path: root/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instanceCreationWithOrderNumber.e2e.ts
diff options
authorikram <ikram@research.att.com>2020-08-07 15:49:11 -0400
committerKruthi Bhat <krutbhat@att.com>2020-08-10 19:21:30 +0000
commit32af6479c686d217204de3a86940ac1256da4b9f (patch)
tree98eb5135887c5bf5943099a783c9cd3d7dbbd8a4 /vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instanceCreationWithOrderNumber.e2e.ts
parent09a6562a16715a2b89be11c941486be783c72364 (diff)
Visualization of the VF Module Sequencing
Issue-ID: VID-860 More scenarios covered in VID-860 for vf-module sequencing. Signed-off-by: ikram <ikram@research.att.com> Change-Id: Ie138ba2616961fba7856eaaf5f17b5dc63a08e6e
Diffstat (limited to 'vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instanceCreationWithOrderNumber.e2e.ts')
1 files changed, 1697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instanceCreationWithOrderNumber.e2e.ts b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instanceCreationWithOrderNumber.e2e.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..358cca116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instanceCreationWithOrderNumber.e2e.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1697 @@
+import {JsonBuilder} from "../../support/jsonBuilders/jsonBuilder";
+import {ServiceModel} from "../../support/jsonBuilders/models/service.model";
+import {AsyncInstantiationModel} from "../../support/jsonBuilders/models/asyncInstantiation.model";
+describe('Create instance : from service instance, from drawing board, with order number', function () {
+ var jsonBuilderInstantiationBuilder: JsonBuilder<AsyncInstantiationModel> = new JsonBuilder<AsyncInstantiationModel>();
+ var asyncRes: Array<any>;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.clearSessionStorage();
+ cy.setReduxState();
+ cy.preventErrorsOnLoading();
+ cy.initAAIMock();
+ cy.initVidMock();
+ cy.initActiveNetworks();
+ cy.setTestApiParamToGR();
+ cy.permissionVidMock();
+ jsonBuilderInstantiationBuilder.basicMock('cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/asyncInstantiation.json',
+ Cypress.config('baseUrl') + "/asyncInstantiation**",
+ (res: any) => {
+ asyncRes = res;
+ return res;
+ });
+ cy.login();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ cy.screenshot();
+ });
+ describe('multiple scenario tests', () => {
+ it('should create VF modules automatically with order number as 1 for the base module,' +
+ 'for service instance with 1 VNF with a required VF module', () => {
+ cy.readFile('cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/basicReduxForTestingPosition.json').then((res) => {
+ res.service.serviceHierarchy["2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd"].vnfs["2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0"].properties['min_instances'] = 3;
+ cy.setReduxState(<any>res);
+ cy.addAlacarteService().then(() => {
+ cy.wait(2000);
+ cy.visit("welcome.htm").then(() => {
+ cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/servicePlanning?serviceModelId=2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09-2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0').should('exist');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0').should('have.length', 1);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0').find(`[data-tests-id='node-position-indicator']`).should('have.text', '1');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09-2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0-menu-btn').click({force: true}).then(() => {
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('context-menu-edit').click().then(() => {
+ cy.fillVnfPopup();
+ })
+ })
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('should Add 2 more VF module instances with the order number is calculated properly', () => {
+ let res = getReduxWithVNFS();
+ cy.setReduxState(<any>res);
+ cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/servicePlanning?serviceModelId=2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd');
+ cy.wait(3000);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-69e09f68-8b63-4cc9-b9ff-860960b5db09-2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0').should('exist');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0').should('have.length', 1);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0').find(`[data-tests-id='node-position-indicator']`).should('have.text', '1');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0-menu-btn')
+ .click({force: true}).then(() => {
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('context-menu-edit').click().then(() => {
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('form-set').click();
+ })
+ })
+ const vnfName = "2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0";
+ let vfModulesNames: Array<string> = [
+ '2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1',
+ '2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2'
+ ];
+ const uuidAndVfModuleNames: Array<string> = [
+ '25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1',
+ '0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2'
+ ];
+ addALaCarteVfModuleEcompGeneratedNamingTrue(vnfName, vfModulesNames[0], uuidAndVfModuleNames[0]);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1').find(`[data-tests-id='node-position-indicator']`).should('have.text', '2');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1-menu-btn')
+ .click({force: true}).then(() => {
+ cy.wait(1000);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('context-menu-edit').click().then(() => {
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('form-set').click();
+ })
+ })
+ addALaCarteVfModuleEcompGeneratedNamingTrue(vnfName, vfModulesNames[1], uuidAndVfModuleNames[1]);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2').find(`[data-tests-id='node-position-indicator']`).should('have.text', '3');
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2-menu-btn')
+ .click({force: true}).then(() => {
+ cy.wait(1000);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('context-menu-edit').click().then(() => {
