path: root/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/lib/bulk/unordered.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/lib/bulk/unordered.js')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/lib/bulk/unordered.js b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/lib/bulk/unordered.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2f16dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/webapp/usageguide/appserver/node_modules/mongodb/lib/bulk/unordered.js
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+"use strict";
+var common = require('./common')
+ , utils = require('../utils')
+ , toError = require('../utils').toError
+ , handleCallback = require('../utils').handleCallback
+ , shallowClone = utils.shallowClone
+ , BulkWriteResult = common.BulkWriteResult
+ , ObjectID = require('mongodb-core').BSON.ObjectID
+ , BSON = require('mongodb-core').BSON
+ , Define = require('../metadata')
+ , Batch = common.Batch
+ , mergeBatchResults = common.mergeBatchResults;
+var bson = new BSON([BSON.Binary, BSON.Code, BSON.DBRef, BSON.Decimal128,
+ BSON.Double, BSON.Int32, BSON.Long, BSON.Map, BSON.MaxKey, BSON.MinKey,
+ BSON.ObjectId, BSON.BSONRegExp, BSON.Symbol, BSON.Timestamp]);
+ * Create a FindOperatorsUnordered instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly)
+ * @class
+ * @property {number} length Get the number of operations in the bulk.
+ * @return {FindOperatorsUnordered} a FindOperatorsUnordered instance.
+ */
+var FindOperatorsUnordered = function(self) {
+ this.s = self.s;
+ * Add a single update document to the bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @param {object} doc update operations
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+FindOperatorsUnordered.prototype.update = function(updateDocument) {
+ // Perform upsert
+ var upsert = typeof this.s.currentOp.upsert == 'boolean' ? this.s.currentOp.upsert : false;
+ // Establish the update command
+ var document = {
+ q: this.s.currentOp.selector
+ , u: updateDocument
+ , multi: true
+ , upsert: upsert
+ }
+ // Clear out current Op
+ this.s.currentOp = null;
+ // Add the update document to the list
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.UPDATE, document);
+ * Add a single update one document to the bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @param {object} doc update operations
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+FindOperatorsUnordered.prototype.updateOne = function(updateDocument) {
+ // Perform upsert
+ var upsert = typeof this.s.currentOp.upsert == 'boolean' ? this.s.currentOp.upsert : false;
+ // Establish the update command
+ var document = {
+ q: this.s.currentOp.selector
+ , u: updateDocument
+ , multi: false
+ , upsert: upsert
+ }
+ // Clear out current Op
+ this.s.currentOp = null;
+ // Add the update document to the list
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.UPDATE, document);
+ * Add a replace one operation to the bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @param {object} doc the new document to replace the existing one with
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+FindOperatorsUnordered.prototype.replaceOne = function(updateDocument) {
+ this.updateOne(updateDocument);
+ * Upsert modifier for update bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+FindOperatorsUnordered.prototype.upsert = function() {
+ this.s.currentOp.upsert = true;
+ return this;
+ * Add a remove one operation to the bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+FindOperatorsUnordered.prototype.removeOne = function() {
+ // Establish the update command
+ var document = {
+ q: this.s.currentOp.selector
+ , limit: 1
+ }
+ // Clear out current Op
+ this.s.currentOp = null;
+ // Add the remove document to the list
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.REMOVE, document);
+ * Add a remove operation to the bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+FindOperatorsUnordered.prototype.remove = function() {
+ // Establish the update command
+ var document = {
+ q: this.s.currentOp.selector
+ , limit: 0
+ }
+ // Clear out current Op
+ this.s.currentOp = null;
+ // Add the remove document to the list
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.REMOVE, document);
+// Add to the operations list
+var addToOperationsList = function(_self, docType, document) {
+ // Get the bsonSize
+ var bsonSize = bson.calculateObjectSize(document, {
+ checkKeys: false,
+ });
+ // Throw error if the doc is bigger than the max BSON size
+ if(bsonSize >= _self.s.maxBatchSizeBytes) throw toError("document is larger than the maximum size " + _self.s.maxBatchSizeBytes);
+ // Holds the current batch
+ _self.s.currentBatch = null;
+ // Get the right type of batch
+ if(docType == common.INSERT) {
+ _self.s.currentBatch = _self.s.currentInsertBatch;
+ } else if(docType == common.UPDATE) {
+ _self.s.currentBatch = _self.s.currentUpdateBatch;
