path: root/portal-catalog/src/main/webapp/catalog/js/component/serverPageTable.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'portal-catalog/src/main/webapp/catalog/js/component/serverPageTable.js')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portal-catalog/src/main/webapp/catalog/js/component/serverPageTable.js b/portal-catalog/src/main/webapp/catalog/js/component/serverPageTable.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c076315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portal-catalog/src/main/webapp/catalog/js/component/serverPageTable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 ZTE Corporation.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+var serverPageTable = {};
+/* Bootstrap style full number pagination control */
+$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnPagingInfo = function ( oSettings )
+ return {
+ "iStart": oSettings._iDisplayStart,
+ "iEnd": oSettings.fnDisplayEnd(),
+ "iLength": oSettings._iDisplayLength,
+ "iTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsTotal(),
+ "iFilteredTotal": oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay(),
+ "iPage": Math.ceil( oSettings._iDisplayStart / oSettings._iDisplayLength ),
+ "iTotalPages": Math.ceil( oSettings.fnRecordsDisplay() / oSettings._iDisplayLength )
+ };
+$.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination, {
+ "bootstrap_extended": {
+ "fnInit": function( oSettings, nPaging, fnDraw ) {
+ var oLang = oSettings.oLanguage.oPaginate;
+ var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo();
+ var fnClickHandler = function ( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if ( oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, e.data.action) ) {
+ fnDraw( oSettings );
+ }
+ };
+ $(nPaging).append(
+ '<div class="pagination-panel"> ' + oLang.sPage + ' ' +
+ '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm default prev disabled" title="' + oLang.sPrevious + '"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></a>' +
+ '<input type="text" class="pagination-panel-input input-mini input-inline input-sm" maxlenght="5" style="text-align:center; margin: 0 4px; border: 1px solid rgb(169, 169, 169);height: 28px;">' +
+ '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm default next disabled" title="' + oLang.sNext + '"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a> ' +
+ oLang.sPageOf + ' <span class="pagination-panel-total"></span>' +
+ '</div>'
+ );
+ var els = $('a', nPaging);
+ $(els[0]).bind('click.DT', { action: "previous" }, fnClickHandler );
+ $(els[1]).bind('click.DT', { action: "next" }, fnClickHandler);
+ $('.pagination-panel-input', nPaging).bind('change.DT', function(e) {
+ var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var page = parseInt($(this).val());
+ if (page > 0 && page < oPaging.iTotalPages) {
+ if ( oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, page-1) ) {
+ fnDraw( oSettings );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(this).val(oPaging.iPage + 1);
+ }
+ });
+ $('.pagination-panel-input', nPaging).bind('keypress.DT', function(e) {
+ var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo();
+ if (e.which == 13) {
+ var page = parseInt($(this).val());
+ if (page > 0 && page < oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo().iTotalPages) {
+ if ( oSettings.oApi._fnPageChange(oSettings, page-1) ) {
+ fnDraw( oSettings );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(this).val(oPaging.iPage + 1);
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ "fnUpdate": function ( oSettings, fnDraw ) {
+ var iListLength = 5;
+ var oPaging = oSettings.oInstance.fnPagingInfo();
+ var an = oSettings.aanFeatures.p;
+ var i, j, sClass, iStart, iEnd, iHalf=Math.floor(iListLength/2);
+ if ( oPaging.iTotalPages < iListLength) {
+ iStart = 1;
+ iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages;
