diff options
authorfujinhua <fu.jinhua@zte.com.cn>2018-08-02 16:31:31 +0800
committerfujinhua <fu.jinhua@zte.com.cn>2018-08-02 16:31:31 +0800
commit53b408010734ece3681a0d52b8a21f411961286c (patch)
parentbc34e3bb462981b446013e79ce7782984b703e5d (diff)
Remove useless codes of nfvo-lcm
Remove toscaparser codes Change-Id: I003c0bf5704d81de665594f0114cde139931132b Issue-ID: VFC-1009 Signed-off-by: fujinhua <fu.jinhua@zte.com.cn>
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1075 deletions
diff --git a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/__init__.py b/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 075ae273..00000000
--- a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-from lcm.pub.utils.toscaparser.nsdmodel import EtsiNsdInfoModel
-from lcm.pub.utils.toscaparser.vnfdmodel import EtsiVnfdInfoModel
-def parse_nsd(path, input_parameters=[]):
- tosca_obj = EtsiNsdInfoModel(path, input_parameters)
- strResponse = json.dumps(tosca_obj, default=lambda obj: obj.__dict__)
- strResponse = strResponse.replace(': null', ': ""')
- return strResponse
-def parse_vnfd(path, input_parameters=[]):
- tosca_obj = EtsiVnfdInfoModel(path, input_parameters)
- strResponse = json.dumps(tosca_obj, default=lambda obj: obj.__dict__)
- strResponse = strResponse.replace(': null', ': ""')
- return strResponse
diff --git a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/basemodel.py b/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/basemodel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 461e8e11..00000000
--- a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/basemodel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import copy
-import ftplib
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import urllib
-import paramiko
-from toscaparser.functions import GetInput
-from toscaparser.tosca_template import ToscaTemplate
-from lcm.pub.utils.toscaparser.dataentityext import DataEntityExt
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class BaseInfoModel(object):
- def buildToscaTemplate(self, path, params):
- file_name = None
- try:
- file_name = self._check_download_file(path)
- valid_params = self._validate_input_params(file_name, params)
- return self._create_tosca_template(file_name, valid_params)
- finally:
- if file_name is not None and file_name != path and os.path.exists(file_name):
- try:
- os.remove(file_name)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Failed to parse package, error: %s", e.message)
- def _validate_input_params(self, path, params):
- valid_params = {}
- if params and len(params) > 0:
- tmp = self._create_tosca_template(path, None)
- for key, value in params.items():
- if hasattr(tmp, 'inputs') and len(tmp.inputs) > 0:
- for input_def in tmp.inputs:
- if (input_def.name == key):
- valid_params[key] = DataEntityExt.validate_datatype(input_def.type, value)
- return valid_params
- def _create_tosca_template(self, file_name, valid_params):
- tosca_tpl = None
- try:
- tosca_tpl = ToscaTemplate(path=file_name,
- parsed_params=valid_params,
- no_required_paras_check=True,
- debug_mode=True)
- except Exception as e:
- print e.message
- finally:
- if tosca_tpl is not None and hasattr(tosca_tpl, "temp_dir") and os.path.exists(tosca_tpl.temp_dir):
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(tosca_tpl.temp_dir)
- except Exception, e:
- logger.error("Failed to create tosca template, error: %s", e.message)
- print "-----------------------------"
- print '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % item for item in tosca_tpl.__dict__.items()])
- print "-----------------------------"
- return tosca_tpl
- def _check_download_file(self, path):
- if (path.startswith("ftp") or path.startswith("sftp")):