+ } else if(docType == common.REMOVE) {
+ _self.s.currentBatch = _self.s.currentRemoveBatch;
+ }
+ // Create a new batch object if we don't have a current one
+ if(_self.s.currentBatch == null) _self.s.currentBatch = new Batch(docType, _self.s.currentIndex);
+ // Check if we need to create a new batch
+ if(((_self.s.currentBatch.size + 1) >= _self.s.maxWriteBatchSize)
+ || ((_self.s.currentBatch.sizeBytes + bsonSize) >= _self.s.maxBatchSizeBytes)
+ || (_self.s.currentBatch.batchType != docType)) {
+ // Save the batch to the execution stack
+ _self.s.batches.push(_self.s.currentBatch);
+ // Create a new batch
+ _self.s.currentBatch = new Batch(docType, _self.s.currentIndex);
+ }
+ // We have an array of documents
+ if(Array.isArray(document)) {
+ throw toError("operation passed in cannot be an Array");
+ } else {
+ _self.s.currentBatch.operations.push(document);
+ _self.s.currentBatch.originalIndexes.push(_self.s.currentIndex);
+ _self.s.currentIndex = _self.s.currentIndex + 1;
+ }
+ // Save back the current Batch to the right type
+ if(docType == common.INSERT) {
+ _self.s.currentInsertBatch = _self.s.currentBatch;
+ _self.s.bulkResult.insertedIds.push({index: _self.s.currentIndex, _id: document._id});
+ } else if(docType == common.UPDATE) {
+ _self.s.currentUpdateBatch = _self.s.currentBatch;
+ } else if(docType == common.REMOVE) {
+ _self.s.currentRemoveBatch = _self.s.currentBatch;
+ }
+ // Update current batch size
+ _self.s.currentBatch.size = _self.s.currentBatch.size + 1;
+ _self.s.currentBatch.sizeBytes = _self.s.currentBatch.sizeBytes + bsonSize;
+ // Return self
+ return _self;
+ * Create a new UnorderedBulkOperation instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly)
+ * @class
+ * @property {number} length Get the number of operations in the bulk.
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation} a UnorderedBulkOperation instance.
+ */
+var UnorderedBulkOperation = function(topology, collection, options) {
+ options = options == null ? {} : options;
+ // Get the namesspace for the write operations
+ var namespace = collection.collectionName;
+ // Used to mark operation as executed
+ var executed = false;
+ // Current item
+ // var currentBatch = null;
+ var currentOp = null;
+ // Handle to the bson serializer, used to calculate running sizes
+ var bson = topology.bson;
+ // Set max byte size
+ var maxBatchSizeBytes = topology.isMasterDoc && topology.isMasterDoc.maxBsonObjectSize
+ ? topology.isMasterDoc.maxBsonObjectSize : (1024*1025*16);
+ var maxWriteBatchSize = topology.isMasterDoc && topology.isMasterDoc.maxWriteBatchSize
+ ? topology.isMasterDoc.maxWriteBatchSize : 1000;
+ // Get the write concern
+ var writeConcern = common.writeConcern(shallowClone(options), collection, options);
+ // Get the promiseLibrary
+ var promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary;
+ // No promise library selected fall back
+ if(!promiseLibrary) {
+ promiseLibrary = typeof global.Promise == 'function' ?
+ global.Promise : require('es6-promise').Promise;
+ }
+ // Final results
+ var bulkResult = {
+ ok: 1
+ , writeErrors: []
+ , writeConcernErrors: []
+ , insertedIds: []
+ , nInserted: 0
+ , nUpserted: 0
+ , nMatched: 0
+ , nModified: 0
+ , nRemoved: 0
+ , upserted: []
+ };
+ // Internal state
+ this.s = {
+ // Final result
+ bulkResult: bulkResult
+ // Current batch state
+ , currentInsertBatch: null
+ , currentUpdateBatch: null
+ , currentRemoveBatch: null
+ , currentBatch: null
+ , currentIndex: 0
+ , batches: []
+ // Write concern
+ , writeConcern: writeConcern
+ // Max batch size options
+ , maxBatchSizeBytes: maxBatchSizeBytes
+ , maxWriteBatchSize: maxWriteBatchSize
+ // Namespace
+ , namespace: namespace
+ // BSON
+ , bson: bson
+ // Topology
+ , topology: topology
+ // Options
+ , options: options
+ // Current operation
+ , currentOp: currentOp
+ // Executed
+ , executed: executed
+ // Collection
+ , collection: collection
+ // Promise Library
+ , promiseLibrary: promiseLibrary
+ // Bypass validation
+ , bypassDocumentValidation: typeof options.bypassDocumentValidation == 'boolean' ? options.bypassDocumentValidation : false
+ }
+var define = UnorderedBulkOperation.define = new Define('UnorderedBulkOperation', UnorderedBulkOperation, false);
+ * Add a single insert document to the bulk operation
+ *
+ * @param {object} doc the document to insert
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {UnorderedBulkOperation}
+ */
+UnorderedBulkOperation.prototype.insert = function(document) {
+ if(this.s.collection.s.db.options.forceServerObjectId !== true && document._id == null) document._id = new ObjectID();
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.INSERT, document);
+ * Initiate a find operation for an update/updateOne/remove/removeOne/replaceOne
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @param {object} selector The selector for the bulk operation.
