diff options
10 files changed, 834 insertions, 626 deletions
diff --git a/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db-sql-scripts/main-schemas/MySQL-Catalog-schema.sql b/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db-sql-scripts/main-schemas/MySQL-Catalog-schema.sql deleted file mode 100644 index c39da7f..0000000 --- a/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db-sql-scripts/main-schemas/MySQL-Catalog-schema.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ - - alter table HEAT_TEMPLATE_PARAMS - drop - foreign key FK_p3ol1xcvp831glqohrlu6o07o; - - alter table MODEL_RECIPE - drop - foreign key FK_c23r0puyqug6n44jg39dutm1c; - - alter table SERVICE - drop - foreign key FK_l3qy594u2xr1tfpmma3uigsna; - - alter table SERVICE_RECIPE - drop - foreign key FK_i3r1b8j6e7dg9hkp49evnnm5y; - - alter table SERVICE_TO_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATIONS - drop - foreign key FK_kiddaay6cfe0aob1f1jaio1bb; - - alter table VF_MODULE - drop - foreign key FK_12jptc9it7gs3pru08skobxxc; - - alter table VNF_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION - drop - foreign key FK_iff1ayhb1hrp5jhea3vvikuni; - - drop table if exists ALLOTTED_RESOURCE; - - drop table if exists ALLOTTED_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION; - - drop table if exists HEAT_ENVIRONMENT; - - drop table if exists HEAT_FILES; - - drop table if exists HEAT_NESTED_TEMPLATE; - - drop table if exists HEAT_TEMPLATE; - - drop table if exists HEAT_TEMPLATE_PARAMS; - - drop table if exists MODEL; - - drop table if exists MODEL_RECIPE; - - drop table if exists NETWORK_RECIPE; - - drop table if exists NETWORK_RESOURCE; - - drop table if exists NETWORK_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION; - - drop table if exists SERVICE; - - drop table if exists SERVICE_RECIPE; - - drop table if exists SERVICE_TO_ALLOTTED_RESOURCES; - - drop table if exists SERVICE_TO_NETWORKS; - - drop table if exists SERVICE_TO_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATIONS; - - drop table if exists TEMP_NETWORK_HEAT_TEMPLATE_LOOKUP; - - drop table if exists TOSCA_CSAR; - - drop table if exists VF_MODULE; - - drop table if exists VF_MODULE_CUSTOMIZATION; - - drop table if exists VF_MODULE_TO_HEAT_FILES; - - drop table if exists VNF_COMPONENTS; - - drop table if exists VNF_COMPONENTS_RECIPE; - - drop table if exists VNF_RECIPE; - - drop table if exists VNF_RESOURCE; - - drop table if exists VNF_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION; - - drop table if exists VNF_RES_CUSTOM_TO_VF_MODULE_CUSTOM; - - create table ALLOTTED_RESOURCE ( - MODEL_UUID varchar(255) not null, - MODEL_INVARIANT_UUID varchar(255), - MODEL_VERSION varchar(255), - MODEL_NAME varchar(255), - TOSCA_NODE_TYPE varchar(255), - SUBCATEGORY varchar(255), - DESCRIPTION varchar(255), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_UUID) - ); - - create table ALLOTTED_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION ( - MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_INSTANCE_NAME varchar(255), - AR_MODEL_UUID varchar(255), - PROVIDING_SERVICE_MODEL_INVARIANT_UUID varchar(255), - TARGET_NETWORK_ROLE varchar(255), - NF_FUNCTION varchar(255), - NF_TYPE varchar(255), - NF_ROLE varchar(255), - NF_NAMING_CODE varchar(255), - MIN_INSTANCES integer, - MAX_INSTANCES integer, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - PROVIDING_SERVICE_MODEL_UUID varchar(255), - PROVIDING_SERVICE_MODEL_NAME varchar(255), - primary key (MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - create table HEAT_ENVIRONMENT ( - ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - NAME varchar(100) not null, - VERSION varchar(20) not null, - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - BODY longtext not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM varchar(200) default 'MANUAL RECORD', - primary key (ARTIFACT_UUID) - ); - - create table HEAT_FILES ( - ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(255) not null, - DESCRIPTION varchar(255), - NAME varchar(255), - VERSION varchar(255), - BODY longtext, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM varchar(255), - primary key (ARTIFACT_UUID) - ); - - create table HEAT_NESTED_TEMPLATE ( - PARENT_HEAT_TEMPLATE_UUID varchar(200) not null, - CHILD_HEAT_TEMPLATE_UUID varchar(200) not null, - PROVIDER_RESOURCE_FILE varchar(100), - primary key (PARENT_HEAT_TEMPLATE_UUID, CHILD_HEAT_TEMPLATE_UUID) - ); - - create table HEAT_TEMPLATE ( - ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - NAME varchar(200) not null, - VERSION varchar(20) not null, - BODY longtext not null, - TIMEOUT_MINUTES integer, - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM varchar(200) default 'MANUAL RECORD' not null, - primary key (ARTIFACT_UUID) - ); - - create table HEAT_TEMPLATE_PARAMS ( - HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(255) not null, - PARAM_NAME varchar(255) not null, - IS_REQUIRED bit not null, - PARAM_TYPE varchar(20), - PARAM_ALIAS varchar(45), - primary key (HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID, PARAM_NAME) - ); - - create table MODEL ( - id integer not null auto_increment, - MODEL_TYPE varchar(20) not null, - MODEL_VERSION_ID varchar(40) not null, - MODEL_INVARIANT_ID varchar(40), - MODEL_NAME varchar(40) not null, - MODEL_VERSION varchar(20), - MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_ID varchar(40), - MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_NAME varchar(40), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (id) - ); - - create table MODEL_RECIPE ( - id integer not null auto_increment, - MODEL_ID integer not null, - ACTION varchar(40) not null, - SCHEMA_VERSION varchar(20), - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - ORCHESTRATION_URI