path: root/.gitattributes
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authorSteve Smokowski <ss835w@att.com>2019-05-31 17:15:39 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2019-05-31 17:15:39 +0000
commit89b396152a7f5ca62175d13342c1b3a1a9067ccb (patch)
tree9d6172aa366aa98726f3642781f9406b22a2b5c6 /.gitattributes
parent9d58fecb4f11d0313415288869f01851d89bb2a4 (diff)
parent9ad28ffcf2d2e9d441ebeb339c5a6c85ccff6f32 (diff)
Merge "converted lock time from hard coded value"
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.. _sdc_onboarding_package_types:

Onboarding Package Types

Supported Package Types
SDC supports the following packages types

- Heat Package
- ONAP Tosca CSAR Package
- ETSI SOL004 Tosca CSAR Package
- Basic Helm package support for CNF

For an extensive guide on how to perform onboarding, please refer to the ONAP User guide

Heat Package
The heat package is a zip archive with a .zip extension. The package contains heat template yaml file(s), corresponding
environment file(s) and a MANIFEST.json file. The MANIFEST.json file describes the contents of the package.

There must be at least one heat template yaml file in the package whose name starts with *base_*. The other heat
templates in the package can have any name. All  environment files that are included in the package must have the same
name as its corresponding yaml file with a .env file extension.

An example of a simple heat package structure is a zip archive containing the following 3 files

- base_vFW.yaml   (heat template)
- base_vFW.env    (corresponding environment file)
- MANIFEST.json   (describes files included in the package)

Examples of heat packages are the packages with .zip extension available in `SDC git repo <https://git.onap.org/sdc/tree/integration-tests/src/test/resources/Files/VNFs>`_

ONAP Tosca CSAR Package
The ONAP Tosca CSAR package is a zip archive with a .csar extension. The structure of the CSAR package is as described
in `ONAP wiki page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Csar+Structure>`_
ASD CSAR Package
The Application Service Descriptor CSAR package is a zip archive with a .csar extension. The structure of the CSAR and the descriptor it shall contain is described in `Application Service Descriptor (ASD) and packaging Proposals for CNF <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Application+Service+Descriptor+%28ASD%29+and+packaging+Proposals+for+CNF>`_. 

ETSI SOL004 Tosca CSAR Package
The ETSI SOL004 Tosca CSAR Package is a zip archive with a .csar extension. The structure necessary for the supported CSAR package
depends on the model selected in onboarding as detailed below.


If the package is onboarded using the SDC AID model, the structure of the supported CSAR package
is as described in `ETSI NFV-SOL 004v2.6.1`_ csar structure option 1 i.e. CSAR containing a TOSCA-Metadata directory.

The supported descriptor included in the package is aligned to `ETSI NFV-SOL 001v2.5.1 <https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Publications_pdf/Specs-Reports/NFV-SOL%20001v2.5.1%20-%20GS%20-%20TOSCA-based%20NFV%20descriptors%20spec.pdf>`_. The descriptor is partially mapped into the SDC AID model. There is also limited support for v2.7.1 and 3.3.1

**ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1**

If the package is onboarded using the ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1 model, the structure of the supported CSAR package
is as described in `ETSI NFV-SOL 004v2.5.1`_ csar structure option 1 i.e. CSAR containing a TOSCA-Metadata directory.

The supported descriptor included in the package is aligned to `ETSI NFV-SOL 001v2.5.1`_. The TOSCA types defined in this version of the ETSI NFV-SOL 001 are used in the created VF (rather than the types defined in the SDC AID model).

Note in relation to model selection:

- More than one model can be selected during onboarding. In the subsequent VSP import one model from the list of models selected at onboarding time must be selected.
- For a package to be used in service design it must be imported with the same model as is selected during service creation.

Other Points to note when onboarding this package are:

- During onboarding the ETSI NFV-SOL004 CSAR structure is transformed to the internal ONAP CSAR structure.
- The original input CSAR is maintained and stored as the SDC artifact *ETSI_PACKAGE* in the xNF internal model. For existing legacy xNF, it can be stored as *ONBOARDED_PACKAGE* instead.
- The non-mano artifacts are mapped to the corresponding SDC Artifact Type in the xNF internal model.

