path: root/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/job/command/ResourceCommand.kt
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-05-21Set JobStatus as COMPLETED_AND_PAUSED when needed so we can present it on ins...Einat Vinouze1-2/+12
2020-05-19Introduce FeatureManager to ResourceCommandEinat Vinouze1-1/+5
2020-03-08Don't use EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger in Async jobsIttay Stern1-3/+3
2019-12-04Sink all Async-Jobs logging to same debug.logIttay Stern1-4/+4
2019-12-04make sure request id is unique per each async job executionEylon Malin1-4/+0
2019-11-04vfModule upgrade: don't fallback on mismatching newest modelIttay Stern1-0/+4
2019-11-03send unqiue request ids to MSO in async instantiationEylon Malin1-0/+4
2019-10-03sort base resource according it's position fieldEinat Vinouze1-3/+6
2019-09-24Add a position field to BaseResourceEinat Vinouze1-0/+1
2019-09-18remove duplicated label InternalState.REPLACE_MYSELFEinat Vinouze1-5/+0
2019-09-09Adding feature: Replace vfmoduleEinat Vinouze1-2/+7
2019-07-30Implant vid-app-common org.onap.vid.job (main and test)Einat Vinouze1-38/+134
2019-02-26Update license headersIttay Stern1-0/+20
2019-01-09Merge from ECOMP's repositoryIttay Stern1-0/+324