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {FindOperatorsUnordered}
+ */
+UnorderedBulkOperation.prototype.find = function(selector) {
+ if (!selector) {
+ throw toError("Bulk find operation must specify a selector");
+ }
+ // Save a current selector
+ this.s.currentOp = {
+ selector: selector
+ }
+ return new FindOperatorsUnordered(this);
+Object.defineProperty(UnorderedBulkOperation.prototype, 'length', {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return this.s.currentIndex;
+ }
+UnorderedBulkOperation.prototype.raw = function(op) {
+ var key = Object.keys(op)[0];
+ // Set up the force server object id
+ var forceServerObjectId = typeof this.s.options.forceServerObjectId == 'boolean'
+ ? this.s.options.forceServerObjectId : this.s.collection.s.db.options.forceServerObjectId;
+ // Update operations
+ if((op.updateOne && op.updateOne.q)
+ || (op.updateMany && op.updateMany.q)
+ || (op.replaceOne && op.replaceOne.q)) {
+ op[key].multi = op.updateOne || op.replaceOne ? false : true;
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.UPDATE, op[key]);
+ }
+ // Crud spec update format
+ if(op.updateOne || op.updateMany || op.replaceOne) {
+ var multi = op.updateOne || op.replaceOne ? false : true;
+ var operation = {q: op[key].filter, u: op[key].update || op[key].replacement, multi: multi}
+ if(op[key].upsert) operation.upsert = true;
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.UPDATE, operation);
+ }
+ // Remove operations
+ if(op.removeOne || op.removeMany || (op.deleteOne && op.deleteOne.q) || op.deleteMany && op.deleteMany.q) {
+ op[key].limit = op.removeOne ? 1 : 0;
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.REMOVE, op[key]);
+ }
+ // Crud spec delete operations, less efficient
+ if(op.deleteOne || op.deleteMany) {
+ var limit = op.deleteOne ? 1 : 0;
+ operation = {q: op[key].filter, limit: limit}
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.REMOVE, operation);
+ }
+ // Insert operations
+ if(op.insertOne && op.insertOne.document == null) {
+ if(forceServerObjectId !== true && op.insertOne._id == null) op.insertOne._id = new ObjectID();
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.INSERT, op.insertOne);
+ } else if(op.insertOne && op.insertOne.document) {
+ if(forceServerObjectId !== true && op.insertOne.document._id == null) op.insertOne.document._id = new ObjectID();
+ return addToOperationsList(this, common.INSERT, op.insertOne.document);
+ }
+ if(op.insertMany) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < op.insertMany.length; i++) {
+ if(forceServerObjectId !== true && op.insertMany[i]._id == null) op.insertMany[i]._id = new ObjectID();
+ addToOperationsList(this, common.INSERT, op.insertMany[i]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // No valid type of operation
+ throw toError("bulkWrite only supports insertOne, insertMany, updateOne, updateMany, removeOne, removeMany, deleteOne, deleteMany");
+// Execute the command
+var executeBatch = function(self, batch, callback) {
+ var finalOptions = {ordered: false}
+ if(self.s.writeConcern != null) {
+ finalOptions.writeConcern = self.s.writeConcern;
+ }
+ var resultHandler = function(err, result) {
+ // Error is a driver related error not a bulk op error, terminate
+ if(err && err.driver || err && err.message) {
+ return handleCallback(callback, err);
+ }
+ // If we have and error
+ if(err) err.ok = 0;
+ handleCallback(callback, null, mergeBatchResults(false, batch, self.s.bulkResult, err, result));
+ }
+ // Set an operationIf if provided
+ if(self.operationId) {
+ resultHandler.operationId = self.operationId;
+ }
+ // Serialize functions
+ if(self.s.options.serializeFunctions) {
+ finalOptions.serializeFunctions = true
+ }
+ // Is the bypassDocumentValidation options specific
+ if(self.s.bypassDocumentValidation == true) {
