path: root/dgbuilder/core_nodes/logic/10-switch.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'dgbuilder/core_nodes/logic/10-switch.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/dgbuilder/core_nodes/logic/10-switch.html b/dgbuilder/core_nodes/logic/10-switch.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e02f446..00000000
--- a/dgbuilder/core_nodes/logic/10-switch.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="switch">
- <div class="form-row">
- <label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label>
- <input type="text" id="node-input-name" placeholder="Name">
- </div>
- <div class="form-row" style="padding-top:10px;">
- If msg.<input type="text" id="node-input-property" style="width: 200px;"/>
- </div>
- <div class="form-row">
- <div id="node-input-rule-container-div" style="border-radius: 5px; height: 310px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; overflow-y:scroll;">
- <ol id="node-input-rule-container" style=" list-style-type:none; margin: 0;">
- </ol>
- </div>
- <a href="#" class="btn btn-mini" id="node-input-add-rule" style="margin-top: 4px;"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add</a>
- </div>
- <div>
- <select id="node-input-checkall" style="width:100%; margin-right:5px;">
- <option value="true">checking all rules</option>
- <option value="false">stopping after first match</option>
- </select>
- </div>
-<script type="text/x-red" data-help-name="switch">
- <p>A simple function node to route messages based on its properties.</p>
- <p>When a message arrives, the selected property is evaluated against each
- of the defined rules. The message is then sent to the output of <i>all</i>
- rules that pass.</p>
- <p>Note: the <i>otherwise</i> rule applies as a "not any of" the rules preceding it.</p>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- RED.nodes.registerType('switch', {
- color: "#E2D96E",
- category: 'function',
- defaults: {
- name: {value:""},
- property: {value:"payload", required:true},
- rules: {value:[{t:"eq", v:""}]},
- checkall: {value:"true", required:true},
- outputs: {value:1}
- },
- inputs: 1,
- outputs: 1,
- icon: "switch.png",
- label: function() {
- return this.name||"switch";
- },
- oneditprepare: function() {
- var operators = [
- {v:"eq",t:"=="},
- {v:"neq",t:"!="},
- {v:"lt",t:"<"},
- {v:"lte",t:"<="},
- {v:"gt",t:">"},
- {v:"gte",t:">="},
- {v:"btwn",t:"is between"},
- {v:"cont",t:"contains"},
- {v:"regex",t:"matches regex"},
- {v:"true",t:"is true"},
- {v:"false",t:"is false"},
- {v:"null",t:"is null"},
- {v:"nnull",t:"is not null"},
- {v:"else",t:"otherwise"}
- ];
- function generateRule(i,rule) {
- var container = $('<li/>',{style:"margin:0; padding:8px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;"});
- var row = $('<div/>').appendTo(container);
- var row2 = $('<div/>',{style:"padding-top: 5px; text-align: right;"}).appendTo(container);
- var selectField = $('<select/>',{style:"width:120px; margin-left: 5px; text-align: center;"}).appendTo(row);
- for (var d in operators) {
- selectField.append($("<option></option>").val(operators[d].v).text(operators[d].t));
- }
- var valueField = $('<input/>',{class:"node-input-rule-value",type:"text",style:"margin-left: 5px; width: 145px;"}).appendTo(row);
- var btwnField = $('<span/>').appendTo(row);
- var btwnValueField = $('<input/>',{class:"node-input-rule-btwn-value",type:"text",style:"margin-left: 5px; width: 50px;"}).appendTo(btwnField);
- btwnField.append(" and ");
- var btwnValue2Field = $('<input/>',{class:"node-input-rule-btwn-value2",type:"text",style:"width: 50px;margin-left:2px;"}).appendTo(btwnField);
- var finalspan = $('<span/>',{style:"float: right; margin-top: 3px;margin-right: 10px;"}).appendTo(row);
- finalspan.append(' send to <span class="node-input-rule-index">'+i+'</span> ');
- selectField.change(function() {
- var type = selectField.children("option:selected").val();
- if (type.length < 4) {
- selectField.css({"width":"60px"});
- } else if (type === "regex") {
- selectField.css({"width":"147px"});
- } else {
- selectField.css({"width":"120px"});
- }
- if (type === "btwn") {
- valueField.hide();
- btwnField.show();
- } else {
- btwnField.hide();
- if (type === "true" || type === "false" || type === "null" || type === "nnull" || type === "else") {
- valueField.hide();
- } else {
- valueField.show();
- }
- }
- });
- var deleteButton = $('<a/>',{href:"#",class:"btn btn-mini", style:"margin-left: 5px;"}).appendTo(finalspan);
- $('<i/>',{class:"fa fa-remove"}).appendTo(deleteButton);
- deleteButton.click(function() {
- container.css({"background":"#fee"});
- container.fadeOut(300, function() {
- $(this).remove();
- $("#node-input-rule-container").children().each(function(i) {
- $(this).find(".node-input-rule-index").html(i+1);
- });
- });
- });
- $("#node-input-rule-container").append(container);
- selectField.find("option").filter(function() {return $(this).val() == rule.t;}).attr('selected',true);
- if (rule.t == "btwn") {
- btwnValueField.val(rule.v);
- btwnValue2Field.val(rule.v2);
- } else if (typeof rule.v != "undefined") {
- valueField.val(rule.v);
- }
- selectField.change();
- }
- $("#node-input-add-rule").click(function() {
- generateRule($("#node-input-rule-container").children().length+1,{t:"",v:"",v2:""});
- $("#node-input-rule-container-div").scrollTop($("#node-input-rule-container-div").get(0).scrollHeight);
- });
- for (var i=0;i<this.rules.length;i++) {
- var rule = this.rules[i];
- generateRule(i+1,rule);
- }
- function switchDialogResize(ev,ui) {
- $("#node-input-rule-container-div").css("height",(ui.size.height-260)+"px");
- };
- $( "#dialog" ).on("dialogresize", switchDialogResize);
- $( "#dialog" ).one("dialogopen", function(ev) {
- var size = $( "#dialog" ).dialog('option','sizeCache-switch');
- if (size) {
- switchDialogResize(null,{size:size});
- }
- });
- $( "#dialog" ).one("dialogclose", function(ev,ui) {
- $( "#dialog" ).off("dialogresize",switchDialogResize);
- });
- },
- oneditsave: function() {
- var rules = $("#node-input-rule-container").children();
- var ruleset;
- var node = this;
- node.rules= [];
- rules.each(function(i) {
- var rule = $(this);
- var type = rule.find("select option:selected").val();
- var r = {t:type};
- if (!(type === "true" || type === "false" || type === "null" || type === "nnull" || type === "else")) {
- if (type === "btwn") {
- r.v = rule.find(".node-input-rule-btwn-value").val();
- r.v2 = rule.find(".node-input-rule-btwn-value2").val();
- } else {
- r.v = rule.find(".node-input-rule-value").val();
- }
- }
- node.rules.push(r);
- });
- node.outputs = node.rules.length;
- }
- });