given name on jenkins server
+ """
+ return self.server.delete_job(name)
+ def get_plugins(self, depth=2):
+ """
+ Function retrieves information about all the installed plugins
+ """
+ return self.server.get_plugins(depth)
+ def get_plugin_info(self, name, depth=2):
+ """
+ Function retrieves information about a plugin with given name
+ depth params is used for getting more details for information
+ """
+ return self.server.get_plugin_info(name, depth)
+ def get_plugin_names(self):
+ """
+ Function returns a python list containig names of
+ all installed plugins on jenkins server
+ """
+ return [n for _, n in self.server.get_plugins().keys()]
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/migrations/ b/django/validationmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4cb1430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.7 on 2016-10-10 08:49
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import uuid
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ initial = True
+ dependencies = [
+ ('engagementmanager', '0007_auto_20160922_0421'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ActiveJob',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('url', models.URLField(
+ help_text=b' The jenkins job URL, which should uniquely identify one\n execution of the TestEngine.')),
+ ('checklist', models.ForeignKey(help_text=b' The checklist associated with this job.',
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='engagementmanager.Checklist')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vm_active_job',
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name='ValidationTest',
+ fields=[
+ ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+ ('name', models.CharField(max_length=128)),
+ ('line_items', models.ManyToManyField(
+ to='engagementmanager.ChecklistLineItem', verbose_name=b'Satisfies Line Items')),
+ ],
+ options={
+ 'db_table': 'ice_vm_validation_test',
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/migrations/ b/django/validationmanager/migrations/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..653f5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.9.10 on 2016-10-19 20:56
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('validationmanager', '0001_initial'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name='activejob',
+ name='checklist',
+ ),
+ migrations.DeleteModel(
+ name='ActiveJob',
+ ),
+ ]
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bcc716a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/validationmanager/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
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+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-04-23 05:31
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ('validationmanager', '0002_auto_20161019_2056'),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name='validationtest',
+ name='line_items',
+ field=models.ManyToManyField(to='engagementmanager.ChecklistLineItem', verbose_name='Satisfies Line Items'),
+ ),
+ ]
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
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+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
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+# limitations under the License.
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+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+++ b/django/validationmanager/
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
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+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import uuid
+from django.db import models
+from engagementmanager.models import ChecklistLineItem
+class ValidationTest(models.Model):
+ """Each unique "validation test" that the TestEngine runs may
+ satisfy a small part of several different ChecklistLineItems. This
+ model exists to capture that mapping.
+ We rely on the TestEngine output to state the validation test name
+ as the first word in the TAP description.
+ """
+ uuid = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
+ line_items = models.ManyToManyField(ChecklistLineItem,
+ verbose_name="Satisfies Line Items")
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ class Meta:
+ db_table = "ice_vm_validation_test"
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
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+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
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+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
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+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
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+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""A Ceph Rados Gateway Admin Operations API client."""
+# Design goals:
+# - Minimal abstractions over the raw Requests calls
+# - Python method signatures enforce optional/required API parameters
+# - DRY by procedurally mapping kwargs to API parameters
+# - (TODO) procedurally generate this library directly from Ceph docs
+import os
+from awsauth import S3Auth
+from requests import request
+def _validate_args(valid_args, **kwargs):
+ """Validate kwargs conforms to a specification of allowable values.
+ Ensures that any keyword arguments either:
+ - are unconstrained by valid_args, or
+ - have a value of None, or
+ - have a value that matches one of the corresponding specified values.
+ This is useful for limiting several common keyword arguments to a set of
+ values across many methods, while ignoring those set to None. (Typically,
+ these are optional and were unspecified by the caller.)
+ This is a validator function: it either returns None on success, or raises
+ an exception on failure.
+ """
+ for keyword, value in kwargs.items():
+ if keyword not in valid_args:
+ continue
+ if value is None:
+ continue
+ if value in valid_args[keyword]:
+ continue
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid parameter {:s}={!r}; must be one of: {!r}".format(
+ keyword, value, valid_args[keyword]))
+class RGWAClient(object):
+ """A client for the Ceph Rados Gateway Admin Operations API.
+ This class is implemented as a simplistic/mechanical wrapper around the
+ Python Requests library. Calling its methods triggers HTTP(S) calls to the
+ specified API endpoint, and the responses are decoded from JSON to Python
+ objects before being returned.
+ The methods available on this object should mirror the endpoints of the API
+ closely enough that its documentation may be used as a reference:
+ """
+ valid_args = {
+ 'quota_type': ['user', 'bucket'],
+ 'key_type': ['s3', 'swift'],
+ },
+ def __init__(self, base_url, access_key=None, secret_key=None, verify='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',
+ return_raw_response=False):
+ """
+ base_url (string):
+ The full URL to your admin entry point. Should include the protocol
+ ("http://" or "https://"), and optionally the port as well. The
+ URL-path to the admin entry point is configurable using "rgw admin
+ entry" in your Ceph configuration. Example:
+ ""
+ access_key (string): Your AWS Access Key ID
+ secret_key (string): Your AWS Secret Access Key
+ If either of access_key or secret_key are omitted, this class will
+ attempt to look the values in the environment variables
+ verify (boolean):
+ Set to False to disable SSL Certificate verification, or optionally
+ set to the path to a CA Certificate bundle. This is passed directly
+ to the underlying call to the requests library; see:
+ return_raw_response (boolean):
+ All of the methods of this class return, upon success, the objects
+ resulting from parsing the JSON data returned by the API. On error,
+ they raise an exception. This is meant for caller convenience, but
+ may be undesirable in some situations because callers have no
+ access to the additional data and methods available in the raw
+ Response object.
+ from ice_rgwa_client import (
+ RGWAClient, HTTPError)
+ # ...
+ rgw = RGWAClient(
+ access_key='...',
+ secret_key='...',
+ base_url='...',
+ )
+ # ...
+ try:
+ user = rgw.get_user('nonexistent')
+ except HTTPError as exc:
+ if exc.response.status_code == 404:
+ print("No such user")
+ continue
+ else:
+ print("Problem loading user")
+ raise
+ If return_raw_response is set to True, the methods will instead
+ return the raw Response object from the Requests library, and it
+ will be up to the caller to check the error status as needed.
+ See
+ from ice_rgwa_client import RGWAClient
+ # ...
+ rgw = RGWAClient(
+ access_key='...',
+ secret_key='...',
+ base_url='...',
+ return_raw_response=True,
+ )
+ # ...
+ response = rgw.get_user('nonexistent')
+ if response.status_code == 404:
+ print("No such user")
+ elif response.status_code != 200:
+ print("Problem loading user")
+ else:
+ user = response.json()
+ """
+ if not access_key:
+ access_key = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')
+ if not secret_key:
+ secret_key = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')
+ self.base_url = base_url
+ self.verify = verify
+ self.auth = S3Auth(access_key, secret_key, service_url=base_url)
+ self.return_raw_response = return_raw_response
+ def _request(self, method, endpoint, action=None, data=None, **kwargs):
+ """Helper method to factor out actions common to Ceph Rados Gateway
+ Admin requests.
+ "data" is a dictionary that, if provided, will be JSON-encoded and
+ submitted in the body of the request.
+ Other keyword arguments will be encoded and used as URL parameters.
+ "_" in kwargs will be converted to "-" in URL parameter keys.
+ """
+ # We can validate some arguments before the round trip to the server
+ _validate_args(self.valid_args, **kwargs)
+ # We never want to pass literal None to the API, so we can use None to
+ # indicate "do not use this k/v pair at all." Using this, optional
+ # parameters still appear in the function signature but will be omitted
+ # from the request when unspecified.
+ params = {
+ k.replace('_', '-'): v
+ for k, v in kwargs.items()
+ if v is not None}
+ # Same for body data but without _/- conversion...
+ data = {} if data is None else {
+ k: v
+ for k, v in data.items()
+ if v is not None}
+ # The Ceph Object Gateway Admin Operations API specifies, for some
+ # operations, a key-only URL parameter (that we call "action") with no
+ # associated value. For simplicity, we violate the spec slightly by
+ # assigning it a value of "". It seems to work.
+ if action:
+ params[action] = ''
+ # JSON output is the default, so there's no need to specify format=json
+ # parameter despite all the examples in the docs making it explicit.
+ url = '%s/%s' % (self.base_url, endpoint)
+ response = request(
+ method=method,
+ url=url,
+ params=params,
+ json=data,
+ auth=self.auth,
+ verify=self.verify,
+ )
+ if self.return_raw_response:
+ return response
+ else:
+ if response.status_code == 404:
+ return None
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ try:
+ return response.json()
+ except ValueError:
+ # At this point we have a successful 200 status but a problem
+ # decoding the json. Some responses are empty:
+ if not response.content:
+ return {}
+ raise
+ #
+ # These methods appear in the same order as the corresponding endpoints in
+ # the documentation. The docstrings are copied verbatim from that
+ # documentation. See:
+ #
+ #
+ def get_usage(self, uid=None, start=None, end=None, show_entries=False, show_summary=False):
+ """Request bandwidth usage information.
+ Note: this feature is disabled by default, can be enabled by setting
+ 'rgw enable usage log = true' in the appropriate section of ceph.conf.
+ For changes in ceph.conf to take effect, radosgw process restart is
+ needed.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'get', 'usage',
+ uid=uid,
+ start=start,
+ end=end,
+ show_entries=show_entries,
+ show_summary=show_summary,
+ )
+ def trim_usage(self, uid=None, start=None, end=None, remove_all=False):
+ """Remove usage information.
+ With no dates specified, removes all usage information.
+ Note: this feature is disabled by default, can be enabled by setting
+ 'rgw enable usage log = true' in the appropriate section of ceph.conf.
+ For changes in ceph.conf to take effect, radosgw process restart is
+ needed.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'usage',
+ uid=uid,
+ start=start,
+ end=end,
+ remove_all=remove_all,
+ )
+ def get_user(self, uid):
+ """Get user information."""
+ return self._request('get', 'user', uid=uid)
+ def create_user(self, uid, display_name, email=None, key_type='s3',
+ access_key=None, secret_key=None, user_caps=None,
+ generate_key=True, max_buckets=None, suspended=False):
+ """Create a new user.
+ By default, a S3 key pair will be created automatically and returned in
+ the response. If only one of access_key or secret_key is provided, the
+ omitted key will be automatically generated. By default, a generated
+ key is added to the keyring without replacing an existing key pair. If
+ access_key is specified and refers to an existing key owned by the user
+ then it will be modified.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'put', 'user',
+ uid=uid,
+ display_name=display_name,
+ email=email,
+ key_type=key_type,
+ access_key=access_key,
+ secret_key=secret_key,
+ user_caps=user_caps,
+ generate_key=generate_key,
+ max_buckets=max_buckets,
+ suspended=suspended,
+ )
+ def modify_user(self, uid, display_name=None, email=None, key_type='s3',
+ access_key=None, secret_key=None, user_caps=None,
+ generate_key=True, max_buckets=None, suspended=False):
+ """Modify a user."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'post', 'user',
+ uid=uid,
+ display_name=display_name,
+ email=email,
+ key_type=key_type,
+ access_key=access_key,
+ secret_key=secret_key,
+ user_caps=user_caps,
+ generate_key=generate_key,
+ max_buckets=max_buckets,
+ suspended=suspended,
+ )
+ def remove_user(self, uid, purge_data=False):
+ """Remove an existing user."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'user',
+ uid=uid,
+ purge_data=purge_data,
+ )
+ def create_subuser(self, uid, subuser=None, secret_key=None, access_key=None,
+ key_type=None, access=None, generate_secret=False):
+ """Create a new subuser.
+ (Primarily useful for clients using the Swift API). Note that in
+ general for a subuser to be useful, it must be granted permissions by
+ specifying access. As with user creation if subuser is specified
+ without secret, then a secret key will be automatically generated.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'put', 'user', 'subuser',
+ uid=uid,
+ subuser=subuser,
+ secret_key=secret_key,
+ access_key=access_key,
+ key_type=key_type,
+ access=access,
+ generate_secret=generate_secret,
+ )
+ def modify_subuser(self, uid, subuser, secret=None, key_type='swift', access=None,
+ generate_secret=False):
+ """Modify an existing subuser."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'post', 'user', 'subuser',
+ uid=uid,
+ subuser=subuser,
+ secret=secret,
+ key_type=key_type,
+ access=access,
+ generate_secret=generate_secret,
+ )
+ def remove_subuser(self, uid, subuser, purge_keys=True):
+ """Remove an existing subuser."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'user', 'subuser',
+ uid=uid,
+ subuser=subuser,
+ purge_keys=purge_keys,
+ )
+ def create_key(self, uid, subuser=None, key_type='s3', access_key=None,
+ secret_key=None, generate_key=True):
+ """Create a new key.
+ If a subuser is specified then by default created keys will be swift
+ type. If only one of access_key or secret_key is provided the committed
+ key will be automatically generated, that is if only secret_key is
+ specified then access_key will be automatically generated. By default,
+ a generated key is added to the keyring without replacing an existing
+ key pair. If access_key is specified and refers to an existing key
+ owned by the user then it will be modified. The response is a container
+ listing all keys of the same type as the key created. Note that when
+ creating a swift key, specifying the option access_key will have no
+ effect. Additionally, only one swift key may be held by each user or
+ subuser.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'put', 'user', 'key',
+ uid=uid,
+ subuser=subuser,
+ key_type=key_type,
+ access_key=access_key,
+ secret_key=secret_key,
+ generate_key=generate_key,
+ )
+ def remove_key(self, access_key, key_type=None, uid=None, subuser=None):
+ """Remove an existing key."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'user', 'key',
+ access_key=access_key,
+ key_type=key_type,
+ uid=uid,
+ subuser=subuser,
+ )
+ def get_bucket(self, bucket=None, uid=None, stats=False):
+ """Get information about a subset of the existing buckets.
+ If uid is specified without bucket then all buckets beloning to the
+ user will be returned. If bucket alone is specified, information for
+ that particular bucket will be retrieved.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'get', 'bucket',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ uid=uid,
+ stats=stats,
+ )
+ def check_bucket_index(self, bucket, check_objects=False, fix=False):
+ """Check the index of an existing bucket.
+ NOTE: to check multipart object accounting with check-objects, fix must
+ be set to True.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'get', 'bucket', 'index',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ check_objects=check_objects,
+ fix=fix,
+ )
+ def remove_bucket(self, bucket, purge_objects=False):
+ """Delete an existing bucket."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'bucket',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ purge_objects=purge_objects,
+ )
+ def unlink_bucket(self, bucket, uid):
+ """Unlink a bucket from a specified user.
+ Primarily useful for changing bucket ownership.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'post', 'bucket',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ uid=uid,
+ )
+ def link_bucket(self, bucket, bucket_id, uid):
+ """Link a bucket to a specified user, unlinking the bucket from any
+ previous user.
+ """
+ # Both bucket and bucket_id are really required. Use get_bucket() to
+ # discover the id of a bucket from its name.
+ #
+ # FIXME: add a convenience method to look up the id?
+ return self._request(
+ 'put', 'bucket',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ bucket_id=bucket_id,
+ uid=uid,
+ )
+ def remove_object(self, bucket, object_name):
+ """Remove an existing object.
+ NOTE: Does not require owner to be non-suspended.
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'bucket', 'object',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ object_name=object_name,
+ )
+ def get_policy(self, bucket, object_name=None):
+ """Read the policy of an object or bucket."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'get', 'bucket', 'policy',
+ bucket=bucket,
+ object_name=object_name,
+ )
+ def add_capability(self, uid, user_caps):
+ """Add an administrative capability to a specified user.
+ uid (string):
+ The user ID to add an administrative capability to.
+ user_caps (string):
+ The administrative capability to add to the user. Example:
+ "usage=read,write;user=write"
+ """
+ return self._request(
+ 'put', 'user', 'caps',
+ uid=uid,
+ user_caps=user_caps,
+ )
+ def remove_capability(self, uid, user_caps):
+ """Remove an administrative capability from a specified user."""
+ return self._request(
+ 'delete', 'user', 'caps',
+ uid=uid,
+ user_caps=user_caps,
+ )
+ def get_quota(self, uid, quota_type):
+ return self._request(
+ 'get', 'user', 'quota',
+ uid=uid,
+ quota_type=quota_type,
+ )
+ def set_quota(self, uid, quota_type, bucket=None, max_size_kb=None,
+ max_objects=None, enabled=None):
+ return self._request(
+ 'put', 'user', 'quota',
+ quota_type=quota_type,
+ uid=uid,
+ bucket=bucket,
+ max_size_kb=max_size_kb,
+ max_objects=max_objects,
+ enabled=enabled,
+ )
+ #
+ # Convenience methods
+ #
+ def get_user_quota(self, uid):
+ return self.get_quota(uid=uid, quota_type='user')
+ def set_user_quota(self, uid, max_size_kb=None, max_objects=None, enabled=None):
+ return self.set_quota(
+ uid=uid,
+ quota_type='user',
+ max_size_kb=max_size_kb,
+ max_objects=max_objects,
+ enabled=enabled,
+ )
+ def get_user_bucket_quota(self, uid):
+ return self.get_quota(uid=uid, quota_type='bucket')
+ def set_user_bucket_quota(self, uid, bucket, max_size_kb=None, max_objects=None,
+ enabled=None):
+ return self.set_quota(
+ uid=uid,
+ bucket=bucket,
+ quota_type='bucket',
+ max_size_kb=max_size_kb,
+ max_objects=max_objects,
+ enabled=enabled,
+ )
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, OrdinaryCallingFormat
+from django.conf import settings
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client import RGWAClient
+class RGWAClientFactory(object):
+ __standard_client = None
+ __admin_client = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ if self.__standard_client is None:
+ self.__set_standard_client()
+ if self.__admin_client is None:
+ self.__set_admin_client()
+ @classmethod
+ def __set_standard_client(cls):
+ if cls.__standard_client is None:
+ cls.__standard_client = S3Connection(
+ host=settings.AWS_S3_HOST,
+ port=settings.AWS_S3_PORT,
+ aws_access_key_id=settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
+ aws_secret_access_key=settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
+ calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
+ is_secure=True)
+ cls.__standard_client.num_retries = 0
+ @classmethod
+ def __set_admin_client(cls):
+ if cls.__admin_client is None:
+ cls.__admin_client = RGWAClient(
+ base_url='https://{S3_HOST}:{S3_PORT}/admin'.format(
+ S3_HOST=settings.AWS_S3_HOST,
+ S3_PORT=settings.AWS_S3_PORT, ))
+ @classmethod
+ def standard(cls):
+ if cls.__standard_client is None:
+ cls.__set_standard_client()
+ return cls.__standard_client
+ @classmethod
+ def admin(cls):
+ if cls.__admin_client is None:
+ cls.__set_admin_client()
+ return cls.__admin_client
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+ A webhook endpoint for Gitlab.
+ FIXME currently this supports only Push Hook notification. It could
+ be extended to support any type of webhook that Gitlab issues.
+ This is based on the documentation here:
+ Upon receiving a push from Gitlab, we authenticate the request,
+ parse the json payload, and send appropriate signals so other
+ applications can take action.
+ Reference:
+from django.conf import settings
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.views import APIView
+from validationmanager.em_integration import em_client
+import as exc
+from validationmanager.utils.constants import KNOWN_GITLAB_EVENTS
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+class GitWebhookEndpoint(APIView):
+ permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
+ def post(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ # Authenticate
+ #
+ # NOTE: we'd like to employ the built-in facilities in Django
+ # REST Framework for authentication, but we have no easy way to control
+ # the headers that the Jenkins notification plugin sends during
+ # its POST request. So we homebrew our own URL-based mechanism.
+ correct_token = settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN
+ if correct_token and correct_token != kwargs.get('auth_token'):
+ raise exc.InvalidAuthTokenException()
+ # There are multiple types of Gitlab webhook, specified in the
+ # X-Gitlab-Event header.
+ gitlab_event = request.META.get('HTTP_X_GITLAB_EVENT')
+ if gitlab_event is None:
+ raise exc.InvalidGitlabEventException()
+ if gitlab_event not in KNOWN_GITLAB_EVENTS:
+ raise exc.InvalidGitlabEventException()
+ # FIXME a properly abstract webhook endpoint would dispatch to
+ # handlers for each type of gitlab event. For now, we only support
+ # the Push Hook event.
+ if gitlab_event != 'Push Hook':
+ raise exc.InvalidGitlabEventException()
+ # Parse
+ try:
+ payload =
+ except ValueError:
+ raise exc.InvalidPayloadException()
+ # A loose sanity-check to be sure data is in expected format.
+ if not all(k in payload for k in ['object_kind', 'ref',
+ 'project', 'commits']):
+ raise exc.InvalidPayloadException()
+ # Remove deprecated keys for safety
+ payload.pop('repository', None) # now 'project'
+ payload['project'].pop('ssh_url', None) # now 'git_ssh_url'
+ payload['project'].pop('http_url', None) # now 'git_http_url'
+ # Send the signal with the payload
+ logger.debug(' sending %r',
+ payload)
+ em_client.git_push(gitlab_data=payload)
+ # Gitlab ignores the HTTP status code returned, but a valid HTTP
+ # response should always be sent lest it try to send the webhook again.
+ return Response('Webhook received functions notified')
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+class InvalidAuthTokenException(APIException):
+ status_code = HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
+ default_detail = 'Authentication token was missing or invalid.'
+class InvalidGitlabEventException(APIException):
+ status_code = HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+ default_detail = 'X-Gitlab-Event was missing or invalid.'
+class InvalidJenkinsPhaseException(APIException):
+ status_code = HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+ default_detail = 'Jenkins job build notification phase was missing or invalid.'
+class InvalidPayloadException(APIException):
+ status_code = HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
+ default_detail = 'Submitted data was in an invalid or unexpected format.'
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+A webhook endpoint for Jenkins
+This acts as the endpoint for the Jenkins Notification Plugin:
+It must be configured for JSON format and HTTP mode.
+We parse the data delivered from Jenkins, and build a structure in
+this format:
+ "checklist": {
+ "checklist_uuid": "dsda-2312-dsxcvd-213",
+ "decisions": [
+ {
+ "line_item_id": "123-223442-12312-21312",
+ "value": "approved",
+ "audit_log_text": "audiot text blah blaj",
+ },
+ {
+ "line_item_id": "123-223442-12312-21312",
+ "value": "approved",
+ "audit_log_text": "audiot text blah blaj",
+ },
+ ],
+ "error": "..." # optional; only exists when there's an error.
+ }
+ }
+The Notification Plugin provides no mechanism for an authentication
+token, so if desired, we set this endpoint at a difficult-to-guess
+URL, by default:
+ hook/test-complete/<webhook token>/
+where <jenkins token> is django.settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN.
+from collections import namedtuple
+import re
+from django.conf import settings
+from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
+from rest_framework.response import Response
+from rest_framework.views import APIView
+from tap.parser import Parser as TapParser
+from engagementmanager.models import Checklist, ChecklistLineItem
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListDecisionValue
+from validationmanager.em_integration import em_client
+import as exc
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+# A simple class to hold abstracted test result data.
+# Intentionally similar to tap.Line of category
+# 'test', but it is possible that not all of our test results
+# will be in TAP format in the future.
+TestResult = namedtuple('TestResult', ['name', 'ok', 'skip', 'description'])
+def null_testresult(name):
+ """Return a fake TestResult object representing a missing
+ test with the given name.
+ This is the "Null Object Pattern," called whenever build_decision
+ looks for a test that has not run.
+ """
+ return TestResult(
+ name=name,
+ ok=False,
+ skip=False,
+ description='(Required validator "%s" did not run.)' % name)
+def build_decisions(test_results, test_names, line_items):
+ """Generates a decision dict for each line item, given
+ a dict of test names to TestResults.
+ Decision dicts take the form:
+ {
+ "line_item_id": "...",
+ "value": (a CheckListDecisionValue),
+ "audit_log_text": "...",
+ }
+ """
+ parsed_results = {}
+ for test_name in test_names:
+ parsed_results[test_name] = {
+ "ok": [],
+ "skip": [],
+ "skip_or_ok": [],
+ }
+ for test_result in test_results:
+ test_name =
+ parsed_results[test_name]["ok"].append(test_result.ok)
+ parsed_results[test_name]["skip"].append(test_result.skip)
+ parsed_results[test_name]["skip_or_ok"].append(test_result.ok or
+ test_result.skip)
+ for line_item in line_items:
+ validation_tests = line_item.validationtest_set.all()
+ required_test_names = sorted([
+ for t in validation_tests])
+ # no associated tests: no decision for this line item.
+ if not required_test_names:
+ continue
+ for r in required_test_names:
+ if r not in parsed_results:
+ parsed_results[r] = {"ok": [], "skip": [], "skip_or_ok": []}
+ # - A test is passing if at least one of the tests passes
+ # and the rest are skipped.
+ # - If all tests for a line item are skipped, mark test as na
+ # - If at least one test fail, the entire line item is failing
+ # - Required tests that are not in 'result' default to no decision
+ audit_logs = "All required tests "
+ if all(result
+ for t in required_test_names
+ for result in parsed_results[t]["ok"]):
+ value = CheckListDecisionValue.approved
+ audit_logs += "passed."
+ elif all(result
+ for t in required_test_names
+ for result in parsed_results[t]["skip_or_ok"]):
+ value = CheckListDecisionValue.approved
+ audit_logs += "either passed or skipped."
+ elif all(result
+ for t in required_test_names
+ for result in parsed_results[t]["skip"]):
+ value =
+ audit_logs += "were skipped."
+ else:
+ value = CheckListDecisionValue.denied
+ audit_logs = "At least one of the required tests\
+ failed. The tests that ran were:\n\n"
+ # Complete the audit_logs
+ audit_logs += (" (" + ", ".join(required_test_names) + ")")
+ yield {
+ "line_item_id": line_item.uuid,
+ "value":,
+ "audit_log_text": audit_logs,
+ }
+def parse_tap_logs(test_output):
+ """Given text in TAP format, generate TestResult objects.
+ NOTE: This ignores lines of TAP output of type plan,
+ diagnostic (comment), bail, and unknown.
+ """
+ for line in TapParser().parse_text(test_output):
+ if line.category != 'test':
+ continue
+ if line.todo:
+ continue
+ # get the test name
+ pattern = re.compile(r'- (.+?)\[(.+?)\]')
+ m = pattern.match(line.description)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ if len(m.groups()) < 2:
+ continue
+ test_name =
+ yield TestResult(
+ name=test_name,
+ ok=line.ok,
+ skip=line.skip,
+ description=line.description,
+ )
+class JenkinsWebhookEndpoint(APIView):
+ permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
+ def post(self, request, format=None, **kwargs):
+ # Authenticate
+ #
+ # NOTE: we'd like to employ the built-in facilities in Django
+ # REST Framework for authentication, but we have no easy way to control
+ # the headers that the Jenkins notification plugin sends during
+ # its POST request. So we homebrew our own URL-based mechanism.
+ correct_token = settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN
+ if correct_token and correct_token != kwargs.get('auth_token'):
+ raise exc.InvalidAuthTokenException()
+ # sanity check
+ try:
+ data =
+ if data['build']['phase'] != u'FINALIZED':
+ raise exc.InvalidJenkinsPhaseException()
+ except KeyError:
+ raise exc.InvalidJenkinsPhaseException()
+ # Using data model, map the output logs to line item sucess/fail.
+ # look up the Checklist
+ # NOTE this logic relies upon there being a single, unique UUID per
+ # checklist per git hash.
+ # If someone pushes new data into the repo, a new Checklist
+ # should be created that we will validate.
+ checklist_uuid = data['build']['parameters']['checklist_uuid']
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=checklist_uuid)
+ # Get the ChecklistLineItems associated with Checklist.
+ line_items = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(
+ template=checklist.template)
+ # parse all result data to an iterable of TestResults
+ test_results = list(parse_tap_logs(data['build']['log']))
+ # get all the test names from the test results
+ test_names = set([
+ for test_result in test_results])
+ # Build payload object
+ payload = {
+ "checklist": {
+ "checklist_uuid": checklist_uuid,
+ "decisions": list(build_decisions(test_results,
+ test_names,
+ line_items)),
+ }}
+ logger.debug('sending test_finished with payload %s', payload)
+ # The Validation Engine suite will always include a successful result with the description
+ # "test_this_sentinel_always_succeeds'. If it is not present, we assume something has gone
+ # wrong with the Validation Engine itself.
+ # if 'test_this_sentinel_always_succeeds' not in test_results:
+ # logger.error('Validation Engine failed to include sentinel. Assuming it failed. Full log: %s',
+ # logEncoding(['build']['log']))
+ # payload['checklist']['error'] = 'The Validation Engine encountered an error.'
+ # # If possible, identify what specifically went wrong and provide a message to return to
+ # # the user.
+ # if 'fatal: Could not read from remote repository' in['build']['log']:
+ # payload['checklist']['error'] += " There was a problem cloning a git repository."
+ # Send Signal
+ em_client.test_finished(checklist_test_results=payload['checklist'])
+ # Respond to webhook
+ return Response('Webhook received functions notified')
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/templates/jenkins_job_config.xml b/django/validationmanager/templates/jenkins_job_config.xml
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+++ b/django/validationmanager/templates/jenkins_job_config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <actions/>
+ <description>General-purpose executor for TestEngine tests</description>
+ <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>
+ <properties>
+ <com.tikal.hudson.plugins.notification.HudsonNotificationProperty plugin="notification@1.10">
+ <endpoints>
+ <com.tikal.hudson.plugins.notification.Endpoint>
+ <protocol>HTTP</protocol>
+ <format>JSON</format>
+ <url>{{ notification_endpoint }}</url>
+ <event>finalized</event>
+ <timeout>30000</timeout>
+ <loglines>-1</loglines>
+ </com.tikal.hudson.plugins.notification.Endpoint>
+ </endpoints>
+ </com.tikal.hudson.plugins.notification.HudsonNotificationProperty>
+ <hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
+ <parameterDefinitions>
+ <hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+ <name>checklist_uuid</name>
+ <description>The UUID of the checklist to be validated.</description>
+ <defaultValue></defaultValue>
+ </hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+ <hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+ <name>git_repo_url</name>
+ <description>The git repo URL containing the VF to be validated. ex. git+ssh://</description>
+ <defaultValue></defaultValue>
+ </hudson.model.StringParameterDefinition>
+ </parameterDefinitions>
+ </hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty>
+ </properties>
+ <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
+ <canRoam>true</canRoam>
+ <disabled>false</disabled>
+ <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>
+ <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>
+ <triggers/>
+ <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild>
+ <builders>
+ <hudson.tasks.Shell>
+ <command>#!/bin/sh
+exec ice-testengine
+ </hudson.tasks.Shell>
+ </builders>
+ <publishers/>
+ <buildWrappers/>
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.conf import settings
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, ChecklistSection, ChecklistDecision, ChecklistLineItem
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListLineType,\
+ CheckListDecisionValue, Constants
+class TestTestFinishedSignalCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ token = settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN
+ self.urlStr = "/v/hook/test-complete/" + token
+ self.req = dict()
+ self.token = self.loginAndCreateSessionToken(self.el_user)
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement('just-a-fake-uuid', 'Validation', None)
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user)
+ self.checklist = self.creator.createCheckList(
+ 'some-checklist', 'Automation', 1, '{}', self.engagement, self.template, self.el_user, self.peer_reviewer)
+ self.section = ChecklistSection.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template)
+ self.line_item = ChecklistLineItem.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"),, validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template, section=self.section) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.decision = ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ uuid=uuid4(), checklist=self.checklist, template=self.template, lineitem=self.line_item)
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF(self.randomGenerator("randomString"),
+ self.engagement, self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor)
+ def initBody(self):
+ self.req['checklist'] = dict()
+ self.req['checklist']['checklist_uuid'] = str(self.checklist.uuid)
+ decisionData = dict()
+ decisionData['line_item_id'] = str(self.line_item.uuid)
+ decisionData['value'] = # @UndefinedVariable
+ decisionData['audit_log_text'] = "audiot text blah blaj"
+ self.req['checklist']['decisions'] = [decisionData]
+ self.req['build'] = dict()
+ self.req['build']['phase'] = 'FINALIZED'
+ self.req['build']['url'] = "http://samplejob"
+ self.req['build']['log'] = "Jenkins Log Example"
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def testFinishedSignalPositive(self):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return
+ self.initBody()
+ datajson = json.dumps(self.req, ensure_ascii=False)
+ response =, datajson, content_type='application/json',
+ **{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': "token " + self.token})
+ print('Got response : ' + str(response.status_code) +
+ " Expecting 200. response body: " + response.reason_phrase)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/validationmanager/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+import json
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.conf import settings
+from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK
+from engagementmanager.models import Vendor, ChecklistSection, Checklist
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import CheckListState, EngagementType, Constants
+class TestGitPushSignalCase(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ token = getattr(settings, 'WEBHOOK_TOKEN', None)
+ self.urlStr = "v//hook/git-push" + token
+ = dict()
+ self.gitRepoURL = ""
+ self.fileAdded = "CHANGELOG"
+ self.fileModified = "app/controller/application.rb"
+# self.associatedFiles = [self.fileAdded, self.fileModified]
+ self.associatedFiles = "[\"" + self.fileAdded + "\",\"" + self.fileModified + "\"]"
+ # Create full engagement:
+ self.createVendors([Constants.service_provider_company_name, 'Amdocs'])
+ self.createDefaultRoles()
+ self.el_user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'el user', self.el, True)
+ self.user = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'user', self.standard_user, True)
+ self.peer_reviewer = self.creator.createUser(Vendor.objects.get(
+ name=Constants.service_provider_company_name),
+ self.randomGenerator("main-vendor-email"), '55501000199', 'peer-reviewer user', self.el, True)
+ self.template = self.creator.createDefaultCheckListTemplate()
+ self.engagement = self.creator.createEngagement(
+ 'just-a-fake-uuid',, None) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.engagement.engagement_team.add(self.el_user, self.user)
+ self.checklist = self.creator.createCheckList('some-checklist',, 1,
+ self.associatedFiles, self.engagement, self.template, self.el_user, self.el_user) # @UndefinedVariable
+ self.section = ChecklistSection.objects.create(uuid=uuid4(), name=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), weight=1.0, description=self.randomGenerator(
+ "randomString"), validation_instructions=self.randomGenerator("randomString"), template=self.template)
+ self.vendor = Vendor.objects.get(name=Constants.service_provider_company_name)
+ self.deploymentTarget = self.creator.createDeploymentTarget(
+ self.randomGenerator("randomString"), self.randomGenerator("randomString"))
+ self.vf = self.creator.createVF("TestVF-GitPush", self.engagement,
+ self.deploymentTarget, False, self.vendor, git_repo_url=self.gitRepoURL)
+ def initBody(self): # Create JSON for body REST request.
+['object_kind'] = "push"
+['ref'] = "refs/heads/master"
+ projectData = dict()
+ projectData['git_ssh_url'] = ""
+ projectData['git_http_url'] = ""
+ projectData['url'] = self.gitRepoURL
+['project'] = projectData
+ commitsList = []
+ totalCommits = 0
+ for _ in range(2):
+ commitsData = dict()
+ commitsData['added'] = [self.fileAdded]
+ commitsData['modified'] = [self.fileModified]
+ commitsData['removed'] = []
+ commitsList.append(commitsData)
+ for a in commitsData.values(): # Count number of commits in commitsData.
+ if a != []:
+ totalCommits += 1
+['commits'] = commitsList
+['total_commits_count'] = totalCommits
+ ### TESTS ###
+ def test_git_push_event_positive(self):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return
+ checklistState = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=self.checklist.uuid)
+ print("Checklist state (start): " + checklistState.state)
+ self.initBody()
+ datajson = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False)
+ print(datajson)
+ headers = {'HTTP_X_GITLAB_EVENT': "Push Hook"}
+ response =, datajson, content_type='application/json', **headers)
+ print("Got response: " + str(response.status_code) +
+ ", Expecting 200. Response body: " + response.reason_phrase)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_200_OK)
+ checklistState = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=self.checklist.uuid)
+ print("Checklist state (final, should be 'archive'): " + checklistState.state)
+ self.assertEqual(checklistState.state, # @UndefinedVariable
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
+from engagementmanager.tests.test_base_entity import TestBaseEntity
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client import RGWAClient
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client_factory import RGWAClientFactory as RGWAClientFactorySing
+class TestRGWAClientFactory(TestBaseEntity):
+ def childSetup(self):
+ pass
+ def testAdminClientCreation(self):
+ client = RGWAClientFactorySing.admin()
+ self.assertTrue(client is not None and isinstance(client, RGWAClient))
+ def testStandardClientCreation(self):
+ client = RGWAClientFactorySing.standard()
+ self.assertTrue(client is not None and isinstance(client, S3Connection))
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new file mode 100755
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from django.conf.urls import url
+from import git_webhook_endpoint, jenkins_webhook_endpoint
+urlpatterns = [
+ url(r'^hook/test-complete(?:/(?P<auth_token>[^/]+)/?)?$',
+ jenkins_webhook_endpoint.JenkinsWebhookEndpoint.as_view(), name='jenkins-notification-endpoint'),
+ url(r'^hook/git-push(?:/(?P<auth_token>[^/]+)/?)?$',
+ git_webhook_endpoint.GitWebhookEndpoint.as_view(), name='git-push-endpoint'),
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/utils/ b/django/validationmanager/utils/
new file mode 100755
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+We provide accessor methods that instantiate gitlab and Jenkins clients
+with appropriate authentication information.
+This way, the gitlab and Jenkins client code (copied from simci) may
+remain general-purpose and perhaps extracted into a separate library
+later, while modules using this code need not concern themselves with
+authentication information.
+from django.conf import settings
+from validationmanager.git.gitlab_client import GitlabClient
+from validationmanager.jenkins.jenkins_client import JenkinsClient
+def get_jenkins_client():
+ return JenkinsClient(
+ settings.JENKINS_URL,
+ )
+def get_gitlab_client():
+ return GitlabClient(settings.GITLAB_URL, settings.GITLAB_TOKEN)
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new file mode 100755
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+++ b/django/validationmanager/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+# Reference:
+ 'Push Hook',
+ 'Tag Push Hook',
+ 'Issue Hook',
+ 'Note Hook',
+ 'Merge Request Hook',
+ 'Wiki Page Hook',
+ 'Pipeline Hook',
diff --git a/django/validationmanager/utils/ b/django/validationmanager/utils/
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from collections import defaultdict
+class KeyAwareDefaultDict(defaultdict):
+ """A defaultdict whose missing-key factory is passed the missing key as its only argument.
+ See
+ """
+ def __missing__(self, key):
+ # This code is modified copypasta from help(collections.defaultdict.__missing__).
+ # Unfortunately there is no simpler way to override its behavior.
+ if self.default_factory is None:
+ raise KeyError((key,))
+ self[key] = value = self.default_factory(key)
+ return value
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new file mode 100755
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
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+/opt/configmaps/settings/ \ No newline at end of file
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+2017-03-09 14:56:54,865 ERROR api 54 41243 140735795659712 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,495 ERROR activation 71 41243 140735795659712 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,337 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,403 ERROR invite 59 41243 140735795659712 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,575 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,637 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 162 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,810 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,871 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 ERROR verify_token 75 41243 140735795659712 Something went wrong while trying to prepare data for auth. kwargs={'checklistUuid': u'yX5lq'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,239 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 41243 140735795659712 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,417 ERROR authorization_service 479 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,542 ERROR checklist_audit_log 84 41243 140735795659712 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,548 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 41243 140735795659712 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,820 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 41243 140735795659712 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,911 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 41243 140735795659712 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 ERROR checklist 51 41243 140735795659712 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,514 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,515 ERROR authorization_service 180 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,715 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,776 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,926 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,992 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 ERROR engagement 84 41243 140735795659712 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,287 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,392 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,547 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,581 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 ERROR verify_token 64 41243 140735795659712 User wasn't found while verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,341 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,477 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,685 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,809 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,603 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,627 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 ERROR user 60 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,758 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,926 ERROR authorization_service 463 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,028 ERROR api 54 88138 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,022 ERROR activation 67 88138 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,257 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,263 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 ERROR testActivities 61 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,392 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,447 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,504 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,808 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,892 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,986 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,003 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,176 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,428 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,804 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,832 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,919 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,945 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,995 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,178 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,256 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,333 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,408 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,688 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,774 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,941 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,184 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,258 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,319 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,588 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,822 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,884 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,021 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,084 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,210 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,222 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,267 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,336 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,407 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,470 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,983 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,034 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,185 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,283 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,378 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,469 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,806 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,895 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,966 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 ERROR testPullNotifications 79 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,197 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,277 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,299 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,321 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,355 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,405 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,532 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,828 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 ERROR test_expanded_eng 132 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,013 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 ERROR test_expanded_eng 199 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,196 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 ERROR test_expanded_eng 158 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 ERROR test_expanded_eng 103 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,477 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,540 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,543 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,546 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,607 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,918 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,280 ERROR api 54 88740 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,624 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,919 ERROR api 54 88856 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,920 ERROR api 54 88886 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,832 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 88886 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,995 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,050 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,097 ERROR api 54 89820 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,300 ERROR activation 67 89820 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,413 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,532 ERROR invite 58 89820 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,767 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,828 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,859 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,003 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,059 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,348 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=K9jTe
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,453 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 89820 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,677 ERROR authorization_service 492 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,780 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 89820 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 89820 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,074 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 89820 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,175 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 89820 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,652 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,859 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,044 ERROR checklist 49 89820 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 180 89820 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,562 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,628 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,780 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,839 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,437 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (705c2bdd-5f29-4a26-a866-84807561ed5b, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:14:20.43642+00, null, 07beb8d9-76e3-4b63-bdd3-5baf104d74b7, 8c4f536a-0f88-4989-b538-9c5caeb3b55b).
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,646 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,715 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,324 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,659 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,780 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,375 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,888 ERROR engagement 83 89820 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,046 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,258 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,293 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,961 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,138 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,310 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,526 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,709 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,483 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,510 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,537 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,639 ERROR user 59 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,680 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,885 ERROR authorization_service 476 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,488 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,378 ERROR api 54 90246 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 90246 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,759 ERROR api 54 90315 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,524 ERROR api 54 90356 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,435 ERROR exception_handler 36 90356 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,100 ERROR api 54 90396 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:52,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,260 ERROR api 54 90429 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90429 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:35,998 ERROR api 54 90512 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90512 123145455337472 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,559 ERROR api 54 90589 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,570 ERROR exception_handler 36 90589 123145480650752 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,666 ERROR api 54 90666 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,381 ERROR api 54 90749 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,707 ERROR api 54 90784 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,403 ERROR exception_handler 36 90784 123145316388864 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,591 ERROR api 54 90837 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,664 ERROR exception_handler 36 90837 123145562308608 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,684 ERROR api 54 90913 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,706 ERROR api 54 90947 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,763 ERROR activation 67 90947 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,856 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,662 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,733 ERROR invite 58 90947 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,905 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,980 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,165 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,223 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,512 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=Rc7Z9
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,622 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 90947 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,823 ERROR authorization_service 492 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,932 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 90947 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,163 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 90947 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,266 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 90947 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 90947 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 ERROR checklist 49 90947 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,385 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,386 ERROR authorization_service 180 90947 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,626 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,689 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,836 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,897 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,419 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (b3dafa5a-909c-46a2-9dab-5198d6684dea, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:56:17.419016+00, null, d3a2b08c-7b17-4c52-8127-b17f67f6c2c3, 7049f253-2c00-4724-bff9-cf8e104e0f13).
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,548 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,650 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,724 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,924 ERROR engagement 83 90947 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,092 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,313 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,346 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,045 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,229 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,379 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,608 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,779 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,584 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,617 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,724 ERROR user 59 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,952 ERROR authorization_service 476 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,750 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,563 ERROR api 54 91181 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,300 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,221 ERROR api 54 91223 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,428 ERROR api 54 91254 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,351 ERROR activation 67 91254 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,127 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,156 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,194 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,219 ERROR invite 58 91254 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,365 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,421 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,588 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,651 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,924 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=QiOES
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91254 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,221 ERROR authorization_service 492 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91254 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91254 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,621 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91254 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91254 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 ERROR checklist 49 91254 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,611 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 180 91254 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,843 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,901 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,043 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,099 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,569 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (a89a0013-48c0-4e5b-b24c-daca2ff1a2b3, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:52:35.569136+00, null, c3e4f8cb-ba6c-4fed-ba83-9d1313e410d6, 88b9d7c9-f3d7-4d48-925c-c26701be8b1b).
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,671 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,767 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,841 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,921 ERROR engagement 83 91254 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,274 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,315 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,025 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,200 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,349 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,565 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,677 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,404 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,430 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,457 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,561 ERROR user 59 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,785 ERROR authorization_service 476 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,001 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,396 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:34,993 ERROR api 54 91351 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,157 ERROR activation 67 91351 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,233 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,903 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 ERROR invite 58 91351 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,114 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,174 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,205 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,334 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,392 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,661 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ThqR7
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,763 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91351 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,952 ERROR authorization_service 492 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91351 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,254 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91351 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91351 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91351 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,096 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 ERROR checklist 49 91351 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 180 91351 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,583 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,645 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,784 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,841 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,292 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d79531bf-10a4-44cf-9124-223942c70afe, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:54:49.291563+00, null, c008da3f-de7d-4f00-9722-bb771e66997f, 722c2d3d-4cd0-44e8-9a67-2a43505ca665).
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,395 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,406 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,489 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,561 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,489 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,711 ERROR engagement 83 91351 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,060 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,095 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,741 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,916 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,063 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,280 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,450 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,201 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,228 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,359 ERROR user 59 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,586 ERROR authorization_service 476 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,807 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,303 ERROR api 54 91465 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,607 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,642 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,307 ERROR exception_handler 36 91465 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,414 ERROR api 54 91540 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,352 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,452 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,104 ERROR exception_handler 40 91540 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,142 ERROR api 54 91596 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,006 ERROR activation 67 91596 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,143 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,214 ERROR invite 58 91596 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,366 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,429 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,468 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,618 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,676 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,985 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=y4xc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,130 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91596 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,341 ERROR authorization_service 492 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,458 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91596 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91596 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,811 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91596 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,918 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91596 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,649 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,839 ERROR checklist 49 91596 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 180 91596 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,156 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,218 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,364 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,424 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,945 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (5181b8a2-9b41-4afe-be3f-ff779f6722d7, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:02:28.944234+00, null, 9d30e61a-29e4-4059-a5c0-746a1e181e01, 6477c79e-9e6a-456f-b7be-534c9b47fbd5).
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,067 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,192 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,413 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,483 ERROR engagement 83 91596 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,912 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,951 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,679 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,880 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,044 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,282 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,461 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,237 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,291 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,399 ERROR user 59 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,425 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,633 ERROR authorization_service 476 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,657 ERROR api 54 91673 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,958 ERROR activation 67 91673 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,410 ERROR invite 58 91673 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,552 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,610 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,643 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,827 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,101 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=so4O8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,198 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91673 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,381 ERROR authorization_service 492 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,484 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91673 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,684 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91673 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91673 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,873 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91673 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,509 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,691 ERROR checklist 49 91673 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 180 91673 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,988 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,051 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,187 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,244 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,279 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,694 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (983a5f11-9f19-4b20-9652-943f2d43c5a1, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:03:16.693854+00, null, 86e376f9-948c-47de-a8d7-235bc9f73751, 2da9f700-927c-4f93-9bd9-66b702f635b4).
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,793 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,803 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,887 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,958 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,858 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,004 ERROR engagement 83 91673 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,338 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,373 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,990 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,156 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,347 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,558 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,667 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,403 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,428 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,530 ERROR user 59 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,740 ERROR authorization_service 476 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,483 ERROR api 54 91876 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,813 ERROR activation 67 91876 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,896 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,635 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,694 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,781 ERROR invite 58 91876 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,924 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,982 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,143 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,201 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,466 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ANlnk
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,567 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91876 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,754 ERROR authorization_service 492 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,769 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,855 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91876 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,050 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91876 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91876 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,238 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91876 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,866 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,052 ERROR checklist 49 91876 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,139 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,140 ERROR authorization_service 180 91876 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,350 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,409 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,548 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,605 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,073 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (13650a02-8dab-426b-8d6a-b577f273d2e0, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 13:12:27.072794+00, null, 16ea6ea4-1df3-4647-a042-55a4ab778ec4, f7f6c1a9-15ef-48b0-a26d-e73724bb0fd3).
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,336 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,296 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,481 ERROR engagement 83 91876 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,887 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,979 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,812 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,997 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,140 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,362 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,481 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,258 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,424 ERROR user 59 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,452 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,672 ERROR authorization_service 476 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,511 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,366 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,068 ERROR api 54 78099 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,969 ERROR activation 71 78099 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 ERROR testActivities 61 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,283 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,372 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,509 ERROR invite 58 78099 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,659 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,727 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,902 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,966 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,223 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=UBtVi
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 78099 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,524 ERROR authorization_service 497 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,542 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,649 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 78099 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 78099 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,949 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 78099 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,048 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 78099 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,503 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,833 ERROR checklist 49 78099 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 181 78099 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,133 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,193 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,326 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,385 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,855 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (f5f016d9-7fc6-4997-8198-cc5d77b5669f, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 12:54:29.854437+00, null, b038ce8c-fb44-404f-ad7c-3018ef399162, cce42aed-8e4f-428e-86b0-1c2992cd1f82).
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,957 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,052 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,054 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,104 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,172 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,411 ERROR engagement 83 78099 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,597 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,615 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,213 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,315 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,333 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,354 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,578 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,917 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,944 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,974 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,073 ERROR user 61 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,098 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,306 ERROR authorization_service 481 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,304 ERROR engagement_service 612 78099 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR engagement_service 619 78099 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,334 ERROR api 54 78319 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,572 ERROR api 54 79217 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,219 ERROR api 54 79952 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,430 ERROR api 54 80133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,329 ERROR api 54 80492 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,184 ERROR api 54 80911 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,423 ERROR api 54 81088 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,343 ERROR api 54 81218 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,056 ERROR api 54 81295 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:30:54,982 ERROR api 54 81441 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,768 ERROR api 54 81537 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:44,994 ERROR api 54 81639 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,401 ERROR api 54 81690 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,589 ERROR api 54 81756 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,229 ERROR api 54 81811 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,032 ERROR api 54 81992 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,069 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.update_checklist_state
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,195 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.view_checklist
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,328 ERROR api 54 82252 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,736 ERROR api 54 82298 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,312 ERROR api 54 82647 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,305 ERROR api 54 82792 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,500 ERROR api 54 82990 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,499 ERROR api 54 83112 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,327 ERROR api 54 83210 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,060 ERROR api 54 83261 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,817 ERROR api 54 83442 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,758 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83442 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,572 ERROR api 54 83525 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,093 ERROR activation 71 83525 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 ERROR testActivities 61 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,311 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,516 ERROR invite 58 83525 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,663 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,719 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,875 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,929 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,177 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=yHZIF
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,279 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 83525 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,463 ERROR authorization_service 497 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,563 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 83525 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,766 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 83525 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 83525 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,955 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 83525 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 ERROR checklist 49 83525 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 181 83525 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,034 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,094 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,239 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,308 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,793 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d7377a5d-62ad-45a4-b712-5e9869edeee5, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 13:49:41.792979+00, null, 5a11504f-1323-4be1-861b-e3cdc2510b9d, 5301f06d-ebf5-4c36-b963-05b750c643de).
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,895 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,991 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,073 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,200 ERROR engagement 83 83525 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,848 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,920 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,074 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,357 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,909 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,009 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,034 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,055 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,278 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,413 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,629 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,748 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,565 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,690 ERROR user 61 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,717 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,893 ERROR authorization_service 481 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR engagement_service 612 83525 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,039 ERROR engagement_service 619 83525 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,546 ERROR api 54 84826 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,524 ERROR api 54 85074 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,133 ERROR api 54 85317 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,651 ERROR api 54 85410 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,106 ERROR api 54 85484 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,806 ERROR api 54 85553 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,505 ERROR api 54 86148 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,482 ERROR api 54 86236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,163 ERROR api 54 86311 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 ERROR activity_log 167 86311 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 ERROR testActivities 61 86311 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,525 ERROR api 54 86513 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 ERROR activity_log 167 86513 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,258 ERROR api 54 86575 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 86575 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,868 ERROR api 54 86795 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,457 ERROR exception_handler 71 86795 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,216 ERROR api 54 86997 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,771 ERROR api 54 87133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,094 ERROR api 54 87184 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 ERROR activity_log 167 87184 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,107 ERROR api 54 87290 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 ERROR activity_log 167 87290 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,202 ERROR api 54 87351 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,569 ERROR api 54 89035 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:53:58,954 ERROR api 54 89621 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,615 ERROR api 54 89692 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,324 ERROR api 54 89761 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,616 ERROR api 54 89829 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,424 ERROR exception_handler 71 89829 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,896 ERROR api 54 90341 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,695 ERROR api 54 90383 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,820 ERROR api 54 90453 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,797 ERROR exception_handler 71 90453 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,785 ERROR api 54 90656 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,808 ERROR exception_handler 71 90656 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,684 ERROR api 54 90715 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,753 ERROR api 54 90886 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,236 ERROR api 54 90957 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,436 ERROR api 54 91020 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,836 ERROR api 54 91056 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,146 ERROR api 54 91236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,848 ERROR api 54 91498 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,692 ERROR api 54 91587 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,806 ERROR api 54 92079 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,112 ERROR api 54 92274 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,498 ERROR api 54 92324 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,631 ERROR api 54 92412 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,908 ERROR api 54 92601 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,678 ERROR api 54 17912 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,135 ERROR api 54 17977 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,162 ERROR api 54 17984 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,789 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,819 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,635 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145368440832 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,208 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145347420160 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,246 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,369 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,606 ERROR api 54 18103 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,684 ERROR api 54 18110 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:13:25,942 ERROR api 54 80557 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:17,509 ERROR api 54 80629 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,668 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,191 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:17:13,322 ERROR api 54 80849 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,590 ERROR exception_handler 71 80849 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:23:39,668 ERROR api 54 81319 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:57,413 ERROR api 54 81355 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,828 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-19 14:53:52,446 ERROR api 54 29503 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:53:53,281 ERROR api 54 29507 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:43,361 ERROR api 54 29773 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:44,155 ERROR api 54 29777 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,623 ERROR exception_handler 71 29777 123145452724224 General exception occurred in rest framework: column ice_user_profile.slack_handle does not exist
+LINE 1: ...ily_digest", "ice_user_profile"."is_att_contact", "ice_user_...
+ ^
+2017-04-19 14:59:27,306 ERROR api 54 30135 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:28,109 ERROR api 54 30139 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:51,991 ERROR api 54 30187 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:56,956 ERROR api 54 30205 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:57,735 ERROR api 54 30209 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,162 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,178 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145526915072 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,317 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145532170240 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,392 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,078 ERROR api 54 30430 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,888 ERROR api 54 30434 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:30,802 ERROR api 54 31219 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:31,613 ERROR api 54 31223 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:29,917 ERROR api 59 31323 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:30,721 ERROR api 59 31327 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:15:20,217 ERROR api 54 31462 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,518 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,080 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,491 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,473 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-09-05 15:09:28,570 ERROR api 48 79901 4300194752 Could not create CMS token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
diff --git a/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-debug.log b/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-debug.log
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ed7528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-debug.log
@@ -0,0 +1,46851 @@
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,865 ERROR api 54 41243 140735795659712 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,866 INFO apps 29 41243 140735795659712 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,895 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,897 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,899 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,905 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,909 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,952 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,017 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 41243 140735795659712 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 41243 140735795659712 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,053 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 41243 140735795659712 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,113 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,118 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,119 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 41243 140735795659712 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c4557419-8a11-460f-b85f-eedd55004b71
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 620b7a50-e86f-4a7b-b877-9060183814d2
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,790 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,790 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,791 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: acee1eff-43c1-4334-8b69-fdacd233c0d2
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,791 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: Gn3Jh
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,791 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Cu3oH'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,805 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'khtH8'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,811 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '74Frf'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Nn3rY'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zM0nZ'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tjqAT'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lVe0O'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iAM2x'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oQi0f'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,878 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nuFHg'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QeigX'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Z1JV5'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iqSoP'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RDMTN'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.HLjVgZTDQR__mM3_BpMJYpHP-SFSt5xOyc4h3n70xL8
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,926 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,926 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 41243 140735795659712 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,926 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,984 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,994 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10447d390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10447d610>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,017 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,018 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 41243 140735795659712 Got content : {"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"9pGm0","engagement__uuid":"9d7ee15f-1da8-494d-824d-4f9f361031a5","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"O6LhU","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_10","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"016efb48-d945-4fba-bbc9-b834d08e4694"},{"deployment_target__version":"G7Q1o","engagement__uuid":"3549ccfe-0f85-4a1c-b07d-194b21e33793","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"WVBTK","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_6","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"db40a381-81f7-41a9-b4c7-1cd874c69a74"},{"deployment_target__version":"bqgYL","engagement__uuid":"a35f4022-3a2b-4df0-8986-0e017422d1d6","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"fEvsm","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_0","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"dbf08cb8-71aa-4f33-86ba-33d46eb8e193"},{"deployment_target__version":"gLM3X","engagement__uuid":"cc4e0b2c-e72c-4606-834d-c71b0defda40","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"MtiCY","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_8","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"101897c3-2fea-4f70-a3d2-93fac13efd17"}],"num_of_objects":4}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,018 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,018 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,018 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2f042b46-c9a7-444d-a38b-ac2c8c15c1b9
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a9aca076-8f00-46f5-b800-d037102c3f9f
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,055 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,055 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,056 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 295416b7-268d-49b6-921c-447cf8cf4adb
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,056 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: C28Oj
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,056 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5SOJN'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vuGwE'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MyZbz'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ebVYW'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'INo94'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QvVOr'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yrCEK'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Kmpx3'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,130 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8O3YP'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Hen5j'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'it8dl'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YOqjl'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lQd1D'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3CVbS'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.HLjVgZTDQR__mM3_BpMJYpHP-SFSt5xOyc4h3n70xL8
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,185 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,185 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 41243 140735795659712 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,185 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,186 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,192 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105749750>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105749890>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 41243 140735795659712 Got content : {"array":[],"num_of_objects":0}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,202 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,202 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 bbcbc40b-934b-44e5-b81e-cb954891d906
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 54c1d09a-4ca6-4297-abb1-440f0bdea3f9
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: b591d3b5-8f22-41da-8865-613734d58828
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: dLFhn
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HhgvZ'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YCgwh'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VD5yl'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oVDJj'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UVQSZ'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'V2LI7'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'baZDe'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,308 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'u9sdo'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3oGS0'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uqjdk'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tciC8'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'trqzj'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vyHIj'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'aIim6'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.HLjVgZTDQR__mM3_BpMJYpHP-SFSt5xOyc4h3n70xL8
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 41243 140735795659712 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,371 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,377 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10573b0d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10573b2d0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 41243 140735795659712 Got content : {"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"s5kqQ","engagement__uuid":"5803d658-361a-4c16-9e3c-9348c4f6998a","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"jvZV6","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_8","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"b759f383-ba82-4ee1-883f-c521726e5a1c"}],"num_of_objects":1}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 91b7b997-feab-4be5-9f99-830ce18ff762
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4deed84f-4f76-4dcd-8d9b-033a896239d3
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,425 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,425 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,425 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 61fd9291-5074-4e41-b24d-f2ec60a7dfda
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,425 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: nQvjV
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,426 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kqZEL'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'M3g0X'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,444 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Kta68'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NtbJY'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UozRk'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,474 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ndlBJ'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'IScwV'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '54noa'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'U8JiD'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SExjW'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1TCHl'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,530 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Zmjk8'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MRO0U'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'szqHM'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.HLjVgZTDQR__mM3_BpMJYpHP-SFSt5xOyc4h3n70xL8
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,555 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,555 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 41243 140735795659712 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,555 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,556 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,562 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1054a1650>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1054a1f50>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 41243 140735795659712 Got content : {"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"6YO10","engagement__uuid":"cc913187-4a98-491b-8e85-638a0e5d20ad","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"6DFsr","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_2","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","uuid":"6a1386d5-36d1-464f-a616-9d9810f31e83"},{"deployment_target__version":"7XzNw","engagement__uuid":"9b493f3f-cbeb-490d-b930-1a4d1a2fbf36","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"PK29E","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_10","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","uuid":"03a35817-5295-439f-bb68-7eb8cd8dbb89"},{"deployment_target__version":"BnT7U","engagement__uuid":"7b7c4f9e-f257-4095-b135-f711f2b03c66","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"rnPWx","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_8","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"e4ce5cf8-5fef-4e19-8bd7-b9216024254a"},{"deployment_target__version":"VTjS4","engagement__uuid":"911973f0-4523-4a5e-983c-d0e6beb1c491","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"TLcYR","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_12","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","uuid":"98d83767-cfcf-4a2c-827b-c0c60cd9fe9e"},{"deployment_target__version":"alkBX","engagement__uuid":"f987d7de-871c-49ce-b425-ebb1178b1b6d","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Xto9M","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_4","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"967bb9ec-b17e-4161-b270-56b8d7523ba1"},{"deployment_target__version":"hqusj","engagement__uuid":"3f92c4b9-486a-46db-b22d-5bf6146115a5","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"wWxUI","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_0","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","uuid":"8fa9c4f7-e463-4f17-889c-2ef94e8fabbd"},{"deployment_target__version":"tfAim","engagement__uuid":"4511d332-7817-4ad1-9096-85be8e118d4f","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"engagement__engagement_manual_id":"PzaAg","vendor__name":"AT&T","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__progress":0,"vf_uuid_count":1,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__started_state_time":null,"starred_users":[],"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-03-25","vf__name":"vf_6","target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-09","engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","uuid":"9628b3b5-5eb9-4d44-991b-2b30df4164aa"}],"num_of_objects":7}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4a7c000b-8034-4980-93ee-f73d18a76b00
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 cd81759b-460f-43d9-9f3d-b59d17c93d98
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 41243 140735795659712 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,668 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,669 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,669 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,669 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,670 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105238bd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105238ed0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba', 'stage': u'Active'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,684 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,697 DEBUG engagement_service 274 41243 140735795659712 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,698 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,703 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105526150>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104582650>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,709 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,714 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 8ae92316-905f-41b6-a8d1-c341ea618143 and vf uuid: ab361406-b70a-4e10-b5f2-4a031a14c965
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,751 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 41243 140735795659712 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,751 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,751 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,751 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,751 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,751 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,752 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,757 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1045ac6d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10554b250>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba', 'stage': u'Validated'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,766 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,778 DEBUG engagement_service 274 41243 140735795659712 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,779 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,786 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10554cc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1055318d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,793 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,797 DEBUG engagement_service 109 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 8ae92316-905f-41b6-a8d1-c341ea618143 and vf uuid: ab361406-b70a-4e10-b5f2-4a031a14c965
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 41243 140735795659712 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,839 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,844 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105531790>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104580f50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba', 'stage': u'Completed'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,854 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,865 DEBUG engagement_service 274 41243 140735795659712 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,867 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,873 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10552e1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104511e50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c3f70579-2b10-4d9b-925c-5cea0401f5ba'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,878 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,883 DEBUG engagement_service 109 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 8ae92316-905f-41b6-a8d1-c341ea618143 and vf uuid: ab361406-b70a-4e10-b5f2-4a031a14c965
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,922 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 41243 140735795659712 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,922 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,923 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,923 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 09bbe286-cefc-487a-9750-70e0e2409a83
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 fcfa4874-439b-42f2-9db4-b4001cda047e
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 41243 140735795659712 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,975 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,976 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,976 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,982 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10552e610>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10554b350>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229', 'stage': u'Active'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,992 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,003 DEBUG engagement_service 274 41243 140735795659712 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,005 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,009 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10554be50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1056d1e90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,015 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,022 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: be71ce12-7d4f-4121-8535-e3bfe0e89257 and vf uuid: e9ecf9d2-2ca6-47cb-a75a-707b38706bbe
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,060 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,065 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1052668d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1056d70d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,075 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,076 DEBUG activity_log 105 41243 140735795659712 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,080 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 41243 140735795659712 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,080 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,080 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,080 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,080 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,080 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,081 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,086 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1056d7cd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045019d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229', 'stage': u'Validated'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,098 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,109 DEBUG engagement_service 274 41243 140735795659712 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,110 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,115 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105608290>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105608310>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,122 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,128 DEBUG engagement_service 109 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: be71ce12-7d4f-4121-8535-e3bfe0e89257 and vf uuid: e9ecf9d2-2ca6-47cb-a75a-707b38706bbe
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,165 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 41243 140735795659712 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,165 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,165 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,165 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,165 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,165 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,166 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,172 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105608390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104501450>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229', 'stage': u'Completed'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,182 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,194 DEBUG engagement_service 274 41243 140735795659712 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,195 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,201 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1044f6d50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1056d1850>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c11e1c5c-d57e-4c5a-a1a2-f53c75c0a229'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,207 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,212 DEBUG engagement_service 109 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: be71ce12-7d4f-4121-8535-e3bfe0e89257 and vf uuid: e9ecf9d2-2ca6-47cb-a75a-707b38706bbe
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,251 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 41243 140735795659712 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,252 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,252 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,252 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,252 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,252 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,252 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,253 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,254 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 59ff9623-19c0-4654-a045-cb9561001b82
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 75238b9d-3b66-44a5-ad81-da9bd6e6399c
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,258 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,259 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,301 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,303 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,308 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048e8510>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048c93d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'db6359ce-089c-48a1-90e0-5a566bd3206d', 'stage': u'Active'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,318 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: db6359ce-089c-48a1-90e0-5a566bd3206d isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,321 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,326 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10560c710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10560c310>) | {'eng_uuid': u'db6359ce-089c-48a1-90e0-5a566bd3206d'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,332 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,339 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 9835aedb-f60c-46fe-8a6a-c0b9e6c18792 and vf uuid: 665fb584-5667-4278-af3a-17b554d6cddd
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,375 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 41243 140735795659712 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,375 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,375 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,375 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,410 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1055fd350>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10573b4d0>) | {'token': u'9d9860ff-04c7-445f-a68f-4bc244badc3a', 'uu_id': u'3bf5b5fd-a7bc-4748-ae8b-38123b7e6579'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,417 DEBUG activation 82 41243 140735795659712 User trLCf is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,422 DEBUG views_helper 326 41243 140735795659712 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,422 DEBUG activation 91 41243 140735795659712 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,426 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,451 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104580bd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10560bad0>) | {'token': u'4425e892-988a-4280-bfde-adde32a7d2bd', 'uu_id': u'bb94e6e4-0ddc-4c6a-a164-9ca7b205fa41'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,457 DEBUG activation 82 41243 140735795659712 User BIStY is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,459 DEBUG views_helper 326 41243 140735795659712 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,459 DEBUG activation 91 41243 140735795659712 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,488 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1045ea550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045ca6d0>) | {'token': u'b13f1017-5de9-481a-abee-576bb5a74ada', 'uu_id': u'f273c78d-5537-4ff5-8185-a23f6b6e8e3a'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,495 ERROR activation 71 41243 140735795659712 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,504 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,507 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 61bc988e-a1e4-4d3e-b69d-e8b3829181d6
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 74c203bb-7f88-4730-a659-8560e778030f
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,510 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'n4U7K'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICI1b1V5QENMR0ouY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.feWpQQPd9NGOMy8Kg9m-kdihZ2tM0WBRkXCDv0SWh28
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,551 DEBUG testActivities 37 41243 140735795659712 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,551 DEBUG testActivities 40 41243 140735795659712 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 DEBUG testActivities 46 41243 140735795659712 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 DEBUG activity_log 157 41243 140735795659712 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 DEBUG testActivities 50 41243 140735795659712 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,564 DEBUG testActivities 51 41243 140735795659712 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,564 DEBUG testActivities 54 41243 140735795659712 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,565 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,572 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104591990>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104591f50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c62523ec-d7c0-4542-850e-1da9e6b5ed96'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,581 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,582 DEBUG activity_log 105 41243 140735795659712 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,586 DEBUG testActivities 58 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,586 DEBUG testActivities 59 41243 140735795659712 Got content : []
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,586 DEBUG testActivities 63 41243 140735795659712 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,586 DEBUG testActivities 66 41243 140735795659712 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,586 DEBUG testActivities 69 41243 140735795659712 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,587 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,593 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1052672d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105066e50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'c62523ec-d7c0-4542-850e-1da9e6b5ed96'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,603 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,604 DEBUG activity_log 105 41243 140735795659712 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,605 DEBUG testActivities 73 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,605 DEBUG testActivities 74 41243 140735795659712 Got content : []
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,605 DEBUG testActivities 78 41243 140735795659712 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 78933348-69d4-4729-a933-6a3e0ac87b4a
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 350388b0-0d70-405b-9661-5b644b9a79bc
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,651 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,670 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1056d7250>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048e8f10>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,688 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,712 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=IV1T9
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,712 DEBUG invite_service 85 41243 140735795659712 Invited Contact with email already exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,712 DEBUG invite_service 87 41243 140735795659712 Updating the Engagement with uuid=d1d61c06-a341-4bd9-8231-f826991a7813 to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,714 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,200 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 44c9959d-edfc-445a-95ea-e3a053c03e18
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4c42db19-0327-44b6-8c1d-d3a487ffa18a
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,244 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,250 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10505d2d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10505d610>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,260 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,267 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=duaQt
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,268 DEBUG invite_service 115 41243 140735795659712 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,268 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,268 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,268 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,271 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d8b7fa8c-3a25-45e6-8981-7b7212c8f388
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 3a4dffa4-d679-4446-9764-02664b6aeeac
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,324 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,330 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10560b310>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045ac350>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,337 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,337 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,338 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 46068d41-39ad-4670-9bc8-19599fde1088
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 f3679517-d525-42e7-97e0-23e99e415173
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,386 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,393 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104591bd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104591a50>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,403 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,403 ERROR invite 59 41243 140735795659712 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d9218278-891f-4593-964e-aed42a5bf668
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 df21c955-6725-485a-a6c1-9647fb46075c
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,526 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,532 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10573b690>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10573b6d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'dbc814fb-78c1-48d0-9f1f-4db9e157ed29'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,542 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,544 DEBUG git_manager 14 41243 140735795659712 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement dbc814fb-78c1-48d0-9f1f-4db9e157ed29 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,570 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'dbc814fb-78c1-48d0-9f1f-4db9e157ed29', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,571 DEBUG checklist_state_service 95 41243 140735795659712 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,575 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,576 DEBUG checklist_state_service 97 41243 140735795659712 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,580 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,630 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'dbc814fb-78c1-48d0-9f1f-4db9e157ed29', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,632 DEBUG checklist_state_service 104 41243 140735795659712 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,637 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,641 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,654 DEBUG checklist_service 277 41243 140735795659712 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,659 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,664 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10554c490>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1044f6d10>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fake-eng', 'checklistUuid': u'93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 162 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,676 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7f05877c-d654-42e2-b98a-bbaeeb581432
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,683 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 895718ca-2514-4274-9f0a-1101c32699ec
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,760 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,767 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1045ead50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105531c50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,776 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,778 DEBUG git_manager 14 41243 140735795659712 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,806 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,807 DEBUG checklist_state_service 95 41243 140735795659712 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,810 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,811 DEBUG checklist_state_service 97 41243 140735795659712 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,814 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,866 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,867 DEBUG checklist_state_service 104 41243 140735795659712 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,871 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,875 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,888 DEBUG checklist_service 277 41243 140735795659712 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,891 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,897 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10573b410>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045b5190>) | {'eng_uuid': u'dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa', 'checklistUuid': u'dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,909 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,920 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 6eb11e9d-6299-4eb9-8377-84cb92ae714e and vf uuid: b3c8dbfc-628a-4fce-b458-078dc9cdd377
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,952 DEBUG engagement_service 109 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 6eb11e9d-6299-4eb9-8377-84cb92ae714e and vf uuid: b3c8dbfc-628a-4fce-b458-078dc9cdd377
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,973 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': u'dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,974 DEBUG checklist_state_service 88 41243 140735795659712 set_state: decline and not pending
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,980 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,984 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,996 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,003 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,009 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,041 DEBUG checklist_state_service 192 41243 140735795659712 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,045 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,057 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 41243 140735795659712 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=dba5d635-34c6-403f-bf99-8ca4ef1199fa for checklist=dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,065 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 41267434-ccd5-40f5-8931-d943d1d4f00b
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 f9893558-4944-4e3a-9828-b00c820ed8f0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,131 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 114 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 115 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 116 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,146 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 ERROR verify_token 75 41243 140735795659712 Something went wrong while trying to prepare data for auth. kwargs={'checklistUuid': u'yX5lq'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 126 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d6ccecaf-c820-44f6-9178-e3359835679a
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 ed8c2521-5c9a-4796-9613-e26a06f41463
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,220 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 91 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,220 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 92 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,220 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 93 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,220 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,221 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,229 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1044f6310>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048b3b50>) | {'checklistUuid': u'fc87b3f9-4589-4f23-bb89-e0dbd91375e6'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,239 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,239 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 41243 140735795659712 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 103 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 dd236ab5-140f-42e1-bb4e-e07b685759ac
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 ca61bacd-efe3-42ff-b99f-523b361bf32c
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,308 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,308 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,308 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 70 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,308 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 74 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,310 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,319 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1045ba650>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10479e6d0>) | {'checklistUuid': u'96269421-bacc-405a-a1c7-c71ef957561b'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,327 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,330 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,339 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 79 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,340 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,340 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,340 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8fa609ef-d196-4d2e-9caf-d18d4dde74f7
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c14ad4c6-7406-4c00-ab50-bfc0069a0a51
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,408 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,409 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 182 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,409 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 183 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,409 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 184 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,409 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,410 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,417 ERROR authorization_service 479 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,418 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1045bab50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10479ea10>) | {'decision_uuid': u'vg0wJ'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,454 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,454 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 194 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 41243 140735795659712 Test failed
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 64 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 cc07dd6a-78f0-401d-8626-4dafbf1efc66
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 37d1cec2-820d-49d8-b7ab-1cb72f7caf2d
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,522 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 159 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,523 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 160 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,523 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 161 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,523 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,524 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,534 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1053a1250>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1053a1910>) | {'decision_uuid': u'd7d32445-3169-40e1-91cd-5006515a761b'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,542 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,542 ERROR checklist_audit_log 84 41243 140735795659712 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 171 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4bae4b15-13f1-4b38-b877-4edd6f7d114c
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 199b0c84-c96d-4cd0-aaa0-103f80ea0584
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,547 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,548 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,550 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,599 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,611 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 136 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,611 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 137 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,611 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 138 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,611 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,612 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,622 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048c9f10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048c9b10>) | {'decision_uuid': u'7fbecc39-db6b-4006-998b-1ea30e14f4a7'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,630 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,633 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 49 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,640 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 148 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,641 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,641 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,641 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,642 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a993dd39-8368-40e2-96d8-7f8dd680a632
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 cfc9cebf-a37b-4c70-a3a2-706e739eca63
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,709 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,709 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,709 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 284 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,709 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 285 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,710 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 286 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,710 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,712 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,721 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105742e50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1044f3dd0>) | {'decision_uuid': u'554351c2-9969-4d77-b297-b16b5bd3ed2c'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,730 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,730 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 41243 140735795659712 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value=u'approved')...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 41243 140735795659712 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 299 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,735 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8d7a61ad-d81b-419e-ac8d-7d56747748c7
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,738 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 02a50f2e-7d75-437c-9367-6dfe669c94e5
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,738 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,790 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,801 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 258 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,801 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 259 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,802 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 260 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,802 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,803 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,812 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1057669d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105766f90>) | {'decision_uuid': u'49884fb0-93ad-4a11-966e-1ef1e1dd1b3b'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,820 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,820 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 41243 140735795659712 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value=u'UW8Bm')...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,820 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 41243 140735795659712 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 273 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2d974a38-698a-4a89-8ec6-511a02a8f0f2
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 322f010e-77b6-4e83-b330-5683879f90dd
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,889 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 232 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,889 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 233 41243 140735795659712 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,889 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 234 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,889 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,891 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,901 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105731190>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1055315d0>) | {'decision_uuid': u'b6521079-a252-4bf2-87c7-ae91e3649e0f'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,907 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,907 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 41243 140735795659712 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value=u'approved')...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,911 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 41243 140735795659712 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,911 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 247 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,912 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,912 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,912 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 b4cc7dcc-b5e1-436a-8479-f3c36ffb8186
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 b8b847b3-376f-4819-b39f-21a74d2a7e79
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,980 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 205 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,980 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 206 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,980 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 207 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,980 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 41243 140735795659712 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,982 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,992 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105240650>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105260090>) | {'decision_uuid': u'ce3d8145-52e6-4edd-8e84-3283e169bc2e'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,999 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,999 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 41243 140735795659712 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value=u'approved')...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,007 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 41243 140735795659712 review_value was successfully changed for decision: ce3d8145-52e6-4edd-8e84-3283e169bc2e , value: approved
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,007 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 220 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 60 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 dce8dd9e-3a2c-4e2f-8937-55eee72c161e
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a1db90aa-3c19-48aa-b104-42917a5dde30
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,090 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,130 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,145 INFO authorization_service 128 41243 140735795659712 User is not a member of engagement: dabbfd35-5d02-4e7d-8430-4b9b32935853 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,152 INFO authorization_service 128 41243 140735795659712 User is not a member of engagement: dabbfd35-5d02-4e7d-8430-4b9b32935853 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 617250ba-006e-4545-85d3-e0e9873ed92a
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2c7672a4-62c5-483a-bc30-f11e7d40e912
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c45a0d58-5ca2-4cf0-a28f-9a91aa8a3760
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,247 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,253 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10576ffd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10576f510>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7b35e6b7-6f08-4462-a9f1-b859be454dcc
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a88bb65e-95f4-4d99-9929-e7e14c1446b4
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 0697c8f3-ca5e-4a89-b587-961df2ea602b
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,329 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,338 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10479bb50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104876650>) | {'eng_uuid': u'3c9e517f-b624-48a1-972c-e461b6cee794'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,344 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,348 DEBUG git_manager 14 41243 140735795659712 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 3c9e517f-b624-48a1-972c-e461b6cee794 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 1d1613cb-e636-4e4f-90d6-0a81fceab92f
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2e3143ee-746d-4900-bb7f-87acab723939
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 897769c6-6d97-4859-88bf-1389dabc6091
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,355 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,417 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,424 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10479bc10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10576f310>) | {'eng_uuid': u'2d03ddcc-483d-4c98-abdb-ef115684c834'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 ERROR checklist 51 41243 140735795659712 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d14ef406-45e0-4070-9646-129d1703b238
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8a0a8850-14ce-4c14-9957-f06396c4ca1f
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 3b25bc0c-d079-417b-a5bf-5868ef7aa461
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,502 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10447d750>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10525fe10>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,514 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,515 ERROR authorization_service 180 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,515 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8ce1a0fb-703c-43e6-b2c3-80ae55bf409a
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 22735a12-b024-4484-9347-65f295024703
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 fc6b8e9a-65f6-46d7-aec6-a459642f1d11
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,585 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,592 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104582510>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104784210>) | {'eng_uuid': u'44faa0c1-5335-4cc8-8a91-52a021cac218'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,599 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 44faa0c1-5335-4cc8-8a91-52a021cac218 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 b42f68fc-c047-4053-91de-95f8aa0c6531
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8c696321-b04d-46b0-a9c2-e27e4d4464c6
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 fdbe440a-3712-4d20-b811-4ad6af669818
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,669 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,675 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048c9950>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105766290>) | {'eng_uuid': u'a3e96e87-e3cc-48eb-a943-261b58d04673'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,684 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,686 DEBUG git_manager 14 41243 140735795659712 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement a3e96e87-e3cc-48eb-a943-261b58d04673 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,710 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'a3e96e87-e3cc-48eb-a943-261b58d04673', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,711 DEBUG checklist_state_service 95 41243 140735795659712 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,715 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,717 DEBUG checklist_state_service 97 41243 140735795659712 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,720 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,772 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'a3e96e87-e3cc-48eb-a943-261b58d04673', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,773 DEBUG checklist_state_service 104 41243 140735795659712 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,776 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,780 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,805 DEBUG checklist_service 277 41243 140735795659712 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 6d2fa968-9ada-4ef5-892f-f916b83fee66
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,811 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2d08ccef-0ce3-46d4-80bb-cf54595bc5ba
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4c0c947f-1f8b-4472-bd28-dd5bb2f63692
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,877 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,884 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105755890>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104876cd0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'65891bfa-c65a-494d-b6fc-296b1e31a98e'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,894 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,896 DEBUG git_manager 14 41243 140735795659712 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 65891bfa-c65a-494d-b6fc-296b1e31a98e for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,922 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'65891bfa-c65a-494d-b6fc-296b1e31a98e', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,923 DEBUG checklist_state_service 95 41243 140735795659712 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,926 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,928 DEBUG checklist_state_service 97 41243 140735795659712 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,930 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,987 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'65891bfa-c65a-494d-b6fc-296b1e31a98e', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': UUID('43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd')})
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,988 DEBUG checklist_state_service 104 41243 140735795659712 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,992 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,996 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,011 DEBUG checklist_service 277 41243 140735795659712 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,026 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 e5275fb5-421a-4984-bd8b-17c4431749bb
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 148ee010-f145-4eed-9c38-300b646cce31
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,027 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,029 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,031 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,033 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,050 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,052 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,058 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling get | (< object at 0x1057551d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104784850>) | {'id': u'1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 efa5248c-4818-4a00-9574-06802a784313
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4df34b15-ab75-46b6-a6f2-4438c2bd48e7
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,068 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,071 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,081 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,082 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,089 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling get | (< object at 0x1045ccd50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045cc650>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,092 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 270a0bc6-bd0a-40fe-ac05-c507e47b0733
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7c2109f2-53a4-452a-8d8d-c074736bffd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,098 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,111 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,112 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,118 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling get | (< object at 0x1045ccb90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045b5d50>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,125 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,129 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7a10a05c-0a45-46e9-ac22-dbc340bea3e6
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,130 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 93e58cda-f272-4c8e-9f04-2b1b81339b33
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,131 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,133 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,137 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,140 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,152 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,154 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,159 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048728d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1055c8550>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 9fc8da1d-7f40-42de-8534-cc7704f340a4
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 69366179-bf55-4a2f-9f9d-258fd2237857
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,172 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,172 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,173 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,181 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,182 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,189 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1055c8090>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1055c8fd0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 83f8318f-7ba0-4231-9a6a-f8a9df0c065d
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c3001609-2aa2-4303-9960-000b22071294
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,196 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,210 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,211 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,217 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104872850>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105260510>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,218 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d120d67d-cb74-4702-98a8-b97bf5437adb
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4c027b73-79a2-44dc-8295-845ea7826656
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,225 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,227 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,227 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,239 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,240 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,246 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048c1150>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048c1250>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 b056b9e0-4c31-4181-a352-0eece6afb185
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 dec4ccd6-e005-410c-a691-e8158355562e
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,256 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,256 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,266 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,267 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,273 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1045cc410>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1055c8210>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,274 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,274 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 33c19f7d-2c55-4f28-ac9f-e88033f70edd
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 19e88c3a-d908-4e69-90e7-dfb15d77640d
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'aPJtv'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICIwV3c5QE1KU1cuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.EiFfN-o1E_KXnmXQiYpB_0qe6p1tzL-yYXNCGp0LQg0
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJIWGtuQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.Scorn2zuAQ3iZr-UFYIaTfAyMcmyjkp6Qad7cKefwGc
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 41243 140735795659712 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 41243 140735795659712 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,327 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 41243 140735795659712 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,339 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 41243 140735795659712 The engagement team:
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 DEBUG activity_log 157 41243 140735795659712 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 41243 140735795659712 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 41243 140735795659712 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,342 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 41243 140735795659712 The VF that should be removed after deletion: jk5iv
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,342 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 41243 140735795659712 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,343 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 41243 140735795659712 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,344 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,350 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048c1250>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048c1cd0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'6087724f-91e8-4e7c-9164-f330adf4fc58'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,359 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,367 DEBUG views_helper 165 41243 140735795659712 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,376 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,376 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 41243 140735795659712 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,376 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,376 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 41243 140735795659712
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,378 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 41243 140735795659712 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: []
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,378 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 41243 140735795659712 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,379 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,379 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,379 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a7f0818a-3557-486d-8d53-2f6ccb0db19d
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c15e2660-dc61-4fc6-8a17-b0ef74dc4bee
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,435 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 41243 140735795659712 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,436 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,444 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10560e190>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105242c90>) | {'vf_uuid': u'1804b09f-82f0-42b1-a4a0-ea0dccf558c2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,451 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 41daa4b0-56ff-43a6-baeb-eaa700e0c43c isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d871744a-0066-4452-8e4c-ccd8072b3294
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8b317772-0448-45f4-b519-d101a02b1267
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,457 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,488 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,495 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,496 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 41243 140735795659712 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,497 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,505 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105242350>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1056d7310>) | {'vf_uuid': u'ade90a21-261a-414f-9dac-df3eb1fdf98e'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,511 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4d02ca78-651f-4e9a-98c4-89c85128f0ab
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 23e1b6bb-0e27-4257-8a48-6e6c1da4040f
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,551 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,558 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 41243 140735795659712 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,559 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,567 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105531350>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105755f10>) | {'vf_uuid': u'fdd5ed97-a018-4a1e-b6b0-35a764e1e8ad'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,574 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 6e085f14-7c00-4531-bc51-4bef442b4b34
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 423267f5-b575-4355-9fb0-16de6b9a8083
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,620 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 41243 140735795659712 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,621 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,629 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10524d050>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10479b650>) | {'vf_uuid': u'89ca14a8-bf23-4be8-a64d-c656b7b8d9b7'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,636 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: b002a419-9551-4344-93d7-c6ea13462cb7 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 f0f78b5b-76d8-4fc9-99c6-454a96477890
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 671dbafb-7702-4f45-91f8-637da4a47c64
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,642 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,682 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,690 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10504a450>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105033090>) | {'vf_uuid': u'9db161d8-2c0c-41fa-98c9-f603c40122fa'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,697 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,704 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 1f25aefa-7a01-461b-9b6e-8f6866a81d95
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,706 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 df67cab5-037c-4ce6-bb15-d239f8e3fbe0
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,707 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,709 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,710 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,712 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,712 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,748 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,756 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1055cae90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1055b6250>) | {'vf_uuid': u'8faed297-b2c4-4291-96a2-314937e20301'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,765 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,772 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,773 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7cff3b5a-d000-4eea-bf54-95e099ccb91f
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 48ec96a2-7cfb-4b66-a8dd-4a0f1904ba76
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,779 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.0GWpRRySi8gqOTqobbnYSmfd8a7KRPQogGP8UI9j9AU
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,815 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,824 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105766f10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104876dd0>) | {'vf_uuid': u'493ddda8-2552-4fa9-b5d7-d40b2b2503f0'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,831 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: fa57dd07-d55a-45b2-8169-1dab4de585da isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 dcdfc355-c571-4b00-9203-f590b9bc6e07
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 03c86f35-7f82-4313-8261-8fb8944c05d9
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,848 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,850 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,851 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,851 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,895 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,896 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,903 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105066850>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1056d7a90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'a0ded5d6-3e11-45eb-975f-c2815ab0a63b'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,909 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 9353d32a-289b-4002-98f3-97d1b046f49c
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 abccbf63-23bb-4e1f-89b7-6abd5c894819
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,920 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,921 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,963 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,964 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,971 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105620210>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048dbed0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,974 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8046bce5-acc0-4ca3-8a2e-b96f519a2809
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,982 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 47452b93-2930-4ff8-86fe-a511d8484b20
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,985 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,028 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 41243 140735795659712 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,029 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,035 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10560e210>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048c1210>) | {'eng_uuid': u'05270504-af74-4d9e-a687-16b86195f2ea'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,043 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 05270504-af74-4d9e-a687-16b86195f2ea isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,044 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 3c1eac0c-a30c-40b6-9fc2-21c40a5a8e20
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,048 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 5e30983c-1cb1-4293-93c5-d1f46d22edb5
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,049 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,053 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,096 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 41243 140735795659712 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,097 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,103 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104546f90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104532050>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,106 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 444c61e2-1643-4877-a8c3-259f03258d3a
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,111 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8ff7bd6b-87f2-4765-805c-6933cc25ead9
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,113 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,117 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,161 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 41243 140735795659712 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,161 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,167 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104532ad0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104532410>) | {'eng_uuid': u'7cc9a99d-0bc4-494f-aaac-e60d4ecf2db4'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,174 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 7cc9a99d-0bc4-494f-aaac-e60d4ecf2db4 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 86c09f94-2d23-4791-aff5-0705907bc303
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 6b9dd5bd-7ee9-4f9e-b8cf-3886c1a4a413
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,228 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 41243 140735795659712 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,229 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,236 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1055b6dd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048b38d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'6312e774-183d-445f-a75c-744258c57bc2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,243 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 6312e774-183d-445f-a75c-744258c57bc2 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 57f5bc33-7796-406d-b06d-4747549d5341
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 b324aa25-697f-45c3-97e0-ec53317113bc
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,289 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,295 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,296 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,302 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105242190>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10573b3d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'8785e587-24df-4119-aece-85ff1237f7e1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,309 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 b4845642-a1ae-410c-b3c1-27a94ac06b4f
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,329 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 70c4169e-e89d-4781-8c68-0f99040a0dae
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.wAXur3Mr-vtFy_WIit7vkhm6v3brNo23BR4tKexPgcs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.wrpEakQJubNvUx1ZxDGhkdUeknD2jutd0PIH4bBTDX8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.bepZb5UJABHlhhJXUY7HZno5xugMXfsksiuarJuL0VI
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,377 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,378 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,384 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1047876d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104787510>) | {'eng_uuid': u'68112c9e-5356-469c-9aa1-7dc1e1510cb2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,391 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,420 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 f4dde6ba-0874-485a-a88b-1901fd86771e
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,422 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 30a1bc38-4eb0-4a86-b59e-e9cab9a0ebef
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,467 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,468 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,474 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1047964d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104796310>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,477 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 ERROR engagement 84 41243 140735795659712 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 807cf55b-8096-459d-ac20-d1373f595a6b
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 251f01cb-e034-4035-8724-60e017461427
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,705 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,721 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.e9PIa8eG75hRdLUPzpB26DY7n9_X0mFAS0TWUfBS8JE
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.b8JAszyCAeIvmSa1KKdW0ctSdw_3Ewmep20o9bgJUrg
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,722 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,723 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,729 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104d2da50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104d2db90>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,732 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,814 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,815 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,821 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104876150>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104da1dd0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,824 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,892 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 41243 140735795659712 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,893 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,899 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104d8b810>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104d84490>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,903 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,957 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 41243 140735795659712 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 66271676-8198-438c-aaab-5ebc8a08a5f8
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,969 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 10b311fb-16d1-4db4-afb0-875aad256ec5
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,970 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 53 41243 140735795659712 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,095 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,096 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,102 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e0c950>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e0ca90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'4dd8c23c-1a25-491d-987b-f44afa00d464'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,110 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 4dd8c23c-1a25-491d-987b-f44afa00d464 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,112 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,117 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e02bd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e07050>) | {'eng_uuid': u'4dd8c23c-1a25-491d-987b-f44afa00d464'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,126 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,129 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,134 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e07f90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e07b90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'4dd8c23c-1a25-491d-987b-f44afa00d464'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,142 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,142 DEBUG engagement_service 291 41243 140735795659712 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 55 41243 140735795659712 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 dd513a89-450b-4766-bb09-854013903399
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 beec3937-4873-4694-a604-09a9d69e37b5
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,195 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlYjU3OG1AYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.tkjd4fR0V1Yk9of_nyvyDjbyDTRj5Jq3oMlFwEaOMHc
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,204 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,208 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f553d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f55650>) | {'eng_uuid': u'0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,219 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,222 DEBUG engagement_service 81 41243 140735795659712 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,230 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,236 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f55890>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048f3410>) | {'eng_uuid': u'0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,244 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,258 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,259 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,264 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1056a2410>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048f3bd0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,273 INFO authorization_service 128 41243 140735795659712 User is not a member of engagement: 0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,274 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,275 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,276 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,281 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048f4cd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048f35d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,287 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,288 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,288 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 1725d21e-d60a-41aa-8919-b2c9b66cc108
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 f01ee7fe-8a5c-472b-9247-78618180e312
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlYjU3OG1AYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.tkjd4fR0V1Yk9of_nyvyDjbyDTRj5Jq3oMlFwEaOMHc
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,341 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,346 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10569e4d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10569e750>) | {'eng_uuid': u'a690f9cc-bf96-41c0-bf3e-2d4254c46790'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,356 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,358 DEBUG engagement_service 81 41243 140735795659712 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: a690f9cc-bf96-41c0-bf3e-2d4254c46790
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,364 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,365 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,370 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10569e990>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e0b850>) | {'eng_uuid': u'a690f9cc-bf96-41c0-bf3e-2d4254c46790'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,378 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a690f9cc-bf96-41c0-bf3e-2d4254c46790 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,379 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,380 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,385 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f373d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10569b890>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,392 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,392 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,393 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,397 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,402 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105674090>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105674f50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'a690f9cc-bf96-41c0-bf3e-2d4254c46790'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,447 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,449 DEBUG engagement_service 81 41243 140735795659712 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: a690f9cc-bf96-41c0-bf3e-2d4254c46790
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 d0feb428-307a-4e45-9eda-73d0c76066b7
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 60b73671-9eb5-4da6-9f08-be8685a17d5c
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlYjU3OG1AYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.tkjd4fR0V1Yk9of_nyvyDjbyDTRj5Jq3oMlFwEaOMHc
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,506 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,511 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104db0950>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104db08d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'af6e05ed-db16-4bac-870e-604fcdf3412c'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,522 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,524 DEBUG engagement_service 81 41243 140735795659712 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: af6e05ed-db16-4bac-870e-604fcdf3412c
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,531 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 41243 140735795659712 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,531 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,537 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104d91ad0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104d78410>) | {'eng_uuid': u'af6e05ed-db16-4bac-870e-604fcdf3412c'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,544 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: af6e05ed-db16-4bac-870e-604fcdf3412c isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,546 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,552 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104d7ced0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104bd1390>) | {'eng_uuid': u'af6e05ed-db16-4bac-870e-604fcdf3412c'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,561 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,564 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 140735795659712 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: af6e05ed-db16-4bac-870e-604fcdf3412c
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,587 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,590 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,592 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,594 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,595 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,605 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 41243 140735795659712 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 41243 140735795659712 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 41243 140735795659712 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,783 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,785 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,789 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,791 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,792 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,792 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 41243 140735795659712 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8dea7326-bc88-4e51-a14d-943b168f6a68
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 edbc6ee7-4083-466c-94d4-49a2000b11b4
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,876 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,878 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,883 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105674a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104790c50>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,892 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,913 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=3Lyhm
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,913 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,913 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,914 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,920 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=3Lyhm
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,920 DEBUG invite_service 85 41243 140735795659712 Invited Contact with email already exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,920 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,921 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c95d305b-28fe-4c70-b5f6-08a859d08428
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 11d54e17-6308-473e-82e1-83d6f2a6622b
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,966 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,972 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1046016d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104790990>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,982 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,989 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,989 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,989 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,990 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,996 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,996 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,997 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,997 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,004 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,004 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,004 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,005 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,011 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,011 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,011 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,012 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,019 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,019 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,020 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,020 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,027 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,027 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,027 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,028 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,035 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,035 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,035 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,036 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,043 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,043 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,043 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,044 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,050 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,051 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,051 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,052 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,058 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,058 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,058 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,059 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,065 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,066 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,066 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,067 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,076 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,076 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,076 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,077 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,084 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,085 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,085 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,085 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,092 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,092 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,093 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,093 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,100 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,100 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,100 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,101 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,108 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,108 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,108 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,108 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,114 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,115 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,115 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,116 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,123 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,124 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,124 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,124 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,131 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,131 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,131 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,132 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,138 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,139 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,139 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,139 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,146 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,146 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,146 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,147 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,153 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,154 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,154 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,154 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,160 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,161 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,161 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,161 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,169 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,169 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,169 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,170 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,176 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=KDYCo
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,177 DEBUG invite_service 117 41243 140735795659712 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,177 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,177 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,185 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,190 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,196 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,201 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,206 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c3c859cb-3652-440e-8422-d8f2391c0d07
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 84d32164-fba4-4e33-a435-b82c7bbd4203
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,248 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,253 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10479e490>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e02e10>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,262 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,267 DEBUG views_helper 309 41243 140735795659712 Found VF name=7zv5d
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,268 DEBUG invite_service 85 41243 140735795659712 Invited Contact with email already exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,268 DEBUG mail 17 41243 140735795659712 about to send mail to
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,268 DEBUG mail 24 41243 140735795659712 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,273 WARNING invite_service 38 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 686cd35c-a24c-436b-b067-6f3bc9e38d4a to for joining engagement ba4629a7-b429-41f2-b3c2-726961d22eb5
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 84e4ac11-2154-4a41-8acb-dc8e533c3d68
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 0207a25e-4d0f-4fd5-a606-8d347ec853d9
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,285 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,285 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,324 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,348 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,348 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,352 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 41243 140735795659712 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,352 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,356 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,360 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,366 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104d09990>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f46510>) | {'eng_uuid': u'eaab58ef-a954-4145-bb14-eab9b26577cf', 'eng_stage': u''}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,375 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,399 DEBUG nextsteps 70 41243 140735795659712 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=eaab58ef-a954-4145-bb14-eab9b26577cf for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,399 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,401 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 1e85dba2-aad2-4fdf-aa4f-dbb47c2d30fd
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 1ecca4c3-4c24-48cf-8961-4c7b76b9e195
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,457 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,465 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,469 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,472 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,476 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,483 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,488 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10552e410>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e1b3d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'634fe84b-0674-46f1-95a6-b76ffbf2a3d3', 'eng_stage': u'Intake'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,495 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,530 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,537 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e1bc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10486c5d0>) | {'ns_uuid': u'1c4170be-8952-475d-a464-ae894d3b5ced', 'attr': u'state'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,544 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,546 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,547 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,548 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,554 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f52c90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1045ba890>) | {'ns_uuid': u'1c4170be-8952-475d-a464-ae894d3b5ced', 'attr': u'state'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,561 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,562 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,563 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,570 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f49b90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104834850>) | {'ns_uuid': u'1c4170be-8952-475d-a464-ae894d3b5ced', 'attr': u'state'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,579 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,580 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,581 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,583 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,589 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104834390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104834250>) | {'ns_uuid': u'1c4170be-8952-475d-a464-ae894d3b5ced', 'attr': u'state'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,596 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,598 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,599 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,605 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104da8690>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104876d90>) | {'ns_uuid': u'1c4170be-8952-475d-a464-ae894d3b5ced', 'attr': u'state'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,612 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,613 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a3784a8b-8f8a-4025-ac4a-2e593b6306ab
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 47a8dab6-970f-4722-92a5-f2dcd2d06fcf
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,670 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,677 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,680 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,684 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,688 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,693 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,699 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104870190>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f3f450>) | {'eng_uuid': u'b27f0ed0-32c0-4c07-9a5e-e3fd5e1f66d5', 'eng_stage': u'Intake'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,707 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,738 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 22d2e2c7-63af-4699-9d01-1bf754446231
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c5d332cb-628a-41d2-9653-915d060eb119
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,799 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,799 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,799 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,803 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 41243 140735795659712 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,803 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,806 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,812 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,818 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104865610>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048653d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'42643c6e-4a30-41e3-ab6b-8642407045ef', 'eng_stage': u'Intake'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,827 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2c09d54f-e104-4698-ad7f-4d162f72ef01
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8c28b792-2000-4eb2-affb-752c0812c102
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,857 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,919 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,926 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e1bf10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f58410>) | {'ns_uuid': u'befda2c9-a3f2-4421-ac18-55547caa5c25'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,934 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 1f8bbe44-78d7-4766-8cbd-12a49ae14e4a
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 eb2d02be-11ce-4e43-9514-b71c8201d3bd
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,006 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,011 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f37a10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f499d0>) | {'ns_uuid': u'123245', 'eng_uuid': u'56225a4b-d3b7-4a49-82ce-c8c14ac2106d'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,020 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,037 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 785f8581-3875-43fe-89b1-62c2c4fa1c4d
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,040 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 2965bee2-6198-46db-861a-ed62a551a12c
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,040 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,104 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,111 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104da8690>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e1fd90>) | {'ns_uuid': u'ef6f6ed6-cd84-44da-8e6d-94af70a368f6'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,117 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 1099ba23-7c48-4249-9748-3a707ab967e0 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,118 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,121 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7be55d4e-2f2f-4e14-8a94-8b219be253d1
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 ea7340d9-daed-4567-b40b-92075772bbd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,174 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 ERROR verify_token 64 41243 140735795659712 User wasn't found while verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,187 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c4177a8d-4ddd-48dc-bb89-907bff071d93
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,189 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 9e11ef53-99f1-4dd3-8933-a8b638fa1e36
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,191 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,191 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,226 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.SgLzQ1m8WsJ9hYmAcLbN89WCdajg2o3GKykqWhH5X8A
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.EonEKMvUZ_LGPVxY3dP3raGns6pIn-r_THS9XjGHpzs
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.phdQZJ2fRJUUOj2txdEzBjPA5qGvhppzLEXpNMj7d38
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,248 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,252 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 41243 140735795659712 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,252 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,255 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 41243 140735795659712 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,259 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,265 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104925a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104925390>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,270 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,275 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104925510>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104884810>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 459a3c6f-2557-4ddd-9fa9-5c7fe44b4ea2
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c53d3469-c64e-4546-a431-8ecb8b6ce16e
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'D7UjJ'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,329 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJXb1RDQENXTkIuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.aYLosq8jGFkyRh072VTQ74d3_Qe0shy2JnIdpocUCKM
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,329 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 41243 140735795659712 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,329 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 41243 140735795659712 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,340 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 41243 140735795659712 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,341 DEBUG activity_log 157 41243 140735795659712 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,341 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,342 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,347 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105684b50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105684790>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,348 DEBUG notifications 63 41243 140735795659712 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,351 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,351 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 41243 140735795659712 Got response : []
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,351 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 41243 140735795659712 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 6bf41d60-808b-44df-8492-381f0901bb1b
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,361 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 0a004814-af36-486d-a75d-3f5ac43243ba
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.gIgVY_FP6NzaJhAjVEMMwcDAG5ZHdT2Bs-RD1aJdnc4
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,452 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,459 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e0d190>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e0d4d0>) | {'checklistUuid': u'350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,473 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,473 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'61f2b829-a7e8-42ce-bf1a-f20692a5a2fe', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': u'350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,474 DEBUG checklist_state_service 95 41243 140735795659712 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,477 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,479 DEBUG checklist_state_service 97 41243 140735795659712 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,483 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,509 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,517 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104925f90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104da9150>) | {'checklistUuid': u'350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,527 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,574 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf, user.uuid=ce2ae0d2-6469-4a7a-ad65-c29dabde68c9, checklist.uuid=350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 c322634d-b194-4666-b2e3-bea5f4b4fcec
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 ef4a030d-45b9-4726-a0a0-84b6cad47b37
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.gIgVY_FP6NzaJhAjVEMMwcDAG5ZHdT2Bs-RD1aJdnc4
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.8BdECF6V5-xq9jgJ0UyWBKggezBFB2oWxsTC1zjIRNs
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,661 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,662 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,669 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1051d99d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1051c5250>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,681 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,681 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'2f122f29-77dc-460f-87e7-b574e9d6e600', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,682 DEBUG checklist_state_service 95 41243 140735795659712 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,685 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,686 DEBUG checklist_state_service 97 41243 140735795659712 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,689 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,718 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,725 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1051d2d90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1051b61d0>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,735 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,782 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2, user.uuid=249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2, checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,783 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 41243 140735795659712 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,783 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,784 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,784 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,784 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,784 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 41243 140735795659712 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,785 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,793 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1051c5410>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1051c5610>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,805 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,805 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'2f122f29-77dc-460f-87e7-b574e9d6e600', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,806 DEBUG checklist_state_service 104 41243 140735795659712 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,809 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,812 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,839 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,847 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f37910>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104e24dd0>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,857 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,909 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2, user.uuid=249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2, checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 41243 140735795659712 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,913 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,922 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104925dd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104980e10>) | {'decision_uuid': u'a2bfee02-5b22-479f-8f83-820af277293b'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,929 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,929 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 41243 140735795659712 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value=u'approved')...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,938 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 41243 140735795659712 review_value was successfully changed for decision: a2bfee02-5b22-479f-8f83-820af277293b , value: approved
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,938 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,938 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 41243 140735795659712 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,939 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,948 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f61a50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104980a50>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,960 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,960 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'2f122f29-77dc-460f-87e7-b574e9d6e600', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,961 DEBUG checklist_state_service 111 41243 140735795659712 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,970 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,977 DEBUG checklist_state_service 44 41243 140735795659712 Adding vf 9c072c77-df1d-45a1-b250-933b5e21c484 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,979 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: c05513b8-aa35-48df-a4f4-52eec64332f8 and vf uuid: 9c072c77-df1d-45a1-b250-933b5e21c484
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,983 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,009 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,017 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104989950>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104a02a90>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,026 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,082 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2, user.uuid=249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2, checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,083 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 41243 140735795659712 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,083 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,083 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,083 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,083 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,090 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,090 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 41243 140735795659712 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,091 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,098 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104b07e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104a02c90>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,109 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,109 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'2f122f29-77dc-460f-87e7-b574e9d6e600', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'cl_uuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,110 DEBUG checklist_state_service 118 41243 140735795659712 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,117 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,127 DEBUG checklist_state_service 44 41243 140735795659712 Adding vf 9c072c77-df1d-45a1-b250-933b5e21c484 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,128 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 10cce644-1d69-4efb-9253-f2914cc61488 and vf uuid: 9c072c77-df1d-45a1-b250-933b5e21c484
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,132 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,159 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,166 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104a02dd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1049b0c50>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,177 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,247 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2, user.uuid=249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2, checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,249 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 41243 140735795659712 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,249 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,249 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 41243 140735795659712 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,249 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,249 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 41243 140735795659712 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,249 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 41243 140735795659712 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,251 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,261 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104980d50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104959150>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,275 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,275 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'2f122f29-77dc-460f-87e7-b574e9d6e600', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'cl_uuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,277 DEBUG checklist_state_service 125 41243 140735795659712 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,284 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,291 DEBUG checklist_state_service 44 41243 140735795659712 Adding vf 9c072c77-df1d-45a1-b250-933b5e21c484 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,293 DEBUG engagement_service 115 41243 140735795659712 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2 and vf uuid: 9c072c77-df1d-45a1-b250-933b5e21c484
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,297 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,330 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,338 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10580a150>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1057f9550>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,348 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,413 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2, user.uuid=249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2, checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,415 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 41243 140735795659712 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,415 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,415 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 41243 140735795659712 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,415 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,415 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 41243 140735795659712 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,415 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 41243 140735795659712 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,416 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,424 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1057f9410>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104b07350>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,437 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,437 DEBUG checklist_state_service 63 41243 140735795659712 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=None,get_request_data_vars= {'ns_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': u'2f122f29-77dc-460f-87e7-b574e9d6e600', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'cl_uuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'})
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,438 DEBUG checklist_state_service 132 41243 140735795659712 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,447 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,453 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 130 41243 140735795659712 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,481 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,489 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104a029d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1049b0dd0>) | {'checklistUuid': u'28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,500 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,572 DEBUG checklist_service 142 41243 140735795659712 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2, user.uuid=249247a4-5370-4f93-8f90-9aad102f27e2, checklist.uuid=28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 41243 140735795659712 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 41243 140735795659712 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 41243 140735795659712 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,575 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 bcdde180-4cf4-43f6-a919-efd6a93bdc78
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,587 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 18ca941b-2758-4385-acfb-3ae7a16887ee
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,603 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,603 DEBUG exception_handler 38 41243 140735795659712 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,604 DEBUG exception_handler 39 41243 140735795659712 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,604 DEBUG exception_handler 40 41243 140735795659712 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 4b04a33b-c4d8-4484-937a-cf38ce278005
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 38bfab2f-ee14-4a23-8e6b-cecfcd882105
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,621 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,626 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10580ae90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1049b0e90>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,627 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,628 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,628 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,628 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 35e3aa95-2062-4aac-9272-aeccedce9ad0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 316b0c0d-d8e9-4d4a-bf09-614464fcc904
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,633 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,646 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,651 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104e249d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1049b03d0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,654 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 7eb73c4d-4f1c-41e3-a1c0-d7d17370a09e
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a9f201b1-be23-40bb-a2dc-912e2ccbb3ee
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,657 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,670 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1057ae7d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104a197d0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,706 INFO user 140 41243 140735795659712 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=ebe9a6ec-03e8-42c0-a329-51c21b391efa Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 0861c06f-c0c0-4cda-9e1e-9db0cb874ab6
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 9d88bc27-65f6-44b2-935b-5e56e16265c4
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,734 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,739 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1049b0a50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1057fb450>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 ERROR user 60 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 55943231-66b4-4379-9540-fe14e2a71f77
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 bfec68d8-14c4-4ec0-a70e-8cf3d4827dc4
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,758 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,759 DEBUG exception_handler 38 41243 140735795659712 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,759 DEBUG exception_handler 39 41243 140735795659712 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,759 DEBUG exception_handler 40 41243 140735795659712 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 8d21fc18-9602-4197-8100-f299a3959c4b
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 f956a3e6-8360-4160-ba75-2bbab982ddf1
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,765 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,776 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,782 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104989490>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104a02cd0>) | {}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,817 INFO user 89 41243 140735795659712 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=2513ff8f-09d0-4201-a448-d9ea8daf4728
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,817 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,817 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,818 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 02e27abe-d88c-4a8a-8fb8-4aa8b7fd1891
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 6078cdf9-1d8b-46ae-a6de-a09413a7aea6
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,829 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,843 DEBUG testVFC 22 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,843 DEBUG testVFC 23 41243 140735795659712 Created User:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,843 DEBUG testVFC 24 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 37018402-5e8e-4aaf-ba59-153034a80270
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,844 DEBUG testVFC 25 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: hB1Kc
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,844 DEBUG testVFC 26 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,851 DEBUG testVFC 28 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,852 DEBUG testVFC 29 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,852 DEBUG testVFC 30 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 8c849d1a-0480-45d2-807b-a809196b1ceb
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,852 DEBUG testVFC 31 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: W5721
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,852 DEBUG testVFC 32 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,860 DEBUG testVFC 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,860 DEBUG testVFC 39 41243 140735795659712 Created User:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,860 DEBUG testVFC 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: d1a69312-f002-473e-bea8-f16db06afca9
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,860 DEBUG testVFC 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: xr4db
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,860 DEBUG testVFC 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'U2nd1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,867 DEBUG testVFC 50 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,867 DEBUG testVFC 51 41243 140735795659712 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,867 DEBUG testVFC 52 41243 140735795659712 UUID: deaeb808-4bf3-495d-9ab0-2cd69eaae7d0
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,867 DEBUG testVFC 53 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,869 DEBUG testVFC 59 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,869 DEBUG testVFC 60 41243 140735795659712 Created VF:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,869 DEBUG testVFC 61 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 251f01cb-e034-4035-8724-60e017461427
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,869 DEBUG testVFC 62 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,869 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJMMEhqQFRMTlIuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.dbyIM5EaPJy_J4VxZctBpOr8Nc-lp2_pNgvhfQ5pjFE
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJMUDdaQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.ciDy2AKuCH4hrIJcAYrJfzeQU3cMqPXFAvOtiqaesyk
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,870 DEBUG testVFC 89 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,870 DEBUG testVFC 90 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,870 DEBUG testVFC 91 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,874 DEBUG testVFC 97 41243 140735795659712 1. oKxD9
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,875 DEBUG testVFC 78 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,875 DEBUG testVFC 79 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,875 DEBUG testVFC 80 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,876 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 a86528f7-2584-4fda-bfdb-2ea354160ea6
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 82e4859f-ed53-40a4-a190-471a7093b3a1
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,881 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,883 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,891 DEBUG testVFC 22 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,891 DEBUG testVFC 23 41243 140735795659712 Created User:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,891 DEBUG testVFC 24 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 25400f39-65b4-437a-9f24-979bc393fe24
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,892 DEBUG testVFC 25 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: 8o2V9
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,892 DEBUG testVFC 26 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,899 DEBUG testVFC 28 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,899 DEBUG testVFC 29 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,900 DEBUG testVFC 30 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 66e3042b-6a46-49a5-a202-c02caf94ebe9
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,900 DEBUG testVFC 31 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: B9oMT
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,900 DEBUG testVFC 32 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,908 DEBUG testVFC 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,908 DEBUG testVFC 39 41243 140735795659712 Created User:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,908 DEBUG testVFC 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 98e34c16-3e13-486c-a1de-231a52fd5d19
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,908 DEBUG testVFC 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: Ty8EW
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,908 DEBUG testVFC 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,908 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'aV4HY'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,914 DEBUG testVFC 50 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,914 DEBUG testVFC 51 41243 140735795659712 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,914 DEBUG testVFC 52 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 13eefa5c-dd00-490d-997e-0367b332d44b
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,914 DEBUG testVFC 53 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,916 DEBUG testVFC 59 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,916 DEBUG testVFC 60 41243 140735795659712 Created VF:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,916 DEBUG testVFC 61 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 251f01cb-e034-4035-8724-60e017461427
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,916 DEBUG testVFC 62 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlSFF4QFlZUkIuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.qVYqT5RUQZkH1kmdahGL4JplrYfgVxWPQkX3LhrjjA8
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJEckFOQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.ax6SGpebon60tKAPhAQ5ij7WRseCW95CUFE2vZ6bVQU
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,917 DEBUG testVFC 106 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,917 DEBUG testVFC 107 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,917 DEBUG testVFC 108 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,920 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,926 ERROR authorization_service 463 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,929 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1050bc450>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1050bc650>) | {'vf_uuid': u'7b5ea60f-b37f-4fd7-acdd-214b410f4ff1'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,938 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,940 DEBUG testVFC 117 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 204
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,940 DEBUG testVFC 78 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,940 DEBUG testVFC 79 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,941 DEBUG testVFC 80 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 eb87d71a-7cd0-4aa7-ae66-5ec6fbfb7f51
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 0d8ab062-da0b-43e3-bb95-8e606ee2002b
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,955 DEBUG testVFC 22 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,955 DEBUG testVFC 23 41243 140735795659712 Created User:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,956 DEBUG testVFC 24 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 025ac645-751d-40de-9f8d-1b0fc0c64991
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,956 DEBUG testVFC 25 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: N60Ih
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,956 DEBUG testVFC 26 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,963 DEBUG testVFC 28 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,963 DEBUG testVFC 29 41243 140735795659712 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,963 DEBUG testVFC 30 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 695f9697-680e-44a5-be89-e79c8e0c3108
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,963 DEBUG testVFC 31 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: D24c8
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,964 DEBUG testVFC 32 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,972 DEBUG testVFC 38 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,972 DEBUG testVFC 39 41243 140735795659712 Created User:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,973 DEBUG testVFC 40 41243 140735795659712 UUID: e6afc7f0-d506-4f09-95b7-5620d4fe8704
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,973 DEBUG testVFC 41 41243 140735795659712 Full Name: XEZr6
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,973 DEBUG testVFC 42 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'P7fd5'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,978 DEBUG testVFC 50 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,978 DEBUG testVFC 51 41243 140735795659712 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,978 DEBUG testVFC 52 41243 140735795659712 UUID: a2a4ce1e-f5e9-49d7-8620-02fe905106e2
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,978 DEBUG testVFC 53 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,979 DEBUG testVFC 59 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,980 DEBUG testVFC 60 41243 140735795659712 Created VF:
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,980 DEBUG testVFC 61 41243 140735795659712 UUID: 251f01cb-e034-4035-8724-60e017461427
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,980 DEBUG testVFC 62 41243 140735795659712 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJselJHQEpVVUkuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTEwIn0.geWNy0cw7h30e2AEt9x9s1dZDH0DEHSf6BsZTafnT3M
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICIycEs0QGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMTAifQ.sb6LYL8BBy7eRKREA5dG4DEn_08raPrv1-1X0uPTFRs
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,980 DEBUG testVFC 125 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,981 DEBUG testVFC 126 41243 140735795659712 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,981 DEBUG testVFC 127 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,985 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,993 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1050d7690>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1050d7ad0>) | {'vf_uuid': u'6f56fa4e-f4b3-47f0-bf70-9251dd606d1a'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,002 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testVFC 137 41243 140735795659712 Got response : 200
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testVFC 138 41243 140735795659712 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testVFC 139 41243 140735795659712 [{"uuid":"ddcd3387-5f20-4a71-8c96-096578601d3e","name":"dHRA7","external_ref_id":"5","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-09T14:57:14.984350Z","vf":"6f56fa4e-f4b3-47f0-bf70-9251dd606d1a","company":125,"creator":251},{"uuid":"86a9d25b-dba8-4bae-9aa4-12b16a2c4188","name":"xOHhq","external_ref_id":"0","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-09T14:57:14.982600Z","vf":"6f56fa4e-f4b3-47f0-bf70-9251dd606d1a","company":126,"creator":251}]
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testVFC 78 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testVFC 79 41243 140735795659712 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testVFC 80 41243 140735795659712 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 ff683beb-4141-4fa8-a447-764c5947026e
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 109e8da2-e9ab-4152-a614-e3dcbaf30520
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 68676665-1b26-47d5-9510-c719f1517958
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 41243 140735795659712 310e2a41-c58f-4826-b0e0-3bdb673244d9
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 41243 140735795659712 token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0xMCJ9.RyEtzUcmAjKxOsWNMuIRlyhk9MWrEpxtHK6hggdWhd0
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,175 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,175 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,175 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 41243 140735795659712
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,176 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 32 41243 140735795659712 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,184 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 41243 140735795659712 04b1e7b1-d9aa-4c53-b0f6-b453664439e1
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,186 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 41243 140735795659712 f49a8aa9-6992-4c34-ab63-0014f9e67fc9
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 41243 140735795659712 found object
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,243 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 140735795659712 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,248 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 140735795659712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1050d7450>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1050c43d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'd51b5032-7e0d-447c-b6c1-4388408b1c2b'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,300 DEBUG auth 54 41243 140735795659712 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,305 DEBUG engagement_service 81 41243 140735795659712 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: d51b5032-7e0d-447c-b6c1-4388408b1c2b
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,328 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145570476032 START - test 0
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,330 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145570476032 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,343 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145570476032 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10560b3d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1050b9250>) | {'eng_uuid': u'79598331-dbfa-4cf9-82fa-a32e0a6f160e'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,350 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145570476032 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 79598331-dbfa-4cf9-82fa-a32e0a6f160e isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,358 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145570476032 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,365 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145570476032 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1050dac50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104d7c990>) | {'eng_uuid': u'79598331-dbfa-4cf9-82fa-a32e0a6f160e'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,375 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145570476032 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,381 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145570476032 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 79598331-dbfa-4cf9-82fa-a32e0a6f160e
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,391 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145570476032 END - test 0
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,391 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145570476032 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10560ca50>
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,401 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,408 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145574682624 START - test 1
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,409 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145574682624 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,423 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145574682624 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f59a50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104bd1e10>) | {'eng_uuid': u'1b3c5440-bfb0-497e-8b68-5dd7a4c1b3c9'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,430 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145574682624 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1b3c5440-bfb0-497e-8b68-5dd7a4c1b3c9 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,438 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145574682624 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,445 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145574682624 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104bd1910>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10488cd90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'1b3c5440-bfb0-497e-8b68-5dd7a4c1b3c9'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,458 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145574682624 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,464 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145574682624 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1b3c5440-bfb0-497e-8b68-5dd7a4c1b3c9
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,475 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145574682624 END - test 1
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,475 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145574682624 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x105608490>
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,485 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,492 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145570476032 START - test 2
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,493 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145570476032 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,506 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145570476032 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1050c4a50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1050da650>) | {'eng_uuid': u'd615601f-1679-4984-9464-fc6abc604476'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,513 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145570476032 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d615601f-1679-4984-9464-fc6abc604476 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,519 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145570476032 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,526 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145570476032 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1050b9a10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105755990>) | {'eng_uuid': u'd615601f-1679-4984-9464-fc6abc604476'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,537 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145570476032 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,544 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145570476032 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: d615601f-1679-4984-9464-fc6abc604476
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,555 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145570476032 END - test 2
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,555 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145570476032 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10560ca50>
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,572 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145583095808 START - test 3
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,574 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145583095808 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,586 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145583095808 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f5c750>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104884c50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'676a8d39-9d74-4908-b3a8-86a4c4822edc'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,594 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145583095808 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 676a8d39-9d74-4908-b3a8-86a4c4822edc isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,597 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145583095808 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,603 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145583095808 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1048f48d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104d78390>) | {'eng_uuid': u'676a8d39-9d74-4908-b3a8-86a4c4822edc'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,615 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145583095808 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,622 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145583095808 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 676a8d39-9d74-4908-b3a8-86a4c4822edc
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,631 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145583095808 END - test 3
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,632 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145583095808 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x104d911d0>
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,642 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,648 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145587302400 START - test 4
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,649 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145587302400 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,661 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145587302400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x105755d90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1048c9310>) | {'eng_uuid': u'92d54487-1f75-4c2b-9e3f-4dbc23212eea'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,670 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145587302400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 92d54487-1f75-4c2b-9e3f-4dbc23212eea isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,678 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145587302400 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,685 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145587302400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10524f950>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104bc7790>) | {'eng_uuid': u'92d54487-1f75-4c2b-9e3f-4dbc23212eea'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,695 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145587302400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,702 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145587302400 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 92d54487-1f75-4c2b-9e3f-4dbc23212eea
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,711 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145587302400 END - test 4
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,711 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145587302400 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10479b0d0>
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,728 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145591508992 START - test 5
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,729 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145591508992 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,742 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145591508992 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f68710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104df6490>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fc606e08-78de-4e8f-bfa4-c27f4825ce61'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,750 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145591508992 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: fc606e08-78de-4e8f-bfa4-c27f4825ce61 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,758 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145591508992 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,765 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145591508992 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104df6050>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1052662d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'fc606e08-78de-4e8f-bfa4-c27f4825ce61'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,780 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145591508992 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,786 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145591508992 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: fc606e08-78de-4e8f-bfa4-c27f4825ce61
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,797 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145591508992 END - test 5
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,797 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145591508992 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x104e08e50>
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,808 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,814 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145595715584 START - test 6
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,815 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145595715584 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,828 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145595715584 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f6f510>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104bc7d50>) | {'eng_uuid': u'b8a5e6b8-7051-473c-8ca4-2bb3e99de774'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,836 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145595715584 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b8a5e6b8-7051-473c-8ca4-2bb3e99de774 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,839 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145595715584 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,844 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145595715584 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10560b6d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x105755190>) | {'eng_uuid': u'b8a5e6b8-7051-473c-8ca4-2bb3e99de774'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,855 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145595715584 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,861 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145595715584 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b8a5e6b8-7051-473c-8ca4-2bb3e99de774
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,872 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145595715584 END - test 6
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,872 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145595715584 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1046c2f10>
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,881 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,888 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145583095808 START - test 7
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,889 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145583095808 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,901 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145583095808 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104d84210>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f49f90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'f27bb957-fb93-437e-96f0-e867cdcb4512'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,909 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145583095808 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: f27bb957-fb93-437e-96f0-e867cdcb4512 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,911 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145583095808 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,917 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145583095808 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f49dd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f46550>) | {'eng_uuid': u'f27bb957-fb93-437e-96f0-e867cdcb4512'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,928 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145583095808 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,934 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145583095808 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: f27bb957-fb93-437e-96f0-e867cdcb4512
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,946 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145583095808 END - test 7
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,947 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145583095808 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x104d911d0>
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,963 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145604128768 START - test 8
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,964 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145604128768 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,977 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145604128768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104f49c90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104834650>) | {'eng_uuid': u'bbbb949a-f3b5-4ec2-afab-b3de1a185d78'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,985 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145604128768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: bbbb949a-f3b5-4ec2-afab-b3de1a185d78 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:21,989 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145604128768 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,004 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145604128768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10485f1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104f585d0>) | {'eng_uuid': u'bbbb949a-f3b5-4ec2-afab-b3de1a185d78'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,019 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145604128768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,027 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145604128768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: bbbb949a-f3b5-4ec2-afab-b3de1a185d78
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,042 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145604128768 END - test 8
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,042 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145604128768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x104d09e50>
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 41243 140735795659712 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,063 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 41243 123145587302400 START - test 9
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,065 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145587302400 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,079 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145587302400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x104bc3f50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10479eb90>) | {'eng_uuid': u'6316c7cb-ce7c-4ac1-8ad3-9248b2018ee3'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,088 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145587302400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 6316c7cb-ce7c-4ac1-8ad3-9248b2018ee3 isn't valid
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,091 DEBUG verify_token 41 41243 123145587302400 Verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,096 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 41243 123145587302400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1055b61d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x104601290>) | {'eng_uuid': u'6316c7cb-ce7c-4ac1-8ad3-9248b2018ee3'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,106 DEBUG auth 54 41243 123145587302400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,112 DEBUG engagement_service 63 41243 123145587302400 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 6316c7cb-ce7c-4ac1-8ad3-9248b2018ee3
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,123 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 150 41243 123145587302400 END - test 9
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,123 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 41243 123145587302400 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10479b0d0>
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,644 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,644 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,645 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,645 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,645 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,645 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,646 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,646 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 41243 140735795659712 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,028 ERROR api 54 88138 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,029 INFO apps 29 88138 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,165 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,367 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88138 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,414 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88138 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,416 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,417 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,419 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,420 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88138 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,491 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88138 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,700 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,834 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88138 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1074154a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b45b00>) | {'uu_id': '8e8a8755-65b1-4541-b517-23e21c291cd0', 'token': 'f5ba2f68-36ee-49ad-a919-b6884ad2c0d8'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,844 DEBUG activation 78 88138 140736121267136 User GXuWK is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,847 DEBUG views_helper 326 88138 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,847 DEBUG activation 87 88138 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,902 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88138 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a3f550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a3f6a0>) | {'uu_id': '3fb8c722-30b0-4a16-ad88-554087b6cf56', 'token': 'da5d6d13-d3e8-4a71-b67f-4e8585fce977'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,909 DEBUG activation 78 88138 140736121267136 User uLQRq is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,912 DEBUG views_helper 326 88138 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,912 DEBUG activation 87 88138 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,017 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88138 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a63908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a63a58>) | {'uu_id': 'bebe2405-13de-432f-8148-aed57aa137c4', 'token': '9a6ade52-326c-450d-8af3-77e49cd5a1ce'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,022 ERROR activation 67 88138 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 dc3258a8-162b-4616-a321-885d71cefc6e
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 f558a6c6-fab0-4b52-91da-8fdc5e7fb87e
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'av7fA'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJxc3NyQEtSUUwuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.IMWdNyYcpepE39S6rq9mtmYYEX0gtw_e_noinqIRLn8
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,243 DEBUG testActivities 37 88138 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,243 DEBUG testActivities 40 88138 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,257 DEBUG testActivities 46 88138 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,257 DEBUG activity_log 157 88138 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,257 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,258 DEBUG testActivities 50 88138 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,258 DEBUG testActivities 51 88138 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,258 DEBUG testActivities 54 88138 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,263 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,263 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 DEBUG testActivities 58 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 DEBUG testActivities 59 88138 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"detail":"General error on ice backend: Invalid payload."}'
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 ERROR testActivities 61 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e056ebd0-6ab9-4808-a472-6fbb60c90863
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1d5da6d9-d093-464d-bc42-26ce91f09ef7
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3b10b06a-3b35-4937-beaf-8c5ab95c6543
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,348 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8f843ab0-4c27-4afa-8e33-2d9015579c74
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,392 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,392 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,392 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,393 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d67ff2b5-3128-4c7f-9aa1-2f119328b28e
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 13470292-c104-40c7-a22d-514582e0ac90
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,447 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,448 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,448 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,448 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 45119647-c030-4c42-a33a-6551410d116b
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 33e7dab6-ce18-457e-b46a-541e47e72135
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,489 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,504 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,505 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,505 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,505 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1c719b45-c7b2-487a-8b34-237d5bfb890f
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2de3561b-3398-4cc3-9df9-ce366cd7ac16
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,625 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a076aea5-0cb8-48cb-bc97-5d6c221c3dcb
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d899c1b4-720c-4286-828f-7e16d94f31ef
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,711 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,711 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,711 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,721 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,725 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 9c6a2fcc-a2d1-411b-9784-9c739d20e219
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 7edd2cd7-eb9f-4efc-b983-70bcf86cd3db
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,727 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,805 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,805 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,805 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,805 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,808 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,808 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,808 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 88138 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,813 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 33c5cacf-02a0-4f36-a27e-6167a5ae187d
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,816 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 aafae46f-90c2-4e64-a847-27ec1900867f
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,820 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,889 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,889 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,890 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,890 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,892 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,892 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,893 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,893 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,893 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,893 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,893 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,893 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 60cb403f-7d74-4a4c-b489-90c1e958f130
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2a0cf369-5478-41fc-8a58-63c87681c887
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,981 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,982 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,982 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,982 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,986 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,986 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,987 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,987 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,987 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,990 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,990 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,990 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 456e682f-7ba8-41cb-8918-1b3c9b034a49
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3f0d2309-66a1-4613-bc00-c4c6c78cbf85
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,999 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,003 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,004 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,087 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,087 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,088 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,088 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,093 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,093 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,093 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,093 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 847f072f-34ce-455f-840b-fcaff5ec56e4
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 29b9e1bd-66fa-48c8-be11-78387596441a
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,173 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,173 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,173 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,173 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,176 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,176 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,176 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,177 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,177 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,177 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,177 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,177 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 6740c0f3-722e-4417-a611-b6228987a5ed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 c32523cb-47ef-49f4-9943-33ba37717fcd
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,257 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,257 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,257 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,257 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,261 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 384eef70-05a8-4c52-a528-bac6ba04675b
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 36917ba3-f3d2-464f-9cc8-c378bc7c0ee4
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,342 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,342 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,342 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,342 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 dc12fc5c-1cfb-407c-887a-be5bdddab1f7
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 c72c4034-908c-4c02-838c-6b9f730fb7b8
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,353 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,355 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,423 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,423 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,423 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,423 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,424 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,424 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,428 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,428 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,428 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,429 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d066afaf-cb86-480b-af51-277949bda5ee
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 5666daf2-6fce-4ca2-b3a8-6b3e56361866
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,435 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,502 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,503 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,503 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,503 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 88138 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,503 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,503 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,506 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,507 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,507 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,507 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,507 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,508 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,508 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 81f81663-a926-470b-ab31-ecee7a9bec06
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 671d4dac-6857-4f5d-9558-13b37fac55b3
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,513 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,514 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,585 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,585 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,585 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,585 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 88138 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,589 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,589 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,590 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,590 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,591 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,591 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,591 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 46dc8140-f7a5-4bee-821c-0e5e7bd0b872
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ffad55b5-bb5d-4510-8279-9b4c35e25281
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,668 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,740 INFO authorization_service 127 88138 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: e0eaeb1c-9648-4f9a-87b0-d98d653f1a0e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,748 INFO authorization_service 127 88138 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: e0eaeb1c-9648-4f9a-87b0-d98d653f1a0e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,779 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ab973257-750c-4061-a6e4-b944faa737b5
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,780 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 7613d992-fcec-43b3-8b70-cf93546388f9
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,799 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,804 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,804 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,805 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,805 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ed4e4c15-c6d6-4d85-8bb9-78043d407c7c
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,811 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2f0aa7f1-9295-48fe-9b82-c88af6b095aa
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,829 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,832 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,832 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,832 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,833 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 4e1f791b-e9dc-4c4e-b177-7a4c6e82dfc5
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e8a15713-4817-4105-ada3-eac01090543c
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,855 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,855 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,858 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,858 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,858 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 6eb00407-b158-4495-a85a-0b5fca768c15
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 58e8947f-29ec-4f85-a965-9c8c4c53ffee
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,878 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,878 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,891 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e2ba1554-6cb6-4182-abdb-d4e80cea0345
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 812a6d9b-9cb7-4879-bb03-5a86ae6ed1e6
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,916 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,919 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,920 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,920 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,920 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 bf62d1b6-91af-48a4-a981-f1cff8b2681e
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 61611daa-7b0d-48e5-8c65-cd557b91b346
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,943 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,945 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,946 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,946 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,946 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 630e477d-223a-4256-9a71-1ec2aade3fd2
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 cda251c3-78dd-461f-b56e-31f6e288e89f
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,954 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,956 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,956 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,956 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,967 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a3e04518-249c-468d-94da-4ff5398b76e3
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 64443996-f803-4755-ac33-0ea5d44111a8
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,979 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,993 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,995 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,995 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,996 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,996 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 88178c0e-7ef9-4a41-b78a-930a8fff467c
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 bd4e9173-d382-4a35-b1aa-5a30b91544c7
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ddb54312-6a53-45e9-95aa-5c3b1c31c2ab
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,082 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,087 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,088 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,088 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 b0a5033c-f9d0-4dd8-83f7-4e839a1f72d1
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 01a8c953-7ff0-4996-ad6b-8cd67fd157c9
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,097 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 fca700e2-af48-4253-b3ac-3c6e8d2581e8
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,178 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,178 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,179 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,179 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ecb801b0-c817-4358-befa-25c9fc33644b
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ba16c5f7-d41d-4e62-81e0-3d115fa4ed84
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 50174d76-0c64-47aa-bffb-cd1dba201f10
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,253 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,256 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,256 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,256 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,257 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 777d58ce-11a2-48de-ade6-5cf9c4dcf946
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 32f4d6bc-af6b-48a9-8c2e-b1e18b761560
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3ae49e23-236a-4db0-8c5d-07a7802e50d7
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,330 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,333 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,333 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,334 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,334 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,337 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 87e48ef8-ac02-44ff-9b38-418917e80e49
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ebbeccbe-79f7-49da-ac33-3e11d84729c2
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3649cbea-511f-4e25-85c0-5cc1236e294d
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,341 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,408 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,408 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,408 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,409 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 811ccd03-2dd9-40d6-8d32-93dd097e412e
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3f76ae98-ae21-402b-9dd9-e3e9e023b879
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8390efdf-4905-443a-8676-e5a9d60503e8
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,503 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,506 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,507 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,507 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 f198aacd-98c5-4913-99fc-2d402aeb6dce
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2e6d3447-291b-4373-84f3-5338746c3d8a
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 38dbd4f8-5c69-44ae-b73a-b83912e7a7d0
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,514 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,577 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,589 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,590 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,590 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 99767696-3003-4868-bf7a-159806531bb1
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0a30ad1a-1eca-447b-bf1d-4d54042ffa74
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e13ee3f9-1559-44f7-8644-c6df99e231c7
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,688 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,688 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,688 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,689 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,695 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 f0ba9887-2058-4654-b462-146d1b13692d
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 cb660428-5752-4184-aad7-de8503b0d867
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 256404ff-4f4e-4429-ab61-52db1c57be22
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,774 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,774 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,774 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,775 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,779 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 5b9d5e42-1bc2-48e4-b3c7-c140f97eec7d
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 c6b8ef09-e6e1-4fcf-80b9-1e6ccca77c96
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8f7787f1-7bcf-47c9-a2f5-468036161055
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 74a3986f-42aa-44f5-bfd4-728eb0221698
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 57972c5b-a163-486c-b804-4b0d77b73599
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,865 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 35ce2863-efcb-4448-927c-be0761d6550e
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,865 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,941 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,941 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,941 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,942 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3950f9f6-4c68-4c46-a1b0-6f8a78359ffb
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8fec198e-9950-4c1d-bf8d-0abce0930c82
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 9497f794-0493-41c9-9561-eb25f7566e19
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,025 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ebd263ce-77b6-4c2e-bb3b-78accd311a35
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 cef93689-fb78-4ac9-aab6-1659d9c992bd
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 f6d32d1b-a34a-4c10-b38c-e29a3b8464b2
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,120 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ed50ab99-e943-4943-bd50-167d3ecb84e8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1e201e58-24f3-4132-97ba-fafb50d8d87c
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5Q3Yt'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJkbnFGQFlIVU4uY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.DBwiupQv3XfH8tDAiqxBR1VrRG_MeYkK8acnG9WOmz4
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJQZWFmQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.5P03LgN_5cuhbzxTvH5K7Az8agFaXit1llvC--HQR44
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 88138 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 88138 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,163 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 88138 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,175 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 88138 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 DEBUG activity_log 157 88138 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 88138 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 88138 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,180 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 88138 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: TbcHl
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,180 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 88138 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,182 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 88138 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,184 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,184 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,185 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,185 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,200 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1498955d-3876-4efc-adda-351f247f5e36
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 9c8bc2c9-8fd6-4fb5-9a7b-fb8ffe0e052a
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,256 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 88138 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,258 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,259 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,259 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,259 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d71ac2e6-3bcd-47c2-9792-b44965565e3a
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 71869c05-661e-4579-aa6e-66004d1e5163
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,276 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,278 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,316 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 88138 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,319 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,319 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,320 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,320 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,324 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1f3f8205-5fa9-487b-988b-5aee2ee4f53f
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 fc5eecff-6fe6-49dc-902a-1246c31df601
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,331 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,337 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,373 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 88138 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,376 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,376 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,376 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ec663da2-ab30-48ae-b8a7-299926b729b4
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 68119968-3fb2-49ce-92f9-41e3adc3c326
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,417 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,426 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,426 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 88138 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 23b4293e-056c-4017-96db-85dfd83b7b24
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 624b300e-5d6d-422b-b324-4755be4b7032
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,435 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 90e591a8-bb4b-441c-ae33-3905e23cfdb2
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3e6216e1-847d-4b29-a8f3-c11fd558fe59
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 564ef861-7569-47dc-9b47-3394ae2a6298
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ab5216c8-1ab1-43cf-ab92-bbb954e8d5cc
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,547 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,547 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,550 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbjJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.oyknc6IVMoU_xyyqWtlKnsmJvBAtKncLyuEhO6vKlW8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,588 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,588 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,589 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,589 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 7e703846-2fb1-4b4a-b450-e313e889ed26
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 5ac56a1d-b851-4b25-beae-24675fcaa6f8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 53 88138 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,749 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 88138 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,752 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,753 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,753 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 51520938-31f6-4d87-a1e5-538b9e083fa1
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,766 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 f6ba7891-0c97-40f9-9312-35ea4d0d34ed
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,771 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,772 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,774 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,774 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlYjU3OG1AYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.UQcuTr1C2GH4_FSTh-mzVQ5zWVwKyR36xKVg-vI8uE8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,822 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,822 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,823 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,823 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 19523515-ea0c-42d5-8806-afa67d785840
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 7f839762-461a-45b2-9503-5a5d91a1a438
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlYjU3OG1AYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.UQcuTr1C2GH4_FSTh-mzVQ5zWVwKyR36xKVg-vI8uE8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,884 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,884 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,885 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,885 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,885 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 88138 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a8c99599-069a-48c7-ad1d-4c8ac79e97fa
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 765a065f-3e6f-4bd3-86fb-7b2b8249509a
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlYjU3OG1AYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.UQcuTr1C2GH4_FSTh-mzVQ5zWVwKyR36xKVg-vI8uE8
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,947 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 88138 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 c5c15f5a-849b-4608-8cc2-f5bdf81703e7
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d4e73aaf-a7bf-49df-b312-27ca605b3b34
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,019 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,021 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,022 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,022 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,022 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,026 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 537b6eeb-5921-440f-b022-12e1a5876ff4
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,029 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 b9829d87-9309-4da5-9a2c-c505ab3d5c33
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,029 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,031 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,033 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,081 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,084 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,084 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,085 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,085 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,086 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,086 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 489dea47-8a0c-4d19-8792-16ffce42c843
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,092 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 f5e5b7d4-c2ac-4b14-a6b9-b8bbb2c14c5d
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,098 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,136 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,142 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,142 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,142 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 88138 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e06f95d4-82c6-4797-92e3-5706b712135a
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 05744c7c-9d99-4d7d-a7fd-1c8184eb520f
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,207 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 88138 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,210 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,210 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,210 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,211 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 36853104-42ca-47bb-bbb9-64de70a154b9
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,217 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a1183db9-5747-48d6-8bb8-276faab18a57
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,222 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,225 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,259 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,264 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 88138 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,267 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,267 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,268 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,268 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,271 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0046d1a8-66cf-4b09-af93-287d831a7b1a
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,274 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 165816d0-e121-47a4-8636-7f3f5b47f8b2
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,279 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,280 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,333 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 88138 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,336 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,337 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,337 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,337 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 b81cad69-b5c8-405b-807f-74b11ef51156
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0172d2aa-3ef8-464f-85ef-ec4a5e00b34d
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,353 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,354 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,404 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,407 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,407 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,407 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,408 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,408 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,408 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,408 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 44a38183-0c17-47f8-b55d-b4d657747d7d
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 80ec9408-2f5f-4fbf-997e-03161907b135
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.hVNrqIfjDf0xwJKkN-Lmwq9TuG3EmiS_6hqWVprDEkU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.slTAIiwKiwYTZMSI6x0tU74j_LcoJj5lYP3uxfRYVyo
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.tr1h0RDvKM4bdUxmPYdGR-u25FRRBHg4afNsNJC79l0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,467 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,470 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,470 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,471 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,471 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 913146d7-4d7a-4a06-8375-a2f4b324f598
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0bd330e2-c272-409a-9932-cb08bae46bea
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,488 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,546 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,546 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 88138 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,549 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,550 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,550 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0143dbdc-7a31-4d3d-a229-2e9fea5d6651
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 6969c4ba-8674-41db-be2f-febd2d1fe5ce
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 88138 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.qH371vDzAy3Tawtisby2OqJQ7VOzdwLU_FSoYxnqF3k
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ1c2VyMEBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Ovxbv-TEA7UOThl8G2w-AKbOXo8Ci24jhELanzduUKQ
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,600 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 88138 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88138 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88138 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88138 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,880 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,881 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,882 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,885 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,887 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88138 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,931 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 465ef69c-853a-47de-a1d1-b9dbfc3779dc
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 4c2ff93b-c9da-4082-a7e3-9496220f7c35
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,983 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,983 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,984 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,984 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 9d8638f9-d4e2-4b72-82e6-8ecfa95cbaa3
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8358dca5-d85c-4e94-b082-742b8274b002
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,032 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,034 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,035 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,035 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,035 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,038 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 c0358fb9-1666-4b15-921d-f8141c3ebe37
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,041 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ebc403c0-4808-498e-9b27-ba964b1ce9a8
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0bab3fce-faf5-4998-9847-2c1d1d2a9fd1
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8ea81a47-e39c-4780-a1e6-e8e31ebca314
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,145 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,170 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,170 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,170 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,175 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 88138 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,175 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,179 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,185 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,185 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,185 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,186 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2bbb778a-300c-4c47-8cdb-9f29e53b3b40
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 8b63a981-0ab2-46a5-98b2-5ab696bab4af
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,196 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,262 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,266 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,270 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,274 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,283 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,284 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,284 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,284 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d8b64486-7b0d-4a98-9dbc-1ebadb79a483
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0070f16e-db27-4d11-b22a-9b0471d89bdf
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,293 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,360 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,363 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,367 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,371 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,378 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,378 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,378 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,379 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 146af4d1-1728-45e7-9676-899b01327ef1
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e68d3bce-9e9d-4f3a-8c6a-380e51380356
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,445 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,453 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,458 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 88138 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,458 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,461 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,469 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,469 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,469 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,470 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,474 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 af4c8a1f-243a-482c-9c7b-b57b1eefad0f
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 cbaa611e-1c40-4730-80df-9a806bb7baf9
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,549 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 49c86c3a-e314-449e-82ed-5812de8d3246
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 08a42428-ce1b-4bdc-beb3-8f96bda0ed6e
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,628 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 9370d370-e1d0-459e-90c0-079b48c29fff
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 5f92838e-0c43-46e8-aa6b-b4ffad6ab361
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,728 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,728 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,728 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,728 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,738 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 705a5835-1cbc-487c-8e91-ed807b138073
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 3b335fdb-b152-4fb6-8d02-1d4e1457528d
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,779 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,806 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,806 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,806 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,807 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 27c7402e-0919-4726-a4c5-ecb886027c1a
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,811 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 17cddc52-cfbf-4177-8bb4-1447f771135c
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.Pk8odyiJrAVP7oGJnH1nuJVbjgxFS2fXIsqfrmKA3NY
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.R-r2z2LTHqqGaaJSEl1tPtMa4uuFKc7zgeT0kO8GJMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,882 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,885 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 88138 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,886 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,889 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 88138 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,895 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,895 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,895 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,896 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 81342fc1-8519-48a2-a6bd-97baa87bd1e2
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 b648ad65-c0af-4e00-b8c8-c99878ba7158
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fdVWI'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ4NVNjQEtIWFouY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.zEK4AHxvuVvO9d1mZ-fkbKxOuF72x5ncTMYeu_FdQMM
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,953 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 88138 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,954 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 88138 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,966 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 88138 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,966 DEBUG activity_log 157 88138 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,966 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 88138 140736121267136 Got response : b'{"detail":"General error on ice backend: Invalid payload."}'
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 ERROR testPullNotifications 79 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 c008c6d1-8eee-48c4-b714-408a2d50538e
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 392dfec1-055b-45cf-8441-929191936bc6
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,082 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9._tUVW9wqhDB9Q5F6O2-_uGEjGjE0QRuEIbzogoqrlH4
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,082 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,083 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 db1708a3-aefc-46bf-8db4-7992e90ee91d
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 6bb68701-5d71-4585-8419-0e5fde412e28
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9._tUVW9wqhDB9Q5F6O2-_uGEjGjE0QRuEIbzogoqrlH4
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,191 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,197 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,197 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,197 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,198 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 40495359-8d6c-405f-a1bb-e27be3718c74
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 85b45d30-ebab-4fcf-9776-812e4719e94a
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,252 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,258 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 15ccbfd1-8aff-48fb-bfc8-1392caeedeb3
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 6943b1b4-7b90-4ead-a271-b27c3b506958
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,264 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,277 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,277 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,278 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,278 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 24d8fc6c-29d1-4a03-97ba-2be53778f1df
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 dd2c96c6-726e-4243-b1ec-0722b23a2965
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,285 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,299 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,299 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,300 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,300 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2342c169-1d47-4650-aee7-399d4d6bec25
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 ac96b480-46aa-4601-97e8-bc652e32d3b3
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,304 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,321 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,321 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,321 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,322 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,330 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 6b48352b-17e1-477d-a819-2ecb4b8b7fac
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,336 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 7b4e9431-33ab-4f31-a0d3-5318c9395744
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,338 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,355 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,356 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,356 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,356 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 852648f2-9e4a-49bf-aa18-27a4ed54c72f
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,361 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 5450c1fa-b6d5-4875-bec0-bf4f393b2739
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 44522fba-a941-4d3d-912c-d4b0f629788f
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1b6673fb-a029-4aba-b462-36b4726415b2
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,405 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,405 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,406 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,406 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 4298f25c-945c-4573-b930-bc5a4d432fff
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,422 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d77a560b-7abc-475d-ad73-753ef0c34135
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,442 DEBUG testVFC 22 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,443 DEBUG testVFC 23 88138 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,443 DEBUG testVFC 24 88138 140736121267136 UUID: fcba4c6b-b8b0-4493-8961-f37136521f03
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,443 DEBUG testVFC 25 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: 1y725
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,443 DEBUG testVFC 26 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,451 DEBUG testVFC 28 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,451 DEBUG testVFC 29 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,451 DEBUG testVFC 30 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 67e8d8b9-d023-420c-99b0-bd43fe576481
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,451 DEBUG testVFC 31 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: f31K6
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,451 DEBUG testVFC 32 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,461 DEBUG testVFC 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,461 DEBUG testVFC 39 88138 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,461 DEBUG testVFC 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: a776823e-55e8-45c9-8c18-44f7d8630274
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,461 DEBUG testVFC 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: mvaqS
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,461 DEBUG testVFC 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cltSr'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,468 DEBUG testVFC 50 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,468 DEBUG testVFC 51 88138 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,468 DEBUG testVFC 52 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 7a065185-05c5-40d0-a1c8-c40d0ab197b0
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,469 DEBUG testVFC 53 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,471 DEBUG testVFC 59 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,471 DEBUG testVFC 60 88138 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,471 DEBUG testVFC 61 88138 140736121267136 UUID: d77a560b-7abc-475d-ad73-753ef0c34135
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,471 DEBUG testVFC 62 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ5ckVhQFlIVFouY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.iZUVChRGXCb4YvCqfZOiat4zFFd7QRgzZVXgLpjpVh8
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJGeUFGQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.DI9aSjGaZ3zREHpReOaxpZVfIIxDkdAgkwDkLiQrAP8
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,472 DEBUG testVFC 89 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,472 DEBUG testVFC 90 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,472 DEBUG testVFC 91 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,477 DEBUG testVFC 97 88138 140736121267136 1. WDPtN
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,480 DEBUG testVFC 78 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,480 DEBUG testVFC 79 88138 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,481 DEBUG testVFC 80 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0f510ace-ebbf-4691-b6a5-3b74658816ce
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 e4a7c276-4f10-418a-9f9b-a26eb2ddbf13
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,488 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,489 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,502 DEBUG testVFC 22 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,502 DEBUG testVFC 23 88138 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,502 DEBUG testVFC 24 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 7ac27d9a-8d5c-4296-a68f-f5c418dc7eaf
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,502 DEBUG testVFC 25 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: 83jNK
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,502 DEBUG testVFC 26 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,509 DEBUG testVFC 28 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,510 DEBUG testVFC 29 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,510 DEBUG testVFC 30 88138 140736121267136 UUID: c6a13664-054a-4099-b231-105fbb882e64
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,510 DEBUG testVFC 31 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: z1OVG
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,510 DEBUG testVFC 32 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,519 DEBUG testVFC 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,519 DEBUG testVFC 39 88138 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,519 DEBUG testVFC 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 3526b90f-26eb-4d02-b160-e63d9d60effa
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,519 DEBUG testVFC 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: NsG6V
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,519 DEBUG testVFC 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,519 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ZuUwg'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,524 DEBUG testVFC 50 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,524 DEBUG testVFC 51 88138 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,524 DEBUG testVFC 52 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 4158b5e4-2e3e-4005-8546-43de4ab87c52
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,524 DEBUG testVFC 53 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,526 DEBUG testVFC 59 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,526 DEBUG testVFC 60 88138 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testVFC 61 88138 140736121267136 UUID: e4a7c276-4f10-418a-9f9b-a26eb2ddbf13
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testVFC 62 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJ3bzZqQFRJTEwuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.Zwp-Mn567lCPJXZVG-UFBP-xxfA5yCRLWtuB1-Qsk7U
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICI2aVpYQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.NJ5sCeNfq3A1k3ePBQV2TGGBmididZZ2GDZ4PzveRbw
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testVFC 106 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testVFC 107 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,527 DEBUG testVFC 108 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,532 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,533 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,533 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,533 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testVFC 117 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testVFC 82 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testVFC 83 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testVFC 84 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 db590b0f-6568-46eb-9d97-0e97b1b839a2
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0f0394bd-4892-4409-b372-5fff483f91ce
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,554 DEBUG testVFC 22 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,554 DEBUG testVFC 23 88138 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,554 DEBUG testVFC 24 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 30e84ebb-353c-4a9d-8188-d19d498ce9a0
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,554 DEBUG testVFC 25 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: xDMKR
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,554 DEBUG testVFC 26 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,562 DEBUG testVFC 28 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,562 DEBUG testVFC 29 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,562 DEBUG testVFC 30 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 34ba3245-29f8-4666-bb9f-ed45d0bd1c62
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,563 DEBUG testVFC 31 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: VX3CE
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,563 DEBUG testVFC 32 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,574 DEBUG testVFC 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,574 DEBUG testVFC 39 88138 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,574 DEBUG testVFC 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: f7a6dfff-0e24-4ec2-86a6-37c690ea7035
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,574 DEBUG testVFC 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: ny85a
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,574 DEBUG testVFC 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QRFkH'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,581 DEBUG testVFC 50 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,581 DEBUG testVFC 51 88138 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,581 DEBUG testVFC 52 88138 140736121267136 UUID: d9fbb501-d89e-4e47-9cf8-8953054eaea5
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,582 DEBUG testVFC 53 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 59 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 60 88138 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 61 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 0f0394bd-4892-4409-b372-5fff483f91ce
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 62 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJVZkNkQEtCR1MuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.f4oyUdHMAmhtrVL99siNOrCZSwPzTfLwOceWzmhzgMs
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICI4UHNsQGF0dC5jb20iLCAiZXhwaXJ5IjogIjIwMTctMDMtMjIifQ.AAqAP5UN1pzn9dZv3NDsDJCxpK7LvRSX2P2IuoGroZc
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 125 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 126 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,584 DEBUG testVFC 127 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testVFC 137 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testVFC 138 88138 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testVFC 139 88138 140736121267136 b'{"detail":"General error on ice backend: Invalid payload."}'
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testVFC 82 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testVFC 83 88138 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testVFC 84 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 7235932b-1403-40da-a6d4-2cfbd25bf3da
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 0bb68786-5b49-46a6-bcd2-d273d97cc69e
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,680 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,680 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,680 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: 1aead052-a7e5-47d4-bae6-c99385c911c1
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,680 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: YD26f
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,680 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7aOoV'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DxCjs'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7chPd'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rFM24'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FqaCe'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,736 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mEkWU'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uoxc8'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 's2U6C'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fiHVN'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fulAc'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ql5W6'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,800 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'imyjg'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NfRwP'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Eti3G'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.2NAo6dkNXY3C5mQgZDZWsHLMI8wjQCl9O2Gd0iGBKC0
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,825 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,825 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 88138 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,825 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,828 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,828 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 ERROR test_expanded_eng 132 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 111ae44a-77a5-4bcd-a2f4-f170d6495a47
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2d3a788a-bddb-4925-962d-556e16583684
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,872 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,873 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,873 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: e16c336f-9fb4-4008-8cd0-056d2e6198ff
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,873 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: iyNCE
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,873 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rjEav'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,887 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zdW6i'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fez7Z'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LIe6P'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MWPB0'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KBbTG'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dPZOC'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lGuUx'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7Y6IO'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AVtfM'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vBO8y'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,985 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7W8vr'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'alx52'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OUGYa'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.2NAo6dkNXY3C5mQgZDZWsHLMI8wjQCl9O2Gd0iGBKC0
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,010 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,010 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 88138 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,010 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,013 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,013 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 ERROR test_expanded_eng 199 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a5ab2154-3786-4c33-bfbf-6a694ee473ac
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 53d7650c-051e-47e7-a2be-e674f6837f3e
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,053 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,053 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,054 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: cac84cf0-8575-4073-9a83-ada77abed70a
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,054 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: x3WKy
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,054 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Pnl7h'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'XfdDC'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'c40tN'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,088 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LwxQH'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EADcj'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uNf5l'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fGYO8'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'pJB91'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,136 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MR0gT'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NpagD'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LcvNt'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vXjlP'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,175 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vXpfF'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7zWGe'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.2NAo6dkNXY3C5mQgZDZWsHLMI8wjQCl9O2Gd0iGBKC0
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,193 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,194 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 88138 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,194 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,196 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,196 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,196 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 ERROR test_expanded_eng 158 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,200 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a8d7fdd9-720d-427f-a7e8-b2fbafae632a
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1b17e22a-73d8-48b6-b665-845268ab0e03
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,234 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,234 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 88138 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,234 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 88138 140736121267136 UUID: ac985d15-8edf-498e-97b5-dc672d546906
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,234 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 88138 140736121267136 Full Name: ZVbDG
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,234 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 88138 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fOuYe'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'r7VyF'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,256 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9Ug5Z'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'eTnDa'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tjIGW'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fIoM0'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Upm5t'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,308 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'becB2'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lI1px'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wpO1R'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VZJ1t'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KAkxQ'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ZlVcE'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PAJDt'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.2NAo6dkNXY3C5mQgZDZWsHLMI8wjQCl9O2Gd0iGBKC0
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,372 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,372 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 88138 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,373 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,375 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 ERROR test_expanded_eng 103 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,418 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 524e3cbc-0846-4abe-b61a-27d0b60edb8b
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,420 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 d66414af-d6df-4c75-bd9b-c4a21678f0ec
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 88138 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,473 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,474 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,477 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,478 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,478 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,478 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 2d5ccf0a-4fb6-4fb9-a656-39fd8e82ab11
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 84fa58d7-1bed-47fc-b201-c3428e8ad9f6
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 88138 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,538 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,540 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,541 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,541 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,541 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,543 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,544 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,544 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,544 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,546 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,547 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,547 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,547 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 74db71d2-a932-42ac-b800-16b0f9bd8518
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 519ecf83-6aef-4524-bbab-2aafe20be8da
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.tUwD9rcFun4Zlp_29f1f_m8FQylbSAwjqgDIF3pl8bU
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwgImV4cGlyeSI6ICIyMDE3LTAzLTIyIn0.YmEOKYGnAoUwreXROiYAswWe-Ej6tCd8JbRF9X1_Ts8
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 88138 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 88138 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,604 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,605 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 88138 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,605 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,605 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 88138 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,607 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,607 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,607 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,608 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1c7e277e-2ad7-4505-a013-cea63d6e7112
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 1fd9900d-5402-4a8f-8d04-cc84083bc116
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88138 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,719 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,723 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 5bfd61df-b995-44e1-864e-1dd1c2b39a29
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,725 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88138 140736121267136 a854ea07-a74d-4d9b-aeff-efa52c01cee9
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,727 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,728 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,803 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88138 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,823 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 32 88138 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,834 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 88138 140736121267136 4a6c039a-7509-44b8-ad15-e076751a5610
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,835 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 88138 140736121267136 3f0fbc36-d278-4718-adcc-ff2acadec5f3
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,918 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,919 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,919 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88138 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,919 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88138 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88138 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,937 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 88138 123145333514240 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,937 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 88138 123145333514240 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108498c18>
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,517 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,517 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,518 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,519 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,519 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,519 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,519 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 09:48:09,519 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 88138 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,280 ERROR api 54 88740 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,281 INFO apps 29 88740 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,327 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,329 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,332 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,336 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,338 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,339 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,340 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,341 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,343 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,344 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,400 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88740 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88740 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,491 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88740 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88740 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88740 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,605 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88740 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88740 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88740 140736121267136 aae1f932-a2b3-499b-91e2-ac47628ee326
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88740 140736121267136 dacb7bf8-80ad-449f-829f-5cc967db9efd
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88740 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,624 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,625 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88740 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,626 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88740 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,627 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88740 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88740 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88740 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88740 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 29 88740 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88740 140736121267136 2a5fa319-900d-4a9e-83d3-552b86b37e75
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 45 88740 140736121267136 1d6db8af-78dc-4310-8270-71f631217fdd
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,666 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88740 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 295 88740 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ICJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsICJleHBpcnkiOiAiMjAxNy0wMy0yMiJ9.DdYjPNx2kb3tcEz-efxsdxU1j_sZiPR-x_MS0XzU47M
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,710 DEBUG exception_handler 37 88740 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,711 DEBUG exception_handler 38 88740 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,711 DEBUG exception_handler 39 88740 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,711 DEBUG testBaseEntity 38 88740 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 39 88740 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 40 88740 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,919 ERROR api 54 88856 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,920 INFO apps 29 88856 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,952 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,955 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,977 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88856 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88856 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88856 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,157 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88856 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,159 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,160 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,161 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88856 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,220 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88856 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 88856 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88856 140736121267136 afb33800-e962-4469-8a44-36ff9b3c6cc9
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88856 140736121267136 cd83bbf3-25dd-4c0a-9799-a7328e3a2035
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,811 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 88856 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88856 140736121267136 bfece0f7-404a-474d-a596-6ae369a91f63
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88856 140736121267136 0a3ceb87-d339-4cb9-bd2e-2f10147a2648
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88856 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,920 ERROR api 54 88886 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,921 INFO apps 29 88886 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88886 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88886 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88886 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88886 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88886 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,232 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,235 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88886 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 88886 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88886 140736121267136 fad7d030-e42a-4ffa-8989-c4ab26aef7d3
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88886 140736121267136 b369bf59-6aa4-4720-b7f4-3b50abdd4dc3
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 300 88886 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NjY2OX0.jWHqQJyLOAOmWoAxIJdzfjM5kA5SvfG8heplOSN6CcU
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,728 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88886 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108906f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b29d30>) | {'eng_uuid': '142ba62a-f4b4-4061-bc75-ca9a8421c648'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,737 DEBUG auth 51 88886 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,740 DEBUG git_manager 14 88886 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 142ba62a-f4b4-4061-bc75-ca9a8421c648 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,765 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 88886 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '142ba62a-f4b4-4061-bc75-ca9a8421c648', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,766 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 88886 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,774 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 88886 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,781 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,827 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 88886 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47'), 'eng_uuid': '142ba62a-f4b4-4061-bc75-ca9a8421c648', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,828 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 88886 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,832 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,836 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,846 DEBUG checklist_service 446 88886 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,855 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88886 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a8a550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bce6d8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 88886 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,864 INFO authorization_service 132 88886 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,864 DEBUG auth 51 88886 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,865 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 88886 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 88886 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 88886 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 88886 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88886 140736121267136 0c7484b8-0015-4a07-8e8b-792be8c849da
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 88886 140736121267136 8c3ff738-2439-4e82-8716-ad0d479cec67
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,878 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 88886 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,949 DEBUG testBaseEntity 300 88886 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NjY2OX0.eBWbG0iOe8cl4V6IefgSKd6ty66KYPYPsf6ZSiqBLRI
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,955 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88886 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bbce10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bbd9e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,963 DEBUG auth 51 88886 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,965 DEBUG git_manager 14 88886 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,990 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 88886 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,991 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 88886 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,995 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,997 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 88886 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,003 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,044 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 88886 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a'), 'eng_uuid': 'afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,045 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 88886 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,050 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,056 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,065 DEBUG checklist_service 446 88886 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,072 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 88886 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c4d278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c4a898>) | {'checklistUuid': '85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a', 'eng_uuid': 'afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859'}
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,154 DEBUG auth 51 88886 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,164 DEBUG engagement_service 115 88886 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 6626a51e-ccca-4e7a-998b-b8c3fb3b913f and vf uuid: ef758db6-053b-40c5-bc3e-0062923e9638
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,191 DEBUG engagement_service 109 88886 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 6626a51e-ccca-4e7a-998b-b8c3fb3b913f and vf uuid: ef758db6-053b-40c5-bc3e-0062923e9638
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,218 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 88886 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a', 'eng_uuid': 'afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,219 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 88886 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,225 DEBUG auth 51 88886 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,230 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,240 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,244 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,247 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,270 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 88886 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,276 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 88886 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,284 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 88886 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=afeb9aaa-cb35-42bf-9060-695e6c54f859 for checklist=85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 88886 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 88886 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 88886 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,097 ERROR api 54 89820 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,099 INFO apps 29 89820 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89820 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,404 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89820 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,407 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,408 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,410 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,413 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89820 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89820 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,208 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd1978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cff6a0>) | {'uu_id': 'd8780c31-3f70-4cc7-9580-31f5fb503450', 'token': '6c43a0c7-bd6e-4f40-a824-b547f3218b17'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,215 DEBUG activation 78 89820 140736121267136 User f7g4E is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,218 DEBUG views_helper 326 89820 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,218 DEBUG activation 87 89820 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,225 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,250 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108af1b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad9198>) | {'uu_id': '286d5f9c-c5a2-42de-874a-1f4ed2bd1891', 'token': 'd0b0ad19-46b5-4ad7-91a4-ff146eb95d65'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,256 DEBUG activation 78 89820 140736121267136 User y2rnT is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,259 DEBUG views_helper 326 89820 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,259 DEBUG activation 87 89820 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,293 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ae06a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ae07f0>) | {'uu_id': 'c2d8be23-ae05-4238-bb25-6214f5ef9e74', 'token': '4cc3daaa-1383-41b9-b296-33f562f76929'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,300 ERROR activation 67 89820 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 4fa38b3a-80ec-4da5-8f9c-687ada1e7688
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 c862a27f-05c2-4fcb-9617-373821512c47
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9TjNw'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6Ilh4Z0pARkRIRy5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Ilh4Z0pARkRIRy5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTV9.P53McJeGpbd4M8d-BiaJ1BZSH_GetJ3Y1x6fQJNZgrk
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,496 DEBUG testActivities 37 89820 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,496 DEBUG testActivities 40 89820 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,511 DEBUG testActivities 46 89820 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 DEBUG activity_log 157 89820 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 DEBUG testActivities 50 89820 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 DEBUG testActivities 51 89820 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 DEBUG testActivities 54 89820 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,530 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c38e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c38d68>) | {'eng_uuid': '3f3eca6a-eca4-4044-ba30-731163aff4e8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,547 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,552 DEBUG activity_log 105 89820 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,558 DEBUG testActivities 58 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,558 DEBUG testActivities 59 89820 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,558 DEBUG testActivities 63 89820 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,558 DEBUG testActivities 66 89820 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,558 DEBUG testActivities 69 89820 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,567 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108118e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108dfe908>) | {'eng_uuid': '3f3eca6a-eca4-4044-ba30-731163aff4e8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,578 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,579 DEBUG activity_log 105 89820 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,581 DEBUG testActivities 73 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,581 DEBUG testActivities 74 89820 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,581 DEBUG testActivities 78 89820 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,582 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,593 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 07e51ad7-6109-47af-a645-6d68feb74c24
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 203a59b1-1def-4092-88df-4d1ab7fa70fc
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,666 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTV9.pSn_Pe89fyO8MRq-sKrEQriqEPMvb8z4CypvOG6LAp0
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,699 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108caf9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084b0320>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,708 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,770 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=hH6VQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,772 DEBUG invite_service 96 89820 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,773 DEBUG invite_service 99 89820 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=45f9b825-eca0-4dcf-9572-a44f934f0a67 to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,775 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,163 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b47c5521-3a91-47af-b54c-f2a570493c94
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b71e7df2-8043-49d1-a106-3cf14b0d791f
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,174 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,176 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTZ9.3ftuuPY2e14Whep3izaN8P_kIYZdI2kjPOcDj1WSM0E
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,259 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087ba908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088d1be0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,276 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,287 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=nA30U
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,288 DEBUG invite_service 128 89820 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,288 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,289 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,290 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,296 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 4370e8f7-3eaa-48a8-8260-cacb4a873ec8
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b9a964fb-7aba-47ed-b9f8-b3bce7af55c1
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTZ9.TRFBrqRyeoGfWJ2Cr11yDXev90P1xyq5nrGd4GbTjbo
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,403 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088d1e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10884d278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,413 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,414 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,414 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,419 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,419 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,424 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,426 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3243d022-4d02-4173-af69-c1eed480fea1
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a66c5d65-9944-4356-851b-0747bfb4c193
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,487 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,500 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTZ9.l2AWJUGjVmbmhEEILRFqmqlDQWPAx-pm3EIAPgMgFs0
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,514 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108405208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084a27b8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,532 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,532 ERROR invite 58 89820 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 98dc5a6c-4715-4271-a150-07d4727e6668
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 df084fc0-abfd-48ed-9bf8-89a94fd4533b
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,612 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTZ9.bHnymXK0xrQ_ZBfxQ5EoHkv-ehrk2y7PFmQxzrgwNl8
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,701 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10816a2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083b7a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '9460b6e3-5a38-45f8-b4e3-d334c765cc70'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,723 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,727 DEBUG git_manager 14 89820 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 9460b6e3-5a38-45f8-b4e3-d334c765cc70 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,761 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '9460b6e3-5a38-45f8-b4e3-d334c765cc70', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,763 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 89820 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,767 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,768 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 89820 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,777 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,822 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c'), 'eng_uuid': '9460b6e3-5a38-45f8-b4e3-d334c765cc70', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,823 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 89820 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,828 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,833 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,841 DEBUG checklist_service 446 89820 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,851 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108456d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155780>) | {'checklistUuid': '5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,859 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,860 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,860 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,869 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 1402b80b-df8b-47df-b274-9a50d7c3626f
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 c79ae2b7-a202-4c02-81d0-c79d4b1f7935
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTZ9.xCAVBzky5g9dHaZGB7yfCPHG-i06CXXT5D6NhZTxvTk
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,960 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077cf6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081e9cf8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,971 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,973 DEBUG git_manager 14 89820 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,998 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,999 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 89820 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,003 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,004 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 89820 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,010 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,054 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e'), 'eng_uuid': 'c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,055 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 89820 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,059 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,063 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,072 DEBUG checklist_service 446 89820 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,080 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830b710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830b470>) | {'checklistUuid': '560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e', 'eng_uuid': 'c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,099 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,109 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: bcee3c0f-cb71-4d74-91da-84d50f20a982 and vf uuid: 31b64dfe-bbbb-4904-8916-b24432af6352
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,138 DEBUG engagement_service 109 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: bcee3c0f-cb71-4d74-91da-84d50f20a982 and vf uuid: 31b64dfe-bbbb-4904-8916-b24432af6352
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,156 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e', 'eng_uuid': 'c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,157 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 89820 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,164 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,169 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,178 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,181 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,188 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,213 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 89820 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,219 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,230 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 89820 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=c58eb8fc-4167-413a-ba88-e10ac7449f64 for checklist=560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,255 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 87b6f3b0-cc32-45eb-a6f2-258875930444
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 94e703c9-70c0-4841-af90-9d8f73b403ad
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,260 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,337 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.Rd3wbS63-nRlpGubiEmlVX7LOy-99uADzZ-9hflaLsE
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.dSeoZfI-eKBTANWj-CDado0laucJkxyy3W1AFdp33Cs
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,339 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,339 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,339 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,339 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,348 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=K9jTe
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,348 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,351 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=K9jTe
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,351 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,352 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,352 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 182acd61-5bd5-471a-acd7-307f924a8ec8
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 bc52d161-c99d-4c7f-8d6b-7a54ced71d9e
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.aBMLzXfahis7G6rqX12rJtUUG7ZMpsRu9RpJZ5zFznk
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.TB-V2la8mBVzTbzKgx03AuJQxUuoc5NjsD9RzPMlRTY
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,432 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,433 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,433 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,433 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,442 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082712e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078c1208>) | {'checklistUuid': 'ad0a714f-a4e0-4f7f-bf42-b502e3d06120'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,453 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,453 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 89820 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,453 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,454 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,454 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,454 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 fc069425-42e6-40b3-a540-d79b2d2f1ce7
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0fc210be-25cd-46bd-a55a-4b7b8001dd48
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.QPLkVcMMQFUfXioupwNiXLQJXVabqS2uzYb5weqqxfE
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.u0WwAwMHrFk2FC7Nwf5E-Ckd0eMWZemtZ8upM_C0UwM
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,534 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,534 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,535 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,535 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,547 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10837bb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108262e48>) | {'checklistUuid': 'a67c9726-f313-4f80-b42c-3b46a76fe6a5'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,567 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,576 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,577 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,578 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,579 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,579 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,588 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 df318990-6929-4c43-9b8f-19d59724911f
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7a9ff411-4a26-4d0a-96b1-a1407241b32e
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,594 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.q79S2u2b0Bx1lQBzXfkMxiCdYqqd7uNu1sNVuPnWnbg
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.lAlzNh0wnx4HdEoaE612FA48cEmQwwwAc50_5gd7p3g
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,665 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,665 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,665 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,665 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,677 ERROR authorization_service 492 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,677 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108394a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108394940>) | {'decision_uuid': 'iTG1d'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,685 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,685 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 89820 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,690 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 670d06b8-9927-48d2-a7a2-6b4f2b549b5e
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 05904031-c9f5-456d-af7b-2588e1298836
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,695 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.gniPx70228dgoWoYpXW0ZiU9RIpG8PXeQiT4cI9kwAU
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.7UC5lyZO_IHXxrBkp0ij0RkkwJBirG96udZMwe9RzWE
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,760 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,760 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,760 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,760 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,771 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108262b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108262c50>) | {'decision_uuid': '54ae9e3f-6f9d-43b7-ab28-0ad1999f315d'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,780 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,780 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 89820 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,783 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2c6d0a26-a71c-4b92-9090-e3ef70bb9ece
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,786 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d738dfcb-488f-499f-a03f-4beabded3dbf
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,852 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.9cQ2hQWfoI95GtQgGC21Iep4I1M6uV8qsxzw5fx6E4E
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,853 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.TZvI8jaWlzlkeLH6GBCVlb8B3ASzVTv_OvufwLMJ2T0
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,853 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,854 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,854 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,854 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,864 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088e2a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088e2668>) | {'decision_uuid': '4262b3b2-b426-4c8b-85e8-b54641191c3b'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,879 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,887 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,888 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,888 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,888 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ca226422-2683-485c-804f-372659f58665
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 780e8cea-7d77-4811-925a-9c40e5c12f6b
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.wkrVEAQHbej3IOtyab6xWQs1m3-3LqGo73Gitzei704
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTd9.xhn7Veok1MFQpNenvcfIck-5H-D5A3A4x2fJnhcHCjM
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,962 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,962 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,962 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,962 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,974 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108271c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107883f98>) | {'decision_uuid': '7d23598e-17e7-4bdf-b17d-8ef73854acde'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,981 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,981 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 89820 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 89820 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,985 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9ebadef1-2ec6-41c7-be1a-818d1397634f
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,989 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 94921a20-646d-4ca9-a236-c4c6a7e07230
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,054 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.wr30EUXdkIr3QQ44R3TO55crr3PoCndxMPL5ho-12tQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.rJeleJcTUCOdkdjxA4JHoBMlFaWGxfIOsXzT_lBnPws
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,055 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,055 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,055 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,055 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,066 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082c5da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082c5748>) | {'decision_uuid': '8ae8228e-67fb-4242-81ef-7d00a3283351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,074 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,074 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 89820 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='UjMs1')...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,074 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 89820 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,078 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,079 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2d8655a4-79ab-4646-8e4b-fad629c4977a
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 58d99469-d228-4a22-aaa9-2713d7f9cf8a
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,081 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,082 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.KaU_-F8YFo3wOmmhVzpfVoacwe9Ll6Uy1h1FxIXyqgA
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.X_9CAiMKl24AlwbAdVXWNB-z2kzIA0GNTSHkI7LoGM8
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,149 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,149 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 89820 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,149 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,149 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,162 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fafdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107fafd30>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e62cb6cd-ae9c-4539-9cf8-19cee8bb91d7'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,171 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,171 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 89820 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,175 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 89820 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,176 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,176 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,176 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,176 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f136fd27-f1c4-4c67-9b45-22dc55d8ee6c
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 30e88a2e-1480-4bde-9d9e-e14843a404b9
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.Dos-jq6KTHXOrPOQiCM6ymVsX20M2ZQ0EaFFhmoxyHc
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.cr2RaPZgS1gkb3SsX9rXLJ7mhGsuk7pO2eLUP4EvNZs
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,248 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,248 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,248 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,248 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 89820 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,259 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830bc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830bf98>) | {'decision_uuid': '90618d0f-11c6-478d-9513-9ba51d7251a0'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,267 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,267 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 89820 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,277 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 89820 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 90618d0f-11c6-478d-9513-9ba51d7251a0 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,277 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,278 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,279 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,279 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 4899c87c-7b2f-48cd-ac30-df6736a8e150
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f90b1ea9-089c-4cb0-b3bf-0ccd22b251b4
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,291 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,293 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.mLF7rdcmQi2SR6PHBL-VsnrqjvRdubFIr0eYLF07YpI
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.SYZQ7AucLgbuTSSqn_mJ5WfPExuEh9DWtyWs0lpIl8k
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.SHm5CiARUI8oEdtCNQZpHsmux1rJC4KEcPylIrOMC50
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,433 INFO authorization_service 127 89820 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: a839e8cf-b8dd-4d4c-a28f-e4b554ec72d7 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,440 INFO authorization_service 127 89820 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: a839e8cf-b8dd-4d4c-a28f-e4b554ec72d7 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 e60f5d13-a473-4c84-a74e-587505072030
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2ff9722d-54a2-467b-9f1c-fd28fdf4dd98
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.dZdYY7mSlCKg-udnMQqW0HssvIDll5I4MJghkuU6LU8
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,492 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,500 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x107f44208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078c1358>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,503 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2eacc4c3-bcb4-4b81-9452-15d976c4e745
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f90093d2-6142-4b79-90bd-04d73c56677d
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,509 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,512 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,512 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,512 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,513 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.o7IL-OMClFORbhJhsah8kXzeadhg8FcJdvxQJGc3nV8
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,525 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,533 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1087a5320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082628d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,541 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5cbc5721-225c-45a3-8ad0-51137b94fde4
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 920efd3d-c43e-4974-8fc6-c435d1d10f58
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,549 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,549 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,550 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,550 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,551 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.a-5rNptvPLVv_bTo1CjTWeCo306840xrA2Hrc-HAUh4
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,562 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,569 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1087a5320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108262390>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,582 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 eebceb46-891e-41da-8578-e44811eb2168
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9e866c81-716b-44c2-8d78-aecbcd3b4486
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.-MzYSGDnI_NYcBK6bQJ9iCs2X9l9EgTru9BS5JAnsvY
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,603 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,610 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078c1fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108352c50>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ef4a9056-82c9-4998-af03-b75f04341d52
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7983ca78-c8ae-4d85-b5d2-b34f494e58af
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.DJ3cN1Z4Ym4gDwvPo_3NY8qn_C6dB5uqsIJ1VQ9COSg
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,638 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,645 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107883f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078c13c8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f64b7f50-4934-4e67-bb34-6c61cdb1b7f3
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9cbca7ff-6636-4465-8d29-ed49c8d99f82
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,651 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,652 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,657 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.4pPZ0jHh-J467WxvpGahkit1ysmsEwn2yC7RCi8P8fY
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,667 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,675 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108352f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108262a90>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a41d1607-5bc7-4fd5-a630-0b2b88fb5166
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 efa0d7fa-21db-422c-b830-2e80fc386dc8
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.KhWP0oeO_Yao1ronSEUFaLpaMuOfgX3DlcFryVthsMw
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,697 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,705 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084a2358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a5f98>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 6a2708d2-aa50-443d-8759-0ee56f94e200
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,709 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 eb807545-bbb2-4242-b792-2b9d3899c1c7
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,709 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,710 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,712 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU4fQ.ETkqauVVGMmQyPGZkSryk6oF-pV6Bks7hEBbtjLNtzw
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,727 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,734 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108262940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1075cdcf8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 e6b1b8ba-63f5-4981-b21d-10bd4d7245e9
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 8eb04a99-777b-4b83-a06d-a5c74409ab18
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a0b59f30-0e28-47cf-ab7b-fb864432b02f
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.V65I7VDBCPrzF08jTJXWpXvg_2HLs4vZ_lM40pG4tjY
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,840 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107883320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082628d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,855 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 286e67e9-9a11-477e-86ab-607300d16132
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f0aac531-7b22-4b41-aa66-196b43563501
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9a8c3c00-8dba-448a-993b-b4b96ee1d4a7
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,859 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTh9.0tCtZ0ASXMv_Z6sgIijzDGe-OprL0XFHr7BgdcgTUY0
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,936 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107836630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108405898>) | {'eng_uuid': '73aacee6-7990-41ec-81be-739fcd8e7bd7'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,944 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,947 DEBUG git_manager 14 89820 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 73aacee6-7990-41ec-81be-739fcd8e7bd7 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,949 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,949 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,949 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,952 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d11ed650-3f26-4694-af8a-2cc550a3808d
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3df5d4e7-3e8e-4761-b1f2-32248d5f4c65
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 4bd60440-d590-4e32-bccd-830a7cfe0cc4
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,956 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTl9.Z5FrBqDFBTH9EOFWlQDaxoIo1X7l1VskRctyPQlyeuw
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,029 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083529e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088e2208>) | {'eng_uuid': '03604fd1-33c7-4412-86f0-683db0031d36'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,044 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,044 ERROR checklist 49 89820 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 48f7e029-7e60-460c-b1b4-f8ffb6c502b7
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 85343c1e-2429-4110-9944-5520203aa06b
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 189da200-1651-4f78-975d-50274b1c3363
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,053 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTl9.tvK4gulpzQZuL59slVHkoFjltn-AVeaC1rtgLrNcmgc
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,137 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108262588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081556d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 180 89820 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 07ca40fa-f372-47c9-b960-f2e79d08e87d
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d03c7a26-e81a-4c59-aee7-a57a49ca3a3b
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a541dfac-df96-4c2d-a5e1-a19f641fc46b
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,173 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,289 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTl9.475OPBMlVLw-ZIQl23B_QiE-vKIUyXVdztmWtKUY1Rc
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,322 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108257d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082c5588>) | {'eng_uuid': '174d3f27-3f22-4082-8181-cc7e3322c43c'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,335 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 174d3f27-3f22-4082-8181-cc7e3322c43c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 40cb3349-e5d7-4e5e-b606-43b495a92d58
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9d59196c-7839-499a-86e9-8311f2517731
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 e33e0165-8afe-4b05-a02e-e486eb3e283d
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,369 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTl9.fLcboolA1gIvrIiWsoXG2_QEjPKBV_PX3_5A13j6bBc
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,510 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f23080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f23668>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a2d97080-1114-4229-b81b-4121f680cd05'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,524 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,527 DEBUG git_manager 14 89820 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement a2d97080-1114-4229-b81b-4121f680cd05 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,557 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'a2d97080-1114-4229-b81b-4121f680cd05', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,559 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 89820 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,562 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,564 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 89820 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,571 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,623 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba'), 'eng_uuid': 'a2d97080-1114-4229-b81b-4121f680cd05', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,624 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 89820 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,628 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,633 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,644 DEBUG checklist_service 446 89820 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9e7de7d3-33ca-453f-936f-97b8ed7c7d08
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,654 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2541dae7-67c3-407e-ae42-ea88f210e34f
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d641ca9d-b041-472a-9a29-84d4f6c5ee29
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NTl9.o-oJW72tes6GGzdcmO3Q4Uwwn79EcNDCbX_4ckUmioM
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,739 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b40780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083944a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '6b527546-c7de-4f4e-a510-41cd78381312'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,748 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,750 DEBUG git_manager 14 89820 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 6b527546-c7de-4f4e-a510-41cd78381312 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,774 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '6b527546-c7de-4f4e-a510-41cd78381312', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,776 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 89820 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,780 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,781 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 89820 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,787 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,834 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707'), 'eng_uuid': '6b527546-c7de-4f4e-a510-41cd78381312', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,835 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 89820 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,839 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,843 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,854 DEBUG checklist_service 446 89820 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5961aefb-ef72-4560-a9f9-631240f83930
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 992b0c9b-6d09-4f52-b2f2-a2b0caa1697a
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f40c4548-6727-41b9-9304-03a01a1b3f85
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,961 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjU5fQ.AFlbER-SSAiidWpYmMViDrTrUgFHIEwc-XvdDGUJVZ8
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,980 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108363518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155780>) | {'templateUuid': '91fbd7d1-fe69-4072-88b6-d252e0cb2294'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,985 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,998 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0ada1ac3-d6c2-41ad-8b84-de1f6001252c
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2d886c47-3443-452a-a3e7-7c7932893f43
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ab698b60-c05f-40a5-98af-bdba73451e3d
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,004 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.WUMXL_-gB2i_re6eJDVCy-2eHRMUfEirHMGndjIOLM0
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,109 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10778f208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10777dda0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,115 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,121 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,123 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f62a3d7e-31d3-4b07-afc2-d874effd2255
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,125 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b73c06f9-e6e0-4d4f-bd8d-51140766a7c6
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,126 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 e094429e-071b-4ace-b42c-023dbf4742a9
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,129 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,132 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,195 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.xwygU1GWVsUqgZAf4UOvdRC0hTVT1U-38X8uHkZ3IIo
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,211 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ad9940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad9470>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,218 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,264 DEBUG checklist_service 120 89820 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,305 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 23c0f7c2-dbd6-4748-8395-76e3cc9f9748
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5b320bb3-8296-46df-97f5-620b0675021d
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,309 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0fd5d3c8-94f8-4fda-8eb9-5dc5d72eaaa6
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.ZycPOFhWaGRaauwl-XWOE4RT5_BMfu58eeFmkKUVUug
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,410 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cff550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad90f0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,416 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,431 DEBUG checklist_service 120 89820 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,437 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (705c2bdd-5f29-4a26-a866-84807561ed5b, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:14:20.43642+00, null, 07beb8d9-76e3-4b63-bdd3-5baf104d74b7, 8c4f536a-0f88-4989-b538-9c5caeb3b55b).