- return self.downloadFileFromFtpServer(path)
- elif (path.startswith("http")):
- return self.download_file_from_httpserver(path)
- return path
- def download_file_from_httpserver(self, path):
- path = path.encode("utf-8")
- tmps = str.split(path, '/')
- localFileName = tmps[len(tmps) - 1]
- urllib.urlretrieve(path, localFileName)
- return localFileName
- def downloadFileFromFtpServer(self, path):
- path = path.encode("utf-8")
- tmp = str.split(path, '://')
- protocol = tmp[0]
- tmp = str.split(tmp[1], ':')
- if len(tmp) == 2:
- userName = tmp[0]
- tmp = str.split(tmp[1], '@')
- userPwd = tmp[0]
- index = tmp[1].index('/')
- hostIp = tmp[1][0:index]
- remoteFileName = tmp[1][index:len(tmp[1])]
- if protocol.lower() == 'ftp':
- hostPort = 21
- else:
- hostPort = 22
- if len(tmp) == 3:
- userName = tmp[0]
- userPwd = str.split(tmp[1], '@')[0]
- hostIp = str.split(tmp[1], '@')[1]
- index = tmp[2].index('/')
- hostPort = tmp[2][0:index]
- remoteFileName = tmp[2][index:len(tmp[2])]
- localFileName = str.split(remoteFileName, '/')
- localFileName = localFileName[len(localFileName) - 1]
- if protocol.lower() == 'sftp':
- self.sftp_get(userName, userPwd, hostIp, hostPort, remoteFileName, localFileName)
- else:
- self.ftp_get(userName, userPwd, hostIp, hostPort, remoteFileName, localFileName)
- return localFileName
- def sftp_get(self, userName, userPwd, hostIp, hostPort, remoteFileName, localFileName):
- # return
- t = None
- try:
- t = paramiko.Transport(hostIp, int(hostPort))
- t.connect(username=userName, password=userPwd)
- sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t)
- sftp.get(remoteFileName, localFileName)
- finally:
- if t is not None:
- t.close()
- def ftp_get(self, userName, userPwd, hostIp, hostPort, remoteFileName, localFileName):
- f = None
- try:
- ftp = ftplib.FTP()
- ftp.connect(hostIp, hostPort)
- ftp.login(userName, userPwd)
- f = open(localFileName, 'wb')
- ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + remoteFileName, f.write, 1024)
- f.close()
- finally:
- if f is not None:
- f.close()
- def buidMetadata(self, tosca):
- if 'metadata' in tosca.tpl:
- self.metadata = copy.deepcopy(tosca.tpl['metadata'])
- def buildProperties(self, nodeTemplate, parsed_params):
- properties = {}
- isMappingParams = parsed_params and len(parsed_params) > 0
- for k, item in nodeTemplate.get_properties().items():
- properties[k] = item.value
- if isinstance(item.value, GetInput):
- if item.value.result() and isMappingParams:
- properties[k] = DataEntityExt.validate_datatype(item.type, item.value.result())
- else:
- tmp = {}
- tmp[item.value.name] = item.value.input_name
- properties[k] = tmp
- if 'attributes' in nodeTemplate.entity_tpl:
- for k, item in nodeTemplate.entity_tpl['attributes'].items():
- properties[k] = str(item)
- return properties
- def verify_properties(self, props, inputs, parsed_params):
- ret_props = {}
- if (props and len(props) > 0):
- for key, value in props.items():
- ret_props[key] = self._verify_value(value, inputs, parsed_params)
- # if isinstance(value, str):
- # ret_props[key] = self._verify_string(inputs, parsed_params, value);
- # continue
- # if isinstance(value, list):
- # ret_props[key] = map(lambda x: self._verify_dict(inputs, parsed_params, x), value)
- # continue
- # if isinstance(value, dict):
- # ret_props[key] = self._verify_map(inputs, parsed_params, value)
- # continue
- # ret_props[key] = value
- return ret_props
- def build_requirements(self, node_template):
- rets = []
- for req in node_template.requirements:
- for req_name, req_value in req.items():
- if (isinstance(req_value, dict)):
- if ('node' in req_value and req_value['node'] not in node_template.templates):
- continue # No target requirement for aria parser, not add to result.
