path: root/create-configs.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'create-configs.sh')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/create-configs.sh b/create-configs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d5a591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/create-configs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright © 2018 AT&T USA
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This script generates docker-compose volume overlay files from the oom
+# kubernetes configuration files. Multiple environments can be supported. By
+# default the environment is the 'local' environment and the docker-compose
+# file is named docker-compose-local.yml. This script only generates the
+# overlay files, not the docker-compose file.
+# Overlay files contain the springboot configuration for each SO container.
+# The idea here is that docker-compose is lighter weight than kubernetes with
+# rancher, and people will find it easier to use in a development environment.
+# Whenever the overlay files in oom are modified, this script can be used to
+# (re)build overlay files for the docker-compose environment.
+# Reasonably up-to-date overlay files for the docker-compose environment may
+# be checked into the docker-config repository as a convenience to those who
+# don't want to (or can't) run this script. This script will refresh those.
+# Example Workflow:
+# 1) build SO software and docker images -or- pull SO docker images from nexus3
+# 2) Create configuration for 'local' environment:
+# ./create-configs.sh -e local -i -u rd472p -b master
+# 3) Start the environment:
+# docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up
+function usage
+ echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-e env] [-i] [-u oom-git-user] [-b oom-git-branch]"
+ echo "where -e specifies the environment name (default: 'local')"
+ echo " -i re-initializes the staging directory (default: no)"
+ echo " -u specifies the git user for cloning oom (default: current user)"
+ echo " -b specifies the oom branch (default: current docker-config branch)"
+# Purpose: prompts for a yes/no (or equivalent) answer
+# Output: none
+# Return Code: 0 for yes, 1 for no
+# Usage: askConfirm prompt
+function askConfirm
+ ask_prompt="$1"
+ while :
+ do
+ echo -n "$ask_prompt" >> /dev/tty
+ read ask_reply
+ ask_reply=${ask_reply##+([[:space:]])};
+ ask_reply=${ask_reply%%+([[:space:]])}
+ case "$ask_reply" in
+ y | yes | Y | YES)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ n | no | N | NO)
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# Purpose: performs a literal string replacement (no regexs)
+# Output: none, but modifies the specified file
+# Return Code: 0 for success, 1 for failure
+# Usage: replace source replacement file
+function replace
+ local src=$1
+ local rpl=$2
+ local file=$3
+ if ! type xxd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ echo "xxd: command not found" 1>&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local xsrc=$(echo -n "$src" | xxd -p | tr -d '\n')
+ local xrpl=$(echo -n "$rpl" | xxd -p | tr -d '\n')
+ xxd -p $file | tr -d '\n' | sed "s/$xsrc/$xrpl/g" | xxd -p -r > $file.replace || return 1
+ mv $file.replace $file || return 1
+ return 0
+# Purpose: converts a camel-case variable name to snake (upper) case
+# openStackUserName -> OPEN_STACK_USER_NAME
+# Output: the converted variable name
+# Usage: toSnake name
+function toSnake
+ echo "$1" | sed -r 's/([A-Z])/_\L\1/g' | sed 's/^_//' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'
+# Purpose: lists all the environment variables in the specified docker
+# compose yaml for the specified container, e.g.:
+# ...
+# Output: the list of variable mappings
+# Usage: listEnv composeFile containerName
+function listEnv
+ local composeFile=$1
+ local container=$2
+ local inContainer=FALSE
+ local inEnvironment=FALSE
+ while read line
+ do
+ if [[ $line == "$container:" ]]
+ then
+ inContainer=TRUE
+ elif [[ $inContainer == TRUE && $line == "environment:" ]]
+ then
+ inEnvironment=TRUE
+ else
+ if [[ $inEnvironment == TRUE ]]
+ then
+ if [[ ${line:0:1} == "-" ]]
+ then
+ echo "$line"
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done < $composeFile | sed -e "s/^- '//" -e "s/'$//"
+# Purpose: tests if the specified environment variable is defined in the
+# docker compose yaml for the specified container.
+# Output: none
+# Return Code: 0 if the variable exists, 1 if it doesn't
+# Usage: varExists composeFile containerName variableName
+function varExists
+ local composeFile=$1
+ local container=$2
+ local var=$3
+ listEnv $composeFile $container | grep "^$var=" > /dev/null
+ return $?
+# Purpose: returns the value of the specified environment variable
+# from the compose yaml for the specified container.