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,438 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,444 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (705c2bdd-5f29-4a26-a866-84807561ed5b, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:14:20.43642+00, null, 07beb8d9-76e3-4b63-bdd3-5baf104d74b7, 8c4f536a-0f88-4989-b538-9c5caeb3b55b).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (705c2bdd-5f29-4a26-a866-84807561ed5b, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:14:20.43642+00, null, 07beb8d9-76e3-4b63-bdd3-5baf104d74b7, 8c4f536a-0f88-4989-b538-9c5caeb3b55b).
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,445 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f0f1fe64-d8df-4ac4-8dce-5713e7f9185e
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 6142fed5-eab2-4341-abf9-0874cf4724f2
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5884a754-775b-4256-930a-a2724fe36b03
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.bnaTjlZ_RhhajWKQEByEIRGDUC7Ri0p7EVahnhqOt9I
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,543 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10800d208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f3f898>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,548 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,550 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,550 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,551 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 bcadfe2e-9588-4680-b238-39effc8fb752
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 84c69ceb-1a69-46ae-b4d3-4dbf7e26deb8
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 903c5c4b-5006-4bfa-a853-1002ef1432c3
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.X0BJv2gi6TXl9dRIs0t5z65sBOfHJv5DUs0j2_KEGpY
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,640 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a0d2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a0d208>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,645 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,646 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,646 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,646 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,647 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 25250d07-2a53-4c8d-8cc7-a05b68510842
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a04b089b-cd41-42a0-aae6-9eaf4c8a84ea
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,660 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DFa3N'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,701 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiJHOEtTQEJGRVouY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJHOEtTQEJGRVouY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.GvzKXEeU9dSKSshH4tTofZaIislzlpr1rBf3p9wXuxY
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiI2Z01HQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjZnTUdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.GPRf52rL3vi7YjUm5LCpniGs5d9ecgrs_1Z0C0tHlzY
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,702 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,702 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 89820 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,702 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,703 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 89820 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,703 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 89820 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,713 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 89820 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,714 DEBUG activity_log 157 89820 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,715 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,715 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 89820 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,715 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 89820 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,716 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 89820 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: WpyiG
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,716 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 89820 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,718 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 89820 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,725 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f44358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f44a20>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ef7ba8a5-0abe-4856-9c17-e6e70c85dece'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,734 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,746 DEBUG views_helper 165 89820 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,755 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,755 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 89820 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,755 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,755 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 89820 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,757 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 89820 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,757 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 89820 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,758 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,758 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,758 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,773 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 19321b7e-ef69-4747-8208-d123972c5029
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 c20487be-9f85-427d-a5c2-c18296cd6728
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,810 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.-QA9Vk8vtVKPE2hXCOeOtvPW1SlAfN8a6Z3c5Bfo_Os
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.MZzC_cDjced2wjSZqV39YG29nxRRwjY7b3mqwNnpgkM
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.iK_anJJ1kaLd4MxYLwl0oCmduCxK8xHS2Pl8oDPDNW0
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,825 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 89820 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,836 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107818c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a5ba8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'e5e2df92-2bab-4098-b111-1665690e4cfa'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,843 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 34a6f08f-9a2a-4a17-9404-6dfcf9a27544 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 6d7a5497-f7d5-4d6a-8db4-4d5825a3d971
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 cde2bdda-6ad6-41a2-b084-17450808386e
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,850 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,857 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.GOjSSBA9cJlMzLaaKMKaJHieJSt1X7HkTc7PteENhIA
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.EoyttAgbPPG14ryxs9SusG2VXa9taN2L6zpqf0JhPQ0
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,901 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.uuuKb5zPtD60jBcUrHoCT4yG_AH1F8rkkQYTNsF8ho8
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,902 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 89820 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,910 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108262d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107818e80>) | {'vf_uuid': 'e6f5780c-7168-416a-8804-eef648d1385e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,917 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 90675526-bdcb-4477-8b10-e5e4a6f4ec3f
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f484fcb9-7531-46bf-bdce-0444d9448f86
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.U8M7V3mJmSeakaYlKiChVFjBL8kopmcpoAFPcnR2Yxc
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MH0.viXElxHZzdQq3Sk_Aj-gOZkUvFTGQBSJi_t_lnidJTQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYwfQ.UFRn9_DuF3nHWKvc5FALKWYYB2vaDx3aRn0q1eP3LKQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,979 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 89820 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,991 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084a21d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10835ce80>) | {'vf_uuid': 'a230971f-0ba3-4a43-96a1-0e88de292a4c'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,998 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 238a5544-5f11-45a6-a02c-a73be01753a6
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 92e6448e-ad3c-4c3f-a3a8-b59827d87b45
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,007 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,012 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.F4KAW3UU6AG5BzX0S_Opvodl_52pSxbNPJVjFGl2Gvk
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.0NE68C_DB0IJEDpdnhg4cRPas4eCdoHXTuzI9W2m-fI
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.755HWl-FMtWg-Ei9J-W6_3lU5zIyrd320rjHOQFjHqc
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,062 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 89820 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,073 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088e2be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088e2a58>) | {'vf_uuid': '55eac382-d04c-4190-8043-b4b238bd156a'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,081 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 1e468e5e-83ec-43af-b9bd-166c29b94f26 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,089 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ef913a1b-b9af-4020-ac9a-145e650e1e58
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a7a802e5-d0d3-4363-aa50-9e573383a5b9
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,090 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.s2kkQwoVK_jfq7sLVL3QF1xLuyGdHL0-O3f7StaMaQA
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,133 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.jRJtkf2ufv6jo2K-1f3LdaLVn0TH99us49etNAD35BM
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.N522WuvBp_HeuUE-99Dcxsaoo8Np61OTH2iJBHmWo3I
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,145 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107985d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108262b00>) | {'vf_uuid': 'f1e574e0-6e20-471e-ab49-fff7205ada72'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,152 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 781e252d-7223-4a44-9b28-7087f29cfe50
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5cfbb909-b6e1-45a0-8d72-dc0e5e82b236
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,172 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.uHyJxOh8FIOOd0ucouL_w0yY5UFGpBqg-2iQX2DWeRk
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.tCXne2Me9A-uROioyDQ__wrVfBnM4HDmGqQt5nwRP7Q
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.Kt05XG01r9OWux-uer1FaBtNF02FITz3zT7C0Gh6HWE
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,219 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107818860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1075dba90>) | {'vf_uuid': '2597ff72-5b03-4040-85f5-2a403a392396'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,227 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2bdd60e6-823b-407e-a098-7205e15a3eb8
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 01375a30-10ed-41d9-8fb1-08c6b5828a9d
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,278 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.ye4XEBOavX_oaKLg6hCFETWit7ct2c462tr5cH5R0QY
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.3nIOyw-rwuwtjmpywzCnVpxyTSbH0XxRAhnevAEFqp8
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.oWd9NwS0ewSswZ14g7UQBtjAFegkMo-_BJCiD7mjX5w
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,298 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10800d208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10800d5f8>) | {'vf_uuid': '46aceddf-1f03-48e4-95e3-cd7321027a9f'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,305 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: c20d134b-7d78-43c8-bc8d-9c836b1a439b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 1f54ece8-dc06-478c-9974-2cc8f9969ab3
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 63e4a02c-853b-46bb-8173-c5553f1d721b
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,324 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,325 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.Xg8l_X-nKYdQ-6rJsSvb377beEK7pqTjcYu6pgos2qU
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.0p-NkWpb4CAMCIRqEkpN4Zsk3EyPi3IFe6JBIZnVCpg
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 89820 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,460 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,467 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082c5a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082c5828>) | {'eng_uuid': '8af94908-b784-45d5-a11d-65d40c409c36'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,475 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 8af94908-b784-45d5-a11d-65d40c409c36 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,482 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10884ba58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10884bba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '8af94908-b784-45d5-a11d-65d40c409c36'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,492 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,500 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ad9438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082c59b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '8af94908-b784-45d5-a11d-65d40c409c36'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,508 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,508 DEBUG engagement_service 291 89820 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,509 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 89820 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 8eb22534-4096-4e40-992d-246edd0cf79c
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 380d5048-3ef3-453f-954e-69fc0d2e3f83
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,530 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,530 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,567 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.XwjqA4jBA8BYLywdUfHqUU_wA3WxpyJZq5dAU2Msw0g
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ._PU_SX9m5U020fQ95LB35wJeieRyoEmRs6ht2Jr6IlM
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.11MTzFZeODpQPmSj_nE8kWXRvWmIO37tYSu3AA4VGfw
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,586 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f3f9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f0f1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,595 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,598 DEBUG engagement_service 81 89820 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,609 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830b390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830ba20>) | {'eng_uuid': '5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,618 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,629 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,635 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080cf438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084a2780>) | {'eng_uuid': '5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,644 INFO authorization_service 127 89820 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,644 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,647 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,653 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10884b668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108078b38>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,659 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,660 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,660 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 602db4d8-3dd3-48c2-88e1-a2778a5f59d2
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 6c3d94a2-a3d0-4635-90a5-cc0cd1ecd26b
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,668 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,670 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.YTeVi9KDv3-FPS6jgBK_EEinQ2kHbF0lOjdeIO0X5xs
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.nGK1vLP98tReFVMr1kW5GvZBp2Eh1xn2fZ0oc4hdt98
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.EZEaJREaQAcl8YLNdhPM2iVBGyTNLSU_HjET_QE_zS4
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,734 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080788d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108078ac8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2c7336bc-4708-49ec-8a0d-f4e4d1fe0ff4'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,743 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,745 DEBUG engagement_service 81 89820 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 2c7336bc-4708-49ec-8a0d-f4e4d1fe0ff4
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,750 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,756 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10819ef98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107426f28>) | {'eng_uuid': '2c7336bc-4708-49ec-8a0d-f4e4d1fe0ff4'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,764 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 2c7336bc-4708-49ec-8a0d-f4e4d1fe0ff4 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,766 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,772 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078c1dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107883240>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,780 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,780 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,781 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,788 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10777d978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10835cc88>) | {'eng_uuid': '2c7336bc-4708-49ec-8a0d-f4e4d1fe0ff4'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,797 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,799 DEBUG engagement_service 81 89820 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 2c7336bc-4708-49ec-8a0d-f4e4d1fe0ff4
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 221790fe-1482-4315-a784-a0870c123a38
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d504239c-d605-4de8-bd50-e0b53c964fce
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,810 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,811 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.7R0mrOrb-S8S_9f3WojgTS6U90fhJILGMJtabBvNdp8
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.3l5W06oSbrx7IRUV8Q3eYUHtVU2qJu54fX8EmMvm6dE
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYxfQ.ujENoL0tfB6UbQVcGxj_7GKO8m0TcLayE4j5FZ6r6N8
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,870 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10806ea20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10806eb70>) | {'eng_uuid': 'caf9c5fb-3e24-4ccd-9127-3ddc76450776'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,884 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,886 DEBUG engagement_service 81 89820 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: caf9c5fb-3e24-4ccd-9127-3ddc76450776
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,892 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,897 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a23668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10777def0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'caf9c5fb-3e24-4ccd-9127-3ddc76450776'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,904 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: caf9c5fb-3e24-4ccd-9127-3ddc76450776 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,911 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081e99e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088e24a8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'caf9c5fb-3e24-4ccd-9127-3ddc76450776'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,922 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,926 DEBUG engagement_service 63 89820 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: caf9c5fb-3e24-4ccd-9127-3ddc76450776
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d4323a29-7dc7-4488-8c1e-1914f24ade65
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b6174102-16f2-4743-a5a7-dc28f375fcad
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjF9.HlyzTB66e2DFm-XC7eGnQCqo6vS98XdjpSxvjqdzxYw
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,998 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.gBa-SYXRQHNpd0ZwrQDypAcl9t2fpQ0sUmKhW6LloGk
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2MX0.2cozLI9Lg5ojGzZxB06EynQk3KXcD5wR-dkgjrRAzPI
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.AZNl93IRkoemIeKJ-lVK-OMJ7bSB6ZKkiWZGu3XgMzQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,001 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,007 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107faf080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107818be0>) | {'eng_uuid': '3bf7a083-1226-48d2-8ff9-f57af41f7f38'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,015 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 c87e229a-38e5-451a-879b-660cc13744fe
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,025 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ed10afaa-2ef8-42d2-a46d-efe143cab916
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,028 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9.CCuqDElSw4sfs1tpdl9Plnjek89JK0IPWIIWGT-FT5U
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.quhq8Fp0uhIzi0W_Fd2MKT-f1NeGeQNSPqj4xv36QxQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.TFXSyPRxwKs752jw8dHYIPF0hDGw-o7KyN87p5dJ9ks
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.fsGODeWGtHhIjpebKd_fWhtCGi_-T6RF7ffapOZSLSo
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,076 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,083 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10807d908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10807da20>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,087 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 cc941988-6a0f-4381-85e1-836b14977625
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,097 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 8036a1ff-583b-4c81-9968-c7e11896a2f1
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9._NmKQ78Pqr4ZRLiokfb_YQRS7-IR9xIqtb7d97QEDwA
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.6QdKiThJG-jGNlXxPl0W_jijhObryz1FVzTVFIy-R90
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.8wEnKHixCgdNSd8RyZKDBNoCGK4u2KGk-5cymCQ2Nlg
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.erU_Vy9JtSA_-XfWxl1FQ96UnYLgRCY_2ucGgTnXm2o
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,149 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 89820 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,155 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10804e5f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10804eba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '190d4eea-d243-49a5-92bb-446e30a51a2c'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,165 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 190d4eea-d243-49a5-92bb-446e30a51a2c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,167 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a7615cf2-1900-49c5-8177-f19f97c23b84
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 380a1174-fd08-4aa1-9be2-f771445293cd
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,174 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,175 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9.VOubjpZf4LsyQYvfq1M6aQ38wsHKWJrKXVTAQRYz_HI
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.EwnlXJlvbUIwwv405JwIjlZifO6gPwmVQ539c59KpGI
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.7RbLHVnYl1miNnqws6ubt29JucLB1Mw-330aEFGPcS4
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.IzYd5fswvWzdKBYtRP0Xbruyq-yuKX0OolD9AyxYdis
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,224 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 89820 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,231 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b94b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ba908>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,235 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3444bf11-5890-4f76-86d9-cf0c3292798c
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 74fd714f-5ce9-49d8-9be4-390e90e96949
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,280 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9.Q0VC1INY4e61i0lJ-V0QQNQt1fTOBy6JVvX6SOc1cjQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.x_CLDgm7e4xC3QmFMfhIPF6aiGYrRynpQz5gFQKasNs
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.VujL-ByDPwApTJxYOFlptjOqo_HvRKX8EuCr-vCHwQI
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.i9AxGRwVxr4LStbIBYqlDBCrqpzoaNgRI0PaS6NU5o4
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,291 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 89820 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,298 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10835c0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081e99e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c08b4978-4cdc-4ebb-ae70-e6724e9ca0d8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,305 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: c08b4978-4cdc-4ebb-ae70-e6724e9ca0d8 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b12c71fb-3f89-4c92-bb76-5778583e9032
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ce10fd1c-4bb7-41fb-8926-a6b8122622d5
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,316 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,375 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9.h8-B6awq9q7sZ2W6RDCsmDPjSQ-Bg7VpmjVRddlcc-0
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.JIc0RZwziNZ4Jwda813CNepV1k9WzNzFlpJGS4eVvAo
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.X73t21RR1VAlxRrjcqrWyts54ZNseFENuuSSKdPz4pM
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.APTj3hMAhho9mVaLBXgO9NJXo4acghOiZ13ANtU1Rmo
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,385 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 89820 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,393 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107818358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081552e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '754e3226-9f92-426e-b150-0366a4549d18'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,401 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 754e3226-9f92-426e-b150-0366a4549d18 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3322c0d5-23ff-4ac0-b735-8a10dede5c29
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 4d131add-d5c2-4470-bacc-a757674dcad0
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9.fi_ALII2CJPptkhC7vPiqosP1FYzMZ44NEkgXqa4zZI
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.qrJ1zIuVHU8bkYW7Og7ZSZ0mlY0oyKZpvpc59bEaSAY
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,455 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.iLLcvIOO5pHl1-ax65hsuNcBFBTRIWk16XufjDg4O3w
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.O3WBs77jNOqvyxFlyOOL4_AeCVZmb4mCymjbLmCSD0U
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,457 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,463 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10777d828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080585f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cdfe4383-537c-418f-980b-4993a1940cd8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,471 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3b1118d8-b920-4886-b6d6-31f5f237a427
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 edbc963c-7fa3-4afe-a987-53213eaa5bbd
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,541 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjJ9.nxsbx5hZvpzQidY7jky68uOBFNPODyUrUbaIey-Gb40
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.VS0RV9qz1-sV5xRFR-ApkhT6x-Q_y7CLgPNvmQrarfY
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.nZKjsPf96U8oQUwW2rKIGILIuiW-8Z_NM5Yb8_JkFe0
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.LW1ohyDreVexZTdOQXu6u4_ptp37_d_nwzOgVlCA_tc
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,545 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,552 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087b68d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087b6a90>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd715cedb-2c51-4a8e-8e0d-56b03f2e65d4'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,561 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,587 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7f77d8a5-5c25-4bc1-9438-a7bcb7e55301
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,588 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 44cf3ec7-2d49-433b-bac3-2a9dae3052f9
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,593 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,594 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,594 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.bIQanMvirfVvesKD2uiA-L2UTSdDM2Eg41Mpif8CRA0
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.XC1XnPwq9xmyQpXVy2p-OQbKp3u4V6BDSuff8s0Zgho
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,638 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 89820 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,645 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077cf9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1075a6278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,648 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,888 ERROR engagement 83 89820 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 20ebe0b3-3bdd-4e7a-913a-8c1140b09e36
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 fad6060a-ccb1-46b6-a5de-f474c35a7c3a
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.XOO_Ijop7LWfkP_0gVbKw_pNysniEdnABXKTTapImtI
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Mn0.VLxYle9qaZ1OWGAzShRZwv7YotJ0fgJVqRWPy0-xrTc
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,947 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,954 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108686cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108686e48>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,958 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,051 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,057 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086bac50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086a1e48>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,060 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,146 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 89820 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,152 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086bab38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108628e80>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,156 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,227 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 89820 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,243 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,245 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,255 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,428 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89820 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89820 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89820 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,493 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,494 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,494 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89820 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 461be4f6-00d6-4dee-8a27-cd2cc5ff2931
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7650cdf5-1d9b-4468-9a3a-e812c43bb0ae
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,587 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYzfQ.Bonn_xQzQMx1xEePzMA2Ewv1931kRz0RVqD_m65F37g
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,593 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10862d908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862da58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,601 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,608 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=Jh5MZ
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,609 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,609 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,610 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,615 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=Jh5MZ
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,616 DEBUG invite_service 96 89820 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,616 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,617 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b81209b8-70a7-414d-9239-3b5a8cb700b5
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f841eb4d-bde5-4029-9c14-0935aad9ff3f
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYzfQ.nN0mzHUBj_SujbFy4jMEIEIlAY75bH7NX2q18VwMw5o
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,667 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a14be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a14d30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,678 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,685 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,686 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,686 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,687 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,692 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,693 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,693 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,694 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,699 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,700 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,700 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,701 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,707 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,707 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,707 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,708 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,715 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,716 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,716 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,717 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,723 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,724 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,724 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,725 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,733 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,734 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,734 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,735 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,740 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,741 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,741 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,742 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,747 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,748 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,748 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,749 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,755 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,756 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,756 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,757 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,763 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,763 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,764 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,764 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,771 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,772 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,772 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,773 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,779 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,780 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,780 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,781 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,787 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,787 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,788 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,788 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,794 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,795 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,795 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,796 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,801 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,802 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,802 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,803 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,809 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,810 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,810 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,811 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,817 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,818 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,818 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,819 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,827 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,828 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,828 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,828 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,834 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,835 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,835 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,836 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,841 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,842 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,842 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,843 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,849 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,850 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,850 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,850 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,857 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,857 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,858 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,858 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,864 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,865 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,865 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,866 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,877 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=rJ7zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,878 DEBUG invite_service 131 89820 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,879 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,880 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,888 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,895 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,900 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,904 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,909 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d3cbacc3-7e38-43da-b300-092ce1d1fe2f
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 090a40ef-517e-4b97-bbcd-341b4f748f20
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjYzfQ.SqvBB3GhQkexLt0OjfUllnpptoGHQvMMRk57Ucjh2zY
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,957 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f1b940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f1ba90>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,966 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,974 DEBUG views_helper 309 89820 140736121267136 Found VF name=jdRmy
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,975 DEBUG invite_service 96 89820 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,975 DEBUG mail 17 89820 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,976 DEBUG mail 24 89820 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,979 WARNING invite_service 38 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 76ac9acd-ed52-40f9-b22c-83ab91193bf4 to for joining engagement dad1c610-d73e-4f7b-a1fa-18cfadee4c12
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 12ee419a-1008-4271-b1a7-d85da726c3d9
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 60e9e64e-cf2a-40bb-a028-f22080ff45d7
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,991 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,046 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,054 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.X5YNQcgMZAOUVntmK7xHQJtff-3M7MTYwi5qoLZCj3M
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.qLK3zl2FYnVkQ_KvA-Ojw_8YR0R3P5B4K6-sE0Eg03k
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.YIcSJmsNqPz6qrnyz7DVzFuDqxnMy9qki3TpzEPxhwI
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,057 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,061 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 89820 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,061 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,066 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,075 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a3cba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a169b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '1d9cd5f2-cbe7-4f9e-a1ff-5fca5090fab0', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,085 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,108 DEBUG nextsteps 69 89820 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=1d9cd5f2-cbe7-4f9e-a1ff-5fca5090fab0 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,116 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9e003589-256c-4d54-8be0-0bc78c39ec3c
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,118 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 23ecf262-b8c3-475b-998c-69c05d4394af
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.FB-mQPRbsAqQHPQQEgEPcbe_ZedXJcitlzX4cgtmMJo
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.rTAwG4KlIcfvMvxB37JTAPG1TSGYIPUmR15rNjjOVME
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.ylxGl3DeKfJvj_vsPw5V_dRZMddBDZGIua5AGDkplzs
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,183 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,186 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,189 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,192 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,202 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e7a400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e7aa58>) | {'eng_uuid': '70502ea9-d678-45c8-94f7-72217b7aaa3f', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,210 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,248 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e410b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e469e8>) | {'ns_uuid': '7ffa80de-f942-495a-bf0d-26430583d910', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,255 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,256 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,258 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,265 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a0bcc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a0b358>) | {'ns_uuid': '7ffa80de-f942-495a-bf0d-26430583d910', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,275 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,276 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,283 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f90898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f90c50>) | {'ns_uuid': '7ffa80de-f942-495a-bf0d-26430583d910', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,291 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,292 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,293 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,299 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f83fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f83b38>) | {'ns_uuid': '7ffa80de-f942-495a-bf0d-26430583d910', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,307 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,308 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,315 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e46c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e46b38>) | {'ns_uuid': '7ffa80de-f942-495a-bf0d-26430583d910', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,323 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,324 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,324 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,329 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,331 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d7b1d260-4d86-4ff7-ae7c-d1817e7ac8dc
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,332 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0b6ed1f1-d6a9-4343-b1ea-d038a7604b25
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.JUfvy8b4_bzHVMrRTgHH7GrZ0RFxCLkvdc40e3dzxaM
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.mYQIO0EWfWfEUoZxm8ZOd0FRFkl-PEkEvr4n1RtgBZw
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,415 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.AT-z-tqm6_kfqutJ_mTCMKckW4Ansq0JCnRcY0EyO-w
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,415 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,420 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,424 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,427 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,436 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f2b0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e79048>) | {'eng_uuid': 'aa73d784-00ac-476b-aef4-b3fcc62b8e14', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,444 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,474 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a6b51f2e-f405-4a03-a136-fc1d877cfeff
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 1d1af0fd-aff1-4b48-b387-e9d6f0f6f253
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.61DsGBQKCKRko0h4PH_ocX0zQV3uFyT4AcFzjLkuAoc
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.3O6C5T9Xbu1z9uF_S9os5t9IxOvKrkeN2jOREsUx0HU
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.ifgU0GS9CemDD55EIakDG6pbv8D2HWIhJRnVZ3KrzBk
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,538 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,541 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 89820 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,542 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,545 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,555 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f59438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a16048>) | {'eng_uuid': '608be7f3-60e5-49b2-a7c3-f0b7f2121aa2', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,562 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,588 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 cdda4ab2-eba5-488e-9f52-7c11a3ee715a
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 606195eb-0cf7-4a80-9a76-93367b6b41c4
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,593 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.dlp6_oy-Yj7BJgPsJ9brBaQRl90I1yG6E2lr9WqlRLE
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.Mr7n4yf0Frk50pgQiP70gHDiVhTqz5OIP81jcBqKBj8
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.MIdHPIod9fAM_mxf7m5Ns0j5Rbe5zlEvqM8cqY8G-Kg
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,664 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f4aa58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f4ab00>) | {'ns_uuid': '38d7c8a6-a8d1-4b7c-9fb1-8a99c80bd9df'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,672 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,683 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ba1963cc-cc64-4327-931d-52a79cd05098
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3ec6c197-92b6-458e-b595-f155dbde70a1
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.tZV4k8G18cel_dFkouvadDYp-OgS4HdsDxg6J-STVbE
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.z6YGwyRM6y2wKGfsSN6wJ8DCpiYiBeGrjSfQoJUr1YE
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,752 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.oJ_gaNiIqHXaYmNWUrN1XbLEhwUCwhvrOhVA-cEIqnk
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,761 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f44358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f444a8>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': '5359f1b6-b6d4-469c-b113-78985953c9be'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,773 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,788 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,788 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,789 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,791 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,793 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 1cb9230e-4be6-48ed-b36a-0176a74daf9e
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,794 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 898fc32b-08a9-4b0f-b05b-49a6f5379da1
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,847 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.jNc1dNg3PSNHJAzukjcyTG8vJL60Mbn9vqCq6VYjUOQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.9IHtdS2fF3AgPTnVb8fGjiluWVpI7GEsbO-bqvNbHn4
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.d7WUtXDSfbR7oDKp_hAMx5wgzC2QnDRAI4cGi1tkjvg
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,870 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e64470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e646a0>) | {'ns_uuid': 'c1d9de87-b9d1-400e-827d-85c8e62f3184'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,879 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: afcbdc87-ab30-4934-8be9-76e9311e7426 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,886 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 269e6cd9-8823-4a74-b897-ad66ac6d2442
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 56f16fbc-02ec-4d2c-bcf7-86ba40b14e2e
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,891 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.SIxMBtbezXMBTkx_dOmUPEaAccY3DZ6yiPr7azv8E7k
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.XDA_7lEY4Few-BDZLhS2hENWelsEL_aFdZ4R1iEWe1s
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY0fQ.0kU6h6gBqw8LcoK9xMnZU1iPYXPk70SyxTonV9TP1jg
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,961 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,961 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,961 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,962 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3e2301f6-f7b2-485d-81da-6d2a423887f0
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,969 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f7e9015d-04f8-4e72-a08a-bb9bac19901d
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,970 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,970 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,016 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.XbAlYF11uJiE2Uj-giK7FcElqmc8MsXQYf_qAqRsitQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,031 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.H1onHlC-XphvkdjYw7TN-LG9qTdFmvalSr4WludduPQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.xwsxOJBzWkyEsiU77A0OH4GorHPPf1RBBRNGt_PwjWc
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,033 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,036 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 89820 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,036 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,040 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 89820 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,049 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f4ae48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a0bac8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,059 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a191d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a2deb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 57a24d26-0609-4f1e-a94d-fbfe88eff3ed
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2af4e2da-cd6e-4311-9673-f16b49f8cd84
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,090 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lawH4'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,121 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiRzU5WEBJRFJDLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiRzU5WEBJRFJDLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2NX0.AkuEtsGD1mHKKTxCG_nLNJYzJRom4rGbcf4CZvo12e8
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,121 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 89820 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,122 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 89820 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,137 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 89820 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,138 DEBUG activity_log 157 89820 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,138 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,145 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f926d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f902e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,145 DEBUG notifications 63 89820 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,149 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,149 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 89820 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,149 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 89820 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 f3d7f129-6faa-4328-9db4-c4522fc88f99
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,165 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 afea03b2-9d64-40d5-8edf-a232499d17a7
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,258 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.bo_OAqDlSUUkymJn6rFnUfzWciFzXT-RB45yxaqZBZA
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.ehKVb3iCdhydlpQri0gowKDxVPEZwqLidjII-x7udnM
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2NX0.PAIM_PINcvWEzQWUIuGry_TyA21PSrDI-3zL_aFd7MM
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,293 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f83550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a13f28>) | {'checklistUuid': 'bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,305 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,305 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e', 'eng_uuid': '80a7baa5-d740-4e2b-9a9d-c970f22e1171', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,306 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 89820 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,310 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,311 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 89820 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,318 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,344 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f448d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10863d6d8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,354 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,397 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e, user.uuid=2f71f187-fe86-4290-8ecc-cb2ebf793047, checklist.uuid=bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 802e1ec8-0b58-40da-8bef-427a68e964bd
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7515d8bf-9093-489f-984f-aa8a16b53db4
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.5AmhPVR0ytBaUkn6nNqFFpDlI2cF_GHnf-oSwS1perU
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,493 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY1fQ.g0d_A_s5uFA1gtS_EDShDJ4CccseXBZuBVXQh96D9Iw
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2NX0.fU-ToUASSmJGi_onydPBoJg4b9_ZZ0s8W23COU7Iqxc
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,494 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,494 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,495 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,495 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,495 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,495 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,495 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,495 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,504 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb61d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fb1048>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,519 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,519 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351', 'eng_uuid': '77abff92-2d9b-498b-bbc3-c3e77822e38c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,521 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 89820 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,526 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,527 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 89820 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,535 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,621 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086baf98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086ba5f8>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,630 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,676 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351, user.uuid=a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0, checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,677 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 89820 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,677 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,677 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,677 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,677 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,678 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,688 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f2df28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e777b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,702 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,702 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351', 'eng_uuid': '77abff92-2d9b-498b-bbc3-c3e77822e38c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,703 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 89820 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,709 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,718 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,750 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10868fb38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10878a668>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,762 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,818 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351, user.uuid=a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0, checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,818 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 89820 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,818 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,818 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,819 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,819 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,832 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108692e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b70f98>) | {'decision_uuid': '7d08bfb3-dbe0-48a8-8b3d-c45940edfac1'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,839 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,840 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 89820 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,848 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 89820 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 7d08bfb3-dbe0-48a8-8b3d-c45940edfac1 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,848 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,848 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,857 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b0c2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860c710>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,871 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,872 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351', 'eng_uuid': '77abff92-2d9b-498b-bbc3-c3e77822e38c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,873 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 89820 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,885 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,893 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 89820 140736121267136 Adding vf b9b45e1c-90cc-4ed4-85e4-7ee1343f05f2 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,895 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: aabc9a9e-1654-4731-8aff-2130ff8a403c and vf uuid: b9b45e1c-90cc-4ed4-85e4-7ee1343f05f2
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,902 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,931 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108686c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e79d30>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,941 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,994 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351, user.uuid=a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0, checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,995 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 89820 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,995 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,995 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,995 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,995 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,002 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,002 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,011 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078186a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108422fd0>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,022 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,022 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351', 'eng_uuid': '77abff92-2d9b-498b-bbc3-c3e77822e38c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,024 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 89820 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,031 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,041 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 89820 140736121267136 Adding vf b9b45e1c-90cc-4ed4-85e4-7ee1343f05f2 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,043 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: ef58085f-6afd-4f39-b012-7f09c20d848d and vf uuid: b9b45e1c-90cc-4ed4-85e4-7ee1343f05f2
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,049 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,078 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077cff60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081e9550>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,092 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,147 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351, user.uuid=a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0, checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,148 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 89820 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,148 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,148 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 89820 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,148 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,148 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 89820 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,148 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 89820 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,156 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108686208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088e26d8>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,167 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,167 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351', 'eng_uuid': '77abff92-2d9b-498b-bbc3-c3e77822e38c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,168 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 89820 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,175 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,180 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 89820 140736121267136 Adding vf b9b45e1c-90cc-4ed4-85e4-7ee1343f05f2 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,182 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0 and vf uuid: b9b45e1c-90cc-4ed4-85e4-7ee1343f05f2
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,190 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,217 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108155208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088c5a20>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,227 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,291 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351, user.uuid=a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0, checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,292 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 89820 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,292 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,292 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 89820 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,292 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,292 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 89820 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,292 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 89820 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,300 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077e7908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b94908>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,313 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,314 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 89820 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351', 'eng_uuid': '77abff92-2d9b-498b-bbc3-c3e77822e38c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,315 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 89820 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,324 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,336 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 89820 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,363 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108604748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a23780>) | {'checklistUuid': '2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,376 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,443 DEBUG checklist_service 313 89820 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351, user.uuid=a71474e9-fdfd-4520-a0bf-6c213454ece0, checklist.uuid=2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,444 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 89820 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,444 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,444 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 89820 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,444 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,444 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,445 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,445 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ab7684b5-4ec8-4517-99e9-6ef55a9bc2e5
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5e6fd7da-77a4-4d23-9b19-b940e0767086
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ.W7PKu97-RSnM0IGiuZvWYxw_alVxSvOMvyPFvOjS3BI
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,483 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,484 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,484 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,484 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,484 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 bcd12541-9fbb-469f-9da9-23a9eda62274
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ce43fe85-19e1-4e7e-bf84-d84f6b44a307
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,490 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,503 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ.bHXG-Et72TAnzY0Bjv2xR1FS9gwqFeuz5fsVYObtPyg
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,509 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077c57f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fb6080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,510 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d712dd21-6c72-4f8d-99ca-2f914eb5d5bf
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 cd6360fb-d1cc-41e9-9dcc-a8513ac5ced0
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,519 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ.3MUuayGk-EjI7DPSh1jFaHmCzRqfIBHP4PJ1saqyGeI
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,535 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f44c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a19630>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,537 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 09da7265-2ede-4cae-afcd-9004cbdd5f14
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b58dcd8c-4a07-4486-8f3d-4ea3112965cb
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ.-CcLTBPsXShKUk5_5WRdZCZBLS1GktWFFeRpMNbo0WY
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,560 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e64cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a2d518>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,600 INFO user 138 89820 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=cf4933f9-8c0e-4a85-a6ea-342429e26ee1 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 b807a690-4418-44a9-b70c-a9c3f6c13a03
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9e3f10b0-9ac3-499e-9638-d1db497100c3
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,613 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,615 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,615 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ.nQAO6Hm4Ylv5vbeD96vb1DMDNdfohczNo0ROOZMqqGE
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,637 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108628ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a0bf60>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,639 ERROR user 59 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,639 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,639 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,643 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7e2c0bf0-036d-4212-a095-4ff127b4857d
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 12acb69d-08dd-49d0-b5e2-4cf0c7a42cb3
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ._Mv1_vB5kb8hTghFRUUAqfnpwGH-cs5H9uHI4glwMfE
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,680 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,681 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,681 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,681 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,683 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0a977006-435d-4ec4-a9f7-e2f2388020a0
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 5dcd15e7-9e9e-4533-b9a9-ae2abc2ed7d5
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,701 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY2fQ.AnT1aY_0EIWw5Z-YHqauZg9RLAdJYo_l2nxTf33HCu8
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,708 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb10b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f40fd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,754 INFO user 87 89820 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=baa7607a-a269-46f8-8505-b76f6aafd4ca
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 7b790aeb-e8bc-4ec0-989c-bf92071d908f
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,766 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ebf06a02-db38-4ca3-b7b9-6d6ee6eef6ab
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,782 DEBUG testVFC 22 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,782 DEBUG testVFC 23 89820 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,782 DEBUG testVFC 24 89820 140736121267136 UUID: dc3c215e-44df-438a-9971-9c76666bd1cc
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,782 DEBUG testVFC 25 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: 3URX0
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,782 DEBUG testVFC 26 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,790 DEBUG testVFC 28 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,790 DEBUG testVFC 29 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,790 DEBUG testVFC 30 89820 140736121267136 UUID: fb34e083-68b1-4b73-a529-fec257798f8e
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,790 DEBUG testVFC 31 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: 7CWa0
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,790 DEBUG testVFC 32 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,798 DEBUG testVFC 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,798 DEBUG testVFC 39 89820 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,798 DEBUG testVFC 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 10b6bf7f-79c5-48d0-95f9-40d2a90654ef
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,798 DEBUG testVFC 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: GiIhb
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,798 DEBUG testVFC 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,798 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GZC0A'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,804 DEBUG testVFC 50 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,804 DEBUG testVFC 51 89820 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,805 DEBUG testVFC 52 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 41310eac-5410-429c-a505-8256d4b1f491
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,805 DEBUG testVFC 53 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,806 DEBUG testVFC 59 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,806 DEBUG testVFC 60 89820 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,807 DEBUG testVFC 61 89820 140736121267136 UUID: fad6060a-ccb1-46b6-a5de-f474c35a7c3a
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,807 DEBUG testVFC 62 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiMzZoRkBRWVhFLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiMzZoRkBRWVhFLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Nn0.OPli2Is1JRdb1uEQvjlmMih7BEhGEUvgf04_dVWYGmQ
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoiVEo1RUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJUSjVFQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjZ9.t5BS2BTm6YDSGnaBgLdoX24lLZ1iNnpDsLHss06BFn8
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,810 DEBUG testVFC 89 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,810 DEBUG testVFC 90 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,810 DEBUG testVFC 91 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,814 DEBUG testVFC 97 89820 140736121267136 1. ESDXv
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,816 DEBUG testVFC 78 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,816 DEBUG testVFC 79 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,816 DEBUG testVFC 80 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,816 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,816 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,816 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 6ff247a4-edcb-4245-99d4-87a44022d40a
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 672e1891-b2d3-48af-ad96-e4acb961f95d
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,827 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,829 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,829 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,842 DEBUG testVFC 22 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,842 DEBUG testVFC 23 89820 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,842 DEBUG testVFC 24 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 5733c878-9073-48c1-9920-8041ca04f5c2
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,843 DEBUG testVFC 25 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: vBAfq
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,843 DEBUG testVFC 26 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,850 DEBUG testVFC 28 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,850 DEBUG testVFC 29 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,850 DEBUG testVFC 30 89820 140736121267136 UUID: bfb4cd53-3a68-48bb-a24b-c55bd6511300
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,850 DEBUG testVFC 31 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: xMgRS
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,850 DEBUG testVFC 32 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,859 DEBUG testVFC 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,859 DEBUG testVFC 39 89820 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,859 DEBUG testVFC 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: cfc8100d-31b4-49f3-a186-bac723c6a93e
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,860 DEBUG testVFC 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: l8uko
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,860 DEBUG testVFC 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xKt8f'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,865 DEBUG testVFC 50 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,865 DEBUG testVFC 51 89820 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,865 DEBUG testVFC 52 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 4f6314b1-660b-40db-a21f-22502391e756
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,865 DEBUG testVFC 53 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,866 DEBUG testVFC 59 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,867 DEBUG testVFC 60 89820 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,867 DEBUG testVFC 61 89820 140736121267136 UUID: fad6060a-ccb1-46b6-a5de-f474c35a7c3a
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,867 DEBUG testVFC 62 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,869 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZnRDQ0BCR0VYLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZnRDQ0BCR0VYLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2Nn0.E9HjO51sMmqcparNS4DQf7G_y2mJuZ9op_cfoKH8fBg
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoiQVVjVUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJBVWNVQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2NjZ9.DHY-a93oVHRa9aYW1uK2bD_azRYmaj2v_NNwUCu0ySA
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,870 DEBUG testVFC 106 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,871 DEBUG testVFC 107 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,871 DEBUG testVFC 108 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,885 ERROR authorization_service 476 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,888 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a2f6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a2f198>) | {'vf_uuid': '59e8273c-ba72-48d7-a855-0694349097f1'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,897 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testVFC 117 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testVFC 78 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testVFC 79 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testVFC 80 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 1f2f02a6-7bdf-46c3-bec0-603846e87e83
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 fa6d4f4b-f10e-4f02-a4d3-70a98b43b6a3
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,984 DEBUG testVFC 22 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,986 DEBUG testVFC 23 89820 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,987 DEBUG testVFC 24 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 542755c1-4f94-42c0-9368-e001dd409327
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,988 DEBUG testVFC 25 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: O5Nlz
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,989 DEBUG testVFC 26 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,008 DEBUG testVFC 28 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,008 DEBUG testVFC 29 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,008 DEBUG testVFC 30 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 0f5ce268-d4fd-44ff-8fa5-8dd9cba7e2b9
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,008 DEBUG testVFC 31 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: uJ4g2
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,009 DEBUG testVFC 32 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,023 DEBUG testVFC 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,023 DEBUG testVFC 39 89820 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,023 DEBUG testVFC 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: dd675859-acd8-4bba-a8fc-d05b88f2a58b
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,023 DEBUG testVFC 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: Dc1d8
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,023 DEBUG testVFC 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uvIdf'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,032 DEBUG testVFC 50 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,033 DEBUG testVFC 51 89820 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,033 DEBUG testVFC 52 89820 140736121267136 UUID: 2d7b6023-a67d-4cdc-ad8e-1d464917edab
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,033 DEBUG testVFC 53 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,035 DEBUG testVFC 59 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,035 DEBUG testVFC 60 89820 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,035 DEBUG testVFC 61 89820 140736121267136 UUID: fad6060a-ccb1-46b6-a5de-f474c35a7c3a
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,036 DEBUG testVFC 62 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,038 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiWUp1akBXRkhXLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiWUp1akBXRkhXLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2N30.b6hizAMS_azelgUaGWxg3i9BiRb-7IsS9yuI_Eqzseo
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,040 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiM2VObkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiIzZU5uQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxNzc2Njd9.FLoufG3sFsEG05T0n0IyX54wAYMgSMM9YV1gqRMDo3M
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,040 DEBUG testVFC 125 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,041 DEBUG testVFC 126 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,041 DEBUG testVFC 127 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,057 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a0b048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a0b5c0>) | {'vf_uuid': 'a5b2fb88-f3a8-4129-9484-ee22b5e016b7'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,079 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,086 DEBUG testVFC 137 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,087 DEBUG testVFC 138 89820 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,087 DEBUG testVFC 139 89820 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"77834c70-a91e-4d34-8dbc-a180e3626ee8","name":"sjcJH","external_ref_id":"1","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T10:14:27.045904Z","vf":"a5b2fb88-f3a8-4129-9484-ee22b5e016b7","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"1e14e198-649f-406e-96d3-d04af5b03ca3","name":"5LlxE","external_ref_id":"0","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T10:14:27.042878Z","vf":"a5b2fb88-f3a8-4129-9484-ee22b5e016b7","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,087 DEBUG testVFC 78 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,087 DEBUG testVFC 79 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,087 DEBUG testVFC 80 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 3e595915-11a2-4b40-a436-237b1d2f43e4
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,107 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0ecc14e8-4dfc-4f3e-a24b-92a04c277ab2
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,165 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,165 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,165 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: b74a820b-5c79-4948-895c-55472e66eee2
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,166 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: HBytf
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,166 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'v8yD5'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NYMBL'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PRjFO'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Xn9eQ'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '16GHZ'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jxI64'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4zQO7'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'BXC4V'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Zhqda'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5hH6N'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gbiz8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ILM98'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8YQl7'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hg4GF'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2N30.TDIgWj0A8HGcV8F65V_vJT_bEY2Na1TGDnNSyStfOGA
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,629 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,629 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 89820 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,630 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,639 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e56fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f92f28>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,681 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,681 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 89820 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"MWNKi","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"pYgbo","engagement__uuid":"15e3972d-8b78-47ce-a6e2-cffc56140dda","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"7db76e58-fcc0-4744-9e7c-4c13177e686e","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"c6yPI","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Ef49b","engagement__uuid":"65ec0cd1-a22c-4cb6-a42a-a06d108fb952","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"c4dc300a-7372-4825-b7ae-f3eac9c349ca","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"n1sJB","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"FPXkE","engagement__uuid":"ffd15207-4cc8-4a04-86cc-de1df1bcaa6a","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"06266c4b-2d93-46e1-9485-6f19a994cce9","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"xF9ki","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"BIWqA","engagement__uuid":"e77c7b3f-0927-4d90-9d1b-f3835e2ab174","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"55a886af-ea92-4131-b789-cae34ce52e9b","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":4}'
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,681 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,682 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,682 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,717 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,728 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 c34e9e75-1af4-4bf5-946a-1c87d40cfbd6
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 32de40cb-be20-485a-afaf-3ad341496d36
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,733 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,735 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,795 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,796 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,796 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: d5d017b5-2976-494f-b1a8-e3055bfd0ac9
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,796 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: OsRIP
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,796 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6xlAJ'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dgRZm'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OADyQ'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 't8iDq'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'owjxX'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qaG2Z'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'c3i8O'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,925 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HMhBD'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2mJHa'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VA1oC'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PoevS'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EZfkp'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'TEVQa'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,004 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3eFu6'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2OH0.0Usc4P9Hc1xtg3c7ZkF0Ei5mUux-GT3ofL65QuXm3gk
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,019 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,019 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 89820 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,019 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,031 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f448d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f44128>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 89820 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[],"num_of_objects":0}'
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 2a2d3ad3-5d93-4f38-8358-18d518c5a5ad
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 8fff79b3-55b4-44c7-b58f-ebf37778c8d5
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,058 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,058 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: b5788069-a19b-461c-9453-fe654077b8c9
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: pnu89
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,096 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0nfZO'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'F1xo4'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5vTwR'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zkfbN'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VC9Nk'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,173 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5caZy'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'omCJ8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,192 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QSNdA'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ALZec'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'krz21'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qNOUL'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kXELs'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kJK5X'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1jfbU'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2OH0.6_Z_Dj7dS4qO_gz1Rf3zFYM0dKaPTYxuI7DUYGsyyLU
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,261 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,261 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 89820 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,261 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,268 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a13e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086ab630>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,278 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,278 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 89820 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[],"num_of_objects":0}'
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,278 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,278 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,278 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0cb4a5ad-9c31-49c6-b2da-b0a2bd97bbaa
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ac38156e-db73-4569-8dfe-9e546e550fd8
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,289 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,314 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,314 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 89820 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,314 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 89820 140736121267136 UUID: aeb5ed8e-1d26-4167-9b28-1f94d2a27e81
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,315 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 89820 140736121267136 Full Name: 8rE4e
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,315 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 89820 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mzEQR'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '19xpe'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'shPE3'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Ojo4M'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,353 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AICQ0'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zr9HQ'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,376 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tgva8'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1C8kV'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dcL3C'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ia3CW'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'y5dvw'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0eCAl'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,430 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Shzu5'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MHrqX'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2OH0.Ns6iJxUpS-fJUAPbnvtzbQ-VWqjs4XuMmRO_aQ1qh5w
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,449 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,449 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 89820 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,449 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,455 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f89b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f83e48>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,482 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 89820 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,482 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 89820 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"4VNiT","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"V3RcB","engagement__uuid":"73294386-7e8b-40e9-9883-3173f22c8de0","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"8c735201-d293-4178-b2ea-38f84796268d","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"5REVZ","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"qWm6g","engagement__uuid":"0ef4a7df-3a92-4336-986e-451804aefc5c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"22f81663-4555-4d2a-84ea-db0c13fbec70","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"7Mvjn","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Klije","engagement__uuid":"598c4c9c-98e5-40da-80f6-34a84bd6a80d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"e91bd84d-091e-4c1e-b2d3-46be1601a5f5","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"F6xWr","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"xXkjp","engagement__uuid":"ffc18ff7-fab8-4071-b8e9-c3d52ace8aa6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"3731f7c5-5ad0-48df-a3fd-87fbf7bd713a","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"HIs3S","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"VdtmG","engagement__uuid":"708e2a33-0c31-4345-841d-ae31d898289c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"12c17182-885a-4898-a918-a57d627a62ae","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"hmebd","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"hD5uI","engagement__uuid":"e0b2b2ee-3556-49fd-917b-883dd8bd9d0d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"864656f7-5a80-4322-8114-e5a16aa5bada","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"oUBA3","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"bnViQ","engagement__uuid":"38728185-9db3-43c9-8c02-b7728d923929","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engag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+2017-03-21 10:14:28,482 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,483 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,483 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 e04cf510-eca6-4926-9a7a-d4ceb08a13df
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 0b209e62-b1a5-4e9d-987b-b3de32e8b98f
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY4fQ.FC7FinRlmXLhhj9MxFOJ26gb5PpEYJi7cvx4Kzy0VGA
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,546 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY4fQ.kDakAata_P5-BisYCDguKq8pXAcLLH-do94mO18sT6Y
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2OH0.7Q7KkXRhHUchbmTUecMQUj9innn9M5cjscW6028A23Q
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,547 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 89820 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,548 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,555 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a132b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f83668>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,565 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,578 DEBUG engagement_service 274 89820 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,584 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1075f8a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f89898>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,590 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,595 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 2276b45f-1a74-4539-aa5e-58507c681b70 and vf uuid: 20930dd1-cd05-43b0-a99a-14950bac09cf
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,629 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 89820 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,629 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,629 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,629 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,629 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,629 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,635 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108628978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108628c18>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,643 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,655 DEBUG engagement_service 274 89820 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,661 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a1aef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a1a278>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,667 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,672 DEBUG engagement_service 109 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 2276b45f-1a74-4539-aa5e-58507c681b70 and vf uuid: 20930dd1-cd05-43b0-a99a-14950bac09cf
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,705 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 89820 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,705 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,705 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,705 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,705 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,706 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,711 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107661f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108628c50>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,723 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,735 DEBUG engagement_service 274 89820 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,740 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084560b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a23c88>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ca454943-11dc-486d-b64e-ff70783e0fc5'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,746 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,750 DEBUG engagement_service 109 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 2276b45f-1a74-4539-aa5e-58507c681b70 and vf uuid: 20930dd1-cd05-43b0-a99a-14950bac09cf
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,784 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 89820 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,784 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,784 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,784 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,789 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,790 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 4fae9559-5e14-41e2-9f21-9e0a44be602a
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,791 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 9bf6a4ec-2663-4d40-9640-aa9a3417984c
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY4fQ.pKNPNbogR_4FBmOseRcDN9iwoaY2mrOMP_YvAUgXZ_w
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY4fQ.lDOhOu0RFBnZKJODPL8wVirQbvXqExqndFsgBQC0bc4
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2OH0.YvhqqghrpvGY7QfJVqkEXi1-OV3YtplJW-BapUE_awc
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 89820 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,839 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,845 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f40a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a1aa90>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,855 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,866 DEBUG engagement_service 274 89820 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,873 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f921d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f92d68>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,880 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,888 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: a91e9364-1f15-4213-b354-df28e1b0bba0 and vf uuid: 08bce36e-2c50-41cf-922b-0a7cd81d1179
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,926 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e645c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108600b00>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,936 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,937 DEBUG activity_log 105 89820 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 89820 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 89820 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,946 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108624f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a2e0b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,958 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,969 DEBUG engagement_service 274 89820 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,976 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086acc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f20278>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,983 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,989 DEBUG engagement_service 109 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: a91e9364-1f15-4213-b354-df28e1b0bba0 and vf uuid: 08bce36e-2c50-41cf-922b-0a7cd81d1179
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,022 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 89820 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,022 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,022 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,022 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,022 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,022 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 89820 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,028 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f20b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108624390>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,038 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,049 DEBUG engagement_service 274 89820 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,055 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086226a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a0b0f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '79a4ad58-4d8c-4b6c-9f07-75781399335e'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,061 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,067 DEBUG engagement_service 109 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: a91e9364-1f15-4213-b354-df28e1b0bba0 and vf uuid: 08bce36e-2c50-41cf-922b-0a7cd81d1179
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,100 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 89820 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,100 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,100 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,100 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 c6b50ecd-abff-44a2-87e6-ca3547c6852b
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 aa27ff2a-0259-48f7-929c-cf258122cb43
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY5fQ._O3ck6pjMmC0ZlvZFvsBUo1nn0bVjxLuPT9Jt0KoxVw
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY5fQ.9yhYgBR-HVdLrkDPqx0owraUX6mXDrDkfV9WWYlSQ5I
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE3NzY2OX0.hrUoMUtq4-IeTXZqppPIEPMM6gzMjFut-tfqi6gE4A8
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,156 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,156 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 89820 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,156 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,157 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,157 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,157 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 89820 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,157 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,157 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 89820 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,163 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f38c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e7d6a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '3c330285-3f74-4bc4-80e4-4cf1c7e2d350', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,175 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 3c330285-3f74-4bc4-80e4-4cf1c7e2d350 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,183 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89820 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108616c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108686710>) | {'eng_uuid': '3c330285-3f74-4bc4-80e4-4cf1c7e2d350'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,190 DEBUG auth 51 89820 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,197 DEBUG engagement_service 115 89820 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: ab579bbb-eddc-419e-941c-1b33f644d36e and vf uuid: 2e391c8c-88e7-4066-a17a-5380ed017c9e
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,229 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 89820 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,229 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,229 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 89820 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,229 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 89820 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 a9646b16-4dbf-45ed-bb20-bff1527a46e3
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 35b528f0-0d66-4e4a-878e-14339c800cbb
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89820 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTc3NjY5fQ.1bYgOLVrNJ-sqko-bTFtzsunWPUykWUKUmTcxqC6QTg
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,337 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 d65b99ff-8596-4eba-bb71-4266998a14d4
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89820 140736121267136 ee6adc33-7498-43df-98d4-6a30d048cc4a
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89820 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,425 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 32 89820 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,433 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 89820 140736121267136 fde8d1ff-a5d5-4a6a-b835-8a44e751a4c6
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,435 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 89820 140736121267136 780b8546-4201-453f-aed7-f250c04d36ce
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,435 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89820 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,488 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,489 DEBUG exception_handler 37 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,490 DEBUG exception_handler 38 89820 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,490 DEBUG exception_handler 39 89820 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,512 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89820 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,520 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 89820 123145388306432 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,521 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 89820 123145388306432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108f90a90>
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,990 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,990 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,991 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,991 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,992 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,992 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,992 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,992 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 89820 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,378 ERROR api 54 90246 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,379 INFO apps 29 90246 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,435 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,437 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,521 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90246 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90246 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90246 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90246 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90246 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,720 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90246 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,931 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 32 90246 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,940 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 90246 140736121267136 9e4ffe7c-e324-49ee-8d05-3917ed5f9618
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,947 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 39 90246 140736121267136 92059d46-a68c-4a45-99ed-c7e29648328f
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90246 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90246 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90246 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90246 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 90246 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,092 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90246 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,094 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90246 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,094 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90246 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90246 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,130 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 139 90246 123145353084928 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,130 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 130 90246 123145353084928 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1089c39b0>
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,759 ERROR api 54 90315 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,760 INFO apps 29 90315 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,994 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,997 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,999 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,001 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,003 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,004 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,005 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,006 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,007 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,008 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,010 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,011 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,012 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,013 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,015 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,016 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,082 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90315 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,134 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90315 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90315 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,247 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90315 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,253 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90315 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,313 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,315 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90315 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,593 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90315 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,601 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90315 140736121267136 8d17b406-4790-4e6b-9e4a-674b6245c296
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,609 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90315 140736121267136 a4609b70-23eb-4343-b4c8-973d3132516f
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90315 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90315 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90315 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90315 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,524 ERROR api 54 90356 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,525 INFO apps 29 90356 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,586 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,589 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,591 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,593 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,595 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,596 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,605 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90356 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90356 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,752 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90356 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,794 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90356 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,795 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,796 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,798 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90356 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90356 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,300 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90356 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,309 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90356 140736121267136 c22b7ba9-b84d-499f-a1ca-acb819dde7e4
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,317 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90356 140736121267136 011e823b-a9ed-44fa-893c-07b36332b96e
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90356 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90356 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90356 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,368 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90356 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,435 ERROR exception_handler 36 90356 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,436 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90356 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,438 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90356 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,438 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90356 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90356 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,469 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 139 90356 123145552502784 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,469 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 130 90356 123145552502784 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108c91860>
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,100 ERROR api 54 90396 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,102 INFO apps 29 90396 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,158 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,161 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,168 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,235 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90396 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90396 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90396 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90396 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90396 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90396 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,951 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90396 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,959 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90396 140736121267136 3af5c7d7-8612-4049-aa75-9c442216c856
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,967 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90396 140736121267136 43a0e313-ce4e-47b2-9f22-000f0a6c636f
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90396 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90396 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90396 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:52,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90396 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:36:52,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,260 ERROR api 54 90429 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,261 INFO apps 29 90429 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,308 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,313 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,315 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,318 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,327 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,328 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,329 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,330 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,332 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90429 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,429 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90429 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90429 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90429 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90429 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90429 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,693 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90429 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,700 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90429 140736121267136 c5b52c2a-8ce1-47c2-a265-29be5c9fc030
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,708 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90429 140736121267136 37fd52f0-d5ff-4de4-9033-e06755a3dab0
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,709 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90429 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90429 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90429 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90429 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90429 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,831 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90429 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,832 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90429 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,833 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90429 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,863 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90429 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,871 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 139 90429 123145503850496 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,871 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 130 90429 123145503850496 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10895bef0>
+2017-03-21 10:40:35,998 ERROR api 54 90512 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:40:35,999 INFO apps 29 90512 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,064 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,066 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,067 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,068 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,069 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,070 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,074 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,077 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,078 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90512 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90512 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90512 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90512 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90512 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,318 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90512 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,606 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90512 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,615 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90512 140736121267136 84027688-5238-4f94-bc65-cbd00a3279aa
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,622 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90512 140736121267136 8cac5733-7409-4991-b8e7-47e2d5861c1f
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90512 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90512 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,633 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90512 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90512 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,756 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90512 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a2dc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1072b8780>) | {'eng_uuid': 'be9bd53f-e356-46b5-a92b-ddc16b936fe6'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,767 DEBUG auth 51 90512 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,775 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90512 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: be9bd53f-e356-46b5-a92b-ddc16b936fe6
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90512 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,798 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90512 123145455337472 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,812 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90512 123145455337472 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cfbcc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cfbe10>) | {'eng_uuid': '760c6a90-0629-4c95-84ca-ee65851a9ead'}
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,820 DEBUG auth 51 90512 123145455337472 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 760c6a90-0629-4c95-84ca-ee65851a9ead isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90512 123145455337472 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,831 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90512 123145455337472 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,833 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90512 123145455337472 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,833 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90512 123145455337472 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,833 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90512 123145455337472 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108cfb6a0>
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,559 ERROR api 54 90589 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,560 INFO apps 29 90589 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,626 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90589 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90589 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90589 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90589 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90589 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,897 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,899 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,900 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90589 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,326 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90589 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,334 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90589 140736121267136 d4a86c4f-2419-4475-b2c1-3424d27f34d2
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,342 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90589 140736121267136 705cbdac-28b6-4f75-a42c-41826f7be3f8
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90589 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90589 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90589 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90589 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,492 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90589 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107245cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a6f550>) | {'eng_uuid': '29b2345c-e0bf-449d-ae0d-f17c35b66365'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,503 DEBUG auth 51 90589 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,506 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90589 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 29b2345c-e0bf-449d-ae0d-f17c35b66365
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90589 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,532 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 90589 123145480650752 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,550 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90589 123145480650752 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b14390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b144e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd2b88b73-442a-4be3-81b1-b62e7145a65c'}
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,560 DEBUG auth 51 90589 123145480650752 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d2b88b73-442a-4be3-81b1-b62e7145a65c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,570 ERROR exception_handler 36 90589 123145480650752 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,571 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90589 123145480650752 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,573 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90589 123145480650752 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,573 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90589 123145480650752 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,574 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 90589 123145480650752 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108b0ed30>
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,666 ERROR api 54 90666 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,667 INFO apps 29 90666 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90666 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90666 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90666 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,927 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90666 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,929 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,931 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,932 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90666 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,989 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,990 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,991 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90666 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,132 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90666 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,140 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90666 140736121267136 c5124660-df08-44a9-9376-82852e038d24
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,147 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90666 140736121267136 f2360a52-6d76-4a30-b929-167251698eb1
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90666 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90666 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90666 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90666 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,280 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90666 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a1cdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a07198>) | {'eng_uuid': '811d3c5c-0d5d-410c-9cfa-1104b5f1cb9d'}
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,289 DEBUG auth 51 90666 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 811d3c5c-0d5d-410c-9cfa-1104b5f1cb9d isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90666 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,308 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 136 90666 123145353388032 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,309 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 127 90666 123145353388032 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a4d2b0>
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,381 ERROR api 54 90749 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,382 INFO apps 29 90749 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,436 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,461 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,515 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90749 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90749 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90749 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90749 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90749 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90749 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,089 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90749 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,101 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90749 140736121267136 6ad0a6d9-b4b3-4e5c-8310-8def17969937
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,109 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90749 140736121267136 03632177-fddd-4d17-ba65-9a0828c668cf
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90749 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90749 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90749 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90749 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,241 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90749 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089fa9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1072dd7f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '4fdd7bf3-b0f0-4925-9932-b8339fdd1ad1'}
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,249 DEBUG auth 51 90749 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 4fdd7bf3-b0f0-4925-9932-b8339fdd1ad1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90749 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,270 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 137 90749 123145485148160 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,271 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 128 90749 123145485148160 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a14ba8>
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,707 ERROR api 54 90784 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,707 INFO apps 29 90784 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,764 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,765 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,766 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,767 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,782 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90784 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90784 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90784 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90784 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90784 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,028 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,031 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,034 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90784 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,170 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90784 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,178 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90784 140736121267136 eaaf9d4b-b338-4086-baf0-ec0bf3de3e1e
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,186 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90784 140736121267136 e4ebeed6-ba5c-4842-8595-6847f9187594
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90784 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90784 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90784 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90784 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,328 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90784 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108896dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a97198>) | {'eng_uuid': '672b0856-e1e7-48f7-84af-ae6a5a7232ca'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,338 DEBUG auth 51 90784 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,341 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90784 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 672b0856-e1e7-48f7-84af-ae6a5a7232ca
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90784 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,367 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 137 90784 123145316388864 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,383 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90784 123145316388864 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c222e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c22438>) | {'eng_uuid': '00ff844b-6c5d-49ea-a13d-75561a155716'}
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,393 DEBUG auth 51 90784 123145316388864 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 00ff844b-6c5d-49ea-a13d-75561a155716 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,403 ERROR exception_handler 36 90784 123145316388864 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,404 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90784 123145316388864 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,405 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90784 123145316388864 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,406 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90784 123145316388864 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,406 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 128 90784 123145316388864 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108c8dc88>
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,591 ERROR api 54 90837 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,592 INFO apps 29 90837 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90837 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,755 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90837 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90837 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90837 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90837 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90837 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,439 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90837 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,447 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90837 140736121267136 3b228246-caec-489d-b1da-74867943eef7
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,455 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90837 140736121267136 cbfb1eea-ea8d-4b1c-8735-4523b3fc7dfd
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90837 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90837 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,467 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90837 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90837 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,589 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90837 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bcba58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1072f2c50>) | {'eng_uuid': 'df5699fd-1e62-4818-845b-6bf8a39ef1c0'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,602 DEBUG auth 51 90837 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,605 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90837 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: df5699fd-1e62-4818-845b-6bf8a39ef1c0
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90837 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,632 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90837 123145562308608 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,645 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90837 123145562308608 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a115c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a11710>) | {'eng_uuid': '53a5e18a-cc51-4287-a8cd-fca88fd9cfae'}
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,654 DEBUG auth 51 90837 123145562308608 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 53a5e18a-cc51-4287-a8cd-fca88fd9cfae isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,664 ERROR exception_handler 36 90837 123145562308608 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,664 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90837 123145562308608 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,666 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90837 123145562308608 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 393, in initial
+ self.perform_authentication(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 319, in perform_authentication
+ request.user
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 379, in __getattribute__
+ return super(Request, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 196, in user
+ self._authenticate()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 342, in _authenticate
+ user_auth_tuple = authenticator.authenticate(self)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 43, in authenticate
+ user = self.authenticate_credentials(payload)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework_jwt/", line 56, in authenticate_credentials
+ raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
+rest_framework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,666 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90837 123145562308608 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,666 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90837 123145562308608 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a0aef0>
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,684 ERROR api 54 90913 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,685 INFO apps 29 90913 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,748 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,749 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,751 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,752 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,753 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,754 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,755 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90913 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90913 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90913 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,951 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90913 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,955 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,957 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90913 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,021 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90913 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,752 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90913 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,760 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90913 140736121267136 38fad5b3-7f56-48ef-961d-3800e95aab9a
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,768 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90913 140736121267136 e9940bad-477e-4ab9-a0f9-9ca73783a252
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,914 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108725630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b619b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '37671c5f-7335-414b-9aa7-2d774f6291c9'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,924 DEBUG auth 51 90913 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,927 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90913 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 37671c5f-7335-414b-9aa7-2d774f6291c9
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,964 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145317920768 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,980 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089d19b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089d1b00>) | {'eng_uuid': '1879d56a-a190-49db-b2a9-83f643c5edf7'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,988 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1879d56a-a190-49db-b2a9-83f643c5edf7 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,000 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089c0d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089c5a58>) | {'eng_uuid': '1879d56a-a190-49db-b2a9-83f643c5edf7'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,011 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,016 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145317920768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1879d56a-a190-49db-b2a9-83f643c5edf7
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,024 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145317920768 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,025 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145317920768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a167b8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,043 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145317920768 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,058 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a31f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bee518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a9168307-3f55-4682-88e6-ff12b3a13d2b'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,067 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a9168307-3f55-4682-88e6-ff12b3a13d2b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,077 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bee9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bdd780>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a9168307-3f55-4682-88e6-ff12b3a13d2b'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,154 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,159 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145317920768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: a9168307-3f55-4682-88e6-ff12b3a13d2b
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,169 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145317920768 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,169 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145317920768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a167b8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,188 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145323175936 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,203 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145323175936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108770dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087705f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bf578854-4104-42b1-9470-4c203b9499d3'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,212 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145323175936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: bf578854-4104-42b1-9470-4c203b9499d3 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,219 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145323175936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087c0748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108452860>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bf578854-4104-42b1-9470-4c203b9499d3'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,229 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145323175936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,234 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145323175936 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: bf578854-4104-42b1-9470-4c203b9499d3
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,243 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145323175936 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,244 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145323175936 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a8d2e8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,266 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145317920768 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,279 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108beea58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ac6a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '16f246ab-5427-4d69-8b04-0d2f8cda0f75'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,288 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 16f246ab-5427-4d69-8b04-0d2f8cda0f75 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,296 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10876e668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10876eef0>) | {'eng_uuid': '16f246ab-5427-4d69-8b04-0d2f8cda0f75'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,314 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,318 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145317920768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 16f246ab-5427-4d69-8b04-0d2f8cda0f75
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,326 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145317920768 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,326 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145317920768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a167b8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,338 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,344 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145328431104 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,360 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145328431104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087c0eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087703c8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ba0ccb3d-b428-4cdc-8827-75549a995ab4'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,368 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145328431104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: ba0ccb3d-b428-4cdc-8827-75549a995ab4 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,381 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145328431104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087700b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ae6e80>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ba0ccb3d-b428-4cdc-8827-75549a995ab4'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,391 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145328431104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,399 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145328431104 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: ba0ccb3d-b428-4cdc-8827-75549a995ab4
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,411 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145328431104 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,411 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145328431104 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108452ef0>
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,432 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145323175936 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,447 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145323175936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084a9a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084a94a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '13ddedc8-b8e7-472b-bdf2-d4a4386932e6'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,458 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145323175936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 13ddedc8-b8e7-472b-bdf2-d4a4386932e6 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,466 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145323175936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089b86a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b5cf60>) | {'eng_uuid': '13ddedc8-b8e7-472b-bdf2-d4a4386932e6'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,478 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145323175936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,484 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145323175936 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 13ddedc8-b8e7-472b-bdf2-d4a4386932e6
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,493 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145323175936 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,493 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145323175936 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a8d2e8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,514 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145333686272 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,530 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145333686272 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a9fc18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108770f98>) | {'eng_uuid': '8f3bdf70-141c-4994-b5d1-0d8da6024679'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,538 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145333686272 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 8f3bdf70-141c-4994-b5d1-0d8da6024679 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,546 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145333686272 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089acb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10847bd30>) | {'eng_uuid': '8f3bdf70-141c-4994-b5d1-0d8da6024679'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,561 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145333686272 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,567 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145333686272 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 8f3bdf70-141c-4994-b5d1-0d8da6024679
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,576 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145333686272 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,576 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145333686272 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a8e8d0>
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,596 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145317920768 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,611 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ae6860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10839c1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '6769d6ac-bcd8-46e5-894b-7c35f0cbc6df'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,623 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 6769d6ac-bcd8-46e5-894b-7c35f0cbc6df isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,632 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145317920768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b41da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10839ad30>) | {'eng_uuid': '6769d6ac-bcd8-46e5-894b-7c35f0cbc6df'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,642 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145317920768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,650 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145317920768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 6769d6ac-bcd8-46e5-894b-7c35f0cbc6df
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,658 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145317920768 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,659 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145317920768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108a167b8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,676 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,682 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145338941440 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,697 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145338941440 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083b7748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10839a588>) | {'eng_uuid': '90a7b070-130b-45b2-980c-e810f29112df'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,706 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145338941440 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 90a7b070-130b-45b2-980c-e810f29112df isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,714 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145338941440 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b41898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b41cf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '90a7b070-130b-45b2-980c-e810f29112df'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,724 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145338941440 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,731 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145338941440 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 90a7b070-130b-45b2-980c-e810f29112df
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,740 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145338941440 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,740 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145338941440 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108873ba8>
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90913 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,759 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90913 123145328431104 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,771 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145328431104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108873630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108770438>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd38aaf0f-92bc-4884-81f8-912d20bdd1db'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,779 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145328431104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d38aaf0f-92bc-4884-81f8-912d20bdd1db isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:55:50,793 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90913 123145328431104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108348518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c75e10>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd38aaf0f-92bc-4884-81f8-912d20bdd1db'}
+2017-03-21 10:55:50,808 DEBUG auth 51 90913 123145328431104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:55:50,819 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90913 123145328431104 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: d38aaf0f-92bc-4884-81f8-912d20bdd1db
+2017-03-21 10:55:50,830 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90913 123145328431104 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 10:55:50,830 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90913 123145328431104 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108452ef0>
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,706 ERROR api 54 90947 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,707 INFO apps 29 90947 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,765 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,782 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,783 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,785 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,787 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,883 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,932 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90947 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90947 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,980 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,981 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90947 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,051 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90947 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,577 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,654 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a0ccf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b52b00>) | {'uu_id': 'a993596a-0e22-4f4c-97cd-993e34b04404', 'token': '226d65aa-6c93-4e89-8608-a1434f1a09f1'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,663 DEBUG activation 78 90947 140736121267136 User V6y9w is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,666 DEBUG views_helper 326 90947 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,666 DEBUG activation 87 90947 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,671 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,671 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,709 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c8b5c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ca9518>) | {'uu_id': '7da42b8b-c557-4ac2-b0eb-0a8007946f5f', 'token': '6030cae6-8b8e-4844-af87-3a78a00dc9a3'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,718 DEBUG activation 78 90947 140736121267136 User EJViD is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,721 DEBUG views_helper 326 90947 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,721 DEBUG activation 87 90947 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,723 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,725 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,727 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,758 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aa39e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aa4b38>) | {'uu_id': '70a70aa1-8cb2-4f7c-a8d9-03d0eacc6a41', 'token': 'c79b0798-7311-4f81-a337-1b962f7298e7'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,763 ERROR activation 67 90947 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,772 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,776 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2ee8cf8e-e71b-4b0f-9f3e-e3c46978eca3
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1d4497c5-91a0-4d9a-aeb0-4e1bf829e6b4
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'S2lD5'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6InlHdHBATFZKVi5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InlHdHBATFZKVi5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzJ9.usfiX2kvFclt8aaJty6QxvPhGPTu3ELe0-DwPEsd0xg
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,832 DEBUG testActivities 37 90947 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,832 DEBUG testActivities 40 90947 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,856 DEBUG testActivities 46 90947 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,856 DEBUG activity_log 157 90947 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,856 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,857 DEBUG testActivities 50 90947 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,857 DEBUG testActivities 51 90947 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,857 DEBUG testActivities 54 90947 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,867 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bded68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108be3470>) | {'eng_uuid': '2ab612fe-17f0-41f0-9381-87f1f5c52a75'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,885 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,887 DEBUG activity_log 105 90947 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,889 DEBUG testActivities 58 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,890 DEBUG testActivities 59 90947 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,890 DEBUG testActivities 63 90947 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,890 DEBUG testActivities 66 90947 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,890 DEBUG testActivities 69 90947 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,899 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aa4e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ca9eb8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2ab612fe-17f0-41f0-9381-87f1f5c52a75'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,000 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,001 DEBUG activity_log 105 90947 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,003 DEBUG testActivities 73 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,003 DEBUG testActivities 74 90947 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,003 DEBUG testActivities 78 90947 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,017 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 e74d5568-3d17-4168-8ca2-f2262fb5d84e
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 deb01a96-af4f-485e-b96f-4547233abd71
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzN9.Aan06yemzmS68SX-aGNp2RrfH93kXjuoyL3ikBhg-x4
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,081 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c5bb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108686dd8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,089 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,139 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=JUE6T
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,140 DEBUG invite_service 96 90947 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,140 DEBUG invite_service 99 90947 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=e06b8464-356b-42fc-9e2b-555c7e2caf77 to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,142 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,514 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 b8524d9a-76b1-45a8-9ce8-b4dc1fd7f961
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 8b93367a-6fa0-4ae9-85d6-604a971f4fd4
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,553 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzN9.41CjR4rV1kUlixwKwa7g46xB4iaDIPH2oOb_gl_HGTs
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,569 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089d82e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089d8e80>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,578 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,584 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=WOj4i
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,585 DEBUG invite_service 128 90947 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,585 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,585 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,586 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2addecae-e014-4b55-96d2-bf8cb25041f5
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 be0ab221-4268-4e1a-98e5-71d7ac3fbf14
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,593 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,594 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzN9.y4vC3kqPbhBUKqJLHqe8VcLrI6t-mJzuTv1DYdD9D18
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,654 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c76ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c7c160>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,662 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,663 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,663 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 e90c6985-2539-44d5-b8f5-a4a679666e31
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 56a7c4f6-831a-4b76-b30f-8a2de2dca879
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,672 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,704 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzN9.RfBrg8AwicwayKhx9ncUPspxdyXY0pX2fgxpXz61THo
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,722 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089dbef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089dba58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,733 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,733 ERROR invite 58 90947 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 9047455b-8ecb-4288-91e8-804270f37f17
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 620cc08d-18ea-4bac-b196-fb124213a721
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,749 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzN9.SZBAHbNttpu2uuA6e0DbWZvI3R_Z09Eq6PYAnE_iTV8
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,853 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10891c438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089729e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '6abb972b-e8ea-43d3-90dd-1ceb062b1316'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,866 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,870 DEBUG git_manager 14 90947 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 6abb972b-e8ea-43d3-90dd-1ceb062b1316 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,899 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '6abb972b-e8ea-43d3-90dd-1ceb062b1316', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,901 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 90947 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,905 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,906 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 90947 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,917 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,974 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4'), 'eng_uuid': '6abb972b-e8ea-43d3-90dd-1ceb062b1316', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,976 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 90947 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,980 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,985 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,993 DEBUG checklist_service 446 90947 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,007 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087ea5f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ea860>) | {'checklistUuid': '9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,031 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,032 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 9ebb321d-c0e3-4be7-ac82-16ea6d4ad4f4
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 92dbcef8-a023-4647-8fc5-f03664cc6192
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.9AnMAM0BKojaZwpO8liiBn-htB4W0hpJGr2tujIT1ek
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,124 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c76ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10806a278>) | {'eng_uuid': '9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,133 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,135 DEBUG git_manager 14 90947 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,160 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,161 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 90947 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,165 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,166 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 90947 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,173 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,219 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7'), 'eng_uuid': '9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,220 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 90947 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,223 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,229 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,237 DEBUG checklist_service 446 90947 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,245 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c6ac50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108361630>) | {'checklistUuid': '691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7', 'eng_uuid': '9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,261 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,273 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 5d088725-9b5b-47f2-9c62-2f372b3163e3 and vf uuid: 40da95d4-3a5e-4d44-af4d-017b092176df
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,301 DEBUG engagement_service 109 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 5d088725-9b5b-47f2-9c62-2f372b3163e3 and vf uuid: 40da95d4-3a5e-4d44-af4d-017b092176df
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,321 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7', 'eng_uuid': '9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,322 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 90947 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,328 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,333 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,341 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,347 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,351 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,378 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 90947 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,385 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,393 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 90947 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=9af7f40f-0f4e-497a-bfab-ad829e1d5224 for checklist=691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 32f50dd5-a251-4820-9755-7b651a3b2437
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,415 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 48d4d30a-e972-4c00-b0be-89b007131ac1
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,417 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.QaeYgbxO-JoWVpopEaCV5i9cxJoGwNYH61qTopFjsUw
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,495 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.7PgIwxHNXkRdm04DcgtTxiDd0gZPdXEDO0CqnIoiZmM
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,495 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,495 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,495 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,496 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,512 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=Rc7Z9
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,512 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,516 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=Rc7Z9
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,516 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 84b57281-f92a-40e0-9baa-457d37b2fef5
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 b0c607c1-59cc-420c-b02d-e3c0d34a66c2
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.TM7NY-ZjPN2hxh1_IP-jAhKV2ABByYLq54aeP_xmcFY
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.JtiI9hd21u5YdpVxGRJvx2QqzyjbQPgOggUy0bbuyG4
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,602 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,602 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,602 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,602 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,613 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082f29e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078823c8>) | {'checklistUuid': '7baba8e8-d782-4be4-b87a-13fa0e48d171'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,622 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,622 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 90947 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,628 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 739f9bd4-7127-48ee-8001-0b7e79dc1ab8
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,630 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 30c29329-9cd9-4c0d-a6b9-5117d1a18144
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,633 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.9Uylbm-LUUSoZrDmGndKSBxF-cUU6L4f94YBjiW41mo
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,704 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.-eYjtr74J2Ao3TuzAky3uXZH163Q7nPpW1WS8e4hNd4
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,704 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,704 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,705 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,705 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,714 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10712f9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107882a58>) | {'checklistUuid': 'fa68e9ef-ef16-47b2-ae69-8a6d0bbbd166'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,723 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,731 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,732 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,733 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,733 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,733 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,738 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 98465229-fa3d-479a-b1dd-00f05aa229e2
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 21516899-bd67-4570-9608-152414cd5f46
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,813 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.NTlpxps7AaTlsqTO9oYAuqaluv_rUa1MYX25ILWhIHA
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.HcoCx_2GEuqudq7M0r2WybSsdCOjhr429rKkM62vkhg
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,815 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,815 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,815 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,815 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,823 ERROR authorization_service 492 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,823 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078c1c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821ca90>) | {'decision_uuid': 'QdvuA'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,831 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,832 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,833 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,833 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,833 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 90947 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,833 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 369af625-9a60-434d-8927-fe9dd00e5556
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 17381a00-21ae-4a58-badd-4cfdbaf7b27a
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.V7KWzi_z_tfinT2ceW-uAHUIv9oAV9HuaYFreivisBU
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzR9.mQGpS12_tRJEHzvCPnHs7noVGzLZl7si_ySUqjqmZLY
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,911 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,911 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,911 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,911 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,921 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10829a2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108353588>) | {'decision_uuid': '7e1bc2a8-121c-4dee-a634-7a67cc8a1b00'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,932 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,932 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 90947 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c6cd8bb8-eb30-42c8-975a-05a431e3c47c
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,939 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c8ecc5f4-2e0f-4c77-b836-60d6c0fc3f3a
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.Mln_v_ZoBXZO6B6qo8Af9cS1HktxawfRDTS9SV7kyX8
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.b_puUa5SjEneYj6YT-VwZaP_covLflF2kJDMcaP2r8U
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,020 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,020 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,020 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,020 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,038 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108152860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10777f630>) | {'decision_uuid': '78ecee9a-fdbf-43a1-b6fe-fdc16c38b6e4'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,046 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,055 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,056 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,056 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,057 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 9f066b6d-05ab-409a-bdb0-e677d86e91ab
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 81079ed3-87d3-441a-a752-ebf76870dffb
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,137 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.rJB8O6hTY7eOhKUe9jVqd4I8lbUCn8lzhFcygED_i68
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.eL7WDwdCx-Ke5Q-5eehkMNY7DIjVCtnczmefRQSzmHg
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,139 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,139 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,139 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,139 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,151 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082786a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108278128>) | {'decision_uuid': '91e34c31-9c6b-4477-98c3-74f3bd3fdd0c'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,160 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,160 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 90947 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,163 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 90947 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,163 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,163 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,164 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,164 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,165 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,167 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c9351f7e-baf0-4500-83f0-5b1cf94082bb
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 100b30a5-a3f6-45c1-a001-a65e3b16c0c3
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.UcXB7pL6dH1jkZ-IwVXis92wzoarxbHadlqvU71-NPM
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.GP1HAIMoE1QKK9QMhhE67G1uV4b6zMWEPhoJci34WkI
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,245 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,245 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,245 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,245 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,257 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10806a828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c6ce48>) | {'decision_uuid': '92b905d8-84b5-44f2-91f1-144748856efd'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,266 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,266 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 90947 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='8Yps5')...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,266 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 90947 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,271 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 05d9847b-13ff-42a7-ad25-93851c3a01de
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 dfcb26b7-67b6-4501-975b-42ce47a36506
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,276 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,331 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.X1w8DJJIWYQwONY6466CM2TAq6Q-eoFqZqaQGZxY-_w
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,345 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.63EsuN8JPFa_wfRcNHkurB9Iy56H35DVCOAsFQsziI4
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,345 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,345 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 90947 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,346 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,346 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,358 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087c35f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108380c18>) | {'decision_uuid': '8723a6d1-cd91-4e1f-9d5f-70a3ee30756f'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,365 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,365 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 90947 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 90947 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 54b27b00-ce9f-49f2-8c6a-149cce4ee169
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d3551f83-252b-47f1-8123-b0f18c0dfe07
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.kEisQ2j4_3uflm8br5nqKB3E3Y4P79T60KAL5aYRRns
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.Ya6lHuMFx1Nwz7vpmgdsPBlEELJSGb2a3nWUqP23dnA
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,458 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,458 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,458 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,458 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 90947 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,469 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a4668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108361c88>) | {'decision_uuid': 'd9e3dd58-4f5b-41b1-aca9-e9da6c6241d8'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,476 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,476 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 90947 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,485 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 90947 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: d9e3dd58-4f5b-41b1-aca9-e9da6c6241d8 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,485 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,486 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,487 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,487 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 15df2baf-f6e2-4213-aeef-364ea021b66f
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,502 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 413c1dd2-ed60-4fe2-b69f-3474480ca825
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,593 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,598 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.thiKiCKGZzgoD8Q4h5T_UZJ4QBTIcl6kS_Nqy1Ve-Bk
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.BqOVUAhS8jqtexHdbUGIXFPDnzfKYhyMMBAZS_emEVY
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzV9.3WBgFxQFYjLOTUmgSMSs-VRng5D2TRdRN_2Iiw3aqM8
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,661 INFO authorization_service 127 90947 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 632c24fd-6b2e-4518-ad7f-e5e5695c23cf / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,669 INFO authorization_service 127 90947 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 632c24fd-6b2e-4518-ad7f-e5e5695c23cf / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 24cb9911-344f-4de8-b331-e7b5868b0b02
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5fb81966-7465-4614-bcd9-91051cab8172
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,705 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,710 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,712 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.1qjwDPwZFZjaxeW54TJZEtxu2f20GEnljFwPQdwAdtw
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,732 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,740 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1076b0c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ca9f98>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 23ddbb41-4328-477c-8d1f-a1a2c323acb1
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 fa51dbea-92ab-45ec-9603-f3a78b4b91d8
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,755 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.tljtVKVz8z2Sug65EHhC3mi-pjnWGXghVte0As6wKcs
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,765 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,773 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x107882c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c3ba8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,776 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,777 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ca898aa1-1ca8-42b3-a9a2-9d1e6c772eac
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,780 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 4e1fe565-8823-410b-97cc-2279f83f3b15
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.kNApUpOa2B3Gz6XuY3_PqwIetUZ8jQNQkTWh7mMJwsE
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,798 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,806 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108380cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c3780>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,817 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 6dbc2538-2d96-4ce5-8ccb-e6c472a04af9
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,818 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c38f4f28-4963-4b0a-9295-2a6614c005db
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,820 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,823 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.fIHmo6yuq0fCnZlcnLr6p6ptdXIVliRZTBu30EndRqA
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,838 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,845 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10788fe80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ca9240>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 bda1cb1d-7151-4293-afa9-e9c3e5672929
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,852 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 de61c2a5-26b8-4f61-a90b-62e3843ebe82
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,854 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.XC3LOk_FaaPqO1aNJ1SKKjUY1rcdntXVbdxe_oE4hIw
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,872 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,880 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10894a0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10788f240>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,883 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2586b0dc-76a1-4fbc-95cd-e739a06bb579
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 6b76e4cb-96e7-489b-97d3-3c5a9555add7
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,887 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,891 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,903 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.bB_NR2qd6qiaZf6hJGFbLnCq2xqjZ5NAGGE2MRZWt5k
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,903 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,911 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10788f320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083806a0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 88f57c66-7d65-4800-bf51-032a52034a1a
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 0a035c6e-ddc3-4a3e-b5ac-9b03eb8fe9cd
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,921 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.3HOUKfjWbj2xHzjAiKnyA4_77yZnQGJvt5MLYxzADmU
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,938 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,945 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ca9b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080fa1d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ed4760fe-5ce8-4aef-a7bb-e7a4c4592f7a
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a077702d-2c1b-4b70-82bc-96af60192b64
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,969 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc1fQ.g_YPz3SSehot977Hm_o5kLapY6Seqhcberq7UWpuD9Y
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,969 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,976 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ca9160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077f1eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,989 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 04a259b2-41ef-4e2f-86d7-1e23c63f340b
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 90378d5f-cfaf-4a8f-b762-79f577fcaaec
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 dce00e7b-d7eb-48fc-b435-5e12c238fe06
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,086 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.xSXtd-AWpIXZnVwTD8OHEXtvr9tKk4atBk6KKkh2MQs
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,093 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10788feb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10894a2e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 fd7867ea-60f4-4548-b5ce-15babb6a9b76
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 b94d36c6-21d7-4991-bc34-8f55cce8a10f
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 3b24adca-c54b-48f8-a8eb-5ed8dedceb5f
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,117 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.-HzXDg8fT-TjsjCD-1hi6u6xQnhl7bDR3nhm-uNXlpc
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,189 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107adb9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10806aef0>) | {'eng_uuid': '2399e2be-a4cc-4bb3-b724-43bf0bd7e50f'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,197 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,201 DEBUG git_manager 14 90947 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 2399e2be-a4cc-4bb3-b724-43bf0bd7e50f for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 4d9318de-7973-4619-b613-31ca147e8055
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c15e38d8-fda9-48fc-9d76-473951fb250c
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 172c3609-513c-4207-b626-09758a1452db
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,277 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.pKdDZCz_PbpVsqH0izlIwSDkY-zsgW1GwanVYMXHhKI
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,284 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10821cf98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821cc88>) | {'eng_uuid': '1e4f78be-db89-4153-98cc-fa5b1800fb55'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 ERROR checklist 49 90947 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,296 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 3da0330c-56ca-4ae9-b31a-91e3ded66bd1
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f2366714-063f-4550-81d0-a46ae79523a8
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ebaf4e4c-b124-414b-afa0-30bd7b83d5a6
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,305 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.wPEcAD8MavHOhI0wpzFpR5c2G0M8Up6fGnDs39xL2Hg
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,375 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10777fa20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108353748>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,385 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,386 ERROR authorization_service 180 90947 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,386 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,390 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d5a1ed2c-fdc4-41e8-8a37-f785df46a6db
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 40cc56c5-9071-449b-a4c1-e9c902bc26c2
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1cbfeb25-cbad-4932-9141-e0da7e53309c
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.C0DngNnQmWhuNpeLVpmozzD7fBnM5zyPdS5im6f6yu0
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,477 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078c1c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821c358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b30aa91e-56d3-41b4-80d2-51df0e429f23'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,485 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: b30aa91e-56d3-41b4-80d2-51df0e429f23 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 243d1677-1f60-4626-a267-fbbd087084d9
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 12499e09-dcb3-4d1d-817c-a8ffa4e86e37
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,493 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f3072323-3c75-4787-ab8c-41ee40633bc2
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,566 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.8_QTmtfEf3ClhkHzM5Jrq_Vrpod2mifNOjBNvoYYfdA
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,584 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108301588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108361710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b074632b-50fe-4d84-980a-27e46e536419'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,592 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,594 DEBUG git_manager 14 90947 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement b074632b-50fe-4d84-980a-27e46e536419 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,621 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'b074632b-50fe-4d84-980a-27e46e536419', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,622 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 90947 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,626 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,628 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 90947 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,634 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,684 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1'), 'eng_uuid': 'b074632b-50fe-4d84-980a-27e46e536419', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,685 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 90947 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,689 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,693 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,706 DEBUG checklist_service 446 90947 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,714 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 24ebaa59-9e77-46ac-81da-adc4fc26fc23
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,715 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 8f4c7fd7-7105-4cae-869f-3e5ff97ef500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 04360c95-8701-4c05-b63b-716acc4ae5e8
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,787 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzZ9.paNBUpMo0oKAKPO3cjqDYQsZxfqAr70KOeoSg51PdHw
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,794 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080fa128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080fa5c0>) | {'eng_uuid': '2ef3289b-6562-48ba-af9c-b7496f574e50'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,803 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,805 DEBUG git_manager 14 90947 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 2ef3289b-6562-48ba-af9c-b7496f574e50 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,828 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '2ef3289b-6562-48ba-af9c-b7496f574e50', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,830 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 90947 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,836 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,837 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 90947 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,842 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,892 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9'), 'eng_uuid': '2ef3289b-6562-48ba-af9c-b7496f574e50', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,893 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 90947 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,897 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,902 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,914 DEBUG checklist_service 446 90947 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1aaa93c4-8958-4f10-b33b-3ddf35f9355f
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a9f33381-dd2b-41ad-8c63-23383d8ea9b9
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 86f01573-15f6-4a83-96ba-9770ab7bcb72
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,005 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,025 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.mh6ywVLjIT40ODQ_wZxsaPsUNoTDZmIl6Nm3-NfhjtY
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,036 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076b0320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080fa6d8>) | {'templateUuid': 'a027c431-2374-458f-bf43-05d7d6b2470e'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,041 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 7d6d82d0-b374-434f-ae46-a42b3e7e3196
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 34a8014f-448d-4248-82c0-852335bc2d2e
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 67969ba2-3d27-4317-b18b-dc62c7d70940
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,147 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.N5bUSI5nla2w6TzG84bUKG4pYAEtyyR86PYA2m9Tfcg
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,166 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077f10f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c3d30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,171 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 0ddf7285-5f99-45df-9c11-474f89f8afbb
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 b2c7da08-9f24-433f-b1ea-5ca8337c12ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 fc0db3e8-37db-42d7-9f2d-e3fe4b27cc98
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.0jPhYznerO1yuEnAA-0ctM6l26mFvOpMvPMsKJd883U
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,269 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083017b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108301b70>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,274 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,290 DEBUG checklist_service 120 90947 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 65748df7-632b-4294-9576-880333cd5ded
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f33b0651-e4c8-404e-b94c-2c6c7c307eae
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 423cdd56-cc64-4841-b7bf-33909acc9ee6
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.mUJ7uPNRYuOjvgkM6YtWW60YDQbum4BDD_z0DeRa9zc
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,397 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085ba0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821c4e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,402 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,415 DEBUG checklist_service 120 90947 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,419 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (b3dafa5a-909c-46a2-9dab-5198d6684dea, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:56:17.419016+00, null, d3a2b08c-7b17-4c52-8127-b17f67f6c2c3, 7049f253-2c00-4724-bff9-cf8e104e0f13).
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,420 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,428 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (b3dafa5a-909c-46a2-9dab-5198d6684dea, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:56:17.419016+00, null, d3a2b08c-7b17-4c52-8127-b17f67f6c2c3, 7049f253-2c00-4724-bff9-cf8e104e0f13).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (b3dafa5a-909c-46a2-9dab-5198d6684dea, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:56:17.419016+00, null, d3a2b08c-7b17-4c52-8127-b17f67f6c2c3, 7049f253-2c00-4724-bff9-cf8e104e0f13).