- rets.append({req_name: req_value})
- return rets
- def buildCapabilities(self, nodeTemplate, inputs, ret):
- capabilities = json.dumps(nodeTemplate.entity_tpl.get('capabilities', None))
- match = re.findall(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}', capabilities)
- for m in match:
- aa = [input_def for input_def in inputs if m == input_def.name][0]
- capabilities = re.sub(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}', json.dumps(aa.default), capabilities, 1)
- if capabilities != 'null':
- ret['capabilities'] = json.loads(capabilities)
- def buildArtifacts(self, nodeTemplate, inputs, ret):
- artifacts = json.dumps(nodeTemplate.entity_tpl.get('artifacts', None))
- match = re.findall(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}', artifacts)
- for m in match:
- aa = [input_def for input_def in inputs if m == input_def.name][0]
- artifacts = re.sub(r'\{"get_input":\s*"([\w|\-]+)"\}', json.dumps(aa.default), artifacts, 1)
- if artifacts != 'null':
- ret['artifacts'] = json.loads(artifacts)
- def build_interfaces(self, node_template):
- if 'interfaces' in node_template.entity_tpl:
- return node_template.entity_tpl['interfaces']
- return None
- def isVnf(self, node):
- # return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VNF.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VNF')
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VF.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VF')
- def isPnf(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.PNF.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.PNF')
- def isCp(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.CP.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.CP')
- def isVl(self, node):
- isvl = node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VIRTUALLINK.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VL.') >= 0
- isvl = isvl or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VIRTUALLINK') or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VL')
- return isvl
- def isService(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.SERVICE.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.SERVICE')
- def get_requirement_node_name(self, req_value):
- return self.get_prop_from_obj(req_value, 'node')
- def get_prop_from_obj(self, obj, prop):
- if isinstance(obj, str):
- return obj
- if (isinstance(obj, dict) and prop in obj):
- return obj[prop]
- return None
- def getNodeDependencys(self, node):
- return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'dependency')
- def getVirtualLinks(self, node):
- return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'virtualLink')
- def getVirtualbindings(self, node):
- return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'virtualbinding')
- def getRequirementByName(self, node, requirementName):
- requirements = []
- if 'requirements' in node:
- for item in node['requirements']:
- for key, value in item.items():
- if key == requirementName:
- requirements.append(value)
- return requirements
- def get_networks(self, node):
- rets = []
- if 'requirements' in node:
- for item in node['requirements']:
- for key, value in item.items():
- if key.upper().find('VIRTUALLINK') >= 0:
- rets.append({"key_name": key, "vl_id": self.get_requirement_node_name(value)})
- return rets
- def _verify_value(self, value, inputs, parsed_params):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- return self._verify_string(inputs, parsed_params, value)
- if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict):
- return self._verify_object(value, inputs, parsed_params)
- return value
- def _verify_object(self, value, inputs, parsed_params):
- s = self._verify_string(inputs, parsed_params, json.dumps(value))
- return json.loads(s)
- def _get_input_name(self, getInput):
- input_name = getInput.split(':')[1]
- input_name = input_name.strip()
- return input_name.replace('"', '').replace('}', '')
- def _verify_string(self, inputs, parsed_params, value):
- getInputs = re.findall(r'{"get_input": "[a-zA-Z_0-9]+"}', value)
- for getInput in getInputs:
- input_name = self._get_input_name(getInput)
- if parsed_params and input_name in parsed_params:
- value = value.replace(getInput, json.dumps(parsed_params[input_name]))
- else:
- for input_def in inputs:
- if input_def.default and input_name == input_def.name:
- value = value.replace(getInput, json.dumps(input_def.default))
- return value
- def get_node_vl_id(self, node):
- vl_ids = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getVirtualLinks(node))
- if len(vl_ids) > 0:
- return vl_ids[0]
- return ""
- def get_node_by_name(self, node_templates, name):
- for node in node_templates:
- if node['name'] == name:
- return node
- return None
- def get_all_nested_ns(self, nodes):
- nss = []
- for node in nodes:
- if self.is_nested_ns(node):
- ns = {}
- ns['ns_id'] = node['name']
- ns['description'] = node['description']
- ns['properties'] = node['properties']
- ns['networks'] = self.get_networks(node)
- nss.append(ns)
- return nss
- def is_nested_ns(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.NS.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.NS')
- def isVdu(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VDU.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VDU')
- def getCapabilityByName(self, node, capabilityName):
- if 'capabilities' in node and capabilityName in node['capabilities']:
- return node['capabilities'][capabilityName]
- return None
- def get_node_vdu_id(self, node):
- vdu_ids = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getVirtualbindings(node))
- if len(vdu_ids) > 0:
- return vdu_ids[0]
- return ""
diff --git a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/dataentityext.py b/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/dataentityext.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 825e93bb..00000000
--- a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/dataentityext.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from toscaparser.dataentity import DataEntity
-from toscaparser.elements.constraints import Schema
-from toscaparser.common.exception import ExceptionCollector
-class DataEntityExt(object):
- '''A complex data value entity ext.'''