+ }
+ else if ( oPaging.iPage <= iHalf ) {
+ iStart = 1;
+ iEnd = iListLength;
+ } else if ( oPaging.iPage >= (oPaging.iTotalPages-iHalf) ) {
+ iStart = oPaging.iTotalPages - iListLength + 1;
+ iEnd = oPaging.iTotalPages;
+ } else {
+ iStart = oPaging.iPage - iHalf + 1;
+ iEnd = iStart + iListLength - 1;
+ }
+ for ( i=0, iLen=an.length ; i<iLen ; i++ ) {
+ var wrapper = $(an[i]).parents(".dataTables_wrapper");
+ if (oPaging.iTotalPages <= 0) {
+ $('.pagination-panel, .dataTables_length', wrapper).hide();
+ } else {
+ $('.pagination-panel, .dataTables_length', wrapper).show();
+ }
+ $('.pagination-panel-total', an[i]).html(oPaging.iTotalPages);
+ $('.pagination-panel-input', an[i]).val(oPaging.iPage + 1);
+ // Remove the middle elements
+ $('li:gt(1)', an[i]).filter(':not(.next)').remove();
+ // Add the new list items and their event handlers
+ for ( j=iStart ; j<=iEnd ; j++ ) {
+ sClass = (j==oPaging.iPage+1) ? 'class="active"' : '';
+ $('<li '+sClass+'><a href="#">'+j+'</a></li>')
+ .insertBefore( $('li.next:first', an[i])[0] )
+ .bind('click', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ oSettings._iDisplayStart = (parseInt($('a', this).text(),10)-1) * oPaging.iLength;
+ fnDraw( oSettings );
+ } );
+ }
+ // Add / remove disabled classes from the static elements
+ if ( oPaging.iPage === 0 ) {
+ $('a.prev', an[i]).addClass('disabled');
+ } else {
+ $('a.prev', an[i]).removeClass('disabled');
+ }
+ if ( oPaging.iPage === oPaging.iTotalPages-1 || oPaging.iTotalPages === 0 ) {
+ $('a.next', an[i]).addClass('disabled');
+ } else {
+ $('a.next', an[i]).removeClass('disabled');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} );
+serverPageTable.getRestPara = function( cond , tableSetting ){
+ var pageNo=tableSetting._iDisplayStart/tableSetting._iDisplayLength+1;
+ var pageSize = tableSetting._iDisplayLength;
+ var queryParameter={"pageNo":pageNo,"pageSize":tableSetting._iDisplayLength,groupId:["it.group.database=02","it.group.server=01"]},
+ newData={"data":JSON.stringify(queryParameter)};
+ //put the pageinfo in cond if there is a pageinfo
+ var pageInfo = vm.logInfo[vm.logType].pageInfo;
+ if(pageInfo != null && serverPageTable.perpagenumber == pageSize){
+ cond.idEnd = pageInfo.pageStart[pageNo - 1];
+ cond.idStart = pageInfo.pageStart[pageNo];
+ if(!cond.idStart){ //the last page
+ cond.idStart = 0;
+ }
+ }else{
+ delete cond.idStart;
+ delete cond.idEnd;
+ vm.logInfo[vm.logType].pageInfo = null;
+ pageNo = 1;
+ tableSetting._iDisplayStart = 0;
+ }
+ var data = {
+ cond:JSON.stringify(cond),
+ perpagenumber:pageSize,
+ pageNo:pageNo,
+ needPageInfo:vm.logInfo[vm.logType].pageInfo == null
+ };
+ serverPageTable.perpagenumber = pageSize;
+ return data;
+serverPageTable.initTableWithoutLib = function( setting ,cond , divId) {
+ //transform colomn
+ var column = setting.columns;
+ //empty table
+ $('#'+ divId).children().remove();
+ var tableId = setting.tableId;
+ var tableEleStr = '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id= '+ tableId + '>'
+ + '<thead>'
+ +'<tr role="row" class="heading" >'
+ + '</tr>'
+ + '</thead>'
+ +'<tbody>'
+ +'</tbody>'
+ +'</table>';
+ $('#'+ divId).append(tableEleStr);
+ //$('#'+ tableId).append(' <thead><tr role="row" class="heading" ></tr></thead><tbody></tbody>');
+ var trEle = $('#'+ tableId + ' > thead >tr');
+ //var dataTableColumn = [];
+ for ( var one in column){
+ var th = '<th>' + column[one].name + '</th>';
+ trEle.append(th);
+ }
+ var table = $("#" + tableId).dataTable({
+ //"sDom" : "tr<'row'<'col-md-6 col-sm-12'><'col-md-6 col-sm-12'pli>>", // datatable layout
+ //"sDom" : "<'row'<'col-md-12 col-sm-12'lip>r><'table-scrollable't>>",
+ //"sDom": '<"top"rt><"bottom"lip>',
+ "sDom": '<"top"rt>',
+ "oLanguage": setting.language,//language
+ //"bJQueryUI": true,
+ "bPaginate": setting.paginate,// page button