varchar(256) not null, - MODEL_PARAM_XSD varchar(2048), - RECIPE_TIMEOUT integer, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (id) - ); - - create table NETWORK_RECIPE ( - id integer not null auto_increment, - MODEL_NAME varchar(20) not null, - ACTION varchar(40) not null, - VERSION_STR varchar(20) not null, - SERVICE_TYPE varchar(45), - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - ORCHESTRATION_URI varchar(256) not null, - NETWORK_PARAM_XSD varchar(2048), - RECIPE_TIMEOUT integer, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (id) - ); - - create table NETWORK_RESOURCE ( - MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_NAME varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_INVARIANT_UUID varchar(200), - MODEL_VERSION varchar(20), - TOSCA_NODE_TYPE varchar(200), - NEUTRON_NETWORK_TYPE varchar(20), - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - ORCHESTRATION_MODE varchar(20), - RESOURCE_CATEGORY varchar(20), - RESOURCE_SUB_CATEGORY varchar(20), - HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - AIC_VERSION_MIN varchar(20) default 2.5 not null, - AIC_VERSION_MAX varchar(20) default 2.5, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_UUID) - ); - - create table NETWORK_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION ( - MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - NETWORK_RESOURCE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_INSTANCE_NAME varchar(255), - NETWORK_TECHNOLOGY varchar(255), - NETWORK_TYPE varchar(255), - NETWORK_SCOPE varchar(255), - NETWORK_ROLE varchar(255), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - create table SERVICE ( - MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_NAME varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_VERSION varchar(20) not null, - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - TOSCA_CSAR_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - MODEL_INVARIANT_UUID varchar(200) default 'MANUAL_RECORD' not null, - SERVICE_CATEGORY varchar(20), - SERVICE_TYPE varchar(20), - SERVICE_ROLE varchar(20), - ENVIRONMENT_CONTEXT varchar(255) default null, - WORKLOAD_CONTEXT varchar(255) default null, - primary key (MODEL_UUID) - ); - - create table SERVICE_RECIPE ( - id integer not null auto_increment, - SERVICE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - ACTION varchar(40) not null, - ORCHESTRATION_URI varchar(256) not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - VERSION_STR varchar(20), - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - SERVICE_PARAM_XSD varchar(2048), - RECIPE_TIMEOUT integer, - SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM integer, - primary key (id) - ); - - create table SERVICE_TO_ALLOTTED_RESOURCES ( - SERVICE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - AR_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (SERVICE_MODEL_UUID, AR_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - create table SERVICE_TO_NETWORKS ( - SERVICE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - NETWORK_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (SERVICE_MODEL_UUID, NETWORK_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - create table SERVICE_TO_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATIONS ( - MODEL_TYPE varchar(20) not null, - RESOURCE_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - SERVICE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_TYPE, RESOURCE_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID) - ); - - create table TEMP_NETWORK_HEAT_TEMPLATE_LOOKUP ( - NETWORK_RESOURCE_MODEL_NAME varchar(200) not null, - HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - AIC_VERSION_MIN varchar(20) not null, - AIC_VERSION_MAX varchar(20), - primary key (NETWORK_RESOURCE_MODEL_NAME) - ); - - create table TOSCA_CSAR ( - ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - NAME varchar(200) not null, - VERSION varchar(20) not null, - ARTIFACT_CHECKSUM varchar(200) not null, - URL varchar(200) not null, - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (ARTIFACT_UUID) - ); - - create table VF_MODULE ( - MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - VNF_RESOURCE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200), - MODEL_INVARIANT_UUID varchar(200), - MODEL_VERSION varchar(20) not null, - MODEL_NAME varchar(200) not null, - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - IS_BASE integer not null, - HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - VOL_HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_UUID) - ); - - create table VF_MODULE_CUSTOMIZATION ( - MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - VF_MODULE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - VOL_ENVIRONMENT_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - HEAT_ENVIRONMENT_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200), - MIN_INSTANCES integer, - MAX_INSTANCES integer, - INITIAL_COUNT integer, - AVAILABILITY_ZONE_COUNT integer, - LABEL varchar(200), - primary key (MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - create table VF_MODULE_TO_HEAT_FILES ( - VF_MODULE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - HEAT_FILES_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200) not null, - primary key (VF_MODULE_MODEL_UUID, HEAT_FILES_ARTIFACT_UUID) - ); - - create table VNF_COMPONENTS ( - VNF_ID integer not null, - COMPONENT_TYPE varchar(20) not null, - HEAT_TEMPLATE_ID integer, - HEAT_ENVIRONMENT_ID integer, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (VNF_ID, COMPONENT_TYPE) - ); - - create table VNF_COMPONENTS_RECIPE ( - id integer not null auto_increment, - VNF_TYPE varchar(200), - VF_MODULE_MODEL_UUID varchar(100), - VNF_COMPONENT_TYPE varchar(45) not null, - ACTION