- @staticmethod
- def validate_datatype(type, value, entry_schema=None, custom_def=None):
- if value:
- if (type == Schema.STRING):
- return str(value)
- elif type == Schema.FLOAT:
- try:
- return float(value)
- except Exception:
- ExceptionCollector.appendException(ValueError(('"%s" is not an float.') % value))
- return DataEntity.validate_datatype(type, value, entry_schema, custom_def)
- return value
diff --git a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/nsdmodel.py b/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/nsdmodel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9792dd99..00000000
--- a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/nsdmodel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import functools
-from lcm.pub.utils.toscaparser.basemodel import BaseInfoModel
-class EtsiNsdInfoModel(BaseInfoModel):
- def __init__(self, path, params):
- tosca = self.buildToscaTemplate(path, params)
- self.parseModel(tosca)
- def parseModel(self, tosca):
- self.buidMetadata(tosca)
- if hasattr(tosca, 'topology_template') and hasattr(tosca.topology_template, 'inputs'):
- self.inputs = self.buildInputs(tosca.topology_template.inputs)
- nodeTemplates = map(functools.partial(self.buildNode, inputs=tosca.inputs, parsed_params=tosca.parsed_params),
- tosca.nodetemplates)
- self.vnfs = self._get_all_vnf(nodeTemplates)
- self.pnfs = self._get_all_pnf(nodeTemplates)
- self.vls = self.get_all_vl(nodeTemplates)
- self.cps = self.get_all_cp(nodeTemplates)
- self.routers = self.get_all_router(nodeTemplates)
- self.fps = self._get_all_fp(nodeTemplates)
- self.vnffgs = self._get_all_vnffg(tosca.topology_template.groups)
- self.server_groups = self.get_all_server_group(tosca.topology_template.groups)
- self.ns_exposed = self.get_all_endpoint_exposed(tosca.topology_template)
- self.policies = self._get_policies_scaling(tosca.topology_template.policies)
- self.ns_flavours = self.get_all_flavour(tosca.topology_template.groups)
- self.nested_ns = self.get_all_nested_ns(nodeTemplates)
- def buildInputs(self, top_inputs):
- ret = {}
- for tmpinput in top_inputs:
- tmp = {}
- tmp['type'] = tmpinput.type
- tmp['description'] = tmpinput.description
- tmp['default'] = tmpinput.default
- ret[tmpinput.name] = tmp
- return ret
- def buildNode(self, nodeTemplate, inputs, parsed_params):
- ret = {}
- ret['name'] = nodeTemplate.name
- ret['nodeType'] = nodeTemplate.type
- if 'description' in nodeTemplate.entity_tpl:
- ret['description'] = nodeTemplate.entity_tpl['description']
- else:
- ret['description'] = ''
- props = self.buildProperties(nodeTemplate, parsed_params)
- ret['properties'] = self.verify_properties(props, inputs, parsed_params)
- ret['requirements'] = self.build_requirements(nodeTemplate)
- self.buildCapabilities(nodeTemplate, inputs, ret)
- self.buildArtifacts(nodeTemplate, inputs, ret)
- interfaces = self.build_interfaces(nodeTemplate)
- if interfaces:
- ret['interfaces'] = interfaces
- return ret
- def _get_all_vnf(self, nodeTemplates):
- vnfs = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isVnf(node):
- vnf = {}
- vnf['vnf_id'] = node['name']
- vnf['description'] = node['description']
- vnf['properties'] = node['properties']
- vnf['dependencies'] = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getNodeDependencys(node))
- vnf['networks'] = self.get_networks(node)
- vnfs.append(vnf)
- return vnfs
- def _get_all_pnf(self, nodeTemplates):
- pnfs = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isPnf(node):
- pnf = {}
- pnf['pnf_id'] = node['name']
- pnf['description'] = node['description']
- pnf['properties'] = node['properties']
- pnf['cps'] = self.getVirtalBindingCpIds(node, nodeTemplates)
- pnfs.append(pnf)
- return pnfs
- def getVirtalBindingCpIds(self, node, nodeTemplates):
- return map(lambda x: x['name'], self.getVirtalBindingCps(node, nodeTemplates))
- def getVirtalBindingCps(self, node, nodeTemplates):
- cps = []
- for tmpnode in nodeTemplates:
- if 'requirements' in tmpnode:
- for item in tmpnode['requirements']:
- for key, value in item.items():
- if key.upper().startswith('VIRTUALBINDING'):
- req_node_name = self.get_requirement_node_name(value)
- if req_node_name is not None and req_node_name == node['name']:
- cps.append(tmpnode)
- return cps
- def get_all_vl(self, nodeTemplates):
- vls = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isVl(node):
- vl = {}
- vl['vl_id'] = node['name']
- vl['description'] = node['description']
- vl['properties'] = node['properties']