Basic Helm package support for CNF

The helm package support is new since Guilin release, helm chart packaged as tgz file can be onboarded and distributed.
The support is limited for this first release.

Since Istanbul release there is also an additional helm chart validation step during package onboarding process. More information: :ref:`SDC Helm Validator <sdc_helm_validator>`.

Package Types applicable to Resource Types
The 3 package types described in `Supported Package Types`_ are all applicable for a VF i.e. a VF can be onboarded using any of
these package types.

Only the `ETSI SOL004 Tosca CSAR Package`_ is applicable for a PNF.

.. note::
   The PNF is not explicitly mentioned in ETSI NFV-SOL 004v2.6.1. There is a CR pending on the SOL004 specification
   describing the PNFD archive. SDC supports and expects the metadata section in the PNFD archive manifest to be
   aligned with this CR i.e. the entries contain the following names (keys)

   - pnfd_provider
   - pnfd_name
   - pnfd_release_date_time
   - pnfd_archive_version

   An example of valid manifest file metadata section

          pnfd_name: MRF
          pnfd_provider: SunShineCompany
          pnfd_archive_version: 1.0
          pnfd_release_date_time: 2017-01-01T10:00:00+03:00

When the PNF package in onboarded, the PNFD (descriptor) is transformed from ETSI NFV-SOL 001 model to the internal
ONAP model.

How does SDC determine which package type is being onboarded
SDC onboarding processes each of the package types differently. SDC determines which package type is being onboarded, and
hence which logic to use.

If the ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1 model is selected during onboarding, SDC will always treat the package as an `ETSI SOL004 Tosca CSAR Package`_.

If the SDC AID model is selected during onboarding, SDC will determine the package type based on the following.

First SDC checks the extension of the package. If the package extension is *.zip* then the package is treated as a `Heat package`_ or `Basic Helm package support for CNF`_.

To determine whether the package is of type Helm, SDC looks into the package content and tries to find Helm base files if not found it will treat it as Heat.

If it determines that this is a Helm package, SDC will add dummy Heat descriptor files.

If the package extension is *.csar* and the following is true

- CSAR package contains TOSCA-Metadata directory
- The TOSCA.meta file exists within the TOSCA-Metadata directory
- The TOSCA.meta file contains the following key names in block_0

   - Entry-Definitions
   - ETSI-Entry-Manifest
   - ETSI-Entry-Change-Log

then the package is treated as an `ETSI SOL004 Tosca CSAR Package`_. Otherwise the package is treated as an `ONAP Tosca CSAR Package`_.

Package Security
SDC validates the authenticity and integrity of onboarding packages that are secured according to
Security option 2 described in `ETSI NFV-SOL 004v2.6.1`_.

In this option the whole package is signed and delivered as part of a zip file. SDC supports both zip file structures
specified in the standard i.e

1. Zip file containing 3 artifacts

   a. Package
   b. Signing Certificate File
   c. Signature File

2. Zip file containing 2 artifacts

   a. Package
   b. Signature File containing signing certificate

SDC supports the signature in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) format.

.. note::
   For SDC to validate the authenticity and integrity of the onboarding package, the root certificate of the trusted CA
   needs to be pre-installed in SDC before onboarding is started.

.. _ETSI NFV-SOL 004v2.6.1: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Publications_pdf/Specs-Reports/NFV-SOL%20004v2.6.1%20-%20GS%20-%20VNF%20Package%20Stage%203%20-%20spec.pdf
.. _ETSI NFV-SOL 004v2.5.1: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Publications_pdf/Specs-Reports/NFV-SOL%20004v2.5.1%20-%20GS%20-%20VNF%20Package%20Stage%203%20spec.pdf
.. _ETSI NFV-SOL 001v2.5.1: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Publications_pdf/Specs-Reports/NFV-SOL%20001v2.5.1%20-%20GS%20-%20TOSCA-based%20NFV%20descriptors%20spec.pdf