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('form-set').click();
+ })
+ })
+ });
+ it('should Add 1 more VF module instance of module 1', () => {
+ let res = getReduxWithVNFS(); //get with 3 module instances
+ (<any> res.service.serviceInstance)['2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd'].vnfs['2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0'].vfModules = {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0": {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0dcclk": {
+ "instanceName": null,
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "sdncPreLoad": null,
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {}
+ ],
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelInvariantId": "b34833bb-6aa9-4ad6-a831-70b06367a091",
+ "modelVersionId": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0",
+ "modelVersion": "5",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "a55961b2-2065-4ab0-a5b7-2fcee1c227e3",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0",
+ "uuid": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+ "modelUniqueId": "a55961b2-2065-4ab0-a5b7-2fcee1c227e3"
+ },
+ "uuid": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1": {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1nbuwm": {
+ "instanceName": null,
+ "volumeGroupName": null,
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "sdncPreLoad": null,
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {
+ "pasqualevpe0_bandwidth": "10",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_vnf_instance_name": "mtnj309me6",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_vnf_config_template_version": "17.2",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_AIC_CLLI": "ATLMY8GA",
+ "pasqualevpe0_bandwidth_units": "Gbps"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelInvariantId": "7253ff5c-97f0-4b8b-937c-77aeb4d79aa1",
+ "modelVersionId": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1",
+ "modelVersion": "6",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "f7e7c365-60cf-49a9-9ebf-a1aa11b9d401",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1",
+ "uuid": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "modelUniqueId": "f7e7c365-60cf-49a9-9ebf-a1aa11b9d401"
+ },
+ "uuid": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "position": 2
+ }
+ },
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2": {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2tleon": {
+ "instanceName": null,
+ "volumeGroupName": null,
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "sdncPreLoad": null,
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {}
+ ],
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelInvariantId": "eff8cc59-53a1-4101-aed7-8cf24ecf8339",
+ "modelVersionId": "0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2",
+ "modelVersion": "6",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "3cd946bb-50e0-40d8-96d3-c9023520b557",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2",
+ "uuid": "0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a",
+ "modelUniqueId": "3cd946bb-50e0-40d8-96d3-c9023520b557"
+ },
+ "uuid": "0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a",
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "position": 3
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ cy.setReduxState(<any>res);
+ cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/servicePlanning?serviceModelId=2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd');
+ const vnfName = "2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0";
+ let vfModulesNames: Array<string> = [
+ '2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1'
+ ];
+ const uuidAndVfModuleNames: Array<string> = [
+ '25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1'
+ ];
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-' + vnfName).click({force: true}).then(() => {
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-' + vfModulesNames[0] + '-add-btn').click({force: true})
+ });
+ //addALaCarteVfModuleEcompGeneratedNamingTrue(vnfName, vfModulesNames[0], uuidAndVfModuleNames[0]);
+ cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-'+uuidAndVfModuleNames[0]).should('have.length', '2');
+ });
+ it('should not display order number on drawing board if the flag is set to false', () => {
+ let res = getReduxWithVNFS();
+ (<any> res.global.flags)['FLAG_2008_DISABLE_DRAG_FOR_BASE_MODULE'] = false;
+ (<any> res.global.flags)['FLAG_2008_CREATE_VFMODULE_INSTANTIATION_ORDER_NUMBER']=false;
+ cy.setReduxState(<any>res);
+ cy.visit("welcome.htm").then(() => {
+ cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/servicePlanning?serviceModelId=2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd');
+ cy.get('#node-position-indicator').and('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ //cy.getElementByDataTestsId('node-f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db-2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0').find(`[data-tests-id='node-position-indicator']`).should('have.text', '1');
+ });
+ it('should click on deploy and verify the positions of all instances', () => {
+ let res = getReduxWithVNFS(); //get with 3 module instances
+ (<any> res.service.serviceInstance)['2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd'].vnfs['2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0'].vfModules = {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0": {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0dcclk": {
+ "instanceName": null,
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "sdncPreLoad": null,
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {}
+ ],
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelInvariantId": "b34833bb-6aa9-4ad6-a831-70b06367a091",
+ "modelVersionId": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0",
+ "modelVersion": "5",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "a55961b2-2065-4ab0-a5b7-2fcee1c227e3",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0",
+ "uuid": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+ "modelUniqueId": "a55961b2-2065-4ab0-a5b7-2fcee1c227e3"
