BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
istanbulAdd bounds to sphinx requirementCédric Ollivier3 years
masterAdd bounds to sphinx requirementCédric Ollivier3 years
guilinCorrected company for Junfeng WangLovett, Trevor5 years
honoluluCorrected company for Junfeng WangLovett, Trevor5 years
frankfurtMerge "Automation adds release-notes.rst"Jessica Wagantall5 years
elaltoVNFRQTS - Changing diagrams to PlantUMLHagop Bozawglanian6 years
dublinVNFRQTS - Use case links fixHagop Bozawglanian6 years
casablancaVNFRQTS - Fixing links in Scalout Use CaseLovett, Trevor6 years
beijingVNFRQTS - Updating links in Beijing.Bozawglanian, Hagop (hb755d)7 years
2.0.0-ONAPVNFRQTS - VNF Provider Use CasesBozawglanian, Hagop (hb755d)7 years
6.0.0-ONAPcommit 452d43ac20...Jessica Wagantall5 years
2.0.0-ONAPcommit 092c7be216...Jessica Wagantall7 years