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,428 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 b224917b-323c-4794-977c-6e46a690c8fb
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a4dc173c-2f1c-4bbb-b531-562a3dce96f9
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 14cfe5ce-19e9-49db-b74c-07b123011ea8
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.jnO8ITWZkbDSS2KKiPexUmSsEJ_yadPfBsknnRiGMck
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,542 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a9d198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bde748>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,547 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,548 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,549 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,549 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,549 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1ad000eb-9088-43cf-acad-80706a544c9d
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 4ed75f62-06f1-4cf2-b05f-88bf602de3cf
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 00841019-8272-4e9c-be5d-191cfd708896
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.nKHMaP-6cvwOOYxbcraYXij62AM94HprSP1yeELktnk
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,644 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108950898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089504e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,649 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,650 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,650 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,650 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,651 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 993fca78-a13f-482e-aed8-4124cfc4e13a
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,664 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 281c3d41-e2bb-40ca-a4d2-4daac23620b7
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,666 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,668 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RfBoh'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,710 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiJUZ0FtQFRGUVIuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJUZ0FtQFRGUVIuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.3_bGvfiP3T2K8x_XFoXzY9XZzymzOEPuObJdJ_5qhZs
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiIySXA4QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjJJcDhAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.IM7_8AGCkfh8ARNKFhXlsmr3zmMnSon_YYRb1lTlSco
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,712 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,712 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 90947 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,712 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,712 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 90947 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,712 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 90947 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,722 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 90947 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,723 DEBUG activity_log 157 90947 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,724 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,724 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 90947 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,724 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 90947 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,725 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 90947 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: rMXES
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,725 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 90947 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,727 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 90947 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,735 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108965940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108965a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '8250cb2f-70b3-4766-a67f-5eb6519d3cfa'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,746 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,757 DEBUG views_helper 165 90947 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,766 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,766 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 90947 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,766 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,766 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 90947 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,768 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 90947 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,768 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 90947 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,769 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,769 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,769 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 205aeaab-863b-4881-946e-f8d972366227
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 8509ffca-5301-4d02-a7d8-5119927fbba8
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,823 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.6AZMUeRt1RL2qylKimMwmX0LUVOKhfWnK-ZUmCiSTLo
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.zCmOTuEXeG_bxqqf7bAj90n0zdPJumeUeReHEv1bZfA
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.GLI0rxXqc4XgWSRRtEDv8w_93RWyGn_BmlOzUJCvzew
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,836 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 90947 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,845 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108940518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108be3cf8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'cb868612-aa4c-4694-9cac-3fe6ab2a6d25'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,852 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 7df19253-da1a-4744-a13e-09e1a4e4cf57 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,855 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c5827879-e504-419f-8f6d-557fc071c110
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 24781b49-a65d-4b5c-9e42-8edef3ad4aed
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,862 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,865 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.OaoX7L0ABjCv6J60YEvKU2HcsU5RQpCTdbfG-2ZEfA4
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.64ka0OSzStTJg5xO4coxXW3N1zK1ksAxHqL1Dy2F4gg
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,908 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.kPXASZDHU5D0J3VHfkSEO_CkURMTKLsXqiEou933E5s
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,909 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 90947 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,918 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085ba7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821c1d0>) | {'vf_uuid': '36f313ae-51a5-4a99-a371-ca41b8ad178e'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,924 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f2bb0bc8-09d1-47f0-9f78-a05fa7278345
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5245197f-1c21-4f53-b46a-9ad77d43e00f
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.esAKjhC2wOZkP-dcZvwKtrPMEDsGyuyzo-NiLHszTlI
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3N30.WWxufDNBdDjv9DzXQSib3NM-FKknhNDk_AParanYYc4
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc3fQ.Cf5yA-e6EkahGhlelmNkNDFuixTVBoOgSR3kIzOnl0s
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,981 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 90947 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,989 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108301198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108301080>) | {'vf_uuid': '7e9a4d7c-9ebc-45a9-8f23-c3d67e2866a7'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,997 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ae87edac-e7b2-4314-8972-9b081725d23d
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5ab53ab7-bb01-4ef1-affd-2a890de76982
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,012 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.SQeo9KfHCrgx62Wp2ore1qw-NcE9LJWT8BJ8FJPWtLc
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.SxEEqHLpQBABQeLVj7T7JuiylBgP4AzpTsoAQ9oOypw
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.puhARC3yRBHsbCsQpSrJFZ-yejzO2MmQqOCY1jHT-xI
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,063 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 90947 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,071 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087c3ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10801a7b8>) | {'vf_uuid': '78cfbd44-2c53-4d96-bbe4-f8554b025e2b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,078 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 1a4371da-d025-4215-b9f1-7a790b9ac2dc isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,083 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c29a20f1-ea4c-42dc-855d-523a560a73cd
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 3f2d4f2e-56b1-4fd1-ba7d-4a93a696b4c6
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,090 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.Oyzl-M7ZaWc-GzgcdD6500AtEkolw7M9uhAay8P6D_E
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.kA3taVREAOr3DIAiYDALVdWFVstDq9BhF9KkkjdLtoU
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.sZl7KHvbGAtrNbZFW5XHwOeL1ShEOEK11SU8SzWXMvQ
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,144 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107882ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10894a588>) | {'vf_uuid': '7518ba08-573a-4ca8-8896-4f8708f7741e'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,152 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c27e570a-a212-44c0-b908-41ff532a9f26
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2bdd3989-12ab-442e-8ed8-6725bb5b8c7d
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.wPxDA9X7v4X20TgIZJAxqcsJcF4ra3KCdv-p_-0OJpI
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.kZvYkA4GgdZzgSLuY5k20vyBELmWsCPNQu2dp85umW4
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.EmIc92rixSIM8txFX345AYebwV3iOAnO0sIV3kKLg3w
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,221 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10837fda0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083640f0>) | {'vf_uuid': '689b7640-6bf6-4381-a711-23453ccf4623'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,230 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 51b6857f-3452-4313-95fe-c6bad5d93262
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 be05683e-2f35-4973-a067-93b3d6d2025e
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.AwPt2ZNIwpmTfSmN0VO3Z85pzPg0nnjmgAmBuOS4pSA
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OH0.Jlxae9lN_ht17NqUSfIKRKn_KIwm485qDVEFRP4n96g
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.uLF8rFoE_YLAdV1yv1XjX_eMUCy8zxB_XrCvr9BgNGQ
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,297 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089020b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108353208>) | {'vf_uuid': 'a59597ee-6cad-452c-8e07-097838cf32b2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,306 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 0f13c843-d86d-422c-8850-349ec0f0f351 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5b1c15ca-166f-4b90-8adb-9d3ea12c1f4e
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 24d8ef29-be18-402c-bfbc-f3bb8c639e8c
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,324 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,325 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.2NC1fHfjHGK8NK-vBy9XaSm31D3wfT_ktI5id_h7GAE
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.rLSLT2o6ElyE7dbmH1aSojt4E4JY4LrhUMBlW8fYyFY
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 90947 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,466 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,474 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108361358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108301ef0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'afb2bf74-b2c5-4099-925f-c628b2ce662b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,481 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: afb2bf74-b2c5-4099-925f-c628b2ce662b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,489 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107882240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10806a550>) | {'eng_uuid': 'afb2bf74-b2c5-4099-925f-c628b2ce662b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,497 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078c1d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821c518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'afb2bf74-b2c5-4099-925f-c628b2ce662b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,515 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,515 DEBUG engagement_service 291 90947 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 90947 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 52fb4a69-7ec9-444a-a352-d873fcdbe1fa
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ffb9fca8-1848-4e01-8ccb-51ee6ab5c639
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,550 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.0nJY1xQBFhsasaprbstmikVxo0-dx2co-y-hgQ5asNU
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.KnpILKHv4IYMaIvolBxHSLHmJH6BsvG4m-irxV-Xp-o
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.tuDFikKNT7272FbHBc3nsskrN0F6g7kabTQ91Tg7Iio
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,607 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108364fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080da160>) | {'eng_uuid': '06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,619 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,621 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90947 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,634 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089dba90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077f14e0>) | {'eng_uuid': '06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,642 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,654 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,660 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10806a940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b68c50>) | {'eng_uuid': '06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,669 INFO authorization_service 127 90947 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,669 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,670 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108278c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078822b0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,690 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 9bb47445-5704-49a3-8a2f-62c225ebff35
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 b2ae754e-203c-42fe-84f8-2f242a0e6e39
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,736 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.5mOtwkKoogLpf9ZBlp0VxGcXoWNPd2XKSS8-nXvDSVM
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.jL761lqW0DV-Z21Wsn9YKb9kcN77F6zC-lRHaAnCcr4
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.FTWGW789MGTMsLSeccbHcgz4ItAwl5U6uKnGG7v7l-0
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,754 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108240f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108042da0>) | {'eng_uuid': '741266c1-eb84-4a5c-a2cd-b78671c3db20'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,764 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,766 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90947 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 741266c1-eb84-4a5c-a2cd-b78671c3db20
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,771 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,778 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ca9a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108152748>) | {'eng_uuid': '741266c1-eb84-4a5c-a2cd-b78671c3db20'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,785 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 741266c1-eb84-4a5c-a2cd-b78671c3db20 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,787 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,792 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080daa90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080dabe0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,814 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080fa940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080faa90>) | {'eng_uuid': '741266c1-eb84-4a5c-a2cd-b78671c3db20'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,824 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,826 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90947 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 741266c1-eb84-4a5c-a2cd-b78671c3db20
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 961a7bbd-db4f-443c-b1ce-ebea14d83f0d
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 6e75a61c-d9a2-4aa1-9f2e-033f5c753cd1
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,847 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,883 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.e3R1PYdjs5YyQ_2_AZWg65n2RFYT0tL_x7NKegAzG8w
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.HYMM6p3Y23SBmVCrzLeBtawjCOM314v66lTGI4l-Imk
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTc4fQ.DCxR7IXzjCrOVJckqftyfHX4698R73regZ9MJfc_xHI
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,900 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108278f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10806a160>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b08f4905-c371-45c3-8753-cc84646c8afe'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,910 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,912 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90947 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: b08f4905-c371-45c3-8753-cc84646c8afe
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,918 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,924 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085b47f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085b4940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b08f4905-c371-45c3-8753-cc84646c8afe'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,933 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b08f4905-c371-45c3-8753-cc84646c8afe isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,943 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108598cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108598e48>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b08f4905-c371-45c3-8753-cc84646c8afe'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,956 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,959 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b08f4905-c371-45c3-8753-cc84646c8afe
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 3aefad34-7c10-4490-bdb9-248a620a5548
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 4cf52d58-2e3b-4361-a7c3-4173398e5fdf
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,986 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,027 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.h1ewvshAGy830iIVYhNMKfoO__irI8ZV3FPZ1lg2PMM
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.L3vZxldlV-MNBVjeM6De78_Ng0UJJSd-FnCWFSxMyXA
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.9Mu9dcV-A21Ra9ecxNkU8kVODXFYwsHqGjernMdIKKE
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.6m1bZYDqylgzZa62dbRt2kwH4nIV6F7Y-jpi-hemrmI
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,054 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,060 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085b40b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085b42e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a0b116c4-51cd-4a90-8dd4-d659bd53c777'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,068 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,078 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 56c354a6-a248-4ccd-936b-6150c6459038
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,079 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2466e57a-186a-4842-a06e-c227b74cbeea
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,081 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,082 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.u_8_r4GP78MylJsN1rBXjDtoTJ70_0PF4KevjfHxOzY
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.J1bt_lQOskmzNX8hCdNuzW7Qk5v3CDHDFi1oPSsZqeI
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.Nl3IsJBH7gMVC66XPlM_oYNa3hWZJJYPiZ9i19zsZoc
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.i-lLaG4IWw7upGVbOeXPC8B_1yF5pffP8pFoBbsbdX8
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,136 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,142 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10801a198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080dafd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,149 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c1635d64-961c-4dc8-9963-8c1d200fae97
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5c6bcd90-a7e4-4e26-b274-b5450b538401
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,204 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.3asvT9BRyWdGZMNVU3yR5fal82343cru4wWXQ4ZMrIk
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.qeGbBbSv6H26g0v-pSQxBulVD5qQoId4mHVV9vdIHs0
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.o1L2nKVp7e0xHMkc_O0WndLNy2QlT1J8MkAmz6CbHYg
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.BNrhpF1op3enlEBdNtCF_SvlbH4OohyEFrHJfoaZOf8
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,215 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 90947 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,221 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108940d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108042668>) | {'eng_uuid': '91806493-25ca-43f9-bb33-56f0c21ad000'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,230 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 91806493-25ca-43f9-bb33-56f0c21ad000 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c56b934d-c986-467c-ae2e-f41558e0421a
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f271240c-185e-4077-8f3a-ebb605a8b29d
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.8iudg2Hic-VBicXS41EoTPFjbUNjGM43jixhkJ9MZXY
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.ySTOA1kdHTpImVygshUSyoa1ETymTaiDoSBUhbzFT4s
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.ctMdRb8Ac4BSYwEiZo5rD28GtCkjyLzn-4U_A_GkvrQ
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.9klomnCJimjIxM6pmG9o8a2mu8Bxyl2BkyXaRRBmzNw
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,293 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 90947 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,301 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108361a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085a0518>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,305 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,309 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 21bd4de2-49e3-4981-8340-bcb65cf39a04
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,312 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 e1838dbf-8d91-453c-a1b2-44ae7be17e0d
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,316 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.iBqZ6cvV8Ng_agqxKH5mMDZ9VUWeMwQuta4_pvB2G7w
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.t6N-32GftaMvXG66QrZhdvIoGWz7hCD7T_bD8A_a54Q
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,367 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.EnGfwBUZNcU7bKMsy5NHYq-Hn4jZ8QxEVbT_fWPNuGE
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.2kGY8V43jyAooNFGmWJ0sygqA-CPoBgnAl1PKm4sLY8
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,369 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 90947 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,376 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080e4588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080e4b38>) | {'eng_uuid': '054e6293-ff5a-4329-a8db-089651f8ca51'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,385 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 054e6293-ff5a-4329-a8db-089651f8ca51 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,390 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 0bfa8887-86cb-4e63-8b56-9630468a2b8c
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 0fbe8ea9-fa47-49bb-91e2-aa2097f08e45
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.TIVS6Z2fRpgGsEX7p1iEiZVGuDdCOvameognmKB_qSE
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.mrI-H7XB1NkzQyk08bpABMYn-N9IjU6QE9Q6oo6CWOs
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.XRDKkxqFfuePo6XGydNxCz-Kofz55t-qng7_IJA0vz8
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.LNISePCOvSktzUSfngqcV1nE49-c56bA9YWiRVYtMjk
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,450 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 90947 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,458 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083c32e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080cf6d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '550466af-7968-4bb4-8121-37e340ac59c5'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,466 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 550466af-7968-4bb4-8121-37e340ac59c5 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ce10b670-3e4c-460f-a883-e058df469880
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 fd470fe4-c626-49be-8ae1-14b89206875f
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,472 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,514 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.5nw2Le5UGMg0WnAB1SYyAHQXP0En6F66UkQYe7rKcHY
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.Gxfhfwl3XT_jbq8obPEfH5sIuOd-ftrsjJFPdr832P0
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.v39SbIYLVV5Dr_bthauy6pX8H4RTkLCXOGBrEFdX0GY
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,526 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.QLue8_LM4vTf9xeUDnSxD2PANIQNzJZgrKplQgZDS9Q
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,527 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,540 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085a0748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108353e10>) | {'eng_uuid': '24c12d5a-7d08-4e8e-b14a-7e301e23aa39'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,552 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 fde68414-6171-425c-8a24-7590fe6654b8
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 92577bb4-6dc5-4bb5-b5dd-dee483a0cf58
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,577 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,625 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxNzl9.xHebEerLhz23ilQuT8Ely814YUmNhFqNyxuj8V3X1PA
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.vfAKg4R1E-K-6FE4UgMvY8gi-6TXdfIlHvwzZFi2guk
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.XFCx0gp6B87sgrOT3tYKEqmvwWxCEJbTXF8ekmIraFU
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.1XVtRWEiausqNvmmk6pfBbpVho-ClEsmn-nA_lQF5xI
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,631 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,638 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108361eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108be34a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '13d44867-f8f7-497c-937c-9830911c1728'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,649 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,675 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5206f64b-c61f-4b92-9ae0-5d96011a2f4e
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f9650094-23a5-4d0b-96ca-eabbea82507c
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,709 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.s6wY8SSXQPLh7qOHOhEek316w9MBALm5n0TEitDR76E
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.PB4_qGG7bTpHBOZ6v8CpYiF_eu77fMEUGZix2IPe9aI
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,733 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 90947 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,740 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10806a780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078825f8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,743 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,924 ERROR engagement 83 90947 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c96b8a5b-1b20-4ea1-9d28-3796e97583ad
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,931 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 66d4d195-b176-445a-baef-796554d41f9b
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.e35VpzKHB5krcBGltvq9CAG3YZytI9C6iiG8flmnEII
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE3OX0.Ie6kS9fZAfu3bOWz_pZ3bX9Sm3gEfyW1AGx6etcbHag
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,981 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,988 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e15080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e24358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,992 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,094 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,101 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e19390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e0cd30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,106 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,174 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 90947 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,181 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e0df60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10886b470>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,185 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,243 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 90947 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,252 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,256 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,265 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,267 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90947 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90947 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,495 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,496 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,500 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,501 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90947 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,505 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,511 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,512 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,514 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,514 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90947 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c92cdef6-3e71-409c-8672-7e1fedf46953
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f2cbc349-6d14-4aa8-86d4-cabd7c83a3eb
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgwfQ.ehHQpUUaLk6-C3qOPzRFg6R0x4cHOojjBdDnOy5csF0
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,618 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd6ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd2080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,627 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,635 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=3L8pG
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,636 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,636 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,637 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,642 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=3L8pG
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,643 DEBUG invite_service 96 90947 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,643 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,644 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5454a456-21bb-420f-a361-bfac484b8a1b
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 be8a46e4-a0fc-4611-99a0-718d472ae2cb
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,651 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgwfQ.OqbSaNXD1S1zNvul1CuPJg9ZsdUZQPcRLdduRBUGnww
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,699 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cf7a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088747b8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,708 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,714 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,714 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,714 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,715 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,721 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,722 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,722 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,723 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,730 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,731 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,731 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,732 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,738 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,738 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,738 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,739 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,745 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,746 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,746 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,747 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,754 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,755 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,755 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,756 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,762 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,762 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,763 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,763 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,769 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,770 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,770 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,771 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,777 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,778 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,779 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,780 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,786 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,787 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,787 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,788 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,793 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,794 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,795 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,796 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,806 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,806 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,807 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,808 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,814 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,815 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,815 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,816 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,821 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,822 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,822 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,823 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,829 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,830 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,830 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,831 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,836 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,837 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,837 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,838 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,844 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,845 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,845 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,846 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,853 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,854 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,854 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,855 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,860 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,861 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,861 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,862 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,868 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,869 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,869 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,870 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,876 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,877 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,877 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,878 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,885 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,885 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,885 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,886 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,892 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,893 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,893 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,894 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,902 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,904 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,904 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,905 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,914 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=DmSfl
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,915 DEBUG invite_service 131 90947 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,915 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,916 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,920 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,925 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,930 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,936 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,940 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,941 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a9c754c6-f462-4858-929b-24190180b0e8
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 96cbcf02-ba6d-4cdf-b6fb-4d35d8377d87
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgwfQ.2ODTvN4-2Vj2TvNcXDg2RQEImRDt5776mxdC9Xow-s8
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,993 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10887a4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108879d30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,002 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,006 DEBUG views_helper 309 90947 140736121267136 Found VF name=ZhUsg
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,007 DEBUG invite_service 96 90947 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,007 DEBUG mail 17 90947 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,008 DEBUG mail 24 90947 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,011 WARNING invite_service 38 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from fa2a4b24-a0d5-4715-9525-00e25afb5385 to for joining engagement c82a86f1-e547-487f-97b0-28d2f306cc53
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 70dbacd2-857c-4ea2-8a30-3daadd39f350
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,025 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d918517a-55d2-42d8-9650-88a31c829311
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,027 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,027 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,028 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,092 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.KWcLIrUbHJH2ATyOsiBIlPanWjFrAgfJP8GdKz75I0s
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.X-v4oNNfRro6cWpFgVwaV68jetdD3-gO3iLVPI8wgDA
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.8SpY-uGk_E2sLfgAgob-37MfX1YJW1_67NiURYtO9qs
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,103 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,106 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 90947 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,107 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,111 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,121 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f8ccc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cea518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f28d331d-ac7e-4870-8eeb-ce4ec7f0e584', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,131 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,153 DEBUG nextsteps 69 90947 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=f28d331d-ac7e-4870-8eeb-ce4ec7f0e584 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 8e028768-3f9f-4720-bd95-bad755a4c5cd
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ccf8d48b-5f94-48bb-bb9c-ced04c4a98c1
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,214 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.4VWQpPhkiUYk7Q1e3ySStgrCrKcvg8agQze2j5MLzbk
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.gtlPbTEdr3WI2ieZIFwm_1dHVSQO0QV6rC-98rF48xs
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.W7y25xQZhW2EagtVWlRn_D5PqNBDebyCGJ5pNj6F9y4
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,234 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,237 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,240 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,244 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,255 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ea2208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ea2518>) | {'eng_uuid': '93939484-034e-428a-908e-bde5bdad06bc', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,263 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,302 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ebc6a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f8cd30>) | {'ns_uuid': 'c4e51ec7-2648-45c6-a565-368755c3b16f', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,310 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,312 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,313 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,320 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10887a518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10885ac50>) | {'ns_uuid': 'c4e51ec7-2648-45c6-a565-368755c3b16f', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,327 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,329 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,336 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108875278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108874630>) | {'ns_uuid': 'c4e51ec7-2648-45c6-a565-368755c3b16f', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,343 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,345 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,346 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,354 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10885fa90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10885fdd8>) | {'ns_uuid': 'c4e51ec7-2648-45c6-a565-368755c3b16f', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,363 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,365 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,372 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd4e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd64a8>) | {'ns_uuid': 'c4e51ec7-2648-45c6-a565-368755c3b16f', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,381 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,382 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 82300f93-455d-4636-839d-d759bc364b16
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d3ac26c7-e8be-4281-935f-ca72e3044586
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,430 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.6gDUGrddzkuqy_o-4i5OzEbcjuIgBeW06IX6-DxzSXY
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.wFzWF815UVP46QfYSgqFLKf4WEGxu__EfY-f40lfY0U
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.-ozXsoPwElF3p2BOvOfh9HtpKWOtbHw3jmxVN3DWHus
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,461 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,464 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,467 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,471 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,481 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ce2ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ce25f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e2928077-bef2-4717-b83f-7f0dcb2410aa', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,488 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c2b25f92-1ffc-4e89-bbdc-a9f82722f0c3
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cd57a945-e98e-4fbd-ab95-918911706a62
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.bH2HkZMYNUlTmtaZESszWrVUyJwFy2DtBeiQRfengCI
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.aJm9Qmb10W-Kc-sdf_sGoJjGdrxU89qacmRiUy4cpew
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.-Ndol0qiZnOkfGF0rPgkozg1qj1JvS05PycxrgfPiRw
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,600 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,603 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 90947 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,603 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,606 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,619 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cf0c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cf0c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '03c7dc19-7d38-4174-b7c3-9085d7e02600', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,627 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 9e6c91f4-b79d-4aa6-8eeb-73f69f00e062
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 13f0ab1b-ef36-4750-8759-ccd70470acb5
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.h7oz3WiwXFbyjLu5QBfYvz2IGtH8OM4kfGN4OM7VYL4
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.4FWAVKtKCww_ieQO6pO7TX7b8oV1IN-iCtGZGNrZkpg
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.4p3fYl81H-KCegvHKPWb0-6Gp0rsUvvNkKdYn1O2Naw
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,744 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb5160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fb5390>) | {'ns_uuid': '92f53e43-a381-4011-b958-c67fb76516b7'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,754 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,767 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cd70228d-7fdc-490d-ba1f-2bdc5b9160e6
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 482d5125-d490-4406-b56f-60a731238048
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,770 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,770 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,771 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.XMQpxuhq-jZwC4MzWDrwvJRktJqsH_rt3KySc-KwjiY
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.iQpzkDpafdEcxaEdx7ayzt8jNEm4p_Ltnk_cQPP9flo
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.miStwAzDjQi4vN3-a5I9cO-lRLa-_TFsjxOj8opDWaQ
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,849 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108873d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10884fcf8>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': 'bb4fdd93-8dc1-4141-a571-1ea775468b70'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,858 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ee0ba40e-2966-4509-95a4-b3a0dfa68b36
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 800a575f-8781-4ed2-b7d2-f4290364fe29
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,881 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,881 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,883 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,920 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,935 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.VCTCHZGo8gHgSKoWfTwOvRo3bMLfciwj3-TbDplixic
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.GZAOFc8BP8NVtMrL3BiOWI3ZPjUdQRCaTTx71DnMdP8
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgxfQ.9dUrxdeRDf4WkJWFjb0n3eAVCpwySU-pPdUQ8OQpP9U
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,962 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cf02b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd24a8>) | {'ns_uuid': 'e064b306-3dbc-4129-b6a4-ae09041f8b45'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,968 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 01dff8cc-2bde-47ff-a43d-c883938b7a84 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cd28c94c-2873-41a7-bed6-387ee0421ab5
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 421d5270-a44c-46de-bde0-f3c9ef36b1ac
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,978 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,029 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,038 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.hEIZoAIiCTEmzyi_5kpd0ADwKGVL9pLQ9tIrV_NoUhc
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,040 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.3NoeAGBTuWJ2n2rRDPZ9F1HqsSedA3A-3IFHXOzXGVw
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,042 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ._US6brMvvwVJc9HSmqkNG9tFYInYLP4FD20PgWsGpgo
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,045 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,046 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,046 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,046 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 20fcb21c-feef-473c-b841-49775011add0
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 8ea6a8e5-a4d0-4b60-9b3b-d5f3884f569c
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,061 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,124 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.uLCvBS-O94Dk6OWG7Rph7WZNkeRFGLOEu-ACYWCh7G8
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,126 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.NzsBw--NzEyJBrHO8lmuPiVcxJREPKHPK97h-vMkAS0
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,127 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.-9WMVIB69liXSoodDuEgDV1qyeVKuly4FvcDuN1_zRU
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,127 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,131 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 90947 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,132 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,136 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 90947 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,147 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ce29e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108860278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,157 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e24278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10885b080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cf020ae4-a4ec-4c1b-93c1-d0cd5eb0328b
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d2d44edf-5fc3-4273-94aa-c72c48e24db1
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mOwQ4'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,217 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiZE85ZUBHVVBSLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZE85ZUBHVVBSLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4Mn0.2WKxM22xwNcCBrBnJNDbk6cmyIWjWhgetHlXvpxLuyY
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,217 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 90947 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,217 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 90947 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,229 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 90947 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,229 DEBUG activity_log 157 90947 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,229 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,236 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f8cfd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f8ceb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,236 DEBUG notifications 63 90947 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,240 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,240 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 90947 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,240 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 90947 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,254 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d4042602-eaa7-4407-ac0d-e4a67915273e
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a812f1ce-d707-4722-b5d7-f80a261e15ed
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,258 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,259 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,260 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,260 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.VBppcQxNDXK63DIJ3zcQnamzm_0NexEOAxLYGwU3KVA
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,348 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.ZoVRwfl4p8TsWStqu7XmzOBqyOcNwqsRqWh6L9iGhfM
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4Mn0.UxGlgO61bWydyShoKOUhnNtA0AP5VVZQhQ8Zb4H7w6k
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,359 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088562e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e0ddd8>) | {'checklistUuid': '575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,372 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,372 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d', 'eng_uuid': 'b45ead7b-4eda-406b-b26e-f5860f2557e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,373 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 90947 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,379 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,380 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 90947 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,387 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,414 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10885a390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cf3128>) | {'checklistUuid': '575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,424 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,470 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d, user.uuid=909d1b1f-0fd4-4294-93bb-9e8f5886ebfb, checklist.uuid=575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,478 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 6a8775f5-e6a5-46a4-ae38-26953a0a650f
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,479 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a32a121e-73f6-42cd-8ff3-b0496cc80681
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,484 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ.QalCgxCGjZmFsCZMXW9J1W8NlW231u5i7-rzDhkilxA
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgyfQ._ikS98Ny50BZvd_GCu-erzMNTUtie-wf_y-oBQO7Tks
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4Mn0.ZWf_wubt3cOk4-zoiEW4uk-BVcSKDdf3sfK8NFH03IQ
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,581 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,589 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10884fcf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108873588>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,603 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,603 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea', 'eng_uuid': 'b68bcb23-c8a3-4d4d-839d-bb2076f2857d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,604 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 90947 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,608 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,609 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 90947 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,614 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,641 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108860cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fb5278>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,651 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,692 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea, user.uuid=89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9, checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,693 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 90947 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,693 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,693 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,693 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,694 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,694 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,703 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109008518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109008668>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,773 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,773 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea', 'eng_uuid': 'b68bcb23-c8a3-4d4d-839d-bb2076f2857d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,774 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 90947 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,779 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,787 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,817 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fce710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083f1cf8>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,830 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,879 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea, user.uuid=89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9, checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,880 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 90947 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,880 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,880 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,880 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,880 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,890 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089654e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108965f28>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e32baabc-dbe0-4e28-aafd-b068419936f4'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,900 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,900 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 90947 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,910 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 90947 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: e32baabc-dbe0-4e28-aafd-b068419936f4 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,911 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,919 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b68cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085ba630>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,932 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,932 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea', 'eng_uuid': 'b68bcb23-c8a3-4d4d-839d-bb2076f2857d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,933 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 90947 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,942 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,951 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 90947 140736121267136 Adding vf 811533f7-5684-419f-8596-18407d5fd688 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,953 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 4257a248-e4c6-4e93-86ce-2710fb7a3ed7 and vf uuid: 811533f7-5684-419f-8596-18407d5fd688
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,961 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,989 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107dbcef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083011d0>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,003 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,055 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea, user.uuid=89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9, checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,056 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 90947 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,056 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,056 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,056 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,056 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,068 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,068 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,079 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108960b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108380048>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,091 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,091 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea', 'eng_uuid': 'b68bcb23-c8a3-4d4d-839d-bb2076f2857d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,092 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 90947 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,100 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,113 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 90947 140736121267136 Adding vf 811533f7-5684-419f-8596-18407d5fd688 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,115 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: c3dad0c7-4935-4d10-990d-4f0182a88c9e and vf uuid: 811533f7-5684-419f-8596-18407d5fd688
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,121 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,147 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108380a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083a1668>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,158 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,215 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea, user.uuid=89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9, checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,216 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 90947 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,216 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,216 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 90947 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,216 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,216 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 90947 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,216 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 90947 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,223 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10838de10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108250358>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,234 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,234 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea', 'eng_uuid': 'b68bcb23-c8a3-4d4d-839d-bb2076f2857d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,235 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 90947 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,241 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,247 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 90947 140736121267136 Adding vf 811533f7-5684-419f-8596-18407d5fd688 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,249 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9 and vf uuid: 811533f7-5684-419f-8596-18407d5fd688
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,256 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,285 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a1e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083300b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,294 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,357 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea, user.uuid=89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9, checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,358 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 90947 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,358 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,358 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 90947 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,358 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,358 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 90947 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,358 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 90947 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,367 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078b4978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108972710>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,379 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,380 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 90947 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea', 'eng_uuid': 'b68bcb23-c8a3-4d4d-839d-bb2076f2857d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,381 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 90947 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,389 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,399 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 90947 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,428 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cce400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088751d0>) | {'checklistUuid': '21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,439 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,506 DEBUG checklist_service 313 90947 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea, user.uuid=89c6d742-3005-41d7-9c7c-0708a25c80e9, checklist.uuid=21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,507 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 90947 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 90947 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,509 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cdecadb1-b7dc-486e-8e54-ca995fef297b
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,526 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 8b0e2ace-765b-478a-aa63-02d871798da2
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,530 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.Gx3S4qgw2GZGs0WZwNmPuNZq_zGPyRR-mJcAx-8GJqc
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 604af2aa-f2b8-48aa-8002-bcfb51cb9236
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f6bc8fa8-9927-4917-8609-b094526083e6
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.9EcNmQ-MGQFkOycycKeCkzZhTvzH8eanLzDXRDZzIvo
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,582 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f9a160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f9a588>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,584 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,588 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 afacf299-d436-4fdd-91b6-30a021aff4a3
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cf6f1f16-1bd1-426a-b42f-c79041a39a7e
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.MP1Y2HO20DN8ensykCMP5nER8Ly_SUMD3zhsGtj-Ksw
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,616 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e155c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e15588>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,617 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2f74e809-6458-4643-810e-e91f874834cd
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 03213e77-2d40-4256-b65d-841861fff961
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.VUzHtBi9DsHZ6R9ds0vaagrRF12l6_2R5qHHS37ukfM
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,644 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108823b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10886bef0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,685 INFO user 138 90947 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=7da48006-233e-4365-bb95-2235b1cc60d9 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 31a10671-b5fa-40bc-9b48-2728f397b349
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 2feab231-80aa-4f2d-8921-7da7ffcf93e2
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,714 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.Th226OfREOFvvnd5yxcBWDKmsij_3akAhtdqtStcn2Q
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,722 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e15898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108823208>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,724 ERROR user 59 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,725 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,725 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,725 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1bce510c-c53f-4f75-bdd6-a6e2639e95cc
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 346dcce3-aea3-40b2-8b8f-c377ea967fad
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,735 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.A3FoxuThoYdcNiB8rye-s27mdZ_5gdJE0rvpq_lCmjw
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,752 DEBUG exception_handler 37 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,753 DEBUG exception_handler 38 90947 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,753 DEBUG exception_handler 39 90947 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1dd69937-9107-4357-86d7-a79ea08afaa2
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 c903e76d-4e87-4d34-91b2-0c2db6d352af
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,758 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,758 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTgzfQ.9AUUO8AqB_nUXDrFHDLbzs0rh1xqjN5n1pDQybFgTgg
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,777 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e1ab00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088739e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,823 INFO user 87 90947 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=1f204a49-958f-45dd-9b53-7c2b233eec49
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f7f959ca-a98a-440e-b09f-75245174166b
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 aa62a288-cb81-449d-83f4-bc56974fc657
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,852 DEBUG testVFC 22 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,852 DEBUG testVFC 23 90947 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,852 DEBUG testVFC 24 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 82e11253-4063-47ad-9250-52b1136d2108
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,852 DEBUG testVFC 25 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: 0srj2
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,852 DEBUG testVFC 26 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,861 DEBUG testVFC 28 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,861 DEBUG testVFC 29 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,861 DEBUG testVFC 30 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 17b9c134-e953-49a2-af66-c25f8f81f008
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,861 DEBUG testVFC 31 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: viHL3
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,861 DEBUG testVFC 32 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,869 DEBUG testVFC 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,870 DEBUG testVFC 39 90947 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,870 DEBUG testVFC 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 7d5fe462-6c0b-40de-9ba6-2df1c21b4da2
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,870 DEBUG testVFC 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: TmBgz
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,870 DEBUG testVFC 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,870 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YJOfT'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,876 DEBUG testVFC 50 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,876 DEBUG testVFC 51 90947 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,877 DEBUG testVFC 52 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 73802ac4-e8fc-45eb-b5f0-67a3a2a3b034
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,877 DEBUG testVFC 53 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,879 DEBUG testVFC 59 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,879 DEBUG testVFC 60 90947 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,879 DEBUG testVFC 61 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 66d4d195-b176-445a-baef-796554d41f9b
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,879 DEBUG testVFC 62 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaTM3SEBXTFNMLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaTM3SEBXTFNMLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4M30.21Z5BM_jx4fF0oOVlh2VfmFz1lX-18qXX2tsvGyzWUo
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,883 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoieVE4aUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ5UThpQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxODN9.i-OqMXuOCrfZeBH5_j6GbHENBxKIvXY2Ip-5qJz4ihI
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,883 DEBUG testVFC 89 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,883 DEBUG testVFC 90 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,883 DEBUG testVFC 91 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,887 DEBUG testVFC 97 90947 140736121267136 1. BRxkt
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,888 DEBUG testVFC 78 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,888 DEBUG testVFC 79 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,888 DEBUG testVFC 80 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 817bd3c8-ae43-4fd1-b639-ca5f120205db
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 33247a79-c6df-409a-8772-372903ee3d20
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,907 DEBUG testVFC 22 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,908 DEBUG testVFC 23 90947 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,908 DEBUG testVFC 24 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 12d3f4a5-929c-492f-a80f-b6b9214ebcef
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,908 DEBUG testVFC 25 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: SneQs
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,908 DEBUG testVFC 26 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,916 DEBUG testVFC 28 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,916 DEBUG testVFC 29 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,916 DEBUG testVFC 30 90947 140736121267136 UUID: a3e9e43a-5c63-47a6-af77-cc69584f2105
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,916 DEBUG testVFC 31 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: 4rY30
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,916 DEBUG testVFC 32 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,925 DEBUG testVFC 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,925 DEBUG testVFC 39 90947 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,925 DEBUG testVFC 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: ceb4b477-f69d-41a4-b024-d247820850ff
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,925 DEBUG testVFC 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: CemjH
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,925 DEBUG testVFC 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,925 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'syeA7'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,933 DEBUG testVFC 50 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,933 DEBUG testVFC 51 90947 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,933 DEBUG testVFC 52 90947 140736121267136 UUID: fe3e6df8-23bf-4ef5-b33d-42efc6aebbae
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,933 DEBUG testVFC 53 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,935 DEBUG testVFC 59 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,935 DEBUG testVFC 60 90947 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,935 DEBUG testVFC 61 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 66d4d195-b176-445a-baef-796554d41f9b
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,936 DEBUG testVFC 62 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoidzAxb0BFRExBLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidzAxb0BFRExBLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4M30.oMvpVsan1QouxjTiLRqi4m6QnWZCXS77c634XrDPY4c
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoicEdhM0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJwR2EzQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxODN9.KBlx6D_BCOLfVd6A9G-wfamGeNaXRNEJqisgL640bTM
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,941 DEBUG testVFC 106 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,941 DEBUG testVFC 107 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,941 DEBUG testVFC 108 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,952 ERROR authorization_service 476 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,956 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd63c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd6c88>) | {'vf_uuid': '74dfce1c-e52f-4e90-a67e-759f588e2445'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,965 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,967 DEBUG testVFC 117 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,967 DEBUG testVFC 78 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,967 DEBUG testVFC 79 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,967 DEBUG testVFC 80 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5c1f42c2-87c5-4e45-98fd-3a9b4aec79d8
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 fe2e0ca3-133e-4b7b-987f-bf1a23e72552
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,985 DEBUG testVFC 22 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,986 DEBUG testVFC 23 90947 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,986 DEBUG testVFC 24 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 8fa3298b-52b7-4e37-8f6a-e53cbf2c48c1
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,986 DEBUG testVFC 25 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: 6nDkH
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,986 DEBUG testVFC 26 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,994 DEBUG testVFC 28 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,994 DEBUG testVFC 29 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,994 DEBUG testVFC 30 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 08cb69ca-fdaa-4e0a-bc16-f6f0827c4d68
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,994 DEBUG testVFC 31 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: Jj93G
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,994 DEBUG testVFC 32 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,003 DEBUG testVFC 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,003 DEBUG testVFC 39 90947 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,003 DEBUG testVFC 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: cfaaf1fb-2106-4b7a-8b84-c8d80f750807
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,003 DEBUG testVFC 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: Ewj2v
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,003 DEBUG testVFC 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NHQpz'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,008 DEBUG testVFC 50 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,008 DEBUG testVFC 51 90947 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,008 DEBUG testVFC 52 90947 140736121267136 UUID: fe6ae984-95b8-4eff-9245-1a22af15691c
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,008 DEBUG testVFC 53 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,010 DEBUG testVFC 59 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,010 DEBUG testVFC 60 90947 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,010 DEBUG testVFC 61 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 66d4d195-b176-445a-baef-796554d41f9b
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,010 DEBUG testVFC 62 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiU0ZJMkBCUkdWLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiU0ZJMkBCUkdWLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NH0.XnQ8caSwAvqLjo7Ppqnhel5L_yyTz42ajU8lOx1Bj4U
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiVTRmakBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVNGZqQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODAxODR9.YOxidhzCXg9aftXivcZlCHoQt2bdzterlaeD47LMajA
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,013 DEBUG testVFC 125 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,013 DEBUG testVFC 126 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,013 DEBUG testVFC 127 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,024 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108faa668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cea860>) | {'vf_uuid': '19be80ed-4789-4c9d-8548-dc97e2054894'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,036 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,039 DEBUG testVFC 137 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,039 DEBUG testVFC 138 90947 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testVFC 139 90947 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"574b695a-a2f5-47db-a074-1c28e566a6a9","name":"rfI8V","external_ref_id":"6","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T10:56:24.016273Z","vf":"19be80ed-4789-4c9d-8548-dc97e2054894","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"6e5a2470-fe62-4daf-a9d7-a2df8fd1a0a7","name":"i2TOW","external_ref_id":"2","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T10:56:24.014848Z","vf":"19be80ed-4789-4c9d-8548-dc97e2054894","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testVFC 78 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testVFC 79 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testVFC 80 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,040 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 cd0e1aa5-51be-4893-a2d4-a1ef2738a9d1
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,054 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5f4409d2-1296-490e-b1f9-679e662909a0
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,096 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,096 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 201b5080-7891-4f8d-b074-65a16c57a23f
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,096 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: J2zkT
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,096 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iZTRk'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EG618'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JsNL5'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,128 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rVolm'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ERU2X'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uM6K3'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'isOIW'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mjDzZ'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,175 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HnZQR'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Y26pn'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'n3e81'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'T8wOI'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VRhca'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '58NwO'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NH0.TLGJ8LJfeZ5Rgc-DGGRHvCLO_EZItw-GS08ZJVNFtD0
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,237 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,237 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 90947 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,237 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,244 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a1dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bcde10>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,262 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,262 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 90947 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"7w4Op","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"AN3GZ","engagement__uuid":"0751a95f-1073-4520-9a01-0b98e232b4ab","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ba126f28-a0b7-4248-8d8a-645ce369548f","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"WLq7n","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"opAVa","engagement__uuid":"2dcd7ac3-fe72-40ab-ba43-74fa2a6d7efb","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"87df163e-74e6-4255-a7d7-d83b1915e8d0","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":2}'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,262 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,262 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,262 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f0272f7f-cfe0-4d92-86ac-4adb05d67899
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 005b82e9-1f69-4f71-9cdd-d7817d09060f
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,301 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,302 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,302 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 5877a2b7-aeda-48b2-8154-553d79fbcc70
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,302 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: WGI64
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,302 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EA95e'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'j62Wr'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zRn4b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rpbcu'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8ymOW'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,355 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Qnjvq'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tNOKo'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KE8se'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VlpWX'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1at8T'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wfieK'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8BkZO'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,417 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FldTz'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'F60PK'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NH0.ei8o3pru_CE1LAUpQsNhPg9SwkO_pL_vPd9Yz4AD0ls
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,439 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,439 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 90947 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,439 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,447 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bd5860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10838d710>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,465 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,465 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 90947 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"WUSzw","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"ygQdB","engagement__uuid":"5214c81d-9f85-4677-bc50-0448805a5400","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"d2894f4d-b4ad-4448-8ac6-132eefd04f35","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,473 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fc0a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd3d30>) | {'vf_uuid': 'd2894f4d-b4ad-4448-8ac6-132eefd04f35'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,481 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,481 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ca2d0eb3-859e-4826-bdf9-e9a907c57167
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 50a9756c-fea6-456f-9e30-b90b8bcb3d1e
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,521 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,522 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,522 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: e8275c1b-5c05-4cfa-a539-2aa6a169ce27
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,522 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: A7nOR
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,522 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '69tCh'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YMV5x'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5Hrmf'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SOZFD'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dMOCB'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jlc4F'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'syOPG'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,600 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mHk4L'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DZN7g'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'B8rGL'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oXP48'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qy3VC'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cOsmZ'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2vfWA'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NH0.8-TMZWPmcvVFWfzdKkUiUhm-ZCUp77-81SngcpYM0Yw
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,670 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,670 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 90947 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,670 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088757b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108faaba8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,690 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 90947 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"aOI2y","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"u7rAD","engagement__uuid":"6afd3d1d-8cbd-4096-a521-bc407eb33574","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"5d9d4fba-8a6a-4a83-be86-757806128fa7","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a85217b3-f90e-4a85-b36b-513d411bdc9b
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 7e87fcb1-1921-4c85-8dde-059d1b5e6c41
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,726 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,726 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 90947 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,726 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 90947 140736121267136 UUID: 6914730a-a1cc-424b-b8b0-3a6eddea3e3a
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,726 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 90947 140736121267136 Full Name: Cqoie
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,726 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 90947 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,726 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LrK0g'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vQaeb'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,749 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tndkq'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,750 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'x3u5j'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'saqQx'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tpwZS'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qI8Mn'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0Huwk'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4Wetp'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6zycs'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Lf2Da'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'E62gK'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mRvg5'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'BMaW3'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NH0.8LocGxzRyhMHnPBLBRdvchwrdSkhTx2aJXnMdtSQEaM
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,866 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,867 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 90947 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,867 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,874 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108873b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108875390>) | {}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,903 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 90947 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,903 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 90947 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"9vepI","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"8BJ7w","engagement__uuid":"9e5ddd91-bc16-4b70-a783-bb7ec41b1130","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"5447f2a2-dacb-4cb9-a797-6a490ca7f67e","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"CIZOH","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"y1tXs","engagement__uuid":"6bd5965f-d071-4547-aecd-d5bf01537493","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f4376923-2cc7-45f5-b036-1c158ed4c6e4","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"Ectlz","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"eNBhd","engagement__uuid":"08e88ed5-d592-42e1-9e72-0e6608684403","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"9f4c524b-41c5-49dd-989a-b433ed396338","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"JPFkr","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Hqmrf","engagement__uuid":"8ff81390-5e1b-4789-bfbb-117c69cc1fc2","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"5360175a-9cf9-4396-b37d-9d1299340ac5","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"LBb6e","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"1a0X5","engagement__uuid":"de88d958-d9b0-4add-887a-e4a7f8951a6e","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"383e3f3e-f115-4b28-8705-e5ac7a8850a1","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"MimWt","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"yqZwP","engagement__uuid":"5b34efee-49ba-47d3-bc37-94e56c54739f","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"36d50256-439a-4c20-acaf-238ed5c74cd8","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"jPIKq","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"uvKLM","engagement__uuid":"ec16930f-28fb-4137-a093-5f192eefa03d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f352ab6d-d369-4542-90eb-80f33c3ce543","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,903 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,903 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,903 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,904 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,904 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,904 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 3dc65fbf-731c-4eff-9f2b-76812e87db16
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 d66b1a6a-f092-4913-81fe-ca50e593d51a
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,921 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg0fQ.C_NacV-ksyL-zg2ZRIIaNXEa4TXdHgEvfg7DblO_TWw
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,983 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg0fQ.wh2XzwuFwHw2Z7On73ru1VIv5Smd4-VA_FvfCoz3CXg
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NH0.SHoeNkc6EfO3qk6kbRxzD7Db6fIyfwnFRX73bsU-0cg
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 90947 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,992 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10886b320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10884f198>) | {'eng_uuid': '7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,001 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,014 DEBUG engagement_service 274 90947 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,020 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb5ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e15d30>) | {'eng_uuid': '7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,027 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,033 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 37fd2747-2c62-4091-81e1-ef6f84086856 and vf uuid: d652e40f-b7f8-4c13-864b-f8a3fd25a00b
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,068 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 90947 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,069 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,069 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,069 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,069 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,069 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,075 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108879b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ca96d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,091 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,105 DEBUG engagement_service 274 90947 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,111 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb5f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e198d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,117 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,121 DEBUG engagement_service 109 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 37fd2747-2c62-4091-81e1-ef6f84086856 and vf uuid: d652e40f-b7f8-4c13-864b-f8a3fd25a00b
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,158 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 90947 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,158 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,158 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,158 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,158 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,158 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,165 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108860b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108860748>) | {'eng_uuid': '7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,174 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,188 DEBUG engagement_service 274 90947 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,193 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cca828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ccad68>) | {'eng_uuid': '7393f36b-ab13-4589-a6f8-a7a1fe51e234'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,200 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,205 DEBUG engagement_service 109 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 37fd2747-2c62-4091-81e1-ef6f84086856 and vf uuid: d652e40f-b7f8-4c13-864b-f8a3fd25a00b
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,240 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 90947 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,240 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,241 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,241 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 f62471fb-739f-4480-9fde-af68d1181b15
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 79453ca9-73e6-418b-a383-5717d9a02edb
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg1fQ.mBQS-LEY_3dAiDzZS0qf7zIy9obiZvVhuvaW_u_nl7I
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg1fQ.qb04lY8trcefcXTEeqJ-GgOc8GIGJofyviUJtQ-_5R0
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NX0.-Y1N0q-XG3ZsQnlTrqGyjqCjT_ozjGdhr6P8VmnQc48
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 90947 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,302 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,308 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10885b4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10885ba58>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,320 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,332 DEBUG engagement_service 274 90947 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,338 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ea2588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108874e48>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,344 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,351 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 70706ea7-29f6-447d-890c-916d36f74a80 and vf uuid: dd29d681-29cb-48db-aef9-33dd17e3355f
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,391 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108875320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108873048>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,401 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,402 DEBUG activity_log 105 90947 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,405 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 90947 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,405 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,405 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 90947 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,411 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aa4a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088795f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,421 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,433 DEBUG engagement_service 274 90947 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,440 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb5f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108860a20>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,447 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,454 DEBUG engagement_service 109 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 70706ea7-29f6-447d-890c-916d36f74a80 and vf uuid: dd29d681-29cb-48db-aef9-33dd17e3355f
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,494 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 90947 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,494 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,494 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,494 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,494 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,494 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 90947 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,501 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e15828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aa4048>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,510 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,521 DEBUG engagement_service 274 90947 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,528 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd3be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd3588>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c600972f-926b-4907-8b29-c27151da4c33'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,535 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,541 DEBUG engagement_service 109 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 70706ea7-29f6-447d-890c-916d36f74a80 and vf uuid: dd29d681-29cb-48db-aef9-33dd17e3355f
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,577 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 90947 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,578 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,579 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,579 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 4f733000-60f3-4918-8f91-81b5371e4b1f
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 5469220d-7cee-4be1-965c-a0a627b63e57
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,598 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,599 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,599 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,600 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,601 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg1fQ.Dn1poDgJIfmxsGpgKLw75r2dR4xBpX_riEee8Kep1HQ
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg1fQ.GYiPvjg5bcZWRaPHxdvAj-gRF_FT5ablG6fVlLIvYW4
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MDE4NX0.DCNDFk7z52DqFprhT3lcqbaXx_pIJE7WOyMKFZ35vms
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,650 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,650 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 90947 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,650 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,650 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,651 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,651 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 90947 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,651 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,651 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 90947 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,657 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10887acc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10887a940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd43ec6e1-b383-489a-a288-60de6755ce2a', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,666 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: d43ec6e1-b383-489a-a288-60de6755ce2a isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,674 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e9d128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e9d940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd43ec6e1-b383-489a-a288-60de6755ce2a'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,683 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,690 DEBUG engagement_service 115 90947 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 80cebca7-ea69-4323-90be-c8b7995ab97e and vf uuid: d45ad128-4558-4f41-8f24-6c8039ecf724
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 90947 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 90947 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 90947 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 a0a94c60-62ac-40da-8ebd-2d0c1443365b
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 e818ad1a-a6a0-4c15-b04b-977e4a68bce3
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90947 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgwMTg1fQ.rhG373x6sdO0BLPWKjYdh6-BhuYGrK5-yTd_yfrCWTU
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 ea71f3ed-cdd3-48be-80b6-ca588b45516b
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90947 140736121267136 1a4f000f-4d51-4186-a84e-c8280fd4bc2f
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,847 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90947 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,927 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 90947 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,937 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90947 140736121267136 520232b3-5537-49c4-8292-eab7862a1769
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,939 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 90947 140736121267136 b4660318-a1ee-4da6-b795-651bce2a5f71
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90947 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,006 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10885fda0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088744e0>) | {'eng_uuid': '93dcc3d4-a5ff-448a-ad44-917a6db93bb8'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,017 DEBUG auth 51 90947 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,019 DEBUG engagement_service 81 90947 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 93dcc3d4-a5ff-448a-ad44-917a6db93bb8
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,044 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145341890560 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,059 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a1f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108faa080>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd9cb66b7-a8e2-498a-8cde-f58db641a29a'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,066 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d9cb66b7-a8e2-498a-8cde-f58db641a29a isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,074 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd4080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e1a4e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd9cb66b7-a8e2-498a-8cde-f58db641a29a'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,095 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,103 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145341890560 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: d9cb66b7-a8e2-498a-8cde-f58db641a29a
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,115 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145341890560 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,115 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145341890560 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108f8c828>
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,126 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,135 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145341890560 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,148 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e24828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109008710>) | {'eng_uuid': '00a2c87e-9730-4fae-823c-4aefd0712708'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,156 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 00a2c87e-9730-4fae-823c-4aefd0712708 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,168 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e24908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e24ba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '00a2c87e-9730-4fae-823c-4aefd0712708'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,180 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,185 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145341890560 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 00a2c87e-9730-4fae-823c-4aefd0712708
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,194 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145341890560 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,194 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145341890560 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108f8c828>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,212 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145347145728 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,226 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145347145728 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd4710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bdedd8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2b09ae2d-53ca-4e5d-98bc-4199e01ab8a4'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,237 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145347145728 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 2b09ae2d-53ca-4e5d-98bc-4199e01ab8a4 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,245 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145347145728 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108856ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083a10f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '2b09ae2d-53ca-4e5d-98bc-4199e01ab8a4'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,256 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145347145728 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,262 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145347145728 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 2b09ae2d-53ca-4e5d-98bc-4199e01ab8a4
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,272 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145347145728 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,272 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145347145728 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e15320>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,291 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145341890560 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,305 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aa4128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e854e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ce09fa61-cd6b-4cb1-b026-e3b880b73246'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,314 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: ce09fa61-cd6b-4cb1-b026-e3b880b73246 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,321 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f72e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f72f98>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ce09fa61-cd6b-4cb1-b026-e3b880b73246'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,336 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,343 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145341890560 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: ce09fa61-cd6b-4cb1-b026-e3b880b73246
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,353 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145341890560 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,353 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145341890560 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108f8c828>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,371 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145352400896 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,384 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145352400896 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109013438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109013550>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd059ba58-9829-417c-8d9b-a33508415f9c'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,393 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145352400896 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d059ba58-9829-417c-8d9b-a33508415f9c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,400 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145352400896 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10885f438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e12898>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd059ba58-9829-417c-8d9b-a33508415f9c'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,410 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145352400896 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,417 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145352400896 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: d059ba58-9829-417c-8d9b-a33508415f9c
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,426 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145352400896 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,426 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145352400896 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108cd32e8>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,449 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145347145728 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,467 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145347145728 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108875f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd4b70>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c17453e1-0754-4f5f-9319-3bc81230c197'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,479 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145347145728 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: c17453e1-0754-4f5f-9319-3bc81230c197 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,489 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145347145728 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e245f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109025438>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c17453e1-0754-4f5f-9319-3bc81230c197'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,500 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145347145728 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,506 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145347145728 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: c17453e1-0754-4f5f-9319-3bc81230c197
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,517 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145347145728 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,517 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145347145728 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e15320>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,535 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145357656064 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,551 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145357656064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109025f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109025c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '1359f619-8855-42f3-bc12-db6c0641218f'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,559 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145357656064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1359f619-8855-42f3-bc12-db6c0641218f isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,566 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145357656064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10903a710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e247b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '1359f619-8855-42f3-bc12-db6c0641218f'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,578 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145357656064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,585 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145357656064 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1359f619-8855-42f3-bc12-db6c0641218f
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,593 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145357656064 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,594 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145357656064 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10903a908>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,620 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145341890560 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,636 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e12cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aa9ef0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b10f04d3-8a5a-49b2-8caf-dbf1a4a783e3'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,646 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b10f04d3-8a5a-49b2-8caf-dbf1a4a783e3 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,653 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145341890560 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090134a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090137f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b10f04d3-8a5a-49b2-8caf-dbf1a4a783e3'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,664 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145341890560 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,669 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145341890560 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b10f04d3-8a5a-49b2-8caf-dbf1a4a783e3
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,679 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145341890560 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,679 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145341890560 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108f8c828>
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,699 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145362911232 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,713 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145362911232 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109063400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109063550>) | {'eng_uuid': '180b5e19-e21d-457a-89ba-bbbea181606b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,724 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145362911232 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 180b5e19-e21d-457a-89ba-bbbea181606b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,735 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145362911232 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090575f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109053a20>) | {'eng_uuid': '180b5e19-e21d-457a-89ba-bbbea181606b'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,747 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145362911232 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,752 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145362911232 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 180b5e19-e21d-457a-89ba-bbbea181606b
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,762 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145362911232 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,762 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145362911232 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x109060da0>
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90947 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,780 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 90947 123145352400896 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,795 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145352400896 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10885ff60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e120b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '8fc19c92-2552-4765-86c0-ce1e0463e206'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,804 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145352400896 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 8fc19c92-2552-4765-86c0-ce1e0463e206 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 10:56:29,817 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90947 123145352400896 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aa3e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108856a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '8fc19c92-2552-4765-86c0-ce1e0463e206'}
+2017-03-21 10:56:29,828 DEBUG auth 51 90947 123145352400896 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 10:56:29,835 DEBUG engagement_service 63 90947 123145352400896 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 8fc19c92-2552-4765-86c0-ce1e0463e206
+2017-03-21 10:56:29,846 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 90947 123145352400896 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 10:56:29,846 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 90947 123145352400896 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108cd32e8>
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,330 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,330 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,330 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,330 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,331 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,331 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,331 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 10:56:30,331 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 90947 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,563 ERROR api 54 91181 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,564 INFO apps 29 91181 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91181 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,766 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91181 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91181 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91181 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91181 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91181 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 97c7f5d5-0360-4742-94ac-48a917533a47
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,932 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 fb0d35f5-715e-4dab-b888-f14cb83feafd
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,935 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,964 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,964 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91181 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,965 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91181 140736121267136 UUID: 0f04966f-ad20-4c48-bc56-076dac733af0
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,965 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91181 140736121267136 Full Name: hEHGY
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,965 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Yuld6'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PH7KQ'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'pk1Cr'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,999 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jRGUm'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,007 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Xrp3c'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lt6Mc'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MDJyz'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OCqsx'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qJDOG'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KIQVG'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YVHJe'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ziLDF'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ReDGn'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HCe89'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91181 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM0NDZ9.Jvccr-WeUgP9wAxLUS_QjMYHhcAWGZgO9oExEsGs7qE
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,106 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,106 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91181 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,106 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,181 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91181 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1072ec908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bb8278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91181 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91181 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"L41wc","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"LYEwr","engagement__uuid":"66a74c33-6a73-4353-b834-ed109fc0437b","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a7ff17e9-e31e-4ced-bee2-93271efee842","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"R6Azk","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"L80t9","engagement__uuid":"817be534-7148-48bf-b5e4-cb406e845c3d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"7a797cba-2de1-415c-a706-5826eb353920","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":2}'
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91181 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 654e2353-1e58-4ad2-9914-0924ce71ad3e
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 782f24a5-c2bf-418b-b9c5-19e59eb33188
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,215 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,246 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,246 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91181 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,246 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91181 140736121267136 UUID: cecdaa0e-1cd3-4c39-941b-be99edf563c8
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,246 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91181 140736121267136 Full Name: xPq5T
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,246 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vxfan'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,259 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EwjG5'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'O80aU'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,279 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mlhu9'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LXNaH'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lGJ5I'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,300 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vbwpl'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2pS09'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,324 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'a7y32'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GJz7a'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iSwXo'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,355 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QsMpT'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7BbG5'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ehHDr'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91181 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM0NDZ9.xL5a8JPQAje22Fv6A7iWxutI629Fx80IHoIU8aLj8k8
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,380 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,380 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 91181 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,381 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,388 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91181 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c61c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c62518>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,403 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 91181 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 91181 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"Inyxk","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"DjwP5","engagement__uuid":"7a7d001e-1946-48f8-86aa-43cc3c2cbb29","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"700aaca3-7c40-4f6e-bcf4-b0b6f862ea0c","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91181 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 6b1a57c8-3c06-49c7-bec8-5c907b141cbf
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 88ebdf42-168e-48b0-ba09-cfb911335102
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91181 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,442 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91181 140736121267136 UUID: 52acbe6e-a7a7-4606-918b-fcc264e03e70
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,442 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91181 140736121267136 Full Name: IGPrN
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,442 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sowBK'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5rC6H'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AfmZt'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zaVT7'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LWlUp'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gMdou'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fmTHn'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uLvSb'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,519 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lT2zR'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bMJui'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '09GHn'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,551 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'v1mes'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AElqi'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fBMz0'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,582 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91181 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM0NDZ9.qotRHdiCFcXSNSsdPk1PFOdo5sXfKTvwgkBUx_bO7Ws
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,582 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,583 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91181 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,583 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,591 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91181 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c7b400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c7b588>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,606 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91181 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,606 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91181 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"IWKoV","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"bsvuW","engagement__uuid":"8ca39139-8d2d-4300-8536-f08dc2d5468b","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6cd7bf0b-7313-44e3-bb44-ede83eff16a7","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,618 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91181 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c63400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c6a128>) | {'vf_uuid': '6cd7bf0b-7313-44e3-bb44-ede83eff16a7'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,624 INFO authorization_service 132 91181 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,624 DEBUG auth 51 91181 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,630 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,632 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 406237e3-25c5-42e1-a782-a0eab2336c1b
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91181 140736121267136 ed7aa861-4797-4217-8add-1b5951b34f06
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,633 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91181 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91181 140736121267136 UUID: 7819b07c-b51c-4e96-97a0-1213e0945544
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91181 140736121267136 Full Name: t8wAq
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91181 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,665 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'pnVQ7'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'J5nmZ'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Rq90S'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QzadL'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,704 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'p8Dt5'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GYVUQ'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4oZk1'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '503Hp'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NraoB'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NPCDU'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6Z7pK'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YhKGw'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'D12JM'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91181 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2SkNC'}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91181 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNDQ2fQ.LawaP5IWqvQwEc83HnSpydAP8mEdEhM7_1qttHLgo6I
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,805 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,805 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91181 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,805 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,812 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91181 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c11a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c11438>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,840 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91181 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,840 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91181 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"2o8Da","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"9cmH2","engagement__uuid":"8adcc91c-6243-4b10-9de3-d23b87e709e0","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"4b3e8749-6851-41de-b25a-4e519e35a086","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"KLOry","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"lYD2W","engagement__uuid":"7820aa1b-ce40-4638-a3a7-2fd115393e4d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"1365930e-17ae-42f9-bdf4-9b74b8a63ae4","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"LVldi","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"G3pQI","engagement__uuid":"2d97f1ae-012a-4846-a5b3-aba9971f086b","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ff55d60c-1d8b-4a02-8fba-9df04a46adf0","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"ONb4C","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"MjNlQ","engagement__uuid":"8f706cbd-a5c5-4bab-b3ef-48a3593e8395","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"699102d2-5064-423e-9b76-24251c3658a3","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"T0s14","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"gr29x","engagement__uuid":"dc776761-6543-4717-bb30-1fabcc4ecc64","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a5835119-2ec2-4b06-8f8f-22cdce86636b","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"Zmc6I","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"ubyTr","engagement__uuid":"f90e8a80-85d1-4c3b-bccd-55e95d12894a","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"1cb7ccc5-fe6b-4c2c-ba9d-0f35371125d6","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"fzP4w","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"OnuTV","engagement__uuid":"0968cbd4-6d47-47e4-8cdf-a7aa7b5a9741","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6987443f-b36a-466c-a99f-d843687975a1","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,841 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,841 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91181 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,841 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91181 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,841 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91181 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,841 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,841 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91181 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,221 ERROR api 54 91223 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,222 INFO apps 29 91223 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,294 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,295 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,296 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,297 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,298 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,300 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,302 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,303 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,304 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,306 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,308 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91223 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91223 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,512 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91223 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91223 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,567 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,568 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,570 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,571 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91223 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91223 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 e6b1744a-847c-4452-8118-29e0a6698c54
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 18687f54-938d-428b-8f54-8a957ea9e3f8
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,724 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,724 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91223 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,724 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91223 140736121267136 UUID: 30d09ace-a1f7-4b58-9861-0fbc4af38db6
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,725 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91223 140736121267136 Full Name: Jp8q2
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,725 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xzdcM'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'TOoJ2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ZOPqQ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kOasy'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PJBYX'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3Hk7W'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ErMjh'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lZOHu'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Fuc7p'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yuRLB'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UCL9p'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,851 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VXjoA'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GqpIF'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nMdDf'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,880 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91223 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1MjN9.LZMq3-0Fc55K9OjGLgcN16vEww1EwzR7w2pgIeMO9HQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,880 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,880 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91223 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,880 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,954 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91223 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108adb278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108afad30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,969 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91223 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,969 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91223 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"2RHaA","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"q5nxi","engagement__uuid":"35642577-4a75-4f61-9ac0-b06933449b88","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"49511ab1-0b2d-4bb1-83fb-eb0ed9da1d38","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,970 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,970 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91223 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,970 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 b62d73c2-4b4a-4ba4-ac1b-03e3a15f9264
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 669bda9c-20ef-4899-8d98-21982ae292a7
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,017 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,017 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91223 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,017 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91223 140736121267136 UUID: 53ab072c-85fb-40d4-8ba8-10d5806dc449
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,017 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91223 140736121267136 Full Name: xpOMI
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,017 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'XunAE'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yr5Ba'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,040 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wrgsX'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tkFxU'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1A7oI'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FD1BG'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NMj29'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UlbFJ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kgDK1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'B8pID'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'W3CPp'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,137 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gybwv'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rylCj'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'TRDea'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91223 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1MjR9.sD7zJjf85epN54Cj1E3GXO1eVFO_YQrHn0j0fGVtakE
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,169 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,169 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 91223 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,169 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,176 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91223 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088f8b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088e6438>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 91223 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 91223 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"sUEWr","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"uQyf3","engagement__uuid":"ca173eae-a1ef-410a-a97a-3ccbc21eb254","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"9a6fc9a5-5272-4644-94e9-047e5b8abf9e","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91223 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 fd8ceaa4-c3be-4c6e-9e3d-5e5d018ab91d
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 77b8d62b-10a9-417a-9ba8-9490fda29cdc
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,231 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,231 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91223 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,232 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91223 140736121267136 UUID: ea71e05e-4519-4f1d-8052-7e701af9963d
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,232 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91223 140736121267136 Full Name: QG1Tr
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,232 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hnPbT'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oPcNC'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'F1gGw'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'eEKZH'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9xVym'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '82LIr'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xrT3L'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'P2qC5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MOiHg'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2iKFa'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'pjqzh'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8zaA7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Uypwr'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'CPBUj'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91223 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1MjR9.yBenNCj6kj_rNCkvHtMycoKwp2vXC7VrMvWHHnmY9bk
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,371 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,371 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91223 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,371 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,377 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91223 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088eb358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088eb4e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,391 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91223 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,391 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91223 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"Z7eFk","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"wOSdi","engagement__uuid":"f5dc61de-38fd-4c5f-a87d-26c7bcd29d27","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"77720920-d206-4016-bdd0-1051336ac22b","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91223 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,392 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 59a5f85d-1f60-434f-bdf5-d55b6531cbda
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91223 140736121267136 4752deb6-bef1-4e0f-bd00-6b02f6ffc14d
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,402 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,433 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,434 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91223 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,434 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91223 140736121267136 UUID: f172c968-2791-4e4d-99d7-cade4a1fb55a
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,434 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91223 140736121267136 Full Name: dofsh
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,434 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91223 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NGwhE'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YUA4c'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bmdL5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,472 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gs0yt'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Qr2A4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'K9Exf'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HTK7r'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,519 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EDoCI'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'pV9ur'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oMHt7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VloHU'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oc1FN'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '24kPl'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91223 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'TgwLQ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91223 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJKb2hubnlAZDJpY2UuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTI0fQ.oHfHQNgISvMl4F1VsTRPBSbsUsll04GhRaHf0wvatcc
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,598 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,598 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91223 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,598 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,607 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91223 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088c9898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088c9080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,637 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91223 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,637 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91223 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"30tmB","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"G0n7c","engagement__uuid":"7b4d0cc2-3d65-4fec-a599-c3c49bb0d8f6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"9d11f170-a480-4f83-a995-08de1ba94ed9","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"DXZGn","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"UaAtk","engagement__uuid":"2432056b-5349-43a7-8c6e-d28304ddfa64","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"2504740a-f09d-484e-9382-4d421a5623cc","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"DZdWl","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"VeCP3","engagement__uuid":"04e34e78-deb7-465a-af1a-1c9f8788d066","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f9d5abb1-ec56-4854-89e5-b01ce82f7dc7","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"Op1V2","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"cieqy","engagement__uuid":"7f646fa4-fffc-4da0-9a58-36b7eb8c0f93","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"c14911bd-1245-4d04-9027-09f513662a69","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"s8k4e","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"bWlXo","engagement__uuid":"8b51ca25-4425-4af5-a1a7-1ee55037a771","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"48381b3c-9996-4dd1-9056-08c479d1d7d3","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"t2ECb","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"dInJv","engagement__uuid":"a914efc3-b40e-4e49-8397-ee7298daf58c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"e302d6f3-c433-4729-876c-9ee40caa5d86","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"taxmK","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"X081s","engagement__uuid":"a19b47f6-5bdc-41a9-b586-8350ff2150a0","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ff69cd00-df0e-4c7d-b864-69c1a27c6adf","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,638 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,638 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91223 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,638 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91223 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91223 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91223 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,428 ERROR api 54 91254 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,428 INFO apps 29 91254 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,494 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,496 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,497 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,499 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,500 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,501 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,502 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,505 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,510 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,563 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91254 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,695 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91254 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,697 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,698 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,699 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,700 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91254 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,759 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,761 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91254 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,185 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108dd6cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108da0860>) | {'uu_id': '5def6cce-9e19-4308-98a0-d78d02cc6359', 'token': 'fcec6862-59dd-4d96-ab59-7625553d57ed'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,191 DEBUG activation 78 91254 140736121267136 User zZfAD is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,194 DEBUG views_helper 326 91254 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,194 DEBUG activation 87 91254 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,227 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f60cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f790f0>) | {'uu_id': '22779b93-cb47-4dc0-a615-3290099926be', 'token': '5a7ccb88-4911-4fff-af5b-ac71828439ed'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,235 DEBUG activation 78 91254 140736121267136 User KLy5X is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,237 DEBUG views_helper 326 91254 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,237 DEBUG activation 87 91254 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,346 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f794e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f796a0>) | {'uu_id': 'f8c6a232-22eb-4c97-a04d-73c87263328e', 'token': '07b5b429-cc62-4396-b42a-e9518200df38'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,351 ERROR activation 67 91254 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0c79aaf2-8042-402d-adc2-591a4077dcb8
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 22c0d1c3-eca4-42b6-8a19-dba20756c0ea
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iAlRc'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6Im1ETUlASE9ZRi5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im1ETUlASE9ZRi5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTF9.7dLzAMPU6hqsgB5CUeyzK4z-JVhY4prw6idUOVvx8iU
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,427 DEBUG testActivities 37 91254 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,427 DEBUG testActivities 40 91254 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 DEBUG testActivities 46 91254 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 DEBUG activity_log 157 91254 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 DEBUG testActivities 50 91254 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 DEBUG testActivities 51 91254 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,439 DEBUG testActivities 54 91254 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,446 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089aa240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089aa1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '88f01440-6db3-40fa-82c6-1a57314d02d8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,454 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,455 DEBUG activity_log 105 91254 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,458 DEBUG testActivities 58 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,458 DEBUG testActivities 59 91254 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,458 DEBUG testActivities 63 91254 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,458 DEBUG testActivities 66 91254 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,458 DEBUG testActivities 69 91254 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,464 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108970518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f05dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': '88f01440-6db3-40fa-82c6-1a57314d02d8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,473 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,474 DEBUG activity_log 105 91254 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,476 DEBUG testActivities 73 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,476 DEBUG testActivities 74 91254 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,476 DEBUG testActivities 78 91254 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,477 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,477 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,477 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b001e8ae-6937-4d0e-9073-01697e0ad512
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d64721e8-736c-4a2d-9b46-db1d96700c52
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTF9.EoSV1ETy4yJP-E2IcrEZYWQQx5hUe6GYm5ibi5eho7s
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,552 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10874d2b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10874d908>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,560 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,585 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=0wNzX
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,586 DEBUG invite_service 96 91254 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,586 DEBUG invite_service 99 91254 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=9b8aa409-daf4-410b-a278-af4da15c1eb8 to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,589 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,014 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 68e25749-d55e-4146-a2c3-5377d8fc4115
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 bac89bed-0347-409e-9ea5-67f62be57940
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.3oTA0DAczuaO1NdfNfarMd_vscR015ppGgNf_dwwNrg
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,067 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10856ce48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108572240>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,078 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,086 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=XG1Nz
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,087 DEBUG invite_service 128 91254 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,087 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,087 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,088 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,089 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,092 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 968596db-1219-4a0b-9574-8aca8ef9daf5
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 17153619-5623-414a-9bbe-5497d6460a91
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,127 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.MhHTXk-QT01d2LvGkWvzizWpETLr7CvQCeTZR-6R7v4
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,150 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108de6cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f79c18>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,156 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,157 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,157 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 fd709b14-8cec-447d-8ea4-656d5c36937a
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e9ebec36-6f92-453d-aa47-f2b73571b703
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,193 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,194 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.O07g5vUaO8dG-5FJMDxCd8BLP_aGqLVN7lyKvQ27sZo
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,209 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bfad30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfa278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,219 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,219 ERROR invite 58 91254 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 6de83c08-3eac-4e96-85b3-af853a07cf29
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f7d39414-2ed6-48b1-950e-fde931e00c4a
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,309 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.Yt1GoE__WcSlY-0xyBbpKW12es_MsBtAyLlRKEU4daA
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,319 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a81198>) | {'eng_uuid': '549597ab-09cd-4cd9-959c-39eb5a2cb0ae'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,328 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,331 DEBUG git_manager 14 91254 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 549597ab-09cd-4cd9-959c-39eb5a2cb0ae for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,358 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '549597ab-09cd-4cd9-959c-39eb5a2cb0ae', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,359 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91254 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,365 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,366 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91254 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,373 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,416 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b'), 'eng_uuid': '549597ab-09cd-4cd9-959c-39eb5a2cb0ae', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,418 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91254 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,421 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,427 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,436 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91254 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,445 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087522e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cf5710>) | {'checklistUuid': '069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,462 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 5eae1ec3-6e7a-4083-b44d-b99e4cffd764
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 70df4a76-c69d-4138-816e-fd94dae15734
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.LDkkiCUdXt8KrTBbv6pRwHZgZxFuxFT0G8qYAeUHrwU
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,548 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e1f048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107862780>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,557 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,559 DEBUG git_manager 14 91254 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,583 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,585 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91254 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,588 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,589 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91254 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,594 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,643 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2'), 'eng_uuid': 'ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,645 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91254 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,651 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,656 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,667 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91254 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844d278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10789c0b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2', 'eng_uuid': 'ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,689 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,699 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 9b8aedd4-d161-40cf-8858-22573c9571a4 and vf uuid: 95a0edb3-f405-4665-a374-d4d73476545d
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,727 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 9b8aedd4-d161-40cf-8858-22573c9571a4 and vf uuid: 95a0edb3-f405-4665-a374-d4d73476545d
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,747 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2', 'eng_uuid': 'ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,749 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 91254 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,756 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,760 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,768 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,771 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,776 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,799 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 91254 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,804 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,813 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 91254 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=ef6fc5d2-5cc9-4ec9-b6ae-d94483b604dc for checklist=68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ffbcf7e0-9c22-4d93-92f3-5973a0ff9506
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 bb5eda81-9a03-4d79-afd7-8c53f1c39d01
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.osOz3DmEAyMbFmAwh9RmJ3m9zN6b2ZsucSzT6G2gedo
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTJ9.PXGIxJwjY3YRWQhjOCRlazJ96ZafeyJSii8G5Vfxt4o
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,913 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,913 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,913 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,914 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,924 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=QiOES
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,924 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,928 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=QiOES
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,928 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,928 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 fa71c32a-f45b-4553-a1ea-d6096c818207
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c35e16bd-ea22-4147-9d96-77de0e633a81
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.Jo4H6yoVfP1yLSF8eo8UikcjrtpS1uL6deHQFsuYoI8
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.OGEM73ilnvkDPnUZE3q3ABxYaxU8w2iZ4nPkVPCz4bM
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,008 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,018 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4a048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f795f8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'a91ec7f8-8b39-4e8c-8b82-7c97f0110391'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91254 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,029 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,029 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,029 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,032 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 473a447f-8d93-4460-a2da-1db22b478566
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,035 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 af15c074-fd29-4354-a56f-64337c350cf2
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.lI8uRVIGa-1SsafFBxegHpicPZ7q8jE4Qa6YKlLoDN0
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.i3WLk0NJzItFlm789O0a_aBtgzEEnHTQD5QTAPl1ZXg
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,106 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,106 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,106 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,106 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,116 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a6080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083a64a8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dddc2e24-6785-447f-b983-82047aeb5d59'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,125 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,133 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,134 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,138 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,138 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,138 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 eba4891f-8c94-4e8b-b767-33f1985d00d5
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f2542a4d-e5e6-4eac-aef2-4c5328324858
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,147 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.ayInpirdwA5ZVpcS7roPx1qLcuLLfln0xnn6oZasGT4
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.ATbq6tLjD-eyB4d4j4kEgFC1jQnsPa5mPgeggSw4W9I
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,213 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,213 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,213 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,213 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,221 ERROR authorization_service 492 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,222 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107944978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077bff28>) | {'decision_uuid': 'BaZ5L'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,229 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,229 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 91254 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 902f7c38-fafe-43a7-abca-ec114092e406
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 7edbf454-7db3-49cd-871e-88fa2a76ee19
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.qcVmrgderXZTq7S_Y0qoEgmluXzzNUPd-UuhPLX--6k
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.gewBiUM9yauFCGKjtvshLWvIbpEcg3PqgpGt1TYM6rI
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,306 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,306 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,306 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,306 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,316 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f792b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b4bcf8>) | {'decision_uuid': '52b79e2d-ea4a-4754-8cd2-37ac0122c8ac'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91254 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,326 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,326 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,330 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b23e2166-9e54-4797-86ee-1982d31f58c0
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,331 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 6035020f-cd7f-4ef7-8026-12b5d3dce591
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.b04IXRFR22rOW7sf12eb6h8zvidsc6_N6ma3K6EkLbs
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,401 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.rDrYQj0lILZp6aCI68VfXkWWQ-ljl7fjaYOqap5H2lU
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,402 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,402 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,402 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,402 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,411 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bea128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108395e80>) | {'decision_uuid': '24b1c994-1ede-49e1-b761-9ce98d6a08f8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,420 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,428 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,429 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 2958c026-dc9b-4038-b2a9-8f48a75458e3
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 cc674111-d99d-4e67-b121-df113b1a29c7
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,502 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.3YXGUUDee2Kf0w86sAvNn46zRb4N4yItJ--r_DzbfUE
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,504 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.B7V1HpMwwUw_Ca6P_EJcE2h165q85DPsnd0L07fuWm0
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,504 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,504 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,504 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,504 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,516 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f1a7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f1a550>) | {'decision_uuid': '92c982a5-c959-4531-9db9-3c5fb7107a66'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,523 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,523 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91254 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91254 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 81b54e67-9383-4dee-bc1c-63204bd102ed
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 6e6076fc-08be-490f-80b7-ac1737929985
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.r3mAOQoLCOMJpQf6u7uc8iSZ6GNbwKGC7o5ZYFR02jc
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.NCaQrvoEpkhDsR9KkT7wcKvTZHJvHWHEQF2EMKizTaw
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,603 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,603 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,603 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,603 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,614 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087645c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108572b70>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e8d7b67a-5f08-49a4-aab6-746496b306e9'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,621 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,621 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91254 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='tVs9Z')...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,621 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91254 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,622 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,622 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,622 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,622 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,625 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8d4049e4-8f03-4274-b7ad-032d929da79b
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d4f51fd1-cb84-4022-ba4c-8d700693f2e7
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,628 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.peWI3G6gATFKxr7kP7s-U3vQm22gQl2Pb-gRQhesx3M
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.cdfSZnUQYKCVG1owz7bgf80jt6O9smFDdlFFdymIR2k
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,696 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,696 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 91254 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,696 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,696 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,709 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e39320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d15b38>) | {'decision_uuid': '261d7df0-fc6b-439a-a681-c033e0012aca'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,716 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,717 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91254 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91254 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,722 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 856ad974-3c74-4f41-bea4-390cec0d8fe0
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 9dd4deea-ca22-4837-90e8-a919410812a1
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,727 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,795 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.zgotBV3uyokAkmrucuSsL6-H3aXTjeyOOvyIMR9OfWo
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,797 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.Rb4ocuT3jmk4yB5E6wFZ0O8EiVNf3PopFOfWJTDNSn0
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,797 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,797 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,797 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,797 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 91254 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,808 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10783d6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081207f0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e138e91e-cd01-4395-a6b0-717d75b71d1a'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,816 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,817 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91254 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,825 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91254 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: e138e91e-cd01-4395-a6b0-717d75b71d1a , value: approved
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,825 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,826 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,826 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,826 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8ba0a538-b016-4102-beec-99b561977a8e
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 2bac7dd3-93d1-46fe-ab86-71dbd51c2373
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,908 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.CPjB5xf52mpsGNZDljz6-1Cfs6m_lf3SJSxfr1vuUdk
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.z4wxHIYeOeuWPsPaVPCA-Vnr1fJkHl5pbi8I6vKr3FU
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTN9.bzr4fChILTJPCBENPfEFzBKHYBN2jZXvBU1qic-nvEo
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,974 INFO authorization_service 127 91254 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 7e458a85-95c7-426b-8f88-06e032d05ebb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,983 INFO authorization_service 127 91254 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 7e458a85-95c7-426b-8f88-06e032d05ebb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,000 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 1e151a83-80f7-4763-9645-850fca547af4
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d7cf56c3-d285-40c9-9919-3a12f7cfd7ba
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.uyYkAjAiUid66HdfP-b1JqYGFdDuMbBfwpxe0TOLgVE
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,036 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,044 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x10783d550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bea128>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,048 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 32b2be8e-22f9-449e-b180-b94cd1d86ceb
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b481b054-96d3-41a3-a257-aeeca1e54fdd
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,049 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.Cbkt1UZdtM50VGJHE8yHu_TQvTIQdJxSEokJeZ3JO5w
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,067 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,074 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108dafb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bdb828>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,077 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,079 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8fa5d851-2f83-4d93-a6f6-6a401e3734b0
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b7930d57-ab09-4307-b635-06f7b40507ee
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,081 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,083 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,088 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,088 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.tRXcX3E4a8OGcPwNxeeRcqugxgY00JLAY8BkCxOXapI
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,099 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,105 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108bfa240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f794e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 97df5882-85e2-432e-99c5-9616ade46cb1
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,118 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 5b85b540-023b-48c9-9c43-92b115c7b16e
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,126 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.8FVGVXBUXIFeMUh72XJsIDJrf6s_2LtbQu43At4UHP4
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,138 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,145 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cf50b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a4af60>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 120cbbbd-b789-410f-981f-e12f72886730
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e69ef0a7-492a-45c6-8d31-d881d250b4ae
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,149 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.wjAPBgpE5Ju264tSlXFRQTrhkU7Qg3EzXf7pvgujRC0
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,168 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,176 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108572cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108395358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 54ddf838-64de-4a8c-9c4e-64c6d531a22c
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f7343780-ffc6-4d39-9943-67a918bc23fa
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.OxeDMiAZ4-GtSU2Y46tsDylebLsqKEf-R4MTqaLheJQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,199 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,206 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bfa0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b4b588>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 19168dea-5d49-406a-8a8e-e0d7c57d0f2b
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ea358f8f-3efc-46d5-bbeb-c6773d84fa5e
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,215 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ._tfTDmPpQOzDvbOku5Gg1YH9EBdYYxtc8b8d0tOoB2U
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,230 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,238 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f794e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b4b710>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b1ce7254-b0bb-4825-88e0-7a49b2593b92
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 5e0f99f1-8e72-40d2-95a1-52d9ce35620f
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,258 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU0fQ.teLY1kr0xMBLxEGugmFxVaYCy2LOMZi5rT8CGKSi9TY
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,258 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,265 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108540320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bdb6d8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d9d78fd0-9e03-409b-81f6-55579c8ad811
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c1213ec4-547a-4156-b0f8-d8daca91a6a7
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ebdf436f-ec1c-4e3b-bba8-460a8e1a8bca
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,279 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,338 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.7dC0TxFhrj3BUN_N8bcUIFLC9nQPoG_UZceX18bNVXQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,355 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083f0470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108395588>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,365 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,368 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 fc3b3603-2949-4608-8735-8d221c5214c5
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 11187089-6b86-42fe-bb2c-a926fa299575
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 bd5eb3f5-38c5-43e1-a5c3-bdf461a92a1b
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,377 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,430 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.rhqgwf-TJnUb9ks2F9dIkVrDmyxy0lSZxpUTiNNvPfM
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,447 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a62b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079441d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '0eb50e13-211b-4abd-baf1-289d44da09b7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,456 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,459 DEBUG git_manager 14 91254 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 0eb50e13-211b-4abd-baf1-289d44da09b7 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,463 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 83caef02-2e5b-4573-aab6-30a53d180043
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 1e9df8a6-62aa-4b8b-bf86-61966a5a2abc
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 23d6695e-52f0-4ac7-bf98-b1f42ddff341
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.CsoWwcU45Uq0RL5bK2aTmE2VifAb5Re9sFfi49TxZrI
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,541 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a817b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081b07b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '25d2240c-23d4-4839-a839-1dd811ece43d'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,548 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 ERROR checklist 49 91254 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 80e023ff-efd0-4536-ad12-f05ecdc55ba7
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 39a61086-93be-43f5-aa76-da95872775b3
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f55f6673-0d71-48d4-8b62-6e740e81aa74
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,611 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.xcEMmgAyu6YIBH2eLLR-qJ6kIGar90M1vJpx7JlYg8Y
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,627 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089aa278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10783dbe0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 180 91254 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,639 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 4e0f4eb4-b407-4dd4-94b2-6bdfde39691c
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0632c02d-043d-4b3f-9908-458e161cef67
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 4e8deb18-a5b2-4844-8fc5-7588715fde77
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,642 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,643 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.FJS9CS81frJc-hjpLxOoC-PsLRhWLINDnPZF3Xezw9s
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,710 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bd39e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10856ca90>) | {'eng_uuid': '29d6c3f1-f2c7-4f85-ab30-a654eda3eff1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,718 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 29d6c3f1-f2c7-4f85-ab30-a654eda3eff1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 22ec5d9a-8d73-49f1-b21a-e4329442b14f
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 355478e3-9c3c-49c2-9471-deb066f7d3e1
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,728 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 bfee650e-6ab3-407e-a5ab-908fd5d61618
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,728 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,791 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.CEqRDLDzZnszF-VI_YNdEOSpXyYPsuobJcEdn9N0wR4
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,798 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10787b390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844d358>) | {'eng_uuid': '9afa793e-712f-4c77-8967-1a02b7da55e8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,809 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,811 DEBUG git_manager 14 91254 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 9afa793e-712f-4c77-8967-1a02b7da55e8 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,838 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '9afa793e-712f-4c77-8967-1a02b7da55e8', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,839 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91254 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,843 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,844 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91254 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,850 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,896 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5'), 'eng_uuid': '9afa793e-712f-4c77-8967-1a02b7da55e8', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,898 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91254 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,901 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,906 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,917 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91254 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 88c30c82-5aa3-4563-b0e3-dc180bcd9be7
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 55d38930-6e78-4aaf-9d25-a69c1180031e
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c8433689-2898-4960-9433-09e144382bee
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTR9.iUrmAZAT-kBvpGgPyEpHskVXgQ3tL1dte73I9Con7V0
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,000 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d156a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10787bd30>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e47f473b-d4df-4600-aa20-ec446e95c23d'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,009 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,011 DEBUG git_manager 14 91254 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement e47f473b-d4df-4600-aa20-ec446e95c23d for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,038 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'e47f473b-d4df-4600-aa20-ec446e95c23d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,039 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91254 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,043 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,044 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91254 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,049 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,094 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623'), 'eng_uuid': 'e47f473b-d4df-4600-aa20-ec446e95c23d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,096 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91254 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,099 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,104 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,116 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91254 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 fd1c51b4-0cc3-4c4e-a8f7-d8dfd01aaf61
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,137 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e2ce9010-b32a-4879-bb09-1a35ef501601
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0c00022c-4121-499f-9956-22041241a97c
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.AU9j8SaruuOzBIy2Wis9YULCMZcUlYIFtK9Zk4fdfc4
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,223 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089aeeb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108120320>) | {'templateUuid': '883364b0-d0eb-49bb-b3d4-0be6c95b92f1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,229 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 30fd79a3-a4fa-4755-b7b7-bdc446f10249
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8a559b85-9f6d-49d1-916a-abcbcf3a5bde
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 86d8c7c7-79fb-4de1-af5f-f2bece886ae2
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.JcQRMPC1LwQ4aNjvDoyGa-XQgoTsF24Lp3TactH9Wx8
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,327 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aeb7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078c7c88>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,332 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 11dffcf7-b7a7-4063-83b4-c1f9360d43c7
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d9136d75-2217-4876-a449-79f6b7a2d4ab
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d598737a-4428-4e4d-8043-af5a25e59822
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.4m58EQRRyQPlfB--EB6ZNlwVOGn0w5MpfniAQ00lzCc
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,421 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842b940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084735c0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,426 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,443 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91254 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,455 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 9ac77470-5a2c-4a10-9622-7c915e58d0f5
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a7f4f7f6-c201-4aae-b507-704dbdb1b8f8
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d3184983-7804-4cdf-80da-bd7d5e09225a
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.3yI8UumkcmHgjCYZEkNUgFldgJEPHo1YBuxogVjyWtY
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,544 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108473470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10842b518>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,552 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,565 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91254 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,569 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (a89a0013-48c0-4e5b-b24c-daca2ff1a2b3, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:52:35.569136+00, null, c3e4f8cb-ba6c-4fed-ba83-9d1313e410d6, 88b9d7c9-f3d7-4d48-925c-c26701be8b1b).
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,570 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,577 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (a89a0013-48c0-4e5b-b24c-daca2ff1a2b3, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:52:35.569136+00, null, c3e4f8cb-ba6c-4fed-ba83-9d1313e410d6, 88b9d7c9-f3d7-4d48-925c-c26701be8b1b).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (a89a0013-48c0-4e5b-b24c-daca2ff1a2b3, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:52:35.569136+00, null, c3e4f8cb-ba6c-4fed-ba83-9d1313e410d6, 88b9d7c9-f3d7-4d48-925c-c26701be8b1b).
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,578 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 3b7c3f99-192f-46cd-9afd-1e2f55b15bfa
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,582 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 36e9d897-2503-4669-b5c3-f9bb20028f09
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f1d49ab8-497a-4dc7-98f6-0e6d57eef0ba
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.4BssFKpXhwp239-98nO1dnM_YUPLj1BvAEM7oVZAnF8
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,664 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083fed30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aebac8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,670 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,671 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,671 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,671 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,672 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,675 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 3bf7e782-24cd-4034-8a71-46b32493506b
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f1ed3cf1-30ed-44a3-acb7-d10e22fbe021
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 6dba1c5f-e78c-4dc3-9d65-cfbc28d68f94
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.nXaLeoV1-XQBTLTplf56vaGzlAEb7Eq3yAM6dCYl58A
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,761 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842bdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108551320>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,766 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,767 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,767 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,767 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,768 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,777 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 1da78611-55b7-4bb7-b2a4-47916e93bb9a
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,783 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e02ed861-f1b8-4221-a231-5ea40c16c887
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'CX9Bi'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiI2NXlCQEtJSVEuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiI2NXlCQEtJSVEuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.CT7IHYoLbfK2BNmp7qordwojoisi02K992uf2qiTgbo
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJ0d2VQQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InR3ZVBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1NX0.u2vs4eZOw5IgpJ7VWvTDsf6Ojz4WkSd6z6NVSfwT1wg
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,828 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,828 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 91254 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,828 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,829 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 91254 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,829 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 91254 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,839 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 91254 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,840 DEBUG activity_log 157 91254 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,841 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,841 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 91254 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,841 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 91254 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,842 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 91254 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: bxEnO
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,842 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 91254 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,844 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 91254 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,851 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aeb438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a80b00>) | {'eng_uuid': '43dad893-28b0-4bd3-b5f4-33a6e5f966da'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,860 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,868 DEBUG views_helper 165 91254 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,877 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,877 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 91254 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,877 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,877 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 91254 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,879 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 91254 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,879 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 91254 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,881 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,881 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,881 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d00ecf1d-7553-42a1-9ef8-bba20537610b
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 80e9b013-92b6-41be-8d3c-f74a64d53a0b
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1NX0.MD5DKGJ5jDpHDK47SJLxoasQw1kz4hxafTGlqwScW20
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1NX0.rFsFnTrJ3zE_7CY4QYKHBYaU479jAygmADl52wlhjow
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU1fQ.W98-DJ_hRz7E0wbGCmtCXNoAR7DfDJfTcAH_x3CF-lM
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,946 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 91254 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,955 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078628d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844d080>) | {'vf_uuid': 'ab169bd2-d3cb-4ca1-b271-6f6a7ed9d47d'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,962 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 905e985b-19e4-4a5f-9502-5909072cc1dc isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,969 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8da8569a-655f-4217-bf12-7000e6fb4471
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 40339df0-1119-4f89-a5a4-7c14d8f79291
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,970 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,978 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.B-ZfXXLusCWEBsr-LEsrl1e4z0Nd5PfW4kOcjqCgf38
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.2GFTWgjVZDcAMb6KK_XTXDd3GV80qdvs-6no_kSb1F8
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.TC0EabybvqJaHBM8ZqYJ1RhViS54R8t-FTuh-FA2aAA
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,015 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 91254 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,024 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd4400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108395908>) | {'vf_uuid': '3a137378-3691-4c52-97a0-a60616706e39'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,030 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,037 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,038 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 df37614d-e925-4252-ad3a-2f7cd7d45fa1
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 08b70ea8-a542-4dc7-b7ad-3c777b84b7e3
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,040 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.zqgpqazVoNEsJCg8I0JealKOwzzkrLzyeNX0Yn2dvfw
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,086 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.dv7i_0AOtzNk6GLacd86uKyxcz1SQhbTL5jo4ySCMco
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.u57IsgKh0w6_fdKVxSYyqxEVwZ9OBL8AtWbzQfkJALQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,088 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 91254 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,097 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f797f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a4a438>) | {'vf_uuid': 'b4e0d5f3-6295-411d-82a0-b0f7c4c711ab'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,103 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 71ce3360-b01e-4f79-9064-6d92da0ef25a
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d8b1e79d-5b3d-4365-8c90-f24bedf172b1
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,113 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,117 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,117 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,145 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.lM99xF_eMsiitm1nyjRlPtjPsDIdkJM7-q3N8BaXhGE
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.niI6r6R_d1197occw8UIr9mP-1V3k2ZUgXvHNpht-LM
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.8S8_UMlyjZebgQGQA252s4bIxzOJL9Nq_Y-KRwwSAAw
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,156 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 91254 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,166 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e396d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10787bd30>) | {'vf_uuid': '522a9d7c-339f-4e88-bb76-1f0ca79d8120'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,172 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 48af8095-1ec2-4d93-b1a1-3d462c3226d6 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b04a2fa5-e9dc-4dca-9aac-236a8b69984f
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 91a00184-3164-43e3-8647-87e19ab65875
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,191 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,215 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.LJFuohtufzzkedHNCt1mACVX4bmejNbXXvFYurH8UBA
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,225 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.cyul70J_AD8OhIBUGzMrfveEXULUXsXZwntH-aOEL14
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.EieDg65SCsugLgMoUkjUENUf_GXuHUR1-b5Nin1zer0
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,237 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a810f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108395240>) | {'vf_uuid': '07e3ccee-9bf0-4136-829c-18574e9e10a3'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,245 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,252 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,254 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 7f50f40a-cc31-4867-808b-89bad5ff495b
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,255 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a845ea1a-b2d2-466b-8be2-de0b17047bc6
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,259 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,260 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.dz8BHUrf3NkJsqx5OFe2OoW4QUSgGhtr0xHht2Dx7qI
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.nqszZSJHbVZ59pS2h6RpHyw8XllyXe955SM-duyj4GU
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.Ps_7I-_7SXadMOQ7VAZB63xpgICkLN8abjiaaN3TyzY
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,310 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083215f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107fe2278>) | {'vf_uuid': '78ffb323-bbc8-4040-a2ec-2bfe8f0863e6'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,318 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 9acdc51e-1bea-44eb-a007-e596e7eb4768
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ca99f318-08b9-42c2-aefb-4b370be914b5
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,337 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.0N_AHwVMm5zzoA-Jj-1KPCOYzthfy82_f7VVHnk9uZQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1Nn0.zgzDjTppelo3j6MmQj6-HePWJvGPiyyPgxSCEsL02BI
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.lhs-G75M2TIDvOsthTJ97wCDgK-KcCjnMZY3H11b-no
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,385 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842b978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108473278>) | {'vf_uuid': '0655df6c-b4aa-4aa6-aef0-049b26e82e32'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,393 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 36d9a153-fc5a-451d-a26f-1550c763c1fe isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,401 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 890ef2df-efee-48f1-8841-afc4e1df1dc1
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b13abdca-6bdb-4105-972f-02f6f92dd810
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,442 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.0WIvjykLCBxxvn876WyKs5J_iR95eySRCQZ7yXiyN5E
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.VX2vIMY0l3DCeWA8i8umxR4-hlGeTtjJcuQEuEGuit0
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,546 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 91254 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,546 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,553 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077b8898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107af9828>) | {'eng_uuid': '7035121b-27ee-4952-bebd-d5fdfeda6388'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,560 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 7035121b-27ee-4952-bebd-d5fdfeda6388 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,568 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079e63c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10835acf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '7035121b-27ee-4952-bebd-d5fdfeda6388'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,579 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,588 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107af9d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfa128>) | {'eng_uuid': '7035121b-27ee-4952-bebd-d5fdfeda6388'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,596 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,596 DEBUG engagement_service 291 91254 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 91254 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0500315b-9a19-4d36-b0d3-fafcad619b89
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e6e3e74a-180d-4682-a5ef-b73480a38443
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,612 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.4W4hEzMZq-Cd2-i0Ln4lcDwbDzT1Wg5XakbxE5O79I0
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.KRCPLd74MmZ-FjtDa0qiI86AaVlBKZoJiIln7C_aqF4
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.gGZsYyIfWj8fDc4nLNzt2zShgLvUHQfFeVWp5GX8bi8
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,671 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083fe4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078560f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,683 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,686 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91254 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,696 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fe2470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10783d4e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,705 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,717 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,722 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f60048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107862710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,731 INFO authorization_service 127 91254 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,731 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,734 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,740 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d15278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10835a0b8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,752 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 61209983-c29a-4bbd-be0e-3721b6a1b80f
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e56d781a-aef1-4b17-8f3f-031705481d9d
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,755 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,758 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.LiwIoSGcOquPcX5YKNuMm5FjXuqLU2VzVtqzlagD-zg
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.NAABBx3JQ1Ah1a9v048PP3WrdWSj3CQut4PHBb_gcMs
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.K4p-OROtMabbi5RjXgN6vldPLVCZyHHTS4pFfJSw4sk
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,816 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fc8cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10835a358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ccf7de4f-3a22-48e8-b288-42982dd08a93'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,826 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,828 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91254 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: ccf7de4f-3a22-48e8-b288-42982dd08a93
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,835 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,840 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b572b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f05a20>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ccf7de4f-3a22-48e8-b288-42982dd08a93'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,847 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: ccf7de4f-3a22-48e8-b288-42982dd08a93 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,849 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,855 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108512b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b4b198>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,871 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ae8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aeb1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ccf7de4f-3a22-48e8-b288-42982dd08a93'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,882 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,884 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91254 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: ccf7de4f-3a22-48e8-b288-42982dd08a93
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 092f81e4-1b1b-43b3-a6ea-f5f73bf78f1c
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 cf18f4c0-2408-45c1-8c2a-0cc168c6d6f6
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,900 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,901 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.G693bgKNT3bwhxktNAuKYpO4UE0yaEsW6IJQJstIfvo
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.5qOeQYvnVFD3pokieBoZOpsQLzDWWgUqvr3JauipQEo
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU2fQ.vZBA8zkYx0TbiV-Vj5dWgxkh4BbLFlSyzhji-nrKlAE
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,956 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083ca080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083ca630>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f3c59b8b-1af9-4343-aebf-b92ea7fac8f0'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,970 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,971 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91254 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: f3c59b8b-1af9-4343-aebf-b92ea7fac8f0
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,980 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,986 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107407978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d59978>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f3c59b8b-1af9-4343-aebf-b92ea7fac8f0'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,994 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: f3c59b8b-1af9-4343-aebf-b92ea7fac8f0 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,000 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fe2c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b4b2b0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f3c59b8b-1af9-4343-aebf-b92ea7fac8f0'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,011 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,014 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: f3c59b8b-1af9-4343-aebf-b92ea7fac8f0
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,037 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a17ef719-9acc-4229-b360-578286116d9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 acdb339d-4f51-43c7-9623-c74fa432616c
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,039 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,083 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.QqtbZC76X4AOXM5OIIkhxTwp9yjTqG8ldSMl2qlyGco
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.7n8nNcvNpGPowwNYhsOzVbrYsJAJLgU9N8TemaRFmek
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.VyXe57ku8p3JyOBO8jFqMw7CxbwYYnoNC61lVzEcG68
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.thi8AAozoYbcwXEQTFRC3OM8TLnmS3b7pbSG8QDv2OA
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,096 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,103 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083f07b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b57320>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fde0540f-0c11-4581-9009-9ffede8ce276'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,111 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,118 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c0b384cd-ca6c-4b04-bc59-cda015075043
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,120 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 746b4045-7c9d-4d7d-bf67-df4c0ec97366
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,126 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,126 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,128 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.W4WNi0A5n6vSHnB_1H4YIg01dI2AZ_cKsXuecwn1nxg
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.vH1mxOyBYuc6gKbSymvf0IyPT3yXSzA3dyXLz61gUcE
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.7weh4EdgRyfCV9NT0iX8BGbt8o1rAXKNhtjhF-5kxZY
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.rX6Uxed4_LKTL-xLr_g_ELVmD7KkDNDL61t_2VMl_cM
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,172 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,180 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085fa9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108146eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,185 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,189 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,189 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,189 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 77807d08-0740-44e7-8d12-3a2545891853
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d6962417-1d36-4941-b472-ed432f8b3522
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,196 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.l_khHHyd4HEadtp7UzYtzaSITMliIK3zhUedzZdwpic
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.-ZTXvHgfteeM-YrVN9kLZf0ou1MRIGi3SEZnshD1NDM
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.aA_bX8-kdHAnP0VQxQ8zdI0Y8Uwob_FKjQVUYQV6dbc
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.Ml4oJUaNrkDOjCWweN8Jl_v5im8NqJeF8-jmquNqDQg
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,248 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 91254 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,254 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107764da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10774fef0>) | {'eng_uuid': '5f87c1ef-badc-4965-a89b-d26b65ac9d18'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,264 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 5f87c1ef-badc-4965-a89b-d26b65ac9d18 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b4cbc21b-6ee9-46f8-9305-c699612d7791
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,271 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e2758690-6ab8-42b6-ad82-8bfc0e1320c8
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,276 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,278 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,278 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,279 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.sftrgV-2ymCwevowP7jYDcBxZXynx_brznSJ2-ROds8
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.1-5YiKNNWxorjBEE1_MvfaTNZmJ_pqfBBJSUFFcO3GI
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,324 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.EALrCx64LqyGzAme9iR8MO66e6_EDkUJniDlcosU-9g
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.10pSR73r4pFbvvD6L9v3Vu7SpHVTtvVB18PqJYWDpR4
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,327 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 91254 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,334 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107552860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b57eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,338 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8fefd808-fe3e-4680-a788-c24a3a57b73a
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 3d6ba734-352d-482e-aa5a-5e007ff863a1
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.viXNvEtopz6ERO7J_By9ArBgE6Rtjn4MdXgr3zyda7A
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.a1l2r61Hoi89FUnQOwWgmkHheZsB6BDtZiLyYAfPuWg
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.pib1U59xlDXLD6PA4QK_gpHZcD0ErWBk24MF7HlLWeU
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.ITf6r2-kLgxaDIB1wIMKGDEtn-YjakHb9wShlGj239Y
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,397 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 91254 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,404 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e1fcc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfae48>) | {'eng_uuid': '6cbfd9e8-c894-4a8f-984b-4095aba3679a'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,412 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 6cbfd9e8-c894-4a8f-984b-4095aba3679a isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,417 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e61fc059-a423-4fd3-97cc-9a42d215cc09
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,419 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 5ee06a17-8d7d-4a39-b3af-0b50e3931417
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,420 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.vyzLJwt7RtlxXnbpXbauY7Yllz6_f_Fr3vminTTgWzE
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.GLgBAwqHfF3gbB6in05_iUfJ1qqu6o2WtB6ws6bJWMw
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.CrVKrI6UmKgvr7cqf30H3Ia11Q2E8L3YPW2-BRPeNO0
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.WevXMT2p3Egn8qrai4uaQ4tBxoQsG-Jx9Xj8_yQhOfY
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,472 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 91254 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,479 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107af9c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10795b588>) | {'eng_uuid': '9bf93308-3f3b-4dbf-92b1-8e66a9ea72a5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,488 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 9bf93308-3f3b-4dbf-92b1-8e66a9ea72a5 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 405124a2-96ba-414c-ab08-5b6e0eacdd34
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,495 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 946e144a-5b69-491f-a65d-7f4859a46d1a
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.TIhtT9bWQgAQhs1o_v58S3QxXygDaZ1tMqjAJa8IY8g
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.2zT0x_xdCI7JviGd5Q_1rIo3W55Xlueql4rWIoDjrsg
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,546 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.TU2-oOQmW3KsGyMaTJ0ZemYCaOtza4zL8V9h8pVo7Uo
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.2h5u1FcU02H6TXmsI7-JV3dO2DCtfk-d_LG8O5WarvM
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,548 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,555 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089aeeb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10814aba8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f50c089c-4cbe-4604-9547-2f798a570d6f'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,562 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 2673de9b-adf6-4ec1-aa9f-d01629d9e40a
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,582 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c6f8674e-2169-48f3-8eb6-5251699499fd
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NTd9.H5-Or1bv8QwGeBnekrUpcikHlH7xaQSvRfDIPo2u-K4
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.It1_7MmiFhTepCIjmUFZgJ_ozmH7gpWsBeXRDXjkWx8
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,635 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.wzQFh8oO3nN2mM7CW8JehrwAbjrIvA9Nj6NYDn2xLDs
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.GBUvqiuf6Pq93ysCnn98Z2nytZB9hQSqGb7vXbdyVAk
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,637 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,643 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107701438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108419390>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd0b19ca6-edc5-4eb3-a8fc-4082cbc5b429'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,652 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,675 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f533ebb8-a34d-4049-b7fc-675d7647244f
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 bbf42b5f-3902-466a-badb-f28e888b3378
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,730 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.w6Sdvdo3S6F4f9QsTVzYc5Ih_TivN8MbogsnhUqE6LI
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.m944esMXQ3Kmj-c1gn6VB_JT7I3t_bHb6eL-SKa5eLk
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,732 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 91254 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,740 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087e9780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a81eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,744 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,921 ERROR engagement 83 91254 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ae1438b6-53ff-4a29-9057-ae97106e5a6c
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a565f8e4-94ba-4526-a8e9-d36ec742e0b0
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,935 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,935 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,961 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,971 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.inmbcYf0rE4R2Q7xewsfrNukjqO7qi8_W7i9Y4blyxE
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU1N30.ez6VLN5KWs4R52DTViC_CV2u7nvgfa4weaQTFqBCNtg
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,972 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,979 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10863c9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10863cb38>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,984 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,066 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,072 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108713710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10872cb38>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,077 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,147 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 91254 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,153 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10872c400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10872da58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,157 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,215 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 91254 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,232 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,241 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,242 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,246 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,256 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,404 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91254 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91254 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,461 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91254 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91254 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 71627710-7bbf-488d-9e2b-b57c565fabe6
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 eb2fc60c-694c-4f58-baa8-255bd6b15327
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,553 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU4fQ.-SMZzMguTBCg7wEkeia1kJTILp446BS5ck_mydUtuHs
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,570 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108700da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108611358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,580 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,588 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=CTMBV
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,588 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,589 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,589 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,594 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=CTMBV
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,595 DEBUG invite_service 96 91254 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,595 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,596 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 6d93a6a4-1f62-4795-a6bd-3de7d82d9047
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 1424b2b8-39bc-4d9e-b79c-2cc4ceb005df
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU4fQ.2cskLyjDmJMCcDhe3R09ZXvut4R2VsN5GK3XVoSpoiI
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,646 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087177b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087be9e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,654 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,661 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,662 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,662 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,663 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,669 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,670 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,670 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,671 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,678 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,679 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,679 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,680 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,687 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,688 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,688 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,689 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,694 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,695 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,695 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,696 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,704 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,705 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,705 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,706 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,712 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,713 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,713 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,714 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,720 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,720 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,720 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,721 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,728 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,728 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,728 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,730 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,737 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,738 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,738 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,739 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,745 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,745 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,746 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,746 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,752 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,753 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,753 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,754 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,760 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,761 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,761 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,762 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,769 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,769 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,769 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,770 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,777 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,778 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,778 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,779 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,786 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,786 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,787 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,787 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,793 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,793 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,794 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,794 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,800 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,801 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,801 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,801 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,810 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,811 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,811 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,812 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,817 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,818 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,818 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,819 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,825 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,826 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,826 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,827 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,834 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,835 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,835 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,836 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,842 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,842 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,843 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,843 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,849 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,850 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,850 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,851 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,857 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=vIt9f
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,858 DEBUG invite_service 131 91254 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,858 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,859 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,865 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,870 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,875 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,882 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,888 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ed3387f5-a354-495d-8c43-2abefa9f0627
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 7a246150-19c1-4f3c-8ffe-b55821727761
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU4fQ.ZZdvNWfvF9B7zIcHHvKEUp5tLr-s6izE-_yVqPbc4Y4
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,941 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108790dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089f8390>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,950 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,958 DEBUG views_helper 309 91254 140736121267136 Found VF name=z0dsO
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,958 DEBUG invite_service 96 91254 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,959 DEBUG mail 17 91254 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,959 DEBUG mail 24 91254 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,963 WARNING invite_service 38 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 768c390a-c066-4ca2-93fe-b0598acad349 to for joining engagement af7bb7c1-d842-4526-9503-7cc0c2571888
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8f1f66ae-4842-47ab-80d9-edb1d4284d76
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 06eccabb-7fad-44f3-9a26-06163f712447
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,029 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,040 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.lr3xvVTJ7QzTfakBDq_YGVf1haSTGdsr8yHSQaoQ2ZQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ._0wXVVTWDx-LSsBBNtW5Dks8DxcKJetIlgVEdfM2R5I
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.C_nRevE4uspNHI3OMx7qRI6DiQP7ISTBsR3jw3VTFeQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,053 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,058 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91254 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,058 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,061 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,073 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089c1438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c6be10>) | {'eng_uuid': '2922d5c4-a1bb-4e5a-9c86-c450b3071940', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,087 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,112 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91254 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=2922d5c4-a1bb-4e5a-9c86-c450b3071940 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,120 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 dca021b8-464b-4eae-954f-b51847f35421
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 9316ba67-71d8-49c3-b856-cc942c95a0ac
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,126 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ._gUl40nJCdvKRp_kO27Awe4tr2_FZxlyzl7a4v_vaKQ
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.y_doHl2IB7XlK140eMlrdPFJ7LRXiuA9wqooo9BeMCs
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.tEaO_kLpDy2ftmWUzXS_E5JdzOtRQA251GFZ_q2yX78
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,198 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,202 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,205 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,209 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,220 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108786d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ad588>) | {'eng_uuid': '7716627d-c767-4215-933b-e889c41bd709', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,227 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,264 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089c3d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c45f60>) | {'ns_uuid': '673260a1-96fa-4a61-b859-949d36eeef2c', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,271 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,273 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,274 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,284 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c4ee80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109075048>) | {'ns_uuid': '673260a1-96fa-4a61-b859-949d36eeef2c', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,295 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,296 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,303 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c4fa58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c4fb00>) | {'ns_uuid': '673260a1-96fa-4a61-b859-949d36eeef2c', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,312 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,313 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,315 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,322 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c45320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c454e0>) | {'ns_uuid': '673260a1-96fa-4a61-b859-949d36eeef2c', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,330 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,332 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,340 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089c5ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089c5a58>) | {'ns_uuid': '673260a1-96fa-4a61-b859-949d36eeef2c', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,347 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,348 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 cb88a713-d033-4d01-bd8d-5d6583fcb92d
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 1f2ed688-a87c-4cb5-9b15-79ffd6206178
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,355 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.LwtD49Kon2Ay3PN_3AyMRxLk3Zov_iTE4uMxlXpiYmw
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,422 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.ceZ2jZIuCgXWNbZPTrbaSXxquNAcTONqvuPjjgLuidE
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,424 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.78ufnfTlaX4w-EwgxnO0klL43ql6ciQVhAtDR7XXzUA
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,425 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,429 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,433 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,437 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,446 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108786e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ad5c0>) | {'eng_uuid': '1bbecb74-b30c-4c8c-a35d-5190d4dc473f', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,513 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,541 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 e5b55e0c-c884-458c-90e7-95907c75f588
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 4d6a65bc-ce69-46b6-931b-8d9d51624538
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,547 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,593 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,598 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.3VMII3UIVYm6cGtepd_yew8bxnmbeSGjcQYjJVfaBkU
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.D4-pb45v8JLMmDaKGJaMqmj2Sj9MVfUlmDOk9RSfG1U
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.EHvIbPTD106T6yyXNqdDK3JfOVU-JIe4z91Sf_1mx4Y
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,609 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,613 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91254 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,613 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,616 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,628 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108712e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108704d68>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bd35a130-2144-42b2-8f7a-48357bef44a0', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,636 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,658 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,658 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a7d8dcec-e43a-4d50-af61-d4e4e32790b5
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 279ebc59-2742-4bd1-b34a-12426d4bad37
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,665 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,666 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,666 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,667 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,709 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.YF7p638xe5SquFZIUerbkavxgOsDjLeoJ66KdDCzpS4
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.kLSB_TjyVex8O7ZkM-9XtrmM9J2_1RaviHJNPP_Mgwc
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.r5nJ4vwg9N3ecP93GmvIocwBj_RM_QIAB1-WJzrGq8U
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,742 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ea68d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107576cf8>) | {'ns_uuid': '604c9fd7-c0c1-4e3c-b82a-2e4155ba7701'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,749 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,759 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 944fd504-dc44-4e34-95f2-843997dadace
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8468e556-f1f8-442c-a6a1-018afd7b8b39
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.AFC42rMSSwW-gwLLtP1czZtF4Q3giQDELE_HfpMN7CE
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.jueQSRVsWYPV5yBGSpt00Dm43ZzjMsZSAE-hGotDLC8
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.W7eVMGqVrNb_VdDze4_wtuL5gpFtF7wzWTdbi08LWpA
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,835 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e39438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e396a0>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': 'd0daf70c-a949-4ca8-88bb-45224038cead'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,846 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,865 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 7308de72-6c4f-47d1-a185-cde1620439b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,867 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 cbedb09a-e35f-497b-bace-1f7db1dd295d
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,921 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.aZzKNtc_YIYa7OGCvOBV0hMK9q9XLD_OgXQ_hejRTEY
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,932 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.dZTi44uBOQKwlBH8HGsmZV4UkPt_ouydaYzmW-DANXs
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTU5fQ.dO39BVeWWZTX9tD5qy60W7fn0sZCQZNPobwJsSwz0sw
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,944 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d15160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10789c710>) | {'ns_uuid': 'ff71751c-7fca-4db4-a02f-d1a3d969833a'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,950 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 68bdbf1d-4785-413e-b4ce-5950e6d1353c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,952 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,952 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,952 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 501c8c62-5932-451f-a1cc-3411a9895cbb
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 07dd5c89-69cc-4e6a-8302-1a0286466fcd
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.TIdcYXW2FgcJ1c8zpCW1kmUSBIoGDTSMX3Z-jNl22Y0
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.oWPuF1qVDgTyoSn87FTf1VSqfnBYuX723xnuNotw_0c
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.XvPOHNlSjyRQr6h-_1krJxFUpj0DJ7Zan3ex-UBR0KI
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,025 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,026 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,026 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,026 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,031 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 37ca2aa9-651a-442f-82be-0c3455a17b16
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,035 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a4fb1842-b5ee-42a1-9b0d-0b1a583299bc
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.YnZmymVeLW0UTYzMyqtuzBtFwyQEPqTLmJM9NrqzyaI
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.wi4YpNCKlCaVUny_kST2rJxaLj1l8gg64lM2B7mgK-U
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,097 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.wwjVjGcIh_W9HZsD6AZuEg7No5M_OEec1B-Zb6kfh0A
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,097 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,101 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91254 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,101 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,104 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91254 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,113 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4ae48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087e9b00>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,124 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4a400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10856ceb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 760ee7c8-5387-4b1c-9b80-2801db7aa2c7
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 9f802d98-0f68-403f-a84e-98f7206c5476
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'J1z3k'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,189 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiTXVQNEBRS0tFLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiTXVQNEBRS0tFLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2MH0.i1_Yul7qQHjF5uLZx2FYPZ_woxSEP9fLVQPN9kXl8BE
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,189 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 91254 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,189 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 91254 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,200 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 91254 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,200 DEBUG activity_log 157 91254 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,200 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,207 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078620f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bd37b8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,207 DEBUG notifications 63 91254 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,211 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,211 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 91254 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,211 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 91254 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d03a63d9-d2f9-4a86-990d-48938dd41d0a
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 4c738cb9-55c9-4190-8e34-9238fd0af4fd
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,227 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.QLqKQBDYjM90hbYH1WGhaAzunJUwO_3e2HljMm7JVgs
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,317 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.zsiVqPdzz0MXsORYQ12hplIm4NooIXA5X0_GcSkCMEc
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2MH0.tX4_aJzqTrMrR8GgkXS5IV99TDX2RGKSiiuQTF0V8vU
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,331 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5cac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b5c898>) | {'checklistUuid': '731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,344 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,344 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8', 'eng_uuid': 'b783ec55-553f-4da8-93aa-870553e816e9', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,345 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91254 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,349 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,350 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91254 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,356 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,384 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4af60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fbcd30>) | {'checklistUuid': '731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,394 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,438 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8, user.uuid=a8b3a306-6530-49b5-86c0-fc59a1861b2b, checklist.uuid=731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 11b0cbe4-e523-40c5-a870-7d411495b653
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 66427c40-854a-4739-b2ff-381a1a3b8e05
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.OzApMLgSB55WPNdbUBgee9ip9IQ2r43Cwp-XECYBuys
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYwfQ.UMDyqLQaqsT3bx8wYs-fxS_bUo_DI16qx8SKTuRKrEs
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2MH0.EXAW8-ENl2alfHQFpZASqU_7ccouisiUuOojV_5715Y
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,536 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,547 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108752ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a81eb8>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,560 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,560 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4', 'eng_uuid': '768e553b-2d85-48ba-82a1-4cc47577c9e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,561 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91254 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,565 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,567 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91254 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,572 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,598 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081b0cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a80160>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,608 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,651 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4, user.uuid=a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf, checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,651 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 91254 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,651 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,652 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,652 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,652 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,652 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,660 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f80b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087be208>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,672 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,672 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4', 'eng_uuid': '768e553b-2d85-48ba-82a1-4cc47577c9e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,673 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91254 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,677 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,685 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,710 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087bea58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085036a0>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,722 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,770 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4, user.uuid=a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf, checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,770 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 91254 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,771 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,771 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,771 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,771 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,783 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10783d2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f80cc0>) | {'decision_uuid': '0514142a-f35f-4c1e-8870-c80e4b157509'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,790 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,791 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91254 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,798 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91254 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 0514142a-f35f-4c1e-8870-c80e4b157509 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,799 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,799 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,807 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10863cf28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a80c18>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,819 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,819 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4', 'eng_uuid': '768e553b-2d85-48ba-82a1-4cc47577c9e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,820 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 91254 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,829 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,838 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91254 140736121267136 Adding vf 97c3cd12-6e84-498a-b58c-3f127ba1dcd7 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,840 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: bd098f00-7752-48db-aa53-6e5cfdab1c89 and vf uuid: 97c3cd12-6e84-498a-b58c-3f127ba1dcd7
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,847 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,873 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087246d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10870d400>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,885 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,935 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4, user.uuid=a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf, checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,936 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 91254 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,936 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,936 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,936 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,936 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,943 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,943 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,951 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4ac50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfa080>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,965 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,965 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4', 'eng_uuid': '768e553b-2d85-48ba-82a1-4cc47577c9e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,966 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 91254 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,972 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,983 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91254 140736121267136 Adding vf 97c3cd12-6e84-498a-b58c-3f127ba1dcd7 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,985 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 0ce33e24-0015-4822-893d-4648a1c1432e and vf uuid: 97c3cd12-6e84-498a-b58c-3f127ba1dcd7
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,992 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,018 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108350da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10856c668>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,029 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,084 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4, user.uuid=a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf, checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,085 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 91254 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,085 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,085 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 91254 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,085 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,085 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 91254 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,085 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 91254 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,094 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085033c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087800f0>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,104 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,104 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4', 'eng_uuid': '768e553b-2d85-48ba-82a1-4cc47577c9e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,105 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 91254 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,111 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,116 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91254 140736121267136 Adding vf 97c3cd12-6e84-498a-b58c-3f127ba1dcd7 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,118 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf and vf uuid: 97c3cd12-6e84-498a-b58c-3f127ba1dcd7
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,125 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,152 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a6198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fa9da0>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,162 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,219 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4, user.uuid=a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf, checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,220 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 91254 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,220 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,220 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 91254 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,220 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,221 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 91254 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,221 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 91254 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,230 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a3080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a6390>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,243 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,244 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91254 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4', 'eng_uuid': '768e553b-2d85-48ba-82a1-4cc47577c9e5', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,245 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 91254 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,253 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,262 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91254 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,293 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a3390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f2e208>) | {'checklistUuid': '99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,303 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,365 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91254 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4, user.uuid=a40364f6-bb33-470c-8dd6-3d2379aa3bdf, checklist.uuid=99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,366 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 91254 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,366 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,366 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 91254 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,366 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,366 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,366 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,367 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,367 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,367 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,367 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,378 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 499c4adf-3d0d-4e16-ad5e-0a8e7ce0c435
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 3b7f0e88-d82f-4553-a88a-34c039c8a520
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.vcWcppW3-TDYRYn_30oaosr8imxgzHPXZH07tMIgxcI
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,404 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,405 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,405 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,405 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 af1b4df8-3569-406f-bcdc-205089b882fe
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0d8b1111-bad9-41d4-9290-d308d36af1ea
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,423 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.9WdKcLQUGD1hfnDsg5UgpJjLJrYhFAxkuIb-M5XvkJ4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,429 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f2ef60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a6438>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,430 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d51158df-68ba-44f5-86c9-badece4d1003
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,437 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 f1084b28-b22f-4864-b835-83bc0e5a0066
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.h_Ln6ZWzD_e5cmemgr75TMYL25tcMjZ-CSjnLSmnKW0
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,455 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108780390>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,457 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a43124a5-1fa3-4e93-b863-4c380bf4b8fd
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,463 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 569ebbcd-39ee-44af-8c57-42abd59e374d
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.c54mygBRT8i5DFVe_s5YMQj67XjngHdI5WxaGc-UXwI
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,483 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f2eb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fa2fd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,522 INFO user 138 91254 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=298298b9-e162-4b65-9195-36eed465ffad Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 68a4d88c-8b2a-40ee-aed4-96f8b27f86f3
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 4f3ed095-a1f8-4b14-bfdc-66da7af7ee89
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.-TWxWk4Adt_mOkiMXS8IujDdUy-3fXDp85VNRPmHEBk
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,558 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f2e518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10874d198>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,561 ERROR user 59 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 a0361b76-856d-4182-a566-e0a5ccd96bfe
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8c4fbd85-875d-4940-bea1-46e9ba635d29
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,567 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.bYJoPRejaVnQVAa8WgVcWFVSex8f2PI97fYg4Ir_7p0
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91254 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91254 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,593 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 06d15796-1887-4ea4-a6b4-421a39216921
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,594 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0da914b7-24d6-45c1-8a8b-5de7c408cadb
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,596 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,596 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,607 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYxfQ.zhfDjS03-yM5oT_-3CctoOq65inOs0E9s_WINgtfegc
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,614 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108520b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10905b358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,661 INFO user 87 91254 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=403206db-5b41-4a10-b061-fba317971955
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 4e43a7d6-7891-4e93-bb82-82e66710397b
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,673 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 29f9e7c9-b238-4835-8161-a0c4513bb1c9
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,690 DEBUG testVFC 22 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,691 DEBUG testVFC 23 91254 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,691 DEBUG testVFC 24 91254 140736121267136 UUID: dfd19436-754b-483a-a5cc-7a720dfc2bbd
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,691 DEBUG testVFC 25 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: d05EW
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,691 DEBUG testVFC 26 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,698 DEBUG testVFC 28 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,699 DEBUG testVFC 29 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,699 DEBUG testVFC 30 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 3949eb02-cb7f-4b13-99cc-37dc8751d5a8
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,699 DEBUG testVFC 31 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: Vv1YA
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,699 DEBUG testVFC 32 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,707 DEBUG testVFC 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,707 DEBUG testVFC 39 91254 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,708 DEBUG testVFC 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: a6402c95-7820-4c28-8aa5-550f1ff70625
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,708 DEBUG testVFC 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: si3D4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,708 DEBUG testVFC 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'aIHmM'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,715 DEBUG testVFC 50 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,715 DEBUG testVFC 51 91254 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,715 DEBUG testVFC 52 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 0f0a5648-5d99-41a2-a6f8-755c141e28a3
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,715 DEBUG testVFC 53 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,717 DEBUG testVFC 59 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,717 DEBUG testVFC 60 91254 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,717 DEBUG testVFC 61 91254 140736121267136 UUID: a565f8e4-94ba-4526-a8e9-d36ec742e0b0
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,717 DEBUG testVFC 62 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,719 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiSTY1ZUBXTk5QLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSTY1ZUBXTk5QLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2MX0.1NhEGjg4dfrLpsfvRMwDCn0IXJ7rM0AIy5J6U6hD1q4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoiY3g2UUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJjeDZRQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NjF9.xg1z7qJ8cMtXr2G14OmzxX2uTMKND-IZRZSBCtuyzvA
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,720 DEBUG testVFC 89 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,720 DEBUG testVFC 90 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,720 DEBUG testVFC 91 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,724 DEBUG testVFC 97 91254 140736121267136 1. uacvr
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,726 DEBUG testVFC 78 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,726 DEBUG testVFC 79 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,726 DEBUG testVFC 80 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,730 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 2ea15ab1-6f7d-4849-8514-9ab4a056c45e
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c510c5d5-f24c-4b68-9fa9-879f4ee71cb4
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,733 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,735 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,735 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,736 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,745 DEBUG testVFC 22 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,745 DEBUG testVFC 23 91254 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,745 DEBUG testVFC 24 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 22a95cd1-1f0d-4af8-a552-113a56536a17
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,745 DEBUG testVFC 25 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: EqXZM
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,745 DEBUG testVFC 26 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,753 DEBUG testVFC 28 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,753 DEBUG testVFC 29 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,753 DEBUG testVFC 30 91254 140736121267136 UUID: b39b50ec-f82f-4919-92fa-2734a9541328
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,753 DEBUG testVFC 31 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: tp8ES
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,753 DEBUG testVFC 32 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,762 DEBUG testVFC 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,762 DEBUG testVFC 39 91254 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,763 DEBUG testVFC 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: cc38a3a5-791f-4cc2-b68f-3fb1aa51f392
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,763 DEBUG testVFC 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: Nba8E
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,763 DEBUG testVFC 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0EhoP'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,768 DEBUG testVFC 50 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,768 DEBUG testVFC 51 91254 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,768 DEBUG testVFC 52 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 509dd5a6-d817-4cb9-826d-55970fdef98f
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,768 DEBUG testVFC 53 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,769 DEBUG testVFC 59 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,769 DEBUG testVFC 60 91254 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,769 DEBUG testVFC 61 91254 140736121267136 UUID: a565f8e4-94ba-4526-a8e9-d36ec742e0b0
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,770 DEBUG testVFC 62 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoicHBPWEBHVURELmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoicHBPWEBHVURELmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2MX0.PP5JzoxKWNlXWGu3VgQ20DImkQXOWfn2Bf4ccFWTNsc
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,772 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYndBckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJid0FyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NjF9.wFVruRdulJx__5T_K-9PTgI6ln__6yf70z3gxjPcNcI
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,773 DEBUG testVFC 106 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,773 DEBUG testVFC 107 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,773 DEBUG testVFC 108 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,785 ERROR authorization_service 476 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,790 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fbe518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fbe4a8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'c32a63ab-4fd5-4407-8463-761dfbc30c5c'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,798 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testVFC 117 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testVFC 78 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testVFC 79 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testVFC 80 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,800 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 091c6b5c-e2ca-4eab-b07b-3d413040d962
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 041c0a2c-2ab2-44ce-90c9-4dbda0f8d56f
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,806 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,808 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,808 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,818 DEBUG testVFC 22 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,819 DEBUG testVFC 23 91254 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,819 DEBUG testVFC 24 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 52e63f8a-d84e-463b-b7e6-c42b6212e8a7
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,819 DEBUG testVFC 25 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: QkBwP
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,819 DEBUG testVFC 26 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,827 DEBUG testVFC 28 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,827 DEBUG testVFC 29 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,827 DEBUG testVFC 30 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 493947b8-e941-4522-a276-43479a23cac7
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,827 DEBUG testVFC 31 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: MJ6s2
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,827 DEBUG testVFC 32 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,837 DEBUG testVFC 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,837 DEBUG testVFC 39 91254 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,837 DEBUG testVFC 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: a2f96957-c21e-4d72-97fa-65287aaa18b1
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,837 DEBUG testVFC 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: WdrZN
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,837 DEBUG testVFC 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2asiX'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,842 DEBUG testVFC 50 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,842 DEBUG testVFC 51 91254 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,842 DEBUG testVFC 52 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 7e34a6c4-ee77-4794-b8b1-f2ae3c244545
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,842 DEBUG testVFC 53 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,844 DEBUG testVFC 59 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,844 DEBUG testVFC 60 91254 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,844 DEBUG testVFC 61 91254 140736121267136 UUID: a565f8e4-94ba-4526-a8e9-d36ec742e0b0
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,844 DEBUG testVFC 62 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,845 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiS3VDdUBOVlFMLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiS3VDdUBOVlFMLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2MX0.trTe9n7cHAFA36ryd88ROhiTt7dnvHgvtDPxTaHHPdI
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiTWgyUUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJNaDJRQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM1NjF9.wpW7PjA8vztVH9YefenNP9NWbQ7sUcEeHxdjxDScanI
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,847 DEBUG testVFC 125 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,847 DEBUG testVFC 126 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,847 DEBUG testVFC 127 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,858 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fbefd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108520dd8>) | {'vf_uuid': '6bb6d45f-7c60-49f1-a785-d5872fd1630b'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,868 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testVFC 137 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testVFC 138 91254 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testVFC 139 91254 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"5c393b3d-433a-4ffa-9755-ddca31af552c","name":"ByYda","external_ref_id":"1","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T11:52:41.849980Z","vf":"6bb6d45f-7c60-49f1-a785-d5872fd1630b","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"3422ce6e-6e54-4008-b1d2-21e25a848468","name":"EtHjL","external_ref_id":"7","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T11:52:41.848662Z","vf":"6bb6d45f-7c60-49f1-a785-d5872fd1630b","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testVFC 78 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testVFC 79 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testVFC 80 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,880 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 0a01b13e-3926-4b2b-950d-d37af33046ea
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,887 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 422bf840-1880-4908-a259-99cbcacdb00e
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,887 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,918 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,918 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,918 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 5e568233-e20a-4b50-bbfe-b4d09a0cb01c
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,918 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: CSD6z
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,918 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9Etqu'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UsbDO'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'g2OS7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0uXn8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Yf4kU'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GUeBa'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,979 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'teOSc'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,000 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'aViuS'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,001 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wylJ4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iUop2'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8xumX'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0iJrS'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,048 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'b6fIX'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'h0rKV'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2Mn0.86pSbb8aT7aRIKEnyxMLwIB9Whe-FjGE5rTuK0u2Nc4
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,068 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,068 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91254 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,068 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,074 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085032b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108520048>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,092 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,092 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91254 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"j7Na3","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"LivOm","engagement__uuid":"fc15f909-27ed-4e13-8db5-05d7cca607e8","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"4149327a-c275-43b7-8c04-9d13c4d075d2","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,093 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,093 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,093 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 ee77a9e7-fd1f-4c00-a546-e9113f0224ae
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 adb8cece-bfcb-4d22-874a-9a241b2213c0
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,132 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,132 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,132 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 5d1ad927-9dcd-4df8-b8fa-5d28ddeb69a1
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,132 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: z930o
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,133 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,133 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'z3sPQ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'on1af'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Vt6ES'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FgcbJ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'saDbL'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Tuxio'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sbXnt'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'McfgK'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ak4L9'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'x4WUY'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,226 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zRceD'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'h4B9y'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'y3Ze7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HhGXt'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2Mn0.EFVvwbwiF_3aa7KeS6mHLa6WQ__Vlb1OWKvWjqHXUWs
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,265 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,265 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 91254 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,265 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,271 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108724be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108752eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,280 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 91254 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[],"num_of_objects":0}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d54cd600-a3b3-4bb1-a641-c1ad7f0b31c6
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 831f77cd-6499-408e-bcb1-410cb25c98eb
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,291 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,291 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,318 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,318 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,318 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: 4ebe203f-28c7-4c80-8181-08df51d70c26
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,318 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: H2W46
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,318 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'U9LQF'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,331 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rEdnB'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,339 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PJ7DU'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6ZbIv'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FAvV4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,368 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'usQi5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3CYtS'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HFkDc'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '98CeR'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uBoev'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rmbpk'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xcpYJ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hdkra'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,444 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'IrDw8'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2Mn0.ebYc9h1VmqeRUNZ5VakEEVhHeyeoloMDQ3XGLc8rTcc
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,452 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,452 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91254 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,452 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,458 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f9f860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f9fa58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,474 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,474 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91254 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"HoPsM","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"V0CWg","engagement__uuid":"1e87e99b-b530-4ffe-b2aa-b08ae85c711e","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a9ac1df2-d4eb-42a2-affb-6bf6a03b2555","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"pFVlW","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"vWA3r","engagement__uuid":"a07218cd-bdab-42bc-87dd-5a16d85b7f36","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"89395dd8-4be3-478f-8fff-1e5782e7119e","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":2}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,485 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081b1588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a37b8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'a9ac1df2-d4eb-42a2-affb-6bf6a03b2555'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,492 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,492 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 60cd8f40-0555-40d4-b095-4400be50ad9d
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,500 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 8cb4b1bb-441e-4eae-a39b-a3f60d393e64
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,502 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,532 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,532 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91254 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,532 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91254 140736121267136 UUID: b2e4e817-1a15-473c-a79c-1b9760e9212f
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,532 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91254 140736121267136 Full Name: 78JMx
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,532 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91254 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'm1Cct'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vz0lR'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,553 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Kpq8x'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AyaN1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SlZbK'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'X5NIp'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RV9ru'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,601 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cWFhZ'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ew3oV'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UK3B4'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fkjLz'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fjGgS'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'P9vgG'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'txWhO'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2Mn0.ddW1kWMNLkaePOfCTMomNdlspqJkI2kKEyITmwAlmDU
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91254 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,665 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,671 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090a0470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090a0278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,701 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91254 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,701 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91254 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"3KYxR","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"y46ba","engagement__uuid":"621ea168-c888-4eea-8545-85106e141639","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"02f83817-3d81-4002-9c74-602affc80b33","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"A4h5b","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"bYHRC","engagement__uuid":"ee8cc816-48c7-4b5c-a567-85f4d1ad92ce","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f61e81e5-af24-460f-8f00-3f1a9674d8c7","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"Sw0o1","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"fke9G","engagement__uuid":"e5a452ba-5978-412c-b3f3-f8b3737768c6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"38cc9392-efc7-44d9-bd64-5d32509bc85d","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"Wx6sB","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"ctE96","engagement__uuid":"44a5dc24-1641-4cc7-9471-78006e7f4a85","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"65442b98-d44a-4d32-a103-247ea9d4b275","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"b3BuM","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Davk1","engagement__uuid":"4a6829bc-21f3-4980-ad1e-5a7fb65073b9","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6231ed2a-fda7-48a2-991a-c51e4ed9f076","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"cxSTF","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"g6KjZ","engagement__uuid":"5776828d-adc4-4717-aaac-6b9bda0e867f","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"31a0f28c-14e1-4f46-a8ad-c8d251c92471","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"mWLcy","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"ElNvo","engagement__uuid":"c3f5f9a9-5d33-4672-bc82-d74067b36f05","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"8a8731ac-7371-44c9-8b38-b07e09395114","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,702 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,702 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,702 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 5ecd739b-50d2-4182-bfcd-188c6a9db239
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 59d0c189-c542-4ad3-83a6-0b490affce5a
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,767 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYyfQ.ibhbZGGk8xiYzfOWW81Gm0Mg8cRQlb909p6V8HIRoug
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYyfQ.zKRmxGsIw_I4LMNX7mV97CPA8YmTgJurHxp5HsobSuI
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2Mn0.9gRd9k7WsAl74UEgz41O-IMh2voRTOCKmykGqkrEG04
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 91254 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,770 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,771 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,777 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10909b320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081b1e48>) | {'eng_uuid': '83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,787 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,799 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91254 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,805 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089c0940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f9fbe0>) | {'eng_uuid': '83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,811 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,817 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: b5673bdd-a6c0-4c3f-9e8f-82630c332dfb and vf uuid: 8e2b666d-c96d-43a9-bb40-7cb657d0bb37
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,854 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 91254 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,854 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,854 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,854 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,854 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,854 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,859 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10870dfd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10870d0f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,869 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,881 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91254 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,888 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108503ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085037f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,894 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,898 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: b5673bdd-a6c0-4c3f-9e8f-82630c332dfb and vf uuid: 8e2b666d-c96d-43a9-bb40-7cb657d0bb37
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,937 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 91254 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,937 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,937 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,937 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,937 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,937 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,943 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108503198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090da8d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,950 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,962 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91254 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,968 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a327f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108540400>) | {'eng_uuid': '83b0853a-ae26-4388-b716-87d32aebd6df'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,974 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,979 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: b5673bdd-a6c0-4c3f-9e8f-82630c332dfb and vf uuid: 8e2b666d-c96d-43a9-bb40-7cb657d0bb37
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,014 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 91254 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,014 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,014 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,014 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b91df729-725f-4167-ac2d-5a5de50f42be
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 69135feb-8362-40f3-9f06-8eafef763f55
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYzfQ.BojHxOpkoBIa4QkovloCzop04eubKYuNUqNfdT0VGds
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYzfQ.SkthooQiqfsbVujoErvHZrgHHmF9Ht5t-d-pRRNa010
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2M30.eNTdDGD2un_iPZBzPKHwAdPkwWFeLjGzbsd9TbeZ1Es
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,073 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,073 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 91254 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,073 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,073 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,073 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,074 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,074 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,074 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,083 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10789ceb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fa9518>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,093 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,105 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91254 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,111 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fbc860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f9ff98>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,118 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,124 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: ff547278-7f3c-4cf3-afa2-9ea89348b164 and vf uuid: 73f93a7d-2ba8-4a72-a1cc-b0e360c15cc6
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,164 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10911c2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090c3a58>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,175 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,176 DEBUG activity_log 105 91254 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,180 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 91254 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,180 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,181 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,181 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,181 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,181 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 91254 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,187 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10913f240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10913f320>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,197 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,208 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91254 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,216 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091224a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109122470>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,222 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,229 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: ff547278-7f3c-4cf3-afa2-9ea89348b164 and vf uuid: 73f93a7d-2ba8-4a72-a1cc-b0e360c15cc6
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,263 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 91254 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,263 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,263 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,264 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,264 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,264 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 91254 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,269 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10912e128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10913ff60>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,281 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,293 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91254 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,299 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087902e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10905bf60>) | {'eng_uuid': '5461cec5-4dbb-412f-8d44-1bd0ecdc2ed5'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,305 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,311 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: ff547278-7f3c-4cf3-afa2-9ea89348b164 and vf uuid: 73f93a7d-2ba8-4a72-a1cc-b0e360c15cc6
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 91254 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 b3a4809b-cc2d-4808-ae31-61698b460c4e
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 d5528b6c-dac9-4618-bd10-c190dfb61cdc
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,396 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYzfQ.Ls51akUUnxU_wN77UMerhqs7qu-FFP9lxUJkqBmj_ns
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYzfQ.mmyAS6bWzael9rC4buLrZg87cjAtMpuJ-OryMT_GRzM
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzU2M30.B2BT0BhWbNKs277GCQAfGQDQTYyNnKaGyQ9pOOw6uQ0
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,405 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,405 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 91254 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,405 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 91254 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,406 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 91254 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,413 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109109080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108dafb00>) | {'eng_uuid': '5e672c76-838c-4c11-96c9-1a12e53f3166', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,421 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 5e672c76-838c-4c11-96c9-1a12e53f3166 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,429 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089c07b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108780a58>) | {'eng_uuid': '5e672c76-838c-4c11-96c9-1a12e53f3166'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,436 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,443 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91254 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 7899631d-57f9-433c-a00a-48228275bf19 and vf uuid: 595a3689-7bde-4ccc-a51a-17db22ab3e7b
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,475 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 91254 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,475 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,476 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91254 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,476 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91254 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 c62f26be-4c2f-4284-96d8-ff572057e239
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 586f6b53-132c-43d1-b354-e6970c64e72f
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,490 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91254 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNTYzfQ.6cUch441DeluD0JsXc_euBscUoFxZiUsOfP8Ua84eKc
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 6d096c7f-f52b-4d5b-a758-499a42088e64
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91254 140736121267136 7e2e83bd-d3f3-4cb6-8f97-e9c6540f33cc
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91254 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,666 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 91254 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,674 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91254 140736121267136 9799bd02-b97c-4a04-94b0-f8f6cec26762
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,676 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91254 140736121267136 444156b5-4068-4fe6-b238-81f0cb6f83ff
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,676 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91254 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,736 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090ae5f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090ae898>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c9798d7b-e30d-45dc-acac-5c0e91e51fa9'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,746 DEBUG auth 51 91254 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,749 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91254 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: c9798d7b-e30d-45dc-acac-5c0e91e51fa9
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,772 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145424146432 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,788 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10917d7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109184080>) | {'eng_uuid': '622c6cfe-5d71-409f-82f7-96524e188d5b'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,798 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 622c6cfe-5d71-409f-82f7-96524e188d5b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,811 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10917d518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090c4cf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '622c6cfe-5d71-409f-82f7-96524e188d5b'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,821 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,827 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145424146432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 622c6cfe-5d71-409f-82f7-96524e188d5b
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,836 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145424146432 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,837 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145424146432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10917d748>
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,848 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,855 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145424146432 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,869 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107862898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108992128>) | {'eng_uuid': 'af5dff6b-0282-4a8f-b509-0c2c6163f349'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,877 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: af5dff6b-0282-4a8f-b509-0c2c6163f349 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,887 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109146d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108724940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'af5dff6b-0282-4a8f-b509-0c2c6163f349'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,898 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,904 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145424146432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: af5dff6b-0282-4a8f-b509-0c2c6163f349
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,913 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145424146432 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,913 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145424146432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10917d748>
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,932 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145429401600 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,946 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145429401600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087805c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a81748>) | {'eng_uuid': '44e8e523-13c3-46c0-96e3-14ae511ba2e1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,954 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145429401600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 44e8e523-13c3-46c0-96e3-14ae511ba2e1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,962 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145429401600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844d198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10856cbe0>) | {'eng_uuid': '44e8e523-13c3-46c0-96e3-14ae511ba2e1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,975 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145429401600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,982 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145429401600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 44e8e523-13c3-46c0-96e3-14ae511ba2e1
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,992 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145429401600 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,992 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145429401600 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10917d898>
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,010 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145424146432 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,024 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10913fa20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108540358>) | {'eng_uuid': '4bc7ef93-2a2b-4129-8336-aaa987830a0e'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,033 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 4bc7ef93-2a2b-4129-8336-aaa987830a0e isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,046 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10912ecf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108724ba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '4bc7ef93-2a2b-4129-8336-aaa987830a0e'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,057 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,063 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145424146432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 4bc7ef93-2a2b-4129-8336-aaa987830a0e
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,073 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145424146432 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,073 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145424146432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10917d748>
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,093 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145434656768 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,107 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145434656768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090c4dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090c4128>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cf8b4799-ae4d-44d5-a75d-008fde049176'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,115 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145434656768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: cf8b4799-ae4d-44d5-a75d-008fde049176 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,128 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145434656768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10856cb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108daf860>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cf8b4799-ae4d-44d5-a75d-008fde049176'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,141 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145434656768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,148 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145434656768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: cf8b4799-ae4d-44d5-a75d-008fde049176
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,157 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145434656768 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,157 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145434656768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x109122748>
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,174 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145429401600 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,190 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145429401600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a4c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090c4780>) | {'eng_uuid': '6bf64b49-4fd9-457a-a461-14e238d53501'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,199 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145429401600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 6bf64b49-4fd9-457a-a461-14e238d53501 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,211 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145429401600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109112ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10911c978>) | {'eng_uuid': '6bf64b49-4fd9-457a-a461-14e238d53501'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,222 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145429401600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,228 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145429401600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 6bf64b49-4fd9-457a-a461-14e238d53501
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,237 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145429401600 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,237 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145429401600 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10917d898>
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,254 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145439911936 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,268 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145439911936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f9feb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f9fa20>) | {'eng_uuid': '15d549fe-b2aa-4dbc-a669-d96a7195bce3'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,276 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145439911936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 15d549fe-b2aa-4dbc-a669-d96a7195bce3 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,289 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145439911936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091a8e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091b06a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '15d549fe-b2aa-4dbc-a669-d96a7195bce3'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,300 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145439911936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,305 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145439911936 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 15d549fe-b2aa-4dbc-a669-d96a7195bce3
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,315 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145439911936 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,315 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145439911936 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1087a32b0>
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,359 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145424146432 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,373 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10921dda0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109216208>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e6316408-2dc4-445a-8bb5-c7c648b853c7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,382 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: e6316408-2dc4-445a-8bb5-c7c648b853c7 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,394 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145424146432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087127f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10920ca58>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e6316408-2dc4-445a-8bb5-c7c648b853c7'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,405 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145424146432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,409 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145424146432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: e6316408-2dc4-445a-8bb5-c7c648b853c7
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,418 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145424146432 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,418 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145424146432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10917d748>
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,430 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,438 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145445167104 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,451 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145445167104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f9f518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10913f780>) | {'eng_uuid': '11de0fa0-8ed6-473e-8d8e-433c075a8e66'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,461 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145445167104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 11de0fa0-8ed6-473e-8d8e-433c075a8e66 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,469 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145445167104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109136390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108705f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '11de0fa0-8ed6-473e-8d8e-433c075a8e66'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,480 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145445167104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,485 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145445167104 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 11de0fa0-8ed6-473e-8d8e-433c075a8e66
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,494 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145445167104 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,494 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145445167104 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108752a58>
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91254 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,511 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91254 123145434656768 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,524 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145434656768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109225d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109225f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '6f55e8bb-8ab1-41ee-9ff9-91762719adf1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,537 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145434656768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 6f55e8bb-8ab1-41ee-9ff9-91762719adf1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:52:51,548 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91254 123145434656768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109146c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109225940>) | {'eng_uuid': '6f55e8bb-8ab1-41ee-9ff9-91762719adf1'}
+2017-03-21 11:52:51,558 DEBUG auth 51 91254 123145434656768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:52:51,565 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91254 123145434656768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 6f55e8bb-8ab1-41ee-9ff9-91762719adf1
+2017-03-21 11:52:51,574 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91254 123145434656768 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 11:52:51,574 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91254 123145434656768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x109122748>
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,042 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,042 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,043 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,043 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,044 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,044 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,044 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:52:52,044 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91254 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:54:34,993 ERROR api 54 91351 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:54:34,994 INFO apps 29 91351 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,064 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,066 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,067 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,068 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,069 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,070 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91351 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91351 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91351 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,335 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,336 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,338 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,339 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,340 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91351 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,899 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,980 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bf4f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f0da0>) | {'uu_id': '3bdcca66-bd9b-4699-a808-54c146c0090f', 'token': '668eccb9-8b0c-4ef1-afe5-cda2f4728e5c'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,069 DEBUG activation 78 91351 140736121267136 User nI4ui is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,071 DEBUG views_helper 326 91351 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,071 DEBUG activation 87 91351 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,107 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a7208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a7f98>) | {'uu_id': '1fc582f5-5fb2-47bb-a067-5b908c81de95', 'token': '2127bfac-c803-4a03-9313-cf158c811801'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,113 DEBUG activation 78 91351 140736121267136 User LXDSJ is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,116 DEBUG views_helper 326 91351 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,116 DEBUG activation 87 91351 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,119 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,151 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108da6e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108db7e10>) | {'uu_id': '95d976e3-9294-44d0-9876-838f95d77c01', 'token': '3d8a1738-ac50-4aac-859e-3de145bf5f2e'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,157 ERROR activation 67 91351 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,167 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 73e62708-40f8-4ee6-80d3-26c974cb8757
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d06da074-af26-4819-b2ab-1efbbade77cb
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,173 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,175 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JFgQi'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6IjZhMXhAQkhLWS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjZhMXhAQkhLWS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODV9.TBPuWoQtZjx-3MaAl-WWhAd2mqQ_th2mvNdDRkppvqM
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,221 DEBUG testActivities 37 91351 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,221 DEBUG testActivities 40 91351 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,233 DEBUG testActivities 46 91351 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,233 DEBUG activity_log 157 91351 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,233 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,234 DEBUG testActivities 50 91351 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,234 DEBUG testActivities 51 91351 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,234 DEBUG testActivities 54 91351 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,243 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108798550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081dce48>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f837ff90-2d24-4e54-b1db-fd271b648ebc'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,253 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,255 DEBUG activity_log 105 91351 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,258 DEBUG testActivities 58 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,258 DEBUG testActivities 59 91351 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,258 DEBUG testActivities 63 91351 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,258 DEBUG testActivities 66 91351 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,258 DEBUG testActivities 69 91351 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,264 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081dc198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a17320>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f837ff90-2d24-4e54-b1db-fd271b648ebc'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,272 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,273 DEBUG activity_log 105 91351 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,275 DEBUG testActivities 73 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,276 DEBUG testActivities 74 91351 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,276 DEBUG testActivities 78 91351 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d31b3ebe-e423-47c3-87aa-d34c5a53260e
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3e2dbf6e-6677-47c5-afd9-d800b31eba7e
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,293 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,337 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODV9.rmjAKiYDK-vXUlfBFc6c82XEz4uki2ic04xHhB2XCnA
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,354 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a33278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a330b8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,363 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,409 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=qE3LY
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,411 DEBUG invite_service 96 91351 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,411 DEBUG invite_service 99 91351 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=f0c851f2-3fd5-4964-a1b0-63a3fc967d5d to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,413 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,762 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,767 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 43e42e44-f443-4ee1-bf58-85ce1e1518da
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 6d38d348-77aa-4487-9a19-9656c8f1edbf
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,771 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,774 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,801 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODV9.WuJ-dhK-fpzR5rw43RzXU8nwPVyT-HMyq7lGnrmSWAI
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,817 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c6db00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d9eb70>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,826 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,832 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=sUfaL
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,832 DEBUG invite_service 128 91351 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,833 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,833 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,833 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3f5006d9-9787-47be-bbbc-71de79684798
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 76157f3e-2585-4fb9-ae3c-428ace2b878a
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODV9.AMbBmJoslg1-hUX8mSNtWnU0IWDBOQiKmrTPDBA9MLI
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,897 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a34780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a342e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,903 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,904 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,904 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,908 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f5fe7d60-a2a0-4cf7-8a52-18e008adf86a
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4705c437-89fa-41d4-9698-6176dddf2166
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODV9.crxY6Qf6Hbf5UDNxy9SkAwV4MW8Ow5J707yLPG0umu4
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,959 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108522c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085224e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 ERROR invite 58 91351 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 df8572e5-e197-4f7c-a6df-71a7de390d55
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 093f6007-55e0-425a-a392-e6898f597958
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,985 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.LjZwWOUio0HSJMGAyCeIvo86FCmbL3CwedwnDUJp_A0
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,071 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b71390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10851e4a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '3e259df1-d27c-4fca-a6ef-30323381eca6'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,079 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,081 DEBUG git_manager 14 91351 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 3e259df1-d27c-4fca-a6ef-30323381eca6 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,108 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '3e259df1-d27c-4fca-a6ef-30323381eca6', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,109 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91351 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,114 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,115 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91351 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,122 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,169 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3'), 'eng_uuid': '3e259df1-d27c-4fca-a6ef-30323381eca6', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,170 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91351 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,174 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,178 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,186 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91351 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,196 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108483438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107979588>) | {'checklistUuid': '7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,205 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,205 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,206 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 adeb0dcd-82cd-43aa-a66a-b21a0110dfdc
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 aa664c95-2148-410e-9ee1-17e077baeeff
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.pwxEljNHu5qYOHSEYL7hRc5wa0XlzCgAY8LVyEUV10E
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,295 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107865048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107895dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,304 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,306 DEBUG git_manager 14 91351 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,329 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,331 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91351 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,334 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,336 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91351 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,346 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,387 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da'), 'eng_uuid': 'e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,388 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91351 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,392 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,398 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,408 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91351 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,415 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084557b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084558d0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da', 'eng_uuid': 'e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,428 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,438 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 432b8eb3-14b9-4426-85f2-ea1357d08105 and vf uuid: 5f6d883f-c4de-4e6f-85f7-17ec1bf41899
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,467 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 432b8eb3-14b9-4426-85f2-ea1357d08105 and vf uuid: 5f6d883f-c4de-4e6f-85f7-17ec1bf41899
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,485 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da', 'eng_uuid': 'e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,487 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 91351 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,493 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,497 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,506 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,510 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,514 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,537 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 91351 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,543 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,550 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 91351 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=e7608c05-4eee-45bf-b3b4-fa2bca846daf for checklist=c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ded78bee-c581-42ae-be0a-fffeef7cc4eb
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 54d9768f-541a-40c9-8304-6dac82b3bdaf
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,632 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.4Ohl29XqBQrEA0FksnHub5K_yqNdUs8PBVGsOsfeE0Q
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.WMzfawWZBV7AnUo6iw1UpiSHWjbq7qbSNSvNIlRAoak
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,650 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,651 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,651 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,651 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,661 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ThqR7
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,662 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,665 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ThqR7
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,665 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,665 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,666 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,666 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,666 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,666 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,666 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,666 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 a7511551-ee75-4089-94c4-a81725acc7de
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,673 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 55649517-50d9-4270-a95b-4a494fcf65c1
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,728 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.VjXJFzOIBN5tcOxHUXL8Dt3X-q1IH2r6IiWgDH9fEN0
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.JRcgG8et-rRMep8AK6gv6kcgGfq2XZ4NB9K2-7-NiQc
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,743 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,743 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,743 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,743 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,751 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078e1f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078e1908>) | {'checklistUuid': '7730dc80-1f39-4389-bb89-d8ed4571beed'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,763 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,763 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91351 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,767 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5bf2b678-a423-4446-b22a-28d189451a0c
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 cdac7fa7-3140-4bfa-a28a-0d53ae0f3a42
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,770 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,772 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.oIyS2JqlNZDY1WJy3j0wKENfribMsMJp_aoByj9yqus
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.YxJ5cdUqQqNegIM6OLozIojQmUwsJkYh9EvfByUZLYs
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,838 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,838 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,839 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,839 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,848 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e0fdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e0f940>) | {'checklistUuid': '6755bf26-bdbc-49a5-8722-ac77b4c8648c'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,860 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,866 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,867 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,868 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,868 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,868 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 06e6c282-bc42-4873-88b2-a275d6bb8d61
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 bc073084-171f-4a1d-a40e-dbd11629d26a
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.JGuMemXyuNhOrOyqwxn0F-5zLJf76gaa1cnpART6V3E
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODZ9.xRZaK7LneK4lh476JqZ14G8PtCraSymQh9wdBc2uUn8
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,943 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,943 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,943 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,943 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,952 ERROR authorization_service 492 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,952 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082b7320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082b7390>) | {'decision_uuid': '4mdNo'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,960 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,960 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,961 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,961 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,962 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 91351 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,962 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,964 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 8411d798-d0fa-43b5-8aa8-0a70e5ffed2f
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 17724063-0af3-4467-9cea-b434407ada89
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.5t3l2ZvuoPYxWialIrNk-pLFw2Fp8Zh_TMK34Ak43Q4
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.LZtmJD7VclcLpZLVRSfg7P495hUM41WE8xBx6fRzr8o
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,036 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,036 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,036 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,036 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,047 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b02208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b02c18>) | {'decision_uuid': '7e3c199a-acc9-4544-bf10-de1e07ee8a07'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91351 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,057 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,057 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ccb122ea-62bf-40ea-aa4a-6d7c70c8ee8d
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d1a67087-3ccd-41bc-bca5-17ede6ecd64a
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.jLXlHjdCFpKkrnYwoJ_-8g_BQBv0GzDTq33znqZuko8
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,130 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.bSpNabHmo8oRke3aJ7mqSPeJmrJiV_P2LyZOWDfxv5k
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,130 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,130 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,130 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,130 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,141 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077c2128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077c2cc0>) | {'decision_uuid': '39ee96fe-bcc1-45d6-af61-5fd8092bc066'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,150 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,158 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,159 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,159 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,159 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,163 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b2478001-65bd-440e-ae2c-53e077bfc50f
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2723cf20-d583-48cc-a68d-cfb22fef9b3a
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.BEO5IEDMgzYNF1xiWMZN-l147zROaXXaJfv5F4L7fIM
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.kF73scsY5wOvKf3tszuczD8-W94tnx2DTzbH0CjSmvg
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,231 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,232 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,243 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ba6a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ba6128>) | {'decision_uuid': '6222a135-2f72-435e-ab52-03c2afbcf9d7'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,251 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,251 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91351 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,254 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91351 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,255 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,255 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,255 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,255 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 1aeb8608-84ae-4057-b7a2-1b1785e53e02
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c49aa211-b05f-420e-a2aa-2a6df809d43b
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,260 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.ssJuJNJ6veEwA1mCjkVsPnGZXY5gebxhH2quPNBaiTE
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.UKTIOoeAcILssgeqO-BT7gD26TFV05iMiE-l6HTdNy8
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,327 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,327 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,327 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,327 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,342 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842cac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107eebb38>) | {'decision_uuid': 'ae2ba1c1-a609-49b7-8913-605a35ff571e'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,349 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91351 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='MYZsW')...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91351 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5b41a9e8-a7ad-49c1-907c-709dc4221e84
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2d7d10ab-4380-4fd4-9462-b74973f76bce
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,422 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.BV-S-OO3aXUDZ1YfSStMMwLHUMhWFRANzTSegrA40Xo
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,423 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.LX2640lkwaJfwKBGIwQSWcgwkLMc6k740nhlcZfjKEk
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,423 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,423 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 91351 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,423 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,423 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,434 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108483358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108483320>) | {'decision_uuid': 'a501f44c-8242-4b0d-b933-05208d0e6e66'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,442 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,442 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91351 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91351 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 a0a21c98-f1d1-4510-aec0-9dd9c24b0f1e
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 eb1317b1-b270-4f20-b16c-36d8fb252e2a
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.gbKvjtpt8XFVMGtOGy4qHO2z_9BgI1DeWHgMyfVAHDg
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.XPzTn71ZoMNCvqWkGMSgabfuapmPpxU0spZxq31Plbo
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,522 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,522 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,522 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,522 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 91351 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,533 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108089860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a34b38>) | {'decision_uuid': '9164bad2-fab0-4671-bc8b-39562751645a'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,540 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,540 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91351 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,548 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91351 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 9164bad2-fab0-4671-bc8b-39562751645a , value: approved
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,549 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,550 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,550 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,550 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,559 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 86a91106-c671-463a-97c4-860922ab99ec
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ca35e1bb-c413-4341-bc48-1028b29db0a4
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,567 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.WHqRLTszEBbOOuArYmKjg2HYVdkkOMiH59INSUhkOeg
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.0aAh2ne8gIz1gxdZ_ReHEVj7MBZmYv4EOSRSdOFGiLY
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODd9.rL-3R-7EKv30luvC0Ulfm17WtX8uYtOR2-VP1Zgg9CE
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,700 INFO authorization_service 127 91351 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6d6c439f-0f76-447c-ac7c-7e93375241ff / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,707 INFO authorization_service 127 91351 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6d6c439f-0f76-447c-ac7c-7e93375241ff / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 df7d19e8-bdb2-4636-98b8-c6e0ff39cfe8
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f5cc5186-9d3e-4c1a-9eea-6bb3d497e3e7
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,749 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.nDmIGSWdLJpnpkNCr2IdCShgvk0eUvYIQ-96HRWOiYw
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,763 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,771 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108ba6cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107889240>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,773 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5126a70d-c763-46e0-9a58-472ae7314a37
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4f1edc9a-65cf-46fc-a489-39e0b544c80b
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,793 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.KtBBMik5MwWtiTVn-0NQOHdX955ctzDolOvvKYvwf2o
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,794 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,801 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x107eebac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108522f98>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5945ebae-ac15-4d80-bb57-9daa786c4a4c
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ed25b9cd-4cc7-4918-82b2-0121b247df0c
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,808 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,811 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.zQ8UynDppL4ReY8iozKWjZtCsyEDIvGisBSrsm1FC78
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,823 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,830 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x107eeb320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086685f8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 fb8ac5ac-389f-4ec6-bbb7-edcb0fc61f6e
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 760160e8-5197-49db-969c-30a1e78c043d
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,848 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,850 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,864 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.YDsSF_zGAMfuIu4nnJn1kmmpGQUP6VwNZHQ7C3tAYHw
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,864 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,871 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b02240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107889eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 28fdf60f-73ed-4d2e-ab08-14def9ac36da
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,876 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 455363bc-5851-4d5d-98e8-c237969f16b0
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,881 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,883 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,884 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.ifoflFTyHPNqZ_EZY3lzIROSm7M80PI5axuMuLt0nbc
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,896 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,904 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842cf60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b025f8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,904 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,904 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,908 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 a159dcc4-1edc-4b12-8ba8-e95b16ec132f
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b2d48abc-801c-45e8-b11c-860689e30c55
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.Ug2WVD4Hl-1MoCOAptJ9YSv4-jaK4Wixo2D6XmyqG50
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,925 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,933 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107889c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108522c18>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,935 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 66bae048-87fe-4cb9-bc44-8f89a341bf69
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 86346fad-f8e5-4958-b7f3-e1c401a91adf
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.dt1mN3YRHKtJ5T7o_-pyXvjAJGmPhT6RRh4bIFz5TsE
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,958 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,964 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10799ee48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10799eba8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ad22277f-8fbe-4ad3-808c-a07e33c89298
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,969 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e67b622c-80c6-40a3-8e62-746ee5e5b06b
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg3fQ.ithumnNG2cNuLMfcp0Q6G3GzQyGkDoEK7tXVnll51OU
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,987 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,994 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108522240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081f5630>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 720b0039-04c9-439a-8741-e2d56ae967cf
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b4fc3d16-29a5-4202-be7a-c82419b2342d
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 056d61bc-72d7-4e89-8c60-82e41d8f27fd
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,012 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.dX9qtMDULd9mc8zjKpm8cmfGKmKT3iElAi484OLaz4s
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,088 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1075794a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107889a90>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,096 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,096 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,097 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5386ae2f-2555-4f7b-9e91-cc1ad07f950a
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 18fedc57-bc0e-4718-af1d-0718e9e470c4
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 cd5d9d98-e317-4fe3-babe-e714e321ea92
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.DIkUf9Qh9qqe-I6QFgwig0S08owGdY-vhbnMNubA5Aw
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,180 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b02f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083326d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '882b9d6e-a1bf-4833-8f60-d1a65afd6db6'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,188 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,191 DEBUG git_manager 14 91351 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 882b9d6e-a1bf-4833-8f60-d1a65afd6db6 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ff13a2d1-44e1-4297-96d8-d6b1e3b7dbdd
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 83110b1c-78f5-4152-b952-8cb8ead469de
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e3d7fbe0-62e4-4388-830a-7b6aaf3086b9
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,256 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.axkLb1uKsXLS4JWdt310rhRpRJK-sDPOAoy4jdaj-qc
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,274 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e5ca90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107889438>) | {'eng_uuid': '04cfa678-dd5c-4cd9-82bf-da5b6ba0855d'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,282 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 ERROR checklist 49 91351 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f18234f0-959a-4926-9f10-bfb020d1952d
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d3ee682a-818f-4ce6-a506-b1b27024c18f
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b66552ab-ead2-4aa5-9c6c-c23cf2f4dc3d
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,291 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.1JmkJ3unz16r91XXmlYUWTXRO8w65_7UttWOlgC4FVM
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,364 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844aa58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10842cc50>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 180 91351 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,378 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f2bd385b-76fc-41c0-8807-9863120a4651
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 1371e2c1-174d-40f9-8a48-c4085373ce9b
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 703d5162-a056-4acb-8e89-e32e6839de69
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,381 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.qNIc3tBQkFW-ebFmysfF5GcFInzDcRx5cdAmCuwyuHY
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,452 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e9abe0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108522278>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd2b619de-0f31-4820-ad79-2dda7cc0e939'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,459 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: d2b619de-0f31-4820-ad79-2dda7cc0e939 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,463 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 35c95fc6-dd81-48a5-be9a-75eb90429046
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 bb079ac7-beab-4ecc-b7f8-7e6c325f096a
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 fcc53fcd-caae-4c6e-8a18-1a77bed99799
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,467 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.l-iNrNuS6T6_h680IVP9bZutAvTvpWKcauThZCkTXiU
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,538 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10799edd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e0f0f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e14f5f3f-df34-4d8a-bd2e-0774aa10c886'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,549 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,552 DEBUG git_manager 14 91351 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement e14f5f3f-df34-4d8a-bd2e-0774aa10c886 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,578 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'e14f5f3f-df34-4d8a-bd2e-0774aa10c886', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,579 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91351 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,583 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,584 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91351 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,590 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,640 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81'), 'eng_uuid': 'e14f5f3f-df34-4d8a-bd2e-0774aa10c886', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,641 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91351 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,645 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,650 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,661 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91351 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ef9de7d8-d5c9-45b1-b189-1b44fe379fd0
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 379df0c8-6073-45e2-9bc6-59e7483a8a86
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,671 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e95268b2-ce6f-414c-aeb3-cddde330e905
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,672 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,726 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2ODh9.Q5SO8nZNtaldQwY5AqzmIVbIpjAotpWagp4stg_s24w
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,744 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078e1cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107eeb358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e1e7c38b-2e09-4110-9c68-56d98ef56b0b'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,753 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,755 DEBUG git_manager 14 91351 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement e1e7c38b-2e09-4110-9c68-56d98ef56b0b for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,779 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'e1e7c38b-2e09-4110-9c68-56d98ef56b0b', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,780 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91351 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,784 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,785 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91351 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,792 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,836 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a'), 'eng_uuid': 'e1e7c38b-2e09-4110-9c68-56d98ef56b0b', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,837 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91351 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,841 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,847 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,859 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91351 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4e17930b-6b8a-4038-b465-e4664c870473
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 8442216e-a59f-40c8-8990-f678263933e1
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c4730d70-62e0-42c7-8ba5-2096ebfdd9d9
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg4fQ.9MzW9Dqt4tntoA_GjN5Mtcz3AxFgRjYGNuJB1D5MQSc
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,960 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108089278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077c2278>) | {'templateUuid': '544d64a4-8b1b-4fdc-b1f1-80d481d0b00d'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,965 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e528f1fe-6e44-4b27-ad3c-1c2bca58dd2d
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 eab9a99c-e45c-4938-8c87-d77a43fd1ef3
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 164ea2f8-f936-49ee-a2df-364f788cd8ac
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.pPJN9kW-cAc6nPTxB68EqD8RaLu2q71VWSseiCq8jRQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,059 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e1de48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e1dbe0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,063 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,065 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 27741483-43ce-4dea-9cb9-2ce0edb14802
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5708b25f-a1fa-4437-8da9-74545f5ac435
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ec6f94ca-c3ac-493b-a6de-0e601a0e3e6a
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,133 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.JGmwgJSjY1knY1ZOfhwatGEmdbH3KYXbvggOxh_QxpI
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,151 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e1d358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108092470>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,157 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,170 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91351 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 9f2ecf57-becc-4213-b942-c4b53bdddded
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,184 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c62fc4aa-1415-400e-b6c4-68a1fcac9441
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e973bfd6-0ac8-4149-a679-b1dcfed01c93
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.GsdquuvRn7uW1HCKPM0FRNzoLcuJDCH0ZHRyvYAnjSU
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,269 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844d7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080929b0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,274 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,287 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91351 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,292 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d79531bf-10a4-44cf-9124-223942c70afe, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:54:49.291563+00, null, c008da3f-de7d-4f00-9722-bb771e66997f, 722c2d3d-4cd0-44e8-9a67-2a43505ca665).
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,293 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,301 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d79531bf-10a4-44cf-9124-223942c70afe, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:54:49.291563+00, null, c008da3f-de7d-4f00-9722-bb771e66997f, 722c2d3d-4cd0-44e8-9a67-2a43505ca665).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d79531bf-10a4-44cf-9124-223942c70afe, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:54:49.291563+00, null, c008da3f-de7d-4f00-9722-bb771e66997f, 722c2d3d-4cd0-44e8-9a67-2a43505ca665).