- vl['route_external'] = False
- vl['route_id'] = self._get_vl_route_id(node)
- vls.append(vl)
- if self._isExternalVL(node):
- vl = {}
- vl['vl_id'] = node['name']
- vl['description'] = node['description']
- vl['properties'] = node['properties']
- vl['route_external'] = True
- vls.append(vl)
- return vls
- def _get_vl_route_id(self, node):
- route_ids = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x),
- self.getRequirementByName(node, 'virtual_route'))
- if len(route_ids) > 0:
- return route_ids[0]
- return ""
- def _isExternalVL(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.ROUTEEXTERNALVL') >= 0
- def get_all_cp(self, nodeTemplates):
- cps = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isCp(node):
- cp = {}
- cp['cp_id'] = node['name']
- cp['cpd_id'] = node['name']
- cp['description'] = node['description']
- cp['properties'] = node['properties']
- cp['vl_id'] = self.get_node_vl_id(node)
- binding_node_ids = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getVirtualbindings(node))
- # cp['vnf_id'] = self._filter_vnf_id(binding_node_ids, nodeTemplates)
- cp['pnf_id'] = self._filter_pnf_id(binding_node_ids, nodeTemplates)
- vls = self.buil_cp_vls(node)
- if len(vls) > 1:
- cp['vls'] = vls
- cps.append(cp)
- return cps
- def buil_cp_vls(self, node):
- return map(lambda x: self._build_cp_vl(x), self.getVirtualLinks(node))
- def _build_cp_vl(self, req):
- cp_vl = {}
- cp_vl['vl_id'] = self.get_prop_from_obj(req, 'node')
- relationship = self.get_prop_from_obj(req, 'relationship')
- if relationship is not None:
- properties = self.get_prop_from_obj(relationship, 'properties')
- if properties is not None and isinstance(properties, dict):
- for key, value in properties.items():
- cp_vl[key] = value
- return cp_vl
- def _filter_pnf_id(self, node_ids, node_templates):
- for node_id in node_ids:
- node = self.get_node_by_name(node_templates, node_id)
- if self.isPnf(node):
- return node_id
- return ""
- def get_all_router(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isRouter(node):
- ret = {}
- ret['router_id'] = node['name']
- ret['description'] = node['description']
- ret['properties'] = node['properties']
- ret['external_vl_id'] = self._get_router_external_vl_id(node)
- ret['external_ip_addresses'] = self._get_external_ip_addresses(node)
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isRouter(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.ROUTER.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.ROUTER')
- def _get_router_external_vl(self, node):
- return self.getRequirementByName(node, 'external_virtual_link')
- def _get_router_external_vl_id(self, node):
- ids = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self._get_router_external_vl(node))
- if len(ids) > 0:
- return ids[0]
- return ""
- def _get_external_ip_addresses(self, node):
- external_vls = self._get_router_external_vl(node)
- if len(external_vls) > 0:
- if 'relationship' in external_vls[0] and 'properties' in external_vls[0]['relationship'] and 'router_ip_address' in external_vls[0]['relationship']['properties']:
- return external_vls[0]['relationship']['properties']['router_ip_address']
- return []
- def _get_all_fp(self, nodeTemplates):
- fps = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isFp(node):
- fp = {}
- fp['fp_id'] = node['name']
- fp['description'] = node['description']
- fp['properties'] = node['properties']
- fp['forwarder_list'] = self._getForwarderList(node, nodeTemplates)
- fps.append(fp)
- return fps
- def _isFp(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.FP.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().find('.SFP.') >= 0 or node[
- 'nodeType'].upper().endswith('.FP') or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.SFP')
- def _getForwarderList(self, node, node_templates):
- forwarderList = []
- if 'requirements' in node:
- for item in node['requirements']:
- for key, value in item.items():
- if key == 'forwarder':
- tmpnode = self.get_node_by_req(node_templates, value)
- type = 'cp' if self.isCp(tmpnode) else 'vnf'
- req_node_name = self.get_requirement_node_name(value)
- if isinstance(value, dict) and 'capability' in value:
- forwarderList.append(
- {"type": type, "node_name": req_node_name, "capability": value['capability']})
- else:
- forwarderList.append({"type": type, "node_name": req_node_name, "capability": ""})
- return forwarderList
- def get_node_by_req(self, node_templates, req):
- req_node_name = self.get_requirement_node_name(req)
