path: root/robot/testsuites/dcaemod.robot
diff options
authorKatarzyna Wasiel <katarzyna.wasiel@nokia.com>2021-02-10 08:50:57 +0100
committerMarcin Przybysz <marcin.przybysz@nokia.com>2021-02-26 10:17:59 +0000
commitd1bc6cbd63f9cd7126baded2a40e78ebb67f65e1 (patch)
treeabcbbd961f411cef1d1cf590a863b812d7e5cce2 /robot/testsuites/dcaemod.robot
parentc6232933e3c44de7dba7f24cd66ee944816b2941 (diff)
Add DCAE MOD smoke/verification test using simple app
Issue-ID: INT-1855 Signed-off-by: Katarzyna Wasiel <katarzyna.wasiel@nokia.com> Change-Id: Idbd385547cd5d0ef9ce7b53060d84ea8d9031e06
Diffstat (limited to 'robot/testsuites/dcaemod.robot')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/dcaemod.robot b/robot/testsuites/dcaemod.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef5b0e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/testsuites/dcaemod.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library OperatingSystem
+Resource ../../resources/dcaemod_interface.robot
+Suite Setup Configure Nifi Registry And Distribution Target
+Suite Teardown Delete Nifi Registry And Distribution Target
+Test Teardown Delete Process Group And Blueprint And Deployment
+*** Variables ***
+${CONFIG_MAP_FILE} /tmp/sample-config
+${COMPSPEC_WITH_CONFIG_VOLUME} dcaemod/compspec_with_config_volume.jinja
+${COMPSPEC_WITHOUT_CONFIG_VOLUME} dcaemod/compspec_without_config_volume.jinja
+*** Test Cases ***
+Deploy DCAE Simple Application Without Config Map In Config Spec Json
+ [tags] dcaemod
+ [Documentation]
+ ... Test case checks if operator is able to deploy DCAE application using DCAE MOD without config map definition.
+ ... This test case:
+ ... - Configures DCAE MOD by adding a registry client and a distribution target in the controller settings via NIFI API.
+ ... - Onboards component spec via onboarding API.
+ ... - Creates Process Group, Processor and saves created flows (by version controlling) via NIFI API.
+ ... - Distributes the flow for blueprint generation via distributor API and pushes it to the DCAE Inventory and the DCAE Dashboard.
+ ... - Deploys such a blueprint from Inventory.
+ ${dict_values} = Create Dictionary comp_spec_name=nginx1
+ ${compSpecName} = Set Variable ${dict_values['comp_spec_name']}
+ Set Test Variable ${processGroupName} nginx1
+ Deploy DCAE Application ${COMPSPEC_WITHOUT_CONFIG_VOLUME} ${dict_values} ${compSpecName} ${processGroupName}
+Deploy DCAE Simple Application With Config Map In Config Spec Json But Not Present In K8s
+ [tags] dcaemod
+ [Documentation]
+ ... Test case checks if operator is able to deploy DCAE application using DCAE MOD with config map definition in config spec json file but not present in k8s.
+ ... This test case:
+ ... Configures DCAE MOD by adding a registry client and a distribution target in the controller settings via NIFI API.
+ ... - Onboards component spec with config map via onboarding API.
+ ... - Creates Process Group, Processor and saves created flows (by version controlling) via NIFI API.
+ ... - Distributes the flow for blueprint generation via distributor API and pushes it to the DCAE Inventory and the DCAE Dashboard.
+ ... - Deploys such a blueprint from Inventory.
+ ... - Verifies if config map is mounted as a volume and if mounted folder is empty
+ ${dict_values} = Create Dictionary comp_spec_name=nginx2
+ ... volume_mount_path=/opt/app/etc/config
+ ... config_map_name=test-config-volume
+ ${compSpecName} = Set Variable ${dict_values['comp_spec_name']}
+ ${volumeMountPath} = Set Variable ${dict_values['volume_mount_path']}
+ ${configMapName} = Set Variable ${dict_values['config_map_name']}
+ Set Test Variable ${processGroupName} nginx2
+ Deploy DCAE Application ${COMPSPEC_WITH_CONFIG_VOLUME} ${dict_values} ${compSpecName} ${processGroupName}
+ ${podYaml} = Get Pod Yaml ${compSpecName}
+ Verify If Volume Is Mounted ${podYaml} ${volumeMountPath}
+ Verify If Config Map Is Mounted As Volume ${podYaml} ${configMapName}
+ ${mountedFolderContent} = Get Content Of Mounted Folder Inside Container ${compSpecName} ${volumeMountPath}
+ Verify If Mounted Folder Is Empty ${mountedFolderContent}
+Deploy DCAE Simple Application With Config Map In Config Spec Json AND Present In K8s
+ [tags] dcaemod
+ [Documentation]
+ ... Test case checks if operator is able to deploy DCAE application using DCAE MOD with config map definition and config map present in k8s.
+ ... This test case:
+ ... - Configures DCAE MOD by adding a registry client and a distribution target in the controller settings via NIFI API.
+ ... - Onboards component spec with config map via onboarding API.
+ ... - Creates Process Group, Processor and saves created flows (by version controlling) via NIFI API.
+ ... - Creates config map from file
+ ... - Distributes the flow for blueprint generation via distributor API and pushes it to the DCAE Inventory and the DCAE Dashboard.
+ ... - Deploys such a blueprint from Inventory.
+ ... - Verifies if mounted folder contains created file and this file contains user content
+ ${dict_values} = Create Dictionary comp_spec_name=nginx3
+ ... volume_mount_path=/opt/app/etc/config
+ ... config_map_name=test-config-volume
+ ${compSpecName} = Set Variable ${dict_values['comp_spec_name']}
+ ${volumeMountPath} = Set Variable ${dict_values['volume_mount_path']}
+ ${configMapName} = Set Variable ${dict_values['config_map_name']}
+ Set Test Variable ${CONFIG_MAP_NAME} ${configMapName}
+ Set Test Variable ${processGroupName} nginx3
+ ${content} = Set Variable Hello, world!
+ ${configMapDir} ${configMapFile} = Split Path ${CONFIG_MAP_FILE}
+ Create File ${CONFIG_MAP_FILE} ${content}
+ Create Config Map From File ${configMapName} ${CONFIG_MAP_FILE}
+ Deploy DCAE Application ${COMPSPEC_WITH_CONFIG_VOLUME} ${dict_values} ${compSpecName} ${processGroupName}
+ Verify If Mounted Folder Contains File ${compSpecName} ${configMapFile} ${volumeMountPath}
+ Verify File Content ${compSpecName} ${volumeMountPath}/${CONFIG_MAP_FILE} ${content}
+ [Teardown] Run Keywords Delete Process Group And Blueprint And Deployment AND Delete Config Map With Mounted Config File