varchar(40) not null, - SERVICE_TYPE varchar(45), - VERSION varchar(20), - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - ORCHESTRATION_URI varchar(256) not null, - VNF_COMPONENT_PARAM_XSD varchar(2048), - RECIPE_TIMEOUT integer, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (id) - ); - - create table VNF_RECIPE ( - id integer not null auto_increment, - VF_MODULE_ID varchar(100), - ACTION varchar(40) not null, - VERSION_STR varchar(20) not null, - VNF_TYPE varchar(200), - SERVICE_TYPE varchar(45) default null, - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - ORCHESTRATION_URI varchar(256) not null, - VNF_PARAM_XSD varchar(2048), - RECIPE_TIMEOUT integer, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (id) - ); - - create table VNF_RESOURCE ( - MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_INVARIANT_UUID varchar(200), - MODEL_VERSION varchar(20) not null, - MODEL_NAME varchar(200), - TOSCA_NODE_TYPE varchar(200), - DESCRIPTION varchar(1200), - ORCHESTRATION_MODE varchar(20) not null, - AIC_VERSION_MIN varchar(20), - AIC_VERSION_MAX varchar(20), - RESOURCE_CATEGORY varchar(20), - RESOURCE_SUB_CATEGORY varchar(20), - HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID varchar(200), - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_UUID) - ); - - create table VNF_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION ( - MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - MODEL_INSTANCE_NAME varchar(200) not null, - MIN_INSTANCES integer, - MAX_INSTANCES integer, - AVAILABILITY_ZONE_MAX_COUNT integer, - NF_FUNCTION varchar(200), - NF_TYPE varchar(200), - NF_ROLE varchar(200), - NF_NAMING_CODE varchar(200), - MULTI_STAGE_DESIGN varchar(200), - VNF_RESOURCE_MODEL_UUID varchar(200) not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - create table VNF_RES_CUSTOM_TO_VF_MODULE_CUSTOM ( - VNF_RESOURCE_CUST_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - VF_MODULE_CUST_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID varchar(200) not null, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (VNF_RESOURCE_CUST_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID, VF_MODULE_CUST_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID) - ); - - alter table MODEL - add constraint UK_rra00f1rk6eyy7g00k9raxh2v unique (MODEL_TYPE, MODEL_VERSION_ID); - - alter table MODEL_RECIPE - add constraint UK_b4g8j9wtqrkxfycyi3ursk7gb unique (MODEL_ID, ACTION); - - alter table NETWORK_RECIPE - add constraint UK_pbsa8i44m8p10f9529jdgfuk9 unique (MODEL_NAME, ACTION, VERSION_STR); - - alter table SERVICE_RECIPE - add constraint UK_2lr377dpqnvl5aqlp5dtj2fcp unique (SERVICE_MODEL_UUID, ACTION); - - alter table VNF_COMPONENTS_RECIPE - add constraint UK_g3je95aaxxiuest25f0qoy2u8 unique (VNF_TYPE, VF_MODULE_MODEL_UUID, VNF_COMPONENT_TYPE, ACTION, SERVICE_TYPE, VERSION); - - alter table VNF_RECIPE - add constraint UK_f3tvqau498vrifq3cr8qnigkr unique (VF_MODULE_ID, ACTION, VERSION_STR); - - alter table HEAT_TEMPLATE_PARAMS - add constraint FK_p3ol1xcvp831glqohrlu6o07o - foreign key (HEAT_TEMPLATE_ARTIFACT_UUID) - references HEAT_TEMPLATE (ARTIFACT_UUID); - - alter table MODEL_RECIPE - add constraint FK_c23r0puyqug6n44jg39dutm1c - foreign key (MODEL_ID) - references MODEL (id); - - alter table SERVICE - add constraint FK_l3qy594u2xr1tfpmma3uigsna - foreign key (TOSCA_CSAR_ARTIFACT_UUID) - references TOSCA_CSAR (ARTIFACT_UUID); - - alter table SERVICE_RECIPE - add constraint FK_i3r1b8j6e7dg9hkp49evnnm5y - foreign key (SERVICE_MODEL_UUID) - references SERVICE (MODEL_UUID); - - alter table SERVICE_TO_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATIONS - add constraint FK_kiddaay6cfe0aob1f1jaio1bb - foreign key (SERVICE_MODEL_UUID) - references SERVICE (MODEL_UUID); - - alter table VF_MODULE - add constraint FK_12jptc9it7gs3pru08skobxxc - foreign key (VNF_RESOURCE_MODEL_UUID) - references VNF_RESOURCE (MODEL_UUID); - - alter table VNF_RESOURCE_CUSTOMIZATION - add constraint FK_iff1ayhb1hrp5jhea3vvikuni - foreign key (VNF_RESOURCE_MODEL_UUID) - references VNF_RESOURCE (MODEL_UUID); diff --git a/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db-sql-scripts/main-schemas/MySQL-Requests-schema.sql b/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db-sql-scripts/main-schemas/MySQL-Requests-schema.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 4a7d189..0000000 --- a/volumes/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db-sql-scripts/main-schemas/MySQL-Requests-schema.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ - - drop table if exists ACTIVATE_OPERATIONAL_ENV_PER_DISTRIBUTIONID_STATUS; - - drop table if exists ACTIVATE_OPERATIONAL_ENV_SERVICE_MODEL_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS; - - drop table if exists INFRA_ACTIVE_REQUESTS; - - drop table if exists OPERATION_STATUS; - - drop table if exists RESOURCE_OPERATION_STATUS; - - drop table if exists SITE_STATUS; - - drop table if exists WATCHDOG_DISTRIBUTIONID_STATUS; - - drop table if exists WATCHDOG_PER_COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS; - - drop table if exists WATCHDOG_SERVICE_MOD_VER_ID_LOOKUP; - - create table ACTIVATE_OPERATIONAL_ENV_PER_DISTRIBUTIONID_STATUS ( - DISTRIBUTION_ID varchar(45) not null, - OPERATIONAL_ENV_ID varchar(45), - SERVICE_MODEL_VERSION_ID varchar(45), - DISTRIBUTION_ID_STATUS varchar(45), - DISTRIBUTION_ID_ERROR_REASON varchar(250), - REQUEST_ID varchar(45), - CREATE_TIME datetime, - MODIFY_TIME datetime, - primary key (DISTRIBUTION_ID) - ); - - create table ACTIVATE_OPERATIONAL_ENV_SERVICE_MODEL_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS ( - OPERATIONAL_ENV_ID varchar(45) not null, - SERVICE_MODEL_VERSION_ID varchar(45) not null, - REQUEST_ID varchar(45) not null, - SERVICE_MOD_VER_FINAL_DISTR_STATUS