+ "bFilter": false,// search bar
+ "bAutoWidth":true,//automatically set colum width
+ "bLengthChange": true,// record number in each row
+ "iDisplayLength": 10,// row number in each page
+ "bSort": setting.sort ? true : false,// sort
+ "bInfo": setting.info,// Showing 1 to 10 of 23 entries
+ "bWidth": true,
+ "bScrollCollapse": true,
+ "sPaginationType": "bootstrap_extended", // page, a total of two kinds of style, another one is two_button
+ "bProcessing": true,
+ "bServerSide": false,
+ "bDestroy": true,
+ "bSortCellsTop": true,
+ "sAjaxSource": setting.restUrl,
+ "aoColumns": setting.columns,
+ "aoColumnDefs": [
+ {
+ sDefaultContent: '',
+ aTargets: [ '_all' ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) {
+ oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax({
+ "type": 'get',
+ "url": sSource,
+ "dataType": "json",
+ //"data":serverPageTable.getRestPara(cond,oSettings),
+ "success": function (resp) {
+ oSettings.iDraw = oSettings.iDraw + 1;
+ resp = resp || [];
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = resp;
+ var totalCounts = resp.length;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ },
+ "error": function(resp) {
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = [];
+ var totalCounts = 0;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+serverPageTable.initDataTable = function( setting ,cond , divId) {
+ //transform colomn
+ var column = setting.columns;
+ //empty table
+ $('#'+ divId).children().remove();
+ var tableId = setting.tableId;
+ var tableEleStr = '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id= '+ tableId + '>'
+ + '<thead>'
+ +'<tr role="row" class="heading" >'
+ + '</tr>'
+ + '</thead>'
+ +'<tbody>'
+ +'</tbody>'
+ +'</table>';
+ $('#'+ divId).append(tableEleStr);
+ //$('#'+ tableId).append(' <thead><tr role="row" class="heading" ></tr></thead><tbody></tbody>');
+ var trEle = $('#'+ tableId + ' > thead >tr');
+ //var dataTableColumn = [];
+ for ( var one in column){
+ var th = '<th>' + column[one].name + '</th>';
+ trEle.append(th);
+ }
+ var table = $("#" + tableId).dataTable({
+ //"sDom" : "tr<'row'<'col-md-6 col-sm-12'><'col-md-6 col-sm-12'pli>>", // datatable layout
+ //"sDom" : "<'row'<'col-md-12 col-sm-12'lip>r><'table-scrollable't>>",
+ "sDom": '<"top"rt><"bottom"lip>',
+ "oLanguage": setting.language,//language
+ //"bJQueryUI": true,
+ "bPaginate": setting.paginate,// page button
+ "bFilter": false,// search bar
+ "bAutoWidth":true,//automatically set colum width
+ "bLengthChange": true,// record number in each row
+ "iDisplayLength": 10,// row number in each page
+ "bSort": setting.sort ? true : false,// sort
+ "bInfo": setting.info,// Showing 1 to 10 of 23 entries
+ "bWidth": true,
+ "bScrollCollapse": true,
+ "sPaginationType": "bootstrap_extended", // page, a total of two kinds of style, another one is two_button
+ "bProcessing": true,
+ "bServerSide": false,
+ "bDestroy": true,
+ "bSortCellsTop": true,
+ "sAjaxSource": setting.restUrl,
+ "aoColumns": setting.columns,
+ "aoColumnDefs": [
+ {
+ sDefaultContent: '',
+ aTargets: [ '_all' ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) {
+ oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax({
+ "type": 'get',
+ "url": sSource,
+ "dataType": "json",
+ //"data":serverPageTable.getRestPara(cond,oSettings),
+ "success": function (resp) {
+ oSettings.iDraw = oSettings.iDraw + 1;
+ resp = resp || [];
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = resp;
+ var totalCounts = resp.length;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ },
+ "error": function(resp) {
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = [];
+ var totalCounts = 0;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+serverPageTable.initTableWithData = function( setting , divId , tableData) {
+ //transform colomn
+ var column = setting.columns;
+ //empty table
+ $('#'+ divId).children().remove();