- return self.get_node_by_name(node_templates, req_node_name)
- def _get_all_vnffg(self, groups):
- vnffgs = []
- for group in groups:
- if self._isVnffg(group):
- vnffg = {}
- vnffg['vnffg_id'] = group.name
- vnffg['description'] = group.description
- if 'properties' in group.tpl:
- vnffg['properties'] = group.tpl['properties']
- vnffg['members'] = group.members
- vnffgs.append(vnffg)
- return vnffgs
- def _isVnffg(self, group):
- return group.type.upper().find('.VNFFG.') >= 0 or group.type.upper().find(
- '.SFC.') >= 0 or group.type.upper().endswith('.VNFFG') or group.type.upper().endswith('.SFC')
- def get_all_server_group(self, groups):
- rets = []
- for group in groups:
- if self._isServerGroup(group):
- ret = {}
- ret['group_id'] = group.name
- ret['description'] = group.description
- if 'properties' in group.tpl:
- ret['properties'] = group.tpl['properties']
- ret['members'] = group.members
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isServerGroup(self, group):
- return group.type.upper().find('.AFFINITYORANTIAFFINITYGROUP.') >= 0 or group.type.upper().endswith(
- def get_all_endpoint_exposed(self, topo_tpl):
- if 'substitution_mappings' in topo_tpl.tpl:
- external_cps = self._get_external_cps(topo_tpl.tpl['substitution_mappings'])
- forward_cps = self._get_forward_cps(topo_tpl.tpl['substitution_mappings'])
- return {"external_cps": external_cps, "forward_cps": forward_cps}
- return {}
- def _get_external_cps(self, subs_mappings):
- external_cps = []
- if 'requirements' in subs_mappings:
- for key, value in subs_mappings['requirements'].items():
- if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0:
- external_cps.append({"key_name": key, "cpd_id": value[0]})
- else:
- external_cps.append({"key_name": key, "cpd_id": value})
- return external_cps
- def _get_forward_cps(self, subs_mappings):
- forward_cps = []
- if 'capabilities' in subs_mappings:
- for key, value in subs_mappings['capabilities'].items():
- if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0:
- forward_cps.append({"key_name": key, "cpd_id": value[0]})
- else:
- forward_cps.append({"key_name": key, "cpd_id": value})
- return forward_cps
- def _get_policies_scaling(self, top_policies):
- policies_scaling = []
- scaling_policies = self.get_scaling_policies(top_policies)
- if len(scaling_policies) > 0:
- policies_scaling.append({"scaling": scaling_policies})
- return policies_scaling
- def get_policies_by_keyword(self, top_policies, keyword):
- ret = []
- for policy in top_policies:
- if policy.type.upper().find(keyword) >= 0:
- tmp = {}
- tmp['policy_id'] = policy.name
- tmp['description'] = policy.description
- if 'properties' in policy.entity_tpl:
- tmp['properties'] = policy.entity_tpl['properties']
- tmp['targets'] = policy.targets
- ret.append(tmp)
- return ret
- def get_scaling_policies(self, top_policies):
- return self.get_policies_by_keyword(top_policies, '.SCALING')
- def get_all_flavour(self, groups):
- rets = []
- for group in groups:
- if self._isFlavour(group):
- ret = {}
- ret['flavour_id'] = group.name
- ret['description'] = group.description
- if 'properties' in group.tpl:
- ret['properties'] = group.tpl['properties']
- ret['members'] = group.members
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isFlavour(self, group):
- return group.type.upper().find('FLAVOUR') >= 0
diff --git a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/vnfdmodel.py b/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/vnfdmodel.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a665efe7..00000000
--- a/lcm/pub/utils/toscaparser/vnfdmodel.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import functools
-from lcm.pub.utils.toscaparser import EtsiNsdInfoModel
-class EtsiVnfdInfoModel(EtsiNsdInfoModel):
- def __init__(self, path, params):
- super(EtsiVnfdInfoModel, self).__init__(path, params)
- def parseModel(self, tosca):
- self.buidMetadata(tosca)
- if hasattr(tosca, 'topology_template') and hasattr(tosca.topology_template, 'inputs'):
- self.inputs = self.buildInputs(tosca.topology_template.inputs)
- nodeTemplates = map(functools.partial(self.buildNode, inputs=tosca.inputs, parsed_params=tosca.parsed_params),
- tosca.nodetemplates)
- self.services = self._get_all_services(nodeTemplates)
- self.vcloud = self._get_all_vcloud(nodeTemplates)
- self.vcenter = self._get_all_vcenter(nodeTemplates)
- self.image_files = self._get_all_image_file(nodeTemplates)