varchar(45), - RECOVERY_ACTION varchar(30), - RETRY_COUNT_LEFT integer, - WORKLOAD_CONTEXT varchar(80), - CREATE_TIME datetime, - MODIFY_TIME datetime, - primary key (OPERATIONAL_ENV_ID, SERVICE_MODEL_VERSION_ID, REQUEST_ID) - ); - - create table INFRA_ACTIVE_REQUESTS ( - REQUEST_ID varchar(45) not null, - CLIENT_REQUEST_ID varchar(45), - ACTION varchar(45) not null, - REQUEST_STATUS varchar(20), - STATUS_MESSAGE varchar(2000), - PROGRESS bigint, - START_TIME datetime, - END_TIME datetime, - SOURCE varchar(45), - VNF_ID varchar(45), - VNF_NAME varchar(80), - VNF_TYPE varchar(200), - SERVICE_TYPE varchar(45), - AIC_NODE_CLLI varchar(11), - TENANT_ID varchar(45), - PROV_STATUS varchar(20), - VNF_PARAMS longtext, - VNF_OUTPUTS longtext, - REQUEST_BODY longtext, - RESPONSE_BODY longtext, - LAST_MODIFIED_BY varchar(50), - MODIFY_TIME datetime, - REQUEST_TYPE varchar(20), - VOLUME_GROUP_ID varchar(45), - VOLUME_GROUP_NAME varchar(45), - VF_MODULE_ID varchar(45), - VF_MODULE_NAME varchar(200), - VF_MODULE_MODEL_NAME varchar(200), - AAI_SERVICE_ID varchar(50), - AIC_CLOUD_REGION varchar(200), - CALLBACK_URL varchar(200), - CORRELATOR varchar(80), - SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID varchar(45), - SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME varchar(80), - REQUEST_SCOPE varchar(45), - REQUEST_ACTION varchar(45) not null, - NETWORK_ID varchar(45), - NETWORK_NAME varchar(80), - NETWORK_TYPE varchar(80), - REQUESTOR_ID varchar(80), - CONFIGURATION_ID varchar(45), - CONFIGURATION_NAME varchar(200), - OPERATIONAL_ENV_ID varchar(45), - OPERATIONAL_ENV_NAME varchar(200), - primary key (REQUEST_ID) - ); - - create table OPERATION_STATUS ( - SERVICE_ID varchar(255) not null, - OPERATION_ID varchar(256) not null, - SERVICE_NAME varchar(256), - OPERATION_TYPE varchar(256), - USER_ID varchar(256), - RESULT varchar(256), - OPERATION_CONTENT varchar(256), - PROGRESS varchar(256), - REASON varchar(256), - OPERATE_AT datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - FINISHED_AT datetime, - primary key (SERVICE_ID, OPERATION_ID) - ); - - create table RESOURCE_OPERATION_STATUS ( - SERVICE_ID varchar(255) not null, - OPERATION_ID varchar(256) not null, - RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_UUID varchar(255) not null, - OPER_TYPE varchar(256), - RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID varchar(256), - JOB_ID varchar(256), - STATUS varchar(256), - PROGRESS varchar(256), - ERROR_CODE varchar(256), - STATUS_DESCRIPOTION varchar(256), - primary key (SERVICE_ID, OPERATION_ID, RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_UUID) - ); - - create table SITE_STATUS ( - SITE_NAME varchar(255) not null, - STATUS bit, - CREATION_TIMESTAMP datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - primary key (SITE_NAME) - ); - - create table WATCHDOG_DISTRIBUTIONID_STATUS ( - DISTRIBUTION_ID varchar(45) not null, - DISTRIBUTION_ID_STATUS varchar(45), - CREATE_TIME datetime, - MODIFY_TIME datetime, - primary key (DISTRIBUTION_ID) - ); - - create table WATCHDOG_PER_COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS ( - DISTRIBUTION_ID varchar(45) not null, - COMPONENT_NAME varchar(45) not null, - COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS varchar(45), - CREATE_TIME datetime, - MODIFY_TIME datetime, - primary key (DISTRIBUTION_ID, COMPONENT_NAME) - ); - - create table WATCHDOG_SERVICE_MOD_VER_ID_LOOKUP ( - DISTRIBUTION_ID varchar(45) not null, - SERVICE_MODEL_VERSION_ID varchar(45) not null, - CREATE_TIME datetime, - primary key (DISTRIBUTION_ID, SERVICE_MODEL_VERSION_ID) - ); - - alter table INFRA_ACTIVE_REQUESTS - add constraint UK_bhu6w8p7wvur4pin0gjw2d5ak unique (CLIENT_REQUEST_ID); diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/api-handler/override-onapheat.yaml b/volumes/mso/configuration/api-handler/override-onapheat.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03ae5e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/api-handler/override-onapheat.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +server: + port: 8080 + tomcat: + max-threads: 50 +ssl-enable: false + +mso: + logPath: logs + site-name: onapheat + catalog: + db: + spring: + endpoint: "http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082" + db: + auth: Basic cGFzc3dvcmQxJA== + config: + path: /src/main/resources/ + infra: + default: + alacarte: + orchestrationUri: /mso/async/services/ALaCarteOrchestrator + recipeTimeout: 180 + testApi: VNF_API + service: + macro: + default: + testApi: GR_API + apih: + homing: + sdna: + url: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8086/ + password: 4112B789E942B161228F7D5AFC654C0F + bpelURL: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082/ + bpelAuth: 786864AA53D0DCD881AED1154230C0C3058D58B9339D2EFB6193A0F0D82530E1 + camundaURL: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082/ + camundaAuth: 5119D1AF37F671FC01FFAD2151D93EFB2BBB503E879FD07104D024EDDF118FD1 + async: + core-pool-size: 50 + max-pool-size: 50 + queue-capacity: 500 + sdc: + client: + auth: F3473596C526938329DF877495B494DC374D1C4198ED3AD305EA3ADCBBDA1862 + activate: + instanceid: test + userid: cs0008 + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:28090 + msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7 + tenant: + isolation: + retry: + count: 3 + aai: + endpoint: https://aai.