+ var tableId = setting.tableId;
+ var tableEleStr = '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id= '+ tableId + '>'
+ + '<thead>'
+ +'<tr role="row" class="heading" >'
+ + '</tr>'
+ + '</thead>'
+ +'<tbody>'
+ +'</tbody>'
+ +'</table>';
+ $('#'+ divId).append(tableEleStr);
+ var trEle = $('#'+ tableId + ' > thead >tr');
+ for ( var one in column){
+ var th = '<th>' + column[one].name + '</th>';
+ trEle.append(th);
+ }
+ var table = $("#" + tableId).dataTable({
+ "sDom" : "<'row'<'col-md-12 col-sm-12'lip>r>>",
+ "oLanguage": setting.language,//language
+ //"bJQueryUI": true,
+ "bPaginate": setting.paginate,// page button
+ "bFilter": false,// search bar
+ "bAutoWidth":true,//automatically set the column width
+ "bLengthChange": true,// record number in each row
+ "iDisplayLength": 10,// row number in each page
+ "bSort": setting.sort ? true : false,// sort
+ "bInfo": setting.info,// Showing 1 to 10 of 23 entries
+ "bWidth": true,
+ "bScrollCollapse": true,
+ "sPaginationType": "bootstrap_extended", // page, a total of two kinds of style, another one is two_button
+ "bProcessing": false,
+ "bServerSide": false,
+ "bDestroy": true,
+ "bSortCellsTop": true,
+ "sAjaxSource": tableData,
+ "aoColumns": setting.columns,
+ "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) {
+ oSettings.iDraw = oSettings.iDraw + 1;
+ var resp = tableData || [];
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = resp;
+ var totalCounts = resp.length;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ }
+ });
+serverPageTable.initDataTableForEvent = function( setting ,cond , divId) {
+ //transform colomn
+ var column = setting.columns;
+ //empty table
+ $('#'+ divId).children().remove();
+ var tableId = setting.tableId;
+ var tableEleStr = '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id= '+ tableId + '>'
+ + '<thead>'
+ +'<tr role="row" class="heading" >'
+ + '</tr>'
+ + '</thead>'
+ +'<tbody>'
+ +'</tbody>'
+ +'</table>';
+ $('#'+ divId).append(tableEleStr);
+ var trEle = $('#'+ tableId + ' > thead >tr');
+ for ( var one in column){
+ var th = '<th>' + column[one].name + '</th>';
+ trEle.append(th);
+ }
+ var table = $("#" + tableId).dataTable({
+ "sDom": '<"top"rt><"bottom"lip>',
+ "oLanguage": setting.language,//language
+ //"bJQueryUI": true,
+ "bPaginate": setting.paginate,// page button
+ "bFilter": false,// search bar
+ "bAutoWidth":true,//automatically set the column width
+ "bLengthChange": true,// record number in each row
+ "iDisplayLength": 10,// row number in each page
+ "bSort": setting.sort ? true : false,
+ "bInfo": setting.info,// Showing 1 to 10 of 23 entries
+ "bWidth": true,
+ "bScrollCollapse": true,
+ "sPaginationType": "bootstrap_extended", // page, a total of two kinds of style, another one is two_button
+ "bProcessing": true,
+ "bServerSide": false,
+ "bDestroy": true,
+ "bSortCellsTop": true,
+ "sAjaxSource": setting.restUrl,
+ "aoColumns": setting.columns,
+ "aoColumnDefs": [
+ {
+ sDefaultContent: '',
+ aTargets: [ '_all' ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) {
+ oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax({
+ "type": 'get',
+ "url": sSource,
+ "dataType": "json",
+ //"data":serverPageTable.getRestPara(cond,oSettings),
+ "success": function (resp) {
+ oSettings.iDraw = oSettings.iDraw + 1;
+ var result = [];
+ for(var i=0;i<resp.length;i++) {
+ result.push(resp[i].currentStepInfo);
+ }
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = result;
+ var totalCounts = result.length;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ },
+ "error": function(resp) {
+ var data = {};
+ data.aaData = [];
+ var totalCounts = 0;
+ data.iTotalRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCounts;
+ data.sEcho = oSettings;
+ fnCallback(data);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+}; \ No newline at end of file