- self.local_storages = self._get_all_local_storage(nodeTemplates)
- self.volume_storages = self._get_all_volume_storage(nodeTemplates)
- self.vdus = self._get_all_vdu(nodeTemplates)
- self.vls = self.get_all_vl(nodeTemplates)
- self.cps = self.get_all_cp(nodeTemplates)
- self.plugins = self.get_all_plugin(nodeTemplates)
- self.routers = self.get_all_router(nodeTemplates)
- self.server_groups = self.get_all_server_group(tosca.topology_template.groups)
- self.element_groups = self._get_all_element_group(tosca.topology_template.groups)
- self.policies = self._get_policies(tosca.topology_template.policies)
- self.vnf_exposed = self.get_all_endpoint_exposed(tosca.topology_template)
- self.vnf_flavours = self.get_all_flavour(tosca.topology_template.groups)
- def _get_all_services(self, nodeTemplates):
- ret = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isService(node):
- service = {}
- service['serviceId'] = node['name']
- if 'description' in node:
- service['description'] = node['description']
- service['properties'] = node['properties']
- service['dependencies'] = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x),
- self.getNodeDependencys(node))
- service['networks'] = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getVirtualLinks(node))
- ret.append(service)
- return ret
- def _get_all_vcloud(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isVcloud(node):
- ret = {}
- if 'vdc_name' in node['properties']:
- ret['vdc_name'] = node['properties']['vdc_name']
- else:
- ret['vdc_name'] = ""
- if 'storage_clusters' in node['properties']:
- ret['storage_clusters'] = node['properties']['storage_clusters']
- else:
- ret['storage_clusters'] = []
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isVcloud(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VCLOUD.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VCLOUD')
- def _get_all_vcenter(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isVcenter(node):
- ret = {}
- if 'compute_clusters' in node['properties']:
- ret['compute_clusters'] = node['properties']['compute_clusters']
- else:
- ret['compute_clusters'] = []
- if 'storage_clusters' in node['properties']:
- ret['storage_clusters'] = node['properties']['storage_clusters']
- else:
- ret['storage_clusters'] = []
- if 'network_clusters' in node['properties']:
- ret['network_clusters'] = node['properties']['network_clusters']
- else:
- ret['network_clusters'] = []
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isVcenter(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VCENTER.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.VCENTER')
- def _get_all_image_file(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isImageFile(node):
- ret = {}
- ret['image_file_id'] = node['name']
- if 'description' in node:
- ret['description'] = node['description']
- ret['properties'] = node['properties']
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isImageFile(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.IMAGEFILE.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith('.IMAGEFILE')
- def _get_all_local_storage(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isLocalStorage(node):
- ret = {}
- ret['local_storage_id'] = node['name']
- if 'description' in node:
- ret['description'] = node['description']
- ret['properties'] = node['properties']
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isLocalStorage(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.LOCALSTORAGE.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith(
- def _get_all_volume_storage(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self._isVolumeStorage(node):
- ret = {}
- ret['volume_storage_id'] = node['name']
- if 'description' in node:
- ret['description'] = node['description']
- ret['properties'] = node['properties']
- ret['image_file'] = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x),
- self.getRequirementByName(node, 'image_file'))
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isVolumeStorage(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].upper().find('.VOLUMESTORAGE.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].upper().endswith(
- def _get_all_vdu(self, nodeTemplates):
- rets = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isVdu(node):
- ret = {}
- ret['vdu_id'] = node['name']
- if 'description' in node:
- ret['description'] = node['description']
- ret['properties'] = node['properties']
- ret['image_file'] = self.get_node_image_file(node)