+ },
+ "uuid": "f8360508-3f17-4414-a2ed-6bc71161e8db",
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "position": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1": {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1nbuwm": {
+ "instanceName": null,
+ "volumeGroupName": null,
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "sdncPreLoad": null,
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {
+ "pasqualevpe0_bandwidth": "10",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_vnf_instance_name": "mtnj309me6",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_vnf_config_template_version": "17.2",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_AIC_CLLI": "ATLMY8GA",
+ "pasqualevpe0_bandwidth_units": "Gbps"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelInvariantId": "7253ff5c-97f0-4b8b-937c-77aeb4d79aa1",
+ "modelVersionId": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1",
+ "modelVersion": "6",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "f7e7c365-60cf-49a9-9ebf-a1aa11b9d401",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1",
+ "uuid": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "modelUniqueId": "f7e7c365-60cf-49a9-9ebf-a1aa11b9d401"
+ },
+ "uuid": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "position": 2
+ },
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1owfay": {
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "sdncPreReload": null,
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelType": "VFmodule",
+ "modelInvariantId": "7253ff5c-97f0-4b8b-937c-77aeb4d79aa1",
+ "modelVersionId": "25284168-24bb-4698-8cb4-3f509146eca5",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1",
+ "modelVersion": "6",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "f7e7c365-60cf-49a9-9ebf-a1aa11b9d401",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1",
+ "modelUniqueId": "f7e7c365-60cf-49a9-9ebf-a1aa11b9d401"
+ },
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {
+ "pasqualevpe0_bandwidth": "10",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_vnf_instance_name": "mtnj309me6",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_vnf_config_template_version": "17.2",
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0_AIC_CLLI": "ATLMY8GA",
+ "pasqualevpe0_bandwidth_units": "Gbps"
+ }
+ ],
+ "trackById": "u3xrxb65ff",
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "position": 4,
+ "action": "Create"
+ }
+ },
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2": {
+ "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2tleon": {
+ "instanceName": null,
+ "volumeGroupName": null,
+ "rollbackOnFailure": true,
+ "sdncPreLoad": null,
+ "instanceParams": [
+ {}
+ ],
+ "modelInfo": {
+ "modelInvariantId": "eff8cc59-53a1-4101-aed7-8cf24ecf8339",
+ "modelVersionId": "0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a",
+ "modelName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2",
+ "modelVersion": "6",
+ "modelCustomizationId": "3cd946bb-50e0-40d8-96d3-c9023520b557",
+ "modelCustomizationName": "2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2",
+ "uuid": "0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a",
+ "modelUniqueId": "3cd946bb-50e0-40d8-96d3-c9023520b557"
+ },
+ "uuid": "0a0dd9d4-31d3-4c3a-ae89-a02f383e6a9a",
+ "isMissingData": false,
+ "position": 3
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ cy.setReduxState(<any>res);
+ cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/servicePlanning?serviceModelId=2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd');
+ const vnfName = "2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0";
+ let vfModulesNames: Array<string> = [
+ '2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_base_vPE_BV..module-0',
+ '2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vRE_BV..module-1',
+ '2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2'
+ ];
+ mockAsyncBulkResponse();
+ cy.wait(1000);
+ cy.getDrawingBoardDeployBtn().click();
+ cy.wait('@expectedPostAsyncInstantiation')
+ .then(xhr => {
+ let vfModules = bodyOf(xhr).vnfs['2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0'].vfModules;
+ let baseVModule = vfModules[vfModulesNames[0]];
+ const baseVModuleObject = baseVModule[Object.keys(baseVModule)[0]];
+ expect(baseVModuleObject.position).equals(1);
+ let secondVModule = vfModules[vfModulesNames[1]];
+ const secondVModuleObject = secondVModule[Object.keys(secondVModule)[0]];
+ expect(secondVModuleObject.position).equals(2);
+ let thirdVModule = vfModules[vfModulesNames[2]];
+ const thirdVModuleObject = thirdVModule[Object.keys(thirdVModule)[0]];
+ expect(thirdVModuleObject.position).equals(3);
+ let secondVModuleInstance2 = vfModules[vfModulesNames[1]];
+ const secondVModuleObjectInstance2 = secondVModuleInstance2[Object.keys(secondVModuleInstance2)[1]];
+ expect(secondVModuleObjectInstance2.position).equals(4);
+ });
+ cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/instantiationStatus');
+ });
+ function getJobIconClass(status: string) : string{
+ switch(`${status}`.toUpperCase()) {
+ case 'PENDING' :
+ return "pending";
+ case 'IN_PROGRESS' :
+ return "in_progress";
+ case 'PAUSED' :
+ return "pause";
+ case 'FAILED' :
+ return "x-circle-o";
+ case 'COMPLETED' :
+ return "success-circle-o";
+ case 'STOPPED' :
+ return "stop";
+ return "success_with_warning";
+ return "stopped-upon-success";
+ default:
+ return "question-mark-circle-o";
+ }
+ }
+ function bodyOf(xhr: Cypress.WaitXHR) {
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(xhr.request.body));
+ }
+ function mockAsyncBulkResponse() {
+ cy.server().route({
+ url: Cypress.config('baseUrl') + '/asyncInstantiation/bulk',
+ method: 'POST',
+ status: 200,
+ response: "[]",
+ }).as("expectedPostAsyncInstantiation");
+ }
+ function getReduxWithVNFS() {
+ return {
+ "global": {
+ "name": null,
+ "flags": {
+ "FLAG_1902_NEW_VIEW_EDIT": true,
+ "FLAG_1906_COMPONENT_INFO": true,
+ "FLAG_2002_UNLIMITED_MAX": true,
+ },
+ "drawingBoardStatus": "CREATE"
+ },
+ "service": {
+ "serviceHierarchy": {
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