+ finalOptions.bypassDocumentValidation = true;
+ }
+ try {
+ if(batch.batchType == common.INSERT) {
+ self.s.topology.insert(self.s.collection.namespace, batch.operations, finalOptions, resultHandler);
+ } else if(batch.batchType == common.UPDATE) {
+ self.s.topology.update(self.s.collection.namespace, batch.operations, finalOptions, resultHandler);
+ } else if(batch.batchType == common.REMOVE) {
+ self.s.topology.remove(self.s.collection.namespace, batch.operations, finalOptions, resultHandler);
+ }
+ } catch(err) {
+ // Force top level error
+ err.ok = 0;
+ // Merge top level error and return
+ handleCallback(callback, null, mergeBatchResults(false, batch, self.s.bulkResult, err, null));
+ }
+// Execute all the commands
+var executeBatches = function(self, callback) {
+ var numberOfCommandsToExecute = self.s.batches.length;
+ // Execute over all the batches
+ for(var i = 0; i < self.s.batches.length; i++) {
+ executeBatch(self, self.s.batches[i], function(err) {
+ // Driver layer error capture it
+ if(err) error = err;
+ // Count down the number of commands left to execute
+ numberOfCommandsToExecute = numberOfCommandsToExecute - 1;
+ // Execute
+ if(numberOfCommandsToExecute == 0) {
+ // Driver level error
+ if(error) return handleCallback(callback, error);
+ // Treat write errors
+ var error = self.s.bulkResult.writeErrors.length > 0 ? toError(self.s.bulkResult.writeErrors[0]) : null;
+ handleCallback(callback, error, new BulkWriteResult(self.s.bulkResult));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ * The callback format for results
+ * @callback UnorderedBulkOperation~resultCallback
+ * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
+ * @param {BulkWriteResult} result The bulk write result.
+ */
+ * Execute the ordered bulk operation
+ *
+ * @method
+ * @param {object} [options=null] Optional settings.
+ * @param {(number|string)} [options.w=null] The write concern.
+ * @param {number} [options.wtimeout=null] The write concern timeout.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
+ * @param {boolean} [options.fsync=false] Specify a file sync write concern.
+ * @param {UnorderedBulkOperation~resultCallback} [callback] The result callback
+ * @throws {MongoError}
+ * @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
+ */
+UnorderedBulkOperation.prototype.execute = function(_writeConcern, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ if(this.s.executed) throw toError("batch cannot be re-executed");
+ if(typeof _writeConcern == 'function') {
+ callback = _writeConcern;
+ } else if(_writeConcern && typeof _writeConcern == 'object') {
+ this.s.writeConcern = _writeConcern;
+ }
+ // If we have current batch
+ if(this.s.currentInsertBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentInsertBatch);
+ if(this.s.currentUpdateBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentUpdateBatch);
+ if(this.s.currentRemoveBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentRemoveBatch);
+ // If we have no operations in the bulk raise an error
+ if(this.s.batches.length == 0) {
+ throw toError("Invalid Operation, No operations in bulk");
+ }
+ // Execute using callback
+ if(typeof callback == 'function') return executeBatches(this, callback);
+ // Return a Promise
+ return new this.s.promiseLibrary(function(resolve, reject) {
+ executeBatches(self, function(err, r) {
+ if(err) return reject(err);
+ resolve(r);
+ });
+ });
+define.classMethod('execute', {callback: true, promise:false});
+ * Returns an unordered batch object
+ * @ignore
+ */
+var initializeUnorderedBulkOp = function(topology, collection, options) {
+ return new UnorderedBulkOperation(topology, collection, options);
+initializeUnorderedBulkOp.UnorderedBulkOperation = UnorderedBulkOperation;
+module.exports = initializeUnorderedBulkOp;
+module.exports.Bulk = UnorderedBulkOperation;