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443 + auth: 2630606608347B7124C244AB0FE34F6F + so: + operational-environment: + dmaap: + username: testuser + password: VjR5NDcxSzA= + host: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:28090 + publisher: + topic: com.att.ecomp.mso.operationalEnvironmentEvent + +spring: + datasource: + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/catalogdb + username: ${MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME} + password: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} + driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver + dbcp2: + initial-size: 5 + max-total: 20 + validation-query: select 1 + test-on-borrow: true + + jpa: + show-sql: true + hibernate: + dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect + ddl-auto: validate + naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy + enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true + jersey: + type: filter + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: sitecontrol + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SiteControl-Client + - + username: gui + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: GUI-Client + - + username: infraportal + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: InfraPortal-Client + - + username: bpel + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPEL-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR +request: + datasource: + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb + username: ${MYSQL_ROOT_USERNAME} + password: ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} + driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver + dbcp2: + initial-size: 5 + max-total: 20 + validation-query: select 1 + test-on-borrow: true diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/asdc-controller/override-onapheat.yaml b/volumes/mso/configuration/asdc-controller/override-onapheat.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7f8a5b --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/asdc-controller/override-onapheat.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +server: + port: 8080 + +spring: + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: asdc + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: Asdc-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR + +mso: + logPath: ./logs/asdc + catalog: + db: + spring: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082 + db: + auth: Basic YnBlbDpwYXNzd29yZDEk + site-name: onapheat + aai: + endpoint: https://aai.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443 + asdc-connections: + asdc-controller1: + user: mso + consumerGroup: sdc-OpenSource-Env1 + consumerId: sdc-COpenSource-Env11 + environmentName: SDC-OpenSource-Env1 + asdcAddress: c2.vm1.sdc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8443 + password: 613AF3483E695524F9857643B697FA51C7A9A0951094F53791485BF3458F9EADA37DBACCCEBD0CB242B85B4062745247 + pollingInterval: 60 + pollingTimeout: 60 + relevantArtifactTypes: HEAT,HEAT_ENV,HEAT_VOL + activateServerTLSAuth: false + keyStorePassword: + keyStorePath: + watchDogTimeout: 60 + isFitlerInEmptyResources: true + messageBusAddress: c2.vm1.sdc.simpledemo.openecomp.org + asdc: + config: + key: 566B754875657232314F5548556D3665 + components: + count: 3, + componentNames: SO,AAI,SDNC + scheduling: + enabled: false
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/bpmn-infrastructure/override-onapheat.yml b/volumes/mso/configuration/bpmn-infrastructure/override-onapheat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93ce251 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/bpmn-infrastructure/override-onapheat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +aai: + auth: 2630606608347B7124C244AB0FE34F6F + dme2: + timeout: '30000' + endpoint: https://aai.api.simpledemo.onap.org:8443 +camunda: + bpm: + admin-user: + id: admin + password: admin + history-level: full + job-execution: + max-pool-size: 30 + core-pool-size: 3 +entitymanager: + packagesToScan: com + +mso: + correlation: + timeout: 60 + logPath: logs + async: + core-pool-size: 50 + max-pool-size: 50 + queue-capacity: 500 + adapters: + completemsoprocess: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8081/CompleteMsoProcess + db: + auth: 26AFB797A6A57960D5D718491925C50F77CDC22AC394B3DBA09950D8FD1C0764 + password: wLg4sjrAFUS8rfVfdvTXeQ== + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8083/services/RequestsDbAdapter + spring: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8083 + network: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/NetworkAdapter + rest: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/rest/v1/networks + openecomp: + db: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8083/services/RequestsDbAdapter + po: + auth: 757A94191D685FD2092AC1490730A4FC + password: 3141634BF7E070AA289CF2892C986C0B + sdnc: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8086/adapters/SDNCAdapter + rest: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8086/adapters/rest/v1/sdnc + timeout: PT60S + tenant: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/TenantAdapter + vnf: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/VnfAdapter + rest: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/rest/vnfs/v1/vnfs + volume-groups: + rest: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/rest/v1/volume-groups + vnf-async: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/services/VnfAdapterAsync + bpmn: + process: + historyTimeToLive: '30' + callbackRetryAttempts: '5' + catalog: + db: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082/ecomp/mso/catalog + spring: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082 + db: + auth: Basic YnBlbDptc28tZGItMTUwNyE= + default: + adapter: + namespace: http://org.openecomp.mso + healthcheck: + log: + debug: 'false' + infra: + customer: + id: testCustIdInfra + msoKey: 07a7159d3bf51a0e53be7a8f89699be7 + po: + timeout: PT60S + request: + db: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8083/ + rollback: 'true' + sdnc: + password: 3141634BF7E070AA289CF2892C986C0B + service: + agnostic: + sniro: + endpoint: /sniro/api/v2/placement + host: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:30253 + site-name: CamundaEngine + sniro: + auth: test:testpwd + callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8086/adapters/rest/SDNCNotify + endpoint: http://replaceme:28090/optimizationInstance/V1/create + timeout: PT30M + workflow: + CreateGenericVNFV1: + aai: + volume-group: + uri: /aai/v6/cloud-infrastructure/volume-groups/volume-group + default: + aai: + version: '8' + cloud-region: + version: '9' + generic-vnf: + version: '9' + v11: + customer: + uri: /aai/v11/business/customers/customer + generic-query: + uri: /aai/v11/search/generic-query + generic-vnf: + uri: /aai/v11/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf + l3-network: + uri: /aai/v11/network/l3-networks/l3-network + network-policy: + uri: /aai/v11/network/network-policies/network-policy + nodes-query: + uri: /aai/v11/search/nodes-query + route-table-reference: + uri: /aai/v11/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference + tenant: + uri: /aai/v11/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/att-aic/AAIAIC25/tenants/tenant + vce: + uri: /aai/v11/network/vces/vce + vpn-binding: + uri: /aai/v11/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding + v8: + configuration: + uri: /aai/v11/network/configurations/configuration + customer: + uri: /aai/v8/business/customers/customer + generic-query: + uri: /aai/v8/search/generic-query + l3-network: + uri: /aai/v8/network/l3-networks/l3-network + network-policy: + uri: /aai/v8/network/network-policies/network-policy + nodes-query: + uri: /aai/v8/search/nodes-query + route-table-reference: + uri: /aai/v8/network/route-table-references/route-table-reference + tenant: + uri: /aai/v8/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/att-aic/AAIAIC25/tenants/tenant + vce: + uri: /aai/v8/network/vces/vce + vpn-binding: + uri: /aai/v8/network/vpn-bindings/vpn-binding + v9: + cloud-region: + uri: /aai/v9/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/att-aic + generic-vnf: + uri: /aai/v9/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf + retry: + attempts: '1' + deleteCinderVolumeV1: + aai: + volume-group: + uri: /aai/v6/cloud-infrastructure/volume-groups/volume-group + global: + default: + aai: + namespace: http://org.openecomp.aai.inventory/ + message: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage + notification: + name: GenericNotificationServiceATT + sdncadapter: + callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8086/mso/SDNCAdapterCallbackService + vnfadapter: + create: + callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify + delete: + callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify + query: + callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify + rollback: + callback: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8087/mso/vnfAdapterNotify + global: + dmaap: + username: testuser + password: alRyMzJ3NUNeakxl + host: + publisher: + topic: replaceme +policy: + auth: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw== + client: + auth: Basic bTAzNzQzOnBvbGljeVIwY2sk + endpoint: https://localhost:8081/pdp/api/ + environment: TEST +sdnc: + auth: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= + host: https://localhost:8443 + path: /restconf/operations/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API + +appc: + client: + topic: + read: + name: APPC-LCM-WRITE + timeout: 360000 + write: APPC-LCM-READ + sdnc: + read: + name: SDNC-LCM-WRITE + write: SDNC-LCM-READ + response: + timeout: 360000 + key: VIlbtVl6YLhNUrtU + secret: 64AG2hF4pYeG2pq7CT6XwUOT + service: ueb + poolMembers: ueb1.simpledemo.openecomp.org:3904,ueb2.simpledemo.openecomp.org:3904 +server: + port: 8080 + tomcat: + max-threads: 50 +spring: + datasource: + driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/camundabpmn + username: ${DB_USERNAME} + password: ${DB_PASSWORD} + dbcp2: + initial-size: 5 + max-total: 20 + validation-query: select 1 + test-on-borrow: true + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: apihBpmn + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPMN-Client + - + username: sdncaBpmn + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPMN-Client + - + username: poBpmn + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPMN-Client + - + username: wmaBpmn + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPMN-Client + - + username: sniro + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SNIRO-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/catalog-db/override-onapheat.yaml b/volumes/mso/configuration/catalog-db/override-onapheat.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5e6c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/catalog-db/override-onapheat.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +server: + port: 8080 + tomcat: + max-threads: 50 +ssl-enable: false +mso: + logPath: logs + site-name: onapheat +spring: + datasource: + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb + username: so + password: so123 + driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver + initialize: false + initialization-mode: never + jpa: + generate-ddl: false + show-sql: false + hibernate: + ddl-auto: validate + naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy + enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true + database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: bpel + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPEL-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR + +#Actuator +management: + context-path: /manage + +flyway: + baseline-on-migrate: true + url: jdbc:mariadb:///mariadb:3306/requestdb + user: so + password: so123 +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/openstack-adapter/override-onapheat.yaml b/volumes/mso/configuration/openstack-adapter/override-onapheat.