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,302 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 005d19f1-9c6c-4867-a6dc-b87f1b282e4b
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c4160335-bf3d-48d0-9e65-0afde18e66b5
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f9349c7c-1b53-4eef-9f7c-97ba213429cb
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,370 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.sUV3mMZ1jMxGhBpSA8EJ5mJwq9zYX3hF2OyssphOL4Q
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,388 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080897b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108089438>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,394 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,395 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,396 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,396 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,396 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,399 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 14d11bfa-14b1-4046-b9aa-324f6ea01e56
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5929001b-2c84-4482-8376-23a660f84d46
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 152791fc-b2cb-4b87-8c19-2a1594e673b8
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,403 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,406 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.71L7Epx9wLg0w2uXyU9WXlIgNS0K9vOp9dXuduD92iM
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,483 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108092978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844aac8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,488 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,489 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,489 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,490 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,490 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,502 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 50223dc1-2cb6-473b-b567-627be75af836
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,504 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 20c2cff7-4b70-4af7-bcc0-70dbcaecf14b
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sDEcQ'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiJjY1FUQFBXTlAuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJjY1FUQFBXTlAuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.1mj4KB2Ab69GlyVJCz-7Xvixn86myw4nmFs1LBzHBK0
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJ2Q29wQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InZDb3BAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.zRyZ0M4z8ifCsB0-C_9d9bcHky6iKN3TTpaA-aINVaM
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,549 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,549 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 91351 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,549 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,549 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 91351 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,549 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 91351 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,560 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 91351 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,561 DEBUG activity_log 157 91351 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,561 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,561 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 91351 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,562 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 91351 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,563 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 91351 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: YqsFH
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,563 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 91351 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,565 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 91351 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,571 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078898d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078893c8>) | {'eng_uuid': '377dd2a2-8af2-4ca8-8d00-a26cebc940db'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,580 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,588 DEBUG views_helper 165 91351 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,597 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,597 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 91351 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,597 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,597 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 91351 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,598 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 91351 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,599 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 91351 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,600 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,600 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,600 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d310108f-8800-4e90-b543-266698a9d6bb
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f544df0a-47e0-4187-9a8b-ceb5c2c836c4
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.1EOO3QCrVXAtUx7_i-1lDCvJAlgIT1xwURw26uTmz9Q
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,666 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.V3AZ-Mfxu558LdFWRemY98VtN5bVJZxGvF6K8su8-Fk
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.ztlHS7qKCBOfrM5UMfEJyjSM6av3OsUmCxILKpEvCIg
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,668 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 91351 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,677 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108455a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108522ac8>) | {'vf_uuid': '34e8c611-551c-4650-91b9-67a8c49dbca2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,683 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 204294ca-6713-4f20-b472-d18371b5d22e isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,690 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 bbbde1df-3965-4864-a6ca-69c66370c96c
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f742f697-1b69-4eed-b53d-6d971db5edac
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,697 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,697 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,726 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.pvmkgkKcveLsM-KX2bNtGVhQMebP3lWV1GAlobARyXk
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.Mxv_zoj_aFsWmoEBcBcw2hk-VqnTbRF1viSRUwbOt0A
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,738 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.JZDxnTASgOENlWsebM3R2_3ohwxGOjBqQna1IbQeGj8
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,738 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 91351 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,748 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107eeb978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b020f0>) | {'vf_uuid': 'ad5065a1-c0a4-49e9-ab59-6c014d181fce'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,754 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 7d0cd5f1-c679-42cf-bcbf-f96235ea43cf
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 975f9cab-56c8-4f77-84c0-2ea80887153e
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,770 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.AvPFQpUAgLs_hVJhwvznI26XeXG_O8iBw7hCkhlbk_0
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.vAmbFtICFP9hh0oATHfDuaSpqkCWE0-JnhmYCqA7neI
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.aSi1cq7945cmZmX5c5n2Ga-URzLGzsVVy3J0OHQvSRU
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,810 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 91351 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,818 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077c25f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077c27b8>) | {'vf_uuid': '3aa62016-3655-4127-a941-180f3f9ad0e7'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,825 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c9381e43-1f06-4d6b-898c-63beac97d7d7
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e059e7a0-3cc4-4e50-bdb0-560cc2e7a6cd
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.jYptqh4V0NMVFf1cqxwUDBwvoPTbDNd3rsbvEh8cjyw
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.wuZpa23H3IYzNJTDogchwtD-TE8gqI2BcI4Szpyj_HA
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,878 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ._qLpQkRebK6uilJFhhg7wkT458Lcm06DtYr55Pwtx94
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,878 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 91351 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,887 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079792e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080af358>) | {'vf_uuid': '8f54dc5e-68ed-43be-90e5-0d73ecf97a0a'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,894 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 17ecd520-ba5e-48d1-818a-5fdf6f7c19f1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b0037bb6-ba7b-4aab-b374-73a44b1bad70
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3933c557-98be-405f-be4c-bdfdd816dc6a
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,937 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.yfWe7W-HCCc78_7aPXeajGNnOmm29sM7WWracDAs8fo
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY4OX0.yqjm50rwbWR7G00WZvp9R4Z1n4i7SGmXLCYtzEfIigQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjg5fQ.HYtX7nRF8O2v12uMYUmtbrvneRQDLPQxlTYEOpbO6zc
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,959 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077c24e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107eeb0b8>) | {'vf_uuid': '3a80d224-c318-4a18-8fed-6b2dd2809f67'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,966 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 ab36ed1b-b828-4848-abab-cde63c3ac0a3
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 bd4377c0-788f-426e-b1d6-07c95f2cc454
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,978 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,979 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,985 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.dQKu6GWsPGdJs-fZ6KMWUI7p90__c-DF4BrXBM70lyI
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.zoY69aUSWXpw05-wgXPrwAZMKXrMdUtPeRHkDgDYP2s
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.Yze-2LduCid5ucaXPw3CeeoclEd_R3w-cB-WzS51gsU
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,032 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085223c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107889860>) | {'vf_uuid': '6a3be9a2-cd59-442e-bc8f-3b68c8183dc8'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,039 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,048 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 aa035e49-08eb-4b33-92bb-3abfb9e7ff18
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 6628a02c-4f29-42aa-b1e5-937ce11a14f1
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,058 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.9F-NQUOeLZUeMPh7zIpwm-L7Ex9lDv_rDVjzYpT6k9M
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.QSOfIaOyBDdlmmuf_eRGdC3zPk7HKIWRMt3jGHocWYI
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.D1W9j_ZWh6KYbkQsqi37-LCU_1gU1IXIi9fFhaR_3NI
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,105 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e1def0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1075aab38>) | {'vf_uuid': 'bb5c5dca-9dbc-4527-9f39-c18512b218c3'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,113 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: ae9b4506-9d13-41ae-9ad9-3fba61668065 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 24c5f124-7024-4699-9037-4327f039caa4
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 14ee05a8-2153-4caa-bdc7-43aa82ebb9db
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,145 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,147 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,149 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,174 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.-j_jbYPnxHQ3k5YSO4babs4KuLrJVRCOOaAkJnZ0KwA
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.hIqv9IG6Sw5hwr9ArtrHZhY3y65Xd66XLZlYIrvlLDE
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 91351 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,287 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,294 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078eb668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078ebd68>) | {'eng_uuid': 'befb24a7-5feb-4a9b-8ec2-2f5ecd5bc79d'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,301 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: befb24a7-5feb-4a9b-8ec2-2f5ecd5bc79d isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,308 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108078a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108078d30>) | {'eng_uuid': 'befb24a7-5feb-4a9b-8ec2-2f5ecd5bc79d'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,319 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,326 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080929b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078ebcc0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'befb24a7-5feb-4a9b-8ec2-2f5ecd5bc79d'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,334 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,335 DEBUG engagement_service 291 91351 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,336 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 91351 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,336 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,336 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,336 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 657a2bb4-0056-4034-8cc2-d2e6f652f23a
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2054df82-4b7e-4af5-8a31-1ed823fc1c0f
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,354 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.Nc3s2tnwvNWgvKZE4ZQLwnJTtLfhuSIi9ZBsfcbc38U
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.CypveLop3CW3dDcNievFULn2NGekH7U7HHjQOnCDBq8
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.OyczMyyhXig0zqLx5gV425xZzK28x2_6rPDsVwEmJ20
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,417 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1075722b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080afa20>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,426 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,429 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91351 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: d7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,441 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10799ea58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108522278>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,451 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,462 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,467 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108522470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077c21d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,476 INFO authorization_service 127 91351 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: d7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,476 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: d7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,478 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,483 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080789e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e7f550>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,489 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,490 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,490 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 8b2f68c3-3531-436c-9852-68d4492578db
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 93c1eeb5-9872-412d-8f39-be99b4065b54
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.d-y62FauR0cQlO3ld3j1-IpiSDKPBpJzeN6eVloYLHY
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.-d4pcff-vxgZ0XY9Q-We36-oukrUbx0c6K5_07g3m0c
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.h5f-B2Uz5netwbAxhUGd9eUEJeOOH_9jOrm3szcLWCo
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,562 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107847e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e7f048>) | {'eng_uuid': '3f42620c-20b3-4eef-ae2c-6a5be9645bdd'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,572 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,574 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91351 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 3f42620c-20b3-4eef-ae2c-6a5be9645bdd
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,580 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,585 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e1ca90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082f9828>) | {'eng_uuid': '3f42620c-20b3-4eef-ae2c-6a5be9645bdd'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,593 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 3f42620c-20b3-4eef-ae2c-6a5be9645bdd isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,595 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,600 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10851e390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a349e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,617 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c7a9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108dd88d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '3f42620c-20b3-4eef-ae2c-6a5be9645bdd'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,626 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,628 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91351 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 3f42620c-20b3-4eef-ae2c-6a5be9645bdd
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,638 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4a6411d9-5dd0-4a2c-a1ad-e65e4f508e8c
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 07ced191-dd4a-4da7-9611-4af6a761fa15
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,640 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,642 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,643 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.qd7Mrj_V1o4K3CLw7y8V58wbFmuIq4hysl_JF7ScpuM
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.lGkI38b4nfyAwj_2sq7YN-wcy3OxvHQooR8SRQpt51w
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkwfQ.rxKQ2QpIR0Z0CRz8WKfZSm63IeCnN2a1X6aTzZ7KjjU
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,700 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108092a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108363470>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e5322ba9-3d09-44fd-9ee9-1f0fe1eef7ff'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,712 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,713 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91351 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: e5322ba9-3d09-44fd-9ee9-1f0fe1eef7ff
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,719 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,725 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080afeb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081d01d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e5322ba9-3d09-44fd-9ee9-1f0fe1eef7ff'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,732 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: e5322ba9-3d09-44fd-9ee9-1f0fe1eef7ff isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,740 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d846d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108db7d30>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e5322ba9-3d09-44fd-9ee9-1f0fe1eef7ff'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,752 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,756 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: e5322ba9-3d09-44fd-9ee9-1f0fe1eef7ff
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,786 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,791 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f4ac499a-6f61-43a7-bc34-078f467bf1a0
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,792 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c628ba6a-8035-4437-aa53-23273842b055
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,798 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,800 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,800 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,801 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTB9.kfUU5kRsYVtVAFRR9aaV76MJUdfYRaRihYnUhBexGSs
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.ON9ZwNivRg7TIWN5FfC6Wiq7YsJYaONK0x4TKHN8IgA
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.Ng_BokHHV7CdrfG0bvPI4VUipSn3OLtSgoJFL_mgT1s
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.M_DhNz28gNXX_jJXftFi02kivImICuTqTY4djoRmM-0
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,862 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,869 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842c470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080783c8>) | {'eng_uuid': '24a6d465-6e33-4b10-8f28-751c93d30d41'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,877 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,884 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,886 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d99d5350-b6e4-499e-918e-8185ef1d859d
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 298e5d24-53a0-44cc-a0d3-be700e88293f
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,898 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTB9.LSg6BLsTSM6kVoCN5nUFw3eSml2NmeJJczjS9EpyLB4
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.2C-3lky9BXvii37AwRxlF9TFNlhtEtkQl6SJsusF0lE
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.b89AE2d5UhV4ET34lSMLEOmerllR8eDLeHxU9TN_vwQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MH0.-3X2Xu1SNKBDBa_pi5CYfTexEuDY2jBFY8eXLBIfmVQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,950 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,960 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080f6470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ef2780>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,964 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 84ea33b7-543a-4b9a-8cdb-578732832ab8
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 460b81cf-2234-4cc8-ba80-8cc1b9f41dca
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,979 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,979 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTF9.uWm8pO7hcTJxEZmjgORqunrwloPRZLEjDgNy333dc94
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.m-kT5gDlOyPlDnskz09eia55Le_LH5052QuUz4ujrbU
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,031 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.3ktJPsogeYYKVLjx1a8gqXu9PYcAn3AT1OuOcrjFpzU
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.PL-UWNonrlzJS1kEcOScpjyW9pu02lMdTG5OuEbRnSw
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,033 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 91351 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,041 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10774ca58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076fdcf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '0eb31d3a-6131-40a3-b094-1364ebcdc9ed'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,050 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 0eb31d3a-6131-40a3-b094-1364ebcdc9ed isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 a4673b0a-3467-43b9-a160-451b4fc90f4e
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3f91225d-b572-4373-807d-28642cc72057
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTF9.Wan6v2i5zjfm-q4L9f_ThA05ySmVt3xI-lz3OcXtE9M
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.FyQ9sCUFjRlQfQ-xnepLlcVKnig4ZrXU1EDodW2PgFg
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.Ra99B5TZjGS_ZDWL5z0n6ctVe_tSXxgiHauUfNL3zcA
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.6Ac1sP9ffPZobedbvlCdwd7Au8EI_oeDq47-VoxRLBs
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,117 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 91351 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,124 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082cfeb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078a5940>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,127 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,129 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,129 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,130 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,133 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 eb1f1fa4-21d0-401a-b496-965b3a481980
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e042b5d9-494d-4c1c-971e-e412bf2948fa
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,134 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,136 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,140 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTF9.M01gApgTH92c7OZV8K3wB2kNvswC9gS9pk1NtabI0t8
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,188 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.BsAzyZ55XctwWG6sZRKngPT2c8SWbh3QE4gxtWU0MmE
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.z-FHKHDUDSBZ0JjJ9gGcCMuTj0VIu6hFmNfcy72JxG4
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.58ezvBy6BHMwP1iebSr16PRqEkmnmwr2ZkoBWoecz7A
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,191 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 91351 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,198 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842c550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108089080>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f144b6be-6887-4124-be94-3ae182546f78'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,207 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: f144b6be-6887-4124-be94-3ae182546f78 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 32c6e8c2-f2c2-4e63-836d-fb23ef744315
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5ea71e9b-b7b5-49ee-b11a-69eecdc03cd9
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,215 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTF9.p2Ihy-N74KzYD1ci7CnCDdWBrj9tQWr35nG4Mi8CeNc
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.QLGlNh0Y_CPvLX5xOB6mduKI4JQe0PyGBKYyJOWZrrA
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.HaC5wAtgYO4qSALwap9P6GsWMtdpIeQyRDqnhDPUzGo
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.WYfIu57N2H6TqW19ybntDBYqSKizHrISmlPBjoKwZZg
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,270 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 91351 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,277 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078475f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844a128>) | {'eng_uuid': 'dc05f728-1137-4d4e-901c-a9e3e5929b4b'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,283 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: dc05f728-1137-4d4e-901c-a9e3e5929b4b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 77a5ada2-6b8b-43a0-bd49-934c3152c84f
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2d628e6e-9c29-495b-902d-696fe04c809c
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,291 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,293 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTF9.7pTeaKpYyH1tLVssr2CaHz1CzhSpk28YKB_I-OPL5yY
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.wt503XH2dV37HE2hkoa1TnvcQ8jIuvqCv2UidViVpBw
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.tiztJWkhY9W6wDwYDerFKat72WC_Dr3Cb9SjhFcWbC0
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.NPjlB--lmyfyTuTAvQ_SNh4Q8-ptH1_ZFWFlkH_R52Q
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,344 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,352 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080f60b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e7f0f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d13efed-07e1-45f5-9a80-aaab5a7869ca'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,359 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,378 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5a6dc2c3-5ea8-4c0b-87a1-82580dc27061
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 afd4c095-8044-4a6d-881c-4b42a53774a1
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,420 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTF9.3MbSAAhJbaX5UJ_n8qGtGYK2W3wJzi9kGWASOQWxerw
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.MU7b3UTPW2ps_Io_Nijr1SxAIhxhI1hycTWAlZjiqf8
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.UoKxGpp0jstNvaHqIUmiyI8SRD6Ku59dZoGP3JpUAdo
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.D3wmOcGTs3AFfg6dccbHMFFcWiAM9UMIn2Z_3ubggpI
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,432 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,438 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085b4208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10883a400>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e1d3840a-6bc2-4d98-a1a7-40c7083c36aa'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,448 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c9ce20b4-ad86-40d2-9347-ecc5578f90c5
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e20eb2b6-7cdd-4326-b6f0-4c6a3e8efe44
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,484 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,513 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.odfm94FKptGLzAV1ZPkzKfgnASFv6dr9WgshLOlahaw
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.qIgE61U1HDEP3IGuKuzjup7gW9V5Wzv_Up8lt94DZLk
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,524 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 91351 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,531 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a7a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081c9320>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,534 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,711 ERROR engagement 83 91351 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,711 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,715 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,717 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b909170c-4885-4cfd-8600-d71f4eb51490
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 de8a0b11-c391-431e-834c-477ad0bbf794
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.OFs0X3v1FYAU15Ba5EI_sKT_1wqTK01EL5TtKj-wwK8
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5MX0.BNgMSI7gM_a2skHC_92goLECR1Bg-f2QvxKrp5qZP-4
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,762 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,768 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b15a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b15ba8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,772 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,859 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,867 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108723198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108718f60>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,871 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,939 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 91351 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,946 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108718470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108709d30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,950 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,012 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 91351 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,034 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,206 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91351 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91351 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,255 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,256 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91351 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,265 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,267 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91351 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 424a222a-0687-4ebc-a98f-188768a90df1
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 77efe715-d073-4f27-aa4f-fa8dc1fef296
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,324 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.2q30e_VQiAT-F3Wsfd3GLDaIwFiRGx_vFBofKl9XaiU
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,369 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087f4e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10873d3c8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,378 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,385 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=sCp8K
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,386 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,387 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,388 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,394 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=sCp8K
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,395 DEBUG invite_service 96 91351 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,395 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,396 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e01f3f5d-3f85-4f7c-99ce-a1945f95ff22
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2e70bd08-63fe-44b5-b874-664b488a8111
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.hBdzilmk-dBj4H6EuzlqmLoQRB9obHtUtoUnFjRaiQM
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,449 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1075d5a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087dcb38>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,459 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,465 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,465 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,466 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,466 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,472 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,473 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,473 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,474 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,480 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,481 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,481 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,482 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,488 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,489 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,489 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,491 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,496 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,497 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,497 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,498 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,506 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,507 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,507 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,509 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,516 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,516 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,516 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,517 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,523 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,524 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,524 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,525 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,530 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,531 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,531 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,532 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,539 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,540 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,540 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,541 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,546 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,547 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,547 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,548 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,555 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,556 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,556 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,557 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,564 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,565 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,565 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,566 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,572 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,572 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,573 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,573 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,579 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,580 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,580 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,581 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,588 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,589 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,589 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,590 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,596 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,597 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,597 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,598 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,604 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,605 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,605 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,606 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,613 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,614 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,614 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,615 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,621 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,621 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,621 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,622 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,629 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,629 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,630 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,630 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,636 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,637 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,637 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,638 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,645 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,646 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,646 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,647 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,653 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,654 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,654 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,655 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,662 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=p6Neu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,663 DEBUG invite_service 131 91351 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,663 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,664 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,669 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,674 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,678 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,684 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,692 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 8403a539-66e7-43ac-b16a-3db5cb2a99d2
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 7211a6b5-a87d-4de7-9310-2143bf169cc1
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.sqV1qL7aJg7MHBmMmQ-VKQAGfhuklp4ej3JfaZgUOv8
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,745 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086bee48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108750400>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,753 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,763 DEBUG views_helper 309 91351 140736121267136 Found VF name=Hq3rs
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,764 DEBUG invite_service 96 91351 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,764 DEBUG mail 17 91351 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,765 DEBUG mail 24 91351 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,769 WARNING invite_service 38 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 11da8299-d7a0-4336-85e3-3417c251bfe6 to for joining engagement 48615349-1070-4fa7-93c6-a79f60b8016c
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,776 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,779 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c30b015b-b935-4b9b-9a89-52ed7a87d7f7
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c2cbcbfb-70e2-4463-852d-ef5824017fd4
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,848 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.UgvXR_lWJpUVQ-244FGogEpq5ikmkLMFrOQJ7Wc_r58
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.rZu5Xm3_-JwK9UjoGA7B4A5l9Y7zGmzaNl4Z4AEfWfU
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.qf7W3YZvtJOv_3y1URkZirml5mrgaqnnX8agWQdN2_A
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,851 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,856 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91351 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,857 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,860 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,869 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eb1d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10877d1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cdcb7bb0-9db7-42db-b1b4-c3f9ad6022f1', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,879 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,901 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91351 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=cdcb7bb0-9db7-42db-b1b4-c3f9ad6022f1 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,901 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,901 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,908 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 75d8b791-803c-4324-9f31-c4e7e9a1f673
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b0acfce5-6867-4bc6-8ac3-08ab7a1fb0ec
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.xEYioSBnazqwd_WsWj3wOFXiWCu1xJtDbTL-iGfPh4c
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.9SB0_xOGMWbdW2t76z4_SJHe4ACHHKpqnCAGqreiBvI
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkyfQ.-ug0qv10gpikl1HcpKay5UayYQdesZBj5N6F4yAXucM
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,976 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,979 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,983 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,986 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,000 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087ca908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087e9080>) | {'eng_uuid': '1ccfb12c-f2ea-4602-9784-749b35f01baa', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,007 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,049 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ea2da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10868fb70>) | {'ns_uuid': '5cd00598-44b4-4f8d-9014-5c2e8a2e78c5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,057 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,059 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,060 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,067 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10869da20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090ba0f0>) | {'ns_uuid': '5cd00598-44b4-4f8d-9014-5c2e8a2e78c5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,076 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,077 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,085 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086ad748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086ad470>) | {'ns_uuid': '5cd00598-44b4-4f8d-9014-5c2e8a2e78c5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,093 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,094 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,095 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,102 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10868f358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10868f550>) | {'ns_uuid': '5cd00598-44b4-4f8d-9014-5c2e8a2e78c5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,110 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,112 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,119 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e97860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e97b38>) | {'ns_uuid': '5cd00598-44b4-4f8d-9014-5c2e8a2e78c5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,126 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,127 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,133 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 46d237a7-80c3-433a-9158-fedbadf2fc85
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 95e81ae1-e07d-4415-bc8e-524e8b16079d
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,136 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,136 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,173 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.EXvr1Ic2UDI68slWYC0RVU3nlv2wbGrw3mvGXtqL-uY
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.GfI25We-JETfps4tdwigohEmKCspr80oDTBE6mbVUTA
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.t5ZuGAAlFtvCYL6uruxPBMdSGaewsu2GCX8TfuuRlxU
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,204 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,208 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,211 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,214 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,223 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087e1a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087e9470>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a6212c74-6b38-4808-b68a-0019765c90ab', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,230 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 db1ee50f-a9b5-42cc-82d0-7e195f95996d
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b814ec2f-e192-4e66-82cf-f1f467768981
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,264 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,264 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.jhzDHsuT1sDNGjl0ZRI-Ur-NfCW0GTeoIYqJ5nkQl5Y
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.ERlFDCZaePX8Yyxf9k5zOjoobCqSPUb5T7X0VjZ1yFk
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.YtHEJABd7lWBBopnynSK7FGtjtYLqDx51Abq833Hc1M
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,328 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,332 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91351 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,332 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,336 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,347 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10869be80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e8d160>) | {'eng_uuid': '4b2ecbf1-d5eb-42ea-8781-93f930556141', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,355 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,378 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3b6b3712-3556-4657-b4e0-a969a2398a6c
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 91155f0e-044c-4aea-b33c-5bf2b1857d4e
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.1WJoxzWEa1iBtoYvnuq53o7lMb_dHAM109l77kbj53Q
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.KXcUWbhM9Fpm25eZwhWnngTxBQNTXirwtDOpP6QPl-U
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.Ps3-YWMT-s8Ecof48MdLVtLnK01PMvphHPC1_9tpDqA
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,460 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eb1278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c2cc0>) | {'ns_uuid': 'b88d078c-0356-487c-9491-dca86c2d9c77'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,466 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,477 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4d806310-4510-446b-9362-42dccffe1840
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,478 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5232e6eb-cf0e-47d3-83f1-541fe28d07b4
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,541 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.65aDeMN2347x88nzDvG3KkN12xUbxE2hVF-2Y65EQsU
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.M2Mml1_2ALyso6kIDnQeAD8BhjZB_a_xzL79l6P-VTo
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.R_b6tIdieyeXRBx6-WWWMr9eBBNLwSIqSLfPxO8vf68
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,552 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090bac18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090bacf8>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': '26561881-2d5a-4574-9626-c8e1bfdf0f27'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,562 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 39ae56cb-d1af-40f3-82a0-731966146e7f
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 62727a1a-6d80-4f8d-bfbe-e082f2454ef8
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.h7OtamDVcPvpJ8HZyd34Cft7PtIXHv0BdeZSlFxZPH0
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.YFKtzj9OJqL04V_xCvn4p0-Efity2CIqkkkYEpP_CSM
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.psfe4LMfm5XLjO5yoBOfgM1xvy3f6juqIHmS0GBT8eA
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,659 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eadb38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108eadfd0>) | {'ns_uuid': '863d6f16-6eb1-4774-9b77-f5b2270daa78'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,665 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 949e8d8d-b44f-41b1-904b-6354fd5273e3 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,668 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 1c73c075-50ee-4d42-89b8-0dcd7f38ca9e
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,673 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 0f133600-5ecd-4d3b-bde7-0fa71ffad209
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,673 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,676 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,727 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.IOA0UxXEM4HQUA0sMGqceKqgf8oUeBn78MCBcuFFasY
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.eHimQx83G9fjib6JCTlGP_eGgY3C1-qJJoyvoF83IOI
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.MXU6leuxdHcT80gD5znZNU4wxZMtgBd4eyquPKpqqt0
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,741 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,742 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,742 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,742 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 d374875c-6f9c-4593-bc2d-6739124b1e9c
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 242f37cc-f0a8-47f3-aa86-d02ffdca9b79
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,749 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.eV2a3EUpSYIkP66ohG9tc-KHwD6P4jcUODnAVPqecJY
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,813 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.wiBLempGF9ufimRVQbLFEoi7yE-jaTM-KhR7Oe5CUPE
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjkzfQ.cvtEKCX5XmCK-LgBvO0GNaP7BZtNHFBGM3MYge87hdw
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,815 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,819 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91351 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,819 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,823 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91351 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,832 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10869cb00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108eb1d68>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,842 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eadc18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10869d080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,867 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3c663e58-252a-41e2-bed6-77ff9f0879f2
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4df23b9e-07f7-4727-b66c-b58a6a68bc84
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'urN17'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoicm5nTEBPTEtZLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoicm5nTEBPTEtZLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5M30.SopFWDcNRkH0DH7ZJzBzDiQIw1YVVPhdvcx6OBxADbQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,905 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 91351 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,905 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 91351 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,916 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 91351 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,916 DEBUG activity_log 157 91351 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,916 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,922 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108689a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108689d30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,922 DEBUG notifications 63 91351 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,926 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,926 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 91351 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,926 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 91351 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,935 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2c2238de-1c48-457c-94d8-d7703d6771e1
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 73ef444c-aceb-4a05-848f-0ea113dfc99e
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk0fQ.o-g7C0M_0k2FyFORHziiaJ1fsnXsk3ZAwP6h8dtvxz4
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,032 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk0fQ.PJY7QDkkA4zMcZCxIMvDVyWNwM1Y4Hpl8aqicD5zYV4
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5NH0.5fl6evz975Nm6lVAyvw165SayT3fplqINC13OUpynvU
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,045 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108749ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e8d1d0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,058 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,058 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7', 'eng_uuid': 'ccf51ec5-91e0-4259-938a-dd00f376aa8a', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,059 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91351 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,063 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,065 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91351 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,071 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,098 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087574e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108689be0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,108 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,149 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7, user.uuid=4f3ea937-7937-4143-8197-6acf42bb50cc, checklist.uuid=fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,157 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 110e6060-10a7-4055-8104-7df94c029d20
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 08553c50-b3b9-4beb-a893-80a4bb767ce6
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,247 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk0fQ.hZP1Tj-CHRZuxJuEpXbuBe6s_4qzDWxXwOD_emzsMI4
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk0fQ.inzLD98kY-whfcnyju7K7uriNQ0d8Coa1pUF0DPvOQs
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5NH0.lcwb11oe7WB2yUmLcDJY0cusqihQU0OMAQGJ7unyPVg
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,251 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,251 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,251 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,251 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,251 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,251 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,252 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,252 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,261 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087ee2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ee978>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,273 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,273 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26', 'eng_uuid': '3d138822-11b2-42e2-b8c3-054ef3827c92', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,274 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91351 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,280 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,281 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91351 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,287 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,370 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e920b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e92dd8>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,379 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,423 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26, user.uuid=2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f, checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,424 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 91351 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,424 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,424 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,424 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,424 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,425 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,433 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c7a7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108586d68>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,446 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,446 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26', 'eng_uuid': '3d138822-11b2-42e2-b8c3-054ef3827c92', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,447 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91351 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,450 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,458 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,486 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083630f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080af668>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,496 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,545 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26, user.uuid=2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f, checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,546 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 91351 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,546 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,546 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,546 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,547 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,560 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10774cba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082b7978>) | {'decision_uuid': '8749dfc1-7b03-4705-aac8-ed87e9f5d34b'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,569 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,569 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91351 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,577 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91351 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 8749dfc1-7b03-4705-aac8-ed87e9f5d34b , value: approved
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,578 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,578 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,586 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080af978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108078b38>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,598 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,598 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26', 'eng_uuid': '3d138822-11b2-42e2-b8c3-054ef3827c92', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,599 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 91351 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,609 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,618 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91351 140736121267136 Adding vf 4e286bf9-5152-4aa0-92ec-a79f60e91e87 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,620 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: d1a325fb-2f0c-465a-b8d3-60b24f658c24 and vf uuid: 4e286bf9-5152-4aa0-92ec-a79f60e91e87
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,627 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,652 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108363c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b0bdd8>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,665 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,716 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26, user.uuid=2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f, checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,717 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 91351 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,717 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,717 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,717 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,717 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,724 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,724 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,732 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107889a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b71898>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,745 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,745 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26', 'eng_uuid': '3d138822-11b2-42e2-b8c3-054ef3827c92', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,746 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 91351 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,753 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,764 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91351 140736121267136 Adding vf 4e286bf9-5152-4aa0-92ec-a79f60e91e87 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,766 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 6eca9384-a5be-4278-b117-1854049b0dbc and vf uuid: 4e286bf9-5152-4aa0-92ec-a79f60e91e87
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,773 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,800 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10851e7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c0b630>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,813 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,871 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26, user.uuid=2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f, checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,872 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 91351 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,872 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,872 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 91351 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,872 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,872 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 91351 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,872 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 91351 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,880 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107865048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078957b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,891 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,892 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26', 'eng_uuid': '3d138822-11b2-42e2-b8c3-054ef3827c92', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,893 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 91351 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,898 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,903 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91351 140736121267136 Adding vf 4e286bf9-5152-4aa0-92ec-a79f60e91e87 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,905 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f and vf uuid: 4e286bf9-5152-4aa0-92ec-a79f60e91e87
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,914 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,941 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b15c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e8d7f0>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,950 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,012 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26, user.uuid=2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f, checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,013 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 91351 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,013 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,013 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 91351 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,013 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,013 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 91351 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,013 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 91351 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,021 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b22ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b15390>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,032 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,032 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91351 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26', 'eng_uuid': '3d138822-11b2-42e2-b8c3-054ef3827c92', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,033 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 91351 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,042 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,053 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91351 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,083 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087f4dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078956d8>) | {'checklistUuid': '9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,093 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,159 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91351 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26, user.uuid=2a57ae30-2fa7-47c6-8b8d-cbfeb528fa2f, checklist.uuid=9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,160 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 91351 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 91351 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3b1283b7-9660-42ee-920c-5dd9afe66c4b
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 cec299ce-45a6-41a7-b039-3e95de816a65
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.iS9P99nrdwGwyWBG-cPogGLqWQeU_3bIpV4BTPopJyQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,201 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,202 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,202 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,202 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 62659d7d-9b0b-4cb2-b1bc-98047c625bbc
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 58567da8-604e-4759-a0c6-14b5db9f5d5f
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.NJder7BhCp6jD-DCmCUnYC31zJ1JV5uIQnb9fo4quiU
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,227 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080f6940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ee128>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,228 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b84c405c-5fe1-4cea-888c-91ecb6ea4504
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 1d399fe9-dd98-48c8-a6eb-2f4f410a389b
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.jwPZGZcJu4LwRkNdk8yA2nGM9_-D2Y_6ZizXsGVo82g
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,254 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087c05c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108eb1518>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,258 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 fa115dc0-d404-4218-9881-8ecd70867d88
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 7c205575-584e-4e6e-b060-e082eac3bc37
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.jzG4-vz29pjKjWGGEpQxSiVzvT6KtWgtepKQhTg9Vp8
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,280 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108775a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108770a58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,320 INFO user 138 91351 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=dda2fe4f-8537-49d6-9860-d509eab2d59b Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,331 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e89388b7-d956-4cc7-870d-f42d44288c67
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,332 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 54a8c590-732b-4330-9f58-32ec88b3616b
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.RuVZ-iUueBRzDdxatuHLe2zWk78bRl233GG0LfAtZ4U
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,357 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087732b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108771470>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,359 ERROR user 59 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,362 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 22a709d0-51cb-48bc-ab31-f7e4bab532b3
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 0a2e1e15-c48c-41bf-87bf-0981c4ceae5b
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,365 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,365 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,366 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,366 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.c3qqvtqBoO1uc5c9xrzhEl-Zxy3KXLwCCMTS42P8cII
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91351 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91351 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 1284d59f-049a-456f-a29b-7ca8f9c244fd
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b28c8273-d504-4d0b-9b69-6c23a876f61b
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk1fQ.ryX0M0dv9n5vepVMYE0OuOWGyYwpxUQN3Q97WHf0Vjw
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,412 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10868a6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b1dd8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,458 INFO user 87 91351 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=a9a72160-5bfe-404c-9efa-ff96ce4c2478
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4fe39d6e-7cda-4262-aef7-68e156ebb570
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 42338f15-76c1-46ba-8540-88cef9e71281
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,474 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,474 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,486 DEBUG testVFC 22 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,487 DEBUG testVFC 23 91351 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,487 DEBUG testVFC 24 91351 140736121267136 UUID: c6d63c41-831b-4513-93f0-b5e05e0ba821
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,487 DEBUG testVFC 25 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: vF8Vu
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,487 DEBUG testVFC 26 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,497 DEBUG testVFC 28 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,497 DEBUG testVFC 29 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,497 DEBUG testVFC 30 91351 140736121267136 UUID: d2bf1f1f-22be-4029-b4fb-e54d82ade840
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,497 DEBUG testVFC 31 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: pXvGe
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,497 DEBUG testVFC 32 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,507 DEBUG testVFC 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,507 DEBUG testVFC 39 91351 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,507 DEBUG testVFC 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 0dc7010d-b11e-41d0-95a4-1755e14f90d1
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,507 DEBUG testVFC 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: 3qdp6
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,507 DEBUG testVFC 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xA3IT'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,513 DEBUG testVFC 50 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,513 DEBUG testVFC 51 91351 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,513 DEBUG testVFC 52 91351 140736121267136 UUID: aaa1c21c-2db1-4c28-80bd-b0e816bd7b5d
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,514 DEBUG testVFC 53 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,515 DEBUG testVFC 59 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,515 DEBUG testVFC 60 91351 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,515 DEBUG testVFC 61 91351 140736121267136 UUID: de8a0b11-c391-431e-834c-477ad0bbf794
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,516 DEBUG testVFC 62 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiOWF1OEBEU05YLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiOWF1OEBEU05YLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5NX0.kI_0q5IFh1fZOQ-Po1KfQjvWjRH0IgIGgCvhW-yxODE
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoicWpFVUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJxakVVQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTV9.SE3MUdUkV54b27d9Crz3-MJzVUhtZ8xFRQ7I-c64wN8
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,519 DEBUG testVFC 89 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,519 DEBUG testVFC 90 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,519 DEBUG testVFC 91 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,523 DEBUG testVFC 97 91351 140736121267136 1. ZJnrv
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,525 DEBUG testVFC 78 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,525 DEBUG testVFC 79 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,525 DEBUG testVFC 80 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4fdaa9c8-84f8-4337-9259-12847719893c
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 57f9e4a6-25a3-4be5-bc86-12363f9adf84
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,548 DEBUG testVFC 22 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,548 DEBUG testVFC 23 91351 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,548 DEBUG testVFC 24 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 22cafe10-d523-4e94-b046-9b1b5d27b8c4
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,548 DEBUG testVFC 25 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: 2sFiN
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,548 DEBUG testVFC 26 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,557 DEBUG testVFC 28 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,557 DEBUG testVFC 29 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,557 DEBUG testVFC 30 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 84357e28-2fd5-473b-be2e-b684e58a84dc
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,557 DEBUG testVFC 31 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: jhXHv
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,557 DEBUG testVFC 32 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,565 DEBUG testVFC 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,566 DEBUG testVFC 39 91351 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,566 DEBUG testVFC 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: f62edc77-7a25-45a8-af3e-250b0d12a3ec
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,566 DEBUG testVFC 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: 0Tqnw
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,566 DEBUG testVFC 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,566 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2DI7C'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,571 DEBUG testVFC 50 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,571 DEBUG testVFC 51 91351 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,571 DEBUG testVFC 52 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 749d5c0b-76af-4476-a9c7-3fe1bf88e7d9
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,571 DEBUG testVFC 53 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,573 DEBUG testVFC 59 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,573 DEBUG testVFC 60 91351 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,573 DEBUG testVFC 61 91351 140736121267136 UUID: de8a0b11-c391-431e-834c-477ad0bbf794
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,573 DEBUG testVFC 62 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiMFZZYkBCQkdNLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiMFZZYkBCQkdNLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5NX0.vS8DwsosSoTUpwTl8cKctKhR0V75YP7GaK8Yi9oJ5To
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoiOW1pbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiI5bWlsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTV9.Cl3qOaYgrsG1PrIKmSj7Z5jdjU-eufq25dO6SHbuPjo
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,577 DEBUG testVFC 106 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,577 DEBUG testVFC 107 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,577 DEBUG testVFC 108 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,586 ERROR authorization_service 476 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,590 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086856a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086855f8>) | {'vf_uuid': '44535095-e933-4b8c-b4aa-c78c8b9e7e9f'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,599 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testVFC 117 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testVFC 78 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testVFC 79 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testVFC 80 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 2ee34d6c-0655-43c9-b269-c57108cf324f
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 e65971b6-c9ee-47d0-85f9-96af1311a2a7
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,621 DEBUG testVFC 22 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,621 DEBUG testVFC 23 91351 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,621 DEBUG testVFC 24 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 3b7f7580-1d68-41d0-9301-b24d904da893
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,621 DEBUG testVFC 25 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: PXxQE
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,621 DEBUG testVFC 26 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,629 DEBUG testVFC 28 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,629 DEBUG testVFC 29 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,629 DEBUG testVFC 30 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 30730da7-1f9c-4976-b60b-efd3ea4c3b72
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,629 DEBUG testVFC 31 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: 9iJRv
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,629 DEBUG testVFC 32 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,638 DEBUG testVFC 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,638 DEBUG testVFC 39 91351 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,638 DEBUG testVFC 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 0542588a-7d3a-42e4-853c-b5ad85f725d4
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,638 DEBUG testVFC 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: T5MPR
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,639 DEBUG testVFC 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jO7mz'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,645 DEBUG testVFC 50 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,645 DEBUG testVFC 51 91351 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,645 DEBUG testVFC 52 91351 140736121267136 UUID: 4022ea7a-3b4a-4b41-9c52-b7cd78e98e39
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,645 DEBUG testVFC 53 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,646 DEBUG testVFC 59 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,646 DEBUG testVFC 60 91351 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,647 DEBUG testVFC 61 91351 140736121267136 UUID: de8a0b11-c391-431e-834c-477ad0bbf794
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,647 DEBUG testVFC 62 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiZm5vYkBYQkVNLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZm5vYkBYQkVNLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5NX0._-nQmywKUWjgjsz7Nau-tJZ8Z1lUCa-zE-MVVhBqC9I
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoicHJ3VkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJwcndWQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM2OTV9.mo9WgDSKUzrGp_TV7QmNtpnzD2XBGtHqDpYQSQSGeY0
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,651 DEBUG testVFC 125 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,651 DEBUG testVFC 126 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,651 DEBUG testVFC 127 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,663 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108778198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108773e80>) | {'vf_uuid': '36ef3abc-1fbf-41df-8f6e-0a591d1efc8c'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,672 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testVFC 137 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testVFC 138 91351 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testVFC 139 91351 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"197aad36-192e-4e56-8ef9-ac5dd0486957","name":"9rLIz","external_ref_id":"4","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T11:54:55.654504Z","vf":"36ef3abc-1fbf-41df-8f6e-0a591d1efc8c","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"37354c83-92cd-4147-b447-dece8c7ca08d","name":"av8tE","external_ref_id":"4","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T11:54:55.653005Z","vf":"36ef3abc-1fbf-41df-8f6e-0a591d1efc8c","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testVFC 78 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testVFC 79 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testVFC 80 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 00a8bacf-00b5-4622-84c1-ecacbf61bd50
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3b0b9d33-a179-4368-9aa7-74b92597352e
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,722 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,722 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,722 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: e7913da4-3d4a-4e51-9787-fbf6b00a9225
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,722 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: Hpe6O
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,723 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ywB5V'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,736 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Egxes'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Rf19t'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qk0Tr'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,765 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'o4WBd'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bUxoE'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'IDnoM'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DBKYH'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,806 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RGpFL'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,807 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '37RnX'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Q1e5l'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7s3jw'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nySZP'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yjZeK'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,865 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5NX0.pfjES8VyxMc78txfWXHmyW0bl3WEYSf5oNIKqjbAoqA
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,865 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,865 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91351 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,865 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,871 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090dca90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090dc358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,891 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,891 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91351 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"0MCUR","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"IphNX","engagement__uuid":"5e83f3a6-007c-4355-8da5-4c73669bad4c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"adca64ab-92cf-42ab-8e54-e0bb22706652","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"DkRtL","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"zRyUB","engagement__uuid":"c91abd04-8133-4f8c-9993-3f94f0b5a1c6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"dc3eb383-c61d-46b8-b4f2-95959279b40f","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"IaBCT","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"0r2fF","engagement__uuid":"96ae0b46-a2ca-4300-8588-bfa05d59b4e3","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"978c92f5-c252-4599-94f7-3e774a659ce5","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":3}'
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,892 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,892 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,892 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,901 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 4d592da0-af17-4528-b552-49aa86e275fe
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 997fc003-ee88-4169-bda5-69dcf4409dfe
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,933 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,933 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,933 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: d2d789fb-5d7c-4597-8d7e-a2c6daecc39d
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,933 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: AYJIS
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,934 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'y1Lib'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'y5JZR'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yAMpc'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nq9yC'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zT7gt'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,985 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '59Tef'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Hqliu'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,007 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vK5Sr'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'E2IKp'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iovuy'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HM54R'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '41mTv'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RkPD5'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Ks60O'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5Nn0.ntZfbX-7WbSLZeaO9uUuc0Efk0RkVlxEC8iGv2jhrOQ
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,072 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 192 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,072 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 193 91351 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,072 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 194 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,079 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108715470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087156d8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,094 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 200 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,094 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 204 91351 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"x8G1H","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Ss8Iw","engagement__uuid":"f917811c-fe82-477f-8ddd-274fc951d1f0","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"c2098a9c-256f-4a18-ace6-ea9d06e64334","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,094 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,095 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 0519add1-969e-43f7-a42e-b1d26988ef43
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 98f873d2-6d31-43ba-8415-6b9defdebc05
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,130 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,131 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,131 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: d41ace6c-0761-401a-883c-13e66872b2f9
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,131 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: vqXez
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,131 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,131 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nSmC0'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0yXbT'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RQ86L'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YjHb2'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '59IsO'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VAbz7'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1PYez'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UKZdf'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'b8P2D'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '92xW7'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,225 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Hlkq9'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1LvQp'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SsW2I'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,256 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lmSNk'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5Nn0.ElUNW3eI-Doe-I5IsS66OlxkHCbeGtj1a4RSJt-mt3E
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,264 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,265 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91351 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,265 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,271 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090981d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10870bbe0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,284 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91351 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"dQVZY","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"H0pdm","engagement__uuid":"17aa7f0d-f2fc-4e6b-9fd5-3d45f7bf953d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"4c8bafcf-5f6a-4d7b-8ace-a488dec1a783","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 271e86c0-4f85-428a-a04e-4ba477c5c320
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 fea66324-b676-46d3-9909-bf58d4e78905
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,293 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,293 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,320 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,321 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91351 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,321 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91351 140736121267136 UUID: f64c3dc8-7ec6-4d22-b39a-5d3f6197e446
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,321 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91351 140736121267136 Full Name: G3Ltf
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,321 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91351 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AFqX0'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KGP2m'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zZ4mL'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,354 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0QJ9a'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'M3ZGK'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LEvxl'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'pSICG'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qWiLx'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Z1Wjb'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tLiHD'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4WRqh'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Glkjs'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6L3qM'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,445 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gM6Ko'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5Nn0.L7O8IRivPb6noS5n5r9XLWJDnvSYFv6k2CyRhJS7Re4
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,455 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,455 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91351 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,455 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,460 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eb1ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108805828>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,486 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91351 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,486 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91351 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"MTQm7","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Weazw","engagement__uuid":"97ae808b-fd69-4a5b-9c8b-cb640d85cbb5","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"c0c878f1-d3c2-4cd5-9285-d24479e3d351","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"NamFs","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"p8DOY","engagement__uuid":"0403e9c5-6a4e-4761-9de1-6271b898c623","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"cb246c76-5f1c-40da-a3a1-78ffc57a0e9c","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"SuiHg","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"YOHUr","engagement__uuid":"d8b97b85-a324-400c-8ac2-ab76bc02dfa1","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a890024f-2f21-4f46-94fb-e350dcf49925","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"bLszY","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"5b2ON","engagement__uuid":"372fdc0c-0b04-4495-99aa-f033c5291468","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"e32be8c7-a595-48a8-b8a0-982f60e51244","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"bUGtu","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"jyDer","engagement__uuid":"44824ef0-232b-4f7e-b991-c52871704cbf","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"8ebaf908-db1d-4b46-9296-5f84fec8d1c6","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"cgyfP","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"hGnvo","engagement__uuid":"d1b68c67-9200-46b5-96e0-fa9096609149","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"677c7699-764a-4ec1-afb0-266590d639d3","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"lGasV","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"3ceNH","engagement__uuid":"794dd66a-c8a9-4178-b097-41f7f79c727d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","eng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+2017-03-21 11:54:56,486 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,486 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,487 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,500 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 17a9c0b7-74a5-4362-811f-9a0cb39f0cd1
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 577eea4a-c0de-4825-a234-b815ce71d9e4
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,502 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk2fQ.XbzBaiUfiX9tyU4dx5tWAA1NXkCsH-k6zOjEwZI4EKM
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk2fQ.3Hj9pa7bkjVGkZO-UA4Xm_8oDMzyECZywhrUhLfGGjY
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5Nn0.Ax2BTNJV3TDQ_NgGRxRzKsriFuOr6yJisG9vSzj-SCM
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,557 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,557 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 91351 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,558 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,558 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,558 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,558 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,558 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,558 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,565 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10873d940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088059b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,575 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,588 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91351 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,594 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ef2898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108eb1cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': '89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,601 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,607 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: c4d60475-b258-447b-8b1e-19490c01abc3 and vf uuid: cbd75b0d-5dd6-407f-83de-0b1fa20ba543
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,639 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 91351 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,640 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,640 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,640 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,640 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,640 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,647 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090dcf98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090dc7b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,657 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,668 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91351 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,673 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108778d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108778278>) | {'eng_uuid': '89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,679 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,683 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: c4d60475-b258-447b-8b1e-19490c01abc3 and vf uuid: cbd75b0d-5dd6-407f-83de-0b1fa20ba543
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,719 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 91351 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,719 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,719 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,720 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,720 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,720 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,725 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ea2e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e8d080>) | {'eng_uuid': '89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,736 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,748 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91351 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,755 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088051d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108683cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': '89a8a7d2-5eae-48bc-ac72-910f6bd3e455'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,762 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,767 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: c4d60475-b258-447b-8b1e-19490c01abc3 and vf uuid: cbd75b0d-5dd6-407f-83de-0b1fa20ba543
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,800 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 91351 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,801 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,801 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,801 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 b51b345d-b3a1-4218-bda5-90755abc5539
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 f5f59f16-7b57-4751-b8a9-6e57af3c27b8
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,815 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,848 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk2fQ.m5XagVO21QdzNOBLS5pSgZkR4HbSEuFz5mcwWy1pi44
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk2fQ.u448CdhwujKVOblPpj3Hrd-Vsvp_KEu1yyUHNHl2DAo
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5Nn0.A1nkVn7tu6i7732Wdl6rto1dEAlF6POzxwyn1kLI7rA
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 91351 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,860 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,867 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108773828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108778e10>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,876 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,888 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91351 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,895 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10774cc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087eeb00>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,901 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,908 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 85e7c72b-afb8-4655-9005-c2610aacfbc8 and vf uuid: eefd0137-aac7-4cde-9b1a-4872b522b740
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,946 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087759e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108763da0>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,955 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,956 DEBUG activity_log 105 91351 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,960 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 91351 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,960 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,960 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,960 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,960 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,960 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 91351 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,965 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10882dc18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10882dd68>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,976 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,988 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91351 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,995 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090ba7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107895860>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,001 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,008 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 85e7c72b-afb8-4655-9005-c2610aacfbc8 and vf uuid: eefd0137-aac7-4cde-9b1a-4872b522b740
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,047 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 91351 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,047 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,047 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,047 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,047 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,048 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 91351 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,054 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108687748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10882d6a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,064 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,076 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91351 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,082 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108778908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108685be0>) | {'eng_uuid': '2e6c36fc-68ec-4430-9ec1-693ff4296e18'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,089 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,095 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 85e7c72b-afb8-4655-9005-c2610aacfbc8 and vf uuid: eefd0137-aac7-4cde-9b1a-4872b522b740
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,131 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 91351 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,132 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,132 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,132 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 5299420a-0fca-44ae-ac7a-394e4f1b4322
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 a6ece0fa-df83-4735-b480-a7acedf2e237
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,140 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,187 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk3fQ.OJicOwmYR4kkfNida-EOOS1eyW5710gDuKCV_ZhuUSs
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk3fQ.HHAREfsZNzH8izF6wgbxrKRcVZMpCrWD1XvzoAgo720
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4MzY5N30.8uY2XzEXntJ7ttlPzwmx5OzPhF75W26fmbZtOgO5NI4
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,191 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 91351 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 91351 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,192 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 91351 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,198 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108812b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090a13c8>) | {'eng_uuid': '65ab8655-b7a8-4429-9680-ccfce93c62fe', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,210 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 65ab8655-b7a8-4429-9680-ccfce93c62fe isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,219 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e95e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e95630>) | {'eng_uuid': '65ab8655-b7a8-4429-9680-ccfce93c62fe'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,225 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,232 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91351 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 05a5b738-095e-4166-9a0b-6bd846af722b and vf uuid: a170b787-0927-4de0-8f47-ddb888265bc6
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 91351 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91351 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91351 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 690319c7-1f5c-4cff-b788-fac4ebd9c4ce
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 c88e48c8-4351-4871-8b2d-1ce08d17bda7
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,280 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91351 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTgzNjk3fQ.6ZbsXDyJ0rceKiSjSy0gpchhIHdrKP0lf8TKDMETODI
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 654b90ae-9463-4bea-9501-ac4c9eb2320e
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,378 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91351 140736121267136 3bce9315-2792-4a0e-b6e1-2966ccadc1cd
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,381 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,381 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91351 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,458 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 91351 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,466 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91351 140736121267136 580eaaa1-53de-4f06-b20b-f101cebbe1ca
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,468 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91351 140736121267136 58e82056-b34e-48d2-a20b-19e90fce00aa
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91351 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,510 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,527 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10873d240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10873d438>) | {'eng_uuid': '9993accc-97e8-43e2-ba65-d990db0bdf03'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,538 DEBUG auth 51 91351 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,541 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91351 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 9993accc-97e8-43e2-ba65-d990db0bdf03
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,567 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145425248256 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,580 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10774ca20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108763438>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e75d4638-dfbb-40b6-9783-023862f8badc'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,589 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: e75d4638-dfbb-40b6-9783-023862f8badc isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,597 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087e6f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090a1ef0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e75d4638-dfbb-40b6-9783-023862f8badc'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,607 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,613 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145425248256 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: e75d4638-dfbb-40b6-9783-023862f8badc
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,622 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145425248256 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,623 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145425248256 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108eb1eb8>
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,643 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145425248256 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,659 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108812828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108812048>) | {'eng_uuid': '3e3ab213-bd6b-4bd2-ae43-e3d09b8513c0'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,668 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 3e3ab213-bd6b-4bd2-ae43-e3d09b8513c0 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,680 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e80eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e808d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '3e3ab213-bd6b-4bd2-ae43-e3d09b8513c0'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,691 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,697 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145425248256 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 3e3ab213-bd6b-4bd2-ae43-e3d09b8513c0
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,707 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145425248256 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,707 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145425248256 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108eb1eb8>
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,727 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145430503424 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,742 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145430503424 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090dc828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108715da0>) | {'eng_uuid': '971fe224-de92-40a2-af87-30bfce0ab006'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,749 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145430503424 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 971fe224-de92-40a2-af87-30bfce0ab006 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,757 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145430503424 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10873d0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ea1c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '971fe224-de92-40a2-af87-30bfce0ab006'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,769 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145430503424 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,773 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145430503424 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 971fe224-de92-40a2-af87-30bfce0ab006
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,782 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145430503424 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,782 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145430503424 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e97400>
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,800 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145425248256 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,818 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108683cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e95630>) | {'eng_uuid': '4944f32f-c827-4538-b006-16f71f7b3c2c'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,829 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 4944f32f-c827-4538-b006-16f71f7b3c2c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,836 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eb6e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108775080>) | {'eng_uuid': '4944f32f-c827-4538-b006-16f71f7b3c2c'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,847 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,853 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145425248256 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 4944f32f-c827-4538-b006-16f71f7b3c2c
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,864 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145425248256 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,864 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145425248256 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108eb1eb8>
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,881 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145435758592 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,895 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145435758592 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087156a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090dc128>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e5f0827f-5799-49ac-b3bf-53ff78bed7ad'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,903 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145435758592 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: e5f0827f-5799-49ac-b3bf-53ff78bed7ad isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,915 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145435758592 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078956d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10868a5f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e5f0827f-5799-49ac-b3bf-53ff78bed7ad'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,925 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145435758592 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,931 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145435758592 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: e5f0827f-5799-49ac-b3bf-53ff78bed7ad
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,941 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145435758592 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,941 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145435758592 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1087ec4e0>
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,959 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145430503424 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,973 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145430503424 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e95cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087e86d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ffd168f2-6f36-4050-b018-513b0897ecc0'}
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,981 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145430503424 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: ffd168f2-6f36-4050-b018-513b0897ecc0 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,992 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145430503424 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e80b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e801d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ffd168f2-6f36-4050-b018-513b0897ecc0'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,003 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145430503424 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,010 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145430503424 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: ffd168f2-6f36-4050-b018-513b0897ecc0
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,019 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145430503424 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,019 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145430503424 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e97400>
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,039 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145441013760 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,054 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145441013760 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108763b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090dc0f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a46d7007-c4ef-4d04-8cd6-a29bd6d72818'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,062 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145441013760 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a46d7007-c4ef-4d04-8cd6-a29bd6d72818 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,074 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145441013760 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108683f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b1898>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a46d7007-c4ef-4d04-8cd6-a29bd6d72818'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,084 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145441013760 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,094 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145441013760 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: a46d7007-c4ef-4d04-8cd6-a29bd6d72818
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,103 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145441013760 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,103 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145441013760 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108687828>
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,126 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145425248256 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,140 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090d1780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090d1978>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b55fdda1-ca0a-4a94-bd21-f3595f23cae1'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,148 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b55fdda1-ca0a-4a94-bd21-f3595f23cae1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,160 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145425248256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108695940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091291d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b55fdda1-ca0a-4a94-bd21-f3595f23cae1'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,175 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145425248256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,180 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145425248256 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b55fdda1-ca0a-4a94-bd21-f3595f23cae1
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,190 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145425248256 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,190 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145425248256 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108eb1eb8>
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,227 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145446268928 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,241 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145446268928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087757f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087ee9b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '0e8b66f4-d27c-46c3-a0e2-d7277c9b8d2c'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,249 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145446268928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 0e8b66f4-d27c-46c3-a0e2-d7277c9b8d2c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,262 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145446268928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eb1080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090d1400>) | {'eng_uuid': '0e8b66f4-d27c-46c3-a0e2-d7277c9b8d2c'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,272 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145446268928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,278 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145446268928 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 0e8b66f4-d27c-46c3-a0e2-d7277c9b8d2c
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,290 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145446268928 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,290 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145446268928 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108eb99b0>
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91351 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,309 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91351 123145435758592 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,321 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145435758592 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108687b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1075dda20>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bed39bf8-8f9c-4c94-8948-7cd7fb31c5ec'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,329 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145435758592 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: bed39bf8-8f9c-4c94-8948-7cd7fb31c5ec isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,336 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91351 123145435758592 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e802e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109129518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bed39bf8-8f9c-4c94-8948-7cd7fb31c5ec'}
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,351 DEBUG auth 51 91351 123145435758592 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,356 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91351 123145435758592 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: bed39bf8-8f9c-4c94-8948-7cd7fb31c5ec
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,365 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91351 123145435758592 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,365 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91351 123145435758592 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1087ec4e0>
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,827 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,827 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,828 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,828 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,828 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,828 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,828 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,828 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91351 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,303 ERROR api 54 91465 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,305 INFO apps 29 91465 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91465 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91465 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91465 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91465 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91465 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91465 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 59606181-df85-418d-aad3-387d6024a648
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 246a438c-c43a-4897-93eb-5809a9735cd1
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,174 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,176 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,214 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.iZ260jcC7PYxs-zHDydYwBizmQHM_1oYsuZtkg-tJHY
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,253 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.hq5wSJum2m7QTq8e-L5SlpobDp9gKKAmibJ_T178nn4
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.hxCinWDvZwB-XnYda6FzJEe9SezIA9Ujs1E563b7r0E
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,256 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,261 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91465 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,261 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,264 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,334 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107315a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088d8400>) | {'eng_uuid': '369f80ae-63c8-4d99-9589-290b4789b645', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,348 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,374 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91465 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=369f80ae-63c8-4d99-9589-290b4789b645 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 b8fe2508-8f02-4d0a-9122-767b0d395991
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 6e53f2cf-6a31-449f-bbf1-e4a8ea729aec
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.JndVu-i8NLsptkuVcdHSjMV-5LkMGC2vATI8K6uhw04
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.PApXjSSfqAVw4xlOVOdP6zfLWE5QShcActPVQZnDuPw
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.j_runICoOvkny4782w_oYCHhIsOzBCSaXaZiNH392ZA
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,454 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,458 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,461 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,464 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,477 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b54ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b674e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e32ca162-0d14-48c2-b9d7-81361dc29982', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,484 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,527 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c6fe80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c75c88>) | {'ns_uuid': '2ee48fa4-af08-482e-a289-20f2e8902ac4', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,605 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,606 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91465 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,607 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,614 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5f7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b64c50>) | {'ns_uuid': '2ee48fa4-af08-482e-a289-20f2e8902ac4', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,622 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,624 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91465 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,630 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b62ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b650f0>) | {'ns_uuid': '2ee48fa4-af08-482e-a289-20f2e8902ac4', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,638 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,640 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91465 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,642 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,651 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10896a978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108601358>) | {'ns_uuid': '2ee48fa4-af08-482e-a289-20f2e8902ac4', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,658 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,659 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91465 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,666 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10875cdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10875c240>) | {'ns_uuid': '2ee48fa4-af08-482e-a289-20f2e8902ac4', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,676 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,678 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91465 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,683 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 a126b351-e37c-4a2a-b4c1-97d34327bed9
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 88068fdf-7443-4bac-ad52-e354ec2b17c4
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,730 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTN9.OGau8vCEDiKSxyhnSELvuuG9ybKrbdafPYi6F1BOlak
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,752 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTN9.-eGxKmFUxMw8pAaMcIYUfhMy2nGJsoyubWmr3wWNbxU
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,754 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5LCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4Mzg1M30.BVXFzy-blA8VHuUAm1Iromr0faeGy0vd8ThVlCECJKk
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,754 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,757 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,760 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,764 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,775 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108747b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082d6828>) | {'eng_uuid': '781dc0c5-0eaa-4cf9-b7cc-99b69a348fa3', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,781 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 90267879-9b44-462c-8279-913d58223fc9
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,813 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 bd3a83cd-2641-4e10-bf0d-8383d5470476
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTN9.dQF3oMZNVgCg26D3hk01EvgYZFMSEfYDlYfu3GnZ8P0
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTN9.URrQqlyRW02N0160jbH5Kv-tP2a6RDnpAVJtfXv27Mc
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMywiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTN9.k37ZbJN-hP6q0R5AI_G-IrvLylj1w07qtYsMG2eJykc
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,882 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,886 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91465 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,886 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,890 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,904 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082a2dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087b3a20>) | {'eng_uuid': '28529d02-f979-48b3-a7aa-8736e370c49f', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,910 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 c0319fcb-5e30-48b5-a4eb-4ec8b1a14064
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,939 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 ec997eec-110c-4582-84fc-e9c6d0b858ce
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,939 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.wny6ObuH44atpUZOVUNa2kYlz3vyMfxlfiEGueB8xfY
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.I8fUPZKTGfJB3dxcbRMsmJHJrWYxkwAFN9QBpxjz7nA
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNywiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.zZ-Hv6LAUIC3QD-5Lml2aoTbdKfbifl-oTqX2YP2fEI
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,016 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080e7ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080e70f0>) | {'ns_uuid': 'd652bda7-080e-49c4-b04f-8c47f4a3aa1a'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,024 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,032 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 1f10e5bd-fb4a-49e6-8b79-eb5a6990f231
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,035 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 ed938c75-3201-4bcf-97ac-de32b22f539d
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,040 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,084 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.Wp1rbfG50YPRExL7DIQhgaLAAaDl7ioWIfOPao97qsM
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.g2M1ZJvJ20oIf7V_09yHl_sal-n8Muqltl7RlJGI-_g
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMSwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.8jn8eQ1v6IMjSqVHBK53ozPquDpUJdjZVeHrJ85l2Ds
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,113 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108258588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082584a8>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': '7feb2103-15f2-4dc9-a5cb-d2a394758d2a'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,123 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,142 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 506dea29-fc36-48ab-912f-b96d5dfd9e01
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 95191e46-c861-429d-a54b-82808d850fa3
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,195 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.025F__mNGmFtgyRZAXATw7FL-DlFckGacwcytIxcGJQ
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,209 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.uqpLFZVYkW5RI4KPH6M8BGnfJ0005dbItN-6U2QXaOs
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.RkJwvoqtVQTP6NmVF8bXZKjnfGNDUtAH223lgMr1zt4
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,223 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082839e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10882c080>) | {'ns_uuid': 'd24c5925-a38c-464b-9999-f34ae51c23e2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,229 DEBUG auth 51 91465 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 02581db8-04c7-4027-90be-335c7cb2aedd isn't valid
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 5f0d5cb0-2553-45b0-92e2-f8c64008ee71
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 e33486fd-c972-4331-8eaa-4269e3d969c5
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,276 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,280 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,285 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.EUXZvVHeVfeKrPj27Vfu1_unM8G_AamrtY5HhAjrhKg
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9._wtIBmiSdjC9mQb7dWIPEqe9M_AEmpEQ1k6Mgfot2Pk
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOSwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.QOlSMaRnj9lY2rCJhc1yy23FoAMs31ChFf_cFAY8PyM
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,307 ERROR exception_handler 36 91465 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,308 DEBUG exception_handler 37 91465 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,309 DEBUG exception_handler 38 91465 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,309 DEBUG exception_handler 39 91465 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 2e3640c9-4feb-4a12-8030-ff34c724415b
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91465 140736121267136 7982f859-021f-4ec6-83be-0db7455f6de5
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,316 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,366 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91465 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.26YmKFw-oXG2TGGNlhMhnLl7M-LtiCZ7EgR4WRsHOF4
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.OMhuhfocEyuHrQAaE85jt2eogKETRTGNijkvqEO8Djo
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91465 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODM4NTR9.rBKeowo610PlC4-wiRNtI9GZj-V4uHH6QBnQ_1Fp2jg
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,384 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,388 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91465 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,389 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,393 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91465 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,404 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10894c048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10880fb70>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,412 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91465 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081aba20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081ab6d8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91465 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91465 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,414 ERROR api 54 91540 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,415 INFO apps 29 91540 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91540 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,580 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91540 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,626 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91540 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91540 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,675 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,676 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91540 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91540 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 f14609e9-93b1-41a5-aa0a-be047cdeec7b
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 cdd4cdec-20e8-435b-9c3a-63e52601a443
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,078 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.1loiZNBaBF3T_fwAcwzqER89BopTajkpBzq-KRud8bo
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,079 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.8Uut4gJhh_jzHCKYvZz-NS6wbdxleDTKat5PMjogIUs
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.cqF7fOW7qO9nav4sqpHKjGGZf1itIgDDuz1i29rUHCM
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,081 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,085 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91540 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,086 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,089 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,157 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10895d8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b6e390>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ceb8d2bc-b05d-4c11-a30e-87c0e0501fdf', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,166 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,189 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91540 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=ceb8d2bc-b05d-4c11-a30e-87c0e0501fdf for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,189 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 8501926d-0e47-42a4-8bfb-963bbe10cda3
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 5d1d5cf0-0eb0-475c-a2bb-ceab8dac48a7
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.V4nCoExYH9zIBI-uKPPOZWwchtEwhICmhCGWrFaURZQ
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.Ae5MQERjwPkGP3CcBwixcZSCmSf9Yb6a5QCTevUXYJg
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.R9fX87b2bpNsB3DneRs5_0YkKA3Fk3ulcV_HIlAxZJk
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,266 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,271 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,275 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,278 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,289 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c5cf60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c5d320>) | {'eng_uuid': '15d923a6-db48-41ba-80a4-3a938843285d', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,297 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,341 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ba69b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ba8eb8>) | {'ns_uuid': '5c4ca8b8-08c6-49c6-9ce0-e8c574a924fc', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,350 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,351 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91540 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,352 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,428 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c5df28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c5d550>) | {'ns_uuid': '5c4ca8b8-08c6-49c6-9ce0-e8c574a924fc', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,434 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,435 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91540 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,442 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b897b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b897f0>) | {'ns_uuid': '5c4ca8b8-08c6-49c6-9ce0-e8c574a924fc', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,450 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,451 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91540 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,452 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,459 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b9d198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b9dfd0>) | {'ns_uuid': '5c4ca8b8-08c6-49c6-9ce0-e8c574a924fc', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,467 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,469 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91540 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,475 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c5cbe0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c5c860>) | {'ns_uuid': '5c4ca8b8-08c6-49c6-9ce0-e8c574a924fc', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,485 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,486 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91540 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 56d7af2d-1b90-413a-9489-8b3c16f6766c
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 e8227f62-92bc-4cbf-8b56-168b359c1cb0
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,550 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,559 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.0q2-ETEA7g5C4_VD801H8r_mzjor-N_p62axsGu9jjk
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.4E_t98RF_gmiDbaHzmcnezamQoybmz2PIt6q08BveI4
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5LCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDAyOX0.bPT07_GJNDZMsH3PdH3zmmVoc4kvXo-jHBI4ELdcNE4
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,562 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,565 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,569 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,572 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,582 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ac4550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107dcd6a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '72af94e0-8038-44be-84b4-0a09199a6e27', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,589 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 1bea7670-9734-42b6-9215-4f7079689683
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 03295f68-ec2d-4b6a-97ea-84adc5659b14
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,665 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,672 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.tNi0WtgzMrq0Ir7h0ZJtKe8x3aqM0J9KJEYUpWiSXUM
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.bxjjonzbKnbtvsVtNgQxI1LhAn4ZA8JhnNlsIh7Sxbk
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMywiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.Gg-mocziDXAR2kzOZNNyCnIvi-ySIJJxPcDyCot_hc8
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,687 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,691 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91540 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,692 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,696 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,708 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aee0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108723908>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e3cb5b0c-61df-485d-abe4-466b89c2369d', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,715 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 0d3413f2-9085-4608-9e34-220b88290ca7
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 f319cbdd-c5fa-4368-bad0-1282ff5ce39c
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.WE_Da29Ib1__JdGVa6ddmf-fL57cB60XDrtycaDfSyw
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.Ajuj2Xs1PJi64iDU9k0cOxN1KR0ONb2WBMR6OI-B77s
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNywiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.IDfMWeRyLIzfivzdnTtAy_eSZezUPvNRJaek2o2due0
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,818 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079be7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108313320>) | {'ns_uuid': '468d6131-f37b-4bff-bd50-ef2617103a11'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,825 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 2a13128d-2aae-4486-9aed-0888520dddd4
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 2492cfde-d0d5-4d0f-98b7-ff9559f3224e
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,884 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.fjiUVtvFyAgeucEiB5HhucdQnN39joEwIjtZdxELVsY
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,901 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.EXvxV2VXCiSYsVSM296jEsNYXQiRS6Vgg_Agk6G0N2w
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMSwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMjl9.LYKFM0G6DGD-rTeVcDh8z-Ye7BlAnVcGpQbqaMqi_Fw
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,913 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082ad4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084e2d30>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': 'f6de9f7d-6cb5-4a64-a9d6-fcc4474f7425'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,924 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 ae4387b0-f02d-4aac-be7d-4f7dacee1090
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 4296fdcf-a1d9-4db4-9bbd-77d46a768c3d
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.A_1IS9teQL9-VkKbulBW6SglBbz2ARMdoTXCi9zmhdo
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.OHngn_k1UmVVIryu6GidlFL6ipfxDgyyUPBmMPXGHnQ
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.lLS1hM0yNoDb4_uygAmUwIEd49hgCpbCmN1PJk-RNoY
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,022 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084bb278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108810208>) | {'ns_uuid': '59ce450d-8e95-4784-9097-284a945312b2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,028 DEBUG auth 51 91540 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: fc0790a5-e1ae-43e1-a7f2-131e77590b32 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,030 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,031 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,032 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 a2605752-1e04-4d51-a0a6-f90c62db8d73
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 ea81b453-ff9c-4ed6-8216-5d0bb92b5c4c
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,037 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,081 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.Jp186QKgqAk2VxyUdrEMlFwsmD6P_BXlberxfKr2NnI
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.Jexy0jcigwSrSiyBhTulBuOCvwlr131f_ZOXIry0nXY
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,097 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOSwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.aZNQwBvkTdzP7xcbWUhuLVfAQ4wXFRcwo9M0p3WJ8PA
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,104 ERROR exception_handler 40 91540 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,104 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91540 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,105 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91540 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,105 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91540 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 8028b199-4da8-4421-b1ad-f210caa83757
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,111 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91540 140736121267136 8379ef06-4ca7-44f8-8873-ed3dd34c5d8f
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,113 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91540 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.yQuHvPjgcpOGwYGSeRRMaHfK-PKKQ_NPQS1JZcYGuRg
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.zwNC6Zly3DWRlYScnm-YWl8dwod9hdDcP5KyhvGxzpA
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91540 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQwMzB9.U_jAAFJFhjEDAcEBZtsz_ZhpuGpoyhBZkaerlBlhdU8
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,179 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,182 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91540 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,182 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,188 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91540 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,199 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10872c5f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089b6128>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,209 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91540 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10899d710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108723a58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91540 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91540 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,142 ERROR api 54 91596 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,143 INFO apps 29 91596 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,225 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,236 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,241 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,243 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,309 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91596 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91596 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,463 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91596 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91596 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,736 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,832 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d1af98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d29550>) | {'uu_id': 'fd26f779-f553-4870-a282-5d9cf17e2b8c', 'token': 'f1dd38dc-d38f-4c31-8d8e-c3cd078abea0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,842 DEBUG activation 78 91596 140736121267136 User WymKP is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,846 DEBUG views_helper 326 91596 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,846 DEBUG activation 87 91596 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,911 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bf8eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfe048>) | {'uu_id': '4f77aeb2-ec98-47bc-9b07-bada330c1f09', 'token': '1f444447-9bbb-40d9-826e-06b6935ea9c9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,920 DEBUG activation 78 91596 140736121267136 User ohu2r is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,924 DEBUG views_helper 326 91596 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,924 DEBUG activation 87 91596 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,935 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,982 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bfb550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfb6a0>) | {'uu_id': 'f63a4b2f-44e0-46bc-8740-d16c4050be94', 'token': 'a350f56b-fda7-4002-8992-07394f84f87e'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,006 ERROR activation 67 91596 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 63624255-8628-4abd-b92b-d37e52e78bfb
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 6087c68c-b7f0-4a4b-9e2d-a52bbeefbdab
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WVIfD'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6ImpjU0xAQVVQTC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImpjU0xAQVVQTC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDR9.DrqLwvkWKlczVASeuWP58nqLOLNYyshJEE_3N3DIsDQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,300 DEBUG testActivities 37 91596 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,300 DEBUG testActivities 40 91596 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,316 DEBUG testActivities 46 91596 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 DEBUG activity_log 157 91596 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 DEBUG testActivities 50 91596 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 DEBUG testActivities 51 91596 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 DEBUG testActivities 54 91596 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,327 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c3e780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c3e160>) | {'eng_uuid': '29a76ab2-1a4d-410b-90c2-7ec7393a29cc'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,337 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,339 DEBUG activity_log 105 91596 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,343 DEBUG testActivities 58 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,343 DEBUG testActivities 59 91596 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,344 DEBUG testActivities 63 91596 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,344 DEBUG testActivities 66 91596 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,344 DEBUG testActivities 69 91596 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,352 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c00550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c1ee80>) | {'eng_uuid': '29a76ab2-1a4d-410b-90c2-7ec7393a29cc'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,365 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,367 DEBUG activity_log 105 91596 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,370 DEBUG testActivities 73 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,370 DEBUG testActivities 74 91596 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,371 DEBUG testActivities 78 91596 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,390 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 87405060-d3cf-4ffd-a2d6-baafc8e43e73
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f6faf5ef-1bcc-4184-a57d-d936ef4dc15d
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,402 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDR9.x2MyQXs1_xChmRZ3DWAIoOBW8NaWoRGkc7sneVrNg0w
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,504 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108890dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c04ef0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,517 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,574 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=AFBOC
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,578 DEBUG invite_service 96 91596 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,579 DEBUG invite_service 99 91596 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=73d7b330-5efc-4a54-88a7-d42e9616c81b to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,584 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,972 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,973 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 df77a5f1-d52e-40b3-810f-fe33417923ec
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 cf13dfb8-c52b-4be8-bd14-2321af5a3c51
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.TuvFw0VAAywBBALoGRJ_Y1TnzhIJMU4hgRXubjui4RM
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,042 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087412b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087415f8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,053 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,061 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=og5ft
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,062 DEBUG invite_service 128 91596 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,062 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,062 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,063 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,066 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 022b0aae-d0db-4c10-8f46-546df00ed706
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 7122ff6d-a521-41b0-8047-9aa1e4a19017
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,118 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.zVqp4ubtVkdlGH_55PoZu1c9weGYKhrZj8xCTvfwYe0
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,134 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cd5e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862b160>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,143 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,144 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,144 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 361c340b-2644-4464-b42f-f778e3997714
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 de7f4791-425a-4dd3-8e7c-65992291b39b
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.3qpPUzhxz_SaOXZdkHxlZiBhQVvaqUDiFBVPk2vzsX0
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,204 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108773f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108769550>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,214 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,214 ERROR invite 58 91596 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 09255b92-bf4f-4aa4-a834-09a08a604c31
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 4073ebec-ae6b-4005-aa0d-12dbca14b955
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.I28O8BW9w43K6iSQhrmFwB6uYfLHDiu77zX3HiUVi-4
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,323 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108566f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085a88d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '78bb4cf1-7642-423f-821c-af4e6229290d'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,331 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,334 DEBUG git_manager 14 91596 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 78bb4cf1-7642-423f-821c-af4e6229290d for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,361 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '78bb4cf1-7642-423f-821c-af4e6229290d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,362 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91596 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,366 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,367 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91596 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,374 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,424 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd'), 'eng_uuid': '78bb4cf1-7642-423f-821c-af4e6229290d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,425 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91596 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,429 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,433 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,448 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91596 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,459 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108840438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10891b6d8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,468 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,469 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,469 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,478 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,480 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d8875127-1376-4344-84de-4648156dd868
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 9f4df346-ee58-4750-9cdf-602df1a344dc
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,484 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,486 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.mBO_ErKHHwsQEx0wD_9ypCU6fVH5IOW3drd0xEVr4BA
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,575 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10822e898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080edac8>) | {'eng_uuid': '72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,584 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,587 DEBUG git_manager 14 91596 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,614 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,615 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91596 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,618 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,619 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91596 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,625 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,671 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1'), 'eng_uuid': '72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,672 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91596 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,676 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,681 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,691 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91596 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,699 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082f0940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081557f0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1', 'eng_uuid': '72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,717 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,730 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: fd72b3d3-9910-47ff-a5ea-354833ff6238 and vf uuid: 8290d231-f85c-4e4f-986f-75756cee9fce
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,757 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: fd72b3d3-9910-47ff-a5ea-354833ff6238 and vf uuid: 8290d231-f85c-4e4f-986f-75756cee9fce
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,777 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1', 'eng_uuid': '72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,778 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 91596 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,784 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,788 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,799 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,803 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,807 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,848 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 91596 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,853 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,862 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 91596 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=72687b9d-a82c-49a6-918a-8f09ffa210e3 for checklist=a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,864 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 77f40fef-214b-42e0-89f2-737468431f7e
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,883 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 c8677a7b-0699-4483-b1e6-877409475f42
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,883 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.ExLcFaXQzXNrFxib2FZdW0WQ8bwNETUVvlRhs_Yw2Yc
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDV9.tHIGL_Hx8WgXR_Tt84ufZiaTdZwIOOi1VNg9-Yd-JSU
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,976 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,976 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,976 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,976 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,985 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=y4xc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,985 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,989 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=y4xc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,989 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,989 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,990 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,990 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,990 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 49731f3e-1f43-4e5f-b09f-431775dadcb7
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 aa56efae-722f-409b-a369-a0cdf6f88566
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,083 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,101 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.WT9wusjIaNf1CGnMPzuAlmOIxf_AzEqZVODKMv4xXLg
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.Z-z8wazlYcnqpHmtbYuWXLyyZLY5f3ObrN2C-zZa6vY
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,103 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,103 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,104 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,104 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,117 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108215c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10891b0b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '959b915e-95c9-495c-bee1-ed71eead55b2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,130 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,130 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91596 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ed1dd417-8010-42bd-b7e7-47b13226e964
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,137 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 17fa62cd-2914-4609-a825-447951704aca
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.KiHF4rUsKrbS3eenZSAKwSQQx8hF41XDUTDPkkBkoM8
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.ZbEE36yjh1T9PlqVJ3fiFkDtK_naHQTdR3fl8SVf1K4
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,215 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,215 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,216 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,216 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,224 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108769358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e7dd8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'b06cb557-425f-417a-95f7-fe0508516875'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,234 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,242 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,242 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,243 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,243 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,244 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 1c3aafa4-edf9-44e9-a021-de80a7d57d39
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 55501cd3-577a-4523-a999-4f8929235c38
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.UZ9Y2USu6y4sUysFG4UgwkPMix6Lwy1-oBZIsQj6u8Q
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,330 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.Pmd2EPB5NseGH7vQcosgm2yTWBPEO4s455uBZDojSUM
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,330 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,331 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,331 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,331 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,341 ERROR authorization_service 492 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,342 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107851978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107851a58>) | {'decision_uuid': 'AjCcy'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,349 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,349 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 91596 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,351 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 05a872aa-8f9c-4aa2-8bf4-a505691f22bb
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 eb5e5456-a6c0-4e90-88d0-80e3528d5861
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.JkbWeLxbZ9DJDFVNRBt8YOkuauxlPoIu_RNaYKlAz60
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.ABdhAupUGtq26KfYKe6ghpQMWWCeJG_7Gpn5oZC_iqc
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,434 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,434 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,434 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,435 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,447 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e7da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082519b0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'b430f12e-7e56-469d-a6f6-7abac844399d'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,458 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,458 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91596 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,459 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,459 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,459 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,460 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,463 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b373c838-4aa4-4992-8be5-fa2ce9831eb6
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ad218eb8-8791-4c5d-b354-41579b88f152
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.hJaG1kMSfrglsCWmwtbx4UKCHvdjOAzxPfNTsP11Pw4
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.ehVNXhuaxIR2UOAJ3cvj3d2qJKpYMa2gsROnIo0aFkk
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,575 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,575 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,575 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,576 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,586 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079c5630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079c5cc0>) | {'decision_uuid': '367491c7-1f7e-4fa0-85a4-bcdff0202c50'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,596 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,607 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,609 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,609 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,609 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f15e6cce-7056-4dd5-8f72-30d683181621
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 95de4a50-0eff-49c6-b17e-ce3c7b4d1a75
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,615 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,672 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.DXXzb3US04LeMz-LgqaQTsdTVC-sGNTi6d_Cs9Kzu2Q
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.hjPqmL_eW4GK_oyPJ80BdUDTRo7HufPRO1sLKbaq2OE
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,687 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,699 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10821e438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cd5278>) | {'decision_uuid': '36b4fae4-5379-4224-9e64-a1875bba4fe4'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,708 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,708 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91596 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91596 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,715 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d660f470-fc49-4aea-b038-1b292d9382f3
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 225a1ec4-1d1b-4cf2-9a16-57f5726ab33b
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,787 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.4aYnmZ4x9rb_JQSwKmExCEqvkWIclw-2K2eAFJAwrUQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,789 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.dJvhjEcJ0Qy28z4EhSK2oD7ACCedR9yfLkEl5prP6ig
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,789 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,790 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,790 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,790 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,803 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078512e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c3c0b8>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e344e18d-b51f-4e9d-a491-bda1cf5bf624'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,811 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,811 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91596 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='tXkiE')...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,811 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91596 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2c3d8a0c-52c4-49e5-bade-f5121b7dfb09
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,816 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 851ccaac-1d09-4d21-a43c-9f776c4a9a11
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,820 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,886 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.Smv9OLSul5XzmxnBf6JpPgbmMWcoBdMFpolyYTKcwqE
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,887 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.Od7NedGzpVXae166qCd-LEeQVAAZ0aQ8KP52dricVMQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,887 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,887 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 91596 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,888 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,888 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,902 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076a2828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10819a748>) | {'decision_uuid': '9b0151ab-67d5-4880-ba8b-6f2290baa2f6'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,911 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,912 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91596 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,918 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91596 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,919 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,919 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,920 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,920 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 59548753-0495-4c24-a482-11dd17b3fc4e
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 82774078-590e-42d7-a6ca-bd62ab205b0a
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,925 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.YDCBb9RUwQZS5Jz3-WFQjjYgtEczvLrVn1QSSjWdyyo
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDZ9.g4SwEPfLQOnvXaqGzeBehibUpMlA2kLQ6xRAHSNJObc
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,995 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,995 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,995 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,995 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 91596 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,007 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10821eb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088404a8>) | {'decision_uuid': 'fa5fddc2-1e79-4399-8b11-d868a344b5b6'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,015 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,015 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91596 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,030 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91596 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: fa5fddc2-1e79-4399-8b11-d868a344b5b6 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,030 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,032 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,032 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,032 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,044 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,048 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e871d01c-e6ca-4fdf-9413-642aab0cdcbe
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f0664237-d55b-49e2-b44d-0e3fcbf1423b
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,053 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,128 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,132 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.GH4RzwgKPsCbu4AVvwftTm0uxPo6iMpBN6_Ul9KnhEE
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.lLfRuNxnMzJJtG6eWUXGZlDUtM2F4wyoqmLf_P32m5s
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.VfYolD0BBoAKN-TZXiTQlEIopnpjLikT4vtitIfYPcE
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,204 INFO authorization_service 127 91596 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 4487b7d8-3b48-4766-a920-bc91bd5e3c64 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,214 INFO authorization_service 127 91596 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 4487b7d8-3b48-4766-a920-bc91bd5e3c64 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,255 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 0ea0ee47-285c-4886-8f6b-be8f3de64b71
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a3c7e4d4-89ea-4503-bf86-913a25698ca5
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,258 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,264 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.3RdKtd9aHmh9y2yZTncmdRXyz1cmfN04rv6jpvgg-H4
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,280 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,291 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108606860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107851940>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 8abd4908-bda0-4cf9-a30c-3116537ce7cb
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 825c4ce2-6c23-4e8f-9c63-6e4865a1bfce
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,304 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,305 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,308 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.ig57kv--CFX3O-pXg1HD1wNb4tNy4-rw50JiYP4baU8
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,319 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,328 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x107488128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082512e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,329 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,329 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,329 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,331 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 16d43d61-93ff-4db8-b7fa-3d4beff32b27
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b86f0f17-3bdc-4f2a-bd32-56c30bdfec59
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,338 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.IST9pSPEssBZ2SYstTQ6qLhCo_wZZEaUpFQjJqw1WSo
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,360 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,368 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108251fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108251710>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 229096c1-e658-43bd-b5ec-e6f6bd9cbd00
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 5f028dc6-b477-48a0-8216-d546590110e4
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.LplkymxaGaN9j04NYbB1KQzBLGaJsu65qRABLLuQc1k
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,402 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,409 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078825c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107488160>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a0c25cbb-a9cc-45be-9391-52bbec9f8b5e
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,415 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ee486b9a-b552-4bc9-b76e-59093cd7d60b
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,420 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,437 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.jM-XDCMTfozHBVhxCKZLQTruoEzrhvOMLbKQdT7KRsk
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,437 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,444 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108741160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078825c0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 644fffa2-e001-449a-89dd-9aeedaa8a0d3
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 0183e0fe-39ab-49fd-9b73-ce2c770bcd18
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,457 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,457 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.JGJPrnIH1m-qOrrVdtVTxIoHgk2kBY7iT4Vx5RqKL7E
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,467 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,474 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108251710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082156d8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,478 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ab781db0-7393-4f95-8c10-7bb0ab6e0da0
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,479 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 5cb57bea-8bb6-458c-aed1-3985ac34478d
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,484 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,484 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,485 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,485 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,486 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.TlinKAVn6wjXuPXz370Gckthr38Mz9wy_oKBJXqe6_4
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,498 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,506 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108769b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082514e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,507 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,509 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b9837282-6d0c-46d4-81cd-e26005758e4e
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 7b5b1030-673e-4a2c-bcd8-60cb1d293cad
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,513 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,514 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ3fQ.Y7jh-j-RqNcED8R93i0L1zmRRBPy5Vi1ibVUONnp8zI
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,536 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,547 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079c5668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108215128>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 cb97f68c-44a0-4fe2-96fd-61e3f97f3e4b
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d8e1392a-f63f-4c9f-a5bf-78fe71b006f1
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 6c0816ff-ae8a-4496-82e0-06715a07f269
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,567 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.yIcxSvNBDvsV8DLZJFTkVgOu-h3yIXG-4hzz1d4HMxQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,642 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107882da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e7160>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,649 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,650 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,650 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,658 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 5d1678dd-25ad-44d7-a949-3c776ba5bcb1
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 0f380052-e9fd-422d-aef2-7f1e133a32ec
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fab41991-9478-4e1b-8d4b-c143bf4d1419
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.4KFUd63-wx_Br1gI_gBGEA5O34lizm8A1QspaU9roPU
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,732 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085dd278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085dd978>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e94bc96c-dac2-4ebd-be2e-0c5040f7e692'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,741 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,745 DEBUG git_manager 14 91596 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement e94bc96c-dac2-4ebd-be2e-0c5040f7e692 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d6572b1a-888c-4031-9bdf-2640e5cbc010
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 87c71231-11d0-44e7-864d-2996423b6fca
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,754 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 cf098e92-21cc-4586-b6ab-5011796cc7a2
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.lmaDcfKRVpaY2NVoqgMOhvDGlshmqfhIs9MQ2pFk1M4
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,831 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108251c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107882438>) | {'eng_uuid': '8022dffd-6eef-4516-b989-cc2904456943'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,839 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,839 ERROR checklist 49 91596 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,845 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fcaecc9d-a2b9-4648-9f1f-9e6df71ad857
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 15bb3879-43b8-4bd2-a8e9-4bfdbec046d2
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 5a65c4fe-dadc-4cf5-8b1d-16e02012a0c3
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,851 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDd9.B-Bcnr5c6I5gG306IpTF8ujZM8A87iRWejyb3PcEygs
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,923 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e7240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155630>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 180 91596 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 c6e31278-99e0-4ed0-980a-b01e823a85d4
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,939 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 489c472d-07cf-4e3c-ac3d-8ef630484fb6
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a73a6d28-b55d-4160-90fd-5502c9d9ca73
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDh9.iWuu0VyOULDT7EqBWD4SBcTDMrXPFHMEbmped-VD21Q
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,014 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c3ce10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082f02b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '7dccc516-7ab0-4024-893a-03875229563e'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,023 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 7dccc516-7ab0-4024-893a-03875229563e isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,031 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 17911c73-f48c-4749-9f54-e8fcb3ff763a
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,035 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 db5dead6-35fb-4be9-b5d6-af9892956807
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fd6c4b0e-9c53-4318-aeef-e7b228dfc41e
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,039 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,041 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDh9.-t0Qo_KFK8wbYZHP5Bo8WNR7VeBlZFYXPgQ0OhnOjuU
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,113 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10819a940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082bd908>) | {'eng_uuid': '988d8f10-df6e-43c9-9a47-049b4365dcdf'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,123 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,125 DEBUG git_manager 14 91596 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 988d8f10-df6e-43c9-9a47-049b4365dcdf for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,151 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '988d8f10-df6e-43c9-9a47-049b4365dcdf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,152 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91596 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,156 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,158 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91596 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,164 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,213 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5'), 'eng_uuid': '988d8f10-df6e-43c9-9a47-049b4365dcdf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,214 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91596 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,218 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,223 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,233 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91596 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e447b560-7a65-4b8b-be96-b43fb6269fb1
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 84414fcf-0b6b-47dd-ab90-e2b59371e305
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 41860926-57ef-4fcc-98cd-929df8e47a1a
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,305 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNDh9.TKlOEMzX2H1JqovhLcH06M5az-CJMssNC2Tu2Tqrzzc
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,322 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10819a898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076a2ba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '43471744-f6bd-4cc6-8a5d-6869708ec54f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,331 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,333 DEBUG git_manager 14 91596 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 43471744-f6bd-4cc6-8a5d-6869708ec54f for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,359 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '43471744-f6bd-4cc6-8a5d-6869708ec54f', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,360 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91596 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,364 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,365 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91596 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,370 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,419 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca'), 'eng_uuid': '43471744-f6bd-4cc6-8a5d-6869708ec54f', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,421 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91596 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,424 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,430 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,441 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91596 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 29ff6689-0712-43c3-a3b3-477b42fa75a0
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 df2169d8-77ad-4b8c-b17f-34e19effd787
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 1aef376c-bf83-42ad-81a8-2019f4eb1a22
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ4fQ.mckGTdQUh6RJqvnZrgddwyjC8xhjyyLl9g94pJ8SDb0
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,561 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079c5198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c3cda0>) | {'templateUuid': '4b7b6f14-4342-4e7a-8c39-2ffb8f8f0ec9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,567 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 eef33c3c-eada-4c1d-89bb-355a5844fa4f
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a62e94bf-5abf-44de-bd5e-3c7a5798c266
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 0abf7946-320e-4d5c-b097-fd1a5e24b04c
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,584 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,660 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ4fQ.78HEPZuyz5BY_GDQ1tVUahc8m8_IpQZnLJUnrZSQoMI
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,678 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084022b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084021d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,682 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 df69c1e5-d439-4ead-94fe-77a98926533d
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,690 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b31a56e1-2b7b-4471-b1f9-3f87492f688f
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 82acbe40-43b2-4bc5-ab90-06432db42b98
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,773 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ4fQ.-9NSkLmK8LGxbjrOtm9XfYfygtJbnLn1guY9HUkcFAg
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,780 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107662588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107671940>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,785 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,804 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91596 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 21be8ba8-5ec5-433d-a1f8-c6b65347d35b
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 97c1d67e-cd0a-47f3-bf31-a18e835e7dc2
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2b107ed3-3064-45f3-844f-fd16baf29adc
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ4fQ.hl0jO2g__pD7sgYF6wzsqcHfphUveD6cKbzKlBWIMlw
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,918 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b66320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076711d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,925 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,940 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91596 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,945 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (5181b8a2-9b41-4afe-be3f-ff779f6722d7, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:02:28.944234+00, null, 9d30e61a-29e4-4059-a5c0-746a1e181e01, 6477c79e-9e6a-456f-b7be-534c9b47fbd5).
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,945 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,952 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (5181b8a2-9b41-4afe-be3f-ff779f6722d7, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:02:28.944234+00, null, 9d30e61a-29e4-4059-a5c0-746a1e181e01, 6477c79e-9e6a-456f-b7be-534c9b47fbd5).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (5181b8a2-9b41-4afe-be3f-ff779f6722d7, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:02:28.944234+00, null, 9d30e61a-29e4-4059-a5c0-746a1e181e01, 6477c79e-9e6a-456f-b7be-534c9b47fbd5).
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,953 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b6a7cdcd-6bd4-4491-a764-401e533a182b
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e6dd1a50-9e76-47de-bf55-7c7e4424b187
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 cff376ed-bf62-4c72-9338-21e16486c6da
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,961 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.8fMPcKfWDwFXbB21p9wzRpBG0l_6TLGFDJv_Akv0bio
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,060 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f0fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f0240>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,066 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,067 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,067 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,068 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,068 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fbd7f8cf-9782-4f33-a860-253b2e2349a1
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 14100b61-1818-4c73-8228-03d5592b0f55
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d9a15511-67a4-477c-868e-d6172cd8fa20
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.phBBjJnF9wVQN9kzrVIiSTivNzBNCUmW99RWK-935uo
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,166 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108210fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082bddd8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,171 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,172 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,173 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,173 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 801eadc7-c21b-4c6e-af4e-8b43b117d5cb
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,187 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d2048475-cabb-46cb-b617-5ea52a4d3512
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,191 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,192 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,215 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xTLpa'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiJNTTRtQFdZVUcuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJNTTRtQFdZVUcuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.y3OEtU9fJzU3Yo_fkSeZq9P_3ljTBSN8BT5oekynHyU
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJzZzVkQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InNnNWRAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.DuZcDm1Q0H9CiyBhVXzsltrR04uaphKfzjuBIQt1Ajo
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,235 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,235 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 91596 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,235 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,235 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 91596 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,235 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 91596 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,247 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 91596 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 DEBUG activity_log 157 91596 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 91596 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 91596 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,250 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 91596 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: EzXwP
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,250 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 91596 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,251 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 91596 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,258 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089d1b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155ef0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bc8e068c-9bf7-4f1d-ba37-ff935acc38fc'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,268 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,305 DEBUG views_helper 165 91596 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,315 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,315 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 91596 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,315 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,315 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 91596 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,317 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 91596 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,317 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 91596 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,318 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,318 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,318 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,330 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 5769078f-3c1b-44e5-8452-af9d3643c9f0
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 81939af3-2754-4d7e-a8e3-d1a2fdfab6d3
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,335 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,337 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,339 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,341 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,341 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.WiCnuuxd-5LiPIW-O1yD3EpgfAp8s28NqrN5Zn_r_PE
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.YvE5N3wT7OQ518ewyo_Ae26COGnBdyoLS-rHTetsk0E
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.HzyD1Ov4Ze5hsqXTY1U51BSWXNr7oCPwrYc70IoLQiA
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,385 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 91596 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,395 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10823d978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079c5dd8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'b53cbd15-5e28-4d0f-b17d-d74b518b7766'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,401 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: b5b6af28-7a9e-4728-80d0-a0a44ab1ecfd isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b42e7240-5bb7-4434-b940-8d660614785e
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ecb6cdd2-9d2e-4bdd-9b19-6b04b99a64f5
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,413 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,417 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,417 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.6jw2PN2CisfbumWuVooVNWBxi-IorJVAtsNobytpfvc
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,462 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.ab76CJQuWp6YZTrnbuMSivyyHiGsDu9RxiHFQJ4RI2o
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,463 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.fNdsLxAH__0B2HXngFOHVHL_eOn9yWNC7XtffrIiYKk
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,464 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 91596 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,472 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085a8278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085dd550>) | {'vf_uuid': 'b1efd2a1-3fd0-4675-af58-d090e525eb4f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,479 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,483 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 69140bca-4bcb-43a9-b05d-99b89cc6fdf0
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 c5119588-fda3-440d-98e4-b7d9c745c6a2
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,488 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,489 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.xAlZatlSOJGtH7CjSH57oJPSuH3RKZb456cNvbERM6I
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.ddLq1VlWQ1NyPHwvdHfGBPgXAXlJ7V3pj-zah2l_kKU
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.Jjhnpt3edw5oRAW1Lq6zLi42Z_LUQXhkuDyFrjoDF3k
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,536 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 91596 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,554 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e7c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821eac8>) | {'vf_uuid': '8b2ba1fd-c578-44ef-beac-af555c9b0f01'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,562 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 09f86304-fbf0-4874-b67d-d94e6862360a
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d0a08ed5-5ced-4bb6-b60e-a6496971f8d7
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,577 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.u8QgaUYewWy6JkNsjl3HEs9yiM6StN_4XmdynpfFJXc
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.UPYooUGSkBkwDT-AFPR2HD8YvH8039T9cTKwyeebc20
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.w0WC462Q0Us6g2pL6S4XiDtF6AZ640iIFkjhUgVqyPc
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,614 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 91596 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,623 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c5b390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c5b2e8>) | {'vf_uuid': '4b2c899e-aaf3-4ff0-a864-9a34c88e7fb5'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,630 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 96ce46ec-1b6a-45c4-856a-11f69e00c88b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,635 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e26dcc5f-7e8c-4b8e-931f-050b4f88f831
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 dd3cbd4d-6f3a-4834-9098-e8a7794611be
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,640 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,642 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.H_BCIKniweaeIHL1pKHWxaZFo9ww6I0MssBffLXnZs4
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.zWkeg_0K6ZLpMe15bsgq7Yu3ACsfP02tfOHx7xhtkSM
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.DRfjip_lDcNN-gT-RXXCeOr-DPBNoaq8bSGuUpZRDLs
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,697 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e70f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e7cf8>) | {'vf_uuid': '7c4f36e5-6fc3-4370-9406-3a27ab71cc3c'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,705 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,714 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d3c863e8-b9e0-491c-9f76-055d4220804b
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,717 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 71d1c2fb-c718-42d2-a249-bf870aed211f
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.CefMIm-Sr5kEMjXlYN7Bp0ex0jNmJnRL1cMugYTJnHo
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.dk1soDt44zTBpwJPW8NNSY-dRNkR9cF_upb8KpsPRAY
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.xP9QafLbulE1fkgBTuyTeD5s3C8SQw8bgOY28wSPv3c
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,773 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086060f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089d16d8>) | {'vf_uuid': '67d28242-bb33-4bed-8593-153467333f93'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,780 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,787 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,787 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,787 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,789 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,791 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 77e084cb-d2fc-4f54-8df7-679fa6f745dc
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,792 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ddf4dcd6-da5d-4b1a-9bb6-ed9b2f47d48b
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,798 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,798 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,798 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.WNMh_2vw7dOy1UUmLhnLmWAunT8rhs9skIJx_Y1QKF8
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE0OX0.w9S5YrWfnQPYWn4WYIhWy7NJZmpockmtiJOdT_VzjAs
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.QwCsaiGRyWMQaNDcAplq9lOChsxQRNIm-b1GP1H_1Mk
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,847 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b66dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078bf400>) | {'vf_uuid': '38494057-2013-4545-ad1f-128487ded576'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,855 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 478a1a99-c990-43bb-90d8-61888cbca8f6 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 c6e21819-b25b-4b45-87fd-3b6217d0ae8d
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 1df9b46f-ed1b-4d6f-9300-029735098048
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,870 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,903 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.0q1ZweVRZfNFAIiIpar5qHctiDGAhIwa-8UlJKT6XEM
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTQ5fQ.DZwL8eDpPO_NfYDlI3Y-7NhJ10FmMcuYkuq287TF-1I
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 91596 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,010 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,018 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c3c550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078515f8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2637ca2d-a057-49bc-b51d-4ac5abe819b2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,025 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 2637ca2d-a057-49bc-b51d-4ac5abe819b2 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,032 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108be75f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108be7cf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2637ca2d-a057-49bc-b51d-4ac5abe819b2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,051 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,062 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076145c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107851470>) | {'eng_uuid': '2637ca2d-a057-49bc-b51d-4ac5abe819b2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,071 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,071 DEBUG engagement_service 291 91596 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 91596 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 414c0bc2-79d5-4898-9827-c4544dafb62f
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e4c2b45b-9f6c-4189-a66e-fa9d65f6b872
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,129 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.6KWjSiV9q68QWpL6RtdUMbk1ND35SiN5sro8HeB3dZ8
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.DUdUMcyPqOMa0SRix_Aq3y2I317NI2V57vIuJeBkkS8
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.mHbgN52YvR0b8hLw-l8WoSfnhQ7n3pN-ELlv-bxnSc8
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,149 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b66320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c5b9e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,160 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,162 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91596 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,173 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079c52e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10819ad30>) | {'eng_uuid': '0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,182 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,194 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,200 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107327160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821e048>) | {'eng_uuid': '0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,210 INFO authorization_service 127 91596 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,210 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,212 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,217 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108be7e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107264cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e3dccf16-a016-4f6e-bb7a-0201766997cc
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 1da68059-ab7d-43ca-be5e-42c61e8ea56f
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.VgY9OA5ogGFtYB40cX0XHiEuV4t3Lawdy5mZFzncSSc
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.HVwlmleBM4-ZaFfQ3HMUwuZO3vdG7xsLSYlUKXOvmgM
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.wfdmoSCZQka1M5yu2gwCGdDQ9bzxh1zCFHudkmiOUg8
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,307 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d29b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d1af60>) | {'eng_uuid': '815ca495-0a10-4631-9063-85fe4f3d6b34'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,318 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,319 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91596 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 815ca495-0a10-4631-9063-85fe4f3d6b34
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,325 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,331 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108606f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10819a630>) | {'eng_uuid': '815ca495-0a10-4631-9063-85fe4f3d6b34'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,339 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 815ca495-0a10-4631-9063-85fe4f3d6b34 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,341 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,348 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c5ea58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c5b908>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,365 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078bf518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107882f28>) | {'eng_uuid': '815ca495-0a10-4631-9063-85fe4f3d6b34'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,374 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,376 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91596 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 815ca495-0a10-4631-9063-85fe4f3d6b34
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a86bba2d-48bb-4d4f-b42a-6c6114799169
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 08ac815a-0559-4b69-b2e6-b8b475f62f99
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,435 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,442 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.kuG3Icrb_qKXF9kczi58JF9SeIJnUVDjAefX5LENC2s
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.Nvq2GnF74EXvGJy5h9Ky2a9cat-oMudWmLfbGrmh1gM
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUwfQ.zNCwvqUDO1dV9uDWwLXDdjAu_eHjDTZODNyfP9uec-Y
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,453 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10805a6a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10805a7f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fec31dff-3880-44a5-bacf-fe95ff3a6dc6'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,466 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,467 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91596 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: fec31dff-3880-44a5-bacf-fe95ff3a6dc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,473 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,478 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108741d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108741940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fec31dff-3880-44a5-bacf-fe95ff3a6dc6'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,486 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: fec31dff-3880-44a5-bacf-fe95ff3a6dc6 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,494 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d039b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10822e358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fec31dff-3880-44a5-bacf-fe95ff3a6dc6'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,504 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,508 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: fec31dff-3880-44a5-bacf-fe95ff3a6dc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 31e163c2-aa5d-4081-a45e-6dddad27720f
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 1354ba4e-045e-409f-96e8-a32f7a4accc3
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,593 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTB9.rU5PUXUiNkGqBH2koB9Y9vJQKOBpGgPcAO_iOfugiMQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.gk9sSKyjrdsX9uPsFYn1IV1NAGISyPQ1ZobNndBOrqg
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.5NszeMWbzphqpq5M7JE_mPx6s5YFQXaJ0uERaeNu3K0
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,606 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.M0UiJVxxoq_-Bazg5u-zolSToo_c1mEZGds9ru_r0dQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,606 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,613 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10788c240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108606cf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '89f1376b-e773-4a2f-92cd-9b1b1d5d6b3d'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,620 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,628 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2d916c29-7d3c-4819-b5c6-326b4a15a79d
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 294e2673-bcbc-4f66-a39a-3e7714d10369
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,632 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,683 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTB9.JqS0GD2r7peHMWtx7UJoBWvVJZWSdI8R6UuABADRnJ0
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.vEIm9ycifLTw1MuoghmOzWxUT9ozFWTjafXvC7I7SmE
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.SdI-3koSz1UkgyUj807Tahgdboj40AT2Ce5qmICgCOE
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.9k3TF171bkEnsqTIIuCV2ZkvRYDK8WwRWQDRlMRZMnc
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,688 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,696 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b6bac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfb668>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,699 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 75c8e22d-09c5-4534-886e-b9d643a79466
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f3d90f5c-5c71-46ae-b506-2c6c5d76957b
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,710 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,713 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTB9.rEKZ2qk58Rj4mE3h06OjwGSrQzgVsvz4UUAR80WM1Dg
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.9sccbY4NHKnyhGdeVwdr0JdIOqDwxYJ60nPjP8nrL9w
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.14yW1dOnI8Ehrm56rxxmeSmUeHcDFhmPPnPSV0f86UM
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.iVG4HPtU6Oe5skciJ9dYxUbq1r4TAHvKwK-IhrUBQu4
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,763 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 91596 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,769 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108042da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080787f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '13dfb6b8-b9a6-48f9-8a1d-626293d0d18d'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,779 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 13dfb6b8-b9a6-48f9-8a1d-626293d0d18d isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,783 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 84e71d5f-4add-452a-a2ab-8066df7f7280
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,786 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ea61e196-7c12-441a-a5db-6a30bda788a9
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTB9.jt4R8xjSNtXSY9_XQxo1YWcQc054g_lNuHKjNdhhncA
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.970zJyv8chcdd3QxjargQDG2aKOmQqgpL04Z_-jy5L4
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.n-d2JA4nHDkBD1gmqaK6lTDvCYrWwYgITYju0TQryqI
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.aMDmC-HLyvCgr7hxWtKISH7vgxLGIjDPU0BK3Jf7rqs
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,842 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 91596 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,850 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078bf940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108606e80>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,854 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d49c81d5-4051-4d9d-a24c-33ece4a3a211
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 011eb6c8-1eda-409c-9308-0141736e95f3
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,863 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTB9.qL8m4jvPXQzUzPoUn0ShBpjnYjj6qpCqXUWEueWl4OM
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.Tzhy7BjHQmkDqc5oR_DnNsXjaw-uqQekDvB_hfrWMrA
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.kN_js4g38LVtrp4ZWiTN_ceqWGKex11nKLktvNhZjyg
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.I0All6xnULL9xxPzNtS_tTlE4TGsisgVK3S39xMUhn4
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,915 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 91596 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,923 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082159b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10821eb70>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e4b3f37a-7354-45d8-874a-86a1545a5a5d'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,932 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: e4b3f37a-7354-45d8-874a-86a1545a5a5d isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,936 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 4d72795a-f96f-477b-9713-489b45f4b64c
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,938 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 4806eab8-c77d-4f9c-8250-be777aa5b84b
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,938 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,941 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTB9.oCAwkdywisFSjiGvoJ13xg2LK4MWkJanAD36CDLilYE
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,988 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.GsltneRiKboydeqN8QwbRChD3wxRjhr4lPvzYREYDzc
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.qVbT983dxZUWWIlnZK3VRiXWFuUXrHuuKBHKLgQHckA
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MH0.GJpBhy6oYo2Hb-U1qtB9_UzdwVcmqEnKVaRl8crEFyU
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,992 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 91596 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,999 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d03d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107466780>) | {'eng_uuid': '9be15231-1382-46ab-adb3-8ae1d40d293e'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,007 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 9be15231-1382-46ab-adb3-8ae1d40d293e isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,012 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 7f64e8f9-4551-4b05-a551-f09be0e612c9
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fef57f84-448a-4e0b-b4e2-ae570d746cac
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,016 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTF9.KrNCkGlI_ipwJ-tjFXHgva5g1Nv18kBK_eIHI0JaOm8
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.DNMjfPwRz9bDpiX7hsfThE0uYxpOh28OW-BsDl8RKmo
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.jpdIJTohytjpYj0_T-txvR2MHu-8A3XnXJx4zhWhzcQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,077 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.eNAeBhSEQz1a0rvNdLAfdwipnFWRB_AW72-5ugod848
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,078 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,084 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b6b780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108be7c18>) | {'eng_uuid': '590b8a87-24d9-453a-8bbb-aab59f72269f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,094 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 9bc17159-d49b-401f-b315-fc2590810bce
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a22777c0-d790-4ef5-9ec1-71db05b22ad0
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,165 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTF9.LUFUywUbj2p2biknT-eOlOOw28N4WT5f5sOCbMtjwIc
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.Vecth0gIRcCTtlbHq3FkExULBubp8ew_fypPsKcGjY0
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.4XzYM7ndJaIN6lrllRv-VVwTAus8yIAGDeaju1Pgnuk
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,170 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.V6MQo1E-zOyR2JDDtr0MmqhdHX6rCO13RjMF9Icyin4
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,170 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,178 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bc87b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bc8978>) | {'eng_uuid': '4948ecc2-368b-4f1b-874a-c657b222dd7c'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,187 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 cf5e96c3-6c2f-4c07-b44f-d1c4911c3377
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 7e4f1167-0a3b-4a7e-b84d-f5ea03e0a615
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.CqvNaZOmuLI27qDzo0FohMsNeeCZnqWzYYZgSJnme1A
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.gBkXmTALWuPMJ-8pDMINbsvCSgbBTXhToV1Yv4t1DgE
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,266 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 91596 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,273 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d03668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c5bc18>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,277 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,483 ERROR engagement 83 91596 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,484 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,484 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,484 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 45547072-9daa-4943-8813-e4bac8391925
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 57d6a9a1-f3df-4a0e-869f-a33287eef10d
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,502 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,502 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0._bup9CMBnxAf4dnpo_ucOV-sXXaE1ej2xkgzxSGmPek
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1MX0.nGfozKXzUK8rOWkm5wwruQMg_TJCL3QwttfIAXBRok8
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,545 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,552 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108736be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108736d30>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,557 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,659 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,665 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087379b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871db38>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,669 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,748 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 91596 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,754 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871d9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108702b00>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,758 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,819 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 91596 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,840 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91596 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91596 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,074 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,076 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,078 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,080 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91596 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,091 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,092 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91596 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 00ba5a32-b7cf-47fa-8406-435251f7ab1b
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 8c610a8b-fbfa-4220-b918-9b0186910c4b
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.yB0rKq7JEx6QCokfHLvZdGISXc68-VTeV6eaaImt5hQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,204 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086527f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108652940>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,215 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,222 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=Wi7G9
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,223 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,223 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,224 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,228 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=Wi7G9
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,229 DEBUG invite_service 96 91596 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,229 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,230 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 376d0c70-49ba-422b-8dda-cb3c06c08ef5
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 91fd7afd-a015-4f98-9fcd-fd2f7dcb4e00
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.H1TijQuROkLsx2xxPQhRg_9jwFXtvBFykISwXTH9K5U
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,283 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c85ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c85c18>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,292 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,300 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,300 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,301 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,302 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,311 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,312 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,312 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,313 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,319 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,319 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,319 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,320 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,326 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,327 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,327 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,328 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,334 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,335 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,335 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,336 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,342 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,343 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,344 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,345 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,354 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,354 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,354 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,356 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,362 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,362 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,362 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,363 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,369 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,370 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,370 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,370 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,376 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,377 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,377 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,378 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,384 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,385 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,385 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,386 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,393 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,395 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,395 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,396 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,404 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,405 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,405 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,406 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,414 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,415 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,415 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,416 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,421 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,422 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,422 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,423 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,430 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,431 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,431 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,431 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,437 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,438 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,438 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,439 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,447 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,448 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,448 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,449 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,459 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,459 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,459 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,460 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,466 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,467 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,467 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,468 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,474 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,474 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,475 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,475 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,482 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,483 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,483 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,484 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,490 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,491 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,491 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,492 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,499 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,500 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,500 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,501 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,506 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=3BwJu
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,507 DEBUG invite_service 131 91596 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,507 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,508 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,513 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,519 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,525 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,530 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,535 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,541 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 eb7037fe-54fb-4173-8f73-85673a3f9f10
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 4c4d3f2c-afe5-4858-88c4-04ffa23b0a6c
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,587 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.yrfXCM7_GFBe5GQ2DzG49PAOLpbhhUomT0f__r7qpkY
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,594 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d49828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d49978>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,602 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,609 DEBUG views_helper 309 91596 140736121267136 Found VF name=8E0P2
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,610 DEBUG invite_service 96 91596 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,610 DEBUG mail 17 91596 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,611 DEBUG mail 24 91596 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,615 WARNING invite_service 38 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 49930ec1-5a05-4bda-a3e5-4f9ca55d0a85 to for joining engagement 905373b8-93e0-4d6f-98c6-98d505824e71
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d115cdbd-033f-45b2-a83c-884c1900368b
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,627 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a4cce9b3-1393-418b-821a-ee589159f130
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,671 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.AflTW-_RUBwixk7cc2fOa52RM1V7is7-cse2t0tJLaE
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.JDQkxiuWou_Li3ZZ5WIye4jgEQVO-28yM2cL1teKXxE
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.DipFthv7ltLLwEFVJXCjlqmAUK2z62Q0oSTZl9u9LDE
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,700 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,704 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91596 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,704 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,708 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,718 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cac668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c88dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cdcec561-4f6e-4faa-94b3-0ac9778b7be5', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,728 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,754 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91596 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=cdcec561-4f6e-4faa-94b3-0ac9778b7be5 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 23d33ef9-cd1f-47db-9081-cecc2354f469
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fbc3f743-210d-4ad4-b7e7-77f7ce602e8b
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,765 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,765 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.biIRWTder3zc5xxWY6Vcid-bIf_3qVUfeGEbDmgww7c
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.FwgxqCNEoUCbb3UXVOlHueH_Z3JKar0sARJ4xQuj01g
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUyfQ.rh2rlb1RHbjJiUW_MZI8hJ25cbrTYjRNxCqh4Ff7_7A
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,831 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,834 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,838 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,843 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,857 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d58518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d58b70>) | {'eng_uuid': '08e7ebbd-ca92-4925-a7dc-ab0fdd7c9d3a', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,865 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,903 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108cb3048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d738d0>) | {'ns_uuid': '94ebc121-a4f1-474a-a36e-95c917e15c6e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,910 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,911 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,912 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,920 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e89ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e89240>) | {'ns_uuid': '94ebc121-a4f1-474a-a36e-95c917e15c6e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,930 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,931 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,938 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ca1438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ca10b8>) | {'ns_uuid': '94ebc121-a4f1-474a-a36e-95c917e15c6e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,948 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,949 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,951 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,960 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c979b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c97eb8>) | {'ns_uuid': '94ebc121-a4f1-474a-a36e-95c917e15c6e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,967 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,968 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,975 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d73240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d73a58>) | {'ns_uuid': '94ebc121-a4f1-474a-a36e-95c917e15c6e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,983 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,984 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,988 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 3ab70806-d904-4ed3-b44e-b53668d0b935
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2d27d617-fae8-4405-92e6-5e87cd452928
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,033 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.bttEANpA1QwpFHQ6F1X5zQWmUWaxGfaOuQzou_wxOBc
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.WD792sjSTcGkx9DEOfCbtFbBCKqlHtFP4rwbEUKs23k
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,078 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.4rEi_QOGmkrTk54Mj5rjuCt0o893E6mjFuEExj8KXaI
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,078 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,082 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,086 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,089 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,100 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d49e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d440f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '76ae7a83-fa4a-4aea-9af0-d3b092f9caf5', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,109 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,137 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 4ad0c0c3-fa8a-465f-aa51-8f03fedf44d2
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fd9f5df4-7edc-41c5-8038-f6036a23c3e7
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.tXc34zjak6axOcz2yiIwYbnbukMf195ZDCANknUnKR0
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.aG2pQipO-QLsqJfDaRAzsW91RLLvHRxJiKamPf5wPl0
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.KlPvpSBNjZqBFiQ_rBBZlxBbLlK9kTGYc2H2dH8CgfI
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,211 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,215 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91596 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,215 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,219 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,230 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c834e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c97c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '1a475585-9858-4c11-b485-ac820ecf9583', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,237 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 11caa0d8-5a35-4fe5-a256-8797dcbc273e
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2b54f764-7e87-4b4c-b7f0-9043f93b3474
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,325 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ._BS_E6djM6Kt53upu7jS2FjxUvVwMmJ33bYsLMPgJTE
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.WEaTX8IwN1Q7k2RiZJE7D5QOEA41-mnCg_ayZ5IOMmk
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,336 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.cvk7jBWEjdUSN9HBMJAtQ0VjYDfLxQO9WXyfjcM3J7s
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,348 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c846a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d7e080>) | {'ns_uuid': '95aaf383-57b0-46f5-8565-8ad15ed17de6'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,358 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,368 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 6495e7f0-0841-4e46-ad32-a0616fd58d43
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2b1f76a9-8230-42e6-9a91-5478906f12b8
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.-USmvctA7bB38QoWuS6HCD7tVx5kG13FnLRqTB0Yb40
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.gc4ZrB_9RrT8eLmF-_7lAyBo7p-3MdqMR3CYkkOgFuk
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.js7h6_9RxA5gX2F8DPZQs3NRPYwtmEDl-hh6b9eSgKU
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,444 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e89278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d6d390>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': '9113cf46-6527-41ba-b7e6-099d70518c33'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,456 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,474 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,476 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b1c40c17-b35f-44eb-b1a8-f08389f3494b
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,478 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 32d2c735-233e-409d-b0c8-6286ecb9aca8
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,481 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,519 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.uwOxljVj4CrVLIUuy9f2hwoD0dNYRBjS3jWj8mCDQno
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.lkGRQN4QTv_1CAIuXWgDMP5XIqIhPpSU8ZVl7Wfe5dQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.Av2ugsWFVvlZQtXo-M3MonhjGRPwVPKFbCJbjtPt1QQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,562 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10865dd30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10866c588>) | {'ns_uuid': 'f78d174b-3d64-47d0-be85-c465ad457d2e'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,573 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: c46359b7-5219-4737-9976-2151ea70f550 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,581 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d9282fa2-97fa-4fcf-94d1-dbfaa977c90e
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a525f0f2-84da-461c-8b8f-b0c4ded0653b
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,586 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,588 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.Ra-5__AiTwyftIVcJJTS539U061iisayU4Mbjhe4oeI
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.5LBV8l86UB9ER5yvF-cTGkMHapz1Ebm6o47V2aqqfIQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.PhtT22g1AEwLZzOGen-e5v7b39wlH7GCAFn5hKifH-A
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,679 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,679 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,680 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,680 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 3f64f35c-6425-43fc-bf80-cd8376d6aa5f
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 9fadadf7-d553-4fa2-b210-5b87c5744514
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,735 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,749 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.EqosifrFsfM01BAOp8DCznQ96rG7u_rJ4JIIXCZkV3k
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.NZRgqfuLhvoypKHNabc6xHsA96nakIAvTtB8eCdJGTk
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,766 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTUzfQ.pRiy76jFJP3qotfyTh1tXmygt5Sv1TwJzT-sNJYeEQk
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,766 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,771 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91596 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,771 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,775 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91596 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,786 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d47668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e89be0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,799 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d6d0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10865d710>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 79eb82d9-5fc3-4235-99e8-5504db631d88
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d27dc57c-3c87-4688-be51-753dedc5c79a
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qszdX'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,867 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiR2RuaUBKRUdELmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiR2RuaUBKRUdELmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1M30.FmuFeazuTiuVpCKZ5pTegx3wZVF8ErwxNX4tUJbxxWk
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,867 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 91596 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,867 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 91596 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,880 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 91596 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,880 DEBUG activity_log 157 91596 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,880 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,889 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e891d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d6d860>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,889 DEBUG notifications 63 91596 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,894 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,895 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 91596 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,895 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 91596 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 9c5e9431-931b-46a9-9eee-b96b4223f224
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 b63d9b6e-f475-4ae0-8030-f9eef6916901
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU0fQ.gWeWo_N4nQsZK_ym3ieu3eICQ4yWg5s6njihY3frDBA
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU0fQ.RgdY-cilmpwzq_tmF8qeDHYoEZZ8rmxC5f8PJIr4sVs
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,016 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1NH0.lJui-HxWuETr4QKY4ePhTWljmIQh05YBlGN6Hymwq9U
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,026 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c97048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c977b8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,038 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,039 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c', 'eng_uuid': '37c77c45-83b5-44ad-9567-5f55265b95c9', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,040 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91596 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,044 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,046 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91596 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,053 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,099 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e89fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c979b0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,109 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,152 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c, user.uuid=e5b380c8-066f-4419-a4a0-0e017a6ac836, checklist.uuid=f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 5bcf9bcb-5b95-4106-a0ff-aa1a28b266f4
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f2bbc55c-5e5d-4ae5-b036-a41de9267147
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU0fQ.L5bxUQMgQw9BLLZdhHr8VbiCYIP4fBRqxLMR2xkKvH4
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU0fQ.pV1ogfOF46Fuk-tXR2810RHgOnr6sDMeJhvt6pOBr_E
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1NH0.zpaiKYNezR6d8DEa3JvgnPucZgOTxgUmPdDQDiwqG3U
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,253 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,263 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e9d240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e9d7f0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,275 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,275 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0', 'eng_uuid': 'a6e50ce0-7463-4035-a605-226c06e66388', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,276 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91596 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,282 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,284 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91596 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,289 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,380 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e4a390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d444a8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,391 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,434 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0, user.uuid=fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e, checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,434 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 91596 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,435 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,435 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,435 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,435 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,435 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,444 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bfe588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfe518>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,456 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,456 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0', 'eng_uuid': 'a6e50ce0-7463-4035-a605-226c06e66388', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,457 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91596 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,461 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,468 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,499 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080780b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076717f0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,509 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,557 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0, user.uuid=fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e, checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,558 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 91596 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,558 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,558 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,558 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,559 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,571 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bfe048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107882e80>) | {'decision_uuid': '2a27e6aa-28d0-44be-ada2-e0864d517d7e'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,587 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,587 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91596 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,601 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91596 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 2a27e6aa-28d0-44be-ada2-e0864d517d7e , value: approved
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,601 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,601 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,610 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108402fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107986eb8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,625 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,625 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0', 'eng_uuid': 'a6e50ce0-7463-4035-a605-226c06e66388', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,627 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 91596 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,635 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,643 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91596 140736121267136 Adding vf 26c3d713-193c-4bd6-8ea4-634da0c74b1e to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,645 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 7ad120fc-04b9-4144-a004-65d1b70da0c1 and vf uuid: 26c3d713-193c-4bd6-8ea4-634da0c74b1e
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,653 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,681 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10805a898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10873db70>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,690 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,743 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0, user.uuid=fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e, checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 91596 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,752 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,752 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,761 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082992e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080ed7b8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,771 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,771 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0', 'eng_uuid': 'a6e50ce0-7463-4035-a605-226c06e66388', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,772 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 91596 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,779 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,789 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91596 140736121267136 Adding vf 26c3d713-193c-4bd6-8ea4-634da0c74b1e to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,791 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 1bea5b7e-1791-42c5-aee8-bc69c5c733ef and vf uuid: 26c3d713-193c-4bd6-8ea4-634da0c74b1e
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,799 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,828 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082a0518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c5e048>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,840 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,898 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0, user.uuid=fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e, checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,899 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 91596 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,899 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,899 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 91596 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,899 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,899 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 91596 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,899 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 91596 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,909 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10864e7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108045be0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,920 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,920 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0', 'eng_uuid': 'a6e50ce0-7463-4035-a605-226c06e66388', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,922 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 91596 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,928 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,933 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91596 140736121267136 Adding vf 26c3d713-193c-4bd6-8ea4-634da0c74b1e to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,935 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e and vf uuid: 26c3d713-193c-4bd6-8ea4-634da0c74b1e
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,942 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,969 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b66400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108702208>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,979 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,042 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0, user.uuid=fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e, checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,043 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 91596 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,043 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,043 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 91596 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,043 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,043 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 91596 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,044 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 91596 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,052 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107927400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088977f0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,064 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,064 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91596 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0', 'eng_uuid': 'a6e50ce0-7463-4035-a605-226c06e66388', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,066 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 91596 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,080 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,095 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91596 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,124 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c3ccf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c04f98>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,134 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,197 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91596 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0, user.uuid=fd27ec3b-351b-4e6d-b8a6-3822aa34a80e, checklist.uuid=dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 91596 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 91596 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 8d6bf237-22f9-484d-ad27-19f5e75a994a
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 ff1267ee-1407-4e90-a84d-5d54464084b5
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.9HotYZzCsJM_CP_3OqikdAJ4c0Lx1EMAzHA9bac-sNE
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,237 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,238 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,238 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,238 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 4bf94c30-9944-47fe-bf2c-19e5d815f7cc
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 73ebbb5a-081e-448a-b930-a8a3f328758c
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.x7JLU0GSBF8LeYt6OICORtXCZQlWWe0JvnI1uDXpLK8
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,263 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088929e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e4a710>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 9f48c368-53f3-4ffb-9bb5-64694a040a58
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 460c242e-826a-4dd4-a6ca-60f938b382f8
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,271 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.k6NKwTbVVOQDoI1jmfwoaJyiBKy3U11ZrpSxyjPWhH0
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,289 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10804bd68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087415c0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,291 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 d869b6ff-6a13-4dc4-8e4b-a969f4d3849d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 96b6e16a-3d29-4226-913a-6025aa9e2288
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.ivAZYLQO4G2zN5HdTvwYnU_RjMifpUqjnJpOv4YvSrk
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,317 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c88e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cbb940>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,357 INFO user 138 91596 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=eacd1e03-b68d-43e3-86ce-82f12c73477e Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 528404b5-a110-48d7-a667-a4714484d9e6
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 7a0e88ce-2e26-469a-901f-89d4b17106b6
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.XBE30ZxYhlXqf-919U6C54teLoKa2DfhYfKhAY5ZmUk
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,397 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c90a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108cb1320>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,399 ERROR user 59 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 63d70096-318c-422c-98d9-b07f364fac44
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 edeba7db-26f7-4ee4-a1e5-68bdeaed824c
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,405 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,418 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.WeeKh0aSeXb1UzjbkzqSV4mf44MGBNt2sWyjCm2qwxw
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,425 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,426 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,426 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91596 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,426 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91596 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,426 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 6920a6c6-08e7-4635-90e7-a05cd0b838ce
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 10b17393-a017-4f5a-8648-486423591cf2
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,431 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU1fQ.Oxfpz_SZDSFN_PuuryB2Cu70wIbBdv9bbsNgfMD7ubk
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,453 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5d940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b5d0f0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,500 INFO user 87 91596 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=ce9194c1-a269-43b6-a18d-8c70b5fab3f6
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 51a21944-3db5-4d8f-b9f2-789cc1b3396c
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 2406a904-405c-4597-8343-4e45dd0548f2
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,513 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,529 DEBUG testVFC 22 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,529 DEBUG testVFC 23 91596 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,529 DEBUG testVFC 24 91596 140736121267136 UUID: e897c95c-b988-4510-97ae-699337567fb4
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,530 DEBUG testVFC 25 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: CioG8
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,530 DEBUG testVFC 26 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,537 DEBUG testVFC 28 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,537 DEBUG testVFC 29 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,537 DEBUG testVFC 30 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 28f76511-8feb-454d-a359-1f1a336871bd
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,537 DEBUG testVFC 31 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: AOGuK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,538 DEBUG testVFC 32 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,547 DEBUG testVFC 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,547 DEBUG testVFC 39 91596 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,547 DEBUG testVFC 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: f1f23dd3-5623-4de9-9202-f96e8fde4771
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,548 DEBUG testVFC 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: CLWMg
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,548 DEBUG testVFC 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'B5MuI'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,556 DEBUG testVFC 50 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,556 DEBUG testVFC 51 91596 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,556 DEBUG testVFC 52 91596 140736121267136 UUID: eadcd95e-bb30-4b48-801c-b7d131d18bdb
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,556 DEBUG testVFC 53 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,558 DEBUG testVFC 59 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,558 DEBUG testVFC 60 91596 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,558 DEBUG testVFC 61 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 57d6a9a1-f3df-4a0e-869f-a33287eef10d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,558 DEBUG testVFC 62 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiYUl5a0BJVlRQLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYUl5a0BJVlRQLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1NX0.uIbG5voeL7fCBkGnPEy3i00Ga46kYis3nO86OI48H74
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoiU0g4eUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJTSDh5QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTV9.TZFWZYr4frd_f8vzTkfnyk9JcnXEt0I536tLLDcKgwQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,561 DEBUG testVFC 89 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,561 DEBUG testVFC 90 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,561 DEBUG testVFC 91 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,565 DEBUG testVFC 97 91596 140736121267136 1. RkSWP
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,567 DEBUG testVFC 78 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,567 DEBUG testVFC 79 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,567 DEBUG testVFC 80 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 fc612ef5-c0c2-4e52-b397-a9922ddfb70a
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 3f22e977-15f6-43dd-8300-69d3df56afc7
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,594 DEBUG testVFC 22 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,595 DEBUG testVFC 23 91596 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,595 DEBUG testVFC 24 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 18fda980-0361-46d0-ba25-4efce921b4d6
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,595 DEBUG testVFC 25 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: ChH0G
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,595 DEBUG testVFC 26 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,603 DEBUG testVFC 28 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,604 DEBUG testVFC 29 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,604 DEBUG testVFC 30 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 91c14c44-0240-4f11-8165-e3a87999c16d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,604 DEBUG testVFC 31 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: pE3TV
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,604 DEBUG testVFC 32 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,612 DEBUG testVFC 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,612 DEBUG testVFC 39 91596 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,613 DEBUG testVFC 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: b85f7562-01d7-40e0-9170-079f02c03caa
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,613 DEBUG testVFC 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: aOw3R
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,613 DEBUG testVFC 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,613 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'F9lPA'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,618 DEBUG testVFC 50 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,618 DEBUG testVFC 51 91596 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,619 DEBUG testVFC 52 91596 140736121267136 UUID: a1171687-a0ed-414d-ae14-8b0631a95092
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,619 DEBUG testVFC 53 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,620 DEBUG testVFC 59 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,620 DEBUG testVFC 60 91596 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,620 DEBUG testVFC 61 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 57d6a9a1-f3df-4a0e-869f-a33287eef10d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,620 DEBUG testVFC 62 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiOWpaRkBSRk9JLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiOWpaRkBSRk9JLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1NX0.zJ0PynDj8SB-jqeiqxaI-sfe-JFd-FYWgivfVX4nkzQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoiREZ1N0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJERnU3QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTV9.itJcwXfpxkx5XpvEGwI2nxxzbZxswLSldMHnYG6vyx8
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,624 DEBUG testVFC 106 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,624 DEBUG testVFC 107 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,624 DEBUG testVFC 108 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,633 ERROR authorization_service 476 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,636 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e58278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e581d0>) | {'vf_uuid': '67421995-4860-4663-b90d-d7fbc7adb5b9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,649 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testVFC 117 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testVFC 78 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testVFC 79 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testVFC 80 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,658 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 cd366327-31ab-4c02-acc7-d3e2ac7eb5f5
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 a2191c87-d1ce-4313-9e78-84b086152e67
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,660 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,671 DEBUG testVFC 22 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,671 DEBUG testVFC 23 91596 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,671 DEBUG testVFC 24 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 9fe214e5-ac8f-444c-8c03-986e4cfffd59
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,672 DEBUG testVFC 25 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: qnHVX
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,672 DEBUG testVFC 26 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,679 DEBUG testVFC 28 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,680 DEBUG testVFC 29 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,680 DEBUG testVFC 30 91596 140736121267136 UUID: b03e8d03-c594-4740-b8b4-6f726f99643a
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,680 DEBUG testVFC 31 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: rnYDz
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,680 DEBUG testVFC 32 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,688 DEBUG testVFC 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,688 DEBUG testVFC 39 91596 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,688 DEBUG testVFC 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 31f5ca7a-4c70-4139-a6d9-cdf16ac52c21
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,688 DEBUG testVFC 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: fxUMi
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,688 DEBUG testVFC 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'T6bjY'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,694 DEBUG testVFC 50 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,694 DEBUG testVFC 51 91596 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,694 DEBUG testVFC 52 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 8f71daae-e194-4d72-80e6-33565cfc88d0
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,694 DEBUG testVFC 53 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,696 DEBUG testVFC 59 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,696 DEBUG testVFC 60 91596 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,696 DEBUG testVFC 61 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 57d6a9a1-f3df-4a0e-869f-a33287eef10d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,696 DEBUG testVFC 62 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoic1VZR0BIWllELmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoic1VZR0BIWllELmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1NX0.ZNRu6pN1HulIOcMheunfK-6w6sNnvMaH5UIKoBWNMuA
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiS1JxekBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJLUnF6QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxNTV9.gpp9b1P-9HTMG77mrAjMlZN8IK8UeryojA5_Pj7mKkM
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,699 DEBUG testVFC 125 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,700 DEBUG testVFC 126 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,700 DEBUG testVFC 127 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,711 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b6fa90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c90fd0>) | {'vf_uuid': '33836a24-32b5-4320-b019-637de40b08ed'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,720 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,723 DEBUG testVFC 137 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testVFC 138 91596 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testVFC 139 91596 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"4d8f3ee0-ec13-41cf-9805-a5b027aa28c7","name":"T8jhn","external_ref_id":"6","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T12:02:35.703137Z","vf":"33836a24-32b5-4320-b019-637de40b08ed","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"4cc3c969-37f3-463b-b65d-f23805a7e526","name":"TsOCY","external_ref_id":"0","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T12:02:35.701470Z","vf":"33836a24-32b5-4320-b019-637de40b08ed","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testVFC 78 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testVFC 79 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testVFC 80 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 55fcd76d-b496-491c-a52f-b7edf91c3a1d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 7b45a296-e98c-4864-9800-e05411e87e26
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,738 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,776 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,776 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,776 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 6fd1aec0-b34b-47fa-a147-2d34558f3e63
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,776 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: cUD4z
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,776 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QX5cv'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'aZIfR'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5etmP'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,809 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'P0QpV'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QJVHx'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'c26Xw'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lBdTX'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,847 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0pYbm'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,854 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'E4LSy'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,865 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'daMr5'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AagUR'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,884 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'CBAU7'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hBHNu'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3bNxX'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1NX0.CiUbtzK2gr4nsz5ullW7zmNNl-8NdNDxZM5ZXZ92uIg
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,912 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,912 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91596 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,912 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,918 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e3d748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087415f8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,939 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,939 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91596 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"PlEIK","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"YFBZv","engagement__uuid":"11dc5abd-54a7-44e5-b898-1db68f58b22a","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"7ba9beaf-1aac-4209-ab66-6e29abd71778","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"UPM0r","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Zo1Fs","engagement__uuid":"424159bd-38ff-46b0-946d-0d2e2e530451","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"d3d5f8af-9408-48db-a88d-894dba75cd57","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"knHLe","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"4LFlk","engagement__uuid":"41b8d2d1-8053-4c30-b234-83ceeb1fa9bd","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a49b4b03-e3ab-4926-a162-ba4dd5ee88bc","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":3}'
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,940 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,940 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,940 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,949 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f9743c26-9399-46e5-b88e-39d46e587e2d
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,950 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 47b89922-42e7-4ee7-9bbc-70ee5d254b67
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,979 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,980 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,980 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 9616d1c8-521a-49e9-b3c2-9f3b1a09e99c
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,980 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: TEfWD
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,980 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7WZnE'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6dfTa'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KgMFL'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,012 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NvZlb'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bnHRk'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,030 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'W67VD'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6uFoW'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SC5IU'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'w9xNS'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '29ErR'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,083 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sFVZH'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kKcvo'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'F2xpJ'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'o3bzT'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,123 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1Nn0.WQFIOiYn46aV_gtUrtTf4Nc6l5ODtGMofqFOU7JikM4
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,123 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,124 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 91596 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,124 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,130 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10866c978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10866c0b8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,146 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,146 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 91596 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"pCSh6","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"57p9Q","engagement__uuid":"ef836a86-df00-4d50-86c0-967911125c02","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"9946495a-8efc-4e94-9daf-0ae7cd1c858c","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,146 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,147 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,147 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 dce78932-775d-4124-a76e-8b093a7074b6
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 287356e0-26b6-4416-9e89-a3cc1d558f46
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,182 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,182 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,182 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: eb4ca5bc-7ec6-4e28-a049-3747a70f9e98
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,182 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: JDSC3
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,182 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'N1qlv'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,195 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Bszwu'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qreIn'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,213 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iOMLe'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Tqm6X'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cMuCT'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QoUgL'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '3WKzb'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,258 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ROfFs'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WjBMH'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iVNbq'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '69iDC'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WzPBU'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,308 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OqXQZ'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,317 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1Nn0.wSlSftZ5roZxlfPyB2YNQB25XbbacAZaRezb2SzGEu4
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,317 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,317 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91596 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,317 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,323 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e3ff60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e3f978>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,334 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,334 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91596 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[],"num_of_objects":0}'
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,334 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,335 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,335 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 f2404850-4eae-4438-b0e9-f82c3def9892
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 0fb9b81b-e0d8-431e-996b-b01eb522116f
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,341 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,342 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,343 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91596 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91596 140736121267136 UUID: 09a02712-ea23-4713-8ddc-739eaf62e50a
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91596 140736121267136 Full Name: agJHQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,370 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91596 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,370 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'W4me8'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zoQ4h'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RfXid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,403 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FNd49'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ojugt'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yXclF'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WAlvS'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'r6Y54'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gILxG'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Qz2kl'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '14qg2'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FYUCg'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ojUwA'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6p8WR'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1Nn0.bUYhUUH4rqXVvuzneZcKTAMsxg2np1gc4CF_EE97FeQ
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,508 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,508 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91596 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,508 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,514 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c04ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c3c6d8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,541 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91596 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,541 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91596 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"1bkQJ","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"DcAuE","engagement__uuid":"518659f4-88ec-4ff6-891f-5f56bb021922","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"8ab774b6-2af1-44d8-b4dd-1b0a0b371efe","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"1iudW","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"16sVj","engagement__uuid":"876a9475-c86e-4441-af3c-3b8bbfc5d7af","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"bc3c99ff-fb05-4bf4-a103-72892a83799e","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"5W2Pf","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"XjhRD","engagement__uuid":"9ae08c76-3979-46d1-b03b-37627b475cae","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"84ee8e10-fee1-46cb-8fd0-1ba47d0e3dab","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"5j3BQ","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"meB6V","engagement__uuid":"3af5720c-24ea-4242-9ded-cc1d9ef573ca","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"3fba4aa1-7513-460e-80ea-912e5a0b83b7","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"9gQux","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"e1KlJ","engagement__uuid":"fb7a0137-f158-4e84-abad-78d31ee4086e","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"7ca91886-c477-4e92-90ce-cc594d4ba810","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"PuULq","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Ht7oB","engagement__uuid":"8479771f-c318-437a-8441-95a5b0a4715b","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"406dd18d-e0fa-443a-afed-9197a4167857","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"yw8Lf","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"MxshF","engagement__uuid":"c9258906-f534-411e-854c-9c8c404d5076","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"271e0efa-34b9-43a4-97a4-38e5bbed9149","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,541 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,541 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,542 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 e55664a9-10d2-4cbf-8201-0aaa277620bb
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,559 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 3181ae0a-e7bd-4cb8-8185-9edf7a04ad70
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU2fQ.pi4Vst0gw421TAvZUb2jX-qw-p1KiOLD5zIL6A4odKc
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU2fQ.wDeu2ZRPrfzoAhmce_M7bsTzQ-YcH_37O9qR-do7R4s
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1Nn0.F5WB414EnWPZGeU3BYV6OhN0d249RSsE2uTB1U_VVGU
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,623 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,623 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 91596 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,623 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,623 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,624 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,624 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,624 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,624 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,630 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d6d748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b53320>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,642 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,657 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91596 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,663 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c04dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108652898>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,669 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,675 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 296a53f3-6905-4f6b-af70-86193bd5ef1a and vf uuid: 9fe73424-214b-4984-851f-949b33747de4
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,710 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 91596 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,710 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,710 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,710 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,711 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,711 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,716 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e4aa58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e3d128>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,725 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,738 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91596 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,745 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b6ff28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b6f2b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,752 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,757 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 296a53f3-6905-4f6b-af70-86193bd5ef1a and vf uuid: 9fe73424-214b-4984-851f-949b33747de4
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,791 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 91596 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,791 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,791 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,791 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,791 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,791 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,799 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e3f240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c88be0>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,811 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,823 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91596 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,829 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b53fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d7aa90>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cbcbecc-f481-443e-9754-6431f0416ee9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,835 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,840 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 296a53f3-6905-4f6b-af70-86193bd5ef1a and vf uuid: 9fe73424-214b-4984-851f-949b33747de4
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,874 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 91596 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,875 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,875 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,875 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 18d7876c-943d-4b92-8e63-6a59d5d76e83
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 160f7278-9bb3-4ada-8c60-e407bff6253c
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,884 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,887 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU2fQ.6mqAjknuXezeiJ2E-9hJgd0wZYKHx_JXdMobPWruJXg
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,931 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU2fQ.cs7HXwwSvAouaS_Qx7Mxq9AYex2ZXTRkIt5iFEPJjDE
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1Nn0.wlXFjYX0B98AUcVOzfM42VQtoK2nS-kVO-WALq3TGW4
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 91596 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,933 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,940 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c90f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b6f6d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,950 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,963 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91596 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,969 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10753af60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c8f160>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,975 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,982 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 544b8315-9dcb-48d0-8ee7-56b147fc6178 and vf uuid: 5926550b-bcc2-4003-8026-ca5637272ff1
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,023 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10877d240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108caac50>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,032 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,033 DEBUG activity_log 105 91596 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,037 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 91596 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,037 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,037 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,037 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,037 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,037 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 91596 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,043 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e54ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e54c18>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,056 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,067 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91596 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,074 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108566048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108640710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,081 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,087 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 544b8315-9dcb-48d0-8ee7-56b147fc6178 and vf uuid: 5926550b-bcc2-4003-8026-ca5637272ff1
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,130 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 91596 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,130 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,130 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,130 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,130 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,130 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 91596 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,135 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b705f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e54550>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,146 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,158 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91596 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,164 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d52be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d523c8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'cd1b43e3-f6d6-4e38-ac21-7a59c927d64f'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,171 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,177 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 544b8315-9dcb-48d0-8ee7-56b147fc6178 and vf uuid: 5926550b-bcc2-4003-8026-ca5637272ff1
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 91596 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,218 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 98911427-64ac-4ad6-bd43-1290b6ed4f43
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 0a4d2dc3-9f79-487d-929f-37d047db0087
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,261 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU3fQ.yXGmmKIXBA9qQhk6Tv5E1yGOUIv_nVo78fkdHsnOjas
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,270 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU3fQ.nUNBDQiK3dqQemmGbub3-GzmJcaBz5VGaR2MPoY995c
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE1N30.YqXGaflkD36EpAMspPcG_4n0Aiv2MTY5UBjGhXkqJA8
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,272 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,272 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 91596 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,272 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,272 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,272 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,273 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 91596 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,273 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,273 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 91596 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,279 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e21c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b77278>) | {'eng_uuid': '6bd7ca31-edc3-45a5-9e6d-be0952ee089e', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,289 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 6bd7ca31-edc3-45a5-9e6d-be0952ee089e isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,299 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108660908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108660d68>) | {'eng_uuid': '6bd7ca31-edc3-45a5-9e6d-be0952ee089e'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,305 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,313 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91596 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: f69d5800-c3ac-4446-b102-5b5d9c7fd332 and vf uuid: 4872195a-66c4-4bf0-99e5-ddbcb2a60702
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,348 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 91596 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91596 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,349 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91596 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 31b455f4-1b96-4ec8-af85-59fdcd29c4a3
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,365 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 29766731-6b6f-4ece-8036-6000429dbca2
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,365 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,366 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,366 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,368 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91596 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTU3fQ.FSPP9LjGhxLQfKk5AK09uuhLUmqC62grJ_ho2PIjrNE
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 1b10475f-38b5-4950-b82c-96397904147f
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91596 140736121267136 eec936bb-651b-4865-829c-671bd1dfcc8b
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,467 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,467 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91596 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,551 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 91596 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,560 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91596 140736121267136 2c34563e-2e37-4053-9d6f-467c52ed8ea3
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,562 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91596 140736121267136 e492445d-db39-43b6-a8c9-806648768416
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91596 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,631 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d67470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10877ddd8>) | {'eng_uuid': '262e502c-d1e4-4998-b419-d9508520f523'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,643 DEBUG auth 51 91596 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,646 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91596 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 262e502c-d1e4-4998-b419-d9508520f523
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,668 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145571090432 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,681 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c880b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c8f470>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a4b273c9-96e9-47f8-b523-1e38bf626ca9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,690 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a4b273c9-96e9-47f8-b523-1e38bf626ca9 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,698 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10866cc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c9f470>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a4b273c9-96e9-47f8-b523-1e38bf626ca9'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,709 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,713 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145571090432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: a4b273c9-96e9-47f8-b523-1e38bf626ca9
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,722 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145571090432 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,722 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145571090432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108c88898>
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,736 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,744 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145571090432 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,758 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c046d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e545f8>) | {'eng_uuid': '4b7adcc4-8f2d-4fa7-9a24-f8dda6466d10'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,767 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 4b7adcc4-8f2d-4fa7-9a24-f8dda6466d10 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,774 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e3d400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bfe278>) | {'eng_uuid': '4b7adcc4-8f2d-4fa7-9a24-f8dda6466d10'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,785 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,790 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145571090432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 4b7adcc4-8f2d-4fa7-9a24-f8dda6466d10
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,801 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145571090432 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,801 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145571090432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108c88898>
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,837 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145576345600 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,854 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145576345600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c88390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c88048>) | {'eng_uuid': '92b9620f-d8dd-4766-b232-8e0bacd32271'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,862 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145576345600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 92b9620f-d8dd-4766-b232-8e0bacd32271 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,872 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145576345600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10877d7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10877dda0>) | {'eng_uuid': '92b9620f-d8dd-4766-b232-8e0bacd32271'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,884 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145576345600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,890 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145576345600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 92b9620f-d8dd-4766-b232-8e0bacd32271
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,899 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145576345600 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,900 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145576345600 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e9dc18>
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,918 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145571090432 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,931 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e217b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108660d68>) | {'eng_uuid': '9f26f865-5dc1-4184-81e8-eac67c83d7f4'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,943 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 9f26f865-5dc1-4184-81e8-eac67c83d7f4 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,952 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088904e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d79668>) | {'eng_uuid': '9f26f865-5dc1-4184-81e8-eac67c83d7f4'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,964 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,970 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145571090432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 9f26f865-5dc1-4184-81e8-eac67c83d7f4
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,979 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145571090432 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,979 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145571090432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108c88898>
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,991 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,999 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145581600768 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,032 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145581600768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c8f898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d6dcc0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a9ff3804-2b1f-4a90-8f0a-b2c3b0b6592a'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,044 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145581600768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a9ff3804-2b1f-4a90-8f0a-b2c3b0b6592a isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,054 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145581600768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e3f470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10866cb00>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a9ff3804-2b1f-4a90-8f0a-b2c3b0b6592a'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,066 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145581600768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,073 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145581600768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: a9ff3804-2b1f-4a90-8f0a-b2c3b0b6592a
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,081 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145581600768 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,082 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145581600768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1087410f0>
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,100 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145576345600 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,115 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145576345600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ca16a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b77518>) | {'eng_uuid': '7c19ecb4-c574-4ac1-bccd-d3c50994e864'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,123 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145576345600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 7c19ecb4-c574-4ac1-bccd-d3c50994e864 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,142 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145576345600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c9f1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c9fa58>) | {'eng_uuid': '7c19ecb4-c574-4ac1-bccd-d3c50994e864'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,153 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145576345600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,159 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145576345600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 7c19ecb4-c574-4ac1-bccd-d3c50994e864
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,167 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145576345600 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,167 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145576345600 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e9dc18>
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,187 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145586855936 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,205 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145586855936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d6d3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e547b8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b3e6810b-83a8-4257-b468-48901d1b2e01'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,218 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145586855936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b3e6810b-83a8-4257-b468-48901d1b2e01 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,227 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145586855936 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e29b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d678d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b3e6810b-83a8-4257-b468-48901d1b2e01'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,238 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145586855936 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,244 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145586855936 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b3e6810b-83a8-4257-b468-48901d1b2e01
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,254 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145586855936 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,254 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145586855936 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e9d978>
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,271 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145571090432 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,285 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b6f278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108eb8710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b6d72514-7216-4bed-8867-de63ba4520e4'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,294 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b6d72514-7216-4bed-8867-de63ba4520e4 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,307 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145571090432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ed0ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e90080>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b6d72514-7216-4bed-8867-de63ba4520e4'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,332 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145571090432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,338 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145571090432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b6d72514-7216-4bed-8867-de63ba4520e4
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,348 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145571090432 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,348 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145571090432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108c88898>
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,367 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145592111104 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,380 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145592111104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d79e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d79390>) | {'eng_uuid': '1e206478-d4fa-47a4-9f80-c0c6f4a9c8b8'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,390 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145592111104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1e206478-d4fa-47a4-9f80-c0c6f4a9c8b8 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,402 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145592111104 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108741be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d7a390>) | {'eng_uuid': '1e206478-d4fa-47a4-9f80-c0c6f4a9c8b8'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,413 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145592111104 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,418 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145592111104 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1e206478-d4fa-47a4-9f80-c0c6f4a9c8b8
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,427 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145592111104 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,428 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145592111104 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108d52470>
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91596 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,447 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91596 123145581600768 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,460 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145581600768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10866ccc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b706d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a40666cf-a2bc-45d3-a9cb-e8253169ca9b'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,468 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145581600768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a40666cf-a2bc-45d3-a9cb-e8253169ca9b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,483 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91596 123145581600768 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108702438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e90400>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a40666cf-a2bc-45d3-a9cb-e8253169ca9b'}
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,498 DEBUG auth 51 91596 123145581600768 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,506 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91596 123145581600768 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: a40666cf-a2bc-45d3-a9cb-e8253169ca9b
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,515 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91596 123145581600768 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,515 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91596 123145581600768 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1087410f0>
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,990 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,990 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,991 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,991 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,991 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,991 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,992 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:02:43,992 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91596 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,657 ERROR api 54 91673 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,657 INFO apps 29 91673 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,691 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,694 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,697 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,699 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,701 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,703 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,704 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,706 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91673 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,909 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91673 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91673 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91673 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,796 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d4bfd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d5aef0>) | {'uu_id': '52a31265-4840-4912-aab8-86086c04fe79', 'token': 'd9ad1e3a-f81b-4fb2-b290-6c4df16e19fd'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,803 DEBUG activation 78 91673 140736121267136 User ZtNOW is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,807 DEBUG views_helper 326 91673 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,807 DEBUG activation 87 91673 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,811 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,811 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,840 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ae7cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ae7e48>) | {'uu_id': 'd3a10239-a9f0-4ae3-afc7-c42783cdc94d', 'token': '7099938f-abab-4b79-a706-65c3e312ca93'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,846 DEBUG activation 78 91673 140736121267136 User lJj52 is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,848 DEBUG views_helper 326 91673 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,848 DEBUG activation 87 91673 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,852 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,880 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a2d978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a287b8>) | {'uu_id': '0a835e49-6007-4cde-93fc-3c6b5327fd7c', 'token': 'aba59a40-1c37-4a59-aa80-21e339a729c2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,958 ERROR activation 67 91673 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 94dd89ef-b4af-4a7c-8e6a-18a76981189c
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,988 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 af18c3cd-c68d-49ae-9d5b-0f04fd25609d
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wUjhY'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,035 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6ImhENG1AVEZPTi5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImhENG1AVEZPTi5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.SkoQKtWjTGSM_ag13XE3BSF8_nKUAuZlB3dGfeCmOzo
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,035 DEBUG testActivities 37 91673 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,035 DEBUG testActivities 40 91673 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,049 DEBUG testActivities 46 91673 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,049 DEBUG activity_log 157 91673 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 DEBUG testActivities 50 91673 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 DEBUG testActivities 51 91673 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 DEBUG testActivities 54 91673 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,057 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d28c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c7b9b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '215b3eb5-3e23-4301-9bbf-11c9d52bd18d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,066 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,067 DEBUG activity_log 105 91673 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,069 DEBUG testActivities 58 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,069 DEBUG testActivities 59 91673 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,069 DEBUG testActivities 63 91673 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,070 DEBUG testActivities 66 91673 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,070 DEBUG testActivities 69 91673 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,075 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c7bac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ab7c50>) | {'eng_uuid': '215b3eb5-3e23-4301-9bbf-11c9d52bd18d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,084 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,085 DEBUG activity_log 105 91673 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,087 DEBUG testActivities 73 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,087 DEBUG testActivities 74 91673 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,087 DEBUG testActivities 78 91673 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 325357bf-0fb9-4ce2-b312-e5a700f2beb0
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 d25b3c2f-79cb-4a74-9a9f-9d3de36ed961
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.353egKObnBpyKxq-o3iadjiT8lKBenAxTkIYsq6oxPA
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,170 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c50f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b17eb8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,179 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,200 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=Hl9Qh
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,202 DEBUG invite_service 96 91673 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,202 DEBUG invite_service 99 91673 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=58b62f12-4b61-4f9b-aa96-7b97e346bc23 to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,204 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,211 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 0f8c2456-e1f4-4b37-81c2-6e5785f51ae7
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,217 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 46c48c3e-e058-4087-9bf7-f92100ae9f9d
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,256 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.yFypbk7E6k6r6yrr8dp24d25Xp1A3ZV8chmTHj6i9zE
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,263 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10877e390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10877efd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,271 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,277 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=0EzUR
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,278 DEBUG invite_service 128 91673 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,278 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,278 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,279 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ea3c7d20-b7d4-4045-bc3b-3829dc2789f2
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 e7dcea1f-bbf7-4168-affb-c0c1275f5fbc
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.rlw0eeRxFsOVFnglSuZ53gfzXRV6zPZcKXMVYpxJTFU
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,339 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ab7d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ac22e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 95ab8c9c-b675-4789-a4dd-3687ae4ddecc
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 97020e04-cf86-43a6-83d8-65fedc1d9baf
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.eFAGNhgjkgUnIFt8puC4R7LwFBbzdmgx_2IMumm8yGM
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,400 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a6cf28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a4d390>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,410 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,410 ERROR invite 58 91673 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,418 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 fb21991e-a44f-4f4a-9cb2-48f040b1d492
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,423 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 91a5c40e-5931-47a6-89bd-4d338e687cb2
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.scy4PN0Us4v3Ig-JX5lVgJ_m6XztpDUdars1b4RiNwc
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,511 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085bb6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a53c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '686e5124-6ddf-46b0-9b7e-b7b0d1520841'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,519 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,521 DEBUG git_manager 14 91673 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 686e5124-6ddf-46b0-9b7e-b7b0d1520841 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,547 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '686e5124-6ddf-46b0-9b7e-b7b0d1520841', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,548 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91673 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,552 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,554 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91673 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,563 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,605 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2'), 'eng_uuid': '686e5124-6ddf-46b0-9b7e-b7b0d1520841', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,606 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91673 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,610 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,615 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,624 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91673 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,633 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085a93c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ac1da0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,643 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,643 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,644 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,654 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 77e86a1b-6bed-44a8-9679-c70f6983817b
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ffa81dac-4f75-49d8-897b-97f84c8e3214
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTN9.HTlwBHDuOhlD7sIXIgWdGC8f3017yz2YxG_2CF6qUrs
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,732 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ffc940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10784a550>) | {'eng_uuid': '904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,741 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,744 DEBUG git_manager 14 91673 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,768 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,770 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91673 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,774 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91673 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,780 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,821 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13'), 'eng_uuid': '904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,823 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91673 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,827 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,831 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,840 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91673 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,850 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f18240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10818c940>) | {'checklistUuid': '1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13', 'eng_uuid': '904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,866 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,876 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: b5c914c0-bae3-4f74-b274-5129f4615cb7 and vf uuid: 330ffe7b-71fb-44b9-9f82-a08282dd8564
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,903 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: b5c914c0-bae3-4f74-b274-5129f4615cb7 and vf uuid: 330ffe7b-71fb-44b9-9f82-a08282dd8564
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,922 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13', 'eng_uuid': '904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,923 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 91673 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,929 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,934 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,943 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,947 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,952 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,975 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 91673 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,980 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,989 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 91673 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=904de626-81a1-4338-b5bd-d2f1b492327c for checklist=1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ef21bdb8-0ad4-46d6-9cd3-d03c4077a5d9
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c153058a-c7f3-4b23-af0a-3db992f94fbe
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.FnY3YPFeOca38LHCkmPD1UFbs8bppYitM_XSX0J9eWo
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.yG5zwz-zG_IPSF1WyaF2_A8O_1zcxnFWGoE3npYO0Cw
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,092 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,092 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,092 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,092 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,101 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=so4O8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,101 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,102 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=so4O8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7f6a1a1d-c985-4b55-a030-34ccdf7c92c3
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 dbca6be7-0384-4166-8678-1d9f9fca54f3
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,113 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.SexM0MBZT_g-Wm50wQpGZx7Dg2CqKU5layxrtojBbIA
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.J3tr5zFs-h8gxOEVQSIifCbwnwdvLL-ZkSfm6H1ps8g
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,179 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,179 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,180 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,180 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,188 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082412e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107853438>) | {'checklistUuid': 'e7a435d0-ca15-4a31-ad05-001c3488df0e'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,198 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,198 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91673 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5b8b3769-1e5b-4000-a308-98783cc75dbf
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 d00e8ec7-4195-4577-9b4f-289a377219e8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,258 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.KBrYynZfz43Mo2X52jRAOOgcZQDBDc1bkxE9mUIv7y0
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,271 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.xafoy5rgCsmBEpOC3Dp22ZynzQbuQfoI5Veps2KCp9M
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,271 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,271 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,271 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,271 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,280 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830b5c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830b8d0>) | {'checklistUuid': '542a5621-c6db-431e-8685-eb95e6d178d2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,289 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,297 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,297 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,299 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,299 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,299 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7b9b2200-9aa1-42be-bd32-1a8497077750
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 58eefc7f-272f-4160-87dd-ba85b76a74c3
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,308 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.AfTc-YqmJvagDrPxtK1nkHTKxwseLJ9hSxeKrYpmKmE
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.0UGoXJ9__Yf6whockb02W6OHZVZIs9FtBtMfXF41mpE
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,372 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,372 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,372 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,372 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,381 ERROR authorization_service 492 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,381 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d469e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083d59b0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'iWOtQ'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,390 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,390 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,391 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,392 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,392 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 91673 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,392 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f1478fa9-5a25-4df5-ac53-f600d8730b81
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ae16380f-2eea-49fa-be38-d61472c81dae
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,401 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.H2hx-VwULwSqkkwxNZ1GpCo1CwxQLnmIu7Acbyc8lAY
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.I4qbw2VqKdmpOmGaijkUflx2KQVPcLclTS9WKiLxLUw
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,466 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,466 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,466 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,466 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,476 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830bf60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107886f60>) | {'decision_uuid': '6838bf52-bc37-4011-b454-474cfccb609f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,484 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,484 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91673 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ff930b4f-df0d-4f94-b30b-4b14355f4ec3
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6cbdc9de-3455-4da6-8be5-501779d44ee2
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,490 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.KIUeSVjrXtL8N6Dtp4EXnmeSSigzLlI9G1YQ9AQucDo
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.8GTV82BCM2MxQfjB4PUoMq2I1Znxe62Pqof_PWeT7pU
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,558 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,559 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,559 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,559 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,568 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108215f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10846bac8>) | {'decision_uuid': '2ef1f909-c647-47a8-977c-eb8758f969a4'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,577 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,584 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,585 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,585 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,586 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,586 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,588 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 e1426f24-705a-408f-b6e4-ef34d94ddc8b
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6abc6d9c-062f-440f-8f58-a52596c16fa0
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.5W_kr_2lGphk4ZzX10UdgQrYL_P3Dxmq6b5FZ_uQchs
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.9NL_YB3AWAkN7ZQI4g5XBc2Z-Bj7I-9LzT9Q_27KFbI
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,663 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,663 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,663 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,663 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,673 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107853668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107853710>) | {'decision_uuid': 'ca8f2663-7677-4259-a84e-766e2ab0eb9f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,681 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,681 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91673 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,684 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91673 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,684 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,685 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,685 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,685 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,687 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 17c1f943-d630-44f8-bef8-6f5bf2ac577f
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c5c4c867-f104-4dc6-a2e6-40452e833485
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.OMqo_aGWmpMaWeF7IFGbI6oP_8lV_mqXammzD5Ard34
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.7C2JMfusVD9e4sHo8x5cS4gaoxL7-D9Fj1ZKNjjOvZU
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,768 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107dec8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108305d68>) | {'decision_uuid': '156e3183-24a1-425d-8311-9950a5ce2f9f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,775 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91673 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='crvjL')...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91673 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,777 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,777 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,777 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,779 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,780 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 8bb36861-845e-4bd8-94de-65d38bde3974
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 0c7ed763-d7d2-41e3-ab24-35f774b97be0
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,846 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.eKg_SbbjjpFh5eBoV_ZGJRZXUPqV-7ie91DZGgcf2rA
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,848 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.MIUy4f4YGJgqHerw9urZ-iZ-7dNIqg0Au0UEQ42WTUg
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,848 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,848 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 91673 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,848 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,848 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,860 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a6978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083a6908>) | {'decision_uuid': '60648d5b-b8ea-477d-b5be-e75e73cab2c2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,868 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,868 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91673 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,873 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91673 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,873 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,873 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,874 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,874 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,876 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 d6c91475-81e6-43ac-ad98-070055dcf516
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 932d881b-d7a8-4db9-81ee-b16fb1f009ed
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.r5xWlgZXx5L3S4gfrmPLspBMtqIVm3VBFVx5CTY9qf8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTR9.e6nze2Y8427yzCXkzD5xB074sg8XKTzTnj4GA7cQL1w
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,948 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,948 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,948 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,948 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 91673 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,960 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10818cb00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108241128>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e78265f3-8231-4859-8c2c-4b045983b975'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,967 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,967 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91673 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,976 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91673 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: e78265f3-8231-4859-8c2c-4b045983b975 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,976 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,977 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,977 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,977 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,989 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 a63d073f-f7d9-4b67-908b-b755d4693253
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 0c9dd511-116a-4623-a8c2-781f863a00a2
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,049 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.332-rC6QPH_rmm6toXqVQfIAKXW1lgQBvppONPotwh0
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.dx7mEKQKo9j4GDCkPmAhY73ygLZ8_goQL3OOZ64Tk-M
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.o46XsjR64edn4BWD9Rs0antaoirPhFhoTsKFogne4XI
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,120 INFO authorization_service 127 91673 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 1e8ba014-96c7-4a81-9eb9-763150635bce / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,128 INFO authorization_service 127 91673 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 1e8ba014-96c7-4a81-9eb9-763150635bce / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f6d600ae-0b67-423e-87f7-a023e6fa25f8
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 8e760001-4902-4078-a56a-7cb1f8400d29
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.ftL6I7_lcsxVfEr8VHOPc0CLvdmRpB8XGctBJTmvf28
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,181 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,189 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x107891860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083bfc50>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 971e1ebb-892c-4d10-91d7-e28161cc219b
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7eb8c41d-2977-488d-87ca-8c41cc1fa10e
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,196 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,198 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,204 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.J7BPHKW62deb3H-bzeCPg_FuF6XTM1PKqFvaJ1A7U18
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,214 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,221 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1075a4240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c7b588>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 cbc2e377-3308-490d-b1cc-05b148d1e253
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 fddb5cf8-f6b3-454c-9ab0-783bef712944
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,226 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,227 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.bSF4vhRu1gnLUZ8jX_nPIrG_NY_9pZg6mDeceSDMStk
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,243 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,250 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1083bf470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10829f898>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,258 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c1ad26a9-08bc-44ad-93fc-df3a50f652b1
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 0e9f4946-bcb7-4463-829c-f07b27ed3fc3
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.lIPJsunMhex9JWQgAXrdR5rvwosp_EZG0qYpNHgxP8I
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,282 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,290 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108298d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108215b70>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ce756a7c-cc5d-44ee-af21-c5aa85bedb4c
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5e0beed9-9157-4ccb-a6de-ace16668c13e
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,304 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,304 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,305 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.xKAsKpvPQN5xMtHBKfytEpP1sZN-3BTkxnaVfxlXDhg
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,315 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,321 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083bf860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083d5128>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,324 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 de454c08-1063-4213-ba04-dee62c4e6920
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 569a2a31-aa8f-4e9f-81f9-a5afaf68b1bd
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,331 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,333 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.kdq4muupSzY5pVym-JEcf8vjDoyGNHc-d9OXcLEmplg
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,344 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,351 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10846b0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107886048>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 117d2354-5e8b-41a1-bf2a-9f3e9f6e873a
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 89accdd7-acec-4404-8037-c456f2105ae9
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,361 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.f-2UaDywDeIgyqdFt9CClPtLaY2dIseLQvJSRdW45Lo
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,373 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,380 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10846bb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083bfc50>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 fd1204bd-0194-47c6-884d-3ea6ec061c22
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 d540c8c3-109a-45fd-ae33-43451b1b412d
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk1fQ.nDBkoWLMLal4YTmxzh4hIGmO_7OY8m49VoWjzDYe_ec
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,406 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,413 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082159e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830b080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,424 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ab4edb9a-9677-454a-ab6b-50a0911eb244
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,426 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 53163974-5784-4582-822b-50f64b9e3421
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c45ece27-a6b3-4458-9199-2ae71917be6c
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,431 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,485 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.QPhhMhSMCK6I2xtsZHKY9hbuGOgiQRZAzn6k8LEeGak
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,503 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830b828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10829f208>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,509 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,510 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,510 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9f845de8-11dc-4988-8012-e03f63a91b51
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5610502d-c66e-4be6-b83f-c569a6ff0796
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ba305e63-0ef2-4293-9bd3-912702c5f3c7
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.8-83jig5NkxYdcREg2b-LKsEnaGiJ2DSIK3qHWFP6qw
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,590 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f074a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f07668>) | {'eng_uuid': '1ebcb35b-ee0a-4c10-bd01-a7edb462b269'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,598 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,602 DEBUG git_manager 14 91673 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 1ebcb35b-ee0a-4c10-bd01-a7edb462b269 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,607 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7d18444a-cc05-4177-9005-2b3072bda488
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 93e0c6c2-03bf-411a-9d36-c77bd0e74cf3
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 fe9d86be-c2ea-4ff8-802f-8025e93653e2
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,613 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,665 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,675 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.YZ8nxNZaks66Ho6AvCwn0m6_EtZYgZgKnBfVlnSTKFU
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,682 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081b52b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f07320>) | {'eng_uuid': '93a4d110-fedc-4453-8428-f91e258ef97a'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,691 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,691 ERROR checklist 49 91673 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,695 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 3fde6fe8-8cd7-4945-a6d3-4a3c5024bfae
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 688a5af1-7163-4c25-bb59-c0b2250403cd
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,700 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9ae49f29-0fdb-4fee-925a-09e96ca0d969
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,762 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.GFbvjAnGH8XgimzEBhW8oKfBN4eZPD1-0KaEEEFQo5I
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,768 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10829f3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10846b898>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 180 91673 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,776 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,780 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,781 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 88451200-f0fd-410a-a3d6-1d849cd8d343
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,783 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c8142cac-caee-4692-bd5b-8eb062acdb11
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 e253e2be-2734-479c-9001-97cb17b4c629
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.L7TwldkDCxMQp6ML1ICe-80-F_jCUODJK1qs18tUKe8
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,858 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10846bcf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083bf4e0>) | {'eng_uuid': '915066f5-b44f-4bfe-b171-09969d974eb9'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,864 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 915066f5-b44f-4bfe-b171-09969d974eb9 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 09565585-399c-4118-80b7-f6cb14c31b4f
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1875837e-82a4-46e6-8915-192a422df5b9
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9c593b29-c88b-4ec1-8837-efa65ccbbde3
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,939 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTV9.urAQdHBOnPiIliw65rVLeQRIU7NatXWHPRXlrsdpS9s
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,947 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108241c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108241128>) | {'eng_uuid': '5cc9c858-d21d-47f7-83bd-7c6e07a38f29'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,956 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,958 DEBUG git_manager 14 91673 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 5cc9c858-d21d-47f7-83bd-7c6e07a38f29 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,983 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '5cc9c858-d21d-47f7-83bd-7c6e07a38f29', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,984 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91673 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,988 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,989 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91673 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,996 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,043 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed'), 'eng_uuid': '5cc9c858-d21d-47f7-83bd-7c6e07a38f29', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,045 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91673 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,051 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,056 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,066 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91673 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,072 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 861b9e82-90f9-406b-8c84-cec887214833
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 43e3dbc9-34b1-4cca-9319-d9dc6d67815d
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,077 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1450a896-3676-4895-bc53-1a3daa7fd093
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,131 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTZ9.xZMqSCrwl5ALiQXj9w1QqcNneA2DMh1uuZzymvqM8LU
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,148 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107decb38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107886438>) | {'eng_uuid': '26472866-1800-451a-a7da-5084d58c4a12'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,157 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,159 DEBUG git_manager 14 91673 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 26472866-1800-451a-a7da-5084d58c4a12 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,182 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '26472866-1800-451a-a7da-5084d58c4a12', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,183 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91673 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,187 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,188 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91673 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,195 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,239 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42'), 'eng_uuid': '26472866-1800-451a-a7da-5084d58c4a12', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,240 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91673 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,244 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,249 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,260 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91673 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 95df05d2-ee99-4997-a6dc-df9c66dd9a38
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 4c74b69a-27bb-431a-b61d-68e15f7c9f35
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7d97edf7-5da2-4f82-bc30-f98990090862
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,278 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,279 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,280 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.gO4Pray3mkaAHHXZdwoNEMz0Zq-R7VE4U2PodthCJB8
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,362 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107853b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108298be0>) | {'templateUuid': '62b3425e-a9ca-41d9-87ca-1f4dbd4c35ce'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,367 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 19aba186-1b0a-4fe9-92a1-4bb257e504ca
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 4acc2f00-8a52-4a64-ab89-10163a24f6b9
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 306f04a8-24f5-4aaa-b0d4-a4c772398ee1
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.xE_7W0z09IXNtarmp6BhDeHfU5Asn53pZEnHjGEn1QM
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,462 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e63e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e63a58>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,467 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f1333a56-465f-4a21-ac12-edc8bd05728a
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,474 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c9d886a3-b986-47b0-a215-de5cec6ebc5a
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 b70c7cef-2fb2-4423-92a6-c599c349a98c
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,546 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.Kf5nT-FYiExd-nVgV1Kf1jwc9s5Zz0iSg-tyki0IKwk
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,553 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10777fc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad1668>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,559 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,573 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91673 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,587 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5f6ee25d-a762-4c0e-ad42-84ae2e4ebeb7
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 b9a4327a-640b-48bd-b6f7-40701d2d94cb
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 86618503-c43f-4008-ba98-5b36f5cfd57f
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,592 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,594 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,664 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.3kvAahOjNWDF2AUzKOUG33HprTNlgRZr5HsdhmCYkVI
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,671 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ad19e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108762668>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,676 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,689 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91673 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,694 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (983a5f11-9f19-4b20-9652-943f2d43c5a1, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:03:16.693854+00, null, 86e376f9-948c-47de-a8d7-235bc9f73751, 2da9f700-927c-4f93-9bd9-66b702f635b4).
