diff options
authorstark, steven <ss820f@att.com>2018-06-13 17:30:49 -0700
committerstark, steven <ss820f@att.com>2018-06-13 17:30:49 -0700
commit497832349949c5974abda806860c06d022aaf493 (patch)
parenta8606568afc3deb1ba014126c47b1ac1fc8dd36e (diff)
[VVP] modified README, fixed hash
Change-Id: Ic43caace589f167c0923de1c97e26c4639fb7397 Issue-ID: VVP-78 Signed-off-by: stark, steven <ss820f@att.com>
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2980fea..ec05d39 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
+## Prerequisites ##
+Versions displayed below are required except for the OS
+Ansible :
+Vagrant : 1.9.4
+VirtualBox: 5.1.14
+OS: OS X 10.13.3
+## Installation ##
Add the following line into your local hosts file:
- coreos-01.development.vvp.example.com
+ coreos-01.development.vvp.example.com
Select the required environment from the list when requested:
$ . ./setenv
+install the vvp custom box:
+$ bin/vvp-install-box
+start the infrastructure deployment
$ vagrant up
Login to the coreos box quickly after provisioning has finished,
wait for the VM to reboot automatically for the first time.
-After the reboot, perform the following manual steps
+After the reboot, perform the following manual steps on coreos
Create the file:
@@ -24,13 +40,47 @@ Address=
Add the following line to the bottom of /etc/hosts coreos-01.development.vvp.example.com
-Wait till all pods will be at running status (This might take few minutes)
-$ watch -n5 "kubectl get po -n kube-system"
+Reboot coreos
+After rebooting, once again login to the coreos box.
+Wait (about 15 min) for all of the docker containers and services to become fully up and ready.
+You can monitor the syslogs using the command "journalctl -xef". Wait for activity in the syslogs to die down for a few minutes.
+Run command
$ bin/vvp-deploy
After the above deploy, it can take around 30 minutes for everything to finish.
-To access the ICE dashboard, got to
+To access the ICE dashboard, go to
+Also recommended to setup port forwarding for port 22 on the coreos box
+To create an account
+- Sign up like normal (email, pwd)
+- No email will be sent, you can find the activation link with the command "kubectl logs <em-uwsgi pod name>"
+- Paste the activation link into your browser to activate the new account
+- login to your new account
+- Add a public ssh key your profile
+Before creating an engagement, you need to configure the jenkins container
+- login as root to the running jenkins container
+$ docker exec -it -u root <jenkins container id> "/bin/sh"
+- add dev-git.vvp.example.com to /etc/hosts
+Once an engagement has been created with your new user, it will create a corresponding project in gitlab.
+- login to gitlab ( WITH THE ADMIN credentials
+- add your new user to the new project that was created in the previous step
+- in gitlab, authentication via ssh between test-engine and gitlab may not be working. recommended for local builds to set gitlab project to public access. BE AWARE if youre not using a private instance, this could allow anyone to see the uploaded heat templates.
+- clone the repo. Cloning may only work over http.
+- add your heat templates and commit them to the repo
+- This will start a jenkins job to validate your templates, and results will be posted to the portal once complete.
+Login to the Engagement Manager portal as an administrator
+- move engagement along
+- check heat tempalte validation status
+- apporve, reject, check jenkins logs
diff --git a/zones/development/inventory/group_vars/all/unencrypted_vault.yml b/zones/development/inventory/group_vars/all/unencrypted_vault.yml
index 7283019..dd9919e 100644
--- a/zones/development/inventory/group_vars/all/unencrypted_vault.yml
+++ b/zones/development/inventory/group_vars/all/unencrypted_vault.yml
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ vault_jenkins_admin_password: koiyeBaiTh3kaiNg
vault_gitlab_admin_password: ao6ij6wohWeiqu4e
# python3 -c 'import bcrypt as b;print(b.hashpw(b"<password>",b.gensalt(rounds=10, prefix=b"2a")).decode())'
-vault_jenkins_admin_password_hash: $10$n2WJZasbQkd8PdySxQDo1uB67Wv7QfG0tvKuidbLC4w1Ss6p3eZEq
+vault_jenkins_admin_password_hash: $2a$10$DriuKu8Oq7iihmv/4o9J8uzrh6BUAiKnz3.3mD1pCogsPrg9n63ZW
# ssh-keygen -t ed25519
vault_jenkins_deploy_key: |