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4092c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/openstack-adapter/override-onapheat.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +server: + port: 8087 + +spring: + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: sdnc + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SDNC-Client + - + username: sitecontrol + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SiteControl-Client + - + username: bpel + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPEL-Client + - + username: sniro + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SNIRO-Client + - + username: apih + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: MSO-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR + + +org: + onap: + so: + adapters: + default_keystone_url_version: /v2.0 + default_keystone_reg_ex: "/[vV][0-9]" + vnf: + bpelauth: 5119D1AF37F671FC01FFAD2151D93EFB2BBB503E879FD07104D024EDDF118FD1 + checkRequiredParameters: true + addGetFilesOnVolumeReq: false + sockettimeout: 30 + connecttimeout: 30 + retrycount: 5 + retryinterval: -15 + retrylist: 408,429,500,502,503,504,900 + valet_enabled: false + fail_requests_on_valet_failure: false + network: + bpelauth: 5119D1AF37F671FC01FFAD2151D93EFB2BBB503E879FD07104D024EDDF118FD1 + sockettimeout: 5 + connecttimeout: 5 + retrycount: 5 + retryinterval: -15 + retrylist: 408,429,500,502,503,504,900 + tenant: + default_keystone_url_version: /v2.0 + default_keystone_reg_ex: "/[vV][0-9]" + default_tenant_description: Tenant + default_region_type: single + default_user_role: admin + default_success_status_string: Success + default_no_regions_status_string: no regions + default_quota_value: 10 + set_default_quota: false + +ecomp: + mso: + adapters: + po: + retryCodes: 504 + retryDelay: 5 + retryCount: 3 + pollTimeout: 7500 + pollInterval: 15 + +mso: + logPath: ./logs/openstack + catalog: + db: + spring: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082 + db: + auth: Basic YnBlbDptc28tZGItMTUwNyE= + site-name: localDevEnv + async: + core-pool-size: 50 + max-pool-size: 50 + queue-capacity: 500 + +cloud_config: + identity_services: + RAX_KEYSTONE: + identity_url: "https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0" + mso_id: "RACKSPACE_ACCOUNT_ID" + mso_pass: "RACKSPACE_ACCOUNT_APIKEY" + admin_tenant: "service" + member_role: "admin" + tenant_metadata: true + identity_server_type: "KEYSTONE" + identity_authentication_type: "RACKSPACE_APIKEY" + cloud_sites: + Dallas: + region_id: "DFW" + clli: "DFW" + aic_version: "2.5" + identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE" + Northern Virginia: + region_id: "IAD" + clli: "IAD" + aic_version: "2.5" + identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE" + Chicago: + region_id: "ORD" + clli: "ORD" + aic_version: "2.5" + identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE" + DEFAULT: + region_id: "DFW" + clli: "DFW" + aic_version: "2.5" + identity_service_id: "RAX_KEYSTONE"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/request-db/override-onapheat.yaml b/volumes/mso/configuration/request-db/override-onapheat.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1261eb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/request-db/override-onapheat.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# will be used as entry in DB to say SITE OFF/ON for healthcheck + +server: + port: 8083 + tomcat: + max-threads: 50 +ssl-enable: false +mso: + logPath: logs + site-name: localSite +spring: + datasource: + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb + username: so + password: so123 + driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver + initialize: false + initialization-mode: never + jpa: + generate-ddl: false + show-sql: false + hibernate: + ddl-auto: validate + naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy + enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true + database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: bpel + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPEL-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR + +#Actuator +management: + context-path: /manage + +flyway: + baseline-on-migrate: true + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb + user: so + password: so123 +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/sdnc-adapter/override-onapheat.yaml b/volumes/mso/configuration/sdnc-adapter/override-onapheat.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44a38f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/sdnc-adapter/override-onapheat.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +server: + port: 8086 + +mso: + async: + core-pool-size: 50 + max-pool-size: 50 + queue-capacity: 500 + logPath: ./logs/sdnc + catalog: + db: + spring: + endpoint: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8082 + db: + auth: Basic cGFzc3dvcmQxJA== + site-name: onapheat +org: + onap: + so: + adapters: + sdnc: + '.': + put: PUT|60000|sdncurl5| + query: GET|60000|sdncurl2| + restdelete: DELETE|60000|sdncurl5| + '': + contrail-route-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + create: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + unassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + network-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + changeassign: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + changedelete: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + reserve: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + rollback: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + port-mirror-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + disable: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + enable: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + unassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + security-zone-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + create: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + unassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + service-homing-operation: + homing: POST|60000|sdncurl3|sdnc-homing-header|com:att:sdnctl:aicHoming + service-topology-operation: + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + rollback: POST|270000|sdncur10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + svc-topology-operation: + activate: POST|285000|sdncurl8|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:nbncapi + assign: POST|285000|sdncurl8|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:nbncapi + delete: POST|285000|sdncurl8|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:nbncapi + vnf-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + changeassign: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + changedelete: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + rollback: POST|270000|sdncurl6|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnctl:vnf + bpelauth: cGFzc3dvcmQxJA== + bpelurl: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8081/mso/SDNCAdapterCallbackService + generic-resource: + network-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + unassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + vf-module-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + changeassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + changedelete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + rollback: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + unassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + vnf-topology-operation: + activate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + assign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + changeassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + changedelete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + deactivate: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + delete: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + rollback: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + unassign: POST|270000|sdncurl10|sdnc-request-header|org:onap:sdnc:northbound:generic-resource + infra: + '': + query: GET|60000|sdncurl5| + mobility: + '': + query: GET|60000|sdncurl5| + myurl: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8081/adapters/rest/SDNCNotify + rest: + bpelurl: http://c1.vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage + sdncauth: 406B2AE613211B6FB52466DE6E1769AC + sdncconnecttime: 5000 + sdncurl10: 'http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/restconf/operations/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:' + sdncurl11: 'http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/restconf/operations/VNFTOPOLOGYAIC-API:' + sdncurl12: http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/ + sdncurl5: http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/restconf/config + sdncurl6: 'http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/restconf/operations/VNF-API:' + sdncurl8: 'http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/restconf/operations/NBNC-API:' + sdncurl9: http://c1.vm1.sdnc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8282/restconf/operations/NORTHBOUND-API:service-topology-operation + service: + infra: + service-topology-infra-activate-operation: POST|90000|sdncurl9|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:northbound-api:v1 + service-topology-infra-assign-operation: POST|120000|sdncurl9|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:northbound-api:v1 + service-topology-infra-delete-operation: POST|90000|sdncurl9|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:northbound-api:v1 + service-topology-infra-release-operation: POST|90000|sdncurl9|sdnc-request-header|com:att:sdnctl:northbound-api:v1 + vfmodule: + '': + query: GET|60000|sdncurl12| + +spring: + security: + usercredentials: + - + username: sdnc + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SDNC-Client + - + username: sitecontrol + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SiteControl-Client + - + username: bpel + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: BPEL-Client + - + username: sniro + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: SNIRO-Client + - + username: apih + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: MSO-Client + - + username: mso_admin + password: '$2b$10$byoF5q.VngZd8nj63q2Rm.bbAGUQrNG3DliPtc5l9nJIbXpXyCfrG' + role: ACTUATOR
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/volumes/mso/configuration/vfc-adapter/override-onapheat.yml b/volumes/mso/configuration/vfc-adapter/override-onapheat.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..300cfe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/volumes/mso/configuration/vfc-adapter/override-onapheat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +logging: + path: logs + +spring: + datasource: + driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver + url: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/requestdb + username: so + password: so123 + dbcp2: + initial-size: 5 + max-total: 20 + validation-query: select 1 + test-on-borrow: true + +server: + port: 8080 + tomcat: + max-threads: 50 +mso: + site-name: localSite + +#Actuator +management: + security: + enabled: false + basic: + enabled: false + metrics: + se-global-registry: false + export: + prometheus: + enabled: true # Whether exporting of metrics to Prometheus is enabled. + step: 1m # Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. + + |