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,695 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,697 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (983a5f11-9f19-4b20-9652-943f2d43c5a1, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:03:16.693854+00, null, 86e376f9-948c-47de-a8d7-235bc9f73751, 2da9f700-927c-4f93-9bd9-66b702f635b4).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (983a5f11-9f19-4b20-9652-943f2d43c5a1, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:03:16.693854+00, null, 86e376f9-948c-47de-a8d7-235bc9f73751, 2da9f700-927c-4f93-9bd9-66b702f635b4).
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,697 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,701 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 12cae655-e7d8-463e-af8e-502156866772
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c2120f90-6e45-4310-af27-7ceeac70b473
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,704 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 dd64a988-1986-43c2-b51d-b32dde65a3b8
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,704 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,779 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.v2XUNBdFdJrl9fStU_M--Ir3FC-0MZ9tLrCzRU4XS3o
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,787 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085b6a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108769a20>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,792 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,793 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,794 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,794 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,794 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,795 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,795 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,795 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,797 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,799 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 37d702b0-9efc-43cd-abf2-03039b0163f3
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,800 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f5b4ed31-3aef-4b69-868e-61e531eb5e36
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 a96d5b90-69cf-4941-af9d-6a8bda8040ac
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,802 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,803 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,803 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,805 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.HqqZergmTaWRytvz4EbU-AM2rydqEI_I-WiKdxV8zN4
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,880 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108762588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108743198>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,886 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,887 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,888 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,888 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,888 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 61dfbcfa-562e-4db1-b617-b247d1e49182
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 a395ebc1-bfea-42ac-9896-ddda39f8cef6
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JHwhP'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,944 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ5QzlNQENRTE4uY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ5QzlNQENRTE4uY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk2fQ.TU-NuOjMMrcy6I7jNVJQl9v27ZHPQRUGaGWwvBQbJUc
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJHcFB3QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkdwUHdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5Nn0.xKorZ7IF--F0pvM9pLT4jj2GUWINsQMBfdb3_dsnIO8
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,946 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,946 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 91673 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,946 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,946 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 91673 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,947 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 91673 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,957 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 91673 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,958 DEBUG activity_log 157 91673 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,958 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,958 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 91673 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,959 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 91673 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,960 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 91673 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: Wre6I
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,960 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 91673 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,962 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 91673 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,968 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e63f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e63c18>) | {'eng_uuid': '533a3aca-0a5c-4c4d-a9fd-f0deb78582c1'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,977 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,986 DEBUG views_helper 165 91673 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,995 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,995 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 91673 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,996 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,996 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 91673 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,998 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 91673 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,998 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 91673 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,999 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,999 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,999 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ae899e43-f9a3-4b8e-8f4f-ac47414c766c
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 facc2a5f-58ec-4998-902d-cd43a453cbd5
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,016 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.b1SBnczcdzQudjwSGv9xS4G07Ex76JzExCOCrdOzC0g
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.HejR3CCWWLVOy1WiGM0MM0dW5-ppiZd9cmZg720NmlQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.GMjY3_rfrAtrvEKtxQo3qNVIgCE7k7M7zVBI4plFGZo
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,063 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 91673 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,072 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e63a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10829fac8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'fcacc19a-e985-47e4-ae2d-396046b5763f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,079 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 70c24bec-455f-4205-bf8d-c548f79334fd isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,086 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6c73d96f-8b60-4bf0-a433-c365ecc70885
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5ce5135a-b01b-4fde-9b3c-482bc9ab61ff
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,131 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30._4V29F9Qqkbnj0lLEynIv_sCziAT8SPWsjnmINuUQJI
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,133 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.RUnX9uSvWRKtZShyg36XKpP0lxcSDxu49dCgJkVmPu8
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.hoZr_MVr91GZPHvZh6s2FxvRel5EgDNQgLU9egROG8M
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,134 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 91673 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,144 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830b3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830bd30>) | {'vf_uuid': 'cafcc0a9-85db-4740-b2a7-b44522169d9e'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,151 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,157 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 b285c22e-3915-4680-9873-5708f92f618b
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 64542ca8-d125-4e1b-b444-38b9d943846f
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,165 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,166 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,167 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,192 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.ILBpkrhgDBv34Ye1ismWWZSAuoe3iEmu05aopFsQ_c0
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.NPwn7TQx9SZyWIZtBA7unFicFMc6EsBlf8dMMPIdtlU
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.nyFeFx7XQTW1lkGOKLXl07AckcKB_Lwml96sU7hECho
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,206 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 91673 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,214 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10786a668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081b5748>) | {'vf_uuid': '6d3fb545-56a5-4e20-87ae-cf6e53cd16b4'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,220 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,225 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5d2d056f-a94f-4bce-86d7-3a54829af99e
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 06417bef-8636-4a9f-8927-1c7dc566ef10
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,262 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,269 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.F1LGMTBp-PgwgeNQXGmzZckh6xDodZoylIZ1fC_bJoI
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,271 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.wALgAFeg7YWdIm4aJQHfkaqZ4QZjtk5Ziwn-KWEN8SE
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.1eyvZaelO05gb1qJzvD3L1nY6dEfaiAGC3ve9zpc4Vc
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,272 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 91673 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,280 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f07320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108215c18>) | {'vf_uuid': '8fc7df6f-34a0-45f2-b4a8-43c9961a17eb'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,287 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 7749e2d8-e43a-46dd-b592-634f65531165 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c22114db-782a-404f-810e-b591d1b65d43
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 3c9fb3a4-83ff-4290-a8c1-19daf9ffbd45
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,339 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.9JvxFyg46841nnUKsCt5gbF4UDCrqO-QxIvBvZ1pcEw
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.uxSulKYnJth5gjZCjZhfB-Z56d-O9cX2nL3WO_Y6y5w
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.kMeU8HWEljoN2SbbtorLbBrQDWuK4n7lxPX9ENcFlPU
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,352 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107dec780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082157f0>) | {'vf_uuid': 'd856f0ac-5353-4234-b994-8ebd974306e3'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,359 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,368 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 aec6f5a3-4b30-478e-b80a-e85bc3d83bdf
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5c8e33f4-a2bf-48b6-a24e-516891c33fca
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,369 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,370 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,376 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,402 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.sTPICpWlsRu6faQcFV2EwiFrub3D_tTGzuUPIZkjNew
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.lKRE00Hz8sN2y8cDe6bl7Zv43Rei1RR5KQufWSrIyu8
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.cKFvQi9Pbeix-onEzxahJx7EOkYWqZ7FBaqD3P7aVTc
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,422 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f07128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a0ff60>) | {'vf_uuid': 'bff0ff7e-5b19-479d-be05-91c4d4068903'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,431 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,437 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 70329e43-c4e5-4714-a8f7-8b3b3afea98f
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 75368bad-2f65-4196-b908-94b83732cb48
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,444 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,474 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.w7oamDP2FRp-OO4f4LdYsss47W5XQnI1Y2E6hDnmwy4
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,484 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5N30.PEzSSlKnc4nHGa3NBvAfq5GFIXH_h-LJSJbASELuvig
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.hbiJfJeoi7kBXL48SBeSp5H93eGonCawIE_JezaZk1E
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,495 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081d4f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081d4668>) | {'vf_uuid': '9f111167-0abc-423d-8dd8-dc9466564529'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,504 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: e8a0172e-1a43-4cd2-a4d6-32feac33783a isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1ad95f40-3320-4138-be76-9d956ed277be
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 33d0160f-5c68-4781-9e79-9cff33741ec3
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,547 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,555 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.n8tYgavDX2LrkHqhs97FZaf7lpGDPBuNzGIJLagEdno
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.zjZtvb_lswvGSmxlumJwGPUa9puTFUyq5etj2x6BaoU
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,654 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 91673 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,655 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,662 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e63710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e63b70>) | {'eng_uuid': '149c4f17-2129-4871-bb7d-23bc55cc1b70'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,668 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 149c4f17-2129-4871-bb7d-23bc55cc1b70 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,675 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ad1eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107588978>) | {'eng_uuid': '149c4f17-2129-4871-bb7d-23bc55cc1b70'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,686 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,694 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107973eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad10f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '149c4f17-2129-4871-bb7d-23bc55cc1b70'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,703 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,704 DEBUG engagement_service 291 91673 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 91673 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c8c5969d-0b34-4923-8c7e-dae2822763d4
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 95a931cc-22dd-470b-9a2d-427069a3d736
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,725 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,726 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,765 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,772 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.mDFg8fdZ0vweUeQAz-f45T2mW9vYXUwBi6y4f3n2--8
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,773 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.NV0x3v844bZeOnSffngIfpXmawvdX7910clVrsMnYYY
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.-X1fbBSSnNv1d23QJQJJ-3E7GEGS0s-6AFvRXSPnj5o
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,782 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10818c748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085a93c8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,792 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,795 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91673 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: d2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,807 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10877ea58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f07518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,816 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,827 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,833 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a0f2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107dec828>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,842 INFO authorization_service 127 91673 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: d2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,843 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: d2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,844 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,851 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108769f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108769c50>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,858 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,858 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,859 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,864 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,865 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5c7e6708-10b6-4cd9-b337-7b60e6b8d648
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,866 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 d4019b6f-657e-49b9-bb0d-8a953a480503
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,867 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.ntyewU8_f8FZlohIwRDrNr53jwWJcpwccpeSudC9UNw
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.sJUKob0u-cbvmaMamMBufniri9eKKGbylgeb9zOnBA0
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,918 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk3fQ.rn7SxPv4wlmqKJm6SQnsBTbo3qqZZzPaXJj6bcwo-uY
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,925 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107853860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085aa668>) | {'eng_uuid': '8a1c4ac9-dcc7-4cdd-8da3-be0059c11fd1'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,938 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,940 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91673 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 8a1c4ac9-dcc7-4cdd-8da3-be0059c11fd1
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,948 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,954 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083d55c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083d5f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '8a1c4ac9-dcc7-4cdd-8da3-be0059c11fd1'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,962 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 8a1c4ac9-dcc7-4cdd-8da3-be0059c11fd1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,964 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,969 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f07d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f079e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,983 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10784a780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108298588>) | {'eng_uuid': '8a1c4ac9-dcc7-4cdd-8da3-be0059c11fd1'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,994 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,996 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91673 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 8a1c4ac9-dcc7-4cdd-8da3-be0059c11fd1
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6e18e4c0-cf7e-4e33-a275-a6f71988c45a
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 e48a9f49-55fd-466a-aef6-12c4d0892e80
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,012 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk4fQ.cqkWm4paqyV6QgEJ2coSMO3eq0BifTQSrsCKEmCyeSQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,065 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk4fQ.933VZp7NHlPtHcJtSbuncB3sGlILRNwDwUr1-zIuGUM
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,066 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk4fQ.hr3klE5oKVY0fHZLqVztO7btbh8ZWYG80e6dkMhQD9A
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,073 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076af3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad1390>) | {'eng_uuid': '910ad2f8-f1c7-4f33-b358-2950f1783b78'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,083 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,085 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91673 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 910ad2f8-f1c7-4f33-b358-2950f1783b78
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,095 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,101 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076af9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e63e80>) | {'eng_uuid': '910ad2f8-f1c7-4f33-b358-2950f1783b78'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,109 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 910ad2f8-f1c7-4f33-b358-2950f1783b78 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,116 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4dba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a53630>) | {'eng_uuid': '910ad2f8-f1c7-4f33-b358-2950f1783b78'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,127 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,130 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 910ad2f8-f1c7-4f33-b358-2950f1783b78
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 67e90aee-cb6e-4634-8eae-627392819502
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 a9fbb932-9f13-4fb6-8f5b-5270e927ce35
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.7RO3noJcO_KXfDltmkYAAcUfNBCNct_jcbbtYdMws0Y
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.dzN_KipkFwjPjr9DAL1WcodFRF_fZoWwB3LwLeheI8I
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.ulJHETu_jdnaTNAg4lKB9cHcZTa2GqUzhwGVay-HVPM
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.zXTu9AJfvzDpD240Rh71mNrQ-0mt1fTw51AMrcha_d0
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,214 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,221 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107970320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081d44a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '9479d444-41b2-46d8-97e2-9117be718df2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,229 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 47c61e9e-ec14-47ff-ac91-fdac957f3ffa
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 20cda28e-7704-4612-93c3-82a5fb1b9df6
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.vEjopK_ywZRbj_nZ_QQNxd_A-qHo6rhqzaMHSNuv2JI
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.gFEkJseOBDQo3NKLY727MSHzzCVXvC5uTVzxfVUwd8M
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.YmPGxdD0UA0c5Q9RwHxfYKCH68eC1A-z-OZTng2Spnk
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.Ah6FFDlAWMRhQFuVxq6_MtfCxVc6iyy5oZ5jVAxF9yA
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,295 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,302 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108952e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b2a160>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,306 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,309 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,309 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,309 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 34422026-5e46-499f-9092-748e44b3fbf6
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 85ad71b3-b6dc-4168-bb88-03a31f200e28
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,365 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.bkqECI2ckuL39QqPdvWPW_f9KTklHkmfjZR1e-b_z3Y
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,367 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.M1ctR_c74PkApvwHUnV9W8zVmxu1LaxwdmrZJ5GwuSs
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,368 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.rzpFDOdSstgbaAy4OvpRCqdOYL0NnpwhcS05mG00FrU
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.iFDiRUlPhQQxc7pbbAHjYzYRk5GWC5CuX_yOm7Px1sU
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,370 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 91673 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,376 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b16e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b182e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '5955661d-d812-47a0-8241-7d702e625779'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,383 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 5955661d-d812-47a0-8241-7d702e625779 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f9833222-f2bd-4aa4-ba45-7f784283ba45
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,390 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 41b3ab1a-47f9-4aec-bd32-d0d2ef5594c1
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.U07B7vFmSDlczmxnjgnmQHdls_AmGHJ8X3ahlL0vPuI
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,442 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.mtVq9FGBNExT4pT_CyzYNWpWh5GKz4HSCnAmd81kGCI
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.wedYMAtAXOW9M4x4pgGUffbSAEELDBtBj5Cihan3wok
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.6DXOvQ1w0bOb1VIOjpyoiLhLDKRzHhel11mYjd-JE94
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,447 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 91673 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,455 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089fe3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b180f0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,459 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,462 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f05cac16-1197-475e-a17e-eb4188721fdc
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,465 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f3e8d4ea-f512-4b17-a044-c46af09ed050
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,467 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,472 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,511 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.0v3Gxy96I2LYtpoZ_e4M638ShYkl8hAvsHkfGcAvvPA
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.nGc6yD0nu0J_j_WW_NomWDLNh1SLgZuvllwPI8fyyQ8
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.pSqoCNbeNXzc21CQA5bPjVA0hQe06gUPL_VVnN1VJEw
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.iroDBJZ67YNOZ3VpFzlBKrehONVwGYI1qJxkuPNgnqs
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,516 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 91673 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,522 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b18b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b16c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '628e89af-a699-4699-be52-4abdbf90cab5'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,530 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 628e89af-a699-4699-be52-4abdbf90cab5 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 3406ec87-0aad-44a0-825f-9c1b7d68ba96
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 f4ff9f3a-36c2-4853-98b3-3f43ff93bb29
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,585 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.cMQsp616Otf446qnChR0ETf87BftPS8dhidw_Scbku4
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,587 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.Rf2EUz0f1HSFI1uzFgqAavzeTDS7esj6RTr8oqOsVFY
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,588 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.XuhMSWkZRxl537rkvck2KKDkI6SRJszx9Ny2m1rJ5WQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.5aGVcOvEZ9CUrkuBw0SVtWk0vG7UnqS7Tgc93IZHTGQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,590 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 91673 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,598 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b2af60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ccda0>) | {'eng_uuid': '6742e9b2-cc9b-471b-b9f2-563644330f98'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,607 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 6742e9b2-cc9b-471b-b9f2-563644330f98 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1ad17d40-8b05-4f5f-8f64-a38102b8b25d
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 927a06c3-445c-406f-b09c-0774eb7d5e71
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,613 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.2P6nQbsDoHnwvhC7hBvwCifIgr7fyvuc4hoyOWCFmgI
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.QbJbu73mrzfTk6qBDSJjkldJX1zSZS4ShpOF4LbRVJ8
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,664 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.SMgwuQT7PtZUG9-klstDSXp1xm78mjIp9t4x6hXfGPE
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.wZPBq_UsvPap0zxNSd7utf3PPgN4Q7xkyFXg1axgK7g
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,665 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,672 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108952588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108969400>) | {'eng_uuid': '2bc6e911-722c-41ca-93f5-42a8df167d62'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,679 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,695 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,695 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,695 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 d82a41f6-9bf7-4bb6-940d-fc667f0b8473
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 86c9bd08-9f47-46aa-a7a9-2128e7df0ba7
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,704 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,705 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,705 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,707 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQxOTh9.Jum4uqCsEIk6k65LuPCtW800ia_LHqLSla7EMOMyak4
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.24npqdDrc6rBsuBBeQLYhhRCKp0YjaNHMFnK5t3AF9s
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.U-q63LDK6PrqR4AmX0dlvcn3Xo6CWwb9oMQ3d-HVPSA
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,752 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.eFgCL_AAsF3Gm7jDcdV0ZHO6l1qGnuczj3Ot2DGTzFc
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,752 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,760 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108215908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f079e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '54dc2a9f-a707-4f96-8149-d4b7c5bb9a78'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,767 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,791 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,796 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 bcd44263-5bc0-43bd-97ac-d6b2bf4f301c
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,797 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 3cf76541-bc73-429b-9a76-c42265cf518f
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,801 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,803 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,805 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,805 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,805 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,823 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,846 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.DpRtX4p6MLJE7pObCup_pkGEPl30cgiy1hOEnXHkvfs
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,848 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OH0.DbX53asZE7imrDUe10P1eFxrVHn6jg6PcZsDIeq3ktw
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,848 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 91673 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,856 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108769278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10874d8d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,859 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,004 ERROR engagement 83 91673 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,010 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 57e553b2-b8b0-4c21-a997-9c6f2d59a85c
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1607f9a8-2aa2-4756-86e0-b37accf0be30
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,016 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OX0.QIVPK0iIP5YCbMetABOBh6Nvsl3Xqtr6x1Ikl2fFYiA
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDE5OX0.Tj4ss0iDUsfUgURkJCS06-5Nd7FHUGg8kOrIVkn8YSU
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,055 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,062 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10850be80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10850bfd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,065 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,145 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,152 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10861add8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860bdd8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,156 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,228 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 91673 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,234 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10861ac50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108624e48>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,238 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,303 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 91673 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,318 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,328 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,330 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,336 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,339 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,341 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,348 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,400 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,495 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91673 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91673 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91673 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,567 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,568 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91673 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 39d93804-c835-4be2-a8de-50de5fceaf97
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ae2bfffa-ab4c-4a2e-84fc-4015a161a095
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk5fQ.yZB4eGOUUIfph8hkRETDf6CtvewqB-ndKdN70OgieMA
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,668 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086090b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086095c0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,678 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,686 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=6r0Vy
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,687 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,687 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,688 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,694 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=6r0Vy
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,695 DEBUG invite_service 96 91673 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,695 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,696 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,697 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,700 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c1c6e436-5215-41be-afbf-e8043fb594b6
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,704 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 e1c99ce0-28c1-45fe-8656-ff72ed476154
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,705 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,706 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,707 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,707 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,733 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MTk5fQ.l1YV5g3bV44J2LOAoth0xwq80fBroMb8XDDbBFaGgrw
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,750 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085cf8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085cfa20>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,759 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,765 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,766 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,766 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,767 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,773 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,774 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,774 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,775 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,782 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,783 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,783 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,784 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,790 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,791 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,791 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,793 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,800 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,801 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,801 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,802 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,809 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,810 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,810 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,811 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,816 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,817 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,817 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,818 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,826 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,827 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,827 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,828 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,834 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,835 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,835 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,836 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,842 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,844 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,844 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,845 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,851 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,851 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,852 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,853 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,860 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,860 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,860 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,861 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,867 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,868 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,868 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,869 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,876 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,877 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,877 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,878 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,884 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,885 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,885 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,886 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,893 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,894 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,894 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,895 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,901 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,902 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,902 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,903 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,909 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,910 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,910 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,911 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,918 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,919 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,919 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,920 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,926 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,927 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,927 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,927 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,935 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,936 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,936 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,937 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,942 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,943 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,943 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,944 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,950 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,951 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,951 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,952 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,958 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,958 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,959 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,959 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,965 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=dvbh4
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,965 DEBUG invite_service 131 91673 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,965 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,966 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,971 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,976 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,982 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,987 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,992 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 007c84d5-dc98-4cde-aa2b-04d6b92568b3
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 8d52ec77-e030-421f-9ca9-b7522d6dac5c
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,999 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,000 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,000 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,002 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.hpGeFHW5IJ3TNiE26fSM5hQaWTc40FXonXv6fAuFuog
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,041 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085f9470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f95c0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,050 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,055 DEBUG views_helper 309 91673 140736121267136 Found VF name=kM5YH
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,056 DEBUG invite_service 96 91673 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,056 DEBUG mail 17 91673 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,057 DEBUG mail 24 91673 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,060 WARNING invite_service 38 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from efc8807e-3a74-438b-8d99-e7718719f5ad to for joining engagement 5103b5d8-71dd-452f-8311-4398a2b1ff2e
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6e30e98d-8b8a-4db7-a126-2b614a9ba314
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9e3f28af-83af-448f-a454-750cf469e299
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,122 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.68XIlfigOqq6Lz58N-g4fLq9K_UTgzFLbOKovDmiX3w
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.BKXHp52r4tKUwl8DTpS10hxk8Hbao1iUTP1U6lbp8Ns
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.r7CdNHyWr3coyFtSI48R6nKtxJLR1XwThqRDecHaGYc
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,142 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,146 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91673 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,147 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,150 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,159 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d9da20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d94b00>) | {'eng_uuid': '99da788c-a863-4830-90d1-c64fa374887b', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,168 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,191 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91673 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=99da788c-a863-4830-90d1-c64fa374887b for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,191 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 88035a88-60f8-4f5c-a6f9-5c70fe41423b
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7f01c94c-2370-4053-88c3-58b101713221
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.aHP_FUhGqM1Pjc-JpTDtoT0o_UJJs9a0M5MztICQnTk
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,262 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.huexVRcf7rqtbj_xjAxgZLlecMSWhVzar1zCWl8jLqU
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.6Gqep74SQU9kkTQQAodQDd6LhOgK3_fH4SE0qAaSfq4
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,263 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,266 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,269 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,273 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,284 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b4f860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085cf5c0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ecadab60-7be6-4607-bc1c-8fa1e7e265d7', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,291 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,329 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108515c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b554e0>) | {'ns_uuid': '4696d56b-467d-42df-a58e-c72ad652082e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,336 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,337 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,338 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,346 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108da04e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108da09b0>) | {'ns_uuid': '4696d56b-467d-42df-a58e-c72ad652082e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,355 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,356 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,363 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108da0630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b74240>) | {'ns_uuid': '4696d56b-467d-42df-a58e-c72ad652082e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,370 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,371 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,373 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,380 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879aef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879a748>) | {'ns_uuid': '4696d56b-467d-42df-a58e-c72ad652082e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,387 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,389 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,396 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085c5780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085c53c8>) | {'ns_uuid': '4696d56b-467d-42df-a58e-c72ad652082e', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,403 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,405 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1cb84e6a-3b70-4783-bc2e-6104ab0d4f8c
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9915fb54-7650-4295-930e-06080a2dd141
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.RKOCZr68EhAVM8Qead5v6ZabHLJSbGXLZoQvd0RIxqM
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ._45IttRdkVMK2226WVJfpyiECLhoejiPj5sPitCB4j0
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.q_AN31YQwbA47Rh6RKkGc2ef5-kf0xZYtMxMSyr6RbE
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,473 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,476 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,480 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,484 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,494 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d9d320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b75b00>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd00a8d5a-31ef-43b2-a48a-b72516df2e7e', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,502 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c7ddb3b0-663d-4977-84ee-8ac61411e0e8
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 2182174b-e4f3-4220-8205-d2e7ed10a192
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,582 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.VQaNg3gDWk-lwvye4i5sINPwUGG0i3OUYNZRHrChrKQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,593 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.R5ZjBUNssb-ky4l9HLAWWtfTpiI1dAns42d4Fc5qOLI
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.JOmbGQYas4hXN1RgmcZJuMbu0MgyQn08_J9TcG0DMZo
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,595 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,599 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91673 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,599 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,603 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,613 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108784b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d942b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '9cae5c8e-a25f-44b2-bb8e-bcd75d14ab7f', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,620 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,643 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,643 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,643 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 122c523c-ddca-460e-8160-f2ad3261c617
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 b94c20d4-65b4-4240-a6e7-8f4b5a3da288
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,651 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,651 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,697 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,710 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.WjFOLf5ofSFintTZ0GB3U3XsnStMXJukAkbzUnHfI2w
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.IYtbu11QbL_CStxoMYYTdhSKK10UVZ18y5BDRZVt2Vc
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.pBMK9byF-P3_Mxxok5D9toiwsKn88Ag3ZwRGlFAcKbU
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,722 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085fc0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085fc400>) | {'ns_uuid': '3cc9d441-1ced-48be-8a38-f5d35c208826'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,729 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 11818819-4f54-405a-97ce-bedf90a984af
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 cd01b4e1-5318-4ec2-b88d-00714778dfae
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,800 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.-udhkxKj5ChmQMB5jE6xwWCyL2lPUTrqBzbk0E3Gsfw
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.9_kK0vWWCTnU0IjtXDbRQ8TT9DsCgYY4xl40PdQWrDM
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.LM4oPH_SgTcdDAc8UXrhUarISLPy4iIZzPajQAhWSaY
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,809 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108da0550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108787390>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': 'f2d8fd51-653b-4f31-9252-83e5297af2a3'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,819 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6906da92-ee2d-40f8-8de8-4f55e18ff58d
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c8d3e08e-f43e-45e1-8171-3fa496a8d4e3
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,884 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.VJ197Pm9LYLjB6O8-2xcViZEbSH7NAVP_QI47CZQn5s
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.QUrwvGEO_7l4XRLeP8r_F8XTYwccAFO9uxmMGRmB4fY
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ._M5taQ3BIFUkofsuYRiatZ2KO0Pmn1pvEPAVi4QCei4
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,912 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b581d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b635f8>) | {'ns_uuid': '1b5304fa-5244-4bec-802d-227f5b5ff88a'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,918 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 30587eb6-47b7-4499-ac7a-8ed2fb5360b1 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9f2892df-a8f7-4ffe-a0d1-fa2e16599852
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 864674d5-4052-4ae5-8451-d595db3d31ef
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,925 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,970 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.MpXaRLTMRxdNPjVCSF_Le25L4QjnK35pa3bOebjNtMk
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.QETjT9jsusBF4A5xXWgp0ILPxY7ZYg2mra76khu0R4s
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,988 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAwfQ.LSawmX7Ag_CPrJUGXnUOhR2RltqJK5z9GPcnSZjb9-U
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,990 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,990 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,991 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,991 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 c077646b-0b15-4ea7-899d-7cae6a22a70f
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 2e2be33e-de82-4954-abd7-9529e69edb42
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,999 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,000 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,000 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,039 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,049 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ.iD6J-u-6sjH04e5tmXi87W-dAzT4zgHKdcZ808jk_ok
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ.Unu0Y6ZWSPvnr0aHdtO7DiEPd7wG0VoEkp4gBKuAhl4
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ.W0MaYv2eIFDZVk2wBXYzAgt1CjRdN9qw6oMlVw1UUGo
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,060 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,063 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91673 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,063 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,066 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91673 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,075 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f9f668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b6a2e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,087 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fa0dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f9f8d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 57f5ee91-0bf1-4788-9d41-51563fbc4436
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,114 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6df7ac99-2592-4989-a425-75fe41523cfd
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,116 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,117 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,136 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'F3NYf'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiYmc1QkBQSUJOLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYmc1QkBQSUJOLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwMX0.dWmlvi0PY0bDWmp9Tl5_PLQXmqlTNP_SCSjAB6kgGgU
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,144 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 91673 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,144 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 91673 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,156 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 91673 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,156 DEBUG activity_log 157 91673 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,156 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,162 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087874e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108da0748>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,162 DEBUG notifications 63 91673 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,215 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,216 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 91673 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,216 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 91673 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 945c29d0-10e8-41bc-a5bd-333fb3ce0ce4
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5e55f15a-4b7a-418c-9a22-5761e94a0e12
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,317 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ.bw6NJn64r12ubY-mJj31J3VIegBTyzfZOi9Zz8UlFBA
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ._BoCLAULqP6zlZQx4xstDDxhxOplGcdVlEhvRVjmB6s
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwMX0.KKdqpGeDIHZqnwoTXtkKfj_qsc6okmP9JkGuPtviEU8
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,330 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10853b668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108619c88>) | {'checklistUuid': 'eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,341 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,342 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249', 'eng_uuid': 'bcd2a9c7-23f2-4436-aea8-86dc0febbd1a', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,343 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91673 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,347 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,348 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91673 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,354 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,380 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085ddf60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108769ac8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,390 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,431 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249, user.uuid=9fbd2fcf-5130-40cc-8b01-2a8ffa93879a, checklist.uuid=eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7bad36aa-1b32-486e-91e2-9d272b27df31
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 af051bed-f8ff-4372-b9ee-5b65d4e57661
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,444 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,512 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ.442GI4eJG8X0djJwL6cG0zWwgurXWsTl4i4n2eFBFHo
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAxfQ.fj2JDplAFMnwbYksKrc1PJqMeD5li74h7Ae66bLyQR0
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwMX0.RetOGUPXYvLqOk2Y_j53NODjBiHVWESIPtAqweKPhKU
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,530 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,538 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107886a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107853be0>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,553 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,553 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0', 'eng_uuid': '1930eb61-14d4-4496-9e6f-5892d32134b2', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,555 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91673 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,558 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,559 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91673 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,565 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,591 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107df6c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083a64e0>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,601 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,640 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0, user.uuid=3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122, checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,641 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 91673 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,641 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,641 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,641 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,641 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,641 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,651 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10818ca58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107deca90>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,662 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,662 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0', 'eng_uuid': '1930eb61-14d4-4496-9e6f-5892d32134b2', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,663 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91673 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,667 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,673 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,700 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108241c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089e9518>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,710 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,754 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0, user.uuid=3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122, checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,755 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 91673 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,755 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,755 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,755 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,755 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,766 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10818c470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad16a0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'c595fdb5-69a5-4459-9185-326134ef5feb'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,773 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,773 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91673 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,781 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91673 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: c595fdb5-69a5-4459-9185-326134ef5feb , value: approved
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,782 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,782 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,791 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10877e208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10877e4e0>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,803 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,803 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0', 'eng_uuid': '1930eb61-14d4-4496-9e6f-5892d32134b2', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,804 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 91673 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,812 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,819 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91673 140736121267136 Adding vf 4131cd44-ab4a-41d3-843e-72b4ae62cdc2 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,821 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 6a227d70-d3bd-4728-96d1-34f155d883d6 and vf uuid: 4131cd44-ab4a-41d3-843e-72b4ae62cdc2
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,828 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,856 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c7b400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107df6b00>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,865 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,916 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0, user.uuid=3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122, checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,917 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 91673 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,917 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,917 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,917 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,917 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,923 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,923 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,932 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b58e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108609390>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,943 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,944 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0', 'eng_uuid': '1930eb61-14d4-4496-9e6f-5892d32134b2', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,945 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 91673 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,955 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,968 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91673 140736121267136 Adding vf 4131cd44-ab4a-41d3-843e-72b4ae62cdc2 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,970 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: e3a4f592-2399-463a-9f0e-0facb99de0be and vf uuid: 4131cd44-ab4a-41d3-843e-72b4ae62cdc2
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,976 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,002 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a3b4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a19550>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,013 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,068 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0, user.uuid=3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122, checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,069 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 91673 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,069 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,069 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 91673 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,069 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,069 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 91673 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,069 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 91673 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,077 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a0f080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086090f0>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,088 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,088 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0', 'eng_uuid': '1930eb61-14d4-4496-9e6f-5892d32134b2', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,089 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 91673 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,095 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,100 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91673 140736121267136 Adding vf 4131cd44-ab4a-41d3-843e-72b4ae62cdc2 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,102 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122 and vf uuid: 4131cd44-ab4a-41d3-843e-72b4ae62cdc2
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,108 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,133 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a19710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b15748>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,143 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,200 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0, user.uuid=3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122, checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,201 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 91673 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,201 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,201 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 91673 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,201 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,201 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 91673 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,201 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 91673 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,210 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085dd710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108119278>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,221 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,221 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91673 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0', 'eng_uuid': '1930eb61-14d4-4496-9e6f-5892d32134b2', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,222 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 91673 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,230 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,239 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91673 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,266 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10895eb38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b42f60>) | {'checklistUuid': '74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,278 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,339 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91673 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0, user.uuid=3b88eedd-319f-4b71-834a-47b949fda122, checklist.uuid=74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,340 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 91673 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,340 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,340 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 91673 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,340 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,341 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,341 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,341 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 7f38e041-c2da-4359-9607-3e0ae2ce8f33
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 8ebb4a15-80c6-449f-9c19-c7fff62736e8
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.ca_iMR__kFY3KbxxtoRrm4buL2m57sc0JPsAXtaqiA8
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 289c9b4d-892a-4523-91a8-325bf096ab79
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 3dd8e7dc-900c-4a30-84fc-b6671a4fd283
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.zP7bse4yryoh87u9pt0KSOC5c9QiW4w9-aiTfsNPEKo
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,402 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108954c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083a62b0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,403 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5cd9f927-c85d-43ee-926e-c08d059c3560
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,409 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 250c8cf9-cf8b-4a37-8098-2a0ba482e3d7
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,411 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.VTFX13IPjxgAOjgtXqjRxdlYOPdB3FjXIxTRSWyMNnQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,426 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a0f5c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108609358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,428 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 5efa99f4-7331-4719-98e9-1930bfd8f983
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 16fb1970-8a3c-4c72-b7ea-7c1533ef8f5b
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,435 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,435 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.0u_vGXP5_hAmLchaXc3t0Hb6bdgjl8wd0rE8JUpE1HA
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,452 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860d358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,493 INFO user 138 91673 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=bdbac80d-f28c-46aa-ab50-13ad54ea1579 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,493 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ea1ed0e0-3262-421f-862d-88b218bb23d7
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 78335abb-38f8-453f-af30-580cb783855c
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,509 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,509 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.G7DTquiHwTmhYlaQ4no84IGcpzPFyc27BCtioL0pbSY
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,528 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085f2e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f29b0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,530 ERROR user 59 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 2ab8805f-e295-4f77-beb4-793298294a51
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 54ae0cbc-16e2-48a6-9d83-57958919aea6
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.ypfFiss7TmZdY0hqX_kw4rnlJ5B6Z7zRaiVwFkt_DVQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91673 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91673 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 60a7eea3-2726-4892-8da1-e049dbc9396d
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 6a16eb04-d0ff-461e-8257-d1a343c4d8b5
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAyfQ.TdfbwrkIU-GN3-JqDOhErovSc33-k_gWeyM_ph4_QwQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,579 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085cbdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e71d0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,624 INFO user 87 91673 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=cdd9073b-be17-4c14-b29c-f586a8d19876
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,624 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,635 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 31c23b54-1121-4e72-baf1-ddcc29c65f6d
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 1dc2e9a9-2d9f-4867-a0f0-c419382d1fc8
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,651 DEBUG testVFC 22 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,651 DEBUG testVFC 23 91673 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,651 DEBUG testVFC 24 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 1d327053-2045-4c0f-b4d5-61ae5c616c96
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,651 DEBUG testVFC 25 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: LpHj9
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,651 DEBUG testVFC 26 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,659 DEBUG testVFC 28 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,659 DEBUG testVFC 29 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,659 DEBUG testVFC 30 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 8ef51fcc-4d03-4d85-a131-d681076a5b85
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,659 DEBUG testVFC 31 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: KQcuz
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,659 DEBUG testVFC 32 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,667 DEBUG testVFC 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,667 DEBUG testVFC 39 91673 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,668 DEBUG testVFC 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 40b8f19d-bc58-4e85-aabf-52558e92da3f
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,668 DEBUG testVFC 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: QebPr
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,668 DEBUG testVFC 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,668 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ScFOx'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,674 DEBUG testVFC 50 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,674 DEBUG testVFC 51 91673 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,674 DEBUG testVFC 52 91673 140736121267136 UUID: ee3c5efd-6a23-4fc0-9f27-213666bc7551
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,674 DEBUG testVFC 53 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,676 DEBUG testVFC 59 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,676 DEBUG testVFC 60 91673 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,676 DEBUG testVFC 61 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 1607f9a8-2aa2-4756-86e0-b37accf0be30
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,676 DEBUG testVFC 62 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiOGV0RUBZQ1dZLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiOGV0RUBZQ1dZLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwMn0.Ak8CNv2h6IZZg6xtpvVzmC7WL8WaZEIxQ3qBcRhWIi8
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoiU0c3cEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJTRzdwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQyMDJ9.jK3cHl14u9I_zKSRdS7hUQGjF1nNDijjcFifkcHiahw
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,680 DEBUG testVFC 89 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,680 DEBUG testVFC 90 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,680 DEBUG testVFC 91 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,684 DEBUG testVFC 97 91673 140736121267136 1. QAbVg
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,685 DEBUG testVFC 78 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,686 DEBUG testVFC 79 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,686 DEBUG testVFC 80 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,686 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 bfa991da-55a4-4188-8d14-602eb19af609
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 858d4473-1cbf-4743-9032-ba126a85050a
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,695 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,695 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,704 DEBUG testVFC 22 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,704 DEBUG testVFC 23 91673 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,705 DEBUG testVFC 24 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 12088b11-521c-4366-b9a3-f38b2e962226
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,705 DEBUG testVFC 25 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: ockZq
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,705 DEBUG testVFC 26 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,712 DEBUG testVFC 28 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,712 DEBUG testVFC 29 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,712 DEBUG testVFC 30 91673 140736121267136 UUID: e546a433-bc79-4f12-abf9-1cefa04be773
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,712 DEBUG testVFC 31 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: 23mXG
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,713 DEBUG testVFC 32 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,720 DEBUG testVFC 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,720 DEBUG testVFC 39 91673 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,721 DEBUG testVFC 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: a51e5008-fc88-406a-8010-193a62ba5a86
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,721 DEBUG testVFC 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: eS6yP
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,721 DEBUG testVFC 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tjivo'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,726 DEBUG testVFC 50 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,726 DEBUG testVFC 51 91673 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,726 DEBUG testVFC 52 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 80206c69-acf1-4695-b277-026acb610016
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,726 DEBUG testVFC 53 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,727 DEBUG testVFC 59 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,727 DEBUG testVFC 60 91673 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,727 DEBUG testVFC 61 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 1607f9a8-2aa2-4756-86e0-b37accf0be30
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,727 DEBUG testVFC 62 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiREViTkBGRkpULmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiREViTkBGRkpULmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwMn0.TsJFAK202hroN7wUaWpLP8QQDVvoYa049ZT-vR8Aj2k
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,730 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidkR3V0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ2RHdXQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQyMDJ9.PFaNt3aECV2G1QDzbzH7jFXljEKGU7yjTbiXN1Zpd-k
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,730 DEBUG testVFC 106 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,731 DEBUG testVFC 107 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,731 DEBUG testVFC 108 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,740 ERROR authorization_service 476 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,743 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085fe160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087941d0>) | {'vf_uuid': 'a81ba17f-4b1c-4233-846e-5c6a4b6f173d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,752 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,754 DEBUG testVFC 117 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,754 DEBUG testVFC 78 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,754 DEBUG testVFC 79 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,754 DEBUG testVFC 80 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 24cbff31-801e-4087-966d-c70e942bc474
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9b668ec6-597d-435f-b7c1-7d68c9389e50
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,772 DEBUG testVFC 22 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,772 DEBUG testVFC 23 91673 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,772 DEBUG testVFC 24 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 091cd11b-f95f-4d9f-9c2b-ecac6529915a
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,772 DEBUG testVFC 25 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: 2eCfQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,772 DEBUG testVFC 26 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,780 DEBUG testVFC 28 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,780 DEBUG testVFC 29 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,780 DEBUG testVFC 30 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 2e272745-4a39-45ff-ae8a-b8983e0de33b
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,780 DEBUG testVFC 31 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: qJfPL
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,780 DEBUG testVFC 32 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,789 DEBUG testVFC 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,790 DEBUG testVFC 39 91673 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,790 DEBUG testVFC 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: d4f6803e-d9a9-4871-99ac-a527a07972a3
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,790 DEBUG testVFC 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: eS0Ml
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,790 DEBUG testVFC 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,790 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'v8Ll5'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,795 DEBUG testVFC 50 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,796 DEBUG testVFC 51 91673 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,796 DEBUG testVFC 52 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 11477afb-95dd-4659-8700-260e764cf136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,796 DEBUG testVFC 53 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,797 DEBUG testVFC 59 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,797 DEBUG testVFC 60 91673 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,797 DEBUG testVFC 61 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 1607f9a8-2aa2-4756-86e0-b37accf0be30
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,798 DEBUG testVFC 62 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,799 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiRmVtS0BFR1BNLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiRmVtS0BFR1BNLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwMn0.Y10K1SB0w_86ICjCqLc6FhsIWzZKP4_TUy03UTB7hUY
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoic3VIcEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJzdUhwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODQyMDJ9.vGoxqsMCiMIVfeWyCndbX4oWKYk--ss-5s17WsGMeV0
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,801 DEBUG testVFC 125 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,801 DEBUG testVFC 126 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,801 DEBUG testVFC 127 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,814 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087829e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108782be0>) | {'vf_uuid': '53d275e5-26f3-4363-b4c6-987fe3c3a502'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,821 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,825 DEBUG testVFC 137 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,825 DEBUG testVFC 138 91673 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,825 DEBUG testVFC 139 91673 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"4030193e-898e-488c-bcca-6b6b11524bcb","name":"KrmOD","external_ref_id":"6","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T12:03:22.804158Z","vf":"53d275e5-26f3-4363-b4c6-987fe3c3a502","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"844fe176-5862-45e3-b714-28070957b4de","name":"h1Ut9","external_ref_id":"7","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T12:03:22.802712Z","vf":"53d275e5-26f3-4363-b4c6-987fe3c3a502","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,826 DEBUG testVFC 78 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,826 DEBUG testVFC 79 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,826 DEBUG testVFC 80 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 9b2695ef-2c74-4115-ac3d-3ed5caf59bea
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 bb00a288-aeb2-4e85-8f71-e82236219270
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,870 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,870 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,870 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: f4d4ddb6-def7-43b4-a300-8d5794dc9ae2
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,870 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: 59ZXw
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,871 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'S1a59'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'J4RM0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UKbgR'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yX7ej'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '41Ius'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,921 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tHWMS'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'W9JrT'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,940 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8vRaq'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nDWIz'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jIm6h'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yVJx0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oBizl'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sVSX4'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fnCK4'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwM30.0aEp3CBcV0juzqd3wrc8AGaVrVntydpLzsr11sw36VM
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,003 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,003 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91673 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,004 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,009 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085f29e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f2198>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,032 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,032 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91673 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"HF69k","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Gatpl","engagement__uuid":"3d564360-a5ca-4a95-aebf-d6a8afe8428b","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"02d0718f-2b6b-4730-95ad-a4b78d453f0b","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"O8DKZ","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"5nWV3","engagement__uuid":"3cfd521a-4236-40bc-90b7-3404fc925517","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f95e90d8-bd77-48a4-bb65-ded57703f023","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"WD7pC","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"9Z0HO","engagement__uuid":"f7456f4e-6c86-4022-8a86-52c76b401440","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ef042462-57c3-4dd4-b002-dd7a869eb39a","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"kew0E","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"WrHl5","engagement__uuid":"ce9bd5a4-a83d-4a3a-bbe1-3ea578c1decd","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"08bc8a0e-2e6e-46b1-8d70-dce84ba6573a","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"vh34G","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"aY8ho","engagement__uuid":"168d4672-9e11-4325-bb7a-ef22941851b0","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"78135e1c-655a-4800-a73d-f55a477a452d","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":5}'
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,032 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,032 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,032 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,041 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ba8f734f-9fcb-4ac5-8262-114353b9001a
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,043 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 e8078fa9-b373-47a7-86bc-1ed3ba603dc5
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,047 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,074 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,074 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,074 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: d27cafc5-348c-444c-80d4-6e35f826ca26
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,075 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: 7ExIG
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,075 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gmbnd'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gAbWv'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,095 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hrUI4'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nxEA0'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yvwsW'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dbV8a'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,132 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0Qcp5'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'IwyLb'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0jSrb'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vSbqV'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hpJZm'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OfP3F'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'l3tXZ'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kSCRY'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwM30.yr3oWRPt8B5hC7L4htsnWjFvn7gPbK-kMZvwr8CPvmA
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 91673 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,213 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b5cfd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 91673 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"gzcSl","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"dxWnC","engagement__uuid":"aa78b0b5-0963-49db-b462-f2f755b41ce6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a4c02bdf-32bb-4568-b046-e66c8eae5876","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 2f995d8c-0fd6-4eeb-9d12-34aa906b7f34
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 67fbe565-73d6-4343-b89a-0f9542b6f9a7
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,263 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,263 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,263 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: d5ccda4d-a985-43e4-8634-0ac1f764152f
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,263 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: Y2Jnp
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,263 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jB2YF'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9FTQL'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'flN7i'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6m7L3'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Gg8vR'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xjUmW'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zoqQM'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'a7RUB'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,337 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'J0wpD'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kSFbQ'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UTRJ7'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,366 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ewTRF'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cKNdl'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jztfi'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwM30.NHJPBTAyUzKN-3qTgUFKdwTBN2AVN03RwDOvQy0zO1g
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,393 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,393 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91673 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,393 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,399 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10860d4e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860d710>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,413 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,413 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91673 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"Z6zxY","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"5NMiI","engagement__uuid":"357c2452-1b72-43c9-899e-8c42066e050f","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"edca0232-61cf-4ae2-adcf-10e5f1de73b5","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,422 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10846b400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078912b0>) | {'vf_uuid': 'edca0232-61cf-4ae2-adcf-10e5f1de73b5'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,428 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,428 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,437 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 353f1adf-aa78-4cd7-acfd-77dc98d7f27b
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 b3747b8c-f065-4957-9f01-976adde3f623
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,468 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,468 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91673 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,468 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91673 140736121267136 UUID: 01e672b7-167f-41d8-8644-93f7dce35cc8
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,468 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91673 140736121267136 Full Name: qY6gt
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,468 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91673 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OoQt3'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'f6eSa'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,487 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jRAfe'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Wb7Ia'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hcurk'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'M8iON'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9cxyt'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'k5qH9'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UWC6n'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,554 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yPp1g'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GNJAa'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'l81Hz'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,577 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SJrY2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FzrlA'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwM30.s9wRkWp4xJRLxwmtSpBLJw80F8eW4X4MtzEXDAZ38Ak
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,597 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,597 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91673 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,597 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,604 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a0e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879b048>) | {}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,629 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91673 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,629 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91673 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"0dmS3","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"lcjDb","engagement__uuid":"84bfc63a-54c6-4aff-8e9c-ffb9557570b5","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f2ff2e25-a511-4ca2-8d13-b0c795b9e64b","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"14QF9","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"1bIGX","engagement__uuid":"1b85f642-7228-4ca1-9355-71721c72f2d0","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"9941f61a-0de4-4c3c-bfa3-0932b1be9b01","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"A4hKP","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"sZHBL","engagement__uuid":"a64e62fa-97dd-472f-955c-bff0355c7299","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"b88f0185-356d-45bb-b2f5-99b299350810","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"ecGuP","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"PBgOj","engagement__uuid":"e997ba7b-47f6-4e19-ad30-fd47a20a7f52","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"7301f5ff-0d49-4916-bfd8-17c782e95810","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"hrd6L","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"SwHNM","engagement__uuid":"15ddaf29-0e1c-4da2-836d-64c825466818","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"b70c09a4-c195-4ee1-8289-967206b2b2ee","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"qX0eV","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"P9CYN","engagement__uuid":"722c3070-96f5-42cc-b451-d97edd984b52","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"a7901081-ee48-411f-ad66-9aa6a8d6faf3","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"thgWv","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"jV1uo","engagement__uuid":"b443f0fe-3d16-489d-9126-4d6bf670c3ba","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engag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+2017-03-21 12:03:23,630 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,630 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,630 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,630 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,630 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,630 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,640 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 8967c7d6-6e78-41c6-8ad3-eb73464e1913
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 2d978050-54f0-42a7-94c5-23054ba60750
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,651 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAzfQ.ctpfG4K0G9eW4Di_06Khwjm3MP7RZyo6CksWkEwAEow
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAzfQ.LFY6lGpIFHCE70a6N9p3kKvCFLHyonAZdcwh0gA-ImM
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwM30.GN9mN0JJ6Tw3QZRl3JtRRizyCRGW9ye3D436vRvntTo
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 91673 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,698 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,699 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,706 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879cc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d8d898>) | {'eng_uuid': '7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,716 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,728 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91673 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,733 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879f2b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879f550>) | {'eng_uuid': '7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,740 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,746 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 0265b8f4-0930-40c0-b1ec-fbed398bb01c and vf uuid: cd93fc04-5a80-4ed6-936e-cccdc12e01ed
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,779 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 91673 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,779 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,779 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,779 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,779 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,779 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,785 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b589e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087943c8>) | {'eng_uuid': '7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,794 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,807 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91673 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,813 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085f20f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879c860>) | {'eng_uuid': '7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,819 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,823 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 0265b8f4-0930-40c0-b1ec-fbed398bb01c and vf uuid: cd93fc04-5a80-4ed6-936e-cccdc12e01ed
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,858 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 91673 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,858 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,859 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,859 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,859 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,859 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,864 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b42eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108782a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,875 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,887 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91673 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,893 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fae668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fae1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '7965501a-77c4-43c3-bf46-7e5b87e7282f'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,900 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,906 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 0265b8f4-0930-40c0-b1ec-fbed398bb01c and vf uuid: cd93fc04-5a80-4ed6-936e-cccdc12e01ed
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,939 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 91673 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,939 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,939 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,940 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 05621c11-adf8-4597-a434-4ab2770c0d4e
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 ba01903d-8dd4-4d66-a501-4c844622453b
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAzfQ.gbBP8wAM1Ip7FghV6hNSdMvrqwjlgIF9Rwz0ZEjM5Zo
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjAzfQ.Rns1ym9MtuIpKOHB3KblDSkwmdNUuiC2H41es8TOEKA
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwM30.YpxpBX8jsm1La94IbeuXqLsGYfw8DYESveaPm4sv9NQ
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 91673 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,997 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,998 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,004 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879ccf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085dfb70>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,014 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,025 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91673 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,031 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085c41d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860d828>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,038 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,045 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 92c56f27-a8e2-4253-943b-39ee0adeb6c2 and vf uuid: f1233b6b-2926-4f17-84c6-b687d1b8023e
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,080 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e7668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108609518>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,090 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,091 DEBUG activity_log 105 91673 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,095 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 91673 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,095 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,095 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,096 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,096 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,096 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 91673 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,102 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fd6320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fd6470>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,113 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,125 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91673 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,130 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089699e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107891780>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,137 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,143 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 92c56f27-a8e2-4253-943b-39ee0adeb6c2 and vf uuid: f1233b6b-2926-4f17-84c6-b687d1b8023e
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,177 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 91673 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,177 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,177 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,177 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,177 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,178 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 91673 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,184 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d8ffd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d8fe80>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,194 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,207 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91673 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,213 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087afef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879bf28>) | {'eng_uuid': '81094d4b-88cc-4f6f-b217-fdbf692ebd18'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,219 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,224 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 92c56f27-a8e2-4253-943b-39ee0adeb6c2 and vf uuid: f1233b6b-2926-4f17-84c6-b687d1b8023e
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,260 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 91673 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,260 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,260 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,260 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,260 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 57b56de1-ac96-4933-9fc7-7d9bd0cecb24
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 39018585-05cc-4f27-9b54-cb9dcb5a7ac3
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjA0fQ.n1EDWFv4tnBlv5JWya9dWr9RuvlnZUJUERS1boWdd8I
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjA0fQ.nSjNqD5ln3pbIS-v98cmBwl6lV7Fx839204t3zD-6gE
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4NDIwNH0.9mkDlbZFstm77FFbPJchpS3Z21i6yw2mC99Wb8J6ebM
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,314 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 91673 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 91673 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,315 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 91673 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,321 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb49b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fb4a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '1ce5edc1-3310-46ff-8d1a-a29bd70c5eeb', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,331 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 1ce5edc1-3310-46ff-8d1a-a29bd70c5eeb isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,339 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085f2898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fae908>) | {'eng_uuid': '1ce5edc1-3310-46ff-8d1a-a29bd70c5eeb'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,345 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,353 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91673 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 4376902f-9d07-42c9-9a90-5e7d9f223794 and vf uuid: 66484632-f799-4e74-b0f1-e98c34144ccb
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,383 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 91673 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,383 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,383 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91673 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,384 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91673 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 8d88f755-12ce-44c2-9af9-cd0356463d7a
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 4047b4a9-6e2d-434d-860d-89c427e875fe
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,401 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91673 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg0MjA0fQ.17Zd13qGPgY3kfF7v4y3Q9IytDgl3kpqafAoC9hJyHY
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,485 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 bfa7e36e-f2f9-44df-9a8e-b38279e64cf9
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91673 140736121267136 a0d023e9-2bb1-400a-868b-9bea3ff2d891
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,554 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91673 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,568 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 91673 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,577 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91673 140736121267136 32ee2526-5270-4162-83fc-5783a6a4d0b6
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,578 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91673 140736121267136 8d3010a2-175a-4647-ac97-22653c3af619
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,580 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,581 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91673 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,637 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb5a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fa47b8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ecb0691e-3254-45d0-b728-bf72c6e34e21'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,648 DEBUG auth 51 91673 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,651 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91673 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: ecb0691e-3254-45d0-b728-bf72c6e34e21
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,669 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,675 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145333841920 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,689 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10860db00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860d9b0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd7c4e2ed-8c5f-4ce2-abc5-d9337a6210bc'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,697 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d7c4e2ed-8c5f-4ce2-abc5-d9337a6210bc isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,711 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e7710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108619828>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd7c4e2ed-8c5f-4ce2-abc5-d9337a6210bc'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,722 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,728 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145333841920 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: d7c4e2ed-8c5f-4ce2-abc5-d9337a6210bc
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,738 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145333841920 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,738 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145333841920 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108b5cfd0>
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,759 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145333841920 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,772 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076ee4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083595f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fbb6b915-4321-4bf5-a580-099aec386f8d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,781 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: fbb6b915-4321-4bf5-a580-099aec386f8d isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,791 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fcb5c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108787940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fbb6b915-4321-4bf5-a580-099aec386f8d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,801 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,808 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145333841920 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: fbb6b915-4321-4bf5-a580-099aec386f8d
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,817 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145333841920 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,817 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145333841920 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108b5cfd0>
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,835 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145339097088 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,855 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145339097088 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10860d4e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860dc50>) | {'eng_uuid': '66515fa7-e648-4197-a309-97820fc02fe2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,863 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145339097088 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 66515fa7-e648-4197-a309-97820fc02fe2 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,871 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145339097088 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089e9eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a195c0>) | {'eng_uuid': '66515fa7-e648-4197-a309-97820fc02fe2'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,882 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145339097088 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,887 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145339097088 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 66515fa7-e648-4197-a309-97820fc02fe2
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,897 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145339097088 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,897 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145339097088 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1085dd748>
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,916 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145333841920 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,929 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fd6ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f2080>) | {'eng_uuid': '1b21c8ce-0fa8-43ba-adab-ab946278052c'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,941 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1b21c8ce-0fa8-43ba-adab-ab946278052c isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,948 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fa4ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f2a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '1b21c8ce-0fa8-43ba-adab-ab946278052c'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,959 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,965 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145333841920 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1b21c8ce-0fa8-43ba-adab-ab946278052c
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,975 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145333841920 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,975 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145333841920 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108b5cfd0>
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,994 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145344352256 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,008 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145344352256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087a0208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860dc18>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ffe2d4de-8e50-45c4-a937-c2d84c16fcb3'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,015 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145344352256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: ffe2d4de-8e50-45c4-a937-c2d84c16fcb3 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,022 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145344352256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e7fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108619828>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ffe2d4de-8e50-45c4-a937-c2d84c16fcb3'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,032 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145344352256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,039 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145344352256 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: ffe2d4de-8e50-45c4-a937-c2d84c16fcb3
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,048 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145344352256 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,048 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145344352256 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108fa4cf8>
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,061 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,067 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145339097088 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,079 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145339097088 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d8d320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087942e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '70c9cd5a-661b-4e11-8295-8c54c06d734a'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,091 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145339097088 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 70c9cd5a-661b-4e11-8295-8c54c06d734a isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,102 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145339097088 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083a69e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e63b70>) | {'eng_uuid': '70c9cd5a-661b-4e11-8295-8c54c06d734a'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,113 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145339097088 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,117 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145339097088 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 70c9cd5a-661b-4e11-8295-8c54c06d734a
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,126 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145339097088 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,126 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145339097088 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1085dd748>
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,144 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145349607424 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,157 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145349607424 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879f8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879f4a8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f3fb8e88-638f-416a-bf5e-d269494dcdc8'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,165 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145349607424 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: f3fb8e88-638f-416a-bf5e-d269494dcdc8 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,173 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145349607424 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fb4400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fbb438>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f3fb8e88-638f-416a-bf5e-d269494dcdc8'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,184 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145349607424 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,189 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145349607424 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: f3fb8e88-638f-416a-bf5e-d269494dcdc8
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,200 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145349607424 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,200 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145349607424 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1085dfb38>
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,216 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145333841920 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,231 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10907d668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10907d860>) | {'eng_uuid': '1eba24cf-6b34-4fb2-b80a-0bb9025d6742'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,239 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1eba24cf-6b34-4fb2-b80a-0bb9025d6742 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,248 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145333841920 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10908a8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10908aa20>) | {'eng_uuid': '1eba24cf-6b34-4fb2-b80a-0bb9025d6742'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,263 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145333841920 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,268 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145333841920 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1eba24cf-6b34-4fb2-b80a-0bb9025d6742
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,277 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145333841920 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,278 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145333841920 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108b5cfd0>
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,298 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145354862592 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,312 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145354862592 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fa4940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085159e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '553b0935-9c2b-4e6d-9b47-937ea580e338'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,320 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145354862592 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 553b0935-9c2b-4e6d-9b47-937ea580e338 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,329 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145354862592 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fbbc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10860db00>) | {'eng_uuid': '553b0935-9c2b-4e6d-9b47-937ea580e338'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,340 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145354862592 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,348 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145354862592 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 553b0935-9c2b-4e6d-9b47-937ea580e338
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,359 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145354862592 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,359 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145354862592 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108605550>
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,369 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91673 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,376 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91673 123145344352256 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,390 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145344352256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fae2b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ff4518>) | {'eng_uuid': '99ea6192-f39b-4ba1-924f-0283f28cb73d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,399 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145344352256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 99ea6192-f39b-4ba1-924f-0283f28cb73d isn't valid
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,410 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91673 123145344352256 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109028a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109028ba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '99ea6192-f39b-4ba1-924f-0283f28cb73d'}
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,423 DEBUG auth 51 91673 123145344352256 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,428 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91673 123145344352256 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 99ea6192-f39b-4ba1-924f-0283f28cb73d
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,439 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91673 123145344352256 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,439 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91673 123145344352256 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108fa4cf8>
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,932 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,932 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,933 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,933 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,933 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,933 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,933 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 12:03:29,933 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91673 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,483 ERROR api 54 91876 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,484 INFO apps 29 91876 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,555 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,563 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,566 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,703 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91876 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,749 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91876 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,751 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,752 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,753 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,754 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,755 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91876 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91876 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,645 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108da6fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d97d68>) | {'uu_id': 'e566a6f9-5adc-4b73-9f06-26f8f0659b77', 'token': '7083db0b-da22-4f76-943d-68b0dbccb807'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,652 DEBUG activation 78 91876 140736121267136 User 4bUAe is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,654 DEBUG views_helper 326 91876 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,654 DEBUG activation 87 91876 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,658 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,660 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,688 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e49080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e77630>) | {'uu_id': '5780ba66-2d8a-4aaa-a534-f7e8c0db75e5', 'token': 'f243bc63-b0fb-427b-a0b9-b3a0dfe217cc'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,695 DEBUG activation 78 91876 140736121267136 User Z1XwD is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,697 DEBUG views_helper 326 91876 140736121267136 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,697 DEBUG activation 87 91876 140736121267136 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,700 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,730 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e6eb00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e6ec50>) | {'uu_id': '6a489950-c5fd-46ee-99ea-c95a4986ff3d', 'token': '82a6a8b7-abac-4c4e-931f-26f218bad93a'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,813 ERROR activation 67 91876 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 72d6f8d8-06b7-411e-a371-57c1700e171e
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3b8c1640-e7e8-4e17-9b14-c1319a58eb9d
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ewyd3'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,880 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6IkJSUkNAQU5GVS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkJSUkNAQU5GVS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDJ9.DH59hBmegtMoTEW7t4adOOnjMKSKQCEFT5pPdvmUlB4
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,880 DEBUG testActivities 37 91876 140736121267136 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,880 DEBUG testActivities 40 91876 140736121267136 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,896 DEBUG testActivities 46 91876 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,896 DEBUG activity_log 157 91876 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,896 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,897 DEBUG testActivities 50 91876 140736121267136 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,897 DEBUG testActivities 51 91876 140736121267136 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,897 DEBUG testActivities 54 91876 140736121267136 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,904 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a89dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aaf278>) | {'eng_uuid': 'adaedb08-9d3f-41c6-8b49-b14d2e8ba330'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,912 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,913 DEBUG activity_log 105 91876 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,915 DEBUG testActivities 58 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,915 DEBUG testActivities 59 91876 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,916 DEBUG testActivities 63 91876 140736121267136 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,916 DEBUG testActivities 66 91876 140736121267136 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,916 DEBUG testActivities 69 91876 140736121267136 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,922 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086f2080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086f2780>) | {'eng_uuid': 'adaedb08-9d3f-41c6-8b49-b14d2e8ba330'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,930 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,931 DEBUG activity_log 105 91876 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,933 DEBUG testActivities 73 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,933 DEBUG testActivities 74 91876 140736121267136 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,933 DEBUG testActivities 78 91876 140736121267136 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,934 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 26b2f818-2917-485b-a792-33fdbfedccc6
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d891712e-d2fc-4c84-a3fa-e592263f6d7e
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,950 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDJ9.09Zxxe2YOhH8rUmDjWZlA4wDX62SZmR3SJ3m34Ce22s
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,007 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a4af98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086c5ac8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,016 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,070 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=vTtb3
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,072 DEBUG invite_service 96 91876 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email tc274f@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,072 DEBUG invite_service 99 91876 140736121267136 Updating the Engagement with uuid=7930c502-9bdd-4811-8240-ca106901029d to have this contact user: tomer cohen
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,074 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,555 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 03211098-b996-47a0-9d9a-91ba5480ea6d
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b05111df-abb9-4cf2-b2c2-fadc326c4d39
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,567 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,594 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDN9.2wbfKUzmT1ORK5o8NheBj2RVFICIaUy7QqhlblQGtzk
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,610 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089f67b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089f6dd8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,619 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,626 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=w7rFz
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,627 DEBUG invite_service 128 91876 140736121267136 The invite mail is sent to a contact person (VF Contact or Att Sponsor)
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,627 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link= cohen&phone_number=12345&company=AT&amp;T&is_contact_user=true
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,628 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,629 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 1c60fbe0-8d91-4fff-b215-30c9511c738b
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 30dc08a9-40f4-4c6a-95e2-cc9fe1e4d869
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,635 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDN9.BRzj252iu3eq543DAopf_GILq1EetBbfzLVhBjGU-Lk
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,688 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aafa20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e774e0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,694 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,694 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,695 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 cc588851-847d-49b1-9b03-7da0584f75d1
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,700 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 98a1de13-7df0-4f7f-ad01-d20b745dd315
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,704 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDN9.LAbvPToUL-TI6UK2YtdFlChMy4BYZVpRM0tyZSCNPuk
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,772 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b1b9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108546e48>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,781 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,781 ERROR invite 58 91876 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,790 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,793 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9c0dbdfa-1324-4bb3-b3bb-e780785f08ee
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,794 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3d953cbc-4348-41ea-b973-be247732e431
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,797 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,799 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDN9.c5LQWgd4QJQem0s31GwiP0s85EPQ2uqXLXG68dy5BQI
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,880 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084f13c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10800b160>) | {'eng_uuid': '62caf13e-1068-4864-813c-043658c4715a'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,888 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,891 DEBUG git_manager 14 91876 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 62caf13e-1068-4864-813c-043658c4715a for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,917 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '62caf13e-1068-4864-813c-043658c4715a', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,918 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91876 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,924 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,925 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91876 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,933 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,978 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a'), 'eng_uuid': '62caf13e-1068-4864-813c-043658c4715a', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,979 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91876 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,982 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,987 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,995 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91876 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,004 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078a5f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aafa90>) | {'checklistUuid': '519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f8014c42-6e19-4bcf-b7d6-b79a58a96496
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,024 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9d061add-7fe9-40c7-80a3-e49d87563cbb
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,027 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,029 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.YK2AqVZd8EQYBx_6nC6RCryW64V6H2OJEC-_wFjYGKE
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,103 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108318160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d0fa20>) | {'eng_uuid': '677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,112 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,114 DEBUG git_manager 14 91876 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,139 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,140 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91876 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,143 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,145 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91876 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,150 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,194 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa'), 'eng_uuid': '677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,195 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91876 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,201 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,205 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,214 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91876 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,222 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844fa20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084ac518>) | {'checklistUuid': 'c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa', 'eng_uuid': '677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,237 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,249 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 8ba5a5fc-f38d-417d-bdae-32fc2f5b3675 and vf uuid: 5017c46c-3246-4d4c-a4cf-0debf4f5fd41
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,274 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 8ba5a5fc-f38d-417d-bdae-32fc2f5b3675 and vf uuid: 5017c46c-3246-4d4c-a4cf-0debf4f5fd41
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,295 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa', 'eng_uuid': '677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,296 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 91876 140736121267136 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,301 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,306 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,314 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,318 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,322 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,348 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 91876 140736121267136 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,353 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,362 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 91876 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=677bc187-0ac4-4e7b-aeed-b5d29f8f0dfe for checklist=c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,362 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,362 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,362 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 8b9af1db-2e26-41e7-b7fc-3a91d807824b
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 7b0cb162-17dc-4c5c-ad8d-228a49caccae
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.ulO6aPpknxhZJ9MLBf_u1lXp_QJdObrrjf64t1Xf1Ns
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.aRqQXoMzChnzlROCZjyMQ8wJTmEgfKDn3Qen3xnFipI
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,457 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,457 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,458 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,458 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,466 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ANlnk
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,466 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,470 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 434, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 437, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ANlnk
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,470 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,470 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,470 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,471 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,471 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,477 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 37fa2798-4b68-47fb-b013-eb5f57f78a0d
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,478 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 06364044-bdce-44e3-80f7-7e35fec48f6d
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,482 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,546 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.USOwlmpRQsPGgji_QDm4KriLkoLffbQkYbBcyC2QZz4
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,548 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.L_t3dxq0cjHYgkTfxAKrewyCIRcoh_rJm75XagB5L3k
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,548 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,548 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,548 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,548 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,557 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083209b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7898>) | {'checklistUuid': '1e839308-c1c8-4e92-8949-46c248d1271f'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,567 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,567 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91876 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,567 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,568 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,568 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,568 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f0427eb1-319d-45c3-b690-57334d1f307d
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ff455fe9-5457-434a-b708-e91881eb9832
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,578 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,628 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,642 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.gghFTay4_JpOzSEbvXDsbennd2-AGBmY8mu4gEpHldA
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,643 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.BXQ7ym03ffvIYjhU25jpmE1pCEKH4JjeCt_XtZ1qnxo
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,644 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,644 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,644 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,644 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,653 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108347748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108413da0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'a859e46a-b89e-4f86-8367-0976496a503d'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,665 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,672 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,672 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,673 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,673 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,673 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 de58c958-db6e-4b5c-9495-a389cd83065e
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ba53c745-d3ae-4d76-b097-1df55aed8c5f
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.NHDvWwJuygV9eHdyYjo4KwN-wfdlvDop6cgRh8bod18
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.Yp70EZVBmeqU6Kvyw71HdR5nywvd8Wt4yV0tMqROZCQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,746 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,746 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,746 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,746 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,754 ERROR authorization_service 492 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,755 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f7128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076c8a90>) | {'decision_uuid': 'Pdq2L'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,761 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,761 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 91876 140736121267136 Test failed
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,767 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 988b7f1e-7eeb-43b4-8a15-fae99e33b7dc
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 26b1edbc-ba05-4409-805e-2e868b63eb31
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,769 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,770 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,771 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.LeqQGA6UvxwuaBWUfgdpp7PC2deVJlJ3VEIQVdPyDVI
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.WfMpSjvvEpHua_HCV9TLt9p1GF4Aqj2W90fXQ76aDrU
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,836 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,836 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,836 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,836 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,846 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080defd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10800beb8>) | {'decision_uuid': '7d495857-02a7-408f-ae70-e1d1b983ae2d'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,855 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,855 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91876 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f76bb390-30d7-42c9-a90b-2f121a36efbb
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e41d98de-39f4-4b39-9157-7ecbe2027c1f
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,863 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.AIhjxmydnoZPJODrpGHK0I4AdTQWhfZdxGuTHheCQQk
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDR9.vs2hBqktEZFfjYb8xCw9MKhBi7B6a-O2gN1P54rC7e0
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,927 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,927 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,928 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,928 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,939 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10889f278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078b4b70>) | {'decision_uuid': '03ac5e32-591a-4779-8bc9-5db699b272e1'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,947 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,954 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,955 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,955 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,955 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 8ab63fc7-3739-405b-8c51-12daa2d23073
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,961 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 0ceb9610-e9f8-4326-9856-33c6c5c71ba4
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,961 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,027 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.d1m8vcmVXPU2KlbKQFPi6WfqFq9MV15AmBb1SuV7L2E
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,028 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.hkkZtUA9Ek5_iEbb-rACovsyr4S_V09_4zfoiC7M4w0
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,029 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,029 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,029 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,029 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,040 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108057278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108057a90>) | {'decision_uuid': '13d48a26-90ff-4cf6-88b9-345fe40e10e0'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,047 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,047 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91876 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,050 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91876 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,051 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 fa329293-9c08-463d-8eab-463c0ccf2021
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c3d3b31b-0be4-4e79-9e30-677d3e281ca3
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,058 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.rJnzXcgt_9JR1a-3ENaO_Ukpn2N_P5LvFGgZ81CBcVA
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,123 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.mVqxo9fv-RMwcXk3GCrY1l4X7AGdtVPc3IgMrWnH40o
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,123 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,135 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108097048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f56940>) | {'decision_uuid': '7b9eba59-85ab-4232-8f8a-c90fdc3f5be6'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,143 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91876 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='AglCS')...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91876 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5bef8052-34c7-4ad4-bde1-126e9d1b58be
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3adbaa8d-58e1-4c90-b8be-752ed7b68bee
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,149 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.y1-Sv7rHty2eElk2uaLAXKtTqQKUkIL0vueNe7VLmCk
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.JHq855ERATZcD6M9SMkM-eGszTelUvvEwnyXstd2i4M
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 91876 140736121267136 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,226 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078022e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078be5c0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'f31888f0-58b8-4c6b-a461-d03961439d7b'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,234 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,234 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91876 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,238 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91876 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5b8eef8a-0d76-4cea-b9bd-a1240d18e762
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 74542570-58c2-49ba-8a9b-53dc4547eb20
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,297 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.521iBdu8LqUBMgCygN984xO_oWgDnOP0yEfYZxb2R0o
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.rznySGEtORRJ7Mz1_AcPOVHiGFQ9iEJ6BLhKlL2ZqbI
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,310 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,310 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,310 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,310 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 91876 140736121267136 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,321 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b0a780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ec898>) | {'decision_uuid': '3706e99a-d803-4154-88d5-69fdff1f4958'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,329 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,329 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91876 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,338 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91876 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 3706e99a-d803-4154-88d5-69fdff1f4958 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,339 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,340 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,340 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,340 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b2127292-46fe-49a5-a202-f023eec12605
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3eeec940-8a42-413a-b365-5f590cad3acf
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,354 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,355 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.ogXsaQ-zSIGh69DmJVSWHyP-t6zLyDU2u_7DqeAtWO0
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.uNqz0diR2WgvYWlydnXvIfUlSDPGZzyzmluPXnwhPw0
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9._ogNKtrkQQ6qWll7AlDlzXLvHwRuJCPZrkRFahh6ruM
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,481 INFO authorization_service 127 91876 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6b907f35-51af-4062-a0c5-a209552ef3f2 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,489 INFO authorization_service 127 91876 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6b907f35-51af-4062-a0c5-a209552ef3f2 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 0c6a57f3-1404-45fe-95eb-4168399426a7
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3e02f365-e190-47fa-bb53-d94030967403
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.eHxZ9vrqt5marARbIrLR6DeyHM0YBXpO6tDslO5N20Y
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,541 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,548 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x108d97a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076c8908>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,551 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 a64ca012-779f-4b69-94f1-0fb2de7858fb
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 52d0cf30-c88e-40c0-b27e-cdfa26cdd10f
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,553 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,560 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.F4RoFQ-jrVE1IGOwu2OW186wG_unbIkJ0xSNUGuu6Vg
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,570 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,578 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1078f79e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108320be0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,579 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,582 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 1bfa17b5-7cce-4d33-a6b2-14d09c22362d
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 647af536-f693-46c9-ac56-fc9ac2be8669
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,590 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,591 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.m-hok_iXuxY6Y519zqMmEZMcWPuDycMlmrkxmTnFW6E
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,601 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,608 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling get | (< object at 0x1084f2a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c31e10>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d9712a92-6f82-4089-a30f-88413f7888e8
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 42d9b6ce-ff74-4ab2-a9c4-aa7be99b9982
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,627 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,628 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.CsdEdw70sidFIf4ppT7O3IReYw92d38jb95uAboKmH8
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,641 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,648 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b1b048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108057f98>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2ea1a9d2-5ae2-4823-b6d4-582514b75447
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2073b6ed-3d3a-4787-8cba-d2a55b695691
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,657 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,671 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.4EC_YpNwhd46XO8Hyot3xG-u5_wor3GHYmM9RFCOYVw
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,672 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,680 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084f2400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c31278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,684 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ca909132-b860-407e-be9f-756b8e6fb006
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,685 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c8319372-163a-4544-8d61-33acd11a14b5
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,704 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.sU_1eE-Wb4W8oKKtmImE9CtIb68lrvhZOhWafm3Ti30
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,704 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,711 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f56748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085464a8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,711 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,714 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bac54a5d-602e-403a-91a2-a09f0e568318
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,715 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2c99833c-82e7-4e38-997b-89d33d63e291
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,716 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,718 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.LszdIC3IdXE5a3bnRsNvmpjFbJNdE6tc-kAOwb0qvcg
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,733 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,741 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084e26d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080549e8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 09a2da0d-7d3b-4639-9844-e5a8fb123ad8
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f7c015f0-b16b-4400-9941-989a0c28bdea
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ1fQ.0koq-ki7U-Z-lCKKesdCYHLeV8KmLErUi5Af7qb3Mqk
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,761 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,768 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108057390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084ac4a8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 7fb3a860-e3db-4f34-80e6-dd99371a3e23
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 11b093ba-3eec-4822-9477-be6b6b0f9c0a
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 1d63e6f3-118f-4811-8b5f-18007cae93c0
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,785 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.5D8D-wItC01y0ejZ_tdFXT03D_85Ium7z2MLh9w-spY
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,861 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f56e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7588>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,866 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,867 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,867 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,871 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,874 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,876 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 47cf901f-3ce1-4cf7-820b-1a450a3c2a4d
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,878 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 1bd516a3-08fe-458f-afb1-7f4fce098213
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,879 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bfe715b0-204c-4610-a0bc-f1a64a361ece
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,879 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,881 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,883 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDV9.K_UKqsJ_z_uDj5BoYGQc1R_qPdsgJS7RTa0v6-HA6I4
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,952 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f56f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7e48>) | {'eng_uuid': '42012f37-41f2-405f-9ab9-d0bcf32eeaa8'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,959 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,963 DEBUG git_manager 14 91876 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 42012f37-41f2-405f-9ab9-d0bcf32eeaa8 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bf027e29-17b5-4b23-b175-3818262f208d
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,971 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 4d07e67b-b9d4-42e9-ae6d-2d40b3c3355a
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 26d88347-0636-4c26-bdcc-5d0b22b0c365
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,973 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,974 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,027 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,037 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDZ9.R-rC7Nev8FokEYGRsCoBRh9vJoYSRbaFnw3sRigNo1o
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,044 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108057390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089f64a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '5bee331c-4d3c-4eaf-a086-1b5b64ac5e00'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,052 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,052 ERROR checklist 49 91876 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 611f7044-d8b7-4bef-b6fd-853b3243effa
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 57d8cadb-3b14-40f7-8c7d-526eb3718d45
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 75eb09dd-f69d-4127-b29b-1ed7a4d0808f
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,061 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,125 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDZ9.6OvNG_ugNPXb67-6Lf_yzFN0wzedluaOwDr8JMHWULE
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,132 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078b4eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f22cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,139 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,140 ERROR authorization_service 180 91876 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,140 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,142 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,142 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,145 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 0445477d-dabe-405c-872e-189a7b4ee40c
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 797504d0-b75d-457c-916c-feea504afd26
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 482e4cf1-e352-47d4-b5f6-1a463df6479e
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,147 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,149 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDZ9.C-75D89A8mcM3wviosksgJWeQRPdaI7VSPII40nYUmo
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,218 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084ac2b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084acac8>) | {'eng_uuid': '89c10403-60a2-4b2f-a5e0-03834342bbf4'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,226 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 89c10403-60a2-4b2f-a5e0-03834342bbf4 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 0da0fef5-05c4-48e9-a48a-d5b5142f7dab
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d0b7ab66-95d8-48ca-a23e-c865a94789cd
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f59800d3-f8df-44aa-b546-8952bebe25e9
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDZ9.UVA9sDuoa1HXLtUxEd3kFklBD35RK3l0bn3GqukKRjc
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,305 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107bf4940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c45160>) | {'eng_uuid': '491696fa-fb0a-4a31-bc7f-e50be245f2e6'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,316 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,319 DEBUG git_manager 14 91876 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 491696fa-fb0a-4a31-bc7f-e50be245f2e6 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,345 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '491696fa-fb0a-4a31-bc7f-e50be245f2e6', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,346 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91876 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,350 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,351 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91876 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,357 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,404 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc'), 'eng_uuid': '491696fa-fb0a-4a31-bc7f-e50be245f2e6', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,405 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91876 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,409 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,413 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,424 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91876 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 057898ec-aca0-410e-816e-629bc3619a8a
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 13ba9074-3709-4db1-a875-ed6c0754a7e3
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9a9d60d5-a650-48a0-8799-7376efe32450
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,490 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,500 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDZ9.3dY61P3uBgZsDeLwMCxfRrPkvaFuWpKsB7kNuba5dcE
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844f860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107bf4208>) | {'eng_uuid': '2f42ef70-90a3-4c1f-97aa-2e15c0172703'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,516 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,518 DEBUG git_manager 14 91876 140736121267136 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 2f42ef70-90a3-4c1f-97aa-2e15c0172703 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,544 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '2f42ef70-90a3-4c1f-97aa-2e15c0172703', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,545 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91876 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,548 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,549 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91876 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,555 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,599 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64'), 'eng_uuid': '2f42ef70-90a3-4c1f-97aa-2e15c0172703', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,601 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91876 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,605 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,610 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,621 DEBUG checklist_service 446 91876 140736121267136 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,625 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d19edf21-5bcc-4044-843f-c56875bb55d0
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,642 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 96c3090a-d142-42e4-a344-dd3bdc15bb9d
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,644 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 68e77ff9-120b-4cc7-9cf0-3cb983b5bfd8
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,648 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ2fQ.oo-Kiyu-c6hXNU9mJ0jL3vvit_sZUL3MhRmWDF5BGos
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,731 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1074aeb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083092e8>) | {'templateUuid': 'ad4fc27c-ced8-45b8-a6bf-8b0507974578'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,737 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 498a902b-2445-4443-96dc-1c33f5ce3d82
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 4fe5b260-3f63-4e9c-8592-2f0eed1288e7
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,752 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ca2d5cae-deda-459b-87bc-186b0a000b92
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,755 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ2fQ.98U3uL7w5vwAIC_ia4arYV5CFXotNfQu-GGoyXrA5jg
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,830 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f7358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7080>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,834 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,841 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 436b9bee-61ea-4a52-818b-b460999b1a2f
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 1b3441c6-cfda-4fa6-9b87-853c3b99ec8a
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 73c2de48-1686-4dff-b18b-729bd97e4e4a
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ2fQ.5YyKpoj-2htLPfKTDEykh1PvyZ-e8ZJpO7aWWHtfMAM
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,923 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f70f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7d68>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,931 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,948 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91876 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bb1529fb-dcfc-4d7c-861f-a811703455a6
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bb3f0c1c-96fe-49e9-93ac-f5b8022174a4
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 8267e9b5-5707-4171-a116-08cdcfd6bd54
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,031 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,043 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.CFNgWj7gyLI8vPZ5k5C03RuyWdu4FPf0c2r2ouv0bvM
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,051 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f7e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108086b70>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,056 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,068 DEBUG checklist_service 120 91876 140736121267136 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,073 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (13650a02-8dab-426b-8d6a-b577f273d2e0, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 13:12:27.072794+00, null, 16ea6ea4-1df3-4647-a042-55a4ab778ec4, f7f6c1a9-15ef-48b0-a26d-e73724bb0fd3).
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,074 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,080 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (13650a02-8dab-426b-8d6a-b577f273d2e0, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 13:12:27.072794+00, null, 16ea6ea4-1df3-4647-a042-55a4ab778ec4, f7f6c1a9-15ef-48b0-a26d-e73724bb0fd3).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 399, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 796, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 824, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 908, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 947, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1045, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1054, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (13650a02-8dab-426b-8d6a-b577f273d2e0, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 13:12:27.072794+00, null, 16ea6ea4-1df3-4647-a042-55a4ab778ec4, f7f6c1a9-15ef-48b0-a26d-e73724bb0fd3).
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,080 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,081 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,082 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9cd26f52-50a9-409d-8de7-4c8f0c48858f
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 32ee7d9f-7cd4-47d1-ac15-20ce4967c8c8
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 56aeb02f-ed8c-4877-9d20-04d802b838b4
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,089 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.hvp3l5RaLocSGq0g-bQyEsFMiKdn32_FUoOvv4mSZ30
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,166 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089f6320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089f66a0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,172 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,173 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,173 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,173 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e1326c61-565e-4429-a6b5-db99d9a9b6f0
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 fb278681-dd4a-424f-bbc7-e498c35caf75
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 a183703c-9c55-43c6-aad5-b89aa5e93d07
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,183 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.uk77Ym2zNGncXmJFEjWhRAUfJ_l_pRdZ-B9spjiChzM
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,258 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108309780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108309828>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,264 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,274 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f5bb707e-cbbd-4fa1-a299-8775c6326104
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e0e6b198-8c51-4693-95e9-93eae67dd8c9
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,280 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'eaHU2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiI3Y29aQEJKQ0QuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiI3Y29aQEJKQ0QuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.iBYloR59MINJ-3H6_uvMPXXMPKpzSYoDO8np4UxHQQI
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJsVzlwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxXOXBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.T8FFEXzgdmlHMRAE9SQfBlIk5eoBFP8-m4VeN9aAEg8
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,323 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,323 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 91876 140736121267136 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,323 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,324 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 91876 140736121267136 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,324 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 91876 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,335 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 91876 140736121267136 The engagement team:
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,336 DEBUG activity_log 157 91876 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,336 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,337 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 91876 140736121267136 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,337 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 91876 140736121267136 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,339 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 91876 140736121267136 The VF that should be removed after deletion: VmSvr
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,339 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 91876 140736121267136 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,340 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 91876 140736121267136 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,347 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f76d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7b38>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f3608eb2-a213-4e97-96b4-a9d6726a56ee'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,355 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,366 DEBUG views_helper 165 91876 140736121267136 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,374 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 126 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,375 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 91876 140736121267136 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,375 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,375 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 91876 140736121267136
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,377 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 142 91876 140736121267136 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: <QuerySet []>
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,377 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 144 91876 140736121267136 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,378 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 74 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,378 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,378 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 10d6d90f-4c3f-410e-98c7-4147af25d458
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ace5378c-bddf-4a30-8596-6402b57567e6
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,396 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,398 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,399 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,400 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.PYYVpfSE3XFY5tthRb1U2sZEFTTcWg6djLMsrVMHpCE
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.Y0zBczsDJylbBSr2hfO5dogkp35-yp5Xh87vuHNU0LI
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.CvurAqJlJuJr_0QjK2ERcqrgO1WYsg2-jY3KKulZGGE
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,442 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 91876 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,450 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10889f748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084e25c0>) | {'vf_uuid': '75a70157-239c-4bcd-ad88-949e2b6c63e7'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,456 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: a1cd4059-caa7-4d1a-8a06-985546be86fa isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,463 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 79a4aa28-669f-412d-a664-38c6dea1f3da
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,464 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 7635c9c6-eb2b-4991-8921-3e58374bfa34
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,464 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,467 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,469 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,470 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,504 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.SsTlciPSsJ_TTdAkggY2PecixFTYDQnKpVnytRnmt8Y
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,506 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.TTvsTQHKZ6HiAD6XJ4h_VKjv8hAz1JuOGFlhyX6TU3o
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,507 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.S4083GpoNPkuLlWynPHxOGwx02kosJL0l7qzXZApVyc
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,508 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 91876 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,517 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084ac7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844f3c8>) | {'vf_uuid': '7622624f-7696-439d-9742-1ff69c06dc71'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,523 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2e14aae1-735b-4c9b-8bcc-fabb79117ffa
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3d076399-860c-43c6-8166-28d2afc8c8b8
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.Q2pAC4XvJil805DS9gCd4rBWnVCXJ61oRkpEP4m1cxw
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.RFet5OLnA7I5SnmWG5DwzRd3SJeAC6qcXdHrlX8ywdU
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,580 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.RdU702oXIjDQ-oZXc46ynedLrOAnEsl7YwS-MuJ9r-s
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,580 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 91876 140736121267136 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,589 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d66710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107581b00>) | {'vf_uuid': 'f9d946d3-e552-4511-9f1f-dee26e4fff30'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,595 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ce2d06f9-214f-4ddf-8a30-941a44944d76
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e7f8fefd-4cc4-4b62-a4e6-740d0e91e35b
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.lzNjickkn2kNDvr-esFTI9E9k0aN_S61V7o84ru-nY0
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.qGEsdmnKYDtt-N-kLgPRTSJDnRsxFAuIvQ5nlc0jAVI
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.ift5htKwepJEcKYVxwBJ72ExHUVOWjaAtlWSC1GyV2w
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,649 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 91876 140736121267136 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,661 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b07940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b0d198>) | {'vf_uuid': '37bbf8a0-7286-4787-9e9b-fb19ef7fe2cd'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,667 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 28cdfe75-3722-4631-b238-e9168cc2d339 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,671 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,673 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9a161ba5-4f37-416e-85a2-050283e16bd9
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 fa05fbc8-c86d-489c-8ea2-d04f9247ba8f
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,676 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.MvB_tfkDCG0dutsJzfyEq92r12d8Cez-OP-huH3X_JE
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.H9yb2_kj0UOqm7k0AFqgYBn54N1gspty_CuJb3WSfM4
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.ltID22yxUyZLJ6z_-QIZfF-GgnI6GCTmx-e22cKZrTk
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,732 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10844ff28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107bf4048>) | {'vf_uuid': '9723f692-6efc-4614-af42-95679349b654'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,740 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ee55f033-f0cb-4168-aaaa-6f53687975e7
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f985a07e-7fc3-41cb-862a-0fdae84f2b35
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,758 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,796 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.wYnoRCdwxVmflBnU3GpRbm4ZXRKocX-DWB7O4YKJBF8
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,797 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.w5zKAxQr9wt0x7iRL7S1u7zDoHWWvuIwWKOwdyaJMj4
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,799 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.9Lc1aHZc7cbU5JYqQEjtb-G8b3fKgBEyTDUpIDMa1jI
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,807 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e77160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c45668>) | {'vf_uuid': '12be1077-c05c-47f7-ba88-af90f6f5fe7c'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,815 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,820 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 8618b383-1b19-42eb-809e-1caabede634c
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d486829d-4cc8-4a35-b492-fd160f306689
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,829 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,860 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,868 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.TImAjUCOqZCVQfYsDoiNEdTFyA9cMxuxmzWra_fw_o8
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0N30.vqCAMnw5CEWvCjSnNoQiRvsMJWp8yulYTlXCG6o8o40
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,872 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.BDqNYi5mN6MphPJWAKntcLTX2xqa9gCzVa5UNUi_6Fs
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,884 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108413160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084cb0b8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'f8ffc096-4a68-4ce6-ae89-317c71c3fb50'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,892 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 732630dd-bbcf-4993-8ce4-dd30dd05fc27 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 a95f4b18-dc7e-4f6e-b624-f9a97cf95aa8
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 58d8593c-d3dd-4338-b280-98bd25bd41d9
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,922 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.8Fi3M8Lzb7NMryDx5n1oFoRJj8tHWgFNCIq_dbS5FJw
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ3fQ.Gsaz1eI7P2fXlQv2VM-CRoGsS1bK-FpM8AidZj8Te2U
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 91876 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,087 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,094 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080e1e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080e17b8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd93abd70-a717-4ed4-bca1-aa313d1ddb06'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,105 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: d93abd70-a717-4ed4-bca1-aa313d1ddb06 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,112 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ecdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084ac710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd93abd70-a717-4ed4-bca1-aa313d1ddb06'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,121 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,129 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108057ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108057710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd93abd70-a717-4ed4-bca1-aa313d1ddb06'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,138 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,138 DEBUG engagement_service 291 91876 140736121267136 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 91876 140736121267136 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 976d0bc1-ed74-43cd-97eb-d47f2f0a785d
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5d200f0b-1ea3-4ae4-8f7c-70dff030d518
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,162 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,164 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.y2s5QfAoYVvrq3GC7jg_gN7EZdtoVy44n4fEgoQFfPU
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.Ev-H8zjb_wyEYIjIMQjL44ed0v7HuWqCq4Kdt2wkrzI
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.2O3s0V_Y_44mo6AOp1-QhmmbpxbhRzACt2YJhUFeJ5M
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,220 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080de6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7e80>) | {'eng_uuid': '1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,230 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,232 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91876 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,244 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d2b390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d0f780>) | {'eng_uuid': '1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,253 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,265 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,270 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aa81d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e6ee48>) | {'eng_uuid': '1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,280 INFO authorization_service 127 91876 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,280 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,282 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,288 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b0f208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b0da58>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,296 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,297 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,297 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b493ae13-75dc-4fb5-9779-4df4f4482d3a
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 7d849ab2-7192-442f-bde6-f98e7c12b330
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,304 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.fDbPGXg4qAfzyYMzHexIM2aUKwnUZDzgHyN_H16VfxE
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.XeSbUNOTsWx5T59OGNL99ncUngG9iEojJIqzM2nU-w8
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.ss3WOAqPgvA6DqfW0Z73rZh-lRx-r59hMHu3ooaaWv4
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,363 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1074d12e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084f2f28>) | {'eng_uuid': '3a002527-2e24-4cd6-92a2-5c0c8e640ee9'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,374 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,377 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91876 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 3a002527-2e24-4cd6-92a2-5c0c8e640ee9
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,385 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,393 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108086c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f74d30>) | {'eng_uuid': '3a002527-2e24-4cd6-92a2-5c0c8e640ee9'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,401 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 3a002527-2e24-4cd6-92a2-5c0c8e640ee9 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,402 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,408 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108210908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f563c8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,423 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f7400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1078f7978>) | {'eng_uuid': '3a002527-2e24-4cd6-92a2-5c0c8e640ee9'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,435 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,437 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91876 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 3a002527-2e24-4cd6-92a2-5c0c8e640ee9
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b970c9ee-7001-4fcd-bd03-905299d06d8c
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b254cbc4-f27f-4fcd-abf5-2dc9da142d8a
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,451 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.VycTioUaLGGskfAvIqFinKXTt8VNlZ4tOe_9Z_DbUHk
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.8X6rbJcqFxZXdsz9LzuX6nLONesTcmjLNXyAHdwOqW4
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzQ4fQ.sepGOTq3OfOqIUWOz13802UFOqpqtNkVaT5-LfkOqog
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084ac438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10849c438>) | {'eng_uuid': '23ac9287-345b-4dbb-8c30-e5a46e2b7f30'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,520 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,522 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91876 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 23ac9287-345b-4dbb-8c30-e5a46e2b7f30
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,529 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,535 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084139b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084133c8>) | {'eng_uuid': '23ac9287-345b-4dbb-8c30-e5a46e2b7f30'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,543 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 23ac9287-345b-4dbb-8c30-e5a46e2b7f30 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,550 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108318588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108318c18>) | {'eng_uuid': '23ac9287-345b-4dbb-8c30-e5a46e2b7f30'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,560 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,564 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 140736121267136 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 23ac9287-345b-4dbb-8c30-e5a46e2b7f30
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,594 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 7ec0b007-bbdb-42f4-81b0-2315a93176e2
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 745aaeb9-8a6d-492c-94ce-c847e64cbe0c
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,598 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,600 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDh9.MQE_7p574fkNiiNIUa3IEg8rmSH1MN30sTrkUr1iWtw
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,654 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.OWRzpewYe3QUVA9X5M8PtX8xIqkw-LRf36BCZbgJ4oM
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.DGvmKzqB7HPzJo6dulbAswzmm7D-LG-6aXg6uUbxVHk
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.KrlD4ujkB1uL0n7xD_CJDr9X0IDipwhHKzNAW1xHmjI
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,657 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,664 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088988d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1074d12e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '6ac448b0-5adb-408e-9d42-78c3dd05346d'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,672 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 85f7fd85-9087-4cc1-91fd-c6120afa6595
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,683 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 4024f185-5a4f-495d-b571-6177ff0552a9
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,730 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDh9.uBKfvAhPmqOR3p2noL88HadsY-iRz__UURcBQXe723o
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.BtAgUtJm7VFFRMLgNKz1Yh6Bv_JAFndaGS51QipHutI
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.ZfgC9PEtISLrqF-4lZhxk1ShrAMwVye7UR1sF4aaV1M
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.AhyMydfER1t6oc2iZq7jTOKBub20lxtpbnPv4uaCsX4
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,735 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,742 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b31b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b31cc0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,746 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5deef8b6-7a02-421b-aa72-ed4771fe82ef
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,754 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 20a00e0c-cf30-42ca-a231-e4c7ebc6033d
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,798 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDh9.xi8OT6kAg1NfiKFG4CE7xkIKUluHrsYs9YW_WzLZW4s
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.4fsAps0F_Ors83MCe5JT_OxFn7xraA9Ds0NyQDwIKl4
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.U5mxiTmtzdoSGK2qBDvwh_xc7JZ0crFEu0Y19s1To28
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.gdB2FeCIQmAlZ230R_AaoUQG_x0MUnx3Ar18h5qtd-g
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,809 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 91876 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,815 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b1f710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b3de10>) | {'eng_uuid': '3743e22a-4582-457e-9967-a54350fc762e'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,825 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 3743e22a-4582-457e-9967-a54350fc762e isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 a9c1c51b-f981-4d8b-96fa-0c37699043d5
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 22266bb7-aa72-4adf-8886-18538a64926e
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,883 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDh9.CDBNxE4EpV_5aJ41Pd7_b9eC6bc8hAJACcJEMRA3vqU
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.Wd4e6RpxkNGbeaXyqxYujmPMuv2yVS6E4rPGuUkAfQI
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,886 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.uTiUpgEJknKdOpTWVtZIQWn872805TpAkxFC0OaNgw8
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.NacTdHTcEUwBP6BuDbn9tCkYqe1qgj7F8qeJzNe-ECA
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,888 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 91876 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,894 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f56630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108347f28>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,898 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,903 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 985dddaa-c8ea-4d1c-950b-7725bf1ac984
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,904 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 84096401-15b5-44de-b066-2cdab74e5e38
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDh9.LjFNFSg1CZcYLDaPs12upuFx9Qrvt5leJ5vcueiJ-do
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.1Mpr5HUdcIP8sq93O8ppXZvExpFmJX6Osu8ebzYSIcc
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.G0wi1jzMFIOjuVdB2dVsn44qL2pgXTmMy-TBP6vFOB4
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OH0.bHHSjBQkuIRaj2aLSzeDTFcQYHVRkE5oZjRZlrxfRws
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,958 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 91876 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,965 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1076c82e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107bf49b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '1524d0c9-6ada-4764-a6b8-a04b02a15a4b'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,972 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 1524d0c9-6ada-4764-a6b8-a04b02a15a4b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c4831750-c8b2-4c57-a737-66b8d7e92275
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bbe8e4dc-2822-4e3e-a11f-5aa1d142afb2
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,984 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,986 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,033 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDl9.iwAOhkdMC5KwS1yIuVIyg4tuA18JOpi8uj-k064eBPQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.8_q9MaEuDQErzb2LEGo2o4Yo9iZlE_Uz-ERkEWkiYvE
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.yC0USuhdgZtHA0RcRJzN4lJZKbBHaeu94Q3z2PjInb8
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,038 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.a93DLvCDCurnsY1Cz5ZRPb4EEMWlAt0yV_IvqjSm9V4
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,038 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 91876 140736121267136 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,044 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1078f7358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108413f98>) | {'eng_uuid': '28adf61f-bb23-48a9-b4ae-8d3c51c2b6bf'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,051 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 28adf61f-bb23-48a9-b4ae-8d3c51c2b6bf isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d669069c-e574-45ed-9eda-db6efa72c691
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 19017d57-4995-4a61-aa3c-ea7848680cd2
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,061 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDl9.IIpa6lo3cFaWHW-0DOC07-SQIyIaT9lExdwcwpT3-vc
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.qiFCcgUWgGRq9ZLcXOrzfRbtVIRUaSTBfiuQdFhgC68
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,111 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.8WuhraUFyYH3Zgt6FSUTbZyXsQmdsR_yiPrpZnWIfU8
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.jmLnPACR_leI_9LwrPMTElS5aKd0BLC8tAGUhZiI8T0
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,113 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,120 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108025da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108025f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '8672b05f-a6b5-4215-a927-f931ec9d2c75'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,130 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2eed5ca2-6e3f-44cf-804b-ca06b84620a6
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 a715b639-6400-4929-b214-ac675c4ee7ab
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,155 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNDl9.opwB60yjg8wPLP1NfuCuTI4diwRmhVJImS0sZMXkSkQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.JeeEn-uziegEww2EAlfLGEoLQMKIO3amYoKaV6tI_n8
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0._wZUDg8Dzg95IWTv62M-ZaGeqZZnTxiVsLG1C7ancso
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.x3_rTnG-Xp82o5Ggyr48Uy0kIfRpBVHXpGErb_cKNyY
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,201 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,209 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108057940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083182e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'dd66a73d-a4fe-412c-a0f3-56530e600052'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,216 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b7dd515c-cc2d-4471-a0f6-a7c34e3554b6
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 04b816e6-02e9-4def-ae58-af0966e2afc1
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,249 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.-Zq5XnWbKjxsJT5gB4jzxOtR_EPLqA2Ngf3JXqYktS4
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.a7MEwsNL2H8uPQrJkK91UvwLSNIENH8Dia4m90ZGYS0
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,293 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 91876 140736121267136 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,299 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088989e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1076c8588>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,303 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,481 ERROR engagement 83 91876 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,482 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,486 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e6f60ae1-d8c8-421e-8bbd-460540a82833
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 15a42a41-f4e5-4c89-877a-c95ebc8df9bd
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,489 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,490 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,513 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.7fSMdk5mwNpegPnOORCZw-fHvLAzXEp4HPPkCd95QUE
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM0OX0.w9tmzhf916EK4fjj50dWbnv4SzPJhY-zw9GfEaP1QaA
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,534 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,541 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b5978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b5ac8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,545 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,633 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,640 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b3dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b0c18>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,643 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,745 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 91876 140736121267136 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,752 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b0ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086a9c50>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,755 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,811 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 91876 140736121267136 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,818 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91876 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91876 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,077 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,079 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,084 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91876 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,090 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,092 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,093 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,095 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91876 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,130 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,130 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,130 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d29f8e0e-8ea7-4cdc-b3ad-8e57b7a7409b
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b5686800-17ce-44d2-ae0b-483003481ea3
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,147 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,147 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,149 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.R0T35Z-DSid6nfmMrCifCJCp7K1gXPMUUBS58gEtsRA
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,195 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10850bdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10850a390>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,204 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,211 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=80yNW
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,212 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,212 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,213 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,218 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=80yNW
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,219 DEBUG invite_service 96 91876 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,219 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,220 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,226 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 feeac43d-d385-4431-8552-aa6108876960
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 85593051-6a80-48be-8cd9-eed186c54700
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,266 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.3uwZhz3WwnwJNSKpt-Mu8jSYJVRzGKVV7-0NHOtJqKc
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,272 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108af1860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108af0358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,281 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,288 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,289 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,289 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,290 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,296 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,297 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,297 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,298 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,303 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,304 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,304 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,305 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,313 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,314 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,314 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,315 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,321 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,322 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,322 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,323 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,329 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,330 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,330 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,331 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,338 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,339 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,339 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,339 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,345 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,346 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,346 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,347 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,353 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,354 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,354 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,354 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,361 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,362 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,362 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,363 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,369 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,370 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,370 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,371 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,377 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,378 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,378 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,379 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,385 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,386 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,386 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,387 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,393 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,394 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,394 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,395 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,400 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,401 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,401 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,402 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,407 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,408 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,408 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,409 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,417 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,418 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,418 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,419 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,425 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,426 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,426 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,428 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,434 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,435 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,435 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,437 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,444 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,444 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,445 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,446 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,451 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,452 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,452 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,453 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,459 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,460 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,460 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,461 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,468 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,469 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,469 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,470 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,476 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,477 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,477 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,478 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,485 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=SsOCD
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,486 DEBUG invite_service 131 91876 140736121267136 Invited Person doesn't exists, sending him an email with link to signup. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,486 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,487 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,492 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,496 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,501 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,506 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,513 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 4098939f-3b6b-44db-b6a4-4392714dcf07
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2d3f5dc9-11a8-424d-b3f1-a84ac39c4808
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,519 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,552 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.xeWqjR81Ez72pRXKwx2ZYCksswePh_y4hpRmwzZGU2M
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,572 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108674208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10865c828>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,584 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,590 DEBUG views_helper 309 91876 140736121267136 Found VF name=dk15y
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,590 DEBUG invite_service 96 91876 140736121267136 Invited Contact with email le056g@att.comalready exist in the DB. Sending him an email with link to login page. link=
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,591 DEBUG mail 17 91876 140736121267136 about to send mail to
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,591 DEBUG mail 24 91876 140736121267136 Looks like email delivery to has succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,595 WARNING invite_service 38 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from edeb29db-3498-4f51-bffb-19bfad2a80ff to for joining engagement b3a550d1-2528-4eaa-8f4e-780300558a38
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 103de814-ecac-4827-b564-acb12904b3a9
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,607 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f6782134-ad8a-409a-a9e7-21daa408a5e1
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,660 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,665 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.bjdhoO0GH1AelIJYdX2sr74R-g88SJ7UnWlq73byPbM
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,678 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.VoUPVo9xhzVQiYPjFblKJZGe4eR7YDsdfAPcuvmktFw
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.XB8YXa03yxCVqfCJ59jKEyjT0ECkIdUFUDg_xHojf7w
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,680 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,685 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91876 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,686 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,690 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,698 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10850a2b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108674390>) | {'eng_uuid': '3803ca01-aa74-4e71-b1fe-984fe1df899d', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,707 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,730 DEBUG nextsteps 69 91876 140736121267136 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=3803ca01-aa74-4e71-b1fe-984fe1df899d for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,738 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9661aed1-9429-4e5a-8096-81f82efc9a56
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5a99fb06-40bd-47f6-82d3-def7e9b108d3
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,741 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.pFmzmWL843uJYp7KmlAg8lFvNlgQdMk0dH3LZ6qVKDc
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.yD37XDmDwW4itUvRFS8xwPXZ5RSU69el79x6WD6PqzI
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUwfQ.lpLn6OYMQVjNzrvGj074Vydn-3c2N3qtiGzTFkmvhII
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,806 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,809 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,812 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,815 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,827 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10852ec88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10850f320>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e353d263-5309-4ea7-bd0c-f33268f6e649', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,834 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,873 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108504f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10850f5c0>) | {'ns_uuid': 'bdeb2656-09b5-442f-a5c8-165d4f273bd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,884 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,885 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,887 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,894 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ac29b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ac3eb8>) | {'ns_uuid': 'bdeb2656-09b5-442f-a5c8-165d4f273bd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,957 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,959 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,969 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108dbbc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086a40b8>) | {'ns_uuid': 'bdeb2656-09b5-442f-a5c8-165d4f273bd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,976 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,978 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,979 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,987 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108afdcf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108afdd30>) | {'ns_uuid': 'bdeb2656-09b5-442f-a5c8-165d4f273bd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,995 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,996 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,002 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108010780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b312e8>) | {'ns_uuid': 'bdeb2656-09b5-442f-a5c8-165d4f273bd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,013 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,015 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ff15d11e-cc2d-4617-b9e4-002990d06ce3
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c5732e9b-f7b1-420e-ae21-dcca9545bf94
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.cqVTlJYgevWFaTqX-5JBX78c80SBpx-CR7VlnPYAYaQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.u5XuBEFGKehthFTPS-uxrQtyDUj_IoCqG3URyyBAAsQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.qOY1NpeJu_Tqlu_lDU3yy13tVwXFrqkzOtOoUckZlAQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,093 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,099 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,104 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,107 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,122 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084b4ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b075c0>) | {'eng_uuid': '561359f0-94fd-4fe1-8dd1-156ce92fa980', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,130 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,170 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 b3cf27db-9072-4935-9a05-d7128f155cbb
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,175 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 efec61fb-211a-45b6-a774-16ec156b1b53
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,176 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.TTyQbIICDqQmZ_-zyuhY9U9N91d3m0vSy4OWy6RJ5NM
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.VtPT29ENdiPoodNCwM31MaKonizC4oTdzotJy_df07Q
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,286 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.88ZEd6IYZvbzQyaOJyUoDYFO5sr6v7kU9Hx0lAKq5yo
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,286 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,291 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91876 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,292 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,296 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,307 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108320668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f56358>) | {'eng_uuid': '185b1788-d5c8-44ba-9d50-494b067b0a0e', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,315 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 45abbecd-c5b3-498c-9746-453cbe95496d
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e41b8771-2d04-4497-ba0c-5f7dc082267c
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.uGifylBRqX2pebOLT0Q9HClthOqz4uqq0_IOeDQNBsM
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.2cg6CXeI-ecBaiBiTV89quY0BXjAAViDIxXvYyy4Kc8
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.VDgMSa4V-WdYPP8dmT0WKgG_hWzUWMIE4Gkib6jS5WU
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,462 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087780b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086c5a90>) | {'ns_uuid': '259c2de2-59a6-40dd-a5fa-10cb66c42d7e'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,474 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,493 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2ab21a51-eb8e-4268-8b48-7f28b60d2cd9
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 6677f308-c57c-4ff3-a452-5b0e4e4427da
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,499 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,501 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,579 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.5qvmsqv8OSGVEBJ-9LQIfXIlNOFSVlmppQhzu2h1UVk
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,594 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.anW0BOWgX2GNEcySv-ho0YYqZ2yF8MbRb6BEYDGo5ng
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.sxofPiJjYDNxSjdPnm5JNBlhn5Cfg-3gWq_dRcB6hlg
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,605 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10850fc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086a7b38>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': '15f8ba5e-0912-4a97-8d4f-46d9d4283d19'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,618 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2e930e15-2752-443a-8260-cbaff52ba301
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,639 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9ab0ca6a-a374-4d60-8f76-ee7ac579b347
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,640 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,640 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,642 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,708 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.Th2aBLLiyevqwOAhDtTl7s8YEOsFyyUgnsLg70ihwu0
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,710 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.fylmDw_dNUZmss7cDWARGfSI_XYESUVA1mn11H5hueY
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,711 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.n2rus8kKg-xx8alXspmXffZgXaNImK3vo08SRpzn9i8
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': None}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,724 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d0fbe0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10804e2b0>) | {'ns_uuid': '2c910153-05cd-4f35-9fc2-ce1561fe4884'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,730 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 53767f91-aae1-40a9-aa77-8f7957f11e05 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 3b9130a2-e03e-4eeb-8a3d-517a0f845c49
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 24643803-5842-47d0-baac-b4001004fbd0
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,737 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,738 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,738 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,796 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.GZeA15OOK15traLOINMAyUZAvMWz3Will_vggaj_T-w
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.QktoMjYoodiReY-0n6zQTfv5hDl3vm1hksQpvIVDZsE
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.fg1fbgTQMUpthUFOL0jZjGcx8jChoeFF-nn4AFHblHs
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,812 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,812 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,813 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,813 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,813 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,816 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,818 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 0f23f142-fb85-418a-b480-269cc88b130a
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 76a8a95c-7c0c-4e18-a9c8-3e4fd2bdc14c
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,820 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,821 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,822 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,822 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,857 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,862 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.hvU6ZWEc78m87Gf9zvciGi_98GAG2ymMx1FmlaN_hEo
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,883 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.4shl9ghDYdsFSHvDSG_tLRWYDxh6TNxe5bfJCL0z0C4
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUxfQ.0-dM8V3180JtHiCCpndjVcRB0La10dQ5qNbO7PZgE2Q
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,885 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,889 DEBUG nextstep_service 224 91876 140736121267136 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,889 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,893 DEBUG nextstep_service 216 91876 140736121267136 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,902 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082f5e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108347c50>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,911 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082f5780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844f2b0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,947 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e7bffd7f-9e63-4bd7-8a2b-85114f13db07
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,949 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c5ad4d69-dc16-4be1-9fec-9bb0f2fe91f0
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,951 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,952 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'slYOz'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,983 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjIsImVtYWlsIjoialFZR0BVTVhOLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoialFZR0BVTVhOLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1MX0.FmYd1nqIVaO_c2tr3OywgO-S2J51gVPu2zVeGReFGO8
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,983 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 91876 140736121267136 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,983 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 91876 140736121267136 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,996 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 91876 140736121267136 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,996 DEBUG activity_log 157 91876 140736121267136 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,997 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,003 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084ac8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c456a0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,003 DEBUG notifications 63 91876 140736121267136 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,006 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,006 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 91876 140736121267136 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,007 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 91876 140736121267136 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 11d9483e-3413-4376-b597-e1909ca7315c
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 8c57160a-a39f-462b-907a-49c00a4a06e3
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUyfQ.vRTbNElhA6XTQrksrB7Yb8ThH4VBhtq9rxUK21UWtzk
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUyfQ.fk7icpVdrbWxBYgnXdIMYfooB46-u8N9QWPCSUNne8g
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1Mn0.rDLCQuu5i6RfSoDIt9jx8IbmyxApsnvqwAZEyR3ZwaY
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,123 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108309550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c45278>) | {'checklistUuid': '14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,136 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,136 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3', 'eng_uuid': '0b4e8399-a600-4cc8-8b7c-eb082d742c44', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,137 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91876 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,140 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,141 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91876 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,148 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,176 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107275470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ac35f8>) | {'checklistUuid': '14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,188 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,230 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3, user.uuid=e2db1295-69f9-4d26-b22c-54ca84b43957, checklist.uuid=14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 aeb5434f-b772-423f-9efb-c16f49d7eebf
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d5b85d6b-8c42-42ca-bf82-d14261e876aa
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,330 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUyfQ.QvfbOtIywzCHOtTTolNgethVgbcMEH4UVB1oGNVxEzQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,332 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUyfQ.fk5gef7XY-UNFHdbwniKTa93IfrDCEETjQ9KZAyIRIE
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,333 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1Mn0.RkcXRzk7iwJQhsak_9QRUf2ckrZlUoOoJ8DrNauFSv0
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,333 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,334 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,344 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108057f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108054198>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,357 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,357 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84', 'eng_uuid': '4e151f32-c32b-4223-be15-bbd68ed51687', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,358 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 91876 140736121267136 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,362 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,363 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 91876 140736121267136 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,370 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,397 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10804e278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108504da0>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,406 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,452 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84, user.uuid=0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627, checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,453 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 113 91876 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,453 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 119 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,453 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,453 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,453 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 123 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,453 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,461 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108af06d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108af0e10>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,473 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,473 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84', 'eng_uuid': '4e151f32-c32b-4223-be15-bbd68ed51687', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,474 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 91876 140736121267136 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,481 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,489 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,516 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aebb38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085047b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,526 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,573 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84, user.uuid=0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627, checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,573 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 130 91876 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 136 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,574 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 140 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,584 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aebf28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b54a8>) | {'decision_uuid': '90cade98-7cfe-4831-93bb-3603e6e06e85'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,593 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,593 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 91876 140736121267136 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,601 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 91876 140736121267136 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 90cade98-7cfe-4831-93bb-3603e6e06e85 , value: approved
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,601 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 147 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,602 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,610 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085273c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108527588>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,623 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,623 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84', 'eng_uuid': '4e151f32-c32b-4223-be15-bbd68ed51687', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,624 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 91876 140736121267136 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,634 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,643 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91876 140736121267136 Adding vf 4abed572-4268-4d5b-9467-dcc7677dc809 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,645 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 104c7c55-c9e3-48fa-9fbf-74602e3d1c84 and vf uuid: 4abed572-4268-4d5b-9467-dcc7677dc809
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,651 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,677 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108af1be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108507160>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,688 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,743 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84, user.uuid=0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627, checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 154 91876 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 160 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,744 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,745 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,745 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,751 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 168 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,751 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,758 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107bf4748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10844f908>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,769 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,769 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84', 'eng_uuid': '4e151f32-c32b-4223-be15-bbd68ed51687', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,770 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 91876 140736121267136 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,777 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,787 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91876 140736121267136 Adding vf 4abed572-4268-4d5b-9467-dcc7677dc809 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,789 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: a563c59f-ff52-4f2f-96cb-d3636d05af6a and vf uuid: 4abed572-4268-4d5b-9467-dcc7677dc809
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,796 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,822 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085021d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10851ada0>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,833 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,891 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84, user.uuid=0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627, checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,892 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 174 91876 140736121267136 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,892 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 180 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,892 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 91876 140736121267136 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,892 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,892 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 91876 140736121267136 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,892 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 91876 140736121267136 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,900 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d0fa58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10804e9b0>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,910 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,910 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84', 'eng_uuid': '4e151f32-c32b-4223-be15-bbd68ed51687', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,911 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 91876 140736121267136 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,917 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,923 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 91876 140736121267136 Adding vf 4abed572-4268-4d5b-9467-dcc7677dc809 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,924 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627 and vf uuid: 4abed572-4268-4d5b-9467-dcc7677dc809
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,932 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,958 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108650588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10864c780>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,969 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,033 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84, user.uuid=0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627, checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,034 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 189 91876 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,034 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 195 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,034 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 91876 140736121267136 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,035 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,035 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 91876 140736121267136 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,035 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 91876 140736121267136 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,044 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108535eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10850e240>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,055 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,055 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 91876 140736121267136 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84', 'eng_uuid': '4e151f32-c32b-4223-be15-bbd68ed51687', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,056 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 91876 140736121267136 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,067 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,076 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 91876 140736121267136 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,105 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10850e710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e87fd0>) | {'checklistUuid': '044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,114 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,188 DEBUG checklist_service 313 91876 140736121267136 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84, user.uuid=0ea9d04b-8957-4b04-8fda-5b2d8e2dc627, checklist.uuid=044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,189 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 204 91876 140736121267136 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,189 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 206 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 91876 140736121267136 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 80 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,190 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f22ddd8e-1fe4-48f3-a243-b09a2222ddda
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e345451f-a606-4010-9f40-169ac8709a35
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.iLh-gMEQefb8wkQFupQwZxPV4XiX-7BExmgrGgN_3R0
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,227 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,227 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,227 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 fc5acc92-a7bd-45a9-b262-263e1de3ad86
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 a401fcca-37b9-4eec-b141-a5414cf1f786
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.-mEvACF1Jv8nXxcOJmDRHI3mOjsRSRTKYHerMnRnIuU
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,256 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108648b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aeb630>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,258 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 6dbbb37e-30b8-46d1-b528-e78c15ba8384
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 1ca8818e-f1b8-4301-8bd8-f1665c4b9189
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.hYbYx1Vi6IotUQ5rUOO8Dz306x2yRMpMU83uMhSpyH4
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,290 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f918d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f91fd0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 724aa211-1815-4c8e-a37c-497ffe739508
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c4aaee81-af70-4a26-9e63-0ab4084badf5
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.ccg4QFOAkC8fA8ERMe0HL1CVS0B4fFORYMGy6RKGxe4
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,316 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fa0438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fae278>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,362 INFO user 138 91876 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=0ec948b4-b858-46fd-bd44-166d6b60af0e Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 4828bd35-9c3f-45ac-8fa9-414bb62312ea
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 df8883aa-927c-4ca2-9a53-e103e38abeac
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.d3WO1K6sQcOv7OIlf96aWwRjbGB9UQA94tsPaBmPTfM
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,417 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fbf7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fbf5c0>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,424 ERROR user 59 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 54553d1a-f1f0-4bb4-87b1-46a133c31d22
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 025961c2-8747-437f-9b48-bb0f590e7d39
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,430 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,431 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,431 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,432 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.7VDpy4ZqIP2QXGRCqC5oQ94-CgoklbzrL6s742XlyLY
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,452 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,452 DEBUG exception_handler 41 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,453 DEBUG exception_handler 42 91876 140736121267136 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,453 DEBUG exception_handler 43 91876 140736121267136 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,455 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,457 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 32f74ee2-2509-4fae-a720-88635ee3e8de
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 9cb2f892-3045-408a-bb7b-deadfa94f0c8
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzUzfQ.Km0TAIJDsX2GwamSFWATB1EuC5VqIpdLHbgzh_DZJOE
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,483 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ecef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f86b00>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,536 INFO user 87 91876 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=eef145fe-33b3-4381-9118-e760e4226fd7
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,537 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,547 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 d16814bc-6a70-48e6-b3c8-bc5a902ee899
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 563bfcf8-14c7-4ed5-b8ca-27572fd9c9aa
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,554 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,558 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,576 DEBUG testVFC 22 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,577 DEBUG testVFC 23 91876 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,577 DEBUG testVFC 24 91876 140736121267136 UUID: a4ea3c83-b5aa-4629-887c-fcd0d36916b2
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,577 DEBUG testVFC 25 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: 20Xou
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,578 DEBUG testVFC 26 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,587 DEBUG testVFC 28 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,587 DEBUG testVFC 29 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,587 DEBUG testVFC 30 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 24116910-f257-4ed0-b2a2-51f9e1bcec96
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,587 DEBUG testVFC 31 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: kFHCO
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,587 DEBUG testVFC 32 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,597 DEBUG testVFC 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,597 DEBUG testVFC 39 91876 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,597 DEBUG testVFC 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 652d1ae6-6c4a-4326-a136-3dd0b60989fc
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,597 DEBUG testVFC 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: SA76s
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,597 DEBUG testVFC 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5sWJ1'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,603 DEBUG testVFC 50 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,603 DEBUG testVFC 51 91876 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,603 DEBUG testVFC 52 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 2f487054-bd59-432a-9387-a7bbfa7c3cbb
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,603 DEBUG testVFC 53 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,605 DEBUG testVFC 59 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,605 DEBUG testVFC 60 91876 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,605 DEBUG testVFC 61 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 15a42a41-f4e5-4c89-877a-c95ebc8df9bd
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,605 DEBUG testVFC 62 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,607 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiWU55OUBTS1FDLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiWU55OUBTS1FDLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1M30.wlAn_C4_m0eH1r7vgyuuGQKnJgFmVM398TbxR5kngCk
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoic1BiWEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJzUGJYQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNTN9.NTeDeg0Lx_5Q3KTHofq-ZSMt2uS0yMpLiScoOESU7HM
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,609 DEBUG testVFC 89 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,609 DEBUG testVFC 90 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,609 DEBUG testVFC 91 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,613 DEBUG testVFC 97 91876 140736121267136 1. 504bB
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,614 DEBUG testVFC 78 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,614 DEBUG testVFC 79 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,614 DEBUG testVFC 80 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 e7fa23ed-9283-43ed-92c6-986636ab571a
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 6ae94cf0-e7e9-4a9f-822f-ef63525088d6
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,624 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,633 DEBUG testVFC 22 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,633 DEBUG testVFC 23 91876 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,633 DEBUG testVFC 24 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 86f830d1-d1ff-4ce9-91ff-e2d883185d36
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,633 DEBUG testVFC 25 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: hdrXs
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,634 DEBUG testVFC 26 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,643 DEBUG testVFC 28 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,643 DEBUG testVFC 29 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,644 DEBUG testVFC 30 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 087240a0-11cd-41ea-9914-adaa51bb2ec6
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,644 DEBUG testVFC 31 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: c2k1J
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,644 DEBUG testVFC 32 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,652 DEBUG testVFC 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,652 DEBUG testVFC 39 91876 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,652 DEBUG testVFC 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: be3aa4f1-6858-48d7-bc60-3fdb16fed013
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,652 DEBUG testVFC 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: DEVtp
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,652 DEBUG testVFC 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ehDWo'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,657 DEBUG testVFC 50 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,657 DEBUG testVFC 51 91876 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,657 DEBUG testVFC 52 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 9f8fc494-0c4e-4190-b51e-99004a14eea4
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,657 DEBUG testVFC 53 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,659 DEBUG testVFC 59 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,659 DEBUG testVFC 60 91876 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,659 DEBUG testVFC 61 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 15a42a41-f4e5-4c89-877a-c95ebc8df9bd
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,659 DEBUG testVFC 62 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiSmV5b0BIWVVELmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSmV5b0BIWVVELmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1M30.B4Vt2znY7FNolP8j0OS07y6fcDrMBFUrNsL-VIOgSf0
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,662 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoiVVRBeEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJVVEF4QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNTN9.Am6ic-uRB5LNY-XNOvRCQAENjEVVXxpcHtkoI3HqFyg
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,662 DEBUG testVFC 106 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,663 DEBUG testVFC 107 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,663 DEBUG testVFC 108 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,672 ERROR authorization_service 476 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,676 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f91dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f91eb8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'fc8fb3ca-38e6-4506-9563-a3f4f06ea2e7'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,689 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,691 DEBUG testVFC 117 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 204
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,691 DEBUG testVFC 78 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,691 DEBUG testVFC 79 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,691 DEBUG testVFC 80 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 79bf80cd-9d31-4d4a-8be9-620d03b2f238
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 4d8882c5-1163-4b91-a8e9-15587dc2cd2f
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,700 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,708 DEBUG testVFC 22 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,708 DEBUG testVFC 23 91876 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,709 DEBUG testVFC 24 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 1369ebd1-894e-4485-8639-e04aa81701d6
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,709 DEBUG testVFC 25 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: BjNZf
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,709 DEBUG testVFC 26 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,717 DEBUG testVFC 28 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,717 DEBUG testVFC 29 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,717 DEBUG testVFC 30 91876 140736121267136 UUID: f32ee677-ea4e-4da3-b7a4-640a46055bb2
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,717 DEBUG testVFC 31 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: 4SqPs
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,717 DEBUG testVFC 32 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,726 DEBUG testVFC 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,726 DEBUG testVFC 39 91876 140736121267136 Created User:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,726 DEBUG testVFC 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: f2685bae-1528-4a5e-8bb6-ca0d2bf806a4
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,726 DEBUG testVFC 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: gfODS
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,726 DEBUG testVFC 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,726 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qXcHf'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,732 DEBUG testVFC 50 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,732 DEBUG testVFC 51 91876 140736121267136 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,732 DEBUG testVFC 52 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 0768df82-8f1e-40ae-9158-5558c824194f
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,732 DEBUG testVFC 53 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,733 DEBUG testVFC 59 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,734 DEBUG testVFC 60 91876 140736121267136 Created VF:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,734 DEBUG testVFC 61 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 15a42a41-f4e5-4c89-877a-c95ebc8df9bd
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,734 DEBUG testVFC 62 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiNG1xS0BPRlBOLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiNG1xS0BPRlBOLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1M30.e2erKyCjo1vFm2oDFq2jFbojgk8uZygNhub0T6cV-ig
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiQTcyb0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJBNzJvQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTAxODgzNTN9.qxeUQzFGjK0b0JxvJLNcLmttbH40rENj_wHVRQfSjyo
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,737 DEBUG testVFC 125 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,738 DEBUG testVFC 126 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,738 DEBUG testVFC 127 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,749 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e87e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e87940>) | {'vf_uuid': '9fbb6334-05db-40b1-9c70-9da1f5e7b7e8'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,760 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,764 DEBUG testVFC 137 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,764 DEBUG testVFC 138 91876 140736121267136 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,764 DEBUG testVFC 139 91876 140736121267136 b'[{"uuid":"4e026929-feb6-4c59-a083-22845afd3744","name":"nwCZz","external_ref_id":"9","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T13:12:33.741050Z","vf":"9fbb6334-05db-40b1-9c70-9da1f5e7b7e8","company":137,"creator":245},{"uuid":"aaddcf51-0dba-4511-bd05-63661a84b900","name":"qArQT","external_ref_id":"2","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-21T13:12:33.739567Z","vf":"9fbb6334-05db-40b1-9c70-9da1f5e7b7e8","company":138,"creator":245}]'
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,764 DEBUG testVFC 78 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,764 DEBUG testVFC 79 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,765 DEBUG testVFC 80 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,778 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 be21ba98-f4a2-4cf3-af76-fc38a514ffbb
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,779 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 f27c8505-f134-42bf-b931-02f17b5c46f2
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,780 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,782 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,818 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,818 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,818 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 505c7fbc-58a9-4f3e-9489-83fe8ee61d9b
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,818 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: 48QoL
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,818 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DkJUM'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'o6tcE'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SFrfJ'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,850 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'X0k2n'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Re17g'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lrZ03'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qEtwv'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FHpXQ'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FXcVn'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SH42Y'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4Wvdy'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'XtruG'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8yPzr'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,943 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'TJ7om'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1M30.3tPFJB6L716GwG0UGG1Oz2Nc_fG9GkkQUSE4H_SxIuw
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,952 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,952 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 91876 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,952 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,958 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108648da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108507a90>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,981 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,982 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 91876 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"Ffpl4","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"F45dq","engagement__uuid":"263c544e-69f7-44d5-b0ae-736f8cf1d45a","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"4b15c4a5-bb0c-4585-99e1-45530d6054a9","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"inJvk","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"a19Vy","engagement__uuid":"608766ad-be74-4a61-ad40-8e0f72ba6a7b","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"268e93f7-2093-4590-ae26-572324427bb3","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"kfHas","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"ORw3g","engagement__uuid":"32314444-a60e-463d-a5df-6a897034b7d6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"70f3aaae-863b-4eda-9299-761e6505edfd","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"qWzT8","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"wWmAn","engagement__uuid":"d06f4014-dd1e-4994-b43e-04a5cf4ba205","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"aedb21fa-4fb1-4318-b705-c60727cd8647","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":4}'
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,982 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,982 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,982 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,982 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,982 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,983 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 2b537c94-34b8-478c-a9e4-c6a11c524198
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,995 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 bb0fd0bf-828e-493b-84c2-8bfd7735d2cb
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,023 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 3ec53952-4709-47bc-880a-23bb746b7f06
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: irsWj
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uOXs5'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gpWbm'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dakHY'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,053 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gGZWM'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FLiHa'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mwpW6'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xiWZF'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LFypv'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0CVcq'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'TL84M'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,118 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yOr3b'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,130 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'C27PH'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,137 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Lp0eQ'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tgx3X'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,157 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1NH0.bxaegDkLcZ_KHceVIG3li5266mFFzFTkws6ICw8U-OQ
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,157 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,157 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 91876 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,157 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,163 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108650518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108650ba8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,177 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,177 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 91876 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"jqKbL","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"sJl0M","engagement__uuid":"469f4f7a-1412-441e-9cde-c196958d8bd7","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6e142cf1-c3b8-4d26-a3a8-a7ba971ac390","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,178 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,178 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,178 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,185 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,187 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 99c915a1-ac0a-4bab-a59b-e2227beb4cb2
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,188 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 15527861-1cb6-48ff-ae56-065d3b295e81
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,191 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,191 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,192 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,218 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,218 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,218 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: c4bccd66-fed9-484d-8cfd-582fb68cc328
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,218 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: 942pl
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,218 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ko9RE'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'G9BeJ'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HVm3j'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Lr5hb'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nKTxA'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YBlA4'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'XaWQC'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1AMWw'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,295 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FTcNM'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DP2vG'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4kiyq'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vfiBs'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,336 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'O1YZR'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'CLI8P'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1NH0.k5jkf751B-x3OsYbo9kplT7IEbSbzU3Ee_cvpjCKa6o
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,358 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,358 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 91876 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,358 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,364 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fd7518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fd7358>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,379 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,379 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 91876 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"4e9Pj","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"sxWZb","engagement__uuid":"eed2b6a9-cf52-45d3-89ee-3bc60549cb8a","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ec316fc6-9e17-4810-8b0e-9a431427f22d","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,379 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,379 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,379 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5f32744f-5dfe-4bff-9752-44ba89e3c398
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,386 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 35a039e9-8ce4-4c5d-ba76-ee099c9920e5
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,415 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,415 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 91876 140736121267136 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,415 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 91876 140736121267136 UUID: 2967b363-1f23-47c9-ba6f-9ecaf59f3e6f
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,415 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 91876 140736121267136 Full Name: uYqA3
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,415 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 91876 140736121267136 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1IaOJ'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gL6pm'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Ri5he'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'OnrQ8'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '60Bvx'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,465 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'T0Bhb'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mP7Wq'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,487 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'stuKm'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MF0zP'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,510 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wtjDm'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,511 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fMgS0'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '1qB8U'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cFuOP'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,549 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': '70li2'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1NH0.mo0X_utBXusP3o-z0FHJHhBs5Aq7fBYy3SmeTYWkL9Y
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,558 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,558 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 91876 140736121267136 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,558 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,564 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e8ce48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e850b8>) | {}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,599 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 91876 140736121267136 Got response : 200
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,599 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 91876 140736121267136 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"1D68k","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"lCTic","engagement__uuid":"32941adb-43d9-41ce-923a-b8b497327837","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"9c471461-19ab-4804-8106-3e3bad86edf1","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"KEhgW","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"UpufP","engagement__uuid":"c66f9ee8-e45d-4831-8c22-ba9599142856","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"5e7bc246-7388-4089-9c0a-4b4b9f24b712","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"LWGfi","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"zhFKg","engagement__uuid":"8d1c2549-876c-45b5-922a-590a9ce66207","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"2c9fbfc3-57ff-4121-b935-2010ca43a336","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"LY4zK","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"9dQsl","engagement__uuid":"92d91279-393a-4642-93a9-ae31087661c1","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"53e08c72-3359-454b-bd09-b3f66be9ff3f","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"SK71k","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"cwLyT","engagement__uuid":"9c7ff0f2-fa2a-49be-a03c-5718ce19a305","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"4eafc430-d37a-48ee-a049-952030bc2194","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"dm5BO","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"8dz5e","engagement__uuid":"490908d0-a285-4313-90b3-d3f9e154d8cf","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"f442a9cf-80d6-4576-9949-5ac5c11e3369","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"hOIRq","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"0aMZf","engagement__uuid":"4f708675-0ea4-4c0a-b9af-89852721347e","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-06","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-21","engag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+2017-03-21 13:12:34,600 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,600 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,600 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 0fb246ae-b918-4df8-85b3-1b0ac32bfc54
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 c617449a-0010-4783-92d3-b9abeb62e634
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,657 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU0fQ.YtpsqPSA542q0GDg9oBCgdqW3myDV-mb_bJU4WYXL9k
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU0fQ.9WME-xsMNTWOkftqxdzZjxizQQM27v_yzZdXbsK-Bs4
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1NH0.DLhM75Wlfd_rVtFLZFyCIXP2CAG_7aI512urd7ACGXo
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 91876 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,671 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,672 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,677 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ebf080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fc5c18>) | {'eng_uuid': '496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,691 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,704 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91876 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,710 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085002e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ea9470>) | {'eng_uuid': '496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,718 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,724 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 396118a5-9f12-46ac-a32e-d7e6255b8991 and vf uuid: 2d8f0a3a-9d1e-4859-91e1-1817a81d84ab
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,766 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 91876 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,766 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,766 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,766 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,767 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,767 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,774 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108648a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108eb16d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,785 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,800 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91876 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,807 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fa0ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fa0470>) | {'eng_uuid': '496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,813 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,818 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 396118a5-9f12-46ac-a32e-d7e6255b8991 and vf uuid: 2d8f0a3a-9d1e-4859-91e1-1817a81d84ab
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 91876 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,861 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,868 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c45ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e85f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,877 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,894 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91876 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,901 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f81198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f81630>) | {'eng_uuid': '496f43a8-f925-4a14-89b3-d4005f121418'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,908 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,913 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 396118a5-9f12-46ac-a32e-d7e6255b8991 and vf uuid: 2d8f0a3a-9d1e-4859-91e1-1817a81d84ab
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,953 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 91876 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,954 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,954 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,954 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 5011f3b6-4a76-423e-b90f-9119e3713786
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,961 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 74e0b05e-5c81-4e95-bdc8-a7ad2c77020f
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU1fQ.SEn3M9J4iww1fbXUplKvYq1iog-fBUYB3_ae3KNqmr0
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU1fQ.P-yJIGUUnHhCl6saWN7Q8VklhuNDHBph275EYEU2lGk
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1NX0.Y_4bD_CnYROe0HBvGhm3mx3wv6XTGKOT2IU7omg_MiM
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,023 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 91876 140736121267136 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,024 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,033 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ec940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108fd7438>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,046 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,057 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91876 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,063 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fc5860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ebf2b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,070 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,076 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 49c3d857-8806-4355-8403-2bb6f9ee2145 and vf uuid: eaafb9f2-e1b0-42e0-9529-62d9de3f8bd1
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,123 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10903f3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109068fd0>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,136 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,137 DEBUG activity_log 105 91876 140736121267136 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,141 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 91876 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,141 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,141 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,141 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,141 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,141 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 91876 140736121267136 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,147 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090616a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109061be0>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,156 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,168 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91876 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,174 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109043940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109043438>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,181 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,188 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 49c3d857-8806-4355-8403-2bb6f9ee2145 and vf uuid: eaafb9f2-e1b0-42e0-9529-62d9de3f8bd1
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,223 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 91876 140736121267136 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,223 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,223 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,223 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,224 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,224 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 91876 140736121267136 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,230 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109058320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109061c50>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,244 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,255 DEBUG engagement_service 274 91876 140736121267136 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,261 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108af1a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f812e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '05e3c495-e64c-41fc-982b-c90748ede2bf'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,268 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,274 DEBUG engagement_service 109 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 49c3d857-8806-4355-8403-2bb6f9ee2145 and vf uuid: eaafb9f2-e1b0-42e0-9529-62d9de3f8bd1
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,313 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 91876 140736121267136 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,313 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,313 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,313 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,317 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 edc6ebe2-9a52-4f6e-aa9f-bdf673415e61
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 ef3dd0d3-47fc-4f7f-9b3b-ff54bf738f54
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,324 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU1fQ.YZ-X87sykNrlIuQ_4qV5kpZ2ZTQiAohxKVpyrz37lfY
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,368 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU1fQ.-u9P9wEivwSZ-P0XxLhJ6x5yprXgWTdxev04F-XK_7I
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDE4ODM1NX0.WxWTQLOpmCNFABuD4-Uvx0ebpUJfHphKAbM-JRwU07s
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 91876 140736121267136 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 91876 140736121267136 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,370 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,371 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 91876 140736121267136 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,377 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108648e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f91550>) | {'eng_uuid': '57b09f31-3100-41cd-8f0c-f67a9a833737', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,386 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 57b09f31-3100-41cd-8f0c-f67a9a833737 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,393 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108eb1208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e87518>) | {'eng_uuid': '57b09f31-3100-41cd-8f0c-f67a9a833737'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,399 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,405 DEBUG engagement_service 115 91876 140736121267136 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 45e50359-4715-46a7-9ed0-8d442d755861 and vf uuid: 499e467c-b4a0-4f87-82d4-0085dec07990
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,444 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 91876 140736121267136 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,444 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,444 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 91876 140736121267136 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,444 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 91876 140736121267136 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,453 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 61a57412-489e-45c5-bb4a-967465aa2c7a
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 43477abc-142e-4b99-beeb-e03cee6152d7
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91876 140736121267136 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwMTg4MzU1fQ.nLIDXF0beigjfolD3ujYuJCFJhdx4asUxuBgMw1FGzc
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,550 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,553 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 42f911ee-3078-4a60-ae33-bfd1a8529bdc
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91876 140736121267136 7f84b407-ac32-4461-9c5e-b735ed4a36d8
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,554 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,556 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,629 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91876 140736121267136
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,634 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 91876 140736121267136 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,642 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91876 140736121267136 4fd904f8-4431-483d-8c06-139dcea11274
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,643 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 91876 140736121267136 ca2e186e-06e4-4630-a62a-cafe3d15f6b9
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,644 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,645 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,647 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 91876 140736121267136 found object
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,703 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 140736121267136 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108feb198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108feb6d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '038c3e45-f91d-43e7-aabf-8383c3f9a27b'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,713 DEBUG auth 51 91876 140736121267136 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,715 DEBUG engagement_service 81 91876 140736121267136 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 038c3e45-f91d-43e7-aabf-8383c3f9a27b
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,734 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,741 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145543000064 START - test 0
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,753 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10909bc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1090a8320>) | {'eng_uuid': '43a75dcc-734e-41eb-b393-368db00400bb'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,764 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 43a75dcc-734e-41eb-b393-368db00400bb isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,772 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090544e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109054da0>) | {'eng_uuid': '43a75dcc-734e-41eb-b393-368db00400bb'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,784 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,788 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145543000064 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 43a75dcc-734e-41eb-b393-368db00400bb
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,797 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145543000064 END - test 0
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,797 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145543000064 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10909bef0>
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,808 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,815 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145543000064 START - test 1
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,831 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108feb9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10903f2b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '1254085a-79d5-44d2-9090-aa5a9315dfaa'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,840 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 1254085a-79d5-44d2-9090-aa5a9315dfaa isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,847 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108527390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109035668>) | {'eng_uuid': '1254085a-79d5-44d2-9090-aa5a9315dfaa'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,858 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,864 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145543000064 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 1254085a-79d5-44d2-9090-aa5a9315dfaa
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,874 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145543000064 END - test 1
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,874 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145543000064 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10909bef0>
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,893 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145548255232 START - test 2
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,905 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145548255232 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084f27b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ae9b38>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b8152752-cbf4-4e04-88c6-80c83a3e4a71'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,913 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145548255232 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: b8152752-cbf4-4e04-88c6-80c83a3e4a71 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,921 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145548255232 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10902c908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f916d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b8152752-cbf4-4e04-88c6-80c83a3e4a71'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,936 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145548255232 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,943 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145548255232 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: b8152752-cbf4-4e04-88c6-80c83a3e4a71
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,951 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145548255232 END - test 2
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,951 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145548255232 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e85c88>
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,973 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145543000064 START - test 3
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,987 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f627f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109001048>) | {'eng_uuid': '03822dfc-231c-447a-9236-c5f383950458'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,995 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 03822dfc-231c-447a-9236-c5f383950458 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,002 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109068240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108527e80>) | {'eng_uuid': '03822dfc-231c-447a-9236-c5f383950458'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,012 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,018 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145543000064 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 03822dfc-231c-447a-9236-c5f383950458
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,028 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145543000064 END - test 3
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,028 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145543000064 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10909bef0>
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,039 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,046 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145553510400 START - test 4
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,059 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145553510400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10908ac18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109054d68>) | {'eng_uuid': '6164dfec-117f-4059-b2f4-e2f99cc8b7b5'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,067 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145553510400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 6164dfec-117f-4059-b2f4-e2f99cc8b7b5 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,075 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145553510400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085131d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f81240>) | {'eng_uuid': '6164dfec-117f-4059-b2f4-e2f99cc8b7b5'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,091 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145553510400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,107 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145553510400 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 6164dfec-117f-4059-b2f4-e2f99cc8b7b5
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,117 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145553510400 END - test 4
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,117 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145553510400 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e870f0>
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,128 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,135 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145548255232 START - test 5
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,151 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145548255232 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108fe8160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ea9dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2bb723d1-4205-483d-aa25-3ffc92486268'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,159 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145548255232 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 2bb723d1-4205-483d-aa25-3ffc92486268 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,167 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145548255232 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1090613c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10903feb8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2bb723d1-4205-483d-aa25-3ffc92486268'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,179 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145548255232 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,188 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145548255232 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 2bb723d1-4205-483d-aa25-3ffc92486268
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,197 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145548255232 END - test 5
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,197 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145548255232 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e85c88>
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,214 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145558765568 START - test 6
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,228 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145558765568 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f81080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086484a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '08b0a792-ad25-4be5-b6b6-33a083ac3456'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,238 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145558765568 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 08b0a792-ad25-4be5-b6b6-33a083ac3456 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,245 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145558765568 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f6acf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108f6ae48>) | {'eng_uuid': '08b0a792-ad25-4be5-b6b6-33a083ac3456'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,255 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145558765568 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,262 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145558765568 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 08b0a792-ad25-4be5-b6b6-33a083ac3456
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,271 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145558765568 END - test 6
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,271 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145558765568 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x109001828>
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,291 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145543000064 START - test 7
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,306 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109068b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109257438>) | {'eng_uuid': '59ec2833-a680-4033-bf62-b2ed8174079b'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,314 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 59ec2833-a680-4033-bf62-b2ed8174079b isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,325 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145543000064 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109245c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1092458d0>) | {'eng_uuid': '59ec2833-a680-4033-bf62-b2ed8174079b'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,337 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145543000064 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,343 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145543000064 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 59ec2833-a680-4033-bf62-b2ed8174079b
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,353 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145543000064 END - test 7
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,353 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145543000064 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10909bef0>
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,366 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,371 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145564020736 START - test 8
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,385 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145564020736 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e773c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b61550>) | {'eng_uuid': '18a4de9b-25b6-4f2f-99fc-6145227157b0'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,394 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145564020736 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 18a4de9b-25b6-4f2f-99fc-6145227157b0 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,401 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145564020736 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109001e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e6e240>) | {'eng_uuid': '18a4de9b-25b6-4f2f-99fc-6145227157b0'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,413 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145564020736 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,419 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145564020736 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 18a4de9b-25b6-4f2f-99fc-6145227157b0
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,429 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145564020736 END - test 8
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,429 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145564020736 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108648b38>
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91876 140736121267136 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,447 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 91876 123145553510400 START - test 9
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,460 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145553510400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109043588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1092571d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'aba24668-2098-46a2-81fa-9478405de725'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,472 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145553510400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: aba24668-2098-46a2-81fa-9478405de725 isn't valid
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,486 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91876 123145553510400 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108feb978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10903f128>) | {'eng_uuid': 'aba24668-2098-46a2-81fa-9478405de725'}
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,497 DEBUG auth 51 91876 123145553510400 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,503 DEBUG engagement_service 63 91876 123145553510400 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: aba24668-2098-46a2-81fa-9478405de725
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,511 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 91876 123145553510400 END - test 9
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,511 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 91876 123145553510400 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108e870f0>
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,987 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,987 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,988 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,988 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,988 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.TODO to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,988 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Confirmed
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,988 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.TODO
+2017-03-21 13:12:38,989 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 91876 140736121267136 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Confirmed to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,068 ERROR api 54 78099 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,069 INFO apps 29 78099 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,134 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,139 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,142 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,143 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,145 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,146 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,149 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,150 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,151 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,152 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,153 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,154 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,155 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 78099 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 78099 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,327 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,328 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 78099 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,391 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,392 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,392 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,393 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 78099 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,862 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080b3710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b2da20>) | {'uu_id': '0eb918d7-0412-4ab4-a154-92977c6f663e', 'token': '7efe592e-b66b-4287-b6c2-773cd4ea193b'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,870 DEBUG activation 82 78099 140736909169600 User 40cL2 is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,873 DEBUG views_helper 326 78099 140736909169600 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,873 DEBUG activation 91 78099 140736909169600 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,876 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,877 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,878 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,913 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108896fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088b2160>) | {'uu_id': 'a1ee5015-207d-46ea-a147-778dd56d0ad0', 'token': '5be9dfc9-6535-47ec-b405-d984783b62d5'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,920 DEBUG activation 82 78099 140736909169600 User pnrEO is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,922 DEBUG views_helper 326 78099 140736909169600 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,922 DEBUG activation 91 78099 140736909169600 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,929 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,964 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108583d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108583e80>) | {'uu_id': '351ce90a-33bf-4816-9a11-e9f7ff3415a6', 'token': '70a1582d-9296-4cf3-be1e-897e483507fa'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,969 ERROR activation 71 78099 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,970 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,996 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 4cb48955-01ac-447c-9586-abb6bcf8f62d
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,998 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 237a4fbb-6f25-4292-9904-e8b0d81683b8
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,031 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nxWhT'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,066 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6IkJyb1BAVFNRTy5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkJyb1BAVFNRTy5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9.U6rhhephPSrGEsLU4SJ4j_6eMjaVteQNWwEYWuCIrpA
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,066 DEBUG testActivities 37 78099 140736909169600 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,066 DEBUG testActivities 40 78099 140736909169600 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 DEBUG testActivities 46 78099 140736909169600 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 DEBUG activity_log 157 78099 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 DEBUG testActivities 50 78099 140736909169600 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 DEBUG testActivities 51 78099 140736909169600 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,080 DEBUG testActivities 54 78099 140736909169600 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,094 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088dfb00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088dfb70>) | {'eng_uuid': '6936520f-2cab-4f49-875b-42dc915a1b1e'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,102 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,103 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 DEBUG testActivities 58 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 DEBUG testActivities 59 78099 140736909169600 Got content : b'"User not authorized: aff2c5db-4918-4c3b-a0fa-166f9edfc5a1. eng_uuid=6936520f-2cab-4f49-875b-42dc915a1b1e. checklist_uuid=None"'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 ERROR testActivities 61 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,116 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 f9767557-67d0-43fa-b9e9-5ee55100a5d8
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,118 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8230898e-cc9d-4ded-bbe1-a1cb0af46ab5
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9.ggHw2eDq6HLRAghxXC3JS2o5zzLMfMnroHLQ9Aksdvw
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,201 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108641ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108658198>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,213 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,265 DEBUG views_helper 309 78099 140736909169600 Found VF name=z6CjM
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,283 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,284 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,287 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 63, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,287 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 cab6995a-cac8-4c91-8431-febc4da6b7d1
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 07a6056f-594e-4fa7-b169-c7f88ff41f1c
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,294 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,334 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9._eVGYE76xse8mapgdF6FTX_bP1FJmqlviKRetOybuo4
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,354 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108839cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088064a8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,364 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,371 DEBUG views_helper 309 78099 140736909169600 Found VF name=w9utG
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,372 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,372 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,372 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 63, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,373 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b751895d-80bb-48f9-9682-8f1d08e7af40
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 05be3866-c1d3-44b0-819d-ac848f3fcbd7
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,377 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,417 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9.hRY30crQdWHjdmSyaPAcClo3aVJh1xoWHMpJ8JHThuw
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,436 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108855c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108855d30>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 847e756f-2793-44a8-8c21-22af15a5d74e
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 7b1c7dcd-2769-443d-bc5a-88c22d866716
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,451 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9.1aazTl_8b66O7WY2djDwpO16gigszSMEf-KPF9hXDuM
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,497 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108847f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10887a160>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,509 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,509 ERROR invite 58 78099 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 d98248de-a351-4532-a1b5-5fd771bfc5a8
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 19d46cde-893d-4c57-bcfd-148d13cb5c30
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9.j_sIz47Z0GLwOBbeyJf1Mzlb00_Erg0m3Ob137Jjwj4
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,612 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108805f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10883e080>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd2fe638d-d2e6-4f20-8cca-c0aa87e101ee'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,623 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,626 DEBUG git_manager 14 78099 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement d2fe638d-d2e6-4f20-8cca-c0aa87e101ee for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,654 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'd2fe638d-d2e6-4f20-8cca-c0aa87e101ee', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,656 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 78099 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,659 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,660 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 78099 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,670 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,721 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1'), 'eng_uuid': 'd2fe638d-d2e6-4f20-8cca-c0aa87e101ee', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,723 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 78099 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,727 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,733 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,742 DEBUG checklist_service 449 78099 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,753 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085f87f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085fcb00>) | {'checklistUuid': '7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 13807611-b51b-4c8d-a25d-4d9e27d850b5
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,766 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 54460268-b871-4af9-b295-6acc678aca87
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,770 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,804 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjZ9.vU7iTeg8CnLlXaOuM2g6OpyItnrMAI1tpIKmrnvrGds
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,858 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108934710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089050b8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,869 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,872 DEBUG git_manager 14 78099 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,895 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,897 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 78099 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,902 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,903 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 78099 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,911 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,960 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19'), 'eng_uuid': 'b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,961 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 78099 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,966 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,970 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,978 DEBUG checklist_service 449 78099 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,985 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108873e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108856978>) | {'checklistUuid': '09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19', 'eng_uuid': 'b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,996 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,010 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 5252dfef-1e3b-41a8-8810-454b52a5368a and vf uuid: b98ea3e6-efc9-44c5-b3f1-90c23c7f2f29
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,039 DEBUG engagement_service 110 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 5252dfef-1e3b-41a8-8810-454b52a5368a and vf uuid: b98ea3e6-efc9-44c5-b3f1-90c23c7f2f29
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,061 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19', 'eng_uuid': 'b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,062 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 78099 140736909169600 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,068 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,072 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,080 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,083 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,087 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,109 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 78099 140736909169600 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,116 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,125 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 78099 140736909169600 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=b928fcf7-ff67-493d-83bd-2754d8b60c84 for checklist=09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,126 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,126 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,126 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bd38256a-6f02-4a2b-be3f-ff33eed2ba5f
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,137 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 9a197e10-8d16-4db1-8b51-8e8b2427b3f9
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,137 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.sWBBR75-c4dthPJ0cPF97JbAihXnOLeJdGAhjJOrYfs
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.6ENcoehsTJymAYYhOKlrup0rg6Ssi3N5dZXkUica2q4
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,214 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,223 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=UBtVi
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,224 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,226 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 439, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 387, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 442, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=UBtVi
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,227 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,227 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,227 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,227 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,227 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0ac912d3-c1c5-4ba2-b89b-c474ac5bf904
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 3f817b37-4707-42e4-830e-4ab4ec546758
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,289 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.QBNSFqRxkZmtsf7tcszY37LwM7IEjd02lhabWhdU_Og
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.2VwQBfxEXayyiClkryjv0S8s5kLj6uMwH3T7bNZjmUA
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,304 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,304 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,305 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,305 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,313 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b61780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108930b70>) | {'checklistUuid': '81533aa1-9a32-45a5-b6d6-c5eaf656dd8f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,324 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 78099 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,327 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 22142637-a82c-4ea6-b06e-e60fe9dc637a
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,328 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6ebb4d9e-9157-414f-ac90-fa9d85baa265
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,331 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,398 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.ORUY1tf_YgbhaHe_MjOY67afhPHyIk1clpPu2lElnqU
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.uPRCjcttrLYa2BEk9tarScoKnD7ZmAdLRRLY09qAiw0
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,400 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,400 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,400 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,400 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,411 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b70860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b47dd8>) | {'checklistUuid': '5a2e1983-157b-42c8-a9c8-fdc86961737f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,422 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,431 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,432 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,433 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,433 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,434 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,437 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bce33830-1f2e-4a32-9e08-7c6ac0262e7c
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 4e7ef3e8-c6a7-4d20-bc3d-070a8e6245b9
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.bSROt5wdxjqE8jk-d8B_XRuGm7VNzYXLX2xAEv0lOlo
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.gMLV0oW-QWGsJ2zJHykVJjQZWf97nfCYjCN8T83lD7k
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,514 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,514 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,514 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,514 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,524 ERROR authorization_service 497 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,525 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089054a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089054e0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'bjGH2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,533 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,533 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 78099 140736909169600 Test failed
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,535 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 2706fce7-e5b5-4cda-ada2-0daa82db826e
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,539 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 228cb51f-17a0-46dd-903c-07660bfe0f98
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,542 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.DNxHPBv_sZzXytCLuAALdW39MNalNy0FDIaNui6AK8s
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.-veOWfZ9dcbxV5B3OWx5PNaieyBuQB7JenEPEKqq3HI
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,619 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,619 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,619 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,619 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,631 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089189b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108918da0>) | {'decision_uuid': '6dff5da9-7893-4db6-887e-78b835986493'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,648 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,649 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 78099 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,649 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,649 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,650 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,650 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,652 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 5bd77bd7-6bf6-43d4-ab0d-8758efcde9bc
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1957e0c2-26c6-4400-a0fd-a3fc0849bffd
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,655 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,657 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,659 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,727 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.gBguWaaTRubovrAkiKOQNaS1hyPBz8w2kB5jBm4GV3A
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.f1m7Qq2xC-C39SGXwAQLxKgSpTNqkGAclZBe6DnFJ70
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,729 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,729 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,729 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,729 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,739 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108805ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089162e8>) | {'decision_uuid': 'f2f6fca6-4455-40b3-84d2-ca07059e520f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,748 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,756 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,757 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,758 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 e93f3831-6a35-4a44-ba40-6926dd160ff8
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 296ac7c6-a511-48d1-adb1-dab4c30efd47
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.WiyIkVUOSaQ_6PTYhY3FcwXPSsgwyfuZx9T4Q2Z_88U
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.Eib9yDFUJD_pRg-AxQqoyrfH3FUqL5Gym1xW33YxYs8
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,830 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,830 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,831 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,831 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,842 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e6e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e6cf8>) | {'decision_uuid': '6eb2aaac-cba1-41a5-ab5e-c11d2bcf369c'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,852 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,852 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 78099 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 78099 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,856 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,856 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 3f3871ca-d074-4a74-ac15-2c74e58fbb8e
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6b316682-adef-4c96-9f4c-5fa07e54f5ce
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,863 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.D77VVEg4nF4fiLUzJmJWKnnlT7EjPXpZ4VfuORasPvk
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjd9.jnppg7KKtvL4G5lDZNDs1T_JxlMVDNsFmVdJ--dwxs8
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,930 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,930 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,931 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,931 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,941 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089180b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108918f28>) | {'decision_uuid': 'f0917a22-f3de-4bc3-ab13-e425f0db3848'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,949 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,949 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 78099 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='b96dR')...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,949 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 78099 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,950 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,950 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,950 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,950 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,952 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 765160b0-9980-4277-ba05-512009a475a5
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 baf3fa5c-17a9-4d80-9fd4-c5b9c9f7aff4
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,021 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.6RS4D8LznCn9QEzRed68ahmqMoabPf2ANoO3bJM35Iw
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.psLJ9K9W34N8UuBMBHA9iGuIZHDqy8wqnXCxm0Tg1Cg
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,023 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,023 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 78099 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,023 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,023 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,034 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10883e320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108905e10>) | {'decision_uuid': '9ac33d4d-7a2b-4fbc-85c5-8c999027b68f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,042 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,043 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 78099 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,048 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 78099 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,048 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,049 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,049 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,049 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,049 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 81bfdac6-a599-4730-90c1-ce26ef8c298d
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,054 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 712b2225-f693-4534-ad46-806bd5ad5781
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.99NLVqBP1M94crczGDaC9Rqs1lDKOLFpxgVxqbkU4e4
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,124 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.Z7Im9v44Gf-fGUUbjtZIZskYTav9hT5wzDGuXEUWJ9Y
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,124 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 78099 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,136 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108930748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108930eb8>) | {'decision_uuid': 'aadc72f9-fc8c-4069-9334-95c324db45e5'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,144 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,144 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 78099 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,153 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 78099 140736909169600 review_value was successfully changed for decision: aadc72f9-fc8c-4069-9334-95c324db45e5 , value: approved
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,154 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,155 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,155 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,155 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,155 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,156 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 d8ba29e7-1e28-49bb-8c82-59244559daef
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,168 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 10612f21-258b-4cba-ab1c-24195574b99a
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,168 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,170 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,173 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,226 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.rv-vFL9Ty2GXhjQeolQyIQGQWdeW9r2fJjToxExMMtE
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.m7FjxQZduRtTTFRrTu0MAmjfT9GqP8izYEO7XVk5iOU
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.5mXVbuDq8nVZoUYPqBjFhd5nJVpmGFdJb-MCb6q1YXA
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,289 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,299 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,300 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a5bb47f9-38e3-4f05-addf-80678e881215
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,312 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 3b8000fd-16e9-4c05-bcd8-2026e963ccb6
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,316 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,331 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.EPcmBH1vRsAnoAPMTRMNw4mEh-MbfMm8mzk1AJcfHvM
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,331 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,340 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling get | (< object at 0x108b47048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b614a8>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8cb84417-7b7f-4aff-a21b-651005d19573
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 12bea56b-b5bc-4ce2-bef2-e29b5cb85b1c
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,361 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.534XCYwwy7HUtLFJ9BXOuw1OX_TbutbGHqfVY6c-os4
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,361 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,369 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling get | (< object at 0x108b70f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b64d30>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ec30395b-5d13-4dfa-99bc-0af57d5775c8
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,373 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 df276c4b-a68f-4d36-b806-48aec494aa8c
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,373 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,376 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.E_3UkPRmR6T-vNrnIwCQ6rwbxpL--_b0YcVbfI3270A
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,389 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,396 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling get | (< object at 0x108b64d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b70f28>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8eb619ae-69f3-4287-9510-1c57fd0b6d60
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0f40b1e7-f628-4592-9ce2-69bef46579c6
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.w9yQ02eADShhjP1QrmE0f7DnY7uBWT3651pwj1xV3vM
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,428 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,434 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b474e0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,435 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,437 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ae0dce01-5256-4096-8564-5dc05d38a87e
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 9440b3d5-d160-4110-a67f-c9b3666d0a3a
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,438 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,445 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.n1gaBvKNsuxO-I5egMlhRuhj5s5-sWDEtWKldT12P8w
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,461 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,468 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108760668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e6358>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 2d286e5f-2be5-4790-b29b-f2671c28bef9
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c499edab-876a-479c-a888-c75b54da0876
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,474 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,479 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,480 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.DmutADUzoyPV1v5E9dpX9-qxIBpVxhFTkL5WBbJibqo
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,491 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,498 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b47470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b70208>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1f18162e-db61-4462-a507-d9d2195e5d1b
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,502 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1f09c850-d259-4b1b-a4bc-91ea3481329e
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,502 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,503 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,506 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,509 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.lWwpopIIp3vlXd5Cy2KPptiawCJrGi-htMmPkc7MaGk
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,521 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,528 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108760668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108760a90>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 512e8b6b-c951-4064-a8fc-2e72a9481ec4
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,533 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c6b13ce6-f99d-4635-96fb-f33f13b6dc32
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,552 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY4fQ.Iis2Nh5vJkMxi5W3VcGzaNGezsirB0EK4muldk8GJfw
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,552 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,559 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e6cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b5c5c0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,559 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a985cdf3-1796-4cdc-91f4-20cadf53d021
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ab05c34f-9370-48cf-8d29-f74f59df786b
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b35960b0-2a4a-4584-a56f-f6e392afbb56
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,629 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,639 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.2oUiG6E86fm4wbeZxveAWR9n92iHbfKzO8JEzgloxBs
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,647 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e63c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108930588>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,658 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 833809db-5a65-4a7a-93c8-f087cb3fc889
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 414031e3-615b-42bd-9f53-c676e84fdd81
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0716e5d5-3bbb-4fe3-8be3-d9098381bf8a
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,662 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.Fk1A21aKxro8nnB4xG3Q8wjxNeSVLy8mjVZINvj1pDs
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,735 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108760f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108760cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': '62018cdb-9e04-408b-a630-bacf07354771'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,743 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,746 DEBUG git_manager 14 78099 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 62018cdb-9e04-408b-a630-bacf07354771 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 86af4f6b-2fa2-4d90-a67c-dabd38a62abe
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,752 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b32cba69-2e61-4719-894d-45137276910d
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 73dea2b3-fdb8-463d-8e1e-a0ceaa95c09c
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,755 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,817 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.lSuTD_cuvQRDTwu9nB9bTDJVBJatkR4VgGl0CK6yeLA
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,824 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108905668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108905400>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c5e9420e-8039-4e10-9b82-91cbf39515ec'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,833 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,833 ERROR checklist 49 78099 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 478af2b9-6ceb-403e-a7fd-92c76c8666e6
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 63fa05cd-0bb7-4e80-b370-e41b84a3f0af
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,839 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 23991cf6-ba87-4c88-83e1-6c8c4378bffa
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,839 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.hkXfQ65xCeO-Zo5kIOkNpWKSK_6FPRE9v2q2lrLi8RY
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,913 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b708d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b706d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 181 78099 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,926 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,928 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0fe7cdfb-e50c-4c9e-bb46-2e0b1bdeeb72
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 60ac07f8-d43e-4e05-9b58-1b14b150fe3c
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,931 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ec4ca372-42d1-42ab-810c-ab6a0b21c90c
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,931 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,935 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjh9.zKliFQ7vuimUKIy-jx-rnEwTWGbCwWulddxWqHGsIXU
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,005 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108805630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108873c88>) | {'eng_uuid': '34f34a07-984b-4dc7-9284-68909a1c1a3b'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,012 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 34f34a07-984b-4dc7-9284-68909a1c1a3b isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,016 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0dae5ff0-18a8-4364-bf30-2c14d9525373
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,017 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ac6c066d-37c4-4fb8-b831-0514ef55d81e
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c7d8a3e4-54a8-4150-99fa-4e4e5ecabe09
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,018 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,074 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,083 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjl9.BxQeezrX-NXI32EFpBp4kMUStpbQn154IxuU10EQnDM
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,091 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10883e7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108918940>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a520b4fe-cbde-4936-8e68-601679512d28'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,100 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,102 DEBUG git_manager 14 78099 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement a520b4fe-cbde-4936-8e68-601679512d28 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,129 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'a520b4fe-cbde-4936-8e68-601679512d28', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,130 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 78099 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,133 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,135 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 78099 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,140 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,188 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39'), 'eng_uuid': 'a520b4fe-cbde-4936-8e68-601679512d28', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,190 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 78099 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,193 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,198 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,209 DEBUG checklist_service 449 78099 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,213 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c6f11e71-8d34-4b9d-ae70-5816ebe23485
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 40157c77-13ab-461a-b666-55926182a4ef
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6142d3a0-655f-4db4-b98e-1640827b347f
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,217 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNjl9.fYCJIqvAvaVhb_4kloA3_dKcTafyZdMEogeV_Zlvzws
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,286 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108934ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108873d30>) | {'eng_uuid': '1eb88687-6cb8-47e8-aebb-195b5722bf60'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,296 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,298 DEBUG git_manager 14 78099 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 1eb88687-6cb8-47e8-aebb-195b5722bf60 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,322 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '1eb88687-6cb8-47e8-aebb-195b5722bf60', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,323 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 78099 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,326 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,327 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 78099 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,333 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,381 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 78099 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33'), 'eng_uuid': '1eb88687-6cb8-47e8-aebb-195b5722bf60', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,382 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 78099 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,385 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,390 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 78099 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,402 DEBUG checklist_service 449 78099 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,415 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a208153f-f28c-4678-8162-767ac36f18de
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 604d51b7-577b-4d36-acf4-48bad5f59346
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,418 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 efd55966-c3c5-4774-9acb-d0b5fcd941ef
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,485 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY5fQ.KymnpKwIGeR92HxCXc2CNSQKPfxGD2D6czBvI0W626M
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,504 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5ca90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b70d68>) | {'templateUuid': 'abb57ee1-1148-42d6-8308-bdd2294c0e13'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,509 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 fbdbdfcb-5a8e-42ac-9d9f-bb0cc3dc5b1c
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 91bb235d-3b12-491a-a465-6ed0dee47091
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,521 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 f36494eb-308b-4310-9fe3-e618d962fcf8
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,521 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,585 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY5fQ.YsEZ2Nvbp5bAmh6E_Tdn26oh1UPsg-BSOWvUjjSGnMs
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,604 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108916320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088750f0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,608 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 fe1a5aa9-b669-4795-b1ed-07a9c196c7bc
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a4f0c04c-7b51-42f3-bf4e-71a91eb4bb6c
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 7c197382-1b14-40d2-b7a5-0c9509731e2b
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,691 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,702 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY5fQ.AZ9IbsPaTihRK3jHy6ODM7D5r40KjC9XV5f2zzI-G78
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,711 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e06a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10876ac50>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,718 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,735 DEBUG checklist_service 120 78099 140736909169600 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1b121b54-b255-42a3-a9a2-7096cb02b3e2
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ac88f604-0030-4b3a-bf01-0030a66bae02
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 400b630b-5951-4cad-a1b1-9c17b7042dd2
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,755 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY5fQ.M0hfZ0c2IQ5YiOJiYo8y_qxIAyf_6wqiZzC0XIScObI
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,832 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108760748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108803278>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,838 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,850 DEBUG checklist_service 120 78099 140736909169600 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,855 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (f5f016d9-7fc6-4997-8198-cc5d77b5669f, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 12:54:29.854437+00, null, b038ce8c-fb44-404f-ad7c-3018ef399162, cce42aed-8e4f-428e-86b0-1c2992cd1f82).