+# Output: the variable value (empty if it isn't defined)
+# Usage: varValue composeFile containerName variableName
+function varValue
+ local composeFile=$1
+ local container=$2
+ local var=$3
+ listEnv $composeFile $container | grep "^$var=" | cut -d= -f2
+if [[ ! -d volumes/so ]]
+ echo "You must run this command in the docker-config directory" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+GITUSER=$(id -un)
+GITBRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+while getopts :e:iu:b: c
+ case "$c" in
+ e)
+ ;;
+ i)
+ ;;
+ u)
+ ;;
+ b)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+if [[ $# != 0 ]]
+ usage 1>&2
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -f docker-compose-$ENV.yml ]]
+ echo "No such file: docker-compose-$ENV.yml" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+mkdir -p staging
+if [[ -d staging && $INIT == TRUE ]]
+ if ! askConfirm "Delete existing staging directory? "
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -fr staging || exit 1
+mkdir -p staging || exit 1
+# Get the oom repository from gerrit.
+if [[ -d staging/oom ]]
+ cd staging/oom || exit 1
+ branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+ if [[ $branch != $GITBRANCH ]]
+ then
+ echo "staging/oom is not on branch '$GITBRANCH'" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd ../.. || exit 1
+ cd staging || exit 1
+ echo "Cloning into staging/oom"
+ git clone https://$GITUSER@gerrit.onap.org/r/a/oom || exit 1
+ cd oom || exit 1
+ branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+ if [[ $branch != $GITBRANCH ]]
+ then
+ if [[ $(git ls-remote origin $GITBRANCH | wc -l) == 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "staging/oom has no '$GITBRANCH' branch" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Switching staging/oom to '$GITBRANCH' branch"
+ git checkout -b $GITBRANCH remotes/origin/$GITBRANCH || exit 1
+ fi
+ cd ../.. || exit 1
+if [[ ! -d $kso ]]
+ echo "No such directory: $kso" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -d staging/volumes/so/config ]]
+ mkdir -p staging/volumes/so/config
+for override in $(cd $kso && find * -name 'override.yaml')
+ subdir=${override%%/*}
+ if [[ $subdir == resources ]]
+ then
+ container=so-api-handler-infra
+ elif [[ $subdir == charts ]]
+ then
+ container=${override#charts/}
+ container=${container%%/*}
+ fi
+ if [[ $container != so-monitoring ]]
+ then
+ container=${container#so-}
+ fi
+ target=staging/volumes/so/config/$container/$ENV/override.yaml
+ if [[ ! -f $target ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p $(dirname $target) || exit 1
+ cp $kso/$override $target.tmp || exit 1
+ if ! varExists docker-compose-$ENV.yml $container COMMON_NAMESPACE
+ then
+ echo "ERROR: no COMMON_NAMESPACE variable is defined in docker-compose-$ENV.yml for container $container" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ replace '{{ include "common.namespace" . }}' '${COMMON_NAMESPACE}' $target.tmp || exit 1
+ if ! varExists docker-compose-$ENV.yml $container CONTAINER_PORT
+ then
+ echo "ERROR: no CONTAINER_PORT variable is defined in docker-compose-$ENV.yml for container $container" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ replace '{{ index .Values.containerPort }}' '${CONTAINER_PORT}' $target.tmp || exit 1
+ for configValue in $(grep "{{ \.Values\.config\..*}}" $target.tmp | cut -d'{' -f3 | cut -d'}' -f1 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/.Values.config.//' | sort -u)
+ do
+ var=$(toSnake $configValue)
+ if ! varExists docker-compose-$ENV.yml $container $var
+ then
+ echo "ERROR: no $var variable is defined in docker-compose-$ENV.yml for container $container" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ${var:0:11} == "OPEN_STACK_" ]]
+ then
+ # Workaround for variables in the openstack
+ # adapter cloud configuration. The override
+ # yaml is read by a migration program that
+ # doesn't expand variables, so we need to
+ # substitute the variable values here.
+ value=$(varValue docker-compose-$ENV.yml $container $var)
+ replace "{{ .Values.config.$configValue }}" "$value" $target.tmp || exit 1
+ else
+ replace "{{ .Values.config.$configValue }}" '${'$var'}' $target.tmp || exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ if grep "{{" $target.tmp > /dev/null
+ then
+ echo "ERROR: Unresolved placeholders in $kso/$override:" 1>&2
+ grep "{{.*}}" $target.tmp | cut -d'{' -f3 | cut -d'}' -f1 | sed -e 's/^/ {{/' -e 's/$/}}/' | sort -u 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ mv $target.tmp $target || exit 1
+ echo "Created $target"
+ stagedTargets="$stagedTargets target"
+ fi
+for override in $(cd staging && find volumes -name 'override.yaml')
+ dir=$(dirname $override)
+ mkdir -p $dir || exit 1
+ cp staging/$override $override || exit 1
+ echo "Installed $override"
+echo "SUCCESS"