path: root/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/js/winery-topologymodeler-AMD.js
diff options
authorhuangjian <>2016-08-31 16:47:33 +0800
committerhuangjian <>2016-08-31 16:47:33 +0800
commitfa49e78cc199526a9e33b59c5194f8e3bf0f0952 (patch)
tree3478e867a8f304266dbceca6e992cceca410ede4 /winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/js/winery-topologymodeler-AMD.js
parent159d40f0011559c8f82338b29dca1bffd700f2c8 (diff)
Add winery source code
Change-Id: I1c5088121d79b71098c3cba1996c6f784737532e Issue-id: TOSCA-49 Signed-off-by: huangjian <>
Diffstat (limited to 'winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/js/winery-topologymodeler-AMD.js')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/js/winery-topologymodeler-AMD.js b/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/js/winery-topologymodeler-AMD.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a292f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/winery/org.eclipse.winery.topologymodeler/src/main/webapp/js/winery-topologymodeler-AMD.js
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 University of Stuttgart.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * and the Apache License 2.0 which both accompany this distribution,
+ * and are available at
+ * and
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * Oliver Kopp - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ * This file contains supporting functions for the topoplogy modeler
+ */
+ // although XMLWriter ist not an AMD module, requirejs does not complain when loading it
+ ["winery-support-common", "XMLWriter"],
+ function (w) {
+ // has to be consistent with {@link org.eclipse.winery.common.constants.Namespaces}
+ var topologyTemplateURL;
+ var module = {
+ save: save,
+ setTopologyTemplateURL: function(url) {
+ topologyTemplateURL = url;
+ },
+ getTopologyTemplateAsXML: getTopologyTemplateAsXML,
+ };
+ return module;
+ function writeReqOrCaps(elements, xmlw, globalWrapperElementName, singleElementWrapperName) {
+ if (elements.length != 0) {
+ xmlw.writeStartElement(globalWrapperElementName);
+ $.each(elements, function(i,e) {
+ xmlw.writeStartElement(singleElementWrapperName);
+ e = $(e);
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("id", e.children(".id").text());
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("name", e.children(".name").text());
+ writeType(xmlw, e.children(".type").children("a").data("qname"));
+ savePropertiesFromDivToXMLWriter(e.children("div.propertiesContainer"), xmlw);
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ });
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * "doSave"
+ */
+ function save() {
+ $("#saveBtn").button('loading');
+ $.ajax({
+ url: topologyTemplateURL,
+ type: "PUT",
+ contentType: 'text/xml',
+ data: getTopologyTemplateAsXML(false),
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ $("#saveBtn").button('reset');
+ vShowSuccess("successfully saved.");
+ },
+ error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ $("#saveBtn").button('reset');
+ vShowAJAXError("Could not save", jqXHR, errorThrown);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an XML String of the modelled topology template.
+ */
+ function getTopologyTemplateAsXML(needsDefinitionsTag) {
+ var xmlw = new XMLWriter("utf-8");
+ xmlw.writeStartDocument();
+ if (needsDefinitionsTag) {
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("Definitions");
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("xmlns", TOSCA_NAMESPACE);
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("xmlns:winery", TOSCA_WINERY_EXTENSIONS_NAMESPACE);
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("ServiceTemplate");
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("xmlns", TOSCA_NAMESPACE);
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("xmlns:winery", TOSCA_WINERY_EXTENSIONS_NAMESPACE);
+ }
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("TopologyTemplate");
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("xmlns", TOSCA_NAMESPACE);
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("xmlns:winery", TOSCA_WINERY_EXTENSIONS_NAMESPACE);
+ $("div.NodeTemplateShape").not(".hidden").each (function() {
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("NodeTemplate");
+ var id = $(this).attr("id");
+ var headerContainer = $(this).children("div.headerContainer");
+ var name = headerContainer.children("").text();
+ var typeQNameStr = headerContainer.children("span.typeQName").text();
+ var minmaxdiv = headerContainer.children("div.minMaxInstances");
+ var min = minmaxdiv.children("span.minInstances").text();
+ var max = minmaxdiv.children("span.maxInstances").text();
+ if (max == "∞") {
+ max = "unbounded";
+ }
+ var x = $(this).css("left");
+ x = x.substring(0, x.indexOf("px"));
+ var y = $(this).css("top");
+ y = y.substring(0, y.indexOf("px"));
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("id", id);
+ if (name != "") {
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("name", name);
+ }
+ writeType(xmlw, typeQNameStr);
+ if (min != "") {
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("minInstances", min);
+ }
+ if (max != "") {
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("maxInstances", max);
+ }
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("winery:x", x);
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("winery:y", y);
+ /** Properties **/
+ savePropertiesFromDivToXMLWriter($(this).children("div.propertiesContainer"), xmlw);
+ /** Requirements **/
+ writeReqOrCaps(
+ $(this).children("div.requirementsContainer").children("div.content").children("div.reqorcap"),
+ xmlw,
+ "Requirements",
+ "Requirement");
+ /** Capabilities **/
+ writeReqOrCaps(
+ $(this).children("div.capabilitiesContainer").children("div.content").children("div.reqorcap"),
+ xmlw,
+ "Capabilities",
+ "Capability");
+ /** Policies **/
+ w.writeCollectionDefinedByATextArea(xmlw,
+ $(this).children("div.policiesContainer").children("div.content").children("div.policy"),
+ "Policies");
+ /** Deployment Artifacts **/
+ var das = $(this).children("div.deploymentArtifactsContainer").children("div.content").children("div.deploymentArtifact");
+ if (das.length != 0) {
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("DeploymentArtifacts");
+ das.each(function(i,e) {
+ // the textarea contains a valid deployment artifact xml
+ var xml = $(e).children("textarea").val();
+ xmlw.writeXML(xml);
+ });
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ }
+ // End: Nodetemplate
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ });
+ {
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("RelationshipTemplate");
+ var id =;
+ var typeQNameStr = connection.getType()[0];
+ var connData = winery.connections[id];
+ if (!connData) {
+ vShowError("Error in the internal data structure: Id " + id + " not found");
+ return;
+ }
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("id",;
+ if ( != "") {
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("name",;
+ }
+ writeType(xmlw, typeQNameStr);
+ if (typeof connData.propertiesContainer !== "undefined") {
+ savePropertiesFromDivToXMLWriter(connData.propertiesContainer, xmlw);
+ }
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("SourceElement");
+ if (connData.req) {
+ // conn starts at a requirement
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("ref", connData.req);
+ } else {
+ // conn starts at a node template
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("ref", connection.sourceId);
+ }
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ xmlw.writeStartElement("TargetElement");
+ if (connData.cap) {
+ // conn ends at a capability
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("ref", connData.cap);
+ } else {
+ // conn ends at a node template
+ xmlw.writeAttributeString("ref", connection.targetId);
+ }
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ });
+ if (needsDefinitionsTag) {
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ xmlw.writeEndElement();
+ }
+ xmlw.writeEndDocument();
+ return xmlw.flush();
+ }
+ function writeQNameAttribute(w, nsPrefix, qnameStr) {
+ var qname = getQName(qnameStr);
+ w.writeAttributeString("xmlns:" + nsPrefix, qname.namespace);
+ w.writeAttributeString("type", nsPrefix + ":" + qname.localName);
+ }
+ function writeType(w, typeQNameStr) {
+ writeQNameAttribute(w, "ty", typeQNameStr);
+ }
+ }