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,855 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,861 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (f5f016d9-7fc6-4997-8198-cc5d77b5669f, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 12:54:29.854437+00, null, b038ce8c-fb44-404f-ad7c-3018ef399162, cce42aed-8e4f-428e-86b0-1c2992cd1f82).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 401, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 708, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 736, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 820, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 859, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1039, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1060, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 95, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (f5f016d9-7fc6-4997-8198-cc5d77b5669f, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 12:54:29.854437+00, null, b038ce8c-fb44-404f-ad7c-3018ef399162, cce42aed-8e4f-428e-86b0-1c2992cd1f82).
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,862 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,864 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,865 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 f0dbff1e-d407-46b0-bdcc-bd5997015f3b
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,867 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1d68bade-d924-48f2-9066-96ce3e311bdb
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,869 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bca86150-d93d-4fb2-a287-f9b2c811d218
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,934 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDY5fQ.OPxjRC58Pp5U4hCHcVnWuosBKAIS2sIwwgHvNjLIxzg
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,950 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5beb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089301d0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,957 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,957 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,958 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,958 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 387, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,958 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,961 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 564090e9-ecba-46d0-b136-23958f519469
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 799ffa35-a76d-4215-9842-dcafa43a58c0
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6c9bada2-ab01-4aed-bcd4-731361fe0ac4
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,037 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.rjeceZprdnHCTdkyS7EqqaEnDHZkQvnoKeOhUGVNpRA
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,045 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b700b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b70550>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,051 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,052 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,052 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,052 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 387, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,053 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a15cf04b-5f47-41f5-9d0d-d9c526fe09e9
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0fed7083-3c2f-4c33-aa7b-420e814bc6bc
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,088 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FqBLk'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiI4Mk1qQFpLQ1YuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiI4Mk1qQFpLQ1YuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.mHlueMS9lPOmNzDH64HQ0ynnM4kQhga7uqctUFmfOWY
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,107 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJ0OGVCQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InQ4ZUJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.trGlR77gaVkepCCczznq8UaztomYshfmt1Ge-jesPiI
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,107 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,107 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 78099 140736909169600 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,108 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,108 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 78099 140736909169600 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,108 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 78099 140736909169600 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,119 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 78099 140736909169600 The engagement team:
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 DEBUG activity_log 157 78099 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 78099 140736909169600 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 78099 140736909169600 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,123 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 78099 140736909169600 The VF that should be removed after deletion: TKV4k
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,123 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 78099 140736909169600 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,125 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 78099 140736909169600 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,131 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10887ad68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108918898>) | {'eng_uuid': '269274f5-540c-47d1-b8f9-3d30236f83e4'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,137 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,137 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 497d8a0e-62b9-439f-99d6-dec6e8993652
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 fe53ec29-b156-49f8-a60b-b3da8882ce3d
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,156 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,158 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,159 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,160 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.FbN5rbcolU6VIFb4LFfQsjyjLa7z0Wt2jQfFPARya28
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,200 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.F2JC8TmQ7HbAUH1eLLJAhq_fFtgkx2H5bLYdOduwnNo
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.9VJzRaa10Ky2W_NjdO1apL7BfXQ_W6Rehxg6xuF7e08
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,202 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 78099 140736909169600 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,212 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087b5f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879c518>) | {'vf_uuid': '1c4353af-c545-48c8-972c-2819dbe8349c'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,219 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 3f743322-48cf-49e2-8ea3-4acbd5b80764 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,222 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6bff469f-e612-453a-8b87-1141c1fedc16
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,225 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 d615da0e-bd8d-43fb-8b94-cd029e56f183
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,226 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,237 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,264 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,272 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.WFccCSBT11IH4UKAqQbllu4AMffk9MSR5x3dzqF_gEw
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,274 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.ymjbbDeUiORsF_Qr44MNe9Q3MA_Ay9Nbv1uNGSvfLNY
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.XUlh0qUTn1CWDeQlU1o1wLCwohni07vMLSE1Wh9xKyw
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,276 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 78099 140736909169600 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,286 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10869e828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b3438>) | {'vf_uuid': '8650a052-2a83-44a8-b826-07cee6166d19'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,293 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,311 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b2564990-e15c-421c-8a4f-b8816216e7df
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ba484d99-ff5c-43d5-99c0-89fcd539ce97
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,316 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.oeaXak0YBHZbO_o_-bZmrT-0Sx4uqgpqMdZBEmQ-CxM
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.CI8ReqIa7jkmKUA8dwJpWkJTXaPvTcbUxzVRqmoSwMo
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.wIVcYrYSwKkVw4BQ7xWp6OtFUpMXMPIjoopjNOLaql8
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,359 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 78099 140736909169600 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,370 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089bbef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089b7240>) | {'vf_uuid': 'c7f81bf0-0774-4dc9-99d1-b0bc88fbbf1e'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,379 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 88c11f65-baba-45c8-a73b-211514a3c2b3
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 70a76397-2fd4-4b45-8841-df64014a8c45
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,386 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.zrBxpnnjfjBFC9Q4PVxky3KA5m5c5VXhnYExd0G-O28
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.MMfJrznl-SY3WogRl52kEOxOhg6tCR5nfP42QDQ2k5w
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.0zdR3BcfTEGEygptzmutuSFX-diGiSsGm5ce1GLwI4g
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,432 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 78099 140736909169600 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,441 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b36d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b0f60>) | {'vf_uuid': '8807667c-4f55-4885-b1fc-b3a2bd896ee2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,447 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: a31147ef-c514-4941-852c-efc99bd609c4 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,449 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 9123fd8a-134d-4f48-adbd-741aa7c64440
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,455 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ef34c5e6-d30a-4bba-8a8e-342fcf2d6e6a
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,462 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,489 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.-UCEkVXHCGTFlp_PY3hJxRuxdcPNrBPglRxrOkLvaog
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.KBZt-5M_k0X0M16QZ4cBskQyJJZCaAs9I3Nmd_kXJ7c
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.z8UfxQdeVa39uNEwjrAs9YyOgmcwbxdQ4oSlsnTd-p0
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,510 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108792c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10876a860>) | {'vf_uuid': '816bed58-1011-41ce-b3c7-f677e8595539'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,517 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,530 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 75cd52b4-0f09-47fd-bd20-86cce57d87f7
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,531 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 990d5daf-18dd-4703-abf2-2a045a523713
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,539 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,566 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.ezY_uJ29g2O6j-664v4vdUAPRiT8nLtCnABuOztxlBk
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,575 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.XHA9YxBOC65zr7XZ5qPbX2WA6c_qZrqIBzjpbpgTPgI
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,577 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.nff-d3stK6xGNGtf4KUPDXyXd0j3jPr8zLQX7cqiNu4
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,586 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085eb550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108905908>) | {'vf_uuid': '2b0aba94-1c1c-4d14-b1ff-f693a43505b5'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,593 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 2665935d-512f-4ab2-a6bc-22ec75e33610
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 4ac1b705-2f2e-4542-b926-66b3718dd650
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,608 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.2qAYZSeYxrM0AFEodvdBxW9sE0aBDhUq6Hwv0rQsxfA
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MH0.T2RcjqN7W0rXnp-CTg37Cm8tbNBpqU_QyGsdJUFJiKc
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,651 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.wtQbl3bgEVBGAKhWE3TCB-J-ykzorGto9m3-gh1dHzA
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,660 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5cd68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b64d68>) | {'vf_uuid': 'c0ebc382-ba9f-42a9-94b7-e8a1180be149'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,668 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: b94d2877-be5b-4779-88bc-a3fb2afc4724 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 def1e1f8-3c68-4784-92c3-23f469f19529
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 af702cc9-9a3f-4ed9-9675-d6d6bd820e67
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.AU7Gn4D63hhRy9i3onTun1LSqo09kiIuI4XXHz2Vo9M
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.ZDOhmtdkcyKbTzrT8n09QsISiVff1Kg9GimMxJL0EXI
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 78099 140736909169600 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,837 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,847 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089b73c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089b7630>) | {'eng_uuid': '01202bbc-9f1b-49c9-ab44-2e08b2961764'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,857 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 01202bbc-9f1b-49c9-ab44-2e08b2961764 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,864 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108760fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108930cf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '01202bbc-9f1b-49c9-ab44-2e08b2961764'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,874 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,881 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10883e550>) | {'eng_uuid': '01202bbc-9f1b-49c9-ab44-2e08b2961764'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,889 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,889 DEBUG engagement_service 292 78099 140736909169600 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,890 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 78099 140736909169600 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,890 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,901 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 de6a2dc4-95da-4045-8c4a-79fda1d19e2c
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,903 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 42d827cd-7ec8-4039-930c-d36248cca1ed
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,908 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.R93zSzZTnrXdSk3MlLy-4za7j7x-TKF8KfluOoVbf8U
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.G7oUhb3YEwijzy2nnSCcAJ2yXtqCNZpOpg5uSrfBTUw
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcwfQ.VpCmG6Iy8wZCZ-y31IOGWe9eQcfD749z415pOf8I_sc
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,972 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108792a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b47dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,980 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,982 DEBUG engagement_service 82 78099 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,994 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b3b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10869e828>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,004 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,014 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,020 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087de048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c7518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,033 INFO authorization_service 128 78099 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,034 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,039 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,047 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b0c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b0860>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,054 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,054 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,055 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 9b4fc838-5392-427a-99bc-728514d75fc9
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 329f8b09-5a4c-489a-b1e8-806eab8f2cc3
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,064 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,065 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,104 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcxfQ.8rooo6solZ34TwWTL52QSXovDJP5byS5okjpQPSsAgc
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,111 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcxfQ.q7qQioylYN6Zo5rJEQJyN8S-ZC-BD29JMLzMLhY0wng
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcxfQ.KNpxLjfXFDXpNeZBn_ssQ-vBlmf-fTQF-zVstg5POog
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,120 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108792080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109009e48>) | {'eng_uuid': '350e0888-9f80-48a6-84e5-bdc1bb8b688f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,130 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,133 DEBUG engagement_service 82 78099 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 350e0888-9f80-48a6-84e5-bdc1bb8b688f
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,138 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,145 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b3860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10891d630>) | {'eng_uuid': '350e0888-9f80-48a6-84e5-bdc1bb8b688f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,155 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 350e0888-9f80-48a6-84e5-bdc1bb8b688f isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,157 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,164 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b5c550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b5cd30>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,172 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,173 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,173 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,180 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108930320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089b7dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': '350e0888-9f80-48a6-84e5-bdc1bb8b688f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,189 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,191 DEBUG engagement_service 82 78099 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 350e0888-9f80-48a6-84e5-bdc1bb8b688f
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,200 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 64240672-58ad-462d-af13-e03d91788953
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 55b478c1-9b88-4155-9020-b02daa2f2922
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,204 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcxfQ.8XMkaTuvDNr49FM0mqPGTobY9N9vzZoA5IIpEygY5mE
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcxfQ.MLNoaEE9Ok7zdPxnCUJ28BPHoIWr5GdMNOnhXlRvaoE
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDcxfQ.-Q45m01gSEybg0gfT7ObEzfXEnyYtJwz8t7WAx_KWww
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,268 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108934780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10891dac8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c593a784-4dc2-4c28-ae9a-d7a5dccd7d94'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,276 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,279 DEBUG engagement_service 82 78099 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: c593a784-4dc2-4c28-ae9a-d7a5dccd7d94
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,287 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,293 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10876af98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088064a8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c593a784-4dc2-4c28-ae9a-d7a5dccd7d94'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,303 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: c593a784-4dc2-4c28-ae9a-d7a5dccd7d94 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,310 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879c400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b0c50>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c593a784-4dc2-4c28-ae9a-d7a5dccd7d94'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,320 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,328 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 140736909169600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: c593a784-4dc2-4c28-ae9a-d7a5dccd7d94
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0566af48-ebc0-46db-aaa3-de5e45a13aa3
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,355 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bc7eb447-aa58-4b56-8cfd-3250b9b98e55
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,356 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,364 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,365 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,365 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.PxEHJ4bVx9XdZfH-ZJMMrAmeQwQkGBtZJg8IOky_D4g
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,419 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.pCMZCU2TpGRsz8miaUxLpw_imGTr6x7j6B6dba--fiU
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.QnUjyhiNphlCcaiRki6g4ftnhN3pPe61KzGbhpoBbYY
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,423 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.7jz7Ku76SHjy3uND7NSwXwEDRdG6J-PdnKTpPPJUfA4
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,423 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,430 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d33550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d33fd0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e8ab69ec-d4d2-4103-83eb-09d7c9b659e5'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,437 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0dfe71e5-54a2-4ccd-a326-e9a27048a791
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1556933f-1da6-49c5-84fe-5840c0857bb5
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,444 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,451 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,451 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,487 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,493 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.vovLc19TIIJaKQi23D-k2TYaPWwaRR0GZubvATtUt_0
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.yC-LlmuHTKNppxk5sAZw_k_dE3tMRTxuQcnUeo4jyfo
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.JHZ3QFHN6uPF1xqQjOdG-oBc9y5rkYu73Ld_9f6YhrQ
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.oGX_3boal72DH7Wzj5Ud73udCGTfkpng9TcYZbueVmE
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,498 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086ecef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086f44a8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,512 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,516 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 93ac8137-0d9e-4ed0-936d-6da6e56321d0
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0eb51f95-1ffd-4a18-aeb5-e8dfff3348c5
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.KAy64XkMxseKHvpBh7GWGjoKSU2hn0oSrbpkw3PEAqc
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.ZnAWzj3d2nysD9fA8hQoxOfq0YOj1I5fsrsux3W7dWU
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,574 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.WIDP0iFiUIamxE8xcTCi3toi57uhbwxo0JOgGOdzXkc
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,576 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.BhpXddDsgb0B3mYhAUPYLUhlWouqPk-agZW2fWF9Sr4
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,576 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 78099 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,582 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d33048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d33780>) | {'eng_uuid': '786c5b99-cb69-4bad-a4f0-90837420ff2a'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,590 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 786c5b99-cb69-4bad-a4f0-90837420ff2a isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,593 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,594 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 5dd5845d-6f1b-411d-9857-ec9d0324ec5b
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 cd587ea4-4160-43f6-81d9-d2b115eb5c69
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,598 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,600 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,601 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,601 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,641 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.bxR8mhKjBgS7CdgWLjej4Lpm0vmc-hUKo_jYadnmO40
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.gGNvAY1oq1FheYGwdCFjsABXPEGs3G-yfuIRGIHzIkA
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.4iVK7t2D3baDUv-xuPWO-oKzoJtQkxIFViGfLZPTfsA
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.Xu5T45gmRFm2vRY9Uoq9DNCnWk0ok7jrkF_WbKXiZCs
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,655 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 78099 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,662 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b08d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879cf98>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,667 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,673 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 d739a980-92ff-4d8b-a4c3-9982391f1ca0
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 5d741b6f-9d65-41b0-9be9-99116110ec7e
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,676 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,715 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.Lm_biKsFcIxCB3pY04ZiWbeq6hPGOfQCdiKPNnQD7-Y
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.F0Q6GXqBxUpA8FVD86CwXOC61gsLJKXAp6h-zt8Sckw
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.dLhP7z1Xls9ZCu4plYPCGRLEXMnc594pe_w9Gkga5uM
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.A8TcdWBbmS2WvNAk-9S-GzCCBiP5flEg3KCnCZW5eRM
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,729 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 78099 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,738 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108792c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108875320>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a644ebb4-cdf3-4eb1-9cf8-1fa3cd8d1ec7'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,746 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,760 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,763 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 56df470b-39ff-4435-823e-63d6287ca30e
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,766 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 61ebf592-ec15-4e19-8bf3-bb0882ca358f
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,771 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,772 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,772 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,773 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,774 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.LBe3X5aBOCoTJW-lpT60ZSJdkNXWMl7-wk-xN1Mue-g
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.gYwoPfgUKzrcat_dsU1M-4vmT7ErWaab4IoWq_tBY_c
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.XfZTum_BiPZPCbcMv4_E3WrxdsBDv10LYcInClQhg_I
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.ualqQUyT1tT6XXv9wDFFkXqz98ojPOONhZ7fQojRWqo
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,830 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 78099 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,837 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10887ab70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108855198>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c9f469e8-7759-4f1f-95a7-0bbc7b38a9cf'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,845 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,862 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0ff9efd9-887e-4552-8f5d-5dce4459ff7a
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,864 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6337ce85-6d08-4aa2-a505-d72c8567dceb
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,866 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,870 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,871 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,906 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzF9.xXooE8tBigYYnHNv8CFHPEBVm0nKfbiF1KCIE3kDjpM
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.LI_f4boe1GiHw6pS-N1qbYyBSKaYV9LZi9zl1iM4_Nk
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,918 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.JkRHdIwzARQi6uNPVUP0XVOyMne0lxmngm9_2talrf8
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3MX0.Y8urBS-W__GRed3niJkFEGHvIVfPkhbbsPQhEVo9U-o
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,920 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,927 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b22e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086b2f98>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd0c73157-9dc9-4e20-b314-f1b085e8a4da'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,936 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 4bf3bac1-3f66-4dd4-82ba-07ca71058719
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bd433137-3d8b-4227-b969-b706f5327bda
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,961 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzJ9.XyRed4EJySsbchZveMfiFWn5e7oPE81JUZysCy4Eqxc
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.MLoQ1Y_yXNAGVFwJDjPqbkhOw7ej7bEXnscFPS76PwE
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.sQdtxcuXGCI-H4620jGng_0ynFrIazgW-JGoiPJeq2Q
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,009 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.lyRDGqo6LQ-E83JIRD2yIC7F8UuU_CHThWk4OvI8Oic
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,009 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,017 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085ebba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108873208>) | {'eng_uuid': '4ddb2b59-76f3-4e33-84fc-96cb444ca613'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,024 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,039 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,050 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1e8f74f1-9037-424a-840a-d811da4dbe42
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bc8b2477-d18a-46ef-bc0d-91ecd8b40808
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,054 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,056 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,058 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,058 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,059 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,091 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.RzKcrka-PZMbczBw2HgXXCVUR5zdmNKaSTu8ByQfRtc
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.a-8d9gMHdP1v2ideTy8tKxEX-h_t7HKVEVylqSLXysE
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,104 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 78099 140736909169600 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,111 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10879c710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10879ccc0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,115 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,411 ERROR engagement 83 78099 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,415 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 eb4049f5-d6f3-47f4-ab07-b39d76b4be7e
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8f62ec49-a541-4332-a2bd-fc93c6a13c7a
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,417 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,419 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,420 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,459 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.NyhfTYyD_M6sJACJULRaLJg5ABL3K_cpJuJm6QN7yFE
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Mn0.c_5rmgWW9A3mmURP0ryds4xNT9PZMWUS9wKxgGHnmRY
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,460 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,467 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d02080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10886a550>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,471 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,558 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,564 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088a9748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b2d668>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,568 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,635 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 78099 140736909169600 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,641 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b2deb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a201d0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,645 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,706 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 78099 140736909169600 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,707 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,712 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,749 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,751 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 78099 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 78099 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,931 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,933 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,934 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 78099 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,937 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,938 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,940 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,941 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,942 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 78099 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,989 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c29c77a6-2363-4478-b29d-2921ec538058
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6a4472a6-3097-4f5e-b9e9-1af2ee301bc9
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,991 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,033 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.BWiWzlnj5AKgbrz3QKXP8zi3YZ84ZCM2-ne5RpKAkaw
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,052 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c29828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107929dd8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,062 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,069 DEBUG views_helper 309 78099 140736909169600 Found VF name=v1iYW
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 987f084b-d7af-4a0e-8bdf-57cc61de768a
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,077 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 46a633da-fae0-48d6-95f4-104db47d07b8
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,125 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.SdDKwmJuHF1GAqWDo7XghiQz7srNvEQmQ4lM6qzh0ow
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,130 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10796e3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10796eef0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,140 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,145 DEBUG views_helper 309 78099 140736909169600 Found VF name=JHu9L
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,147 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8f2349fe-4f85-4711-97f0-7285ad45b934
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a83f7de3-5285-43e2-9ac7-bc9eb19f1b3f
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,154 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.esXsgQhR2Pw-LO99YlsmUoP6b5FHg7mMJ2ehgKxhqyI
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,207 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085af128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1082ee0f0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,218 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,225 DEBUG views_helper 309 78099 140736909169600 Found VF name=k7GEf
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,230 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c95c4803-9ca5-42d5-a18a-fe4a029fb5d9
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 aa0c94a6-3e97-444c-ba4e-5c190743a965
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,259 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,264 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.qoAqFIPo48aBqc0y6lSTUW_AChvmlWll0FVZ4rfc_UA
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,283 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c49630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107929630>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,298 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,304 DEBUG views_helper 309 78099 140736909169600 Found VF name=8Bhmk
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,305 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,305 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,306 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,312 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,317 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bb4740fb-9c36-40b1-bed8-ba44fddfd74f
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 d833fbcb-422c-4c82-816f-74b811b7b23c
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,319 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,377 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,390 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.fAzG8qXVSb6UKCpl11A1-kxQVnCLOcfwZJqHUJ6PGfg
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.8_rLVEMSx-VQLe61Jr6z5IXNvUCk0dnfzYmz9phAzCM
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.fm1mfKipqwC9X_PdUT7oF5S7wrS5G-aG2ANBOB2hx2I
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,393 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,397 DEBUG nextstep_service 212 78099 140736909169600 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,397 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,402 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,411 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10790f0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e53ac8>) | {'eng_uuid': '80a1297b-7a4f-4cb6-ace1-17fbddadd785', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,422 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,443 DEBUG nextsteps 69 78099 140736909169600 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=80a1297b-7a4f-4cb6-ace1-17fbddadd785 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0ed60e43-796f-4136-8a71-ff5d732b066f
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 650511c9-5760-42db-b364-11da7b1635b9
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,486 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,498 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ._AYAWOKDv5b0Zi1oRPhsJLV2dpJuexlqw5G6kP0d3Ok
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.RGbJ9JJ8cjV1QSvbfsEkmx0ZVNBy0RO2_ljMwAx1n6c
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.tymoSqpBFdivjWs6MzG-RsiAHrHyTtuVDK_SYgSk7-k
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,520 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,524 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,527 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,530 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,540 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079f7d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079f75c0>) | {'eng_uuid': '4e958caf-4827-44a1-884c-347797936bde', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,549 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,586 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108248e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a02f98>) | {'ns_uuid': 'a66886e1-116d-4293-a350-f19f9b6d3fd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,595 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,596 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 78099 140736909169600 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Incomplete to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,597 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,605 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4f978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a4f358>) | {'ns_uuid': 'a66886e1-116d-4293-a350-f19f9b6d3fd5', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,613 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,614 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 78099 140736909169600 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Incomplete
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,615 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,619 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bacbb18f-a312-4da3-aa9e-fd7d4bed3b3a
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b47a7ed5-12e9-4402-acbc-2c0713e0cbda
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,621 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,623 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,658 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,667 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.JdgiN_zxnI9XtIExvjsy45W4OIRb3-3-9xFXH2GudNY
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.VvLuK-1sdxvSRKNXk4iv_8IhqCrdijPnJMAfsWhIlyg
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.DMLRz6LY7-vgbzIvIctHHVMrD3B9oqcShvdVWEhXCtY
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,694 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,698 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,702 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,706 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,715 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079d3d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a20e80>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd4b20c1e-1861-4e9d-90a2-d839d317b614', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,722 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,724 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,728 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c2c280ad-6602-490d-92d9-4c29f6513155
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,730 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b778dc56-7374-423c-8ffa-f6b10ba26814
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,730 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,731 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,732 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,733 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,767 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,772 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,781 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,786 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,794 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.F4kTPWKgEwNwIvm-hLaWEA2lI5RPu6jDCngu5zBzm0A
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,796 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.ed_UIYuUo03TXEaSBs2CbH6FivthABh3jI3VaOzuhzY
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.z-VP_dl9Wtj1UKOrSwlaC3sTrngUbQycCtNtFBMNFaI
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,798 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,802 DEBUG nextstep_service 212 78099 140736909169600 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,802 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,805 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,816 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085af7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a12a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '91633911-b388-49f3-bdfe-9eace0cc461c', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,824 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,847 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,848 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ef7712f1-0f84-4b1a-b704-bbf46608f868
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,851 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ed548dd4-8b8d-4cdb-a00d-1477637cdda7
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,851 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,854 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,908 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.1_hqR2kafSpzSDLa1cpRvUEBumjaWdZ-G9Phw5Gzcpg
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.ZzOzsb0JIag9FSZ61nae_SKeSVgs9G_KAuBYM4G_t9Y
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDczfQ.6NZbkFBDMMC0Buhz3SsgA0b5JQu59oNaoxl-C1G8D4c
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,936 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f17f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f17908>) | {'ns_uuid': '22977f73-4701-4bb1-b0a3-08200dafecf3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,945 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,951 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,952 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1e61554a-1614-4ab6-b27c-6c423fae2956
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 5784533e-136e-448c-889d-3b2c9760151b
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,956 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,022 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.p37Lw0ntmdNi-h7Umg6P9ALPmwgY7cCYVKtKFJqcMf4
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,023 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.qh6jYy0byFW4E5AG49vNHZU1AkGvfxpB2GfGCpfrzok
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,025 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.yzzfVzYmPRnX9yngCxmKwoTQR97BwIBPhiFf1ByQTmY
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,031 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079dfd68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079df8d0>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': 'd00349f1-3632-42a8-b791-8a4341e6c0ca'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,045 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bb735e16-4f1a-4601-bbc6-2298c459944c
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,066 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bfafbd18-2c01-4b31-8d9a-a9fad25111c8
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,067 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,068 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,133 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.rFlWlJ4PPdxl4MiTD7GSwVmWwTuuaASxWH1oweKYi-8
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.g8UGc7DqRKFREC0BUtstm4996DWv9zhKo5C3yCS8Wmw
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.uEnxO8c1RikV-iXnyVoIN-AXJyf9ykvFmFER3U6FjuA
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,136 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,137 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,139 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 d3b0e7d8-987b-4764-91d5-fb8b4f795778
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1d3f57c1-3812-44e3-8aed-cf2e4e68b8ef
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,140 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,193 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.0E1oGEmu8lInSQG5JhL8NhMWVny7jJm1oqtclzXqi8M
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,210 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.XyZfA_NcCYGLUyB0T2YFLOH_T4ncCEOG0MmdKUrftOM
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.mS-lBCS3MswcQuSjq3yL3ygJCfG6jHCUjU79EQF-WU4
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,213 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,214 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,214 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,214 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,217 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 2e605f20-9741-4ab0-b138-5b31bceb2736
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,219 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 102bb290-56d4-4d0e-bc1d-edfe28328e1d
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,263 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,277 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,282 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,290 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.0RBYC6CuOuZxTNFhz_-U3rAt0vZ_FU-FiE7kiD9mknE
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.jUmcX2DDZTQ8BACJpto1xIClsAmwYtsUy2NRUdMwBbA
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.odNvH4Py948W7XWNNkoJIRV1V9dy7E6VQi5yJyf5Cao
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,300 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871c748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085afd68>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,311 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,315 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,321 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4f630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079f75f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,330 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,333 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,340 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a12cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c49e10>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,350 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,354 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,360 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082eec88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10790f198>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,371 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,379 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107e53940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10796ef98>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,387 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,392 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10831db38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10831d630>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,400 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b40fe662-d8b1-49d7-813a-d15e16c63e7e
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,407 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0cbc8ffc-0deb-4935-a4b6-41b948b39ee8
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,463 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,468 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,477 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.K3wEtDzgaBxqJnQhf6yDFAAqfKfpGCzqcEu_tgFkysg
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,479 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.aOuwzzI1xNPMM1vSoDbouluWtcUrEFsKoVTgSK44w7g
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,481 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.yqdOp9XEnV1k_1XYxvh1AnvRFh4rN3H_cbUei4HgyrE
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,481 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,484 DEBUG nextstep_service 212 78099 140736909169600 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,484 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,488 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 78099 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,498 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f171d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f17470>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f40550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f407b8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,529 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 e3d41828-f990-42fa-a0b2-c658418c5b32
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,534 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 3179c7a6-bf42-49b2-b451-682d4623aa37
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,535 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,536 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,537 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,557 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'h8LFr'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoiUkE2WEBEVU5ELmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiUkE2WEBEVU5ELmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NH0.lrZ4FBM2HiBb1yBERZuro9EykhQR2SPB-KaptVHSaYE
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,567 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 78099 140736909169600 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,567 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 78099 140736909169600 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,578 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 78099 140736909169600 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,578 DEBUG activity_log 157 78099 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,578 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,584 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085afa90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107955b00>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,584 DEBUG notifications 77 78099 140736909169600 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,588 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,588 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 78099 140736909169600 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,589 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 78099 140736909169600 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,589 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,594 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 44eda3d6-a532-48d2-8911-de60e39085cc
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,601 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8a17c8ee-dad4-467c-81bc-7f990a14ecc7
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,604 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,678 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.Cu4tba7NNN4qR14eGUeYP91Y2l2EoQooZ_qnVCg4XQw
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.EbtglVGt7jcGXTUgn5paUtgd_d2QY53bHy_HCttbCEo
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,698 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NH0.qDZLjmiFeUCNoxZwhtWM-sR4mqvKxDrsR40HAR2YhxM
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,711 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077a8b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10779ba58>) | {'checklistUuid': 'f5d86fa0-f538-4595-9190-d5d82bf2ca31'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,719 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,719 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,730 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085bddd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085bdf28>) | {'checklistUuid': 'f5d86fa0-f538-4595-9190-d5d82bf2ca31'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,740 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,741 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,748 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 509c0f93-ec19-464f-819c-c4f94f8b3934
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 90732971-9df1-458e-8be8-7b25b5b1fc67
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,752 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,754 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.k2WHAofLws4zL6YYD_qWcV_EdyZW6X2XUoojHyePJ2g
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,841 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.68GdCmm5sO9qOmQwvRbrCTwKHOdCR2p78YH9yC1MOn0
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NH0.n4oJmZccqqpFdFLxCroQEpiLSRcm05ACGlIuRcKHN84
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,843 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 90 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,843 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,843 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,844 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 102 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,844 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,844 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,844 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 106 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,844 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,852 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f40c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f409e8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'fa6beade-c80b-455e-84d7-8c50716e5904'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,861 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,861 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,873 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107704e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079ecb00>) | {'checklistUuid': 'fa6beade-c80b-455e-84d7-8c50716e5904'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,880 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,880 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,887 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,890 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 88b73661-5459-47cb-b4a6-69966334ba56
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 f81cded9-e593-4b32-9b73-4d4e21130eba
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,893 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,893 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.jPVTa7znje4h0qDvtVOEJ5JP9nurZHda-ZFgW7H1ZPU
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,917 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,917 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,918 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,918 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,919 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 98a9ef58-54f6-470e-879c-bbe9b0b9e8ec
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8ab3fbf7-512b-40d2-aa2f-1dd63312168f
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,925 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDAsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.E8caqtKJrsFb3H2s83h4Zsa7NDEXa2_NhQr258kk5tY
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,942 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107988828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f179e8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,944 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,945 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,946 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 e9094334-36a6-4831-8c72-4cd48dc543ae
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 6941c426-080e-403f-b74d-f0bf62eda714
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,953 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,954 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,954 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,956 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.stPyqfb9wL5kUrmO2Af9SvNGXtv2kM2ClHQIP56p-y0
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,973 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079f7a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c49e80>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,974 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 21ce9709-dd69-4c8f-94de-6d68d08e2ea7
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,979 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 22f951df-f2a0-40af-8778-b6396af56bdc
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,979 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,982 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,983 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc0fQ.kNKQpI9JuLuwMXCcb1A7o3Q83hQOAUdxvRl2lceADYE
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,999 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a12390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e53dd8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,035 INFO user 140 78099 140736909169600 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=14625091-7e65-4f92-833c-30e52eee6666 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,036 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,041 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 f05bd1ac-9a15-4a2f-a725-19a583497e82
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,047 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 79f17ec9-d85d-422d-9e59-4b01eb6b13f0
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,048 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,049 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,049 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDMsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc1fQ.WezLd_fd1ACkUMkMmeZ9xJCszAIqUrKMMzXHn0mRP9g
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,070 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107917048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079ac588>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,073 ERROR user 61 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,074 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 ef5b89b9-a84d-474c-89a9-e0fff06471c0
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,077 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 7daf6134-1cce-4b21-86e7-1d1653041641
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,078 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc1fQ.e4wQvOUcBDBqKcVA331HaYUlBuFjEpmrEcLctFA89f4
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,098 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,098 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,099 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,099 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8e0ec441-27a0-49ae-8199-e94ccaa031c2
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 7a7f7923-2962-48ab-abd1-9d417664e874
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,103 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,123 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc1fQ.Tj0_1PaFFG90dNODm9HdgxKN-crY-PYyF8vrxMa5Cvg
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,131 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079ea898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10798f390>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,178 INFO user 89 78099 140736909169600 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=c7333c43-cb40-4a90-a0fa-907a95573ce2
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,183 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 fdc42904-e75a-44d1-8131-4ac798bd90a7
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,187 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a697600b-6a2e-4077-be01-ce6536f008a0
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,204 DEBUG testVFC 22 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,205 DEBUG testVFC 23 78099 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,205 DEBUG testVFC 24 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 07da8b5e-ae8b-4f35-b846-784522f67fb4
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,205 DEBUG testVFC 25 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: pfBI2
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,205 DEBUG testVFC 26 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,214 DEBUG testVFC 28 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,214 DEBUG testVFC 29 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,214 DEBUG testVFC 30 78099 140736909169600 UUID: fe66eed8-538b-4a13-9d80-95d598161eda
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,214 DEBUG testVFC 31 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: 5aEkJ
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,214 DEBUG testVFC 32 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,224 DEBUG testVFC 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,224 DEBUG testVFC 39 78099 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,224 DEBUG testVFC 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 393c6788-6d9f-4bd1-b06c-23079f0d477e
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,224 DEBUG testVFC 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: 8UJes
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,224 DEBUG testVFC 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,225 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yewFP'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,233 DEBUG testVFC 50 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,233 DEBUG testVFC 51 78099 140736909169600 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,233 DEBUG testVFC 52 78099 140736909169600 UUID: ac4bccc9-48f8-42f5-908e-4903357848a7
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,233 DEBUG testVFC 53 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,235 DEBUG testVFC 59 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,235 DEBUG testVFC 60 78099 140736909169600 Created VF:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,235 DEBUG testVFC 61 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 8f62ec49-a541-4332-a2bd-fc93c6a13c7a
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,236 DEBUG testVFC 62 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiTHN3dUBZTkdKLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiTHN3dUBZTkdKLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NX0.4-ptC0qnB6mFRH13TIVMdgAlBLbnQV9-Zk32J2MhuU8
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDYsImVtYWlsIjoiSmxFSEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJKbEVIQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzV9.P1Y2yh9ESbIJpBlI6VyH0HIzqUl2lEqzgUQSrXTXLvk
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,239 DEBUG testVFC 89 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,239 DEBUG testVFC 90 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,239 DEBUG testVFC 91 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,243 DEBUG testVFC 97 78099 140736909169600 1. YKEua
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,245 DEBUG testVFC 78 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,245 DEBUG testVFC 79 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,245 DEBUG testVFC 80 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,248 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 8900dbd2-c0a8-4bc9-9664-330db92c3fcc
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1cedda77-7260-4e43-ba6d-e10848266b25
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,251 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,262 DEBUG testVFC 22 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,262 DEBUG testVFC 23 78099 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,262 DEBUG testVFC 24 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 21eaee15-652f-4c33-b407-091e59a01d1a
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,262 DEBUG testVFC 25 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: ZoQW4
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,263 DEBUG testVFC 26 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,271 DEBUG testVFC 28 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,271 DEBUG testVFC 29 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,271 DEBUG testVFC 30 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 928d7969-f514-443b-9711-d345ce8b3c96
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,271 DEBUG testVFC 31 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: U2Zp3
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,271 DEBUG testVFC 32 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,279 DEBUG testVFC 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,279 DEBUG testVFC 39 78099 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,279 DEBUG testVFC 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 8f48bd7d-2766-4595-978b-d8589912716d
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,279 DEBUG testVFC 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: 1DyOE
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,279 DEBUG testVFC 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,279 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ocW1k'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,284 DEBUG testVFC 50 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,284 DEBUG testVFC 51 78099 140736909169600 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,284 DEBUG testVFC 52 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 6535be47-3bce-4ff5-a562-be7e5f218de7
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,284 DEBUG testVFC 53 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,286 DEBUG testVFC 59 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,286 DEBUG testVFC 60 78099 140736909169600 Created VF:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,287 DEBUG testVFC 61 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 8f62ec49-a541-4332-a2bd-fc93c6a13c7a
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,287 DEBUG testVFC 62 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,289 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYnNJVUBCV0NLLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYnNJVUBCV0NLLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NX0.QsOZVw0bWHcQ9VLwtZYRaUbd0VCayI3olGsTr0LiSgs
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDksImVtYWlsIjoidXRHNEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1dEc0QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzV9.5eQwPs-A30_V8XRPZlvk9_R5gTCo0RK8-qAOaKemqwQ
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,291 DEBUG testVFC 106 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,291 DEBUG testVFC 107 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,291 DEBUG testVFC 108 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,306 ERROR authorization_service 481 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,309 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107988710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107704e48>) | {'vf_uuid': '9bfba1fe-6301-4b38-97db-558ecdf250af'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,320 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testVFC 117 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 204
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testVFC 78 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testVFC 79 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testVFC 80 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b0a47149-9b1f-4cf9-a133-d3fc8b19f923
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,326 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 377921d3-05dd-4750-ba7e-ea91e8d59bc2
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,329 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,338 DEBUG testVFC 22 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,338 DEBUG testVFC 23 78099 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,338 DEBUG testVFC 24 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 6814565b-56bf-4986-bc9e-edded3680e56
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,338 DEBUG testVFC 25 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: MtZwk
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,339 DEBUG testVFC 26 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,348 DEBUG testVFC 28 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,348 DEBUG testVFC 29 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,348 DEBUG testVFC 30 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 45dfba89-91c9-4909-b052-89a5642e0ab0
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,348 DEBUG testVFC 31 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: iYG61
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,348 DEBUG testVFC 32 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,356 DEBUG testVFC 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,357 DEBUG testVFC 39 78099 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,357 DEBUG testVFC 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 30074e6b-a19f-403b-8f9e-c20e95e07ca7
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,357 DEBUG testVFC 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: 8eF4a
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,357 DEBUG testVFC 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'K1uOF'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,363 DEBUG testVFC 50 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,363 DEBUG testVFC 51 78099 140736909169600 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,363 DEBUG testVFC 52 78099 140736909169600 UUID: bbadb22e-35ce-4755-aea6-cc178d3d4d9b
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,363 DEBUG testVFC 53 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,365 DEBUG testVFC 59 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,365 DEBUG testVFC 60 78099 140736909169600 Created VF:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,365 DEBUG testVFC 61 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 8f62ec49-a541-4332-a2bd-fc93c6a13c7a
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,365 DEBUG testVFC 62 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTQsImVtYWlsIjoiWFNNYkBLS01SLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiWFNNYkBLS01SLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NX0.iSlnUsVcGVMrSAeB5yd0pGZdnzFbLxtQf87OGIJ6MsA
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZVRoTEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlVGhMQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTIwNzV9.1ZwCxPceB3jA3sQ1MR7g-z-BDw98a2708lJmagoJ8-A
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,369 DEBUG testVFC 125 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,369 DEBUG testVFC 126 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,369 DEBUG testVFC 127 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,380 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a205f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10794a208>) | {'vf_uuid': 'dbb07b05-4144-4a4c-803e-42b7af178aef'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,389 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testVFC 137 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testVFC 138 78099 140736909169600 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testVFC 139 78099 140736909169600 b'[{"uuid":"1dca2fe1-b9a3-4a1b-8e3b-5785f755c596","name":"bY3TB","external_ref_id":"2","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-28T12:54:35.372391Z","vf":"dbb07b05-4144-4a4c-803e-42b7af178aef","company":137,"creator":252},{"uuid":"a7601314-7027-43ce-b218-3805d0cdb06d","name":"5YGAP","external_ref_id":"2","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-28T12:54:35.370677Z","vf":"dbb07b05-4144-4a4c-803e-42b7af178aef","company":138,"creator":252}]'
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testVFC 78 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testVFC 79 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testVFC 80 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,394 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,404 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 05a87358-e45f-43d4-b020-48855d63a5d9
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 19a67b85-2149-4166-981d-7442b98b96c2
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 764ed51d-16d5-4ff0-a1be-c2e1ff405e14
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: EDVLf
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'B01lO'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,458 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WSeVU'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MA9zU'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UPqMG'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,483 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qF1Uu'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,495 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WmOxN'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JrXGs'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Lfu9N'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bEsZH'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'poLzO'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zimdb'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,555 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'dwjuO'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,564 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fv9sX'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cUuO3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NX0.MGf0UnpWvUVKE4ETN4SGrSj-vbyFnqcpNPYitykdia4
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,584 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,584 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 78099 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,584 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,592 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f40e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f40f60>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,610 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,610 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 78099 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"kO1KY","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"EUIQn","engagement__uuid":"24164a12-43f8-4459-891f-0fe53a5ab87f","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ec8902e1-9e34-4293-afb8-83c28fad9e73","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,610 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,610 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,611 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,611 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,614 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 fbbb1e36-92a5-47ed-9c18-7db4fc6f8940
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,616 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 a340efa5-0471-4004-acd1-d7b8e54fbe4d
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,649 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,649 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,649 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 5a2ac34d-617d-4784-8cac-302d7b382558
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,649 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: Fcv6a
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,649 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JPE1m'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JaZxi'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,672 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HG3Wv'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JoQMF'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,690 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'evdgU'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AsOIN'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,709 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Xebsk'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2sV8j'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iSevl'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'tW37p'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lp3ym'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KuqJR'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,766 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '15A3g'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sPnKx'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,784 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTksImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NX0.YVJb1x9ojLPpMiEydMY9UW_EIi0z5ZxyPseSMDxmppw
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,785 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,785 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 78099 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,785 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,791 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080a24a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080a2080>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 78099 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[],"num_of_objects":0}'
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 df582b5d-885b-4028-b815-4f703fdfd376
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,806 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 0e97d270-46fb-43de-8905-ed49c52fe326
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,806 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,808 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,837 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,837 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,837 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 2f0d5485-1ac2-47e6-9d02-f52c4b6e9428
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,837 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: 7HQKm
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,837 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,837 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RVa6z'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'iH69C'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'jc24Z'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,868 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2E5hG'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,876 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DLsaZ'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,885 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Ezu9a'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PyBCI'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'BXi47'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cRzsi'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oKH5z'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,933 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FPsxD'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'kujd3'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,954 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'LWpM4'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bvkhu'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3NX0.pEnc7H-sjnVxqj2XN8gq4vzUV4Vt3BKKaSjZtpwewls
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,975 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,975 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 78099 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,975 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,981 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e0e4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e0e080>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,996 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,996 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 78099 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"4zrtb","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"nToUI","engagement__uuid":"ee80ab8c-51e3-4914-98fc-99738c514f31","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"85b33243-8146-4e46-9ead-373172395e8b","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,997 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,997 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,997 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,997 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,998 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,999 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 55932a0f-2539-4ce7-9c6f-6ec6994d9488
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bbc7cdc5-f657-4232-8990-75228ca27588
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,001 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,002 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,002 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,004 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,031 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,031 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 78099 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,031 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 78099 140736909169600 UUID: 9b8ba624-2345-4bcd-9671-184157ddbfe3
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,031 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 78099 140736909169600 Full Name: ESoek
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,031 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 78099 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,031 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JLPIE'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'hDK68'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'SW8oZ'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,068 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'w8VPk'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '5zOok'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UjEGo'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '9pE0V'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KNQHO'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ofacq'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WSJiF'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,131 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QDIS1'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 's2KXd'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8bhyf'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,161 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'CWaQd'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,170 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,170 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,170 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 78099 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,170 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,176 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10888a400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10888a0f0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,205 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,205 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 78099 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"Bkn51","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"BRSDW","engagement__uuid":"c2e80e24-f33a-412a-949a-07bca8880311","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6eec2568-9ff8-4e46-9e37-61ead61839ed","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"JGjNr","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Lnhoc","engagement__uuid":"a89c74c0-55ae-40c3-a98f-87ee0bbb3af6","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"e1e6d1e7-b1d2-4897-8d11-82e7cb19c4f9","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"YmiZ5","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"gWFs2","engagement__uuid":"461fb2ad-0203-4504-a8dd-5f01ad8e2f96","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"dd34a77e-fc63-41bd-a68c-a648bfa4596d","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"jKEIz","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"6PTGC","engagement__uuid":"8654c136-b235-4610-94c5-2852b31ef54c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6276845b-6d17-4824-bd26-106819f760a2","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"ldDeI","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"qlY3N","engagement__uuid":"a8a399b7-a6fd-414c-80fe-02597b21fcc3","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"915a41ac-ee2d-40b0-bd8a-aa04d5bb921b","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"vNRnA","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"woBn9","engagement__uuid":"764309a7-bbb3-402b-b821-74ebf3c7f0ad","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"e7b4e1ce-29a8-4556-8f10-130eba408543","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"vPdO4","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"bELsa","engagement__uuid":"521edfaa-6428-4c60-9cfd-acba281f52f5","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6825ed14-56fb-4ef3-8334-fa21deb9604c","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,206 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,206 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,206 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,206 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 cd4b3615-068d-4e06-9477-b1e6a7ea3f17
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,218 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 70adef04-427a-4428-ae24-ab4b5fa48e61
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc2fQ.6tfQec3mSST4o9nFXt_rFrrGHJrL1hzPjKax7e1Byps
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,283 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.3RzHX2OJ1Q9D4gmrd8-8KffffkNfAbIufH-fiGv8oNE
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0._jpiTifTNtIwCvK3JOZVPVO0FgZOEBGwpnTrAXIjnPc
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,284 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 164 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,284 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 165 78099 140736909169600 Test 4 (Negative) started: admin removes el_user from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,284 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 166 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,285 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 175 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,285 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 176 78099 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,285 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 177 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,290 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079a8c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079a8630>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,299 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,304 ERROR engagement_service 612 78099 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,305 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,306 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 610, in put
+ remove_user_from_engagement_team(eng_uuid, user, requested_user_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 613, in remove_user_from_engagement_team
+ raise PermissionDenied
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,306 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,312 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108887eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f175c0>) | {'eng_uuid': '0e22955c-9aaf-451e-9c42-485ef4735abc'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,319 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,324 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 73b77378-4e2b-4a65-85c5-fcee288a4a8b and vf uuid: 84150e4d-d211-45a6-85a0-d6a05ca1bf3a
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,363 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,363 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,363 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,364 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,365 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,366 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 32376a4c-fca7-46e3-bf5b-e65a4862bed4
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,368 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 e4bfc48b-f4ac-416b-be6d-2bc6feff0f8c
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,369 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,370 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,370 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,371 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,415 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,422 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc2fQ.XfliaAkP_jAwZu80-k8XdDl1U2dnN2N6MKy1JEY0FAA
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,424 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzMsImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.xDziRJZWaBVorGCx4WF8cvkbIQ2ld7ICOZsCKFRSyfY
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.FgU63CuXAkQj3IAcOsDk5bUP6LnHKqJfKoskcJ4cONA
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 130 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 131 78099 140736909169600 Test 3 (Negative) started: User2 removes user1 from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 132 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 141 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 142 78099 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,425 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 143 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,431 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10852d940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079eca58>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR engagement_service 619 78099 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 DEBUG exception_handler 72 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,442 DEBUG exception_handler 73 78099 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 610, in put
+ remove_user_from_engagement_team(eng_uuid, user, requested_user_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 620, in remove_user_from_engagement_team
+ raise PermissionDenied
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,442 DEBUG exception_handler 74 78099 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,448 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079ec160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080a24a8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f34ebb7b-54d1-45e9-a49c-ef15b129f5f5'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,455 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,460 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 09d927d4-6f15-4ed7-b606-274f13eef0ab and vf uuid: 85b07209-01ae-472d-af0b-839ff8941bb9
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,496 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,496 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,496 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,499 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 c384e91e-3d09-44d9-8f40-a80e65ce98b3
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 760c530b-ee89-4699-9f71-4cc51356b314
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,503 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,504 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,505 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,554 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc2fQ.Bb8SoyRs8JM5fTafJ0oowWhBBEsHdXgP3yM8D6HYlOU
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,556 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzgsImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.nZjW9w5wfUjf1xmzMeY_sJRAMwWRsdpT3bvmjWp_fdA
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.U9QKt4VGJxoEBYEgQTRTaTc4k-9v7AGWq1jGdPuaq74
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,557 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 95 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,557 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 96 78099 140736909169600 Test 2 started: Admin removes user from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,557 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 97 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,557 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 106 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,558 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 107 78099 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,558 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 108 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,564 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d405f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d2e3c8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,573 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,579 DEBUG engagement_service 616 78099 140736909169600 User was successfully removed from the engagement team
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,584 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d2ed68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d2e438>) | {'eng_uuid': '5f9626e9-1d1c-4504-8ca2-4673c190304e'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,590 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,595 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: a1a1599a-9570-471e-8436-a9bfcc00ff25 and vf uuid: 9cce45c9-afe3-44ad-ac05-fef83ca6b74e
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,630 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,630 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,630 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,631 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 9a5cbe4a-c4b4-47c9-af1e-f71068bd68ec
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,634 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 7b4dbe84-6acf-4113-8624-8008a36dac0e
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,636 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,638 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,688 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODIsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc2fQ.DX0WVeAU1HAgZ5H9hOa3ybcdX7fMYP9x-5K-p8zwOXQ
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODMsImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.ja9ZY9ccbCfQF_V82lCuhi2cAJyr2709-Gj6sjDNHao
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,690 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.YGgBHQca4Z6beBcsy4E-6iuzKyiBJhn8iOqYDKWxkwQ
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,690 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 60 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,691 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 61 78099 140736909169600 Test 1 started: User removes himself from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,691 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 62 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,691 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 71 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,691 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 72 78099 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,691 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 73 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,697 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079ec7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f40e80>) | {}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,707 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,714 DEBUG engagement_service 616 78099 140736909169600 User was successfully removed from the engagement team
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,720 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10807c1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10852de48>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd81ebda5-e609-48d3-b62e-f49bc0012f35'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,727 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,732 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 4262b2a9-8f96-4adc-959c-7fd6ab1ea277 and vf uuid: 8650ddc2-5bdc-4279-9552-e2e8d4b8eccd
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,764 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,764 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,764 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,765 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,770 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,773 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 90e25589-b7c6-4fd8-9a23-8ffdce9c2910
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,775 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 1b311dc1-880e-4647-bb05-d64d09ecb6c5
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,779 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc2fQ.sGpnHiXrjZylipm7SxOX9kYFNnf7icKxFYTn9fvEmr8
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc2fQ.B3wyjtfYzm1gdiN0Ytt5eXKRIj2TSCsfvdQ5pn2ivJE
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3Nn0.egq7VD8hV3-LQ2cgrabEKfxoR-i_tGPuHteSLSJPKTk
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,826 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,826 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 78099 140736909169600 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,827 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,827 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,827 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,827 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,827 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,827 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,832 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080a2390>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10831d9b0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,840 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,854 DEBUG engagement_service 275 78099 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,860 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084bda90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e0e518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,867 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,873 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 42b4a86c-941e-4357-8e3c-1056b269d03b and vf uuid: 6c59496c-830b-4979-a33f-adf788594390
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,905 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 78099 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,905 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,905 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 78099 140736909169600 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,905 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,906 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 78099 140736909169600 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,906 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 78099 140736909169600 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,911 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ff9cc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ff9e48>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,922 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,933 DEBUG engagement_service 275 78099 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,939 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108554630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108554320>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,946 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,951 DEBUG engagement_service 110 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 42b4a86c-941e-4357-8e3c-1056b269d03b and vf uuid: 6c59496c-830b-4979-a33f-adf788594390
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 78099 140736909169600 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 78099 140736909169600 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 78099 140736909169600 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,985 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 78099 140736909169600 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,990 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ff9780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ff90b8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,000 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,012 DEBUG engagement_service 275 78099 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,019 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10794a2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10796eb70>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ece34494-3504-483c-a7df-d3a25e2c6f06'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,026 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,030 DEBUG engagement_service 110 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 42b4a86c-941e-4357-8e3c-1056b269d03b and vf uuid: 6c59496c-830b-4979-a33f-adf788594390
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 78099 140736909169600 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,065 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 b5b5237c-bf69-4528-a840-fa3e0888728b
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 eda48041-6e7b-4cd9-97dd-d637fb61fa63
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,071 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,071 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,121 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc3fQ.9vw1WMoxQKaMwSf0WqzAc2DUmFFz2p-OW8-2FEnEIfc
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,122 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc3fQ.K6Blocr_9N8DZ3qPTkvXzLmKjU_H7OY98Z1sAiOh0TM
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,124 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3N30.qEByYJfMS3nD_QJXVAioa4WUF1nUFuFzPp106_9ngjg
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,124 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,124 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 78099 140736909169600 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,125 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,125 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,125 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,125 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,125 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,125 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,131 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fe0cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079434a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,143 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,155 DEBUG engagement_service 275 78099 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,161 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107988c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10807fda0>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,166 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,174 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 11033252-1993-490b-bc4f-cb97a9fbf829 and vf uuid: 4fac04e7-afb9-4279-92ba-5bcbbe340765
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,212 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fe0198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079ec748>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,220 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,221 DEBUG activity_log 105 78099 140736909169600 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,225 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 78099 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,225 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,225 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 78099 140736909169600 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,225 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,225 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 78099 140736909169600 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,225 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 78099 140736909169600 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,233 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107268860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084bdac8>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,244 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,257 DEBUG engagement_service 275 78099 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,264 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079eae48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10804e828>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,270 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,275 DEBUG engagement_service 110 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 11033252-1993-490b-bc4f-cb97a9fbf829 and vf uuid: 4fac04e7-afb9-4279-92ba-5bcbbe340765
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,311 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 78099 140736909169600 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,311 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,311 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 78099 140736909169600 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,311 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,311 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 78099 140736909169600 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,311 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 78099 140736909169600 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,318 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107773048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e01908>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,329 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,342 DEBUG engagement_service 275 78099 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,348 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ff92b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ff90f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '8d218077-6021-4bec-8d1f-1d34f992e17c'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,354 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,360 DEBUG engagement_service 110 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 11033252-1993-490b-bc4f-cb97a9fbf829 and vf uuid: 4fac04e7-afb9-4279-92ba-5bcbbe340765
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,394 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 78099 140736909169600 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,395 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,395 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,395 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,395 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,396 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,397 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 298e402c-a05b-4cb7-b2f8-4d8dcd3944eb
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,399 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 295eec11-71f9-4622-807f-a11adc476ef8
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,401 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,402 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,402 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,403 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,403 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc3fQ.ZZQtWG7O7t8Zev7sqZmxOAAVwBa_5_wCt-BV1MDfdrE
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc3fQ.vqQVaNUM4BGVaykZWupSg6E3amQJ20ED4QPQZ53t0NU
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjA3N30.M4_Hdz1e2yUtuCeTS-DCcLnsOqZMvAb6pxdTAxO9w6U
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 78099 140736909169600 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,454 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 78099 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,455 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,455 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 78099 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,460 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fdd240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f40630>) | {'eng_uuid': '09222498-ca29-4b82-84f4-50e049a473a6', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,470 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 09222498-ca29-4b82-84f4-50e049a473a6 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,477 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10790fd68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10796e898>) | {'eng_uuid': '09222498-ca29-4b82-84f4-50e049a473a6'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,482 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,489 DEBUG engagement_service 116 78099 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: d7c8cabb-d726-406a-a0e9-e974f3552787 and vf uuid: 71ffc1cd-3912-44f8-bd3e-a1b8e17b2ace
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,524 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 78099 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,525 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,525 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 78099 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,525 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 78099 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,536 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 3f019294-eda8-4ca2-afa7-d5cd7c4c9a80
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,538 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 4545e11c-91f2-403c-bc82-f8d04a90841e
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,541 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,542 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78099 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzkyMDc3fQ.sspQYoDcfrzZePFPLVOc5ZY6clMhkrDlsUJ5t9L8fMk
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,612 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,620 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,630 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 73ee3799-1c4e-485e-875e-cbe9e35618cd
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,632 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78099 140736909169600 bbb6d6f8-9a10-42a6-b52d-3a5bfb404dbd
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,632 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,633 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,633 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,634 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,635 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,710 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,710 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,710 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78099 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,711 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 78099 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,717 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 78099 140736909169600 1153b7b9-10ac-47cf-a037-cb7a55b03e79
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,719 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 78099 140736909169600 016fd754-d621-4a72-a9a0-8c2e5b943ca0
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,720 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 78099 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,778 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108347898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083429b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '3f450e30-69ce-4ced-a1fd-2bea55abcdaf'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,789 DEBUG auth 51 78099 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,792 DEBUG engagement_service 82 78099 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 3f450e30-69ce-4ced-a1fd-2bea55abcdaf
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,810 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,817 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145435377664 START - test 0
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,829 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108366eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a4f470>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd01a9b82-d5d7-4ecf-95c1-564f1088c7ee'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,837 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: d01a9b82-d5d7-4ecf-95c1-564f1088c7ee isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,849 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e0efd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10796ecf8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd01a9b82-d5d7-4ecf-95c1-564f1088c7ee'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,857 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,863 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145435377664 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: d01a9b82-d5d7-4ecf-95c1-564f1088c7ee
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,875 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145435377664 END - test 0
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,875 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145435377664 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1079df470>
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,892 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145435377664 START - test 1
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,905 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080a2160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c49320>) | {'eng_uuid': '247ec463-1aac-4d81-9654-f09e7959969f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,914 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 247ec463-1aac-4d81-9654-f09e7959969f isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,924 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f40e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e012b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '247ec463-1aac-4d81-9654-f09e7959969f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,932 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,938 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145435377664 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 247ec463-1aac-4d81-9654-f09e7959969f
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,952 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145435377664 END - test 1
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,952 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145435377664 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1079df470>
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,972 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145440632832 START - test 2
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,985 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145440632832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107268668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107fedc88>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bffe0929-1b22-4cfe-ac6a-f75c5597269f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,994 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145440632832 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: bffe0929-1b22-4cfe-ac6a-f75c5597269f isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,008 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145440632832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108390710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f401d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bffe0929-1b22-4cfe-ac6a-f75c5597269f'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,016 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145440632832 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,022 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145440632832 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: bffe0929-1b22-4cfe-ac6a-f75c5597269f
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,031 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145440632832 END - test 2
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,031 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145440632832 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108390b70>
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,051 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145435377664 START - test 3
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,065 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10798f550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107917278>) | {'eng_uuid': '646e5695-8e68-439c-ac4b-3eb0342291e4'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,074 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 646e5695-8e68-439c-ac4b-3eb0342291e4 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,086 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4f0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f174a8>) | {'eng_uuid': '646e5695-8e68-439c-ac4b-3eb0342291e4'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,095 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,102 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145435377664 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 646e5695-8e68-439c-ac4b-3eb0342291e4
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,110 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145435377664 END - test 3
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,110 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145435377664 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1079df470>
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,123 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,129 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145445888000 START - test 4
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,140 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145445888000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ff9668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108342240>) | {'eng_uuid': '40eca2f7-9a08-4cf9-ad82-15ec8f638bf8'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,153 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145445888000 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 40eca2f7-9a08-4cf9-ad82-15ec8f638bf8 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,165 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145445888000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107943710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e53358>) | {'eng_uuid': '40eca2f7-9a08-4cf9-ad82-15ec8f638bf8'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,175 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145445888000 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,181 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145445888000 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 40eca2f7-9a08-4cf9-ad82-15ec8f638bf8
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,190 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145445888000 END - test 4
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,190 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145445888000 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107943748>
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,208 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145440632832 START - test 5
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,221 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145440632832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fc1358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079ac278>) | {'eng_uuid': '8a907c51-3e6e-4e85-a9ee-3a07d62ff468'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,229 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145440632832 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 8a907c51-3e6e-4e85-a9ee-3a07d62ff468 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,236 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145440632832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10798f358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10852de80>) | {'eng_uuid': '8a907c51-3e6e-4e85-a9ee-3a07d62ff468'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,245 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145440632832 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,252 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145440632832 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 8a907c51-3e6e-4e85-a9ee-3a07d62ff468
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,261 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145440632832 END - test 5
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,261 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145440632832 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108390b70>
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,281 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145451143168 START - test 6
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,297 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145451143168 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083770b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083776a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '9a0d5959-32f5-492a-aef9-4e43d3fb03f1'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,306 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145451143168 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 9a0d5959-32f5-492a-aef9-4e43d3fb03f1 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,316 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145451143168 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e01f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10807c470>) | {'eng_uuid': '9a0d5959-32f5-492a-aef9-4e43d3fb03f1'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,360 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145451143168 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,366 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145451143168 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 9a0d5959-32f5-492a-aef9-4e43d3fb03f1
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,376 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145451143168 END - test 6
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,376 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145451143168 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108390400>
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,393 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145435377664 START - test 7
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,408 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077ce748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077ced30>) | {'eng_uuid': '2f77da91-f75f-4120-a696-f2f808581368'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,419 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 2f77da91-f75f-4120-a696-f2f808581368 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,427 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145435377664 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c9f518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b3e0b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '2f77da91-f75f-4120-a696-f2f808581368'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,436 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145435377664 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,443 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145435377664 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 2f77da91-f75f-4120-a696-f2f808581368
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,453 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145435377664 END - test 7
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,453 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145435377664 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x1079df470>
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,466 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,473 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145456398336 START - test 8
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,485 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145456398336 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d76e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d76160>) | {'eng_uuid': '17ef3c14-69fb-4562-9dd7-dec8cbac80bb'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,493 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145456398336 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 17ef3c14-69fb-4562-9dd7-dec8cbac80bb isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,502 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145456398336 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088129e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085bd550>) | {'eng_uuid': '17ef3c14-69fb-4562-9dd7-dec8cbac80bb'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,514 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145456398336 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,520 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145456398336 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 17ef3c14-69fb-4562-9dd7-dec8cbac80bb
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,529 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145456398336 END - test 8
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,529 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145456398336 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107e9b128>
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78099 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,547 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 78099 123145445888000 START - test 9
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,559 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145445888000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c9fbe0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10857ed30>) | {'eng_uuid': 'dcc6ba2a-f70f-409c-b2f9-7313152372ab'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,568 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145445888000 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: dcc6ba2a-f70f-409c-b2f9-7313152372ab isn't valid
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,575 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 78099 123145445888000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107904dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108582748>) | {'eng_uuid': 'dcc6ba2a-f70f-409c-b2f9-7313152372ab'}
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,582 DEBUG auth 51 78099 123145445888000 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,590 DEBUG engagement_service 64 78099 123145445888000 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: dcc6ba2a-f70f-409c-b2f9-7313152372ab
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,600 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 78099 123145445888000 END - test 9
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,600 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 78099 123145445888000 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107943748>
+2017-03-28 12:54:43,068 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 78099 140736909169600 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Incomplete
+2017-03-28 12:54:43,071 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 78099 140736909169600 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Incomplete to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-28 12:54:43,071 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 78099 140736909169600 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Incomplete
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,334 ERROR api 54 78319 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,335 INFO apps 29 78319 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,386 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78319 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78319 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,511 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 78319 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 78319 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 78319 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 78319 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 78319 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78319 140736909169600 027911b3-38de-4c7d-b501-2cfd2fec9f97
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,526 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 78319 140736909169600 075fc4d4-709c-4a65-9746-1d65f4558a84
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,530 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,577 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,583 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 78319 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78319 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjE3N30.BsFXMHsxRy1sphOBs59d6SbfyBN5Prj1EXVNsnuQFq8
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,598 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78319 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjE3N30.nyip3ce3uM1lw-JQDxZKe33h8O9cC_HBz_pF0Xe8uG8
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 78319 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MjE3N30.s5XcmAuAm4p1hr2oXnxjBASAuJkyfAu-HjfzkIrmRsw
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 78319 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 78319 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 78319 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,572 ERROR api 54 79217 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,574 INFO apps 29 79217 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,626 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,684 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79217 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79217 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 79217 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 79217 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 79217 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 79217 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,361 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 79217 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,369 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 79217 140736909169600 85e1a7a5-e3b3-4398-b441-4491be0c236e
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 79217 140736909169600 37f8aff4-adaf-43d6-914d-2b44e644f1be
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,372 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79217 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79217 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79217 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79217 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 79217 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5Mjc4MH0.cBT-cQlabRz-zyC_pSK0ke51_3jm8os7uHnuGzJ7OtQ
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 79217 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5Mjc4MH0.VmOihvWvUL_Pq6u6SwT_HpzTooun0eUFTqwDC0xoGqM
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 79217 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTI3ODB9.kNF3-sBx5S5hpvTwk15JjivtPU3v6dpGo_ik-_i8208
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,549 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 79217 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1072852e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087566d8>) | {'checklistUuid': '459ca29f-3b6e-464c-83c0-c48b50fdbced'}
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,557 INFO authorization_service 133 79217 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,558 DEBUG auth 51 79217 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,569 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 79217 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088f0860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088df9b0>) | {'checklistUuid': '459ca29f-3b6e-464c-83c0-c48b50fdbced'}
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,576 INFO authorization_service 133 79217 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,576 DEBUG auth 51 79217 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 79217 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 79217 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,578 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 79217 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,219 ERROR api 54 79952 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,221 INFO apps 29 79952 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,295 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,296 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,297 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,299 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,300 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79952 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79952 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,422 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 79952 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 79952 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,463 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 79952 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,522 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,523 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,524 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,525 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,526 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,526 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 79952 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 79952 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 79952 140736909169600 1e5efdb7-310b-4957-88ad-a6babf1add3b
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 79952 140736909169600 00cba534-2c28-444b-97ad-629c57949441
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79952 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,971 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79952 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79952 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 79952 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 79952 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MzMzNn0.7YBl2Ng6l6tdW211jTA4cl1SvhvQQXGGeX4OcSRi3eE
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 79952 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MzMzNn0.cpiVmuUnUTEq6FzFXd4YWZBeBVLRroRG_II4HI5IjpU
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,062 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 79952 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTMzMzZ9.tPpUoizbsrrSlpL7MLeIBcHDVvQH-XqnBcoE6Jt3750
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,139 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 79952 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108be9c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bdf828>) | {'checklistUuid': '5df32631-7406-4430-885c-5edd514912f7'}
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,147 INFO authorization_service 133 79952 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,148 DEBUG auth 51 79952 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,160 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 79952 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10858e6d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085beeb8>) | {'checklistUuid': '5df32631-7406-4430-885c-5edd514912f7'}
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,167 INFO authorization_service 133 79952 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,167 DEBUG auth 51 79952 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 79952 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 79952 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 79952 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,430 ERROR api 54 80133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,431 INFO apps 29 80133 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,461 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,468 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,570 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 80133 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 80133 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 80133 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 80133 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 80133 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 80133 140736909169600 998fb5fa-fe31-4bea-9a6f-e1af374d802d
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 80133 140736909169600 eef275fb-43b5-4b20-80fc-e1accd4850c7
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,016 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80133 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MzQ1MH0.hR5QLkwEfAxmohzzLBCpNLCvsomm8VRHvjqynnRyktU
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80133 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MzQ1MH0.z_U02rozC0dcyKHLH6L9Q9S4liGtnTIIgh7jjVMGUU0
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80133 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTM0NTB9.Adlm3fN-HSCoQbce1B2CW0U2jWG9cu23ZRiG9iAsyT8
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,163 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80133 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108193fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081820f0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'e5778524-26be-4f49-ab57-62f32a1b6c8d'}
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,172 INFO authorization_service 133 80133 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,172 DEBUG auth 51 80133 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,183 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80133 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a7a278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10866c3c8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'e5778524-26be-4f49-ab57-62f32a1b6c8d'}
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,190 INFO authorization_service 133 80133 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,190 DEBUG auth 51 80133 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 80133 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80133 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,193 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80133 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,329 ERROR api 54 80492 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,331 INFO apps 29 80492 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,386 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,388 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,391 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,392 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,397 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80492 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80492 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 80492 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 80492 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,563 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 80492 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 80492 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 80492 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,358 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 80492 140736909169600 68547847-7b80-4bff-83d6-1564e8a69a3e
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 80492 140736909169600 ff27780a-962c-4714-b893-be7012c05fce
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,360 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80492 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,362 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80492 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,363 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80492 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80492 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80492 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MzY5MH0.yFEcnKN2ofb3-rxGUrqIDWFGxa-G80tUubiEHJOHvuM
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80492 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5MzY5MH0.S9yG_W0_N5jv0DEfGM1xtBFJCHLExnBoVt4eOk3apPM
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80492 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTM2OTB9.QGAH_sJT0elVlP6efcCX6_zo-9q_urgA-lMV3j73GAk
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,541 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80492 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b7f518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088fc940>) | {'checklistUuid': '003bfdf8-6636-4d3d-9e17-450fa206ee94'}
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,550 INFO authorization_service 133 80492 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,551 DEBUG auth 51 80492 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,563 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80492 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ac7b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad8c18>) | {'checklistUuid': '003bfdf8-6636-4d3d-9e17-450fa206ee94'}
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,570 INFO authorization_service 133 80492 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,570 DEBUG auth 51 80492 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 80492 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80492 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80492 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,184 ERROR api 54 80911 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,185 INFO apps 29 80911 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,217 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,226 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,235 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80911 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80911 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 80911 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 80911 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,398 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,399 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,401 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,402 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 80911 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 80911 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 80911 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 80911 140736909169600 8085b8d3-311f-42a0-833b-bfb146072dee
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,625 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 80911 140736909169600 aed5db28-07c0-4184-b127-f8d5f5a93d20
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80911 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,628 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80911 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80911 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80911 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,714 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80911 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5Mzk1OH0.tjyqeKZRhN9InSIpzafUxZP3UFWKkONXGUXczwQK_iQ
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80911 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5Mzk1OH0.7O_Ny5g5QeUYzEVpbX51-GVD34xrFtCWdowLLWdouU4
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,717 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 80911 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTM5NTh9.hMvHMyzimyjrbrXhoq8KmjtAcSAbwginZmkpfZaQfEM
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,794 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80911 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107224d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087a8f98>) | {'checklistUuid': '1a944ced-b2d6-4ccb-9e17-21594ade83c0'}
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,802 INFO authorization_service 136 80911 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,802 DEBUG auth 51 80911 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,814 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80911 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c5e160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c7d2b0>) | {'checklistUuid': '1a944ced-b2d6-4ccb-9e17-21594ade83c0'}
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,821 INFO authorization_service 136 80911 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,821 DEBUG auth 51 80911 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 80911 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80911 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80911 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,423 ERROR api 54 81088 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,424 INFO apps 29 81088 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,463 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81088 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,574 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81088 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81088 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81088 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81088 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,720 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81088 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81088 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,107 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81088 140736909169600 1a4bafc0-5cfa-488f-8f85-d5edc6acfad1
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81088 140736909169600 d7f8ad5e-b0b3-44fd-bc43-2ae159d03c74
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81088 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81088 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81088 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81088 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81088 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDA1N30.DNwcPcCoh-l-VpRRQiS0rK_swL7NKUTjQhKsYEi7aT0
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81088 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDA1N30.8Thp3HV0VTmrcyni1radD03QOcR76orO83YeTwKctVQ
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81088 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQwNTd9.tWY9MGtnX3e9rjQUtKTtcVL01aJ9Nq2V0y8tYSXIAG0
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,281 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81088 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089a02e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080ee9b0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'f6f5037f-07cb-4901-9ddd-2796699f684f'}
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,290 INFO authorization_service 136 81088 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,291 DEBUG auth 51 81088 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,303 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81088 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d6ed68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d65c88>) | {'checklistUuid': 'f6f5037f-07cb-4901-9ddd-2796699f684f'}
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,310 INFO authorization_service 136 81088 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,310 DEBUG auth 51 81088 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,312 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81088 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,312 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81088 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,312 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81088 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,343 ERROR api 54 81218 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,345 INFO apps 29 81218 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,386 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,388 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,391 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,393 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,393 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,397 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81218 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81218 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81218 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81218 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81218 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81218 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81218 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81218 140736909169600 24c43bfe-2e0c-4059-aa15-ffd70ab92b79
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81218 140736909169600 9e9b468a-ae5c-40f0-ab5e-42d87ba55f44
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81218 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,200 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81218 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81218 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81218 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81218 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDEyNn0.G5narcGx_W9u7zzMJyvw-D1m2vGZbaSJakxNoe12Tr8
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81218 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDEyNn0.v7teh8HzaQ_Eza4hnOO_bEOPjLlhihQQUimj9yWLEBs
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,294 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81218 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQxMjZ9.TSDJrpGHpzbn01JHIf20_eHnizpCKl6cCic2jh6sAls
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,371 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81218 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108d794a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088998d0>) | {'checklistUuid': '83293c36-6442-4775-abf5-4a782db09a3b'}
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,380 INFO authorization_service 133 81218 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,380 DEBUG auth 51 81218 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,394 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81218 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108495a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108488ba8>) | {'checklistUuid': '83293c36-6442-4775-abf5-4a782db09a3b'}
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,401 INFO authorization_service 133 81218 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,401 DEBUG auth 51 81218 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81218 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81218 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81218 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,056 ERROR api 54 81295 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,058 INFO apps 29 81295 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,092 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,103 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,104 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,105 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,106 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,108 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,109 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,111 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,114 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,116 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,117 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81295 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81295 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,245 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81295 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81295 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81295 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,347 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,348 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,350 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,351 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81295 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,783 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81295 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,785 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81295 140736909169600 b7ff16b5-dbd9-4225-8521-d3cc1c63f6ff
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,786 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81295 140736909169600 584e05ec-0354-4303-ae2a-971653d322b0
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,787 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81295 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81295 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,790 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81295 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,862 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81295 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,878 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81295 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDE2NX0.BPFjH_snfkltvLiyUZ5OCFyrUOqSzfgQtwRnzFSO0BE
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,880 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81295 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDE2NX0.tbqYOcZsqANiBT2fAzG1A9S-8zX87CYBwVii-dPfNP4
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81295 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQxNjV9.ogFQyxuKZdKulWCq8nXrbTVy4MJKUIGh65hr8KZTZ8U
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,941 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81295 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087e6128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087e4550>) | {'checklistUuid': '7d3369f7-25fc-4939-9f04-8a73fd54f64f'}
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,950 INFO authorization_service 133 81295 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,951 DEBUG auth 51 81295 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,963 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81295 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081b76d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081a5828>) | {'checklistUuid': '7d3369f7-25fc-4939-9f04-8a73fd54f64f'}
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,970 INFO authorization_service 133 81295 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,970 DEBUG auth 51 81295 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81295 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81295 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81295 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:30:54,982 ERROR api 54 81441 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:30:54,983 INFO apps 29 81441 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,051 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,064 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,067 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,114 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81441 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,150 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81441 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81441 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,225 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81441 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,226 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,232 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81441 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81441 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81441 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81441 140736909169600 edcd7621-f6d3-4aee-8e51-68f79b13e35e
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,545 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81441 140736909169600 29eb38e5-6dc0-4a0c-9467-833c7285a0e9
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81441 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81441 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,549 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81441 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81441 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,635 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81441 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDI2Mn0.YeI9nYYJa6JRUCO32Cq8zM4KAhkmqhTrupqaPRTJhaM
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81441 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDI2Mn0.o6XOMKMrcSQzCzC3yENrUr_l0kRr3L2oKpx3kN0_c5g
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,639 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81441 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQyNjJ9.3VtzwKNnn_cmibtOUKHcnoGcQ9q7fzT2DXKy94EcCiI
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,714 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81441 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10882b438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a62860>) | {'checklistUuid': 'cc2656fd-4854-49f6-8131-6f89a532fe2b'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,723 INFO authorization_service 133 81441 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,723 DEBUG auth 51 81441 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,735 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81441 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081759e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108168b38>) | {'checklistUuid': 'cc2656fd-4854-49f6-8131-6f89a532fe2b'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,741 INFO authorization_service 133 81441 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,742 DEBUG auth 51 81441 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81441 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81441 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81441 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,768 ERROR api 54 81537 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,769 INFO apps 29 81537 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,796 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,819 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,821 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81537 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81537 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81537 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81537 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81537 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,045 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81537 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81537 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,148 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81537 140736909169600 8a76c152-8b4c-4945-a9db-78b15c19dd3c
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81537 140736909169600 7f0885dd-24a3-4f5d-80a3-4275466a9dd3
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81537 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81537 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81537 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81537 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81537 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDMxN30.VvxbyqgkutuiNfXW25TKsDPHfkg9MfSNY_0QVmLCZiI
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81537 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDMxN30.Hr0XxfzbE4sfLSHGJowJ2ZqsNi59kk06jj4DgakLj7I
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81537 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQzMTd9.TJPzhbgZISzFH8zS5umcjASiiPh-jrXcXF3jOeSI-f4
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,300 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81537 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108c41588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c509b0>) | {'checklistUuid': '02e53660-9e7a-46f5-8d4a-4648bd622828'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,310 INFO authorization_service 133 81537 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,310 DEBUG auth 51 81537 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,323 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81537 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108abcb38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a49c88>) | {'checklistUuid': '02e53660-9e7a-46f5-8d4a-4648bd622828'}
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,330 INFO authorization_service 133 81537 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,330 DEBUG auth 51 81537 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81537 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81537 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81537 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:32:44,994 ERROR api 54 81639 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:32:44,995 INFO apps 29 81639 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,045 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,051 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,053 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81639 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81639 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81639 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81639 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,218 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,220 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81639 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,282 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81639 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,500 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81639 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81639 140736909169600 ff63a1d5-a988-4c30-a892-2c09faab5609
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81639 140736909169600 4eb171e5-392f-4946-ae30-1f6d0fe9a148
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,511 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81639 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,514 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81639 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81639 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,589 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81639 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81639 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDM3Mn0._PGiG8KEnZIfM7c0ajk_fOqwm_KL_3Ok5HM5H3_MR6w
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,607 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81639 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDM3Mn0.uRaJhYpKVlG8AYmI6RbCi7G530Nb8XDuq13H6HEMKko
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81639 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQzNzJ9.y4thIAVtW3W3qEM224xTVUYY8osht3QQ-og6pfaBnMU
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,684 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81639 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a5a358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108999780>) | {'checklistUuid': '45954b6f-d8c4-4a89-b197-926d93451142'}
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,692 INFO authorization_service 133 81639 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,692 DEBUG auth 51 81639 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,703 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81639 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108818908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089c2a58>) | {'checklistUuid': '45954b6f-d8c4-4a89-b197-926d93451142'}
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,709 INFO authorization_service 133 81639 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,710 DEBUG auth 51 81639 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81639 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81639 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,713 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81639 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,401 ERROR api 54 81690 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,402 INFO apps 29 81690 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,431 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,434 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,436 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81690 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81690 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81690 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81690 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81690 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,675 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,676 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81690 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81690 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81690 140736909169600 fecfb682-07b8-46f1-92ef-ab8d1f002471
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81690 140736909169600 433b951a-9288-40af-84ed-d23efd8ed4fc
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81690 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81690 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81690 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,040 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81690 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81690 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDM5N30.zziD54DR78xy22hurKSD1yf4AyIDkDv-4bItc3CtlhY
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81690 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDM5N30.PllNDFCcpnU4tPJvZ3uy5LhQnvplK8rvoxVIyhV28-g
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81690 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQzOTd9._hdFxLlI2yVG_uorat-sXs2WpxHQxZfcMtfKmdAEmvI
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,119 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81690 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107284cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088d8f60>) | {'checklistUuid': '366305df-30a3-43fe-8b53-02a88ffd7fd5'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,128 INFO authorization_service 133 81690 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,128 DEBUG auth 51 81690 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,139 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81690 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108496940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108496320>) | {'checklistUuid': '366305df-30a3-43fe-8b53-02a88ffd7fd5'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,147 INFO authorization_service 133 81690 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,147 DEBUG auth 51 81690 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81690 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81690 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81690 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,589 ERROR api 54 81756 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,590 INFO apps 29 81756 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,686 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81756 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81756 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81756 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81756 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,798 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81756 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81756 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81756 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81756 140736909169600 3c6731a6-b597-489f-a003-84639a59f576
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81756 140736909169600 e4d4a1c6-77be-48cd-86f0-8ecc6be8cb64
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81756 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81756 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81756 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81756 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,212 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81756 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDQyNn0.Rh6RbT2XFbamoMHUfp34gjIPMLo0-wMr0K-t00Elzng
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81756 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDQyNn0.YFIZU-cldouwsX9RawjCxdlEystwElbiWPBuHnBtvqI
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81756 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQ0MjZ9.KE0mXCguG6u8tkPXqF4cyfcCls8sUZesgaHlcloOCqk
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,278 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81756 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10842f0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10892f4e0>) | {'checklistUuid': '585bf869-36d8-42e5-bec6-da5034748916'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,288 INFO authorization_service 133 81756 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,288 DEBUG auth 51 81756 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,300 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81756 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b48668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b767b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '585bf869-36d8-42e5-bec6-da5034748916'}
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,309 INFO authorization_service 133 81756 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,309 DEBUG auth 51 81756 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81756 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81756 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81756 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,229 ERROR api 54 81811 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,230 INFO apps 29 81811 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,265 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,267 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,279 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81811 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81811 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81811 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81811 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81811 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81811 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,884 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81811 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,886 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81811 140736909169600 02f589c4-444c-45da-9d17-d75715a69215
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81811 140736909169600 46e717ff-73ef-41ce-b580-c26b5be15cbd
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81811 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81811 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81811 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81811 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81811 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDQ1NH0.FL2OwbQ-60bS2CvNk7c1Hgv1xg5EiicsmuQTevVWmYc
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,982 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81811 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDQ1NH0.0b9GdBozrVPiocC2pwubbD7nORERcc6Xr1h4u01pa8E
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81811 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQ0NTR9.-XcBLCSPUsmEH0hdNCIlCAF4n6V-EDgdhPZq8sCMwZk
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,045 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81811 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1073b8ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10893de10>) | {'checklistUuid': '61aa1f6b-0e97-4473-8ceb-839ef23a0c46'}
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,054 INFO authorization_service 133 81811 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,054 DEBUG auth 51 81811 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,065 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81811 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10893df98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089bcc18>) | {'checklistUuid': '61aa1f6b-0e97-4473-8ceb-839ef23a0c46'}
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,072 INFO authorization_service 133 81811 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,073 DEBUG auth 51 81811 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81811 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81811 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81811 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,032 ERROR api 54 81992 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,034 INFO apps 29 81992 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,076 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,080 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,082 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,087 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,090 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,104 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,106 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,109 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,113 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81992 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,211 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81992 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81992 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81992 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81992 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,355 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81992 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 81992 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81992 140736909169600 08f1c6cb-fe01-42af-8d8e-5a5857afb593
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 81992 140736909169600 20aec12b-b63d-4ee0-acf2-d5cabf4725c5
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81992 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,991 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81992 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81992 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,068 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81992 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,069 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81992 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDU1Nn0.pf2a2O2k59ulxI90gtgSj5ye7JqhDuarAl4Q7FTzSG0
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,087 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81992 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDU1Nn0._JHm9S9HJ0UmSKuGBLyVf4suceRBZ_HnI_4lpB9-KW4
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,088 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 81992 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQ1NTZ9.5rE5Gc4B8UxDHzjfdBBcv5jM8KFd4xzD0uswSQwCpA0
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,168 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81992 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10903e5c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10855a9e8>) | {'checklistUuid': 'e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264'}
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.update_checklist_state
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,187 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81992 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087bb828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bd8080>) | {'checklistUuid': 'e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264'}
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,195 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.view_checklist
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 81992 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81992 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,199 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81992 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,328 ERROR api 54 82252 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,329 INFO apps 29 82252 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82252 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82252 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,515 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82252 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82252 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,555 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82252 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82252 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,340 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 82252 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82252 140736909169600 edba3407-f407-4f3c-924f-cb0e9ae65338
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82252 140736909169600 16ef2c37-d4d1-42c8-aacc-5fa1da6d2fb5
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,344 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82252 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82252 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82252 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82252 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,456 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82252 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDcxOH0.ngtpVSzRoVZEYVE2DzinM0nof2l5ALACbTT7pyvjHAU
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,458 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82252 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDcxOH0.78YiUZK_SNSNOgxdr3REfGDseJ2GmSNtAlRhAXTt4cs
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,462 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82252 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQ3MTh9.cRbyE1kE7eTZ7mW0yiTYvVWnuZI8ptLj8u15JPSLWX4
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,576 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82252 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108f3e710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086d5b38>) | {'checklistUuid': '134f2d8d-bf1e-491e-ab6b-b0d62a67f538'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,588 INFO authorization_service 140 82252 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,588 DEBUG auth 51 82252 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,606 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82252 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10858fcc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108590e10>) | {'checklistUuid': '134f2d8d-bf1e-491e-ab6b-b0d62a67f538'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,616 INFO authorization_service 140 82252 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,616 DEBUG auth 51 82252 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 82252 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 82252 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,622 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 82252 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,736 ERROR api 54 82298 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,737 INFO apps 29 82298 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,792 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,795 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82298 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82298 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82298 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,981 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82298 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82298 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,045 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82298 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 82298 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82298 140736909169600 1dd90806-4c31-4c2e-b81e-a59c77144e94
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82298 140736909169600 db7fa960-6e1b-4f9f-9260-9e262fc7a048
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82298 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82298 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,576 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82298 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,649 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82298 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82298 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDcyOX0.mezC_tJF6wxnsbed9J3WIKqRtQlGZkrVHrhcQyme6jM
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,669 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82298 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDcyOX0.KSexuFso66fZqsfx_QGZB8Uxjm5-MZFO7-VlL-BSlZ4
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82298 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQ3Mjl9.wMzyzUlZmAG4Ow9mnRUf7nCDWn12FZTLnR9MXKkzkrM
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,729 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82298 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081aa128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10874c550>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dbc299de-4d6f-4e74-9db6-0b99c8d539b4'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,739 INFO authorization_service 140 82298 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,739 DEBUG auth 51 82298 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,752 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82298 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10876c7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10876c940>) | {'checklistUuid': 'dbc299de-4d6f-4e74-9db6-0b99c8d539b4'}
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,759 INFO authorization_service 140 82298 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,759 DEBUG auth 51 82298 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 82298 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 82298 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,761 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 82298 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,312 ERROR api 54 82647 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,314 INFO apps 29 82647 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,347 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,350 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,360 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,418 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82647 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82647 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82647 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82647 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82647 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,592 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,593 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,594 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,595 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,596 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,596 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,597 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,597 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82647 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,121 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 82647 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,123 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82647 140736909169600 b8e3de86-4752-4b5c-b7e1-7438d307288f
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,124 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82647 140736909169600 7141f7be-3559-4390-8add-7e58c9e75a4e
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,125 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82647 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82647 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,128 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82647 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82647 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,218 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82647 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDkzNX0.p8yrnKnoow8g8JNpwYygRn5uaXnCr3FX4LcEoOFSD54
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82647 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NDkzNX0.9_A4xNjfbDT4IEGawlzcdixPmi8ebOCX8Wg1DY6cf5Y
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,221 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82647 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTQ5MzV9.5oXCLp6bNDbi_opYcjWOxsXT-LTtWXz31RY8NZigsLI
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,303 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82647 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b49080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086444a8>) | {'checklistUuid': '8200b30a-4f5a-441e-9e08-5d63fa41e117'}
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,311 INFO authorization_service 136 82647 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,312 DEBUG auth 51 82647 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,322 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82647 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108779630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10877e780>) | {'checklistUuid': '8200b30a-4f5a-441e-9e08-5d63fa41e117'}
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,333 INFO authorization_service 136 82647 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,333 DEBUG auth 51 82647 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 82647 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 82647 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,335 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 82647 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,305 ERROR api 54 82792 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,307 INFO apps 29 82792 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,344 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,347 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,351 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,353 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,355 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,360 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,367 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82792 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,468 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82792 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82792 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82792 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82792 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82792 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,124 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 82792 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,132 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82792 140736909169600 dd866f96-69dd-45e9-8f2f-ca2240a0ffca
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82792 140736909169600 cf7bd26e-ffae-4b3f-ae1a-36bd17281692
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82792 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,137 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82792 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,138 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82792 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,215 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82792 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,231 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82792 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTAwMn0.3cxAxUKezxhGzr5C-H71hDs65JvQLnTiAjnMNe4VwG8
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82792 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTAwMn0.1J9AF1vlaiBznXmODwLVfDkFjzfZ89AEhNR06rKCcmY
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82792 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUwMDJ9.juFw8PxTqpMGTPPElq9eIqJKNCWzE6Jv_ITgk74anpc
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,315 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82792 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089846d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10899cb00>) | {'checklistUuid': 'b0e647dd-892c-423c-bc82-b590b752cea6'}
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,327 INFO authorization_service 132 82792 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 9182d265-77a3-4827-ab51-99228732fd06 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,327 DEBUG auth 51 82792 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 9182d265-77a3-4827-ab51-99228732fd06 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,340 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82792 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10865ccc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10864be10>) | {'checklistUuid': 'b0e647dd-892c-423c-bc82-b590b752cea6'}
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,349 INFO authorization_service 132 82792 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 9182d265-77a3-4827-ab51-99228732fd06 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,349 DEBUG auth 51 82792 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 9182d265-77a3-4827-ab51-99228732fd06 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 82792 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 82792 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 82792 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,500 ERROR api 54 82990 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,502 INFO apps 29 82990 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82990 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82990 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82990 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82990 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82990 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82990 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 82990 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,225 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82990 140736909169600 eae81076-c097-46d1-a769-3c69cb3dfb03
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,227 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 82990 140736909169600 3f8ba739-d66d-45c9-a117-6ad8e3d8f0f9
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,228 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82990 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82990 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82990 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,304 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 82990 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82990 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTExNH0.qhJ8_m07-fcosSBdLexC8KcFwoV5qJDxS21tuD9HOUc
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,322 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82990 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTExNH0.n41LXynFxNmsJ1xC751vXMfHmiMDum2fV8sPNk_VGKI
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 82990 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUxMTR9.ldYvtC3IpkKFezbWhn6jFovF0hHK2nFbqjycroVSsAU
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,405 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82990 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1073a0518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086d8ef0>) | {'checklistUuid': '12d23c57-c073-4c9f-84e5-4256174a760c'}
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,417 INFO authorization_service 135 82990 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: e858a96b-79da-4466-8e3f-29671f963767 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,417 DEBUG auth 51 82990 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: e858a96b-79da-4466-8e3f-29671f963767 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,429 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 82990 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085b1780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085b1ef0>) | {'checklistUuid': '12d23c57-c073-4c9f-84e5-4256174a760c'}
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,438 INFO authorization_service 135 82990 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: e858a96b-79da-4466-8e3f-29671f963767 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,438 DEBUG auth 51 82990 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: e858a96b-79da-4466-8e3f-29671f963767 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 82990 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 82990 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 82990 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,499 ERROR api 54 83112 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,500 INFO apps 29 83112 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83112 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83112 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83112 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83112 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83112 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,766 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,767 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,767 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,769 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83112 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,345 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83112 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83112 140736909169600 1714a6e2-41f4-47ab-88af-dacc7040f349
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,348 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83112 140736909169600 b695e58d-f187-47fa-b5a9-7042419fe8f8
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83112 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83112 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83112 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,430 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83112 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83112 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTE2MH0.hEnP9GkLRYRtIRC5uELq1J4X_alBQ07VDYBaO9_Q4Zs
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83112 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTE2MH0.MApuDgDvXBcmWkrsi0WKNl5wRX1OGdmXcOAnxdcZpa4
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,450 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83112 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUxNjB9.AV_CFc3lTeB4zc3smhU1-lpvNIPbaMrZxSEgYYvJ6Y4
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,535 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83112 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1072a6470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c636a0>) | {'checklistUuid': '62fbba23-36de-466a-b35d-33041f928d17'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,544 INFO authorization_service 135 83112 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 66da796c-4f29-4f61-9738-770f8d16bc6a / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,544 DEBUG auth 51 83112 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 66da796c-4f29-4f61-9738-770f8d16bc6a / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,557 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83112 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108834da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086de940>) | {'checklistUuid': '62fbba23-36de-466a-b35d-33041f928d17'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,564 INFO authorization_service 135 83112 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 66da796c-4f29-4f61-9738-770f8d16bc6a / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,565 DEBUG auth 51 83112 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 66da796c-4f29-4f61-9738-770f8d16bc6a / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83112 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83112 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83112 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,327 ERROR api 54 83210 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,328 INFO apps 29 83210 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,432 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83210 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83210 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83210 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83210 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83210 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83210 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83210 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83210 140736909169600 07f7de57-e1de-468d-8e80-38873198afd8
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,065 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83210 140736909169600 d96189eb-7d2c-4c53-a10c-d9c8eee9c3e1
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,066 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83210 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83210 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,071 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83210 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,145 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83210 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83210 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTIwNX0.tlIaDUqy1HNSCEDREpVD2t5WClh81Pku4wofHe4UGoc
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83210 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTIwNX0.cLPIM58RoQwVbxrB2FZNqbDD8nDMIMYRA_BRkG_WdZg
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83210 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUyMDV9.OMKF4W3S6D8Qy7G-5QYS84LTdzadN0Wckmc4gziA-EU
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,244 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83210 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b4c358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108205780>) | {'checklistUuid': '4952aa79-4b7b-4449-8b32-0b83f5b95980'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,253 INFO authorization_service 135 83210 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68211c54-d5cc-42f4-a83e-c5a9e5add07c / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,254 DEBUG auth 51 83210 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 68211c54-d5cc-42f4-a83e-c5a9e5add07c / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,266 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83210 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108207668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10902b9b0>) | {'checklistUuid': '4952aa79-4b7b-4449-8b32-0b83f5b95980'}
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,276 INFO authorization_service 135 83210 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68211c54-d5cc-42f4-a83e-c5a9e5add07c / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,276 DEBUG auth 51 83210 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 68211c54-d5cc-42f4-a83e-c5a9e5add07c / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83210 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83210 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83210 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,060 ERROR api 54 83261 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,062 INFO apps 29 83261 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,093 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,095 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,103 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,104 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,105 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,106 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,107 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,108 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,109 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,111 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,113 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,114 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,116 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83261 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83261 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83261 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83261 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,279 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,282 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83261 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,341 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,343 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,343 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,344 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83261 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,814 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83261 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,817 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83261 140736909169600 97c772fe-40a4-4da9-9369-6dffbce845b6
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83261 140736909169600 59f1fd66-f4e6-47e8-9996-ad2eab3411f8
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,820 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83261 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,823 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83261 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83261 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,896 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83261 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,913 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83261 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTIyNH0.S2njhK_4EHxQay0X-t0KEQUKWMi2bESEPgdv5JjinIc
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83261 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTIyNH0.66giHK_u5_oHi8-qOtPbs_iZYHAcO6zBv14Ipvh4YJk
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83261 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUyMjR9.QDXTkxg7Evttz54TkbQ5uMoR2U-bdRPgztW0AEH2kvA
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,001 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83261 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108119f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10810f2e8>) | {'checklistUuid': '77c98c34-5ef0-4dd1-9477-835d0583e9fe'}
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,011 INFO authorization_service 135 83261 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68a09dbc-6f2f-4918-8745-9acdf288d6f6 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,012 DEBUG auth 51 83261 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 68a09dbc-6f2f-4918-8745-9acdf288d6f6 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,024 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83261 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ee2470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ef8748>) | {'checklistUuid': '77c98c34-5ef0-4dd1-9477-835d0583e9fe'}
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,032 INFO authorization_service 135 83261 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68a09dbc-6f2f-4918-8745-9acdf288d6f6 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,032 DEBUG auth 51 83261 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: 68a09dbc-6f2f-4918-8745-9acdf288d6f6 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83261 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83261 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,034 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83261 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,817 ERROR api 54 83442 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,819 INFO apps 29 83442 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,853 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83442 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,959 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83442 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,998 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83442 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83442 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83442 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,098 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,098 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83442 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83442 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83442 140736909169600 0114de81-0e7e-411d-8a23-76dcf608739b
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83442 140736909169600 574c4254-ee1a-4edb-b095-3a3ba5c34960
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83442 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83442 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83442 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83442 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83442 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJIb2Rkb3JAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTMyMn0.OXbH7XdOC7Rd9jvVgZmkCU2p05nHeggrrs3L-aqi_d0
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,665 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83442 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTMyMn0.5hRgeviPuGhn9Tj_Rd1a4bEDE_PkJFc1sDDmv9RFWpM
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,667 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83442 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzMjJ9.0tGmksFHy7G4ly4IhIKk_IOsn8143A7QyHpnvUtH278
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,743 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83442 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10725ad68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a4ad68>) | {'checklistUuid': 'c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d'}
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,753 DEBUG auth 51 83442 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,753 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83442 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d', 'eng_uuid': 'b4159bd8-a04e-4b38-8e62-7af0176d3f9d', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,754 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83442 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,758 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83442 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,759 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83442 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,769 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83442 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,797 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83442 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087e2eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c84e0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d'}
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,805 DEBUG auth 51 83442 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,857 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83442 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d, user.uuid=c616fd54-8ec0-4789-8109-d2d6ccac74b6, checklist.uuid=c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83442 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83442 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83442 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,572 ERROR api 54 83525 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,573 INFO apps 29 83525 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,704 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83525 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,782 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83525 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,783 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,785 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,787 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83525 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,846 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83525 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,930 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,932 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,003 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a9b6a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108bab8d0>) | {'uu_id': '1e6b96cc-8f77-4180-8695-e83f947e3096', 'token': '59f717f4-3796-46d0-bb21-6a8e2f600aa8'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,012 DEBUG activation 82 83525 140736909169600 User v5rzt is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,015 DEBUG views_helper 326 83525 140736909169600 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,015 DEBUG activation 91 83525 140736909169600 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,018 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,021 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,048 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084b1ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1084be1d0>) | {'uu_id': 'b942ccfd-af7c-455c-a517-23f5a53761c7', 'token': 'bdd165ca-5ec6-4892-9b8d-2b25a532caac'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,055 DEBUG activation 82 83525 140736909169600 User ByoqG is activated successfully, redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,057 DEBUG views_helper 326 83525 140736909169600 user wasn't found in an ENG
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,057 DEBUG activation 91 83525 140736909169600 Redirecting to /#/login?activation_success=true
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,059 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,060 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,061 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,088 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108876da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108876ef0>) | {'uu_id': '843dbb4a-5818-42aa-a1ff-df834c96f91a', 'token': 'fda01f64-673e-4f2d-be86-a98b5f10b3fd'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,093 ERROR activation 71 83525 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivateTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 274d9b3a-b6a3-460d-863f-05eccd123390
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 30a3e410-b861-4d32-9050-4304c4dbba66
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oyfeS'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6IlhkMHNARVNKVy5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlhkMHNARVNKVy5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.NK2wnsnPPCqCNWZnZA_IC5H0esWhpXhkDAiblY-qWyo
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,150 DEBUG testActivities 37 83525 140736909169600 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,150 DEBUG testActivities 40 83525 140736909169600 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,164 DEBUG testActivities 46 83525 140736909169600 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,164 DEBUG activity_log 157 83525 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 DEBUG testActivities 50 83525 140736909169600 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 DEBUG testActivities 51 83525 140736909169600 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 DEBUG testActivities 54 83525 140736909169600 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,175 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087f8400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087f4438>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b9c43858-5720-4c70-a1b2-0c78fe86998b'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,183 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,183 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,185 DEBUG testActivities 58 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 DEBUG testActivities 59 83525 140736909169600 Got content : b'"User not authorized: 60e96ea8-c44b-42a1-bd8c-e62bd151a56f. eng_uuid=b9c43858-5720-4c70-a1b2-0c78fe86998b. checklist_uuid=None"'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 ERROR testActivities 61 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,187 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 32ac8f8e-d075-4289-8848-01306c4065a5
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2db7a028-7b88-4c81-b5ef-a219f846ff5c
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,234 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.JXUT0AZ8LtSd0ihfp1UHfME3oKWHHVDMfmbn5fKWxrs
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,260 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1084be898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108483668>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,274 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,295 DEBUG views_helper 309 83525 140736909169600 Found VF name=kDgCT
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,311 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,311 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,314 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 63, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,314 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 154971ae-4f92-4cd0-ae48-666b99fabc66
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ebf0397d-ddf8-4771-b9ad-fa929dcc8c07
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.skZm7Na-iZk0Nu7wlBIKxmpMRKhtbsj3LSqtNjt8dFg
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,364 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108424e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10843f128>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,373 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,379 DEBUG views_helper 309 83525 140736909169600 Found VF name=LbXmV
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,380 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,380 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 63, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,380 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 474eca81-6121-41af-b18b-0dc84d0fc1d0
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,384 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 16b42da0-7984-4d46-90d1-516fa34808d4
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,424 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.4kskOKyuWcw_chbVUOogO9-7WN8jRY7XlPX1jj-8hyM
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,442 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086b0e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10868f390>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c0ab13cd-a5db-4a7c-b804-8fd60a7790c5
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,455 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 bd5feb3a-a638-4530-8d63-199e0eb7bebd
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,457 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,459 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,489 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.rVKCMNmJWGwuyjRQLnW-mk1x0lkxTZHlB1scKIkrfqs
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,504 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b8fdd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b95080>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,516 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,516 ERROR invite 58 83525 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 279a2def-80fd-488d-803d-c05bc39958f0
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,528 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 bcac93b0-87b6-4b50-9fb4-ae369e748743
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,529 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.AkJ0sa9RnZZTQHu_6W9QIhx8HEnAds1WwW2cVZOXbQ8
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,620 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10841a8d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10869b9e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b655424e-a94d-41e8-a5b3-b357be2affcf'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,629 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,632 DEBUG git_manager 14 83525 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement b655424e-a94d-41e8-a5b3-b357be2affcf for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,657 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'b655424e-a94d-41e8-a5b3-b357be2affcf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,658 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83525 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,663 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,664 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83525 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,671 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,714 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0'), 'eng_uuid': 'b655424e-a94d-41e8-a5b3-b357be2affcf', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,715 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 83525 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,719 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,723 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,731 DEBUG checklist_service 449 83525 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,741 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108674630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10866d7b8>) | {'checklistUuid': '52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0', 'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,754 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 eafd7c03-3251-4718-b1f2-8daef661f8ea
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 7670fda3-af57-4d4f-88f2-aead8601123a
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,759 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,761 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,788 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzh9.pz9kYRDylMhxQFrFJwBn02HsMvAiFQ4-fCTCwfCZki0
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,834 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108690908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10867ce48>) | {'eng_uuid': '3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,843 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,846 DEBUG git_manager 14 83525 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,871 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,872 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83525 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,875 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,876 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83525 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,882 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,924 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c'), 'eng_uuid': '3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,925 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 83525 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,929 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,934 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,943 DEBUG checklist_service 449 83525 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,951 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108876d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10864a7f0>) | {'checklistUuid': 'bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c', 'eng_uuid': '3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,963 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_checklist_nextstep. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,973 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: aa1d7dfa-c98c-41c4-a61b-9aaf4c30575a and vf uuid: 9fb3eaf5-afaf-4a45-a3ff-9ed972606d14
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,999 DEBUG engagement_service 110 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: aa1d7dfa-c98c-41c4-a61b-9aaf4c30575a and vf uuid: 9fb3eaf5-afaf-4a45-a3ff-9ed972606d14
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,019 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=True,checklist_uuid='bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': 'bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c', 'eng_uuid': '3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,020 DEBUG checklist_state_service 91 83525 140736909169600 set_state: decline and not pending -< about to set the state to ARCHIVE and duplicate the checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,027 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : set_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,031 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,039 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,041 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,046 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,071 DEBUG checklist_state_service 188 83525 140736909169600 Cloned Checklist is triggered as to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,075 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,083 DEBUG nextstep_service 149 83525 140736909169600 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=3bbb6e65-201e-42dc-89f3-3503f2a49f67 for checklist=bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddNextStepToChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,084 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,090 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,092 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4d7e5e35-8ff3-4ca1-8962-4b14c14329f5
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 d786cf26-ebfa-4032-8f3c-d18bef68a5b0
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,167 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.SXFRLEsIPtxgxzRm71XJmClDOrUdZNOQHPt27raiCLg
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,169 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.MMgdD3dkXSX5-pxKCqC8BogwAgRiOqRv6SMfEXSjZWw
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,169 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 118 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,169 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 119 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with bad CL uuid
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,169 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 120 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,169 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 124 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,177 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=yHZIF
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,177 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,179 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 439, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ eng_uuid = Checklist.objects.get(uuid=request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid()).engagement.uuid
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 387, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: Checklist matching query does not exist.
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 31, in initial
+ auth_service.prepare_data_for_auth(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 442, in prepare_data_for_auth
+ raise Exception("auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=" + request_data_mgr.get_cl_uuid())
+Exception: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=yHZIF
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,179 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,180 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 130 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 500 Expecting 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,180 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,180 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,180 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,180 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,182 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,184 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e567fa3e-0902-4172-ac71-c8c06ee3ee4b
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,186 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 42357eb1-7a03-4d25-b81c-164c8c0090a2
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,190 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,257 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.erX4pe_yuJxcVEhBC_OsvAjFgKjzoZ9qlnvT4qLmMhc
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,259 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.FePGoJGBGnjxdwMDKA_U-eH2mRvLskJ0T0sbD73P9Qo
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,259 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 95 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,259 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 96 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist with empty description
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,259 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 97 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,260 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 101 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,269 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10834d400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10834d860>) | {'checklistUuid': '8b8cba45-c5b1-4ae2-b029-c18e84eedf63'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,279 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,279 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 83525 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 107 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e1561a38-375f-4e90-bfc4-4452a72d6bd0
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b5fe5dfb-4cdf-4b5f-b3ad-382983369a55
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.6987GUfBcg_91LbvBluYWUBaDVDAkVgEa5haiA7-89k
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.mQ6FVqo9i_JE9vsYGwzgMalNYGpZANok3my0BxjmGAM
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,355 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 67 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,355 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 68 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,355 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 69 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,355 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 73 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,364 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086386a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108359470>) | {'checklistUuid': '0c6dde65-95e3-4a2d-96c6-95d091c4c274'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,373 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_audit_log. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,379 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,379 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 78 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,381 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,381 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,381 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,381 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,382 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c8c28244-9278-4958-a391-be2f96687025
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 fab8ef29-6671-4e1b-89de-9be736ee2b27
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.rNNCm-qbclUF0XLKkrzv5qJ-2aWnLIdmcu4CkapHJaY
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.8hNhTfb-4APWPsa7b-Vi7ajVt1X4czgyjreQ5bunIXU
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,454 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 186 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,454 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 187 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with bad Decision uuid
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,454 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 188 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,455 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 192 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,463 ERROR authorization_service 497 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,463 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10867c940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108690fd0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'iP9R0'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,469 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,469 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 198 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 61 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 62 83525 140736909169600 Test failed
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 63 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,473 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 de0fa09b-c6f7-4149-b3dd-2b069597c43f
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 a9ba66c2-a197-40c5-90d8-1933e044c484
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,477 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.57YLb07Z0ZmLa48-PxR_xfrqgvNKnlknU9C2RxftHZw
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,544 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.v8W_wCh1m1-S_a4cT5CRfZtmY9B_cR8_JRG-Cn5uUx8
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,545 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 163 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,545 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 164 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision with empty description
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,545 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 165 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,545 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 169 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,555 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089e3400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089e30b8>) | {'decision_uuid': 'fca48096-2781-446a-ac0a-db10f29205a1'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,563 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,563 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 83525 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,564 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 175 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,564 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,564 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,564 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,564 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c074576a-bb9e-4b94-9ff1-67a2e697ec61
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 23c0e763-00fb-478c-a6f7-0ffb69b4ce84
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,570 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,622 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,635 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.6yVZ-k30rqefWuNNzwORXK74sM8OGrRx4OQ-7kQCs-Q
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.PJlFrtFrOuH6dNoSWkhXdjhcUjgCgS6HBKu5dj4XxP8
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,637 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 140 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,637 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 141 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Create AuditLog Via Decision
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,637 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 142 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,637 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 146 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,648 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089f22e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ef358>) | {'decision_uuid': 'e8569369-e1e7-461c-9310-8a648259d8c7'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,660 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : create_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,668 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 152 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,669 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,669 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,670 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,670 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,671 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,672 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 fbf07134-8b22-44b4-9b2b-40265cc0d8c6
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 508ef5df-8a93-4cf3-a706-5143d3f21d2c
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,674 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,675 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,677 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,726 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.UC5iiOxEtyZdgNCVQUYj79eBiorkVsw2KD8yI53vDcA
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,742 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.EKnmibv5IFrKcjmUXbtnRrIEJj1M_75G0GwidGdAB24
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,742 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 288 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,742 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 289 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Invalid checklist state
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,742 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 290 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,742 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 294 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,753 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086907b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10843f208>) | {'decision_uuid': 'a3ee9269-5f2e-4aef-a9c9-3d5f5863a538'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,762 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,763 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 83525 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,766 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 83525 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,767 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 303 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,768 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,768 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,768 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,768 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,769 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e4ed8b67-05c3-4a59-9968-29d50c9b291d
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,772 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 f3e894a8-d91d-4730-8e32-0271a7ca38e4
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,772 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,774 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,775 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.eX8-O5Y3ttl1MJfToZbTYo1aH0GmWdbbT_ZsnGo_S3Q
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.-XaGu63eEmmqrP1Np74_TInHAyH9SpmWMOUad4D18Hs
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,838 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 262 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,838 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 263 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Invalid Decision Value
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,838 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 264 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,838 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 268 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,849 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108674128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862fe48>) | {'decision_uuid': '46b71f3b-0a19-4bb0-9471-c3e4e4ef4882'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,856 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 83525 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='VSuhd')...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 83525 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 277 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 400 Expecting 400
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,858 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,859 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,860 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 0178b394-9b6b-4526-a95b-af342224877a
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,861 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 5942825e-f13b-41a7-baed-8f8eff014876
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,861 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,863 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,864 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.cnVHaHLp51A_1GnySiihKCo9OPfFWtOOoMKyE1-K1ho
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzNzl9.2trw08HvKnpPJ8Le09Ga1EK_cB9Ufh7W6fBvUy4Xkj4
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 236 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 237 83525 140736909169600 Negative Test started: Owner Different Than User
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 238 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,929 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 242 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,942 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086894a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10834d048>) | {'decision_uuid': '3a0eaceb-094a-4dd6-a339-49c50a667efa'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,950 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,950 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 83525 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,955 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 83525 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,955 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 251 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401 Expecting 401
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,956 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,956 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,956 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 1b6a6cdf-8e0b-4c18-9d9e-119a9f180fad
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,961 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 d3ae35a8-1cbe-4157-a0b1-09d1978e33e7
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,961 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,023 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,035 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.xn4bQ2vWHtljraUY9nZJUay2Sz8LrlrJkT4lE4HqnUY
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,037 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.ZmPfmcn-ZO7pmW2T_nqerwl8hflovYchdjnzGGQEwaM
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,037 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 209 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,037 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 210 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Set decision's value to approved
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,037 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 211 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,037 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 215 83525 140736909169600 Creating a checklist
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,050 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10864a6a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ef780>) | {'decision_uuid': '6fa3e408-03c6-4119-848e-da825e6bfcba'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,057 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,057 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 83525 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,067 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 83525 140736909169600 review_value was successfully changed for decision: 6fa3e408-03c6-4119-848e-da825e6bfcba , value: approved
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,067 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 224 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200 Expecting 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,069 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 57 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,069 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 58 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,069 DEBUG testAuditLogAndDecisionAPI 59 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase AuditLogAndDecisionAPITest ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,078 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b349a21e-f393-400c-abfa-7870d777b159
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,079 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 738c1ccd-6102-4def-aca1-de9851ea1af2
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,080 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,081 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,083 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,137 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,158 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.5Gsi-khFBKYeD7JinttKucIdCRV1NFuXcLr3qyZTdPk
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,159 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.mSfwYJArLB5UAHUyZljeH0-dKlk2IWyhQ2iNPTIEKnA
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,161 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MiwiZW1haWwiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.q3HoqgmFZ2rbLhiPkVBKmMEdF6x9q-TquEjhqNXIWT0
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,195 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,203 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,203 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,211 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b4f0a402-f135-4a7b-823c-b2c6d9b4141f
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,216 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 edec3957-188d-468c-914a-f577cca3cbad
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,218 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,219 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,220 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,221 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,222 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,223 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,235 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1NywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.cIwagAPr5DB00MW8pifGS1pcTYflDgtDlsmG5QG6Ql8
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,235 DEBUG testCMSPages 65 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return page by id
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,243 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling get | (< object at 0x1087616a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087615c0>) | {'id': '1'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e8eab55e-d7c5-44d7-8c6b-6ac1cfb60222
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2b504596-d921-476f-a32a-7b214de5b980
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,252 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,253 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,255 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.1BZuBZJjzGNV1Vf3pV_6chmA5wi48BMW2kdz4FywSp8
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,267 DEBUG testCMSPages 76 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return all pages
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,277 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling get | (< object at 0x108772d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108759668>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,277 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,277 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,277 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e87b1517-fe68-458e-8569-c204be00899e
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,281 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 129b5740-93f4-482b-ac4c-846bf2d7ade9
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,281 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,283 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,284 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,287 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,288 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1OSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.cio0rfLxW88QzGgqHmfkQW9lSIoy7rt70NIbqBspw5A
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,298 DEBUG testCMSPages 87 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return filtered pages
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,304 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling get | (< object at 0x108772d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108761b38>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,305 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPagesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,305 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,305 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 855971b6-203e-46a6-b2ae-80c0870e594b
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,314 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 a072d17b-f40f-4dfb-936d-51e9569b9208
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,317 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,318 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,320 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,321 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,322 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,323 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,334 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.PuR-NPkETR52nIQUR0MOygCruheabsa88PkmucJiG5c
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,334 DEBUG testCMSPosts 54 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return all posts
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,340 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108768cf8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086557b8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,341 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6c9bb245-1044-49c4-a3fe-7197f52a7da8
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,345 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9220d0a1-25dd-4143-8b99-1385eceba3f1
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,345 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,353 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,363 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.9kRJOAwf5KBMHDtASvBUt7gidHYLyNOKslDKaHSlMl0
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,363 DEBUG testCMSPosts 65 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and filtered with limit all posts
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,370 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1077b0f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108768b00>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6533676f-6fe3-49f6-a315-8e1158ff587b
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 82c4789e-9d55-46a4-865d-5e11a4b13b60
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,376 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.PcYu7_lDNw4IXX6NXnc5DNDVGEVG-GQRM80dZoEmpKw
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,391 DEBUG testCMSPosts 85 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return one announcement post
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,398 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108761f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108772860>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,399 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,399 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,399 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,400 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,401 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 cd63f6c3-f980-4f15-a1fe-8a4bf247ddfa
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 36eb6932-469c-4906-8738-5f7770b4218c
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,403 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,407 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,408 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,410 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2MywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.TwOce6vYH-dNTL8oWuNKOUClJ-G_ntUPQ9Yl-bk-Xzc
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,421 DEBUG testCMSPosts 44 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,428 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108359438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1077f21d0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,430 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,432 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e921fabe-8e2a-43ee-b8d2-87988feaac13
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 051d06c4-ad34-447f-acfa-e0862716efff
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,434 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,436 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,439 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,440 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,441 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,451 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NCwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyMUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgwfQ.mUb9RBJUmZ3Ve0QW5yBN0g6PYnXEo-cQ-0fjoJ9CV4Q
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,451 DEBUG testCMSPosts 75 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return filtered posts
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,460 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108759da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087724e0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase CMSGetPostsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,461 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,466 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 a28fb380-fa0c-40ca-b640-24f200f21954
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 49837228-5640-4118-bd3b-af5a16ff6e11
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 32b60ceb-ad1c-4198-a0b8-41246d3b31da
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,475 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,476 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.yXsRcUe7LG1AIaBJaZpxq2MFI5oq6bwcXGuBd6vH3wQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,549 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10868ea90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087724e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,558 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,559 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e04f1e9c-bacf-4494-9c8b-98be1e2d0ebf
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,560 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 99a4cebe-d186-43af-8a1c-6265ecbc4bd7
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ae5d03ba-b04d-47a6-b6d5-2c2813633c4e
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,563 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,565 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,626 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.dsv-X6VtVYACCRVYp96IFxSAptlAmvoH8Ba3dMpI5Ag
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,633 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087617f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b8ffd0>) | {'eng_uuid': '95d2762f-e290-46af-a8b4-9c37f2fd2451'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,640 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,643 DEBUG git_manager 14 83525 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 95d2762f-e290-46af-a8b4-9c37f2fd2451 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,645 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,646 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 589ecf5d-400f-43ff-9746-e4fd9d10ff25
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,649 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 33585087-7092-41bb-9893-72909c9d9136
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,650 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2cf94982-d72d-4aa9-bd3c-99888f362e22
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,650 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,652 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,654 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,712 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,723 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2OSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.z6NjmjHgkWdvj2rXFrzn9VXYL6BJ0fvAjreluN4OCwM
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,729 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086557f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108655828>) | {'eng_uuid': '75865ec8-7c0c-4ad3-a906-d6e5674106e8'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,739 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 ERROR checklist 49 83525 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9cfb23a0-3cf0-4853-a60f-084f7cf15f42
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 7ccd3e90-b247-4c75-9d8b-b80fa178513c
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 527cf0e0-357a-4875-b61f-cb6d508234e7
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,803 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3MSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.GfkhH0FXkNLZ1IisVly9FxTeWlH_zZURBmZI0DuylQo
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,821 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10866c320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862f278>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeEngUUID'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 181 83525 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Internal Error - Checklist not found
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 84583e81-8952-4092-9436-8d4a18ff74ee
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6c5bb634-029b-478e-85c4-49b5583269fa
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2444d938-55cb-435e-aa4b-33cf47a15eec
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NCwiZW1haWwiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.Z3Hph7EWmNJJROQcVfYMr2wpwkFjEDrKXq4S7pGTyAo
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,905 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b8fb70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10864a6a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '00cd77fb-b66a-415d-a4fa-62304958ce4f'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,914 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 00cd77fb-b66a-415d-a4fa-62304958ce4f isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,916 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,917 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,918 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 856d6831-9741-4fe9-bc38-38558965b016
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,920 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b0d79fd1-5102-4203-8dcd-0fa5ca2ad046
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 84d3809f-769c-4141-a19e-2406c5531734
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,921 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,924 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,975 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NSwiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODB9.txAKEEpXKSBh5eyXkfVmowCeoZYTJn1OUzqEXJ23jSM
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,993 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10868e400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108655390>) | {'eng_uuid': '7f644c91-93b3-4203-969d-8604c9a52ca6'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,002 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,004 DEBUG git_manager 14 83525 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement 7f644c91-93b3-4203-969d-8604c9a52ca6 for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,029 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': '7f644c91-93b3-4203-969d-8604c9a52ca6', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,031 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83525 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,034 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,036 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83525 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,041 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,089 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459'), 'eng_uuid': '7f644c91-93b3-4203-969d-8604c9a52ca6', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,090 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 83525 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,094 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,099 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,111 DEBUG checklist_service 449 83525 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,112 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,113 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,115 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e11608dd-fc40-439b-915a-6e360794bbbd
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,116 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 76be5049-8a46-432e-9f41-892d519917ac
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,117 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e4bc0448-01ea-48ca-80ed-1b0d2f7d5f74
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,117 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,119 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,120 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,172 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,184 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3NywiZW1haWwiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODF9.L4HDhEh6crucC1YrPeVHFMKTmvX6NN0YwbxXdcdT0IM
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,192 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108afa978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108638320>) | {'eng_uuid': 'dd9ada17-45c5-49bc-abe9-99bca6bf7eef'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,201 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,203 DEBUG git_manager 14 83525 140736909169600 Fetching the repo associated files for engagement dd9ada17-45c5-49bc-abe9-99bca6bf7eef for user Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,231 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': None, 'eng_uuid': 'dd9ada17-45c5-49bc-abe9-99bca6bf7eef', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,233 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83525 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,239 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,240 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83525 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice checklist for test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,246 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,299 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid=UUID('2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374'),get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': UUID('2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374'), 'eng_uuid': 'dd9ada17-45c5-49bc-abe9-99bca6bf7eef', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,302 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 83525 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,308 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,313 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,333 DEBUG checklist_service 449 83525 140736909169600 Create/Update checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,338 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 46948dc7-ee7e-4df8-adca-a3f925763bd1
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,353 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9957ea9a-a597-46be-8df5-eef6851683cc
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,354 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e3328380-f7ae-4ac8-a10b-f2b4688e6d7d
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,354 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,359 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,433 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgxfQ.ML1EaT0CrLBWTFixTupgY2mf2EKFYACAhCJLxNGWdEU
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,454 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109042438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108772ef0>) | {'templateUuid': 'daa75cad-6639-4d88-b069-f41ae785d69c'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,459 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,467 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,468 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,469 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 68491daa-4491-4dee-9a5b-c96edef15284
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 5a79aa52-af1d-4264-a44f-e54ea0bf56ef
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,471 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 cd528f17-37ee-4203-9544-4756f1cb0f75
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,471 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,474 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,540 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,549 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MywiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgxfQ.nYiRs-xjDatyDNpigPmSNkK-IcqnNInRTlYVplHZ904
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,556 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ee9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109046160>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,560 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,562 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,563 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c4150bcd-0f99-43d7-aaeb-f0cc36882343
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,565 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 1f83b8dd-a994-4235-ac73-56e038aa4a41
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 52af2cd2-d14c-44d9-bed5-2bd8ac922047
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,567 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,569 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,631 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,641 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4NiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgxfQ.ZJoLhZ7ksMwkGDVsO8ug31Qsy5mF0IWpwZ6RwxQBl54
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,648 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109046940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109046b00>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,655 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,670 DEBUG checklist_service 120 83525 140736909169600 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,676 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 66fea21d-cd9e-4594-afb8-bdcec0c22c1e
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c66e66f3-59d8-4deb-99cf-07ad595206d3
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 bd43586f-093c-4fa4-801d-ea61ad65a009
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,753 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgxfQ.MAgazHxwC02wgF3ksh2hr1sNektDyhBVfxHtJ0eaemU
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,772 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109046a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10867c278>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,777 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,789 DEBUG checklist_service 120 83525 140736909169600 Creating a new section. Section name = sec1_name
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,793 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d7377a5d-62ad-45a4-b712-5e9869edeee5, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 13:49:41.792979+00, null, 5a11504f-1323-4be1-861b-e3cdc2510b9d, 5301f06d-ebf5-4c36-b963-05b750c643de).