- local_storages = self.getRequirementByName(node, 'local_storage')
- ret['local_storages'] = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), local_storages)
- volume_storages = self.getRequirementByName(node, 'volume_storage')
- ret['volume_storages'] = map(functools.partial(self._trans_volume_storage), volume_storages)
- ret['dependencies'] = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getNodeDependencys(node))
- nfv_compute = self.getCapabilityByName(node, 'nfv_compute')
- if nfv_compute is not None and 'properties' in nfv_compute:
- ret['nfv_compute'] = nfv_compute['properties']
- ret['vls'] = self.get_linked_vl_ids(node, nodeTemplates)
- scalable = self.getCapabilityByName(node, 'scalable')
- if scalable is not None and 'properties' in scalable:
- ret['scalable'] = scalable['properties']
- ret['cps'] = self.getVirtalBindingCpIds(node, nodeTemplates)
- ret['artifacts'] = self._build_artifacts(node)
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def get_node_image_file(self, node):
- rets = map(lambda x: self.get_requirement_node_name(x), self.getRequirementByName(node, 'guest_os'))
- if len(rets) > 0:
- return rets[0]
- return ""
- def _trans_volume_storage(self, volume_storage):
- if isinstance(volume_storage, str):
- return {"volume_storage_id": volume_storage}
- else:
- ret = {}
- ret['volume_storage_id'] = self.get_requirement_node_name(volume_storage)
- if 'relationship' in volume_storage and 'properties' in volume_storage['relationship']:
- if 'location' in volume_storage['relationship']['properties']:
- ret['location'] = volume_storage['relationship']['properties']['location']
- if 'device' in volume_storage['relationship']['properties']:
- ret['device'] = volume_storage['relationship']['properties']['device']
- return ret
- def get_linked_vl_ids(self, node, node_templates):
- vl_ids = []
- cps = self.getVirtalBindingCps(node, node_templates)
- for cp in cps:
- vl_reqs = self.getVirtualLinks(cp)
- for vl_req in vl_reqs:
- vl_ids.append(self.get_requirement_node_name(vl_req))
- return vl_ids
- def _build_artifacts(self, node):
- rets = []
- if 'artifacts' in node and len(node['artifacts']) > 0:
- artifacts = node['artifacts']
- for name, value in artifacts.items():
- ret = {}
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- ret['artifact_name'] = name
- ret['type'] = value.get('type', '')
- ret['file'] = value.get('file', '')
- ret['repository'] = value.get('repository', '')
- ret['deploy_path'] = value.get('deploy_path', '')
- else:
- ret['artifact_name'] = name
- ret['type'] = ''
- ret['file'] = value
- ret['repository'] = ''
- ret['deploy_path'] = ''
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def get_all_cp(self, nodeTemplates):
- cps = []
- for node in nodeTemplates:
- if self.isCp(node):
- cp = {}
- cp['cp_id'] = node['name']
- cp['cpd_id'] = node['name']
- cp['description'] = node['description']
- cp['properties'] = node['properties']
- cp['vl_id'] = self.get_node_vl_id(node)
- cp['vdu_id'] = self.get_node_vdu_id(node)
- vls = self.buil_cp_vls(node)
- if len(vls) > 1:
- cp['vls'] = vls
- cps.append(cp)
- return cps
- def get_all_plugin(self, node_templates):
- plugins = []
- for node in node_templates:
- if self._isPlugin(node):
- plugin = {}
- plugin['plugin_id'] = node['name']
- plugin['description'] = node['description']
- plugin['properties'] = node['properties']
- if 'interfaces' in node:
- plugin['interfaces'] = node['interfaces']
- plugins.append(plugin)
- return plugins
- def _isPlugin(self, node):
- return node['nodeType'].lower().find('.plugin.') >= 0 or node['nodeType'].lower().endswith('.plugin')
- def _get_all_element_group(self, groups):
- rets = []
- for group in groups:
- if self._isVnfdElementGroup(group):
- ret = {}
- ret['group_id'] = group.name
- ret['description'] = group.description
- if 'properties' in group.tpl:
- ret['properties'] = group.tpl['properties']
- ret['members'] = group.members
- rets.append(ret)
- return rets
- def _isVnfdElementGroup(self, group):
- return group.type.upper().find('.VNFDELEMENTGROUP.') >= 0 or group.type.upper().endswith('.VNFDELEMENTGROUP')
- def _get_policies(self, top_policies):
- policies = []
- scaling_policies = self.get_scaling_policies(top_policies)
- healing_policies = self.get_healing_policies(top_policies)
- policies.append({"scaling": scaling_policies, 'healing': healing_policies})
- return policies
- def get_healing_policies(self, top_policies):
- return self.get_policies_by_keyword(top_policies, '.HEALING')