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,794 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,800 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d7377a5d-62ad-45a4-b712-5e9869edeee5, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 13:49:41.792979+00, null, 5a11504f-1323-4be1-861b-e3cdc2510b9d, 5301f06d-ebf5-4c36-b963-05b750c643de).
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 218, in editChecklistTemplate
+ self.createNewLineItemForSection(sectionObj, li, templateObj)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 146, in createNewLineItemForSection
+ weight=weight)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 401, in create
+, using=self.db)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/", line 290, in save
+ super(ChecklistLineItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 708, in save
+ force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 736, in save_base
+ updated = self._save_table(raw, cls, force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 820, in _save_table
+ result = self._do_insert(cls._base_manager, using, fields, update_pk, raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 859, in _do_insert
+ using=using, raw=raw)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1039, in _insert
+ return query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1060, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 95, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.IntegrityError: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d7377a5d-62ad-45a4-b712-5e9869edeee5, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 13:49:41.792979+00, null, 5a11504f-1323-4be1-861b-e3cdc2510b9d, 5301f06d-ebf5-4c36-b963-05b750c643de).
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,801 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4cfc633e-75ff-45da-be54-46fdad71f691
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,805 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 624dab83-7dc9-4c27-8376-ad4ba40d4191
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6ef40e2e-c76c-4991-b99a-4771a46eef2d
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,807 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,810 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,811 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,872 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5MiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgxfQ.2r3HkmTZOgmQQgYITA7nNQo4q3iEpS0WyHFW5DM5McA
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,889 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10869b198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10834d7f0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,894 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,895 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,895 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,896 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 387, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,896 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,899 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e07b2d3b-480f-4dc3-be18-2cd3ff637f3a
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 322123c3-72fc-485f-bfae-0d9708d733ce
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2f78e87c-7a02-4cd1-bd65-876aca51db3f
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,903 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NSwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgxfQ.VEBw-q3F6skUIyoH2eAeaspF-XVWzKxRl67Xcje-q64
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,982 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108761630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108759dd8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,990 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : edit_checklist_template. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,991 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,991 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,991 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 139, in put
+ CheckListSvc().editChecklistTemplate(data)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 196, in editChecklistTemplate
+ templateObj = ChecklistTemplate.objects.get(uuid=templateUuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 122, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 387, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,992 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,998 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 95054231-4af6-4f86-befb-c464523c3d93
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 3c574328-7bd7-4174-acc5-681f5bc55b79
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,004 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'a5UST'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5OCwiZW1haWwiOiJqUmlTQElJWUYuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJqUmlTQElJWUYuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.GF5PmwmjRPuiaPE4gUX-0VvIh3YUm8U1mMvfZIGrXFQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NywiZW1haWwiOiJlVG5uQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVUbm5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.mR5ozT0o0PQJkx-AyS-clM1hwnjNNaY3wd-fp5kYGjw
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,060 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,060 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 83525 140736909169600 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,060 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,061 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 83525 140736909169600 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,061 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 83525 140736909169600 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,072 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 83525 140736909169600 The engagement team:
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,073 DEBUG activity_log 157 83525 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,073 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,074 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 83525 140736909169600 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,074 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 83525 140736909169600 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,075 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 83525 140736909169600 The VF that should be removed after deletion: K3wAG
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,075 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 83525 140736909169600 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,077 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 83525 140736909169600 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,083 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108689358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086552b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '7bcacb53-f194-46ac-b186-6225bc1255a6'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,089 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,089 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,099 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,103 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 7ec26afc-0062-4f9c-b92f-615e618a75a1
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b9bfff43-46a4-4451-9743-a8dcd799afb6
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,106 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,149 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.JKoVH1qHCVvrXHATVE_rJQJFJOoETyrIiY7VqjS8Ngs
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.yVDDw6ttsblxvGcfd1rGv1TZ5y8rpPaLLixgmh-Gvck
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.vS5k7JaEbwm6Gj76PfzdeypfH8vyXMxiT6ypd_i0TfA
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,152 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 107 83525 140736909169600 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,162 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e122b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ea5518>) | {'vf_uuid': '80aabac1-c418-41c4-abca-43618a7bae01'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,168 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to delete_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: b921afe4-1b5b-482e-92db-e7c811805c0e isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,171 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 833da3a7-61b8-43cd-97ed-8861007bc15a
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,174 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 917391b6-1dfc-4387-90eb-848e15e91502
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,174 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,176 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,177 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,180 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,181 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDUsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.-XjO34M-bHBhXAYJULvh3pzMDrM9bGXQuDjoaddo-ro
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,217 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.yVCsXcEf37-uSDvAxWlFWHbXzLmv-6OdltCWahemfK4
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,218 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.x7uvbVu_iUngyBJfIg1Db0ucPEjys0NG1Rzw-kSrEvs
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,218 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 98 83525 140736909169600 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,227 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10862f470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087596a0>) | {'vf_uuid': '3c032965-7d19-4665-a515-4b7dbf40145b'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,234 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,237 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,239 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 cb1c5270-6b3d-4cb9-b3eb-a19690819f2a
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 12b45239-214e-4c72-9669-a21ffa4442cc
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.hmse623g12uvxyHJ_2sPglVnro9eMLH0LU-gGnNqaQw
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,284 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.W33bT1RtbMh7DoCnb_U1ZOW06_3CQNSVpwHHz4PV-Y4
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,285 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.XFehB6JA0kZUJ4Ct96zirzsHt5j7DA6_ZQm9bGUWIC4
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,285 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 88 83525 140736909169600 action should authorized (200)
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,293 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087617f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108afa978>) | {'vf_uuid': '69186a79-24d3-4a14-a5a8-612e3ee3e755'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,300 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,302 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ae5191b2-5592-4803-84b6-bca7d0c12244
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 391b7f63-5285-4a6c-8b61-5559d7223f6d
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,306 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,340 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,349 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.VBvL8Sl_S0YN_9CgERe8733ik5O-uHvjm2tSjrsTo1s
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,350 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.Vm8ONvuz_-MJ6QRLkIynM1XMxsBAB_AVxEuqZWv32v4
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,352 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.PbxyCck4Y1WJmbOtEPAP2MXCxOw4At0AEdusLoSX3Ag
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,352 DEBUG testDeploymentTargetSites 78 83525 140736909169600 action should unauthorized (401)
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,361 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10834d898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10834dc18>) | {'vf_uuid': 'fbb4e985-74c4-48a9-b3ba-1e29c90ba420'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,368 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to get_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 47a1ce68-4b4e-4d9f-af27-2b8ae991311d isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,370 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,371 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,372 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 64fa5563-673b-4b0c-8db1-11ceaba82e41
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ce52097e-700b-4879-aa84-bbd97e93227d
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,374 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,375 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,376 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,406 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,415 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.GmV0eq8qFaigtxakBIbpTOeti2SHjxGoy8Gq1LhcxvY
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,417 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTMsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.6m1wLdaT8-WAPj485kmDuqlDXD0IseT3e3abq7qY_RE
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,419 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.OxKXj_mFZ7k9qKq_pVpR1iC0uWeQ_ZabqWWxyDAc--g
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,427 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086872b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109046a20>) | {'vf_uuid': '9bc7720a-c2b6-4f08-aeac-4ae127b5e02b'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,437 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 976a69b9-7400-4621-9020-d8494d84baaa
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c933a495-21d1-4d68-8a51-9a894ec6128c
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,447 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,448 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,451 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,484 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTcsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.Dnr42Ohy4Ps8qTV8w_fBTT2BfRykZUkCo-aHPExEK1k
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,495 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.eKNu3vw91VUdeXMdjVxwgTdkTE2mW3uGUZ9QOYOYVFw
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,497 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTgsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.LEW9ozRTYvDBpYwOe9cMnfOmUtDpeUnlLDCwRbAqD_w
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,506 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e86d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e855f8>) | {'vf_uuid': 'faddcedf-9c50-4c0a-bf00-34c6c93fae6f'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,514 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,522 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,525 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 d4fd7bab-6755-4507-9b41-ec0706bb88cc
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,527 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 5d3888a4-b733-44a1-9e71-0ad6beba7223
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,528 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,530 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,531 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,532 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,559 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.ByzFGxEdjzKDYzWQ7REu3_bwJFXdL9AdapDFYvJ70Vc
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Mn0.D8IL2eAWeUhp-UQg_TgOHRtJ7-VCi9TPb5WnW71iwro
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW4yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluMkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.6XfESTqSedOWfi8NDo6IOzlkGlDQyQlSx9-8LKO9z10
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,579 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e8748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e8978>) | {'vf_uuid': '079f4088-4350-4c27-8080-9751db1b716a'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,586 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : add_deployment_target_site. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to add_deployment_target_site/ Engagement: 71141d34-3515-4fe1-a34c-ca9484b60725 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeploymentTargetSitesTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,590 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 671d18c9-8e5c-4fb1-96d5-57016dfc844b
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 da7679c8-450d-46bd-a1a6-f4ce942c2e74
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,600 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,603 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,633 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.p6ZwONrkRklRTfiUrLvPFH2z8LicAr1NfL3aTxcIotw
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,635 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.mG6mmdi9qcNTtVKAal-WXS7nO5-xUiRkLoXjPlbqAik
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 56 83525 140736909169600 [TestName: testSetProgress - START]
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,750 DEBUG testEngProgress 40 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,756 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e86320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e86e80>) | {'eng_uuid': '2657d68d-5d03-4136-8f7e-47e796db67fc'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,764 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: 2657d68d-5d03-4136-8f7e-47e796db67fc isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,772 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10867cd68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108349f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '2657d68d-5d03-4136-8f7e-47e796db67fc'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,780 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,788 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109046a58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109046278>) | {'eng_uuid': '2657d68d-5d03-4136-8f7e-47e796db67fc'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,796 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,796 DEBUG engagement_service 292 83525 140736909169600 set_progress_for_engagement failed: Progress value is invalid (out of bounds). Should be 0-100
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 58 83525 140736909169600 [TestName: testSetProgress - END]
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngProgressTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,804 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,808 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 af0372fc-e368-4640-939b-10320efd1f02
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2469ee54-cff5-40ec-9d71-824bdf60fd90
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,810 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,812 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,814 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,816 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,817 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,818 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,819 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,859 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,867 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.jmlOktO37T5KG9TcwC5syfIVmKnmHLKusQe-5bAEe3E
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,869 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.3Ub1I4GBEzEJkiIrpfaZFsO-Cfd8FS1gxUQMJLjJgxM
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,870 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgyfQ.8uLqi-vyxulREGuF3DYdpvnhnpPeLQHo_oWYTZve_CY
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,877 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108768a90>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b8fef0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,885 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,888 DEBUG engagement_service 82 83525 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,900 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085ca1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085ca5f8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,913 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,924 DEBUG testEngStatus 96 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only team members can get status
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,929 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a72748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10868e898>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,940 INFO authorization_service 128 83525 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,940 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=User is not a member of engagement: ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,942 DEBUG testEngStatus 102 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only existing eng_uuid cab ne fetched
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,947 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1083591d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086559e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fakeuuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,955 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,958 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4b6d83ec-17b3-47cf-9520-48cbb6994472
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ac1a8e54-00ac-48c7-97eb-e3897b066f42
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,962 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,968 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,969 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,004 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,011 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgzfQ.hUtCUhBSi2fYctcU_mG5ncos4aFQnv3lc6ZYFURLevY
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,013 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMjgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgzfQ.a0e_46uZSKVRoxLpXkDamhSsWljVhUnoZXX0ZKmjpP0
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgzfQ.tfN8bULCgHj-U56gcIsAgmB1ayNSozFTS4Yf5DhXYF0
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,022 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x109046048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108690668>) | {'eng_uuid': '86fc2d5b-f9c9-420b-8593-d896640f40e5'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,030 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,032 DEBUG engagement_service 82 83525 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 86fc2d5b-f9c9-420b-8593-d896640f40e5
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,038 DEBUG testEngStatus 66 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,043 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108349b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10867c2e8>) | {'eng_uuid': '86fc2d5b-f9c9-420b-8593-d896640f40e5'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,050 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 86fc2d5b-f9c9-420b-8593-d896640f40e5 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,052 DEBUG testEngStatus 73 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (400), For fake engagement uuid
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,058 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e86dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e850f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fake-eng'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,075 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e865f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e86b00>) | {'eng_uuid': '86fc2d5b-f9c9-420b-8593-d896640f40e5'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,084 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,086 DEBUG engagement_service 82 83525 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 86fc2d5b-f9c9-420b-8593-d896640f40e5
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,091 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,092 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,093 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ccba234a-75c3-44e4-8a96-bb5d325c5a4b
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 66c2188f-6dcb-4f63-8c91-e3243d698bc8
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,094 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,096 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,098 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,135 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,141 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgzfQ.JFuecScQQJMMvRbakXKQAqX_Po_C60cwhbKUXSxvGCg
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgzfQ.B85YUgvLAtecYDSVqcdupHsBnuOWChuaN9I2G8Ml_6E
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWI1NzhtQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImViNTc4bUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzgzfQ.7cTpP7gfkZqcipVztDbQzHxRZ0CisJO6PHQ7OyZalLg
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,151 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108e21a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x109046f28>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ec51349e-188c-4871-962a-6118db5834da'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,162 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,164 DEBUG engagement_service 82 83525 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: ec51349e-188c-4871-962a-6118db5834da
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,172 DEBUG testEngStatus 47 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (401), Only Engagement Lead can set Engagement Progress
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,178 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085caac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087729b0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ec51349e-188c-4871-962a-6118db5834da'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,188 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: ec51349e-188c-4871-962a-6118db5834da isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,194 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108984978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108984ac8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ec51349e-188c-4871-962a-6118db5834da'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,203 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,206 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 140736909169600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: ec51349e-188c-4871-962a-6118db5834da
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementStatusTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,214 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,215 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,220 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 dc466e1e-5588-4881-b480-3d2c15f82c9b
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 32a1fbac-538e-4c0a-bdd7-5690a8725963
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,224 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,226 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,227 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,230 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,231 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,232 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,269 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,277 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.BJiNbXaCdxJ8rtfykIrap0UKOmAnO7ZOZ-JqFh-1A14
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,278 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.pgK9QcAoaPW7pexcE1eNL0gpfnLUG2nesnhQUJtEjwA
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.-Ae8GLoAGrcwCaJrJTbgRihYDfCkGttW2dKm7-yMICg
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,282 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.jKV2DvTotB-Mlf5CJ0G49Ih7sgzIk51I1RK6tyDHx_c
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,282 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,291 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089a38d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089a3a20>) | {'eng_uuid': '1ba14857-a42d-431a-b0d2-003fc79ffd13'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,299 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,303 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,304 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,306 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 80e63580-e662-49b5-9aa7-b9f0510a3e5d
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,307 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e84fd573-e595-4f07-9d68-1034add67a4f
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,308 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,309 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,314 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,356 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.zN7WKqyE4uDYGciCMSSrsVMl4XUi6oB8NHEarzympDc
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,357 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.Oz47xO5iTlS6gm42Qq_Kzn9Yhto5TDfb3hXy4EP5J6Q
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,359 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.9JLZmFukpQI7g_tRuWnovUco3umfUZLUD511bKckTUg
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,360 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.xCZkniBJyKl__rt7CvDUvWJoU7CFvi9_0TDIQcrcI7w
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,361 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,367 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a76550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a761d0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,371 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,374 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 57e5b8ef-175c-4d1a-a60c-e94f5cc66baa
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c85c56de-5076-43f5-9197-3d0151a127c0
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,377 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,383 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,384 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,424 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.kgrB-RO5DCqPtTYTAFsp_RBXo7fBnKbMNTdpbw77wSE
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,426 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.XK2FskvSsiFwFIRqGcU5WZt5_7ftKL_3KkHEWpKNSUw
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.O8yBkI86j6QZCpvIOeTCkeGcHIGHk7jGWQFFwTjdezs
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.icltrKAsP0Jfub3Dq13UpyCvWTBxFQ621FVPtfRpsq8
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,429 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 83525 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,436 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086890f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108afa978>) | {'eng_uuid': '010c2434-7165-4b1e-a193-956f6cdfd5af'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,443 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 010c2434-7165-4b1e-a193-956f6cdfd5af isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,446 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,447 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 8c39475b-c0f5-4454-8d72-c8b9e7696f99
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,448 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6cadedb6-df67-4643-ac57-93253acf3c74
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,449 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,450 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,452 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,454 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,455 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,456 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,496 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.o9HJ_p9Ovrk5rr59ly7-H4SquNTDd2L3ci3UPSesu-E
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,498 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.EWMl4fWKqkQfDrBsJqWbuahYw0ZT-d-7gbWwR6CHy6A
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,500 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNDksImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.V5H67YVK9aFHLW5aVV9y4T57qVjhDryQ69GPtdzUQIg
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,501 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.HgO7rNKZnfH6YplEirxVpOSLL-A1EbWpqca7eeJ9eZw
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,501 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 83525 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087683c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108638fd0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,512 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,514 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 77005029-d8f5-4349-b8fe-68c9b0b4febd
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,518 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 eb8afde0-8a94-488b-9be2-07f5694c102c
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,522 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,523 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,524 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,525 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,526 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,561 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,568 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTQsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.2YGSS87ID5FjtxG8rm5ZLqhv2w2vPK4h4fdfXbqC2N4
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,570 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.2vU9at0Aq75OvekHUYtfJ3Udm469oSlC4wa9vuC2LEI
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,572 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTMsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.Q2PFgwMnmwzlXKeKwJmoEahvf9OcFWHum0euIrOXsX0
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,573 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.G_H4VvHQk9Pe6XnWFS2q1MJp6x1eEHY38y1XCEIbWCE
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,573 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 83525 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,579 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086a2a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108623198>) | {'eng_uuid': 'af8175db-4753-477e-b512-272ca2956af3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,587 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,599 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,603 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 3bc7eff8-1a7a-4d20-ac04-1af3ad59d56e
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,605 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 300c9b9f-17c8-4db9-8503-0a42c565ca2c
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,605 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,606 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,607 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,609 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,610 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,611 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,646 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.NhvenXCHkZRQTy2GVhT5CVLrYW7g71xP6rxze_ic2OQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,655 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTYsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.veFB1BadsGcYbO9Is8154jfQ4crAh2rqukrL7oySz80
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTcsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.TJj4pOfUTmJg4cXrS8AoDckZZnH5IMghBtaiYEoG2nY
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.Y-UM1HIKv960TlEnDCLSpyQGr4k_FK7Mj0CvGRx4500
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,659 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 83525 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,667 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10866dd30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108e865f8>) | {'eng_uuid': '9d7c20e7-cf7b-4fa7-b8ab-44e845a24553'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,677 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 8abbd1c3-9a09-4ec2-827f-deddea384fb1
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,696 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e28b9861-463f-4235-bbc2-963dc8f2b595
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,697 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,699 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,701 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,702 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,703 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,704 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,746 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.jTq3Q7Atzf-SOuTVq6dJj7ewTVCnxDFIALTgAkom5BA
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,747 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjAsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.LyxcgWhlJhVgHL-4lL0fDwmYHxWLA54SGde42DWpYDQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,749 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.d6VLT10MKR7gqMjBlVWr7VG-kx9OUSft_1DsfXevGQc
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,751 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.5XdYs6R0ypFEu5eDkBP-vnoRlpYDnTSrG1SFwbux33M
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,751 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,757 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10834d828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108759ef0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a8336f27-7276-437f-a4ef-840d1ac7b65e'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,831 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,845 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,845 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,845 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,846 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,848 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b7f8c3ff-a33c-4929-bf8a-a954c8923e6e
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c6ed0180-6ab0-402f-a622-84e29cf84bba
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,850 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,851 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,854 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,857 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,889 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,895 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjYsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODN9.SEuFIo9ViNy2OEiFHo_4_E7Ogfgmg0oPdPpt1hN1e7k
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,896 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjQsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.Zhs3WAQOiRWMwZFLSp-8RH10kDU04VVLKZuL4tgu6KQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjUsImVtYWlsIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZWxfdXNlcl90b191cGRhdGVAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.LJL3R1dWrlV_E62sLet5UL1kCY8HvgS8K1VaismgVGs
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.UIYOFWjfxcM812gQzvkJnvdXgVAqunEPn4RLzyNrsRY
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,900 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,907 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085e89b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085e8438>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ce825144-2053-4c31-9348-52e2b3041262'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,915 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,929 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,930 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,937 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,940 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 85f8a3a3-13d0-4af4-bdf2-bb2ef4c8c010
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 fe58be97-00f5-4422-a736-0474328de3ec
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,942 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,946 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,947 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,948 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,970 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjksImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.Qz1YmjnJl_5oMjLNgpzTpqYpDprarFWEXClIgr237Tc
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNjgsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4M30.TgR9kf9rZHQkd727veO5bMOb8wNiqZOOSlkHJqk4me4
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,995 DEBUG testEngagementExport 48 83525 140736909169600 action should fail (500), missing arguments - stage and keyword
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,002 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108876358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862f7b8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,005 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,200 ERROR engagement 83 83525 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9d8f853b-738e-4cd8-9cb7-0217350a1f84
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 20faef04-1d83-4559-a6b8-2821776adf1b
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,205 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,227 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzEsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjFAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4NH0.z2lQG5vEREfWkjxaMEvtD2800gHE-zFjX2HiDtBBkwQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,249 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzAsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4NH0.Q0-xaFXh9lVtvp92YDsjwZDcN-vORPmuMtTgj4tcJdA
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,249 DEBUG testEngagementExport 58 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return one active engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,257 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10898d860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10898d9b0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,260 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,341 DEBUG testEngagementExport 68 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and return one intake engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,347 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ba898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089899e8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,351 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,421 DEBUG testEngagementExport 79 83525 140736909169600 action should success (200), and not return Intake engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,427 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089892b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ae6668>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,431 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : export_engagments. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,489 DEBUG testEngagementExport 88 83525 140736909169600 Check if the store procedure return data as expected (suppose to return 4 rows of overview sheet) and by that assume that it exists
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementExportTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,489 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,500 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,502 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,510 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,513 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,515 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,517 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,521 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,523 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,525 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,577 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83525 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83525 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83525 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83525 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestImportEngagementXLSTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,764 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,771 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,774 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 3932f97d-8cc1-41f2-b9a7-ba673990261b
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,776 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 fe2acf53-ca9d-4a52-aaa5-e8321b0fa92e
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,776 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,777 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,778 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,779 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,806 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,813 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg0fQ.o9z8IRkaOlGAUQsxhWxs1ssWvzms3D5Sy7B6U2F-MBw
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,830 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108980860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ba400>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,840 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,847 DEBUG views_helper 309 83525 140736909169600 Found VF name=n0X3b
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,848 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,848 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,849 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,849 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,849 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,852 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,854 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 08e3e20a-576b-401b-b05f-dafc94eb5dce
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,855 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 3859a7b8-1efa-4907-9831-9a44a49d8708
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,855 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,856 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,857 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,857 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,858 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,882 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,888 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,897 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODAsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg0fQ.Ow17qY1Ihikv2GWfp7ithIGIsZQZfibfFvjqCpTuMsc
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,903 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ba080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad7a20>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,914 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,920 DEBUG views_helper 309 83525 140736909169600 Found VF name=5sejF
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,920 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,920 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,921 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,921 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,921 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,922 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,924 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 8d98cd93-2e09-404b-bf6a-1283094ca3eb
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4376aabb-88ff-4761-a607-9c3f7ca2524f
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,926 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,927 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,928 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,958 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg0fQ.QeQvWwGXJWIQg3O1iQ4EnthRmdmwuraaBFZHGrowftw
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,983 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a63b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a63c88>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,994 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,001 DEBUG views_helper 309 83525 140736909169600 Found VF name=kqeam
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,005 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 cbfadeb3-35c9-4ec7-93e7-c322513c9b1a
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,007 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ad337fed-9b3f-4a1d-9ae4-2da0d003fb32
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,007 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.g-bYRLlP2Nbo62yN3zhfd_OKu8qn8oM5MTDCKdQpY7o
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,059 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871e0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871e8d0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,069 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,074 DEBUG views_helper 309 83525 140736909169600 Found VF name=qQNax
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,074 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,075 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,075 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,075 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,080 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,083 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 5ec554cb-e248-4ae9-8182-4ed0c98d7945
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,085 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 836a1bd4-7e70-41bd-8c94-9ddcbaee0463
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,085 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,087 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,088 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,124 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,129 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,134 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODksImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.0AOWb_zY0irqXfmUlb5COJ3I88vX-aaJZg1n3C2SqNQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.sRrKPDu70Jc-CNjOPhs3pfdZnDd908L-VCkhixfO8CM
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,154 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.jfH1rjl78jdgDJSGGr9W5yo_WY9xTkuV0lKPjAMVh8Q
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,155 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,159 DEBUG nextstep_service 212 83525 140736909169600 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,159 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,162 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,171 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108157dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155898>) | {'eng_uuid': '6ada5f4c-8416-4df8-a933-20d12f854728', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,182 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,204 DEBUG nextsteps 69 83525 140736909169600 Successfully added a Next Step to engagement_uuid=6ada5f4c-8416-4df8-a933-20d12f854728 for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e137369f-7d93-4a03-873f-cf2df1c948d6
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,208 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 09876a82-a540-41dc-bf01-93c9617ba073
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,209 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,211 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,212 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,245 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,250 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,260 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,273 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.4ANRQcrY_nr7I539obw7YJJwtvsGzkgzsuRtCvprwCQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,275 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.gIARly-vufvW3Gv6Yi1J0STGW1L9babCICgwDJHdaRg
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,276 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.S7bcNUwtbE4809pFEziBHjy3a4kVdiZJjdCHXXVC2xw
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,276 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,279 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,283 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,287 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,298 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4ab38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5a898>) | {'eng_uuid': '0a5a503e-8ebf-41b6-98c8-32d869b725fa', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,306 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,346 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108afb978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a63630>) | {'ns_uuid': '7490ccd0-c011-4964-a8c8-43c3f6cbd705', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,354 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,356 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 83525 140736909169600 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Incomplete to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,357 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,365 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108155f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155128>) | {'ns_uuid': '7490ccd0-c011-4964-a8c8-43c3f6cbd705', 'attr': 'state'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,373 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_personal_next_step. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,374 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 83525 140736909169600 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Incomplete
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,376 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,377 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 642b4e6a-b8bb-4c5b-ba12-793e4f989a20
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,379 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 1879846a-9804-4583-9e39-b11238e8d65a
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,379 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,380 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,381 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,381 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,382 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,420 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,431 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,437 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,452 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.EZrcPDUUSP3ezRZrcuKQW-LuNH3pGvPD822vVDSf9F4
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,454 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.aPNX41QFja8TGQISNAmrj1NJWLMd3jYphfrlQ5zZvKI
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,455 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOTYsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.lgXVt0ffr6D_xZfM1ItY9WIsFhgtTK4twcsnNCersFs
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,456 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,460 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,464 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,467 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,477 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091e9240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10872eda0>) | {'eng_uuid': '07d7ce3f-1e1a-4573-a4a2-609456a9ec78', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,485 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,487 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,488 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,490 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 18ef43a0-b17c-4b8d-a763-20542b2032ac
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6bcf9983-ebaa-4afb-8db3-fe9266a79f2a
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,493 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,533 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,538 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,548 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDEsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.GyvO7fG981ytLHfHvqCgachMLQ5jyI27Z8SwUohWj4w
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,559 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.gVjtjKTOCMogKMBtb1JGKOO7KqLHIvHj5tsO8a3-E4g
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,561 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDAsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.GXloYwPaBsH-q-KtJb_uIZQ5auNTGQfQezDiKooOpXg
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,561 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,565 DEBUG nextstep_service 212 83525 140736909169600 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,565 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,569 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,579 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ad7278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ad70f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c0503859-1ea0-4242-8e81-f80759413b52', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,588 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,615 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 5886f24f-5274-41a0-8ca2-4b7276081504
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,617 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 922bc3b1-59c0-41c9-876e-5e808728160e
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,617 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,618 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,619 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,620 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,656 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,670 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,676 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,689 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDUsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.GkvcnykAO4SarQ-3W_Sn2gjBGNVEK5P-Rmtmw4GoL-E
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.Du7_4oeVLA4Knx2xkQtj40C4GYrLU8nrRnEXEXEVmEc
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDQsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.oMw2ImqKbRT5g55JYBT_apk8VJ7b-q_NaV5FyBq1YNI
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,701 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108732f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108732438>) | {'ns_uuid': '58fdd9a2-ab60-4f18-84e3-1ff55ea258bd'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,709 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,716 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,717 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,719 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 18716f76-c7c3-4906-b9b0-a580554dcac5
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ee13c1cb-1f08-4473-89e7-dbea8213c34f
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,768 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,774 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,779 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,784 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,792 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDksImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.kwwM9PoRF9fDRaza2wKRNyP9z-OaSQNZoQ97j1zLaoU
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,793 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.H_GPaK7yOM0P1wegH9Xhp09zXWeICUnK7z6Qcxsi_zE
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,795 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDgsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.0gM5aWKsq32M5Owjt6ZFd2VgARev1utXqYPWXM0iGfo
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,802 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a6ec18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a6e748>) | {'ns_uuid': '123245', 'eng_uuid': 'f4b39e84-02e1-40d6-a8d1-9fffe3bad3b9'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,813 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,830 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 dc10ac3c-f2cd-4681-bca0-a7fb5a869f3a
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,832 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 95352e2c-4333-4d52-b484-6caf623f256d
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,875 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,886 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,895 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,903 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.32PsHcTO1QhkFT-GLWecjrtZnQCAM5OLq0wUYV7DAis
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,905 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.tMtYmzUsglR1xSW-lBoxEcvE7fxSgSUeG0HP4Wu1Ipg
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,907 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTIsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.vV0Ncf7V-JWei1W4ZfWtb7gKJbyTj8I_ebweBnT3NT8
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,909 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,909 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,910 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 471, in dispatch
+ self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 28, in initial
+ super(VvpApiView, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 394, in initial
+ self.check_permissions(request)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 329, in check_permissions
+ request, message=getattr(permission, 'message', None)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 169, in permission_denied
+ raise exceptions.NotAuthenticated()
+rest_framework.exceptions.NotAuthenticated: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,910 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 8f4312c6-2a26-41ff-a7cc-206857d9923a
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,915 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 d46696ce-8b04-49fd-a01a-443a98303e12
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.fsfA3Th4W0wUfj4JBgTxW_9-dE5Svp6BB3q31Dq_afI
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTksImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.xsAl1ozD9Mg1W_w2Q71ZIslMzVzsezItUAXAy1StEmo
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,989 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTYsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg1fQ.IsYvneKBm_YyF9bBmxcs1uvswlWkro8HnikekvD7KpM
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,994 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091da860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108869048>) | {'eng_uuid': '59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,006 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,009 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,017 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10873fc88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10873feb8>) | {'eng_uuid': '59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,030 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,034 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,040 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108732da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5a940>) | {'eng_uuid': '59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e', 'eng_stage': ''}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,050 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,055 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,061 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108afbf98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a69b70>) | {'eng_uuid': '59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,071 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,080 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087272b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108726f28>) | {'eng_uuid': '59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,088 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,093 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a639e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a63390>) | {'eng_uuid': '59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,103 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,105 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,108 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6f037c43-2dda-4788-a6de-2bb53ebf5977
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 afe9bcb8-bcd2-4aa2-8458-5d5a947a7576
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,109 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,145 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,157 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,163 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,169 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,178 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjEsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.DJKG_2UqE9P7Mwozre8Zz30Ny4Agq4jWixniYlL_Ux0
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,179 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYWY3MzJwQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.gFCKpNOk3emqF1_CJeV-VFvFhsqgcfGV6IQxDBwNNoU
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,181 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjAsImVtYWlsIjoiaXQ3MjlyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.abXHejC63RPZ-_BnC92sb528U-5MvKQJEZjbPGt3OJ0
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,181 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,187 DEBUG nextstep_service 212 83525 140736909169600 Skipping creation of default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,187 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,190 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 83525 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,199 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108155eb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5ad68>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,208 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a5a898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5add8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,223 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,228 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,232 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 a3816128-2703-4e36-b049-ce02cab13c31
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 afcbe227-cd5c-4e8f-ad7a-eca749e793c9
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,233 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,235 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,257 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JiLAr'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjUsImVtYWlsIjoidDlIVEBOUkxDLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidDlIVEBOUkxDLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Nn0.6z6elF4eXgPW_u3s8eK43GbBNMrnyRKIqebaWyJnjvI
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,267 DEBUG testPullNotifications 61 83525 140736909169600 Starting pull notification test
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,267 DEBUG testPullNotifications 62 83525 140736909169600 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,278 DEBUG testPullNotifications 68 83525 140736909169600 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,278 DEBUG activity_log 157 83525 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,278 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,284 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a5fcc0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108732b00>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,285 DEBUG notifications 77 83525 140736909169600 Pulling unread notifications from DB
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,288 DEBUG testPullNotifications 76 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,288 DEBUG testPullNotifications 77 83525 140736909169600 Got response : b'[]'
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,288 DEBUG testPullNotifications 81 83525 140736909169600 Ended pullNotifications test
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase NotificationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,288 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,292 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,295 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2035695e-d91f-4d7c-88c0-5d04da8f7a62
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 cef4394f-0a16-4939-8253-5b2bcaaa40ac
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,299 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,300 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,369 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjksImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.nWt65UzTRAnlXO1naEUYoSrcu5_6wQsjIrOsH4In3lA
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMjgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.xI28m3Ph-99d3FjiNPqmViqS-_cYCFUJz4oYcMqMmh8
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,387 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Nn0.aSXu4LG37ROnVsVbam9798W09vYa005RH7eUF7pwiIQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,397 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a6e4e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a6e278>) | {'checklistUuid': '8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,407 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,408 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b', 'eng_uuid': 'b08c0b07-3efd-4a49-a245-eff7f2eb3445', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,409 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83525 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,413 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,414 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83525 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,420 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,449 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a63278>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091c48d0>) | {'checklistUuid': '8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,457 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,507 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b, user.uuid=840d9622-a623-4813-8b50-14d1e446dfd7, checklist.uuid=8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,508 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,509 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,512 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2570943b-b1de-4df9-a353-8a709cf8d0a5
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 1dedff68-15fa-4e6e-aca3-0873a74e590c
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,515 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,587 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,600 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzMsImVtYWlsIjoiSG9kZG9yQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvZGRvckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.G8G-2omvFrezScdYLxUmO5XZxqhsJ4BM7nLBX8liDWw
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,602 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg2fQ.nP1FitK_hQlkzPRSJOhHPXoQC1rJXu0-f_2XDBTHXEM
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4Nn0.8m0s7Efw1tMeJds80SrpKUOxViBq0bYAsaPzVksSj2s
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 91 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 92 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Full positive work flow
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 93 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 103 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 104 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,604 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 105 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,605 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 107 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from pending state to automation state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,605 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 108 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,612 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10817e7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108143048>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,624 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,624 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2', 'eng_uuid': '03a335fa-12b3-4026-83af-e1b4afb7e983', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,625 DEBUG checklist_state_service 98 83525 140736909169600 set_state: pending to automation
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,629 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,631 DEBUG checklist_state_service 100 83525 140736909169600 set_state_to_automation() returned ice-checklist-for-test automation 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,637 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,664 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108159978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871a470>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,672 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,721 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2, user.uuid=6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9, checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,722 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 114 83525 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,722 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 120 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,722 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 121 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current state is pending -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,722 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 122 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,723 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 124 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from automation state to review state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,723 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 125 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,732 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4aba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108732dd8>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,743 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,743 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2', 'eng_uuid': '03a335fa-12b3-4026-83af-e1b4afb7e983', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,744 DEBUG checklist_state_service 107 83525 140736909169600 set_state: automation to review
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,748 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,756 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,783 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a5f1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108143ac8>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,793 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,849 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2, user.uuid=6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9, checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,849 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 131 83525 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,850 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 137 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,850 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 138 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2 Current state is review -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,850 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 139 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,850 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 141 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.1 changing decisions' review value to APPROVED -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,861 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a5f048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5fef0>) | {'decision_uuid': 'c82a77f3-1c22-47ec-8b21-47cb99a042dc'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,868 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_decision. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,868 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 25 83525 140736909169600 attempting setDecision(user=<IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, value='approved')...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,876 DEBUG checklist_decision_service 58 83525 140736909169600 review_value was successfully changed for decision: c82a77f3-1c22-47ec-8b21-47cb99a042dc , value: approved
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,877 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 148 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.2 Wishing to move from review state to peer_review state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,877 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 149 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.3 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,885 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108143a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871ae48>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,895 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,895 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2', 'eng_uuid': '03a335fa-12b3-4026-83af-e1b4afb7e983', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,896 DEBUG checklist_state_service 114 83525 140736909169600 set_state: review to peer review
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,903 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : el_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,911 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 83525 140736909169600 Adding vf d3795bbf-4687-4633-baf6-dd7d99465ec0 to recent engagements table for user Hold Door
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,914 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: ce76daa7-fe3d-403a-bd0f-d07364df1f5b and vf uuid: d3795bbf-4687-4633-baf6-dd7d99465ec0
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,920 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,948 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ad0978>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085b7c50>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,956 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,016 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2, user.uuid=6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9, checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,017 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 155 83525 140736909169600 2.4 you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,017 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 161 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,017 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 162 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3 Current state is peer_review -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,017 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 163 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,017 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 164 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.1 changing the cl peer_reviews' decisions values to NA -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,024 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 169 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from peer_review state to approval state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,024 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 170 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,035 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a69e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108732208>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,048 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,048 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2', 'eng_uuid': '03a335fa-12b3-4026-83af-e1b4afb7e983', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Hold Door ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,049 DEBUG checklist_state_service 121 83525 140736909169600 set_state: peer review to approval
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,058 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : peer_review_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,072 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 83525 140736909169600 Adding vf d3795bbf-4687-4633-baf6-dd7d99465ec0 to recent engagements table for user Lord Commander
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,074 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 614bcd9e-4e94-4045-8aa4-6f64241bc365 and vf uuid: d3795bbf-4687-4633-baf6-dd7d99465ec0
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,083 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,116 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f159e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085b7cc0>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,124 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,185 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2, user.uuid=6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9, checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,186 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 175 83525 140736909169600 3.3 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,186 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 181 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,186 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 182 83525 140736909169600 ----- 4 Current state is approval -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,186 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 183 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,186 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 184 83525 140736909169600 ----- 4.1 Wishing to move from approval state to handoff state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,186 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 185 83525 140736909169600 ----- 4.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,194 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085b7518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f0a9b0>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,204 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,205 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2', 'eng_uuid': '03a335fa-12b3-4026-83af-e1b4afb7e983', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Lord Commander ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,205 DEBUG checklist_state_service 128 83525 140736909169600 set_state: approval to handoff
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,211 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : admin_approve_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,216 DEBUG checklist_state_service 45 83525 140736909169600 Adding vf d3795bbf-4687-4633-baf6-dd7d99465ec0 to recent engagements table for user Sir Liav Ezer
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,217 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9 and vf uuid: d3795bbf-4687-4633-baf6-dd7d99465ec0
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,223 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,253 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871d240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f06e80>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,262 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,328 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2, user.uuid=6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9, checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,329 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 190 83525 140736909169600 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,329 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 196 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,329 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 197 83525 140736909169600 ----- 5 Current state is handoff -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,329 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 198 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,329 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 199 83525 140736909169600 ----- 5.1 Wishing to move from handoff state to closed state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,329 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 200 83525 140736909169600 ----- 5.2 Performing a request to move forward to the last state -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,338 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f0a470>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871d978>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,351 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_checklist_state. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,351 DEBUG checklist_state_service 64 83525 140736909169600 set_state(decline=False,checklist_uuid='0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2',get_request_data_vars= {'cl_uuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2', 'eng_uuid': '03a335fa-12b3-4026-83af-e1b4afb7e983', 'user': <IceUserProfile: Sir Liav Ezer ->, 'ns_uuid': None, 'notification_uuid': None})
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,352 DEBUG checklist_state_service 135 83525 140736909169600 set_state: handoff to closed
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,359 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : handoff_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,368 DEBUG checklist_audit_log_service 91 83525 140736909169600 audit log was successfully updated
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,427 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b68898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087321d0>) | {'checklistUuid': '0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,435 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : view_checklist. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,502 DEBUG checklist_service 314 83525 140736909169600 get existing checklist has succeeded for checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2, user.uuid=6f87af6d-1450-438d-bad3-bf8dfa8ebcd9, checklist.uuid=0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 205 83525 140736909169600 Please Notice, you got a 200 response, and was expecting a 200 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 207 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 208 83525 140736909169600 ----- 6 Current state is closed -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 209 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 81 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 82 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testSetChecklistState 83 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestChecklistSetState ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,503 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,504 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,509 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,513 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6b2035ec-0c29-4c39-a6d4-fb5513b7634c
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,515 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 45e54b73-56dc-483e-ae0d-4afa20e9bc37
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,517 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,518 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,520 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,532 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.Ztkit5GtpfrubSC3CA7XkJCvF6XdWyfxBUU-RRi6s-o
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,540 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,541 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,542 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 d11f4a04-29c5-45e7-91e4-dd40ef81323e
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,543 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 f75b7055-305b-4c06-b3ca-9e874e3ac5a0
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,543 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,545 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,546 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,557 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzYsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.U94ufP6ZFVqj734kYHxxXvhMBbSBQnv1zDf6Pd5jC3A
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,563 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10898a7f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f069b0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,565 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,566 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 67439ed3-0563-4626-9965-4b97d1594bb6
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 65e91a69-f17d-4482-8877-38e6fc11fb49
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,572 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,574 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,584 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.YcZXRLcdZnJiunWmWW3cnrC3HSvx-fRmMfaMnMBMBzw
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,589 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10898efd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a51320>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,592 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,594 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 a6c4264f-736f-40e7-9432-30b260bb3928
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,595 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4ddd741e-b1e8-4618-a676-23b030cd338d
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,595 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,596 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,596 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,598 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,608 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.5Z10mBJfzKhQ7cKR-w0_jyau-SEz5Yi_9jJu-w9yz0Y
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,614 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a517b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108989ac8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,646 INFO user 140 83525 140736909169600 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=59325486-0498-444d-b79a-e6278783c53f Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdatePasswordTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,647 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,653 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,659 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 2e1c93a4-a77e-4cbb-98a2-061f821d99d6
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 21e194ce-de94-484b-9e41-74d7052e4fe4
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,664 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzksImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.Ss5Lfqbqk7v-MoiSJO_Zxdh2RA3hHe2420t4rdg6AiI
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,687 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ac0c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ac0780>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,690 ERROR user 61 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,690 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,691 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,693 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 5e1f4479-59b3-4b0d-94bf-a703067fb54c
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,694 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b3c135a1-5afa-4e30-86fa-e2a58f3a6aef
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,694 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,695 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,695 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,696 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,697 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,709 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDAsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.n4IaRwn__Bw85pLfV8mCeFxeIqQ_KleKRP0LQ4Ok7fc
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,717 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,718 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,718 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 162, in http_method_not_allowed
+ raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(request.method)
+rest_framework.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,718 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,719 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,721 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 f665fa30-66b2-4b37-afb8-3622b3e16298
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e4a1694c-7a03-4e16-9d09-b728701e0937
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,723 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,736 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDEsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg3fQ.esF0MEbMUpAt5UtSMjNpLfxl1BvrEbjZ8iUuzFVqdK0
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,742 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a44320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10898d780>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,782 INFO user 89 83525 140736909169600 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=72c4011a-424f-4a26-aee1-d937a9de39b2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestUpdateUserAccountTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,782 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,787 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,790 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 a66787d9-d030-4d60-961c-339788c152c5
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,792 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 b4d995bf-7f71-404d-92c3-e3746b58a0f4
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,792 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,793 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,794 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,795 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,806 DEBUG testVFC 22 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,807 DEBUG testVFC 23 83525 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,807 DEBUG testVFC 24 83525 140736909169600 UUID: eab39f77-9539-4b25-9507-b9514e6c5537
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,807 DEBUG testVFC 25 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: xk3po
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,807 DEBUG testVFC 26 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,815 DEBUG testVFC 28 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,815 DEBUG testVFC 29 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,815 DEBUG testVFC 30 83525 140736909169600 UUID: e8e1eae6-989e-462d-bb9d-450d3e4dbb35
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,815 DEBUG testVFC 31 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: BDNnQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,816 DEBUG testVFC 32 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,824 DEBUG testVFC 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,825 DEBUG testVFC 39 83525 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,825 DEBUG testVFC 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 04877872-aed5-4bc3-ba83-3facfcf51d1d
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,825 DEBUG testVFC 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: s8mOz
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,825 DEBUG testVFC 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'lRe70'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,831 DEBUG testVFC 50 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,831 DEBUG testVFC 51 83525 140736909169600 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,831 DEBUG testVFC 52 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 4ad09c17-30ef-49e6-be32-373cab716143
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,831 DEBUG testVFC 53 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,833 DEBUG testVFC 59 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,833 DEBUG testVFC 60 83525 140736909169600 Created VF:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,833 DEBUG testVFC 61 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 20faef04-1d83-4559-a6b8-2821776adf1b
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,833 DEBUG testVFC 62 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDQsImVtYWlsIjoiNjU5akBaRklaLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiNjU5akBaRklaLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4N30.NOatIikN876vaLLwrki3sRb5_y4OVD-ZTF29K3YokEs
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,836 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDIsImVtYWlsIjoicHlSYkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJweVJiQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODd9.49oCGl_wfetyaDljpGlpaFss0PPLy7sjWQhA79qLbk4
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,836 DEBUG testVFC 89 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,836 DEBUG testVFC 90 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Create DTSite and add to VF
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,837 DEBUG testVFC 91 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,840 DEBUG testVFC 97 83525 140736909169600 1. MSXl2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,841 DEBUG testVFC 78 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,841 DEBUG testVFC 79 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,842 DEBUG testVFC 80 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,842 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,843 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 27ae2aa3-bc83-499c-bfbe-7b5c707333f3
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,845 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 546df84b-ebae-4ed2-87a6-6cdec91175b2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,848 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,848 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,849 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,857 DEBUG testVFC 22 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,857 DEBUG testVFC 23 83525 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,857 DEBUG testVFC 24 83525 140736909169600 UUID: f6f1fb27-72ff-4b84-be71-93bcae240846
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,857 DEBUG testVFC 25 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: wZoHs
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,857 DEBUG testVFC 26 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,865 DEBUG testVFC 28 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,865 DEBUG testVFC 29 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,865 DEBUG testVFC 30 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 2ac4e9ee-6e08-4c91-81e1-a4b4827d4430
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,865 DEBUG testVFC 31 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: 1mZnf
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,865 DEBUG testVFC 32 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,873 DEBUG testVFC 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,873 DEBUG testVFC 39 83525 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,874 DEBUG testVFC 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 86e1ca2f-cad4-4a1b-ac31-93eab38d5351
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,874 DEBUG testVFC 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: VLevK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,874 DEBUG testVFC 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,874 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Q5lIj'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,878 DEBUG testVFC 50 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,878 DEBUG testVFC 51 83525 140736909169600 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,878 DEBUG testVFC 52 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 4e9b7e2c-5c73-4b12-ba9a-00644874df0b
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,878 DEBUG testVFC 53 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,880 DEBUG testVFC 59 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,880 DEBUG testVFC 60 83525 140736909169600 Created VF:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,880 DEBUG testVFC 61 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 20faef04-1d83-4559-a6b8-2821776adf1b
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,880 DEBUG testVFC 62 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDcsImVtYWlsIjoiZHR5dkBGRlNXLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiZHR5dkBGRlNXLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4N30.WSocfvS4x8bajMzQuUMFWXxuOFxlU6tUm-wVJxlIszo
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,883 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDUsImVtYWlsIjoiblI4WkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJuUjhaQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODd9.887_iIu4uA5Ta7jTskWiicnW41tMHiQetK42P00KPbY
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,884 DEBUG testVFC 106 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,884 DEBUG testVFC 107 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Delete VFC
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,884 DEBUG testVFC 108 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,893 ERROR authorization_service 481 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,896 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108afa160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091da588>) | {'vf_uuid': '7b3b4fe4-4eac-40e2-bb7f-f11ab4127fd9'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,907 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,909 DEBUG testVFC 117 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 204
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,909 DEBUG testVFC 78 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,909 DEBUG testVFC 79 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,910 DEBUG testVFC 80 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 277a869d-046b-4aa9-9bf2-86e4d629f7cc
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ad2afad5-2231-40ea-9308-bcbed385d708
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,925 DEBUG testVFC 22 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,925 DEBUG testVFC 23 83525 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,925 DEBUG testVFC 24 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 2e10247e-1fd9-401a-8072-aa070d73ec30
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,925 DEBUG testVFC 25 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: X5Kzu
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,925 DEBUG testVFC 26 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,934 DEBUG testVFC 28 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,934 DEBUG testVFC 29 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,934 DEBUG testVFC 30 83525 140736909169600 UUID: a211c04d-bac0-4b40-bdf8-69b77af63ebf
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,934 DEBUG testVFC 31 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: wJK0m
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,934 DEBUG testVFC 32 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,943 DEBUG testVFC 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,943 DEBUG testVFC 39 83525 140736909169600 Created User:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,943 DEBUG testVFC 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 017f89dc-e376-4389-86b1-5283faa58384
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,944 DEBUG testVFC 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: s5nrt
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,944 DEBUG testVFC 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,944 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YmZIi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,949 DEBUG testVFC 50 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,949 DEBUG testVFC 51 83525 140736909169600 Created Engagement:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,949 DEBUG testVFC 52 83525 140736909169600 UUID: bac150bf-2558-46c9-be96-6e5c934ef08e
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,949 DEBUG testVFC 53 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,951 DEBUG testVFC 59 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,951 DEBUG testVFC 60 83525 140736909169600 Created VF:
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,951 DEBUG testVFC 61 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 20faef04-1d83-4559-a6b8-2821776adf1b
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,951 DEBUG testVFC 62 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,953 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTAsImVtYWlsIjoid1hZNkBOTEJTLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoid1hZNkBOTEJTLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4N30.j9oBbYvHyjZvgyHaWfk_uS9IeRVJYlG9xQYAp9SgzaM
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,954 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNDgsImVtYWlsIjoiRGNNTEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJEY01MQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTUzODd9.G7KEWdkBMrnqk-_EpkA1Yt5Zt0pDv-jXatFOiTjVHeo
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,954 DEBUG testVFC 125 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,954 DEBUG testVFC 126 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Get VFCs
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,955 DEBUG testVFC 127 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,966 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871e160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871e0f0>) | {'vf_uuid': '16f94a9f-c175-43a2-970c-933e6879dc1d'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,976 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,979 DEBUG testVFC 137 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,979 DEBUG testVFC 138 83525 140736909169600 VFCs found in the VF(through the GET request):
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,979 DEBUG testVFC 139 83525 140736909169600 b'[{"uuid":"162949bb-05eb-4f7d-b75b-e7ed03d3c896","name":"VDidf","external_ref_id":"3","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-28T13:49:47.957915Z","vf":"16f94a9f-c175-43a2-970c-933e6879dc1d","company":137,"creator":248},{"uuid":"58625455-deb0-4e37-b740-c738412b851e","name":"lrZGC","external_ref_id":"7","ice_mandated":false,"create_time":"2017-03-28T13:49:47.956392Z","vf":"16f94a9f-c175-43a2-970c-933e6879dc1d","company":138,"creator":248}]'
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,979 DEBUG testVFC 78 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,979 DEBUG testVFC 79 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,979 DEBUG testVFC 80 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase VFCAPITestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,980 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 f854f284-2e49-40ec-9370-64ad5b5e9570
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,992 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ba604c48-cad4-4ebd-964a-c7b720ff1898
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: b61a1d6f-cae1-48eb-8bb5-288ae71503b6
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,024 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: SEf7P
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,025 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KyTIl'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cahWJ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bGwUJ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'H6Fyp'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,063 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '6u74Q'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0CF1d'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,082 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GNR63'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,093 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VsKAw'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'vAcGh'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,113 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'GK8cQ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,121 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yznvw'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,132 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Elpjw'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,139 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mA5JH'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uklCi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTIsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OH0.g-cMSImM5CjyNtzqFvWOfAz5_Q8BoVOyI3glrbBhjbE
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,160 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 122 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,160 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 123 83525 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,160 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 124 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,168 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ac5b38>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155d68>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,200 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 130 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,200 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 134 83525 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"2e7GF","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"QD89f","engagement__uuid":"a2dd6a0f-456a-405e-859a-685f08d58b50","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"73f5c280-c5b2-4b57-a0d5-882e0e630b7a","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"VArQ3","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Ln3JX","engagement__uuid":"562e1700-f67c-4e1f-a0f0-53150db06ff5","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ea1ff329-bb4c-4146-83e1-1a10eda37380","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"VUs5p","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"hnC2v","engagement__uuid":"b7e99097-0f8c-4d7e-9638-6f09e267a82c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"aee5f632-ea39-4486-9037-491fbf407b17","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"vZC6b","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"GId2C","engagement__uuid":"0695656b-02f4-48e2-bb91-41ef9e253a61","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"2a6780e2-9c0e-4e9e-b013-9de6e60836b9","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"ymdVA","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"y3sGI","engagement__uuid":"e65c71ba-6d08-481d-9f9c-4004e01bee9d","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ac06dfc8-86b3-414a-92cc-7305958cb464","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":5}'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,200 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,200 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,201 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,201 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e135399f-819c-4201-a6e9-788748292fd5
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,205 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 cda5fabd-7778-4c06-a4c0-9414dc860677
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,207 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,208 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: 6d6c488f-8e01-4ddf-b579-58761d6adf82
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: tueTs
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,235 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mGaQK'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'cxt2K'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,254 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4Inxf'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,266 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'r7ARn'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2wZJc'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,286 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4dfCN'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 't86pD'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,303 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VmNuX'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2qvpC'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,324 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oh46A'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ibqX7'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,341 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'nMZmp'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '4zAo6'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,358 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'mnRZr'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,367 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTUsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OH0.tAQZJ8Bpm0GcjiDtu9f8KMSywQj861POtN5uw8jEdKQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,367 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,367 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 83525 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,367 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,373 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081572e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108157710>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,386 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,386 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 83525 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"azwdh","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"nr3c8","engagement__uuid":"4ca165fb-ffaa-4e83-aef6-bb78464ee399","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"c680ede3-0eee-4211-990e-40c6dc428689","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,394 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10872e4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871d780>) | {'vf_uuid': 'c680ede3-0eee-4211-990e-40c6dc428689'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,401 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,401 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,408 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,410 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ca92c052-7caa-41e3-9d1f-081cf4bca36d
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,412 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 bbfb27f4-54fe-42ee-ab88-a5b3156f98be
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,412 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: f769af75-6100-43a4-af0d-b186704f5c04
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: nGcpH
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,441 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Dxy4U'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,453 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gCfqJ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,460 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'qCFB0'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,472 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'RSXNP'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,478 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'J62uG'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,491 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'gouWC'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Lho6q'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QHAJ4'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,516 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'VwA3Q'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,527 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'MPUkf'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,534 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'N6UO5'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,544 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'uBIoi'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,551 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'wzqZT'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,562 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'HcnMt'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNTgsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OH0._eEfn3Hhf0nRCbxVKd5_Muv9As_rZ-HJJLMGnpt-L3E
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,571 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,571 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 83525 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,571 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,578 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081558d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108726be0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,591 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,591 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 83525 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"iaz0k","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"JiHNl","engagement__uuid":"406826ee-b8b4-488c-b2d5-da1264567285","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"fb253487-b92e-436f-b4c0-5caec6300cb9","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,600 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081436d8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10872e390>) | {'vf_uuid': 'fb253487-b92e-436f-b4c0-5caec6300cb9'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,607 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,607 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : get_vfc. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,609 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,610 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4a3da652-aacd-4854-9861-d0225fb989f9
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ef5533ff-d807-47e7-a0f6-b4f5c648949f
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,614 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,615 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,616 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,642 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,642 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 83525 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,642 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 83525 140736909169600 UUID: ebcd7989-6286-425c-b0db-d09884b63b37
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,642 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 83525 140736909169600 Full Name: Aws2U
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,642 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 83525 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,643 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'YUlEj'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,653 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'DRUSP'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,661 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '8xqsQ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,672 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'V7hfJ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Vkzuc'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,692 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'b0UrF'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,698 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Fn0H4'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,711 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NGdOb'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,719 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sp1FY'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'W8eCZ'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UNf2I'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'JcZno'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,757 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ncbJy'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,769 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Ue9h6'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,777 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjEsImVtYWlsIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiSm9obm55QGQyaWNlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OH0.o5ogrG8eJVQg7Ly7umpIe8rKm4mOs0CSkb-GycO-iyI
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,777 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 93 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,777 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 94 83525 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_even_numbered_engs_by_standard_user_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,777 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 95 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,783 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091daba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108af3438>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,808 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 101 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,808 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 105 83525 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"3gymP","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"8duyb","engagement__uuid":"574bf612-cbcb-475d-914b-ac048f92082c","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"520125c5-7192-4484-8f1e-36420c75e91f","vf__name":"vf_8","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"BrxUH","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"jmbEU","engagement__uuid":"68ffb7e9-36c0-47d7-a723-bc6014dee6e8","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"6432e2b2-0c2e-4c36-92ee-4853ca6d6b53","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"USDTo","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"Diqze","engagement__uuid":"f93cb441-279d-4bcd-8c45-bb44985c37c5","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ecd42656-d989-4137-8e64-89f47184a4e0","vf__name":"vf_6","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"XCgWu","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"HRvXk","engagement__uuid":"222c2578-3b28-4866-8e26-643465a3760e","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"85619445-c5cd-4085-85ca-b0065931378d","vf__name":"vf_10","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"jo14C","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"5iOJf","engagement__uuid":"20018ddb-5bc6-4cd9-a793-596eba3e8abb","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"51f5a84b-9aba-47bb-b9ce-a4499ae9937d","vf__name":"vf_12","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"kmRjs","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"RfKdM","engagement__uuid":"3fa15f90-a47b-4c23-b643-6939c30b5784","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"ca1e6977-bc92-4b55-8577-a4a0a24be2c1","vf__name":"vf_2","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]},{"deployment_target__version":"vAl38","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Active","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"R8wX0","engagement__uuid":"8ed0d954-a7f2-42cc-a123-8b193bc5aaac","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"152cf531-c33c-46e1-b93d-4e187986ffbf","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":7}'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,809 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,809 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,809 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,815 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,819 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9bc5402f-0c30-413d-8dce-a9d4c70e98de
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 8414c926-8dfb-49dd-9142-f8bab891b64a
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,822 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,823 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,825 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,877 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg4fQ.NBUfOmoFtZufgucTvI2DlyWHqyJvzeFGNRBh07szN-c
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,878 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjQsImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OH0.EJlTZmuF3uLZxQieQwdcrk-7tUwVxkpFWDRU0_tvTEY
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OH0.euL-l6K5keV7DkJndbbq6hcikk107TajJtKiiavnKSc
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 164 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 165 83525 140736909169600 Test 4 (Negative) started: admin removes el_user from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 166 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 175 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 176 83525 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,880 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 177 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,887 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871efd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088762b0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,895 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR engagement_service 612 83525 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,900 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,903 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 610, in put
+ remove_user_from_engagement_team(eng_uuid, user, requested_user_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 613, in remove_user_from_engagement_team
+ raise PermissionDenied
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,903 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,909 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108876748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aec6a0>) | {'eng_uuid': '71603214-1444-42bb-b74f-7fd6fc2ae669'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,916 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,922 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 00ddad29-0fa1-4a30-9a94-2b350ec2c0d9 and vf uuid: 68dd8410-b585-4965-aa7d-e794843a2d48
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,958 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,958 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,958 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,960 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 278952a3-29c5-426b-85d2-74c5ce1d3347
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 03e5ae78-11bb-4669-8210-b1fc670ea6e0
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,964 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,965 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,967 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,017 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ.9Wd8id-imZXY8I98hDvIP2dvO0LjxRj-7AoK3y1arrA
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,019 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNjksImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.YHZN5GN3ZyxGvRgjPDfIoMzoGBXPOvrIPZBiq4Qpjyk
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,020 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.z8kz_sCo-__jgsMhdphTC0yY0IftlWBqQbUVncyykEw
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,021 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 130 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,021 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 131 83525 140736909169600 Test 3 (Negative) started: User2 removes user1 from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,021 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 132 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,021 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 141 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,021 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 142 83525 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,021 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 143 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,027 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f155f8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f15240>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,039 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,039 ERROR engagement_service 619 83525 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 DEBUG exception_handler 72 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 DEBUG exception_handler 73 83525 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 610, in put
+ remove_user_from_engagement_team(eng_uuid, user, requested_user_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 620, in remove_user_from_engagement_team
+ raise PermissionDenied
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 DEBUG exception_handler 74 83525 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,046 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f15ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f15710>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c2d20257-2b0f-4695-ae73-65a06acfbc2f'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,052 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,057 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 33f31490-11ec-4690-8189-b334c267b949 and vf uuid: 81fa57a4-195a-40b6-a93f-78a12beb53ad
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,093 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,093 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,094 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,094 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,095 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,096 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 72c91cc5-4eab-4baf-b651-f00bfbb5f887
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9b521545-4704-4f8a-a386-2331223bcddb
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,099 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,102 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,150 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ.uHs_ro_3GGCWgLjOb34FU-o_y9YzheyaNQ3WbWkFB3s
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,151 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzQsImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.JKjmG5yMUclm176xzpcHUYtury1k7QaWlbdQFMoHbPw
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,153 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzcsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.kMxiupX-mdGLddE7IuZhTzYK8yzEvIrdjAw-NUVLNYI
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,153 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 95 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,153 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 96 83525 140736909169600 Test 2 started: Admin removes user from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,153 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 97 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,154 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 106 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,154 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 107 83525 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,154 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 108 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,161 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aec0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a6e208>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,169 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,175 DEBUG engagement_service 616 83525 140736909169600 User was successfully removed from the engagement team
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,183 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089a2dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871e320>) | {'eng_uuid': '5bcd05e7-4e63-444b-8bf0-fdcd6d7164fe'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,190 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,195 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 28fa5528-d54a-4772-a148-94c0ff39d76c and vf uuid: bb2de850-133d-402c-8aa8-47a2de59b984
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,232 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,232 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,232 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,234 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4fff81ab-6905-4737-8c32-9399fcb400ec
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,238 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 3f701213-2b33-4461-bcf4-3a6589a8f975
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,241 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,242 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,290 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,298 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzgsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ.boXMnbfJnsJr_j-Q2SXxTs7Ibklc9_iM3PF0AwoVJhw
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,299 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNzksImVtYWlsIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibW9yZ2Fuc2hAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.4SUWvCN6iX7EquDsqX4UCco5-PTjxT4Cp4K18ESdo08
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,301 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.VAzODbujliovhn9P4ZF4gADA0UqlezbnVXDYziwEfjg
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,301 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 60 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,301 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 61 83525 140736909169600 Test 1 started: User removes himself from the eng team!
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,301 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 62 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,301 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 71 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,301 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 72 83525 140736909169600 ----- sending put request with body -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,302 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 73 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,308 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a5f358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5f3c8>) | {}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,321 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : remove_from_engagement_team. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,327 DEBUG engagement_service 616 83525 140736909169600 User was successfully removed from the engagement team
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,333 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081435c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10834ba20>) | {'eng_uuid': '047b32f2-6100-4983-8974-efeaee515e5a'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,339 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,343 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 5052f211-5502-4e61-a78b-482e8b62a90f and vf uuid: bf253799-7da0-4f58-b69c-7b013e022549
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,375 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 50 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,375 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 51 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,375 DEBUG test_remove_user_from_eng_team 52 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,375 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,380 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,383 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 8e12705b-4396-452e-b6ae-f4bf71452284
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,385 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 9ea473ee-909a-436b-bef4-2aa335ad1a42
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,387 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,388 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,389 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,436 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODMsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ.y7qQUPXc7aPBlBBlAszn_tC1fly3ObCXUxeqxJd0jBQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODQsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ._mBRiOcwHbXE_6yXnc1JFeOfMd4GbWTIz9xDmB9R8WA
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,439 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODYsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.be7d3Px9UqEJPLQDLJNFtEdRil_PQw_dGuQWsA1UI34
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,439 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 132 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,439 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 133 83525 140736909169600 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --ADMIN-- user!
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,440 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 134 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,440 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 140 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,440 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 141 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,440 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 142 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,440 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 144 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,440 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 145 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,446 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f0e630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f0ee10>) | {'eng_uuid': '1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,457 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,470 DEBUG engagement_service 275 83525 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,476 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f384e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f38d30>) | {'eng_uuid': '1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,482 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,489 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 0ad4ed90-40bf-431c-ba72-12e38abb6ffa and vf uuid: aed0f9db-fc3a-42b5-badd-d2f4ef14380f
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,522 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 152 83525 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,522 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 158 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,522 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 159 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,522 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 160 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,522 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 162 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,522 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 163 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,528 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091da710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871ccf8>) | {'eng_uuid': '1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,537 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,549 DEBUG engagement_service 275 83525 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,554 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108980d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108155eb8>) | {'eng_uuid': '1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,561 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,566 DEBUG engagement_service 110 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 0ad4ed90-40bf-431c-ba72-12e38abb6ffa and vf uuid: aed0f9db-fc3a-42b5-badd-d2f4ef14380f
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,598 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 169 83525 140736909169600 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,599 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 175 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,599 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 176 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,599 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 177 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,599 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 178 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,599 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 179 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,605 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091dafd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091da080>) | {'eng_uuid': '1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,616 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,627 DEBUG engagement_service 275 83525 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: 1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,633 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ba240>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ba780>) | {'eng_uuid': '1177459c-bda5-45b7-9b66-20d7889e2025'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,640 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,644 DEBUG engagement_service 110 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 0ad4ed90-40bf-431c-ba72-12e38abb6ffa and vf uuid: aed0f9db-fc3a-42b5-badd-d2f4ef14380f
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,676 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 185 83525 140736909169600 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,676 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,676 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,676 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4dee1d76-3aba-4aaf-9758-6b9858fbbb2f
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 648e46e4-3e59-46ba-a1e2-ff1218d844b0
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,721 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,729 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODcsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ.7DY6WCIxWa9GAYhmPlBmJ_4wvRKPZIArbhGDL_hhDMU
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,731 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyODgsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1Mzg5fQ.l_DSFAzvVIoYQllJhZHm3gJYLby8B3DLFgW6IgJYCWQ
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,733 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTAsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM4OX0.iREM6TxDDx0ozC4oTCsRFv7msZnbYhtSxeuK1P7f71Y
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 61 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 62 83525 140736909169600 Test started: change from Intake to Active, using --EL-- user!
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 63 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 69 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 70 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 71 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 73 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to move from Intake stage to Active stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,734 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 74 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,741 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108aece48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871ea58>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,751 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,763 DEBUG engagement_service 275 83525 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: d19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c) was successfully changed to: Active
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,770 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a69c18>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108afa400>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,776 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,783 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 9df417e3-3a01-4cfe-8fed-4191f7546bca and vf uuid: a9b61b83-c8d2-48bb-a19d-9535394a6051
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,825 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087c30b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091d8c88>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,833 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,834 DEBUG activity_log 105 83525 140736909169600 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 89 83525 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 95 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 96 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2. Current stage is Active -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 97 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 99 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.1 Wishing to move from Active stage to Validated stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,838 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 100 83525 140736909169600 ----- 2.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,843 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108596c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108596dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c', 'stage': 'Validated'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,855 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,867 DEBUG engagement_service 275 83525 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: d19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c) was successfully changed to: Validated
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,872 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10873f0b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10804ce80>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,877 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,883 DEBUG engagement_service 110 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 9df417e3-3a01-4cfe-8fed-4191f7546bca and vf uuid: a9b61b83-c8d2-48bb-a19d-9535394a6051
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,918 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 106 83525 140736909169600 2.3 Please Notice, you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,918 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 112 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,918 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 113 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3 Current state is Validated -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,918 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 114 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,918 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 115 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.1 Wishing to move from Validated stage to Completed stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,918 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 116 83525 140736909169600 ----- 3.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,924 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108596898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f362e8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c', 'stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,934 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,946 DEBUG engagement_service 275 83525 140736909169600 Engagement's stage (eng_uuid: d19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c) was successfully changed to: Completed
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,952 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089acfd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091c4cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd19ee150-003d-40b6-b19e-982299c23a6c'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,959 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,966 DEBUG engagement_service 110 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: 9df417e3-3a01-4cfe-8fed-4191f7546bca and vf uuid: a9b61b83-c8d2-48bb-a19d-9535394a6051
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,001 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 122 83525 140736909169600 2.4 you got a 202 response, and was expecting a 202 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,001 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,001 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,001 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,003 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 6586ebae-ee4a-4fb6-98e3-aba540d9bb4c
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 4542b3c0-d541-4a2d-98f0-a31ddc714c45
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,007 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,009 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,052 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTEsImVtYWlsIjoiYXMyMjF2QGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzkwfQ.8Td6JbL6DIUlmZfQAK-KARKWFMibofTZRlxQc4LQ4hw
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,054 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTIsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzkwfQ.ioA4U7TYtOCQobxxz_mesC09u5pznwj2AnGl_sDAgeE
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,056 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTQsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW5AYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NTM5MH0.dBxNlo5e-fX9Q1BEiJHg6W3zY4XP2wo_oBuiif2LjFY
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,056 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 197 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,056 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 198 83525 140736909169600 Test started: Negative test to change stage with un authorized user
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,056 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 199 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,056 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 205 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,056 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 206 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1. Current stage is Intake -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,057 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 207 83525 140736909169600 **********************************************************************
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,057 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 209 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.1 Wishing to try move from Intake stage to Active stage AND FAIL! -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,057 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 210 83525 140736909169600 ----- 1.2 Performing a request to move forward to the next stage -----
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,063 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091d4828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091d4a20>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fc50f751-34b8-445c-8627-4acd1938e1b8', 'stage': 'Active'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,072 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : is_el_of_eng. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to is_el_of_eng/ Engagement: fc50f751-34b8-445c-8627-4acd1938e1b8 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,082 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10817ef60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089a2ba8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'fc50f751-34b8-445c-8627-4acd1938e1b8'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,088 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,094 DEBUG engagement_service 116 83525 140736909169600 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: 6e222b9f-4656-487e-a92c-71d80d3e25ac and vf uuid: 31a13493-3704-4822-b339-f7b272deffcb
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 217 83525 140736909169600 1.3 Please Notice, you got a 401 response, and was expecting a 401 response
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 51 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 52 83525 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG test_set_eng_stage 53 83525 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestEngagementSetStage ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,134 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,138 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 ac54fdec-2bb4-41c9-b3c4-a21d5fb361ba
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,140 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 38f96ce1-db01-4fdd-9d5f-96167b20bf35
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,140 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,141 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,142 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,143 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,173 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 83525 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOTUsImVtYWlsIjoibGUwNTZnQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk1MzkwfQ.V1lJZeqFguM_gcEV60cILhioliN48ebMHYmO9OjiLHU
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,210 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,216 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestTestFinishedSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,224 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,229 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 e4971d78-84db-4bd2-931e-d7b1254aace8
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,236 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 83525 140736909169600 c07e3305-98fb-44b3-b1cd-76a313fb99e9
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,236 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,238 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,239 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,240 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestGitPushSignalCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,313 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 83525 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,315 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 33 83525 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestRequestDataManager ----------------------
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,323 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 83525 140736909169600 3c23c51f-8f69-417f-972c-0dce6414ffef
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,325 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 40 83525 140736909169600 fc267bd0-1342-4389-801d-38e67fb405b2
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,325 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,326 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,327 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,328 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 83525 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,367 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,383 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10871c320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091dae10>) | {'eng_uuid': '5ecc73bf-f029-4cf1-a2d6-df76ce24e861'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,392 DEBUG auth 51 83525 140736909169600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,394 DEBUG engagement_service 82 83525 140736909169600 Status was successfully created with a for engagement with uuid: 5ecc73bf-f029-4cf1-a2d6-df76ce24e861
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,419 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145345404928 START - test 0
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,431 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108732780>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10872e1d0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f83ff98b-9dd7-4b78-acd2-fb0c3874de42'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,441 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: f83ff98b-9dd7-4b78-acd2-fb0c3874de42 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,448 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091d8550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f36048>) | {'eng_uuid': 'f83ff98b-9dd7-4b78-acd2-fb0c3874de42'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,457 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,469 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145345404928 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: f83ff98b-9dd7-4b78-acd2-fb0c3874de42
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,480 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145345404928 END - test 0
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,480 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145345404928 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10868edd8>
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,497 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,504 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145345404928 START - test 1
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,518 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1087eeda0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108ac5518>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bdef1ffa-1383-46d4-b0a2-b30d71e6f2a7'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,526 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: bdef1ffa-1383-46d4-b0a2-b30d71e6f2a7 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,533 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ac5da0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1091d8eb8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bdef1ffa-1383-46d4-b0a2-b30d71e6f2a7'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,542 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,547 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145345404928 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: bdef1ffa-1383-46d4-b0a2-b30d71e6f2a7
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,556 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145345404928 END - test 1
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,556 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145345404928 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10868edd8>
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,568 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,575 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145350660096 START - test 2
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,587 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145350660096 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a5f358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108159cc0>) | {'eng_uuid': '88aa4f54-30be-44a7-a7ae-83639b516629'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,596 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145350660096 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 88aa4f54-30be-44a7-a7ae-83639b516629 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,603 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145350660096 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f3fe48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862feb8>) | {'eng_uuid': '88aa4f54-30be-44a7-a7ae-83639b516629'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,612 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145350660096 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,618 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145350660096 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 88aa4f54-30be-44a7-a7ae-83639b516629
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,626 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145350660096 END - test 2
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,626 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145350660096 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107a5fef0>
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,643 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145345404928 START - test 3
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,656 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089bab00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a63780>) | {'eng_uuid': '8038907b-377d-4e3d-ac01-477959b60e9e'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,668 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 8038907b-377d-4e3d-ac01-477959b60e9e isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,677 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089a6a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088767f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '8038907b-377d-4e3d-ac01-477959b60e9e'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,688 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,694 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145345404928 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 8038907b-377d-4e3d-ac01-477959b60e9e
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,705 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145345404928 END - test 3
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,705 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145345404928 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10868edd8>
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,717 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,724 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145355915264 START - test 4
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,738 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145355915264 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091da9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f0af98>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e36ae833-72c9-4d9e-a76a-b03b9434e592'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,746 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145355915264 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: e36ae833-72c9-4d9e-a76a-b03b9434e592 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,754 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145355915264 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10872e128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871d7f0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'e36ae833-72c9-4d9e-a76a-b03b9434e592'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,764 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145355915264 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,771 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145355915264 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: e36ae833-72c9-4d9e-a76a-b03b9434e592
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,779 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145355915264 END - test 4
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,780 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145355915264 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108159f28>
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,791 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,797 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145350660096 START - test 5
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,810 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145350660096 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10873f3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b2b358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a8e43765-a6bc-47c0-a50a-f679a9d50580'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,820 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145350660096 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: a8e43765-a6bc-47c0-a50a-f679a9d50580 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,833 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145350660096 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089bf518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10834b4e0>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a8e43765-a6bc-47c0-a50a-f679a9d50580'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,842 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145350660096 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,852 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145350660096 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: a8e43765-a6bc-47c0-a50a-f679a9d50580
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,861 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145350660096 END - test 5
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,862 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145350660096 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107a5fef0>
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,879 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145361170432 START - test 6
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,892 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145361170432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f0a0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a5fcf8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'edff0309-10e2-428c-96b1-5c1b071a5646'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,900 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145361170432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: edff0309-10e2-428c-96b1-5c1b071a5646 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,912 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145361170432 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085bd198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089ac748>) | {'eng_uuid': 'edff0309-10e2-428c-96b1-5c1b071a5646'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,920 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145361170432 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,926 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145361170432 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: edff0309-10e2-428c-96b1-5c1b071a5646
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,937 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145361170432 END - test 6
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,937 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145361170432 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107a694e0>
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,956 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145345404928 START - test 7
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,969 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ff3940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ff3a90>) | {'eng_uuid': '743a1e7e-1337-4821-9c2f-effbfc728780'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,977 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 743a1e7e-1337-4821-9c2f-effbfc728780 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,984 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145345404928 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b1fb00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107fe1390>) | {'eng_uuid': '743a1e7e-1337-4821-9c2f-effbfc728780'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,995 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145345404928 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,001 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145345404928 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 743a1e7e-1337-4821-9c2f-effbfc728780
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,010 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145345404928 END - test 7
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,010 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145345404928 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x10868edd8>
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,022 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,028 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145366425600 START - test 8
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,041 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145366425600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089a67b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089a6eb8>) | {'eng_uuid': '76123542-62c3-4da6-8dd1-200a5f8bf435'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,048 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145366425600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 76123542-62c3-4da6-8dd1-200a5f8bf435 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,063 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145366425600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b23e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10862f7b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '76123542-62c3-4da6-8dd1-200a5f8bf435'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,074 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145366425600 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,080 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145366425600 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 76123542-62c3-4da6-8dd1-200a5f8bf435
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,091 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145366425600 END - test 8
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,091 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145366425600 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x107ff3208>
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,101 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 83525 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,108 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 133 83525 123145355915264 START - test 9
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,121 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145355915264 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1091d8668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10871d048>) | {'eng_uuid': '775a4721-1baf-415a-bf4c-d3ff7a07bc90'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,129 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145355915264 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to put_engagement_status/ Engagement: 775a4721-1baf-415a-bf4c-d3ff7a07bc90 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,142 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 83525 123145355915264 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107f36fd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108afbac8>) | {'eng_uuid': '775a4721-1baf-415a-bf4c-d3ff7a07bc90'}
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,152 DEBUG auth 51 83525 123145355915264 Authorization Service : put_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,159 DEBUG engagement_service 64 83525 123145355915264 Status was successfully updated with a for engagement with uuid: 775a4721-1baf-415a-bf4c-d3ff7a07bc90
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,170 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 147 83525 123145355915264 END - test 9
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,170 DEBUG testRequestDataManager 124 83525 123145355915264 Closing DB connection. connection=<django.db.backends.postgresql.base.DatabaseWrapper object at 0x108159f28>
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,695 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 83525 140736909169600 validating step transition by el from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Incomplete
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,695 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 83525 140736909169600 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Incomplete to NextStepState.Completed
+2017-03-28 13:49:56,695 DEBUG nextstep_service 159 83525 140736909169600 validating step transition by standard_user from NextStepState.Completed to NextStepState.Incomplete
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,546 ERROR api 54 84826 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,548 INFO apps 29 84826 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,695 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 84826 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 84826 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 84826 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 84826 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 84826 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,876 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 84826 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,524 ERROR api 54 85074 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,526 INFO apps 29 85074 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,566 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,568 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,570 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,572 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,573 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,575 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,577 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,578 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,579 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,580 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,581 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,582 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,583 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85074 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85074 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85074 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85074 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85074 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85074 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,133 ERROR api 54 85317 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,135 INFO apps 29 85317 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,196 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,198 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,201 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85317 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85317 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85317 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85317 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,360 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85317 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,422 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,423 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,424 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,425 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,425 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,426 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,426 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85317 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,651 ERROR api 54 85410 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,652 INFO apps 29 85410 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,680 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,683 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,685 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,687 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,688 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,689 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,690 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,691 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,692 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,693 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,694 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,697 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,698 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,699 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,701 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,701 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,704 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85410 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,787 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85410 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85410 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85410 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85410 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,927 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,929 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,929 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85410 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,106 ERROR api 54 85484 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,108 INFO apps 29 85484 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85484 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85484 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85484 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,350 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85484 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,353 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,355 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85484 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,412 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,413 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,414 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85484 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,806 ERROR api 54 85553 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,807 INFO apps 29 85553 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,846 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,853 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,855 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85553 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,938 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85553 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85553 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,015 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85553 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,016 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,017 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85553 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,070 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,074 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85553 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,505 ERROR api 54 86148 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,507 INFO apps 29 86148 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,555 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86148 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86148 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,680 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86148 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86148 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,720 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86148 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86148 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,948 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86148 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,956 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86148 140736909169600 cb33e89b-d0cf-483d-8391-4658983a8fbc
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86148 140736909169600 d73a8b76-5e39-4e4d-9c86-987f838cf8dd
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,957 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,990 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 86148 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,991 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 86148 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,991 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 86148 140736909169600 UUID: 1412f3c0-c73f-491c-bbdc-9e4c06335d15
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,991 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 86148 140736909169600 Full Name: dorkv
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,991 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 86148 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,991 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yosMT'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,003 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'UhuaN'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'ACgH5'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,024 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'bj8pK'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,031 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KBY7G'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'QOGAd'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WRsnh'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'fVDPX'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,068 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sChoK'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,079 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '2m6vO'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,086 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WTQCY'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,097 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'NUBbd'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,105 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Ca6lp'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86148 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'WLDfq'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,124 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86148 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTcwOTJ9.NWe_8LDB44eLPo5D4yYa1oDAX-MAN_cpW_34DzsciMY
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,124 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 189 86148 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,124 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 190 86148 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,124 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 191 86148 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,188 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86148 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10727d2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10727cd68>) | {}
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 197 86148 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 201 86148 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"fEZ5c","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"fkYnu","engagement__uuid":"360376ce-f396-477a-8ef4-7e7015973c85","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"8754fb17-95ff-4930-84da-9807ddcf62cc","vf__name":"vf_0","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 86148 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 86148 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 86148 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86148 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86148 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,207 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86148 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,482 ERROR api 54 86236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,483 INFO apps 29 86236 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,510 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,512 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,514 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,516 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,517 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,518 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,519 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,521 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,522 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,523 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,524 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,526 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,528 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86236 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,682 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86236 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,684 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,685 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,686 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,687 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,688 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,689 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86236 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86236 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86236 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86236 140736909169600 b24d1c1b-4ad0-45e3-ab6b-f9d8d57bbe9b
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,890 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86236 140736909169600 24e4d33c-466b-43a9-bee2-9184380d6f4b
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,890 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,892 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,894 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,923 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 38 86236 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,923 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 39 86236 140736909169600 Created Peer Reviewer:
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,923 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 40 86236 140736909169600 UUID: 5cb5998b-187f-4f6c-a2f9-bb6621f8bc83
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,923 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 41 86236 140736909169600 Full Name: GLZvu
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,923 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 42 86236 140736909169600 -----------------------------------------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,923 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'AM0qN'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,936 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'J7ULs'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,945 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'oSEu0'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,959 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'KeqRF'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'PbnVR'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,981 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '0s4Ua'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,988 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7uXGc'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,999 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'FZkLe'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,006 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'xEleq'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,019 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'agoyZ'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,026 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'Pu861'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,036 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'rCnzb'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'zGKiu'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,055 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'sFKRQ'}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86236 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkpvaG5ueUBkMmljZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTcxMzR9.oLdjuIX3V0JE8KSCHGekoc1DofEOvQ_yuYjssQ-qwJk
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,065 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 148 86236 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,065 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 149 86236 140736909169600 Test started: test_get_expanded_engs_with_filter_no_keyword
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,065 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 150 86236 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,132 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86236 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1072ac2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1072a3d68>) | {}
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,151 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 156 86236 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 160 86236 140736909169600 Got content : b'{"array":[{"deployment_target__version":"k3fJs","engagement__peer_reviewer__uuid":null,"ecomp_release__name":null,"engagement__engagement_stage":"Completed","engagement__engagement_manual_id":"TGR7J","engagement__uuid":"19d27431-5e56-4286-b694-efe554f0e9ff","engagement__heat_validated_time":null,"engagement__image_scan_time":null,"engagement__aic_instantiation_time":null,"engagement__asdc_onboarding_time":null,"engagement__target_completion_date":"2017-04-13","engagement__progress":0,"target_lab_entry_date":"2017-03-28","engagement__started_state_time":null,"engagement__validated_time":null,"engagement__completed_time":null,"uuid":"e6fc3863-a493-4f84-9189-85e2c8bbecb7","vf__name":"vf_4","vendor__name":"AT&T","vf_uuid_count":1,"starred_users":[]}],"num_of_objects":1}'
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 81 86236 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 82 86236 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG test_expanded_eng 83 86236 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86236 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase testGetExpandedEngsAndSearch ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86236 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,152 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86236 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,163 ERROR api 54 86311 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,164 INFO apps 29 86311 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,206 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,207 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,209 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,210 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,211 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,212 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,215 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,217 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,220 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86311 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86311 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86311 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86311 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,397 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,398 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,399 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,400 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,401 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86311 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86311 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,567 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86311 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,569 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86311 140736909169600 3f800b4e-9932-4261-96ca-c9c107457408
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,571 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86311 140736909169600 0f94eadb-c94b-43eb-9134-908a9aaad44a
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,571 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86311 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,573 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86311 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,575 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86311 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,602 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86311 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'EaFxQ'}
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86311 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6Imhub2dAWVFVUS5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imhub2dAWVFVUS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTcxNzd9.LeQbN636Ksp31bDNSw-Wrzhy8xpuIfCGRt3wCHzLa6Y
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,612 DEBUG testActivities 37 86311 140736909169600 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,612 DEBUG testActivities 40 86311 140736909169600 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,623 DEBUG testActivities 46 86311 140736909169600 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,623 DEBUG activity_log 157 86311 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 ERROR activity_log 167 86311 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 DEBUG testActivities 50 86311 140736909169600 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 DEBUG testActivities 51 86311 140736909169600 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 DEBUG testActivities 54 86311 140736909169600 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,697 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86311 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10739cd68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108b9e240>) | {'eng_uuid': '0b6870fb-e629-420d-9edd-7199557d7d6b'}
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,703 INFO authorization_service 133 86311 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,703 DEBUG auth 51 86311 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 DEBUG testActivities 58 86311 140736909169600 Got response : 401
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 DEBUG testActivities 59 86311 140736909169600 Got content : b'"User not authorized: ec59c4e7-436e-43b2-adf1-cdaed432604d. eng_uuid=0b6870fb-e629-420d-9edd-7199557d7d6b. checklist_uuid=None"'
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 ERROR testActivities 61 86311 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86311 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86311 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86311 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,525 ERROR api 54 86513 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,527 INFO apps 29 86513 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,571 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,574 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,577 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,578 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,579 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,580 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,581 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,582 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,583 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,584 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,585 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,587 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,587 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,588 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,589 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,590 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,591 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,592 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86513 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,681 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86513 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86513 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86513 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,759 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,763 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86513 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,819 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,820 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,821 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,822 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86513 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,065 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86513 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86513 140736909169600 8d222e60-b153-4e63-8597-2b7d1b968d52
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,069 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86513 140736909169600 5f072803-46b9-4120-9573-f08091b9f312
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,069 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86513 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86513 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86513 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,100 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86513 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '7ad09'}
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,111 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86513 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6IlhwM2NAWkhSUy5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlhwM2NAWkhSUy5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTcyOTV9.z_k_VXV72-J9jjO93jTsd57AWALNtx0z3GhJgLfOpJA
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,111 DEBUG testActivities 38 86513 140736909169600 Starting Activity & notification creation test
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,111 DEBUG testActivities 41 86513 140736909169600 Starting activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 DEBUG testActivities 47 86513 140736909169600 created a new user & added him to the engagement team, going to create the activity and consider it as a notification
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 DEBUG activity_log 157 86513 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 ERROR activity_log 167 86513 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 DEBUG testActivities 51 86513 140736909169600 activity & notification created successfully, please manually verify that an email was sent / MX server tried to send
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 DEBUG testActivities 52 86513 140736909169600 Ended activity test: User joined
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 DEBUG testActivities 55 86513 140736909169600 Starting pullActivities test
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,197 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86513 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108075320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085f0748>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd20b0197-8445-4733-b304-8d958becff29'}
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,209 DEBUG auth 51 86513 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,210 DEBUG activity_log 105 86513 140736909169600 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,212 DEBUG testActivities 59 86513 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,212 DEBUG testActivities 60 86513 140736909169600 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,212 DEBUG testActivities 64 86513 140736909169600 Ended pullActivities test
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,212 DEBUG testActivities 67 86513 140736909169600 Starting activity test: delete user
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,213 DEBUG testActivities 70 86513 140736909169600 Verify that the 'User Joined' activity is deleted from the recent activities
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,218 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86513 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085c8908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108af86d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd20b0197-8445-4733-b304-8d958becff29'}
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,230 DEBUG auth 51 86513 140736909169600 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,231 DEBUG activity_log 105 86513 140736909169600 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,233 DEBUG testActivities 74 86513 140736909169600 Got response : 200
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,233 DEBUG testActivities 75 86513 140736909169600 Got content : b'[]'
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,233 DEBUG testActivities 79 86513 140736909169600 Ended activity test: delete user
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86513 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase ActivityTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86513 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,233 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86513 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,258 ERROR api 54 86575 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,260 INFO apps 29 86575 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,295 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,297 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,298 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,299 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,300 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,302 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,303 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,304 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,305 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,306 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,308 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,309 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86575 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,399 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86575 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86575 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86575 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86575 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86575 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86575 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,681 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86575 140736909169600 3ea33e28-4845-4086-88b4-b0b2b340e55e
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,682 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86575 140736909169600 a48444bf-c11a-4d5a-9a25-07409bfe1709
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86575 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86575 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,685 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86575 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,714 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86575 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,726 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86575 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzMyNH0._DWUDHW8KHgBfw4KDmfzmdVrPpXbhnoMdO39mjfy0RA
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,790 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86575 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086c3518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108989940>) | {}
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,801 DEBUG auth 51 86575 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,825 DEBUG views_helper 309 86575 140736909169600 Found VF name=Gc0j5
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 86575 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,841 DEBUG exception_handler 72 86575 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,843 DEBUG exception_handler 73 86575 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 63, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,844 DEBUG exception_handler 74 86575 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86575 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86575 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,844 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86575 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,868 ERROR api 54 86795 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,870 INFO apps 29 86795 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,899 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,917 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86795 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,009 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86795 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86795 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86795 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,084 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86795 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,143 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,145 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,146 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86795 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,305 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86795 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,308 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86795 140736909169600 1bab3e01-4144-4431-8327-d4a11c8889e0
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,310 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86795 140736909169600 dd6b0728-5890-4620-8601-2dd86725df3e
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,310 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86795 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86795 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,313 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86795 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,341 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86795 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,351 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86795 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImxlMDU2Z0BhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJsZTA1NmdAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzQxMX0.BXH06S6lwuGrDXVkogeXtZBC1O_fr6gMlufJCL3sVbc
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,409 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 86795 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089ac860>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089b5438>) | {}
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,419 DEBUG auth 51 86795 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,440 DEBUG views_helper 309 86795 140736909169600 Found VF name=Bt92Y
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,457 ERROR exception_handler 71 86795 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,457 DEBUG exception_handler 72 86795 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,459 DEBUG exception_handler 73 86795 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 63, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=True)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,460 DEBUG exception_handler 74 86795 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86795 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAddContactTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86795 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,460 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86795 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,216 ERROR api 54 86997 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,217 INFO apps 29 86997 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,253 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,255 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86997 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,353 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86997 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86997 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,427 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86997 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,428 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,429 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,430 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,431 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,432 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,433 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86997 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86997 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,621 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 86997 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,623 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86997 140736909169600 6331babc-ba16-4b4f-a0cc-2b3566957e2f
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,625 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 86997 140736909169600 1050f900-9131-44ae-a474-e4d486fda5ee
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,625 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,626 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,628 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,693 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,699 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86997 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzUyOH0.lf5LMOo2_TIVWwEztvReXHsEriWIUQJNGy8ZXL_7cSI
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,701 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86997 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzUyOH0.RfkjwTnX7WA58ft89PhzaZLATcD-BJrx4BtY0CjL3tc
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,703 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 86997 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzUyOH0.tZ_5B-Nll-Rh7FbfrTfthviSzShLgDO5bKl7LtkKrGE
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,737 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 86997 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,744 INFO authorization_service 133 86997 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,744 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 86997 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 86997 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,745 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 86997 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,771 ERROR api 54 87133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,772 INFO apps 29 87133 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,819 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,820 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,821 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,822 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,825 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,826 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,945 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87133 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,981 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87133 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87133 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87133 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,241 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 87133 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87133 140736909169600 7d914608-db0d-4de3-a810-e850136a4716
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87133 140736909169600 f34f4360-d277-4ede-8abe-eaba7d3dc0ad
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,248 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,301 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,311 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,315 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87133 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzYwMn0.YhJ4wNkNj72QrHJHKzGVbBujTdW1fTtnOReU5KFg-kg
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87133 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzYwMn0.jEmeiObfqwsEVNNBhVeoF_ZX1ODbwUfaMBpMFNtoatU
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,324 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87133 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5NzYwMn0.OGmoZzD-1Ot3t-5Ku1p--kU320eQYegBPDyiQfYDFsc
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,357 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87133 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'some-checklist'}
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,371 INFO authorization_service 128 87133 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 786a61d5-9918-40ee-84cc-7d63862ec000 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,378 INFO authorization_service 128 87133 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 786a61d5-9918-40ee-84cc-7d63862ec000 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 87133 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestAuthService ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 87133 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,393 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 87133 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,094 ERROR api 54 87184 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,095 INFO apps 29 87184 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,127 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,129 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,132 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,133 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,134 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,135 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,138 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,139 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,140 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,142 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,143 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,145 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87184 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87184 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87184 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,309 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87184 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,313 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,315 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87184 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87184 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,388 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 87184 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,389 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87184 140736909169600 45592c4d-bbe3-479e-95d8-2142a68434ba
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,391 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87184 140736909169600 2b46e13d-6685-4b0c-bd30-8e352c417f44
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,391 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87184 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,392 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87184 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,394 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87184 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,413 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87184 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'e09kp'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,431 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87184 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6Ill5WndAVFVISC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Ill5WndAVFVISC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTc2MjZ9.NSPTGFWHCXJYj8fDn2bb79zm-kHdfetbAY8nEJ_UyM0
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,433 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87184 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6IkxOUHBAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiTE5QcEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk3NjI2fQ.nOYKYr4CffBsOtXwBP1LjVZvcVS1YQd9wiMkDI3KbEg
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,433 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 86 87184 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,433 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 87184 140736909169600 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,433 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 87184 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,433 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 92 87184 140736909169600 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,433 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 87184 140736909169600 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,444 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 98 87184 140736909169600 The engagement team:
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 DEBUG activity_log 157 87184 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 ERROR activity_log 167 87184 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 103 87184 140736909169600 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 105 87184 140736909169600 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,446 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 112 87184 140736909169600 The VF that should be removed after deletion: PC7QM
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,447 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 114 87184 140736909169600 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,448 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 120 87184 140736909169600 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,496 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 87184 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107397c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a04748>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b57e4cce-4dce-4515-8692-7baf0c95b695'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,503 INFO authorization_service 133 87184 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,504 DEBUG auth 51 87184 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=False. message=A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 87184 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 87184 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,505 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 87184 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,107 ERROR api 54 87290 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,108 INFO apps 29 87290 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,135 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,140 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,142 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,146 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,149 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,150 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,151 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,152 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,153 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,154 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,155 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,157 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,158 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,159 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,160 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87290 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87290 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87290 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87290 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87290 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87290 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 87290 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87290 140736909169600 000c8150-3339-4cfb-8b0d-f949dec5d46f
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,828 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87290 140736909169600 90e532d3-c547-457d-8e22-764b3b0ee33a
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87290 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87290 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87290 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,854 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87290 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'U7AhZ'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,873 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87290 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6IlI4Q3pAQlBEQy5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlI4Q3pAQlBEQy5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTc2Nzh9.wDTte6H0ekdPoZxMclNmfLXKn4IAkoYq2K5y6T8F-Hs
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,875 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87290 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6IjlubmZAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiOW5uZkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk3Njc4fQ.bWFXP07EK28xY4vC1gOmjfCqR_yWnKW1sy0zLb1_O34
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,875 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 87 87290 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,875 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 88 87290 140736909169600 Test started: delete Engagement
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,875 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 89 87290 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,875 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 93 87290 140736909169600 Creating an activity for the Engagement ( by adding a new random user )
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,875 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 94 87290 140736909169600 Creating a random new user
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,887 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 99 87290 140736909169600 The engagement team:
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 DEBUG activity_log 157 87290 140736909169600 creating an activity object using the createActivity function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 ERROR activity_log 167 87290 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 104 87290 140736909169600 Activity & notification created successfully
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 106 87290 140736909169600 The activities that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,890 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 113 87290 140736909169600 The VF that should be removed after deletion: 0WQAH
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,890 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 115 87290 140736909169600 The Next Steps that should be removed after deletion:
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,891 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 121 87290 140736909169600 About to the delete the engagement with all its sub modules
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,938 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 87290 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1074c0898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108951780>) | {'eng_uuid': '3b67acb6-a3c8-4505-a5e9-762942cb33eb'}
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,946 DEBUG auth 51 87290 140736909169600 Authorization Service : delete_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,956 DEBUG views_helper 165 87290 140736909169600 Deletion of sub modules for the engagement was successfully conducted
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,964 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 127 87290 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,964 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 128 87290 140736909169600 Using the tempCopyOfEngObj, trying to retrieve the any objects through the ORM that relate to the deleted Engagement object.
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,964 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 129 87290 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,964 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 130 87290 140736909169600
+The current activities after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,966 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 143 87290 140736909169600 The current VF after deletion of the engagement: []
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,966 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 145 87290 140736909169600 The current Next Steps after deletion of the engagement:
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,967 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 75 87290 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,967 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 76 87290 140736909169600 Test Succeeded
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,967 DEBUG testDeleteEngagement 77 87290 140736909169600 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 87290 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase DeleteEngagementTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 87290 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 87290 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,202 ERROR api 54 87351 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,203 INFO apps 29 87351 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,236 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,241 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,243 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,246 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,247 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,247 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,253 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,298 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87351 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87351 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87351 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87351 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,410 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,412 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,414 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,416 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87351 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87351 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,835 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 87351 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,837 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87351 140736909169600 2c1a3488-5eb5-4f74-8c1e-faba47377d10
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,838 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 87351 140736909169600 d74f0b95-a442-4163-a3fd-258d37454bb3
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,843 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 87351 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,844 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 87351 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,845 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,846 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 87351 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 87351 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,889 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87351 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk3NzA3fQ.oxKsCCiS-iI2JYy454W40JUAwZ3F8rCKmjXicAVOyPw
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,891 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87351 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTc3MDd9.q69D33nvK2NuoHC_FxUBriYi64jLxLGw24Rt1sOtEv4
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87351 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTc3MDd9.fjCT_2UuMywaPNLWa9To_-iBos0R-82gwFM-v436s04
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,894 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 87351 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTc3MDd9.tG9spd9Zc901VluVYz1o4X6FNbiDhDT0JVvvNXkYY3I
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,894 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 87351 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,943 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 87351 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107280358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10888e7b8>) | {'eng_uuid': '5824f4b2-672e-421b-a705-23d923e0effe'}
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,951 DEBUG auth 51 87351 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 87351 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 87351 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 87351 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,569 ERROR api 54 89035 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,571 INFO apps 29 89035 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89035 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89035 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,789 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89035 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89035 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,830 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89035 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,893 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,893 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89035 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,135 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89035 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,143 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89035 140736909169600 f516f222-0f96-4356-9b7b-1ceb10a3d727
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,144 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89035 140736909169600 c9d8096e-ec95-49a2-b8cd-64f3d56b0fbc
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,144 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,146 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,148 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,149 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89035 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,150 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89035 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,151 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,152 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89035 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,186 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89035 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89035 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk4ODY5fQ.D0sp0vFbCvOj3gcR3Qb2iIkM8L_0d3WkHIx9DcKUjjI
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89035 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTg4Njl9.6vu_qKG2OOJqQjqDR87oRUcGoLPXPiQhhftrXpFvq48
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,197 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89035 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTg4Njl9.EN-twkSHnyJ6TpwS40zNK6ghL-oDc2KhTTXb8Jvmxw0
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,198 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89035 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTg4Njl9.vN4l7aKG0U-5pubYrXjLUGue1-StGGPK79UIDqzWb9M
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,198 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 89035 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,266 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89035 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108b10438>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c5f898>) | {'eng_uuid': '8bc9c445-8dbd-43be-8b71-6ed6906181ee'}
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,274 DEBUG auth 51 89035 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89035 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89035 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,287 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89035 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:53:58,954 ERROR api 54 89621 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:53:58,957 INFO apps 29 89621 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,010 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,014 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,017 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,021 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,026 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,029 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,031 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,034 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,036 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89621 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89621 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89621 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89621 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,246 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89621 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89621 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89621 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,990 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89621 140736909169600 d149b842-01c9-44c2-ae15-8967e318786c
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89621 140736909169600 3f7a1408-7602-4307-bd78-778ea4ed7959
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,991 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89621 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,997 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89621 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,999 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89621 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89621 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,063 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89621 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk5MjQ4fQ.zUrthX1JYFBCxxhFGI2aEXDPbT5Pyej-J98tU584mNk
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,066 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89621 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkyNDh9.JfobImjWB2EO-CDYLvslY_FGoEhMuzgpQDeCzXkp9xo
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89621 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkyNDh9.vuZ8Snip-lo0p3XchFVJZBGqvR4jQR2rUgBRHg_3XVs
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89621 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkyNDh9.7EFUXC9s3R1ncgTKsq_CC9_z0-aIkAXmkOD1tRXVHnc
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,071 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 89621 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89621 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89621 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,071 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89621 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,615 ERROR api 54 89692 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,617 INFO apps 29 89692 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,663 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,665 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,666 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,668 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,670 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89692 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89692 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89692 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89692 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89692 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,893 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,894 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,895 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,895 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89692 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,265 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89692 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,267 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89692 140736909169600 418e5411-91b5-497d-9f00-5ac46f3a8cbb
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,268 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89692 140736909169600 ce0a9b2c-37cf-4816-b7bf-de49d6f8dc85
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,270 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,272 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,273 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89692 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,274 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89692 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,275 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,276 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89692 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,312 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89692 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,320 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89692 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk5Mjc0fQ.UvdEQZQ4lsb0EW1gorlFwQK2jZYp4ao6wkSM5Ro66YA
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,321 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89692 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkyNzR9.8Fb9KfKbGfg5vBiMNuPGLCo5oNj1pAeUUzRZ6e_jkwM
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89692 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkyNzR9.Rc-aWblj5f5xritjOjNHa_SlWh5x_cqwY41qakEdPTw
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89692 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkyNzR9.9kPysuquiDf2nESebnuwFvuN56Y_xiU5a-e0jS4JW-Q
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,325 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 89692 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,391 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89692 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10727d048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10898e588>) | {'eng_uuid': '46cee83c-6faa-41cc-be7f-165ca32c98dc'}
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,399 DEBUG auth 51 89692 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: 46cee83c-6faa-41cc-be7f-165ca32c98dc isn't valid
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89692 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89692 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,402 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89692 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,324 ERROR api 54 89761 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,325 INFO apps 29 89761 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,432 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89761 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89761 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89761 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89761 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89761 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89761 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,821 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89761 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,823 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89761 140736909169600 c128984e-8d3f-4f5f-8762-457a26bc1f8e
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,824 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89761 140736909169600 f16a9ecd-5d6e-4f0f-9db3-bbeab72d16a2
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,824 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,826 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,827 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,830 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89761 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89761 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,832 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 89761 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,869 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89761 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,880 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89761 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk5MzAyfQ.DEFF4SmSnaoguTmC3irEvgMTiiqX-vUim3qislIuzYo
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89761 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkzMDJ9.aFWrmi9KQ13YZkYgpQaN4LlTx_eZigmPUHwjzy8sTlc
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,884 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89761 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkzMDJ9.8Q_fktXQpycWZZPttgRCWZ5hvmPsdfZjCuFYeCPonWQ
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89761 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTkzMDJ9.ez5VcWBvkIYQ2_Q0a7lrQnZNkk2g3qpm8YGuUPzBug8
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,885 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 89761 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,931 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89761 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1073b9048>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10887f390>) | {'eng_uuid': 'ae1006d1-33ab-4790-89be-8e197e7ebe5f'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,939 DEBUG auth 51 89761 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement. Result=False. message=Role standard_user is not permitted to update_engagement/ Engagement: ae1006d1-33ab-4790-89be-8e197e7ebe5f isn't valid
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,942 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89761 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89761 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,943 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89761 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,616 ERROR api 54 89829 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,617 INFO apps 29 89829 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,663 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,665 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,666 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,668 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,670 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89829 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,754 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89829 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,790 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89829 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89829 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,828 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,830 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89829 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,885 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,886 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,887 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89829 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,261 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 89829 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,263 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89829 140736909169600 ba02163f-a865-4254-8816-20d438fc855a
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,264 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 89829 140736909169600 dd017786-af45-45c5-b2c4-c63d171cb7da
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,265 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89829 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,267 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89829 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,268 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89829 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,298 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89829 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,305 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 89829 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,318 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 89829 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTMzMn0.RYDUO7ISfq5IPhyfBqTHylqpgdSQFcwQ6NC-pJkOffs
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,375 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 89829 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108557358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108767780>) | {}
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,385 DEBUG auth 51 89829 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,408 DEBUG views_helper 309 89829 140736909169600 Found VF name=cG51K
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,424 ERROR exception_handler 71 89829 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,425 DEBUG exception_handler 72 89829 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,427 DEBUG exception_handler 73 89829 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,427 DEBUG exception_handler 74 89829 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 89829 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 89829 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,428 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 89829 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,896 ERROR api 54 90341 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,898 INFO apps 29 90341 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,977 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90341 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,076 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90341 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90341 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,161 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90341 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,165 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90341 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,225 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,226 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90341 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90341 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90341 140736909169600 4123e9f8-f6f6-45ac-9e1a-2cbed375c87d
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,739 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90341 140736909169600 208e972a-780d-4297-a76a-34a45a95731f
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,739 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,742 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90341 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90341 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90341 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,783 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90341 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,792 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90341 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk5NTcyfQ.KHNKNp415calF8u_o5vX0k_M3YFThfrNrzItxWNgTg4
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,794 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90341 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTk1NzJ9.g2IOZQiy5n7MsCiQ08YyV2WuwuuqfS6A8q-YqMLMwU4
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,795 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90341 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTk1NzJ9.vPEzBZsLEzOMiHXlfozGzWKq261rfLHZvsrNj80_8Lo
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,796 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90341 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTk1NzJ9.fB-rAauTpyRf33FXX0Og4cZ4Wwb4izgLAD-eJaEhArI
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,797 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 90341 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,868 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90341 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1072a4518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c7048>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b1bf8f23-82a6-4bf8-9450-5be73327c789'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,879 DEBUG auth 51 90341 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement_reviewer. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement_reviewer/ Engagement: b1bf8f23-82a6-4bf8-9450-5be73327c789 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90341 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90341 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90341 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,695 ERROR api 54 90383 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,696 INFO apps 29 90383 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,748 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,790 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90383 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90383 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90383 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,900 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90383 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,905 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90383 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90383 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90383 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90383 140736909169600 5daed408-e22d-43f8-a6e2-20cf68462953
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90383 140736909169600 94382ec7-ca98-4def-a8e7-f6b72d37c574
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,915 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90383 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90383 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 90383 140736909169600 found object
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,955 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90383 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,963 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90383 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkwNzk5NTkyfQ.GCxOodbcfQsyoyeKpBp97ArQI0g4iwQ5H3bCvJkROvk
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,965 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90383 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTk1OTJ9.nWa7do0B9KhdCsW_QGfqUpIYF4bmC8NBIsruvZzlR3Q
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,966 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90383 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTk1OTJ9.9o-pdwfp2w1RUCOPwxjIxW0kWo_GW102VXdB3k_OYY4
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,968 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90383 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTA3OTk1OTJ9.xWou25T98YYTNo0AP0YwMK8LzgNhFByi5tfu_yKD13c
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,968 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 90383 140736909169600 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-03-28 14:59:53,034 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90383 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a7d7b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a4d358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a2ae35f6-b79d-45ae-b894-b02a65ddbd90'}
+2017-03-28 14:59:53,042 DEBUG auth 51 90383 140736909169600 Authorization Service : update_engagement_peer_reviewer. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement_peer_reviewer/ Engagement: a2ae35f6-b79d-45ae-b894-b02a65ddbd90 isn't valid
+2017-03-28 14:59:53,044 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90383 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 14:59:53,044 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90383 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 14:59:53,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90383 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,820 ERROR api 54 90453 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,822 INFO apps 29 90453 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,853 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,874 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,876 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,937 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90453 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90453 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90453 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90453 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90453 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,121 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90453 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,583 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90453 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90453 140736909169600 eecae68f-5483-4764-9520-a29c6ae6a75c
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90453 140736909169600 ab02f5a5-a778-4594-93e4-34f7ea0ec20b
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,597 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90453 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,599 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90453 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,601 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90453 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,630 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90453 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90453 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,648 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90453 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTYyMn0.4ZnYsDfA6VQy9abzfN7WSZDx79sbFnW1wi993mVQCuI
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,719 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90453 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10729cba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108839be0>) | {}
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,731 DEBUG auth 51 90453 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,782 DEBUG views_helper 309 90453 140736909169600 Found VF name=st3Jw
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,797 ERROR exception_handler 71 90453 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,798 DEBUG exception_handler 72 90453 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,800 DEBUG exception_handler 73 90453 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,801 DEBUG exception_handler 74 90453 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90453 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90453 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,801 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90453 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,785 ERROR api 54 90656 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,786 INFO apps 29 90656 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,840 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,841 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,841 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,846 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90656 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,936 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90656 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90656 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90656 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,026 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90656 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,084 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90656 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,628 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90656 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,636 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90656 140736909169600 c29f6fbc-1e2c-4962-a425-599307d65658
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,637 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90656 140736909169600 f503647b-9a9e-4b95-b8ad-f4e675e90e6a
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,637 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90656 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,639 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90656 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,640 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90656 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,671 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90656 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': '123456789'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90656 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'abcdefghi'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,692 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90656 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTc0Nn0.8aqkClW1_T-oaxmwyD4_CINJeERhoW5FChJ4-GkHHxk
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,762 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90656 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a1f518>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a02940>) | {}
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,773 DEBUG auth 51 90656 140736909169600 Authorization Service : invite. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,792 DEBUG views_helper 309 90656 140736909169600 Found VF name=fbzB3
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,808 ERROR exception_handler 71 90656 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,809 DEBUG exception_handler 72 90656 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,811 DEBUG exception_handler 73 90656 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 70, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 37, in post
+ msg, sts, newUser = inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin(inviterUser, data, is_contact_user=False)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 172, in inviteUserToSignUpOrLogin
+ body, subject, sts, invitation = generateInviteMail(data, inviterUser, invitedUser, is_contact_user)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 83, in generateInviteMail
+ body = get_template("{invite_template_dir}invite_mail_body.html".format(invite_template_dir=Constants.invite_template_dir))
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/template/", line 43, in get_template
+ raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name, chain=chain)
+django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,811 DEBUG exception_handler 74 90656 140736909169600 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90656 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestInviteMembersTestCase ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90656 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90656 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,684 ERROR api 54 90715 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,685 INFO apps 29 90715 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90715 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90715 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90715 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90715 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,917 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90715 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,977 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,979 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90715 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,240 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90715 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90715 140736909169600 c623914b-2f4b-4f12-915d-0d2b8d026266
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,244 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90715 140736909169600 9103b2ff-6f38-4e0e-a0b1-0897c0632a75
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,244 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,246 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,247 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,285 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,292 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,296 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,302 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,307 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90715 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,316 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90715 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTc3Nn0.vjqTvdzX-e82WZNsQ2hk1T0CGMtgXGjvRV21MdC2tCU
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,317 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90715 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTc3Nn0.h30vG6n9EpTiAzin2ln_Q9LKgYDSPgQE1WqJGeu0hLg
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,319 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90715 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTc3Nn0.MoEdW_f2Nisbl6Y1MoMMkX4UhqtNHoY0tVudCOEqj44
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,319 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90715 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,323 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90715 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,327 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90715 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,332 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90715 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,381 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90715 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107fbf588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108aaae48>) | {'eng_uuid': 'a0447ed8-79b7-4eed-bca3-f9915fb02875', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,389 DEBUG auth 51 90715 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90715 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90715 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,392 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90715 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,753 ERROR api 54 90886 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,757 INFO apps 29 90886 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,789 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,791 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,794 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,795 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,798 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90886 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90886 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90886 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90886 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90886 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,026 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,028 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,028 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90886 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,123 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90886 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,125 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90886 140736909169600 41b78aff-c90a-454e-a052-a3e3c1adf8ed
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,127 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90886 140736909169600 fa8d390e-2ae9-490c-8127-314f163e040c
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,127 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,130 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,132 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,171 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,189 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,194 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90886 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,202 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90886 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTg3OX0.Cud74OrL_5Y2wChtLk1F3jmhKanYrP-_CH234cTRb_0
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,204 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90886 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTg3OX0.F-RTiVoVHbar2zI-uJxT2Xcm-C_x03_b_sZlfkvN7rI
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,206 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90886 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTg3OX0.LWwB6mU1-BjBuzcbNjxG_nSYtPg99XRtnI6ENv1Ye7Q
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,207 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90886 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,213 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90886 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,216 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90886 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,220 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90886 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,287 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90886 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1074bf2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10851b128>) | {'eng_uuid': '5e947a55-ab5f-4d0b-ba73-afb5fa3465cf', 'eng_stage': 'Completed'}
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,294 DEBUG auth 51 90886 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90886 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90886 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,297 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90886 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,236 ERROR api 54 90957 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,237 INFO apps 29 90957 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,279 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,282 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90957 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90957 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90957 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90957 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90957 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,505 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90957 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,840 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 90957 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,848 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90957 140736909169600 b79b67e4-67cf-4d7e-a90c-b0567c703090
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,850 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 90957 140736909169600 25a4f51b-d407-4bd6-abd4-1cb35e889416
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,850 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,852 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,853 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,891 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,897 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,902 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,913 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 90957 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,923 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90957 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTkxM30.sJA93Je_uzL_VbKk1IVyzN3ZM93Hmuwe-Hv0LisNLxY
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,925 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90957 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTkxM30.Anm-1lVgZLeKMH3OKHi5-S9COu73DsFPk3Ji-wUG9eU
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,927 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 90957 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTkxM30.W2klD_3PlSqSEH35A7QxoPldCrFQJhjxF_RZTUhai0o
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,927 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90957 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,934 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90957 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,937 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90957 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,941 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 90957 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:05:14,003 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 90957 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088a0c50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1088bc4e0>) | {'eng_uuid': '29fd3b09-3903-474f-b8d7-25655457bb74', 'eng_stage': 'Incomplete'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:14,011 DEBUG auth 51 90957 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:05:14,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 90957 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:05:14,014 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 90957 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:05:14,015 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 90957 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,436 ERROR api 54 91020 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,437 INFO apps 29 91020 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,491 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,493 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,495 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91020 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,572 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91020 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91020 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91020 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91020 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91020 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,836 ERROR api 54 91056 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,837 INFO apps 29 91056 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,880 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,881 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,882 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,883 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,885 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,886 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,887 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,933 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91056 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91056 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,014 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91056 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91056 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91056 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,121 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91056 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,343 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91056 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91056 140736909169600 b26b0d54-9603-4100-9f62-6e500c9611ba
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,347 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91056 140736909169600 80c9b79c-fea6-4c6d-af8d-ab0e558ea440
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,347 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,349 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,397 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,404 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,409 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,414 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91056 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,425 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91056 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTk1OH0.C1CUJEy7rqpG6uIqF0pTgf6XzSZ38yEJ9tF8V4-hPP8
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,427 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91056 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTk1OH0.Aw3LP7y6quPBvLIA3T4eQyPkqGE0NJCfltBn6XWNtm0
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,429 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91056 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDc5OTk1OH0.MQ51We93CSlFckGXlGK_P_NnDJBWJPjDEnUg7mAe2QI
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,430 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91056 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,434 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91056 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,438 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91056 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,442 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91056 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,497 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91056 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1074bf2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107f82358>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bd5f866d-ceb8-4a41-bc00-6f096810d505', 'eng_stage': 'Incomplete'}
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,506 DEBUG auth 51 91056 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91056 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91056 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,510 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91056 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,146 ERROR api 54 91236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,149 INFO apps 29 91236 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,196 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,198 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,201 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91236 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91236 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91236 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,419 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,420 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,420 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,422 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,423 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,423 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,424 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91236 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,315 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91236 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,323 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91236 140736909169600 1c80b55c-1c03-4215-9484-324a9195d1dd
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,325 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91236 140736909169600 d854253c-24cd-49f8-860e-fc0cd98ba092
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,325 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,330 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,332 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,378 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,385 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,390 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,395 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,402 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91236 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,414 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91236 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDA1NH0.45p5FGjkfDBUFdWGfPcXkZXTEvy63t-uQGQwawOEDnk
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91236 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDA1NH0.mitQqD06h1jOOLg-QXu266mnGiMZYTL0JMxHFCEQ82Q
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,418 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91236 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDA1NH0.Mwoaeo-hUhI7rVzHOk7xMGAMdFioCUUKUDT3WWA4ixc
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,419 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91236 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,427 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91236 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,433 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91236 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,437 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91236 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,444 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91236 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91236 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,445 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91236 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,848 ERROR api 54 91498 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,851 INFO apps 29 91498 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,933 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,935 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,937 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,939 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,940 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,941 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,942 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,943 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,945 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,947 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,948 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,949 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,951 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,957 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,007 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91498 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91498 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91498 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,119 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91498 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,121 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91498 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91498 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,434 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91498 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91498 140736909169600 f881cc67-138f-457c-9682-50c369d52e61
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,443 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91498 140736909169600 d34e74c4-3362-46f0-babd-388678bdc975
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,445 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,446 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,486 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,492 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,496 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,502 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,508 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91498 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,517 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91498 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDIxM30.vtRkJ97NU_VJE-Alfwm-kuJbOM6cG2FiJuOYg8A7QPk
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,519 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91498 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDIxM30.P-irQkU4P1eoVTmVyhSMsqEzmcUmsFsI0ZS610VqjVg
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,520 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91498 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDIxM30.XlKkBHl7uOMSS_9YPTLAZMxwfgb5Conh1t31CJBSz2c
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,521 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91498 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,525 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91498 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,529 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91498 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,533 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91498 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,602 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91498 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1073ba320>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a64160>) | {'eng_uuid': '9251af88-fbce-4ffb-9c41-5c90d35fac24', 'eng_stage': 'Incomplete'}
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,609 DEBUG auth 51 91498 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91498 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,612 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91498 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,613 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91498 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,692 ERROR api 54 91587 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,693 INFO apps 29 91587 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,790 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91587 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91587 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91587 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,900 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91587 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,905 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91587 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,959 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91587 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,910 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 91587 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,912 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91587 140736909169600 732e7bdb-6373-4e18-bcac-8b182b4011a3
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,914 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 91587 140736909169600 3c73d054-beee-4f33-897a-cb8e21a75324
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,916 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,954 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,960 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,966 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,972 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,977 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 91587 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,986 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91587 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDI2MX0.WmL6rXvUkYo-hatrHR1V9VVUFaV5AMNw1qsuijEhgZ0
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,988 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91587 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDI2MX0.CTvMmluqyRCjCbe-vMkonFk9D6EV-E8hEYP7JA_zqkE
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,989 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 91587 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDI2MX0.Ha9cZJ9GvN3mQHdMjmMM6mzIS1GNwoTEzk-RNtPkW8s
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,989 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91587 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,993 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91587 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,997 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91587 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:11:02,001 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 91587 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:11:02,050 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 91587 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1086d3f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1086ee048>) | {'eng_uuid': '6f58c49c-3f33-4a10-ac71-c90a8c49e802', 'eng_stage': 'Incomplete'}
+2017-03-28 15:11:02,058 DEBUG auth 51 91587 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:11:02,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 91587 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:11:02,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 91587 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:11:02,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 91587 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,806 ERROR api 54 92079 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,808 INFO apps 29 92079 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92079 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92079 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,998 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92079 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,036 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92079 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92079 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,096 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,098 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92079 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,975 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 92079 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,983 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92079 140736909169600 8f7c3fd1-da4c-46a2-9e25-3bdf1ff69e3f
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92079 140736909169600 46cdb6f8-c57d-4a53-9249-4cd428e12221
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,985 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,025 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,033 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,038 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,043 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,048 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92079 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,058 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92079 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDU3MX0.JVXNNl_AiPHeCuF8BHidHBKt3jyq8H6Xgvp1qT-gmis
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,060 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92079 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDU3MX0.eonh0VPHVKST7NMIdA5IurnfaNjuoFrBC4BvMZA_iQo
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,061 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92079 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDU3MX0.aasgJ78Npf2tuh53WB-FR3TZ1gmE4NhpTV1-k3Vgkfk
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,061 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 92079 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,066 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 92079 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,070 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 92079 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,074 DEBUG nextstep_service 204 92079 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,150 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 92079 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10893de48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1087c9ba8>) | {'eng_uuid': '3fb16744-81b8-475f-8944-ccf21e61a2b9', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,160 DEBUG auth 51 92079 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 92079 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 92079 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 92079 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,112 ERROR api 54 92274 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,112 INFO apps 29 92274 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,151 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,153 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,157 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,159 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,160 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,165 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,168 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92274 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92274 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92274 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92274 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92274 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92274 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,967 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 92274 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92274 140736909169600 7c7b18a2-7a76-4300-b3aa-ee57617fbb7e
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,976 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92274 140736909169600 2fa6d03e-1870-4286-9222-f4780c2d60e1
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,976 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,978 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,980 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,020 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,029 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,034 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,039 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,044 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92274 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,053 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92274 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDY4MH0.25Y4MT94-x1OEidDtJG-ghbvBA0LGEFmVYHQg3Se41A
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,055 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92274 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDY4MH0.n9LzJaxBfSP0WNjbLGMX0pyobe2u2hXqrAF8qTndfc4
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,057 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92274 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDY4MH0.6QhF61bvE7K7WktBmrisJ5R1dC1O8xjpSuSPVOG7aB8
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,057 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92274 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,062 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92274 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,065 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92274 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,069 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92274 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,134 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 92274 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108bbddd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1083bb6d8>) | {'eng_uuid': 'b0a5416e-f0c8-447b-a2b5-f09074cf58db', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,142 DEBUG auth 51 92274 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 92274 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 92274 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,146 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 92274 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,498 ERROR api 54 92324 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,498 INFO apps 29 92324 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,591 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92324 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92324 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92324 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92324 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92324 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92324 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,991 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 92324 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,993 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92324 140736909169600 57c63a55-d581-4646-a599-daf39726b889
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,994 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92324 140736909169600 cca8ac72-30bc-48bb-9378-b17d39519cbd
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,996 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,998 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,035 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,042 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,053 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,057 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92324 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92324 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDY5N30.r0js_md_QmR6Fq6mF8clrIBNVFpDSWcEgAB0zjdXEyc
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92324 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDY5N30.e6biDp7OiTm9ae_iYvuG_H8nHgFZFTy3VCRN5wBxCF0
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92324 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDY5N30.KPknwPvaiQt79cYsYwSv8UBQzPc7ocTItnAp7h3pmgM
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,070 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92324 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,075 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92324 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,078 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92324 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,082 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92324 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,143 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 92324 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1088b4f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108a74828>) | {'eng_uuid': 'd8778bf7-c034-4451-8300-818e86cd24fd', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,153 DEBUG auth 51 92324 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,157 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 92324 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,157 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 92324 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,157 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 92324 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,631 ERROR api 54 92412 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,632 INFO apps 29 92412 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,665 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,676 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,678 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,679 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,680 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,681 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,682 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,683 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,684 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,686 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,687 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,689 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92412 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92412 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92412 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92412 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92412 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92412 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,438 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 92412 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,440 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92412 140736909169600 ae2ce536-4645-40bf-9723-cc309d04729a
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,441 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92412 140736909169600 af11434a-75b1-41b3-a027-df1d0dce15f0
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,442 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,443 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,445 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,486 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,494 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,500 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,507 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,514 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92412 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,523 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92412 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDczN30.9rum1vGoHU-dfhy28-Pm_z1TWwzkkKnQhBSWKMtjdxo
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,524 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92412 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDczN30.d-9B8GrDdxrcrw9M6s0I408zxFn6XnIL_64-Wkkirfk
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,526 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92412 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDczN30.JqHqQskzHVlCitk1WjyedLQezF4xbOHzfMf-1sSjN00
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,526 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92412 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,530 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92412 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,534 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92412 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,538 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92412 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,607 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 92412 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108914ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10912b7f0>) | {'eng_uuid': '1ef8b662-decf-4051-aaac-4edb67aafff6', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,614 DEBUG auth 51 92412 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 92412 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 92412 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,618 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 92412 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,908 ERROR api 54 92601 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,908 INFO apps 29 92601 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,938 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,940 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,942 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,945 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,947 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,948 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,949 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,950 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,951 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,952 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,957 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,959 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,007 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92601 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92601 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92601 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92601 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,127 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,128 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,130 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92601 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92601 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,675 DEBUG testBaseEntity 32 92601 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92601 140736909169600 61782b9a-397c-405e-9f00-17b0148a060a
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 48 92601 140736909169600 ac474bc0-7838-4839-a7ad-086b3dae3ac3
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,679 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,681 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,683 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,722 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,729 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,735 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,740 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid2'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,745 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 92601 140736909169600 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'yet-just-another-fake-uuid3'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,754 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92601 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFzMjIxdkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhczIyMXZAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDgzN30.igKgsIk8ApXbK_cTnO99HGnNqgdPpX3CZBp8D2Qeunc
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92601 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFmNzMycEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZjczMnBAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDgzN30.orC0CSuEGFsTGvrFmcwpi4Uvo6TMPF2-K6RoxA3N3aA
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,757 DEBUG testBaseEntity 297 92601 140736909169600 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6Iml0NzI5ckBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJpdDcyOXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDgwMDgzN30.Q0cNwv1oNapdNcaDcz03UQkOkaLAzzJCDVk55aKoxkQ
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,757 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92601 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please work with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the necessary trial agreements.
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,761 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92601 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please add your AT&T sponsor or vendor contact information.
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,765 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92601 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please submit the first version of the VF package. If you have any problems or questions, please contact your Engagement Lead (EL)
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,770 DEBUG nextstep_service 208 92601 140736909169600 Creating default next step : Please schedule a time with your Engagement Lead (EL) to complete the handoff.
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,820 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 92601 140736909169600 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10901ddd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10885b6d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '33fa28c4-9517-43f6-9b08-fa4b5a0f8328', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,829 DEBUG auth 51 92601 140736909169600 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 41 92601 140736909169600 ---------------------- TestCase TestNextStepsAPI ----------------------
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 92601 140736909169600
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,863 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 92601 140736909169600
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,678 ERROR api 54 17912 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,680 INFO apps 29 17912 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,876 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,881 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,917 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,010 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17912 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17912 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,087 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 17912 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,127 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 17912 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,130 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,133 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,135 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,138 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 17912 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,218 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 17912 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,135 ERROR api 54 17977 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,137 INFO apps 29 17977 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,196 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17977 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17977 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,329 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 17977 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 17977 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 17977 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,434 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,435 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,436 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,437 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,437 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 17977 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,162 ERROR api 54 17984 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,163 INFO apps 29 17984 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,201 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,205 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,206 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,207 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,208 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,208 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,209 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,211 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,212 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,215 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17984 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,294 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17984 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 17984 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 17984 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 17984 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 17984 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,365 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10798bd30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10798be48>) | {'param': ''}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,459 DEBUG login 69 17984 123145368440832 login has passed successfully for []
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,459 DEBUG login 70 17984 123145368440832 {'email': '', 'full_name': 'admin bogus user', 'user': OrderedDict([('is_active', True), ('email', ''), ('activation_token', 'bc8fbab7-933f-4abc-b75c-6043e0bf2584')]), 'is_att_contact': True, 'phone_number': '+1-23-456-78901', 'role': OrderedDict([('id', 3), ('uuid', '2608f3c9-d472-4394-9d00-6392ed602759'), ('name', 'admin')]), 'uuid': 'e48aacc0-d96c-4301-9d17-f3b86238a317', 'company': OrderedDict([('id', 1), ('uuid', 'e94d2033-a83c-4323-8a63-22471ec384f7'), ('name', 'AT&T'), ('public', True)]), 'ssh_public_key': '', 'isResetPwdFlow': False, 'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTE1NzY1MDV9.by7BnF8Lc0QD-q9V5Y2I31ayLdw_E7POqwZXgeY2rvk'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,759 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145373696000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079eb400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079e1940>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,759 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145378951168 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079d2b70>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079d2e80>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,761 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1079eba58>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1079ebba8>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,762 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145384206336 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a042b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a04400>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,768 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145394716672 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a0ef60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a1e0f0>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,780 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145389461504 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a0e400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a0e588>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,786 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145373696000 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,789 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,791 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145378951168 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,792 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145389461504 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,797 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145378951168 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,797 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145378951168 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,818 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145378951168 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4e940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a4ea58>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,819 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,819 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145378951168 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,819 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145378951168 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,820 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145378951168 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,840 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145378951168 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a75a20>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a75b38>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,841 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145378951168 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,843 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145378951168 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,844 DEBUG engagement 328 17984 123145373696000 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,844 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145378951168 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,892 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b38710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b38860>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,900 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145368440832 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,935 DEBUG engagement 396 17984 123145368440832 Action succeeded, no recent VFs were found.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,379 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b4f1d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b4fd68>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,387 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145368440832 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,404 DEBUG engagement_service 116 17984 123145368440832 Recent engagement table was successfully updated with a new row for a user with uuid: e48aacc0-d96c-4301-9d17-f3b86238a317 and vf uuid: 99f0ec18-97e7-46c5-a05b-9d6df188d18d
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,476 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b2a710>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b870b8>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,481 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145368440832 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,493 DEBUG engagement 328 17984 123145368440832 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,513 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b8c3c8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b8c5f8>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,518 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145368440832 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,634 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b8cda0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b8cc50>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,635 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145368440832 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,636 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145368440832 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,636 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145373696000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a4bf28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a4d630>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,641 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145368440832 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,642 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145368440832 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,650 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145373696000 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,663 DEBUG engagement_service 110 17984 123145373696000 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: e48aacc0-d96c-4301-9d17-f3b86238a317 and vf uuid: 99f0ec18-97e7-46c5-a05b-9d6df188d18d
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,855 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145373696000 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c19f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b8c6d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,855 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145368440832 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b909b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c19278>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,860 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145378951168 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c212e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c21438>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,880 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145373696000 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,887 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145368440832 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,889 DEBUG activity_log 105 17984 123145368440832 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,894 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145378951168 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,206 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145347420160 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b90208>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b8c4a8>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,207 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145342164992 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107bff400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ba8780>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,207 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145336909824 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107752dd8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107752c88>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,208 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145347420160 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,212 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145347420160 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,213 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145347420160 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,215 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145347420160 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,218 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145342164992 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,229 DEBUG engagement 328 17984 123145342164992 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,246 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145336909824 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a87e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b870f0>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,246 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,246 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145336909824 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,247 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145336909824 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,247 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145336909824 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,292 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145336909824 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b87080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b879b0>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,302 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145336909824 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,368 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145336909824 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b7c4a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b87c50>) | {}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,368 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145342164992 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a87ac8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b2a2b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,369 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,372 DEBUG exception_handler 72 17984 123145336909824 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,373 DEBUG exception_handler 73 17984 123145336909824 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,374 DEBUG exception_handler 74 17984 123145336909824 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,380 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145342164992 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,387 DEBUG engagement_service 110 17984 123145342164992 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: e48aacc0-d96c-4301-9d17-f3b86238a317 and vf uuid: 99f0ec18-97e7-46c5-a05b-9d6df188d18d
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,520 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145342164992 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c32588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c32978>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,528 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145336909824 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b8cfd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c09a20>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db', 'eng_stage': 'Intake'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,529 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 17984 123145347420160 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c02588>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c026d8>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,557 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145336909824 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,562 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145342164992 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,574 DEBUG activity_log 105 17984 123145342164992 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,601 DEBUG auth 48 17984 123145347420160 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,606 ERROR api 54 18103 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,609 INFO apps 29 18103 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18103 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,753 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18103 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 18103 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 18103 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,840 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,841 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 18103 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,909 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 18103 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,684 ERROR api 54 18110 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,686 INFO apps 29 18110 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18110 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,826 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18110 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 18110 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 18110 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 18110 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,989 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,990 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,990 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,991 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 18110 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-18 14:13:25,902 INFO apps 26 80557 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:13:25,942 ERROR api 54 80557 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:17,477 INFO apps 26 80629 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:14:17,509 ERROR api 54 80629 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,411 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,413 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 c81cc7b4-d19a-47f8-ba1b-94c53c5ab677
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,416 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 b359cad8-da39-47e1-8835-e97b17da7f0c
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,416 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,418 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,420 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,422 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,424 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,461 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,470 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.RbHO6go1HzqmDAz2OZb66jSEdp8QBOjeEh6FhHExAhc
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,472 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.lPH-5H8rBhTRGJMJGAP7dSFFT_-8_EHs57ro2N8EpDE
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,474 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.7VzTSxfgEAMBMS9AadBgxDUUVOCY8NiLDjIivtBtM4U
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,475 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.F3Ys5RLYpVDCij5Z0TQHRXwuOigUfnzPBV9tfTJ67SQ
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,475 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 80629 140737028006848 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,638 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108da2358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108943dd8>) | {'eng_uuid': '0624e9a8-d228-46be-b664-066767f4c553'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,663 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,668 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,669 DEBUG exception_handler 72 80629 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,673 DEBUG exception_handler 73 80629 140737028006848 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 67, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 621, in put
+ msg = archive_engagement(eng_uuid, data['reason'])
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 554, in archive_engagement
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 614, in get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,673 DEBUG exception_handler 74 80629 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,674 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,677 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,679 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 1ae3e4bf-8752-422b-8e79-d255a74310ad
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,680 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 d9723866-a66c-4894-8ab3-917f703e792a
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,680 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,682 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,684 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,686 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,687 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,688 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,689 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,724 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,730 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3LCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.iQNSg8ERIq0u24voMLfYaAguVztLU0faB0a5MBTvkWQ
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,732 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.uk_skvEehv8RuWMvUCreSxGGlJ8bRdo93VNsFkbLhBA
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,734 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2LCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.NKAaFoMgvVuDDK15fuvzFVOmijSUja8vJsbz8M1H--A
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,735 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.HUt1jeXIKqARzTL6Hv-ncUtSjZAjRMa_9LatntjkvxI
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,735 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 40 80629 140737028006848 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,742 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1085344a8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1085342e8>) | {}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,746 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,750 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,753 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,755 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 20a16e45-780a-43b6-9936-3653b5cc404c
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,756 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 040d2590-d14b-42dc-afc3-e24a700246c0
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,756 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,758 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,760 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,762 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,763 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,764 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,765 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,801 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,807 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTI2NX0.fKApEER3n0okgNpk7HjWCtNSSePAY_Khck7F41t_eDU
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,809 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5LCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTEyNjV9.PvipL3JiXwBST6VJpP2dkhRSC4oT_c63LoL1VeiODw8
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,810 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.Nn_1F-vFaq_D_tVNojk1iHYlbhzLdYgP_9IuIv9rMkY
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,812 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.kOSveFm-Q3t18A_O-sQZzkUgCVPJRskN945gj0GuYw0
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,812 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 108 80629 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,820 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1089d2e80>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089d2550>) | {'eng_uuid': '90785c04-7177-4357-ab41-c16401ac5784'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,827 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 90785c04-7177-4357-ab41-c16401ac5784 isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,829 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,831 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,833 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 3a449192-f058-47ea-a6a0-6fb0bd6ebd70
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,834 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 2ab23441-8655-4b3e-8286-63abc0004a50
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,838 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,840 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,841 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,842 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,880 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,888 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTI2NX0.hiX_omb7bF7VDdzYEcRY4w6Kdd4gFckYXDwkCaypoAs
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,890 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMywiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.i55gwsThCc615o7kv-ezXotRga49JjvHCLo34CHqGLI
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,892 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.XseHghYG-kfYGnOqHEjhLekRg0E_O8x2bkF64EglGDU
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,893 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.ENA5HRWR_X1nT4vZ62r6FbRhmj_RJNjUJcLWiA8gZME
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,894 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 98 80629 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,900 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080eb4e0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080eb5f8>) | {}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,904 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,906 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,907 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,909 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 5be15de7-c7af-4edc-9d56-1c259e15669c
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,911 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 3bd4b9fb-e495-4932-a210-41a1bbf3aca5
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,912 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,914 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,917 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,918 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,919 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,920 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,963 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,972 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTI2NX0.zaeR02pXfiKjnqzeRN77iTsWk6aaZiVz5A8MPj0aDLU
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,974 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNywiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.PioaZ5SjjrtGaGy6qPxAp1AJj1DnLtvpKfQqcAgfMk8
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,977 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.Q4HJ5HjlCiJIi-lDOsyMENRFQq8d5tIn_PHvAfACI58
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,978 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY1fQ.1YoYLbGmvxCu1T7uLJIf5YTRMM4v5cYS0GVOJrd3UO8
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,979 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 130 80629 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,989 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1082ae0f0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108008e10>) | {'eng_uuid': 'eba9f112-e170-4290-a323-913ace14d2a5'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,997 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_peer_reviewer. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement_peer_reviewer/ Engagement: eba9f112-e170-4290-a323-913ace14d2a5 isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,001 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,002 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,004 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,006 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 ce15555a-6796-4551-a47e-efd475cb4b4f
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,008 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 5400e3b6-89be-4fa7-a035-73b255046e30
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,008 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,010 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,011 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,013 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,014 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,015 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,016 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,017 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,062 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,073 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTI2Nn0.mxzYrny3wvK6xZrsmvyHmOjjYcEQpwG8eiNEh8xI17w
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,075 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMSwiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.WMxCkYMXG-d0J31NsYjYaYQGHWmu_NCwlp2gR0ebjpw
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,076 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.AdO_LXIcPhZyIs4B0zU3TYf_bHVJV2ToQBITlS8djWA
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,078 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.T0B-9uvg581hPpvbTUW__laE_LkUcgx9n7T6arC86a0
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,078 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 119 80629 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,087 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1081f6550>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108dccd30>) | {'eng_uuid': '15c88722-f706-4653-9cb5-d3f226f4b1a9'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,095 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_reviewer. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement_reviewer/ Engagement: 15c88722-f706-4653-9cb5-d3f226f4b1a9 isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,098 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,100 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,102 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 85b92750-f4a2-401f-94cc-bda68ee81965
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,104 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 8a799de8-2464-446d-9151-a0651c0af549
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,104 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,107 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,108 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,110 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,111 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,112 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,114 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,153 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,160 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTI2Nn0.QUDe2pQrIqgTlCKt_8uMnDt35YL1AxQeIppn0T5dZr0
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,162 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.cF7D-W4NIzu8JrZZpueIIJkdWOFuun0JPZoxjqSsADk
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,164 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNiwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.aO00QAB1g-LiC6qNybrEjTESZvqKJQN3J7lZKjQiflw
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,166 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.z64kZQgxYEorwWX7mM0zO0C6vrwLNKfZZmwVk7aMm3A
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,166 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 84 80629 140737028006848 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,174 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10807e198>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107e912b0>) | {'eng_uuid': '97c55779-3041-41aa-a4c0-beb6fc77ac2e'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,182 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_peer_reviewer. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,191 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,191 DEBUG exception_handler 72 80629 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,191 DEBUG exception_handler 73 80629 140737028006848 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 67, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 648, in put
+ peer_reviewer = set_engagement_peer_reviewer(eng_uuid, data['peerreviewer'])
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 599, in set_engagement_peer_reviewer
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 614, in get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,192 DEBUG exception_handler 74 80629 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,192 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,194 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,195 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 c7772a32-1f6b-4aae-b437-f281822ba0fc
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,196 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80629 140737028006848 d5d3e700-b17a-4d73-bc2f-31edd2b7cafb
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,197 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,199 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,201 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,202 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,203 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,204 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,204 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,206 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80629 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,243 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80629 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,250 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTI2Nn0.DA8ksRrQAigPImG3tUyFv0aZ4GcRJjVkNKzniSB5Qk4
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,251 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOSwiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.5crErBnUSgV8TxHQYoSkOYExlcFnGLGOG_8BNkzCi-k
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,253 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.2u6fIcotbj84XR7OhEbK1lLdcCwogXuYaJUEcaxms0c
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,255 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80629 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExMjY2fQ.RbB2Hmlri1UW3X5L4-LuyujaZodJeYPBY0jjhzvEckQ
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,255 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 70 80629 140737028006848 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,262 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80629 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108173908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1081734e0>) | {'eng_uuid': '790744a3-e82d-499b-884c-f422f533371d'}
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,270 DEBUG auth 48 80629 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_reviewer. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 DEBUG exception_handler 72 80629 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 DEBUG exception_handler 73 80629 140737028006848 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 67, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 633, in put
+ reviewer = set_engagement_reviewer(eng_uuid, data['reviewer'])
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 575, in set_engagement_reviewer
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 614, in get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 DEBUG exception_handler 74 80629 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80629 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,280 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80629 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:17:13,291 INFO apps 26 80849 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:17:13,322 ERROR api 54 80849 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,342 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 80849 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,344 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80849 140737028006848 2bb69316-54ac-4476-8ada-983244c5a585
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,346 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 80849 140737028006848 f6f3d8d5-d34a-4981-a0fa-7cf5b8f5aa4f
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,346 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,348 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,350 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,351 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80849 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,352 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,353 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80849 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,353 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,354 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 80849 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,393 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 80849 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,403 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80849 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExNDQxfQ.b0_TlMo-13uN2LUL58xjYhGxLs3JiA92ONHihXUYwIc
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,405 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80849 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE0NDF9.X831KTbPgUEyU0-cVUyBs6AMRaaX5Voynoczqt_UGTQ
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,406 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80849 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE0NDF9.DTrJxivJqGZdzOGwu-rCiDd2NGwdZatukPAaH7_cQDM
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,408 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 80849 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE0NDF9.0ABaydfI5WYc49ZSfw5C7Au-eLb6sigkGNCDuKkXNJ4
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,408 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 55 80849 140737028006848 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,558 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 80849 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108ada940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d14080>) | {'eng_uuid': 'bce642cc-9fd1-45fe-9197-e1f1ab8312a7'}
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,587 DEBUG auth 48 80849 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,590 ERROR exception_handler 71 80849 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,591 DEBUG exception_handler 72 80849 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,595 DEBUG exception_handler 73 80849 140737028006848 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 67, in _new_func
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 621, in put
+ msg = archive_engagement(eng_uuid, data['reason'])
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 554, in archive_engagement
+ res = get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name(engagement)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 614, in get_engagement_manual_id_and_vf_name
+ vf = VF.objects.get(engagement__uuid=engagement.uuid)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 385, in get
+ self.model._meta.object_name
+engagementmanager.models.DoesNotExist: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,596 DEBUG exception_handler 74 80849 140737028006848 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,596 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 80849 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 80849 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,597 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 80849 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:23:39,635 INFO apps 26 81319 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:23:39,668 ERROR api 54 81319 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,041 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81319 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,043 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81319 140737028006848 64b50b73-e969-4091-90d8-81a15322cf1b
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,044 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81319 140737028006848 4219837c-5944-4060-b623-95f1407f9124
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,045 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,046 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,048 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,050 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81319 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,051 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81319 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,052 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,053 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81319 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,092 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81319 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,106 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81319 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODI4fQ.rx9VgH9Q5Kb8MdRD6LngBX1k0D7fC0ENcyp4eIJ22Zc
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,107 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81319 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4Mjh9.Htc_cu0MRbT-MtYznDS7g23Hm2EdrH8_r8bBO-IB0ZU
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,109 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81319 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4Mjh9.CQ191QopXEHaYBlo17HdcLe_AVPglN1gTCdAYFUneRM
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,110 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81319 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4Mjh9.WTRJ6cGt3J9JPnFz2vvjidu2nZsuPRgmyA-XC-QqgXU
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,111 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 60 81319 140737028006848 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,260 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81319 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a00be0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108c9eda0>) | {'eng_uuid': '5c7cd006-f4bf-4874-843c-add38512eec5'}
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,285 DEBUG auth 48 81319 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81319 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81319 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,291 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81319 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:23:57,393 INFO apps 26 81355 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:23:57,413 ERROR api 54 81355 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,417 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,419 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 9573e06d-b3ab-47f8-a9bb-16b27dc2030b
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,421 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 f061f504-2c52-4061-98ad-89e1372fbf37
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,421 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,423 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,425 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,426 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,427 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,428 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,429 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,473 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,491 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.k_qYgGzuK_X35-ayTNkx4Xu7uHpr5CcegysK__w9AVg
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,492 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.b0S8lc2fdwi9RBgnAd0sw_ptAvmrQmLbyRvwbsmdEUE
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,494 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.aCOUpPQ3cm_lMSxvV3g69stQS59rM_R2xdq10KmS7vc
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,495 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.-kOJH8rig2W5--jGHdKiwXwJSKFCm-jrSvUYgzirlik
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,495 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 60 81355 140737028006848 action should success (200), and archive the engagement
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,626 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a9af60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108d4c160>) | {'eng_uuid': '64d6057d-bcdb-4735-8138-da1d0dc6de7d'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,651 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,656 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,657 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,660 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,661 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 7039312a-311d-4ef8-9585-1b9a848ca917
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,663 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 a32a2a96-76a1-4bd3-bce6-69835b877312
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,663 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,665 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,667 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,668 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,669 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,669 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,670 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,670 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,671 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,708 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,717 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo3LCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlckBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.E_mCy3R52nkf_Psnf3lMooT6N2aLoZ8M92Kab4K1Rjk
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,718 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1LCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.p4qyUHEQcFR-GHpMTEQg7JhUIlNInofSzdBmPCW5wj4
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,720 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo2LCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsX3VzZXJfdG9fdXBkYXRlQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.5WuP_vp4jHHz6vQmavqXqQnLsRmgJNj2msbPrgX-W0w
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,722 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4LCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.lFzIUjcC-KTtK7_7SQljOEbRhY5sGcw1166VC8U4c-w
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,722 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 45 81355 140737028006848 action should success (200), and return all els exists in the system
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,729 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108989f98>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1089894a8>) | {}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,733 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,737 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,740 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,741 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 88ee2cfb-992e-421f-ad4c-6bd21f0faa40
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,743 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 6e4d5945-ea90-4b80-a07c-5e64817af326
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,743 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,744 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,746 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,747 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,748 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,749 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,750 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,751 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,789 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,798 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTg0NX0.iei2nLkAcouUMp_G7KYJsZ_0ApGArOSPpfejtJAs7yg
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,800 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5LCJlbWFpbCI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVsQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI2MTE4NDV9.WBSmVXGkWy1DuL3ifKsQIYmDq0HFAsc0G7kXN49WAng
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,802 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.H2URjscTA2eZQgb2f0bwJVsh-oDRK3miKrzT48o_SeE
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,803 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.0pDxbkR_X3q0K4B4kCyvY9dpsBYkpHwl9-q-R8tAcWw
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,803 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 113 81355 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,810 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10830afd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107906c18>) | {'eng_uuid': '8de19bc0-bded-4c21-8914-90195f6bbcd4'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,820 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: 8de19bc0-bded-4c21-8914-90195f6bbcd4 isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,822 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,825 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,826 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 2674a41c-318b-4640-aaed-0a18ea30b043
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,827 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 84602bfe-f782-4107-8e33-43378391f09e
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,828 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,828 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,829 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,831 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,833 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,834 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,835 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,836 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,873 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,881 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTg0NX0.s6CV3pT8QIwWlnMRwzyEnMnvT0WdKtIvVxuufi5CgL8
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,882 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMywiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.0QTTDQwbdJfPkGS5JIdHyJubUQrQhUmIP7g2_fO40lg
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,884 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.cyCTR0ddAHpDTnQiAloMi5zqHmHPA1mw-OFO4QWvOMs
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,885 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.HVmslYWRZcrP2IrNoSFCkL1A4kwqLn4oMofP4M7v4ds
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,885 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 103 81355 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,893 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108138668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ccdc50>) | {}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,897 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : archive_engagement. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to archive_engagement/ Engagement: None isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,898 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,900 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,902 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 7a084450-b596-43d1-8186-731b1e7ebbb8
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,903 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 074a0387-00da-4c15-951a-5178dc84b311
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,904 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,905 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,907 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,908 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,909 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,910 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,911 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,949 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,957 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTg0NX0.NCzW0eOLkI24pAyzkNsRbikt1YG7r80tnnZrlcMxRwk
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,959 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNywiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.tvkQer0MgwL2RPLi6SLZhKNSg02GgBk9VmhRVzFN99s
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,961 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxOCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.YhvG4OK-AUozOJnNLoPwgcmRPbRCoEnJmn7SdAq1Bss
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,962 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ1fQ.x5S-pyqB3QmLB4HpcG0WEbMO-Lt9WKJ3KAXLEANHAbU
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,962 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 135 81355 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,970 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108331828>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10795af60>) | {'eng_uuid': '700e59fd-3176-4ff7-a22d-d410d79dce92'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,978 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_peer_reviewer. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement_peer_reviewer/ Engagement: 700e59fd-3176-4ff7-a22d-d410d79dce92 isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,981 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,984 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,985 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 1be7c8ba-7054-4c3a-ad8c-33dd7c52070c
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,987 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 aa0e59e0-f2b6-4fd5-946f-4787da3d3198
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,987 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,989 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,990 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,992 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,993 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,994 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,995 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,032 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,042 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTg0Nn0.ZpWnu4JkCdyj0ipMA1xKxMTxUGCbYrjGAZe_EbPpRQo
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,043 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMSwiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.AWxa1D-ih-X3qUT7ri89Tw7sHO8Pqhc3OhM6ZnO7FFE
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,045 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMiwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.8zvhmJPAQZ27QWwrJWvL658Q15b9qezVp2hXD2o1fjM
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,046 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.-vgOlMFdalgEaXkKc1L5-BebUF6ckOwBwob1TJRam2A
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,046 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 124 81355 140737028006848 action should failed due to missing permissions (401)
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,054 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x108a75400>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x108989c50>) | {'eng_uuid': '6ffc9103-18ea-4dbc-bde1-0a1a4438ef45'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,062 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_reviewer. Result=False. message=Role el is not permitted to update_engagement_reviewer/ Engagement: 6ffc9103-18ea-4dbc-bde1-0a1a4438ef45 isn't valid
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,064 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,067 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,068 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 b5483b42-1147-4dfc-a6a6-ca6798cfb361
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,070 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 417d0645-c2e0-4b0a-97cc-188e5057b2c2
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,070 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,072 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,073 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,075 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,076 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,077 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,115 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,125 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNywiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTg0Nn0.tMmM1Gb0hzKKKwkJOl0c9_2IwNT6s7pTwlzUF57mZnc
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,126 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNSwiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.rbgWNdjGDrfK2FLUj2uoxQteVbD3dCKoyzZtHQwlKCg
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,128 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyNiwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.rUGtxswm8I4oj5y1G-DPNZmhHxewfWHqwMtzhF0yt7c
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,129 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOCwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.H8Zdyq-WvqqCwF942ESkDYejNCGcbS6DXjV6uE826hE
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,129 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 89 81355 140737028006848 action should success (200), and set the engagement peer reviewer
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,139 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080fe940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x1080fe128>) | {'eng_uuid': '018047cc-0d32-42b8-b943-d5a017a6d32c'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,148 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_peer_reviewer. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,172 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,175 DEBUG testBaseEntity 33 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,176 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 e0ffc521-8334-4d28-9183-3e3da84996cd
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,177 DEBUG testBaseEntity 49 81355 140737028006848 dac5376c-b53a-4f52-a61f-b0a90b6a074b
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,178 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,179 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,182 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,184 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'admin'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,185 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'el'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,187 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'name': 'standard_user'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,188 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 70 81355 140737028006848 found object
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,229 DEBUG iceEntitiesCreator 68 81355 140737028006848 about to look for object: {'uuid': 'just-a-fake-uuid'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,242 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMSwiZW1haWwiOiJ1c2VyQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAYXR0LmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MjYxMTg0Nn0.ogNKNPxkjG7zXZJ-ZR_i2BtDDyi-8IcyHPF0yvTNYQ4
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,243 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyOSwiZW1haWwiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbEBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.VLihuE1tHR99GzSPFuGPxyvi1wNumtIifipddzMlyXY
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,245 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMCwiZW1haWwiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJlbF91c2VyX3RvX3VwZGF0ZUBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.zHHBAMKzHKzVMCa-8MJkU8vnoyc_US-ltdiUGKdmXOc
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,246 DEBUG testBaseEntity 298 81355 140737028006848 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozMiwiZW1haWwiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbkBhdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNjExODQ2fQ.0X8XYNg85Bm9m69nEmPsF47S5nbojg9mxosYU9_GRTk
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,246 DEBUG testEngagementAdminOperations 75 81355 140737028006848 action should success (200), and set the engagement reviewer
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,255 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 81355 140737028006848 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x1080857b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10830c240>) | {'eng_uuid': 'c16ea32e-9964-4a37-ac06-8593724c14ba'}
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,262 DEBUG auth 48 81355 140737028006848 Authorization Service : update_engagement_reviewer. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 42 81355 140737028006848 ---------------------- TestCase EngagementAdminOperationsTestCase ----------------------
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 43 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,279 DEBUG testBaseEntity 44 81355 140737028006848
+2017-04-19 14:53:52,414 INFO apps 26 29503 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:53:52,446 ERROR api 54 29503 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:53:53,257 INFO apps 26 29507 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:53:53,281 ERROR api 54 29507 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:43,326 INFO apps 26 29773 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:56:43,361 ERROR api 54 29773 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:44,135 INFO apps 26 29777 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:56:44,155 ERROR api 54 29777 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:57:43,426 DEBUG notifications 26 29773 123145413763072 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 14:57:44,212 DEBUG notifications 26 29777 123145415938048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,507 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 29777 123145452724224 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10799b9e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10799bb00>) | {'param': ''}
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,623 ERROR exception_handler 71 29777 123145452724224 General exception occurred in rest framework: column ice_user_profile.slack_handle does not exist
+LINE 1: ...ily_digest", "ice_user_profile"."is_att_contact", "ice_user_...
+ ^
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,623 DEBUG exception_handler 72 29777 123145452724224 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,630 DEBUG exception_handler 73 29777 123145452724224 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column ice_user_profile.slack_handle does not exist
+LINE 1: ...ily_digest", "ice_user_profile"."is_att_contact", "ice_user_...
+ ^
+The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/", line 45, in post
+ user_profile = IceUserProfile.objects.get(email=data['email'])
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 85, in manager_method
+ return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 379, in get
+ num = len(clone)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 238, in __len__
+ self._fetch_all()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 1087, in _fetch_all
+ self._result_cache = list(self.iterator())
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 54, in __iter__
+ results = compiler.execute_sql()
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 835, in execute_sql
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 79, in execute
+ return super(CursorDebugWrapper, self).execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/", line 94, in __exit__
+ six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/utils/", line 685, in reraise
+ raise value.with_traceback(tb)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 64, in execute
+ return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
+django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: column ice_user_profile.slack_handle does not exist
+LINE 1: ...ily_digest", "ice_user_profile"."is_att_contact", "ice_user_...
+ ^
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,631 DEBUG exception_handler 74 29777 123145452724224 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 14:58:43,427 DEBUG notifications 26 29773 123145413763072 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 14:58:44,220 DEBUG notifications 26 29777 123145415938048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 14:59:27,275 INFO apps 26 30135 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:27,306 ERROR api 54 30135 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:28,087 INFO apps 26 30139 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:28,109 ERROR api 54 30139 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:51,973 INFO apps 26 30187 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:51,991 ERROR api 54 30187 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:56,937 INFO apps 26 30205 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:56,956 ERROR api 54 30205 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:57,718 INFO apps 26 30209 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:57,735 ERROR api 54 30209 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:30,630 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145526915072 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107a90668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107a90780>) | {'param': ''}
+2017-04-19 15:00:30,829 DEBUG login 69 30209 123145526915072 login has passed successfully for []
+2017-04-19 15:00:30,829 DEBUG login 70 30209 123145526915072 {'email': '', 'full_name': 'admin bogus user', 'user': OrderedDict([('is_active', True), ('email', ''), ('activation_token', 'bc8fbab7-933f-4abc-b75c-6043e0bf2584')]), 'is_att_contact': True, 'phone_number': '+1-23-456-78901', 'role': OrderedDict([('id', 3), ('uuid', '2608f3c9-d472-4394-9d00-6392ed602759'), ('name', 'admin')]), 'uuid': 'e94afd44-1e3d-48b8-8d1b-d2666c43ad3c', 'company': OrderedDict([('id', 1), ('uuid', 'e94d2033-a83c-4323-8a63-22471ec384f7'), ('name', 'AT&T'), ('public', True)]), 'ssh_public_key': '', 'isResetPwdFlow': False, 'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGF0dC5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0OTI3MDA0MzB9.BTRnfvf8E2c22zg0aMzP0KUN7D5kEqbaU1mP09zRoo4'}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,115 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145526915072 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b1f358>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b31828>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,121 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145532170240 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b3a668>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b3a7f0>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,133 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145537425408 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b2c9b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b1ff98>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,144 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145547935744 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b2c898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b2cd30>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,147 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145542680576 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b49748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b49898>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,148 DEBUG auth 48 30209 123145532170240 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,149 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145553190912 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b54f28>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b630f0>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,162 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,165 DEBUG auth 48 30209 123145547935744 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,166 DEBUG exception_handler 72 30209 123145542680576 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,170 DEBUG exception_handler 73 30209 123145542680576 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,170 DEBUG exception_handler 74 30209 123145542680576 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,178 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145526915072 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b79e48>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b72198>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,178 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145526915072 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,179 DEBUG exception_handler 72 30209 123145526915072 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,179 DEBUG exception_handler 73 30209 123145526915072 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,179 DEBUG exception_handler 74 30209 123145526915072 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,189 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145542680576 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107b49e10>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107b3a860>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 DEBUG exception_handler 72 30209 123145542680576 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 DEBUG exception_handler 73 30209 123145542680576 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 DEBUG exception_handler 74 30209 123145542680576 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,204 DEBUG engagement 328 30209 123145532170240 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,239 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145526915072 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c50f60>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c56048>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,253 DEBUG auth 48 30209 123145526915072 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:00:57,011 DEBUG notifications 26 30205 123145322598400 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:00:57,789 DEBUG notifications 26 30209 123145495384064 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,300 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145532170240 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c79ef0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c95358>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,308 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145537425408 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c9bbe0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c9bd30>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,308 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145542680576 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107c958d0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107c95a20>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,314 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145547935744 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ca17b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ca1908>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,317 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145558446080 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107caa940>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107caaa90>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,319 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145553190912 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107ca6898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107ca69e8>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,317 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,325 DEBUG exception_handler 72 30209 123145547935744 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,330 DEBUG exception_handler 73 30209 123145547935744 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,330 DEBUG auth 48 30209 123145542680576 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,335 DEBUG exception_handler 74 30209 123145547935744 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,340 DEBUG auth 48 30209 123145553190912 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,350 DEBUG engagement 328 30209 123145542680576 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,379 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145532170240 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107caada0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107cbe128>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145532170240 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,387 DEBUG exception_handler 72 30209 123145532170240 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,389 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145547935744 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d18748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d18898>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,394 DEBUG exception_handler 73 30209 123145532170240 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,392 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,396 DEBUG exception_handler 74 30209 123145532170240 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,400 DEBUG exception_handler 72 30209 123145547935744 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,413 DEBUG exception_handler 73 30209 123145547935744 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 480, in dispatch
+ response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 14, in log
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 26, in _new_func
+ return func(self, request, **kwargs)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/rest/cms/", line 19, in get
+ posts = CMSPostsService().getPosts(offsetParam, limitParam, fromLastDaysParam, categoryParam)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/cms/", line 16, in getPosts
+ posts = cms_client.get_posts(offset, limit, category, from_last_days_param)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 98, in get_posts
+ category, date_min))['results']
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/ice_cms_client/", line 79, in get
+ response = self.session.get(self.api_url + resource, params=params)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 501, in get
+ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
+ File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/", line 319, in request
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,418 DEBUG exception_handler 74 30209 123145547935744 *******************************************************************************************
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,427 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 30209 123145542680576 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x107d0eeb8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x107d0f208>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,443 DEBUG auth 48 30209 123145542680576 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,044 INFO apps 26 30430 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,078 ERROR api 54 30430 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,868 INFO apps 26 30434 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,888 ERROR api 54 30434 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:03:01,135 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145456742400 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:03:01,939 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145579393024 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:04:01,138 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145456742400 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:04:01,942 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145579393024 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:05:01,143 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145461997568 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:05:01,944 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145584648192 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:06:01,142 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145456742400 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:06:01,954 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145579393024 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:07:01,136 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145467252736 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:07:01,945 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145589903360 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:08:01,142 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145461997568 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:08:01,951 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145584648192 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:09:01,141 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145472507904 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:09:01,948 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145595158528 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:10:01,137 DEBUG notifications 26 30430 123145456742400 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:10:01,948 DEBUG notifications 26 30434 123145579393024 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:12:30,768 INFO apps 26 31219 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:12:30,802 ERROR api 54 31219 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:31,591 INFO apps 26 31223 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:12:31,613 ERROR api 54 31223 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:29,876 INFO apps 26 31323 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:13:29,917 ERROR api 59 31323 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:30,702 INFO apps 26 31327 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:13:30,721 ERROR api 59 31327 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:14:29,975 DEBUG notifications 26 31323 123145399214080 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:14:30,773 DEBUG notifications 26 31327 123145541087232 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:15:20,184 INFO apps 26 31462 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:15:20,217 ERROR api 54 31462 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:15:29,979 DEBUG notifications 26 31323 123145399214080 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:16:20,280 DEBUG notifications 26 31462 123145482563584 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:16:29,979 DEBUG notifications 26 31323 123145404469248 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:17:20,282 DEBUG notifications 26 31462 123145482563584 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:17:29,981 DEBUG notifications 26 31323 123145399214080 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:18:27,462 INFO apps 26 31732 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:18:28,456 INFO apps 26 31738 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,753 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145434128384 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a4d6630>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a4eccc0>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,754 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145439383552 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a4fa080>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a3d2a58>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,757 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145460404224 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a526d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a526eb8>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,759 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145455149056 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a51cc50>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a51cda0>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,760 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145449893888 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a512d30>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a512eb8>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,765 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145444638720 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a5079b0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a507b38>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,792 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145439383552 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,798 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145449893888 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,820 DEBUG engagement 328 31738 123145449893888 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,857 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145460404224 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a57f6a0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a57f7b8>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,857 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145444638720 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a587908>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a587a58>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,879 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145449893888 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a753b00>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a753c50>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:34,897 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145449893888 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,568 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145402597376 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a75a2e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a512be0>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,576 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145402597376 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,584 DEBUG engagement_service 110 31738 123145402597376 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: e94afd44-1e3d-48b8-8d1b-d2666c43ad3c and vf uuid: 99f0ec18-97e7-46c5-a05b-9d6df188d18d
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,684 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145402597376 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a7852e8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a7deb38>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,689 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145402597376 Authorization Service : star_an_engagement. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,695 DEBUG engagement 328 31738 123145402597376 Action succeeded, no starred VFs were found.
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,718 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145402597376 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a7e5128>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a7eb2e8>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,722 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145402597376 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,835 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145402597376 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a7700b8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a7e5898>) | {}
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,836 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145407852544 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a7ebfd0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a7f1320>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,858 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145407852544 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:45,873 DEBUG engagement_service 110 31738 123145407852544 Recent engagement table was successfully updated the last_update row for a user with uuid: e94afd44-1e3d-48b8-8d1b-d2666c43ad3c and vf uuid: 99f0ec18-97e7-46c5-a05b-9d6df188d18d
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,082 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145402597376 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a846748>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a846898>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,085 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145407852544 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a84c5c0>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a84c710>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db', 'eng_stage': 'Active'}
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,095 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145413107712 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a841c88>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a7f1f60>) | {'eng_uuid': '7218d9fc-b912-4d2d-bee8-2587261691db'}
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,105 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145402597376 Authorization Service : pull_activities. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,109 DEBUG activity_log 105 31738 123145402597376 Pulling top X activities from DB
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,110 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145407852544 Authorization Service : eng_membership. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:18:46,122 DEBUG auth 48 31738 123145413107712 Authorization Service : get_engagement_status. Result=True. message=OK
+2017-04-19 15:19:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:19:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:20:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:20:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:21:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:21:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:22:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:22:28,575 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:23:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:23:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:24:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:24:28,588 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:25:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:25:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145418362880 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:26:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:26:28,589 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:27:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:27:28,577 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145423618048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:28:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:28:28,585 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:29:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:29:28,571 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145428873216 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:30:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:30:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:31:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-19 15:31:28,576 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145434128384 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 03:32:27,820 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 03:32:28,638 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145439383552 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:27:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:27:28,581 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145444638720 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:28:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:28:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145423618048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:29:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:29:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145449893888 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:30:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:30:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:31:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:31:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145428873216 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:32:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:32:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:33:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:33:28,575 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145434128384 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:34:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:34:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145418362880 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:35:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:35:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145439383552 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:36:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:36:28,571 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:37:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:37:28,571 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145444638720 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:38:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:38:28,571 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145423618048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:39:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:39:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145449893888 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:40:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:40:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:41:27,753 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:41:28,581 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145428873216 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:42:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:42:28,575 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:43:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:43:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145434128384 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:44:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:44:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145418362880 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:45:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:45:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145439383552 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:46:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:46:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:47:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:47:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145444638720 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:48:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:48:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145423618048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:49:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:49:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145449893888 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:50:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:50:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:51:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:51:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145428873216 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:52:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:52:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:53:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:53:28,575 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145434128384 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:54:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:54:28,577 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145418362880 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:55:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:55:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145439383552 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:56:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:56:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:57:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:57:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145444638720 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:58:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:58:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145423618048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:59:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 06:59:28,579 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145449893888 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:00:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:00:28,577 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:01:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:01:28,576 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145428873216 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,161 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145455149056 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a507d68>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a7780f0>) | {}
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,492 DEBUG signup 101 31738 123145455149056 Creating Non activated User: STXLqpv -
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,508 DEBUG signup 147 31738 123145455149056 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MzEsImVtYWlsIjoiU1RaQmVWR0BpbnRsLmF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNUWkJlVkdAaW50bC5hdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNzU4MTE3fQ.w4UjU_30UuAxvEWAMvlqG6lrWC8yO96F3M4vC2622ag
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,509 DEBUG signup 158 31738 123145455149056 Activation Link:
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,518 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:02:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:02:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:03:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:03:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145434128384 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:04:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:04:28,574 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145418362880 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:05:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:05:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145439383552 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:06:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:06:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145402597376 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:07:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:07:28,576 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145444638720 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:08:27,758 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:08:28,577 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145423618048 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:08:29,876 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145455149056 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a808ba8>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a8005f8>) | {}
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,071 DEBUG signup 101 31738 123145455149056 Creating Non activated User: STiRhS3 -
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,079 DEBUG signup 147 31738 123145455149056 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MzIsImVtYWlsIjoiU1RudklBOEBpbnRsLmF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNUbnZJQThAaW50bC5hdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNzU4NTEwfQ.EtV0RoP-xVY2rmEdRRjwhSkCIp9PmIMqWDH5N3AJLXQ
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,079 DEBUG signup 158 31738 123145455149056 Activation Link:
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,080 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:09:27,757 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:09:28,572 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145449893888 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:10:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:10:28,571 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145413107712 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:11:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,407 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145455149056 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a824160>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a756208>) | {}
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,481 DEBUG signup 101 31738 123145455149056 Creating Non activated User: STBRVgp -
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,490 DEBUG signup 147 31738 123145455149056 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MzMsImVtYWlsIjoiU1RxTmw1TUBpbnRsLmF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNUcU5sNU1AaW50bC5hdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNzU4Njg4fQ.m4NZinyhrS9x7AGuPAwp4lecMcixvKPrpfj5Du4io3Q
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,490 DEBUG signup 158 31738 123145455149056 Activation Link:
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,491 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,573 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145428873216 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,370 DEBUG log_func_entry 13 31738 123145455149056 calling _new_func | (< object at 0x10a820898>, <rest_framework.request.Request object at 0x10a820438>) | {}
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,460 DEBUG signup 101 31738 123145455149056 Creating Non activated User: STZX4oI -
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,472 DEBUG signup 147 31738 123145455149056 token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MzQsImVtYWlsIjoiU1QyQ1pPckBpbnRsLmF0dC5jb20iLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNUMkNaT3JAaW50bC5hdHQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkyNzU4NzI3fQ.MtE_SLuX2AZAhTgZGjcK5TIP0wO5u1YVwb7vPGdXg6g
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,472 DEBUG signup 158 31738 123145455149056 Activation Link:
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,473 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:12:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:12:28,576 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145407852544 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:13:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:13:28,578 DEBUG notifications 26 31738 123145434128384 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:14:16,304 INFO apps 26 37184 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-20 07:14:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:15:16,656 DEBUG notifications 26 37184 123145393307648 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:15:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:16:16,657 DEBUG notifications 26 37184 123145393307648 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:16:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:17:16,663 DEBUG notifications 26 37184 123145398562816 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:17:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:18:16,662 DEBUG notifications 26 37184 123145393307648 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:18:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:19:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:20:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:21:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:22:28,031 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:23:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:24:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:25:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:26:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:27:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:28:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:29:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:30:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:31:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:32:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:33:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:34:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:35:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:36:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:37:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:38:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:39:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:40:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:41:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:42:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:43:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:44:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:45:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:46:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:47:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:48:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:49:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:50:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:51:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:52:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:53:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:54:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:55:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:56:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:57:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:58:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 07:59:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:00:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:01:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:02:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:03:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:04:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:05:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:06:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:07:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:08:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:09:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:10:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:11:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:12:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:13:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:14:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:15:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:16:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:17:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:18:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:19:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:20:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:21:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:22:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:23:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:24:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:25:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:26:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:27:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:28:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:29:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:30:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:31:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:32:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:33:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:34:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:35:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:36:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:37:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:38:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:39:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:40:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:41:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:42:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:43:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:44:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:45:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:46:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:47:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:48:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:49:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:50:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:51:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:52:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:53:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:54:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:55:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:56:27,757 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:57:27,756 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:58:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 08:59:27,753 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:00:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:01:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:02:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:03:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:04:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:05:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:06:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:07:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:08:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:09:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:10:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:11:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:12:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:13:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:14:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:15:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:16:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:17:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:18:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:19:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:20:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:21:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:22:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:23:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:24:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:25:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:26:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:27:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:28:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:29:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:30:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:31:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:32:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:33:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:34:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:35:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:36:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:37:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:38:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:39:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:40:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:41:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:42:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:43:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:44:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:45:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:46:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:47:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:48:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:49:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:50:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:51:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:52:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:53:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:54:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:55:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:56:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:57:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:58:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 09:59:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:00:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:01:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:02:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:03:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:04:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:05:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:06:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:07:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:08:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:09:27,752 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:10:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:11:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:12:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:13:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:14:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:15:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:16:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:17:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:18:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:19:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:20:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:21:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:22:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:23:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:24:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:25:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:26:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:27:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:28:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:29:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:30:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:31:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:32:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:33:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:34:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:35:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:36:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:37:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:38:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:39:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:40:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:41:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:42:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:43:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:44:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:45:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:46:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:47:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:48:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:49:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:50:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:51:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:52:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:53:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:54:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:55:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:56:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:57:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:58:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 10:59:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:00:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:01:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:02:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:03:27,754 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:04:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:05:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:06:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:07:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:08:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:09:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:10:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:11:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:12:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:13:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:14:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:15:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:16:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:17:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:18:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:19:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:20:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:21:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:22:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:23:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:24:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:25:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:26:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:27:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:28:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:29:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:30:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:31:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:32:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:33:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:34:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:35:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:36:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:37:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:38:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:39:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:40:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:41:27,751 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:42:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:43:27,754 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:44:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:45:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:46:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:47:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:48:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:49:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:50:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:51:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:52:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:53:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:54:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:55:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:56:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:57:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:58:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 11:59:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:00:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:01:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:02:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:03:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:04:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:05:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:06:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:07:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:08:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:09:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:10:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:11:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:12:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:13:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:14:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:15:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:16:27,753 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:17:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:18:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:19:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:20:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:21:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:22:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:23:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:24:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:25:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:26:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:27:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:28:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:29:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:30:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:31:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:32:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:33:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:34:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:35:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:36:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:37:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:38:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:39:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:40:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:41:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:42:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:43:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:44:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:45:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:46:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:47:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:48:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:49:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:50:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:51:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:52:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:53:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:54:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:55:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:56:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:57:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:58:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 12:59:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:00:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:01:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:02:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:03:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:04:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:05:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:06:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:07:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:08:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:09:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:10:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:11:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:12:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:13:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:14:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:15:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:16:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:17:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:18:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:19:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:20:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:21:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:22:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:23:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:24:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:25:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:26:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:27:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:28:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:29:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:30:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:31:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:32:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:33:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:34:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:35:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:36:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:37:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:38:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:39:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:40:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:41:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:42:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:43:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:44:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:45:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:46:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:47:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:48:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:49:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:50:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:51:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:52:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:53:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:54:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:55:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:56:27,749 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:57:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:58:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 13:59:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:00:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:01:27,756 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:02:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:03:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:04:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:05:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:06:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:07:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:08:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:09:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:10:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:11:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:12:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:13:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:14:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:15:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:16:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:17:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:18:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:19:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:20:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:21:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:22:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:23:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:24:27,754 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:25:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:26:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:27:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:28:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:29:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:30:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 14:31:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:28:27,754 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:29:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:30:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:31:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:32:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:33:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:34:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:35:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:36:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:37:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:38:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:39:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:40:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:41:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:42:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:43:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:44:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:45:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:46:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:47:27,743 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:48:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:49:27,738 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:50:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:51:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:52:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:53:27,739 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:54:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-20 16:55:27,748 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:19:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:20:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:21:27,751 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:22:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:23:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:24:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:25:27,752 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:26:27,763 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:27:27,756 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:28:27,750 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:29:27,751 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:30:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:31:27,767 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:32:27,775 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:33:27,764 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:34:27,751 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:35:27,754 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:36:27,756 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:37:27,752 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:38:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:39:27,744 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:40:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145518698496 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:41:27,741 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145481912320 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:42:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145524490240 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:43:27,747 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145502932992 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:44:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145529745408 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:45:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145492422656 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:46:27,742 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145508188160 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:47:27,740 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145487167488 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:48:27,746 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145513443328 notificationBot started operation
+2017-04-23 07:49:27,745 DEBUG notifications 26 31732 123145497677824 notificationBot started operation
+2017-09-05 15:09:28,526 INFO apps 30 79901 4300194752 --Development Mode--
+2017-09-05 15:09:28,570 ERROR api 48 79901 4300194752 Could not create CMS token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
diff --git a/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-info.log b/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-info.log
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8fcfaa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-info.log
@@ -0,0 +1,10258 @@
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,865 ERROR api 54 41243 140735795659712 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,866 INFO apps 29 41243 140735795659712 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,895 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,897 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,899 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,905 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,909 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,952 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,017 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 41243 140735795659712 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 41243 140735795659712 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,053 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 41243 140735795659712 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,113 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,118 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,119 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-09 14:56:55,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 41243 140735795659712 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,495 ERROR activation 71 41243 140735795659712 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,337 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,337 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,403 ERROR invite 59 41243 140735795659712 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,575 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,637 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 162 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,810 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,871 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 ERROR verify_token 75 41243 140735795659712 Something went wrong while trying to prepare data for auth. kwargs={'checklistUuid': u'yX5lq'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,239 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 41243 140735795659712 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,417 ERROR authorization_service 479 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,454 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,542 ERROR checklist_audit_log 84 41243 140735795659712 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,548 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 41243 140735795659712 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,820 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 41243 140735795659712 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,911 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 41243 140735795659712 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,145 INFO authorization_service 128 41243 140735795659712 User is not a member of engagement: dabbfd35-5d02-4e7d-8430-4b9b32935853 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,152 INFO authorization_service 128 41243 140735795659712 User is not a member of engagement: dabbfd35-5d02-4e7d-8430-4b9b32935853 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 ERROR checklist 51 41243 140735795659712 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,514 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,515 ERROR authorization_service 180 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,715 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,776 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,926 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,992 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 ERROR engagement 84 41243 140735795659712 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,273 INFO authorization_service 128 41243 140735795659712 User is not a member of engagement: 0814c27f-875d-4444-9caa-359ff3fdd4d1 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,287 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,288 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,392 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,392 INFO authorization_service 133 41243 140735795659712 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,587 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,590 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,592 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,594 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 41243 140735795659712 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,595 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,605 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 41243 140735795659712 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 41243 140735795659712 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 41243 140735795659712 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 41243 140735795659712 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 41243 140735795659712 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,783 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,785 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,789 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,791 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,792 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 41243 140735795659712 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,792 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 41243 140735795659712 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,185 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,190 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,196 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,201 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,206 WARNING invite_service 60 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,273 WARNING invite_service 38 41243 140735795659712 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 686cd35c-a24c-436b-b067-6f3bc9e38d4a to for joining engagement ba4629a7-b429-41f2-b3c2-726961d22eb5
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,547 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,581 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 ERROR verify_token 64 41243 140735795659712 User wasn't found while verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,341 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,477 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,685 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,809 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,603 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,627 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,706 INFO user 140 41243 140735795659712 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=ebe9a6ec-03e8-42c0-a329-51c21b391efa Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 ERROR user 60 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,758 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,817 INFO user 89 41243 140735795659712 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=2513ff8f-09d0-4201-a448-d9ea8daf4728
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,926 ERROR authorization_service 463 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,028 ERROR api 54 88138 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,029 INFO apps 29 88138 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,165 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,367 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88138 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,414 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88138 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,416 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,417 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,419 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,420 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88138 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,491 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88138 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,022 ERROR activation 67 88138 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,257 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,263 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 ERROR testActivities 61 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,392 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,447 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,504 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,808 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,892 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,986 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,003 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,176 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,428 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,740 INFO authorization_service 127 88138 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: e0eaeb1c-9648-4f9a-87b0-d98d653f1a0e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,748 INFO authorization_service 127 88138 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: e0eaeb1c-9648-4f9a-87b0-d98d653f1a0e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,804 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,832 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,919 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,945 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,995 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,178 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,256 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,333 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,408 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,688 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,774 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,941 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,184 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,258 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,319 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,588 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,822 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,884 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,021 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,084 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,210 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,222 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,267 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,336 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,407 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,470 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88138 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88138 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88138 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88138 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88138 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88138 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,880 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,881 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,882 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,885 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,887 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88138 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88138 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,983 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,034 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,185 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,283 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,378 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,469 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,806 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,895 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,966 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 ERROR testPullNotifications 79 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,197 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,277 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,299 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,321 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,355 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,405 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,532 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,828 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 ERROR test_expanded_eng 132 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,013 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 ERROR test_expanded_eng 199 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,196 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 ERROR test_expanded_eng 158 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 ERROR test_expanded_eng 103 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,477 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,540 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,543 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,546 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,607 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,918 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,280 ERROR api 54 88740 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,281 INFO apps 29 88740 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,327 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,329 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88740 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,332 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,336 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,338 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,339 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,340 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,341 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,343 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,344 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88740 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,400 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88740 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88740 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,491 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88740 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88740 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88740 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,605 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88740 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88740 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,624 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,919 ERROR api 54 88856 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,920 INFO apps 29 88856 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,952 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,955 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88856 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,977 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88856 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88856 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88856 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88856 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,157 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88856 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,159 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,160 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,161 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88856 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,220 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88856 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:57:18,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88856 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,920 ERROR api 54 88886 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,921 INFO apps 29 88886 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 88886 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 88886 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88886 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 88886 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 88886 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 88886 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 88886 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,232 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,235 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 88886 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 09:57:42,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 88886 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,832 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 88886 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,864 INFO authorization_service 132 88886 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,995 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,050 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,097 ERROR api 54 89820 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,099 INFO apps 29 89820 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89820 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,404 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89820 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,407 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,408 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,410 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,413 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89820 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89820 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,300 ERROR activation 67 89820 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,413 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,414 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,532 ERROR invite 58 89820 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,767 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,828 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,859 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,860 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,003 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,059 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,348 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=K9jTe
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,453 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 89820 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,677 ERROR authorization_service 492 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,685 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,780 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 89820 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 89820 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,074 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 89820 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,175 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 89820 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,433 INFO authorization_service 127 89820 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: a839e8cf-b8dd-4d4c-a28f-e4b554ec72d7 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,440 INFO authorization_service 127 89820 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: a839e8cf-b8dd-4d4c-a28f-e4b554ec72d7 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,652 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,859 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,044 ERROR checklist 49 89820 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 180 89820 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,562 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,628 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,780 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,839 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,437 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (705c2bdd-5f29-4a26-a866-84807561ed5b, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:14:20.43642+00, null, 07beb8d9-76e3-4b63-bdd3-5baf104d74b7, 8c4f536a-0f88-4989-b538-9c5caeb3b55b).
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,646 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,715 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,324 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,644 INFO authorization_service 127 89820 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 5edab24d-e0e2-42e5-9b6e-da416a734311 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,659 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,660 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,780 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,780 INFO authorization_service 132 89820 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,375 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,888 ERROR engagement 83 89820 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,243 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,245 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89820 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,255 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89820 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89820 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,428 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89820 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89820 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89820 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,493 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,494 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89820 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,494 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89820 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,888 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,895 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,900 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,904 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,909 WARNING invite_service 67 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,979 WARNING invite_service 38 89820 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 76ac9acd-ed52-40f9-b22c-83ab91193bf4 to for joining engagement dad1c610-d73e-4f7b-a1fa-18cfadee4c12
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,046 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,258 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,293 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,961 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,138 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,310 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,526 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,709 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,483 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,510 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,537 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,600 INFO user 138 89820 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=cf4933f9-8c0e-4a85-a6ea-342429e26ee1 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,639 ERROR user 59 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,680 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,754 INFO user 87 89820 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=baa7607a-a269-46f8-8505-b76f6aafd4ca
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,885 ERROR authorization_service 476 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,488 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,378 ERROR api 54 90246 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,379 INFO apps 29 90246 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,435 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,437 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90246 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90246 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,521 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90246 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90246 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90246 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90246 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90246 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,720 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90246 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90246 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 90246 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,759 ERROR api 54 90315 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,760 INFO apps 29 90315 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,994 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,997 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,999 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90315 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,001 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,003 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,004 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,005 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,006 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,007 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,008 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,010 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,011 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,012 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,013 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,015 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,016 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90315 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,082 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90315 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,134 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90315 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90315 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,247 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90315 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,253 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90315 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,313 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,315 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90315 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:35:04,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90315 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,524 ERROR api 54 90356 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,525 INFO apps 29 90356 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,586 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,589 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,591 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,593 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90356 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,595 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,596 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,605 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90356 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90356 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90356 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,752 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90356 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,794 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90356 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,795 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,796 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,798 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90356 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90356 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90356 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,435 ERROR exception_handler 36 90356 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,100 ERROR api 54 90396 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,102 INFO apps 29 90396 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,158 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,161 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90396 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,168 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90396 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,235 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90396 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90396 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90396 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90396 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90396 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90396 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90396 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:52,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,260 ERROR api 54 90429 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,261 INFO apps 29 90429 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,308 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,313 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,315 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90429 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,318 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,327 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,328 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,329 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,330 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,332 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90429 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90429 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,429 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90429 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90429 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90429 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90429 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,598 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90429 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90429 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90429 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:35,998 ERROR api 54 90512 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:40:35,999 INFO apps 29 90512 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90512 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,064 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,066 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,067 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,068 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,069 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,070 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,074 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,077 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,078 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90512 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90512 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90512 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90512 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90512 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90512 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,318 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90512 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:40:36,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90512 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90512 123145455337472 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,559 ERROR api 54 90589 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,560 INFO apps 29 90589 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90589 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,626 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90589 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90589 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90589 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90589 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90589 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90589 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,897 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,899 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,900 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90589 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90589 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,570 ERROR exception_handler 36 90589 123145480650752 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,666 ERROR api 54 90666 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,667 INFO apps 29 90666 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90666 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90666 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90666 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90666 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90666 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,927 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90666 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,929 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,931 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,932 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90666 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,989 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,990 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,991 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90666 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90666 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,381 ERROR api 54 90749 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,382 INFO apps 29 90749 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,436 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90749 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,461 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90749 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,515 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90749 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90749 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90749 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90749 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90749 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90749 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90749 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,707 ERROR api 54 90784 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,707 INFO apps 29 90784 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,764 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90784 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,765 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,766 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,767 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,782 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90784 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90784 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90784 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90784 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90784 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90784 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,028 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,031 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90784 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:51:21,034 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90784 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,403 ERROR exception_handler 36 90784 123145316388864 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,591 ERROR api 54 90837 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,592 INFO apps 29 90837 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90837 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90837 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90837 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,755 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90837 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90837 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90837 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90837 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90837 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90837 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,664 ERROR exception_handler 36 90837 123145562308608 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,684 ERROR api 54 90913 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,685 INFO apps 29 90913 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90913 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,748 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,749 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,751 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,752 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,753 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,754 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,755 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90913 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90913 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90913 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90913 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,951 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90913 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,955 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,957 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90913 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,021 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90913 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:55:39,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90913 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,706 ERROR api 54 90947 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,707 INFO apps 29 90947 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,765 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,782 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,783 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,785 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,787 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,883 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,932 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90947 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90947 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,980 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,981 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90947 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:56:04,051 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90947 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,763 ERROR activation 67 90947 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,856 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,662 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,663 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,733 ERROR invite 58 90947 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,905 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,980 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,165 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,223 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,512 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=Rc7Z9
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,622 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 90947 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,823 ERROR authorization_service 492 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,831 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,932 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 90947 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,163 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 90947 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,266 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 90947 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 90947 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,661 INFO authorization_service 127 90947 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 632c24fd-6b2e-4518-ad7f-e5e5695c23cf / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,669 INFO authorization_service 127 90947 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 632c24fd-6b2e-4518-ad7f-e5e5695c23cf / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 ERROR checklist 49 90947 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,385 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,386 ERROR authorization_service 180 90947 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,626 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,689 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,836 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,897 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,419 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (b3dafa5a-909c-46a2-9dab-5198d6684dea, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:56:17.419016+00, null, d3a2b08c-7b17-4c52-8127-b17f67f6c2c3, 7049f253-2c00-4724-bff9-cf8e104e0f13).
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,548 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,650 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,724 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,669 INFO authorization_service 127 90947 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 06e3b95f-86d0-43c5-8d24-867d6fa5a6cb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,924 ERROR engagement 83 90947 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,256 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90947 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,265 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,267 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90947 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90947 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90947 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90947 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,495 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,496 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,500 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,501 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90947 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,505 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,511 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,512 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,514 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90947 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,514 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90947 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,920 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,925 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,930 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,936 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,940 WARNING invite_service 67 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,011 WARNING invite_service 38 90947 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from fa2a4b24-a0d5-4715-9525-00e25afb5385 to for joining engagement c82a86f1-e547-487f-97b0-28d2f306cc53
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,092 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,313 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,346 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,045 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,229 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,379 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,608 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,779 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,584 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,617 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,685 INFO user 138 90947 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=7da48006-233e-4365-bb95-2235b1cc60d9 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,724 ERROR user 59 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,823 INFO user 87 90947 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=1f204a49-958f-45dd-9b53-7c2b233eec49
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,952 ERROR authorization_service 476 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,481 INFO authorization_service 132 90947 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,750 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,563 ERROR api 54 91181 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,564 INFO apps 29 91181 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91181 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91181 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91181 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,766 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91181 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91181 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91181 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91181 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91181 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91181 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,300 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,624 INFO authorization_service 132 91181 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,221 ERROR api 54 91223 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,222 INFO apps 29 91223 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91223 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,294 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,295 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,296 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,297 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,298 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,300 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,302 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,303 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,304 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,306 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,308 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91223 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91223 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91223 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,512 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91223 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91223 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,567 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,568 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,570 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,571 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91223 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91223 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91223 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,428 ERROR api 54 91254 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,428 INFO apps 29 91254 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,494 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,496 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,497 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,499 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,500 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,501 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,502 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,505 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,510 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,563 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91254 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,695 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91254 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,697 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,698 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,699 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,700 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91254 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,759 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,761 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91254 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,351 ERROR activation 67 91254 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,127 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,156 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,157 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,194 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,219 ERROR invite 58 91254 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,365 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,421 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,588 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,651 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,924 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=QiOES
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91254 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,221 ERROR authorization_service 492 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,229 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91254 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91254 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,621 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91254 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91254 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,974 INFO authorization_service 127 91254 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 7e458a85-95c7-426b-8f88-06e032d05ebb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,983 INFO authorization_service 127 91254 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 7e458a85-95c7-426b-8f88-06e032d05ebb / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 ERROR checklist 49 91254 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,611 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 180 91254 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,843 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,901 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,043 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,099 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,569 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (a89a0013-48c0-4e5b-b24c-daca2ff1a2b3, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:52:35.569136+00, null, c3e4f8cb-ba6c-4fed-ba83-9d1313e410d6, 88b9d7c9-f3d7-4d48-925c-c26701be8b1b).
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,671 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,767 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,841 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,731 INFO authorization_service 127 91254 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: f7af4a07-4bd9-4035-b5d2-3765d17b35b5 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,921 ERROR engagement 83 91254 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,232 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91254 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,241 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,242 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,246 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,256 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91254 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91254 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,404 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91254 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91254 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,461 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91254 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91254 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91254 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,865 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,870 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,875 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,882 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,888 WARNING invite_service 67 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,963 WARNING invite_service 38 91254 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 768c390a-c066-4ca2-93fe-b0598acad349 to for joining engagement af7bb7c1-d842-4526-9503-7cc0c2571888
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,274 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,315 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,025 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,200 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,349 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,565 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,677 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,404 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,430 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,457 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,522 INFO user 138 91254 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=298298b9-e162-4b65-9195-36eed465ffad Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,561 ERROR user 59 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,661 INFO user 87 91254 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=403206db-5b41-4a10-b061-fba317971955
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,785 ERROR authorization_service 476 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,001 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,492 INFO authorization_service 132 91254 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,396 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:34,993 ERROR api 54 91351 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:54:34,994 INFO apps 29 91351 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,064 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,066 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,067 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,068 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,069 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,070 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91351 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91351 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91351 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,335 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,336 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,338 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,339 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:54:35,340 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91351 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,157 ERROR activation 67 91351 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,233 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,903 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,904 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 ERROR invite 58 91351 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,114 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,174 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,205 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,205 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,334 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,392 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,661 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ThqR7
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,763 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91351 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,952 ERROR authorization_service 492 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,960 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91351 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,254 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91351 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91351 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91351 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,700 INFO authorization_service 127 91351 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6d6c439f-0f76-447c-ac7c-7e93375241ff / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,707 INFO authorization_service 127 91351 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6d6c439f-0f76-447c-ac7c-7e93375241ff / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,096 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,096 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 ERROR checklist 49 91351 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 180 91351 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,583 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,645 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,784 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,841 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,292 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d79531bf-10a4-44cf-9124-223942c70afe, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:54:49.291563+00, null, c008da3f-de7d-4f00-9722-bb771e66997f, 722c2d3d-4cd0-44e8-9a67-2a43505ca665).
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,395 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,406 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,489 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,561 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,476 INFO authorization_service 127 91351 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: d7578157-2c51-4e22-ad41-68f0a968ba6e / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,489 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,490 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 INFO authorization_service 132 91351 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,711 ERROR engagement 83 91351 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91351 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,034 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91351 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91351 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,206 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91351 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91351 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,255 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,256 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91351 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,265 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,267 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91351 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91351 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,669 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,674 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,678 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,684 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,692 WARNING invite_service 67 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,769 WARNING invite_service 38 91351 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 11da8299-d7a0-4336-85e3-3417c251bfe6 to for joining engagement 48615349-1070-4fa7-93c6-a79f60b8016c
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,060 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,095 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,741 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,916 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,063 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,280 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,450 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,201 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,228 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,320 INFO user 138 91351 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=dda2fe4f-8537-49d6-9860-d509eab2d59b Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,359 ERROR user 59 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,458 INFO user 87 91351 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=a9a72160-5bfe-404c-9efa-ff96ce4c2478
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,586 ERROR authorization_service 476 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,807 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,303 ERROR api 54 91465 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,305 INFO apps 29 91465 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91465 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91465 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91465 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91465 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91465 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91465 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91465 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91465 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91465 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,607 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,642 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,307 ERROR exception_handler 36 91465 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,414 ERROR api 54 91540 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,415 INFO apps 29 91540 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91540 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91540 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91540 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,580 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91540 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,626 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91540 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91540 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,675 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,676 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91540 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91540 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91540 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,352 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,452 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,104 ERROR exception_handler 40 91540 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,142 ERROR api 54 91596 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,143 INFO apps 29 91596 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,225 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,236 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,241 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,243 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,309 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91596 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91596 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,463 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91596 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91596 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,006 ERROR activation 67 91596 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,143 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,144 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,214 ERROR invite 58 91596 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,366 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,429 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,468 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,469 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,618 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,676 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,985 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=y4xc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,130 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91596 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,341 ERROR authorization_service 492 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,349 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,458 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91596 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91596 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,811 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91596 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,918 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91596 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,204 INFO authorization_service 127 91596 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 4487b7d8-3b48-4766-a920-bc91bd5e3c64 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,214 INFO authorization_service 127 91596 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 4487b7d8-3b48-4766-a920-bc91bd5e3c64 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,649 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,650 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,839 ERROR checklist 49 91596 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 180 91596 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,156 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,218 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,364 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,424 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,945 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (5181b8a2-9b41-4afe-be3f-ff779f6722d7, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:02:28.944234+00, null, 9d30e61a-29e4-4059-a5c0-746a1e181e01, 6477c79e-9e6a-456f-b7be-534c9b47fbd5).
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,067 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,192 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,413 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,210 INFO authorization_service 127 91596 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 0b1ccb63-0f19-4cce-a1f9-e3b1ca68d84b / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 INFO authorization_service 132 91596 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,483 ERROR engagement 83 91596 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91596 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,840 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91596 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91596 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91596 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91596 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,074 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,076 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,078 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,080 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91596 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,091 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,092 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91596 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91596 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,513 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,519 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,525 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,530 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,535 WARNING invite_service 67 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,615 WARNING invite_service 38 91596 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from 49930ec1-5a05-4bda-a3e5-4f9ca55d0a85 to for joining engagement 905373b8-93e0-4d6f-98c6-98d505824e71
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,912 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,951 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,679 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,880 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,044 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,282 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,461 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,237 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,291 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,357 INFO user 138 91596 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=eacd1e03-b68d-43e3-86ce-82f12c73477e Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,399 ERROR user 59 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,425 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,500 INFO user 87 91596 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=ce9194c1-a269-43b6-a18d-8c70b5fab3f6
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,633 ERROR authorization_service 476 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,657 ERROR api 54 91673 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,657 INFO apps 29 91673 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,691 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,694 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,697 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,699 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,701 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,703 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,704 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,706 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91673 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,909 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91673 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91673 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91673 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,958 ERROR activation 67 91673 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,410 ERROR invite 58 91673 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,552 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,610 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,643 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,643 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,827 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,101 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=so4O8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,198 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91673 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,381 ERROR authorization_service 492 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,390 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,484 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91673 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,684 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91673 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91673 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,873 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91673 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,120 INFO authorization_service 127 91673 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 1e8ba014-96c7-4a81-9eb9-763150635bce / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,128 INFO authorization_service 127 91673 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 1e8ba014-96c7-4a81-9eb9-763150635bce / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,509 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,510 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,691 ERROR checklist 49 91673 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 180 91673 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,988 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,051 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,187 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,244 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,279 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,694 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (983a5f11-9f19-4b20-9652-943f2d43c5a1, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:03:16.693854+00, null, 86e376f9-948c-47de-a8d7-235bc9f73751, 2da9f700-927c-4f93-9bd9-66b702f635b4).
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,793 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,803 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,887 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,958 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,842 INFO authorization_service 127 91673 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: d2850972-6c1c-4432-a72c-5fc3889651dd / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,858 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,858 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,004 ERROR engagement 83 91673 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,318 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91673 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,328 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,330 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,334 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,336 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,337 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,339 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,341 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,348 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91673 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,400 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91673 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,495 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91673 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91673 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91673 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,567 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,568 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91673 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91673 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,971 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,976 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,982 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,987 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,992 WARNING invite_service 67 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,060 WARNING invite_service 38 91673 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from efc8807e-3a74-438b-8d99-e7718719f5ad to for joining engagement 5103b5d8-71dd-452f-8311-4398a2b1ff2e
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,338 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,373 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,990 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,156 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,347 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,558 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,667 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,403 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,428 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,493 INFO user 138 91673 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=bdbac80d-f28c-46aa-ab50-13ad54ea1579 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,530 ERROR user 59 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,624 INFO user 87 91673 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=cdd9073b-be17-4c14-b29c-f586a8d19876
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,740 ERROR authorization_service 476 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,428 INFO authorization_service 132 91673 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,483 ERROR api 54 91876 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,484 INFO apps 29 91876 140736121267136 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,555 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,563 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,566 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,703 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91876 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,749 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91876 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,751 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,752 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,753 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,754 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,755 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91876 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91876 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,813 ERROR activation 67 91876 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,896 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,635 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,694 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,694 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,781 ERROR invite 58 91876 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,924 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,982 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,143 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,201 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,466 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ANlnk
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,567 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91876 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,754 ERROR authorization_service 492 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,761 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,769 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,855 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91876 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,050 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91876 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91876 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,238 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91876 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,481 INFO authorization_service 127 91876 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6b907f35-51af-4062-a0c5-a209552ef3f2 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,489 INFO authorization_service 127 91876 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 6b907f35-51af-4062-a0c5-a209552ef3f2 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,866 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,867 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,052 ERROR checklist 49 91876 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,139 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,140 ERROR authorization_service 180 91876 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,350 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,409 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,548 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,605 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,073 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (13650a02-8dab-426b-8d6a-b577f273d2e0, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 13:12:27.072794+00, null, 16ea6ea4-1df3-4647-a042-55a4ab778ec4, f7f6c1a9-15ef-48b0-a26d-e73724bb0fd3).
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,336 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,280 INFO authorization_service 127 91876 140736121267136 User is not a member of engagement: 1876ecae-3242-4a7b-aeef-67857dd62f03 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,296 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,297 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 INFO authorization_service 132 91876 140736121267136 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'peer_reviewer'
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,481 ERROR engagement 83 91876 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91876 140736121267136 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91876 140736121267136 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91876 140736121267136 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91876 140736121267136 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91876 140736121267136 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,077 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,079 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,084 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91876 140736121267136 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,090 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,092 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,093 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91876 140736121267136 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,095 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91876 140736121267136 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,492 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,496 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,501 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,506 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,513 WARNING invite_service 67 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like a standard-user/admin-readonly inviter ( has reached its max invitations (25) in the last 24 hours
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,595 WARNING invite_service 38 91876 140736121267136 Oops, looks like an invitation with following details already exists: Invite from edeb29db-3498-4f51-bffb-19bfad2a80ff to for joining engagement b3a550d1-2528-4eaa-8f4e-780300558a38
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,887 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,979 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,812 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,997 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,140 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,362 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,481 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,258 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,362 INFO user 138 91876 140736121267136 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=0ec948b4-b858-46fd-bd44-166d6b60af0e Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,424 ERROR user 59 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,452 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,536 INFO user 87 91876 140736121267136 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=eef145fe-33b3-4381-9118-e760e4226fd7
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,672 ERROR authorization_service 476 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,511 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,366 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,068 ERROR api 54 78099 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,069 INFO apps 29 78099 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,134 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,139 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,142 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,143 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,145 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,146 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,149 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,150 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,151 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,152 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,153 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,154 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,155 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 78099 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 78099 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,327 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,328 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 78099 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,391 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,392 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,392 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,393 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 78099 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,969 ERROR activation 71 78099 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,102 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 ERROR testActivities 61 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,283 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,372 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,509 ERROR invite 58 78099 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,659 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,727 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,902 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,966 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,223 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=UBtVi
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 78099 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,524 ERROR authorization_service 497 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,533 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,542 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,649 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 78099 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 78099 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,949 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 78099 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,048 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 78099 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,299 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,503 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,833 ERROR checklist 49 78099 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 181 78099 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,133 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,193 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,326 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,385 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,855 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (f5f016d9-7fc6-4997-8198-cc5d77b5669f, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 12:54:29.854437+00, null, b038ce8c-fb44-404f-ad7c-3018ef399162, cce42aed-8e4f-428e-86b0-1c2992cd1f82).
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,957 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,052 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,137 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,033 INFO authorization_service 128 78099 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: a0f7b0b5-8da3-40f5-8da1-5431c4b39074 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,054 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,054 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,104 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,172 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,173 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,411 ERROR engagement 83 78099 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 78099 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,749 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,751 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 78099 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78099 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 78099 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 78099 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,931 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,933 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,934 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 78099 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,937 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,938 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,940 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,941 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,942 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78099 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 78099 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,597 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,615 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,213 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,315 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,333 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,354 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,578 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,719 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,740 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,861 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,880 INFO authorization_service 133 78099 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,917 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,944 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,974 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,035 INFO user 140 78099 140736909169600 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=14625091-7e65-4f92-833c-30e52eee6666 Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,073 ERROR user 61 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,098 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,178 INFO user 89 78099 140736909169600 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=c7333c43-cb40-4a90-a0fa-907a95573ce2
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,306 ERROR authorization_service 481 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,304 ERROR engagement_service 612 78099 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR engagement_service 619 78099 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,334 ERROR api 54 78319 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,335 INFO apps 29 78319 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 78319 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,386 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 78319 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78319 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 78319 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,511 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 78319 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 78319 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 78319 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 78319 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 78319 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,572 ERROR api 54 79217 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,574 INFO apps 29 79217 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 79217 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,626 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 79217 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,684 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79217 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79217 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 79217 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 79217 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 79217 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79217 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 79217 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,557 INFO authorization_service 133 79217 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,576 INFO authorization_service 133 79217 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,219 ERROR api 54 79952 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,221 INFO apps 29 79952 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 79952 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,295 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,296 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,297 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,299 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,300 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 79952 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79952 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 79952 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,422 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 79952 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 79952 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,463 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 79952 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,522 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,523 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,524 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,525 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,526 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,526 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 79952 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 79952 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,147 INFO authorization_service 133 79952 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,167 INFO authorization_service 133 79952 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,430 ERROR api 54 80133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,431 INFO apps 29 80133 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,461 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 80133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,468 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,475 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 80133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,570 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 80133 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 80133 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 80133 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 80133 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,172 INFO authorization_service 133 80133 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,190 INFO authorization_service 133 80133 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,329 ERROR api 54 80492 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,331 INFO apps 29 80492 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 80492 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,386 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,388 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,391 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,392 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,397 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 80492 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80492 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80492 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 80492 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 80492 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,563 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,564 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 80492 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80492 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 80492 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,550 INFO authorization_service 133 80492 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,570 INFO authorization_service 133 80492 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,184 ERROR api 54 80911 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,185 INFO apps 29 80911 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,217 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 80911 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,226 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,233 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,235 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 80911 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80911 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 80911 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 80911 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 80911 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,398 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,399 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,401 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,402 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 80911 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 80911 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 80911 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,802 INFO authorization_service 136 80911 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,821 INFO authorization_service 136 80911 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,423 ERROR api 54 81088 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,424 INFO apps 29 81088 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,463 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81088 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,474 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,477 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81088 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81088 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,574 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81088 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81088 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81088 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81088 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,720 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81088 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81088 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,290 INFO authorization_service 136 81088 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,310 INFO authorization_service 136 81088 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,343 ERROR api 54 81218 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,345 INFO apps 29 81218 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81218 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,386 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,387 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,388 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,390 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,391 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,393 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,393 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,394 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,397 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81218 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81218 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81218 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81218 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81218 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81218 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81218 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81218 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,380 INFO authorization_service 133 81218 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,401 INFO authorization_service 133 81218 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,056 ERROR api 54 81295 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,058 INFO apps 29 81295 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,092 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,094 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81295 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,103 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,104 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,105 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,106 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,108 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,109 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,111 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,114 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,116 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,117 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81295 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81295 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81295 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,245 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81295 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81295 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81295 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,347 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,348 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,350 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,351 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81295 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81295 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,950 INFO authorization_service 133 81295 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,970 INFO authorization_service 133 81295 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:30:54,982 ERROR api 54 81441 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:30:54,983 INFO apps 29 81441 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81441 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,050 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,051 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,064 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,065 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,067 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81441 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,114 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81441 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,150 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81441 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81441 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,225 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81441 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,226 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,232 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81441 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81441 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:30:55,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81441 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,723 INFO authorization_service 133 81441 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,741 INFO authorization_service 133 81441 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,768 ERROR api 54 81537 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,769 INFO apps 29 81537 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,796 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81537 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,819 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,821 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81537 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81537 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81537 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81537 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81537 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81537 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,045 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81537 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:31:50,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81537 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,310 INFO authorization_service 133 81537 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,330 INFO authorization_service 133 81537 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:32:44,994 ERROR api 54 81639 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:32:44,995 INFO apps 29 81639 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81639 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,045 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,049 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,051 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,052 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,053 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,055 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81639 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81639 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81639 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81639 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81639 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,218 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,220 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81639 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,282 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81639 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:32:45,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81639 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,692 INFO authorization_service 133 81639 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,709 INFO authorization_service 133 81639 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,401 ERROR api 54 81690 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,402 INFO apps 29 81690 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,431 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,434 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,436 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81690 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81690 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81690 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81690 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81690 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81690 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81690 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,675 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,676 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81690 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81690 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,128 INFO authorization_service 133 81690 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,147 INFO authorization_service 133 81690 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,589 ERROR api 54 81756 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,590 INFO apps 29 81756 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81756 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,637 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,640 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,643 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81756 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,686 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81756 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81756 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81756 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81756 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,798 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81756 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81756 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81756 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,288 INFO authorization_service 133 81756 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,309 INFO authorization_service 133 81756 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,229 ERROR api 54 81811 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,230 INFO apps 29 81811 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,265 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81811 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,267 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,279 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81811 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,326 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81811 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81811 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81811 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81811 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,459 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,460 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,462 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,464 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,465 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,467 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81811 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81811 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81811 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,054 INFO authorization_service 133 81811 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:34:15,072 INFO authorization_service 133 81811 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,032 ERROR api 54 81992 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,034 INFO apps 29 81992 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,076 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,080 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,082 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 81992 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,087 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,090 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,104 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,106 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,109 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,113 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 81992 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81992 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,211 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 81992 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 81992 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 81992 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,289 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,292 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 81992 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,355 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 81992 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 81992 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,069 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.update_checklist_state
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,195 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.view_checklist
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,328 ERROR api 54 82252 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,329 INFO apps 29 82252 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82252 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,385 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82252 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82252 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82252 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,515 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82252 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82252 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,555 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82252 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82252 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82252 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,588 INFO authorization_service 140 82252 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,616 INFO authorization_service 140 82252 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,736 ERROR api 54 82298 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,737 INFO apps 29 82298 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,792 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,795 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82298 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82298 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82298 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82298 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82298 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,981 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82298 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82298 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,045 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,047 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82298 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:38:42,048 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82298 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,739 INFO authorization_service 140 82298 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,759 INFO authorization_service 140 82298 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,312 ERROR api 54 82647 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,314 INFO apps 29 82647 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,347 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,350 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82647 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,360 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82647 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,418 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82647 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82647 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82647 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82647 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82647 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,592 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,593 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,594 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,595 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,596 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,596 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,597 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82647 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,597 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82647 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,311 INFO authorization_service 136 82647 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,333 INFO authorization_service 136 82647 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,305 ERROR api 54 82792 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,307 INFO apps 29 82792 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,344 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,347 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,349 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,351 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82792 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,353 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,355 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,360 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,367 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82792 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82792 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,468 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82792 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82792 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82792 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82792 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,601 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,603 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82792 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82792 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,327 INFO authorization_service 132 82792 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 9182d265-77a3-4827-ab51-99228732fd06 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,349 INFO authorization_service 132 82792 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 9182d265-77a3-4827-ab51-99228732fd06 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,500 ERROR api 54 82990 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,502 INFO apps 29 82990 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 82990 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 82990 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82990 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 82990 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 82990 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 82990 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,715 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 82990 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 82990 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 82990 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,417 INFO authorization_service 135 82990 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: e858a96b-79da-4466-8e3f-29671f963767 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,438 INFO authorization_service 135 82990 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: e858a96b-79da-4466-8e3f-29671f963767 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,499 ERROR api 54 83112 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,500 INFO apps 29 83112 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83112 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,540 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83112 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,599 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83112 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83112 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83112 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83112 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83112 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,766 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,767 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,767 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,768 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,769 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,770 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83112 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,771 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83112 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,544 INFO authorization_service 135 83112 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 66da796c-4f29-4f61-9738-770f8d16bc6a / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,564 INFO authorization_service 135 83112 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 66da796c-4f29-4f61-9738-770f8d16bc6a / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,327 ERROR api 54 83210 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,328 INFO apps 29 83210 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83210 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,383 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,384 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83210 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,432 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83210 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83210 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83210 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83210 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83210 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,614 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83210 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83210 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,253 INFO authorization_service 135 83210 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68211c54-d5cc-42f4-a83e-c5a9e5add07c / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,276 INFO authorization_service 135 83210 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68211c54-d5cc-42f4-a83e-c5a9e5add07c / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,060 ERROR api 54 83261 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,062 INFO apps 29 83261 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,093 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,095 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83261 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,103 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,104 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,105 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,106 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,107 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,108 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,109 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,110 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,111 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,112 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,113 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,114 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,115 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,116 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83261 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83261 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83261 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83261 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83261 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,279 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,282 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83261 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,341 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,342 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,343 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,343 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,344 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,345 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83261 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,346 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83261 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,011 INFO authorization_service 135 83261 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68a09dbc-6f2f-4918-8745-9acdf288d6f6 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:47:05,032 INFO authorization_service 135 83261 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 68a09dbc-6f2f-4918-8745-9acdf288d6f6 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,817 ERROR api 54 83442 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,819 INFO apps 29 83442 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,853 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83442 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83442 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83442 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,959 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83442 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,998 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83442 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83442 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83442 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,098 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,098 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83442 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:48:35,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83442 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,758 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83442 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,572 ERROR api 54 83525 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,573 INFO apps 29 83525 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,600 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,602 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,604 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,607 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,617 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,620 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,704 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83525 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,782 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83525 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,783 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,785 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,787 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83525 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,846 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83525 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,093 ERROR activation 71 83525 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,183 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 ERROR testActivities 61 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,311 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,516 ERROR invite 58 83525 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,663 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,719 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,875 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,929 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,177 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=yHZIF
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,279 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 83525 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,463 ERROR authorization_service 497 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,469 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,563 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 83525 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,766 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 83525 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 83525 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,955 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 83525 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,203 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 ERROR checklist 49 83525 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 181 83525 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,034 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,094 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,239 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,308 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,793 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d7377a5d-62ad-45a4-b712-5e9869edeee5, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 13:49:41.792979+00, null, 5a11504f-1323-4be1-861b-e3cdc2510b9d, 5301f06d-ebf5-4c36-b963-05b750c643de).
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,895 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,991 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,073 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,089 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,940 INFO authorization_service 128 83525 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: ba0bfdad-68d5-4547-bdf2-a17c484128a0 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reviewer'
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,200 ERROR engagement 83 83525 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,498 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,500 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,502 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 83525 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,510 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,513 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,515 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,517 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,521 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,523 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,525 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 83525 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,577 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,615 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 83525 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 83525 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 83525 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 83525 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 83525 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 83525 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,848 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,920 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,074 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,357 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,909 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,009 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,034 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,055 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,278 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,413 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,629 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,748 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,565 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,646 INFO user 140 83525 140736909169600 Reset Password finished successfully for user with uuid=59325486-0498-444d-b79a-e6278783c53f Redirecting to Login
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,690 ERROR user 61 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,717 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,782 INFO user 89 83525 140736909169600 Account updated successfully for user with uuid=72c4011a-424f-4a26-aee1-d937a9de39b2
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,893 ERROR authorization_service 481 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,401 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,607 INFO authorization_service 133 83525 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR engagement_service 612 83525 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,039 ERROR engagement_service 619 83525 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,546 ERROR api 54 84826 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,548 INFO apps 29 84826 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,606 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,616 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 84826 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,618 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,619 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,621 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,622 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,623 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,624 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,625 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,631 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,632 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,634 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,635 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 84826 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,695 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 84826 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 84826 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 84826 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 84826 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 84826 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,876 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 84826 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 84826 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,524 ERROR api 54 85074 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,526 INFO apps 29 85074 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85074 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,565 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,566 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,568 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,570 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,572 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,573 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,575 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,577 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,578 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,579 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,580 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,581 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,582 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,583 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85074 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,628 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85074 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85074 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85074 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85074 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85074 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85074 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,810 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85074 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,133 ERROR api 54 85317 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,135 INFO apps 29 85317 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85317 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,196 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,198 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,201 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85317 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85317 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,288 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85317 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85317 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85317 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,360 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85317 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,422 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,423 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,424 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,425 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,425 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,426 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85317 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,426 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85317 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,651 ERROR api 54 85410 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,652 INFO apps 29 85410 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,680 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,683 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,685 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,687 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85410 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,688 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,689 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,690 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,691 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,692 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,693 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,694 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,696 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,697 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,698 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,699 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,701 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,701 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,702 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,704 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85410 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,750 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85410 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,787 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85410 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85410 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85410 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85410 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,927 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,928 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,929 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85410 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,929 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85410 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,106 ERROR api 54 85484 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,108 INFO apps 29 85484 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85484 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,175 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,177 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,178 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85484 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,237 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85484 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85484 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85484 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,350 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85484 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,352 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,353 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,354 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,355 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,356 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,357 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85484 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,412 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,413 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,414 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85484 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85484 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,806 ERROR api 54 85553 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,807 INFO apps 29 85553 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 85553 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,846 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,848 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,850 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,853 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,855 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,857 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 85553 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85553 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,938 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 85553 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 85553 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,015 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 85553 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,016 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,017 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,019 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 85553 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,070 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,071 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,072 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,073 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,074 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 85553 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:12:06,075 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 85553 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,505 ERROR api 54 86148 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,507 INFO apps 29 86148 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86148 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,554 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,555 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,556 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,557 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,558 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,559 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,560 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,561 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,562 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86148 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86148 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86148 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,680 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86148 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,717 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86148 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,720 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86148 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,780 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86148 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,781 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86148 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,482 ERROR api 54 86236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,483 INFO apps 29 86236 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,510 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,512 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,514 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,516 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,517 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,518 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,519 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,520 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,521 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,522 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,523 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,524 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,526 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,528 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,529 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,531 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,533 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86236 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,682 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86236 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,684 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,685 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,686 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,687 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,688 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,689 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86236 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86236 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,163 ERROR api 54 86311 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,164 INFO apps 29 86311 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86311 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,206 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,207 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,209 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,210 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,211 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,212 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,215 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,217 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,220 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86311 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86311 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86311 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86311 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,395 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86311 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,396 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,397 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,398 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,399 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,400 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,401 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86311 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,454 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,455 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,456 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,457 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86311 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,458 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86311 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 ERROR activity_log 167 86311 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,703 INFO authorization_service 133 86311 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 ERROR testActivities 61 86311 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,525 ERROR api 54 86513 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,527 INFO apps 29 86513 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,569 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,571 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,574 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,576 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86513 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,577 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,578 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,579 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,580 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,581 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,582 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,583 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,584 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,585 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,587 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,587 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,588 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,589 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,590 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,591 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,592 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86513 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86513 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,681 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86513 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86513 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86513 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,757 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,758 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,759 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,760 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,762 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,763 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86513 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,819 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,820 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,821 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,822 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86513 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86513 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 ERROR activity_log 167 86513 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,258 ERROR api 54 86575 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,260 INFO apps 29 86575 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,290 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,293 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,295 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86575 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,297 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,298 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,299 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,300 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,301 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,302 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,303 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,304 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,305 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,306 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,307 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,308 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,309 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86575 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86575 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,399 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86575 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86575 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86575 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,481 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86575 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86575 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86575 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 86575 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,868 ERROR api 54 86795 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,870 INFO apps 29 86795 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,899 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86795 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,917 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86795 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86795 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,009 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86795 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86795 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86795 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,084 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86795 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,143 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,145 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,146 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86795 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:23:24,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86795 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,457 ERROR exception_handler 71 86795 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,216 ERROR api 54 86997 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,217 INFO apps 29 86997 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,253 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,255 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 86997 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,257 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,259 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,260 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,261 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,262 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,263 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,268 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 86997 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86997 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,353 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 86997 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,389 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 86997 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,427 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 86997 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,428 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,429 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,430 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,431 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,432 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,433 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 86997 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 86997 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 86997 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,744 INFO authorization_service 133 86997 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,771 ERROR api 54 87133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,772 INFO apps 29 87133 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,801 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87133 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,811 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,812 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,813 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,814 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,815 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,816 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,818 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,819 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,820 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,821 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,822 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,823 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,825 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,826 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87133 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87133 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,945 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87133 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,981 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87133 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,982 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,983 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,984 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,985 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,986 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87133 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87133 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:26:35,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87133 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,371 INFO authorization_service 128 87133 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 786a61d5-9918-40ee-84cc-7d63862ec000 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,378 INFO authorization_service 128 87133 140736909169600 User is not a member of engagement: 786a61d5-9918-40ee-84cc-7d63862ec000 / User is a not peer reviewer / admin of the engagement / Engagement wasnt found while fetching from DB
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,094 ERROR api 54 87184 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,095 INFO apps 29 87184 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,127 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,129 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87184 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,132 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,133 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,134 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,135 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,138 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,139 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,140 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,141 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,142 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,143 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,145 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87184 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87184 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87184 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,270 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87184 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,309 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87184 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,311 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,312 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,313 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,314 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,315 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,316 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87184 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87184 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87184 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 ERROR activity_log 167 87184 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,503 INFO authorization_service 133 87184 140736909169600 A general error occurred while trying to validate that User is a member of engagement Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,107 ERROR api 54 87290 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,108 INFO apps 29 87290 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,135 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,137 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,140 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,142 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87290 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,144 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,146 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,148 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,149 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,150 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,151 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,152 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,153 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,154 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,155 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,157 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,158 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,159 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,160 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87290 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87290 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87290 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87290 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87290 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87290 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87290 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87290 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 ERROR activity_log 167 87290 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,202 ERROR api 54 87351 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,203 INFO apps 29 87351 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,229 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,231 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,234 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,236 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 87351 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,238 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,239 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,240 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,241 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,243 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,246 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,247 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,247 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,251 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,253 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 87351 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,298 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87351 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 87351 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 87351 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 87351 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,410 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,411 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,412 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,414 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,415 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,416 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 87351 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,470 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,471 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 87351 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,473 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 87351 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,569 ERROR api 54 89035 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,571 INFO apps 29 89035 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,627 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,630 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,633 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,636 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89035 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,638 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,641 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89035 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,705 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89035 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89035 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,789 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89035 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89035 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,830 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89035 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,893 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89035 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,893 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89035 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:53:58,954 ERROR api 54 89621 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:53:58,957 INFO apps 29 89621 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,010 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,014 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,017 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89621 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,021 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,026 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,029 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,030 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,031 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,032 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,033 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,034 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,036 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,037 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89621 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89621 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89621 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89621 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,244 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89621 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,246 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,248 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,250 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,252 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89621 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,317 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,319 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,320 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,321 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,323 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89621 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:53:59,324 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89621 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,615 ERROR api 54 89692 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,617 INFO apps 29 89692 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,645 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89692 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,663 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,665 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,666 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,668 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,670 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89692 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89692 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,756 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89692 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89692 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89692 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89692 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,893 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,894 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,895 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89692 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,895 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89692 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,324 ERROR api 54 89761 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,325 INFO apps 29 89761 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,358 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89761 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,369 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,380 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,382 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89761 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,432 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89761 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89761 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89761 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89761 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,552 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,553 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89761 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,608 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,609 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,611 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,612 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89761 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,613 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89761 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,616 ERROR api 54 89829 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,617 INFO apps 29 89829 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 89829 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,660 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,663 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,665 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,666 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,668 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,670 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 89829 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89829 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,754 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 89829 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,790 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 89829 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 89829 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,828 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,830 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,831 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 89829 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,885 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,886 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,887 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 89829 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 89829 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,424 ERROR exception_handler 71 89829 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,896 ERROR api 54 90341 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,898 INFO apps 29 90341 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90341 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,970 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,971 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,973 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,977 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90341 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,035 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90341 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,076 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90341 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90341 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,161 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90341 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,165 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90341 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,225 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,226 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,227 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,228 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90341 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:59:25,230 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90341 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,695 ERROR api 54 90383 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,696 INFO apps 29 90383 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90383 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,748 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90383 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,790 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90383 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90383 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90383 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,900 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90383 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,905 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90383 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90383 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,966 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90383 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,820 ERROR api 54 90453 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,822 INFO apps 29 90453 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,853 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90453 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,874 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,876 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90453 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,937 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90453 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90453 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90453 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90453 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,062 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,063 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90453 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,121 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90453 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:00:15,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90453 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,797 ERROR exception_handler 71 90453 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,785 ERROR api 54 90656 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,786 INFO apps 29 90656 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,824 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,829 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,832 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90656 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,834 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,835 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,837 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,840 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,841 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,841 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,844 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,845 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,846 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,847 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90656 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90656 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,936 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90656 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90656 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,018 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90656 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,020 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,022 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,026 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90656 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,083 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,084 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,086 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,088 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90656 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:02:19,089 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90656 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,808 ERROR exception_handler 71 90656 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,684 ERROR api 54 90715 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,685 INFO apps 29 90715 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,716 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90715 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90715 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90715 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,833 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90715 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90715 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,915 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90715 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,917 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90715 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,974 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,975 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,976 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,977 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,978 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90715 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,979 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90715 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,753 ERROR api 54 90886 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,757 INFO apps 29 90886 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,784 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,786 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,789 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,791 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90886 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,794 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,795 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,797 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,798 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,799 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,800 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,802 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,803 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,804 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,805 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,806 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,807 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,808 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,809 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90886 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,852 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90886 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90886 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,926 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90886 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90886 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,964 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,965 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,967 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,968 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,969 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90886 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,023 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,024 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,025 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,026 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,027 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,028 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90886 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:04:32,028 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90886 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,236 ERROR api 54 90957 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,237 INFO apps 29 90957 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,264 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,266 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,269 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,271 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 90957 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,272 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,273 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,274 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,275 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,276 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,277 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,278 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,279 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,280 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,281 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,282 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,284 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,286 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,287 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 90957 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,331 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90957 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 90957 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,409 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 90957 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 90957 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,448 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,449 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,450 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,451 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,452 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,453 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 90957 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,503 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,504 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,505 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,506 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,507 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,508 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 90957 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,509 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 90957 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,436 ERROR api 54 91020 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,437 INFO apps 29 91020 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,466 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,469 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,472 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,476 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91020 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,478 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,479 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,480 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,482 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,483 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,484 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,485 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,486 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,487 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,488 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,489 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,490 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,491 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,492 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,493 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,495 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91020 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,535 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91020 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,572 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91020 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,610 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91020 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,647 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91020 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91020 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,708 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91020 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,712 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91020 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,836 ERROR api 54 91056 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,837 INFO apps 29 91056 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,875 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91056 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,877 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,878 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,880 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,881 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,882 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,883 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,885 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,886 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,887 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,888 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,889 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,890 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,891 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,892 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91056 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,933 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91056 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,972 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91056 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,014 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91056 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,054 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91056 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,056 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,057 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,058 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,059 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,060 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,061 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91056 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,121 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91056 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:05:50,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91056 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,146 ERROR api 54 91236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,149 INFO apps 29 91236 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91236 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,196 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,198 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,201 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91236 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,249 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,285 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91236 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,322 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91236 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,359 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91236 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,361 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,362 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,363 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,364 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,365 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,366 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91236 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,419 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,420 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,420 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,421 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,422 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,423 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,423 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91236 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,424 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91236 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,848 ERROR api 54 91498 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,851 INFO apps 29 91498 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,930 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,933 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,935 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,937 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91498 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,939 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,940 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,941 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,942 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,943 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,944 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,945 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,947 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,948 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,949 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,951 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,957 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91498 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,007 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91498 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,044 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91498 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,081 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91498 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,119 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91498 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,120 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,121 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,122 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91498 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,180 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91498 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:10:06,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91498 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,692 ERROR api 54 91587 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,693 INFO apps 29 91587 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,722 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,729 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 91587 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,741 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,742 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,743 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,744 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,745 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,746 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,747 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 91587 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,790 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91587 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,827 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 91587 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 91587 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,900 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 91587 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,901 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,902 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,903 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,904 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,905 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,906 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 91587 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,959 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 91587 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,963 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 91587 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,806 ERROR api 54 92079 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,808 INFO apps 29 92079 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,849 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,851 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,854 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92079 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,864 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,865 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,866 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,867 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,868 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,869 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,870 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,871 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,873 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92079 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92079 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92079 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,998 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92079 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,036 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92079 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,038 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,039 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,040 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,041 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,043 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92079 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,096 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,097 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,098 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,099 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,100 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,101 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92079 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:16:02,102 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92079 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,112 ERROR api 54 92274 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,112 INFO apps 29 92274 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,147 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,151 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,153 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,156 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92274 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,157 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,159 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,160 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,162 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,163 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,164 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,165 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,166 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,167 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,168 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,169 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,171 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,172 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,174 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92274 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92274 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,283 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92274 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,325 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92274 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92274 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,381 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92274 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,444 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,445 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,446 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92274 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,447 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92274 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,498 ERROR api 54 92324 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,498 INFO apps 29 92324 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,527 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,530 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,532 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,534 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92324 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,536 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,537 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,538 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,539 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,541 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,542 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,543 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,544 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,545 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,546 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,547 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,548 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,549 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,550 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,551 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92324 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,591 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92324 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,629 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92324 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92324 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,707 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92324 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,709 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,710 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,711 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,713 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92324 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,772 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,773 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,774 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,775 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,776 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,777 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92324 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,778 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92324 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,631 ERROR api 54 92412 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,632 INFO apps 29 92412 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,665 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,667 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,669 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92412 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,671 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,672 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,673 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,674 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,676 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,677 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,678 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,679 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,680 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,681 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,682 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,683 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,684 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,686 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,687 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,689 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92412 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92412 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,779 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92412 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,817 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92412 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,856 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92412 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,858 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,859 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,860 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,861 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,862 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,863 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92412 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,924 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92412 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,925 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92412 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,908 ERROR api 54 92601 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,908 INFO apps 29 92601 140736909169600 --Development Mode--
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,938 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,940 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,942 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,945 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 92601 140736909169600 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,946 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,947 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,948 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,949 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,950 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,951 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,952 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,953 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,954 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,956 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,957 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,958 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,959 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,960 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,961 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,962 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 92601 140736909169600 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,007 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92601 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,042 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 92601 140736909169600 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,085 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 92601 140736909169600 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,123 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 92601 140736909169600 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,124 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,125 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,126 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,127 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,128 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,130 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 92601 140736909169600 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,188 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 92601 140736909169600 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-03-28 15:20:30,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 92601 140736909169600 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,678 ERROR api 54 17912 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,680 INFO apps 29 17912 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,876 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,879 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,881 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,884 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 17912 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,907 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,917 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,919 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 17912 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,010 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17912 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,046 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17912 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,087 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 17912 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,127 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 17912 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,130 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,131 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,133 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,135 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,136 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,138 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 17912 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,216 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,218 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,219 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,221 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,222 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,223 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17912 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:47:48,224 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 17912 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,135 ERROR api 54 17977 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,137 INFO apps 29 17977 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,170 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,173 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,176 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,179 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 17977 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,181 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,182 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,183 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,184 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,185 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,186 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,187 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,189 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,190 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,192 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,194 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,196 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 17977 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,254 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17977 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,291 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17977 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,329 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 17977 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,368 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 17977 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,370 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,371 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,374 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 17977 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,434 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,435 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,436 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,437 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,437 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17977 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 17977 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,162 ERROR api 54 17984 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,163 INFO apps 29 17984 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,191 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,193 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,195 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,197 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 17984 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,199 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,200 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,201 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,202 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,203 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,204 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,205 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,206 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,207 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,208 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,208 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,209 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,211 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,212 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,214 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,215 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 17984 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,258 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17984 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,294 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 17984 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,333 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 17984 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,372 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 17984 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,373 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,375 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,376 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,377 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,378 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,379 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 17984 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,438 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,439 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,440 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,441 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,442 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 17984 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,443 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 17984 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,789 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,819 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,635 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145368440832 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,208 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145347420160 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,246 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,369 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,606 ERROR api 54 18103 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,609 INFO apps 29 18103 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,639 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,642 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,644 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,646 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 18103 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,648 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,649 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,650 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,651 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,652 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,653 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,654 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,655 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,656 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,657 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,658 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,659 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,661 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,662 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,664 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 18103 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,719 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18103 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,753 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18103 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,793 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 18103 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,836 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 18103 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,838 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,839 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,840 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,841 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,842 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,843 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 18103 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,908 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,909 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,910 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,911 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,912 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18103 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,913 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 18103 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,684 ERROR api 54 18110 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,686 INFO apps 29 18110 140736384066496 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,714 INFO bootstrap_actions 282 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : standard_user (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,718 INFO bootstrap_actions 286 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : el (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,721 INFO bootstrap_actions 290 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,723 INFO bootstrap_actions 294 18110 140736384066496 user role found or created : admin_ro (User Input)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,724 INFO bootstrap_actions 302 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : AT&T
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,725 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Adtran
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,726 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Velocloud
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,727 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Spirent
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,728 INFO bootstrap_actions 311 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Mitel
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,730 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Affirmed Networks
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,731 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Amdocs
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,732 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Brocade
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,733 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ciena
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,734 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Cisco
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,735 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Ericsson
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,736 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Fujitsu
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,737 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Juniper
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,738 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Metaswitch
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,739 INFO bootstrap_actions 320 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Nokia
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,740 INFO bootstrap_actions 328 18110 140736384066496 The company was found or created : Other
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,788 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18110 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Donald Duck
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,826 INFO bootstrap_actions 351 18110 140736384066496 The EL user was found or created: Homer Simpson
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,872 INFO bootstrap_actions 373 18110 140736384066496 The admin user was found or created: admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,914 INFO bootstrap_actions 394 18110 140736384066496 The admin_ro user was found or created: ro admin bogus user
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,916 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 2.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,918 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,920 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 3.5
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,921 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: AIC, Version: 4.0
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,922 INFO bootstrap_actions 406 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Other, Version: No version number available
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,923 INFO bootstrap_actions 417 18110 140736384066496 ECOMP Release found or created: Unknown
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,987 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Alpharetta (PDK2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,988 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,989 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Willows (RDM3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,990 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Middletown (ICENJ)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,990 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA2)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,991 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Lisle (DPA3)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 428 18110 140736384066496 Deployment Target found or created: Palo Alto (PAO21)
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,992 INFO bootstrap_actions 250 18110 140736384066496 Creating Checklist templates
+2017-04-18 14:13:25,902 INFO apps 26 80557 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:13:25,942 ERROR api 54 80557 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:17,477 INFO apps 26 80629 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:14:17,509 ERROR api 54 80629 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,668 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,191 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:17:13,291 INFO apps 26 80849 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:17:13,322 ERROR api 54 80849 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,590 ERROR exception_handler 71 80849 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:23:39,635 INFO apps 26 81319 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:23:39,668 ERROR api 54 81319 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:57,393 INFO apps 26 81355 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-18 14:23:57,413 ERROR api 54 81355 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,828 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-19 14:53:52,414 INFO apps 26 29503 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:53:52,446 ERROR api 54 29503 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:53:53,257 INFO apps 26 29507 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:53:53,281 ERROR api 54 29507 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:43,326 INFO apps 26 29773 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:56:43,361 ERROR api 54 29773 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:44,135 INFO apps 26 29777 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:56:44,155 ERROR api 54 29777 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,623 ERROR exception_handler 71 29777 123145452724224 General exception occurred in rest framework: column ice_user_profile.slack_handle does not exist
+LINE 1: ...ily_digest", "ice_user_profile"."is_att_contact", "ice_user_...
+ ^
+2017-04-19 14:59:27,275 INFO apps 26 30135 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:27,306 ERROR api 54 30135 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:28,087 INFO apps 26 30139 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:28,109 ERROR api 54 30139 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:51,973 INFO apps 26 30187 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:51,991 ERROR api 54 30187 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:56,937 INFO apps 26 30205 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:56,956 ERROR api 54 30205 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:57,718 INFO apps 26 30209 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 14:59:57,735 ERROR api 54 30209 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,162 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,178 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145526915072 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,317 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145532170240 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,392 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,044 INFO apps 26 30430 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,078 ERROR api 54 30430 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,868 INFO apps 26 30434 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,888 ERROR api 54 30434 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:30,768 INFO apps 26 31219 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:12:30,802 ERROR api 54 31219 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:31,591 INFO apps 26 31223 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:12:31,613 ERROR api 54 31223 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:29,876 INFO apps 26 31323 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:13:29,917 ERROR api 59 31323 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:30,702 INFO apps 26 31327 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:13:30,721 ERROR api 59 31327 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:15:20,184 INFO apps 26 31462 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:15:20,217 ERROR api 54 31462 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:18:27,462 INFO apps 26 31732 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-19 15:18:28,456 INFO apps 26 31738 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,518 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,080 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,491 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,473 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:14:16,304 INFO apps 26 37184 140737028006848 --Development Mode--
+2017-09-05 15:09:28,526 INFO apps 30 79901 4300194752 --Development Mode--
+2017-09-05 15:09:28,570 ERROR api 48 79901 4300194752 Could not create CMS token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
diff --git a/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-requests.log b/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-requests.log
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97b0d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/vvp/settings/logs/vvp-requests.log
@@ -0,0 +1,5733 @@
+2017-03-09 14:56:54,865 ERROR api 54 41243 140735795659712 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:03,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:04,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,495 ERROR activation 71 41243 140735795659712 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,563 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:05,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,337 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,403 ERROR invite 59 41243 140735795659712 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,575 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,637 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 93dec38e-e00b-4bfc-93b2-8bcd077ed3f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,675 ERROR authorization_service 162 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,810 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:06,871 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dda7c23c-5c11-440a-9203-b501a39c8cae (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,153 ERROR verify_token 75 41243 140735795659712 Something went wrong while trying to prepare data for auth. kwargs={'checklistUuid': u'yX5lq'}
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,239 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 41243 140735795659712 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,417 ERROR authorization_service 479 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,542 ERROR checklist_audit_log 84 41243 140735795659712 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,548 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,734 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 41243 140735795659712 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,820 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 41243 140735795659712 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,911 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 41243 140735795659712 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:07,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,259 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,432 ERROR checklist 51 41243 140735795659712 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,514 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,515 ERROR authorization_service 180 41243 140735795659712 Internal Error - Checklist not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,715 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,776 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: aafe7761-b75d-4062-848b-99336aece77e (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,926 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:08,992 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 43a7544e-3cbf-4f52-ae96-f276a3a59ecd (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,340 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:09,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,677 ERROR engagement 84 41243 140735795659712 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:10,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,287 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,392 ERROR authorization_service 354 41243 140735795659712 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,501 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,547 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,581 ERROR activity_log 31 41243 140735795659712 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:12,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,184 ERROR verify_token 64 41243 140735795659712 User wasn't found while verifying the request token
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,341 ERROR activity_log 167 41243 140735795659712 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,477 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 350fe2e3-0219-4ab7-8f14-3e8c1cf06fbf (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,685 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:13,809 ERROR checklist_state_service 239 41243 140735795659712 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 28905294-337b-41a8-a770-b9ca749163e2 (User Input)
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,603 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,627 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,653 ERROR user 133 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,742 ERROR user 60 41243 140735795659712 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,758 ERROR exception_handler 37 41243 140735795659712 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,926 ERROR authorization_service 463 41243 140735795659712 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-09 14:57:14,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:15,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:16,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:17,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:18,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:19,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:20,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-09 14:57:22,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 41243 140735795659712 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:47:51,028 ERROR api 54 88138 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:00,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,022 ERROR activation 67 88138 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,257 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,263 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,265 ERROR testActivities 61 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,341 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,392 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,447 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,504 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,617 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,808 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,892 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:01,986 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,003 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,176 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,260 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,346 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,428 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,804 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,832 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,894 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,901 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,919 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,945 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,971 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:02,995 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,100 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,178 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,256 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,333 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,408 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,506 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,688 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,774 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,857 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,941 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:03,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,022 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,105 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,177 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,184 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,258 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,319 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,429 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,485 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,536 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,588 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,822 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,825 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,884 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,888 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,946 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:04,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,021 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,084 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,145 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,210 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,222 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,267 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,336 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,407 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,470 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,603 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,983 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:05,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,034 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,083 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,185 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,283 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,378 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,469 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,550 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,562 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,652 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,734 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,806 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,895 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,966 ERROR activity_log 167 88138 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,969 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,970 ERROR testPullNotifications 79 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:06,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,087 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,090 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,194 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,197 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,255 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,277 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,299 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,321 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,355 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,405 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,532 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,590 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,828 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,829 ERROR test_expanded_eng 132 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:07,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,013 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,014 ERROR test_expanded_eng 199 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,196 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,197 ERROR test_expanded_eng 158 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,375 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,376 ERROR test_expanded_eng 103 88138 140736121267136 Got response : 500 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,477 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,481 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,540 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,543 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,546 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,607 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,610 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,918 ERROR exception_handler 36 88138 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:48:08,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88138 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:12,280 ERROR api 54 88740 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,624 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88740 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:53:20,710 ERROR exception_handler 36 88740 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 09:57:17,919 ERROR api 54 88856 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88856 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:41,920 ERROR api 54 88886 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,582 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,832 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: faa8a67d-78f7-46f8-881b-decd59fafa47 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 88886 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 88886 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 09:57:49,995 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 09:57:50,050 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 88886 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 85fa12df-5c00-45f7-8710-24e1cbbd279a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:05,097 ERROR api 54 89820 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,300 ERROR activation 67 89820 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,512 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:15,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,413 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,532 ERROR invite 58 89820 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,767 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,828 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5d28cc7c-2600-4a04-a621-e2533922a53c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,859 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,003 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,059 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 560dd4ca-06a1-4de7-8f29-1ba5c9e50c2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,348 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=K9jTe
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,453 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 89820 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,677 ERROR authorization_service 492 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,780 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 89820 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,984 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 89820 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:17,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,074 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 89820 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,175 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 89820 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,652 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,847 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,859 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:18,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,044 ERROR checklist 49 89820 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,151 ERROR authorization_service 180 89820 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,562 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,628 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 24666ddf-be48-47f7-b268-4ff10ec8b2ba (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,780 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,839 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: ef571d6f-08a5-47fa-97c0-7512d70ff707 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:19,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,437 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (705c2bdd-5f29-4a26-a866-84807561ed5b, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:14:20.43642+00, null, 07beb8d9-76e3-4b63-bdd3-5baf104d74b7, 8c4f536a-0f88-4989-b538-9c5caeb3b55b).
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,646 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,715 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:20,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,324 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,659 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,780 ERROR authorization_service 368 89820 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:21,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,375 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,888 ERROR engagement 83 89820 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:22,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:23,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,046 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,258 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,293 ERROR activity_log 31 89820 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:24,961 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,138 ERROR activity_log 167 89820 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,310 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bbdd2ccc-28c6-47fc-bfd7-b7da6ed07d2e (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,526 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:25,709 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 89820 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2bbf1a33-c529-4f56-b161-3d8a2516b351 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,483 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,510 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,537 ERROR user 131 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,639 ERROR user 59 89820 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,680 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:26,885 ERROR authorization_service 476 89820 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,224 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:27,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,006 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,335 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,488 ERROR exception_handler 36 89820 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:14:29,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89820 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:39,378 ERROR api 54 90246 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:48,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,092 ERROR exception_handler 36 90246 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:32:49,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90246 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:03,759 ERROR api 54 90315 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,610 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90315 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:38,524 ERROR api 54 90356 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,435 ERROR exception_handler 36 90356 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:35:46,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90356 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:43,100 ERROR api 54 90396 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:51,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:36:52,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90396 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:13,260 ERROR api 54 90429 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90429 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:37:21,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90429 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:35,998 ERROR api 54 90512 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:43,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90512 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:40:44,830 ERROR exception_handler 36 90512 123145455337472 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:43:46,559 ERROR api 54 90589 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:54,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90589 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:43:55,570 ERROR exception_handler 36 90589 123145480650752 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:47:19,666 ERROR api 54 90666 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,157 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:47:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90666 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:29,381 ERROR api 54 90749 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:50:37,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90749 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:20,707 ERROR api 54 90784 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:28,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90784 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:51:29,403 ERROR exception_handler 36 90784 123145316388864 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:53:16,591 ERROR api 54 90837 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:24,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90837 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:53:25,664 ERROR exception_handler 36 90837 123145562308608 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Invalid payload.
+2017-03-21 10:55:38,684 ERROR api 54 90913 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:46,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:48,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:55:49,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90913 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:03,706 ERROR api 54 90947 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,763 ERROR activation 67 90947 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:12,856 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,592 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,662 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,733 ERROR invite 58 90947 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,905 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:13,980 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9448325c-c9eb-4da8-935e-2f40ea0333b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,019 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,165 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,223 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 691c9c24-6f16-4c09-bb9c-6a083921d7b7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,512 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=Rc7Z9
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,622 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 90947 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,689 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,740 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,801 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,823 ERROR authorization_service 492 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,932 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 90947 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:14,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,163 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 90947 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,172 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,266 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 90947 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,370 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 90947 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,783 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,888 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:15,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,101 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,293 ERROR checklist 49 90947 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,385 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,386 ERROR authorization_service 180 90947 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,626 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,689 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3fc2b4db-802e-42f2-a185-dd15aabc97a1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,836 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,897 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: b3a768a2-c177-4897-af49-56728f87c7a9 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:16,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,419 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (b3dafa5a-909c-46a2-9dab-5198d6684dea, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 10:56:17.419016+00, null, d3a2b08c-7b17-4c52-8127-b17f67f6c2c3, 7049f253-2c00-4724-bff9-cf8e104e0f13).
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,548 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,650 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,724 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:17,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,683 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,805 ERROR authorization_service 368 90947 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:18,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,924 ERROR engagement 83 90947 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:19,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,092 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,313 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,346 ERROR activity_log 31 90947 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,921 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:21,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,045 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,210 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,229 ERROR activity_log 167 90947 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,379 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 575ac9c0-e049-43e4-a3b4-846d0c8e6c2d (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,608 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:22,779 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 90947 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 21a01b8a-22d8-4604-a266-794966e460ea (User Input)
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,549 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,584 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,617 ERROR user 131 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,724 ERROR user 59 90947 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,752 ERROR exception_handler 36 90947 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:23,952 ERROR authorization_service 476 90947 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,750 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,822 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:24,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,919 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:25,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:26,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,365 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:27,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 10:56:28,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90947 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:35,563 ERROR api 54 91181 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:45,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,260 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,300 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,494 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,513 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,699 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:50:46,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91181 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:51:55,221 ERROR api 54 91223 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:03,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,266 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:04,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91223 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:23,428 ERROR api 54 91254 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,351 ERROR activation 67 91254 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,438 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:31,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,127 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,156 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,167 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,194 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,219 ERROR invite 58 91254 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,365 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,421 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 069d8abf-ae7d-42b1-9971-6e772e38835b (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,454 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,588 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,651 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 68b55ea2-0106-42aa-8686-fb6e9f36a8b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,924 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=QiOES
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:32,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,028 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91254 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,221 ERROR authorization_service 492 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91254 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,527 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91254 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,621 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91254 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,721 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91254 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:33,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,362 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,549 ERROR checklist 49 91254 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,611 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,634 ERROR authorization_service 180 91254 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,843 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,901 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: acbb2991-0aa4-4878-8cbf-732be3bd9fc5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:34,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,043 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,099 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 71fac7e8-6860-4869-bb58-d1fbe7a3d623 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,142 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,569 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (a89a0013-48c0-4e5b-b24c-daca2ff1a2b3, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:52:35.569136+00, null, c3e4f8cb-ba6c-4fed-ba83-9d1313e410d6, 88b9d7c9-f3d7-4d48-925c-c26701be8b1b).
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,671 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,767 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,841 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,899 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:35,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,746 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,863 ERROR authorization_service 368 91254 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:36,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,921 ERROR engagement 83 91254 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,954 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:37,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:38,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,274 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,315 ERROR activity_log 31 91254 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,412 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:39,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,025 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,200 ERROR activity_log 167 91254 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,349 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 731ff952-0021-4c8a-814a-8e57687066f8 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,565 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:40,677 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91254 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 99b6b097-f87b-4672-a83a-168dea21d0b4 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,404 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,430 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,457 ERROR user 131 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,561 ERROR user 59 91254 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,589 ERROR exception_handler 36 91254 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,785 ERROR authorization_service 476 91254 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,920 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:41,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,001 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,340 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,583 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:42,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,396 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,558 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:43,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:44,926 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:45,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:46,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:47,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:48,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:49,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:52:50,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91254 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:34,993 ERROR api 54 91351 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:44,900 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,157 ERROR activation 67 91351 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,211 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,233 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,903 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,967 ERROR invite 58 91351 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:45,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,114 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,174 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7af67538-ce05-47fd-844a-b713dfa097f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,205 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,334 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,392 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c70fab6e-5dad-4b70-8170-4a3e321275da (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,634 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,661 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ThqR7
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,729 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,763 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91351 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,774 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,952 ERROR authorization_service 492 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:46,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,056 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91351 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,168 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,254 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91351 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,350 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91351 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,447 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91351 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,636 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,809 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,970 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:47,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,096 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,258 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,283 ERROR checklist 49 91351 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,372 ERROR authorization_service 180 91351 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,471 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,583 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,645 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fbd81e15-3665-4ad4-a2c3-26f63fe82c81 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,784 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,841 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2421635d-dcde-4bf2-825f-54a28ff8198a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:48,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,134 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,292 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d79531bf-10a4-44cf-9124-223942c70afe, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 11:54:49.291563+00, null, c008da3f-de7d-4f00-9722-bb771e66997f, 722c2d3d-4cd0-44e8-9a67-2a43505ca665).
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,395 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,406 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,489 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,561 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,765 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,980 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:49,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,489 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,609 ERROR authorization_service 368 91351 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,797 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,937 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,974 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:50,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,137 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,292 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,294 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,382 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,711 ERROR engagement 83 91351 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:51,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,354 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:52,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,060 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,095 ERROR activity_log 31 91351 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,179 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,433 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,723 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,741 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,794 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:53,916 ERROR activity_log 167 91351 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,063 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: fda590f7-03e1-4337-84c4-878660a27cd7 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,280 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:54,450 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91351 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 9b5ae775-66b6-4f8f-8e83-882e328e1d26 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,201 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,228 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,256 ERROR user 131 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,359 ERROR user 59 91351 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,384 ERROR exception_handler 36 91351 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,586 ERROR authorization_service 476 91351 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,807 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:55,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,257 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,334 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,379 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,398 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:56,849 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:57,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:58,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:54:59,953 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:00,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:01,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:02,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:55:03,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91351 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:22,303 ERROR api 54 91465 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,174 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,176 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,607 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,642 ERROR activity_log 31 91465 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,726 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,856 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,940 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:33,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,080 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,307 ERROR exception_handler 36 91465 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 11:57:34,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91465 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:21,414 ERROR api 54 91540 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,352 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,452 ERROR activity_log 31 91540 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,546 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,625 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:29,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,104 ERROR exception_handler 40 91540 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:00:30,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91540 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:14,142 ERROR api 54 91596 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:23,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,006 ERROR activation 67 91596 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,215 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,277 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,317 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,401 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:24,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,143 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,186 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,214 ERROR invite 58 91596 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,366 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,429 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: adbbd223-734b-41de-b38c-d073fe3f47bd (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,468 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,485 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,618 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,676 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a7df60ee-83ab-413b-81b4-e161ec34bec1 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,884 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:25,985 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=y4xc6
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,085 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,130 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91596 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,254 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,341 ERROR authorization_service 492 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,363 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,458 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91596 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,711 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91596 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,811 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91596 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,918 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91596 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:26,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,052 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,481 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,483 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,649 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,839 ERROR checklist 49 91596 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,932 ERROR authorization_service 180 91596 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:27,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,038 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,042 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,156 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,218 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7c9719a7-08fa-42b8-bcf7-bc2e467a9bb5 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,364 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,424 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 3486e46d-958a-4f62-b475-0956669a22ca (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,585 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,695 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,697 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,945 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (5181b8a2-9b41-4afe-be3f-ff779f6722d7, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:02:28.944234+00, null, 9d30e61a-29e4-4059-a5c0-746a1e181e01, 6477c79e-9e6a-456f-b7be-534c9b47fbd5).
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:28,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,067 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,192 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,248 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,336 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,339 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,413 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,489 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,793 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,871 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:29,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,086 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,224 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,357 ERROR authorization_service 368 91596 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,436 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,630 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,633 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,711 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,939 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,942 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:30,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,016 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,219 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,483 ERROR engagement 83 91596 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:31,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,672 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,678 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,912 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:32,951 ERROR activity_log 31 91596 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,321 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,326 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,643 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,679 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,737 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,880 ERROR activity_log 167 91596 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:02:33,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,044 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: f17b9f4c-ede3-431d-b400-68bf4ed4e70c (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,282 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:34,461 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91596 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: dc7fdcdb-cb47-447c-a3db-c6570beda6b0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,237 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,265 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,291 ERROR user 131 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,399 ERROR user 59 91596 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,425 ERROR exception_handler 40 91596 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,633 ERROR authorization_service 476 91596 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,778 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,848 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,885 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:35,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,013 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,031 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,214 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,252 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,613 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:36,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,543 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:37,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:38,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:40,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:41,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:02:42,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91596 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:01,657 ERROR api 54 91673 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,732 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,958 ERROR activation 67 91673 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:12,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,050 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,221 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,348 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,410 ERROR invite 58 91673 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,461 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,552 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,610 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: de01b37d-88a5-4829-9c22-773c036766b2 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,643 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,657 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,773 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:13,827 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 1651c672-30db-4ee7-89d1-77dab7773a13 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,077 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,101 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=so4O8
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,166 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,198 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91673 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,381 ERROR authorization_service 492 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,400 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,402 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,484 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91673 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,594 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,649 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,684 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91673 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,743 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,776 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91673 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,784 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,873 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91673 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:14,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,164 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,197 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,301 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,327 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,330 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,390 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,509 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,612 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,691 ERROR checklist 49 91673 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,775 ERROR authorization_service 180 91673 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:15,988 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,051 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8cfd888e-0356-4146-bbd3-9b08e04960ed (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,079 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,187 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,244 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 5ad53b37-1207-4663-860b-74f49007de42 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,279 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,384 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,476 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,591 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,593 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,694 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (983a5f11-9f19-4b20-9652-943f2d43c5a1, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 12:03:16.693854+00, null, 86e376f9-948c-47de-a8d7-235bc9f73751, 2da9f700-927c-4f93-9bd9-66b702f635b4).
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,705 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,707 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,708 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,793 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,803 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,806 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,887 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:16,958 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,051 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,193 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,230 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,263 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,371 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,372 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,766 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,858 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,910 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:17,976 ERROR authorization_service 368 91673 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,161 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,242 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,507 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,615 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,616 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,702 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:18,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,004 ERROR engagement 83 91673 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,014 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:19,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,123 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,338 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,373 ERROR activity_log 31 91673 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,463 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,781 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,972 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:20,990 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,050 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,156 ERROR activity_log 167 91673 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,347 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: eb56abd2-e5e6-4ab5-8bad-22b98e15c249 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,514 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,558 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:21,667 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91673 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 74727b26-f3f7-42d9-b86c-52459d156af0 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,376 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,403 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,428 ERROR user 131 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,530 ERROR user 59 91673 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,556 ERROR exception_handler 40 91673 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,669 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,740 ERROR authorization_service 476 91673 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,941 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:22,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,163 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,367 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,500 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,508 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,518 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,578 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:23,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,470 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,622 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:24,670 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:25,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,911 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:26,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:27,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,212 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 12:03:28,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91673 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:12,483 ERROR api 54 91876 140736121267136 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,561 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,813 ERROR activation 67 91876 140736121267136 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,831 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,835 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,866 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,896 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,949 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,951 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,952 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:22,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,595 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,635 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,637 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,694 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,704 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,781 ERROR invite 58 91876 140736121267136 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,796 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,800 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,924 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:23,982 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 519a5f26-0f1a-4a53-acd7-7b59c5309e9a (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,013 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,029 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,143 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,201 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c535e339-2b80-426a-beca-097f45d90afa (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,466 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=ANlnk
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,482 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,533 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,567 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 91876 140736121267136 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,733 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,754 ERROR authorization_service 492 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,769 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,772 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,823 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,855 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 91876 140736121267136 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:24,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,050 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 91876 140736121267136 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,144 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 91876 140736121267136 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,238 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 91876 140736121267136 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,298 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,355 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,425 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,466 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,554 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,555 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,557 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,586 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,718 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,748 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,786 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,845 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,866 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,880 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,936 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,975 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:25,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,028 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,052 ERROR checklist 49 91876 140736121267136 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,115 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,139 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,140 ERROR authorization_service 180 91876 140736121267136 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,350 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,409 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7b7b67e1-2c48-4787-963e-0a835e97becc (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,548 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,605 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a6ab103f-8a9e-4cb6-a42d-67f9abf14d64 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,645 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,712 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,753 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,814 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,844 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,846 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,847 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:26,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,073 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (13650a02-8dab-426b-8d6a-b577f273d2e0, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-21 13:12:27.072794+00, null, 16ea6ea4-1df3-4647-a042-55a4ab778ec4, f7f6c1a9-15ef-48b0-a26d-e73724bb0fd3).
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,088 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,091 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,172 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,182 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,184 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,265 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,281 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,336 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,429 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,465 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,468 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,538 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,752 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,923 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,158 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,160 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,204 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,296 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,415 ERROR authorization_service 368 91876 140736121267136 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,646 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,799 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,948 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,984 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:28,985 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,026 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,150 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,272 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,481 ERROR engagement 83 91876 140736121267136 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,491 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,553 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,661 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,667 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,790 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,795 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,887 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:30,979 ERROR activity_log 31 91876 140736121267136 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,066 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,078 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,234 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,240 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,253 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,428 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,434 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,581 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,701 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,779 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,798 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,812 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,858 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,868 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:31,997 ERROR activity_log 167 91876 140736121267136 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,096 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,140 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 14d1c7e5-2e9d-42bd-9073-d514f544c4f3 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,362 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:32,481 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 91876 140736121267136 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 044536cc-96b7-43dc-9a50-3febf157dc84 (User Input)
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,258 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,293 ERROR user 131 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,424 ERROR user 59 91876 140736121267136 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,452 ERROR exception_handler 40 91876 140736121267136 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,672 ERROR authorization_service 476 91876 140736121267136 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,728 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,820 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,833 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,908 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:33,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,073 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,101 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,149 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,250 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,289 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,296 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,338 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,430 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,511 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,520 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:34,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,526 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,619 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,624 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,688 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,735 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,810 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:35,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,209 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:36,284 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,366 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-21 13:12:37,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91876 140736121267136 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:15,068 ERROR api 54 78099 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,878 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,879 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,929 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,930 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:25,969 ERROR activation 71 78099 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,002 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,079 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,105 ERROR testActivities 61 78099 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,283 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,295 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,337 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,372 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,442 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,452 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,480 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,509 ERROR invite 58 78099 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,659 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,727 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 7fe8b789-e22e-439b-b9fb-c779fd976df1 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,761 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,771 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,805 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,902 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:26,966 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 09cf1c06-9bcc-4280-9b2c-248cba379c19 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,199 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,223 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=UBtVi
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,290 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,325 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 78099 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,329 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,524 ERROR authorization_service 497 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,540 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,542 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,649 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 78099 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,656 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,660 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,715 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,763 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,818 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,855 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 78099 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,860 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,864 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,949 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 78099 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,957 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:27,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,048 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 78099 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,058 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,169 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,171 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,235 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,238 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,344 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,408 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,411 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,439 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,440 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,503 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,505 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,506 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,537 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,654 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,662 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,717 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,755 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,833 ERROR checklist 49 78099 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,840 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,843 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,923 ERROR authorization_service 181 78099 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,932 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:28,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,019 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,021 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,075 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,133 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,193 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 261c15d6-7663-4286-9d3b-57d89533af39 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,326 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,385 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 78099 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: a28f725f-8341-4f22-93ba-588ff0984c33 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,423 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,523 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,525 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,587 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,618 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,621 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,692 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,756 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,817 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,855 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (f5f016d9-7fc6-4997-8198-cc5d77b5669f, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 12:54:29.854437+00, null, b038ce8c-fb44-404f-ad7c-3018ef399162, cce42aed-8e4f-428e-86b0-1c2992cd1f82).
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,872 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,935 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,957 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:29,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,052 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,065 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,068 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,090 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,121 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,156 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,226 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,315 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,457 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,536 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,567 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,606 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,639 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:30,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,054 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,061 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,104 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,172 ERROR authorization_service 373 78099 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,205 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,357 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,409 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,445 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,596 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,599 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,642 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,679 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,819 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,867 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,869 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:31,999 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,055 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,057 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,093 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,411 ERROR engagement 83 78099 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:32,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,070 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,146 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,226 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,261 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,368 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,383 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,510 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,597 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,615 ERROR activity_log 31 78099 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,659 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,768 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,782 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,787 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,897 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:33,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,015 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,120 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,213 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,264 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,270 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,278 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,315 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,333 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,354 ERROR nextsteps 62 78099 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=ff9d5ca3-ca9d-4675-8d17-1f0b3eab12ee for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,448 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,455 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,464 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,469 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,559 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,578 ERROR activity_log 167 78099 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,827 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,917 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,944 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:34,974 ERROR user 133 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,073 ERROR user 61 78099 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,098 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,280 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,306 ERROR authorization_service 481 78099 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,359 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,459 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,484 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,496 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,516 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,524 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,556 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,565 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,674 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,691 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,703 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,710 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,721 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,730 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,767 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,777 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,850 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,857 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,877 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,886 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,914 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,927 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,934 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:35,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,033 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,132 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,162 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,304 ERROR engagement_service 612 78099 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,305 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,416 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR engagement_service 619 78099 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,441 ERROR exception_handler 71 78099 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:36,816 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,609 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,614 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,706 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:37,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:38,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:40,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:41,124 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,467 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:54:42,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78099 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:06,334 ERROR api 54 78319 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,527 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,530 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,579 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,584 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 12:56:17,589 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 78319 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:12,572 ERROR api 54 79217 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,373 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:06:20,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79217 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:28,219 ERROR api 54 79952 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,969 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:35,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:15:36,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 79952 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:22,430 ERROR api 54 80133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,017 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,018 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:17:30,089 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:22,329 ERROR api 54 80492 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,361 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,362 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,364 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:21:30,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80492 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:51,184 ERROR api 54 80911 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,629 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,631 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:25:58,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80911 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:29,423 ERROR api 54 81088 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,111 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,113 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:27:37,181 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81088 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:38,343 ERROR api 54 81218 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,201 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:28:46,276 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81218 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:18,056 ERROR api 54 81295 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,788 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:29:25,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81295 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:30:54,982 ERROR api 54 81441 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,547 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,551 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:02,620 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81441 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:49,768 ERROR api 54 81537 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,154 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:31:57,223 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81537 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:44,994 ERROR api 54 81639 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,512 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:32:52,590 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81639 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:09,401 ERROR api 54 81690 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:16,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:17,041 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81690 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:38,589 ERROR api 54 81756 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,112 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:33:46,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81756 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:07,229 ERROR api 54 81811 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:34:14,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81811 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:48,032 ERROR api 54 81992 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:55,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,069 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81992 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,176 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.update_checklist_state
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,177 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,195 ERROR auth 60 81992 140736909169600 =====================Exception=====================
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 62 81992 140736909169600 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email' Message: A problem occurred while trying to authorize user.uuid= 62aacc13-4ddc-4b72-8697-22d6dd89f509. eng_uuid=4010c447-8be9-4cf9-b03e-1d7142a5d289. checklist_uuid=e0c38321-36f5-4fc0-873f-15bc74d0c264action=Permissions.view_checklist
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 63 81992 140736909169600 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/decorator/", line 47, in _new_func
+ result, message = auth_service.is_user_able_to(user, action, eng_uuid, checklist_uuid)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 369, in is_user_able_to
+ ret = self.check_permissions(user, action, eng_uuid, role, eng, cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 348, in check_permissions
+ ret = result, message = check(self, user, action, eng=eng, cl=cl)
+ File "/Users/almog/Desktop/Git_Work/rkt-ice-engagementmgr/django/engagementmanager/service/", line 120, in __require_eng_membership
+ print(
+AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'
+2017-03-28 13:35:56,196 ERROR auth 64 81992 140736909169600 ===================================================
+2017-03-28 13:38:28,328 ERROR api 54 82252 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,345 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:38,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82252 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:41,736 ERROR api 54 82298 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,575 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,577 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:38:49,650 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82298 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:07,312 ERROR api 54 82647 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,126 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,128 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:42:15,203 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82647 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:14,305 ERROR api 54 82792 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,138 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:43:22,216 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82792 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:05,500 ERROR api 54 82990 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,229 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,231 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,233 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:14,305 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 82990 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:45:52,499 ERROR api 54 83112 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,353 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:00,431 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83112 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:37,327 ERROR api 54 83210 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,067 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:45,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83210 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:46:57,060 ERROR api 54 83261 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,821 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,824 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:47:04,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83261 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:34,817 ERROR api 54 83442 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,648 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83442 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:48:42,758 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83442 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: c1f7f9e6-ede6-4d4d-ad7e-a37909e44c5d (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:30,572 ERROR api 54 83525 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,928 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,931 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:37,933 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,060 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,062 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,093 ERROR activation 71 83525 140736909169600 User's activation token is not equal to the token in the activation path param. Redirecting to resendActivation
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,110 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,165 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,186 ERROR testActivities 61 83525 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,236 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,311 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,320 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,322 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,323 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,385 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,387 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,418 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,449 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,456 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,458 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,460 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,490 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,516 ERROR invite 58 83525 140736909169600 One of the input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,663 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,719 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 52d944fe-55c6-4420-9337-795fe6f2b8f0 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,751 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,760 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,762 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,789 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,875 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:38,929 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: bcb33272-ffc7-437b-af6a-2c346892571c (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,098 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,153 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,177 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: auth service couldn't fetch Checklist by checklist uuid=yHZIF
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,188 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,189 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,191 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,279 ERROR checklist_audit_log 46 83525 140736909169600 description for the audit log is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,286 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,288 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,388 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,389 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,441 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,463 ERROR authorization_service 497 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from ChecklistDecision
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,478 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,532 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,563 ERROR checklist_audit_log 85 83525 140736909169600 value for decision is not provided in the request's body
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,571 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,573 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,623 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,675 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,676 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,727 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,766 ERROR checklist_decision_service 105 83525 140736909169600 checklist's state is an invalid state for the decision change and should be different
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,773 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,776 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,857 ERROR checklist_decision_service 31 83525 140736909169600 decisionUuid or value are empty or invalid / user == None
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,862 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,863 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,865 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,955 ERROR checklist_decision_service 110 83525 140736909169600 user isn't an EL / The User (Liav Ezer) tried to change the decision while the current owner is Amir Skalka (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:39,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,024 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,082 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,084 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,139 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,196 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,217 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,220 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,282 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,283 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,285 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,316 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,318 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,319 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,346 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,404 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,437 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,474 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,477 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,555 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,564 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,566 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,617 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,651 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,653 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,654 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,740 ERROR checklist 49 83525 140736909169600 One of the CheckList's input parameters is missing
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,747 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,749 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,804 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,828 ERROR authorization_service 181 83525 140736909169600 Internal Error - Engagement not found while trying to check permissions for user
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,838 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,922 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,925 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:40,976 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,034 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,094 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8046b06a-40a2-41c2-befe-e23c8047c459 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,118 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,119 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,121 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,239 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,308 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 2a1733c5-8633-45a1-af7b-d3926f784374 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,356 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,435 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,472 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,541 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,568 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,570 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,754 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,793 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (d7377a5d-62ad-45a4-b712-5e9869edeee5, null, 1, li1_description, auto, li1_validation_instructions, 2017-03-28 13:49:41.792979+00, null, 5a11504f-1323-4be1-861b-e3cdc2510b9d, 5301f06d-ebf5-4c36-b963-05b750c643de).
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,812 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,873 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,895 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,904 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:41,991 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: ChecklistTemplate matching query does not exist.
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,007 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,073 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,107 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,141 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,175 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,177 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,241 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,243 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,275 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,307 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,341 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,374 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,376 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,377 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,407 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,450 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,486 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,531 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,560 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,601 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,603 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,811 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,813 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,861 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,953 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,963 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:42,965 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,005 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,068 ERROR authorization_service 373 83525 140736909169600 ENG was not found while checking permissions... returning 500
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,095 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,097 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,136 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,225 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,227 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,310 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,378 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,381 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,449 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,451 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,453 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,519 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,521 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,522 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,562 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,605 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,607 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,608 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,647 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,696 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,698 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,852 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,890 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,943 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,944 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,946 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,971 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:43,983 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,200 ERROR engagement 83 83525 140736909169600 Failed to export engagements csv, please contact the ICE Team. Error="'stage'"
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,206 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,207 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,208 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,228 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,239 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,808 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,815 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,848 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,883 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,889 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,920 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:44,966 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,002 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,074 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,125 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,130 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,135 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,144 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,251 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,256 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,262 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,357 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,375 ERROR activity_log 31 83525 140736909169600 Engagement provided is a None object, please provide a valid engagement.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,421 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,427 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,432 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,438 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,529 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,534 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,539 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,544 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,549 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,658 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,665 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,671 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,677 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,764 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,775 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,780 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,876 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,887 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,896 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,909 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Authentication credentials were not provided.
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:45,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,009 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,034 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,055 ERROR nextsteps 62 83525 140736909169600 Creation of NextStep has failed for engagement_uuid=59121f5e-bbf4-4949-aa65-d3ca5c41db5e for creator with uuid=Itay Tal -
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,146 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,152 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,159 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,165 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,170 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,259 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,278 ERROR activity_log 167 83525 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,370 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,413 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 8ed1c3ad-2543-4b82-9fbc-33760369b36b (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,588 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,629 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:46,748 ERROR checklist_state_service 235 83525 140736909169600 Found decisions that are not na / approved in checklist: 0fa59d74-54b9-4ed6-9e9e-cfe4a0df83d2 (User Input)
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,539 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "PUT" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,565 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,591 ERROR user 133 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,690 ERROR user 61 83525 140736909169600 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' do not match.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,717 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: Method "POST" not allowed.
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,875 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,893 ERROR authorization_service 481 83525 140736909169600 Prepare_data_for_auth: Couldn't fetch engagement object from VF, trying to fetch from VFC...
+2017-03-28 13:49:47,945 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,076 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,083 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,114 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,122 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,140 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,151 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,237 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,255 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,267 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,274 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,325 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,332 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,342 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,360 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,443 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,454 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,473 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,479 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,492 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,499 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,517 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,528 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,535 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,545 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,552 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,563 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,644 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,655 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,663 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,693 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,700 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,713 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,720 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,751 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,758 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,770 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR engagement_service 612 83525 140736909169600 Reviewer/Peer Reviewer/Creator/Contact user cannot be removed from engagement team.
+2017-03-28 13:49:48,899 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,039 ERROR engagement_service 619 83525 140736909169600 removed user is not equal to conducting user or user is not an admin.
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,040 ERROR exception_handler 71 83525 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework:
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,143 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,291 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:49,722 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,213 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,218 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,304 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,309 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,369 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,414 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,498 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,569 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:50,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,719 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:51,792 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:52,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:53,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:54,023 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 13:49:55,103 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 83525 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:05:35,546 ERROR api 54 84826 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:07:44,524 ERROR api 54 85074 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:09:54,133 ERROR api 54 85317 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:10:48,651 ERROR api 54 85410 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:11:30,106 ERROR api 54 85484 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:12:05,806 ERROR api 54 85553 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:04,505 ERROR api 54 86148 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,958 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,959 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,961 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:11,993 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,004 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,011 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,025 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,032 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,063 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,081 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,087 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,099 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,106 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:12,116 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86148 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:46,482 ERROR api 54 86236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,891 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,893 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,895 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,924 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,938 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,947 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,960 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,968 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,982 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:53,989 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,000 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,008 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,020 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,037 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:18:54,056 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:30,163 ERROR api 54 86311 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,572 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,574 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,576 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,604 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86311 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,624 ERROR activity_log 167 86311 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:19:37,705 ERROR testActivities 61 86311 140736909169600 Got response : 401 , wrong http response returned
+2017-03-28 14:21:27,525 ERROR api 54 86513 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,070 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,102 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86513 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:21:35,122 ERROR activity_log 167 86513 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:21:57,258 ERROR api 54 86575 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,686 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,716 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86575 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:22:04,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 86575 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:23:23,868 ERROR api 54 86795 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,311 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,314 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,343 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86795 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:23:31,457 ERROR exception_handler 71 86795 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:25:21,216 ERROR api 54 86997 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,626 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,627 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,628 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,687 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,690 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,694 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:25:28,738 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 86997 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:34,771 ERROR api 54 87133 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,247 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,249 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,302 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,312 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,317 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:42,358 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87133 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:26:59,094 ERROR api 54 87184 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,392 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,393 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,395 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87184 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:06,445 ERROR activity_log 167 87184 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:27:51,107 ERROR api 54 87290 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,834 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,855 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87290 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:27:58,888 ERROR activity_log 167 87290 140736909169600 createActivity failed in activityUserJoinedToEng function for
+2017-03-28 14:28:20,202 ERROR api 54 87351 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,841 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,842 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:28:27,881 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 87351 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:41,569 ERROR api 54 89035 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,145 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,147 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,148 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:47:49,187 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89035 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:53:58,954 ERROR api 54 89621 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,992 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,994 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:07,996 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:08,053 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89621 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:26,615 ERROR api 54 89692 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,271 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,273 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:34,313 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89692 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:54:55,324 ERROR api 54 89761 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,825 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,826 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,829 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:02,870 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89761 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:24,616 ERROR api 54 89829 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,265 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,268 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,269 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,299 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,306 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 89829 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:55:32,424 ERROR exception_handler 71 89829 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 14:59:24,896 ERROR api 54 90341 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,739 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,742 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:32,785 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90341 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:43,695 ERROR api 54 90383 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 14:59:52,956 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90383 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:14,820 ERROR api 54 90453 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,598 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,600 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,602 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,632 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90453 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:00:22,797 ERROR exception_handler 71 90453 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:18,785 ERROR api 54 90656 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,638 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,640 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,641 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,673 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90656 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:26,808 ERROR exception_handler 71 90656 140736909169600 General exception occurred in ice rest framework: emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
+2017-03-28 15:02:48,684 ERROR api 54 90715 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,245 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,246 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,248 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,287 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,293 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,297 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,303 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:02:56,308 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90715 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:31,753 ERROR api 54 90886 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,129 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,131 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,133 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,173 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,185 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,190 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:04:39,195 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90886 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:06,236 ERROR api 54 90957 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,851 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,853 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,854 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,892 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,898 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,903 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,909 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:13,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 90957 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:40,436 ERROR api 54 91020 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:49,836 ERROR api 54 91056 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,348 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,350 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,352 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,399 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,405 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,410 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:05:58,415 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91056 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:26,146 ERROR api 54 91236 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,328 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,331 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,333 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,380 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,386 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,391 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,397 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:07:34,403 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91236 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:05,848 ERROR api 54 91498 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,447 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,487 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,493 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,497 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,504 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:13,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91498 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:10:54,692 ERROR api 54 91587 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,915 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,917 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,918 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,955 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,962 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,967 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,973 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:11:01,978 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 91587 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:01,806 ERROR api 54 92079 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,986 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:10,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,027 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,039 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,044 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:16:11,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92079 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:52,112 ERROR api 54 92274 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,977 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,979 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:17:59,981 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,022 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,030 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,035 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,040 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:00,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92274 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:09,498 ERROR api 54 92324 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,995 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,997 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:16,998 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,036 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,043 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,048 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,054 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:17,059 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92324 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:49,631 ERROR api 54 92412 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,442 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,444 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,446 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,488 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,495 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,502 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,509 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:18:57,515 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92412 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:29,908 ERROR api 54 92601 140736909169600 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,680 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,682 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,684 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,724 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,731 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,736 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,741 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-03-28 15:20:37,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 92601 140736909169600 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-06 14:47:47,678 ERROR api 54 17912 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:10,135 ERROR api 54 17977 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:11,162 ERROR api 54 17984 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,789 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,819 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:25,841 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145378951168 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:27,635 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145368440832 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,208 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145347420160 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,246 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:48:46,369 ERROR exception_handler 71 17984 123145336909824 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:01,606 ERROR api 54 18103 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-06 14:49:02,684 ERROR api 54 18110 140736384066496 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:13:25,942 ERROR api 54 80557 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:17,509 ERROR api 54 80629 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,417 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,419 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,420 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,462 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,668 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,681 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,683 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,685 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,725 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,757 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,759 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,761 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,802 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,836 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,837 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,839 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,882 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,912 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,913 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,916 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:25,964 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,009 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,010 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,012 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,064 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,105 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,108 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,109 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,155 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,191 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,198 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,200 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,202 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,244 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80629 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:14:26,279 ERROR exception_handler 71 80629 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:17:13,322 ERROR api 54 80849 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,347 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,349 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,351 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,394 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 80849 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:17:21,590 ERROR exception_handler 71 80849 140737028006848 General exception occurred in rest framework: VF matching query does not exist.
+2017-04-18 14:23:39,668 ERROR api 54 81319 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,045 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,047 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,049 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:48,094 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81319 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:23:57,413 ERROR api 54 81355 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,422 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,424 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,426 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,475 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,664 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,666 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,668 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,709 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,744 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,745 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,746 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,791 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,828 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,830 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,832 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,874 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,905 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,906 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,907 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,950 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,988 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,990 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:05,991 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,034 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,071 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,072 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,074 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,117 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,178 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,180 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,183 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-18 14:24:06,232 ERROR iceEntitiesCreator 72 81355 140737028006848 not found. Trying to create...
+2017-04-19 14:53:52,446 ERROR api 54 29503 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:53:53,281 ERROR api 54 29507 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:43,361 ERROR api 54 29773 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:56:44,155 ERROR api 54 29777 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:58:13,623 ERROR exception_handler 71 29777 123145452724224 General exception occurred in rest framework: column ice_user_profile.slack_handle does not exist
+LINE 1: ...ily_digest", "ice_user_profile"."is_att_contact", "ice_user_...
+ ^
+2017-04-19 14:59:27,306 ERROR api 54 30135 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:28,109 ERROR api 54 30139 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:51,991 ERROR api 54 30187 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:56,956 ERROR api 54 30205 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 14:59:57,735 ERROR api 54 30209 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,162 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,178 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145526915072 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:00:31,190 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145542680576 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,317 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,379 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145532170240 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:01:06,392 ERROR exception_handler 71 30209 123145547935744 General exception occurred in rest framework: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,078 ERROR api 54 30430 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:02:01,888 ERROR api 54 30434 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:30,802 ERROR api 54 31219 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:12:31,613 ERROR api 54 31223 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:29,917 ERROR api 59 31323 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:13:30,721 ERROR api 59 31327 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-19 15:15:20,217 ERROR api 54 31462 140737028006848 Could not create token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
+2017-04-20 07:01:57,518 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:08:30,080 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:11:28,491 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-04-20 07:12:07,473 ERROR signup 165 31738 123145455149056 Something went wrong while trying to send mail to, deleting the user. Exception=<class 'django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist'>
+2017-09-05 15:09:28,570 ERROR api 48 79901 4300194752 Could not create CMS token, error message: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
diff --git a/django/vvp/settings/ b/django/vvp/settings/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cb4353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/vvp/settings/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+Django settings for VVP project.
+Environment variables that must exist:
+Environment variables that must exist in production:
+import os
+from corsheaders.defaults import default_headers
+from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
+import datetime
+# With this file at ice/settings/, we need three applications of
+# dirname() to find the project root.
+import engagementmanager
+PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(engagementmanager.__file__))
+LOGS_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "logs")
+SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY', '')
+# Anything in the Host header that does not match our expected domain should
+# raise SuspiciousOperation exception.
+ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['','em','em.default']
+DEBUG = False
+if ENVIRONMENT == 'production':
+ EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
+ EMAIL_HOST = os.environ['EMAIL_HOST']
+ EMAIL_PORT = os.environ['EMAIL_PORT']
+ EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'
+# Note: Only SSL email backends are allowed
+ # Use Django's standard `django.contrib.auth` permissions,
+ # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users.
+ 'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'engagementmanager.utils.exception_handler.ice_exception_handler',
+ 'PAGE_SIZE': 10,
+ 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated',
+ ),
+ 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication',
+ 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication',
+ 'rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication',
+ ),
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ )
+ 'JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA': datetime.timedelta(days=1),
+ 'JWT_DECODE_HANDLER': 'engagementmanager.utils.authentication.ice_jwt_decode_handler',
+# Application definition
+ 'django.contrib.auth', # required by d.c.admin
+ 'corsheaders',
+ 'django.contrib.contenttypes', # required by d.c.admin
+ 'django.contrib.sessions', # required by d.c.admin
+ 'django.contrib.messages', # required by d.c.admin
+ 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
+ 'django.contrib.admin', # django admin site
+ 'rest_framework',
+ 'engagementmanager.apps.EngagementmanagerConfig',
+ 'validationmanager.apps.ValidationmanagerConfig',
+ '',
+ 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
+ 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
+ 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', # required by d.c.admin
+ 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware',
+ 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware',
+ 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware',
+ 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware',
+ROOT_URLCONF = 'vvp.urls'
+ {
+ 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
+ 'DIRS': [PROJECT_PATH + '/web/templates'],
+ 'APP_DIRS': True,
+ 'OPTIONS': {
+ 'context_processors': [
+ 'django.template.context_processors.debug',
+ 'django.template.context_processors.request',
+ 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', # required by d.c.admin
+ 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', # required by d.c.admin
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+WSGI_APPLICATION = 'vvp.wsgi.application'
+# Database
+ 'default': {
+ 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
+ 'NAME': os.environ['PGDATABASE'],
+ 'USER': os.environ['PGUSER'],
+ 'PASSWORD': os.environ['PGPASSWORD'],
+ 'HOST': os.environ['PGHOST'],
+ 'PORT': os.environ['PGPORT'],
+ }
+# Password validation
+ {'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.%s' % s} for s in [
+ 'UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',
+ 'MinimumLengthValidator',
+ 'CommonPasswordValidator',
+ 'NumericPasswordValidator',
+ ]]
+# Internationalization
+LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'
+USE_I18N = True
+USE_L10N = True
+USE_TZ = True
+CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = default_headers + ('ICE-USER-ID',)
+# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
+STATIC_ROOT = os.environ['STATIC_ROOT']
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'disable_existing_loggers': False,
+ 'formatters': { # All possible attributes are:
+ 'verbose': {
+ 'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(module)s %(lineno)d %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
+ },
+ 'simple': {
+ 'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s'
+ },
+ },
+ 'handlers': {
+ 'console': {
+ 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
+ 'formatter': 'simple'
+ },
+ 'vvp-info.log': {
+ 'level': 'INFO', # handler will ignore DEBUG (only process INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL)
+ 'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
+ 'filename': os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'vvp-info.log'),
+ 'formatter': 'verbose'
+ },
+ 'vvp-debug.log': {
+ 'level': 'DEBUG',
+ 'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
+ 'filename': os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'vvp-debug.log'),
+ 'formatter': 'verbose'
+ },
+ 'vvp-requests.log': {
+ 'level': 'ERROR',
+ 'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
+ 'filename': os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'vvp-requests.log'),
+ 'formatter': 'verbose'
+ },
+ 'vvp-db.log': {
+ 'level': 'ERROR',
+ 'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
+ 'filename': os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, 'vvp-db.log'),
+ 'formatter': 'verbose',
+ },
+ },
+ 'loggers': {
+ 'vvp.logger': {
+ 'handlers': ['vvp-info.log', 'vvp-debug.log', 'vvp-requests.log', 'vvp-db.log', 'console'],
+ 'level': 'DEBUG' if DEBUG else 'INFO',
+ },
+ 'django': {
+ 'handlers': ['console'],
+ 'level': 'INFO' if DEBUG else 'ERROR',
+ },
+ 'django.request': {
+ 'handlers': ['vvp-requests.log', 'console'],
+ 'level': 'INFO' if DEBUG else 'ERROR',
+ },
+ 'django.db.backends': {
+ 'handlers': ['vvp-db.log', 'console'],
+ 'level': 'DEBUG' if DEBUG else 'ERROR',
+ 'propagate': False,
+ },
+ # silence the hundred lines of useless "missing variable in template"
+ # complaints per admin pageview.
+ 'django.template': {
+ 'level': 'DEBUG',
+ 'handlers': ['vvp-info.log', 'vvp-debug.log', 'console'],
+ 'propagate': False,
+ },
+ }
+# VVP Related Configuration
+CONTACT_EMAILS = [s.strip() for s in os.getenv('CONTACT_EMAILS', '').split(',') if s]
+DOMAIN = os.getenv('EM_DOMAIN_NAME', 'http://localhost:8080')
+# This is the DNS name pointing to the private-network ip of the host machine
+# running (a haproxy that points to) (an nginx frontend for) this app
+API_DOMAIN = 'em'
+# The authentication token needed by Jenkins or Gitlab to issue webhook updates
+# to us. This is a "secret" shared by Jenkins and Django. It must be part of
+# the URL path component for the Jenkins webhook in ValidationManager to accept
+# a notification. It should be a set of random URL-path-safe characters, with
+# no slash '/'.
+# FIXME: Does this authentication scheme actually gain us anything? What's the
+# threat model
+# The authentication token and URL needed for us to issue requests to the GitLab API.
+GITLAB_URL = "http://gitlab/"
+JENKINS_URL = "http://jenkins:8080/"
+RECENT_ENG_TTL = 3 # In days
+CMS_URL = "http://cms/api/"
+# slack integration
+# S3 configuration for static resources storage and media upload
+# used by our custom
+MEDIA_BUCKET = "em-media"
+STATIC_BUCKET = "em-static"
+# django-storages configuration
+AWS_S3_HOST = os.environ['S3_HOST']
+AWS_S3_PORT = int(os.environ['S3_PORT'])
+AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = os.environ['S3_HOST']
+# Set by custom subclass.
+# AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = "em-static"
+AWS_S3_CALLING_FORMAT = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
+# These seem to have no effect even when we don't override with custom_domain?
+STATIC_ROOT = os.environ['STATIC_ROOT']
diff --git a/django/vvp/ b/django/vvp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c9fd8f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/vvp/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+"""ice URL Configuration
+The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
+Function views
+ 1. Add an import: from my_app import views
+ 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home')
+Class-based views
+ 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home
+ 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name='home')
+Including another URLconf
+ 1. Import the include() function: from django.conf.urls import url, include
+ 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls'))
+from django.conf.urls import include, url
+from django.contrib import admin
+from django.conf import settings
+urlpatterns = [
+ url(r'^admin/', include(,
+ url(r'^%s/v1/engmgr/' % settings.PROGRAM_NAME_URL_PREFIX, include('engagementmanager.urls')),
+ url(r'^v/', include('validationmanager.urls')),
+ url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')),
diff --git a/django/vvp/ b/django/vvp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e584b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/vvp/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+WSGI config for ice project.
+It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.
+For more information on this file, see
+import os
+from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
+os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "vvp.settings")
+application = get_wsgi_application()
diff --git a/django/web/templates/admin/base.html b/django/web/templates/admin/base.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d9f927b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/admin/base.html
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{% load i18n static %}<!DOCTYPE html>
+{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}{% get_current_language_bidi as LANGUAGE_BIDI %}
+<html lang="{{ LANGUAGE_CODE|default:"en-us" }}" {% if LANGUAGE_BIDI %}dir="rtl"{% endif %}>
+<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% block stylesheet %}{% static "admin/css/base.css" %}{% endblock %}" />
+{% block extrastyle %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% if LANGUAGE_BIDI %}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% block stylesheet_rtl %}{% static "admin/css/rtl.css" %}{% endblock %}" />{% endif %}
+{% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}
+{% block blockbots %}<meta name="robots" content="NONE,NOARCHIVE" />{% endblock %}
+{% load i18n %}
+<body class="{% if is_popup %}popup {% endif %}{% block bodyclass %}{% endblock %}"
+ data-admin-utc-offset="{% now "Z" %}">
+<!-- Container -->
+<div id="container">
+ {% if not is_popup %}
+ <!-- Header -->
+ <div id="header">
+ <div id="branding">
+ {% block branding %}{% endblock %}
+ </div>
+ {% block usertools %}
+ {% if has_permission %}
+ <div id="user-tools">
+ {% block welcome-msg %}
+ {% trans 'Welcome,' %}
+ <strong>{% firstof user.get_short_name user.get_username %}</strong>.
+ {% endblock %}
+ {% block userlinks %}
+ {% if site_url %}
+ <a href="{{ site_url }}">{% trans 'View site' %}</a> /
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if user.is_active and user.is_staff %}
+ {% url 'django-admindocs-docroot' as docsroot %}
+ {% if docsroot %}
+ <a href="{{ docsroot }}">{% trans 'Documentation' %}</a> /
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if user.has_usable_password %}
+ <a href="{% url 'admin:password_change' %}">{% trans 'Change password' %}</a> /
+ {% endif %}
+ <a href="{% url 'admin:logout' %}">{% trans 'Log out' %}</a>
+ {% endblock %}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endblock %}
+ {% block nav-global %}{% endblock %}
+ </div>
+ <!-- END Header -->
+ {% block breadcrumbs %}
+ <div class="breadcrumbs">
+ <a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% trans 'Home' %}</a>
+ {% if title %} &rsaquo; {{ title }}{% endif %}
+ </div>
+ {% endblock %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% block messages %}
+ {% if messages %}
+ <ul class="messagelist">{% for message in messages %}
+ <li{% if message.tags %} class="{{ message.tags }}"{% endif %}>{{ message|capfirst }}</li>
+ {% endfor %}</ul>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endblock messages %}
+ <!-- Content -->
+ <div id="content" class="{% block coltype %}colM{% endblock %}">
+ {% block pretitle %}{% endblock %}
+ {% block content_title %}{% if title %}<h1>{{ title }}</h1>{% endif %}{% endblock %}
+ {% block content %}
+ {% block object-tools %}{% endblock %}
+ {{ content }}
+ {% endblock %}
+ {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %}
+ <br class="clear" />
+ </div>
+ <!-- END Content -->
+ {% block footer %}<div id="footer"></div>{% endblock %}
+<!-- END Container -->
diff --git a/django/web/templates/admin/base_site.html b/django/web/templates/admin/base_site.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a2275d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/admin/base_site.html
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{% extends "admin/base.html" %}
+{% load vvptags %}
+{% block title %}{{ title }} | {% get_templates_constants "program_name" %} Admin{% endblock %}
+{% block branding %}
+<h1 id="site-name">
+<img class"logo-trans logo-reg" width="150" height="30" alt="{% get_templates_constants "service_provider" %} | {{program_name}}" src="{% get_templates_constants "logo_url" %}">
+<a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">{% get_templates_constants "program_name" %} Admin</a></h1>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block nav-global %}{% endblock %}
diff --git a/django/web/templates/admin/login.html b/django/web/templates/admin/login.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5acf9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/admin/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
+{% load i18n admin_static %}
+{% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "admin/css/login.css" %}" />
+{{ }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block bodyclass %}{{ block.super }} login{% endblock %}
+{% block usertools %}{% endblock %}
+{% block nav-global %}{% endblock %}
+{% block content_title %}{% endblock %}
+{% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+{% if form.errors and not form.non_field_errors %}
+<p class="errornote">
+{% if form.errors.items|length == 1 %}{% trans "Please correct the error below." %}{% else %}{% trans "Please correct the errors below." %}{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if form.non_field_errors %}
+{% for error in form.non_field_errors %}
+<p class="errornote">
+ {{ error }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+<div id="content-main">
+{% if user.is_authenticated %}
+<p class="errornote">
+{% blocktrans trimmed %}
+ You are authenticated as {{ username }}, but are not authorized to
+ access this page. Would you like to login to a different account?
+{% endblocktrans %}
+{% endif %}
+<form action="{{ app_path }}" method="post" id="login-form">{% csrf_token %}
+ <div class="form-row">
+ {{ form.username.errors }}
+ {{ form.username.label_tag }} {{ form.username }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-row">
+ {{ form.password.errors }}
+ {{ form.password.label_tag }} {{ form.password }}
+ <input type="hidden" name="next" value="{{ next }}" />
+ </div>
+ {% url 'admin_password_reset' as password_reset_url %}
+ {% if password_reset_url %}
+ <div class="password-reset-link">
+ <a href="{{ password_reset_url }}">{% trans 'Forgotten your password or username?' %}</a>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ <div class="submit-row">
+ <label>&nbsp;</label><input type="submit" id="test_admin_submit" value="{% trans 'Log in' %}" />
+ </div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/activate/activate_mail_body.html b/django/web/templates/emails/activate/activate_mail_body.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0751b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/activate/activate_mail_body.html
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></head>
+ <body>
+ Welcome to {{program_name}}! <br/><br/>
+ To be able to login to {{program_name}}, you need to activate your account by clicking the link below: <br/><br/>
+ <a href="{{activation_link}}">{{activation_link}}</a> <br/><br/>
+ Always feel free to reach out to us to at <a href="{{contact_mail}}">{{contact_mail}}</a> should you have any questions or run into any issues. <br/><br/>
+ Regards, <br/><br/>
+ The {{program_name}} Team <br/><br/>
+ </body>
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/activate/activate_mail_subject.html b/django/web/templates/emails/activate/activate_mail_subject.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0adbc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/activate/activate_mail_subject.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{{program_name}}: Welcome - just one more step!
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html b/django/web/templates/emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aede3e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/invite/invite_mail_body.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></head>
+ <body>
+ Hello, <br/><br/>
+ You have been invited to the engagement for {{ vf_name }} on {{program_name}}. <br/><br/>
+ {{ instruction }}<br/><br/>
+ <a href="{{ invite_link }}">{{ invite_link }}</a> <br/><br/>
+ You will be able to access all engagements you are a member of including {{ vf_name }} by visiting link: <br/><br/>
+ <a href="{{ dashboard_link }}">{{ dashboard_link }}</a> <br/><br/>
+ Always feel free to reach out to us to at <a href="{{contact_mail}}">{{contact_mail}}</a> should you have any questions or run into any issues. <br/><br/>
+ Regards, <br/><br/>
+ The {{program_name}} Team <br/><br/>
+ </body>
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/invite/invite_mail_subject.html b/django/web/templates/emails/invite/invite_mail_subject.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d42fe48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/invite/invite_mail_subject.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{{program_name}}: You have been invited as a team member to {{ vf_name }}
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_digest_mail_body.html b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_digest_mail_body.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14d9e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_digest_mail_body.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"> </head>
+ <body>
+ Always feel free to reach out to us to at <a href="{{contact_mail}}">{{contact_mail}}</a> should you have any questions or run into any issues. <br/><br/>
+ Regards, <br/><br/>
+ The {{program_name}} Team <br/><br/>
+ </body>
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_digest_mail_subject.html b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_digest_mail_subject.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3172650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_digest_mail_subject.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{{program_name}}: {{notification_subject}}
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_mail_body.html b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_mail_body.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a16fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_mail_body.html
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"> </head>
+ <body>
+ Hello, <br/><br/>
+ {% autoescape off %}
+ {{notification_message}} <br/><br/>
+ {% endautoescape %}
+ Always feel free to reach out to us to at <a href="{{contact_mail}}">{{contact_mail}}</a> should you have any questions or run into any issues. <br/><br/>
+ Regards, <br/><br/>
+ The {{program_name}} Team <br/><br/>
+ </body>
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_mail_subject.html b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_mail_subject.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3172650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/notification/notification_mail_subject.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{{program_name}}: {{notification_subject}}
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/reset_pwd/reset_pwd_instructions_mail_body.html b/django/web/templates/emails/reset_pwd/reset_pwd_instructions_mail_body.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..190eb47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/reset_pwd/reset_pwd_instructions_mail_body.html
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"> </head>
+ <body>
+ Hello, <br/><br/>
+ Please <a href="{{login_link}}">login</a> to {{program_name}} using this temporary password to set a new password:<br/><br/>
+ <strong>Temporary Password:</strong> {{tempPassword}}<br/><br/>
+ Always feel free to reach out to us to at <a href="{{contact_mail}}">{{contact_mail}}</a> should you have any questions or run into any issues. <br/><br/>
+ Regards, <br/><br/>
+ The {{program_name}} Team <br/><br/>
+ </body>
diff --git a/django/web/templates/emails/reset_pwd/reset_pwd_instructions_mail_subject.html b/django/web/templates/emails/reset_pwd/reset_pwd_instructions_mail_subject.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f22ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/web/templates/emails/reset_pwd/reset_pwd_instructions_mail_subject.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+ ===================================================================
+ Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ ===================================================================
+ Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+ under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+ you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+ under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+ you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.-->
+{{program_name}}: Reset Password
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9bf7087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+set -e
+# Since:
+# - Kubernetes' volumeMount creates symlinks for configMapped files at the
+# target directory.
+# - Alpine's update-ca-certificates ignores symlinks.
+# So we contrive to copy the contents of the mounted cert symlink into place as
+# a normal file. How would we fix this if we didn't have write access to this
+# container??
+if [ -e "$dev_cert" ]; then
+ echo >&2 $0: Updating certificates...
+ cp -L "$dev_cert" /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
+ update-ca-certificates
+# Perform bootstrap operations if needed
+echo >&2 $0: Ensuring logfiles directory...
+mkdir -p /srv/logs
+echo >&2 $0: Checking if collectstatic is needed
+if [ "$STATIC_ROOT" ]; then
+ echo >&2 $0: Running collectstatic...
+ mkdir -p "$STATIC_ROOT"
+ python /srv/ collectstatic --no-input
+echo >&2 $0: Running check...
+python /srv/ check
+echo >&2 $0: Running migrate...
+python /srv/ migrate --no-input
+python /srv/ initial_populate_db
+# Execute arguments
+echo >&2 $0: Continuing with "$@"...
+exec "$@"
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b0b93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="">
+ <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+ <parent>
+ <groupId>org.onap.oparent</groupId>
+ <artifactId>oparent</artifactId>
+ <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ </parent>
+ <groupId>org.openecomp.vvp</groupId>
+ <artifactId>vvp-engagementmgr</artifactId>
+ <packaging>pom</packaging>
+ <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <name>vvp-engagementmgr</name>
+ <properties>
+ <!--nexus-->
+ <sitePath>/content/sites/site/org/openecomp/vvp/${project.artifactId}/${project.version}</sitePath>
+ <!--maven-->
+ <timestamp>${}</timestamp>
+ <></>
+ <!--docker-->
+ <docker.tag>${project.version}-${timestamp}</docker.tag>
+ <docker.latest.tag>${project.version}-latest</docker.latest.tag>
+ </properties>
+ <build>
+ <plugins>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.sonatype.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>nexus-staging-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>1.6.7</version>
+ <extensions>true</extensions>
+ <configuration>
+ <nexusUrl>${}</nexusUrl>
+ <stagingProfileId>176c31dfe190a</stagingProfileId>
+ <serverId>ecomp-staging</serverId>
+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>io.fabric8</groupId>
+ <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>0.19.1</version>
+ <configuration>
+ <verbose>true</verbose>
+ <apiVersion>1.23</apiVersion>
+ <registry></registry>
+ <images>
+ <image>
+ <name>openecomp/vvp-engagementmgr</name>
+ <alias>vvp-engagementmgr</alias>
+ <build>
+ <cleanup>true</cleanup>
+ <tags>
+ <tag>${docker.tag}</tag>
+ <tag>${docker.latest.tag}</tag>
+ </tags>
+ <dockerFileDir>${project.basedir}</dockerFileDir>
+ </build>
+ </image>
+ </images>
+ </configuration>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <id>clean-images</id>
+ <phase>pre-clean</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>remove</goal>
+ </goals>
+ <configuration>
+ <removeAll>true</removeAll>
+ </configuration>
+ </execution>
+ <execution>
+ <id>generate-images</id>
+ <phase>package</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>build</goal>
+ </goals>
+ </execution>
+ <execution>
+ <id>push-images</id>
+ <phase>deploy</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>build</goal>
+ <goal>push</goal>
+ </goals>
+ <configuration>
+ <image>openecomp/vvp-engagementmgr</image>
+ </configuration>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
+ </plugin>
+ </plugins>
+ </build>
+ <distributionManagement>
+ <site>
+ <id>ecomp-site</id>
+ <url>dav:${}${sitePath}</url>
+ </site>
+ </distributionManagement>
+ <repositories>
+ <repository>
+ <id>ecomp-releases</id>
+ <name>ECOMP Release Repository</name>
+ <url>${}/content/repositories/releases/</url>
+ </repository>
+ <repository>
+ <id>ecomp-snapshots</id>
+ <name>ECOMP Snapshot Repository</name>
+ <url>${}/content/repositories/snapshots/</url>
+ </repository>
+ <repository>
+ <id>ecomp-staging</id>
+ <name>ECOMP Staging Repository</name>
+ <url>${}/content/repositories/staging/</url>
+ </repository>
+ </repositories>